Saturday, May 3, 2014

Buying Individual Health Insurance at a Great Price

The age old maxim of an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure is particularly true when one is considering buying individual health insurance.

There are many self-employed people who are experiencing difficulty with purchasing insurance. With the recent global depression, which has left millions of people jobless, budgets have been stretched and people have had to tighten their belts. This has made a lot of individuals hesitant about purchasing health insurance.

Buying individual health insurance has its own pros and cons and you need to look at your own personal circumstances when arranging cover. If you are gainfully employed then your employer may well provide you with a policy under a group scheme. In this case your employer will either pay your premium in full or offer to pay a significant proportion of your insurance premium. However, if you are self-employed or unemployed then adding the full cost of an insurance premium for individual health insurance to an already tight budget may need some thought.

If you are faced with buying your own individual health insurance plan then you will find that there are insurance plans that have high out-of-pocket costs such as deductibles, coinsurance, and co-payments but which generally have relatively low premiums. You will also find that there are plans with low out-of-pocket costs which tend to have higher premiums. Also, health plans, such as HMO managed care plans, which require you to use a network of doctors and hospitals normally cost less than traditional policies. Depending on the insurance company chosen, there may also be an option to add ones children as dependents and have them fully covered as well, sometimes at no additional cost.

The costs of buying individual insurance for yourself and your family will be determined by a couple of factors:

First, you must take into account your family medical history and you might find it helpful to consult your personal physician before considering buying individual health insurance.

Second, in these difficult economic times, you will need to find a type of insurance plan that meets both your personal needs and those of your pocketbook and this can be a very challenging task. However, as long as you research the companies and schemes available in your area and speak to representatives from these organizations will find several options open to you.

Once you have found several plans which meet your needs do not be afraid to ask for free quotations and to compare these closely until you find a plan which you feel comfortable with. It is worth the time and effort if you consider that you will probably be on the plan or scheme for some time and during this period you will want to know that your medical needs are fully covered and that you will still be able to keep within you budget at the end of the month.

Thyroid Problems in Dogs

Our dog Lucky was slowly becoming different than our other dogs. She was over weight even though she ate less than the other dogs and really didn't seem to care that much about food. She was also very depressed acting. We could just see it in her eyes. She seemed very sad. Lucky did not like to play like the other dogs did. She pretty much just sat on the porch and watched the other dogs while they played.

We took her to the vet, and he decided to do a blood test on her to see if her thyroid was producing enough thyroid hormone. The thyroid hormone is what regulates metabolism. Her test showed she was only borderline low. But the vet gave us some thyroid pills anyway and told us to give her half a dose each day for a month.
The results are detailed below.

Here are some symptoms which might indicate your dog has a thyroid problem:

Very lazy acting and not wanting to play -Lucky had this symptom

Weight gain with no added interest in food - Lucky definitely had this symptom

Dry skin - Lucky's coat was dry and very coarse feeling compared to our other dogs

Hair loss (especially in the tail area) - Lucky had a large bald spot on the top of her tail

Bacteria infections - She did not have this symptom

Problems with the cold - Well, all of our dogs seem to dislike the cold

A slow pulse rate - We never checked her for that

Strange behavior or compulsions - Lucky was (and still is) our dog with the strangest behavior

Aggression - Yes, Lucky is the one dog of our four we don't trust around very tiny children without close supervision

Depression - Yes, Lucky was for sure depressed.

Most dogs who are affected are in the mid to large sized breed category. Lucky is a mid sized dog. It is also hereditary. But in this case Katie is her mom, and Katie is the happiest, most perfect dog there could be. We also know who Lucky's dad was. He too was a very happy dog. So with lucky it must have skipped a generation.

It can happen to both male and female dogs. But it happens to spayed females more than unspayed females. And Lucky was spayed. And the problem did not start happening until after that. However, a low thyroid problem doesn't start happening usually until a dog is over 4 years old. Lucky was spayed about one year old and we started noticing a change in her about a year later.

After we had given Lucky the pills for a month, we started seeing a behavior change. She actually WANTED to play once in a while! As we kept giving them to her she started losing some weight too. The vet said we might try stopping them for a while and see how it goes. Apparently, sometimes the pills do some kind of a jump start on things and they keep going correctly. He was right...for a while anyway. She did continue to improve and lose weight without the pills. However, after about 6 months, we see the old, depressed Lucky coming back. So we have started to give the pills again to her.

As near as we can tell from researching the subject on the Internet and talking with our Vet, there are few side effects associated with thyroid pills. So we will probably continue now giving them to her on a regular basis.

Please write to us if you have any questions about this or if you would like to share your story.

Is There A Link Between ADHD and Depression in Adults?

ADHD adults struggle with self-regulation. Individuals with ADHD find it difficult to focus their attention on one thing at a time. This is especially true when the subject of their focus seems trivial, meaningless, or boring. On the other hand if a person with ADHD finds a subject interesting they may become overly fixated to a point where they may appear obsessed.

Let's look at nine common ADHD symptoms:

Inability to focus attention; makes careless mistakes; tends to be very forgetful; becomes distracted easily; fails to listen when spoken to; often losses items needed to complete projects and tasks; ignores instructions; is known for starting projects but not finishing them; and shies away from projects that require a higher level of mental effort.

It should be pointed out that just because a person has one or two of the symptoms above doesn't necessarily mean they have ADHD. In fact, most ADHD professionals will only prescribe medication if six of the nine symptoms listed above have been present for more than three months. That said, this generalized rule is not necessarily written in stone especially when inattention is obvious.

But while ADHD seems miles away from depression it really isn't since the life of an ADHD adult can be filled with failure. This is backed by numerous studies showing those attention deficit hyperactivity disorder make substantially less money, have a higher divorce rate, struggle in social settings, are more prone to drug abuse, and tend to change jobs more often than the general population. Put simply they have a tendency to struggle with life created a fertile ground for depression to flourish.

Note: It should not be ignored that depression can be a side effect of adult ADHD stimulant medication. These popular medications have been shown to aggravate depression and increase mania.

Depression is different from feeling bummed out from time to time which some refer to as the 'Blues". As bad as the 'Blues' may seem they are normal and nothing more than a transitory feeling of sadness or demoralization during challenging times. Depression on the other hand is an illness and is only deemed to be present when a person cannot snap out of, or get over, such feelings within a reasonable period of time, say, two or three weeks. Depression is a persistent feeling of sadness that refuses to disappear even when a conscious effort to vanquish it is made.

Some of the major symptoms of depression are changes in sleep patterns; insomnia; feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness; chances in appetite leading to significant weight loss or weight gain; fatigue; feelings of guilt; loss of interest in activities which formally seemed enjoyable; and the worst symptom of all linked to depression is suicidal thoughts and tendencies.

In conclusion, when you compare the symptoms of depression listed above to the secondary symptoms of ADHD such as worry, boredom, loss of motivation, frustration, low self-esteem, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and hopelessness it is easy to see how ADHD and depression could be more closely related than what one might first think. In fact, these two conditions co-exist quite often making arriving at a correct diagnosis for either very challenging.

Anxiety Disorder Causes - The Four Major Contributors Explained

The study of anxiety disorders began around the turn of the 20th century. Since that time, studies have compiled four major contributors for anxiety disorder causes. There is conjecture on other possible causes, but these remain the basis for most prognoses.

* Brain chemistry - Both clinical and animal studies highly indicate a relationship between difficulty in maintaining balance and anxiety disorders. The belief is that a malfunction causes signals to be confused within the medial temporal lobes of the brain. The exact area is in the amygdalae, which deal with memory of emotional reactions. Simply put, the person cannot balance a reaction to match a cause, resulting in fear of events that may not be fearful at all.

* Life experiences - Chronic physical illness or worries associated with finances, relationships, or work situations can lead to anxiety disorders. Between 4% and 10% of older adults are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. This doesn't take into consideration the many who do not seek help because they don't want anyone to know.

* Heredity - Everyone receives genes from their parents and grandparents. Almost everyone who has an anxiety disorder has a parent, grandparent, or other relative with anxiety syndromes of some type. In cases where the child becomes separated from the parent at an early age, certain characteristics will surface that are like those of the parent. This indicates that the disorders are not solely based on life experiences as some have though. Clinical studies substantiate the pass-down-system of anxiety.

* Personality - People who have low self esteem and the inability to cope with life situations are more prone to become depressed and then develop anxiety disorders. The relationships between emotions in these cases are difficult to understand because the person with low self-esteem may be that way because of an anxiety at an earlier age. The origin of the anxiety is not always clearly understood.

Another contributor to depression and anxiety is alcohol abuse. Moderate and sustained alcohol use may increase the levels of depression and anxiety in some people. The good news is that the majority of these anxiety cases can be reversed with prolonged abstinence. Dependency on alcohol or benzodiazepine can lead to panic disorder or social phobias.

Most sufferers of anxiety disorders have combinations of these causes. The ability to treat a syndrome of anxiety is only possible by removing as many of these causes as possible and then focusing on treating what is left. Unfortunately, the human is a complex and diverse being with no set standard to allow a structured common treatment. It is the task of the professional to probe and assess each person individually. In this way, he/she can devise a plan of attack that works.

Anxiety disorder causes are much easier to identify than they are to rectify. Few suffers are able to help themselves, and must be cajoled to seek medical attention.

What Makes A Depressed Person Want To Push You Away And Be Alone?

Depression causes a variety of reactions. The reactions may or may not be intended, real or imagined. With depression, certain chemicals in the brain become unstable, causing people to think rather irrationally. Many times, the sad feelings are so intense that for a lot of people, the only way to cope with them is to retreat themselves away from others or push their loved ones away.

Possible Reasons Why Depressed Persons Push Their Loved Ones Away

There could be several reasons why depressed individuals feel the need to push their loved ones away, among them:

  • Depressed individuals are hopeless beyond hope that they feel nobody else can help them.

  • There is a tendency to feel threatened or overwhelmed by the presence of loved ones.

  • Depressed individuals love their family and loved ones so much that they would not want to drag them into the "mess" they feel they are in.

  • In worse cases, severe depression can make people delusional and paranoid that they may see their loved ones as "enemies".

While the tendency to push loved ones away is real, it does not mean that it is okay. If you are at the other end, allowing your loved one to push you away because he or she is suffering from depression will only bring more harm than good to both of you. Keep in mind that your "significant other" is at a very low point at the moment, and even though he or she may not realize it, your loved one actually needs your love and support.

Reversing Depression

Let your loved one know that you are not the type of person who will leave her in the dark nor are you someone who will just take no for an answer. So here are some things you can try to do to reverse depression and make your loved one feel better:

  • Stay with him/her while giving him/her space at the same time. Give him/her time to sort his/her emotions, but don't let him/her mope. You don't necessarily have to say anything. Just be there to hold his/her hand and to offer your shoulder when he/she needs to lean on to someone.

  • Take your loved one somewhere fun. A park with a playground and children playing is a nice place to spend a cool afternoon. Watching kids play and hearing them laugh is very good to the senses. Who knows, you might actually get your loved one to smile.

  • Get your loved one to eat ice cream. Who doesn't love the thought of ice cream, especially on a sunny day? There's something about ice cream that takes us back to the time when we were little kids, a time when we didn't have a care in the world, a time when we didn't have time to be sad.

  • Watch DVDs. Spend all afternoon just watching light and funny flicks. As much as possible, have the lights on. Being in dark places will not do anything to lift the mood of your loved one.

Keep in mind that depression should never last for more than a few days. If none of the above helps to reduce your loved one's feeling of sadness and if your loved one is already exhibiting signs and symptoms that affect his/her health (not sleeping very well or sleeping too much, not eating or overeating, having palpitations and panic attacks ), do the next best thing - get your loved one to see a counselor or a therapist.

Untreated depression can progress into something much worse and you really don't want that to happen. Even severe depression has good chances of getting healed completely if treatment has begun early on.

Depression Treatments and Symptoms of Anxiety Depression

When the young people are concerned, the psychiatric factors are the ones that influence the anxiety depression symptoms. People have to be thought by the specialist how to deal with the stress factors and also they need to know how to improve their own capacity of handling these stressing factors. Almost the majority of the anxiety depression symptoms are very respondent to different treatments, especially to medication. As a modality of reducing stress, anyone can cut some hours from the work schedule program and a refusal of some social obligations. As for the more improved stress confrontation capacity, the patient is supposed to do a lot of relaxing exercises, more adequate sleeping hours and a healthy diet.

Finding an effective antidepressant drug is not an easy task, as every individual has one particular set of characteristics and therefore it is not possible a priori to establish which antidepressant will be that effective one. Beyond to depression medication, other treatments like psychotherapy, integrated therapy and depression medication, electro convulsion therapy and the therapy with light are today available. Each one of these approaches has detailed prescription lists. As an example, the depression medication treatment and that psychotherapy one have a rate success from 60 to 80%. This integrated modality has one of its particular indications in the advanced shapes of depression. Some patients show the persistence of residual symptoms between an episode and the other and in the shapes in which depression medication or psychotherapy alone is not effective.

There is a large number of anti depression drugs that can help remedy the harmful effects of the depressive symptoms but some of them have more side effects than others and this is the reason why they get dangerous. Considering from the price point of view, there are cheaper and more expensive anti depression drugs that can be used for treating this disease, but they may have severe side effects, such as: wither mouth, urine abstain, sedation and a lot of sexual problems. Talking about sexual mal functions, some drugs, which were recently discovered, characterize an important development regarding the sexual abnormality. Each medication used for treating the disease in question has a skimpy different profile of side effects, so it may be possible for one to try several solution treatments in order for the doctor to discover the most appropriate one.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Venereal Diseases - Are They Punishments From God?

We could answer easily by saying "yes" except for the fact God does not want to see people suffer, and does not arbitrarily punish them. In fact, disease and suffering are not the punishment for sin: "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23), even "the second death" (Revelation 20:14).

The true answer to this question is that venereal diseases are the natural result of sexual promiscuity. A healthy husband and wife can live together all their lives, enjoying sex with each other for many decades, and not get a venereal disease. This is because Venereal diseases are a rife among many immoral people, a kind of natural curse. Have a glimpse about venereal diseases.

The term STD (Sexually transmitted Disease) covers a wide field: not only is the notorious Human Immunodeficient virus (HIV) and gonoccocal infection included but also such infections as syphilis, chancroid, herpes simplex, lice, granuloma inguinale Lymphogranuloma venereal and more important non-specific urethritis. Despite the very remarkable advances that have taken place in the medical field. the prevalence and incidence of sexually transmitted diseases has increased steadily.

The man with a sexually transmitted disease is generally miserable and becomes antisocial. He becomes unreliable both to his wife and doctor because he is ashamed of himself. He becomes a liar to his wife and starts coming home very late claiming to be drunk. in case his wife should ask him for sex. To the woman, STD's especially gonorrhoea and non-specific urethritis, leave a permanent scar. The fallopian tubes get blocked and this can lead to sterility and permanent misery.

Here is a letter written to a well-known newspaper columnist, from a broken-hearted husband:
Dear.... I will never be able to make amends to my wife for what I did to her, but if you choose my letter for your column it might keep someone else from making the same mistake. I'm an average 33-year old man, married for six years. We have one child. One night I went out alone and picked up a nice-looking girl in a bar. Believe me, she looked and acted as nice as any girl I had ever met. She was immaculate and ladylike. That girl gave me gonorrhoea. I, in turn infected my wife with such a severe case that, at 30, she had to have a complete hysterectomy. Now, she'll never be able to have another child and she wanted one so much. The doctor had to tell her the truth and it nearly broke her heart because she had never looked at another man and knew it had to be my fault. She says she's forgiven me, but I don't think I can ever forgive myself. I went out on my wife only once and, God forgive me, it was the most foolish thing I've ever done. (Hating myself).

A noted psychiatrist once described a strange case of syphilis that developed into general paresis (syphilis of the brain). The patient was a real estate lawyer who suddenly appalled his family with behavior very unlike him. While he was at university, twenty years before, he had slipped once into a mistake-he had slept with a prostitute. He had noticed a sore (Chancre) afterwards but it soon disappeared. Soon he married a girl he loved, opened a law firm, had three children, became a deacon in his church and was highly respected in his community. Suddenly, when he was 45, he began to have strange symptoms, behavior that shocked his community. He tried to steal some fishing equipment; he lost interest in his wife and children, began consorting with loose women, made unwise business investments, lost his clients' money as well as his own. He became so confused that he couldn't remember what time it was. Grandiose delusions and silly childish behavior followed. He was mentally ill. The psychiatrist ordered blood tests, and syphilis of the brain was diagnosed by a positive Wasserman blood reaction.

The world press has carried frequent reports that a famous, unpredictable dictator actually suffered from syphilis of the brain. Surely his behavior was very similar to that of the patient above. What a tragedy that so many innocent people had to suffer! Was the "curse" of STD the real cause? Most press companies and health magazines report that a 'new sexual leprosy" is infecting millions with disease- and with despair. "Herpes" is a "virus of love," says the news magazine, that is resisting conventional medical treatment. "Millions, when they seek medical help, will often be given incorrect information or false hopes for cures. Most will suffer shame, guilt and even depression, and a few will become suicidal over what they feel is the 'new leprosy'.

Doctors warn that the risk of cervical cancer (in women) increases with the number of sexual partners. Dr Maureen Henderson of the University of Washington once said that numerous studies have linked it to promiscuous sex. "The greater the exposure, the greater the likelihood" of developing this disease."

Judgments from God?
God loves us (John 3:16). But if we transgress His law given us for our own good, we expose ourselves to the consequences of disaster, a known magazine quotes a 47-year-old man who got "Herpes" from a prostitute in Asia: "I regard myself as a carrier of an invisible, incurable disease. I have a guilt trip that won't quit". "Adultery is a trap-it catches those with whom the Lord is angry" (proverbs 22:14). This does not mean that the Lord hates the one who has transgressed. He still loves the sinner. But sin separates us from the intercession of Christ. We cut ourselves off from the protection that Christ as High priest gives to those who believe in Him and are "in Him". This allows Satan to have access to us, in order to destroy us.

Thus, the mysterious venereal diseases are a visible evidence we can understand Satan's inner, hidden activity. The Lord permits these physical evidences of spiritual diseases that are always the sure result of fornication and adultery. If we look at it in this light, even venereal diseases therefore can be a means to lead a sinner to repentance and salvation in Christ. Thus, venereal diseases we can say are the manifestation of the Devil himself, if we fall into his trap of sexual temptations, but if we work with God and do not yield to the offers of the Devil, we stay out of it and under the divine Love of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. This is how God's love can transform a curse into a blessing! He will never use a fear mechanism to draw us to himself, but rather shower us with His love. But if we refuse and prove stubborn, then we should get ready to bear any form of consequence which will come our way.

Reactive Depression

Have you been feeling low lately? Always angry and easily get irritated than usual? Or, having trouble sleeping because of the unfortunate event that happens in your life? Well, it could be a sign of a certain type of depression. And as serious as depression issue, an immediate attention and care must be given to you.

Depression can be of many different types and reactive depression is one of them. Reactive depression, which is sometimes called an adjustment disorder with depressed mood, is the most normally encountered type of mood swing and is an extension of the normal upset feeling following a sad event in someone's life. Death of family member, friend or someone very close, or any significant loss such as work can be some of life's event that can stir up overwhelming state of sadness.

Fortunately, this type of depression is not actually severe, due to the fact that depressive person may be relieved when engaged back in particular interests. Besides, any blue moods can always be remedied if you get diversions that are of your interests, right? Once you have gain control of your life again, you are good to go back to your routine again, like work, family obligations, and social life. Reactive depression is only used to categorize mild to moderate depression, following a stressful event.

Most of the times, a depressive person will feel low, frequently angry and irritable, and seem lost in thoughts as the result of an unfortunate episode in life and have difficult sleeping. However, the depressive symptoms relative to reactive depression should be able to be cured and gone within six months following the end of the stress that caused the reaction. There is an exemption to the rule, though. Not all depressive individuals are capable of moving on easily. There are depression suffers whose condition continue over a long period of time, instead of experiencing the condition as a single event.

Reactive depression symptoms are similar to other types of depression; therefore the possible recommended treatment will still be the same as well. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and /or interpersonal therapy are still effective in treating this type of depression. Because of the relationship between the symptoms and a specific stressor, the focus is on resolving the problem that created the stress. For example, if your job is responsible for your depression, then you might consider changing jobs, which could be the most effective solution of your problem.

Contrary to what many may believe, there is, almost always, a solution to any problem. Usually, people suffering from reactive depression as reaction to psychosocial stressors thought that there's no existing solution to their predicament, when, in fact, there is. In the case of depression, finding or developing a logical solution to overcome your illness in an important part of the process of recovery.

Share the Fun and Humor With Funny Life Quotes

There are plenty of things happen to us on daily basis that makes our mood go down. Sometime our friends say something to us that we don't like. Sometimes work related problems makes us feel sad. And then those relationship problems which are so overwhelming that we feel there is no way to get out of it.

With so many things bringing us depression and sadness, we need something that can lift our spirit up and make us get back to life again. We want something that can empower us and ease all our anxiety of the day. One of the best ways to do so is by sharing fun and humor through funny life quotes.

Sharing funny life quotes with your friends and family makes you burst with laughter. The joy of telling funny quotes is amazing. It makes everyone laugh out loud. And when you smile out loud, you forgot all your tension and problems.

Some people might think that it wouldn't work. They might consider it as a trivial method but for me it is the best thing we could ever do. Life is for fun and we should live it to fullest extent. And when problems arise and sadness smothers us, just recall some funny quotes about life and read them out loud and see how they can quickly charge you up making you ready to tackle life problems.

Sharing fun and humor can also be used to impress your date. You can easily impress your date just by using the power of humor. Believe me it does work. This is the power of words. Try to memorize few funny life quotes and punctuate them in your conversation. And you will be surprised to see its magical effects. In fact, you can impress anyone including your friends, family, colleagues, your boss or everyone you want to.

The Number 1 Thing To Do To Be Happier

Regardless of how much we feel we know ourselves, it is always insightful to learn something about ourselves; be it our character, our personality and our drives. Happiness begins with knowing your personality well. A good personality test provides you with details of your strengths and weaknesses, and tells you what influenced your personality and which people suit you best.

Personality tests improve your relationships and increase your happiness. Without a doubt when you have a good relationship with yourself and then with others, your happiness is bound to increase. There are things we may or may not know about ourselves or maybe we may have had an inkling about; a personality test is a fun but scientific way to get valuable information about ourselves and pointers on how to advance our lives and be happier.

As you live you go through different life phases, a personality test has the benefit of showing you which goals and values currently guide you. That is useful because at every phase in your life, you want to know your goals and guiding principles and walk in the direction in which you will live your best life with happiness.

Having a happy relationship that is healthy is one of the core elements for a happy and fulfilled life. Most of the time though we know our partner or significant other, there are still underlying needs we need to know better. A personality test helps you understand your relationship needs and the relationship needs of your partner. It provides you with expert relationship advice to enable you experience happiness and fulfilment in your life and in relationships. Essentially personality tests provide you with tools and guides to improve your relationships and increase your happiness.

You also get to understand your needs better, and which environment and lifestyle suits you best. This is especially useful so that you live all aspects of your life true to yourself. For instance if an entrepreneurial lifestyle suits you better and you get to understand this from a personality test, presented with the option, you would go with the lifestyle that suits you better.

A personality test would also give you an understanding of what makes you happy and an understanding of your primary motivations so that you could start living and making conscious choices around what makes you happy. A personality test gives you the tools you need to live a more fulfilled life.

Career-wise you would gain information about what kind of career suits your personality and which interaction style you prefer. It is also always helpful to know your challenge areas so that you could work towards leveraging them to your advancement and your advantage. You get to understand your strengths and weaknesses that are not apparent and you are able to utilize your strengths knowingly and to leverage your weakness areas and also work on them.

This has implications for how you live the rest of your life starting from this moment. It will guide changes and inform what you pursue and how you do so. Personality tests help people direct their energies to live with authenticity, living their best lives.

Knowing Some of The Most Important Facts on Depression

There are many different kinds of depression, and many different facts on depression. Depression is responsible for being the most recorded form of disability in the world.

This statistic covers all kinds of depression including Bi-Polar disorder, manic depression, clinical depression, post-partum/natal depression, pregnancy based depression, S.A.D, and many more. But there is one thing that they all have in common.

What is that you might wander, many people will positively agree that the condition of depression feels like your brain is in a prison which you cannot break out of. Another way of describing depression is - many sufferers feel like they are in a very deep hole and cannot find a way to get out of it.

What are the symptoms of depression exactly?

You will notice that depression will show itself is so many different ways that it can be hard to know when it is depression and when it is not. For example, with women who have had a traumatic birth for example may feel that they are suffering from Post-Partum/natal depression, but on further examination can be discovered to be actually suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

People are not always aware what is going on because their difficulties and problem to be more of the physical nature rather than the mental nature. They will affirm to themselves that they are just under the weather or feeling a little run down. But, if you cross off four or five of the following symptoms, or even more of them then it is likely you are depressed and should visit your GP and ask for some help.

Do not be ashamed to ask for help, contrary to how some people feel, it is not a sign of a weakness, you are going made, you are losing the plot, no one is going to laugh at you and there is most definitely nothing to be ashamed of. It is a natural illness just the same as Flu, Pneumonia, toothache etc.

How does depression pills make you feel?

Many people who become depressed are a little disillusioned by the fact that they believe that depression medication is the ultimate cure for depression, but they tend to be disappointed when they find out that this is not the case. They find out that the medication does not work as well as they had hoped. So just to summarize on this point, depression tablets and pills are usually designed to work in partnership with other treatments and therapies.

Some anti-depressants have active ingredients which match the active ingredients in other drugs used for different conditions such as drugs to help patients to stop smoking. Always check the active ingredients in all your drugs, read the advice sheet included with your prescription carefully before you start to use your drugs. If you have any questions then do not hesitate to contact your doctor and make sure everything is OK and safe.

So what is the difference between minor depression and major depression?

So what exactly is the difference between minor and major depression?. Major depression is when a sad mood lasts for much, much longer than just a few days, it can be life threatening as people tend to think a lot about committing suicide, energy levels disintegrate, the feelings of guilt and it is all your fault increase dramatically. Whereas with minor depression you will find that you only really need someone to talk to and very little intervention, you might even get away without needing to take any medication. It feels more like a feeling of just being a little bit run down. This is one of the most important facts on depression one must know about.

What is the relationship between depression and eating disorders/issues?

Eating disorders with or without the added complication of depression is a very complicated issue to deal with, normally accompanied by some kind of psychological illness and anxiety of some description. The problem can begin for a whole manner of reasons from:

• Peer pressure,

• Models and celebrities being very thin leading the sufferer to attempt to build the perfect body in the same way,

• A form of control. The sufferer has a feeling that she has lost control of her life so she tries to regain control by means of how she controls her eating habits.

3 Things You Should Do As You Live For Today

You only get to live life once, and in both your professional life and your personal life, it is important that you learn to live for today. Instead of worrying about the future or allowing your past to get in the way, it's time that you start living in the "now."

Every day should be one that you should enjoy. Each morning you should wake up feeling confident that the day will be the best one yet. Of course, this doesn't mean that you should not be preparing for your future. It does mean that you should not be worrying and fretting about the future all the time.

Consider each day to be another new adventure. When you get out of bed, decide it will be a great day. To a great extent, your happiness is going to be determined by the way you live today.

People who are happy do not allow future worries or past problems and failures to continue to plague them. Instead, they focus on the now. To help you live for today, here is a look at three important things that you can do for happiness and success in your professional and personal life.

1. Cherish Every Single Day

The first thing you need to do as you live for today is to begin to cherish every single day. Every day goes so fast and before you know it, the day is gone forever. This is where the great advice that Albert Einstein gave, "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow," comes into play.

Sometimes it's real easy to allow our days to go by while living in the past. While we are encouraged to "learn from yesterday," we miss out on all that the present has to offer if we are merely stuck in the past. On the other hand, worrying about the future is a bad idea too. Yes, you need to look towards the future with hope, but avoid worrying about it.

Remember that every moment is a gift - it is a moment for you to change. Living in the moment allows you to enjoy every single part of the day. Cherish the moments of every day because these moments will quickly be gone and soon will become a part of your past.

Babatunde Olatunji had this to say: "Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present." His words are so true. You have been given a precious gift - 24 hours to enjoy. Take that gift and cherish it. This mindset will help you find the happiness and success that you want in life.

2. Take Things As They Come

As you are living for today, another thing you can to do is to take things as they come. You never know what is going to come your way during a day - positive or negative. While you can't control the things that happen in your life, you can control the way that you deal with the things that come your way.

Make sure you take time to celebrate and enjoy the positive things that come along in your life each day. When negative things come, remember that they will quickly be gone. As quickly as negative things come into your life, they will be gone.

As you begin to take things as they come, you'll find that your days become happier with less stress. You realize that you cannot control everything that will come your way, but you have absolute control over how you handle each thing that occurs during the day. This is an empowering thought that can help you make the best out of the good and the bad, enjoying every single day in spite of what it may bring.

3. Create Memories And Experiences You Can Learn From

The third thing you should do as you are living for today is to create memories and experiences that you can learn from. The things that you need to get done will get done because you have to get them done. The problems that occur will be solved and any sadness will eventually fade away, for this is the way emotions work.

Whether your day brings good or bad, you still are creating memories and experience that you can learn from. Every thing that comes your way has a lesson in it that you can learn and use to become more successful.

As you create memories and experiences each day, you'll soon find that you can welcome anything that comes your way because you know that it has a new opportunity for you. Even negative things offer learning opportunities - it just takes looking at them in a positive light.

Today you have been given a precious gift - 24 hours full of opportunity and chances to learn and grow. Of course, what you do with that gift is going to be up to you. In both your personal life and your professional life, living for today is important.

Make sure you keep these three things in mind as you work to live for today and hope for tomorrow. Cherish each day, take things as they come, and create memories and experiences you can learn from. You'll quickly see a difference in your life and each day will become more precious and important to you as you pursue and enjoy happiness.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Some Very Shocking Statistics on Depression

The effects of depression on a person or a family are enormous. Depression not only affects a specific individual, it can have a long-lasting impact that can cause emotional scars to loved ones, and even to society. The problem of depression is indeed compelling. Here are some statistics to support this fact.

Every year, around 19 million people in America the mental condition that can be subsumed under the general category of 'depressive disorders.' Some of these conditions are dysthymia, bipolar disorder, and major depression. In societies that have experienced the effect of industrialization, experts estimate that around 10 to 15 percent of their adult population can be diagnosed as depressed. Among American people who are 15 to 44 years of age, depression is one of the leading causes of disability. All over the world, it is one of the leading causes of disability for people who are aged 5 and above.

The symptoms of a major depressive disorder can appear at any age, but the median age when these symptoms occur is 32. More recent studies have found that as much as 4 percent of children who are in pre-school age already have clinical depression. Another study showed more alarming results: every year, the number of children who have depression symptoms increase by 23 percent. This may be due to the fact that the usual antidepressants prescribed to adults have little or no effect on individuals under the age of 18.

The rate of women who have been diagnosed with clinical depression is about twice that of men. This information may be misleading, though; because men are not as willing as women to seek treatment for their condition, the recorded cases are lower. In general, experts believe that as much as 80% of individuals who are suffering from clinical depression are not diagnosed and treated. Depression is an illness that may come back at intermittent periods during one's lifetime - if you suffered from depression in the past, there is a higher risk of recurrence later on.

The economy suffers as a result of depression as well. Depression can cause absenteeism at work, thus dealing a major blow to the business of the company. Studies estimate that more than $51 billion annually are lost due to low productivity and absenteeism caused by depression. This amount does not include yet the costs for medication and treatment.

In spite of all these compelling statistics, there is still an existing stigma that is attached to patients who have clinical depression. In a study, more than half of the respondents say that they view depression as a personal weakness. The results of another study showed that 41% of women said that they were too ashamed to seek professional help to combat their condition.

Are You Depressed

What Are the Symptoms?
You may be ‘clinically’ depressed if you have most of the following symptoms:

  • depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, that may be noticed by others.

  • Loss of interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the day, nearly every day

  • significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain or decrease or increase in appetite nearly every day.

  • insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day

  • psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly every day

  • loss of energy nearly every day

  • feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt nearly every day

  • diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day

  • recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing suicide

Depression Test:
Below is a common depression test developed by the psychiatrist Ivan K. Goldberg. The test result is NOT a final diagnosis! The scale cannot replace professional help. If you suspect that you might suffer from depression, you should contact your doctor, no matter what test result you get.

I have posted this test so you can see whether you have symptoms of depression or not and its severity. You can also use the scale to see if you are making progress in your recovery from depression. If you want to, you could print out the test and show it to your doctor. This might help him or her to assess your condition better.

The questions below refer to how you have felt and behaved DURING THE PAST WEEK. For each question, indicate the extent to which it is true, by using the following scale:

0 = Not at all 1 = Just a little 2 = Somewhat

3 = Moderately 4 = Quite a lot 5 = Very much

The Questions:

  1. I do things slowly

  2. My future seems hopeless

  3. It is hard for me to concentrate on reading

  4. The pleasure and joy has gone out of my life

  5. I have difficulty making decisions

  6. I have lost interest in aspects of life that used to be important to me

  7. I feel sad, blue, and unhappy

  8. I am agitated and keep moving around

  9. I feel fatigued

  10. It takes great effort for me to do simple things

  11. I feel that I am a guilty person who deserves to be punished

  12. I feel like a failure

  13. I feel lifeless - - - more dead than alive

  14. My sleep has been disturbed---too little, too much, or broken sleep

  15. I spend time thinking about HOW I might kill myself

  16. I feel trapped or caught

  17. I feel depressed even when good things happen to me

  18. Without trying to diet, I have lost, or gained, weight

Now add up your total score. According to Goldberg if you scored:
0-9 Depression is unlikely

10-17 Possibly minor depression

18-21 Possibly on the verge of depression

21-35 Possibly minor to moderate depression

36-53 Possibly moderate to severe depression

54+ Possibly severe depression

Please note that this test result cannot give a you guaranteed assessment of your mental health. You should always consult a doctor if you feel depressed or if you feel that worries and anxiety have taken over and affected the activities of your daily life. Seeing your doctor and getting the right treatment quickly will dramatically improve your life, and the life of those who care about you.

I sincerely hope this helps. Don’t forget you can freely post your stories and feeling of living with depression and low mood on SpeakOut’s Forums ([]).

I wish you the best of health.

Fatigue, Depression, Overweight and More Might be Due to an Undiagnosed Borderline Low Thyroid

Currently, our country is in the grip of an epidemic of low thyroid conditions. These are due, in large part, to the growing pollution of the air, food, and water, resulting in an autoimmune response against our delicate endocrine glands. The organ most severely affected appears to be the thyroid.

Doctors at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York estimate that 20 million people are currently being treated for a thyroid problem, and the University of Colorado Health Sciences study confirms that another 13 million people would be diagnosed with low thyroid if they only had minimal standard testing performed. A much greater number of people would be diagnosed with the condition if more sophisticated testing were performed.

This constitutes an enormous segment of the population of the United States, and is likely to be at least partially responsible for several other more publicized epidemics we are facing: the diabetes epidemic, especially in children; the high cholesterol epidemic in middle-aged men; the epidemic of severe menopause in midlife women; pandemic depression in all ages of our society; and most certainly the proliferation of obesity in America.

Most people are not aware that their individual problems of fatigue, depression, and overweight might be due to an undiagnosed borderline low thyroid situation. Furthermore, nagging persistent related problems can include sinusitis, constipation, eczema, insomnia, dry skin, hair thinning, brittle nails, intolerance to heat or cold, and a host of female difficulties such as infertility, recurrent miscarriage, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, and even bad PMS.

The solution to these problems can be easier than one might suspect, even when a wide variety of conventional and alternative interventions may have so far proven less than fully effective. One needs to first receive an accurate diagnosis, then engage in a specific and personalized thyroid-boosting program. This can be done with conventional medicine, alternative medicine, or a combination of the two. In his thirty years of practice, Dr Richard Shames says "I've seen thousands of patients derive tremendous benefit on every level from properly treating what was erroneously thought by their other doctors to be a normal thyroid situation."

Many of those who have had conventional blood tests, only to be told their symptoms are imaginary, may find a more accurate verdict with a home saliva test. The hormone health group,, offers these home hormone tests at a discount from two of America's most respected laboratories. We understand they have the lowest price available. The information from these tests often confirms the patients own awareness that there is indeed something wrong. This in turn can lead to effective treatment -- and ultimately a return to wellness.

If you are not feeling well, just not up to par, have unwanted pounds, feel depressed for no apparent reason, are having unexpected and seemingly unwarranted male or female issues - don't wait and don't settle for an unsatisfactory diagnosis - get properly tested - then treated. It is easy, inexpensive and can make the world of difference to your life now!

Exercise On An Elliptical Trainer To Improve Your Mood

Even the most optimistic people have gone through times when they did not view their life in a positive light. Some people struggle with a depressed mood on a regular basis, while most will become more anxious and depressed in response to a negative event, such as prolonged unemployment, a divorce, or the death of a loved one. The medical profession has a number of drugs they can prescribe, but all drugs have side effects and may not be that effective at treating the problem. Exercise is an option that can enhance mood that offers other positive effects for your overall health. An elliptical trainer has the features that make it an ideal fitness machine to improve your mood.

Research on anxiety, depression and exercise shows that the psychological and physical benefits of exercise can also help reduce anxiety and improve mood. And after you feel better, continuing to exercise may keep anxiety and depression from coming back.

Duke University conducted a randomized controlled trial in 1999 that concluded that depressed adults who participated in an aerobic exercise program improved as much as those treated with sertraline, the drug Pfizer marketed as Zoloft.

Phillip Holmes, a neuroscience professor at the University, has shown that several weeks of exercise can switch on certain genes that increase the brain's level of galanin, a peptide neurotransmitter that appears to tone down the body's stress response by regulating another brain chemical, norepinephrine. This causes the brain to show less stress in response to new stimuli.

Exercise releases endorphins, which are feel-good chemicals that aid with the symptoms of depression. There are more of these chemicals released as you increase the intensity of the workout, which is why it may take less time exercising to improve your mood when you do more vigorous activities. An elliptical trainer can give you the type of vigorous workout you need to be most effective at combating anxiety and depression. As your fitness improves, you can really amp up the intensity of an elliptical workout by increasing resistance, incline, or strides per minute. The elliptical workout is also effective at changing your body composition, increasing lean body mass and reducing fat, and that can have a positive effect on self esteem.

Exercise can be effective way to enhance mood and combat anxiety and depression. A new or used elliptical trainer is a great way to get the exercise you need to look and feel you best.

Letting Go Quotes - Read Them to Become Free Of Your Past

The nature of life is to be never constant and it is always full of surprises around every corner. The only way you will ever be able to succeed in life is by having the correct attitude towards change. The loss of a relationship is particularly hard to bear with especially if you have invested a great deal of your energy and emotions in it. We lose certain relationships because we grow apart from the people we love. The break can also come without any warning. Imagine how hard it is to bear with the death of a loved one or even with betrayal caused by another one. Grieving is a very natural action at the demise of a relationship, but the problem is that some people just do not know when to let to. Living with the ghost of a person one was once close to can be very debilitating and it will certainly prevent you making new relations and getting ahead in life. There are quite a few letting go quotes that illustrate this predicament perfectly.

Thich Nhat Hanh, a Buddhist monk from Vietnam said, "People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar."

This behavior is all too common and it is a serious impediment to having a joyful life. There are many people who wallow so much in the past that they find it next to impossible to think about the future. In fact, the past holds a great deal of fascination for them and they keep returning to it time and time again. This applies equally to whether the past was full of bitterness and disappointments or was a time when life was good. In the latter instance, people idealize their past and refuse to believe that their future can ever match up to it. These obsessions are very unhealthy and can adversely impact one's present as well as future. One can also end up isolated from other people because it is unlikely that they will share this obsession. If these people think about the following quote then they will be able to free themselves from a lot of unwanted worries.

"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." - Havelock Ellis.

Most people who are trapped in the past are ones who have suffered abandonment or abuse at the hands of another person who they trusted and loved very much. They invest a lot in a relationship only to be dumped for a variety of flimsy reasons. Most people don't even see this coming and are completely unprepared for it. This is unfortunately all too common and the person at the receiving end of the bad treatment simply cannot come to terms with what has happened. Being ditched by a loved one is bad enough, but do you really want to make things worse for yourself by clinging to those events in your head and reliving every single bad moment of it? Besides, why would you want to think about a person who treated you badly when you should be doing your best to remove all traces of this person from your life?

Ann Landers, who was never at a loss for words, has one of best letting go quotes for this particular circumstance. She says. "Hanging onto resentment is letting someone you despise?live rent-free in your head."

In any case, it is simply a waste of time to think a lot about a person who has abandoned you, leaving you to your own devices. Of course, you do need to do a bit of introspection at the end of a relationship especially if it ended on harsh terms. However, this does not mean that you have to constantly think of what went wrong and what you could have done differently. Many people like to think that they could have clung to the lost relationship by behaving in a different manner or changing the way they look, talk or behave. This is one of the worst things that can happen when one does not know when to let go. It can lead to a reduced sense of self-worth and from then on to depression and self-destructive behavior. It is very common for people to punish themselves because a relationship has ended badly and they take to drugs and alcohol in order to make the pain go away. The simplest thing would be to realize that the relationship or the other person was at fault and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Think of this quote if you have been dumped very badly and you will start to feel a lot better about yourself:

"If he's dumb enough to walk away, be smart enough to let him go."

You are doing yourself a great disservice by having an unhealthy obsession with your past, especially if it concerns a loved one who has passed away. This is actually quite a common occurrence but it is also very self-destructive behavior. If you think that you are honoring the memory of the departed person by clinging to these thoughts, then you are completely wrong. In fact, you ought to honor the memory of the person who is no longer with you by celebrating the fact that you had a great time rather than mourning its passing.

Think of these words from Dr. Seuss, and you will feel a lot better than before - "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."

It is very important to learn the art of letting go because there are so many things you could do instead of constantly floundering in self-pity. Life is full of opportunities, but you should be receptive to them else they will just pass you by. It goes without saying that you need to have the right frame of mind to receive this opportunities and you will help matters along if you thing positive thoughts only. Negative thoughts are a complete waste of time and they only fill you with unproductive negative energy. You will have very little energy left over for the important things of life if you waste it all on unproductive thoughts and actions.

The Queen of Daytime TV, Oprah Winfrey, put it very well when she said, "Think about any attachments that are depleting your emotional reserves. Consider letting them go."

Phil McGraw issued a very powerful commandment for people trapped in emotional quick sands. He said, "Stand up and walk out of your history."

Life is best lived if one looks forward instead of backwards. This does not mean that one shouldn't learn from one's mistakes. In fact, one should pay close attention to everything that transpires in one's life so that one doesn't do the same mistake all over again. Once one has learnt a few important life lessons from a particular episode, one can proceed to remove it from one's thoughts. It is a fact that one cannot entirely forget things that have happened in the past. However, one needs to be able to let them go so that they no longer have the power to affect one's life.

Even the famous inventor Alexander Graham Bell had similar thoughts on this subject when he advised people to not be trapped in despair but to look to the future. He said, "When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us."

Letting go of negative thoughts and unpleasant situations does not mean that you should give up on a good thing as soon as the going gets tough. Perseverance is a very important attribute that is shared by winners. However, it is important to be able to differentiate between situations when one must fight to stay on and when it is a good time to let go. This is something that usually comes to you with experience and wisdom.

Think of what Jessica Hatchigan said, "There's an important difference between giving up and letting go."

It is a great pity if you have to lead life without the ability of letting go of negative things at the appropriate time. If you live under the tyranny of the past then you will rarely be able to do anything positive with your life and will not be able to cope with change. This is a terrible waste of your potential and you should not deprive yourself of the chance of doing well. You should therefore do all you can to make the best use of all the opportunities that life throws at you.

It was Albert Einstein who once said, "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving." Truer words have rarely been spoken and they contain an important truth for leading a happy life. He also said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

You have to take these inspiring words to heart so that you can lead your life in a happy and productive manner. Life is too short to be spent worrying about things that happened in the past and how things could have turned out to be different. You have to grab all available opportunities in order to make your life a success rather than staying imprisoned in a web of your own creation. There are plenty of letting go quotes that you could read in order to lead your life in the best possible way. Read them whenever you feel that you require support during tough times in your life (and there are bound to be plenty of these times). They will give you the inspiration you need when you are troubled by the inability to handle any type of change in your life. The breakup of a relationship will never again be something that you take ages to get over. In fact, you will be able to get over your sorrows after a while and can look forward to finding new and fulfilling love all over again.

Free Guide - How to Start Blogging to Make a Living Online?

Blogging can be a lucrative way for you to make money online. The word 'blog' is a short form of 'weblog', that means a type of journalism which based on the internet. Blogging can generate good income if you choose right topics and keywords.

In other words, if you write for the topic that is highly demanded in the internet, then you can build a strong income stream. The key secret for making money by blogging is to choose the topics which are in high demands and utilize right keywords while writing articles.

These two things are able to make you an expert and high earner blogger.

Here is a step by step guide on how to start blogging for making a living online.

Step 1. First, you should clear yourself how you want to make money by blogging. The most used and easy way to make money by blogging is to display Google ads on the blog and earn money whenever anyone clicks on those ads. In order to display Google ads on your blog, your blog must be approved by Google. And for this, your blog must be content rich, informative and well-looking.

To maximize your profit, you must set up your blog for high paying keywords. To know the top paying keywords, you should sing up for an account of Google AdWords and take a look of its keywords lists. And to know the competition of any keyword, you should take a look of 'Google AdWords Keyword Tool'.

At this time, below keywords are the high paying keywords:

  • Mortgage

  • Lone

  • Credit cards

  • Insurance

  • Domain name

  • Weight loss

  • cell phone accessories

  • Gambling

  • laptop data recovery

  • Get ex back

  • Depression cure

  • Make money online. Ect.

Step 2. Now, the next thing you have to do is to create a blog in any blogging platform. and are the best blogging platforms in the internet. If you are new to the internet and technical languages like HTML, then you should create a blog on But if you have a long experience of internet and have a little knowledge of software, then you should set up your blog with WordPress.

Also, bear in mind that offers you free blogging platform and you can advertising everything on it, but WordPress don't allow you to advertise on your blog with its platform. So, in order to advertise with WordPress blog, you have to buy a domain name and a web hosting program, and finally you have to install your WordPress blog on it.

Always register a memorable, short and keyword-focused domain name for your blog.

Step 3. Building content and attract traffic: Go to Google AdWords Keyword Tool and pick up some low competitive and high demanded keywords. In other words, pick up some keywords which have 5000 to 10000 monthly search volume and have fewer than 50,000 competition pages on ( when you search with quotes).

Write articles for those keywords. Use your selected keyword once in the title, twice in the first paragraph, once in middle and once in the last paragraph of the article.

Post one article daily on your blog and do it straight one month. After one month, you should apply for Google AdSense program and once your account approved, you can display Google Ads on your blog. And that's the way to make money online by blogging. This simple strategy will bring lots of money for you.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Uncontrolled Anger Can Lead to Arguments and in the Extreme, Physical Fights

People are by nature beasts. When we are hungry, we eat. When we are tired, we sleep. We see something we want and we take it regardless of who may have been in possession of it at the time. Something makes us mad and we lash out. When you allow your emotions to run rampant you will find it easy for your anger to be out of control. When your anger is out of control you run the risk of being in constant disputes, arguments, and in extreme cases even fights.

It is just that kind of unchecked, unbridled emotion that encouraged early man to organize into societies with rules and structure. However, unless we are willing to live in a feudal/ police state where the state exercises extreme control over everything we do, we have to figure out a way to get along. Laws are already in place to help society manage its impulses; speed and you get a ticket; steal and you go to jail and so on.

However, for society to do more than barely function people need to be able to exercise some control of their own, and not just what is forced on them by the legal system. That is where having anger management skills come in hand.

Many crimes are committed every year that get labeled crimes of passion. People get mad at someone for whatever reason and assault them, either hurting them or even killing them. In many cases, when the offending party calms down after the fact they realize what a terrible mistake they just made. The legal system takes their lack of self control under consideration; that can mean the difference in going to jail for a few years, for life, or even worse- the death penalty.

If a person can learn proper anger management tools they can live a much happier life. There is no need to live a life in turmoil and anger. Many disputes, arguments, and almost all fights can be avoided with the use of some very simple anger management tools.

Effective Anxiety and Depression Treatment

Understanding anxiety and depression

Anxiety and depression are two faces of the same disorder. The latter usually precedes the former. As per a survey, it has been discovered that 70-80% of people with depression also suffer from anxiety. It is not a single disorder but a group of connected conditions and hence it can vary from one to another.

Feeling anxious during an exam, a job interview, a blind date, or confronted with a loved one is normal but if fears and worries overwhelm as well as interfere with one's daily life, then one is surely suffering from an anxiety problem. It is the natural response of the body to a danger.

5 common emotional and physical anxiety symptoms

Emotional symptoms
1. Restlessness
2. Anticipating the worst
3. Trouble concentrating
4. Irritability
5. Watching signs of danger

Physical symptoms
1. Insomnia
2. Pounding heart
3. Shortness of breath
4. Tremors and twitches
5. Fatigue
5 best anxiety treatment

Following are some of the treatments of anxiety

1. Get adequate sleep: getting plenty of sleep is a must. Sleep deprivation taxes one's adrenals a great deal, which aggravates anxiety and depression problems. Take naps when required to. The human body and mind performs several repair work while sleeping. Practicing a steady, relaxing bedtime routine, avoiding stressful conversation, sleeping in total darkness as well as avoiding sugar and caffeine in the evening will all help in promoting quality sleep. This is one of the best anxiety treatments.

2. Sunshine: this is one of the therapeutic treatments for treating stress related issues and depression. The bright light of the sun influences hormone balance and brain chemistry. It is soothing and helps to ease emotional pain. However, one must avoid going overboard and burn oneself.

3. Eat healthy: there are no magic treatments for anxiety. However, keeping a check on one's eating habits is definitely a good idea. When depression makes one overeat, controlling his/her eating habits will undoubtedly help in feeling better. Foods rich in folic acid like avocado and spinach and those rich in omega-3 fatty acids like tuna and salmon helps to ease depression.

4. Baking Soda: Adding a pinch of both ginger and baking soda to a warm bath is indeed one of the best anxiety treatments. Immerse in the tub for a minimum of 15 minutes for relieving anxiety and tension.

5. Oil: Sesame oil works wonders followed by sunflower, corn and coconut oil. For an anxiety-busting massage, pour 6 ounces of oil and heat it until warm. Rub this oil on the entire body, which includes bottoms of the feet and the scalp. For best results, massage it every morning before bath for calming down the day's activities. In case one stays awake due to anxiety, use this oil prior going to bed too. It is one of the most beneficial treatments for anxiety.

With the help of these natural remedies, one can definitely remain anxiety and depression free.

Families In Fear Of Redundancy Offered Cheap Income Protection Insurance Alternative To Savings

Unemployment in the UK rose by 128,000 in the three months to October reaching 2.64 million. This the highest figure since 1994.The Office for National Statistics (ONS) released this on 14 December 2011 and confirmed the jobless rate was up from 7.9% for the previous quarter and had risen to 8.3%. Employees are beginning to wonder if their employer will be the next one to cut back their workforce and what they could do to protect themselves and their loved ones.

With the Euro Zone crisis still ongoing and now (even) talk of an economic slow down in China, the cold hand of uncertainly is reaching across the global economy. Consequently few firms in the UK are investing in new staff and extra capacity. They have every reason to expect demand to remain flat, if not fall back dramatically in the event of the Euro troubles triggering a serious double dip recession. Headline job losses in both the retail sector and travel are feeding the UK's increasing jobless total. British consumers, squeezed by inflation hitting the essentials and paying higher taxes, are cutting back their spending. The high street is being hit hard.

With no improvement in the prospects for private industry and the accelerating job losses in the Public Sector, the numbers being made redundant can only increase. Most certainly the time taken for people to secure alternative work following redundancy will lengthen as ever more people chase fewer jobs.

For anyone who does not have much saved and loses their job, surviving for a long period with no wages coming in is very hard indeed. Furthermore, repossessions are now rising according to the Council of Mortgage Lenders. Many more people will find their homes at risk as lender patience runs out. Therefore, it has never been more important for individuals to have money to fall back for paying their critical bills if they are out of work. For families especially, if the 'bread winner' is made redundant and they have little saved, they will need urgent financial help to keep a roof over their heads.

It is the risk of redundancy to people currently in steady work and the need to keep money flowing into their households that Income Protection Insurance is designed to cover. This product is also called Lifestyle Protection Insurance by a major Building Society and other specialist providers. This type of financial protection Insurance will pay out for up to a year (some cover 2 years) if the policyholder is unable to work due to accident, sickness or unemployment.

The buyer chooses the monthly benefit they want to be paid. It is usually restricted to between 50 percent and 70 percent of their gross pay (that is pay before any deductions for Income Tax or National Insurance). Therefore, for most people, it may not offer them as much money each month as when they are at work, however it is enough to pay their bills and make even limited savings stretch much further. Buyers of these products usually select a monthly benefit of around 瞿1,000 as they will also qualify for State Benefits or perhaps have a partner who can share the financial burden during their search for another job.

It should also be remembered that this cover pays out the same monthly benefit if the policyholder is unable to work for medical reasons. Some people can suffer badly in terms of their mental health following redundancy, searching for another job for months and receiving repeated rejections can trigger clinical depression. Therefore, in addition to cover for unemployment, the sickness part of this short-term Income Protection Insurance can be a financial lifesaver as well.

There are a huge number of UK families who are financially vulnerable, with budgets stretched to the limit each month. For them, saving a meaningful amount to cushion the blow of unemployment is simply impossible. However, they might be able to find the equivalent of 瞿5 to 瞿10 a week to pay for an Income Protection Insurance policy. Otherwise they would be extremely vulnerable to a break in their employment that lasts more than a month or two. Compared to the cost of resorting to pay day loans or the financial penalties of restructuring debts, short-term Income Protection Insurance offers a very cheap alternative.

7 Ways to Get More Energy, Get More Done & Make More Money

Today, more than ever, people ask me how they can boost their energy levels safely. Lack of energy seems to be somewhat of a plague. Why is that? Your energy levels are actually affected by more than you realize. When you have no energy, nothing gets done, no one is happy, and the money train can come to a halt. Let's see what we can do to remedy that, but first let me remind you that these recommendations in no way constitute medical advice. Ready?

1.Be mindful of your mindset: Many of us live in a state of constant overwhelm. When your mind is in overdrive just trying to keep up with the unending list you give it minute by minute, it is bound to wear out. This will most certainly show up in a physical manifestation of no energy. Just as you must give your body the downtime after a physical workout, you must do the same for your mind. How do you turn around the constant barrage of tasks and unrealistic expectations of the mind?

  • Meditate, pray, sit in silence, reflect daily

2. Make lists of what needs to get done daily

  • Make lists of weekly goals o Make these goals visual o Focus only on the items on your daily goals and mark them off one by one - this naturally overflows to your weekly goals

Even crossing off just one "to do" is a big "to do." And you feel it.

3. If this is a challenge for you, try adding this herbal companion: gota kola - Helps memory and brain fatigue. This herb improves focus and when combined with cayenne & ginseng makes an excellent energy tonic. Gota kola contains vitamin K to help reduce signs of aging (like mental fatigue contributes to aging?!) and many of the B vitamins which are crucial to our ability to handle stress.

4. Turn depression around. Depression is another thief of energy. But please, seek medical advice if you are feeling the symptoms of serious depression. Today, I'm talking about mild depression or lack of motivation. Often this is turned around by a small success. Build a toolbox that includes all the great songs, movies, books, pictures, and quotes that lift you up and whip it out! If that doesn't help, try ginkgo biloba. This mighty herb can improve circulation to the brain and help ease mild depression.

5. Avoid certain music and even news/television. Turn off the tube! The news is rarely helpful in boosting one's mindset, so don't engage in it. If you need specific news facts, they are easily found in the newspaper or on the internet. Better yet, ask the next person that walks by - they are sure to know what is going on. Become aware of how different kinds of music affect you and avoid the ones that stir aggression on those days when you are feeling down.

6. Deal with your stress! We are facing more stress than we have as a society in a long time. Nourish the parts of your body that enable you to deal with stress. Your adrenal glands are meant to delegate stress in the body and also get you through menopause or andropause. Many of us have exhausted these glands by the time we reach this phase. If a woman has healthy adrenal glands, she should not experience menopause symptoms at all! Really. Decrease foods and beverages that tax the adrenals: caffeine, sugar, alcohol, etc.

7. Add in herbs that help support and nourish your adrenals. Try ginseng, rhodiola rosea, or schizandra berries. Siberian Ginseng (not panax - this is different) is an amazing herb that helps support your adrenals by acting as a sort of buffer. Siberian Ginseng can also:

  • Boost energy o Work as an antiviral

  • Strengthen the immune system

  • Improve physical and mental performance

  • Shorten recovery time after physical stress or mental stress

  • Improve sexual function

  • Buffers the adrenal glands, increasing stress resistance

Rhodiola rosea helps regulate adrenal glands if they are not producing enough cortisol, such as in the case with Fibromyalgia. Rhodiola rosea supports a healthy response to mental, physical, and emotional stress.

Schizandra is yet another combatant of energy thievery. These berries help protect the adrenals from being over stimulated. This herb is especially helpful for those who are over stressed and have inadequate sleep. That wouldn't be you would it?

Now you have 7 whopping ways to naturally increase your energy and combat those sneaky energy thieves. Think of this as your energy entourage. Boosting your energy means more gets done with power and focus - boosting your bucks! Here's one more suggestion - my Bonus Booster: Blend the following herbs in equal parts and make into iced tea. Make a large enough quantity to last for a few days. Add agave nectar if you like, a few slices of fresh fruit and you've got it!

Michelle's Iced Energy Elixir...sure to rev your engines.

1 part red raspberry leaf
1 part ginkgo biloba
1 part gota kola
1 part Siberian ginseng
1 part peppermint

Common Symptoms of Someone With Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder, also known as Manic Depressive Illness, is a disorder that affects the moods. Swinging from one polarity to the other, manic (the highs) and depression (the lows). Bipolar affects not only moods, but thoughts, and behavior. This disorder afflicts about six million Americans every year and is no respecter of persons. It runs in men and women equally. It is found in all races and ethnic groups, and while most people start manifesting symptoms in their teens or young adulthood, it can also surface in children, or later in adulthood. Bipolar Disorder tends to run in families.

Three Types of Bipolar Disorder

There are three types of Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar I, Bipolar II, and Cyclothymia. Bipolar I is the most severe form of Bipolar. The mood swings are more extreme with the emphasis is more on the mania. Bipolar II is a milder form in which the mania is less intense (referred to as hypomania) and the depressions are more frequent and severe. Cyclothymia is milder yet, with frequent hypomania and less intense depression.

Mania and Hypomania

Mania is the high mood. Each person's mania has its own characteristics in varying intensities. Let's start with Bipolar I mania.

  • Highly elevated mood

  • Feelings of grandiosity, invincibility, overly self-confident

  • Rapid flight of ideas

  • Excessive irritability and/or aggressive behavior

  • Risky behaviors (gambling, shopping sprees, risky business deals, risky sexual behavior)

  • Poor judgment

  • Impulsivity

  • Racing thoughts

  • Racing speech

  • In extreme cases, psychosis (paranoia, delusions and/or hallucinations)

Bipolar II mania is actually called hypomania. It is less severe than that of full blown mania of Bipolar I. According the Depression Bipolar Support Alliance, sometimes hypomanic symptoms are not noticed and a misdiagnosis of unipolar depression can occur. Here are some symptoms of hypomania

  • heightened self-confidence

  • More energetic and less need for sleep

  • Irritability which can turn quickly to anger

  • Mildly racing thoughts or speech

  • More productivity at work

  • More active and heightened pleasure in activities

  • Trouble concentrating and/or distractibility

  • Increased physical activity

  • Agitation

Cyclothymia is much the same as bipolar II with hypomania being more frequent.


The opposite mood from mania in bipolar disorder is depression. Here are the symptoms of bipolar depression:

  • Prolonged sadness and bouts of crying (often times for no obvious reason)

  • Sleeplessness, or too much sleep

  • Loss of appetite or increased appetite

  • Anxiety

  • Hopelessness

  • Loss of interest in things that usually give you pleasure

  • Fatigue

  • Suicidal thoughts

  • Decreased sex drive

  • Excessive guilt

  • Inability to concentrate

  • Self-loathing

  • Low energy

Suicidality During Depressive Stage

Depending on which type of Bipolar you have, the symptoms of depression will be more or less severe. There is a higher rate of suicide for bipolar II, however, bipolar I also has a high rate of suicide. The National Institute of Mental Health reports that as many as 1 in 5 bipolar patient's attempts and/or succeeds at suicide. This is an alarming statistic.

Rapid Cycling

Rapid cycling can be a very difficult and problem to treat. Rapid cycling is when there are 4 or more episodes of mania, hypomania or depression in a year. Cycles can swing from high to low as often as months, weeks, days, and even hours. According to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 58, 1995 [Suppl.15], women are 3 times more likely to suffer from rapid cycling. Experts say that antidepressants or alcohol and drug abuse can trigger rapid cycling. However, NEVER stop taking any of your prescribed medications suddenly. Work with your doctor so he can monitor you closely. Abruptly stopping medication can be very dangerous.

Mixed Mood or Mixed State

Mixed moods are when someone is experiencing mania and depression at the same time. During a mixed state one can be in the deepest despair and hopelessness, and at the same time experience the rapid thoughts and high energy of mania. There is feeling of being completely out of control. It can be a very scary and dangerous situation. People in the throes of a mixed mood are at high risk for suicide, aggression, and other self-destructive behaviors.

Hope for Bipolar

There is hope for those suffering from any type of Bipolar disorder. Treatments vary and you will have to work very closely with your Dr. to find the right medication combinations and dosages. Medication and talk therapy go hand in hand, and a strong support system of friends and family can add tremendously to the quality of life.

Why Doctors Prescribe Celexa For PMS

Some doctors may prescribe Celexa for PMS, because Celexa is a Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitor (SSRI). In this article, we look at why Celexa may relieve some PMS symptoms and the side effects associated with its use, hopefully answering your questions about Celexa and PMS treatment.

The cause or causes of PMS are unknown and a combination of factors may be involved. Doctors sometimes prescribe an SSRI like Celexa for PMS based on the observation that serotonin levels were lower in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), a condition in which the emotional symptoms of PMS, including mood swings and depression are more severe. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter involved in mood regulation, sleep cycles and appetite, among other things. It is known that people suffering from depression have low levels of serotonin. An SSRI improves the body's ability to use serotonin more effectively by reducing how quickly it is broken down.

Estrogen is believed to have a similar effect on serotonin, slowing its breakdown in laboratory tests. Low levels of estrogen during PMS could be responsible for low levels of serotonin. Currently there is no FDA approved hormone therapy for PMS, thus efforts to treat the condition have focused on increasing serotonin production or decreasing its breakdown.

In the seventies, Professor Richard Wurtman of MIT showed that eating carbohydrates raises serotonin levels. Years later, after the introduction of SSRI antidepressants, Judith Wurtman, a research scientist, made the observation that during PMS, women crave carbohydrates, overeat and gain weight. She theorized that overeating reduced feelings of depression and anger by increasing levels of serotonin. The Wurtmans tested the theory on a group of women with emotional symptoms related to PMS by giving them either an SSRI or a special mixture of dietary carbs. Both improved symptoms.

In 1997, the SSRI Prozac was approved by the FDA to treat PMDD. Other SSRI medications were later approved based on the same research. The FDA has never approved the use of an SSRI including Celexa for PMS treatment. Celexa has never applied for approval to treat PMDD. It is approved for treatment of depression and because it is an SSRI, it is sometimes prescribed to relieve depression and other emotional issues that accompany PMS. It will not relieve bloating, breast tenderness, headaches or other physical PMS symptoms and there is a possibility of interactions between Celexa and PMS treatments of other types.

Premenstrual migraines are fairly common among women who suffer from migraines. The majority of people who have migraines are women and most have noted that changing hormonal levels that precede menstruation trigger attacks. In some cases doctors prescribe triptans to treat migraines. Women who take triptans for migraine relief and Celexa for PMS, PMDD or depression risk a life threatening condition called serotonin syndrome. It is also possible that dietary supplements that increase production of serotonin could cause the same effect, when used by persons taking Celexa.

The relationship between Celexa and PMS symptoms has never been evaluated. However, during clinical trials to evaluate the safety of Celexa for depressed patients the following side effects were noted. Frequently, the drug impaired concentration, caused amnesia, apathy, depression, increased appetite, aggravated depression, led to suicide attempts and confusion. Frequently the drug caused women to stop having their monthly periods. 18% of the test group was drowsy, but 15% were unable to sleep. Other side effects include headache and difficulty achieving orgasm.

There are numerous options for relieving the symptoms of PMS, including lifestyle and dietary changes, stress reduction techniques, herbs and other dietary supplements. To learn more about them, please visit the Menopause and PMS Guide. If you are currently taking Celexa for PMS, you must consult your doctor about reducing the dosage and discontinuing use, before trying other treatment options. Although not considered an addictive substance, most people experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop using the drug suddenly.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Symptoms Of Manic Depression

Awareness of the symptoms of manic depression is important, although manic depression or bipolar depression, as it is often referred to, is not very common. It affects approximately 5.7 million Americans.

Symptoms of manic depression are as follows:

Swings in mood: Depending on the severity of the case, these can sometimes be quite rapid. Switching from depression to manic elation puts a person into an emotional roller coaster that can be confusing and even frightening.

When depressed: all the symptoms of clinical depression are present. Lack of interest in things that we used to enjoy, a profound feeling of sadness and disturbances of sleep patterns are just a few symptoms of depression. Sometimes the symptoms of mani depression becomes so intense that thoughts of suicide are very prevalent.

On the other hand when manic episodes occur, other symptoms manifest themselves. Extremely rapid speech can be apparent, irritability, and sometimes, false feelings of grandeur about themselves. There is an increase in energy and a decrease in the ability to sleep. The mood is euphoric and ideas are racing at an uncontrollable pace.

Bipolar or manic depression is treatable. Mood stabilizers are given and even anticonvulsive medications have proven to be helpful. Once moods are stabilized it is easier for the person to take back their life and get things under control again. Although it is not curable as yet at least treatment can decrease symptoms and allow patients to lead a normal life.

This form of depression can start in late adolescence to early adulthood. Sometimes it is not recognized at first and a person can suffer for a longer period without being treated. It is a lifetime illness that needs treatment for a person's whole life.

Symptoms can be accompanied by hallucinations, seeing and hearing things that are not there. These hallucinations are related to the manic or depressive mood the person is experiencing at this time. For instance in a manic mood a person can think they are a king or intensely rich person, with lots of influence. Whereas when they are depressed a person can feel worthless, penniless and even suicidal. It is not uncommon for people experiencing manic depression moods to go on uncontrolled shopping sprees.

How to Detect and Cure Child Depression Fast and Naturally

All parents want to ensure that their kids are always healthy and happy. But what happens when happiness, or the lack of it, is a bigger problem that you expected? The truth of the matter is that child depression has become an increasingly larger problem in today's society than ever before. If you are concerned that your child is suffering from depression, there are several courses of actions you could choose to take, and you will find that the sooner you act, the better it is for your child.

What are the symptoms that indicate that your child is experiencing depression? A few telltale signs of this condition include:

o long periods of irritability
o feelings of hopelessness
o loss of pleasure in one's normal routine and activities
o constant feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy
o deteriorating performance in school
o social isolation
o excessive crying and feelings of sadness
o physical and/or verbal aggression
o suicidal thoughts

Most Effective Tips To Cure Child Depression

When thinking about what you can do for your child on a more personal, day to day basis, you can begin by ensuring that you are always there for your child. Make sure that all lines of communication are kept open, and that your child knows that he can always go to you for all his needs. Many children feel that they are alone in the problems they face. Thus, simply reassuring them that they are not can make a huge difference in your child's life. Learn more about what your child does and his or her interests to improve your relationship. Encourage your child by providing good advice when there is a need to and lend a listening ear when he needs one.

Parents who "consciously" invest time, energy and money for healthy adolescent development would be the ones helping their child shape his future and in turn help him quickly get over his worries. The adventure of backing up your child through this journey would be more exciting than going through the pain of rescuing his mental health back.

Parental pressure to excel in studies versus a general disregard to other extracurricular activities can cause an unusual complex in the minds of your child. This leaves him frustrated between his basic choices and the ability to fulfill parents' expectations.

Some children get jammed into their overtly rigid schedules pressuring them to surpass in all aspects right from studies to music, painting and even games. With schools adding up to the academic tensions, they under-perform causing low self-esteem and disrespect about self.

Your child should be encouraged to learn skills that interest and motivate them to avoid child depression, and also be assured that it's perfectly normal to fall short while learning and would need some time and practice.

Respect your children to help build up their self-pride. Appreciate their attributes, may it be an art, sports or studies. At the same time do not anticipate too much too early. Let them grow their natural pace without burdening them with your expectations or any other family responsibilities.

Communicate with them about issues like peer pressure, selecting a career, making friends, choices of smoking, drugs and sex with well defined boundaries which would help them grow into your coveted youth.

Healthy interpersonal relations in a family would help to diagnose signs of child depression more quickly. Converse with your kids and allow this connection at any time they feel like even if you are tired. Don't make them wait for weekends, but at the same time don't be so much available so as to invade their space. Realize the value of sharing your time and concern when they need it with a healthy mindset rather than connecting with them later to help them revive out of depression.

Create a good example about the way you control your life and deal with stress factors positively. Convey any of the family problems or other issues in a way that would not affect them. At the same time, appreciate your child to share their feelings of sadness or any other worries in a way they wish to. Be a patient listener and a source of hope for your child because most of the time just listening to their emotions helps them beat depression. Don't be affected by their depressing symptoms or worst is to react aggressively or make fun of them.

Child depression is a serious issue that needs to be treated as soon as it is detected. Remember that your child, no matter how independent they might seem, will still depend on you in times of need. So make sure that you are able to respond to it well, so as to help your child manage child depression effectively.

Hypothyroidism - An Underactive Thyroid May Cause Depression

Do you suffer from hypothyroidism?

You may indeed have hypothyroidism if you often have low spirits, accompanied by low energy and depression. Your thyroid gland may not be producing the amount of thyroid hormones necessary to keep your body both chemically and bio-physiologically fit. This may be causing you to suffer from hypothyroidism, since your under-active thyroid is most certainly not functioning properly.

The thyroid is a very important gland in your neck, and it helps regulate your body. The thyroid takes iodine from the different foods you eat. The iodine then produces two hormones called T3 and T4. If your thyroid is not working correctly, and you do not have enough of the T3 and T4 hormones in your body for your thyroid to function correctly, your metabolism is not regulated the way it should be, causing it to slow down.

If you just happen to be one of the estimated 21 million people in the world who suffer from depression caused by hypothyroidism, you may have a lack of T3 and T4 hormones in your body, a very important fact you may not even be aware of.

Talk to your doctor about the symptoms of hypothyroidism and how depression is related to an under-active thyroid. He will perform blood tests, and discuss with you how to treat your symptoms. If your symptoms are not severe, the doctor will prescribe artificially produced T3 and T4 hormones that will help effectively treat your hypothyroidism and depression symptoms.

Hypothyroidism Symptoms and Depression

If you are one of many people suffering from an inability to tolerate the cold, suffer from depression, and are feeling weak or fatigued, talk to your endocrinologist or doctor about your symptoms to help rule out hypothyroidism.

If hypothyroidism is not effectively treated, it could lead to severe depression. Keep in mind that some drugs, such as painkillers, Amiodarone, lithium, sedatives and narcotics, can increase the likelihood of you suffering from hypothyroidism and depression. Antidepressants can also cause an under-active thyroid to behave erratically.

If you suffer from hypothyroidism and are older, don't let your depression get too severe. Treating your under-active thyroid as soon as possible can help you live a better life and prevent you from being chronically depressed.