Saturday, April 26, 2014

Depression Test - Are You Depressed?

If you feel like you could be suffering from depression, it may be a good idea to take a depression test. This depression test is not definitive and can not diagnose depression, but if any test symptoms relate to you, you should investigate further and seek help from a professional. Read on to take the depression test now...

  • Part 1) Your mood. Do you... Feel sad? Feel Irritable? Have a lack of self worth and self hate? Feel as though there's no point to life? Fact: Did you know that genetics play an important part in depression. After you have completed the depression test check to see if anyone else in your family suffers from depression. Suggestions: Did you know that exercise is a great way to lighten your mood. Make sure you exercise regularly, this could range from a long walk in the country to an hours workout in the gym.

  • Part 2) Your physical state/health. Have the following things changed... Your apatite, has it increased/decreased? Your sleeping pattern, has it changed drastically are you sleeping more or less than normal? Are you less energetic, do you feel fatigued? Fact: Breaks up, financial problems, and big changes in your life can all bring on depression. Suggestions: Take it easy. Try not to pile too much onto your plate at once, and make sure you don't change too many things in your life at once.

  • Part 3) Your social interaction. Do you... Find it hard to concentrate? Find it hard to make important decisions? Feel like you don't want to leave the house? Feel like you have withdrawn from your normal life? Fact: If you suffer from an existing medical condition it may be contributing to your depression. In addition, if you're severely depressed this may contribute to any illness that may already have. Suggestions: Once you have taken this depression test you should see your doctor and discuss the results and your depression. If depression goes untreated it can worsen.

  • Part 4) Your emotional state. Do you... Feel like you have lost interest in life? Have feelings of guilt? Feel like life is passing you by? Have suicidal thoughts? Fact: Most people with depression never seek help. As soon as you have taken this depression test get some help. Suggestions: If you take just one positive step towards getting help you will start to feel a whole lot better.

Depression test results: If you feel like some of the statements in the depression test relate to you and the way you are feeling at the moment, you may be suffering from depression. Make you you seek professional help and get a diagnosis. If you would like some further information on depression and depression tests some more help click on the links below.

How Much Does it Cost? Life Insurance Quotes

The hard facts of life will always push us to get insured. There is only one thing that is guaranteed to happen and that is we all die. And to most people the first thing they would like to know is how much does life insurance cost . To accomplish this you need to calculate and do some mathematical calculations if you want do it manually. But there are many sites where you can go and get life insurance quotes.

Before you start to learn and calculate how much does life insurance cost , you need to find out which amongst the many types of getting insured. You need to choose what will suit your needs and your financial status. If you are thinking of purchasing term life insurance, top-notch industry professionals would suggest getting a policy where the death benefit is equal to 8-15 times your annual income. You have to choose between the two types of insuring. You may either choose a permanent or a temporary type of insuring.

With temporary type of insuring the most common and cheapest one is term life insurance . The policy coverage for this is for a specified period of time from one to thirty year terms. Depending on your circumstances, this type of insuring is the most recommend especially if you are just starting a new family. The other most common but more expensive is the whole life insurance . With whole life you can have the added feature of savings component. Once you have decided on which type to purchase, then you can start and find how much does it cost you to be insured. It is easier to find the probable cost to you through life insurance quotes online.

These online life insurance quotes can do the calculations for you. This is the easiest way to know how much does life insurance cost. There are many factors that will affect the price of getting insured. Depending on your personal circumstances the cost of insuring varies and sometimes by as much as forty percent. Your health and age are a big factor in determining what the price or premiums will be.

Through the use of life insurance quotes, you will be asked to provide some personal information in order to calculate the cost to you. And this personal information that you will provide will largely affect what your premiums will be. The information you need to provide are your age, gender, the amount of coverage, your height and weight ratio, and your type of occupation. Some of these online sites may also require you to provide your complete address. Your street address, Zip code, home phone and cell phone, and email address as well as part of your address.

The information that you need to provide is about your health. You need to tell them if you have been treated for illnesses like; Alcohol and drug abuse, asthma, cancer, heart disease, hyper tension, diabetes, depression and anxiety and many types of illnesses. The questionnaire will be largely dependent on the insurer. So the line of questioning can be different from insurer to insurer. Most companies may always ask if you are smoker in the last twelve months or so. They may also inquire about any driving convictions. All these factors can determine the price or premiums you will be paying base on a specific type life insurance.

Through the use of life insurance quotes you may be able to know how much does life insurance cost to you. With so many online sites that offer these services for free and with no obligation, it is not hard to know what is the average price of life insurance . You have to remember though, that these quotations are not the final cost or premiums you would be paying monthly for your life insurance. These are just estimates to give a heads up and the average amount you are looking at.

25 Most Common Bipolar Disease Symptoms

On an ordinary day, anyone may call it a mood. When it shifts erratically from one to another, people call it mood swings. But what is really the clinical explanation for people experiencing episodes of extreme moods that shifts unpredictably as any weather going bad on a good day?

Bipolar Disease symptoms include feeling overly ecstatic to feeling tremendously poignant. This high and low process in one's mood consists the exasperating Bipolar Disease symptoms.

The annoying bipolar disease symptoms include numerous contrary feelings of ups and downs.
A patient experiences a manic episode when most of the day, more than 3 other bipolar disease symptoms are experienced. Also, it happens almost every single day for more than a week or even in a couple of months. Hypomania, which refers to the mild to moderate level of mania, enables a person experiencing it to be overly dynamic. This may sound rather constructive but in fact it is already a Bipolar Disease Symptom. When left untreated, Hypomania may get worse and become severe mania or depression.

A sudden high or a manic episode in bipolar disease symptoms is oftentimes characterized by:

1. Being extremely energetic and fidgety

2. A strange, peculiar, frenzied mood

3. Being unpredictably and exceedingly ill-tempered or short-tempered

4. Increase in the speed of speech

5. Lack of focus or concentration

6. Erratic and irregular sleeping habits

7. Having too unrealistic or over-confidence with regard to one's skills and strengths

8. Having lack of judgment or unrealistic judgment

9. Going on impulsive spending spree

10. Having a behavior which is not usual that can last for a long period of time

11. Being sexually active or aroused most of the time; being sexually promiscuous

12. Taking drugs

13. Exhibiting violent behavior

14. Being in denial that something is wrong when in fact there is

A severe state of hasty melancholy also known as a depressive episode happens when:

1. Guilty thoughts preoccupy the mind

2. Extreme sadness is felt and cynicism comes in

3. Guilty thoughts preoccupy the mind

4. One becomes uninterested with the once favored activities which includes sex

5. Feelings of exhaustion and low energy is observed

6. Memory loss

7. there is sudden crabbiness in one's attitude

8. the person has trouble sleeping or can't sleep that well

9. Loss of appetite or sudden weight loss/gain

10. Frequent body pains which are not caused by any physical damage

11. Suicidal notions

A depressive episode is identified if more than 5 depressive Bipolar Disease symptoms occur all throughout the day, everyday for a span of two weeks or more.

In serious episodes of depression or mania, psychotic symptoms, which include hallucinations and delusions, are also sometimes felt. Unfortunately, Bipolar Disease afflicted people are oftentimes misdiagnosed as having a more severe mental illness called schizophrenia.

A mixed bipolar state, wherein fusions of mania and depression symptoms occur, can also be considered as a Bipolar Disease symptom. These combinations of Bipolar Disease Symptoms oftentimes involve anxiety, insomnia, sudden loss/gain in appetite, psychotic behavior and suicidal thoughts. A person under a mixed bipolar state experiences a confusing mode of sadness at the same time having vigorous or energetic feelings within.

Evidently, people experiencing Bipolar Disease Symptoms are plagued with two very contrary moods. However, through consistent medication and psychotherapy treatment, stabilization of the Bipolar Disease Symptoms can easily be attained.

How to Find the Right Term Life Insurance Quotes Tailored to Your Circumstances

While looking for some really good term life insurance quotes, we generally do not go beyond our usual reference circle. Many of us even do not calculate how much a small discount can matter especially as the time period involved is quite long.

A small savings every time ads up to quite an amount over the life time of the policy taken. But do we really calculate. All we do is asking a few of our family and friends, who at best have partial information about the subject. The most we can do is visit the bank and ask our banker. They in turn try to sell us the policy of the insurer with whom they have marketing tie-up.

So what do we do? Give up and resort to the old practices. You at least are not one of them. The Internet is the best place of finding what we are looking for. Here the companies cannot fool us by there posh offices or up-market locations, every body is in the same plane if you know how to search.

Insiders in this business have always referred to the term insurance quotes of the New York Life Insurance as the best in the industry. It is a known truth within the insiders' circle, that when it comes to affordable life insurance New York Life Insurance is the very best of the lot. Here you with get some very good risk coverage at an affordable rate.

No, it is not a question of bargaining or buying cheap. It is a way for them to show that they really care about there clients welfare, after all there is no point in wasting money. The cost of living is going up every day, why unnecessarily add higher life insurance cost to the already stretched family budget? Money is scarce my friend - very scarce.

No matter how unrelated you are from the field of life insurance you must have heard about them. This company was established in 1841, it was called Nautilus Insurance Company over the years they have grown and strengthen their reputation as a safe custodian of people's wealth and a friend who is there in the dark and gloomy days of our lives. This company has seen it all from - the outbreak of Cholera in late 1840's, The Civil War, World War - I and II, The Great Depression, Influenza Epidemic of 1918 - 19, September 11, 2001 and the recent Recession. It seems to have come out of every storm with renewed strength. Today their operations have spread to almost every part of the globe.

OK it was not my intention of shamelessly promoting this company; I was a bit carried away. But you can take my words for it - when it comes to life insurance rates, you will not find a better deal.

Helping Your Teen To Overcome Depression

Statistics on teenagers suffering from depression and other mental ailments are alarming. Various studies suggest that 1 in 4 teens suffer from some sort of mental illness. Teenage mental illness, to include depression, can have dire consequences. Teenage suicide is on the rise. It is the third leading cause of death in the age bracket of 15 to 24 years. Dealing with depression in teens is an important step in reducing these numbers in our society.

Many things can lead to depression. A teenager is just learning how to handle the pressures and emotions of an adult. Only 30% of teens suffering seek help. The others just suffer through and do their best to get through. Adults have difficulty dealing with many things, asking a teenager to deal with it on their own, is not be the best option.

Learning the signs of depression for our youth can be difficult. Depressed teenagers are often just seen as being a teen. Signs of irritability, fatigue, withdrawal and changes of eating and sleeping habits, are seen as normal signs of growing up and hormone surges. They are also signs of depression. Learning the difference in your teen's behavior may be key in getting them the help that they need.

Learning to talk to your teen may be your best investment in their mental health. Parents and adults in a teen's life struggle with this aspect. They often want to see the teen as still a child where the teen wants to be seen as an adult. Learning to bridge this gap and communicate efficiently may be a daunting task, but can be managed.

An adult should learn to offer support when conversing with a teenager. Let them know you are there for them. Ensure them that you are available to them at any time. Show them that you can listen without being judgmental. Don't try to talk them out of the way that they feel. Show them that you can understand and give them the help that they need to deal with how they are feeling.

Trust your own instincts. If you have a teenager that is showing signs of depression get them help. Trusting your own feelings and emotions may be what sets the teen on the road to better mental health. They may resist getting help at first. Be firm. Let them know you are there for them and willing to work with them, but insist that they find someone they can work with to help them through this difficult time in their life.

Often a teen will find it easier to speak with someone other than a parent. Consider a peer mentor for your teen. These are teens that are trained to work with others. They become a positive influence. Teen mentors can become a confidant and will be there for the teen that may be in trouble otherwise.

Teenage depression is a serious problem, but can be treated. Learn to recognize the symptoms and get help as soon as possible. Turn the teen in your life into a success story instead of a statistic.

Depression and Anxiety - How to Recognize it Before It's Too Late

Does any of this sound familiar?

"There is so much that needs doing around the house, but I'm just not up to it today. Maybe tomorrow"

"I've been doing mediocre work on the job. It's just a matter of time before they fire me."

"My wife is going to leave me because I'm such a loser."

These are typical beliefs of clinically (sometimes called chronic) depressed individuals and they are very real and natural to them - never realizing that the thoughts are abnormal. Clinical depression can also affect your body, behavior and your ability to work or study. Other typical symptoms include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, guilt, apathy and worthlessness. You lose interest in activities that were once enjoyable and get no satisfaction from what was once exciting. You end up dwelling on these negative thoughts and your mood spirals down deeper and deeper. Sleep patterns change. Appetite changes. Making decisions become difficult. You may become angry or anxious for no apparent reason.Even suicide is considered.

In a nutshell, you beat yourself up and blame yourself and feel guilty for everything. Clinical depression is not a sign of weakness, as so many people believe. Individuals cannot simply "pull themselves out of it," In fact, the sickness actually interferes with wanting or asking for help.There are different levels and types of clinical depression and every year it affects over 17 million men and women in the United States. Some believe it's caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, while others think the biological changes are a result of the depression. Either way, it's not import how you got it - what is important is that you seek help as soon as possible.

I know because last year it happened to me. But I made the mistake of not finding help soon enough. In fact I'm still in recovery. Remember those three examples above? Those were mine. For over three months I developed clinical depression and didn't know it, I just thought that my life had taken a turn for the worse and that was why I was feeling so down; why I couldn't fall asleep for hours because I'd be worrying about this or that; why my appetite dropped drastically; and why I felt so alone, hopeless and pessimistic.Then one day I got a rather nasty letter from the IRS and it was more than I could handle. I ended up on the bed in a fetal position, crying for over 4 hours. I experienced my first of many full-blown anxiety attacks (also known as panic attacks). It was then that my wife and I decided I needed help so I started seeing a therapist.

After six weeks and a dozen or so sessions, my therapist diagnosed severe clinical depression, which was beyond her training. She suggested that I check myself into a psychiatric hospital. I was assured that it would be a five-day stay and I would be treated with a combination of psychiatric care and medications.Well, the five days turned into forty-four. During that time I was put on heavy medications (seven ones in all); I went to group therapy twice a day; I had thirteen ECT (electric shock therapy) treatments; and because I was so anxious and nervous, I took up smoking again, a lot. But even with all that, I was so depressed that suicide seemed like a pretty good idea.

Needless to say, I was in a seriously bad state of mental health.But I eventually did improve (Xanax became my best friend), and finally I graduated from inpatient status to outpatient status for another ten weeks. This consisted of gong to the hospital three days a week for further therapy and continuing with all the medications. For a while there was under the care of two psychologists and four therapists simultaneously. Between my sessions with them and my medication schedules, my calendar was a crowded mess. But after those seventeen intense weeks,I'm feeling much better. My anxiety is almost nonexistent and I have only a few days of depressed feelings per month.

What can you do to avoid what I went through?If I had only known at the beginning of those first three month what I know now, I might have been able to avoid the whole hospital thing altogether. You see, there are other tools and options available that can stop the depression-downward-spiral before it becomes too deep. Some involve self-cognitive programs, some use over-the-counter natural anti-depressants, and others combine the two. They have proven to be effective and tens of thousands of people have overcome their depression or anxiety in only a few short weeks. They avoided hundreds of therapy sessions, long stays in hospitals, weeks of missing work, long lists of prescriptions medications. And they save a lot of money.

So take it from someone who knows: If you think you see the beginning signs of anxiety or depression, take affirmative action right away before it's too late. If I had, I could have saved months of needless heartache and suffering (for both my wife and myself), the loss of my job, and an awful lot of money.

PS: I'm still in recovery but as I mentioned earlier, I'm doing much muchbetter. I'm down to visiting only one therapist once a week and a nurse practitioner (for prescription medications) once a month. But I'll be on anti-depressants for at least a year. Oh, and the letter from the IRS..don't ask.

Friday, April 25, 2014

How to Relieve Depression in Children Through a Change in Diet

Parents never want to see their children suffer, either physically or emotionally. Unfortunately, clinical depression in children has become increasingly common. Turning to prescription drugs can be a scary decision, and they often turn out to be unsuccessful in alleviating the problem.

It is common for a child's depressive symptoms to be the result of nutritional deficiencies or food allergies. The gut-brain connection is important to consider when dealing with issues regarding depression or other mood disorders.

Use an Elimination Diet to Find Food Allergies

Depression is common in children and adolescents who have celiac disease. The only way to treat this disease is by avoiding gluten in the diet. A gluten-free diet has been found to be effective in relieving symptoms of depression in children with celiac disease.

Celiac disease often remains undiagnosed. Young children who are tested may yield negative results if their underdeveloped immune systems haven't begun to produce the "anti-gluten" antibodies that are measured in blood tests.

Children may also test negative for celiac disease, yet still have some level of gluten intolerance. It has been found that people still show evidence of intestinal damage from gluten even without the presence of the anti-gluten antibodies.

Gluten isn't the only substance in food that can cause reactions such as depression. Intolerance to dairy, certain plant toxins, or chemical additives like MSG are just a few examples of foods that can trigger mood disorders.

In order to determine if food allergies are an issue, an elimination diet is most effective. Remove what might be the offending substance from your child's diet for a period of three weeks to a month. Record any differences that you and your child discover.

If the symptoms of depression persist, try cutting out another type of food. Be sure to remove only one type of food or substance at a time so that you will be able to pinpoint the exact problem. Also, be sure to save any observations on paper. This process can also provide helpful information for your child's physician.

Remove Refined Sugar from the Diet

Sugar is an addictive substance that triggers a dopamine response in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays an important part in feelings of pleasure and motivation. Dopamine levels must be in balance for a healthy brain.

Binging on sugar is a common way for both adults and children to find comfort when they are feeling down and depressed. Unfortunately, sugar is not only unhealthy for the body, but can also cause fluctuations in dopamine levels. Although a sugar binge can make you feel good, that feeling is only temporary.

Sugar in the diet also causes extreme fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Sugar consumption can make you feel hyper and excited when your blood sugar level spikes, then sluggish and depressed when it crashes down.

A high-sugar diet also increases the likelihood of developing diabetes. The Yale School of Nursing found that children with diabetes have a two-fold greater risk of becoming clinically depressed than those who don't have diabetes. Diabetic adolescents have a three-fold greater susceptibility to depression than an average adolescent.

Depression in children can often be the result of problems in the diet. Many children suffer from undiagnosed food allergies that can bring about a variety of mood disorders. Elimination diets or the removal of refined sugars from the diet can provide relief for depressed children.

Why Do I Feel Stressed and Depressed - What Helps Stress and Depression?

There are a lot of things that cause stress which leads to depression. But, for normal people it is usually because of an event, a death, conflict at work, school, illness, personal problems, and other social and personal factors. It is normal to be stressed but when it leads to depression, how do you control it?

There are severe cases of depression, one that we do not have complete control of. Examples of severe depression cases are due to medications, genetics, hormones, and substance abuse.

What helps depression? It depends on what kind you have, if it's depression from social and environmental cues then there are many ways to cheer one up. Being with good friends can be therapeutic if you are able to openly discuss your problems. Hypnosis has been also proven to be effective which will keep you away from conflicting medications. Although these are not sure fire ways to help depression in the severe case there are more aggressive forms of treatment and lifestyle changes has to be done in order to treat someone with clinical depression.

Depression medicines are easy fixes that help depression but not always the best solution. These are usually called antidepressants. These medications help someone suffering from mild to severe depression although medicine alone will not be enough and not many people want to depend on medications.

Psychotherapy is another way to combat depression. It lifts the moods of patients and improves their coping skills to better handle future bouts with depression.

Certain food helps boost ones mood and help deal with depression. A nice diet of these "happy foods" will greatly help a patient. Exercise is of course a good way. Exercise promotes the release of endorphins, a feel good substance, in the body and increases the mood of a person, which relieves stress.

Again, what helps stress and depression? There are many ways to cope and treat depression; the best way is to find the right mix of lifestyle, and professional help depending on the condition of the patient.

Why do I feel stressed and depressed? Many ask this question all the time. If you are not in the severe case category, you need to feel good about yourself and find the cause. It might be work, the people around you, your home a broken heart. The important thing is to start feeling good and this will improve your outlook and attitude. But really there is no quick fix. You need to learn to control your emotions and fight depression naturally.

Depression - A Dangerous State of Mind

Are you melancholic always? Are you blaming yourselves for every nasty things in life? Are you losing confidence in facing people? Are always being alone? If the answers are yes, you are an ideal candidate of depression.

Depression is a state of mind where the person withdraws in to a shell, shuns the normal routine ways of life, gets irritated at every small things, refuses to face people and continues to remain alone and aloof. Depression is often caused by frequent failures in life, either small or large. Depression causes jealousy, sense of failure, dejection, a tendency for putting the blame on oneself, sleeplessness, unnecessary and unjustified fear, loss of confidence and many more symptoms.

Depression is brought about by loneliness and a sense of failure. Every person goes through such periods of depression in life but the real test lies in how long the depression lasts. The longer it lasts the lesser the chances of getting back to normal ways of life.

The best way to beat depression is to remain always engaged in some activity or the other . Never let the brain remain idle. Keep yourself engaged. Reading, Writing, or doing crossoword puzzles are some of the best ways to beat depression. A good company helps. But cannot be always taken for granted.

Never think about the past or the future. Think about the present. Living in the present is the best way to ensure a restful life. Depression is not a good thing. It wreaks heave toll on the body as well as the mind.

Never allow yourself to be depressed.

What Are the Manic Depression Symptoms You Should Look Out For

Manic depression symptoms, now better known as bipolar disorder symptoms, refers to signs a person has because of this illness. Manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder is a psychological disorder that affects one's mood.

Basically it results in mood swings but they are no ordinary ones that most of us would face as part of the ups and downs of everyday life. Such mood swings can cause one to experience different degrees of mood states ranging from extreme highs to extreme lows. They are not character flaws but are the result of biological changes in the brain.

Estimated to affect approximately 1% of the adult population, this disorder comes in second after depression as one of the most common disorders. Both men and women are equally susceptible to this illness. In serious cases, sufferers may even resort to committing suicide to reduce their sufferings.

At present, there is no cure for bipolar disorder. However, it is a medical condition that can be treated and managed with medication. As such, it is important for all to recognize manic depression symptoms. That will allow proper treatment to be given so that relapses are minimized. While it is often agreed that bipolar disorder causes the patients' mood to alternate between mania and depression, it is important to recognize the signs for each.

For mania, the more common signs include reduced sleep, being more sociable, engaging in more activities and increased irritability. A milder form of mania known as hypomania can cause people to have new ideas, plans and interest, engage in more risky activities and having increased sex drive.

On the end of the spectrum, common symptoms of depression include losing interest and motivation in activities and people, having persistent worry or anxiety and having sleep disruption. Sometimes, sufferers may even have mixed symptoms as they went through experiences of mania and depression simultaneously.

The thing about manic depression symptoms is that once you are able to identify the warning signs early, you have a better chance of coming up with the appropriate strategies to reduce and even prevent a relapse.

New and Radical Ways to Treat Depression (Depression Treatment)

Are you depressed? Do not worry. Depressive disorders affect approximately 18.8 million American adults or about 9.5% of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year. Furthermore, everyone, at some time in their life, will be affected by depression. Moreover, pre-schoolers are the fastest-growing market for antidepressants. At least four percent of preschoolers (over a million) are clinically depressed.

Given those facts what you can do to overcome depression? To face depression, the first thing that you should do it to understand the neurological base of this affliction. From the point of view of neurology, depression is a brainwave imbalance. It means that depressed people tend to have an hyperactive right (emotional) hemisphere dominating their left (logical) one. That's why depressed people show irrational behavior and in many cases commit suicide, the emotional side of your brain commands the rational side of your brain.

Happily, there is a not such a new technology to face depression (it has over 70 yearas of clinical use). This technology is brainwave entrainment. The technology of brainwave entrainment is about the synchronization of your brain with a source of frequencies to achieve a desired mental state. These frequencies can be generated by sounds, lights, physical vibrations, or even electromagnetism.

This technology offers a radical and an entirely new way to treat depression. In this case, I will talk only about brainwave entrainment with sounds, however, I will not enter in technical details. A typical depression reduction session based on sounds consist of a source of a special sound that is listened between 15 and 30 minutes periodically. This session helps to reduce the activity in the right brain hemisphere, while increasing activity in the left, giving your more control over yourself and reducing irrational thought patterns. In other words, these sessions slow down your emotional (right) brain while accelerates your logical (left) brain, giving the patient the judgment to returns to normality.

These therapies have the following advantages: first; it acts quickly, giving relief rapidly; second; if you use it repeatedly, the treatment will have long lasting effects. It is as your brain could be trained and learn how to behave.

In summary, your brain can be trained about how to live without depression with a method that is effective, inexpensive, and unobtrusive.

How Depression Can Affect Weight Loss

There is a definite link between depression and being over-weight. Excess weight and depression often go hand in hand. Depression is attributed to a chemical imbalance in our brain and this can often be caused by dietary and lifestyle habits or hormonal fluctuations.

Without treatment, depression can easily lead to weight gain because depression can lead to a lack of motivation, lethargy and a general decline in wellbeing. However, if steps have been taken to treat depression with certain medications, this can result in other challenging issues as some antidepressant medications can have the side effect of weight gain.

There are many things that we can do to make-weight loss easier despite these challenges, even if we are being treated for depression. Our first priority if we suspect that we are suffering from depression is to seek help and begin treatment as soon as possible.

Once we are under the care of a qualified physician, we can begin to make other changes to our diet and improve our health and general well-being:

Improve Diet

Studies and research have indicated a clear connection between certain foods and the chemistry of the brain. Refined and highly processed foods can be responsible for fluctuating energy levels as well as causing mood swings and be detrimental to our well-being. If we try to eliminate caffeine, sugar and white flour from our diet it will help to lift our mood and boost our energy levels. Ideally we should opt for mainly whole natural foods and drink lots of water to help restore the balance of our body chemistry.

Daily Exercise

Following a daily exercise regime can prove invaluable to helping boost energy levels and mood. Exercise helps to flood our body with endorphins, improves self-confidence and encourages feelings of well-being. During bouts of depression, the last thing we may want to do is exercise, but we need to remain focused and push ourselves into our exercises and gain a little enthusiasm, the benefits will be substantial. We do not have to perform a strenuous workout, a brisk walk, a swim, a short cycle ride or some light weight training will help lift our mood, relieve tension and stress and help us feel better both mentally and physically.


Many of us may feel the need to seek help from a psychologist or therapist once or twice a week. A therapist may be able to help us deal with issues and challenges such as phobias or traumas which could be causing or contributing to our depression.

Depression can be overcome, and the most important thing is not to give up hope. Shedding those unwanted pounds and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is possible even if we are struggling with bouts of depression. We may need to be patient but if we can remain focused and determined we will achieve the reward of successful weight loss

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Bipolar Disorder - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Bipolar disorder, also known as Manic-Depression or Manic-Depressive-Illness, is a mental illness characterized by an alternating pattern of emotional highs (mania) and lows (depression). This condition is divided into two main sub-types: Bipolar I disorder, with the presence of at least one manic episode; and Bipolar II disorder, with at least one episode of depression and at least one hypomanic episode. In addition, some people have rapid cycling bipolar disorder, with four or more mood swings within twelve months; and mixed state bipolar disorder, in which symptoms of both mania and depression occur simultaneously. The cause of bipolar disorder is unknown, but a variety of biochemical, genetic and environmental factors are known to trigger this condition.

Bipolar disorder is a long term condition that requires life-long treatment, even during periods of remission. The Ayurvedic treatment of this condition is aimed at treating the presenting symptoms and preventing recurrence of the condition. In order to treat the manic phase of this condition, medicines like Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), Vacha (Acorus calamus), Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina), Jyotishmati (Celastrus panniculatus) and Kushmand (Benincasa hispida) are used. A special procedure called 'Shirodhara' is also quite useful in reducing agitation, aggression and sleeplessness.

To treat the depressive phase of bipolar disorder, medicines like Laxmi-Vilas-Ras, Shrung-Bhasma, Arjun (Terminalia arjuna), Vishwa (Zinziber officinalis), Vacha, Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica), Tagar (Valeriana wallichii), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Shilajit (Purified bitumen), Tankan (Purified borax) and Makardhwaj are used. In order to prevent recurrence of this condition, medicines like Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Amalaki, Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Vacha, Panch-Tikta-Ghrut, Panch-Tikta-Ghrut-Guggulu, Suvarna-Bhasma, Abhrak-Bhasma, Trivang-Bhasma and Suvarna -Parpati are used in small doses for prolonged periods.

It is important to adapt a healthy life style; and avoid self medication and known conditions which can precipitate symptoms of bipolar disorder. Family therapy, group therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy can help in considerably reducing symptoms of this condition. Left untreated, bipolar disorder can result in severe emotional, legal and financial problems and can even result in suicide. Regular treatment and supervision by a Psychiatrist is therefore very important in this condition.

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The question of the day for so many good Ohioans is where to find the best auto insurance quotes and rates. In this horrid economy, of which we have not seen the likes since the early 1970's or maybe even the Great Depression, everyone is desperately trying to save money and locate the best deals. This is where we can help in that regard and are so happy to be able to do so for our friends and customers in the Buckeye State!

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Clyfford Still - The Innovator of American Abstract Expressionism & Color Field Painting

Clyfford Still was an American, 'Abstract Expressionist' artist, noteworthy for bringing 'American Abstract Expressionism' into the limelight, and putting the New York City to the fore of the art world, a recognition previously attached to Paris. Born on November 30, 1904 at Grandin, North Dakota, Clyfford spent his childhood in Spokane, Washington. He graduated from the Spokane University, Washington from 1931-1933 amidst the Great Depression. In 1935, Still did his Masters of Fine Arts from Washington State University, Washington, followed by his teaching stint there, from 1935 to 1941. During this period, his paintings mostly depicted people, machinery, and farm life.

Through 1938 to 42, this art form of Still graduated to 'Abstract Painting' with spontaneous 'Surrealism' as its cardinal point. In 1941, the artist shifted to the San Francisco Bay area and during 1946-50, he had a strong teaching stint at the California School of Fine Arts (now, San Francisco Art Institute). Meanwhile, Clyfford Still exhibited his work at the San Francisco Museum of Art in 1943, where he met Mark Rothko for the first time. During this period, the artist ventured into 'American Abstract Expressionism,' which characterizes the use of bold brush strokes and attaches preference to texture over color. This style of painting emphasizes the cycles of life, vis-à-vis, birth, the hardships, and the death, described commonly as the "Human Condition." Such depiction became increasingly relevant after World War II and was widely accepted & lauded by the critics. Clyfford spent quite a lot of late 1940s and the whole of 50s in the New York City.

Later, the artist adopted a new technique of painting known as the "Color Field Painting." This style boldly portrays an irregular use of solid colors on the canvas. In effect, his paintings gave the impression of a multifaceted colored canvas. This attribute primarily, gave them a genuine, mysterious, and ingenious look. Despite, most of his contemporaries, like Mark Rothko, using thin color palette, Clyfford Still was gritty enough to use a thick spread of the colors. He was once quoted as saying, "I never wanted color to be color. I never wanted texture to be texture, or images to become shapes. I wanted them all to fuse together into a living spirit."

In 1957, Clyfford Still created his masterpiece, "1957-D No 1," which demonstrates juxtaposed colors with a defined black and yellow scheme, marked by the small patches of white and red. Different people interpreted the painting differently. The art critics' endless search for a meaning in his paintings annoyed Clyfford Still, because he believed, each of his paintings was a personal experience and beyond interpretation. In 1961, the artist moved to Maryland with his second wife, Patricia. In 1964, Clyfford painted another untitled masterpiece, which extensively uses red color. The method used in this painting is called 'Serigraphy,' which involves the manual application of numerous colors on the canvas. His other prominent works include an untitled painting of "1953," "1949 No. 1 (PH-385)," "PH 77," and "1957 J No. 2 (PH 401)."

Even after his death on June 23, 1980 at Maryland, Clyfford Still's paintings continue to gather high praises at art galleries, such as Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Hirschhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. His paintings garnered one of the highest auction prices, to the tune of $21.296 million, in the year 2006. Clyfford Still is highly respected among art critics, art students, and historians because of his remarkable innovations in the 'American Abstract Expressionism' and the 'Color Field Painting.' His famous quote "A great free joy surges through me when I work . . . with tense slashes and a few thrusts the beautiful white fields receive their color and the work is finished in a few minutes," describes Clyfford's genuine fervor for art.

H Pylori May Cause Skin Diseases Like Rosacea and Urticaria

Your digestive system has an internal skin called the "Mucosal Barrier". This barrier protects you from invading organisms such as parasites, mold, bacteria and viruses and houses an immune army that stops these "bugs" from getting into your general circulation.

Many skin conditions miraculously clear up when care is taken to identify and remove hidden digestive infections and foods that irritate the gut lining. I've seen hives, rosacea, dermatitis and even psoriasis disappear simply by working on digestive health with my clients.

For example, it's now widely recognised that fungal organisms can cause dandruff, athlete's foot and jock itch. It's also well known that coeliac disease can manifest as skin disease (dermatitis herpitiformis).

We also know that foods such as cow's milk can also definitely lead to skin conditions such as eczema.

Spotlight On Helicobacter Pylori:

In 2009, an excellent paper was published in the European Journal of Dermatology. The paper, entitled H pylori Infection and Dermatologic Disease examined the available research associating H pylori with a number of common (and some less common) skin conditions.

The paper shows clear associations between H pylori and several skin diseases:

Atopic dermatitis
Chronic urticaria
Behcet's disease
Immune thrombocytopaenic purpura
Lichen planus
Sjogren syndrome

It is not clear why disturbances in digestive function and the presence of infections such as H pylori lead ton skin complaints. It is believed that the body's immune response is the likely reason for skin manifestations.

Moreover H pylori and other digestive infections do not always cause digestive symptoms. Instead, they can lead to seemingly unrelated conditions such as skin problems, low energy levels and mood symptoms like depression and anxiety.

Unfortunately doctors will rarely run digestive testing unless severe digestive symptoms are present. This leads patients in the dark about what may be creating their mysterious symptoms.

Other bacteria, parasites and fungal organisms also have the potential to cause skin conditions. These organisms may include:

Dientamoeba fragilis
Entamoeba histolytica
Endolimax nana

Clostridium difficile
E. coli

Candida species

Digestive Infections & Bacterial Overgrowth Are Toxic!

As you may know, your liver and kidneys are the powerhouses of detoxification. They process the metabolic waste products that our bodies produce on a daily basis.

Certain parasites, bacteria and yeast and fungal organisms are known to produce toxins (these are known as endotoxins). The toxins can leak from the digestive system into general circulation, particularly if the mucosal barrier in the intestines has been damaged by the presence of the bugs.

This increase in toxic load within the body can overload the liver and kidney pathways. As a result, the body has to find other ways to eliminate the toxins. One way this is achieved is by pushing out toxins through the skin.

Consequently, areas of skin through which toxins are being eliminated may become irritated, swollen and either itchy or painful. I've personally seen these rashes disappear in clients when they have followed programmes to a) eradicate digestive infections and b) boost their detoxification capacities, particularly through the liver and kidney pathways.


There is no doubt that disturbances in digestive function can lead to skin diseases. As discussed, we do not know for sure why skin conditions develop in response to digestive infections and foods, but it is likely that the immune response and toxicity are involved.

The likes of eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, rosacea, urticaria and others can all improve significantly when key foods are avoided and digestive infections are removed. This allows the "inner skin" of the mucosal barrier is allowed to regenerate.

Topical creams, lotions and gels will simply not work if the skin problem itself is being caused by internal imbalances in detoxification function and digestion. In fact, using topical lotions in these situations may make the conditions worse.

Instead, it is better to run clinical testing to identify exactly why the symptoms are occurring in the first place. The Metametrix GI Effects 2100 test is a good place to start (

How Is Depression Treated?

Mood Disorder

Mood Disorders (depression) are a small grouping of common conditions that affect mental health. In mood disorders, normal feelings like being blue, happy or anxious become extreme and you feel you've got little or no control of your moods.

Mood disorders include the following:

  • Depression

  • Bipolar disorder (manic depression)

  • Panic attacks

Over 3 million Canadians deal with mood disorders and also over 50 million Americans but less than 1/3 seek help. People often hide their symptoms simply because they don't want people to know and deep inside really don't know what to do. Having a mood disorder is absolutely NOT a sign of weakness. It's a problem which can affect anyone, anywhere in any walk of life.

Can Those with Depression Problems Get Better?

Many individuals with depression improve with treatment. Without treatment, symptoms may last for months and even years, then there is the risk of depression coming on and coming on regularly. There's also a risk of suicide.

What can cause Depression-Many factors can increase the risk of developing depression:

  • Genetics-depression runs in families

  • Imbalance of brain chemicals

  • Childhood physical and emotional abuse

  • Gender-women are two times as more likely to develop depression

  • Medical illness or chronic disability

  • Temperament and personality (pessimism, perfectionism or lacking of social network)

  • Use of certain prescription or non-prescription drugs

  • Prolonged use of alcohol

In case you have a tendency to develop depression, things like high-stress times or significant loss (death of someone close), job loss, lack of a development) can trigger depressive episodes or at the least make the stress trigger seem worse.

How's Depression Diagnosed?

There isn't a simple test for depression or anxiety attacks. Your physician will request information about your feelings and behaviour. It is important that you just be honest. However there are many of treatments for depression and quite often a combination of treatments is best suited.

Treatment for Depression-There are many treatments for depression and often a combination of treatments work best.

Medication: Antidepressant or mood stabilizing medications are available to treat depression. It may take up to six weeks to feel a positive change. It is dangerous to abruptly stop your medication, so consult with your doctor if you are feeling better and want to stop taking medications.

Psychotherapy: Supportive therapy is important to depression treatment. Psychotherapy can help you understand and accept your illness, and deal with factors that may have caused you to become depressed. Therapy can also build your resilience and self-esteem.

Cognitive therapy: Cognitive therapy is a form of talk therapy that helps you understand how your thoughts affect your feelings towards behavior. It helps you retain your thought patterns to change your feelings.

Interpersonal therapy: This therapy focuses on strengthening your relationships and building your support system.

Supports Groups: Attending a self-help group can help alleviate and prevent depression.

Exercise: Research indicates that exercise can help relieve depression. Exercise increases helpful brain

chemicals that are depleted in depression. However, exercise should not replace traditional therapy.

Take care of yourself: Eating well, drinking plenty of water, sleeping properly and avoiding alcohol or recreational drugs can strengthen your ability to cope with depression.

Postpartum Depression Treatment

Are you a new mom looking for help in adjusting to your new, stressful situation? Feeling unsure of your skills at caring for a newborn? Sad? Weepy? This article will provide some tips and guidance to help you cope and there are links at the bottom of this article to direct you to a website that can provide more detailed postpartum depression treatment options.

Postpartum Depression (aka -- post natal depression or 'baby blues') affects new moms usually within the first few days or weeks after giving birth. It is a form of clinical depression and can last for a week, months or even a year in some cases.

Child birth can be a challenging time for expectant mothers, both physically and emotionally. Mood swings are very common immediately after giving birth -- feeling joyful at one moment and depressed the next. When this depression lasts for an extended time, it is referred to as postpartum depression and requires a detailed treatment.

Some of the common symptoms associated with this condition are feeling sad, being constantly fatigued, or having eating problems, sleep issues, anxiety and irritability. A number of women recover from baby blues immediately in within a week's time with or without the help of some counseling. Others need professional treatment.

Postpartum depression usually goes undetected and undiagnosed. Effective treatment requires early identification and adequate diagnosis. The first step in alleviating this condition is acknowledging the symptoms. Mothers with this condition may feel that they are bad mothers and are hesitant to seek help.

Mild forms of postpartum depression are treated with the help of just counseling and support from family. Women with moderate and severe form of depression may need both counseling and medications.

Prescription medication known as antidepressants may also help relieve postpartum depression symptoms especially in conjunction with counseling or therapy depending on the severity of the condition. Both partners can be included in the treatment process because it is important for the male partner to understand what's happening and be tolerant of his partner's feelings. The treatments and recovery associated with any kind of depression depends on the extent of the depression.

Medicines like antidepressants relieve the symptoms of depression. Certain types of antidepressants are proven safe to take at the time of breastfeeding. Your doctor is the best person to decide which treatment will work best for you.

A possible cause for these feelings is hormonal imbalance. Women who have experienced depression before pregnancy are more at risk and should discuss this issue with their doctors well before their due dates. Hormone treatments may be an option for a swift recovery though their effectiveness may be limited.

Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT helps in understanding things. Emotional support helps in solving problems and in setting and achieving goals.

Focusing on the short-term goals which can be achieved rather than thinking on long-term goals may also help relieve feelings of inadequacy as well as self-critical talk. Sharing feelings with your partner, families, and friends will also help in achieving a more positive outlook.

Look for inexpensive activities like reading, walking, visiting a place of worship, etc. The less isolated you are the better you'll feel. Avoiding stressful situations during pregnancy and love and care from family and loved ones will help in the long run.

With proper treatment baby blues can be conquered. Postpartum depression treatment works. One needs to acknowledge the condition and follow the treatment map set by your doctor for a speedy recovery.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Vitamins and Herbs: Don't Let the Winter Blues Make You SAD!

After the heat of the summer and the rainy fall we all look forward to winter - it's cool weather, warm clothes and holiday cheer...but as the holiday season winds down and we have months to go in the winter season, we become sluggish and dread the dark days and cold weather. Waking in the dark and coming home from work in the dark hinders our exercise routines: causing fatigue and sluggishness - which leads to too much sleep and ultimately weight gain for a lot of us -- paired with low moods and symptoms that mimic depression. It is well known that those suffering from depression have a worsening of symptoms in the winter and while roughly 3% of the population has been diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), countless others have what is termed the "winter blues."

So while any depression symptoms or SAD should be handled by your clinical physician, those of us who tend to experience more mild symptoms related to the darkening winter season there are some natural ways we can try and enhance our mood and energy while we await the spring sunshine.

Vitamins & Supplements to help with your Winter Blues

Vitamin D - the sunshine vitamin! The best source of vitamin D is sun exposure, which is needed for the body to synthesize vitamin D and though very little exposure is needed for this conversion, even that is hard to obtain in the winter months in most parts of the country. The fact that vitamin D deficiency is widespread (over 70% of the US population is thought to be vitamin D deficient) the need to utilize supplements to obtain adequate vitamin D levels seems like a necessity. These low levels may also underlie the winter blues. The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that likelihood of having depression in people with vitamin D deficiency is significantly higher compared to those whose levels are sufficient.

Fish Oil - provides a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to play an important role in brain function and countless studies have suggested many other benefits for these ever important omega-3 fatty acids. Some scientists and researchers also believe that an imbalance between omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids contributes to depression, violent behavior and many other health issues.

B Vitamins: are essential for cell metabolism, central nervous system maintenance and they also help to increase energy levels. Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6 and Folate in particular have been found to be associated with a lower prevalence of depressive symptoms.

SAM-e- (S-adenosylmethionine) is made from the amino acid methionine and ATP and is a naturally occurring compound in human cells. SAM-e is used as a mood booster by influencing brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. SAM-e has been widely prescribed in Europe for years.

Herbs to enhance your mood when you have the Winter Blues

St. John's Wort: has long been used in Europe for mood disorders and an anti-depressant. St. John's Wort boosts serotonin levels and promotes emotional well-being and balance, which may help with symptoms of SAD and winter blues.

Chamomile: Getting a good night sleep will help combat those winter blues, however, in the winter there is said to be a delay in circadian rhythms with respect to the sleep/wake cycle. Many studies have shown chamomile's calming effect and most recently a University of Pennsylvania study revealed that chamomile reduced the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Chamomile has also been found to be effective in helping with insomnia.

Ginkgo: may help maintain mental clarity and attention. Studies suggest ginkgo is capable of improving cognitive function; increased mental sharpness, better concentration, and improved memory. All of which suffers greatly when experiencing the blues.

Ginseng: is a powerful adaptogen that strengthens and stimulates the immune system. An adaptogen is a substance that helps the body adjust to environmental stress of all kinds. Ginseng is also known to increases energy and vitality and builds resistance to stress.

Other Natural ways to protect you from the Winter Blues

Exercise - Get some fresh air! Exercise is one the most effective ways to combat depression and fatigue. 30 minutes a day will do wonders for your body and your mind!

Aromatherapy Lavender - releases serotonin to produce a calming influence in the body and help combat stress and induce a feeling of relaxation.

Always be sure to discuss your health concerns and dietary supplement intake with your physician. During the cold winter months it is also important to keep your immunity levels up by: getting plenty of rest, drinking lots of water, eating a well-balanced diet and taking a multivitamin/ you can beat the winter blues... naturally.

How To Get Rid Of Depression

In the simplest and most common terms, depression is the state of experiencing extreme melancholy and sadness. Almost everyone finds themselves depressed at least once or twice in their lives. Studies indicate that women are twice as prone to bouts of depression as men. Unlike normal bouts of feeling "down in the dumps" or being "blue," depression can actually be serious and can pose a very real risk to people's health.

There are two general kinds of depression. The kind most people deal with is normal depression, which is just a casual downturn of mood, usually transitory. Depression of this kind is caused by something others might consider petty or trivial, such as feeling unfulfilled over your career or disillusionment over a choice. Other common reasons include breakups of relationships or adjustments to a new environment. Feelings of helplessness and lack of self-worth can also lead to depression. Usually, this kind of depression does not interfere heavily with your way of life and it generally goes away after a few days.

Clinical depression, on the other hand, is a more severe form of depression and is what doctors classify as a major depressive disorder. Usually, this kind of depression lasts more than two weeks. Unlike normal depression, clinical depression should be taken seriously, as it is often disabling and can significantly affect your way of life, habits and social interaction with others. In the most severe cases, clinical depression can even lead to contemplations of and the act of suicide.

In order to get rid of depression, you must know what category of depression you have, as one treatment may not work for the other. Also, it must be stressed that depression is a highly individualized problem; it is based on the person's unique behavioral, environmental and psychological environment. Nevertheless, there are general ways to get rid of depression.

Typical Depression

If you're feeling down because you didn't get that raise, then perhaps talking with the boss about your merits might be in order. If you're sad because you envy a friend who gets all the attention due to their nice build, then working out in a gym or exercising might help you attain what they have and boost your self-esteem in the process. If you're depressed because you and your significant other had a fight, then a heart-to-heart talk might straighten things out. In short, to get rid of depression, you must know the underlying cause of it. Most often, knowing the root cause of the problem is enough to alleviate your feelings of melancholy and you will then be able to get a clearer idea of the ways to fix it.

Trying a new hobby or just engaging in activities will also help you improve your current condition, specifically by diverting your focus. Hanging out with friends or with like-minded individuals will keep you busy, which also applies to work or studying, so you won't have the time to dwell on your issues. Engaging in a new hobby will also help you channel all the excess unused energy you have instead of using it to mope around or feel gloomy. There are activities that you can undertake to keep you busy, which have been proven effective as a means of treatment for depression. Meditation, which is endorsed by the Mayo Clinic, is an excellent example. The research on the effects of meditation has been going on since the late 90s and so far, results have been positive and promising.

Talking with a friend or someone you trust is also a very good way to ease the burden of depression. Often, the person does not even have to be a professional psychologist or psychiatrist, just someone who understands what you're going through. Most people who are depressed just need an avenue to vent their thoughts and frustrations, so even if the other person doesn't give a concrete solution or any advice, the very act of listening is often enough to make the depressed person feel better.

Daily exercises can also help you overcome depression. Exercise causes your body to release endorphins, chemical compounds produced by the body that act as "pain-killers" and gives you a sense of well-being. Endorphins decrease the level of depression in people. Another nice side-effect of daily exercise is that it builds your body and improves your health, generally increasing your sense of well-being and confidence.

Clinical Depression

With clinical depression, a more serious and specific approach is needed. Often, the things you do to get rid of normal depression will not be enough for clinical or major depression. In cases of clinical depression, professional treatment and medication are needed.

Usually, psychotherapy and counseling are recommended for most clinically depressive patients. Professionals will be able to delve deeper into your psyche and help you understand the severity of your depression and the cause of it. Professional counselors also have clinical programs that help you cope with your depression step by step, gradually easing you out of your state.

There are also drugs and medications that can help you get rid of your depression. Antidepressants like Prozac and Celexa are often prescribed to battle severe forms of depression. Since antidepressants can have side effects, it is generally recommended that these drugs only be taken with the prescription of a certified psychologist or doctor. The newer antidepressants claim to have fewer side effects than the older ones, but as always, everything must be done with the consultation of a professional medical practitioner.

In the process of getting rid of depression, lessening or stopping the intake of alcohol is also advisable. Studies have shown that alcohol and depression are related; most specifically, alcohol temporarily blunts the effects of stress hormones and leaves you feeling more down because it depresses the nervous system and the brain.

Whatever type of depression you have, whether it's clinical or typical, there are several things you can do to lessen your state of being down emotionally. Not dwelling too much on things, for example, will give you more room to focus on other positive aspects of your life. While clinical depression will really need professional treatment, it will not help if you are not willing to take the steps to recovery yourself.

Lithium and SSRI - Lithium Interaction With SSRIs and Your Health

Lithium has been used for decades to treat bipolar disorders and the manic episodes during manic depression. With the development of SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors), it was thought that lithium would no longer be needed, as SSRIs generally have less severe side effects than lithium. This did not happen, as many therapies to treat depression and bipolar mood swings that involved an SSRI are now being augmented with lithium.

How does Lithium Work with an SSRI?

Lithium is one of the most common substances used in conjunction with SSRIs. The method by which lithium works is in its altering of the transportation of sodium throughout nerve and muscle cells. It is sodium that plays a major role in the excitability of those suffering manic episodes as they deal with manic depression and bipolar disorder.

The dosing of lithium is used extensively in maintenance therapy, by reducing the intensity of manic episodes and, as a means of maintenance dosing, to aid in the prevention of manic episodes and bipolar disorder symptoms. There is, however, the possibility of an adverse interaction by using lithium and an SSRI. Lithium can increase the serotonin regulatory effects of SSRIs more than needed, which can lead to serotonin syndrome, a potentially fatal disease.

Effects of Lithium during SSRI Treatment

Though lithium is a proven treatment in certain personality disorders, it does come with side effects. These side effects are more common, and sometimes more severe, than those of SSRIs which was the inspiration for the development of SSRIs. Some of the side effects of lithium are as follows:

  • Drowsiness

  • Excessive Thirst

  • Fatigue

  • Hand Tremors

  • Increased Urination

  • Nausea

  • Thyroid Problems

  • Weakness

  • Weight Gain

Interactions with Lithium during SSRI Therapy

There has been some cause for concern when augmenting SSRI therapy with lithium. Lithium has been known to interact negatively with fluoxetine, an SSRI known by several brand names most popularly Prozac. Of all the current SSRIs, citalopram (Celexa) has had the least complications due to interactions with other drugs and has not shown to have any adverse affects in combination with Lithium.

The most common and worrisome complication due to interactions between SSRIs and lithium is serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome is simply an increased amount of serotonin that gathers in the central nervous system. The excess serotonin is caused by over stimulation from drugs that are used to regulate serotonin levels in the body, such as an SSRI. This can be caused simply by an overdose of an SSRI, or by taking other substances, such as lithium, in concert with an SSRI.

Bullycide - When Bullying Leads to Suicide

The term bullycide was originally coined by journalist Neil Marr, who wrote a book called Bullycide: Death at Playtime. This book discusses the torment children and teens suffer from cases of bullying. Some teens and children simply cannot take the torment and the depression they find themselves facing after countless occasions of bullying, bullied either physically or verbally. There are many types of bullying from pushing and shoving to hurtful words and rumors. Cyberbullying is also a new type of bullying that is continuing to grow describing the type of bullying that takes place online. As online social networking websites continue to grow, so do the rates of cyberbullying. In recent years, countless cases of bullying has reached epidemic levels, which is why so many teens are at risk for bullycide.

What is Bullycide?

Bullycide is a term used to describe suicide as a result of bullying. Bullycide cases are difficult to track statistically, but many suicides from the past few years among teens are not being attributed to cases of severe bullying in school and online. Teens are major targets for mean activity from their peers. Bullying is no exception. Bullycide usually comes as a result of teen depression after the teen is teased and bullied mercilessly over the course of an extended period of time. If you know a teen that is exhibiting signs of depression and is being bullied, it is a good idea to ensure that teen gets help from an adult or reliable source to make the bullying stop. From there, they will most likely need help with dealing with their teen depression. Preventing the levels of teen depression from growing is one of the best ways to help prevent bullycide.

Types of bullying include verbal and physical. While physical bullying can have both a physical and emotional effect, verbal bullying is the type of bullying that continues to increase in popularity. Teens may feel they can get away with verbal types of bullying more, which is why it is such a growing trend among teens. Verbal bullying can include face-to-face name calling as well as spreading rumors or taking behind a person's back. Verbal bullying also takes on a fuller form online when teens use social networking tools like Facebook, MySpace and other resources to spread lies about their peers or to gang up on their classmates. Bullying in any form can have a long-lasting effect on a person's self-esteem. Having poor self-esteem is a direct result of teen depression in many cases. From this point, bullycide becomes a desired option for some who are dealing with teen depression issues.

Bullycide Prevention:

The best way to enact bullycide prevention is to prevent the cause before it starts. Teachers and schools are doing a better job at cracking down on bullying before it starts. However, it is also up to the parent to watch for warning signs that their child is being bullied. If a teen is acting withdrawn, "losing" their personal property or is facing issues like teen depression, it might be because they are being bullied. This is when it is important for parents to step in and talk to their teen. Communication is of the utmost importance in situations like these. Be sure to talk to those who are facing issues like bullying before it reaches dangerous proportions like bullycide. Help build self-esteem in your teen because that is a great way to help them if they are bullied by others. Those with low self-esteem are more likely to suffer from teen depression or to become victims of bullying. By enforcing that feeling of self-esteem, the teen is more likely to be able to handle any kind of bullying situation or will be fortunate not to find themselves in that situation in the first place. Ending bullying before it begins is the best way to prevent these tragic cases of bullycide.

Depression Quotes - Jean Paul Sartre - How to Overcome Depression - The Path to Success

"There is no such thing as a self-made man. You will reach your goals only with the help of others." George Shinn - Millionaire

"We only become what we are by the radical and deep-seated refusal of that which others have made of us." Jean-Paul Sartre - Philosopher

As you can see, the depression quotes above may be considered a little paradoxical at first glance, however they are not.

If on one side, George Shinn, a famous millionaire believes we can't get anywhere without a helping hand, Sartre says that fundamentally, if we don't refuse other's influence upon our own choices, we will never become truly released, as we will always be trying to fulfill the goals set by others, and will therefore walk through life bent by another person's expectations.

You may share a similar experience with your life. Parents tend to try to influence their children career choices. If you had picked something that you had absolutely no interest in as a living, would have you been able to cope with a life lived doing something you hate? You would probably have fallen into depression, if that was the case. On another note, it's quite normal that we as children do everything in our power to not disappoint our parents.

It's therefore critical in Sartre's opinion to be capable of standing on your own when it comes to picking your own path to happiness and disregard the noise around you. If you know something is right for you, don't be afraid to go for it.

Acknowledging this, it's very hard to get anywhere without a helping hand all the way to the end of our road. At times we'll inevitably have to take detours to gather momentum. As such, it is important to never lose sight of our goals, even if we can't always walk a straight line.

These depression quotes relate closely to the patient of depression, hiding himself away from the world, and still convinced that everyone is out to hurt him. He ordinarily lives in denial and thinks he can beat depression all by himself. Although no one else may walk the path for him, the choice and decision to start walking must be his. How to overcome depression on your own or without medication then? If you're trying to, please don't be afraid of taking a helping hand along the way. Don't even be afraid of asking for one. While we understand you may have been hurt in the past, understand also that there are folks out there who know how to overcome depression dedicate their lives to helping others, and will be able to help you without judging you or asking for anything in return.

Depression During Menopause

Many women go through menopause without any emotional changes at all. Some women experience a sense of relief or even elation at the new freedom that menopause presents: freedom from pregnancy and monthly menses. For others though, menopause is associated with symptoms that are similar to the emotional changes seen prior to their menstrual cycle: fatigue, insomnia, nervousness, irritability, or mild depression. These symptoms are similar to those of PMS. The emotional changes seen in menopause are often associated with hot flashes and insomnia (an interruption of REM sleep).

The number of women afflicted with depression during the menopausal years is not more than the 8 to 10 percent prevalence that is seen throughout the reproductive years. Two groups of women are at increased risk: those experiencing surgical menopause (surgical removal of the ovaries) and those with a previous history of depression. In surgical menopause, the sudden drop in the level of both estrogen and androgen (male hormone) is associated with a greater incidence of emotional changes and depression.

Stressful events are also known to trigger emotional changes and depression. Stressful life events coincide with menopause, which may make it harder to determine the cause of the mood changes. Family or work situations may fuel fatigue, sadness, or low energy level, all of which are symptoms that may be profound in a clinical depression. When a woman has an underlying depression, the low levels of estrogen seen in menopause, or perimenopause, may accentuate the depression.

Many women require no treatment for symptoms associated with menopause. Others prefer to try dietary changes (phytoestrogens), exercise and psychotherapy before considering a trial of medication. Helpful medications include estrogen, which alleviates hot flashes and therefore helps promote restful sleep. Some women feel better on estrogen even if they are not suffering from hot flashes. Women who have undergone surgical menopause may benefit from the addition of testosterone (androgen) if they suffer significant emotional symptoms that are not relieved by estrogen alone. In certain cases, antidepressant medication, such as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, or cyclic antidepressants, is warranted. These medications affect the uptake of brain neurotransmitters linked to clinical depression.

I hope this gives you some insight into the emotional changes that occur during menopause. Is it wise to stop the antidepressants and see how she does on the hormones alone? No. Treating her depression is crucial and continuing the antidepressants is appropriate. When she feels well, it may be possible to taper her off the antidepressants. But even then, it should only be done with the support and guidance of her psychiatrist. I hope she feels better soon.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

How to Identify Your Own Depression Warning Signs by Becoming Like Your School's Hall Monitor

Do you remember the hall monitor in school? They were the person responsible for helping to keep order in the school. They caught the kids sneaking around without hall passes. They made sure anyone who tried to skip out were caught. We used to dread them every time we tried to stay out late at recess. They were often the vigilant little helpers of the teacher that could make life miserable for the rest of us.

But you should try and become more like your hall monitor, at least when it comes to identifying your own depression warning signs.

I know what you're thinking. You're probably thinking "why on earth would I want to become more like a glorified snitch?" Let me first try and remind you that the hall monitors weren't all bad. Because in fact, if they hadn't caught my friend Jenny trying her first cigarette, her Mom might never have found out. Then Jenny may have taken up a really bad habit at the age of 14. But instead, her Mom disciplined her and made sure Jenny understood why she couldn't smoke, EVER.

So a vigilant hall monitor saved Jenny from undertaking a habit that would be hazardous to her health. But the good news is, you don't have to "tattle" on anyone to identify your own depression warning signs.

All you have to do is carefully monitor your own thoughts.

That's how you become a hall monitor for yourself. See, how easy that was? You just have to walk up and down the corridors of your mind and make sure the thoughts that are there aren't the signs of depression. Continual negative thoughts are the hallmarks of depression.

Here are some examples of thoughts that are depression warning signs:
1. I'm worthless.
2. The world would be better off without me.
3. I just don't enjoy life anymore.
4. I find it hard to concentrate and remember what I read.
5. I don't have anything to look forward to anymore.

One caveat: random negative thoughts vs. thoughts that are depression warning signs.

Random negative thoughts pop up into our head from time to time. Thoughts ranging from "I don't like this soda" to "I don't think she likes me" pop into our head from time to time. It's a part of life. But notice, there's a difference between "I don't think she likes me" versus "I'm worthless." You may not think someone likes you because of an interaction you had with them, but it doesn't mean you think negatively of yourself because of it.

You'll notice the depression warning signs listed above point to a low level of self-esteem and a general feeling that you just don't have the inclination to deal with life anymore. That's the key to distinguishing between a random negative thought and thoughts indicating you might be depressed. Random negative thoughts don't require the kind of intervention serious depression does.

The good news is, there are many options available to you once you identify that you are experiencing depression.

1. Try talking things out with a friend or a mental health professional who has experience in treating depression.
2. Try one of the natural remedies for depression, like exercise.
3. You can get anti-depressant medication if a mental health professional (like a psychiatrist) determines your condition requires such treatment.

That's why it pays to become a hall monitor of your thoughts. They can be good indicators if you're having an episode of depression. Then tattle on yourself by getting help. You'll find that becoming more like a hall monitor in this case will help make you happier in the long run.

A Psychological Profile Of Janis Joplin

"The greater the feeling of inferiority that has been experienced, the more powerful is the urge to conquest and the more violent the emotional agitation." ---Alfred Adler

Biographical Overview

Janice Joplin was born January 19, 1943 in Port Arthur Texas to Seth and Dorothy Joplin. Janice was the first born child in a family that would eventually include a sister Laura, who was born 6 years later, and a brother Michael, who was born 10 years later. Janice's early family life was relatively normal, and as a child she was exceptionally curious and bright. Janice often made up stories as a child and began writing plays while in the first grade, and even at a very young age her creative talent seemed to be developing.

One early story recounted in Myra Friedman's (1973) book on Janis, recounts how Seth would take the Janis and eventually her siblings down to the post office to look at the pictures of the wanted men as a form of entertainment. Given Janis's later utter and total disregard for the law and conventionality in her life, one wonders if Janis didn't develop some kind of sympathy for the "outlaw" from these early experiences, as she certainly began to view herself as existing outside of the bounds of normal society.

In Janis's words, "The whole world turned on me" when she entered High School, and these years seemed to have an especially profound influence on Janis as well as her later work. Port Arthur was in many ways a rough and even violent city, and as a port town had a number of bars and houses of prostitution to service the men who came to work there. Janis witnessed extreme racism while growing up in Port Arthur, and her tolerance and acceptance of people from other races quickly earned her the nickname "nigger lover" which was one of many that she would eventually acquire in Port Arthur. During this period Janis also gained weight and developed bad skin, and she was often also called a "pig" by the other children in the school.

Following High School Janice enrolled at Lamar State College which she found was much like her High School in Port Arthur, as she again experienced a great deal of rejection here and eventually dropped out. With her parent's blessing, Janis moved to Los Angeles to live with one of her aunts. Janis eventually moved out of her aunt's home into a place of her own in Venice Beach and it was during this trip that she began to seriously use drugs including heroin. Having nearly died during her experiences in Venice Beach, Janice again returned to Port Arthur, and eventually decided to return to school, this time at the University of Texas in Austin.

It was during this period of her life where Janis began performing seriously as a musician. She had discovered the blues through listening to records by Odetta and Bessie Smith, and Janis showed an amazing ability to imitate these singers, which was a lifelong talent she had developed even as a young girl. Janis would often play in coffeehouses and other campus spots around Austin, and it was during these formative years where she was able to put together her blues, folk, and rock influences into her own integrated and unique sound. Janis's favorite place to play was the legendary Threadgill's where she became close friends with owner Ken Threadgill who was a very positive force in Janis's life.

Although Austin included many more anti-establishment types than Port Arthur, Janis was still ridiculed and mocked at the University of Texas, and her sense of inferiority as a result of this reached its pinnacle when she was nominated for the "Ugliest Man on Campus" award while attending school in Austin. This was the final blow to Janis in Texas, and shortly after this even she packed her bags and moved to San Francisco to pursue a career as a singer.

Janis moved to Haight Ashbury in 1966 which at the time was the epicenter of the 1960's. Bands such as the Grateful Dead and the Jefferson Airplane were also coming up at this time, and the music and freedom made the Haight in the 1960's for many a magical time and place to be. Janis found an incredible sense of belonging with Big Brother during this time, and their early work as a band represented the raw energy and improvisational nature of rock and Roll that people were beginning to take notice of.

Janice soon began to outshine Big Brother however, and although they were a highly energetic live band, their improvisational style did not translate well in recording sessions. Janice on the other hand took a great interest in the recording sessions, and was committed to recording an album that demonstrated Big Brother's and more importantly her own unique style. With Albert's encouragement, Janice eventually left Big Brother, and this act was seen by many in the band, as well as many of Janice's personal friends, as an act of selfish betrayal.

Janice next formed the Kosmic Blues Band, which she spelled with a K in honor of Franz Kafka, who was one of the many novelists that Janice loved to read. The band was supposed to mark a return to Janice's blues roots, but her first gig in Memphis, a city rich in the blues tradition, was a disaster as the new band received a very lukewarm response from the Memphis crowd. During her time with Kosmic Blues, Janice, already a regular heavy drug user became more enamored of Heroin. Janice's Heroin use continued to increase throughout her time with the Kosmic Blues band, and by the time it came to play at Woodstock in the summer of 1969 she was most likely addicted to the drug. In one particularly disgusting story, Janice's friend and lover Peggy Caserta (who would later go on to write "Going down with Janis" recounts how Janis snuck into the portable toilets to shoot Heroin prior to her performance at Woodstock. In any case Janice's performance at Woodstock was not thought to be one of her best, and it was at this juncture of her career where her Heroin abuse and continued heavy drinking seemed to adversely begin affecting her music.

Realizing that the Kosmic Blues band was not working, Janice also left this band, and in the last year of her life formed her final band that was known as Full Tilt Boogie. It was also during this period that Janice formed a friendship with Kris Kristopherson who would eventually become her lover, and who also wrote Janis's seminal hit Me and Bobby McGee which is the song she is most known for today. During this last phase of her life, Janice began referring to herself as "Pearl" which to her represented the tough- talking highly sexed festive side of her nature.

One significant event that occurred at the end of her life was Janice's ten year High-School reunion. Janis announced her plans to attend the reunion on the Dick Cavett show while also telling the host Dick Cavett that during her time at Port Arthur that her classmates "laughed me out of class, out of town and out of the state, man". Janis wanted to return to Port Arthur to show those that had picked on her and ostracized her that she had made it after all, while also still craving acceptance from the town that she thought her fame would bring her. Janis was drunk most of the time during the reunion, and because she had made several negative remarks about the town in the national press, her visit did not achieve what she had hoped, and once again she left Port Arthur feeling rejected and unloved.

Upon returning to San Francisco Janice's Heroin usage had increased significantly, and it was also during this time that she met and quickly became engaged to a man named Seth Morgan who was from a wealthy east coast family. By all accounts Seth was a dishonorable man, and his stormy relationship with Janis did not appear to be based on any kind of fidelity from either party. During Janis's last months in San Francisco she also reconnected with Peggy Caserta whose appetite for Heroin nearly matched Janis's. Peggy and many others of Janice's friends continued to use Heroin with her in her last month, but Janice was using the drug alone in a seedy hotel when she eventually died from an overdose on October 4th 1970.

Janis's death deeply saddened her friends as well as her fans, but many, including Janice herself, did not expect her to live a particularly long life. Her rampant alcohol and Heroin use had set her on a collision course with death that seemed inevitable, and with this in mind, many people considered the idea that Janice Joplin's death was not in fact an accident but rather a suicide. While a coroner's report showed that the Heroin Janice had used that night was especially pure, one can certainly speculate that Janis Joplin contributed greatly to her own demise. Despite the fact her death was eventually ruled an accident, it is clear that Janis Joplin's sad and unhappy life ended as a direct result of her own actions.


Gender Role Preparation perceived through Gender Guiding Lines and Role Models

One of the ways a child makes his or her way in the world begins with an acceptance or a rejection of their gender guiding lines. In this regard, Janis Joplin's relationship with her mother becomes fascinating to analyze, as Janice and her mother's interactions were often characterized by a battle of wills and a great deal of turbulence. Janis's mother, who was a Sunday school teacher, expected Janis to conform to the rules, wear dresses like the other little girls, while also making the family proud with her accomplishments. In this regard Mrs. Joplin had high expectations for her daughter concerning both conformity and accomplishment, and this seemed to send a mixed message to Janis that affected her future ambitions and desires.

Despite Janis's rejection of the maternal guiding line, she did identify strongly with her father who was an intellectual man who enjoyed reading and was much more accepting and permissive of Janis than her mother. Janis seems to have strongly identified with her father instead of her mother, and this speaks directly to her eventual embrace of many more traditionally masculine qualities in her life.

Janis eventually almost totally and completely rejected her mother's wishes that she be like the other girls, and therefore rejected the female guiding line in the family which also seemed to have an effect on her sexuality. Although Janis talked a few times of achieving married life with a "white picket fence" she found belonging by wearing pants and acting like one of the boys, and for Janis this included sleeping with by her own account "a couple of hundred" women throughout her life, including one in her High School years.

Much has been made of Janis's sexuality, and one feminist writer attributed Janis's drug use and lifelong pain as resulting from being unable to fully come out and experience life as her lesbian self. In essence she made Janis a martyr for lesbian causes, and this idea is provocative and interesting to consider with regard to Janis. It certainly must have been difficult for Janis to reject the feminine guiding line in the family without it having some affect on her sexuality, and therefore it seems highly plausible that Janis may have been predominantly attracted to other women. On the other hand Janis did also sleep with a great many more men than women in her life, but her inability to sustain lasting relationships with these men may speak directly to Janis's confused and even tormented sexual feelings. Although she often bragged about her conquests with men, one could see this as a dramatic overcompensation for her lesbian feelings, as well as a compensation for her rejection by the boys of Port Arthur when she was young. As a star Janice spoke often about her increased access to "pretty young boys" and one wonders if her often false bravado when speaking about men may have simply been attempts to deal with feelings of childhood rejection and inferiority.

When children reject their parental guiding lines, they may often turn to role models to guide them. In Janis's case because such a role model was not available in Port Arthur, she found this guidance through emulating and studying the music of Bessie Smith, who had died several years before Janis was born. Bessie Smith was and is one of the most influential Blues singers in American history and Janis felt a kinship with the blues where she was drawn not just to the music but also to the sadness and pathos that produced the music. Janis remarked often throughout her career that singing the blues required suffering, and Janis used this belief to justify and rationalize her Heroin abuse.

Janice did draw strength from visualizing the blues singers that had come before her however, and the anguish and pain in her voice while she was singing appeared to be a true representation of Janis's often tortured life. Much like the Blues singers she was emulating, Janis did use music to make sense of painful feelings, and the power and influence of Blues singers like Bessie Smith provided for Janis a roadmap of how to process these feelings. Bessie Smith was in fact such a powerful influence on her, that Janis contributed half the money for Bessie Smith's memorial so she could be properly honored and remembered.

Interpersonal Style perceived through Experience of Family Atmosphere

One thing that Janice seems to have inherited from her mother was a sense of frugality which Dorothy had developed from her experiences seeing her family farm lost to the depression. Janice was not particularly generous with money over the course of her career, and despite her blatant disregard for the rules, friends who went through Janice's possessions (Friedman 1973) following her death found several "meticulously organized checkbooks, all balanced to the penny." Janice also always scoured for the cheapest item when she was grocery shopping, and would spend extra time comparing differences in price on items although money was really no object in this instance. Considering Janice's otherwise highly disruptive life, this seems almost miraculous, and certainly speaks to the fact that Janice respected at least some of her family's established values.

Another instance where Janice seems to have rejected her mother's guidance was in the area of spirituality, where Dorothy who was a Sunday school teacher, tried to instill in her children ideas consistent with conventional morality. Janice wildly rejected this idea, and adopted an extremely hedonistic attitude where if something felt good to her she was quick to do it. Janice often expressed this philosophy of the immediate throughout her life, and this ran directly opposed to the family's religious convictions that there was a life after this one where we received our final rewards.

The family's experiences with music are also important to consider with regard to Janis's interpersonal style. At one time Dorothy was such a talented singer that she received a full scholarship for her musical abilities to Texas Christian University. Dorothy continued to sing in the church choir when Janis was little, and the family had a piano to celebrate Dorothy's love of music. When Janis was young Dorothy had one of her vocal cords severed in an accident during a surgery, and Dorothy could no longer sing as a result of this experience. Seth then sold the piano and this seemed to convey an unusual message to Janis about music, and may have a relationship to Janis's fear, repeated often throughout her career, that she would loose her voice and therefore her career.

Janice's eventual embrace of music could be interpreted a couple of different ways. First, that she carried on the family torch passed down from Dorothy, or second, that she took to music because it was something her mother could no longer do. Considering how stormy the relationship was between Janis and her mother, and the fact that Seth sold the piano because it was too painful to have around for Dorothy, it seems possible to speculate that Janis's music was in some ways a reaction against her mother. The kind of music Janis did go on to produce was certainly far different than the music Dorothy studied in school and perhaps Janice's embrace of music could be interpreted as both an ode to, as well as a reaction against, Dorothy's love of music.

Perspective on the World perceived through Experience of Psychological Birth Order

Janis was the first born child in a family of three, and this also influenced her perspective on the world. First born children are often the responsible and conservative children in the family, and can become in many ways like second parents to the other children. In Janis's first 6 years of life she behaved much like you would expect an oldest child to behave, as her mother reports she learned to sit and cut her food and eat and talk like an adult at a very early age with amused and surprised Dorothy. Janice was also very well-behaved and had excellent manners, and her mother reports that her behavior was nearly beyond correction in these early years.

Things changed when Laura was born when Janice was six, as not only was Janis now dethroned as the only child, but Laura had health complications which took up even more of her mother's attention. Interestingly Janis did not at this time become a jealous and overbearing sibling, but instead became very attentive to Laura and cared for as a kind of surrogate parent.

A fascinating switch in the psychological birth order perspective did happen later however, when Janis began to get jealous that Laura appeared to do things that met her mother's high expectations whereas Janis consistently let her down. Children often find belonging in families by engaging in behaviors that are different than their siblings. In the case of the Joplin's this happened much later when Janis was in High School, where Janis was now finding belonging as the misbehaving child where Laura assumed the role of the responsible one. Normally this dynamic is exactly reversed, but in the Joplin's case Laura now assumed the vantage point of the first born child and Janis as the reckless and wild second born.

This pattern continued throughout the rest of their lives, as during her periods of conservative behavior Janis would often ask for Laura's assistance picking out the proper clothes and seek her advice on style and other matters. Although Laura was six years younger, she seemed to eventually surpass Janis emotionally as well, and her story is very much intertwined with Janis's even today. Laura eventually earned a PHD in education and became a motivational speaker. She also wrote a book called Love, Janis which provided letters Janis had written home to the family throughout her career, and this book, which was later made into a Broadway production, helped a lot of people reach a greater understanding of Janis Joplin's inner world.

Self Assessment perceived through Genetic Possibilities

It is impossible to talk about Janis Joplin without talking about her physical appearance, as this was at the root of a great deal of Janis's inferiority and perhaps even a partial explanation for her extreme talent. Although Janis was by all accounts an average looking girl growing up, she went through a particularly awkward stage in High School where she gained weight and also developed skin problems. In Texas in the 1950's this must have been particularly difficult, as beauty was certainly a cherished value for women in this time and place, and a person's self-worth could easily become tied to their appearance which seems to have happened to Janice. Rather than attempt to play a game she felt she could not succeed at, Janice instead chose to respond in the exact opposite manner, and she made her personal appearance a very low priority.

This is classic safeguarding behavior where a person creates a sense of rejection themselves before others have a chance to reject them. In Janis's case she would put on a brave front when others would call her a "pig" in High School, but then go home and cry about this rejection. It must have particularly painful for Janis to be nominated for "Ugliest Man on Campus" while at the University of Texas, as this was a place where she had finally found some belonging and had experienced some success as a singer.

Being constantly rejected for her appearance, Janis only felt beautiful in her life when she was performing. It was on the stage where her wild sexuality and charisma finally shined, and this for Janis meant the stage became the only place where she every truly felt accepted. Janice spent the rest of her life following High School chasing the "pretty boys" and this seems to be overcompensation for the rejection she felt from the popular boys both in High School as well as at the University of Texas. She made much of her one night stand with New York Jets quarterback Joe Namath, even announcing their affair over the microphone while doing a New York concert, and also bragged about sleeping with Jim Morrison, Dick Cavett, and many other men which may have been simply further attempts to prove that she was indeed wanted by the "popular" crowd.

This certainly seemed to be a large part of her motivation to return to her High School reunion where she hoped to show those that had rejected her how she had made it. When Janis was again rejected at her High School reunion it seemed to bring all of her intense feelings of inferiority back to the surface, and have at least some relationship to her final and fatal Heroin binge.

It is also interesting to consider Janis's engagement to Seth Morgan with regard to the timing of her reunion. Seth, whose east coast pedigree led Janis to believe that he was in fact one of the "popular" boys she had always sought after had also assured Janis he did not want any of her money, and even signed an agreement that assured this. For Janis this may have been a last grasp at fitting in and dealing with the feelings of inferiority her reunion stirred up, and a final attempt at finding the belonging that she so desperately craved.

Openings for Advancement Perceived through Environmental Opportunities

It is impossible to attempt an understanding of Janis Joplin without also understanding the times she came of age in. The 1960's was a period of great revolution and change, and provided the perfect backdrop for Janis to unharness her raw energy and power through her music. Prior to the 60's women had no such opportunity, and the classic model of the Rosemary Clooney type lounge singer was a paradigm that Janis helped change and recreate for many future generations. The fact that Janis came along concurrently at the height of the woman's movement was also significant, as she became for many a symbol for women's sexual freedom and experimentation that had previously been taboo. Had Janis come along in another era, her brazen sexuality would not have been well received, and Janis was a direct benefactor of as well as a contributor to, the women's movement.

Range of Social Interest perceived through Other Particularities

In Adlerian psychology, a person's mental health can be measured by examining a person's social interest in other human beings. In Janis Joplin's case her early inferiority produced such violent insecurity that she had a very difficult time getting close to others and maintaining intimacy in her personal relationships. Although Janis was often taken advantage of by others in her life, she relished in thinking of herself as a victim as it confirmed her existing feelings about herself.

For Janis the circumstances of her life must have contributed greatly to her confusion about other people's motives concerning their feelings for her. Before she was famous she was mocked and ridiculed by nearly everyone she came into contact with, excepting a few select friends she made along the way. She felt inferior in her home life and that she wasn't living up to her mother's expectations as to what a woman should be. Then when she became famous suddenly the whole world took an intense interest in her, and it is easy to see why she would doubt the motivations behind this interest given her prior experiences.

No where was this more evident than at Janis's reunion where she wanted to show the people who had mocked her how important she had become, while also badly seeking their acceptance. For Janis the Thomas Wolfe axiom that "You can't go home again" seemed especially appropriate, and all of these conflicting cognitions and emotions must have created a great deal of psychic turmoil in Janis which she numbed by using Heroin.

In this regard, Janis remarked to Myra Friedman (1973) that "her only true friends were the junkies she used to hang out with" and this is a telling statement that speaks directly to the fact that drug addicts often gravitate to each other in a kind of shared misery. The fact that Janis made this remark seems to confirm her low opinion of herself, and how this low opinion affected her interactions with others. Because Janis was so in need of love from others, she surrounded herself with sycophants who would often tell her whatever she wanted to hear, which was a fact Janis was well aware of.

Although many singers from this era including Janis's one time lover Country Joe McDonald became very involved in political causes in the 60's, Janice's message seemed to be more about freedom through breaking off the shackles that society imposed. Perhaps because the 60's were such a time of freedom, many serious addictions such as Janis's were overlooked under the guise of free living. The dream of Timothy Leary and others like him that drugs could be a mind expanding tool has not been realized, and many such as Janis developed severe and pathological addictions as a result of this idea. This was the paradox of the pairing of drugs and freedom, as, although the drugs were meant to free a person's mind, they often made them virtual slaves to their addictions as was the case in Janis Joplin's life.


Janis Joplin's life was clearly very sad, and demonstrates the pathology and sadness that exists in someone who, despite achieving considerable wealth and fame, never learns to overcome feelings of inferiority towards the self. Alfred Adler's quote "The greater the feeling of inferiority that has been experienced, the more powerful is the urge to conquest and the more violent the emotional agitation" seems especially relevant to Janis's life. In many ways Janis positively channeled and compensated for her feelings of inferiority through her work on the stage, but when the music was over Janis was always left with the same uncomfortable feelings. Several of the books on Janis's life describe how despondent she would be following a performance, and this may be because the stage was the only place she truly found the love and acceptance she so desperately craved.

Many factors contributed to Janis's inferiority, and the stars all aligned in a very unique way to create the life that was Janis Joplin's. Her early and continued rejection by the other children, particularly in High School created a lifetime of negative feelings about her physical appearance, and these feelings were probably exacerbated through her interactions with her mother who wanted her to be more like the other children. Because Janis was not like the other girls, she assumed many masculine traits, and somewhere along the way her feelings about sexuality became very confused. Although there is significant evidence to demonstrate a genetic link to homosexuality, there are also almost certainly environmental factors which can contribute to this, and Janis Joplin's life seemed to be an excellent example.

Despite Janis's sexually ambivalent feelings, she many times remarked about a mythical "white picket fence" kind of life that she longed for that would bring her some consistency and stability. But Janice was also terrified of giving up her stardom, as this was also the only thing she had to cling to that gave her a sense of accomplishment in life. She had created the "Pearl" image and now she had to consistently live up to it, and this required a pace that no one could possibly maintain.

Janice was also a product of her times, as more than any other decade before or since, the 1960's were a time of great change, paradigm shifts, and revolution, and Janis helped define these times while also being swept away by them. The music of the 60's reflected a large break in society where kids were expected to "never trust anyone over 30" that never quite considered what happened when they reached 30. For Janis, her reckless lifestyle, intense feelings of self-loathing, and raging feelings of inferiority eventually overwhelmed her, and her death at the age of 27 was truly tragic considering the further contributions she may have gone on to make.