Saturday, May 11, 2013

Using Essential Oil to Fight Depression

Depression is real. It is not something to be ignored, laughed at, scoffed at, nor is it something to be ashamed of. It can come from many different causes-hormonal imbalances, diet, exposure to chemicals, as a side effect from medication, and more. There are also different kinds of depression, seasonal depression, postpartum depression, panic disorders, anxiety, and others. I'm not going to go into the various kinds and causes here. Be aware that in order to fully rid yourself of depression you will need to explore diet, environment, and your health. That's a step you can take a little further down the road. It amazed me as I researched depression how depressing many of the articles and information were that I read! I didn't have a problem with depression and then I started researching it and started feeling low. That's not what we want to do here. I want to give you some good, solid ways to use essential oils to give you a lift, a hand up, a smile, a dose of hope so that you can get to feeling better. Once you've accomplished that then you'll be in a better frame of mind to begin exploring your options to restored health.

Aromatherapy, or the use of essential oils, can have an incredible effect on your emotional outlook. We all know that scents can affect us emotionally. We use perfumes and colognes to make us more attractive. We associate memories with various smells. A newborn baby learns to identify his mother by sense of smell before his eyes are developed enough to focus. Diffusing an essential oil (spreading the aroma throughout a room) can have a profound and almost immediate effect on mood. Scent is a vital part of our lives. The limbic system is considered to be the oldest system in the human body. The limbic system is made up of several organs that together process scents and determine how the body will respond. These responses often involve emotions, especially those that are related to survival such as fear and reproductive urges. The limbic system is also tied in closely to determining which memories will be stored and how they will be recalled. The hypothalamus is also a part of the limbic system. It has a major role in monitoring and regulating hormones.

Essential oils have an aroma that activates the limbic system through smell. Essential oils also have the ability to affect our hormones. They can help us eliminate unwanted toxins from the body. They can help ease pain. They can carry oxygen to the cells of our body. Essential oils applied to the skin can be detected in the blood in as little as twenty seconds! The essential oil molecules are smaller than our cells; they permeate our bodies and affect us on a cellular level. There are ten main systems in our body: integumentary (skin), skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine (hormones), digestive, respiratory, circulatory, urinary, and reproductive and essential oils can affect them all!

Here's a quick list of essential oils that are commonly used in relieving depression:

  • Basil (especially good for manic depression and anxiety)

  • Bergamot

  • Blossom blend

  • Brain Gem blend

  • Cedarwood

  • Chamomile, Roman

  • Clary Sage

  • Frankincense

  • Geranium

  • Grapefruit

  • Helichrysum

  • Juniper Berry

  • Lavender

  • Loving Care blend

  • Marjoram (especially helpful with grief based depression)

  • Orange

  • Palmarosa

  • Peppermint (especially helpful if you can't stay awake)

  • Quiet Scent blend (especially good for when you can't sleep)

  • Ravensara

  • Rose

  • Rosemary (especially helpful if you're anxious)

  • Sandalwood

*All blends mentioned are Be Young blends.

**A warm or hot essential oil that you will want to use diluted with carrier oil before applying to the skin. If you use without a carrier and it feels hot DO NOT rinse with water, it will get hotter, apply a carrier oil to the area and it will cool it.

As you can see, there are quite a few to choose from. The best way to choose is to smell each one. If you smell an essential oil and it's just nasty smelling to you, you're not going to want to use it, you'll hesitate because it's not a pleasant experience. When you find that oil that you just want to crawl in the bottle and live there, that's the one for you! I worked with a gentleman whose oil of choice for improving his mood was Birch. Now, that's not on the list above, but Birch oil smelled like root beer to him and started him reminiscing about his childhood days and homemade root beer and always lifted his mood and made him smile. It was the perfect pick-me-up for him. Here we see the perfect example of how powerful smell is in affecting the emotions.

Diffusing an essential oil is a powerful way to impact your mood. You can set a timer so that the oil is released into the air at certain intervals. I use a diffuser that is set to diffuse fifteen minutes out of every hour. You can also purchase a pendant diffuser. This is simply a necklace made of clay you add the oil to or a hollow necklace with a wick inside you put the oil on. Some people prefer a sniff stick-it looks kind of like a tube of chap stick, but inside is a cotton wick that you add the essential oil to. Whenever you need a whiff you open it up and the aroma comes out. Some people simply carry the bottle of essential oil with them and open it up when needed, just be careful the lid doesn't come undone in your pocket so the oil spills. Find what works best for you.

Frankincense is perhaps the most often used essential oil for depression. Many people have been able to discontinue use of antidepressants by using Frankincense. First, make sure you have a 100% pure essential oil of Frankincense. Frankincense is an expensive oil so it is often cut or synthesized. If you're not familiar with the various essential oil companies, you can get a good idea of the oil's purity by its price. I recommend the Be Young brand; they stand strong against diluting an essential oil in any way before you receive it. They also regularly test their essential oils to make sure that the grower didn't dilute it before they received it. Why do you care? If you'll recall, up in the first paragraph I listed some of the causes of depression, among them are exposure to chemicals. If an essential oil is synthesized (made with chemicals) or improperly extracted (with chemicals) those chemicals are now a part of that essential oil and can be carried into every cell in your body.

This will only compound the problems you are experiencing. It is absolutely vital that you get the best essential oil you can or you may be feeding the fires of depression instead of smothering them. To use Frankincense to replace your antidepressant, every morning put a drop of Frankincense under your tongue. Carry Frankincense essential oil with you throughout the day. Some days are one drop days, some are ten drop days. If you have difficulties getting just one drop or can't handle the taste, put it in a little bit of water. You can purchase droppers that can be used with essential oils so you can control how many drops you get. Always consult with your doctor when decreasing any medication! Use an essential oil two hours before or after taking a medication so that they do not interfere with each other.

Ways to use essential oils for depression:

  • Diffuse or use the essential oil as a room spray (To make a room spray add 10-12 drops of essential oil to 1-2 ounces of filtered water in a glass spray bottle. Shake and spray. Always shake before each use and use a glass bottle as the essential oils will eat through a plastic bottle.)

  • Internally (Frankincense especially and ONLY if you are sure the oil is pure, like the Be Young brand) Apply a drop or two under the tongue, or take in a capsule filled with carrier oil

  • Apply a drop to the back of the neck and the temples

  • Use in a massage (add 5-6 drops of essential oil to an ounce of carrier oil and massage with this blend)

  • In a bath (Add 5-6 drops of your chosen essential oil to 1/4-1/2 cup bath salts or Epsom(tm) salts, then add to your bath water. Soak for twenty minutes and rinse off. Always rinse off, the combination of salt and essential oils will pull toxins from your body to the surface of the skin. If you don't rinse off you will reabsorb those toxins and may develop a rash. Always add to the salts before the water or the essential oils will float on top of the water.)

  • Simply open the bottle and inhale

  • Use as a perfume, apply a drop or two to your pulse points

  • If you're feeling anxious, apply a drop to the tops of your ears

After you start feeling better you'll want to begin modifying diet. Often depression is caused because various chemical receptors within the body are blocked by toxins. Start with the Liver Cleanse (see my article on Liver Cleanse for more information) and begin eliminating prepared foods and other harmful activities from your diet and lifestyle. A lack of calcium can often contribute to depression. Carbonated beverages (especially those in the cola category) leach calcium from the body. The neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin control depression. Trace minerals allow our bodies to use these neurotransmitters. A good source of trace minerals is Masaji(tm) (a whole food supplement created by Be Young, it also contains Frankincense and Rose essential oils.)

Some fun recipe blends you may want to try:

Recipe #1

10 drops Bergamot

5 drops Clary Sage

2 drops Rose

(Note, Bergamot can cause photosensivity in some individuals, avoid direct exposure of skin with Bergamot oil applied to it to the sun or tanning beds for 24 hours. As long as the skin is covered by clothing you should be fine.)

Recipe #2 (guilt and depression)

15 drops Geranium

5 drops Lavender

10 drops Bergamot

This should give you some good ideas. Don't allow yourself to get overwhelmed, pick one direction and give it a try, give it a week or so and then evaluate yourself-no change, try a different oil; some change, add something in addition to; great change, congratulations! Start making modifications (slowly, one step at a time) to your diet and environment and enjoy your journey to health and happiness!

Learn More About HIV Anxiety - Finally Understand What it Means

HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is one of the most dreaded viruses in the world because its development leads to the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or more popularly known as AIDS. Since its discovery in the 1980s, AIDS has become one of the most fatal diseases in the world. It has already taken the lives of millions of people all over the world. This can be attributed to the fact that there is no cure for AIDS.

HIV is transmitted to different means. The most common means of HIV transmission is through sexual contact. It can also be transmitted through blood transfusion or childbirth. Various symptoms can be attributed to HIV. The most common symptoms are rapid weight loss, swollen lymph glands in the groin, armpits, or neck, unexplained fatigue, recurring fever or night sweats, and diarrhea that lasts for more than a week.

Since sexual contact is the most common means of transmission of HIV, people who had unprotected sexual relations with multiple partners or with sexual workers experience HIV anxiety. This means that they experience excessive worrying about having HIV. They regularly check for any symptoms of HIV that they may have. As a result of this excessive worrying, they lose sleep and experience depression.

HIV anxiety deprives people the chance to live a normal life. It interferes with their personal as well as professional life. Due to this anxiety, people cannot perform their ordinary or normal functions properly because of incessant worrying about having HIV. What is worse is when they develop some of the symptoms related to HIV. This will lead to more worrying and to the exacerbation of their depression.

The best way to deal with it is to get tested. One has to subject oneself to an HIV test. However, having subjected oneself to an HIV test does not always result to the termination of HIV anxiety. In fact, there are cases where people who have been tested negative for HIV still continue to worry about having it. The continuous existence of some HIV related symptoms might be attributed to this.

In cases where there is still continuous anxiety of having HIV despite a negative test result in the HIV test, therapy sessions are recommended by professionals. This continuous anxiety of having AIDS may be triggered by stress or chemical imbalances in the body. Hence, it is important to seek professional advice on this matter to know if one is required to take medication. One also has to do ones part in coping with this anxiety such as having a well-balanced meal, lessening caffeine, and performing relaxing methods such as meditation or yoga.

HIV anxiety might be difficult to deal with especially if it interferes too much in ones personal and professional life. However, it can be treated and its adverse effects can be alleviated or stopped. It must also be remembered that prevention is better than cure. Hence, always practice safe sex if one is unsure that ones sexual partner is HIV free.

Signs and Symptoms of Depression You Should Know About

Depression can be a very debilitating disorder, and is commonly overlooked as something minor. There are many aspects of life that depression affects, including social life, work life and well-being. Many people try to tell someone dealing with depression to just snap out of it, or force your way to do something. However, things just aren't that simple when you're dealing with clinical depression. At some point in time in everybody's life they will experience depression, but clinical depression is much different, and it is something that stays with you throughout your life. For people who don't have clinical depression it can be hard to understand exactly what the person is going through.

The following are some common signs and symptoms of depression:

Changes in your thinking: often times someone who is dealing with depression will find that their thinking patterns have changed. You may also find that it is harder for you to concentrate or focus on anything. Decision-making can often times become more difficult simply because you don't care anymore.

Changes in your feelings: when you're in the midst of depression your feelings will often change, you may notice that the biggest change would be in the way of feeling very sad all the time. You may also notice that things that once used to bring you pleasure have stopped doing so.

Changes in your behaviors: you may also notice changes in your behaviors during periods of depression. One of the major changes you may notice is that you start to seclude yourself more often. Entering into a state of seclusion for long periods of times can be very damaging to both your mental and emotional health. You may also notice changes in your appetite whether it be eating more or eating less, as well as a change in your sleep which could be sleeping more or sleeping less. You might also notice a decrease in personal hygiene and a decrease in your sexual drive.

Changes in physical well-being: you might start to notice that you are having a problem with chronic fatigue even though you're getting more sleep than usual. You may also find that you lay awake and are not able to fall asleep at all. There are also times that you may feel physical pains, such as stomach pains, and aches and pains in your neck, shoulders and back.

These are only a few symptoms that someone with depression may be experiencing, there are many more signs and symptoms that you can go in-depth with that are not mentioned here. If you are having any of these signs or symptoms that are lasting for more than two weeks it is advisable to seek out professional help. If you know someone who is experiencing these symptoms it may be in the person's best interests that you recommend the person seek out professional help. This is just a general overview of symptoms of depression there is so much more to learn and understand about depression.

Depression in Teens - Quick Tips To Help You Spot It And Cure It Fast

Depression in teens can be very hard to recognise. Read on to find out the symptoms to look for, how to build a support network for your teenager and what you will need to do to get yourself and your child through this difficult time if you think they may be suffering from depression in teens.

  • Step1: Get informed. The most common causes of depression in teens are... the loss a close family member, a family history of depression, an unstable upbringing, an abusive parent or career and any pre-existing behavioural or attention disorders can also contribute. Girls are more likely to suffer than boys, but boys are less likely to discuss their problems or any feelings of depression. If it goes untreated, depression in teens can become extremely serious. In some cases the depression has worsened, it can lead to depression in adulthood and it increases the risk of suicidal tendencies. Make sure you read as much information as possible. Don't assume it's a phase, depression in teens must be taken seriously and treated.

  • Step 2: The symptoms. The following symptoms can be signs of depression in teens... spending more time alone, not spending time with friends, a noticeable lack of enthusiasm, more tired than usual, a bleak outlook on life, change in diet (eating more/less), insomnia or oversleeping, tired and fatigued, trouble with memory and concentration, easily frustrated and irritable. If your teen has constantly displayed more than three of these symptoms for more than two weeks they may be suffering from depression in teens and it's time to take action.

  • Step 3: Building a support network. Try talking to your teenager, try to get to the bottom of the way they're feeling, but don't push too hard. This may be difficult as they may not want to share their feelings. If you have a close relationship with one of your son or daughters friends, they can help you understand whether your child is a depression sufferer-try talking to them they may have the answers. Try to be there for you child as much as possible, share the burden with your spouse and other family members. You could even involve their close friends in the group, the more support your teenager has the more secure they will feel.

  • Step 4: Beating depression. If you think your child may be suffering from depression in teens, it's time to get help. Visit your doctor and get your child diagnosed. Your doctor will be able to tell the various forms of medication available. Be sure to also enquire about the possibility of talking therapies as a cure. CBT: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is one of the most successful ways of dealing with and helping to cure depression in teens. You may also be able to offer your teen some alternative remedies. St Johns Wort is a natural antidepressant that may help to make your son/daughter start to feel better. Try to make their life fun, and less stressful. Remember... the small things you do will make a big difference.

I hope my advice has helped you realise that depression in teens is treatable and that there is a lot of help out there for you and your child. Click on the links below if you would like more information on Depression in Teens.

Using Reiki to Alleviate the Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Dealing with depression can be lonely and devastating. Depression manifests in many ways depending on the individual. Once you're in its grips, any chance of recovery may seem hopeless; it seems as though there is no escape from it. Most people who suffer with depression alleviate the symptoms with prescription meditations but there is an alternative approach to treatment that is centuries old.

This ancient remedy is called Reiki.

Reiki, which is spiritually guided Life Force Energy, heals on both an emotional and physical level. Its results are profound and deeply healing. With Reiki, you are inviting spirit to help heal you through a Reiki practitioner who places their hands on or above your body.

Reiki has healed virtually every illness known to man and its results are truly life-changing.

A Reiki treatment brings about a feeling of peace, warmth and relaxation. Many people have felt more than one set of hands on them during a treatment - which of course is spirit assisting the practitioner. This is not an uncommon occurrence during Reiki.

Reiki removes energy blockages and negativities from the mind and body and replaces them with powerfully healing Life Force Energy, which animates all living things. Without Life Force Energy, we couldn't survive.

When the Life Force Energy in our body slows down and becomes stagnant, illness, sickness and disease occur. Reiki energy enters the body and breaks up and releases stagnant energy, replacing it with healthy vibrant energy.

Beating depression doesn't mean a lifetime of prescription drugs. You can fight depression by taking a holistic approach. Reiki is truly a powerful and deeply healing alternative.

Friday, May 10, 2013

What Is A Good Way To Curb Depression Without Meds?

Mood-lifting drugs are not the only means you can cope with depression. Drugs, if you must know, contain many toxic ingredients that can damage your internal organs. They also come with side effects, some of which are even life-threatening. Unless you are experiencing depression in its severe form, experts would suggest taking other mood-lifting measures instead.

If you must know, there are safer alternatives to medications, and they come in the form of vitamins. Yes, vitamins, especially the B-Vitamins, Vitamin C and Vitamin D, can help greatly in curbing depression.

The B-Vitamins and Depression

The role of the B-Vitamins in preventing and treating depression cannot at all be taken for granted. Studies are showing that depressed individuals are found to be deficient in these essential vitamins. The body does not produce and store these B-vitamins, after all, and so the vitamins that we can get from foods are easily destroyed by alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and refined sugar. As we age, our bodies become less able to absorb these vitamins, too, the reason why depression is very common among the older group.

Making up the family of B-Vitamins that are essential in depression treatment are:

  • Vitamin B1. Known also as Thiamine, Vitamin B1 specifically takes charge in converting blood sugar into useful energy. Too much consumption of refined sugar reduces Vitamin B1 levels, resulting to fatigue, irritability, confusion, memory loss, difficulty sleeping, depression and anxiety (sometimes with suicidal thoughts). To keep the levels up, make sure to have 100 mg of Thiamine a day.

  • Vitamin B3. Otherwise called Niacin, Vitamin B3 is needed to ensure a healthy metabolism. It also helps clear the body of toxins. Niacin is abundant in commercially-prepared food items, but the body can still become deficient of this vitamin somehow. People who lack Niacin can become depressed, agitated or anxious. In severe Niacin deficiency, schizophrenia or psychosis may result.

  • Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine is involved in the production of serotonin, a chemical in the brain that regulates mood. Drugs, alcohol and oral contraceptives can affect the absorption of Vitamin B6. Although severe deficiency in this vitamin is not usual, people who lack Pyridoxine are found to be weak, irritable, nervous, depressed, and many of them have cracked lips and skin and mouth disorders.

  • Vitamin B9. Vitamin B9 or Folic Acid is necessary in synthesizing DNA and the formation of cells, especially red blood cells. It also supports the central nervous system, preventing neural defects in babies. Folic Acid deficiency, which manifests in insomnia, fatigue, confusion, anemia, gingivitis, loss of appetite, and hair loss, can occur as a result of stress, and consumption of alcoholic beverages, drugs, birth control pills, anticonvulsants, and aspirin.

  • Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 or Cobalamin, the last of the B-vitamin, is definitely not the least important. Like Folic Acid, Cobalamin is also involved in the formation of red blood cells, which is essential in the health of the nervous system. Deficiency in Cobalamin, which is often due to the inability of the intestine to absorb the vitamin, manifests in anemia, mouth and tongue sores, tingling, depression, confusion, memory loss, and weakness.

Vitamin C and Depression

Another key vitamin in the fight against depression is Vitamin C. Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid helps in the production of serotonin, earning it the title "natural antidepressant". Only a gram of ascorbic acid a day is necessary to bring about significant reduction in depression symptoms.

Vitamin D and Depression

Seasonal depression is a type of depression that occurs during the winter months. It is believed that not getting enough sunshine is what causes this type of depression. Individuals suffering from this type of depression appear to have low levels of Vitamin D. Consuming Vitamin D supplements, therefore, can prevent bouts of depression especially during the cold months.

The Good Credit Foreclosure Crisis

Two or three years ago, all anyone could talk about was the housing market. It was booming. Builders were building, buyers were buying, and lenders were lending. Everybody was making money hand over fist, and everybody loved it.

It didn't last. The market started to lag in 2006 and has only gotten worse in the first half of 2007. Some experts maintain that the market is just returning to normal after a strong surge and that there's nothing to worry about. Others, believing that the housing market is an indicator of the future of the rest of the market, are beginning to utter the unutterable word that starts with r: recession.

One thing is clear. This is not just a slight dip in the housing market. When slight dips occur, contractors are the first to be hurt, then the lenders, and buyers sometimes suffer a little bit. This time, current owners are getting into the mix. Foreclosures are at an all-time high, and it seems to be affecting everyone in the market. Whether you're an owner with bad credit, an investor, or an owner with good credit, the national figures have you at risk of foreclosure. Nationally, there is currently one foreclosure for every 134 households, which represents an increase of over 55% from the same time last year.

It isn't surprising or particularly unnerving that borrowers with bad credit are late on their payments or have already gone to foreclosure. They are, of course, the first borrowers who can be expected to have difficulties. Bad credit borrowers are the perfect prey for predatory lenders using aggressive lending tactics. They hooked borrowers looking to get in on the housing boom a few years ago when those same borrowers never had a chance at a mortgage earlier in their lives. During the housing boom they were able to borrow at subprime rates and the lenders got rich.

Although subprime rates and strong-arm tactics have been around for decades, the extreme slowdown in the housing market seems to have increasingly magnified the problem of late. Legislators are taking action to cut down on the practice. Congresswoman Deborah Price (R-Columbus, Ohio) has cosponsored a bill to help protect homebuyers from fraud in the mortgage market. She says that "Ohio's foreclosure rate is now three times the national average, one in six subprime loans is delinquent, and the problem is expected to worsen." Ohio is definitely at the center of the housing crisis, but states from coast to coast and in all different types of economies are suffering as well.

Real estate investors have greatly contributed to the current situation. Although this is to be expected during difficulties in housing markets, hundreds of thousands of homes and condos now stand empty because these investors got caught and were unable to flip their newly acquired properties. These investors bought property during the tail end of the housing boom at prices and rates that were much higher than in recent past. As prices eased, and in some areas began to fall, these investors are now forced to sell property for less than they bought it, causing them to lose money and some are defaulting on their mortgage payments because they can no longer afford to make them.

What really has a lot of industry experts nervous is the number of home owners with good credit who are foreclosing on their properties. At the epicenter of the housing industry's downturn is Countrywide Financial, one of the largest lenders in the country, who on July 24th, 2007, issued some of the worst news for the housing market in recent memory. While they confirmed the bad news that subprime borrowers were delinquent at record rates, they also surprised many in the financial sector when they announced that 5.4% of their loans to borrowers with good credit were past due. Countrywide was forced to reduce the value of their loans and assets by almost $1 billion. Their stock plummeted, dropping almost 10% in a single day.

Countrywide's announcement has a lot of people scrambling. The words of Chairman and CEO Angelo Mozillo may be the most troubling. On the day of the announcement he said that home sale prices were dropping "almost like never before, with the exception of the Great Depression." Investors shook their heads as they knew any mention of the Great Depression from a high-ranking CEO of a financial company was going to send the Dow plummeting by triple digits.

While many in the market are scratching their heads and asking why borrowers with good credit are defaulting on their payments, Ron Borg, CEO of says the reasons are simple. "There are 3 simple reasons for the tremendous increase in defaults on "good credit" mortgages", says Mr. Borg. "One reason has been the popularity of the Pay Option ARM. While the loan itself is not necessarily a bad loan, three particular features of the loan greatly contribute to defaults on this type of loan".

Mr. Borg continues, "See, the borrower's interest rate adjusts monthly and the rate is determined by adding a "margin" to a specified "index". The "index" is typically a short term bond such as the rate on the U.S. 1 year treasury-bill or other index such as the London inter-bank offered rate, which also based on short term interest rates. Over the past year and a half, short term interest rates have risen approximately 4%! That's a tremendous increase for most people.

Mr. Borg says that the second factor affecting Option ARM defaults is that mortgage lenders and brokers compensation is directly tied to the margin. The margin is the amount of interest that is added to the index which in turn, determines the borrower's actual interest rate. "Most borrowers have absolutely no idea that margins are negotiable" Mr. Borg states. He says that "Margins can vary from 2 ½% to as high as 6 ½%. Most indexes today hover around 5%, so you can easily see why so many borrowers are hurting."

The third feature of the loan is that it is improperly marketed, says Ron Borg. "Companies advertise that it comes with a very low rate, under 2%. This is completely misleading consumers", he says. "The fact is, that "interest rate" lasts for one whole month. After that it becomes nothing more than a calculation to figure a borrower's minimum monthly payment. Unfortunately, that minimum monthly payment isn't enough to even pay the monthly interest on the loan and negative amortization occurs." he says. That is when the balance of the loan actually goes up instead of down. "While this may be a valid short term strategy, thousands of borrowers got sucked in because of that low payment without regard to the consequences. Now they're hurting.

Another part of the foreclosure story is the proliferation of mortgage lead companies.. These companies created websites, spent millions of dollars to drive Internet users to their sites, promised better rates because lenders would compete for their business. "Consumers really don't understand how these companies operate", says Mr. Borg. He says that lenders pay huge advertising dollars to be part of these website companies.

"They receive so many leads from these lead companies, and they pay so much for those leads, that they cannot afford to hire experienced mortgage loan officers. Most hire sales or customer reps rather than actual loan officers. Some companies even outsource these jobs overseas!" he said. These reps are there to sell mortgages, not to provide any level of advice or consultation. Mr. Borg continued. They just want to sell loans. They don't worry about building a client base that can refer more business to them because each and every day they get new batch of leads, provided by the lead generating website company. Experienced loan officers work much differently - they provide consultation and a true desire to provide the best financing package for their borrower's particular needs."

While a large portion of borrowers that apply through lead generation websites have sub-prime credit, many are not borrowing on subprime loans and for the most part they don't have other properties to pay off or lose money on. Common sense would dictate that an individual with good credit would know to stay away from unscrupulous lenders. However, many borrowers with good credit have been lured by the promises of super low interest rates and the competitive environment offered by lead generators when they were looking for a mortgage during the housing boom of the past few years.

The nation had never before seen such a great housing boom in the era of the internet. The internet did not create any new lenders, but it did create a plethora of new lead generators. These are basically websites that get paid by lenders to find possible borrowers and direct them to the lenders. However, the tactics they use and the way these lead generators market themselves may have had an adverse effect even on borrowers with good credit, contributing to the current poor housing market. is a perfect example. Potential borrowers go to their website, provide their personal financial information and then are contacted by a variety of lenders. Their slogan is that "When Banks Compete, You Win." One glaring problem with this business model is that your online application is forwarded to multiple lenders within their network and then each lender makes a credit inquiry on the borrowers", says Mr. Borg.

The problem is that multiple credit inquiries in a short period of time hurt the borrower's credit score. This can sometimes result in less optimal mortgage rates, especially if a quick decision is not made. Furthermore, such sites can be very secretive about what they're doing. They claim that multiple credit inquiries is not a problem and simply push the borrower to make a decision, good or bad; after all, they get paid when customers choose any lender from their site.

Recently, some companies are looking to provide borrowers with similar services as these lead generators but without the risk. is a good example. They offer multiple lender quotes but without the multiple credit inquiries. Instead of submitting credit inquiries to the lenders, they pull the borrower's credit score themselves and manually calculate each rate quote. The borrower gets more accurate quotes and their credit only gets accessed once.

The third reason for the rising foreclosure rate, of course, is the market itself. Mr. Borg had this to say - "While all the politicians are now grandstanding about predatory lending and looking to regulate the problem away, the fact is, if real estate continued to appreciate, most of the problems of today simply wouldn't exist. But when you combine increasing mortgage balances with declining home values, well, let just say, you're going to see some problems."

Menopause Depression

Women who are approaching the menopausal stage are at a higher risk for depression, and two current studies show strong evidence that hormonal changes may be at least partially to blame. Both studies followed women through menopausal transition called perimenopause. Women in the studies did not have history of depression but their risk of developing indicators of depression significantly increased during these years.

Depression is a disease that due to biological factors such as hormones in the brain, particularly serotonin, that regulate the mood. There are times that levels of serotonin may drop causing fluctuations in mood and severe episodes of depression. People who suffer from depression experience intense feelings of hopelessness, melancholy, and sadness for lingering periods of time, which is at least two weeks. This disease can lead to range of symptoms and can have terrible effects on a person's life including isolation, physical ailments, and even suicide.

Menopause can set off feelings of sadness and episodes of depression in some women. It is said that anywhere between eight percent and fifteen percent of menopausal women experience some for of depression. Menopause depression causes are still on debate and has had theories and assumptions of why so many menopausal women experience mood disorders.

One theory of menopause depression is that the stress of menopause symptoms leads to depression. Some women find it hard to manage on their own symptoms of menopause as they already have to deal with work, family, finances, and friends, let alone the big physical change, causing the onset of depression.

Another theory on menopause depression connects the illness with irregular levels of hormones in the body. All through the menopausal stage, levels of progesterone, estrogen, and androgen are continuously changing. These hormones are believed to be associated with the mood centers in the brain. As hormones drop, mainly estrogen, a woman experience periods of sadness and hopelessness. A number of women experience severe drop in mood which results to depression.

Women in the stage of menopause have an increased risk of developing menopause depression if they have a history of mood disorders. Those who have been depressed before, particularly during their twenty's, are more probable to see the depression reoccur. Those who have gone through surgical menopause are also at a higher risk of menopause depression. Surgery cause a significant drop in estrogen levels in addition to increased anxiety and symptoms. Women smokers, or have young children, or under a lot of stress, are more prone to develop some form of depression during this time.

Seeking help immediately when experiencing menopause depression is very much advised, there will be a number of alternatives available to help reduce the symptoms and assist in letting women get enjoyment out of life again. Menopause depression diagnosed is the first step to begin living a happy life after menopause.

What Can I Do To Overcome My Depression Without Taking Medicine?

Overcoming depression without taking medicine can be a big challenge if what you are having is more than just the blues as they call it. Depression occurs in different levels you see. There is a mild form of depression that requires no medical treatment. But moderate and severe forms of depression have to be properly addressed so the problem can be controlled. The extreme feeling of sadness can after all turn into a serious mood disorder without hallucinations and suicidal tendencies. In such cases, a combination of psychotherapy and mood stabilizers is prescribed.

The issue with medicines is that they often come with adverse reactions. It's not surprising then that people will want to seek alternative treatments. If you'd rather go the alternative route, here are some options:

  • Include B-Vitamins in your diet. It has been found that not having enough Vitamin B1, B3, B5, B6, B9, and B12 in your body can cause depression. It only makes sense, therefore, to include these essential vitamins in your diet. More specifically:

  • Vitamin B1 or Thiamine helps with depression by enabling the conversion of glucose (blood sugar) into energy. People who lack this essential vitamin are not only depressed, they are said to experience fatigue as well.

  • Vitamin B3 or Niacin detoxifies the body and contributes to a healthy metabolism. When your body is deficient of Niacin, depression may set in and may even progress to a more serious mood disorder.

  • Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic Acid is responsible in hormone production and hormones play a very important role in regulating depression. You can help fight fatigue and stress when you have enough vitamin B5 in your body.

  • Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine is needed in the production of serotonin, a brain chemical that apparently affects mood, as well as in enzyme-regulation. Enzymes, as you know, play a very important role not just in mental health but in general well-being. You need this particular Vitamin when your immunity level is running low.

  • Vitamin B9 or Folic Acid is highly recommended for pregnant women. It's believed that this essential vitamin helps prevent neural defects. It is also used in the treatment of depression.

  • Vitamin B12 or Cobalamin helps to address anemia as it is involved in the production of red blood cells. Anemia can cause depression, confusion, hallucination, mood swings, and paranoia. At the same time, it can also be a consequence of lack of sleep and loss of appetite due to depression.

  • Get more Vitamin C in your body. Vitamin C not only boosts your body's immunity, it is also involved in the production of serotonin, a chemical in the brain.

  • Get enough sunshine. Expose yourself to early morning sunlight to activate as much Vitamin D in your body as possible.

  • Cut back on sugar. This makes you high only temporarily, but when the feeling subsides, it can also make you feel very low. While cutting back on sugar, do not be fooled by food items labeled as sugar-free. Most of these use chemically-formulated sugar alternatives which if truth be told are not at all any better than table or refined sugar.

  • De-clutter. Too much stuff crowds your mind. Too much clutter in your home contributes to your depression. Commit to changing your bad habits. Organize your time so that you get to have time for everything, including yourself. Make time for yourself and get rid of ghosts in your life. Get rid of stuff in your cabinet, too. If there are things in your wardrobe you have not used in such a long time, it only means you don't need them anymore. So find some people who do. Donate them to charity.

Depression Can Be Fatal If Left Untreated

Who is susceptible to depression? The answer to that is everyone - men, women, children, and the elderly. This illness does not play favorites. It is true that women, on average, are twice as likely to be diagnosed than men; however, men are less likely to seek out treatment. Men tend to commit suicide about four times more often than women. The elderly are another largely untreated population. Their symptoms are often just written off as a result of old age. This is not always the case.

Despite common belief that someone with this illness can just snap out of it at will, this is not true. There is no one thing that is responsible for this disease. It can be genetic and run in families. People with a trauma history and people in chronic pain are susceptible to depression. Other causes include medication and thyroid disease.

When neurotransmitters are too weak or when there are not enough of them, these chemical messengers cannot pass messages between the neurons effectively. You can think of it as being like talking on your cell phone in an area where there is spotty service.

If you or someone you know experience any of the symptoms for more than a two-week period of time, seek medical attention. Some of the symptoms of depression include lack of interest in previously enjoyable activities, isolation, difficulty concentrating or remembering, being irritable, feeling worthless and hopeless, gaining or losing more than 5% of your weight on a month, lack of energy, sleeping too much or having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, thinking about death and suicide, physical pain, digestive problems, headache and hurting all over.

Other forms of the disorder include postpartum and childhood depression, bipolar disorder and seasonal affective disorder. Postpartum depression can be confusing to new mothers because they feel that they should be happy for having a new baby. In reality, they feel horrible and like they are walking through sludge just to meet the needs of the baby. Children often show that they are depressed through behavior. It is very important to notice and act on any changes in the behavior of children. Children do not usually express how they are feeling verbally because they have not developed the vocabulary to do so. Bipolar disorder runs in families and has periods of elation and dark moods. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is caused by lack of exposure to sunlight. Most people with SAD live in the northern latitudes and experience it during the long, dark winters.

The good news is that treatment is possible. In fact, about 80% of people respond to treatment. The most effective treatment is a combination of behavioral therapy and medication. Stress management, meditation, eating right, exercising and taking time to do enjoyable activities act as preventatives.

Depression is not just a harmless illness. It can be fatal if left untreated. It is nothing to be ashamed of and it certainly is not your fault anymore than it is the fault of a diabetic for needing insulin. If someone you know or if you experience any of the symptoms of depression for two weeks, seek medical advice.

Symptoms of Atypical Depression

Depression has many forms and one of them is called atypical depression. It is similar in some ways but differs in many as well. It can still completely interfere with a person's life but in different ways. For example, atypical depression symptoms include overeating versus not feeling hungry and hypersomnia instead of insomnia. If you have this condition you will most likely still feel lonely, sad and withdrawn. Atypical depression can interfere and destroy a persons life just like regular depression can and it should be treated as soon a possible. People with this condition describe themselves as feeling paralyzed and numb all over.

If you have atypical depression your arms and legs may feel extremely heavy and tired all the time. A person with atypical depression can feel better and their mood can improve when something good happens, but it doesn't usually last for very long. This is called mood reactivity. For instance, they can go out to a movie or a restaurant and have a great time and everything seems fine. However, when they are home or alone they will feel depressed again. It is believed that atypical depression usually begins affecting a person early in their life as opposed to the typical form of depression.

It is considered a chronic syndrome and can begin when a person reaches their teenage years. It is also believed that it can cause more functional impairment than you will find in people with other types of depression. Atypical depression can completely interfere with a person's social and professional life. It makes them feel useless and they avoid interacting with others because they are afraid of saying or doing something wrong that will get them negative attention. This condition tends to affect more women than it does men with about seventy percent of all cases reported being women. A person that suffers from atypical depression is more likely to have other disorders such as avoidant personality disorders, social phobias and panic attacks.

If you or someone you know may be suffering from atypical depression then make arrangements to see your doctor as soon a possible. When talking to your doctor you need to tell him or her all of your symptoms so you can be diagnosed correctly. For example, if you leave out the part about wanting to sleep all the time or that you stay hungry then he may believe you have a different form of depression. The same treatments can be used for different types of depression, but some things may be done differently so it is important to know which type you have. Receiving the right treatment is the key to having a normal happy life so you can enjoy all the things that you were meant to enjoy in life.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Health Insurance - Treatment for Manic Depression

Lithium is a well known medication used by doctors to treat manic depression and mood disorder symptoms in hopes of lessening the severity of symptoms or even preventing them altogether. Patients who take lithium must take the prescribed dosage with regularity and not miss a dose for optimal performance and well being. The doctor should be contacted in the event that those taking Lithium have problems such as fainting, vomiting, extreme thirst or begin to show signs of hallucinations. Health insurance plans with prescription drug coverage should help in the purchase of this medication.

The most common side effects reported by patients taking Lithium are nausea, weakness and a sort of clumsiness, all in the mildly annoying range of severity. Even so, if a patient taking Lithium experiences changes or new side effects then it is a good idea to let the doctor know to ensure the well being of the patient. Different medications affect people in different ways and until it is known how the patient responds to Lithium, it is wise to tell the doctor of any new events. Patients with health insurance policies in places will likely be able to afford this medication if the doctor prescribes it to them.

Insurance companies are growing and changing day by day to better meet the needs of the consumers they serve. Prescription medications such as Lithium are typically affordable with the assistance of the health insurance policy that is in place to cover the patient and family. Health insurance plans will typically pay up to around 80 percent of prescription drug costs, leaving a small percentage for the consumer to pick up. This enables many people to afford prescription medications such as Lithium that they might not have been able to pay for otherwise.

Lithium is one of many medications used in the treatment of a variety of mood disorders and manic depression symptoms. The hope is that Lithium will lessen the severity of the symptoms and also prevent attacks or symptoms from happening in the first place. Health insurance companies have made great strides in recent years with their coverage of medications meant to treat mental health issues. As recently as ten years ago this was not a common practice, in fact most of all mental health claims would be flatly denied not too long ago. Now health insurance companies recognize the needs and are working to help improve the quality of life for patients taking such medications as Lithium.

If you need assistance in locating coverage that covers Lithium, please visit our website at and provide your contact information so we may respond to your request.

Depression Symptoms - Symptoms of Depression Revealed

It's common to feel down from time to time, but it's less common to suffer feelings of despair and emptiness that won't go away, even if you change your circumstances. Depression is more than just a case of the blues. It's a low feeling that makes it hard to enjoy life or even to function on a day to day basis. When friends and hobbies are no longer interesting, you feel exhausted on a regular basis, and it's hard to get through your day, you may be suffering from the signs of depression. Let's take a closer look at them.

Learning about the signs of depression and what you can do about them is the first step to overcoming your problem. Depression may make you feel extremely sad, or just listless and numb. It takes over your life, makes it hard to have fun, sleep, eat, study, or do just about anything. Intense, unrelenting feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and other negative emotions are extremely common. These are just some of the signs of depression.

When you're depressed, your sleep will be disrupted. Some people can't sleep, while others sleep all the time. Easy tasks become hard and concentration becomes more difficult. You may feel helpless or without hope, and unable to control your negative thoughts. Food is affected by depression, as well. Some people lose their appetites, while others distract themselves with food or feel hungry frequently. Irritability and short temperateness are common, and you may think your life's not worth living. You could feel either keyed up and agitated or sluggish and listless.

Depression is a major risk for suicide, but just because you're depressed doesn't mean that you are suicidal. The two things are connected, but not the same condition. If you've experienced suicidal thoughts or impulses, it's important to get help of some kind, but it can be extremely hard. Make sure that people take you seriously, even though it's difficult to talk about openly. Remember that seeking treatment doesn't mean you're weak, and it doesn't mean you have to be medicated or institutionalized. There are lots of ways to help get over the symptoms of depression that don't require drugs.

Simple changes in your lifestyle, talking with others, getting a support group, and learning to deal with your illness are all ways that you can help with the symptoms of depression without having to get into medication and its side effects. Just taking care of yourself by getting regular exercise, plenty of sleep, and a good diet can really make a difference. Of course, it won't fix everything, and you will still have to fight the signs of depression, but these things can help. If you feel like you may have depression, you need to do something about it as soon as possible.

Food Allergies - How to Deal, Ways to Heal

I've heard from countless readers and clients that they suffer multiple food allergies and would appreciate any tips on dealing with them. This article goes beyond ingredient substitutions, offering ways to handle and potentially heal food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities. But first, some definitions:

A true food allergy involves a specific reaction in the immune system (that part of the body responsible for attacking invaders). An allergy occurs when the body mistakenly identifies a harmless substance (antigen) as a threat. The body then creates an antibody, damages cells, and causes a release of histamine. This process, rather than the antigen itself, causes harm. Symptoms of food allergy can include asthma, nasal congestion, digestive woes or, most seriously, anaphylactic shock. If you suffer a severe food allergy, lifelong avoidance might remain necessary.

More people suffer from food intolerances than true allergies. Intolerances can result in a wider variety of symptoms, including respiratory distress, depression, migraines, arthritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), among others. Unlike food allergies, which usually result in immediate symptoms, intolerances can reveal themselves "subtly" even several weeks after ingesting a particular food. As with food allergies, intensities can range from temporary, mild discomfort from too much of a certain food, to celiac disease?a severely damaging intestinal intolerance to any and all glutens (the proteins found in wheat and other grains like barley, spelt and rye).

Food sensitivities can arise from chemical compounds like MSG, caffeine, sugar, or food additives. These substances act like drugs, with some people having lower thresholds than others. The line between food sensitivities and intolerances often blurs, though, since many food intolerances arise from reactions to chemicals like sulfites, nitrates, salicylates, or amines. In Eat Right 4 Your Type, Dr. Peter D'Adamo discusses food sensitivities in relation to blood types. He theorizes that certain components of food, called lectins, react negatively with particular blood types. According to his research, lectins introduced into an incompatible blood type can result in symptoms like abnormal cell growth (cancer), insulin issues, digestive irritation, heart disease, compromised immune system and rheumatoid arthritis. Dr. D'Adamo does not consider his observations "the only factor" in maintaining health but believes blood type can play a key role in determining how food affects us. On a side note, Dr. D'Adamo recommends a strict vegetarian diet for Blood Type A, which comprises about 40% of the world's population, compared to the estimated .2-4% of the world currently classified as "vegan."

Many people use the terms "allergy," "intolerance," and "sensitivity" interchangeably, and indeed, treatments and testing often overlap. The most common method of identifying food issues involves an Elimination Diet in which the patient removes all common or suspected allergens from the diet for a set period of time. If symptoms improve, the patient then reintroduces foods and records effects. This technique works fine if one or two main, common food allergens cause the symptoms; however, in the case of multiple triggers or intolerances (which can take weeks to manifest) the Elimination Diet can prove cumbersome and less effective. But there is still hope.

The following suggestions helped me overcome my own allergies, and I've seen them help many clients and friends as well:

"Go Raw" or take digestive enzymes. Each raw food carries its own enzymes necessary for digestion. When heat destroys these enzymes through cooking, our pancreas works overtime, creating "digestive enzymes" to break down food. (Humans have the largest pancreas relative to body weight in the entire animal kingdom.) If the pancreas becomes fatigued, inadequately digested food particles arrive in the intestines. From there, undigested protein molecules sometimes enter the blood stream and cause an immune response. Low stomach acid can also result in incomplete digestion, and some people find raw blended greens a natural means of improving hydrochloric acid levels. (For more information on green smoothies, read Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko.) Some foods have enzyme inhibitors and need to be soaked in order to activate their enzymes. A few actually digest easier when cooked. If you don't like raw foods or have minimal access to them, digestive enzyme supplements taken right before meals can also reduce your pancreatic load until you get back on track.

Control Candida. Commonly known as "yeast," Candida albicans exists in the digestive tracts of all humans. Antibiotics, birth control pills, stress, and sugar can result in Candida Overgrowth, causing Leaky Gut Syndrome, food intolerances/allergies, thrush, "yeast infections" and a host of other symptoms. Though difficult to eradicate, Candida does hate oil of oregano, pau d'arco, sugar restriction, and probiotics like L-acidophilus and B-bifidus. For more information, you can read The Yeast Connection: A Medical Breakthrough by Dr. William G. Crook. From a Medical Intuitive perspective, I've also noticed Candida resonates with "victim." As people empower themselves and curb feelings of victimization, Candida symptoms often dramatically improve.

Cleanse your Body. Even though vegan diets tend to be "cleaner" than the Standard American Diet, at times we can pass a threshold of toxic or allergenic overload. Maybe it's hay fever season, we lived entirely on Tofutti last summer, have black mold in our home, or accidentally ate larvae on organic produce. Ewwww!!! Hey, sometimes it happens! A friend of mine always quotes Harry Potter's Hagrid: "Better out than in!" Whether through a full parasite cleanse, a one-day-a-week fast, or gentle herbal support, food sensitivities implore us to lighten our load. Macrobiotic principles suggest people chew food well and detox with the seasons: Liver/Gall Bladder (Spring); Heart/Small intestines (Summer); Spleen-Pancreas/Stomach (Late Summer); Lungs/Large Intestine (Fall); Kidneys/Bladder (Winter). For more information on cleansing with the seasons, I recommend The Self-Healing Cookbook, by Kristina Turner.

Cleanse your Mind. Stress has been shown to lower the threshold for allergens, so take a few deep breaths and relax. Spend some quiet, reflective time each day. Ask yourself what stands in the way of your being able to eat the foods you like. What expectations, fears or judgments are limiting your naturally free and compassionate mind and heart? On the physical level, allergies and intolerances result from mistaken judgments-the body labels a neutral substance "bad" and launches an attack. The process, not the antigen, causes the problem. We accept the cliché, "You are what you eat" but rarely recognize that the inverse is true as well. We eat as we are. If we want to re-pattern our bodies to embrace the nourishment we offer them, then it helps to stop reacting in other areas of life. In my work, I've also found that people sometimes react to foods simply due to their association with an unpleasant event that no longer consciously registers. In such cases, food allergies offer an opportunity to heal the soul as well as the body.

Eat with Gratitude and Love. A little Mindfulness goes a long way in this fast-paced world of ours. Because gratitude and love are incompatible with fear, cultivating these states encourages our bodies to feel "friendlier" and less likely to overreact. Pausing before we eat also signals the body to transition to a more relaxed state, which optimizes digestion. In case words fail you, June Cotner's Graces: Prayers and Poems for Everyday Meals and Special Occasions offers multi-cultural prayers, poems, songs, and invocations ranging from a Sanskrit sun salutation to Native American blessings, to inspirational words by Helen Keller and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Whether a formal reading or a quick lift of the heart, expressing gratitude and love for our food reminds us of the reasons many of choose a vegan lifestyle.

Is Dementia Contagious?

All caregiving is stressful. We help caregivers reduce the stress of caring for loved ones with dementia, but we can't eliminate it. The two most common results of caregiver stress are increased illness (reduced resistance to disease) and depression.

A recent study done at McGill University in Montreal found that untreated depression can lead to dementia. In other words, in some situations you can catch dementia from your loved one.

Depression in caregivers is more common and long-lasting than in all other caregiver situations.

Scientists speculate that this is because, on average, dementia caregivers provide care for a much longer period of time than do any other caregivers.

Below are nine questions your physician might ask you if he suspected depression. You might have a depressed mood (not true depression) if you have even just one symptom, but if you have five or more symptoms you qualify for a diagnosis of major depression.

Do you have:

  • A persistent sadness or general unhappiness

  • Chronic fatigue or lack of energy

  • A lack of interest in activities you used to enjoy

  • Consistent irritability or consistently feel agitated

  • A progressive change in your appetite or your weight

  • A change (not caused by your loved one) in your normal sleep pattern

  • Feelings that you are worthlessness or you feel excessive or inappropriate guilt

  • Difficulty concentrating or feel you are not thinking clearly

  • Any thoughts of ending it all or committing suicide

If you feel you have more than five of the above symptoms you might want to do a quick self test on your memory. As one physician once told me "If you can't seem to keep track of your keys your probably just getting older, but if you can't remember what keys are you may have dementia".

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to see where you fall on the memory scale. Do you have:

  • Difficulty remembering things much more often than you used to

  • Difficulty remembering how to do things you've done many times before

  • Difficulty learning new things

  • Experiences where you repeat phrases or stories in the same conversation

  • Trouble making choices or handling money

  • Difficulty keeping track of what happens each day

Caregivers who don't get help to resolving depression may get dementia. If you answered "yes" to more than three of the above questions you may be experiencing abnormal memory loss. Consult your physician with these test scores and ask his opinion. Both depression and dementia can be reversed. Often they are symptoms of vitamin deficiency, lack of sleep, medication side effects, or simply stress. Your physician can help you sort them out.

How To Recognize Clinical Depression

At some point, everyone experiences temporary bouts of sadness or unhappiness. This is perfectly normal and for most people these feelings are typically short lived with no lasting effects. In some cases, however, these feelings of sadness or unhappiness cultivate into a serious, psychiatric illness called clinical depression, which can be debilitating and dangerous if left untreated.

Clinical depression can affect anyone regardless of race, gender, age, religion or income status. It does appear that it affects more women than men although this may be due to the fact that women are more likely to seek treatment than men. There are many different causes for it. A person can inherit it. It can be caused by traumatic life events such as the death of a loved one, a messy divorce, or serious financial difficulties. Being consistently angry, having poor self-esteem, or having feelings of complete hopelessness can be major contributing factors. A combination of any of the above can also trigger a clinically depressed state.

The symptoms of clinical depression range from mild to very severe. They can affect the way a person thinks and acts or they can appear in the form of debilitating physical disorders or illnesses. One person may suffer from a lack of concentration, fatigue, loss of appetite, and/or insomnia. Another person could be inflicted with suicidal thoughts or tendencies. Each person is different although in many cases there are uncontrollable feelings of guilt, anxiety, or sadness. Clinical depression can also lead to other serious problems such as alcoholism or eating disorders.

Treating clinical depression can be a challenge, depending on the underlying cause of it. Most physicians are quick to write a prescription for anti-depressant prescription drugs that can have some very serious side effects. Often times, cognitive therapy is very helpful in overcoming this illness. It teaches an individual how to approach challenging situations from a different angle. Interpersonal therapy is also beneficial because it helps the patient change negative behaviors that may be causing the depression. Many are turning to alternative therapies, such as exercise, vitamins, and herbal remedies as research has shown that it can also be beneficial in the treatment of clinical depression.

If you think you may be suffering from clinical depression, contact a medical professional immediately. It is a real illness that can be treated. Left untreated, it can become very serious, if not deadly. Also, don't assume that you have clinical depression and don't try to treat it yourself. Before trying any form of treatment you should have a confirmed diagnosis from a medical professional.

Paint by Emotion: Edvard Munch's Struggle With Bipolar Disorder

He was a man surrounded by death, and grief - the blackest sort of emotions and deepest kinds of sadness. When he died in the winter of 1944, he left over 20,000 pieces of his work to the city of Oslo, the place where he was born. Best known for his hauntingly beautiful painting, "The Scream", Edvard Munch was a man who likely had many things to scream about in his own life, not the least of which was his suspected bipolar disorder.

Once called "manic depression" (a term that is now seen as outdated), this brutal psychological condition manifests itself primarily through intense mood changes, severe depression, and swings in energy levels. These changes can disappear as quickly as they come, giving rise to the term "bipolar", literally opposite poles on the emotional spectrum. An exact cause for why bipolarism occurs is thus far unknown, and even less was understood about it during Munch's life. A person suffering from this condition often goes through cycles or periods where they experience abnormally large swings and changes in their moods, energy levels and depression. Some in the medical field feel that traumatic events and excess stress, especially during a patient's youth can greatly increase the risk of developing bipolar disorder, either at the time of the trauma or in the years following it.

In the first few years of his life after he was born in 1863, Munch watched as both his parents, a sister and a brother all died. As the years went on other siblings and close relatives would pass away, and another sister was diagnosed as being mentally ill. With so much death and sickness circulating through his young mind, it is almost too easy to see how and why this Norwegian artist would go on to create pieces of art that dealt less with somewhat cheery impressionism of the time, and more with capturing the essence of emotions and moods. Fraught by anguish and perhaps a sense of loneliness, Edvard decided to enrol in art school in 1881. With his life in tow Munch began going between Paris and Norway (and later Germany), studying the great artists and art movements of the era.

While not entirely macabre for the most part, in general Munch's work was far from the flower gardens and ballet dancers that top impressionist artists were painting by the cartful at the time. Instead, Munch wanted to convey more than just a scene; he wanted his paintings to be riddled with emotion, energy, deeper meaning and complexity. Yet even with that in mind his style of art would change several times (a theme that is also noted in other artists such as Picasso) as he dabbled in impressionism, synthetism, and other genres that were popular then. Borrowing techniques here and inventing others there, Edvard would go on to be a pillar in the creation of the German Expressionism movement. In Expressionism, Munch found a way to look beyond the perfectionism of realists and impressionists and starkly put forth emotion on canvas, wood or whichever of the many mediums he chose to work with. Just as Edvard Munch's work would take on a more optimistic aura in his later years, this gifted artist's moods and emotions changed sharply throughout his life, giving rise to the suspicion that he was afflicted with bipolar disorder.

Munch is not the only artist who is thought or known to have suffered from this condition; in fact some researchers tend to think that it can bring about deep forms of varied creativity. Famous names from Hans Christian Andersen to Virginia Woolf, Napoleon to Marilyn Monroe are but a few of the stars, icons and history makers who may have battled this psychological condition. Now, just as it was in Munch's lifetime, no failsafe treatment exists for bipolar disorder. With his memories as inspiration, and his moods as his medium, there may have been little else to do but turn to art in order for Munch to use his internal earthquakes of feeling, energy and depression to help him cope with his own bipolar disorder. Indeed Edvard Munch turned melancholy and mania into timeless art, and gave the world an incredible collection of creative, poignant work.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

You're About As Happy As You Choose to Be

The following two quotes appear on consecutive days in my FranklinCovey planner and struck me as incredibly lucid reminders of our chosen mindset though we're apt at forgetting:

"Most of us are just about as happy as we make up our minds to be." -Abraham Lincoln.

"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours." -Richard Bach.

And one more...

"It is easy to get everything you want, provided you first learn to do without the things you cannot get." -Elbert Hubbard.

Choice is a word that can't be overstated. Yet we tire of old truths that never change. They seem to bore us. We make a goal to choose to be happy, for instance, and we do so well for a few weeks and then little by little we forget and have a day or two, or week, where it's all to no avail; then we start from scratch.

When we're discontented over our lives or what we have or the roles we have or the roles others play in our lives, we ought to remember that we still have a choice; to be content or to be discontent.

Philip Greenslade[1] calls this phenomenon of contentment "the secret of adequacy," seemingly calling forth the Elbert Hubbard quote above. He cites Horatio Spafford, who after losing four daughters tragically at sea, wrote the famous hymn, It is well with my soul. Whatever his lot, Spafford had learned a contentment beyond reason. Greenslade goes on to cite yet another story; that of Clark Poling who willingly gave his life belt to a fellow sailor aboard their sinking ship in World War II. Poling's prayer to his parents, written in a letter, was:

"I know I shall have your prayers; but please, don't pray simply that God will keep me safe. War is dangerous business. Pray that God will make me adequate." [2]

Happiness really does lie in our own hands. Perhaps as the Apostle Paul mentioned in his letter to the Philippians, our goal should be to end up in this position: "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." (Philippians 4:11 NIV) He follows this with, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:12-13 NIV).

And who is this "him" that Paul draws his contentment from? How can a person give someone contentment? It's true; the person of Jesus Christ and his Spirit can give contentment like no other. Imagine being able to be contended no matter the circumstances. Choice for happiness comes down to allegiance. We choose Christ and he can create this within us, if we are willing.

Like Paul, Spafford, and Poling, we too can live this life of un-reason-able contentment.

Copyright © 2008, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

[1] Philip Greenslade, Rejoice: The King Is Lord: Cover-to-Cover Bible Discovery (Farnham, Surrey, England: Crusade for World Recovery, 2003), p. 119.
[2] Philip Greenslade, Ibid, p. 119.

Treating Depression With Vitamins - The Benefits Of Treating Depression With Vitamins

Depression is more than just feeling sad or "blue". Depression is an illness that can be very hard to diagnose and treat. There are any number of Depression Treatments but for we will look at treating Depression with vitamins. We will look at just a few of the vitamins that can benefit Depression.

Symptoms of Depression

If you are feeling sad or as if you are living life in slow motion, you may very well be suffering with Depression. You may be feeling lethargic and may have lost interest in favorite activities. You may desire to withdraw from family and friends. Changes in your appetite or sleep may be evident either too little or too much of either. You may have or had suicidal thoughts, this is to be taken seriously and help sought immediately. If you or someone you know has any of these symptoms get help as soon as possible. With proper treatment and diagnosis, Depression can be very treatable.

Possible Causes of Depression

Depression can be triggered by almost anything or it can have its roots in a physical illness. You should talk to your doctor and have him (her) help you to determine if there is a physical cause to how you are feeling. Some of the symptoms of Depression are also symptoms of Diabetes or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other conditions as well. Once anything physiological is ruled out you can turn to a psychiatrist or a counselor to determine if you are suffering with Depression.

You may be suffering from Depression if you have had any losses in your life. These losses could be a job, death of someone close to you, moving, an accident, or serious injury. Depression is also the result of chronic illnesses or trauma such as any type of abuse, loss of a relationship or for kids, moving, loss of a pet, a friend moving away, or again, any type of abuse or trauma. If it is determined that if you indeed suffer from Depression, you should consult with your doctor for referrals to a psychiatrist who deals with your type of Depression.

Treating Depression with vitamins

Vitamins are essential for overall good health but some work extremely well in treating Depression. Biotin is a B vitamin and it is water soluble. Biotin helps in the absorption of fatty acids and nucleic acids. Biotin may aid in hair loss and the lowering of blood glucose levels, which is important to all Diabetics. Diabetics may actually have a Biotin Deficiency.

Piperine is derived from black pepper and is classified as an alkaloid. It helps nutritional substances have more bioavailability. It may act as an anti-inflammatory, an aid for digestion, as well as a pain relief neurotransmitter.

Herbal Supplements are also another viable option in treating Depression. Some herbs may have quantities of vitamins in them that affect mood. Herbal supplements should have met pharmaceutical standards.
The ingredients' metabolic routes, at the molecular level should be examined as well as the interactions of the ingredients. This will help to insure the effectiveness, safety, and potency of the supplements.


Depression is one of the most difficult illnesses to diagnose and treat. Many people associate Depression with being "crazy" and because of the negative stigma attached to it refuse to seek help. Traditional medications have very serious side effects some of which can actually be fatal. With the trend turning to more natural treatments the use of vitamins and/or herbal supplements are considered. Those who choose herbal supplements must consult their doctor if they are taking any prescriptions for other conditions, as the herbs can affect their effectiveness.

Avoiding Recurring Depression

Most experts agree that what makes depression so challenging is the very real risk of recurrence. Some studies suggest that the risk of relapse from medication may be north of 60% where the risk of relapse from behavioral therapy is more moderate. Nevertheless, kicking depression completely out of ones life is an ongoing process that takes work. In this informational article titled "Avoiding Recurring Depression" we try to explore a few areas helpful in achieving this lofty goal.
Depression is like a thief in the night. It can sneak up on you when least expected then lock the door. One of the keys to avoiding recurring depression is to not allow it to sneak up on you. If you have battled this condition before and won you no doubt understand what depression looks like.
One strategy for avoiding recurring depression is to compile a list of symptoms that are specific to you. If certain symptoms are recognized it should be construed as a subtle warning sign that depression is at the door. It is just waiting for an opportunity to come in.
Let's explore eleven examples:
*I am not thinking clearly
*I am struggling with concentration
*I seem to be experiencing more guilt than normal
*I seem to be more irritable than normal
*I have been having dark, gloomy thoughts
*I am having appetite issues (could be eating too much or too little)
*My sleep pattern is not consistent
*I am unusually tired for no particular reason
*After therapy I felt so good but now my mood has returned to a predominately pessimistic state
*I don't have a desire to communicate with my friends
*I am starting to withdraw from events I used to consider fun
I sure you can make a list that is better suited to you but one or more of the bullet points above should provide you with a good starting point.
As you may recognize many of the list of eleven are actually signs of depression if experienced over an uncharacteristically long period of time. Certainly one symptoms for one day is not something to get overly concerned about only something you should be aware of. ON the other hand when symptoms start to occur frequently or are occurring more than one at a time a warning light should go on.
Catch it before it starts. Take preemptive action. Nip it in the bud etc...
If you see your depression signs recurring don't hesitate to take action by implementing the same strategies that were successful in curing your depression previously. Additionally, you might consider something different to compliment what you already know, such as natural alternative remedies. Natural alternative remedies for depression are very safe, affordable, and have shown to be effective in supporting both emotional and mental health. If you are searching for a different treatment direction this is definitely an option worth considering.

Small Changes Can Improve Your Life

Many unhappy people spend years in therapy with psychologists and psychiatrists, yet they achieve little to no results concerning their problems or not even small changes in their modes of behavior. Aren't there more direct activities a person can perform that will have a more significant impact on their lives, and cost much less at the same time?

Indeed, there are small changes a person can make in their daily lives to drastically improve their levels of happiness but before getting to them, please heed this WARNING: The tips below are no substitute for professional treatment of serious mental health ailments such as depression, bipolar disorder, various anxiety disorders, etc. - always be sure to seek proper care if you feel you're suffering from any of the aforementioned problems.

Below you will find twenty activities you can perform that hopefully will improve your happiness level or general sense of well-being. Each of them is (loosely) based on the Butterfly Effect, which is prominent in chaos theory. The Butterfly Effect states that small changes in the initial conditions of a system can lead to extreme variations in behavior later on (a common example given is that a butterfly flapping its wings in, say, Brazil can cause a tornado to occur later in Kansas), which proves that in some 'systems,' little things can make a drastic difference in overall behavior. The following twenty tips and quotes are based on the same principle and involve performing short, simple activities that are not too time-consuming or difficult, yet can still dramatically improve your life. Don't expect them to "heal" or "cure" you, but at least it may bring some benefits to you.

1. If you are feeling down or blue on a certain day and want to feel better, look in your bathroom mirror and plant a large smile on your face, even though you have to force it. Hold that smile for at least thirty seconds and soon you should feel a bit better about yourself.

2. To keep your personal relationships at their best, every time you find yourself being critical toward your spouse, friend, or family member, balance out the criticism by saying five positive things about them afterward.

3. If you ever lose your wallet and want to make sure it is returned to you, keep a photo of an adorable child in the wallet that is highly visible. Whoever finds your wallet will be more sympathetic toward you when they see the child and hopefully return it.

4. Compartmentalize small worries and anxieties that crop up during the day by imagining a big black box and whenever a negative thought enters your mind, place it deep inside the black box and slam it shut, and then allow the thought to vacate your mind forever.

5. Quote: "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do." -Eleanor Roosevelt

6. Say you are having a conversation with someone and want to convince them of something or persuade them in some way. According to psychologists, an effective way to lighten up the conversation and make yourself appear more likable is to mention a favorite pet or animal - the sillier the better, such as a turtle or hamster - which will "humanize" your personality and help persuade the person you are trying to convince.

7. Learn to embrace elements of chaos and uncertainty in your life and accept them as natural to achieving your primary goals. No one can be certain where their individual journeys will eventually take them, so learn to overcome fear of the unknown by accepting uncertainty as necessary and hopefully the results will surprise you.

8. Quote: "Be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart and...try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without knowing it, live into the answer." - Rainer Maria Rilke

9. Concerning personal growth, make sure to banish negative thinking from your brain: Instead of allowing harmful phrases to come in, substitute positive phrases frequently. For example, "I am gaining too much weight," should be transformed into "I know I'll lose weight soon;" and "I will never find a boyfriend or girlfriend!" will change to "the perfect individual is on their way into my life right now!" Having positive information in your subconscious (or unconscious) mind is extremely important, since the job of that part of your brain is to bring to fruition whatever information is inside it.

10. Is there someone you would like to impress, or do you want a particular person to be interested in you? Psychologists claim that the best way to get someone to like you is not to give them a gift or do something for them, but to get them to perform a small favor for you - it's reverse psychology in action.

11. Experts have claimed that "fear" can be translated into F.E.A.R. = 'FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL.' Excessive fear prevents you from pursuing possibilities and new opportunities in life. Do not let fear be in control of you at any time. Whenever too much fear invades your mind, visualize yourself wiping the fear from your brain. Also take time to write out your fears on paper, then tear the paper up and toss it into the trash.

12. Tip concerning beautiful women: A woman's true beauty is shown through her personality and how she chooses to live her life and how she treats people on a daily basis.

13. Life Goals tip: at the end of every day ask yourself if the daily activities you have been performing are steadily taking you in the correct direction to achieve your primary goals, or if they are slowly leading you away from them, then make changes accordingly.

14. Hygiene tip. To ensure your breath smells fresh and clean during your next date, after dinner have a small serving of green tea flavored ice cream. The green tea will fight any bacteria in the mouth and mask unpleasant odors.

15. When exercising, try to use a treadmill for better results. Treadmills are less stressful on the ankles, backs, and knees, and they instantly list valuable feedback (readouts of distance traveled, calories burned, etc), which will encourage you to complete more work and make you feel good about yourself.

16. Want to lose weight? Drink out of tall narrow glasses to reduce calories; and put a mirror in your kitchen to reinforce what you look like; then write down every single thing you eat in the course of a day.

17. Malcolm Gladwell, author of Outliers, a recent best-selling book, stated that most successful people have practiced their craft for over ten thousand hours in whatever respective field they have chosen. Start practicing toward your 10,000 hours today.

18. To get better sleep, get a comfortable bed and make sure the room is quiet and dark. Excessive light will hamper production of melatonin. Also avoid stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine, and avoid consuming alcohol before bedtime. The stimulants will last for hours and although initially alcohol will relax you, it also vacates the body quickly to make you wake after only a few hours of rest.

19. Finance tip: Make the right decisions about where to spend your money. If there is a certain store or restaurant whose overall philosophy you approve of, be sure to spend plenty of your money there to support them. But if there are business establishments whose practices you disagree with, do not spend your money there. This will make you feel good about doing a small part to improve the world.

20. Instead of being materialistic and buying possession after possession, most of which you may never actually use, instead try to purchase interesting life experiences that will stay with you forever. Attend a concert you normally wouldn't ever see, go to an unusual restaurant, and take a trip to a country you have always wanted to visit. Instead of acquiring new toys, strive to perform unique activities that will provide you with interesting experiences important enough to share with your friends and loved ones.

It may not be much, but remember that big things come from little things. You have nothing to lose, so go try and see how small changes can end up improving your life.

The Enemies of Love - Part Two - Cynicism

Are you cynical? Cynicism can destroy a relationship if not unchecked.

I have a friend who is very cynical and says "if you're not a cynic in today's world, you're not paying attention." Curiously, this guy is so negative that most of his oldest friends don't want to be in the same room with him anymore.

Cynicism is defined as an attitude of scornful or jaded negativity, especially a general distrust of the integrity or professed motives of others.

You weren't born cynical. When you were a kid, the world was filled with wonder. So what happened to you?

People become cynical after being used or abused by others. People become cynical when life kicks them around. They end up not trusting anyone for fear of another disappointment or heartache.

If you take that kind of attitude into a relationship, you won't get far. Most emotionally healthy people are not drawn to cynical people. It's pretty easy to spot someone who is hopelessly negative all the time. All you have to do is listen to them talk. Everyone is out to screw them...everyone is dishonest...everyone is evil.

I can understand that a cynic is trying to protect his heart from painful experiences. But a person with a closed-off heart and mind will have a tough time giving of himself to another person. Intimacy is nearly impossible since you don't trust anyone not to hurt you. That can get lonely after a while....which will likely make you even more cynical.

Cynicism can spiral downward into depression.

So how can you break the cycle?

One of the best old sayings I've ever heard, and a saying I use every day is "If you want to know what people really value, don't listen to what they SAY...only watch what they DO."

Evaluate yourself and everyone else by that saying. It will help you be less cynical.

Stop living in fear of getting hurt. No one should allow himself to be ruled by fear. Pain is a part of living. I don't mean that you should enjoy pain...that's sick. But you can't spend your life running away.

Self talk is vital to maintaining ANY attitude. Most of the unhappiness in our life comes because we listen to ourself more than we talk to ourselves. If you know you're cynical and want to change, you'll have to tell yourself positive words. I recommend you speak to yourself out loud. You brain needs to hear your own words in your own voice. Repeat positive words over and over. In time, you'll actually begin to feel differently.

Emotionally healthy women are not drawn to cynical men. They are drawn to men who can trust and love. Work hard at putting aside cynicism. I don't mean that you should deny that the events that made you cynical exist. But how you process it affects your life every day.

A cynic cannot be a Great Lover. Be a Great Lover.

Prevent Teen Drug Abuse Using Drug Testing Kits at Home

Teen drug abuse became a serious health problem in United States. It is hurting the healthcare system, burdening the economy, and causing millions of deaths every year. Of the many causes that promote drug abuse among teens, lack of parental supervision is a major one. Teens should be guarded properly by their parents as they are still immature.

Since, early intervention leads to effective prevention of this unhealthy habit, parents should identify drug abusing habits in teens and take preventive measures. Parents can take help of home drug testing kits which are effective and easy to use.

In this article, we will discuss about teens and their vulnerability to drug abuse; how to identify teen drug abuse and how important are drug testing programs at home to prevent teen drug abuse.

Teens - vulnerable to drugs abuse: Many scientific studies have already proved that teenagers are more prone to risk taking and are vulnerable to drug abuse when compared to adults. This typical behavior of teens during adolescence is because of the major changes in parts of the brain that are responsible for functions such as self-control, judgment, planning, organization, and emotions. Since teen brains are not yet fully developed, they cannot take proper decisions and fall victims to unhealthy habits like drug and alcohol abuse.

Signs and symptoms of drug abuse: The primary step towards prevention of drug abuse in teens is to identify their unhealthy habits. Prominent changes, both in their behavior and in physical appearance can be noticed even at the early stages of abuse. Following are the warning signs:

Physical and emotional changes:
• Red eyes
• Finding difficulty to speak
• Sudden fall or rise in weight
• Lack of hygiene and showing less interest in personal grooming
• Aggression and arrogance
• Depression and irritation

Social and behavioral changes:
• Dissociation from old friends and acquiring new social group
• Sudden anger or depression
• Poor attendance and academics at school
• Spending time lonely
• Abnormal odor in breath or clothing
• Pipes, needles and other suspicious substances in their room

Importance of home drug test kits: The moment you see the signs that indicate drug abuse in your teen, it is the time to confirm drug abusing habits using reliable methods. They are useful devices for the parents to confirm these unhealthy habits in teens. They are simple, easy to use, provide instant and accurate results, cost-effective and above all ensure privacy. Some multi-panel drug testing kits can detect multiple drugs of abuse at a shot.

Best drug test methods to implement: When it comes to home drug testing, urine and saliva tests are considered to be the best methods. There are two other methods - blood and hair tests also, but they need special devices and expert supervision, hence are not recommended for home testing.

Urine test can detect the drugs in your teen's system up to three days after use. If you believe that your teen has taken drugs during the last few days, then this method is effective in offering accurate results. However, it is necessary to check that your teen is not providing fake urine sample which can lead to false results.

Saliva drug testing is an ideal drug test if you suspect that your teen abused drugs on that particular day. These kits can detect drug use up to 48 hours.

Need for random drug testing: If you are conducting drug tests on your teens at regular intervals, following a regular pattern, your teen may notice the pattern and either try to manipulate the sample before the test or stop abusing drugs few days before the test. Hence, practicing random drug tests is always an ideal way to identify the drug use which effectively helps in detecting the drug abuse among your teens. Random testing makes teens say 'NO' to drugs as they know that you can conduct drug testing any time at home.

Home drug testing kits can be considered as effective solutions in controlling and preventing drug abuse in your teens. So, make sure that you have some of them at home to test your teen to help him stay away from drugs.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Recognizing Key Signs Of Depression

Depression is a serious mental health disorder that can strike males, females, adults, adolescents and even children. Adult caretakers, school teachers, physicians and even religious leaders should be trained in recognizing the key signs of depression so that they may be able to help or advise others to seek medical attention. There are several key characteristics to look for to recognize depression. Not all of them are as obvious as they may seem.

Reduced Non-Verbal Communication

With depression, many people can have a decreased amount of facial expression, gesturing and voice inflection. They will tend to speak in a monotone voice and may also have trouble recognizing these conversational aspects in others as well.

Decreased Personal Grooming Habits

People suffering from depression may start to ignore daily grooming regimens. They may start to skip showers, fail to brush or comb their hair and wear dirty clothing. Be on the lookout for wrinkly clothing as well as loss of interest in cleaning and personal hygiene.

Changes In Sleep Habits

Those suffering from depression may experience drastic changes in their sleeping patterns, including increased or decreased sleep. When coupled with anxiety, depression can lead to sleepless nights, restless sleep and waking prematurely. Since sleep is an essential life process necessary for the body to heal, consolidate memories and rest, this can have a damaging effect on one's physical health, memory and interpersonal life. Depression can also result in excessive sleep, for example, sleeping more than twelve hours at once without waking. Adults should get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night, so look for any sudden changes in sleep patterns. Keep in mind, however, that some people naturally need a bit more or less sleep than average to function.

Changes In Eating Habits

Depression can also affect one's appetite, causing increases or decreases in food intake. Occasionally, depression can also be paired with or result from eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa (not eating at all) or bulimia nervosa (binge eating followed by purging or vomiting). Be on the lookout for sudden changes in weight, aversion to food, drastic changes in diet, such as only drinking liquids or coffee, or binge eating certain types of food.

Loss of Interest In Previous Activities

One of the most prominent features of depression is a loss of interest in activities or hobbies that a person previously enjoyed. This can include school, work, religious affiliations or social events. The person can become listless, disinterested and bored. Look for a sudden decrease in activity, the person skipping out on routine events and avoidance of social situations.

Decreased Sexual Desire

Depression can also decrease a person's sexual desires and performance. Married people suffering from depression may start avoiding spouses and going to bed early or may not be able to perform sexually.

Suicidal Thoughts

Serious cases of depression can cause a feeling of worthlessness, guilt and other strong emotions that can cause victims to contemplate suicide. There are several key phrases to listen for that can signal that a person is having suicidal thoughts. They include, I'm so worthless, No one would even notice if I died, I just want to die, and I want to kill myself. Although these can sometimes be mentioned in passing, they should be taken seriously, especially when mentioned in combination with any of the above characteristics of depression. These phrases are usually a subtle cry for help from a sufferer who may not know how else to express himself or herself or ask for help.

Suicide Attempts

The most severe sign of depression is attempting to take one's own life. This can be by engaging in reckless behavior, taking drugs or other attempts. These should be taken very seriously, and the person should be committed to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation and treatment.

These are a few of the signs and symptoms of depression that can be recognized while there is still time for treatment.

Copyright (c) 2012 Embracing Depression