Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hidden Signs of Bi Polar Disorder

Clare was addicted to the Home Shopping network. After she maxed out her remaining credit cards following her divorce, she then started ordering goods and charging them to her daughter's credit card. Her daughter Molly almost has a coronary when she saw her next bill. A frugal young woman, she was expecting only $42.97 for an online purchase she had made herself.

Instead, her card sat at $258.22 over its $5000 limit.

Thinking she was the victim of stolen identity, Molly went to call the police. At this point her mother, who had moved in with her after Molly's recent return to the province, confessed. There was a row, with tears on both sides, but the next day, Molly hugged her mother and said she knew Clare had been compensating for her husband's abandonment. Molly would pay off 70% of the monthly charges until the account was cleared, and her mother could chip in the other 30%, since there was no divorce settlement in Clare's favor.

That's when things took an ugly turn. Clare kept compulsively ordering from the shopping channel faster than Molly could pay her card down, until even her "back up" credit card was declined. More tears and rows followed, and a phone call with Molly's ex-stepfather revealed that bankruptcy caused by Clare's compulsive spending was the main issue in the divorce - not the stories Clare had told her daughter.

A Hard Step To Take

Mo finally had to ask her mother to leave and find a place of her own. She felt really wretched at this step, since she knew her mother's only option was to go on Social Assistance: But that was when things began to change for the better for both mother and daughter. An astute Social Assessment Worker noted much more about Clare than her financial problems, and convinced her to visit a doctor, who promptly referred her to a psychiatrist.

Clare was diagnosed with Bi Polar disorder. "The spending and the poor judgment was a big red flag, only we didn't see it," says Mo. "We didn't know what we were looking at. Brad and I just thought mom was dishonest and selfish, and had gone off the deep end over the divorce."

There are many misconceptions about Bi Polar disorder. Not everyone indulges in spending sprees like Clare. Instead, some show very poor judgment in sexual relationships instead; and what is dismissed with disgust as over-the-top, dangerous promiscuity can actually be an indicator of Bi Polar disorder.

Some exhibit neither symptom, and would be outraged at any suggestion that either may occur - but in the depressive phase, may be prone to self harm and suicidal thoughts.

The truth is, there are several types of Bi Polar disorder. There is even a type that exhibits no manic phase at all - just depressive. Auditory and visual hallucinations can be involved in Bi Polar disorder - particularly at times of stress. There is a seasonal type too, as well as a mild form where people truck along for years, with no more noticeable symptom than insomnia and rapid speech, punctuated by occasional depression.

Sometimes a severely traumatic event - like the bankruptcy Clare caused and her subsequent divorce - can flip someone with "mild" Bi Polar disorder into an out-of-control episode.

The important lesson to learn here is... no matter what you believe about natural remedies, even the best ones won't work, if you don't first proactively get a solid diagnosis. In fact, in some cases - especially a complex genetic psychological condition like Bi Polar disorder - playing guessing games with natural substances can do more harm than good.

If you suspect a loved one has Bi Polar disorder, see your medical professional for proper diagnosis.

Depression and Anxiety II: Overcoming Anxiety

Signs and Symptoms
Everyone has felt anxious one time or another. Your heart racing at the prospect of giving a presentation in front of a room full of people, feeling shaky asking someone on a date, or the feeling of dread due to financial problems.

These are all anxiety provoking situations dealt with as everyday problems. Usually we become scared or tense when faced with a stressful situation. But when it becomes constant and we feel overwhelmed to the point of it interfering with our work, our relationships and our daily activities, we have reached the area of anxiety disorder.

What are the symptoms indicating an anxiety disorder? If you have several of the following symptoms, you may have an anxiety disorder.
• Are you continuously feeling up tight, worried or on edge?
• Does your worry interfere with your work, relationships, or daily activities?
• Do you have fears which are irrational, but don't go away?
• Do you have to repeatedly perform certain behaviors or something bad will happen to you?
• Does anxiety cause you to miss activities and to avoid situations?
• Do you always expect the worse is going to happen to you?
• Do you have heart pounding attacks with no warning?

Emotional and Physical Symptoms Along with the worry and fear anxiety symptoms can be divided into emotional and physical reactions. The physical symptoms can be mistaken for medical illness and result in trips to the doctor's office and emergency room before being identified as an anxiety disorder.

Emotional Symptoms
• Anticipating something bad is going to happen
• Difficulty concentrating
• Difficulty relaxing
• Having a sense of dread
• Easily angered
• Hyper-vigilant
• Thought blocking

Physical Symptoms
• Racing heart
• Perspiring
• Sick to your stomach and dizziness
• Frequent urination and diarrhea
• Difficulty breathing
• Insomnia
• Headaches
• Tremors and twitches
• Muscle tension

Panic Attacks
A panic attack is frightening and disabling. The attacks occur suddenly and without warning. Sometimes there is a precipitating event, such as giving a speech in front of a group of people, but most of the time it comes out of the blue. The attacks can last between ten to thirty minutes. The physical symptoms are so severe that people feel they are having a heart attack. Following an attack, many people develop a fear of having another attack causing them to stay close to home or avoid certain situations.

Symptoms of a Panic Attack
• Surge of overwhelming panic
• Losing control and going crazy
• Sharp pains in your chest and heart palpitations
• Feeling you are going to lose consciousness
• Difficulty breathing or sensation of choking
• Hyperventilating
• Hot flashes or cold sweats
• Trembling
• Upset stomach
• Sense of unreality

Anxiety and Depression
It should be noted that many times when someone suffers from an anxiety disorder they also suffer from depression. It is believed that anxiety and depression have same the biological vulnerability. There is a tendency for anxiety to make depression worse and on the other hand, for depression to make anxiety worse.

What Action Can You Take to Reduce Your Anxiety?
Take a look at your lifestyle ask yourself the following questions:
• Do you give yourself time for fun and relaxation?
• Do you get the necessary emotional support from friends and family?
• Do you take care of your body?
• Do you overwork yourself?
• Do you ask for help when you need it?

The answers to these questions are important because they recognize how well you are taking of yourself. If you find your lifestyle out of balance, it is time to make some adjustments. You can make the following adjustments:

• Reduce your workload. Recognize that you are not super human, reduce the number of hours you work or the amount of responsibility you take on.

• Learn relaxation techniques. Practice daily relaxation techniques such as mindful meditation, visualization, and progressive muscle relaxation to increase your sense of well being.

• Eat healthy, stop either missing meals or overeating and going to fast food places. Eat well balance meals; don't let your blood sugar fall, this well increase your anxiety.

• Reduce your intake of alcohol and nicotine which can affect your anxiety.

• Exercise on a regular basis at least 30 minutes three to four times a week for maximum anxiety reduction effect.

• Get enough sleep go to bed regularly to give yourself 7 to 8 hours of sleep.

Seeking Professional Help
If after you have tried the lifestyle changes, and you continue to have anxiety to the point it is causing you extreme distress in your life, it is time to seek professional help. Anxiety disorders respond well to treatment. Your therapist will discuss with you the course of treatment best suited to you.

De-Stigmatising Postnatal Depression

"There are a number of causes of postnatal depression, but being a 'bad mother' is not one of them."
~Kylie Woolcock

Depression is a far more common phenomenon than most of the non-depressed world is readily aware of. And of the particular nuances of this black dog, postnatal depression seems just as common as overall depression is.

One in six Australian mothers experience depression postnatally.

Like all depressed people, postnatally depressed women cry out from within themselves for support and guidance to get through the troubled days of dark uncertainty.


There are the reasons of isolation, of a lack of anticipation, preparedness and awareness (who could adequately prepare for every eventuality for such a significant life change as the coming of a baby?), of self-doubting, as well as the core deficits of self-concept. Deficits of attachment are also linked.

But it is more useful to look at some of the myths surrounding the prevalence of postnatal depression, and to dispel them.


MYTH: Women who suffer from postnatal depression are bad mothers.

Women who suffer from postnatal depression are not bad mothers. The trouble with depression is the doubting involved compounds, and thoughts of failing our babies and our families start in unfounded ways. But the more we doubt, and the more we entertain ourselves as failures, the more we block out signs of our positive self-concept, only to invite evidence of negativity - of seeing the failures in bright lights.

We should listen to the positive sources of encouragement in our lives and believe them.

MYTH: Being depressed will harm the baby.

Being depressed does not necessarily harm the baby. Especially when we admit our weakness, and we draw upon strength from trusted others, with help also from psychotherapy, we offset most of the possible negative effects on the baby. Getting our support is vital, as is journeying with our doctors regarding medications where they are required.

MYTH: Being depressed lasts a long time.

Depressed mothers do not necessarily remain depressed over the long term. The quicker we get treatment in any form of depression, or in any mental illness for that matter, the quicker our response of recovery. While some people will be prone to longer term symptoms, most react well to available treatments.


Postnatal or postpartum depression is as common as overall depression is. Many more women are affected than we often realise. There is no shame in any depression. The quicker we ask for help and get the treatment we need, the quicker we recover, generally.

穢 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Further Reading: Kylie Woolcock, "Postnatal Depression" in Counselling in Practice, vol. 30:9 - September 2011.

Important Facts on Illicit Drugs Parents Should Know

Drug abuse is commonplace issue stirring across the United States. Drug abuse hurts the abusers as well as the people around them. The effect of drugs on teens is more prolonged than on adults. Many teens use drugs to have fun and to feel 'high'. They even use drugs when they are depressed or think drugs will help them escape from problems. But the truth is, drug abuse exacerbates the issue the teens as well as for their parents.

Spot symptoms:
Teens using drug have symptoms of mental health issues, including depression or anxiety disorders. Parents should be alert enough to notice any change in behavior or general disposition of their kids. If they notice any of the drug abuse signs in their teens, they should take right step immediately. The following are few signs which are easily noticeable in drug abusing children:

•Change in behavior

•Inattentive to personal grooming

•Problematic behavior at school, such as drop in academic performance, suspension, etc.

•Mood swings


•Increase in borrowing money

•Using drug paraphernalia such as pipes, rolling papers, etc.

Drop in academic performance:
Drugs have a debilitating effect on the brain. They negatively affect attributes like comprehension, memory, and cognitive abilities. At school, the drug users avoid peers. They get lethargic frequently because the use of drugs makes them restless, aggressive and cantankerous. They fail to perform personal chores and grooming, get late to school or evade classes. All these characteristics will cause a massive decline in academic performance.

Explain the harmful effects of illicit drugs:
Parents should openly discuss the issue of drug abuse with their teens, even if they are not abusing drugs. They should advise them against taking illicit substance of any sort and the implications thereof, if they do. They should explain to the kids why they are concerned about the issue. Parents have to spend quality time with their kids, and should love and support them. Despite all this, if the teens keep on indulging in substances, parents should take the guidance of professional counselors specializing in rehabilitation of illicit substance abusers.

Facts on some of the commonly abused drugs:
Blame it on the easy availability of illicit drugs or ignorance among the teens, teen drug abuse has become rampant. From the various other surveys and the general observation, few drugs are found to be commonly abused by the teens. The following are the details of most commonly abused drugs in the United States and how parents can identify these drugs, if their teen is suspected to abuse any one of them.

•Cannabis: It is known as marijuana in its herbal form. Studies have established it to be the most commonly abused illicit drug. The dried leaves are mixed with tobacco and smoked. The main active chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Marijuana smoke has a pungent and distinctive, sweet-and-sour odor. Research shows that use of marijuana affects the brain and lungs. Long-term marijuana abusers exhibit symptoms like irritability, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, anxiety and drug craving. Abusers consuming the drug will have smelly breath.

•Cocaine: This is a white crystalline powder. It is snorted, injected or smoked. It causes extra alertness, a feeling of 'high', etc. The side effects include high pulse rate, temperature, and dizziness among others.

•Opiates: These are extracts from raw opium and include heroin, morphine, and codeine. The last two are used as prescription pharmaceuticals for pain killing. Heroin is a white powder. Heroin causes euphoric 'high'. It is smoked, snorted or intravenously injected. Morphine and codeine are available as white round, scored tablets.

•Methamphetamine: Also known as meth, methamphetamine is a white powder and is smoked, snorted or intravenously injected. It immediately shoots up the heartbeat and body temperature - symptomatic of high fever. May drag the user to AIDS/hepatitis.

•Alcohol: Alcohol, a liquid drink, acts as a stimulant, and gives a false sense of relaxed mood and makes drowsy. Teens addicted to alcohol ultimately end up consuming drugs like marijuana, cocaine, etc. Large volume of alcohol can lead to shaking, sweating, loss of memory, loss of control on emotions, nausea, anxiety, and depression to hallucination, fever and convulsions.

•Tobacco: Tobacco is obtained from dried leaves of tobacco plant. After the leaves are dried they are treated with 4,000 chemicals before being made into cigarettes. Teen smoking is a serious problem. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 54 percent of high school students try smoking at some point. Teen smoking affects health in the long-term causing cough, shortness of breath, poor lung function, and respiratory problems.

•Inhalants: Inhalants are substances that are sniffed or "huffed" to give the user an immediate rush or high. The four basic types of chemicals that are used as inhalants are - volatile solvents, gases, aerosols and nitrites. They include household products like glues, paint thinners, dry cleaning fluids, gasoline, felt-tip marker fluid, correction fluid, hair spray, aerosol deodorants, and spray paint. Effects from abusing inhalants can be both short-term and long-term. Regular use of inhalants cause serious harm to vital organs, brain, heart damage, liver failure, and muscle weakness.

•Vicodin: Vicodin is one of the most powerful prescription painkillers in the market. It is in the form of white, oblong scored tablet. When mixed with alcohol, vicodin over dose poses high risk among teenagers. Any teen who takes vicodin is at risk of addiction. Vicodin is highly addictive drug that carries with it a number of side effects and long-term health consequences.

This year's Monitoring the Future Survey had raised concerns about the increase in drug use among the Nation's teens. In this context, parents have a vital part in dissuading the teens from drugs. They need to explain to the kids the ill effects of illicit drugs on their body and mind, and the impact on the family.

Splenda - The Medical Research & a Self-Test to See If You Have a Splenda Sensitivity

Splenda is a zero calorie sugar alternative in those little yellow packets that's been manufactured since the 1990s. Splenda is made from a chemical process that is created from the chlorination of normal sugar. Splenda is a sugar that has been chemically adapted. Splenda has enjoyed a great rise in popularity, and many dieters and diabetics find it has less of an aftertaste than any other artificial sweetener.

Between 2000 and 2004, the number of US households using Splenda jumped from 3 to 20 percent. Splenda sales surpassed $177 million in a recent year during which there were only $62 million in sales for the aspartame-based sweetener Equal and $52 million in sales for the saccharin-based Sweet 'N Low.

The company that makes Splenda, McNeil Nutritionals, says that Splenda has endured some of the most demanding food trials on record for any food additive. McNeil says that over 100 such studies have been conducted on Splenda. Most of these studies have involved animals, which throws into doubt the safety report for humans.

At issue in the concern over the safety of Splenda is it's possible toxicity in the body. Our foods today are laden with artificial ingredients and chemical enhancers. Toxicity in the body leads to disease, illness, premature aging, weight gain, malnutrition, and even mental health problems. Splenda is, indeed, an artificial product. The degree to which it acts as a toxin or poison in one's body has not yet been determined. The likely truth is that it produces some amount of toxicity, the severity of which will vary from person to person. The accumulation of toxins in the body is a very real part of life on planet earth in the 21st century. Most every person would benefit from learning about what is and is not toxic to the body and make an effort to reduce or eliminate your expposure to toxins and periodically do a body cleanse detox program.

Is Splenda REALLY Sugar?

The chemical name of the Splenda molecule is sucralose. While sucralose starts off as a sugar molecule, it is the process by which it's made that raises concern. Sucralose is a purely synthetic chemical that is produced in a five-step patented process. During this process, three chlorine molecules are added to a simple sugar molecule. The initial, natural sugar molecule is a disaccharide made up of two single sugars bound together; fructose and glucose.

The chemical process to make sucralose modifies the chemical composition of the sugar so much that it is converted into a molecule that does not normally occur in nature. Because this artificial molecule is not naturally occurring, the body does not know how to process it. According to the manufacturers of Splenda, this is the very reason why Splenda is calorie neutral -- it is not metabolized or digested in the body. Splenda simply makes its way through the digestive track without depositing any calories.

This is deceptive, however, as Splenda's zero calorie status would only apply if the body did have the capacity to metabolize it. More troubling, the fact that Splenda is an artificial ingredient evokes questions about its safety, especially if used in unsparing amounts over a long period of time. There is the additional problem of insulin reaction. While research reports are still inconclusive, the medical community widely speculates that Splenda triggers an increase in insulin levels, which, whether or not calories are present, will tell the body to hold on to fat reserves or even store more fat.

One research finding nullifies the notion that Splenda is not absorbed by the body. In this study (conducted on humans), one in eight participants did not eliminate any sucralose after three days of ingesting Splenda. Another study (conducted on animals) found that 15% of ingested sucralose is absorbed into the digestive system and is thenstored in the body.

Splenda Under the Microscope

Nutritional and medical reseachers have studied Splenda and make these observations:

  • Splenda is a chlorocarbon, which has a history of producing organ impairment, genetic mutation and reproductive problems.

  • Splenda can impair the thymus gland, which plays an essential role in healthy immune system function.

  • Splenda can create swelling of the liver and kidney stones or calcification of the kidneys.

  • The studies promoted by the makers Splenda only report cherry-picked results and do not show an accurate picture of the actual health impact of Splenda.

  • The chlorine that is used in the process of producing Splenda is a carcinogen, according to the OSHA Hazardous Waste Handbook.

  • Sucralose is not as dangerous as Aspartame. If you had to choose between the two, choose Splenda. Saccharin is the only artificial sweetener that is in any way acceptable. But it is best to use a natural form of sweetener.

  • The extra sweetness of sucralose (Splenda is rumored as being 600 times sweeter than sugar) only creates greater addiction to the taste of sweetness.

  • Unless digestion is hampered, any food or substance you ingest will be absorbed. If we feed the body a wholly indigestible material (such as margarine), it will travel through the body undigested, if it doesn't get bound in the gall bladder. If Splenda is really indigestible, that is a bigger problem than the matter of assimilation.

  • The only benefit to using Splenda is the earnings the manufacturer gains.

Splenda Reaction Symptoms

  • Skin welts, blisters or other irritation

  • Rash

  • Allergic response

  • Itching

  • Swelling

  • Bloating

  • Diarrhea

  • Headache

  • Tremors

  • Nausea

  • Abdominal cramps

  • Depression

  • Forgetfulness

  • Mood swings

  • Anxiety

  • Lack of focus

  • Lightheadedness

  • Feelings of panic

How to Detect if Splenda is Harming You

The best way to determine if sucralose is impacting your health is to perform this simple test. First, eliminate sucralose completely from your diet for a period of two weeks (this goes for all other artificial sweeteners). After two weeks, eat three to five servings of Splenda for up to three days. Do not take any other variety of artificial sweetener during this time. Observe very carefully how your body responds. If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, there is reason to believe that you have a sucralose intolerance. If you have strong reactions, especially on day one, this is a very strong sign that Splenda has an adverse effect on your body. You will do well to avoid Splenda completely, and you will benefit from a body detox program. This self-test can be done with any of the artificial sweeteners.

Regardless of any Splenda reaction you may experience, it is a good idea to sweeten your foods with healthy, natural sweeteners. There are many healthy sweeteners to chose from, some you may never have heard of, and most of which will not produce toxicity or digestive side effects for you.

Natural Tactics to Overcome Depression Without Medication

There are natural ways to overcome depression without medication that involve a holistic mind and body approach using several different strategies to address the symptoms. The best course of action for your particular situation will depend on the nature of your symptoms. Low level depression can often be self managed effectively, while more severe depression may benefit from professional help.

To heal depression naturally it's important to remember that mood disorders have both a physical and psychological basis. Each case is highly individual, and it may not be obvious if one aspect plays a stronger role than the other. A thorough physical checkup may be helpful to provide some feedback in establishing a personalized course of action.

A general list of some areas to look at include:

  • unresolved emotional issues

  • stress reduction

  • diet and digestive health

Because trauma is a natural part of being human, unresolved emotional issues are often involved in depression. It's common that skills for dealing with and resolving traumatic events are not fully developed while growing up, so sometimes we are unconsciously still carrying around the energy of unresolved emotions from earlier in life.

This situation affects all of us to varying degrees. Some researchers believe unresolved emotional issues are the root cause of most illness and disease. If you suspect that you may have unresolved trauma involving child and/or sexual abuse, the safest route would be some form of professional therapy. For less severe issues there are many self help options available to learn more effective management of emotions.

Stress management skills are an absolute necessity in today's fast paced and quickly changing world, and even more so if you're consistently experiencing some level of depression or anxiety.

Biofeedback, meditation and focused relaxation training can help you release stress before it builds up to harmful levels. Regular exercise is an easy and effective way to reduce your stress levels, and is especially helpful if your daily life tends to be sedentary.

Current research is revealing the important role diet and digestion play in the emotions we experience. The stomach and intestines have a very sensitive nervous system network called the enteric nervous system. Stress negatively affects this system which can result in indigestion, acid reflux or ulcers. Paying some attention to diet can be a good way to help heal depression naturally.

Highly processed foods can cause an allergic irritation in the digestive system because of the high levels of artificial additives it contains. Some improvement in depression symptoms may be noticed from simply switching from processed food to organic, natural food. Also finding and eliminating food allergens from the diet is important.

Supplements and Herbal Remedies for Depression and Anxiety

Nutritional supplements and herbal remedies are another approach that can help ease depression. Passionflower and St. John's wort are two of the most popular herbs used for these issues, and can be very helpful if your symptoms include insomnia.

Some other supplements for depression include:

  • A high quality multi-vitamin supplement

  • Omega three fatty acids i.e. fish, flax or borage oil

  • Amino acids

  • 5-HTP

  • SAMe

A natural, holistic way to overcome depression without medication involves a strategy that considers unresolved emotional issues, stress reduction and diet adjustments. For an assessment of your condition as well as guidance on a personalized course of action, a naturopathic doctor or other natural health care provider can help.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Depression Counseling

Almost all of us went through downcast feeling of blue moods at some point of our lives. Much of them are outcome of normal disappointments and stresses in life, significant loss, or illnesses. However, if the symptoms of depression, such as unhappiness, feeling or worthlessness, hopelessness, negative thoughts of causing harm to yourself or to other people, and many others, persist for a period of more than two weeks, your condition becomes a more serious ailment.

If you think you are suffering from depression, you should see a doctor immediately. Only doctors are the ones who can diagnose depression and can give you appropriate treatment. Yes, depression is treatable, but it doesn't mean you can take this problem lightly. The importance of getting immediate treatment for your depression is to prevent life-threatening situation. When this depressive condition remains untreated, it can cost your life besides interference of your day-to-day activities.

There are several ways in treating depression, like anti-depressants, depression counseling, keeping healthy eating habit, and exercise. With anti-depressants being the first choice of treating depression, they should not be enough if you want to speed up your recovery. Depression counseling is one of the effective treatments of depressive condition on top of medications, together with the other options; your recovery is just around the corner.

Depressive patients who find it hard to shake away the uncontrollable symptoms of many types of depression usually attend depression counseling. Although, depression counseling of those who suffer can be as varied as the symptoms themselves. One of the worst things that can be done to those who are suffering depression symptoms is to cause them to be branded mentally ill without having thoroughly gotten to the causes of the problem first.

An incorrect diagnose can cause pain and severe moodiness for the rest of a depressive person's life and may cause them to function unnaturally no matter how better he or she may have become. This is why depression counseling is very important in order to help depressive patients. Also, there are physical reasons that some people may experience a temporary onset of depressive symptoms that may not be addressed by depression counseling. Extreme mood swings and moods that do not pass even when in favorable event, sadness that cannot be pointed to any life circumstances, and psychological depression counseling that is less effective, is a sign that a depressive condition is a result of physical imbalance.

There are many sufferers who need help but are too tired or don't care to try finding help by going to depression counseling or finding medical help, but because of the severity of the condition, many are starting to pay attention. With the support and encouragement of spouses, family members, and friends, hesitant depressive people have a greater chance of recovering and living their lives fruitfully.

Depression and Self-Harm

About Depression

Moments of depression or sadness are quite common and part of living. Depression becomes clinical, and a problem to varying degrees, when it continues for many months or even years, becomes crippling and makes it difficult or impossible to work/go to school, or occurs for no reason at all.

When a family member dies, a pet is lost, you lose your job or your marriage falls apart, it's natural to be depressed. These things happen, and recovering from the depression is part of becoming a stronger person.

But depression can be crippling. Some of the symptoms are constant sadness, bouts of crying for no reason, inability to sleep oversleeping, losing interest in activities that you've always loved, not wanting to do anything at all, hating everyone and everything, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, et cetera. These things can all be symptoms of something else, but if you've got more than four of these symptoms you should do some research of your own and take some psychiatric testing.

I personally am BiPolar and have actively struggled with depression for four and a half years. I may have shown symptoms of depression before that, but I am not aware of them as symptoms of depression. The depression became serious when my Dad was diagnosed with kidney cancer and was going through his treatments. I was always Daddy's little girl, and it hurt to see him crippled by the pain of his cancer, and slowly wasting away.

Depression runs in my family as well. It is not completely a genetic disorder, and can be triggered by circumstances and a variety of other things, but having family members who have struggled with depression does increase the risk of getting it yourself.

Depression can be painful. It can be fatal, or near-fatal, as is my case. It can manifest in any number of behaviours. I was lucky in that I never lost a passion for my writing when depressed-in fact, when struggling with depression I have written more poetry than at any 'stable' or 'manic' time in my life.

There are many ways to help a family member or friend who is depressed, and to identify depression in yourself and others, but these are not the focus of this article.


Self-harm is the general term, and the politically correct one, for a variety of behaviors, including cutting, burning, anorexia and bulimia, hair-pulling, scab-picking and other such things. Some of these we do not commonly recognize as self harm, and are not as dangerous as others (scab-picking mostly), with the most infamous forms of self-harm being anorexia and cutting.

Self-harm and cutting may or may not be related to a depressed state. Anyone you know may be someone who self-harms in any one of a number of ways. People who self-harm are not usually suicidal, using the self-harm as a method of releasing their pain. There are many misconceptions about self-harm and I hope to eliminate some of these with my work.

People who self-harm are not usually doing so for attention. They usually go out of their way to hide the scars, wearing long sleeves even in the summer or self-harming in ways that are easy to hide, such as cutting the stomach area or upper thighs and pulling small amounts of hair. Even scab picking can be easy to hide to an extent. There are some who do this for attention, as it has, sadly, become somewhat of a trend, called 'emo'. This is a very small percentage of those who self-harm and mostly applies to cutters.

Many self-harmers have been abused at some point in their lives, and some self-harm internalizing the idea that they are bad and need to be punished. In this way self-harm can stem from insecurity and self-hatred, which can lead to depression or come from depression.

More self-harmers are female than male, possibly relating to a higher number of abused women than men. The average self-harmer is a woman between the ages of 13-30, although it could be anyone, male, female, young, old, with or without a family. Some who are happily married and have children continue to cut, as it helps them alleviate the stresses of their life.

The Relationship Between Depression And Self-Harm

Depression can commonly lead to self-harm, as it did in my case. I was clinically depressed for most of three years before I began cutting, and while the original incident was not out of depression but out of curiosity, I soon discovered that cutting distracted me from the mental pain, blocking it out while I took care of the physical pain.

You will find this to be a common thread amongst many cutters. It distracts them from their daily struggle with life and perhaps depression, and gives them a rushy feeling. Some like the sight and even the taste of their own blood. There are many different reasons people self-harm that I cannot describe all in one place.

Not everyone who is depressed self-harms, and not everyone who self-harms is depressed. Many people who are depressed, who often can't quite understand why, are either afraid of pain both mental and physical, or love their bodies and do not want to hurt themselves. Many who self-harm do so as a way to escape every day life and prove that they are brave, having the bravery to hurt themselves.

Many who self-harm are ashamed of the fact that they self-harm, and so they hide it from their friends and family. The same stands for many who are depressed. Depression and self-harm are both things more likely to occur when someone has been abused in their past, in any way, shape or form.

Depression and self-harm are related, though one thing does not always signify the other. Many of the same people who are likely to experience depression are likely to self-harm.

A person struggling with depression could be anyone, even the person you think of as being the happiest person you know. A person who self-harms could be anyone, even that same person you think of as being the happiest person you know.

This is not a fully comprehensive article, but the beginning of a series of articles about depression and self-harm from the point of view of someone who is BiPolar and has struggled with both depression and self-harm in the past.

Depression Tests - How To Diagnose Depression With Depression Tests

Depression is a very vague term, that confuses a lot of people. It's hard to tell whether you suffer from depression or not. However, there are certain depression tests are out there to help diagnose someone suffering from depression, and what kind of treatment is required, based on the type of depression they may suffer from. If you want to learn about the different depression tests potential depression patients undergo, then you should read this article.

The fact is, the quicker you can identify the depression, the quicker you can expect to recover from it. It is important to recognize early warning signs of depression, before it has a chance to fully set in. One of the best ways to determine if you have depression is to undergo different depression tests with the help of a professional.

Typically, when any relationship is created between a patient suffering from depression and a professional therapist, the first part of the relationship is spent on diagnosing the patient. Depression is a generic term that is used to cover a variety of different disorders which cause unhappiness in an individual. This means the doctor needs assessment time for figuring out exactly what the type of depression is, in order to know what to do to effectively treated.

Unless a proper diagnosis is made, relief from depression can be troublesome.

Some of the ways the doctor uses depression tests to make a diagnosis is to first consider the patient's background as well as their symptoms which seem to trigger the depressive episodes. This means the more truthful you are to the professional's questions, the more accurate the results of your depression tests will be.

They also observe the different types of emotional and physical suffering processes of the patient. For example if a symptom of withdrawal occurs in the patient, the doctor looks at this as a signal that the person may be in a state of depression, because of this emotional suffering. Other indicators that doctors use are extended fatigue, low motivation and energy, chronic frustration, disruption of eating habits, and irregular patterns asleep, just to name a few.

Also, there are certain tests used to determine the mental state of the patient. These tests may cover a patient's reaction time, certain word association exercises, as well as examining whether the patient's core beliefs are healthy or not.

In conclusion, these are some of the depression tests that are administered for feedback, to get information on what type of depression, if any, the patient suffers from, as well as what type of treatment is required.

Cause Of Depression - What You Must Know

People suffer from depression for different reasons. Basically, it is a result of having some unresolved issues in their lives. It is a normal thing to be depressed. Just that you need to make sure that you're getting the help you need to overcome the depression. You need to be making the right decisions to get through the problems facing you. Find out the cause of depression and deal with it.

Having a personal problem is one cause of depression. Family life or any personal relationship can give rise to such problems. If you're facing difficulties in dealing with an issue and it is stressing you quite badly, you'll need to find a way out of it. If you ignore it totally and do not take any action or seek any help or treatment that is necessary, you may end up with more problems that can cause harm to both your mind and body.

Another common cause of depression is found in your career. Problems can arise in your job or in the relationships with your co-workers. These problem can cause you to feel depressed and, in more severe cases, you may need help to resolve these issues. Together with feelings of depression, you may also experience feelings of stress and unhappiness. When you're unsure of how to handle problems at work, you may need to work through the issues with a professional to get yourself back on track again.

Sometimes a depression can be caused by some illness. They may be having an illness that cause a chemical imbalance in their bodies which give rise to feelings of depression in them. Such people will need to consult their doctors for treatment in order to help them overcome their depression. They should discuss these issues seriously with their doctors so that the right treatment can be prescribed.

Some cases of depression do not seem to have any reasons for their existence. They don't seem to have any causes that can be identified to be the problem. There are some issues in their mind that they find it hard to work through. You need to get help to resolve these issues or to have them removed from your mind. You do not need to have a real reason for depression. You just need to get help as the first step in solving the problem.

What ever is the cause of depression for you, getting help is the most important thing to do. Be willing to take up responsibility for yourself and get the necessary help. Find out the cause of your depression and get the treatment required to make you feel better. After treatment is started, you can expect to feel better with a sense of relief in your body.

What Can Fish Oil Do for Your Depression?

When the goal of psychiatric treatment is full remission of depression and other mood disorders, we must be open to the idea of using complementary and alternative medicine, as long as there is scientific evidence that they work.

Omega-3 fatty acids, the active ingredients of those large, translucent fish oil capsules available in all drugstores, are an option that have been subjected to scientific scrutiny, and passed the test in some circumstances.

Fish oil contains 2 types of omega-3 fatty acids: Eico-sa-penta-enoic Acid (EPA) and Doco-sa-hexa-enoic Acid (DHA). When scientifically conducted studies of omega-3's are reviewed, the findings are mixed, but tend to show low-dose EPA (1000 mg/day is considered low dose when we are talking omega-3's) working for mood disorders. Studies of combinations of EPA and DHA tend to show favorable results for the combination when EPA dose in the combination is higher than DHA, with no benefit over sugar pill when DHA is higher than EPA.

Also, when low doses have been compared with high doses (EPA up to 4000 mg/day), it is the lower doses that have shown greatest improvement over sugar pills. Doses up to 9000 mg/day of omega-3s have been studied, with most of the evidence in favor of lower doses.

Most studies of omega-3's have tried to answer the question,"Do omega-3 fatty acids help antidepressants work better?" That is, they try to understand the potential of omega-3's as add-ons to antidepressants. However, there has been at least one study in which EPA alone (1000 mg/day) was compared with Prozac (20 mg/day) in the treatment of Major Depression and found to work just as well, with the combination of the Prozac and EPA working better than either one alone.

Potential benefits of using omega-3's in depression is that they have relatively few side-effects. There is a theoretical increased risk of bleeding, making caution necessary when a person taking them must undergo even minor operations (e.g. tooth extraction) or when that person must take blood thinners for other reasons.

One significant weakness of the studies of omega-3's as compared to those of prescription antidepressant medications is that these studies involve fewer patients - and generally speaking, confidence in the findings of a scientific study increases as the number of enrolled patients increases.

So what is a reasonable role of omega-3 fatty acids in the treatment of depression? Those who suffer from treatment-resistant depression should discuss the pros and cons of adding EPA 1000 mg/day to their medication regimen with their treating physician, and make sure that if they take a combination EPA/DHA pill, it has more EPA than DHA.

Alcohol Depression - The Symptom You May Not Have Thought Of

Alcohol depression is a common symptom associated with drinking too much alcohol. There are two types of depression associated with alcohol. The first is when you have the feelings of depression that lead you to begin drinking to excess. This type of depression looks to drinking as a coping measure, something to fill the holes that depression creates. The second type of depression is that which is caused by alcohol itself. The lines between these two can become easily blurred. Is your depression leading you to drink or is your drinking creating your depression?

Often an alcoholic will look back to discover that the depression was there prior to the drinking binges. They will recall times spent in loneliness and misery; perhaps a troubled childhood or a number of broken relationships. This depression creates feelings of emptiness. People strive to fill this emptiness with 'stuff'. Often this 'stuff' can involve alcohol. It is beneficial to speak with those who are closest to you to discover if you exhibited any signs of depression prior to turning to alcohol. By focusing on this depression you may be able to turn the tables on your alcohol addiction. By dealing with your alcohol depression you will certainly be able to make strong strides towards health.

There is evidence that points to alcohol being a factor in causing depression. Studies have demonstrated a link between alcohol and depression but it is not necessarily a causal one. Most of us are aware that alcohol has a negative impact on our bodies. This is especially true of its impact on the human brain. Alcohol acts upon the nerves within the brain interfering with the receptors on the nerve cells. This can lead to inhibiting the neurotransmitter GABA. This causes the symptom of sluggishness. Furthermore, this in turn inhibits the release of the neurotransmitter glutamine, which can cause the sluggishness to increase even more. In other words, alcohol's effect on the brain is to act as a depressant!

Alcohol depression is a serious symptom that should be considered under any alcohol treatment program. If you suspect that you may be impacted by alcohol depression I would urge you to seek help as soon as possible.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

What Are Some of the Telltale Signs of Depression?

When it comes to depression, things may not seem the way they once were. Little things that once made a person happy might not bring any joy anymore. In others depression might show different signs, but there are certainly some telltale signs of depression you can watch for.

When you have determined that there is depression present, you don't need to instantly go for pharmaceutical pills that can harm your body. There are some natural methods and alternative therapies available to treat your symptoms.

If you find yourself upset all the time, and wanting to cry this isn't normal. These blues you are experiencing if they last for a long period of time are part of depression. They can be helped with some therapy as well as certain herbs such as St. John's wart.

Do you find as they days pass by you don't have the energy to do very much? You sit and just stare off into space as the day rolls on by. As a result you don't give the attention that your job and personal life has? This is another sign of depression. But alternative therapy and herbal treatment can help you avoid the pills that you may fear taking.

Maybe it feels like no matter what you do there is no solution to any problems in your life. You feel hopeless and can't figure out a way to work past it. This is another one of the telltale signs of depression.

When you find you are unable to sleep or you sleep more often because it is all you can muster to do, you need to begin looking out for ways to battle your depression. Left untreated it can only get worse and not better. You are the first person who can take action and find someone that can help you.

Should death seem like the best solution to all your problems, and you feel unless God takes you away you won't be happy you need to get help for your depression. This is one of the most serious telltale signs of depression, and can be treated with alternative therapy.

Anxiety and Stress can also be ways to mask depression. If you suffer from a severe form of either one of those you may be dealing with depression.

When what you eat changes to a level of shock you might need to take a second look. Depression makes some people eat more, while others may lose their appetite as a whole. When you find you are consuming a different amount or you focus more on comfort foods take a look and consider what has changed in your life. Seek help in getting it back to where it once was.

A lack of overall wellbeing in your life is another one of the telltale signs of depression. Less energy or an increase in pain will be other things to watch for.

As you can see there are many telltale signs of depression. You may experience one or all of these symptoms, but don't instantly think you are going to need to take pills. Instead look around for a good naturopath that may help you in learning about alternative treatments including herbal supplements that can help you get back to the person you were before you dealt with depression. It is possible to feel good again.

What is Escapism?

Daily stresses can drag anyone down, making escapism and getting away from it all an important part of getting through life. Escapism can be a healthy form of shaking off the effects of daily stress and retreating to an imaginary world, whether prompted by toys and figurines or board games and role-playing games. There are some unhealthy forms of escapism, too, that must be mentioned. Escapism that is based on individual creativity, however, can be very important in terms of personality development and mental capacity.


A lot of people use escapism to retreat from depression or other mental anxieties. When people are generally sad or depressed, focusing on happier times or brighter things is a form of escapism that offers a healthy alternative to a rather bleak reality. This form of escapism can be healthy when it allows the person to realign themselves and approach reality with a more positive outlook. It can be harmful, however, when it causes the person to neglect reality and retreat from dealing with the depression or mental anxiety in a tangible and practical way.

Examples of Escapism

Escapism has long been an industry in and of itself in society. Television, movies, sports, music, books, role-playing games, the internet, computer games, recreational drugs, and other items have long been associated with helping people get away from the rigors of everyday life. Other so-called normal activities of human life can also lead to escapism. One example of this would be people that overeat to help numb the pain of their depression.

The Importance of Escapism

While there are many opponents of escapism and those that say it is important to the human experience to live in reality and face the consequences, there are also many proponents of escapism. Fantasy writers, for example, often propose their fantastic universes as a way to promote creative thinking and problem solving. It is largely accepted that escapism can help people more ably interact within reality and cope with some of the stresses of modern life.

For years, people have been turning to radio programs or science fiction programs to envision another world and grasp at what life might be like within another experience. This thought has often led to the discovery of many items of interest within our own universe and our world, which has in turn led to an enhanced reality of our scientific world. Escapism can open doors and can surpass natural sciences in many ways.

Daydreaming and Children

Daydreaming is important, especially in children. As escapism provides a release from reality and a greater desire for creative thought, daydreaming encourages the same in children. Most people daydream while being wide awake, picturing objects and situations that are as far from their current situation as possible. A child taking a test in high school, for example, may daydream about being somewhere else entirely. This type of daydreaming should be encouraged within children as it influences creative impulses and helps with the forming of various mental capacities.

Children who daydream, for example those that dream of their dollhouses coming alive or their stuffed animals having a tea party, are less likely to be depressed and often develop greater skills to deal with the changing patterns of day-to-day life.

Leadership Coaching: How To Manage Worker Depression

What Employers Pay For Depressed Workers

There are times when people have blue moments which is a normal response to difficult or disheartening situations. But when feelings of sadness become overwhelming and out of control, it can turn into an illness, known as clinical depression. Depression affects many people, including those in the workforce. According to statistics, 10% to 20% of people in the workforce suffer from clinical depression every year. What is the cost of clinical depression to employers? Think about company losses from absenteeism, poor quality of work, lost productivity, on the job accidents and employee turnover because of clinical depression. In 2003, the estimated annual cost of worker depression in the US was $44 billion.

Proper Management Of Worker Depression

Companies have to take time and invest on proper management of worker depression. Here are some steps:

  • Management training. Managers should be trained to recognize symptoms of depression in their employees. People in management should be able to deal with depressed employees in a direct and compassionate manner. What are some symptoms of depression?

    • Persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety or emptiness

    • Loss of pleasure or interest in daily or common activities

    • Loss of energy, always feeling tired and slowing down when doing activities

    • Eating disturbances or irregularities

    • Sleeping problems and disturbances

    • Memory problems, difficulty in remembering and recalling and concentration

    • Difficulty in making decisions

    • Feelings of guilt, hopelessness and helplessness

    • Persistent pessimism

    • Persistent thoughts about death and suicidal thoughts and attempt

    • Feeling moody and irritable

    • Excessive crying

    • Chronic and unexplainable aches and pains

  • Education and awareness. Employees should be educated and informed that depression is an illness and can be treated. Employee benefits should include a program wherein they can access confidential diagnosis and treatment of depression.

  • Employee assistance. Help for employees with depression can be facilitated through an in- house company doctor or the Employee Assistance Plan.

  • Management health. Managers and supervisors themselves should be educated and assisted to take care of their own mental and physical health. They are to set a good example to their employees.

  • Wellness programs. Prevention and intervention programs should be promoted in the workplace.

  • Compassion and consideration. Employees should not be compelled to go to work if they are not feeling well.

  • Health and benefits programs. Employees should be aware of the health benefits and programs they can avail of and how to access them.

The work environment should nurture the health and well being of employees. Healthier employees are more productive employees and this is a crucial resource employers should deem worth investing on.

Depression in Black Men

Depression is a disorder that is treatable. That is an important thing to keep in mind. People can bounce back from it. One of the biggest issues with depression is the lack of talking about it. Around 16 million people deal with depression in America. Studies suggest that an equal percentage - 12 percent - of black males and white males suffer from depression. The real difference is in treatment. Fewer blacks are being treated. While only one-third of all Americans with a mental illness receive care, less than half that number of African-Americans receive mental health treatment.

Depression can bring on feelings of worthlessness, sadness and hopelessness that tends a way to get clogged his brain. Some think, in comparison, death seems soothing.

Men who suffer from depression may think suicide is the answer. It is not. Men that become suicidal don't realise that they are repeating the cycle, burdening their children with the same loneliness the father had endured. Their kids would grow up with the knowledge that their father had taken his life. Depression can be very paralyzing to African Americans.

This vile illness affects men from all walks of life, and as I've said before depression strikes everyone - from the black executive to the young street hustler. In many documented cases, several socially advanced black men suffered from depression for many year and refused to receive treatment. There is a very disturbing undercurrent: If an accomplished, highly informed black man refused to seek treatment for depression, how difficult is it for uneducated or poor black men to seek help?

As we come to the end of Black History Month, some mental health experts who work with black males suggest that these questions deserve greater study and discussion.

Some experts believe that depression is likely a key factor in a 233 percent increase in suicide in black males ages 10-14 from 1980 to 1995.

"Black men feel that they have to be twice as good as other people, that you can't be weak because other people will take advantage of you," said Dr. David Satcher, former U.S. surgeon general in a phone interview last week. Satcher oversaw the 1999 surgeon general's report on mental health in the United States. "Those [pressures] work powerfully against a black male seeking treatment for depression and other mental illnesses."

And about one in four African-Americans is uninsured, compared with about 16 percent of the U.S. population overall. African-Americans are less likely to receive antidepressants, and when they do, they are more likely than whites to stop taking them.

Particularly troubling to those who study and treat mental illness in black men is their disproportionately higher rates of incarceration than other racial groups. Nearly half the male U.S. prison population is black, and about 40 percent of those in the juvenile justice system are black. About 12 percent of the U.S. population is black.

It's a very difficult and very serious situation for these young men and for society. Psychiatrists who work with Atlanta's homeless and black youth said they see dozens of black males each year head to jail or juvenile justice when they should be in treatment centers. They blame in some form or another, depression.

"It happens all the time, and it's very alarming," said Dr. Raymond J. Kotwicki, medical director of community outreach programs, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, at Emory University School of Medicine.

While all mental illnesses come wrapped in stigma, mental illnesses in black men are even more entangled. Historical racism and current cultural biases and expectations all play a part, mental health advocates said.

Nearly two-thirds of African-Americans believe mental illness is a shortcoming that can be overcome through prayer and faith, according to a studyby the National Alliance for the Mentally Il.

The neglect of emotional disorders among men in the black community is nothing less than racial suicide. Many experts argues that the problem of depression in black America can be traced back to the time of slavery, when it was believed that blacks were unable to feel inner pain because they had no psyche. This myth has damaged generations of African American men and their families, creating a society that blames black men for being violent and aggressive without considering that depression might be a root cause

If you have any thoughts on the subject, I'd love to hear them.

Bipolar Disorder Is More Than Just Mood Swings

During the course of our lives, we all experience ups and downs. Some days we feel happy and care-free, while on other days we just can't shake the blues. While we may find these mood changes bothersome, they do not disrupt our lives.

In some people, more specifically those diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, mood changes are so drastic and severe that those suffering from the disorder often cannot function in the normal world. Once called Manic Depressive Disorder, the disease responsible for these drastic mood swings is now called Bipolar Disorder.

Those suffering from the disorder will fall into one of four subcategories of the disease. These subgroups include Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymic Disorder and Bipolar NOS.

In order for a patient to be classified as Bipolar I, they must have experienced at least one or more manic episodes or mixed episodes. During a manic episode patients will experience an extremely elated or euphoric mood. Along with an elated mood, the patients will usually also have increase mental or physical abilities. They also require little sleep during these episodes.

That sounds great, right? So what's the problem? While the manic episodes can bring on an elated mood, those suffering a manic episode may also be suspicious or irritated, have a low attention span or be easily distracted. Worst yet, a deep depression can sometimes follow one of these elated periods.

During these periods of depression, the patient may feel unable to even get out of bed each day. These individuals may also suffer what is called a mixed episode. This is defined as a period of time when symptoms of mania and clinical depression can occur at the same time. Bipolar individuals are often most dangerous, sometimes to others but mostly to themselves, during this state as their moods are in constant flux and easily changed.

Of all four subcategories of Bipolar Disorder, more people are diagnosed with Bipolar II. In order to be diagnosed as suffering from Bipolar II, the patient must have suffered at least one hypomanic phase and one depressive phase. A hypomanic phase is similar to a manic phase, but is generally not as debilitating or destructive as the manic phase can be.

The third subgroup of Bipolar Disorder is the Cyclothymic Disorder. Bipolars in this subgroup often show signs of mood cycling from hypomania to depression but those around them usually accept the mood swings as a personality trait instead of a disorder. Also, the periods of depression do not meet all the criteria of a major depressive episode.

The fourth subcategory of this disorder is Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (NOS). This subgroup generally contains those who are suffering from some type of Bipolar Disorder, but do not fall into any of the above subcategories.

Bipolar Disorder is a disease of variations in mood. It can wreak havoc on the lives of those suffering with it and also those who must try to live and work with these people. There is help for those diagnosed with any form of Bipolar Disorder. Don't give up hope.

Spiritual Transformation Through Chronic Illness - By Kathleen Gardiser - Book Review

I believe we all desire to live in spiritual harmony. Fundamentally we yearn for equanimity within our souls. "Spiritual Transformation: Through Chronic Illness," by Kathleen Gardiser is written in a "Been there, done that" tone. Gardiser writes about her struggles with her own health; physically, emotionally and mentally. She describes how her chronic illness fibromyalgia, has affected her life to the point of writing a book not only to help Gardiser get through her own illness, but to help others who are suffering and need assistance.

The first lesson you will learn when reading this book is to change your consciousness level. This is done by emphasizing the five core spiritual qualities: Love, joy, peace, self-empowerment, and wisdom. If you just simply follow this philosophy of life the reader will gain much spiritual fulfillment. She quotes Paramhansa Yogananda, "We must love others not for their human personalities, but because they are manifestations of God, who dwells equally in all."

Many topics are covered by the author such as mediation, yoga exercises, chakras, rebuilding self-esteem -- and one lesson that really stood out for me was lesson IV, How to Know and Trust your Intuition. After reading this chapter, I can see clearly that coincidences no longer appear to be simply random events. Instead they feel like winks, smiles, and hints from a benevolent intelligence. Gardiser uses some beautiful examples of divine synchronicity, such as an adoption story from "It's A Miracle," which really warmed my heart and opened my mind to make room for the possibility magic exists. She identifies plenty of practical wisdom with her engaging stories of her own personal battles within the pages of this book and how she overcame them with confidence. You will find her own beliefs and ideas on how we create unhealthy patterns in our lives as well as exercises that I found helpful in releasing and replacing those patterns with new and healthy ones.

"Spiritual Transformation: Through Chronic Illness" is easy to read and feels like a friend is giving you guidance. Wisdom is added to the friendly, no-nonsense feel. Efforts to bring home the message are made with "various exercises," and a list of questions at the end of each lesson, where the author goes over the key points in the chapter and gives readers a particular assignment to complete and makes the idea a reality for that particular chapter. You will also find at the end of the book appendix I and II which I found to be very beneficial and an added bonus.

This book is a soulfully interwoven journey that dives deeply into the adventure of self-exploration. It reflects all of life's internal issues on multiple levels and is jam packed with plenty of real substance. "Spiritual Transformation: Through Chronic Illness" will be especially helpful for people at a crossroads in life, career or at important life stages and of course anyone suffering a chronic illness.

5 Advantages of Positive Thinking

Positivity is an important life tool and it can be an extremely beneficial state of mind capable of helping anyone achieve their goals. This article will examine 5 of the main benefits of a positive state of mind and discuss them in some detail.

1. The optimist will live longer than the pessimist. What a great benefit! Being more positive and optimistic will help you live longer. This is mainly related to the stress which can be caused by consistently thinking of the negative outcomes of a given situation. If you are constantly thinking of the worst possible outcome then you will automatically worry, which in turn leads you to be stressed. Instead what you need to do is ignore these thoughts, (which often just spring up uncontrollably) and replace them with optimism, with positivity, with confidence. This will reduce the worry, thus reducing the stress and remember, no one is a natural pessimist, we choose what we want to think about so it is 100% changeable.

2. A positive person will lead a more enjoyable life. Another very important concept and one which makes perfect sense, after all we all want a high quality of life. By thinking positively, naturally we enjoy our activities more, this is partly due to the fact that positive thought often leads us to perform better, moreover when we look back at the things we have done, we remember the positives as that is what was thought of at the time.

3. Helps us through the bad times. Unfortunately we all experience bad times in our lives, it could be losing our jobs, developing an illness or even losing a loved one. A positive person will deal with this bad news a lot better than a negative person. For example the optimist may interpret losing a job as an opportunity for a fresh start and a way to develop new skills and open more doors. The pessimist will concentrate on the useless things such as "I will never find another job", which again will bring on the worry, the stress and even the depression.

4. You will have more friends if you are positive. People like optimists, they like to be around them and they seek their advice and opinions. I do, I have a friend who is ever the optimist and I am always seeking his take on things because I know he will make me feel better.

5. Optomists are better decision makers. When weighing up the pros and cons of some choices they will often make the right decision because they are focused on the right things. They are concentrating on the relevant information and analyzing it accordingly, making the right decision at the end.

Whilst some advantages of positive thought and optimism have been discussed here, this is just the tip of the iceberg. It really is the key to a whole new way of living you life, a way of getting more out of your life and I think everyone deserves that chance.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bipolar Disorder Advancements

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness requiring prolonged treatment. People with this disorder experience extreme emotional highs (mania) and lows (depression.) Numerous advancements in bipolar disorder treatments have been made over the past few decades.

Physicians, however, still do not know exactly what causes the illness. The disorder is now effectively treated through a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Since it is a recurrent illness, lifelong preventive treatment is strongly recommended.

Bipolar disorder medications include mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and antipsychotics. Mood stabilizers can effectively control manic and depressive moods in many patients. Lithium carbonate, Valproic acid, Lamotrigine, Carbamazepine, Oxcarbazepine, and Topiramate are the commonly used mood stabilizers. The majority of mood stabilizers are anticonvulsants, with the exclusion of lithium. Mood stabilizers are sometimes used in combination with one another.

Bipolar disorder is also treated with antidepressant medications. However, they carry a high risk of inducing mania, particularly in patients who are not taking a mood stabilizer. Common antidepressants are monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) such as isocarboxazid (Marplan), tricyclics such as imipramine (Tofranil), and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as fluoxetine (Prozac.) Antipsychotic drugs are used in severe cases where mania and depression are strong enough to cause psychosis. The most commonly used antipsychotic drugs are risperidone, quetiapine, and olanzapine. Some of them have mood-stabilizing properties.

Psychotherapy, together with drug treatment, provides many additional benefits. It helps patients resolve their work and relationship problems. The most common psychotherapy interventions attempted are cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and family-focused therapy.

Proper nutrition also helps control the mood swings associated with bipolar disorder. Research indicates that high doses of nutritional supplements such as glyconutrients cure symptoms of manic depression. Alternative treatments such as acupuncture and orthomolecular therapy are also used in the treatment of bipolar disorder.

Sadness Remedies - Ten Tips to Turn Around the Blues

Over the past few weeks, I have spoken to many friends and acquaintances who have been having bouts of classic sadness. I won't call it depression, although I am sure some of them might be inclined to use that label. I've always been wary in using that word with my clients since it can easily be misunderstood. Most of the time what they're suffering from is sub-clinical depression, commonly known as extreme sadness.

To be diagnosed with clinical depression, a person must experience a specific number of symptoms every day for at least a two-week period. Some of these symptoms may be: loss of usual interest or pleasure in activities; reduced appetite and weight loss (other than from healthy dieting); increased appetite and weight gain; changes in sleeping pattern; feelings of inappropriate guilt, hopelessness, worthlessness, or pessimism; inability to concentrate, remember things, or make decisions; constant fatigue or loss of energy; restlessness or decreased activity noticed by others; thoughts of death or suicide or attempts at suicide; and persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain.

Most people do not fit into this pattern, and are in fact suffering only from a serious case of the blues. It may last anywhere from days to weeks. I don't want to minimize how difficult this is. Once people get into a funk, they often cannot notice anything positive going on around them. They are experiencing the world through defective filters. The Law of Attraction states that you will get more of whatever you put your energy, focus, and attention on. So people in this state will be drawn into a negative vortex that is difficult to escape from without some form of intervention or interruption of pattern.

Whether alone, or with the assistance of a friend, any combination of the following approaches will contribute to breaking that pattern. They work.

1. Notice disguised opportunities.

Lee Iacocca once said, "We are all faced with a series of great opportunities - brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems." When I trained in customer service skills, I used to tell front line staff that customer complaints were not to be feared, but rather to be welcomed with open arms. They were being handed a wonderful gift. Here was their opportunity to shine. Here was their opportunity to show the customer just how much we did care for their needs. Most customers are neutral, but a disgruntled one, once turned around, is usually an activist for the company.

2. Get ye to the countryside!

A research study measured subjects' cognitive deficits and psychological states after walking in a city environment compared to a group who walked in an arboretum. Those who had walked in the city scored considerably less on a test of working memory and attention, and were also in a worse mood than the other group.

3. Accentuate the positive.

I love Jim Carey movies. I recently watched, "Yes Man." Here was a man living an uneventful life until he began responding positively to every request. Of course this got him into some unexpected and very funny situations; however there is a great lesson here. For every event, look for and embrace its positive features.

4. Stay connected.

Maintain and foster your network of friends and family, even if it is a bit of a chore. Isolating yourself just deepens the hole you're in.

5. Stay active.

This is probably one of the simplest methods available. Walk, dance, swim, or do some gardening. Trick your brain into thinking that everything is just fine.

6. Nurture your body.

Eat well, drink well. At some time or other we all turn to comfort food - self-medicating to make us feel better with too much of things like pasta, pop, alcohol - but, though it feels fine in the short term, it's destructive over time. Keep in mind that dehydration is a prime cause of fuzzy thinking and convoluted decision making. For good hydration, choose water over pop and alcohol, and, for abrupt and dynamic change, switch much of your diet to fresh fruit and vegetables, their fiber helping regulate your system's pace of absorption.

7. Get some sunlight.

During the short days of winter, either get outside for twenty minutes a day, or buy a full-spectrum light bulb. Exposure to this light on a daily basis will encourage your body to promote the generation of the mood-raising vitamin D.

8. Nurture your mind.

Lots of research has shown that what we read, listen to, or watch will affect our consciousness. Our conscious thoughts influence our emotions, behaviors, and even our health. None of us can afford the luxury of a negative thought. Saturate your mind with positive thoughts. Avoid the news and listen to relaxing music. Spend as much time out of doors as you can. Develop a habit of laughing and smiling often. If you want to take it to another level, consider taking a personal development course or hiring a life coach.

9. Live in the present.

Dwelling on the past or worrying about the future generates and sustains anxiety. Focusing on the present creates a sense of grounding and wellbeing.

10. Be grateful.

Instead of comparing yourself to others, or grieving over what you once had, be grateful for what you do have, whether it's health, family, skills, abilities, friends, or a place to live. Many people keep a daily gratitude journal. This keeps their good fortune at top of mind.

The last thing I want you to be aware of is that life is full of cycles. Sometimes we may find ourselves in a natural low, and it takes only a few negative events to make our life appear very gloomy indeed. Be assertive. Give some of these approaches a trial run. I am sure you will notice a difference within days.

Depressed and Lonely - Am I Normal Or Do I Need Help?

If you are feeling depressed and lonely, there are several ways to deal with this very common emotional and psychological issue depending on from where these issues stem in your personal life. Most people at some point in their lives feel lonely and depressed and it's normal to feel that way especially after experiencing some traumatic event or disappointment in life that is particularly related to personal relationships. Losing a family member or friend to death is a significant reason for many to feel alone and down emotionally. Complications in an important relationship with a spouse, child, parent or friend can also leave one feeling extremely lonely. Divorce and misunderstandings can cause a person to feel as badly as if a death in the family has occurred.

While these are common issues that cause anyone to feel deeply hurt, alone and may bring on short term depression, many people are able to cope with and climb out of these deep chasms of emotional darkness. Normal channels of support and the healing power of time can eventually help bring a person back to a normal balance in life. However, there are many people who constantly feel depressed regardless of positive changes in circumstances, loving support from family and friends, and adequate time to heal from some of life's storms. If you have reached a place where you can't seem to find balance in life, you may need to consider the fact that you could be one of the 19 million people in America who suffer from mild to severe depression.

Feelings of extreme loneliness is only one of the many symptoms that plague those who suffer from a depressive condition. Other symptoms can include extreme fatigue all the time, lack of concentration, feeling of worthlessness, increasing physical aches and pains, inability to sleep or sleeping too much, and thoughts of suicide. Many cases of mild to moderate depression can be dealt with through self help formats and support groups as well as through counseling methods. These various treatments can make a huge difference and put a sufferer on the road to psychological recovery without resorting to medications and help through mental health facilities.

More stubborn cases of depressive disorders such as clinical depression, bipolar disorder, severe postpartum depression and schizophrenic require serious intervention and treatment protocols in order to offer relief to the sufferer. While there are particular symptoms that relate to each category of depressive disorders, clients who require treatment generally always indicate that they feel depressed and lonely much of the time. In these cases, a combination treatment plan is usually implemented by mental health professionals that include addressing the various symptoms with counseling, medications, enlisting family support and close monitoring of the individual.

Again, there are many reasons why you may feel alone and down. Therefore, it is important that you determine if you are just experiencing the normal reactions to the ups and downs of life or if you actually need help in coping with overwhelming feelings that are negatively affecting your well being. If you suspect you need assistance in dealing with being depressed and lonely all the time, please actively pursue help that can bring balance back into your life.  

How to Cure Self-Doubt

I was inspired to write about mine and others struggle with self-doubt. It occurred to me that there is a universal feeling of lack and imperfection that so many of us have dealt with. Teachers often teach what they most need to learn. Writers write what they have learned or are still learning. Perhaps in writing about self-doubt, I can help others to heal as well as myself. Through the insights of those who supported me on my journey to live my own triumphant life, I can help others. Haven't most of us asked ourselves at one time or another, "What's wrong with me? Why did I say or do that?"

This article came out of the fact that I have asked myself the above question many times over the years just as many of you have. I've studied and read so many books and even written one that you'd think I knew it all and that I'm perfectly fine and I am, but... There's always a "but."

There are as many aspects of low self-esteem as there are grains of sand on the beach. If not everyone, than almost everyone has suffered from it to one extent or another. Just at the moment you think you have beaten it in one area, self-doubt can crop up to knock you down once again.

This has been my nemesis. When people compliment me about something, I am always surprised. After reading my first book a very accomplished woman I admire said, "I didn't know you were such a good writer." I truthfully answered, "Me neither." She chuckled.

I've come a long way in acquiring self-esteem and self-confidence. Now I know who I am. But sometimes without warning, doubt still raises its ugly head. "How can I be so stupid?" Blah, Blah, Blah... I could go on and on. That's the nature of the beast.

As you read this and other articles I write, you may notice that I love quotes. I have quoted from the people I admire. I love Rumi. Therefore, many of my quotes are by Rumi. His poem, "The Rose," reminded me that no one can take away that Divine Essence within me. It is right here, "within my chest."

It's been said that we teach what we need to learn. Writers often write about what they have learned or are still learning. So, it's from the "school of hard knocks" that I offer these thoughts to you.

Self-Improvement and self-empowerment are necessary for us to gain the confidence we need to let go of those old fears and doubts. You deserve to be that which you long to be; calm, peaceful and completely centered. You deserve to do that which you've always longed to do. Accept yourself as you are and continue working on bettering yourself. That "better self" is already there within you. It is up to you to develop it to the point where you know you are okay. This is the truth about you. You already are okay.

Depression - A Holistic Perspective and The Use of Food As Medicine

How common it is

Depression affects about 18 million adults, or about 9% of the U.S. Population. People with Depression are more likely to develop disabilities, miss work, be less productive, and spend more money and time on health care. According to the World Health Organization, Depression is the leading cause of nonfatal disability on our planet, accounting for 12 percent of productive years lost. It's a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. It's estimated that for Americans, clinical Depression alone will likely cost more than $50 billion this year. At it's worst, Depression can lead to suicide, a tragic fatality associated with the loss of about 850 000 thousand lives in the world, every year.

Matching the drug to the symptoms: Western medicine's approach to treating Depression

From the reductionistic view of Modern Western medicine, Depression is seen as a Serotonin deficiency in the brain regardless of the underlying cause(s) and is treated most commonly with drugs(SSRIs) meant to address this deficiency.

The above approach of treating the symptoms of Depression with drugs and not dealing with the causes has potentially serious consequences. For one, it makes the person dependent on the drug since the underlying cause(s) , whether physical, emotional or spiritual, may continue to exist while Serotonin levels are artificially regulated by drugs. Also, SSRIs are known to have a range of side effects including weight gain, sexual dysfunction, gastrointestinal problems and more seriously, suicidal thoughts. Finally, dependence on drugs to make us feel good may keep us from effectively dealing with the root causes like toxicity, inflammation and nutritional deficiencies. Left untreated, these physiological imbalances could lead to more serious health issues and cause irreparable damage to the body.

The Wholistic approach to Depression- Dealing with the causes

The Wholistic view on Depression considers the whole human being and the various extraneous factors that the person is subject to, including social and environmental, and focuses on the causes and not the symptoms. The causes of Depression could be physcial, emotional or spiritual. Most of these causes also raise the stress levels in the body which is associated with low-levels of Serotonin.

1) Physical:

Food sensitivities, poor digestive health, systemic chronic inflammation, hormonal imbalances, toxicity, and, nutritional imbalances and deficiencies, could all manifest depressive symptoms.

2) Emotional:

Unresolved issues from events/traumas of the past, suppressed emotions, conflicts within oneself as well as others, consistent worries about things that have not happened yet, etc.

3) Spiritual:

Lack of fulfillment in relationships, career etc, a feeling of being 'stuck' in life,feeling empty and meaningless, not feeling like one's aligned with their true purpose in life, inability to find peace due to nonacceptance of one's current situation, feeling like being disconnected from family, friends and society, are the most common.

Depending on one's specific situation, a combinatory approach that addresses all causes would be the most helpful in treating depression. Easy to learn mind-body approaches such as meditation, guided-imagery, and bio-feedback can help regulate stress hormones and neurotransmitter levels. Physical exercise helps increase neurotransmitter levels and releases endorphins, making one feel good. Identifying and correcting imbalances in the body such as toxicity, inflammation, nutritional deficiencies, food allergies and sensitivities, and digestive issues is also crucial. A sense of being connected- to family, friends, jobs, neighbors, nature and culture- can also make us less likely to be depressed.

Creating and maintaining a regular spiritual practice , something that embraces the wisdom from any of the ancient traditions, and helps us go beyond ourselves and connect with something larger than us can help in this regard.

Using Food as medicine

The science behind the effect of food on mood is better understood now than before.

While it's important to be eating enough of the foods that provide us the nutrients for optimum mental health, it is just as important to be minimizing or avoiding foods that deplete us of the same nutrients and/or induce physiological stress through allergies, inflammation, toxicity as well as digestive, metabolic and hormonal imbalances that cause Depression. Chief culprits in the latter category are:

1. Sugar: This includes refined and processed carbohydrates, including all refined sugars and high-fructose corn syrup.They spike up insulin levels causing fluctuating serotonin levels, deplete essential nutrients from the body, cause inflammation ,weight gain and diabetes.

Healthier alternatives to sugar include maple sugar and yacon root powder/syrup(which is low-glycemic and has many health benefits)

2. Hydrogenated fats: Also known as Trans fats, they are found in baked goods, most fried foods, margarine etc. They cause cellular damage and interrupt normal brain function.

3. Toxic meats, fish and poultry:Meats from animals raised on hormones and anti-biotics, all pesticide and chemical laden foods, and excessive consumption of fish with high levels of mercury(canned tuna, swordfish etc)

4. Artificial sweeteners, Food additives and Preservatives: These man-made foods are not recognized by the body and hence not metabolized properly and contribute to toxicity.

5. Caffeine and Alcohol: Although small amounts may be beneficial, excessive amounts cause stress and deplete nutrients from the body contributing to Depression.

Many people also have food allergies/sensitivities that they're not aware of. A simple elimination diet could
help isolate the most common foods that are of issue- dairy, gluten, eggs, peanuts and citrus.

Essential foods and their best sources

Whole foods are the best sources of nutrition since they have all the nutrients that nature intended in them in synergistic proportions.

Fats: Cell membranes are made up of fatty acids and a fat-deficient diet can promote depressive symptoms.Anyone who's tried a low-fat or fat-free diet can possibly attest to this. Much is being said about the importance of Omega 3s and fish oil these days. Two of the most important fatty acids which are essential are eicosapentanoic acid(EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid(DHA) ,and they are the Omega- 3 fatty acids from wild fish and fish oil. Most plant-based sources of Omega 3s such as nuts and seeds do not provide EPA and DHA directly, and our bodies have to do the necessary conversion, and given our modern diets we are not very efficient in this process.

Best sources:

Wild-caught sockeye salmon, canned or fresh
Canned Sardines and other small fish like Mackerel (good sources of Vitamin D)
Good quality Cod liver oil(also rich in Vitamin D)
Nuts and seeds like walnuts, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, Flax seeds, Sesame seeds and almonds
Cold pressed Olive oil and coconut oil.

Proteins: While fats constitute the cell-membranes, it's the amino acids from the proteins we eat that facilitate the communication , and all of the various neurotransmitters and the receptors needed by the body are created from eight of the amino acids that are essential.

Best sources:

Beans, Lentils and legumes of various kinds
Nuts and seeds that also provide some essential fats
Eggs from healthy happy free-roaming chickens
Meat from naturally raised humanely treated animals in moderation

Carbohydrates: They are the food for brain function and all plant foods- vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices- contain carbohydrates in their natural whole form and they come with all the vitamins, minerals and fiber which together help in the production as well as regulation of serotonin. Low-carb diets contribute to low levels of Serotonin.

Best sources:

Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, millet, amaranth and buckwheat

Vitamins and minerals: They are the helpers needed for the conversion of the amino acids from the protein we eat to the neurotransmitters. For example, Vitamin B6 is needed to convert Tryptophan to Serotonin. Minerals like Magnesium, Zinc and Selenium also are essential Magnesium deficiency has been linked to Depression in studies. Likewise, low-levels of Vitamin D are linked to depression as well.

Best sources: Rich colorful vegetables, dark leafy greens and fruits.
Sea vegetables- like kelp, dulse, nori, wakame, kombu etc
Sunlight- 20-30 mins of sun exposure

Using superfoods to boost your fight against depression

A whole-foods based diet that includes many of the foods mentioned above should by itself provide the nutritional platform for healing which would help the effect of complementary efforts like exercise, meditation, psychological/emotional therapies etc to take hold. Including some foods that are considered 'super' foods because of their very rich nutrient content can boost, or even catapult one's nutritional status.
Here are a few foods that belong to this category:

Spirulina- available in tablet and powder forms, it is the the highest source of digestible protein found in the world.It is also abundant in many vitamins especially B1, B2 and B6, and also many enzymes, GLA(a fat that is necessary for brain function), and chlorophyll.

Raw Cacao- Available as a powder or as Cacao nibs, it is rich in many minerals especially magnesium, anandamide(the bliss chemical), tryptophan, serotonin, and is also one of the most potent anti-oxidants of all foods.

Chlorella- Rich in chlorophyll, also supports liver and immune functions and is a de-toxifier and has good anti oxidant properties.

Bee-Pollen- abundant in many enzymes, minerals, all the essential amino acids, and many B vitamins including folic acid(vitamin b9).

Ashwagandha- Long used in India, it is an one of the best adaptogens((class of herbs that adapt to the body's varying requirements intelligently) and is known for mind-body stress reduction.

Maca- another great adaptogen and is available as a powder, it is known for increasing energy and endurance and has most of the amino acids and supports hormone regulation.

Putting it all together - A super-food smoothie

The above foods can be incorporated into your diet in a delicious breakfast smoothie which takes no more than 5 minutes to make altogether including cleanup. This is one of my favorite recipes and since personal tastes vary, it may take experimenting with different fruits and combinations to get your favorite taste.

1 cup of blueberries
1 banana
2 slices of pineapple
1 teaspoon spirulina powder
1 teaspoon Maca powder
1 teaspoon Ashwagandha powder, or 2 capsules
1 tablespoon bee pollen
2 tablespoons of hemp protein powder
1 teaspoon of coconut oil- if you like the taste ,or flax oil
Optionally you can also add a handful of fresh organic greens like spinach, kale or chard.

Blend it all in a high-power blender with enough clean water to the consistency you like(thick or thin) and
sip it while you take a couple of teaspoons of cod liver oil (which then would take away any aftertaste issues). From my experience and that of some of my clients, this is not only very satisfying as a meal but also provide super nutrition and a brain boost that last well later in to the day.

Depression and Anxiety I: Overcoming Depression


Feeling down is something we all go through at times in our lives. However, if sadness takes us over and will not go away, it may be depression. Depression makes it difficult to function, to carry on normal activities and it takes away the joy of living. You lose interest in the things you once enjoyed, you have difficulty concentrating, you have loss of energy, and you have feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.

Depression is different from normal sadness in that it takes over every day life, disturbing your work, sleep, appetite, and joy. You feel like you are in a dark tunnel with no end in sight, with feelings of impending doom.

Signs and Symptoms

If you identify that you have several of the following signs and symptoms that have lasted for some time you may have clinical depression.

• Feelings of Helplessness and Hopelessness. A negative outlook that nothing is ever going to get better and you don't see any way out of the situation.

• Loss of Interest in Daily Activities. Marked loss of interest in those activities you once derived pleasure from- hobbies, social activities, sex.

• Significant change in appetite or weight loss or gain. A change of more than five percent of body weight in a month.

• Changes in Sleep Patterns. Having difficulty sleeping especially waking in the early morning or feeling you want to sleep most of the day.

• Irritability. Easily agitated or angered, feeling restless. Everything bother you even to the point of violence.

• Loss of Energy. Feeling fatigue, sluggish unable to perform or complete every day tasks.

• Loss of Self Esteem. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt, putting yourself down for your faults or mistakes.

• Diminished Ability to Think or Concentrate. Having difficulty focusing, making decisions, or remembering things.

• Reckless Behavior. You participate in self-destructive behavior for example substance abuse, excessive spending, compulsive gambling, reckless driving, or dangerous activities.

• Recurrent Thoughts of Death. Thinking life is not worth living.

Causes and Risk Factors

• Loneliness

• Lack of social support

• Recent stressful life experience

• Family history of depression

• Marital or relationship problems

• Financial problem

• Childhood abuse or trauma

• Substance abuse

• Unemployment or work related stress

• Health issues or chronic pain

Thoughts of Suicide

Not everyone who becomes depressed feels suicidal. The deep feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness can make a person feel there is no way out except suicide to escape the pain. Any thoughts of death or suicide should be taken seriously as a cry for help. If you or someone you know is considering suicide seek professional help immediately or call 911.

Warning Signs of Suicide

• Talking about killing one self or harming one self

• Having strong feelings of hopelessness and seeing no way out

• Having preoccupation with death and dying

• Showing reckless behavior

• Saying goodbye to friends or family

• Getting one's affairs in order- giving away prized possessions.

• Expressing that the world would be better off without him or her

• Seeing a sudden change from deep depression to relative calm and happy mood

Ways to Recovery

There are actions you can take right now to recover from depression. The thought of recovery might seem far off, but taking the first step is important. Reaching out to friends and family for support letting them know what you are going through is a start in your recovery.

Lifestyle Changes

In order to counteract depression it is important to make some lifestyle changes. Making changes in your lifestyle will ultimately be what keeps you from falling into depression. Lifestyle changes include:

• Getting enough exercise

• Getting enough sleep

• Eating healthy

• Reducing stress in our life

• Learning relaxation techniques

• Not falling into negative thinking

Being aware of these things will help us get ourselves out of a rut. Not feeding into our own negative thinking is an important skill learned by practice.

Finding What Triggers Depression

It is possible to change habits of negative thought and negative emotions. If we are honest about our self-defeating patterns and are ready to take responsibility for change in our lives, we are ready to identify trigger situations and eliminate them from our life. This goes hand in hand with introducing new healthy habits. The two-step process for overcoming depression in the long-term is:

• Identifying "trigger" habits, situations or people and eliminating them from our lives.

• Creating new, healthy habits such as taking up a sport, hobby or social activity that appeals to us.

Seeking Professional Help

If these lifestyle changes are not enough, seek help from a mental health professional. Therapy gives you the opportunity to explore and work through the root cause of your depression. Find a therapist who makes you feel comfortable and who you feel you can trust. Problems of depression and anxiety respond well to therapy.