Saturday, December 28, 2013

Borderline Personality Disorder Test

Borderline Personality Disorder known as BPD is a type of mental illness which is considered to be quite serious. It is characterized by instability in behavior, moods, interpersonal relations and self-image. Family and work life, long term planning and awareness of one's individual identity is usually affected by this instability. People with BPD often find it difficult to regulate their emotions. Though this disorder is not as popular as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, it does affect 2 percent of the adult population, mainly young women. The rate of self-harm without having the intention of suicide is high in such cases. In some cases patients suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder also tend to commit suicide. Among patients hospitalized for psychiatric problems, patients with BPD make 20 percent. Over time many improve with help and are able to lead useful lives eventually.

While people suffering from bipolar disorder or depression tend to display continued state of mood for a longer period, people suffering from BPD may undergo severe outbreaks of anger, anxiety and depression lasting for a few hours or maximum a day. These may have associations with series of aggression which is impulsive, such as alcohol or drug abuse and injury to self. Lack of self esteem is also common amongst patients suffering from BPD. They may feel mistreated unfairly, empty, or even bored at times. These symptoms are most severe when people having Borderline Personality Disorder feel that they do not have social support and are isolated.

The social relationships of people having BPD have highly unstable patterns. There is a change in their attitude towards their friends, family and loved ones, from love and great admiration to dislike and intense anger. BPD often appears with other psychiatric problems such as bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, depression, substance abuse, and other disorders. BPD is caused by the abnormal functioning of the Lymbic area of the brain controlling emotions. It may involve neurotransmitters such as dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.

A borderline personality disorder test is an evaluation used for diagnosing borderline personality disorder. A mental health professional administers the borderline personality disorder test. The test usually comprises of a series of questions or statements which the patient has to answer accordingly. If five or more symptoms are identified through the patient's answers then the diagnosis follow accordingly.

Some of the questions covered in the test are check for reactions to abandonment, relationship issues, instability, questions pertaining to self esteem and self image, questions that try to find out more about the self destructive behavior of the individual or patient, questions on suicidal thoughts and behavior, or self injurious behavior, questions pertaining to feelings, especially feelings of emptiness and difficulty in controlling emotions especially anger and ones revolving around paranoia and loss of reality.

There are a number of websites having border personality disorder test which can help you determine whether someone you care about may have the symptoms of BPD. Once you have administered the test you can then discuss the results with a mental health professional to help with diagnosis and treatment of BPD. The causes, symptoms, signs are generally covered by the borderline personality disorder test. Treatment along with the steps you can take by yourself to fight this condition should be recommended by qualified doctors only.

There have been improvements in the treatments for BPD in the past few years. Individual and group psychotherapy have produced positive results for many patients. A new treatment termed dialectical behavior therapy known as DBT, is a psychosocial treatment that is usually recommended for BPD and seems to be promising. Depending on the specific symptoms the patient has, medications may be prescribed.

Treatment of Manic Depression (Bipolar Disorder)

There is psychotherapy available to treat Manic depression (Bipolar Disorder). They are usually aimed at treating core symptoms, reducing negative expressed emotions in relationships and recognizing prodromal symptoms before full blown recurrence. The types of treatment with the largest efficacy range is cognitive behavioral therapy, family-focused therapy and psychoeducation. For most individuals with bipolar disorder a good prognosis comes from good treatment, which comes from an accurate diagnosis. Bipolar disorder can be a severely disabling medical condition, but many people can live full lives. A naturalistic study from first admission for mania or mixed episode (representing the hospitalized and therefore most severe cases) found that 50% achieved syndromal recovery (no longer meeting criteria for the diagnosis) within six weeks and 98% within two years. 72% achieved symptomatic recovery (no symptoms at all) and 43% achieved functional recovery (regaining of prior occupational and residential status). However, 40% went on to experience a new episode of mania or depression within 2 years of syndromal recovery, and 19% switched phases without recovery. The following behaviors can lead to depressive or manic recurrence:

o Discontinuing or lowering one's dose of medication.
o Being under- or over-medicated. Generally, taking a lower dosage of a mood stabilizer can lead to relapse into mania. Taking a lower dosage of an antidepressant may cause the patient to relapse into depression, while higher doses can cause destabilization into mixed-states or mania.
o An inconsistent sleep schedule can destabilize the illness. Too much sleep (possibly caused by medication) can lead to depression, while too little sleep can lead to mixed states or mania.
o Caffeine can cause destabilization of mood toward irritability, dysphoria, and mania. Anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that lower dosages of caffeine can have effects ranging from anti-depressant to mania-inducing.
o Inadequate stress management and poor lifestyle choices. If unmedicated, excessive stress can cause the individual to relapse. Medication raises the stress threshold somewhat, but too much stress still causes relapse.
o Often bipolar individuals are subject to self-medication, the most common drugs being alcohol, diazepam/sleeping tablets and marijuana. Studies show that tobacco smoking induces a calming effect on most bipolar people, and a very high percentage suffering from the prolonged use

Why Is A Black Light Effective On Antique Porcelain And Glass?

We often come across exquisite price of an antique that we think is an excellent buy. You really do not know what kind of condition it is in because your naked eye cannot really pick out hidden defects. So we should show caution before we buy anything depending on what the eye tells you in the normal light.

The real antique hunters have a great and effective tool called black light. As an antique collector or trader this is the first tool you should have. This tool will spot any repairs or modification and help you determine the age of the item.

If an antique expert worked on your item and made some incredible repairs you will not ever spot it under normal light. There are also age-paint test that you cannot detect. The black light is able to bring them out in ultra violet test.

This is amazing that what your naked eye cannot detect this ultra violet light can. That is because the small repairs are so hidden and done well only the black light has the capability to reveal. This is proved scientifically.

By no means make this your ultimate test. I am only introducing you the start of many tests you will have to perform before you can trust an antiques and buy it. Let me show you what you do with test on porcelain and glassware.

For porcelain take it to a dark room and shine your black light on it all over looking carefully for any break in the pattern. There are versions of black light which you can even carry in your pocket. If there are modifications or repairs it will show clearly and you cannot miss it.

What you should be looking for is the break up in the final finish that is where it will show. Any small curve or line that is out of the pattern is your clue. You will know it. You cannot miss it. The glow on it will reveal if there is recent paint work on it. This determines your age.

In glassware you need to be aware two important varieties, the Depression and Vaseline glass work. These items should glow in the ultraviolet black light. During the period prior to 1930 artists used uranium oxide with their finish on glassware. This will show in the test. If it does nothing the work is recent and not antique.

So if you are a beginner this article on 'Why Is A Black Light Effective On Antique Porcelain And Glass' will start your hunting in the right direction.

Teenagers and Adults - Is Depression a Chemical Reaction?

Brain doctors agree: The 15 million U.S. adults who are battling major depression are suffering from a real medical illness. Studies point to a shortage of the brain chemicals serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, the neurotransmitters that ferry messages between nerve cells. Doctors have no test to determine which ones are lacking, but there are drug therapies available to boost them.

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) Serotonin is made from amino acid tryptophan; it regulates mood and appetite. SSRIs such as Paxil and Zoloft raise serotonin in the gaps between brain cells to normal levels, and for some patients, this helps lift their mood.

Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) As a key message sender for those nerves that command your body without input from your brain, norepinephrine controls your response to ultrastressful situations. Low brain levels of it have been linked to depression-related symptoms, including fatigue, insomnia, sleeping too much, agitation, and trouble concentrating. SNRIs such as Effexor and Cymbalta work by blocking brain cells from removing both serotonin and norepinephrine.

Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs) TCAs, such as amitriptyline and imipramine, are the modern-day precursors to SSRIs and SNRIs. They're just as effective but they act more broadly in preventing the reuptake of both serotonin and norepinephrine, so they may not be tolerated as well.

Studies suggest that for some people, they may take longer to kick in; can cause weight gain, drowsiness, or low blood pressure; and may even affect heart rhythm.

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors, the oldest class of antidepressants, deactivate a protein called MAO-A that deplets neurotransmitters. The side effects of these drugs are nasty, but research into how MAO-A works may help develop new therapies. In a study published late last year in the Archives of General Psychiatry, researchers at Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health found that depressed patients lose neurotransmitters at different rates based on the number of monoamine transporters found on the surface of their brain cells and elevated MAO-A.

These findings help explain why patients with more transporters have more severe symptoms, says study leader Jeffrey Meyer, M.D., Ph.D. "We now have a more precise disease model for developing more effective and targeted treatments."

As Doctors and Psychiatrists continue to study, and find new drugs and chemicals to combat depression there is a common lesson in all these studies. Our brains have immense control over our entire body, psychology, and well-being. Where studies fail in grasping is the absolute control an individual has over their mind and thoughts. Studies are performed on a subject with symptoms receiving a dosage of medication and measuring results.

The studies fail in creating a mental shift in order for the individual to create new levels of Serotonin in their brain. Studies are paperwork; the human mind and individual are capable of anything they choose. A mind can create a vision or dream, and then create a life through that mindset. You have the complete power to be great and create a dream-infused life today.

Manic Depression - Stop Me Before I Go Crazy

Believe it or not, taking prescription medications is not the way to treat manic depression. The problem with western thought is that doctors focus on treating symptoms with a pill. That pill is often not as effective as it should be, and it comes with a boat load of side effects that can be worse than the way you feel before you take them. Really, ask yourself how much sense it makes to give a person with manic depression a pill that can cause suicidal thoughts.

Instead of taking a medication that is only going to cover what you have going on in your mind, find natural ways to not only treat your symptoms but help make you free from the ties of manic depression. Below you will find five steps that are recommended by Carol Tuttle an author and a Certified Master Level Rapid Eye Therapist in private practice.

The first step is to stop your negative thoughts. As funny as it may sound if you have difficulty stopping your obsessive thoughts go out and buy an eye patch and use it to cover your right eye. Closing off or patching your right eye will "turn off" the left hemisphere of your brain which is where the negative obsessive thinking is taking place.

Next you can "zip up your central meridian." Scratching your head right now, your central meridian is the energy pathway that is located on your body and it runs from the pubic bone to your bottom lip. You are a portal for all energy negative and positive if you don't have it zipped up. Pretend that you have a zipper on your body and imagine yourself zipping it up.

Go for a walk each and every day. Walking is a great exercise that every person can do regardless of age. Exercise is a great mood booster. Walking will help give your natural endorphins (the feel good chemicals in the brain) a boost. Walking will also get the energy flowing from left to right and right to left which will improve your mood by about 50%.

So you have to deal with manic depression. Do you really have to think of it that way. Instead of thinking that you suffer from manic depression think of it as a cut on your finger. A cut can heal with time and proper care. Stop thinking that you are afflicted by a curse that will plague you forever. You can't imagine the impact of just changing the way you think.

Now, believe that you can get better. Believe that you can heal. The power of the mind is an amazing thing and there have been medical miracles and everyday medical "phenomena" that all relates to the way the person thought about their ability to heal. You can think yourself sick... or you can finally think yourself well. You do have natural, effective treatment options available to you. It is all a state of your mind.

Students Stress and Anxiety!

High school and college students suffer from and are faced with significant amounts of stress and anxiety that can result in both physical and emotional health issues.

A recent study shows that five times as many high school and college students suffer and are dealing with stress, anxiety and other mental health issues as their counterparts that were studied during the Great Depression. This research study is based on the responses of 77,576 high school and college students who from 1938 through 2007, took the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).

* Students themselves point to everything from pressure to succeed - self-imposed and otherwise - to a fast-paced world that's only sped up by the technology they love so much.

* Another major contributor appears to be the unrealistic feelings ingrained in young people, that they need to have huge amounts of money to be considered a success. This leads to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety and depression.

* In addition, today's youth is brought up in a "you can do anything" environment. This leads to false expectations which when not met results in anxiety and depression.

Are you a student or parent of a student that suffers with stress and anxiety? Here are some ways for students to maintain good health and keep their sanity.

* Establish a quiet space to study. This is a place were you can focus and concentrate away from distractions. If you live with a noisy roommate, find a quiet spot in the library or your favorite coffee shop.

* Create a schedule. Leave yourself plenty of time to study for exams and get work done.

* Don't pull "All Nighters". Make sure to leave yourself enough study time.

* Stay away from caffeine, alcohol and drugs. Caffeine only provides a temporary jolt. You will eventually crash from excessive use. Need I say anything about excessive alcohol use other than moderation my young friends, moderation. And please just forget about drugs altogether.

* Get on a healthy diet.

* Get plenty of sleep.

* Don't obsess on results. Test scores are important but you need to keep things in perspective. Otherwise you will become overly anxious about a test's outcome which can actually cause you to do poorly. You need to shift your focus and stay present minded. Try some positive affirmations and visualization techniques to change your perspective, and remember that Yoga and Meditation techniques are time tested and proven stress relievers.

* Know your learning style. Not everyone learns in the same way. It's important to know if you're a visual, auditory or kinesthetic type learner.

* Practice visualization techniques. Imagine yourself having already achieved your desired results.

* Develop optimism. People that are optimistic are healthier, less stressed, and more successful.

* Use stress management techniques. The Yoga Awakening Meditation Collection is comprised of over 24 stress reduction techniques and exercises that will help. This meditation collection is complete and comprehensive, and includes everything you need to control and manage stress and anxiety.

There are so many secrets that Yoga and Meditation will reveal to you. There are so many ways that Yoga and Meditation can make your life easier and more fulfilling. Come and explore these secrets with me now by going to:

Friday, December 27, 2013

On Grief and Depression, Inspired by M. Scott Peck M.D.

Since mentally healthy human beings must grow, and since giving up or loss of the old self is an integral part of the process of mental and spiritual growth, depression is a normal and basically healthy phenomenon...
~M. Scott Peck M.D., Wisdom from The Road Less Traveled, 2001.

Enter the world of the anti-depressant - the pharmaceutical therapy that "fixes" many who've undergone just the sort of latter depression Peck talks about... It doesn't happen overnight but it can often happen especially if the following is considered likewise.

According to Peck, life for all of us involves the process of giving part of ourselves up continually. It's a condition necessary to life lived with 'good effect.'

This is personal change management as we encounter the varying nuances of life including our reaction to them. Change in this way is inevitable unless we bow out of life - which is not really an option for 99 percent of us!

Life is hence all about balancing. It counteracts the things about ourselves we are giving up; it reduces the pain--the discipline of balancing or maintaining life balance.

And Peck nails the crux of the issues of grief and depression here. "The loss of balance is ultimately more painful than the giving up required to maintain balance." (Italics added.) Most people don't have the self-discipline to maintain life balance, but life would be far easier if they did have it.

And this is such a pity because what costs less actually delivers more joy and less pain; but we're duped in not wanting to let go of those things or attributes or habits or relationships - those "bits" of ourselves - that hold us back.

Perhaps this 'giving up' process is not too dissimilar to the 'Let go, let God' mantra of many recovery programs like AA. It is death to things that constrain us that provides our lives with more meaning. According to Peck this is the secret central to all religion.

Both grief and depression involve a lot of giving up. At some ends both grief and depression are maladjusted forms of giving up - they don't want to or simply can't give up those things holding the person back; not "yet" anyway. And surely the very idea that recovery is slow, and the fact we must be patient, should ease the burden.

Grieving and depression are inevitable life phases for us - almost none of us will be exempt.

And then again, surely the wisdom needed firmly in mind is that having the spiritual courage to give up things about ourselves, surrendering them, is the key to warding off symptoms of depression and resolving grief in the first place.

Sometimes it just takes a little time that's all.

Notwithstanding, the motivation to 'give up,' with good effect, should presumably be what we should be aiming for - to maintain balance through effective application of self-discipline.

穢 2010 S. J. Wickham.

Peck also says, continuing his quote from above, "... [depression] becomes abnormal or unhealthy only when something interferes with the giving-up process, with the result that the depression is prolonged and cannot be resolved by completion of the process."

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Test

Unfortunately, those who suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome have no definitive way to test for the condition to see if they truly have it. The only true way to really check to see if you are suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is by professional observance of the symptoms you are having, and to undergo a blood test at your doctor's office. Viruses such as the Epstein Barr virus, chemical imbalances in the body, or other illnesses such as cancer or infections has been thought to contribute or to cause the condition.

Since there is no definitive test that can tell whether or not a person may have it, there are some common symptoms associated with CFS such as extreme tiredness, weakness, drowsiness, depression, anxiety, appetite loss, mood swings, body aches, constant headaches, memory loss, and confusion. Compiling these symptoms along with blood work can be an indicator that a person may have the condition.

A blood test to determine if your body is chemically balanced is often recommended by physicians. If there is a chemical imbalance, certain supplements or foods can be added to your diet to help balance it out. Some health care professionals believe that a chemically imbalanced body can cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Undergoing a simple wellness checkup by your doctor may help determine whether or not you are suffering from CFS. During your wellness checkup, symptoms can be documented that may point to CFS. Some doctors may then determine to test for viral or bacterial infections as well. They may even do blood test or some other test to see if you possibly could have cancer or a disease that could be causing symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Once the symptoms and causes are determined, the condition can often be treated or sometimes even cured. If you are suffering from the symptoms of this condition, be sure to consult with your doctor about the best way to test for and treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Combat Depression - Beating Negative Thought Patterns During The Winter Months

The winter months are often a terribly depressing time for Canadians. The lack of sunshine alone can lead to decreased energy levels, a loss of interest in daily activities and the need for additional sleep.

But what if you're still feeling depressed once spring arrives and the warm weather and sunshine beckons you outdoors?

Although we may casually refer to "feeling depressed" during a momentary unhappy time in our life, individuals who suffer from prolonged depression feel sad and empty to the point that their feelings impair their day-to-day activities and interactions with other people.

In 2002, Statistics Canada reported that approximately 8% of adult Canadians experience a major depression at some point in their lives. Depression and anxiety continues to be Canada's fastest-rising diagnosis. From 1994 to 2004, the number of visits made by Canadians to office-based doctors for depression and anxiety almost doubled-a staggering 11.6 million people in 2003.

And while medication may be necessary in cases of clinical depression, it needn't be your first line of defense if your altered mood is a result of a variety of negative experiences you've suffered in your day-to-day life and you find yourself in a downward spiral.

Sure, if you're looking for a quick fix, antidepressants may work in the short term. But if you'd like to make a significant long-lasting change in your life, you have to be willing to make a significant long-lasting change in you the way you think- changing negative thought patterns into positive ones.

It's been my observation that depression and low self-esteem go hand-in-hand. People with high self esteem feel confident about themselves and have positive thought patterns; whereas those who suffer from low self esteem often experience feelings of shame, guilt or self-doubt-negative thought patterns.

Most of my clients come to me at a time of depression. They've felt lost, lonely, abandoned and neglected for most of their life. As a life coach, I believe in self-awareness and emotional intelligence. What does this have to do with depression? Well, before you can change your negative thought patterns, you need to learn who you are. To do this, I work with each of my clients and explore their behaviours-both positive and negative. Through this process we learn who they are: their values, strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes. And then we use that information to set goals.

One depression-fighting strategy I encourage my clients to adopt is a regular exercise routine. Medically proven to boost your mood and lower rates of depression, exercise removes the buildup of stress hormones in the body, allowing you to sleep and concentrate better. When you exercise, your body produces endorphins, or feel-good chemicals, and leaves you feeling happier even after you've stopped. And with more oxygen flowing through your red blood cells, you become more receptive to new ideas and ready to take on more challenges.

In addition, maintaining a regular exercise routine provides a structure and focus in your life as you set and meet new goals. The accomplishment of these goals-no matter how big or how small-leads to a sense of achievement and improved self-confidence and self-esteem.

Using exercise as a way to combat depression is not a new strategy, nor is it the only method you'll need to employ in your journey to better mental health. But making exercise a priority in your life will bring you one step closer to the ultimate goal of a healthy mind, body and soul.

Why Am I Always Depressed? The Reason Why You're Always Depressed

Ever sit back and wonder to yourself; why am I always depressed? If you are like many of the other people who suffer from unexplainable depression, then the information contained in this article could be the reason why you're always depressed.

While most medical professionals will try to tell you that depression is just one's mindset, or that it is caused due to some traumatic event, or the loss of a job, home, or loved one; the truth of the matter is, that there is so much more to what causes depression. This article will deal with three alternative health causes of depression in people. So if you have had many different treatments for depression, trying to control it and finding that nothing works, you might very well have one of these three causes.

  1. A parasitic infection or infestation can cause a person to feel less then up to par in their daily lives. Parasites have a bad habit of attacking the body in vulnerable spots such as the immune system, and neurological system. When these areas of the body are being overworked due to an increase in parasites in the body, then the host grows weary and tires easily. This fatigue and this suffering from these microorganisms can cause the chemicals in the body and the brain to change, creating a depression within the person suffering.

  2. An imbalance in the hormone levels in the body can cause a person to feel sluggish and depressed. There are certain hormones that out body needs, which are produced by the adrenal glands such as adrenaline, cortisol, DEHA, and many others, that help keep our system balanced. When one or more of these hormones experience a spike or a drop in their levels the body has an adverse reaction, while trying to combat what ever caused the rise or the fall of these hormones.

  3. A deficit in the nutrients the body needs to survive can cause a person to feel tired and sad, as nutrients are very important to keep all parts of the body functioning well together. When the body is not getting the right amount of nutrients or the right kind of good nutrients the immune system suffers, lowering its defences allowing other illnesses to sneak in such as depression and anxiety.

In the end, if you are still suffering from symptoms that just won't go away even with modern medicines, then you can be assured that you have one of these three issued going on inside your body. While there is no real quick fix, changing your diet and daily lives to one that is healthier and more active is a good start for feeling better. There are also cleanses such as a parasite cleanse to flush out your system, and with more fruits and vegetables in your diet you should be able to replenish the missing nutrients which ultimately could help balance out your hormones once more, eliminating depression from your life.

Teen Bipolar Disorder

Children and teenagers with bipolar disorders can have manic or depressive symptoms. Some children may mostly have depression and others a combination of manic and depressive symptoms. Highs are usually combined with alternative lows.

Bipolar disorders usually begin in childhood and during the teenage years, and may be diagnosed in adult life. This illness can affect anyone and without any specific history. If one or both parents have a bipolar disorder, the chances are greater that their children may develop it at an early age. Family history of drug or alcohol has also been associated with greater risk for bipolar disorders.

Symptoms of bipolar disorders in children and teenagers are - severe changes in -- unusually happy, silly, sometimes very irritable, angry, agitated or aggressive. Some teenagers experience unrealistic highs in self-esteem, for example, a teenager may start feeling very powerful or like a superhero with special powers. They may develop an increase in energy and the ability to go with little or no sleep for days without feeling tired. An adolescent may start talking too much, too fast and changes topics too frequently, without interruption due to depression. They also get distracted very easily, and attention moves constantly from one thing to another. They may also develop repetitive, high risk-taking behavior; such as abusing alcohol and drugs, reckless driving or sexual promiscuity

When a teenage is in a depression he or she may develop excessive irritability, depressed moods, unrelenting sadness, frequent crying, thoughts of death or suicide, loss of enjoyment in favorite activities, frequent complaints of physical illnesses such as headaches or stomach aches, low energy level, fatigue, poor concentration, complaints of boredom and a major change in eating or sleeping patterns, such as oversleeping or overeating.

Teenagers with bipolar disorder can be successfully treated. Treatments include educating the patient and their families about the illness, mood-stabilizing medications such as lithium and valproic acid and psychotherapy. Mood stabilizing medications will often reduce the severity of manic episodes, and also help prevent depression. Psychotherapy helps a child adapt to stresses, rebuild self-esteem and enhance relationships. The diagnosis of bipolar disorders in children and teens is complicated and involves careful observation over an extended period of time.

How to Deal With Job Interview Rejection

I experienced job interview rejection yesterday but that did not deter me to stay focused and positive. Instead of burrowing myself into the pit of self-pity, depression and stagnation, I bravely dealt the issue and came out stronger and determined than ever. With this in mind, I would like to share some insights on how to face job interview rejection, get over it and move forward.

1. Accept reality

This is very important. First, you need to accept that you cannot please everybody. In a job interview you are trying to prove your worth and give the interviewer an impression of what you have and what you can do. Though you try real hard to convince them that you are fit for the job, sometimes, it isn't enough and you end up rejected.

Second, you may think that you are good enough for the job you're applying for but you aren't and you end up rejected. Learn to accept this facts and you will be in a better position to see what you need to improve.

2. Don't take the rejection personally

A job interview is not a measure of your self-worth. A company has a specific set of criteria in finding a specific applicant that fits the job. Your not being a perfect match doesn't mean you're not good at other areas.

3. Take rejection in a different perspective

It's how you see it. If you view rejection as a gauge of your total being then you will get frustrated, disappointed and you will lose self-worth. Instead of viewing rejection as a failure, take it as an opportunity to assess yourself of your strengths and weaknesses and a chance to improve yourself in areas where you are weak.

4. Relax. Treat yourself.

Literally, you need to unwind and free your mind from negative thoughts. Grab a meal from your favorite burger stand, go to the beach and watch the sun as it sets. Or you can go to a nature park and amuse yourself with the wonders of nature.

Cook your favorite meal. Not only will you be able to have a feast of your favorite filet mignon or fettuccine alfredo, you will also enhance your cooking skill.

For relaxation, I listen to my favorite piano music: Roy Todd's Piano Portrait while having a sip of my favorite Davao Robusta coffee. The aroma is soothing and invigorating.

5. Visit a friend and have a chitchat

Engage yourself in a fun and entertaining conversation with your friend. You may choose to organize an on-the-spot get-together with some of your closest friends. Have fun time with them and energize yourself with laughter. No topics about jobs and rejection. Remember, you are with them to enjoy, not to share your remorse.

6. Read motivational quotes; watch inspirational videos

Your friends, relatives or family members maybe busy at this time so you don't have anyone to talk to. Be not dismayed. You can find comfort and encouraging words through motivational quotes. You may choose to watch inspirational videos. Remember, you are not alone in this situation. There are people out there who experienced the same thing. Learn and draw strength from their story of success.

7. Focus on your strength

Each of us has his/her own field of expertise. Focus on what you are really good at and not on your imperfections. Enhancing your strength instead of blaming yourself will make you better.

8. Pray. Ask for Guidance

What we want may not always what we get. And in some cases, we do not get what we need at the time when we badly need it. Ask for guidance through prayer. Leave all doubts behind. There's more opportunities in the world. Be diligent. Seek more and you will find more. If God closes a door, He opens a window.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Step Three in the Five Steps of Persuasive Article Writing

Step Three in the five steps of persuasive writing is probably the step that people struggle with the most. Step Two relied on emotional appeals to bring readers closer to accepting your proposal or believing as you believe. But emotional appeals alone cannot ensure success in your persuasive writing. Strong emotional appeals can lead to temporary persuasion, but coupled with the strong logical appeals of Step Three, it is possible to bring about long-term changes in thought or action.

Step Three involves using logical appeals in writing that offer your readers hard evidence that a change in belief or action is necessary. Readers who are savvy consumers of information will want facts and numbers, examples, and expert opinion to help them make an educated decision about the persuasion. An argument that lacks hard evidence may sound something like this:

"Writing Therapy is critical for all people who suffer from depression. It gives the sufferer a chance to not only process information, but to read and reread the information written for maximum understanding of the issues at hand. It worked for my cousin and I believe it is truly the cornerstone for healing from depression."

Readers will be more inclined to agree with this persuasion if it reads like this:

"Writing Therapy is critical for all people who suffer from depression. In a study conducted by the National Institute on Depression in 2009, writing therapy was used as the primary treatment plan for 450 out of 635 patients diagnosed with chronic depression. Those 450 patients showed significant steps toward recovery in six months of treatment. Recovery was measured by an increased ability to function at work with less sick days being taken and fewer problems with insomnia."

This is, of course, a hypothetical persuasion with fabricated facts, however, the effectiveness of the persuasion in the second passage lies in the fact that credible-sounding statistical evidence was presented. To pack a powerhouse of persuasion in Step Three, it is best to use a combination of statistics (numbers), expert testimony, and an example as proof.

Statistical evidence shows that the theories have been tested in a representative number of cases. What constitutes a representative number fluctuates depending upon the situation. Seven hundred may be a representative number of people suffering from depression, whereas 100 may be a representative number of people riding public transportation to work in a small city. Real numbers have more impact, as opposed to general figures like, "hundreds of people." In all cases, statistics should be compiled by a credible agency that is not biased in their investigation and does not have a vested interest in the outcome of the investigation.

Expert Testimony relies upon the credibility of the source for effectiveness. In a courtroom, the person testifying on behalf of the defendant's mental incapability to stand trial should be a medical expert. The defendant's immediate supervisor at work may have an MBA from Harvard but he did not study psychiatry. His statements would not be expert testimony. In Step Three of the five steps of persuasion, the writer must be discerning in selecting quotes and evidence from a cited source. Who is the most qualified expert to back up your persuasion? Again, the expert must be unbiased and without a vested interested in the outcome for the maximum amount of persuasive effectiveness.

Finally, a strategically placed example can really bring the point home. This would not be the time to use a hypothetical example as in Step Two because logical appeals must be based upon true evidence. This can take the form of a real-life case study that demonstrates the effectiveness of your point. Here, there is some leeway with using a formal case study conducted by an expert or using an informal case study from your personal experience. If your cousin tried writing therapy without being in a program but was able to see significant results with work productivity and sleep problems within a year, this would be further evidence to strengthen the statistics and expert testimony. If you are using an informal example such as this, it should follow the strongest evidence from statistics and expert testimony,

Step Three in the five steps of persuasive writing is one that should be developed with care. Unsubstantiated persuasive arguments can potentially move readers from a neutral position into a position of complete disagreement. Readers may feel put off by a lack of regard for their intelligence or the expectation that they will simply be persuaded by charming words. Strong persuasion requires strong evidence. Strong evidence is created by a combination of real facts, professional opinion, and effective examples.

So, you have made it through the first three steps in the five steps of persuasive writing. Stay tuned for Step Four. Keep writing and experimenting!

Severe Depression - The Worst of Its Kind?

Severe Depression occurs when the illness is in its worse stages. Too many Americans will not seek help for this disorder until it is so severe that it takes years to bring under control. Depression of some type afflicts 15 million people in the USA annually. Medical attention will only be sought by about 4.5 million of these people. They try to hide it, wish it away, because of fear of being labeled crazy or insane. The problem is that Sever Depression will not be wished away. The condition gets worse and those afflicted will lose control.

Many Americans are too ashamed to admit they are afflicted. Severe depression does not make you sub-human. It doesn't make you less of a human. Depression is a disease like any other disease. Medical care is needed. The normal symptoms of depression are multiplied in severe cases. The illness and its effects get much much worse. It becomes harder to deal with every day situations. Negative feelings intensify to make you a total loner. This disease can't be avoided. Treatment is possible. Attacking it in its early stage is a key.

The ability to identify the symptoms associated with depression is essential in the process of diagnosis and treatment. Depression is associated with many symptoms. A transparent one is that the sufferer will withdraw into themselves. Dealing with other people becomes too difficult. They cannot overcome their feelings of guilt, hopelessness and uselessness. They always seem angry and short tempered. In some cases of severe depression people claim to hear evil spirits whispering in their ear. Suicide often becomes a way out for victims of severe depression. It takes treatment and a great deal of support from loved ones to help people with the disease..

Severe depression is terrible. Those who suffer it cannot live normal lives, as they once knew it. There is no feeling like the feeling of losing self-control. Hope is slim, but treatment is hope. Typically, anti-depressants and 'talk therapy' are prescribed to treat depression. There are also many support groups available to assist these individuals to adjust in society. Once victims seek treatment they can be put on the road to a better life. They can again be the ruler of their own domain. But first the illness must be admitted and treatment sought.

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Benefit of auto insurance offers low rates on an auto insurance and auto cover generally. The companies we represent have continually earned the Highest rating from in beat leading self over auto assurance rating right. Health check coverage in this easy for many consumed to mark the car insurance policy.

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Many auto cover companies some provide 10 % of discount allowed in the cover company. The getting insurance policy amounts day by day increase in the world. It also amounts to increase the economy are going into depression and chances of theft of the car in these conditions may rise..You get any accident means within one month you collect your car policy amount. The compare assurance rates in online. Many companies provide you with the best insurance coverage at the lowest price.

Is My Dog Depressed?

Despite having fur and four legs, pet owners often treat their dogs as if they were human. Just like humans, our furry companions have good times and bad times. Dogs, just like humans, can get depressed. Unfortunately, unlike humans, dogs are unable to get over the blues on their own.

Signs that your dog may be depressed are similar to the signs you may see in your human companions. Dogs can get lethargic, lose their appetite for food or water, stop playing, and in drastic cases, can lose a significant amount of weight. Because pets cannot speak for themselves, it's important for pet owners to pay attention to these signs.

The reasons that your dog may get depressed are as varied as the reasons that humans get the blues. Like humans, pets grieve the loss of a loved one, such as a child going off to college or a loved one passing away. Sometimes changes in lifestyle, such as moving to a new home, or other sudden changes in their environment, can have a dramatic effect on your pet. It's also possible that your dog has a chemical imbalance that requires a veterinarian's care.

There are ways to ease your dog's sadness, provided that there are no physical ailments that are the cause of the depression. Doing simple activities, such as engaging and playing with your dog more or offering your pet a new toy or treat, can sometimes liven up your depressed pet. If your dog has lost a companion, such as another pet, you might consider replacing the companion or take your pet to a dog park to try and make new friends. Consider putting your pet in doggie-daycare, if you work during the day. This will ensure that your pet is not alone and will also enable your dog to make other canine friends, that could help pull them out of their depression.

Be patient with your dog. Just like our moody human companions, it may take more than a playful afternoon to get your furry companion to liven up. Time, patience and persistence may be key to turning your dog's depression around.

If you have tried interacting with your pet and your dog still seems depressed, then it's a good idea to take your pet to the veterinarian to be sure there are no other ailments that are causing your dog's blue mood. If the veterinarian rules out physical ailments, but your dog is still depressed, it's possible that your pet may be prescribed an anti-depressant to correct a possible chemical imbalance, much like the solution for severe depression in humans.

If your dog gets depressed, there is no need to be alarmed. No matter the reason for your furry companions sadness, your dog needs you, more than ever, to see them through this trying time. Giving your pet lots of attention, loving care, and patience could be all your dog needs to overcome depression.

TSH Hypothyroidism Symptoms

TSH hypothyroidism can wreak havoc if it is left undetected and unattended. Men can have serious heart ailments (among several other problems) while women can run into pregnancy problems (among other issues). However, a dysfunctional thyroid, unlike many other diseases, does not have its own set of unique symptoms and characteristics. This is precisely why it is so difficult to detect thyroid dysfunction and hypothyroidism.

The symptoms for hypothyroidism are similar to the symptoms of other ailments-for example, the feeling of sluggishness can be a common symptom of both, a low hemoglobin count and a low hormone count. It can take a while before a hypothyroidism symptom is detected, and by then, it can cause serious damage. However, it is still critical to know the different symptoms of TSH hypothyroidism. The symptoms can be both mental and physical. It is also important to know that the symptoms described below need not necessarily occur in everyone, and one can have symptoms that do not appear in the list.

Physical symptoms

• You can either sweat profusely or sweat far less than other people. This is unusual because you can sweat even in an air-conditioned room or in cool weather without working out physically.

• Women may experience a feeling of bloating in the stomach and have mood disorders and stomach cramps-all of which indicate premenstrual symptoms (PMS) when they are affected by TSH hypothyroidism.

• You may lose your appetite and also suffer from constipation.

• You may constantly feel fatigued despite having adequate rest and eating healthy.

• Your cholesterol levels can shoot up unusually even though you have not had foods that trigger cholesterol levels.

• You may tend to fall ill very easily and may catch a cold or cough frequently, and all these indicate poor immunity.

• You may suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

• You may become intolerant to cold temperatures.

• Your hair may become extremely dry and coarse, and you may start to lose your hair.

• You may have skin problems, where your skin becomes dry and flaky. This, despite taking the greatest care of your skin.

• Women who have already conceived may have high blood pressure just before delivery and face the risk of a miscarriage.

• Puffiness may occur around the eyes and the face.

• The arteries may become stiff and clogged, and your blood pressure may shoot up just a bit.

• Your thyroid gland may swell markedly. This is also known as goiter.

Mental Symptoms

• You may slip into depression often and for no apparent reason. Experienced psychologists may advise you to take a medical test to find out the exact reason for your depression.

• You may become a social recluse and may want to avoid going to social events and functions. You may want to communicate less with people and avoid those who want to interact with you.

• You may tend to forget important things during a day (meetings, appointments, and taking medicines, for example). Sometimes, such forgetfulness can become so chronic that it can prove a hindrance to your day-to-day life.

• You may suffer from severe mood disorders and can suffer from extremes of mood at the drop of a hat. You can make a checklist of the most common symptoms of TSH hypothyroidism and discuss your unique symptoms with the doctor. The doctor will then advise suitable tests and treatments.

Depression in Men - A Problem of Denial?

Depression in men can be hard to diagnose and is often undetected both by themselves as well as their doctors. Part of the problem is the mindset of doctors, some of whom do not recognise or acknowledge, the hormonal changes occurring in men. These can begin as early as age 35, though the majority of men experience this in their 40's and 50's.

About 40% of middle aged men are depressed according to statistics. This can present serious problems if left untreated, particularly to men's overall physical well-being, leading to possible high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Mid-life depression in men has been proven to be the main cause of divorce and can also lead to suicide. The rate of men committing suicide in mid-life is three times the US national average.

From their 30's, men begin to experience a reduction in testosterone and this is known as Testosterone Defficiency Syndrome. This may or may not cause any symptoms, but, being able to recognise the warning signs that all is not right, is the first step to healing.

Symptoms can include a lack of energy and vitality, loss of sexual desire or libido and mood swings. Other warning signs that signal depression in men include the following:

1. becoming controlling

2. blaming others

3. being critical

4. creating conflict

5. being suspicious or secretive

6. becoming compulsive

7. feeling restless and unable to relax

8. getting angry

The above list of symptoms may be hard to swallow and actually believe. We are all quick to deny any "seeming" negative behaviour we do not wish to see in ourselves.

Treatment of male depression presents a challenge in that it is still only partially being accepted by doctors and men themselves. Because depression over the years has been viewed as more of a female issue, men may have difficulty accepting that they could be going through the same thing.

Often resistant to getting help, men will deny that there is anything wrong with them. Also, sexual dysfunction may be an embarrassing subject for them so they may put off discussing it, hoping things will change on their own. Denial can lead to a loss of self esteem and unexpressed grief,that can have far-reaching consequences in family life.

Depression in men, is not something to be ashamed of, but just another facet of life to journey through and it does not have to last forever. By not seeking answers, men are placing their health, that of their family and their lives in jeopardy. Is denial worth the cost?

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Strange Insomnia Depression - Understanding the Link Between Insomnia and Mood Swings

Have you experienced that ever-changing mood at the office throughout the day, and finding it hard to find sleep at night? Well you should not be surprised about the connection between sleep, depression and the change in mood since these things are often inter-linked with one another. In fact some doctors are saying that problems sleeping and a form of depression are linked with each other and these things all contribute to mood disorder. According to some researches, around 80 percent of depressed people also have trouble finding a good sleep at night.

With this in mind, you can really say that a depressed person will likely develop insomnia and someone who has insomnia has a higher chance of getting depressed thus his mood may change any time, any day.

Insomnia as sign of depression

This is true they say since the insomnia is referred as a major symptom of insomnia. And in the process, the insomnia and sleeping issues that can be experienced by the person will then lead to mood swings. And we all know what mood swings can do to the lifestyle of the person and his productivity.

There are a number of studies that have been made that correlated depression and insomnia. For example there is the study of Dr. Michael Perlis about the link between insomnia and depression. In his research, he found out that insomnia is an early sign of depression in a person. The researcher added that the trouble of the person finding sleep often proceeds moments of depression by around five weeks.

By some researches, it has been found out that the trouble sleep of one person will also bring in the depression and this depression that the person will experience will serve as the switch in the whole nervous system of the person and these events can lead to many depressive episodes. The effects on people with depression are not only at the surface, since the effect goes down deep. For example, the depressed person will not only wake up at night and have interrupted sleep but the whole make up of the sleep of the depressed person will be affected as well. You need to remember that a good night sleep for someone who is healthy is well-structured. For the depressed person with sleeping issues, the sleep patterns and the make-up of the sleep is shattered.

Normal sleep for non-depressed person as opposed to abnormal sleep

For the healthy person, his sleep will be marked with four or five cycles of sleep. The person's sleep will often cycle though periods of deepening, relaxing sleep and these are marked by the slow waves in the brain. Then the person will go directly go to dream sleep and this will be marked by great brain activity and the rapid eye movements.

But for the depressed people, there is a big shift in sleep activities. The depressed person directly goes into REM sleep. And according to some researchers, this is not a good thing.

In the simplest terms, depression and insomnia can be a bad mix that needs to be attended well.

Understanding Bipolar Relationships

Bipolar relationships are indeed a challenge. Having a relationship with someone who has a bipolar disorder is not easy, because that person is vulnerable to various conditions such as exaggerated mood swings and strange behaviors. Their roller coaster emotions can drive a relationship out of control. At times, the symptoms may not be obvious, which is why a person with bipolar disorder can still mingle with people, have friends, and form relationships, despite their condition. In fact, they are advised to mingle with people and not stay at home and become reclusive.

Bipolar disorders affect relationships in certain ways. For instance, during the hypomania state, a person would tend to go on a shopping spree. Then, he/she would become depressed and eventually turn quiet. These cycles of mania and depression can put a stress on any relationship, because these are not the usual mood swings that normal people usually go through. These are wild mood changes that can wreak havoc in any relationship. A lot of relationships have ended because the other partner cannot deal with the other person's illness anymore. It is understandable, but there are ways to maintain a good relationship with someone who has this disability.

Getting Professional Help

You probably can live with your partner who has Bipolar II disorder, but you may already be breaking down from inside. Do not hesitate to ask for help from a counselor or a psychologist. A lot of people do not do that because they fail to realize how much help they need.

One of the reasons why couples do not seek help right away is that the disorder may not be obvious. Anyone can pass the mood swings for a defect of a person's character, and not as a form of psychological problem that needs treatment. Bipolar disorder does not necessarily show obvious mood phases. It may be hard to distinguish the different mood swings, especially if the shifts in between each emotional state are subtle.

In other cases, the odd behavior may be mistaken for other common problems. For instance, people who go through the hyper phase may become promiscuous, and the spouse may think that the other is cheating. Another symptom of that particular phase is alcoholism and drug addictions, which are quite common conditions in people even without a bipolar disorder. These behaviors take place because the person loses his or her judgment. The couple, in this case, runs the risk of separating.

After the hyper stage is the depressive state, in which the person becomes quiet. It's like there is another person in the house.

The roller coaster episodes can be very frustrating. However, with proper guidance, living with someone who has these problems is possible.

Maintaining the Relationship

Nine of ten bipolar marriages fail. That is a fact. Failures happen because the other one could not keep up with the person affected with bipolar disorder. The choice of the other person to break free from the marriage or relationship is perfectly understandable.

Nonetheless, bipolar relationships do not have to end in failure. It is possible to live with someone who has bipolar disorder, but it takes compassion and work.


One mood stabilizing medication is Lithium. Antidepressants may also be prescribed to help the patient cope with the depression phase. Aside from medications, there are psychological therapies to let the patient understand and cope with his or her condition.

Thyroid Issues And Weight Loss

If you're eating a healthy diet, cutting out all fake foods, chemicals and additives, but you still are having issues losing weight it is more than likely the problem is your thyroid. Unfortunately, many doctors overlook or completely misdiagnose the issues due to not doing the right tests, or no accurately reading the test results. There are many issues with the thyroid that can occur that impede or even stop weight loss completely no matter how well you eat.

An over active or under-active thyroid, hypothyroidism, can cause many health problems one of which is inability to lose weight. Even if your doctor performs standard thyroid tests which have come back "normal" there are other tests you can do such as the TRH stimulation test which will identify whether or not you have a hypothyroid issue more accurately. Additionally, the problem might be conversion of T4 to T3. T4 is thyroxine and T3 is triiodothyronine which are both produced by the thyroid gland which regulates metabolism.

Some doctors misdiagnose conditions, especially in women, that are really caused by thyroid dysfunction such as depression and fibromyalgia which can actually be the result of thyroid issues. If the underlying issues are treated, the symptoms can be relieved, including the inability to lose weight. If you have a problem with T3 conversion you may be able to exercise daily, and eat a low calorie healthy diet and still be overweight. Conversely someone with an over active thyroid can eat all they want and be very sedentary and lose weight. Either condition is not desirable so if you have any of these issues it is imperative that you seek out a doctor who is familiar with the thyroid and it's relation to metabolism and weight loss or gain.

Getting rid of fake foods that contain additive and dangerous chemicals can actually cause a natural reaction that fixes your thyroid issues. All these fake things we put into our bodies can literally play havoc with natural hormone functions. Foods with gluten, soy and even natural foods that contain Isothiocyanates, such as peanuts, strawberries, and certain raw veggies, can cause problems with your thyroid if eaten in excess. Also, ensuring that you are eating sufficient amounts of iodine is essential to proper thyroid function. Most people get enough iodine today just from the salt we eat due to it usually having iodine added. If you're eating natural salt, or a low sodium diet, you may want to check your diet to be sure that you are including enough natural iodine for proper thyroid function. The recommended daily allowance is 150 mcg daily which is about 1 teaspoon of table salt with iodine.

However, keep in mind if you do have a thyroid issue, it is possible that you will need a doctor's intervention with medications to assist with normalizing the thyroid. But, knowing what foods can contribute to this problem can help you avoid issues if you don't have them yet. You can avoid gluten, eat nuts in moderation, eat only fermented soy, and light cook leafy and cruciferous veggies before eating can help avoid problems.

Postpartum Depression Symptoms to Look Out For

There is a difference between the baby blues and postpartum depression. There are many women that will suffer from the baby blues, but it is perfect natural. The sudden drop in hormones will bring on emotions without warning. However, this should only last for a couple of weeks; the body will help to regulate the hormones by then.

It is important to look out for postpartum depression symptoms to know if the new mom needs help because it is a serious condition that can affect the health of the new mom and the baby.

The main symptoms are all very similar to the normal symptoms for depression. They will start shortly after the birth of the baby and can often been seen as extreme tiredness or a problem with the concentration. Usually, the new mom will have trouble sleeping and it will affect the way that she is during the day. Because of the sleep deprivation, walking and talking may be a little difficult and the new mom may be more confused than normal.

A change in the weight is often seen with postpartum depression. Of course, the new mom will start to lose the baby weight but she may lose more than that. Many women stop eating properly and will not eat enough calories to survive. There are some women that will go the other way and will eat to help cope with their depression; these women will end up putting more weight on.

If these postpartum depression symptoms are not treated, there is the risk that the condition can become worse and turn into postpartum psychosis. This is extremely dangerous because the new mom will start to have thoughts of suicide or will want to harm the baby.

The main sign that the depression has turned into psychosis is that the new mom will start to switch moods extremely quickly. She will also become more agitated and could start to hallucinate. This is dangerous because there is no telling what she will start to see in her head and act upon. When the condition gets like this, it is very important to see a doctor immediately; antipsychotic drugs may be prescribed to help with this.

Catching the postpartum depression symptoms early could really help the new mom handle the problem herself. There are a number of treatments available and many are now natural and options for the home. Just a healthy diet could help dramatically.

Signs of Teenage Depression

Teenagers are known for their moodiness. It is a time in one's life when chores are more than just a burden, schoolwork is drudgery and the wrong word from a friend can seem like the end of the world. It's no wonder then that for parents, teachers and friends, signs of depression in teenagers can often be difficult to see. In fact, it is estimated that only 20 percent of teenagers suffering from depression ever get the help they need. However, clinical depression should never be confused with moodiness. Depression is a debilitating condition that can lead towards alcohol and drug abuse, violence and suicide.

These are the warning signs of clinical depression. The more of these signs that describe someone you know, (teenager or adult), the more important it is that they talk to their doctor about depression.

  • sadness or hopelessness

  • irritability, or outbursts of anger

  • frequent crying

  • lack of motivation

  • withdrawal from friends or family

  • change in eating habits, loss of appetite

  • change in sleeping habits, sleeplessness or oversleeping

  • loss of interest in once-favorite activities

  • feelings of guilt

  • feelings of worthlessness

  • fatigue, or lack of energy

  • difficulties in concentration

  • preoccupied with thoughts of death

  • suicidal thoughts
Above all, please understand that talk of suicide, or suicidal thoughts should never be dismissed without talking to your doctor.

If you suspect a teen you know is suffering from depression, talk to them about it, or have them talk to an adult they can trust, preferably their family doctor. There are a wide variety of treatment options available for depression today, and there is no reason for anyone to suffer with depression alone.

The Role of Companionship and How Instinct Clouds Judgment

So you've been married for a while. A long while. Or you've been dating so long that it seems like you're married. Or you're just thinking about embarking on a lifelong course with that special someone, but the longevity of the whole enterprise is daunting. You are committing to be with this one person, and this person only.

At this time I have some advice for teens dealing with breakups. Coping with a relationship that has ended is always very difficult and how to handle a relationship breakup can become upsetting at the very least. We have had many letters delivered to our offices asking please help me get over this breakup, and help me let go of ex, we have always given a high priority to the subject of relationship breakup and how to cope with a relationships.

There are two types of breaking up survival, they are the difficult relationship breakup where the signs of a breaking up are easy to spot, and the warning signs of a breakup come thick and fast.Surviving the breakup of a new or short term relationship will come easier than long term relationship breakup. We have always advised the best ways to get over a breakup and healing a broken heart from love, is to take the best advice for teens dealing with breakups, this advise can be found at Magick Of Making Up.

The advise given is highly charged and has helped many young lovers with overcoming a breakup, there is great advice on breaking up, and why it happens, also advice on how to get my ex girlfriend back or advice on how to get your ex boyfriend back, advice on how to get your ex back, has been tried and tested over many years.All advise for broken relationships will fill you with hope, and help you with coping painful breakup.

We have found that over the years dealing with breakup pain issues and that moving on after a breakup, the healing after breakup and many questions on how to survive a break up. There are many articles in magazines giving free breakup advice these are fine the younger teens who have ten crushes a day! But for the more mature teenagers and young adult relationship break up, get more intense over time.

Surviving relationship loss when one has been in a relationship for many months or years is harder and the recovering from a breakup is much more difficult and the healing heartbreak.How to deal with a breakup can and will always be the most time consuming, energy sapping, endeavor if you let it rule your life. It is always better if possible to recognize the signs of breakup and the saving a relationship question is easier to remedy.

There have been many books written on the subject, remedy for a broken heart, and teen breakup poems these we find pretty pathetic, the breakup poetry, it is stated by the authors, helps to sooth the well-being and aid the breakup recovery, we find that the only person helped here is the authors and their bank balance.

Breakup poems will only make you feel worse, by there nature they are self defeating and will make one feel more depressed. This is the same also with the empowering breakup songs that are delivered through the radio over and over again, while your listening to this rubbish you are not out there getting ex girlfriend back or getting ex boyfriend back, getting back together should be your number one priority.

Breakup recovery will take as long as you let it, the getting over a relationship and mending broken heart, still occupies every second of your day, the thought why men dump women and why women dump men will never be answered due to the complex human interaction.Stages of breaking up can be very different from one couple to another. Many couples will go through the phase that is not uncommon the dreaded rebound relationships, these we find are not healthy and rarely prosper, and so if you can steer clear of these do so.

Over the many years helping ailing relationships we have studied many breakup letters sent to us from break up advice centers these we have found must baffling the breakup quotes are not rational which tells us that love can be a un-rational endeavor. Most letters ask for advice for a broken heart, these Samples of break up letters all end stating what is the best way to get your ex back.

There is always the dreaded quote my best friend in rebound relationship with ex and its tearing me apart. Please give advice for broken hearted ex-lover, the only advice on getting your boyfriend back or girlfriend back is to remember the Breaking up don'ts, which are when breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend is can positive thinking get my boyfriend back, yes it can never let this fact leave your thoughts.

Always be on guard against can a rebound relationship feel like love not very often it is usually a means of dealing with broken heart or dealing with being dumped and can be very dangerous.If your dealing with a relationship breakup one night stands are not the best answer. Going on line to meet people is the best way in avoiding rebound relationships, the next question is are online relationships healthy of course they are you do not have to meet face to face, plus you have the best of two worlds, are online relationships cheating, no certainly not, are online relationships good yes because if you have a low esteem after breaking up with someone what's better than getting revenge on your ex in an unconventional way, and receiving a few nice compliments as well.

Coping with a relationship break up can be done in many different ways the chemistry in relationships differs from person to person so can be difficult to predict the outcome and advice heal broken heart can be time consuming as we try to help couples all over the world.The advice for broken hearted lovers is usually given as fast as possible.

A few people ask for advice on ending a relationship this is a question we try to steer clear of and would rather help than hinder. We do offer advise on the best ways to get over a breakup, also the best ways to get your wife back, this is a question that is cropping up more often just lately, the question and advice of marriage breakups always keeps our feet on the ground and makes our job a little more tearful, some of the ending a relationship letter have at times had our office staff in tears, it is always a shame when break-up-letters start to flood in, usually October and November are the worst months.

The boyfriend and girlfriend breakup question is always at the top of our list thankfully, the boyfriend break up letter is one of the most amazing letters on the planet and we are still amazed with the boyfriend breakup excuses, the best one to date is "I'm going to be a test pilot for the space shuttle so I can not see you any more".

Our files are full of best way to get girlfriend back which is nice, we do have a few letters each month asking the best way to breakup with girlfriend these we find are very final, it is possible over time to change this individuals mind, the secrets how to do this can be found at Magick Of Making Up, sometimes even we do fail and our advise is after a breakup moving on, the question boyfriend breakups will always be with us and many of the best people in this field will never work it out.

Coping after a breakup can at times take one or to different turns, the aspect of coping with a broken heart, and coping with a broken relationship are the main down side of a falling out, it is your gain if you can mend a broken relationship then the other mend a broken heart will come next, it sounds very easy and is if you stick to the golden rules, find free advice on getting my ex back there are many book reviews on get back your ex now these will give you the inspiration and cut out the guess work, the boyfriend girlfriend breakups are dealt with in a very calming way.

To find out more go to Magick Of Making Up the emotional stages of a relationship breakup are one of the main focal points in the magic of making up. Easing the pain of a breakup is 90% of the battle won, and our new secret system can alleviate the stress that breaking up survival can bring. Breaking up with a boyfriend or breaking up with a married man can turn a normal level headed person into a nail biting hair pulling over stressed person.

Breaking up with your boyfriend or breaking up with my girlfriend is all covered in our new book, the boyfriend broke up with me question is answered in full, sensible breaking up advice is given in depth and that endless fraise boyfriend wants to take a break, all these most personal items are dealt with in minuet detail. The chapters best way to get your ex back are very revealing to say the least.

We deal with the falling in love signs, those subtle little changes that we all get when falling in love, these are all explained in our new book Magick Of Making Up we all suffer depression after a breakup our book will help you over come the depression after a break up, with a lot of difficult relationship breakup happening nowadays, we can help most people sort this out and hopefully give you more chances of getting back with ex and dealing with emotions which will surface when your ex wants to get back together.

It is very much more difficult to get an ex wife back than it is to get back with ex husband, getting back together with your ex husband can at times raise the question will I trust him again?Breaking up staying friends this is always best if there are children in the relationship, it has its problems when your partner has left to be with a lover, the breakup advice given on this subject is the best you can get.

After the break up and get back together has started to ware off more advise is given to keep and help for a troubled relationship and dealing with unrequited love, couples will at times forget the depictions of unrequited love these thoughts lay very deep in our psyche and should be nurtured at all times night and day.

After a short breakup the mind starts to play tricks and coping with jealousy is quite difficult, especially if your partner has made new friends, coping with stress that this will cause is a must, the fraise does love help you live longer is asked to our staff all the time and the question is yes, we look at it this way humans and most animals are designed to live in pairs and love between two people is life giving.

The horrible breakup depression can only hinder your outlook on life and so shorten it, so you must at all times guard against broken relationship grief this grief is all consuming and will have you searching for a cure for break up pain this search is not good and will have you entering into unhealthy relationships. Broken relationship help is only a click away go to Magick Of Making Up for more help.

Surviving marriage breakup is most peoples number one priority, it can be as hard as you make it, or as easy as you make it. Like most problems it can be solved quickly with a bit of mind power. The coping with a relationship breakup issue can and always will be with us in some shape or form, it is how we deal with it mentally.

Ending a bad relationship or just ending a relationship will always make one feel depressed for a short while but if it is at all possible ending a relationship gracefully is more desirable, dealing with a bad breakup can cost many thousands of dollars in legal fees, so if coping with relationship breakups is not for you try to go the easy way by fixing a broken relationship.

Fixing breakups whether its fixing bad relationship or finding our how to cure broken heart it is always easier to speak to your partner, and in the long run its cheaper.Coping with breakup of marriage all questions on marriage and the husband-wife relationship expert question answer how do i get my ex-wife back are available, more information available at Magick Of Making Up, check it out by clicking the link below.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Vintage Dresses Stand the Test of Time

Vintage dresses are enduringly popular for a very good reason. The classic cuts and elegant silhouettes of vintage dresses have stood the test of time, flattering our figures decade after decade. Beyond their figure enhancing effect, vintage dresses are desirable for their unique position in fashion and social history. When considering the history of fashion, vintage dresses have an unparalleled importance; instantly recognisable, they define an era, capture a moment. No other single garment has this power of evoking bygone days as succinctly as vintage dresses. Vintage dresses are the icons of each decade, with one style of dress summing up the fashions of the time.

Technically, a dress over 20 years old is classified as 'vintage;' any older than 100 years and it becomes 'antique.' The 20th century saw an ever-changing succession of fashions, providing us with a plethora of alluring vintage dresses from which to choose. This century of unprecedented sartorial revolution saw the formation of the contemporary fashion industry as it exists today, and changed the way we make, buy and wear clothes forever. Vintage fashions, from the 1920's to the 1990's, reflect overarching social, political and economic factors; each generation reacting against the style that went before it. Vintage dresses are the garments which so readily epitomise each decade of fashion, encompassing a range of distinctive features unique to that particular time's fashions, including: cut; silhouette; colour scheme; fabric; patterns; and embellishment.

1920's - Hemlines rose higher to the knee and waistlines dropped lower. A boyish figure was favoured, removing emphasis from the bust, waist and hips for a blocky shape. Loose fitting, but not voluminous, dresses had typically straight lines and low waists, allowing for energetic dancing. The flapper dress epitomises this time, featuring geometric Art Deco beading and/or frivolous fringing.

1930's - In a complete reversal of tastes, long, flowing feminine dresses with a natural waistline were favoured. As the Depression set in, the sumptuous world of Hollywood movies captured the American imagination, popularising slinky screen-siren gowns which clung to every curve. Madame Vionett perfected the smooth, sensuous silhouette with bias-cut gowns, which were often backless. Fluttery, tiered skirts were also popular on dresses, retaining that flirty, feminine style.

1940's - World War II meant a utilitarian approach to dressing and removed all frivolous wastes of material. Sleek lines remained without wasting material via calf-to-knee length hemlines and slim skirts. Rationed fabrics meant feminine dresses often had to be cut from menswear, lending a militaristic, functional air. Slim, belted waists and narrow hips were further emphasized by exaggerated shoulders.

1950's - The restraint of the war years led to a period of exuberant femininity in the Fifties. Full skirted, knee-length dresses were worn with petticoats for extra oomph. Dior's 'New Look' defined the nipped in waist and long full skirts of the decades dresses. Shirt dresses and halter-neck dresses gained popularity. Hemlines remained at the knee or just below for both day and evening dresses. Brocade and floral patterns were typical on Fifties dresses, as the freedom to experiment with fabric and colour returned.

1960's - The Sixties began with simple, geometric shift dresses, before being revolutionized in 1964 by Mary Quant and the mini skirted dress: Psychedelic patterns and colours engulfed sleeveless shift dresses; flared micro-mini baby-doll dresses took the hemlines even higher in sugary sweet colours and fabrics; and velvet dresses with long, lace trimmed bell-sleeves epitomised the dandified look of the time.

1970s - Whilst the Sixties went mini, the dresses of the seventies went maxi. Long, flowing gypsy style dresses had tiered skirts and nonchalant off the shoulder necklines. Lace, fringing and embroidery details cemented the hippy look, having various ethnic influences. Edwardian style long, lacy and high-necked dresses were made popular by Laura Ashley. The disco dresses of the Seventies were characterized by long hemlines too, fitting close to the body in sinuous, glossy fabrics such as lam矇 and satin.

1980's - 'Power dressing' in the Eighties paved the way for a Forties tinged silhouette, with highly emphasized wide shoulders and nipped in waists, with a typically sleek, short pencil skirt. Flashy gilt and golden finishes upped the glamour stakes, as seen at Versace. The decade's defining dress however was brought to you by Azzedine Ala簿a - the 'King of Cling'- whose body-conscious dresses were scandalously form-fitting.

Now in the 21st century, the demand for vintage fashion, and specifically vintage dresses, is greater than ever. Let's take a trip through the 20th century and look at some features which characterise vintage dresses from each decade.

What Are Psychologists Famous For?

If you do not only want to find a decent job that can pay the mortgage, but you also want to find a genuine career that can help you find the inspiration you need to become responsible for some amazing breakthroughs, you have come to the right place. You are about to read about some famous psychologists who did not only fulfill their regular tasks as psychologists, but they also managed to leave some pretty impressive theories and discoveries behind them. If you were looking for some inspiration to strengthen your decision to attend a psychology degree program, here are some people who might further your choice.

Aaron Beck is also known as the "father of cognitive therapy" and also the person who invented the Beck Depression Inventory (which is a depression test used for assessing the degree of severity and also the depth of depression symptoms of patients suffering from clinical depression), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (which is an anxiety disorder test that helps potential patients rate their anxiety symptoms in a given week) and the Beck Hopelessness Scale (which is a 20-item self-report inventory that measures aspects such as loss of motivation, feelings about the future and expectations; the test was originally created for adults between the ages of 17 and 80.)

Gordon Allport is known as one of the very founding fathers of humanistic theories, and his theory regarding the development of personality and his values scales have left us with many wonderful study tools. He insisted upon the great role of the uniqueness of our personalities and the significance of present situations and contexts in relation to certain behaviors, rather than past happenings.

Do you know who invented the very first IQ test? It was a French psychologist named Alfred Binet who created the first intelligence test that was usable.

Milton Erickson is the father of modern hypnotherapy, which is one of the fastest growing branches of psychological therapy today. With the help of his amazing breakthroughs, he helped develop Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Sigmund Freud is a notorious psychologist who is world-renowned for having founded psychoanalysis; theories such as the theory of the unconscious mind or his therapeutic techniques such as free association, transference or dream interpretation are much debated even today.

If you are thinking about working for a business or company as an organizational psychologist, you should know that Kurt Lewin is the father of social psychology and also one of the very first people who studied group dynamics and also organizational development. You could use his techniques to step up and find some new clever ways of boosting group dynamics and work productivity.

Alfred Kinsey has made some essential breakthroughs in the field of human sexuality, which were responsible for influencing many social and cultural values in the U.S. and also all throughout the world.

Abraham Maslow is known for his human motivation theory which is also referred to as Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. He set the grounds for humanistic psychology.

As you can see, there are plenty of iconic figures that could stimulate you into getting your psychology degree and following the career path of your dreams.

Home Remedies For Candida Depression - Finally Practical Information on Natural Remedy Options

Depression is an ailment that every human being tends to suffer with at some point of life. The most prominent cause of depression has always been attributed to emotional and psychological imbalances occurring inside the brain. An important reason for these imbalances is infections such as candidiasis, a disease caused by yeast called Candida albicans. One effective treatment method is to practice home remedies for candida depression.

In certain health complications such as diabetes, immune system of our body gets compromised. Candida is an opportunistic pathogen that is present inside the human gastrointestinal tract. During immuno-compromised conditions, it tends to overgrow and cause severe irritation on the skin. If left untreated, candidiasis can cause severe discomfort and also result in some serious systemic complications. Candida overgrowth is also a cause of depression in certain individuals. So, get rid of candida if you want to stay away from symptoms of candida depression.

At present, the most commonly prescribed treatment is use of antifungal agents such as Nystatin and Diflucan that can kill the pathogens. Candida thrives well in sugar-rich environments. Hence, one must also include certain dietary changes so that there are no nutrients available for the yeast to feed on. Apart from these, one can get rid of candidiasis and associates symptoms of depression by using some herbal supplements. Herbal remedies for candida depression include those herbal remedies that are effective against candida and provide relief from depression.

  • Neem Oil - Since ages, Neem has been used as a cure for several ailments because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties. If you are suffering with cutaneous candidiasis, apply neem oil directly on the affected area.

  • Candida can also be cured using Apple Cider vinegar and Tea Tree oil. Both these herbal products are particularly effective in treating oral thrush or oral candidiasis and vaginal candidiasis.

If you are suffering with candidiasis and depression, one must also include certain herbal remedies for depression apart from getting treated for candidiasis. Some important remedies herbs depression are listed below:

  • St. John's Wart - This is one of the oldest herbal remedies for depression. Interestingly, this treatment can also be used to gain relief from depression caused due to candidiasis. St. John's Wart relaxes the brain and helps in stabilizing moods. Also, it prevents certain associated symptoms such as anxiety and nervousness.

  • 5-hydroxy tryptamine or 5HT is an effective antidepressant compound derived from an herb called Griffonia simplicifolia. This compound gets metabolized inside the body into serotonin, an important neurotransmitter that helps in neuronal relaxation and mood stabilization.

Apart from these, other herbal remedies for depression include Holy Basil, Green Tea, Asparagus, Amla and Brahmi.

Interestingly, herbal remedies for candida depression are extremely effective and don't even cause any side effects. However, one must remember to consult the physician before using any of these herbal remedies for depression. Both, candidiasis and depression can turn severe if not treated properly. Hence, they always need medical intervention so that the treatment is effective and the conditions never recur.

How to Combat Postpartum Depression

Do you think you have postpartum depression? Don't worry because there is nothing wrong with you. Postpartum depression affects most mothers, especially new moms. It is also commonly known as "baby blues" and it is caused by the sudden changes in your hormones. Most women experience the symptoms of postpartum depression for about a week; however, it can also last longer in some women.

Before you learn about how to combat postpartum blues, it is very helpful for you to learn how to identify its symptoms. These symptoms are quite similar to that of normal depression; however, they do not last very long. Usually mothers with post partum depression often are irritable which is why they can get easy angry and upset by even the smallest things. Exhaustion is also very common. Also, they also tend to pull away from their baby. They may even try to ignore their responsibilities as a mother and have someone else take care of their baby. One reason for this is that they get anxious about how well they can do their responsibilities and they are afraid that they will just harm their baby. This can even resort to panic attacks.

Other symptoms for postpartum depression include changes in appetite, sleep pattern disturbances, low libido, and fatigue. A confirmatory sign is an unexplainable constant feeling of sadness or guilt.

If you do have postpartum blues, there are several ways to combat it, so don't worry. The first thing to do is to take care of yourself and you should start with getting enough rest and sleep. Lack of quality rest can lead to irritability and fatigue. Another way to combat postpartum depression is to express your feelings. It will help give you peace of mind and help lessen the stress and anxiety you feel. Talking to someone about may seem very basic, but it really does help. Sometimes all you really need is someone to be there for you. Try talking to someone you can easily relate with, or someone that has also been through the baby blues. If you have a therapist, then you can talk to him as well. While medications are also available for treating postpartum depression, most physicians will tell you that regular counselling is still the most effective treatment for helping women cope with their depression.

If counselling doesn't work, antidepressants are prescribed to help new mothers overcome postpartum depression. Other doctors also prescribe psychotherapy such as the Emotional Freedom Technique which uses both psychology and acupuncture.

If you are pregnant and are worried about postpartum depression, don't be. There are several ways of combating it. Another good thing is that not all pregnancies will result to it. Not all mothers will experience it, and even if you get it when you deliver your first baby, it doesn't mean that you will also experience it on your next pregnancy. Postpartum depression is easily treatable, so get treated as early as you can. Don't wait until it gets out of control before you start doing something about it.

Drug Lords Are Cool: Knowledge From Pablo Escobar

Sometimes wisdom comes from the most unlikely of sources.

Sometimes it comes not from the best role model or the most perfect person.

Sometimes, in fact, it comes from a cold, hardened, criminal; from someone who's responsible for the deaths of countless people; who made his name and fortune trading in products that everyday ruin and take the lives of so many.

Sometimes, a drug lord like Pablo Escobar, can say something insightful and meaningful.

I'm often reminded of something in particular he once said. And it goes as follows:

"There are two hundred million idiots, manipulated by a million intelligent men."

In many ways, it was the story of his life - the idea that the weak are always more numerous than the strong, and that the strong will always control the weak.

It's how a single man can rise to the top of a multi-billion dollar drug trafficking industry. It's how a poor man from Colombia can become one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the world. It's how he can keep that power in a business where no man is a friend through fear and coercion, violence and bribery.

The strong feed on the weak.

They take advantage of them. They use and abuse them to get what they want, how they want it. They exploit what kindness they find and make of it what they will - for their own gain, for their own illicit reasons.

Pablo Escobar was surely a master at this.

But though it's likely none of us knows a Pablo Escobar, it is likely that we know the feeling of which he speaks.

Because if you are coming from a place of weakness in life - from a past filled with sadness or pain or depression, and a life of being shy, and forgotten, and hopeless - it's likely we were once one of those 200 million men of which he spoke.

It was us taken advantage of.

It was us used and abused and picked on.

It was us who perpetually felt inadequate, weak, helpless.

Such is the reality of life - that one must inevitably dominate another, even if only in the most subtle of ways, in any given interaction.

As we improve our lives and our selves, we must be conscious of where it is we fall in this spectrum. We must be aware that our actions come from a place of strength, rather than weakness, from a desire to fulfill our own desires, rather than those of whoever might pressure or coerce us.

Monday, December 23, 2013

How to Overcome Depression - What You Didn't Know

Depression can be one of the most debilitating disorders that there is because it alters both your mental and physical state as well as your life. You may even find that if you are around people who have never suffered from depression they may be telling you to simply get over it. Unfortunately it is not that easy and people who battle with depression understand how challenging it can be to carry on with even the simplest of daily life activities.

Depression is a real condition and afflicts millions of people each year. It is a known fact that depression can be treated by conventional means such as medication or therapy, however, there are many things you can do aside from those things to learn how to overcome depression.

Take a Walk

If you suffer from depression it is highly likely that the last thing you feel like doing is exercising. Although it is difficult, try to force yourself to start by going for walks. The fresh air really helps you mentally and the walk will do your body good. Make it a point of taking a walk on sunny days because sunlight can actually mitigate your symptoms.

If you can manage it, increasingly work up to taking brisk walks that will increase your heart rate. This will help your body to get more oxygen and help you to gain an overall sense of well being and learn how to overcome depression.

Visit with Friends

Although this may seem easier said than done when you suffer from depression make a point of going out at least once a week to visit with friends that you know are supportive of you. Spending time with friends can help you focus on something else for a while and help you to feel like you are not all alone. If you do not feel like making a lot of conversation, engage in an activity where you do not have to consistently contribute to the conversation.

Diet and Vitamins

Although you may feel like junk food and overeating when you are suffering from depression, try to eat an all natural diet and take multivitamins and minerals. A healthy diet can add significantly to how you feel and help you learn how to overcome depression.

Vitamin D has also been known to help with symptoms of depression which makes sense because sunlight provides your body with vitamin D and most people feel their best during the summer months when the days are longer.

Also, fish oil and evening primrose oil can be beneficial in helping with brain neuro-transmitters. Make sure you use a brand that is reputable and provides you with high potency support. Several less costly brands don't provide the healing strength you need and are made with preservatives which can actually worsen depression.

Drink Water

Hydration will make a significant improvement in how you feel. It is very easy to forget to drink water so leave water bottles around where you will see them and remember to drink water. Also, avoid beverages such as coffee and alcohol that can actually dehydrate you and make depression symptoms worse.

Let Go of the Past

When you suffer from depression your thought process tends to regress back to stressful situations that happened years ago. Those situations can resurface during an episode of depression and can cause you to hold a grudge, remain in a negative state of mind, and kick yourself for not handling the situation better.

Although depression can be hereditary it can also manifest itself from being exposed to abuse early on in your life. Some of these situations will resurface if you suffer from depression in later life. The best way to help to overcome depression is to resolve these issues and block out the situations when you begin to think about them. If the issues are more than you can handle, seek the help of a professional to help you get some of the issues resolved that may have gotten repressed over the years. Letting go of the past will help you to look toward a brighter future.

Remember that depression is a real sickness and you are not imagining feeling sad, however, if you seek medical help and take some of the steps described here this will help you to learn how to overcome depression and take back your life.