Saturday, April 13, 2013

Emotional Abuse and Depression - 5 Signs Your Depression is Linked to Your Relationship

Depression affects many people at some point or another in their lives. Causes may include unresolved past trauma, grief, current life challenges, and/or brain chemistry issues. However, one contributing factor that is often overlooked is the health of the relationships we are involved in. If your intimate relationship is emotionally and psychologically abusive, it can leave you feeling demoralized, hopeless, and depressed. Here are 5 signs your depression is linked to your relationships:

1.  Your partner puts you down, publicly or in private. These put downs may be as blatant as name calling, or they make take a more subtle form such as criticisms about how you do things, your character, or your mental state.

2.  Your partner attempts to control your activities. He or she may expect you to relay a summary of your day's activities, then offer criticisms about what you chose to do. You may feel defensive or a need to justify your actions.

3.  Your partner discourages or prohibits you from spending time with friends and family outside the relationship. This may be expressed in obvious form, such as saying "I don't want you to see so and so," or it may be more subtle, "I can't believe you are choosing spending time with her over spending time with me." The abuser gets a couple of benefits from this tactic. He or she isolates you and gains control over your activities, but he or she also reduces your exposure to the positive messages your loved ones might give you about yourself. It also reduces the chance that one of your friends or family will criticize your abuser and get you thinking.

4.   Your partner utilizes sex as a weapon of control. This may manifest in a demand for sex regardless or your needs, desires, and mental state. It may also emerge in the form of deliberate withholding of sex, leaving you feeling rejected, vulnerable and again at the mercy of your abuser's whim.

5.  Your partner threatens you with non-physical consequences for not complying with his or her demands. These threats and punishments may be interspersed with occasional acts of contrition, kindness, or generosity, however the kind behavior is short lived. Once you are lulled and drawn back into the relationship, the cycle of emotionally abusive behavior begins anew.

10 Signs You Have a Pot Addiction

There are many signs you have a pot addiction whether it be warnings while you are smoking or perhaps things that have happened when you have tried to quit. Some people freely admit they are or were addicted while others struggle with the concept of being addicted to a drug that has no physical dependency issues like cigarettes or heroin but is instead a psychological addiction making it harder to recognize from your own view point. Some things you may want to look for in yourself or in others who might be addicted to marijuana are as follows:

Have tried to quit smoking pot and failed

Quitting any habit can be hard but those that may be addicted to a behavior or substance (or both) often realize that this is harmful to their life and have tried to stop smoking weed and have failed even though they may know it is for the best.

Lack of motivation

While many might just confuse this with a lack of direction many habitual marijuana smokers report having a sever lack of motivation to do anything that can be very harmful on relationships, work and more. This is usually found in long term users and may be linked to brain chemical changes over time that regulate mood.


Depression is a strange thing and some people can feel depressed when smoking weed or they become depressed after stopping their marijuana habit. Depression has also been linked to brain chemistry but also to environment as a result as well, this means there could be a mix of drug abuse and problems and issues that could cause this which often leads people to smoke more to get away from it. If smoking weed or quitting weed causes fluctuations in depressive symptoms something is wrong and could be linked to an addiction.


Much like depression anxiety and panic attacks can be found during or when stopping pot smoking. If you are trying to quit and suffer panic attacks or general anxiety this could be considered a sign of addiction if it drives you back to smoking.


As marijuana plays with your brain and alters your mood regulators some people find anger and rage an issue which drives them to smoke more which is a short term solutions to their anger problems which might be linked to marijuana or a separate issue that is covered up by excessive use making them addicted to the substance.

Relationship problems

Not only romantic relationships but friendships, family bonds and so forth. If you find yourself having difficulty interacting with anyone who is not a pothead or you feel you are drifting further away from your loved ones due to marijuana but feel powerless to stop it you may have found more signs you have a pot addiction.

Shifting Priorities

Do you find yourself spending money on pot when you should be spending it on rent, food, tuition, health or anything else that is of prime importance to yourself? When smoking marijuana becomes something you sacrifice to do it is considered an addiction.

Any Excuse

Do you find you are making excuses to smoke more weed? Putting off invitations, skipping school or work or lying so you have more time to get high?


Do you find yourself becoming aggressive when people confront you about smoking pot when they are not trying to condemn you but are trying to help?


Do you feel that you do not just want pot and want to get high but you feel you NEED to smoke and without it your life will be worse, have no meaning or be too hard to deal with? Signs you have a pot addiction like this are the core part of a psychological addiction.

Feeling Depressed?


Many people confuse melancholia with depression. Melancholia takes the form of being down and feeling de-motivated or experiencing that "blah" kind of feeling. But as long as these feelings dissipate after a few days and don't cripple your lifestyle, this melancholia is perfectly normal. So the keyword here is "duration." Many people sing the blues on certain days of the month. That doesn't mean they're depressed.

Depression, on the other hand, is worlds away from melancholia. Depression is a persistent feeling that can linger for two to three years if not treated. When depression is severe, your doctor will most likely want to prescribe medication.

Signs of Depression

How do you know if you're depressed? One common symptom of depression is constant crying for no reason at all. The feeling is one of helplessness; the feeling that life isn't worth living. A more serious sign of depression are suicidal thoughts.

Other symptoms of depression are:

  • Thoughts that are sad or negative and won't go away

  • Desire to end one's life

  • Sleeplessness (some depressed persons sleep too much or stay in bed all day)

  • Abandonment of activities that once were a source of joy and pleasure (this loss of interest is long-term)

  • Lack of interest to nurture or maintain social relationships

  • Loss of appetite

  • Problems concentrating or performing mental and physical tasks

  • Lethargy

  • Uncontrolled sobbing

Causes of Depression

A number of factors or life situations can cause or trigger depression. Sometimes, a chemical imbalance in the brain could make someone depressed in which case the doctor will prescribe medication that will balance the brain's chemical and electrical activities.

Other causes of depression include:

  • Personal or professional problems that overwhelm a person making that person unable to cope or to seek solutions (for example, marital discord or employer-employee issues, being bypassed for a promotion)

  • Financial situation - this becomes even more pronounced during economic downturns where downsizing and layoffs are the norm rather than the exception;

  • Loss of job

  • Death or divorce

  • Lack of success

  • Being a victim of financial fraud that wipes out lifetime savings

There may be other causes which aren't purely circumstantial in nature. Sometimes, people who have a low opinion of themselves or are overly critical are vulnerable to feelings of depression. People who have an abnormal amount of responsibility or who take in extraordinary workload and can't say no tend to be susceptible to depression. People with little or no support systems also tend to be depressed because the lack of friends and family forces them to cope on their own, thus adding to their mental burden.

People with a family history of depression or suicide could also be depressed but it certainly doesn't mean just because one has a parent who was diagnosed with depression that he or she will automatically be diagnosed with depression.

For women, the empty nest syndrome or the menopausal stage can provoke feelings of depression. For men, it could be the realization that their sex drive has diminished or that they're no longer needed in the work force.

Yet another cause could be side effects from specific medications one is taking for specific conditions, which aren't necessarily related to depression itself.

Depression can be Treated Naturally

People who take medication for depression sometimes complain that their medication causes other health problems to develop and so tend to favor natural remedies.

Fortunately for us and our loved ones, depression can be treated using alternative medicine. Natural treatments in the form of dietary supplements are available in the market today.

If you are taking prescription medication, speak to your doctor about the possibility of substituting your medicine with more natural treatments. Only your doctor can make that decision. Depending on the severity of your depression, he may agree to complement your medical protocol with natural supplements.

When looking for natural supplements, look for homeopathic formulas that are developed in the USA. While dietary supplements are not regulated by the FDA, the manufacturers who market these supplements are subject to strict laboratory requirements. You may also want to look for supplements that will boost serotonin levels and provide you with extra energy.

What's Behind the Highly Inflated Cost Our Healthcare? You Might Be Surprised at How Inflated It Is!

"According to the FDA, more than 2 million serious adverse drug reactions occur each year, and adverse drug reactions are the fourth-leading cause of death, responsible for about 100,000 deaths each year." - USA Today, March 19, 2008.

Due to the current rapidly evolving global economy, as a nation we are now experiencing an ever-increasing threat to our industry. Our pay scale is considerably higher than that of most developing countries, and due to the rapidly increasing cost of employees' healthcare, we are losing our competitive advantage. Then, as third world countries continue developing their technology, that threat will just escalate, and thus must be addressed. If not, and if the current trend is allowed to continue, our economy will decline each year, until the problem is finally resolved.

Our society spends billions of dollars on employees' healthcare, a cost that continues to escalate at an ever-increasing rate. The basic problem stems from the high cost of the insurance premiums for employees, although, the source of the problem is the increasing the number of medications patients are being placed on - partly due to direct advertising of drugs to the public. Not only is the increasing cost of these premiums becoming a burden to employers, but the end result is also reflected in employees' reduced productivity, as well as more time off for sick leave. And the fault is our current flawed healthcare system - not the employees.

Many unnecessary surgeries are also being performed each year. How much surgery is really necessary? According to the late Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn's book, "Confessions of a Medical Heretic," around ninety percent of surgery is a waste of time, money, energy, and life.

In 1992, Dr. Nortin Hadler, M.D., a professor of medicine at the University of North Carolina Medical School, concluded that 95 to 97 percent of the coronary bypass surgeries done that year were unnecessary - even though patients are usually told that without the surgery they will die. This is a very serious issue considering just how expensive and highly invasive bypass surgery can be, and that additional surgeries are often necessary within seven to 10 years!

In truth, just like surgeries, most medications prescribed by doctors today are unnecessary; they don't offer a true cure, but instead contribute to a worsening of the patient's overall health. According to Dr. Charles E. Page, M.D., "the cause of most disease is in the poisonous drugs physicians superstitiously give in order to affect a cure."Fatigue, pain and depression, are quite common side effects associated with many prescription medications, all conditions that contribute to reduced productivity, as well as increased insurance rates. According to a study conducted in 2002 by Georgetown University, adults over 65 fill an average of 20 prescriptions per year. And it's possible that because the Medicare Prescription "Benefit" plan is now in place, that number will dramatically increase - that's a lot of money!

Speaking of spending a lot of money, according to research by the non-profit Life Extension Foundation, the average markup over the cost of the ingredients in 16 of the most popular medications was an astounding 78,693 percent, making it the most profitable industry in the entire world. The pharmaceutical companies will continue charging top dollar for drugs whose risks far outweigh any potential benefit. While a lifetime of symptom-suppressing drugs makes much more financial sense to the manufacturer, it definitely doesn't help the employer who pays the higher insurance costs, or the employee with poor health.

The Primary Contributing Factors

We obviously can't continue doing the same things yet expect to get different results; some necessary changes are in order. Research indicates that time after time, people go through the following process:

1. They seldom need the medications they are taking.

2. Many medications are prescribed to treat side effects associated with their other medications (the typical domino effect).

3. After withdrawing from unnecessary medications, patients' drug-related symptoms soon disappeared.

4. Their health gradually begins to improve, as they no longer experienced the nutritional deficiency that drugs often create.

5. They often feel more energetic, and with antidepressants, their emotions returned and they began feeling more normal.

Where Does It All Start? And What's The Solution?

Dr. Sherry A. Rogers, M.D., in her book Detoxify or Die (2002), helps identify the basic underlying problem when she quotes an article from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) that "documented howover 87% of physicians who make up the panels of 'experts' who determine the practice guidelines for medicine receive compensation from the drug industry. These are the guidelines that your doctors and insurance companies follow"(JAMA 287: 6,12-6 17, 2002). Unfortunately, we are not even allowed to enjoy the basic freedom we should all enjoy - the freedom of choosing our own healthcare.

If you, as the employer, are paying the premiums for your employees' insurance, you and your employees should have a say in what coverage they would prefer - not the insurance company.

As an employer, it's time to research self-insuring your employees - which would result in considerable savings, as well as happier, healthier, and more productive employees - or find an insurance company that would provide coverage for a true healthcare system; presently, none are known to exist.

Anyone with knowledge about nutrition, disease prevention and natural therapies could help a corporation establish a far more cost-effective healthcare program. Only by addressing the issue of discriminatory health care coverage, which excludes natural therapies and nutritional supplements, (proven to be far more effective, and much less expensive), can the problem be truly resolved. This change must take place if we ever expect to finally have a true, financially-sustainable healthcare system, based on disease prevention.

"The necessity of teaching mankind not to take drugs and medicines is a duty incumbent upon all who know their uncertainty and injurious effects; the time is not far distant when the drug system will be abandoned." - Charles Armbruster, M.D.

I can only add amen, as that has been my objective for more than a decade. This is without a doubt a timely issue. Especially after discovering the many health issues patients were experiencing, were actually related to their medications, that appeared to be totally inappropriate to begin with. Wasting billions annually on drugs and surgeries, that are not only highly expensive, but also totally ineffective, is something that we as a nation can no longer afford. The greatest abuse lies in, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and mental health care.

I could easily help establish protocols for all four conditions, that would not only be "much cheaper", but also far more effective. Not only that but, each one would also enhance your overall health in the process - - contrary to traditional therapies! I'm sure other doctors in the nation could likely do so as well.

Sign and Symptom of Severe Depression - How To Spot Them Fast

If you're uncertain whether of not you're suffering from depression you should check the way you are feeling against the sign and symptom of severe depression. Read on to find out more...

  • 1: Is it hereditary? Did you know that depression can be genetic? If depression runs in your family, there's a chance that you may also suffer from depression. People sometimes find it hard to to discuss their experiences of depression and how it has effected their lives. It may be difficult for you to talk to your family members at first about this, but it may go some way to helping you understand the way you're feeling.

  • < are you showing the classic symptoms of depression can severely affect your health as well state mind have noticed any sudden weight loss or gain this often most visible effects be sure to try and maintain a healthy diet at all times particularly avoiding fast food tv dinners many sufferers let themselves go when they badly depressed stop taking pride in their appearance tend not leave house unless necessary avoid social interaction may feel like staying bed day but it won help get up dressed some fresh air will make better>
  • 3: Do you have a support network? If you're feeling low, you must tell someone. It won't help if you try and face depression alone. Be sure to tell someone how you've been feeling and never be afraid to ask them for help. It's important for you to build a support network of friends and family members who'll be there for you when you're at your lowest point.

  • 4: Do you need professional help? If you have been suffering from any of the symptoms above for more than two weeks it's essential that your visit your doctor. If you're suffering from depression it's very important to get diagnosed, and in more serious cases get professional help.

Remember... don't ever try and deal with depression alone. For more information on the sign and symptom of severe depression click on the links below.

Depression or Depletion?

In today's world, depression is often thrown about casually. As a coach, it's a subject known to peep its head into conversations from time to time. Recently, on a special coaching ethics call, author, therapist and well-known life coach Patrick Williams (author of Law and Ethics in Coaching: How to Solve and Avoid Difficult Problems in Your Practice) answered questions about topics suitable for coaching, and those better referred out to licensed therapists. There are times when coaching borders the line of therapy - addictions, mention of suicide (yikes!), and sometimes depression. Patrick Williams raised an important distinction, "Is it REALLY depression, or is it DEPLETION?" Discerning this is the first step. How can one tell the difference? There are many free assessments online to quickly determine if speaking with a professional psychologist is the next step or if other strategies may prove effective.

For many, it is simply a matter of depletion. I've noticed patterns of depletion in the lives of my clients and my own. After my book tour (the period after a year-long effort), and then an immediate move to southern California living in temporary quarters -- Ms. LifeCoachMary was feeling a little deflated. I couldn't quite bring myself to use the "depression" word, as that word has been removed from my vocabulary for many years. In speaking with other authors, it's quite common to experience a form of "post-partum depression" at the end of a big cycle of effort -- end of book tour or going to print.

Perhaps you've experienced something similar after a big project. When Patrick Williams raised the question, "Is it depression or depletion?" it sparked new curiosity toward my own droopy situation. If you're feeling a little "depleted," see if one or more of the remedies below could "fluff" your insides back up and reignite momentum. First, let's note what has consumed your energy in the past year? Perhaps you've been working on a start-up or expanding your business. Have you finished a creative project or certification, house remodel, recently moved, gotten married, or had a baby? Maybe your life reflects a combination of big and little projects throughout the year? Take inventory? Write them all down.

1. What do you need to CELEBRATE in your life? Celebration is under-rated. At the ICF Conference, Cynthia Loy Darst, MCC engaged a packed room of coaches about the importance of coaching "celebration" in the lives of our clients. So often, we achieve -- and the next question is "what's next?" Fully feeling the joy of a major accomplishment is just one element that is often glossed over. It's also valuable to take time to explore insights and recognize how you have grown. Minimizing the importance of celebration can bite you in the butt if you're not careful. Engage your family, friends or a special team to help you celebrate appropriately - and deeply. You'll enjoy a smoother, and more joyous transition to the what's next. BONUS: It's rather energizing, too!

2. Does your BEING need NURTURING or SELF-CARE? Significant projects require significant effort and often throw our bodies out of routine and supportive regimens. For me, traveling on the road and then suddenly moving to southern California threw me out of my grounding yoga practice (no Bikram yoga nearby!). My focus had been predominantly "outward" for many months, attending to others needs. Once in the habit of giving, giving, giving and going, going, going, it can be difficult to stop or slow down. But, it's essential for our well-being. In airplanes we're instructed to put our own oxygen mask on FIRST, before assisting small children and others. What a powerful reminder for our lives. Have you been taking the time to nourish your own energy stores? Is it time for a massage, spa day or face mask? How can you deepen your own self-care? You can do this in big ways, such as a week-long meditation retreat or nurturing workshop or vacation. Or, you can do smaller things such as yoga, a bubble bath, a good book, taking in a warm fire or snuggling with your partner. What would nurture you most?

3. Have you been giving yourself SPACE? Space is another element that is under-rated. In our busy world, alone time may be limited to the drive to and from work or the grocery store. Space reconnects us to our creative energy, and exudes abundance and peace. One of my clients periodically takes a full morning on a Friday or Saturday, and retreats to Laguna Beach where he reflects and takes SPACE for himself. It's essential to our well-being, especially if you have families and busy lives. While it's time away from loved ones, it is better for everyone in the long run. I recently took a week to reflect, recalibrate and do yoga everyday, and what a difference it made!! Vacations are great space-makers. Even claiming an hour of uninterrupted SPACE can do wonders in restoring depleted energy. What SPACE is your soul hungry for? Feed your soul with the perfect space.

4. What TOLERATIONS need your attention? In coaching, we refer to "tolerations" as those pesky little things that need to get done, but aren't necessarily urgent. They can zap your energy when they pile up, and contribute to the "depletion syndrome". Getting the oil changed, a lost button on your favorite jacket, a clock battery gone dead or a burned out light bulb are a few examples of tolerations. When "tolerations" are completed, energy is freed up and making life easier. When we're busy, these little energy draining tolerations accumulate and nag on us. Zap. Zap. Zap. Investing 1-2 hours a week to minimize this list (or hire someone to tackle them for you) is a great way to transform a depleted state. Working with a coach is a great way to identify and reduce tolerations. Make a list of the current "tolerations" in your life. Which five tolerations will you handle in the next week?

5. What's your overall PURPOSE? Have you lost touch or connection with your purpose? Even my most successful and focused clients occasionally lose sight of their overall purpose. It's normal. Sometimes we get lost in the detail of one project or task, and disconnect from the bigger picture. If your purpose is feeling fuzzy, now is a great time to refocus and reignite your passion and purpose. A brand new year awaits you. Reconnecting to your purpose is often simply a matter of REMINDING yourself what is most important to you? What do you VALUE most? Your life is constantly leaving clues about your passions. What are you drawn to? What would you "go for" if you knew you could not fail?

6. Where is your INSPIRATION meter? Is it depleted or over-stimulated and fried? Life is not one big race, but rather, it is made up of a series of 5K runs and marathons of various lengths. Each segment requires a fresh infusion of inspiration connected with purpose. Not inspired? Inspiration means "in spirit" or connected to spirit. Check in with steps 1-4 above. Celebrating, self-care and nurturing, taking space and clearing tolerations can UNCLOG a disconnected spirit and make room for inspiration. Beware of the cousin of "droopy inspiration"...which is OVER INSPIRATION. Perhaps there are TOO many things you're excited about (this was one of my challenges recently). Sometimes there are just too many projects, demands, insufficient time, energy or resources to execute. Discern what elements are "on purpose" and what elements are "seductive distractions". Narrow the focus. Simplify. Engage more assistance if necessary. Your purpose will emerge with fresh inspiration. During my one-week personal retreat I wrote down each purposeful goal on index cards, and laid them out on the floor to visualize it collectively. This helped me narrow my focus, and see which pieces were "on purpose" and which "seductive distractions" I could eliminate. Seeing all the pieces working together fine-tuned my inspiration meter and allowed me to see HOW I may be able to realize it. We must believe that we can succeed in order to sustain inspiration.

7. What are your PLANS and STRATEGY moving ahead? Once inspiration and purpose are re-engaged, you're ready to solidify your plans and strategy to execute. Take inventory of your time and resources. Lay it out. Create a project plan. For each project, write down all the necessary steps in greater detail by using one of more sheets of paper to articulate all the steps. Time block and prioritize. Each person has their own favorite way to plan and strategize. Use yours, or enlist a coach if your plan is fuzzy. Whatever you do, don't hold all your plans and strategies in your head. Get it down on paper. Skipping the planning phase sets you up for stumbles down the road. The more complex the project, the more complex the required plan. Take the time, do it right. If you gave your plan and strategy to a team, could they implement it? What strategies will support the realization of your goals? Take a day or several days to develop your plan for the year.

Now you're ready for ACTION. Keep these principles alive throughout the year to avoid the droopy depletion phases and keep yourself in a perpetual and sustainable state of momentum.

SPECIAL NOTE: While this quick list may be just the boost you need to fluff those insides...if the droopy pattern becomes more significant and long-term, don't hesitate to get a professional opinion or test yourself online for free. I believe that depression, (and most depression pills) are over-diagnosed in our society. However, suffering in silence isn't fun. Getting to the root of depression with a skillful therapist may be the best course of action for you. And, perhaps a free online assessment can free your mind as some droopiness.

Postnatal Depression - Facts and Symptoms That You Never Knew!

You are probably here either because you heard about postnatal depression but is unsure what postnatal depression is about or you're probably suspecting that you have this illness. Whatever the reason, here are some facts that you should know. First of all, this illness affects one in ten women and usually begins in the first six months after childbirth. However, postnatal depression can begin in pregnancy for some women. Besides, an important thing to note is that postnatal depression can occur at any time within the first year after the birth of a baby and can last for longer than a year if no help is seek and received. Therefore, do seek help before it worsen as untreated postnatal depression can lead to the breakdown of relationships with your partners or children.

Are you being unsure whether you've contracted this illness? Fret not, here are some of the usual symptoms of postnatal depression.

You are anxious and fearful- You may feel very anxious and may even become obsessed with unjustified fears of your baby, yourself or your partner. Besides, you may feel unsafe when no one is by your side and you need someone to be with you all the time. Another postnatal depression symptom also include you having overwhelming fears for example you or your baby dying.

You worry a lot- You have unjustified worries about the things that you normally take for granted. Everyone have worries from time to time, but something is definitely wrong when worrying become more than it would be usual for you. Therefore, you may have postnatal depression. Consult your doctor before it worsens.

You have uncontrollable feelings of panic- Your heart beats faster, your palms of your hands becomes sweaty and you may feel sick, even that you are going to faint. These attacks can happen at any time but are most common in new or stressful situations.

You feel tense- You feel tightness in your neck and shoulders and may be unable to unwind and relax yourself no matter how hard you try. Instead, you feel more tense up the harder you try to relax.

You have more physical aches and pains- This is another symptom of postnatal depression that includes headaches, blurred vision and stomach pains. These are however, signs of tension and that your body is telling you that you are not feeling well.

You are easily irritated- You may find yourself shouting and snapping at your children, baby, partner or other for no good reason at all. In fact, they can't understand the reason of you shouting at them and why they deserve your anger.

You feel sad-There are a different level of sadness that vary from just feeling low, to utter despair which you feel as if your world is an empty space. Besides, you think about negative things that focus on your failures all day long. In worst case, you might even feel that your baby and partner will be living better without you.

If you have any symptoms or similar symptoms, do consult your doctor immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment of postnatal depression will result in a faster recovery. Therefore, don't lose hope too soon!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Postpartum Depression Can Lead to Suicide and Infanticide

Postpartum depression disorder (also known as postnatal depression) is severe depression that occurs in women after they give child birth. There've been numerous studies on the subject, and the postpartum depression statistics tell us that it occurs in 5-25% of women (although most studies are much more likely to result in the 10-15% figure). This disease can also affect the father. It usually affects men if they just can't afford to support the child...or in a few rare circumstances, when they find out that the child is not theirs. However women are the most at risk, and almost all postpartum depression books and postpartum depression articles focus on the mother.

It is important to note that this disease does not have to occur right after childbirth. Delayed postpartum depression, can occur even a year after birth after the full effects of child birth impact the mother. The most telling postpartum depression symptom usually involves crying(especially if its for no apparent reason). So if you notice that, you need to be aware that the person may very well commit suicide/infanticide in the near future.

Postnatal depression can lead to suicide because the woman suffers from hopelessness and depression. This is especially prevalent if the family has a low income level. If you know someone who you suspect has postpartum depression(fathers too), it's important to learn suicide warning signs, so that you can prevent a suicide attempt by someone you love.

A small portion of those with postpartum depression(men too) will also develop postpartum psychosis. This is the more severe form of the disease. This group is a much higher risk. 5% of all patients with postpartum psychosis commit suicide and 4% will end up killing their infants. Postpartum psychosis can even develop into a full blown bipolar disorder, which will place the patient at high risk of suicide for the rest of their life.

If you know someone who just gave birth, it's important to brush up on suicide warning signs, so that you'll know when the person is at risk for suicide/killing the infant, so you can help save their life. If you yourself just gave birth...make sure to give a suicide warning signs guide to someone who you see daily, so that they can interfere and stop you from killing yourself or your infant.

Risks VS Rewards - Quitting Your Day Job to Become an Entrepreneur

Do you dread going to work? Feel like you were made to something else with your life other than working for "the man?" Or is your hobby starting to pay you more than your day job? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then it's time to move on and follow your purpose. But first, we must identify the risks and rewards of quitting your day job and becoming an entrepreneur. Finally, we will learn 10 key strategies for implementing your purpose because although entrepreneurship may be calling you, are you really ready for it?

Okay! Let's be real, here. There are risks to quitting one's job, but many are just plain myths that need debunking because they are preventing you from following your purpose. Here are the top five myths to reasons why not to quit your day job:

o I will have no Health Insurance

o I will lose or not have Retirement Funds

o I will be homeless

o I need thousands of dollars to start my business and to survive

o There is no security in entrepreneurship

Now here is reality. First, you can purchase private health insurance that may cost more, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Google health insurance options online such as or call your local insurance agency such as Nationwide Insurance. Second, you can rollover your 401(k) plans or others into a ROTH IRA. Talk to your financial advisor/planner for more information as they are a resource that everyone should use to help make sound financial decisions like quitting one's job. Third, your home can be protected through insurance and other special programs. Again, speak with your financial advisor/planner to learn about your options. Fourth and most pivotal to your success, is plan, plan, plan, budget, budget and here, again, is where your financial advisor/planner will come in handy. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? Visit your local Small Business Administration technology center or go to their website at They can provide you with a plethora of information on funding options and more. Finally, tomorrow is not promised to anyone. If you plan smartly and be clear about your objectives, quitting your job will not lead you to the unemployment line.

Now, as previously stated, you must plan smartly and be clear about your objectives. Quitting your day job is a big step, and one must not become caught up in the myths about the rewards of being your own boss. So, here are some myths about the rewards of quitting your day job.

o I don't have to answer to anyone

o I can set my own hours and work when I want

o I have an idea that is going to make millions

o I can go on vacation when I want to

Stop right there! If these are the reasons you want to quit your day job, you and your family are in trouble. The reality to entrepreneurship is that you do have to answer to someone - YOUR CUSTOMERS/CLIENTS. Entrepreneurship is not an 8 hour job, but a 24 hour job. Most businesses, depending on the industry, do not see a profit for the first 2-5 years. And can you say TAXES, EMPLOYEES, MARKETING and RENT/LEASE FEES? Finally, who's going to cover the shop when you are on vacation? Many entrepreneurs have not made that leap to business owner where the company can now function without the owner/founder's presence. You are the sales clerk, janitor, cashier, secretary and CEO until the business has "arrived."

The bottom line is that the decision to quit one's job is very personal and subjective. It is not something that can necessarily be predicted as being the right thing or the wrong thing to do at the time of the decision-making process. But is something that can work to you and your family's advantage if it fits in line with your purpose and with careful planning.
So, are you ready to turn in your resignation? Wait! I want to leave you with 10 key strategies for implementing your purpose before you take that leap of faith into entrepreneurship.

10 Key Strategies to Implementing Your Purpose

1. Create a list of the things you are good at and enjoy doing: What is your calling? Write down your vision

2. Create a list of pros and cons about your current job: Be real and not just make up excuses here. Perhaps you will find that you might not need to leave the job just yet, but can leverage a raise or a newly created position tailor-made for you.

3. Plan a long-term and short-term list of goals that relate to 1 & 2: Speak with a counselor at a local women's business center to help with this.

4. Tell your Crying Angel Network or your business consultant/coach your ideas and goals: Get a fresh perspective from someone who is not your family or circle.

5. Before quit job, see if you can negotiate a part-time deal: Don't leave until all avenues have been exhausted - keep a part-time job until income from purpose super cedes or matches income from job.

6. Research access to capital: Capital can come in many different forms such as friends, family, loans, and savings. Bottom line: you must have a money plan.

7. Live within your means: You should start a budget and have been living by it at least 3 months before quit your job, if possible. If not, call your financial advisor/planner immediately.

8. Network, Network, Network: You can use the traditional (i.e., BNI groups, workshops & seminars) and/or non-traditional (i.e., post office, birthday parties, grocery store), but you must learn how to network and use your net to work for you.

9. Talk to your spouse before you jump into the water: Get their support or understanding, if not both, because this decision will impact them for a long time to come. They need to know where they stand in all of this because they will be making sacrifices with you. This is not about just you.

10. Keep a sense of humor because you are going to need it: That's right! Laughter is the remedy for insanity and depression, so keep laughing and enjoy the journey.

One of my favorite inspirational quotes says, "Ambition knows no obstacles" (Chinese Proverb). I want to add to that that ambition is a curse without careful planning. That is not to say that you will be able to plan everything out, but when the bumps come up - and they will - you, your company and your family will be better equipped to handle them.

What Therapy Is Best For Depression And Stress

Depression and stress are used in everyday language to such an extent that it could be forgiven for not seeing them as a serious mental health condition. Terms like 'oh, he's just a bit stressed out' or ' I'm depressed because my football team lost on the weekend' do not reflect true mental health problems. They are temporary and event driven. This article will outline what clinical depression is and the best therapy to deal with it.

Clinical depression (sometimes known as major depression, major depressive disorder or simply depression) is a feeling of sadness, being down or lack of optimism that is not brought about by an external stimulus or event. Clinical means observed, so it becomes clinical when it is not self-diagnosed but is diagnosed by the observation of a qualified medical practitioner. Clinical depression will last longer than 2 weeks and will require some form of clinical or pharmacological treatment or both.

The most effective treatment for clinically diagnosed depression is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT concerns talking through the patients problems. This could take the form of sessions with a qualified counsellor or in a group situation that is facilitated by a qualified person. The objective of these sessions is to change how the person thinks (Cognitive) and how they behave (Behavioural). The problems discussed are always current or imminent problems. The therapy is to help change the behaviour related to these problems than dealing with any problems in the past, like a poor upbringing or abused childhood for example.

The underlying tenet behind this therapy is that external events do not create our emotional states. It is the thoughts that we have towards these events that shape our emotional lives. For example, a person that is clinically depressed might have a completely irrational thought that everybody hates them. This might be reinforced because a person walking past them ignores them. Cognitive Behavioural therapy would look at why the person feels that everybody hates them. The therapy would work at changing this thought by highlighting it's irrationality. By changing the thought the actions of the person would be different and they would realise that the person ignores everybody that they walk past.

CBT has proved to be very effective in combating depression. It helps the patient to understand that they create their emotional state rather than other things or people. The therapy gives them a method to use should depression re-occur. It is often used in conjunction with some form of anti-depressant medication. One potential problem with CBT is that is relies on the patient cooperating with the therapy and working as hard as the counsellor to resolve problems. This might not be possible if the patient does not believe they are depressed or that they are responsible for the depression.

Acupuncture Points - Cure Depression With Self Acupressure

Depression is a serious illness and about one in ten people will experience depression at some point. Depression can affect people of any age, including children. A lot times we don't necessarily realize that we are suffering from depression, but it disturbs our normal lives if it is ignored for too long.

There are some common signs of depression, if you can identify with several of them and they won't easily go away, the chances are that you are more or less suffering from depression.

1. Having sleeping problems, sleepless or sleep too much.

2. Having feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and nothing will get better.

3. Significant weight loss or weight gain, eating too much or too little.

4. Having trouble concentrating, making decisions, or remembering things.

5. Loss of interest in daily activities, even the ones you found very interesting and easy to accomplish before.

6. Being irritable and bad-tempered than usual.

7. Feeling lack of energy, fatigue, sluggish, heavy all the time.

8. More physical pains, such as headaches, back pain, stomach pain etc.

9. Strong feeling of self-criticizing, having thoughts that life is not worth living (this one is serious, seek help immediately!)

10. Experience of lowered sexuality.

Besides looking for professional helps, there are two acupuncture points you can use to relieve and cure depression yourself, they are Nei-guan points (PC 6) and Tai-chong points (LR 3).

Nei-guan points are located on the center lines of the arms on the inner sides, 3 cun (the width of your thumb at the mid joint is one 'cun', the width of middle three fingers at the mid joints is two 'cun', the width of the four fingers without the thumb at mid joints is three 'cun'.) from the wrist lines. They belong to the pericardium meridians and are responsible for heart health, mentality normalization and psychological wellbeing.

Tai-chong points belong to the liver meridians and are responsible for liver health, alleviating irritability, clearing mind and stabilizing emotions.

Pressing and massaging these two points on both sides for 5 to 10 minutes each everyday and whenever feeling down will lift your spirit and recharge your body and mind with energy over the time. If you can massage Tai-chong points after a hot water foot bath before going to bed in the night, the result will be greater.

In additional, there is an acupuncture point called Tan-zhong point (CV 17), it is a very important point for enhancing mood. Tan-zhong point belongs to the conception vessel and is the midpoint between the centers of the breasts. It collects chest energy and provides energy for the heart. It has close relationship with our emotions. Whenever you feel sad, upset or angry, massage this point, it will calm you down and give you peaceful feelings.

Massage Tan-zhong point in a clock wise direction with 4 fingers closed or rub this point downwardly. 100 times or 2 to 3 minutes daily is an easy and good practice. There are many other benefits of massaging Tan-zhong point: improving breast health (especially for women); easing or curing asthma, cough, congested chest, fast heart beats etc.

Finally, having a positive attitude towards life is always the key to stay away from depression. Be more tolerant and forgiving, listen to peaceful and joyful music, talk to cheerful friends, participate meaningful activities and let go of things that you can't control.

Disclaimer: This is not intended to be a substitute for personal medical care and advice. You should always consult a healthcare professional about any health condition before starting any therapy and health program.

Anxiety is Natural and it is Normal

Wilhelm Stekel quotes "Anxiety is fear of one's self. Anxiety is also present in many mental health conditions: it is part of the phobic response, and also OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). Most of the time we hear that anxiety is a bad thing, but do you know that it is also a good thing. A study in the latest issue of Gastroenterology finds that anxiety is associated with uninvestigated and functional dyspepsia.

Health plans are trying all sorts of strategies to motivate patients to take better care of them -- from assigning people with chronic diseases to a "health manager," to providing incentives, such as cash back on gym memberships or gift cards for getting certain preventive care.

Depression levels also dropped among many patients who reported depression and no serious side effects were associated with kava use. Some in vivo imaging studies showed reduced availability of serotonin transporters (5-HTT) in the brainstem and thalamus of patients with major depression. In the thalamus, a low serotonin reuptake capacity may interfere with thalamic control of cortical excitability and contribute to anxiety rather than depression per se in major depression.

You should also know that: Suicide is a known risk of depression and some other psychiatric disorders. The depression comes and goes, but the anxiety is constant. Psychiatrists have long known that an anxious temperament in childhood is a risk factor for developing anxiety disorders, depression and substance abuse.

Get free personalized health guidance for you and your family.

Stress is your body's warning mechanism - it's a signal that helps you prepare for something important that's about to happen. Find the best stress-reduction option for your lifestyle. Worry and anxiety are natural and normal responses to stress.

Test anxiety can be a real problem when someone is so stressed out over a test that he or she can't get past the nervousness to focus on the test questions and do his or her best work. If sitting for a test gets you so stressed out that your mind goes blank and causes you to miss answers that you know, and then your level of test anxiety probably needs some attention. When this happen a whole set of new problems occurs... physical and mental exhaustion of stress, problems thinking clearly and focused, problems relaxing and sleeping, and so on.

Vitamin B-1 or Thiamine is a natural stress buster as well as good for the heart and digestion. To hear the word we immediately think about stress, fear, concern, mental anguish, and even depression.

Anxious temperament is important because it is an early predictor of the later risk to develop anxiety, depression, and drug abuse related to self medicating. And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life. Do you ever get the feeling that what you're anxious about has little or nothing to do with what is actually happening?

"Anxiety is the hand maiden of creativity" Feeling anxious about my child's wellbeing allowed me to take matters into my own hands, to pause and to reassess my purpose and as a result to refocus my efforts towards improving not only his sleep, but as a result the sleep of thousands. If you are anxious about being anxious, then you can also take Thiamine or Vitamin B-1, daily. However, fear is fear, and it is extremely unpleasant to be anxious for 'no apparent reason'.

Anxiety is mostly about the past and future. Recent Activity Clear Turn off Turn on Anxiety is associated with reduced central serotonin transporter availability in unmediated. Also, if your anxiety is interfering with daily activities, consider working with a mental health specialist as well. All anxiety is a reaction to anticipating something stressful. But most importantly you will learn that anxiety is controllable.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Depression and Divorce, the New Couple in Your Life

Depression and divorce go hand in hand. Your marriage ends, and someone moves out, but someone also moves in. Like an unwanted house guest, depression becomes like a shadow, skulking in the background, right there, everywhere you go. The shadow is depression, and to move depression out, you are going to have to be armed. Arm yourself with knowledge, and call in the troops available to help you.

The bad news about depression is that when it's left untreated it can disrupt your job, your relationships, and your life. No amount of "cheering up," "toughing it out," booze, or exercise will make it go away. The good news about depression is that, once recognized, it usually responds well to treatment.

Depression affects about one of every seven Americans of all religions, races, genders, and income levels every year. About two thirds of those who suffer from depression don't get treatment for it. Take a moment to reflect on what that means. In any average group of 30 people, for example, the odds are that four of them will suffer from depression this year. It is believed that women are twice as likely as men to be affected by depression, but perhaps men are half as likely to seek help, and go undiagnosed. The first line of defense is understanding what depression is, and understanding that you cannot just ignore it, or pretend it is not there.

Just like an unwelcome house guest, it is there, coming right behind you, and though you may not see it, it is making messes, and those messed are left for you to clean up. Depression due to divorce is a double edged sword, because it tends to have a snowball effect. It tends to come ready made with a sense of failure being built right in, anger boils beneath the surface, your children suffer, finances change, living conditions change, it can often precipitate a move. It is no wonder divorce and depression is the new couple in any failed marriage.

Don't self-diagnose depression. Depression is too dangerous, and unpredictable, for any of us to attempt to diagnose or treat depression without professional help. You need the experience and savvy of a physician or mental health professional to help you understand your own case and get the right treatment for it.

Treatment for depression is twofold, including psychotherapy and medication. A lot of very smart people disagree about which is more important. Although it sometimes makes sense to use therapy without medication, it almost never makes sense to use medication without therapy.

Medication to treat depression keeps getting better. Medications now available for treatment of depression are more effective and faster-acting than ever. They have fewer, and have less disruptive side effects.

Most fall into one of four groups:

* Heterocyclics,

* Serotonin reuptake blockers,

* MAO inhibitors

* Lithium

Newer medications are coming on line every month. Here are some suggestions that will help your doctor find the best medication for you:

Use a psychiatrist. Generally, psychiatrists know more about the range of medications available than do general practitioners, for the same reason that pediatric cardiac surgeons know more about the options available for treating heart problems in children. They do it all the time.

Be patient. Although some symptoms may respond to medication quickly, the medications for depression usually take three to six weeks to become fully effective. By far the most significant factor in unsatisfactory treatment for depression is the impatient patient.

Expect changes in the medications. Expect depression to be treated in a trial-and-error manner. It is the only way to find the solution the right treatment for you.

Follow instructions. Take your medicine on schedule. Don't stop taking it entirely. Don't. If you follow your doctor's instructions carefully you equip your doctor with a full range of options for improving your treatment regimen over time and tailoring it for you.

Understand side effects. The side effects of medications for depression include dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, and changes in urinary and sexual function. Whenever your doctor prescribes a new medication, ask about side effects and what you can do to control them.

Avoid alcohol. Even in moderation, alcohol acts as a depressant. It can interact with medications in unpredictable ways. If you are an alcoholic, make sure your doctor knows this when he or she prescribes medications for you.

Keep your doctor informed. Conscientious physicians want their patients to let them know when they're experiencing something unexpected, because they can then evaluate the case and decide whether to change the medication. Don't expect to talk to the doctor whenever you want, but you should be able to describe your unexpected experiences to a knowledgeable person on the doctor's staff and get a reasonable response. If everyone seems too busy to talk to you, and if you're convinced you're not just being a pest, find another doctor.

Binge Eating Disorder And Depression: Do They Go Hand-In-Hand?

It's hard to imagine that there are people out there who won't eat an entire row of cookies, or hear food calling to them in the middle of the night; people who never have to throw their food out to avoid eating it, or pick it out of the garbage in desperation. Binge eating is of course only a cover-up for a much bigger issue, the emptiness one feels inside.

If one feels empty, the feeling of depression occurs and so does binge eating. Compulsive eating is eating large amounts of food in a short span of time while Depression on the other hand is a serious condition that can affect all aspect of one's life. Binging puts the victim in a spot where he/she cannot control eating, which will later on gives the feeling of guilt for over eating. Psychological and emotional factors, such as the feeling of depression occurs, this proves the link of emotional eating and depression.

According to researches, there is a straight correlation between compulsive eating and depression. Some argue that depression caused binge eating, as most victims gets worst in binging when they are depressed, stressed out or if they keep any negative feelings inside. Some says the opposite and blames "over eating" or binging for being depressed. However, there is no clear explanation as to whether binge eating leads to depression or depression stimulates binge eating.

In the United States alone, Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is affecting 3.5 percent of females and 2 percent of males and 30 percent of those seeking to lose weight. In a recent study, researchers investigated the link between binge eating and depression in the early age of adolescence. A soaring 1.7 percent rate found prevalent for eating disorders in teens.

Studies showed a great risk for binging for young girls when they feel "depressed" or "down in the dumps". Most common reasons are teasing coming from the opposite sex or family members. As for boys, they become less resilient to constant comments about weight from peers and family members.

A study also proved that young girls have higher risk of having emotional eating and depression than boys. Is it because teen girls face more challenges than boys do? Girls faced in dealing with more than one stressor simultaneously as compared to boys. Some common stressors include:

• Body image: Girls are more concerned about physical appearance than boys do during adolescence.

• Transition: Both face changes during puberty but girls find it more difficult to transition than boys do. Example of which is transitioning to middle school or junior high.

• Worthlessness: Girls feels less important or less to succeed in life than boys do. Discrimination based on gender and sexual preference in terms of opportunities in life. Their self-esteem is greatly affected, which leads them to feel depress and over eat.

• Sexuality: Girls are stuck with the traditional double standard, by which females were judge harshly than males. Teenage girls would shy away from expressing their sexual desires and preferences for the fear of rejection and judgment. Girls are more prone to judge themselves negatively than boys do. Teenage boys on the other hand are more vocal in expressing their actions and ideas. When faced with rejection, they become depressed but they can easily brush off negativity off their shoulders and move on.

Binge eating and depression goes hand and hand.

Depressive symptoms and negative emotions are to consider in preventing binge eating. Binge eaters are mostly secretive and in denial. Parents, friends and even doctors should be aware in checking these signs of disordered eating and vice versa.

Seven Ways to Decrease Or Eliminate Your Depression

Depression can be an emotionally draining illness. It is common among sexual abuse survivors. I know, I have been through it many times myself. Many times it is hereditary as in my case (four out of my five sisters has it!). It also can be situational, such as going through a traumatic event, a divorce, losing a loved one, remembering your past abuse, etc.

The cause can be important if you are remembering your past abuse because it is a good time to get into therapy and begin your recovery journey. Sometimes the cause doesn't really matter. What matters is how you treat it and knowing the signs of it should it return.

I have come up with seven ways to assist you in helping to eliminate or reduce your depression.

1) Eat properly : This means, most of all, remember TO eat! With depression, it seems that you either don't want to eat at all or you gorge yourself constantly! The main thing that is important is that you eat healthy nutrients for your body in order for it to help to get back into balance. If you have trouble eating large meals then eat small meals divided up during the day. Remember to eat green vegetables, chicken, fish etc. You need your protein and especially your vitamin B which helps with stress. You can also take a supplement if your doctor doesn't contraindicate it.

2) Get enough sleep: Again, with depression, usually the norm is that you either sleep too little or too much. What we are looking for here is a happy medium! Both too little and too much sleep can make you feel even more depressed! If you aren't tired or you have repetitive thoughts running around in your head, try to read prior to going to bed, watch TV, exercise before bed so that you are tired. Take a hot bath, have your husband or partner give you a massage, use relaxation techniques. Try anything. Remember, don't lie awake in bed if you can't sleep. Get up and do something and then try lying down again. That way you only associate bed with sleep.

3) Get outside: Why? because that puts you back in the world of the living! It is especially helpful for me to go out to the woods and take in all of the scenery with all of the sights and sounds. There is something about hearing birds chirping that helps. Sunshine helps depression so get out in the sun and let it do it's work! Breathe in the fresh air. Even if you have no desire to get off of your sofa or out of your bed, believe me, I have been there and I understand, trust me, you absolutely need to get outside! Go do an errand that needs to be done, even if it is just a small one. You CAN do it if you try!

4) Exercise: Ok, I KNOW that you have heard this one! I used to think "yeah, right! I can't even get the strength to stand up from my chair but you want me to exercise?!!" I hear you loud and clear, but before you completely disregard it, let me inform you that exercise releases endorphins that naturally reduce depression so that it scientifically does help you! When I say exercise, I don't mean that you have to start an aerobics class or anything that intense!! I am talking about just walking around the block to start with..or as far as you can tolerate the first time. Try to increase your endurance and distance every time you walk. You can also try the Wii fitness, if you have it. It can be quite helpful because it offers Yoga as an exercise, which I happen to use. The main point is get your body moving! It may be painful at first..but you definitely will see a difference in the end.

5) Use Relaxation Techniques: If you have not learned how to relax or any easy relaxation techniques, there are many videos out there that will walk you through a full body relaxation and it is something that you can also do for yourself. One example of this is to start at the top of your body, ( your head) tense by the count of three and relax by the count of three, and continue this with every muscle of your body down to your toes until you feel physically relaxed.
Relaxation also applies to whatever it is you do that is your passion. You may not be "feeling" it right now, but attempt to try it. Going through the motions can sometimes be helpful. Write in a journal, paint, go fishing, listen to music, dance...whatever it is to you that can give you peace of mind, even for a moment. Go to your "place of peace" or an imaginary place that you feel safe, secure and free of stress. Basically, it means try to imagine yourself in a place where you feel the most comfortable and safe. Imagine it and memorize it to the fullest detail. This will be helpful for you when you get stressed out. You can mentally take yourself back to that place quickly with practice!

6) Pet a pet: Sound simple? Well, it is! Research has shown that people who have pets are less stressed. Think about how relaxing it is to pet a cat or dog. They love you unconditionally and only want to please you. What more could you want? More and more hospitals, nursing homes, etc. are allowing "pet therapy" for their residents because they realize it's value. Try it for yourself. You will be glad you did!

7) Act "As if..": Most people who are in any type of recovery program knows only too well what this saying means! To explain it.. it means even if you are feeling completely depressed, try as hard as you can to act "as if" you aren't depressed. Go through the motions of your daily life. It is important to keep up your routine. Depressed people tend to get out of their normal routine and find it difficult to resume it sometimes. This does not mean that you will automatically feel completely wonderful and not depressed anymore, however, it does set you on a path of some purpose and routine. I know for myself, this is NOT easy! But, you can't say it doesn't work unless you give it a try, right?

I have listed seven simple ways to help you to decrease or alleviate your depressive symptoms if you choose to use them. I hope you will give them a try. You have the tools, now it is up to you whether or not you choose to use them.

Good luck and think positive. Thinking positive also has a great deal to do with how you feel!
Blessings to all of you!

Whether You Call It Manic Depression Or Bipolar Disorder There Are Alternatives You Should Know

Truth be told there happen to be quite a few all natural treatments that have been successful for many; for those who are afflicted by bipolar disorder as they quite simply may very well help one deal with its effects.

Natural treatments' objective is certainly to help people along with bipolar disorders to handle their manifestations so they are able to keep on performing their particular way of living.

The main thing when testing out any holistic treatment options for bipolar condition is to do the research concerning this kind of techniques as well as inquire about them with your doctor.

This will bring some peace of mind that this treatment is going to be safe and probably will not be a hindrance affecting your existing medications.

Nutritional approach is among the holistic treatments regarding bipolar dysfunction. By taking vitamin supplements, minerals, amino acids, emotional swings are controlled, thus avoiding mood attacks.

On the other hand, you might attempt emotion stabilizing ingredients such as Phosphatidyl Choline (Lecithin), L-Taurine, as well as Gamma aminobutyric acid besides the typically recommended lithium.

Various other natural ingredients which helps to maintain a comfortable mood are also available in case you are wary of consuming such substances. Vitamin B complex are generally incorporated. Thiamin, B12, folic acid, magnesium mineral as well as calcium, manganese, zinc, and the amino acid methionine.

Local culture based therapeutic disciplines is another kind alternative treatments regarding bipolar disorder. These techniques have been utilized way before present approaches by our forefathers when they deal with their body..

While a number of research has in fact found they can promote mental and physical well-being, providers of Western medicine even now disputes the effectiveness of these theripies.

Acupuncture, Ayurveda Yoga, Native American traditional treatments are a handful of the culturally based treatment disciplines.

Certainly, there are in addition a number of relaxation as well as stress reduction methods that may well end up being thought to be as optional therapy with regard to bipolar condition. You may obtain a whole lot of understanding through this courses.

Considering that tension could trigger a occurrence, decreasing or limiting it is quite critical. Throughout stressful circumstances, these kinds of relaxation techniques can help you keep in place your emotions. Carefully guided imagery or visualization, restorative massage therapy, and biofeedback are generally a number of good examples regarding stress reduction and relaxation techniques.

Remember, if you're considering a Bipolar or Anxiety Drug for your condition, you should learn more about their effectiveness and side effects too.

Rewrite Your History - How To Change Your Past So You Can Live Fully In The Present

As I fumbled through some old files this evening, cleaning up my home office, I ran across a journal of quotes I'd started in 1994. (Ok, yes, I had quite a stack of books and papers I was going through.) I opened the journal, and right there on the first page was a quote that caught my eye and I knew I had to share it with you. It says:

"Immaturity is allowing someone else to author your history. Maturity is accepting the authorship of your history. You cannot change history, but you can write history." This was a statement made by a professor in my Fall semester of college in 1994 - I was a Junior. I specifically remember this course and especially this professor, Dr. Anderson. As I read the quote, now 13 years later, I'm nostalgic, and am glad I ran across the quote.

So, I ran right into the kitchen where my husband was preparing dinner and was eager to read him this nugget of information - a blast from my past that is just as relevant today as it was then. He was confused. You might be, too. Let me give you my perspective...

What It All Means

Maturity, by definition, means being fully developed in body or mind; we all strive to become mature in our growth. We want to be grounded and centered in our thoughts and in our emotions; we want to feel as if we are somebody and that we've accomplished great things. We envision this coming from a place of maturity... "a time when."

The problem with living in "a time when" is that we fall victim to the stories of our past and the inability to accept what is happening right now. The stories of our past... you grew up in a divorced home, you weren't given the same opportunities as others, or you are the child of an alcoholic. Those are the stories we hold onto. We use them as excuses for who we are, what we're doing, and how we feel. But, that is an immature process.

Create a New Label for Yourself

Maturity means accepting - and I mean really accepting - that your past is yours, and everything in it you created. Yes, you read that right - you created it. And I know this is a hard thing to hear, "What do you mean I CREATED the alcoholic parents I had?" Or, "There is no way I CREATED a childhood like that." Well, no, you didn't create the circumstances of your life (or maybe you did, but that's for another article). But you DID create an emotion and a belief based on that circumstance. From birth through about the age of 18, you were a follower (well, except through the teenage years when most of us rebelled like crazy). But now that you're an adult, you can no longer hang on to the stories of your past, if you want to change your emotions of now.

You see, you can choose to rewrite the stories of your past - your perceptions become your reality. (Instead of, "I'm an adult child of an alcoholic", how about, "I'm an adult child of a loving, caring Mother?" I mean, the reality for all of us is, there ARE positive times that you can draw from in your past - choose to dwell on THOSE and make a new label for yourself.) And when you CHOOSE to see what good came of the situations in your life, then you can move past the emotional upset you have today. It's not the THINGS you're holding on to, it's the emotion. Unfortunately, it's that emotion that is keeping you stuck where you don't want to be - overweight, unsuccessful, broke, sad, irritable, etc.

Immaturity or Maturity?

The choice is yours. Immaturity or maturity? From this day forward, you must decide how you want to live your life - as one who has no control or one who has absolute control over your history, and your future, which will become your new history. If you truly want to move forward, you have to let go of the stories. Letting go is difficult, but it must be done, there is no other way.

I was talking to a colleague today who said he uses the Marine creed with his clients: Improvise, adapt, and then overcome. That is exactly what you must do, but first make the decision. When you are ready to move forward, you will. If you choose to remain stuck, you will. The choice is yours.

Thanks to Dr. Anderson, I learned an important reality on that hot Fall day in 1994, "Immaturity is allowing someone else to author your history. Maturity is accepting the authorship of your history. You cannot change history, but you can write history." Will you choose to write yours?

How to Start a Day on a Positive Note

Would you like to know how to start a day on a positive note?

Here are a few simple and useful tips that will help you to slow down, kick back and enjoy your life in full.

1. The night before, go to bed at a reasonable hour, so you can get your beauty sleep
2. Set up your alarm-clock 15-20 minutes earlier than your usual time
3. Waking up a little earlier in the morning will give you an opportunity to enjoy a few minutes in bed, so you do not have to rush
4. While you are still in bed waking up slowly, please think about how lucky you are to have a decent job, a nice home, a great family and wonderful friends. Think about all of the positive things happening in your life. Smile, smile again and get up
5. Make yourself a nice hot cup of coffee or tea or any favorite drink in the morning
6. Give a hug and a kiss to your loved ones living with you and wish them a good morning
7. Have a nice sit down breakfast together, even if you are having just some cereal and a cup of coffee, and even if it is just for 10 minutes
8. Enjoy a few relaxing moments in the morning with people you love and having your favorite drink
9. If you live alone, a nice hot cup of coffee and a favorite newspaper/magazine or a morning TV show will do the job
10. Set up your mind to enjoy your day no matter what. Make yourself a mental note to look at everything only from a positive prospective today
11. Make every day of you life count. There is no reason for you not to enjoy this beautiful life. Life is a precious gift that we need to enjoy in full, every single moment of it.
12. You can be whining and complaining all day to your co-workers and friends, OR you can make a mature decision of being positive towards your life starting today and making it brighter, more exciting and fun

You will see how the quality of your life will change for good after you adjusted your attitude towards it. Remember what Winston Churchill said? Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference...

Enjoy your wonderful day!

Low Thyroid - A Common Reason For Overweight, Depression and CFS Or ME

Your thyroid is a gland situated in the front of your neck. The hormones (chemical messengers) that it produces affect a great number of your body processes and other glands. So if your thyroid becomes underactive (medical name hypothyroidism), your whole body is thrown off balance.

Official estimates of hypothyroidism in Western populations vary from two to seven per cent, although some experts believe it is significantly under-diagnosed, and that the true percentage is probably as high as thirty per cent. Whatever the case, hypothyroidism appears to be increasing and this is starting to attract the attention of researchers, clinicians and government health departments as an emerging public health problem.

So how do you tell if you might have an underactive thyroid? Lack of energy, weight gain, dry, pale skin, feeling cold all the time and depression are the most well known symptoms. But low thyroid can cause a surprisingly wide variety of symptoms, which can be totally different from individual to individual. Many of the symptoms are also symptoms of other conditions. For these reasons, and because physicians are generally unaware that hypothyroidism is so common, hypothyroidism is a frequently missed diagnosis.

An example of this is the person who complains of putting on weight unexpectedly or being unable to lose weight despite a modest calorie intake. Such a person is almost automatically assumed to be overeating and told to reduce calorie intake. Even if they ask whether it could be their thyroid, they are unlikely to be tested.

Or take depression. What thyroid expert Dr Barry Durrant-Peatfield says is quite shocking: "Any patient suffering from depression should be routinely assessed for hypothyroidism. There should be no exceptions; half to one third will be found to be hypothyroid, and as a result of treatment, their depression will begin to lift in weeks." How many people are being treated for depression with medications or psychiatric counseling, when in actual fact they just need their thyroid fixed?

Yet another example is high cholesterol. Studies show that more than ten per cent of people with high cholesterol have hypothyroidism, but unfortunately most people with high cholesterol are not tested for this. That's a lot of people who are taking cholesterol-lowering drugs needlessly.

CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) or ME is another condition which experts believe is in many cases actually misdiagnosed hypothyroidism. Low fertility and repeated miscarriages is another. Other problems that can be caused by hypothyroidism include:

  • brittle nails, hair loss, boils and spots, eczema and psoriasis, hoarse voice, slow speech

  • constipation and haemorrhoids, painful irregular periods

  • muscle weakness, muscle and joint pain and stiffness, shooting pains in hands and feet, carpal tunnel syndrome

  • gallstones, visual disturbances, breathlessness, halitosis, candida (intestinal yeast overgrowth)

  • impotence, loss of libido, bladder irritation and frequency

  • deafness and tinnitus (ringing in the ears), ankle swelling, palpitations, anxiety and panic attacks

  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), poor memory, poor concentration and slow thinking

Even if hypothyroidism is considered as a possible diagnosis by the physician, the problem doesn't end there. Thyroid tests fail to pick up many cases - the current 'normal' ranges for thyroid test results are quite wide, and thought by many thyroid experts to be wrong. Sanford Siegal, DO, MD, a US thyroid specialist, believes that about ten per cent of the population is hypothyroid but that maybe only half test positive with the blood tests that are currently used.

Dr Siegal's experience with patients who test negative but have clinical symptoms of hypothyroidism is that there is often marked improvement when thyroid supplementation is given. His experience has led him to believe that around a quarter of those who have difficulty in losing weight fall into this category and benefit from thyroid treatment.

The test at the centre of the thyroid testing controversy is the TSH. This test measures the amount of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone your pituitary gland releases. If it is high, it means your thyroid hormone production is low and the pituitary is sending repeated chemical signals to try to get your thyroid to produce more thyroxine. So a high TSH means you are low thyroid.

In the TSH test, the upper limit of 'normal' may be given as anything from 3 µU/ml to 6 µU/ml depending on which country you live in and which lab has done the test. However, Dr Barry Durrant-Peatfield, in common with many other thyroid experts, regards even the recently revised limit in the US for 'normal' TSH levels of 3.0 µU/ml as too high. His experience with patients has led him to believe that a level of 2.0 µU/ml should arouse suspicion, and anything over 2.5 µU/ml should be diagnostic and therefore treated as hypothyroidism.

So if you have some of the symptoms in the list above, and particularly if you are having difficulty in losing weight, ask your physician to test you for low thyroid. Be aware of the issues surrounding current methods of testing and make sure you get copies of the actual test results so that you can compare them with the reference ranges used by those thyroid specialists who believe the current 'normal' ranges are too wide.

Similarly, if you have been tested in the past and told the results were normal, get tested again and ask for the actual values. If the TSH is above 2.5 µU/ml, bring the new ranges to your physician's attention and ask for a trial of thyroid hormone replacement.

Unfortunately, agreement of your physician to treat you for hypothyroidism is not the end of the story. There is also controversy over medication and dosage. The 'alternative' thyroid experts feel that patients are not best served by the usual treatment (consisting of replacement of thyroxine - called T4 for short). This is not the only hormone that a healthy thyroid secretes, and they believe that many hypothyroid patients fail to achieve 100 per cent improvement without the other hormones. The reluctance to prescribe better alternatives appears to be down to a mixture of historical practice, mainstream doctors' reliance on the drug companies who make the synthetic T4 preparations for information about treatment options, and a lack of research interest in the subject.

Dosage is a further area of controversy. Complex feedback loops that govern the workings of your thyroid mean that it is actually possible to make a patient worse by giving too small a dose of thyroxine. Many physicians are also constrained in their prescribing by blood test results and the official reference ranges for 'normal', rather than by their patient's clinical symptoms. Some hypothyroid patients fail to improve until their TSH falls to 0.3 or lower, but most mainstream physicians are reluctant to let it drop to even to that level.

It seems therefore that hypothyroids have had a raw deal for a long time. Happily, word is starting to spread amongst thyroid patients that a better quality of life is possible, and patients are starting to become indignant and vociferous in their demands for better diagnosis and better treatment. An indication of this is the recent proliferation of thyroid patients' websites, providing information about alternative treatments and helping fellow patients to locate physicians experienced in using them. Helpful sites include 'Stop the Thyroid Madness' and 'Thyroid Patient Advocacy'.

Although the cause of the increase in hypothyroidism is unknown, there is an interesting theory. This relates to iodine, which is critical for a healthy thyroid. Hypothyroidism is widespread in upland areas of the world which are far from the sea where food is grown on iodine-poor soils. Many countries have a national salt iodization program to combat this problem. Ironically, this may be having the opposite effect in some cases. The trouble is that too much iodine is just as harmful to the thyroid as too little. And it is possible that people who consume a lot of fast food, canned or prepackaged foods or eat in restaurants regularly could easily be consuming between 8 and 10 grams of iodized salt per day. This would provide more than four times the recommended daily allowance of iodine. Could this be a contributing factor to the increasing rate of hypothyroidism in Western populations, and in turn, to the increasing rates of obesity?

More information on how undiagnosed or undertreated low thyroid may make losing weight difficult can be found in the e-book "Why Can't I Lose Weight - The Real Reasons Diets Fail And What To Do About It".

Copyright and 2007

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Depression During Pregnancy - Mood Swings

Depression during pregnancy refers to the stress or strain which is caused due to the increase of hormone level in a woman's body resulting in mood swings , in particular the two main female hormones-estrogen and progesterone causemood swings during pregnancy. This is not a disease but a normal problem which can be treated through extra love, care and protection.

Is depression more common in women than in men?
Yes. Women are twice as likely as men to experience depression. The reason for this is unknown, but changes in a woman's hormone levels may be related to depression.

What are the symptoms of depression in women during pregnancy ?

If you're depressed, you may have some of these symptoms nearly every day, all day, for 2 weeks or longer:
- Feeling sad, hopeless and having frequent crying spells
- Feeling guilty, helpless or worthless
- Thinking about death or suicide
- Sleeping too much, or having problems sleeping
- Loss of appetite and unintended weight loss or gain
- Feeling very tired all the time
- Having trouble paying attention and making decisions
- Having aches and pains that don't get better with treatment
- Feeling restless, irritated and easily annoyed
What causes depression in women during pregnancy ?
Depression seems to be related to a chemical imbalance in the brain that makes it hard for the cells to communicate with one another for example the improper level of serotonin in the brain can cause mood swings. Depression can also be hereditary, which means it runs in families.

In the days following the birth of a baby, it is common for some mothers to have mood swings. They may feel a little depressed, have a hard time concentrating, lose their appetite or find that they can't sleep well even when the baby is asleep.

How is depression during pregnancy is treated?
Depression can be treated with counseling, medicine or both. It's also important to take good care of yourself, to exercise regularly and to eat healthy foods. See the health tips below. Counseling alone may help if the depression isn't severe.

Some do's and don'ts when you're depressed
- Always ensure to talk with your loved ones, friends and family to avoid the feeling of isolation. Always seek the advice from your family doctor.
- Exercise balances the hormone and avoid mood swings. Example the level of serotonin in the brain can cause mood swings and can be balanced by doing yoga, aerobics etc.,
- Remember not to blame yourself for your depression. You didn't cause it.
- Suppress the discouraged feeling by keeping positive sign boards and try to do meditation to clear your depression.
- Do eat balanced meals and healthy food.
- Do get enough sleep. Some women sleep more during depression.
- Do take your medicine and/or go to counseling as often as your doctor tells you to. Avoid self medication.

Does depression affect my unborn baby?

Yes. It has been proved by many research that depression can affect the growth of the fetus. Mothers-to-be who are depressed during pregnancy are more likely to have babies sleep problem during their 18th month says O'Connor a research expert.

In his recent research, O'Connor says, follow others' research showing that mothers who report being stressed during pregnancy have children with higher rates of behavioral problems, as well as hyperactivity and anxiety.

Aloe The Treasure Chest

The components of Aloe Vera can be categorised in the following main areas:

- Enzymes
- Lignin
- Mono and polysaccharides
- Saponins
- Sterols
- Vitamins
- Anthraquinones
- Salicylic acid
- Amino acids
- Minerals

As we can see there are a number of different nutritional components in Aloe Vera and importantly Amino Acids is one of them.

A proteins building blocks are amino acids. They affect our brain function which also affect our emotions. For our bodies to be considered in "good health" it is essential to have 20 amino acids, but the human body however can only produce 12 of these, leaving out the 8 necessary ones. This means we have to find these 8 essential amino acids through the intake of our food and drinks.

The 8 Essential Amino Acids are:


You can find all these in Aloe Vera.

The 12 Non-Essential Amino Acids in Aloe Vera and are as follows:

Aspartic Acid
Glutamic Acid


Commonly found in food such as gelatine, cheese, peanuts, almonds and oats Phenylalanine is used in production of the adrenal and thyroid hormones. Its production of Endorphins (natural pain killers) may help backaches and arthritic pain


Research has suggested that a supplement of Isoleucine may in fact help with the symptoms of ME, mainly because of its way to reduce levels of tryptophan in the brain.


Valine is recommended to be taken with Isoleucine and Leucine. It has been seen to reduce the symptoms of ME by simply not allowing the levels of tryptophan into the brain.


Commonly used with anti-depressants, tryptophan produces serotonin in the brain.


Tryptophan levels in the brain are inhibited by Leucine. It's been found when taken with isoleucine it can help Chronic Fatigue.


A study that was conducted showed that there were reduced symptoms of clinical depression when threonine was supplemented into the diet. For those that had clinical depression had low levels of Threonine.


Used to fight against allergies like hay fever as it is able to reduce histamines. Metabolised effectively when taken with B vitamins.


Studies have indicated that Lysine is able to help those with symptoms of the herpes virus. People involved in a trial taking Lysine supplements showed that there was a reduced amount of frequent outbreaks, ie. genital herpes and cold sores.

Non-Essential Amino Acids


In studies that have been undertaken, it has been found that a supplementation with L-glutamine is in fact able to quicken the repair of stomach linings that may be damaged by alcohol consumption whilst at the same time curving the body's crave for alcohol.

Aspartic Acid:

In research it has been seen that Aspartic Acid can be beneficial for cancer patients who have had radiotherapy mainly because it helps red-blood-cell-producing organs to regenerate after the radiation exposure.


People who do a lot of exercise or who are on high protein or low-fat diets definitely need more alanine, this is the same for diabetics so they can produce enough glucose.


Helps the liver to break down toxins and is also very helpful in removing excess heavy metals from the body.


2 crucial memory neurotransmitters are released by the supplementation of Serine, that being acetylcholine and dopamine. It's been found in research that supplementation of Serine can also help with improving our memory.


Believed to be responsible for increasing healing time in a wound; Proline taken with Vitamin B3 and Vitamin C is also known for decreasing some conditions called gyrate atrophy or lesions of the eye.


Arginine is able to relax blood vessels, aiding those with angina and high blood pressure problems. Arginine is also used to make muscle tissues.


For those that suffer from allergies and hay fever, they need to make sure that their histidine levels are not too high. It's been recorded in some studies that those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis have low levels of histidine by supplementing join inflammation can be reduced.

Glutamic Acid:

This is essential for healthy bodies, especially for women. The production of folic acid uses Glutamic acid. There needs to be a balance of Glutamic Acid in the body or other problems can immerge eg. Seizures.


Asparagine is necessary for the equilibrium of the nervous system. Asparagine is also required for the transforming of amino acids.


Glycine supplementation can be very beneficial for those suffering from the effects of gout as it helps break down the uric acid in the kidneys.


For those who suffer from Parkinson's disease, tyrosine which makes the neurotransmitter dopamine is found to be quite low. Tyrosine can also increase the production of the hormone noradrenaline which is found to be quite effective in the reduction of stress levels.

Aloe Vera really is a TREASURE CHEST for our mental and physical health. Make sure you use a pristine quality Aloe Vera and start digging into it today.

Extreme Depression

At its worst, depression can be extreme depression. Most people won't look for assistance for this condition until it's so extreme that it requires years to manage. Some kind of depression impacts more than 15 million Americans each and every year. The unhappy reality is that only 1/3rd of those struggling with this illness will ever look for health-related help. Evidently the age-old stereotypes elated to any psychological sickness leads these people to conceal their affliction and attempt to wish it away. The fact is that severe depression won't be wished absent. The situation will get worse and people afflicted won't be able to manage.

Numerous Americans are ashamed to confess they're afflicted. Extreme depression is no reflection on you as a human being. You are nonetheless a complete individual. Like coronary heart illness or cancer, depression is a sickness. Health-related help is needed. When depression reaches the extreme degree it merely indicates that all the regular signs and symptoms with the illness are magnified. The intensity kicks up numerous notches. Life turns out to be much more than challenging. The feelings of worthlessness start to totally eat you and pull you deeper into yourself. This sickness can't be prevented. However it can be addressed. It is important to detect it early.

The capability to determine the signs and symptoms related with depression is vital. There are numerous warning signals. One of the most apparent is the fact that the sufferer will start to draw in on their own. They discover it difficult to cope with these about them. They can't overcome their feelings of guilt, hopelessness and uselessness. They usually appear indignant and short-tempered. Within the worst instances those struggling from this illness might really feel that they hear voices or think they've been visited by Satan. Extreme depression sufferers frequently try suicide to end their ordeal. These impacted by this sickness require the help of these about them and therapy which will give them self-confidence.

Extreme depression is really a horrible illness. Those who endure it can't live regular lives. A total lack of control is really a horrible prospect. Hope is slim, but in therapy there is hope. The weapons of choice in the battle against depression are anti-depressants and therapy. Help teams may also assist. The route to a much better life begins with seeking help. It is very possible for sufferers to regain more control of their lives.

Connecting With Your Spiritual Source

In the Western world we have moved further and further away from the examination of mental processes and how they impact upon the way in which our lives unfold. This can be seen in many areas of our lives; we abrogate responsibility for how we feel to circumstances, other people - anything and everything other than ourselves and how we think.

Take health, for example. We constantly look for a physical cause and not a mental one, when in fact both physical and mental forces are likely to be working together to effect a physical symptom. Depression can be caused just as easily by how you think about things as by a chemical trigger in your brain. The two causes tend to be intertwined. But it is less painful to go to the doctor for pills than it is to take the time to introspect and examine ones thoughts and feelings or to face the reality of one's circumstances; or is it less painful? In the short term perhaps this is the case, but in the long term I very much doubt it.

And if we ignore the mental, we completely bury the spiritual. We all too easily close our minds off to this seemingly intangible aspect of the universe in which we reside. And yet, we do pay some lip service to spiritual wisdom. Most of us accept the truth in the quotes from the ancient Greeks, Buddha or other sages. Even those who are "non-believers" are happy to listen to such pearls of wisdom and accept them as the truth, whilst closing their minds to the real source of such wisdom.

In the Eastern world spirituality has been preserved throughout the centuries. And in the West, there is clearly a gradual return of spiritual awareness which can be seen in the volume of contemporary books being written on the subject and also the content of numerous television documentaries. I myself notice it in the growing number of people who purchase hypnosis downloads and hypnosis recordings relating to matters of spirituality.

Why is it so important that we grow in spiritual awareness? We are all multidimensional beings. We are mind, body and spirit. Everything in life is made up of energy and has its own energy frequency. Everything and everyone has their own electromagnetic field. We send out electrical frequencies through our very thoughts and we correspondingly magnetize electrical frequencies into our lives.

You can choose to add more power to your thoughts as you tap into the power of the universe. Some people refer to this as the collective unconscious, others think of it more in terms of a higher being. This is not at cross purposes with any religion or faith you may have. Every religion agrees that there is a higher being, a source of all things, and you can approach spirituality in the light of your particular faith. If you are not of any particular religion you can apply spirituality in a manner which is comfortable to you - be it thinking in terms of the collective unconscious, or a higher being.

Most of us are very set in our beliefs and do not question things enough. People are far more comfortable seeking a physical cause as opposed to a psychological one - let alone a spiritual one. Yet to ignore your spirit being, you ignore the real you. Your spirit is where your inner wisdom comes from. It is your higher self. You can easily tap into your spiritual side, and in so doing you will become more aligned and in tune with source, with the higher you.

There are certain laws of the universe which, once you are aware of them, you can choose to consciously apply. Sometimes this is called cosmic ordering. From a scientific viewpoint, your thoughts have energy, and as you focus on something and energize that thought with a lot of emotion and are consistent in your thoughts, you will magnetize what you want into your reality. From a spiritual perspective, as you ask the universe, the collective unconscious, the higher source for something, and believe that it will be provided, and are again consistent in your thoughts, the universe will make it happen.

A journey into spirituality will allow you to feel more in tune with your higher self, to feel aligned with source. You will feel that you can open your mind more to your inner wisdom and to the wisdom of the universe; you will find your true self, and your purpose and inspiration in life. As you pay attention to your spirit self and acknowledge who you really are you will experience an incredible feeling of freedom, inspiration and purpose in your life.

As you allow yourself to entertain the realms of spirituality you will feel that you have moved from damp darkness into warm bright sunlight.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis mp3 downloads and hypnosis recordings.