Saturday, February 15, 2014

Common Signs That Your Teen May Be Depressed

Depression can affect people of different age, socio economic group, race and religion. Depression can have two faces; there's the sad kind of depression which is called major depression, and there's also the manic-depression or what is more commonly called bipolar disorder. This is where one person alternates between feeling sad and then feeling reckless and hyped.

The best way to find out whether your teen is depressed and what kind of depression your teen is suffering from is by having your teen evaluated by a mental health professional. This is important in order to be able to give the right kind of help and intervention needed the soonest time possible. For example, sending students to troubled teen camps, teen boot camps, therapy, and many others. It's also useful to know the common signs of depression. If these symptoms persist for more than two weeks or if these symptoms cause such a big change in your teen's life that it prevents him/her from performing daily activities, consult with a professional immediately. Here are some of the common signs of depression:

- has an unshakeable feeling of sadness that doesn't go away.

- cries a lot everyday.

- feels guilty, feels like they lost their confidence, feels significantly worse about one's self.

- feels that life has no meaning, that they have nothing good to look forward to, or feels nothing for a long period of time.

- has a hard time concentrating, forgets a lot of things that one doesn't normally forgets.

- feels unable to enjoy things that they usually enjoy like hanging out with friends, listening to music, playing sports, etcetera.

- insists on being left alone most of the time.

- has a hard time making up their mind.

- feels irritated, loses temper, over reacts over little things.

- there are marked changes in one's sleep patterns (getting either too much sleep or too little sleep)

- changes in eating patterns (either eats too much or too little)

- talks about death or committing suicide, even if they seem like they are just joking about it.

There are also a few symptoms of manic depression. Here are a few of them:

- there are times when this person feels a euphoric high, as if they are on top of the world.

- often has unrealistic ideas about what they can and can't do.

- cannot stick to one subject; jumps from one subject to another and cannot keep to a single train of thought.

- talks a lot.

- constantly moving, surrounding one's self with people, life is a constant party for manic depressives.

- often engages in risky behavior like reckless driving, drunk driving, unsafe sex, compulsive spending, etcetera.

- doesn't get much sleep because they can't get down from their high.

- rebellious and irritable, has difficulties getting along with people.

According to studies, around 4% of adolescents each year get seriously depressed. Teens who get clinically depressed can be helped by treatment and early intervention. Parents can try different types of intervention such as therapeutic boarding schools which has programs for teens battling with depression.

Mental Anguish Is Psychological Suffering

Anguish, is the psychological suffering that is caused by any one of a number of events, which may naturally occur during a person's life span. These occurrences, can also be brought about by one, or a number of other party's regular activities, or intentional actions.

The word anguish, when spoken, conjures up thoughts of a distasteful, emotional situation that any one of us might have endured in the past. This situation may have been caused by the loss of a loved one, a business failure, an illness or accident. Any of these occurrences can be considered as a part of everyday life and people should condition themselves to cope with these situations. Mental anguish can also be brought about by poverty, the ravishes of war, imprisonment or loss of self esteem, which are not generally considered to be everyday events, however there are millions of people throughout the world who are suffering from the effects of these calamities.

Individuals suffering from mental anguish are extremely prone to the disabling effects of anxiety, depression and stress, which can also lead to a lifelong dependency on illicit drugs, alcohol or prescription medications.

Anxiety and depression are the two most prevalent mental health disorders identified in America. People of all ages, and those from all walks of life can suffer from depression, which if not successfully treated, can lead to a permanent disability, or in extreme cases, even suicide.

According to the World Health Organization, 121 million people throughout the world suffer from depression, and of those, 75 percent either don't realize that they are suffering from a mental disorder, or suitable treatment is beyond their means and not available to them. The latter of these can avail themselves of alternative therapies once they become aware of their problem.

Symptoms of depression can be quite obscure, particularly when the condition is brought about by a lengthy term of mental anguish. Poor eating habits and irregular sleep patterns are usually warning signs that anxiety or depression is disturbing a person's physical and mental performance. By eating regularly, adopting a diet that includes essential vitamins and minerals, performing daily exercise routines, then one's physical condition will improve and naturally restore sound sleeping habits. This procedure will certainly assist the body to alleviate anxiety or depression and ease the burden of mental anguish.

Use of stimulants such as, alcohol, tea or coffee should be avoided and added supplements of vitamin B complex are beneficial in calming the body's nervous system. The ancient Chinese art of acupuncture is very highly regarded as a proven alternative therapy for anxiety, depression and stress. People that have access to a competent acupuncturist are well advised to avail themselves of this form of treatment, as well as take any herbal medicines that the practitioner may recommend.

Mental anguish is an unavoidable adversity that is part and parcel of day to day life. When an individual is confronted with the condition he must be mindful of the fact that dwelling on the event may lead to a permanent mental disorder, and as such, would require proper medical attention.

Why Laughter is the Best Medicine

Do you laugh enough each and every day? Research shows that a newborn baby laughs around 300 to 400 times a day. However an adult hardly has time to have a hearty laugh these days. As we grow we tend to get busy with our problems and issues, stress and worry tends to take over. As a result we have forgotten how to laugh from the bottom of our belly like we did when we were children.

Stress is a serious factor that controls many aspects of our lives. It can affect our physical and psychological health. Stress can contribute to all kinds of health problems such as insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, depression, heart disease, etc. It can also affect our performance at home and at work.

Laughter is a wonderful stress buster. Some of the benefits of laughter are:

1. Laughter reduces the level of stress hormones such as epinephrine, adrenaline and cortisol.
2. It increases the level of health-enhancing hormones such as endorphins.
3. It strengthens our immune system by increasing the release of anti-bodies in our system.
3. It leads to a physical and emotional release - many people cry at the end of a good laugh. There is a sense of freedom from bottled-up emotions. They experience a cleansed feeling after a hearty laugh.
4. It is a good internal workout - a good belly laugh exercises the diaphragm, the abdominal muscles and the heart. You feel more relaxed afterwards.
5. It distracts your feelings away from anger, guilt, shame, etc. so that your focus is shifted from negative feelings to positive ones.

Laughter plays a vital role in a persons well-being. Laughter has the capacity to heal and make us feel healthier so that we feel refreshed and we regain our strength to carry on with our life. Some of the medical benefits of laughter are: Improved blood circulation, increase in the sense of well-being due to release of endorphins, which are also known as 'feel-good hormones', increased immunity, pain relief, etc.

Now that you understand the positive effects of laughter why don't you raise your laughter level with the following tactics?

1. Instead of watching serious movies on romance and war, you could watch truly hilarious movies on TV or go to funny movies and enjoy a belly-full of laughter with your family. Why not have a laughter challenge with your family or friends.
2. There are enough worries in life. Instead of focusing on them, try to laugh at them. Complain less and laugh more.
3. Studies show that faked laughter also has positive benefits on health. Fake laughter may lead to real smiles and laughter. You could call it laughter medicine.
4. Make it a point to read joke books, laughter quotes or watch funny movies before going to bed because it relaxes you and helps you to have a pleasant sleep.

Laughter is the best medicine.

Ignite Extraordinary Results in 2008

"Like a river we can design and carve out our own course in life with our imagination. Our imagination can either envision a life of drudgery, problems and issues; or we can envision what we truly want. Getting your heart's desire really begins with you." - Nancy Anderson, Work with Passion

Each of us has the amazing capacity to imagine and co-create our life. Investing time in visioning is the first step and pays rich rewards on many levels. Visioning can help us to:

* Step out of limiting patterns and draining habits the have crept up on us in the past year

* Connect with the deeper themes of our live and recognize our soul lessons

* Tap into authentic self-esteem and re-ignite motivation

* Become inspired by new possibilities we are on the verge of living

* Energize ourselves for the journey ahead.

What is vision?

Vision is a felt sense of what we really want in life. It's the highest and best direction in life, as we understand it now, as it's been revealed to us by our inner wisdom. Each person's vision is entirely unique, yet they all serve the common good.

We don't "make up" our vision. We uncover, or discover it. David Steele, founder of the Relationship Coaching Institute, compares our vision to an iceberg. At any given time our conscious self is aware only of the tip of the iceberg. Yet the iceberg is there, always, under the surface available to be discovered at a fuller and fuller level.

In some ways we have no choice about our vision. Our true nature, our essential self IS. Our choice is how we choose to align our lives, and our actions with our vision...or not.

Remarkably, vision has two dimensions: it's both linear and an energy field. When we envision ourselves a year from now living an authentic, passionate life, our vision gives us a linear picture of our desired future. As well, this vision ignites an energy field that permeates and lights up our present. We become empowered to move forward, and become more attractive to the people in our life and work.

Vision vs Goals?

Vision is sometimes confused with goals, and yet they are distinctly different. Our vision is the big picture of our life intentions, the overall best picture and felt sense of what we want. It provides direction and energy. Our goals are the concrete, specific results we want to produce as we live our vision.

To live a fulfilling and successful life, we need both vision and goals. Creating goals without having them linked to our values and life intentions, leads to driven behavior, and results in an empty feeling when the goal is accomplished. Our greatest joy comes from accomplishing goals that have real meaning and heart for us because they are anchored in our essential self.

What are the consequences of ignoring our vision?

Not honoring and being true to our vision can manifest in physical symptoms like depression, anger, anxiety, irritation and restlessness. If we get involved in the lives of others as a way of avoiding fulfilling our own potential and vision it will sap us of our energy. We will feel aimless and annoyed and eventually get on a downward spiral to decreased self-esteem.

Tapping into and living our vision takes courage. Once we learn what we want to do, the next step is to do it!

Visioning Questions

Discovering our vision is about asking great questions and listening to our inner knowing. I recommend taking time this month each day, or three times a week, to reflect and write on these questions. Have a special notebook for this and jot down ideas whenever you realize you are thinking about what you want this year.

1. What do I love about my life now? What do I want to bring forward and build on? What's not quite right? What are the issues and challenges I'm facing?

These questions start with the present. When we start by connecting with our current situation and what we love about our lives, we move into our heart. Our vision will be about growing, enhancing and enriching our lives vs fixing it.

2. What do I want? What don't I want?

It might sound odd to say to write about what you "don't" want, however I have found this can be pivotal in avoiding writer's block. We always know what we DON'T want! And this can provide powerful clues to what we DO want.

Draw two columns on a page and head one with "One thing I want is..." the other "One thing I don't want is..." Then, just start writing down whatever comes to mind, like you are emptying a cup. You might have a few items come to mind; you might fill pages. Allow your creative spirit to direct the flow!

Here are a few questions to consider as you look at what you do and don't want:

What do I really want to have happen this year?
What do I want to attract?
How do I want to grow? What do I want to learn?
What blocks or limiting habits do I want to be free of?
What do I want to have happen in my friendships and love?
What do I want in my family life?

3. What's the theme for my year?

Listen "behind" everything you have written. A year from now, if you actually have everything you have written, how would you feel? What difference would this have made in your life? What's the essence of your vision?

Capture that essence in a theme - a short inspiring statement that makes you smile when you hear it. This is a simple way of capturing your vision in a memorable way. For example, "Connecting and connected" "Breathing space" "The year of living grace."


"I have moments when I'm absolutely clear about what I want. Then, it's like I forget. My vision just goes away. What can I do to stay inspired?"

You are so right! When we are in our vision, it is like standing on the top of a mountain. We can see the vista and path with ease. However, when we descend into the valley of day-to-day life, it disappears.

There are ways to capture our clarity so that it continues to spark us, pull us forward, and keep us on-track. While there is no one "right" way, here are a few ways to do that:

Create a Vision Board.

Clip inspiring photos from magazines. Draw pictures. Use your favorite photos. Design a 24x36 inch collage that depicts your ideal year and states your theme. Then, place it where you will see it daily.

Post your theme so it's visible.

Put a post-it note on your computer. Write your theme in your date book. One woman links her theme to a song and hums it daily to stir her feelings and life her spirits.

Identify your ten "Most Wanted."

From your vision, pull out your top five to ten most meaningful goals, the ones you want to accomplish by mid-year. Write them in bold statements of intention. Then map each one out as a project. Blocking out actions and developing a time frame signals to your unconscious that you're serious. It not only gives you an action map, it seems to attract resources, people and opportunities to help you fulfill your goal.

Take time to dream this January. Be radical this year. Rather than try to cram your goal-setting into the first few days of January, allow yourself the whole month. Dream. Imagine. Entertain what is possible for your life and your business/career. Develop an inspiring vision for a truly great year. Taking this time is one of the highest forms of self-care you can give yourself.

Rubbing Her the Right Way - Massage Tips For Great Lovers

One of the most sensuous ways to touch your lady is massage. I don't mean feeling her up...I mean a deep muscle massage.

Do you have a lady who comes home from work tense? Is your lady a stay-at-home mom who's exhausted when her day is through?

Massage can be a non-sexual way of giving of yourself to a lady. Massage relaxes muscles, soothes aches and pains and rejuvenates. Massage restores balance to the body.

Is your lady pregnant? Various studies have shown positive effects in pregnant women who get massages.

For those women who aren't pregnant, massage provides a boost to the immune system that can help women stay healthy and full of energy.

There are many healthy benefits to getting massages:

* Relieves Stress
* Encourages Relaxation
* Improves Posture
* Improves Circulation
* Lowers Blood Pressure
* Helps Manage Pain
* Relaxes Muscles
* Improves Flexibility and Range of Motion
* Relieves Tension-Related Headaches
* Strengthens the Immune System
* Enhances Post-Operative Rehabilitation
* Improves Rehabilitation After Injury
* Manage Fibromyalgia Pain Naturally

Research also proves that massage therapy increases immune function, decreases stress levels and reduces recovery time in many medical conditions including:

* Allergies
* Depression and Anxiety
* Arthritis
* Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
* Asthma and Bronchitis
* Circulatory Problems
* Insomnia
* Sports Injuries
* Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ)
* Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
* Musculo-Skeletal Disorders

Are you looking for a new way to connect with women when you meet them?

I recommend massage for all of those scenarios.

If your lady has the perception that you are the source of relaxation, pain relief and pleasure from massage, she will want to keep you close at hand. Remember, everyone wants to be around people that make them feel good.

If you are going to take this article seriously, you should do some research on Reflexology. Barbara and Kevin Kunz wrote a fine book called "Reflexology" that you should own.

The next three articles will deal with massage. First hand massage, then foot massage, and finally whole body massage.

Guys, you can make tremendous strides forward in your relationships if you will learn how to massage a woman. Every woman will be grateful. And you will become known as a Great Lover.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Daily Psychiatry

They think they don't need help, but reality shows that they are stuck and need help to get out. For some reason in America people work harder than other countries. For example take mothers; in other countries mothers stay home with kids and be a full time mom. In America only about 15% of moms stay at home. What does that tell you?? Lots of divorces, lots of problems, lots of heartbreakers. But when someone's moods and thoughts start to make daily life difficult, a psychiatrist can often help.

Psychiatrists are specially trained doctors who treat people with mental and emotional disorders. Their job is to help with your problems, but not solve them for you. They may suggest you the solutions but you have to figure out what is the best for you. Their job is not that hard, just listen but it is hard to get a degree or a license on it. Psychological and physical conditions are sometimes related. Some psychological disorders are associated with changes in brain chemistry, while others may be partly hereditary.

One thing that makes psychiatrists different from counselors and psychologists is that they are also medical doctors. When treating patient's psychiatrists consider biological factors as well as life events and stresses. They can order medical tests, prescribe medication, and have patients hospitalized if necessary. Psychiatrists treat many different kinds of problems. Some of the most common are depression, manic-depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and addictions. Other problems include schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Schizophrenics may suffer from paranoia, delusions, or hallucinations. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder feel compelled to perform time-consuming and disruptive rituals like washing their hands constantly or repeating certain phrases. To become a psychiatrist, you'll need to complete a bachelor's degree this assuming takes about four years and medical school. Most medical schools accept people from a range of academic backgrounds, including the humanities. However, completion of several key science courses is usually required. To get into medical school is very hard. Candidates have to put together all admission tests and see who has the highest score. Medical school then interviews those who were on their list.

For people to apply to medical school two years in a row before being accepted it is not uncommon. While in medical school, you pick electives preparing for psychiatry. After completing medical school, you are a doctor, but you still have to do a period of on-the-job training called a residency. The residency for psychiatrist is around four years. At the end of it, you have to pass license exam, which allows you to practice psychiatry in your state. Some psychiatrists choose to specialize in a sub-field, such as child and adolescent psychiatry or forensic psychiatry. Specialization requires an additional one to two years of training. Psychiatric work can be extremely rewarding.

Talking About Depression

In many ways, our society has allowed many people to believe that they can not communicate their feelings to others. Sometimes, we think that no one will understand. We think that what we are feeling is simply not important, not validated, or just wrong. If it was any of these things, we wouldn't feel this way. These feelings can be symptoms of depression. To work through this episode of depression, you will need to find a way to talk it out.

It is always important to consult a doctor if you feel that you are depressed. Talking to a doctor about your situation can help you know what is really going on inside your head. In many cases, the only way to work through depression is with therapy and medications. It is always beneficial, though, to talk to others about how you are feeling. If you have a trusted friend or family member, that is not going to judge you, then you should take the time to inform them of how you are feeling.

By finding a way to talk about your feelings, people will come to understand your feelings. They will be able to help you, support you, and love you through your ordeal. It is not easy, but it is one of the best ways to get through your depression. If you would like more information on depression, the causes and how to avoid it, go to websites like and learn what is happening to you or your loved one. By talking about your depression, you will get through it.

Suicide Causes and Effects Are Linked to Depression - Depression Kills But it Doesn't Have to Be You

Suicide causes and effects are linked to clinical depression. In fact, the most recent data shows that depression is the number one cause of suicide. As a survivor of a parent who committed suicide I can at least empathize with other survivors. I know however, that obviously no one has the "same exact" feelings, but it is comforting to know you are not alone.

I did a search on Google today to know many times the search phrase "suicide causes" was searched. "Suicide causes" was searched a little over 10,000 times on a month or roughly 335 times a day. I was shocked to see other words being search about the subject (I will not reveal the keywords, a little disturbing, to me at least). So I decided to do some more research and here is some what I found...

Facts about suicide:

o 90% of all cases involving suicide mental illness is a factor.
o Over 65% of all suicides are males.
o Over half of "successful" suicides are done by firearms.

Here are some suicide signs and warnings that you are at risk (There is a link below for a more complete list)...

o Giving away prized possessions.
o Writing a will.
o No sense of humor.
o Dealing with an apparent "degrading" situation.
o Excessive guilt or shame.
o Acting irrationally and/or behaving extremely irritable.
o Being preoccupied with death or dying.
o Overly complaining of illnesses
o A dramatic change in personal appearance or neglected it. A
o Dramatic change in personality.
o Performing poorly at work or in school.
o Abusing alcohol or drugs.
o Inability to concentrate.

I am going to wrap up and relate what my counselor said to me years ago, while I was intensely struggling with my dad's death. "Francis" she said, "there is no need to make a permanent solution to a temporary problem." What truth that statement holds.

Exercise in the Treatment of Depression

A number of studies, dating from the mid 1990s to more recently, show that cardio vascular and resistance or weight training combat mild to severe depression. It turns out that exercise results in a surge of serotonin, the neurotransmitter which make us feel good right after working out, as well as a long-term mood shift once you've started exercising regularly. These effects may be related in part to an increased growth in brain cells. Regular exercise has favorable effects on the immune system as well, which may promote health, especially in stressed and/or depressed individuals.

A study of 12,028 randomly selected individuals age 20-79 showed that increasing physical activity was associated with a 70% reduction in self-reported stress as well as decreased life dissatisfaction. Even 2-4 hours of walking per week was associated with significant gains. Another study of a group of employees showed reductions in stress levels and depression, and improvements in feelings of health and vitality, after a 24 week program of aerobic exercise compared to a control group. A 1985 study looked at 43 patients with depression; about half were treated for the condition with antidepressants. Patients were randomized to receive 9 weeks of exercise training (aerobic for one hour, three times a week at 50-70% maximum aerobic capacity) or occupational therapy. Exercise was associated with statistically significantly greater decreases in depression as measured by the Beck Depression Inventory (a measure of symptoms of depression). In another study 86 patients with depression who were treated with antidepressants but did not have a therapeutic response were randomized to exercise or health education classes. Exercise involved weight bearing exercise for 45 minutes twice a week for ten weeks. More patients treated with exercise had an improvement as measured by a 30% improvement on a scale for the measurement of depression called the Hamilton Depression Scale (55% got better with exercise versus 33% without, a difference that was statistically significant). In another study 83 patients with major depression underwent aerobic exercise training versus not changing what they were doing before. Exercise training was associated with better symptom improvement in terms of anxiety and general symptoms but not depression.

Other studies have shown the impressive results of exercise in fighting or reducing symptoms of depression. For example, researchers at Freie University in Berlin also found that thirty minutes of exercise a day significantly improved the moods of patients who had been suffering from depression for nine months. In a report published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, 12 patients with depression underwent 10 weeks of training on a treadmill at 30 minutes a day. There was a statistically significant 6-point drop in depressive symptoms as measured with the Hamilton Depression Sale. The authors concluded, and I agree, that exercise could be at least as effective as drugs in treating mild to moderate depression.

One study looked at 156 patients with major depression over age 50 who were randomly assigned to aerobic exercise, antidepressants (sertraline) or a combination of the two for 16 weeks. All patients showed an improvement in symptoms of depression with an essentially identical response between the groups (1).

A recent report in 2005, explained the results of a 3-year long study in 80 patients designed to test whether exercise is an efficacious treatment for mild to moderate major depressive disorder and what amount would be needed to see a positive difference in depressed people. The report, published in The Journal of Preventive Medicine (January 2005) found that a half-hour a day of exercise six days a week is the ideal "dosage" to improve the mood of people who have mild to severe depression. Researchers compared two groups of depressed patients and found that while the group that performed 80 minutes of exercise a week received little to no mental-health benefit (30% reduction with 29% in a "placebo exercise" group), the three-hour-a-week group had a substantial (47%) reduction in symptoms.
Exercise may also complement the effects of antidepressant medication in depressed patients. One study added exercise to antidepressant treatment in 17 patients who did not have a complete response to antidepressant medication. Exercise was prescribed using currently recommended public health guidelines - at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity a day - with both supervised and home based sessions. There was a 10-point decrease in the Hamilton Depression Scale (a clinically significant change) in the eight patients who completed the study.

Exercise is far less expensive, and more easily accessible, than medication and psychotherapy. Plus it has none of the side effects, such as sexual dysfunction as seen with some antidepressants. Indeed, the "side effects" of using exercise as your antidepressant are beneficial to your general well being: improved cardiovascular health, increased strength, and weight loss.

1. Blumenthal, J.A., Bayak, M.A., Moore, K.A. Effects of exercise training on older patients with major depression. Archives of Internal Medicine. 1999;159:2349-2356.

Depression and Alternative Treatments

While everyone has experienced depression in one form or another, with clinical or other forms of major depression, sadness and other symptoms that present themselves are intense and last for longer than what is considered normal.

There are roughly 19 million American adults living with major depression. Because depression can become a serious medical illness, it requires professional care. Although depression can be mild, it is highly complex in nature, and one that should not be taken lightly. If one is feeling the symptoms of depression for longer than two weeks, speaking to a doctor or online doctor and/or setting up an online medical consultation and/or appointment is recommended.

There are several forms of depression, which include major depression, mild depression, dysthymia, bipolar disorder (manic depression), and postpartum depression. While there are online doctor consultation services available for patients to discuss depression or symptoms of depression, seeing a certified doctor or psychiatrist in person is by far the best way to find the right solution for the specific condition. However, there are several online doctors who can offer insight into the causes and methods of temporary depression treatment that may be beneficial to one until he or she is able to consult with an offline medical professional.

The symptoms of depression vary - one may experience five or more of the following for at least a two-week period:

o Persistent sadness, pessimism
o Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness or hopelessness
o Loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities, including sex
o Difficulty concentrating and complaints of poor memory
o Worsening of co-existing chronic disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes
o Insomnia or oversleeping
o Weight gain or loss
o Fatigue, lack of energy
o Anxiety, agitation, irritability
o Thoughts of suicide or death
o Slow speech; slow movements
o Headache, stomachache, and digestive problems

Qualified online doctors will inform that traditional forms of treatment for depression include antidepressant medication and/or psychotherapy. While these forms of treatment have proven effective, there are several successful alternative methods that treat depression as well. Some of these alternatives include:

o Acupuncture - Acupuncture has been found to dramatically reduce the symptoms of depression, especially in those who have not found antidepressant medications too helpful.
o Biofeedback - This is a technique used that encourages people to watch the signs that their own bodies give them, such as blood pressure, weight, etc. in order for the people to learn about what they can and cannot control about their bodies. This technique is known for its calming effects on the mind and body of the depressed individual.
o Homeopathy - Homeopathy is a system of medicine that is based on treating the individual with highly diluted substances - typically in pill form - that triggers the body's natural system of healing. Trained homeopaths will match the most appropriate medicine to the patient.
o Dietary monitoring - This is a proven way to reduce the effects and symptoms of depression by following the belief that "you are what you eat." By changing diets and eating better, people, in turn, generally feel better and see a difference in their daily lives. A combination of a healthy diet and exercise has an incredible effect on depression.
o Aromatherapy - This form of alternative medicine dates back thousands of years ago. Different scents are formulated to calm or soothe the depressed individual.
o Natural vitamin supplements - these have been known to work in reducing the effects of depression by balancing out the body naturally.
o Color therapy - Similar to aromatherapy, this form of therapy focuses on sight rather than smell, and has been proven to reduce stress and bring a sense of comfort to depressed people.

Online doctors and other physicians are knowledgeable about the several ways to go about reducing the effects of depression, and suppressing the symptoms through simple changes at home. Watching diet and eating healthier, along with taking the proper vitamins can make a tremendous difference in attitude, drive, and happiness. With the combination of diet, exercise, and vitamins, aromatherapy and/or color therapy can account for an even bigger improvement in the lifestyle of the depressed individual. Additionally, the availability of online doctor consultations to discuss such conditions is also extremely beneficial.

Acupuncture, homeopathy and aromatherapy typically require the expertise of a professional - but are nonetheless easily accessible in this day and age of modern medicine.

Neurotic Depression And The Patient

Here, perhaps, is the great advantage possessed by the general practitioner over his hospital colleagues. He knows the patient and his family and is much better equipped to appreciate such subtleties. The onset is more likely to be abrupt, with an evident relationship to some situation that is stressful for that particular patient.

The early history of the patient provides evidence of the vulnerability of his personality. In childhood, shyness, timidity and phobias may have been prominent and the stresses of daily everyday life may have proved impossible to absorb due to undue anxiety or depression. The illness is generally much more variable and responsive to environmental factors than endogenous depression. The patient can brighten up if daily life seem hopeful, but is readily tilted into gloom if circumstances become adverse. Good days and bad days are a feature of the history of depression.

The quality of the depression experienced by the neurotic patient is often more akin to normal sadness or grief than to the emotional experience of the endogenously depressed patient. It tends to be aggravated by the variation of the day and to be at its worst in the evenings. Though generally mild to moderate in degree, the depression may, in occasional patients, be severe. The mood of the patient tends to reflect self-pity rather than self-blame or guilt. Initial insomnia is the common form of sleep disturbance. Anxiety is often prominent and is associated with poor concentration and fatigue. Suicidal ideas and both attempted and successful suicide are common and certainly, the belief that the depression is 'only' neurotic should not engender any false optimism.

Throughout the world the rate of depression related suicides, or problems directly related as a result of depression is on the increase as our daily lives become more and more fast paced. A relationship between a large number of social factors and suicide has been made evident as the result of epidemiological studies. Social class, the nature of employment, geography, race and the degree of social disorganisation exert subtle influences on the individual decision to kill oneself; but through the determinants of suicide are always multiple and complex, in the majority of patients mental illness is of the utmost importance. Although depression is not the only psychiatric disorder associated with suicide, it is unquestionably the most important.

Important epidemiological differences between those who commit and those who attempt suicide have been demonstrated. Nevertheless, the similarities are more important than the differences. Both those attempting and those succeeding in suicide the same psychiatric disorders play their interacting parts. A patient showing signs of severe depression may have already entertained the idea of suicide. There need be no fear that one will put ideas into the patient's head - the ideas are there already. Naturally, there is no need to be blunt about it. The question should be put gently and sympathetically. Some such query as, "Do you sometimes feel life is not worth living?" is a useful beginning and it is seldom necessary to be more pointed.

The recognition of the protean presentations of depression is the most important way we can help to prevent suicide; and it is well to recognize that certain groups of individuals such as the elderly, those living on their own and those recently bereaved are especially at risk.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Are You Depressed? Brainwave Entrainment Can Help

Depression, unfortunately, touches many people in this day and age.

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

  • Loss of appetite or increased appetite

  • Inability to concentrate

  • Feelings of extreme sadness

  • Guilt

  • Helplessness

  • Hopelessness

  • Thoughts of death or suicide.

  • Feelings of gloom and inadequacy

  • Feelings of being unable to manage

  • Disheartened and feeling downcast

  • Lethargy

  • Can't sleep or sleep too much

  • Full of misery and despair

  • Your thoughts are confused and unreasonable.

  • You have excessive fear, panic, anxiety.

  • Have trouble coping with daily activities like work, family, or personal hygiene.

  • Have excessive anger and hostility.

  • Drinking or drugging too much.

  • Can't cope with losses like divorce and death.

  • Can't deal with change.

There is a huge likelihood that you are depressed. You are in a state of depression for which there usually is no apparent precipitating cause. The grief you feel when you lose a loved one to death is not depression unless is starts interfering with your life and goes on for a very long time.

Sometimes depression is caused by the lack of a feel good hormone called serotonin, that is produced from an amino acid called tryptophan. Stimulation of certain areas of the brain with specific frequencies, can re-activate the release of serotonin. Brainwave entrainment can effectively alter your dominant brainwave frequency by introducing audio and/or light repeated, rhythmic pulses to the brain. After a short period of time, the brain will mimic the stimulus and alter the brain state.

Brainwave entrainment can make new neural networks in the brain, releasing serotonin reducing the symptoms of depression. With repeated sessions, the new neural pathways with become your new normal brain status. Stimulation of these pathways will strengthen their connections and the old pathways, by way of lack of stimulation, will atrophy.

Brainwave Entrainment Can Reduce Depression By

  • Regulating your sleep. Lack of sleep can make you very depressed.

  • Helping with sensory functions such as sight, sound, taste, smell and touch, so you don't feel so numb.

  • Lowering of the stress hormone coritisol that depresses the body's feel good hormones.

  • Reducing feelings of anxiety.

  • Regulating appetite, taking away the power of cravings...lack of serotonin makes a person crave carbs, caffeine, sugar and booze.

  • Raising energy levels. Fatigue is a sure sign of depression.

  • Elevating quality of sleep, moods, and libido.

  • Raising serotonin levels which can lead to good health changes.

  • Taking away migraines and headaches.

  • Helping your whole brain function-helps in the process of sending and receiving messages.

  • Reducing obsessive-compulsive thoughts..

  • Reducing addiction symptoms and withdrawal.

Sometimes depression might need a chemical prescription to help alleviate the symptoms. Cognitive and behavioural therapy is always good.

Brainwave entrainment is a powerful, effective alternative method of depression control, that can work very well with other methods or alone.

You don't have to suffer anymore.

There is hope.

Depression in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Bringing Back Happy

We all know that humans can get depressed, but did you know that depression in dogs is just as real? It can happen because of a change in their life, aging or an underlying medical condition. Learn to spot the signs of depression so you can tend to your dog's needs and bring back happy times.

The symptoms of depression in dogs are very common to the symptoms in people:

• Withdrawal: Your dog may become withdrawn and unresponsive to his companions.

• Uninterested in activity: A dog who usually loves taking walks or playing may become uninterested in any physical activity. If he does exercise, he will seem to move slower, without any interest in his surroundings.

• Appetite changes: Changes in eating habits are also signs of depression-your dog may lose weight or gain weight depending on how his eating habits change.

• Sleep changes: When it comes to sleeping, a depressed dog may sleep more or become restless and not sleep at all. It all depends on your dog's personality and how depression affects him.

After you recognize the signs of depression, it's usually possible to identify the trigger. One major cause of depression in pets is changes to their environment; these changes could include:

• Moving to a new home.
• Spending time in a boarding kennel, or away from their humans.
• The death of a loved companion, either human or another animal.
• Changes in a loved ones schedule making them unavailable for attention.

There are ways to counteract depression in dogs and help them feel happy again. Spending extra time together, going for walks, playing around and just plain cuddling can help to alleviate some of the sadness your dog is feeling.

Ever heard of seasonal depression? This happens to humans who become depressed during the colder, winter months when the sun doesn't shine as often, however, it can also happen to dogs.

• Seasonal changes: If you live in an area with significant changes in season, your dog could be susceptible to seasonal depression.

• Severe weather: It's also important to note that dogs who live in areas that have severe weather such as hurricanes can be negatively affected; the moods of the dogs are impacted due to changes in atmospheric pressure.

• Days of rain and storms: If there is a long bout of rain, thunderstorms and other bad weather, a dog's personality can change as well.

Many times dogs exhibit symptoms of depression when there is something medically wrong with them. If your canine's depression symptoms don't seem to be triggered by a specific event, it is probably time to seek veterinary care. The vet will do an examination to determine if there's an underlying reason that your pet isn't acting like himself.

If you know your dog's depression isn't due to environment, seasonal or medical issues, then they could have clinical depression; this is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. The treatment for clinical depression in dogs is similar to treatment for humans. Your veterinarian can prescribe antidepressants to regulate the symptoms such as: Prozac, Clomicalm and Zoloft.

There are plenty of ways that you can help to improve your dog's depression:

• Make sure to keep them as stimulated as possible so they don't become lethargic.
• Exercise, play and cuddle often.
• Make sure they receive proper veterinary care regularly.
• Offer a calming supplement

If you notice that your dog's life is being affected by depression, the best choice you can make for them is bring them to the vet.

Bipolar Test for Children

If your child has been displaying signs of Bipolar you may want to see if your doctor will perform a bipolar test that will confirm the diagnosis so you can begin treatment immediately. Bipolar is a form of depression that can make it difficult for a child to predict and control their attitude and bursts of anger. Everyone who suffers from depression may not have bipolar disorder and the symptoms for bipolar are similar to other conditions. How will you know if your child does have bipolar?

Is your child having uncontrollable mood swings that they tend to have no control over or may demonstrate high irritability and intense excitement? Your child may also display an excessive amounts of energy or low levels of energy, unable to concentrate or focus on anything, and behavior that can turn violent.

The bipolar test is something that you don't want to put off if you suspect your child has bipolar. Beck depression test is one test. Is a test to help evaluate the state of mind of an individual. It also measures the severity of the condition of depression. This test has twenty-one multiple choice questions that the individual must fill out. This test is best for ages thirteen and up due to understanding the questions. Each question will have four answers and will be rated from zero to three. This bipolar test is not the most accurate test and does have several disadvantages to it.

There are other bipolar tests your child can take in order to rule out or to diagnose bipolar disorder. Before choosing the right bipolar test for your child his or her doctor will want to study their background to see if there were any signs of bipolar from previous behaviors. Your child's doctor will look for signs such as a sudden withdrawal from certain programs or behaviors, any depression symptoms, chronic fatigue or low energy levels, or any change in eating habit. The doctor will then take the information they gather and form a professional opinion and order further bipolar tests to determine what may be wrong and where to go from here.

Once a bipolar test or a series of bipolar tests have been cleared and confirmed, the doctor will then begin treating your child's bipolar disorder. Treatment will be determined based on the severity of the depression. Treatment may include new socialization skills, medication, therapy and counseling, and more.

Psychosocial therapy may address the social dysfunction one may experience when suffering from bipolar. Learning how to socialize again is vital to learning to live with this condition. It may also include cognitive behavioral therapy which defines why someone suffers from bipolar. It addresses feelings of rejection and learning to deal with self-criticism which can and will cause depression that leads to bipolar.

Medical therapy includes certain anti-depressant medications that can make feelings of bipolar more manageable.

Manic Depression - Important Factor in Mental Health

Mental health is mostly about how we feel and think. Mental health problems people face are rarely easy to understand or discuss. however it helps to get the facts. There is a ton of misinformation that's passed surrounding mental health.

Manic-depression, also known as bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that causes unusual changes in the atmosphere, energy, and ability to function. They can cause damage to labor relations or poor school performance and even suicide. Good news: manic-depression can be treated, and people with this disease can lead a productive life.

Most of the children, especially adolescents experience mood fluctuations as a normal part of growing up, but when those feelings persist and begin to interfere with the child's ability to function in everyday life, manic depression may be the cause.

Slight to moderate level of mania is called hypo mania. Hypo mania may feel good person, who experience and may even be associated with good performance and increase productivity. Thus, even when family and friends learned to recognize fluctuations in mood as manic depression, a person can deny that this is wrong. Without proper treatment, however, hypo mania can become a major craze in some people or can switch into depression

Mania stems from narcissism and has two usual reasons: the desire to escape a depression or the desire to escape from fear. The first escape produces an intense mania and the second a mild mania. It is always anxiety or depression (whether actual or starting) that sets off the mania. So in manic depression the control and management of the disease should be aimed at treating depression and poor quality of life of the person. Mania reflects the idealism of poverty in the person of normal way of life. Mania reflects the lack of quality in human's life.

The symptoms vary in intensity and pattern and should not be recognized in the beginning. People suffering from manic depression can have long periods in their lives without episodes of mania or depression, but manic-depressives have the highest suicide rate of any group with a mental disorder.

Exercise is a good way to treat of manic depression. It determines the production and use of neurotransmitters and hormones in the body, and its antidepressant effect is well known. A preliminary study of the effects of vigorous exercise on the body chemistry of patients with manic depression found that exercise increased a specific chemical associated with a better frame of mind. However, exercise can negatively influence the effectiveness of some medications used for bipolar disorder. Many people with bipolar disorder taking lithium because it is lost in sweat, exercise involving significant sweating may change blood levels of lithium. This change was reported in one person, so people wishing lithium launch a vigorous exercise program should be supervised by their doctor.

To learn more, consult with a doctor or a mental health professional and also contact your local Mental Health Association.

Take A Bipolar Test To Find Out If You Have This Problem

In the absence of research and development many medical ailments were earlier treated as incurable mammoths. Bipolar Disorder is one among them.

Earlier the individuals suffering with this kind of disorder was often regarded as a 'very moody person' or in extreme cases the family wrote them off saying that they have become insane. Later on the scientists made us realize that this disorder is a - Manic Depression, also known by the name of - Bipolar Disorder.

Though this disease is not new, along with the name many other things regarding this disease are quite new like the help we can lend to such patients. As its effects can be very wide spread and deadly, the treatment is as crucial.

This ailment is too dangerous as its patients can also become suicidal. Here are some important features of this ailment:

1. The bipolar disorder is illustrated by the extreme mood changes that is the person acts manically euphoric and/or extremely depressed. Hence it is also called as the manic-depressive illness.

2. The mood fluctuations in such patients can go to any extremes with in any period of time that is hours, days and/or months.

3. This ailment can take place right from the late teenage stage and continue until death. However, there have also been cases where the ailment started right from the childhood and got delayed up to the adult years.

4. While mood swings happen with all of us now and then, very few actually experience the radical changes that can be characterized as bipolar disorder. In such cases the patients' day-to-day life and relationships are also significantly affected. Their academics, occupation, interaction with others all happen differently.

In case you want to check if you are afflicted with the unfortunate situation, read through the symptoms & signs of the disease carefully:

Signs & Symptoms in the Depressive Phase

1. Pessimistic - the patient cry for hours together
2. Feeling of hopelessness
3. Low self esteem
4. Diminished libido
5. Progressive decrease in the energy level and the day to day activities
6. Apathetic
7. Anti-social
8. Cognitive difficulties
9. Always anxious and irritable
10. Changes in weight that is unusual weight gain or loss
11. Either oversleeping or insomnia
12. Drug abuse or alcohol abuse
13. Suicidal ideations

Signs & Symptoms in the Manic Phase

1. Extremely euphoric
2. Aggressive
3. Impulsive, irresponsibly wild
4. Excessively adventurous & involved in activities which are quite threatening to life like drugs, sex, excessive spending, violence, etc.
5. Insomniac
6. Flight of ideas
7. Exceedingly talkative
8. Very outgoing
9. Self-centered
10. At times have hallucinations or delusions
11. Easily distracted, restless
12. Patients have no idea as to the problems their behavior is creating

In case you suspect to have any of these symptoms and your abnormal behavior is causing problems in the errands, its time that you must seek professional help in order to lead a normal life again.

While there are numerous tests that are able to differentiate the bipolar patient from the unremarkable sad and/or brisk individuals, as such there is no specific test available to define bipolar patient. The primary reason for this is that the symptoms & signs of bipolar disorder are pretty similar to several other mental aberrations such as substance abuse disorders, ADHD, schizophrenia, or borderline personally disorder.

However, the physicians have drafted a battery of tests that can identify the potential patients of bipolar disorder. The basic tests used by the professionals are as follows:

1. Medical Examinations
With this type of examination the doctor is able to assess the patient as to what are his/her probable grounds of mood swings.

2. Oral & Written Psychiatric Questionnaire and/or Evaluations

Well researched and designed by the psychiatrists for years together, these questionnaires often yield very accurate details.

3. Family History

When the bipolar disorder is there a person's blood relation, he/she is quite a prospective patient of the disease.

4. Medical History

Here the doctor checks on the medications that you have taken in the past as certain medicines can trigger bipolar disorder and the mood swings in the individual.

5. Interviewing the family members

The doctor interviews the family to scratch out each every minute detail of the patient's behavior. Being the first witness of the changes in the individual, these are a very important excerpt for the doctor to cure the patient of bipolar disorder.

6. Mood Swing Episodes

While all above mentioned test create quite a profound ground for the doctor to understand the ailment of an individual, it becomes rather difficult to cure the person when he/she is not able to understand that they are ill. Hence, it becomes imperative to the doctor to trace the absolute & careful history regarding the patient's mood swings. As compared to the normal people, the people suffering with such an ailment while in the mania stage can be extremely happy for at least 4 consecutive days at a stretch. They get distracted quite easily, they are very talkative, and have a high flight of ideas.

7. Depression Episodes

The ones who have repetitive episodes of depression are often suspected to have the bipolar disorder. Such patients show a very positive response to the immediate treatment but the episodes remain constant and the frequent relapses make the situation rather worst. By and by, they stop responding to the anti-depressant treatment being given to them.

In case this sort of ailment is diagnosed in its early stage, it can be controlled effectively with a combination of the psychopharmacologic medications & psychotherapy. Besides the treatment, a very strong & constant emotional support from the family & friends is indeed imperative for the patients suffering with bipolar disorder.

Make sure that you choose the apt medical professional and/or real friend in need to help you through the struggle. Help nowadays is also available just a click away on the World Wide Web or the internet. Many institutions now have established their websites for self of such individuals.

Remember, one who is suspected of any mental disorder is considered innocent until & unless he/she is examined & diagnosed by some legitimate doctor.

Depression - Recommendations For Sexual Side Effects by Antidepressants

Sexual side effects caused by antidepressants are completely recognized, but this represents a practical problem of managing to physicians. Erectile dysfunction, diminished libido and delayed/attenuated or absent orgasm (dysorgasmia or anorgasmia) are the most common sexual side effects reported because of antidepressant treatment.

However, sexual side effects caused by antidepressants are also a very challenge to clinicians, since they have to distinguish between sexual dysfunction (SD) associated with depression, treatment-emergent SD and pre-existing SD exacerbated by treatment.

Making the difference between these situations is quite important, since treatment strategies are not the same for the above mentioned SDs. Sexual dysfunction associated with depression may be treated raising the antidepressant dose, however, this would be particularly inappropriate for a treatment-emergent SD, in which case the appropriate thing is to lower the dose.

For managing appropriately antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction, experts recommend that clinicians may attempt to alleviate the sexual side effects of a drug though a reduction of the dose and/or a change to an alternative therapy that may be less likely to cause sexual side effects. These strategies are more likely to be used in patients who are not responding fully to treatment and also risk sacrificing the therapeutic benefit of treatment.

Nonpharmacologic interventions are also recommended by experts. Behavioral and cognitive-behavioral techniques employed by sex therapists are the most common, although there are no studies evaluating their success in patients taking antidepressants.

There exist a number of medications quite useful in the treatment of sexual dysfunction associated with antidepressants. Under experts' opinion, the most common medications for antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction fall into three categories:

Dopaminergic agents, such as amantadine and pramipexole.

a2-adrenergic receptor antagonists such as yohimbine.

Serotonin 5-HT2 or 5-HT3 receptor antagonists, including granisetron, nefazodone and cyproheptadine.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

There Is Help With Depression Without Medication

Being effected with depression, whether a chronic ongoing problem or an occasional influx of depressing feelings, sends people looking for a way to just feel better. A doctor prescribing some type of anti-depressant comes to mind but there is help with depression without medication and it can be a much better way out of the hopelessness and emptiness of depression than masking it with drugs.

Any disorder that deals with emotions can be thought of as an imbalance of your thoughts. This would include issues with anxiety, anger, phobias, and of course, depression. As medications can improve your depressive symptoms by effecting how you processes information, so can other methods of overcoming depression that don't involve any substance. Although harder, empowering yourself through your own thoughts and the true power of your mind will be a skill that will help guide you through many difficulties that may arise throughout your life. The skill to control your thoughts is so gravely important that it should be part of the education system. However, you do have the ability, at any age, to learn how your mind, especially your subconscious mind, works. Armed with the right information and the ability to take daily action, you can overcome depression and many other mental disorders.

See your thoughts as a script for a movie.
For most people it seems as though other people and experiences are influencing how the story goes. To start taking back control, make a deliberate effort to write your script every moment of every day. If that sounds like a bit much to have to constantly monitor your thoughts and be changing them as needed, then just change your thinking right now to reflect your new perspective of having the ability to work on such a difficult task. Everything is possible with the power you have deep inside of you! It won't be easy at first - most things aren't easy when you first learn about them, but through time and consistent effort, it will be second nature.

Fill your head with positive thoughts.
Create some phrases yourself that are uplifting and empowering. Write them down and repeat them regularly - at least once a day. These phrases can be reminders of what you are grateful for in your life or statements of how you would like to be in the near future or a reminder of some of the great accomplishments you've made in your life. You can also search out a number of empowering quotes from some great thinkers to add to your repertoire of positivity. The main focus of this exercise is to fill your head, all the way to your subconscious, with a new set of beliefs that will take out the depressing thoughts.

There is much to learn about the mind and how each of us has the power to turn our life around and rid ourselves of anything that does not move us forward in life. Use these ideas above to shift your thinking in a more productive way, but be sure to seek out the many other lessons there are to be learned about getting help with depression without medication. There may be situations where medication may be the catalyst to get in a frame of mind to help yourself, but in the long term you need to learn a better way for your mind to work to be living a life free of depression and free of drugs.

Writing Made Them Rich #2: Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was born in Portsea, England, in
1812. His father was a clerk in the Navy Pay Office,
stationed at Portsmouth. Although his job was well
paid, his father had a weakness for spending money and
spent much of his life in chronic bankruptcy.

In 1824, when Charles was just 12 years old, his
father was sent to debtor's jail. Charles Dickens was
sent to a boarding house and given a 12 hour-a-day job
preparing bottles of shoe polish in a blacking

But Dickens' fortunes improved: a sudden inheritance
allowed his father to pay off his debts and he sent
Charles to school.

At age fifteen Charles was placed as a clerk in the
office of an attorney, a friend of his father's. In his
spare time he studied hard to become a Parliamentary

At age nineteen he entered the parliamentary gallery as
a reporter for The Mirror. It was a well paid job and he
soon became known as one of the best shorthand
reporters in London.

Dickens began writing fiction at age 21, under the nom
de plume of 'Boz'. In 1836, when Dickens was 23, he
began writing a series of short stories (The
Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club) which appeared
in cheap monthly installments. By the age of 24 he had
become internationally famous.

Charles Dickens burst onto the literary scene at a
unique moment in English history

Until the end of the 18th century, England had been a
mainly rural society. But from the late 1700's onwards,
land holders started forcing people off their land to
make way for sheep farming.

At the same time the Industrial Revolution was
creating new towns and cities with belching smoke
stacks and factories that needed workers - the English
countryside was emptying and a new urban working class
was emerging.

The concentration of people in towns and cities
created something that had never existed before - a
mass audience. Newspapers, Magazines and Newsletters
sprang up to cater for this new and growing demand.

Books were being serialized in Newspapers and
Magazines - those who couldn't afford to buy a book
could read it in weekly installments. Dickens wrote and
published most of his novels in this fashion - a chapter
at a time.

Between 1837 and 1839, Dickens wrote three of his most
famous novels Pickwick Papers, Oliver Twist, and
Nicholas Nickleby.

In the first ten years of his writing career, the
manic part of Dickens' manic depression had given him
an endless source of energy and inspiration, but now
he began to succumb to depression.

In the 1840's he started to experience writer's block.
He would spend days locked up in a room, unable to put
words on paper. He wrote: "Men have been chained to
hideous walls and other strange anchors but few have
known such suffering and those who
have been bound to Pens."

Dickens was an extremely energetic man and a compulsive
traveler. He traveled the length and breadth of England,
Scotland and Wales and also made frequent trips to
France and Italy. In 1842 he spent six months in America,
where he was given the kind of reception reserved for
modern day rock stars.

In 1856 Dickens purchased a large residence in Kent,
the kind of house he had always dreamed of owning.

Although Dickens became wealthy, he never forgot
his origins. Throughout his life he visited the
factories, the slums, the jails and the poor houses.
Indeed, his novels were a social commentary on the
appalling conditions of 19th century England. He was
well known for his generosity and received requests
for money wherever he went.

He is considered by many to have been a genius and
the greatest English writer of the 19th century.

When Dickens died in June 1870, he left an estate
valued at over $US6.5 million (2001 value).

The Comprehensive Approach Offered by Depression Treatment Centers

Depression treatment centers offer inpatient treatment alternatives to individuals who require a more in-depth approach to dealing with debilitating symptoms of depression.

By playing in an active role in their own recovery, patients are able to improve their personal sense of well-being through the development of custom strategies for maintaining optimum physical, emotional, spiritual and social health.

An inpatient treatment approach allows the patient to leave all worldly concerns outside the door and focus entirely on getting better.

Treatment programs within these centers usually employ a combination of holistic therapies with drug therapies which are specially developed to meet the patient's individuals needs and goals.

Holistic Approach

The holistic approach begins with changes in lifestyle, such as diet, exercise and social activities. Improvements in the way a person eats and moves not only benefit the overall health of the patient, but impact healthy brain function which regulates mood. Healthy social interactions are also key to a person's sense of well-being.

Some of the more-upscale depression treatment centers offer amenities which are designed to enhance the feelings of being specially cared for. These amenities sometimes include luxurious accommodations, gourmet dining, spa treatments, recreational activities like hiking and swimming, and a fitness center with personal trainers.

Talk therapy, or counseling is also part of the holistic approach. Working through and expressing your thoughts, emotions and experiences with depression with a trained mental health professional has been shown to significantly contribute to the speed and success of recovery.

Pharmaceutical Approach

In the past twenty years, research into the neurological aspect of depression has resulted in the development of numerous medications which work to correct imbalances in brain chemistry. These medications are not considered "cures" but, rather, treatments for managing symptoms.

Therapist must exercise caution when prescribing medications for depression. The use of certain anti-depressant drugs is usually prohibited for patients who are taking pimozide or MAOIs.

Furthermore, patients must be completely informed about the possible side effects which are associated with taking medicine for depressive disorders. Some of these effects include headache, nausea, diarrhea, nausea, sleep disturbances, dry mouth and sexual side effects. However, most patients report that any experiences with these issues are usually minor and disappear after a few days.

When combined with a well-structured holistic program, drug therapy can provide the "2" in a powerful "1-2" punch that helps the patient reclaim a healthy, enjoyable life.

Inpatient depression treatment centers offer the specialized attention that some individuals require to put their feet back on the path to wellness. With a comprehensive approach which includes the latest and most effective holistic and drug therapies, these centers are fast becoming a welcome resource for people who need the specialized attention which only an inpatient facility can provide.

Inspiring Quotes - More Than Nice Words Put Together

When one thinks of inspiring quotes I am sure many of the greatest saying come to mind. We all have experienced many of the great inspiring quotes that our parents, teachers, and numerous others have espoused to us in the hopes of motivating us to be all that we can be in our lives.

These inspiring quotes started in childhood for many of us from that great book about "The Little Engine That Could". Just mention that book to anyone in passing and watch it bring that classic quote of "I think I can..." right back to light from their memory bank.

There have been many other periodicals that have been written with some of the greatest and most famous inspiring quotes know to man. These quotes are designed to give the user access to a hidden power that is found when and individual comes to the full realization of how words do become reality.

Whatever a person can conceive they can achieve. We see this inspiring quote happening everyday when you witness a pregnant woman. The mere conception of that child will soon present that achievement of parenthood.

Now I want to present the data behind the creation of inspiring quotes and how the manifestation becomes reality. Inspiring quotes are nothing more than statements we have come to realize as being true.

Birds of a feather flock together. Look at any flock of any type of bird and you will notice that the same species always stick together if there are gathering or flying in unison. A fool and his money are soon parted. Think about anyone who you know of that does not seem to have the common sense needed to govern themselves let alone their money. They are the ones always claiming how much better their life would be if they had money and then you watch them loose it the very moment an opportunity presents itself to gain a little.

If you continue to search the inspiring quotes that you have stored in your memory you will notice a common theme. The one thing they all have in common is that you believe them to be true due to the evidence having already presented itself in your life.

We memorize inspiring quotes that we know to be true in our lives and that is a very big deal in your development of self. If you take the time to sit still and write down all the inspiring quotes that you have committed to your memory this will give you a perfect indication of what you believe for your own life and development.

I sat here and started to think about all the inspiring quotes I knew and the one thing they all had in common is they spoke to positive thinking and the hope that anything is possible in my life. This makes perfect sense because my life is centered on positive quotes and words that inspire people.

You may find that your inspiring quotes are geared towards negative outcomes. This is great news because it will allow you to finally understand and see why the good things you have been wanting in your life keep eluding you. Your inspiring quotes are connected to your subconscious mind and that is the "soil" by which all your seeds of thought are planted.

You may have a seed of an inspiring quote that states that you are too blessed to be stressed. Now this is great, however if your subconscious soil has been prepped to receive only seeds stating that stress is inescapable and a part of life, which do you think will win out and grow strong?

A seed cannot grow without proper soil, so it is not enough to have a host of seeds of inspiring quotes if the ground will not allow them to germinate and grow properly. You must take time to prepare your soil and once that has been establish you can plant those seeds of inspiring quotes.

If you have ever tried to remove weeds from a garden or lawn you will soon realize that this seems like a never ending battle that you just cannot seem to win. It may take several days to months to clear the garden or lawn completely of weeds and then the maintenance must be continued or you will find yourself over taken once again.

You must be just as vigilant with keeping your subconscious mind clear of all things that might cause you to produce any behavior or desire contrary to what you really want out of life. Finding and planting the right inspiring quotes will help you ensure that you will continue to create a life that is full of blooming happiness and orchards of great success.

You cannot lose focus and you must always remember that as a person thinks it, so is he. If you find yourself getting discouraged or wanting to give up just remember the little engine that could...I think I can...I think I can...I think I can!

Happy Quotes to Help You Forget Your Worries

It is quite difficult to stay happy and optimistic as we face everyday problems. Good thing there are happy quotes to help us survive the growing disease around us called pessimism. Not only these famous happy quotes will boost your energy and motivation, you will also become more optimistic about your relationships, work, family and life in general.

Happy quotes remind us to take time to enjoy the world that we're in before it's too late. Sometimes we get caught up in the rat race and forget to stop and smell the roses.

Studies show that becoming an optimist will make you a less prone depression or anxiety, be more successful, and a lot healthier both physically and mentally.

These happy quotes from the likes of Gandhi, Dalai Lama, and other famous people will refresh your determination and drive to stay positive and succeed in your goals. Here are 10 famous happy quotes that will surely open up your mind and heart:

"Happiness is not a goal; it is a by - product." (Eleanor Roosevelt)

"Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it." (Fyodor Dostoevsky)

"Don't rely on someone else for your happiness and self worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can't love and respect yourself - no one else will be able to make that happen. Accept who you are - completely; the good and the bad - and make changes as YOU see fit - not because you think someone else wants you to be different." (Stacey Charter)

"If you want to be happy, be." (Leo Tolstoy)

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up." (Mark Twain)

"Nothing can bring you happiness but yourself." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

"Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you." (Nathaniel Hawthorne)

"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." (Dalai Lama)

"Happiness is a Swedish sunset; it is there for all, but most of us look the other way and lose it." (Mark Twain)

"The world is full of people looking for spectacular happiness while they snub contentment." (Doug Larson)

If you surround yourself with inspiring happy quotes like the ones written above then having a better attitude will soon come naturally. These act as your shield against the negative news out there. With better attitude you will feel like you're ready to face the world bravely.

Reading these happy quotes is just the first step on becoming optimistic. The most important thing is you apply these insights to your personal life and affect the people around you.

Top Ten Non-Drug Treatments For Depression

Many of my patients do not want to take medication and I support their efforts to find a holistic solution. Here are my top recommendations:

1) Exercise: Believe it or not, exercise has been found to be the most effective treatment for depression. Of course, that's the last thing you feel like doing when you're feeling down. The minimum recommendation is 3 times per week for 20 minutes. More is better.

2) Weekly Psychotherapy: Long standing issues, family and cultural programming, habits of mind - these are just some of the issues that might be at cause. Depression is a sign that something in your life is not right. Get some help to deal with it.

3) Check your pleasures: Coffee, alcohol, sugar, and recreational drugs can lead to mood disorders. Even moderate use can be too much for depressed persons. Observe how your moods go up and down with use.

4) Supplements: All people suffering from depression should be taking Fish Oil for Omega-3 Fatty Acids daily. There is also compelling research on the use of Amino Acids, Sam-E, St. John's Wort, DHEA, and B vitamins. Read up and experiment.

5) Sunlight: It helps to get direct sun exposure every day if possible. If not available, a light box can bring a lot of relief. You can easily get your dose of light by sitting in front of one for 15 minutes a day. Light boxes are great.

6) Regular human contact: Many people are depressed because they are too isolated. We are social animals. Go to and find some people who enjoy the same things you do.

7) Challenge your thinking: Depressed people have depressed thoughts. A book that can be really helpful with this is Feeling Good by Dr. David Burns

8) Good nutrition: The way we eat may have a lot to do with fostering depression. Check out The Mood Cure by Julia Ross, Potatoes Not Prozac by Kathleen DesMaisons, and Seven Weeks to Sobriety by Joan Matthews Larson.

9) Yoga and Meditation: These are recommended for mild to moderate depression only. Severely depressed people need to become more active and outer focused.

10) Are you living your right life? Sometimes depression is an indication that things need changing. Sometimes drastically. Do an inventory of your life.

If these treatments have been tried and there is no change in a month, it is recommended get a full evaluation by a healthcare provider. It is important to rule out a medical condition such as low thyroid which would cause depressive symptoms.

Many people consider taking antidepressants a sign of weakness. It is not, any more than it is weak for a diabetic to take insulin. Depression is one of the most debilitating illnesses, with many people dying from it each year. It does not make you a better person to endure needless suffering.

© Catherine Auman 2009

Can Sound Healing Ease Depression?

Understand Your Depression Symptoms

Feeling sad, unhappy, or down every once in a while is a normal part of life; we live in a demanding, fast paced and stressful time, and we often cope with little or no family or social support. The realities of life can be depressing, but when mild depression doesn't go away, you may be suffering from a deeper state of depression. Knowing the symptoms of depression can help you make intelligent choices in choosing depression self help books, treating depression without medication, or in seeking professional help and anti-depressant medication.

Emotional Depression Symptoms

* Changes in appetite
* Irritable or short temper
* Insomnia, or sleeping too much
* You can't control negative thoughts
* Thoughts that life is not worth living
* Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
* You can't concentrate, or find easy tasks difficult

Physical Symptoms of Depression

* Back Pain
* Headaches
* Digestive problems
* Fatigue and exhaustion
* Muscle aches and joint pain
* Dizziness or light headedness

How Can Sound Healing Ease Depression Symptoms?

The symptoms of depression are wired by the nervous system into the brain; individuals with clinical depression often have over active right brain hemispheres. By using binaural beat sound, brain wave activity can be brought into balance, and symptoms of depression reduced. Those suffering depression often have too much "slow wave" brain activity, such as Theta or Alpha. Increasing faster brain wave frequencies, such as Gamma and Beta, can reduce symptoms of depression.

Binaural beat sound therapy can be used to "entrain" the brain waves, which means brainwaves will start to resonate at the same frequency as the binaural beat. Brainwave entrainment can change brain wave patterns temporarily, which has been shown to have a profound effect; it's been shown that binaural beats are very effective for meditative states. This is a breakthrough for anyone wants to relax or meditate, but did not have the time, or teacher. This type of meditation can balance your brainwaves and reduce your depression symptoms, and leave you feeling calm, centered and less depressed, day after day.

When to Seek A Professional for Depression Symptoms

Sound healing sound and depression self help books and supplements can be very useful, but if your depression is causing extreme symptoms, disrupting your daily routine, friends or family, then seek professional help. If you are have thoughts of suicide, please seek professional help immediately!

If you have physical symptoms of depression, get a medical checkup. Your doctor can evaluate if your depression is caused by a medical condition. Many drugs and supplements can cause depression symptoms, so tell your doctor about any over the counter medications, herbal remedies, vitamins, recreational drugs or prescriptions you are using.

If your doctor rules out a medical cause, the next step is to seek out a therapist with experience treating depression. The therapist will work with you to determine the underlying cause of your depression, and help you to cope and overcome it.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Short Quotes - A Torch Towards Success

Life contains many ups and downs. There are so many hindrances, which come in a way, while running towards success. Sometimes we become too frustrated that mind gets block and only negative thoughts come out. At that worst time of life, something needs that gives a ray to live life. Short quotes are best way to inspire and motivate to fight the difficult time.

It helps to triumph over the calamity. It brings optimistic thoughts to us. A quote contains the wise statements of experienced people who faced many troubles in their life but still moved on with determination. They moved heaven and earth to reach their goals. There are so many great people like mother Teresa, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi etc, who are legends in their self. They made an example of hard work, leadership, creativity and change their fortune.

Quotes motivate us and throw light on the qualities which are essential for successful life. In the ups and downs of life, human mind feels very exhausted. In struggle of life, depression comes. Depression is the stage, when human being feels so gloomy. At that time reading quotes gives a new inspiration to life. It gives new energy and power to bounce back. It makes the point of 'never give up statement' and work like a tonic for human life.

For example the statement, "There is no road to success, but though clear strong will power", point out the Success through strong will power. We can not achieve our goals until we move forward with strong will power and confidence. The life is all about learning. There is no age of learning. Do the work with all your power and energy with confident on yourself. Undoubtedly success will fall on in your hand. For those that enjoy kayaking will double their enjoyment by purchasing a clear bottom inflatable kayak. Here are few tips to help guide you on your purchase of a transparent bottom kayak.

Nervous, Mental or Emotional Breakdown

The Soul of Soulwork is integrity - a joyful expression of life that brings insight and understanding. Do you want to coach people to untangle difficult relationships and find emotional maturity.

What happens in a Mental Breakdown?

A nervous, mental or emotional breakdown may include a temporary collapse or disintegration of personality. This may involve an inability to function, depression, loss of contact with reality, manic episodes, anxiety and / or panic attacks.

A nervous breakdown can be disturbing, disorienting and frightening. It may come suddenly or last for several years. Depression, confusion or anxiety may accompany a feeling that you are out of control.
Nervous, mental or emotional breakdowns are lay terms. Nerves and emotions don't break down; these terms imply an emotional or mental collapse or a feeling of approaching collapse. These terms often refer to people who tried to hide unpleasant emotions, and finally let them out.

Warning Signs of Nervous Breakdown

Some warning signs can alert you that someone might be experiencing an emotional or relationship crisis. That person may need immediate help or attention.

a person cannot cope with daily chores and responsibilities

a person's words make no sense (word salad)

a person threatens or tries to harm someone

a person threatens or tries to harm self

a person seems to see, hear, smell, taste, or feel things that do not exist

a person becomes destructive to possessions, home and relationships

If you see any of these signs, perhaps call a crisis help line or other source for help and information. Many cities have a suicide hotline or crisis hotline. In smaller towns, a hospital or medical center may help you decide how serious the signs are, and what you can do to help.

Stress & Emotional Breakdowns

Anxiety, stress and depression can occur when we suppress spontaneous reactions. They may occur when you feel that we have no choices. Under lasting stress you may feel on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

You may want to react to stressful situations by either getting away from the situation or fighting back. You cannot always do this. If you cannot run away or fight back, you might force yourself to stay. Your stress builds up.

The same thing might happen at home, or in your close relationships. You can change your relationships or learn to cope with stress. Either can keep you from feeling overwhelmed.

You can eat healthier. You can exercise for about half hour at least 3 times a week. You can get enough sleep. You can avoid alcohol and illegal drugs. You can take a vacation. You can learn how to relax. You can build and enjoy better relationships.

Coping with stress means learning how to communicate better. Reading about or taking classes in communication may help. Systemic coaching can help you recognize and change long-term relationship habits and complex relationship problems.

Personalities that Break Down

People who do break down often seem to be either people pleasing and/or super-responsible. A People Pleaser may focus on being nice and not offending anyone. A super-responsible person may be seen as a control-freak, a perfectionist or workaholic. There are better solutions ... systemic solutions.

Rebuilding Identity in Chaos

When a personality mask finally breaks down, a healthier identity can emerge. This emergence can be painful and haphazard during stress, or gently self-controlled during chaos coaching.

Lasting Solutions for Anxiety, Stress and Depression

What causes breakdowns?

Do illnesses cause breakdowns? Perhaps sometimes, although few people who become ill experience mental breakdown.

Do traumatic experiences cause breakdowns? Perhaps sometimes, although few people break down in trauma, even those who suffer extreme trauma.

Do genetic factors cause break downs? Rather than genetics, behavior copied from suffering family members is the only known link to inherited disposition to stressful illness.

Do depleted levels of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) cause breakdowns? Perhaps, although low levels of neurotransmitters are more likely a symptom than a cause of breakdowns.

Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals which help regulate moods. To boost these levels, you can change your behavior or take drugs. The easier route (and much more profitable for health professionals) is that you take prescription medication - and support a $12 billion drug industry.

About 70% of people who take antidepressants will experience mental breakdown if they stop taking the drugs. Antidepressants treat a symptom - low levels of neurotransmitters in your brain.

What is the root cause of mental breakdown? The main difference between people who experience a breakdown and those who don't may be the unpleasant emotions resulting from poor relationships.

To control anxiety, stress and depression, why not learn from people who don't become anxious, depressed or stressed? Such people very often enjoy satisfying relationships. Get systemic coaching.

Consult a physician about any opinions about nervous or other breakdowns, or other medical symptoms or other medical conditions.

Do you want effective relationship coaching or systemic coach training? Do you want to coach individuals, partners and teams to resolve complex relationship challenges? Contact us.

Is There a Link Between Acid Reflux and Depression?

I've been fortunate to hear from some of you first hand to tell me of your experience with acid reflux.

With any chronic condition such as heartburn can be, one tends to notice themes when reading through client correspondence. One in particular is the accompanying depression symptoms that accompany chronic acid reflux.

In this the liquid or food omes up from the stomach and enters into esophagus and this creates pain and heartburn.Reflux is also known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

The lower esophageal sphincter (LED) muscles are responsible for closing and opening the esophagus. These muscles act as a valve and when working properly, prevent food and liquids from the stomach from coming back up into the esophagus.

Some sufferers experience chronic reflux disease but do not suffer from heartburn. They report pain in the chest, hoarse throat, dry cough, bad breath and difficulty swallowing.

It does not only bring pain, in long term it can lead to erosion of tooth enamel, cancer, throat damage and respiratory damage. People who suffer at least two per week are considered that they suffer from chronic acid reflux.

Comparing to other chronic problems of reflux, people with chronic GERD have thirty percent extra chance of developing depression when only ten percentage of people suffering otherwise.

It seems that each condition feeds the other. Because of fear of symptoms of acid reflux, people tend not to go out to eat, or socialize as much with friends which can lead to a "shut in" feeling.

Additionally, people often put off doing things they really enjoy because they are spending all their time trying to think up ways to manage their conditions.

As ironic as it seems, some people's unhealthy lifestyles can lead to depression on their own or be exacerbated by GERD. Take alcohol consumption for example. This is a depressive drug to begin with and can trigger acid reflux.

Even if you do not experience depression from your acid reflux condition I would recommend you to try the natural reflux programs. They come with proven results and with no side effects.


The Benefits of Fish Oil For Depression and Anxiety

Omega 3 fatty acids found in oil from fish can help with a variety of health issues relating to depression and anxiety. This is because the Omega fish oil can act as a mood stabilizer. How can this be?

More than half of the human brain's dry weight comes from different types of fat. One type of fat found in the human brain is Omega 3 fatty acid. These fatty acids play a key role in forming cell membranes. They also help to keep the membranes flexible, as well as regulate hormone flow and the flow of chemical messengers. The hormones and chemical messengers could affect your mood.

When your body is deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids, the flow of hormones and chemical messengers can be affected. Could adding Omega fish oil into your daily diet bring your mood back into balance? Studies are still being done to prove this theory; however, the studies are looking very promising.

What do the Researchers say about Depression?

There have been some positive results in smaller clinical trials where Omega 3s were being tested on depression. These studies did show significant anti-depressant effects; however, there needs to be much larger studies done to truly prove that these supplements can help.

What do Researchers say about Bipolar Disorder?

Research has also been done on Omega fish oil and bipolar disorder. There are some promising results for people suffering from this disorder. In one particular double-blind placebo-controlled study, one set of people were taking a placebo of olive oil and the other set of people were taking 10 grams of fish oil.

In the fish oil group, a remarkable 11 out of 14 reported less symptoms of depression. Only two of the 14 had manic episodes. In the other group, only 3 out of 16 people reported they felt better and nine out of 16 had major attacks.

Since further studies need to be conducted on a larger scale, researchers do feel the studies that have been conducted are going in a positive direction; however, they will not recommend that you completely replace other forms of medications with oil from fish. But, they are saying that it could be taken in conjunction with traditional mood-stabilizing medications. Remember, it is imperative that you do not change your medication or add Omega fish oil unless you talk with your doctor.

Why not just Eat Fish?

Fish can be contaminated with mercury. Eating too much fish can be unhealthy because of this mercury. In order to eat enough fish to actually stabilize your moods, you would have to eat six to 32 cans of tuna per day. This is not only unappealing to your stomach, but can contaminate your body with small amounts of heavy metals. Instead, simply add in Omega fish oil supplements to your diet.

Not all Fish Oil Supplements are Created Equal

Many store brand supplements contain high levels of mercury. It is important to know where the fish in your fish oil comes from. The best sources for fish oil include: salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies, and other cold-water fish. Stay away from cod liver oil or other oil that is made from fish liver. This could increase the risk of vitamin A or D toxicity.

What Are Some Effective Ways to Manage Low Level Depression?

Low level depression, while usually not disabling, can still make it difficult to function effectively in family and professional life. It also can drain the life out of activities that normally are a major source of enjoyment for you. Even though you may want to get back to your normal self as soon as possible, prescription medications may not be the best solution.

Many times, mild depression can often be successfully self-managed. Depression treatment without drugs can involve many different approaches. Natural remedies and herbs for depression can help you feel more motivated to try new things and make positive life changes that you really want.

It's not a good idea to ignore symptoms of low level depression. By paying attention to symptoms and identifying possible issues, simple solutions can often present themselves. Sometimes it may help to "talk it out" with a trusted friend or relative.

Self help groups are another option for support. When you're feeling down emotionally, it's common to have thoughts like, "there must be something wrong with me", or, everyone's happy and having fun but me", etc. Finding a self help group of people facing challenges similar to your own can help break through the feelings of isolation that come with depression.

Depending on the severity of your symptoms, you can also pursue counseling for professional guidance and help with developing a personalized set of tools that can help with your specific issues.

Depression and the Mind-Body Connection

Because depression can involve such strong emotions, it's easy to overlook that symptoms of low level depression may also be caused by a mixture of physical and psychological issues. Physical illnesses involving low-level infections or even side effects from OTC or prescription medications can contribute to low feelings.

A holistic approach for depression treatment without drugs can include addressing physical issues that may be contributing to symptoms. If you haven't had a complete physical examination for a while, it may be a good idea.

Diet adjustments are another approach that is used frequently by natural health care providers. Some have discovered that the often recommended low fat, high carb diet does not suit them. Blood sugar fluctuations (hypoglycemia) can be involved in depressive feelings as well as low energy and fatigue.

An example of one diet alternative is the Zone, developed by Dr. Barry Sears. The Zone diet advocates balanced amounts of carbohydrates, protein and specific kinds of "healthy fats". This type of diet can also help address the issue of food sensitivities or allergies, which, in some cases, have been found to play a part in emotional and physical depression symptoms.

Natural remedies and herbs for depression

Many have found that dietary supplements and herbal remedies can be effective in easing symptoms of mild depression, especially when combined with some of the tactics already mentioned.

St John's wort is an herb you've most likely heard about. It's been studied in research trials probably more than any other herb or nutrient. It is also the most prescribed natural depression remedy.

Some other supplements that are often recommended for depression are the amino acids 5 HTP and D-Phenylalanine. Omega-3 supplementation has been found to be beneficial for certain types of depression. Omega-3 oils like flax, borage and fish oil are healthy fats that research has shown are necessary for replenishing brain cells and neurons. These are the healthy fats that are often missing in the typical low fat, high carb diet.

These are a few ideas for self-management of low level depression. Everyone is different and the only way to know what will work for you is to try them. They are safe and usually without significant side effects.