Saturday, June 14, 2014

Relationship Depression and How to Deal With It

If your relationship is starting to exhibit signs of problems after you have been together for a while, you could very well show signs of depression. If you have recently broken up with your boyfriend you can develop relationship depression and also show signs after you have gotten back together.

Of course you will wonder why you are depressed when your supposed to be happy that you have reunited with your ex boyfriend. What it could be is the feelings you still have from the bad experience that led up to the break up, these feelings may take awhile to fade away.

You probably experienced some intense emotional times leading up to your break up but now that the two of you are back together and you still feel sad when you should be happy. Why is it you are still experiencing this relationship depression?

The reasons for the bad times you had are still fresh on your mind. If your boyfriend had cheated on you, your trust in him has been lost. Even though the two of you are back together you still have those feelings of him cheating that will not go away.

You probably think if he cheated once he could do it again which itself could lead you to depression worrying over it. If someone has hurt you it is not easy to stay with them wondering when something will happen again. His getting back with you has put you in a position of possibly being hurt again and it is eating away at you.

Let's say you cheated on your partner. If they forgave you the chance is you will feel guilty about what you did. In some cases this can lead to relationship depression. You realize how much they must love you to forgive you and how much you have hurt them.

Your partner will have lost their trust in you. You could feel like your partner is watching your every move and asking a lot of questions because they have not rebuilt their trust in yet. You may never cheat on someone again but this does not make it better, you can still be depressed thinking about how you hurt someone.

Whatever the reason is that you broke up with your boyfriend or was on the verge of it, your life had reached a new low when considering breaking up. This is a difficult situation for almost everybody and if you get back together you cold still worry about repeating that situation.

Are You Tired, Irritable or Depressed?

According to 1994 studies, 15% of the U.S. adult population is iodine deficient. So can you imagine how much that percentage has climbed today? Even at 15% that means 1 out of 7 patients that walk into a physician's office is deficient yet medical doctors aren't ordering Urine I levels, even in goiter and hypothyroidism patients. In fact, most of my clients that have been determined "iodine deficient" were told by their MDs that their thyroid levels T3/T4 were fine. Yet, they had classic symptoms of thyroid disorders. Evidence proves that iodine deficiency predisposes a person to fibrocystic disease in the breast and breast cancer.

So, if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

weight gain
dry hair/skin
hair loss
cold intolerance
muscle cramps
memory loss
abnormal menstrual cycles
decrease libido

Consider iodine testing today! 1 Year ago I lost my mother unexpectedly to Hashimoto's disease, a thyroid disorder that went undetected. It's my passion to get the word out and help save lives!!


The iodine test I spoke about above is simple. We drop ship a 24-hour urine collection kit to your house. We ask that you avoid shellfish, excessive salt intake or any other high iodine level foods. At the beginning of your collection day we ask that you take an enclosed Iodoral tablet (a blend of iodine/potassium specially formulated). At the end of your 24-hour collection, you send the kit back to the Lab in the enclosed prepaid packaging. Test results are forwarded to me within approximately 5-7 business days where we then go over your labs and based on our findings, we provide a slow load of Iodoral that custom fits your needs.

The following positive improvements have been reported:

increase in energy
Increase in optimism
weight loss
Improved memory

I will testify that I am a "product of the product." My 40 pound weight loss and final life transformation is attributed to iodine testing which I talk about further in my book, "True Confessions of the Heart." For years I was trying to figure out why I couldn't lose weight. I worked out, got plenty of sleep and ate healthy yet, I couldn't lose weight. After being tested and confirmed that I was iodine deficient, I started to consume Iodoral. I have never felt better. The weight came off easier than I expected and I have kept it off for over a year. My energy level is high and I am more focused. So, if you wish to read my story, click on the Amazon link below.

Depression - Brief Definition

Depression can be defined as a mental state that is characterized by an attitude that is pessimistic and melancholic with a lack of mental and physical activity. When a person suffers from depression, there is a reduced amount of neurotransmitters located in the parts of the central nervous system of a person.

The depression also implies that the nervous system does not function properly due to this stimulation from neurotransmitters. With the deficiency serotonin and adrenalin, the nerve cells that send impulses to the other nerve cells, there is reduced activity in the brain that causes slowness in certain parts of the brain and this leads to depression.

The depression also relates to the deficiency of gamma amino butyric acid or GABA. When there is a reduced amount or lack of GABA in the brain, there is a slow response of some nerve impulses that result in anxiety and panic response. There are also other different types of depressive mechanisms that are involved in the process. They vary from person to person and they also influence the nature and the severity of depression.

The depression and its effects should be addressed at the earliest when the symptoms are experienced in a person. A depressed person does not have an interest in normal activities and tends to shun all kinds of social interaction. There is loss of sleep and appetite. The person desires to be left alone and isolated. There are negative emotions and an intense pessimism towards life and people.

There is a tendency to feel that the person is hopeless and does not have the desire to live. The depression definition can also induce a person to self injury and suicide. There are both natural and medical cures and remedies for depression and once a person falls prey to it, he/she should resort to them immediately.

Life Quotes to Revolutionize Your Life - Top 10 Ways Quotes Will Improve You

A few well chosen words can completely change your life for the better. Life Quotes are hugely popular today, because people are searching for answers and meaning to modern living. Not only do they bring you the wisdom of the ages and sages, but they can revolutionize your whole perspective on life.

Here are the Top 10 ways that reading Life Quotes will benefit you:

1 - Motivate and Energize - Do you have personal or professional goals you want to reach? Then you need something to inspire you. Life quotations can help awaken the sleeping giant inside and speed you to your destination.

2 - Your Child's True Potential - Inspire your child to reach their true potential by sharing great quotes with them. They can teach skills that make their journey to adulthood smoother and more rewarding.

3 - Relieve Stress - Stress is one of the top killers today. It can seriously damage your mental and physical health. Avoid it, get your priorities right and practise the wisdom of the greatest life sayings.

4 - Improve Conversation - Spice up your communication and conversation skills. Never be lost for words. Sound intelligent and interesting, with a few powerful quotes.

5 - Create a Smile - Become one of the most popular people in your group by bringing a smile to people's faces. Brighten up someone's day with a funny quote from life.

6 - The Meaning of Life - What's life really all about? Insightful quotations can help us understand the true meaning of life, so that we can appreciate and enjoy it all the more.

7 - Improve Grades - If you are a student looking to better your grades, why not consider using some good quotes in your next essay or assignment. It shows good research, and adds impact.

8 - Ease Depression - An inspirational quote a day is a great prescription for beating the blues.

9 - Impress Colleagues - The ability to use a brilliant quote will make you an instant hit with friends, and colleagues at the next office party.

10 - Improve Relationships - When you are away from someone you care about, why not send them a good quote. You can email, text or write it in a letter. They will appreciate you for it.

How to Cure the 5 Types of Depression

The most effective way to cure depression is to know exactly what type of depression a patient has because there are about 5 types. They are:

Major Depression Manic Depression (Also known as Bipolar Disorder) Dysthymia Postpartum Depression Seasonal Affective Disorder

Major depression has symptoms that are severe enough to last six months or longer if left untreated. If left untreated, it can have a major impact on the life of the sufferer.

Manic Depression also known as bipolar disorder can cause a sufferer to experience extremes that can range between a prolonged period of intense hyperactivity and devastating lows of inactivity.

Dysthymia is not as bad as major depression but it does have symptoms that can make it difficult for a sufferer to function normally.

Postpartum Depression is a debilitating emotional condition that affects many mothers after they give birth. It is a type of depression that is caused due to the lack of sunlight during autumn and winter. Sufferer normally feels better by spring and summer.

All the 5 types can be cured and many sufferers have overcome then, even major depression. Remember that any type of medical approach to depression has to depend on what type of depression a person is suffering from.

One example is if a person has a seasonal affective disorder, obviously then, the approach to curing that will be different to how to cure major depression. If a person does have seasonal affective disorder, it may simply require that the person get more exercise and remain outdoor for a little while longer than normal.

But whatever the case, you can overcome depression and get your life back.

Friday, June 13, 2014

What Is CBT?

What is CBT?
CBT, or cognitive behavioural therapy is a psychotherapeutic e.g. (treatment) approach to helping people fix emotional, cognitive and behavioural dysfunctions. A trained medical professional helps a patient to restore their quality of life using CBT, to change a patients thought processes, coping responses and behaviours.

How does CBT work?
CBT works by replacing undesirable thinking patterns with patterns of thinking that help the individual to cope with their problems. Thinking patterns such as over generalisation, magnifying negative thinking, and minimising positives are all examples of destructive thought patterns.

What techniques does CBT use:
CBT practitioners use a number of techniques:
Exposure and response reduction therapy - exposure to a stressor such as dirt in an individual that fears dirt, and then helping them to manage that stress response. This is relevant to people with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Stress inoculation (meaning that the individual is more resilient to stress)
Cognitive therapy (therapy aimed at memory, thinking skills, problem solving and decision making)
Acceptance and commitment therapy

The process of undertaking CBT:
1. Assessment - A qualified medical professional prescribes an examination to determine the best treatment plan.
2. Conceptualisation - re-framing the problem issues in a different way.
3. Learning new skills such as self-talk, exposure response, relaxation techniques and minimising negative thinking.
4. Skills consolidation and application training - Learning to apply the skills in practise and then using them in the real world. E.g.: talking to a stranger or attending a social event.
5. Generalisation and maintenance
6. Post-treatment assessment follow-up

What disorders does CBT treat?
Depression, anxiety, body issues, mood, personality and psychotic disorders, eating disorders, personality disorders, psychosis, substance abuse, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post traumatic stress disorder.

Who would benefit from CBT?
All people of different races, genders and ages can benefit from CBT.

How does CBT relate to depression
CBT is one of a number of effective treatments for clinical depression. It is used to change the negative views that depressed individuals have created for themselves during childhood as a response to stressful life events. These individuals benefit greatly from CBT, because it addresses these negative mechanisms and helps to adjust the thinking so that patient can return to healthy, positive and adaptive thinking.

CBT and anxiety disorders
CBT has been widely documented to help all anxiety disorders.

What happens during CBT?
CBT is undertaken with the help of a qualified medical professional such as a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist.

Why should you use CBT?
CBT is an approach to restoring people to positive psychological states of well-being. The obvious benefit of doing this is the restored quality of life that will be enjoyed by the individual seeking treatment. Quality of life will be reflected in improved self-esteem, less stress, better coping mechanisms, improved social skills and better work performance.

When is the best time to use CBT?
CBT can be used at any time that symptoms of mood disorders, personality disorders, mental illness, substance abuse or generally unwanted psychological states of distress are noticed.

CBT is a non-invasive, non-medication form of therapy that aims to help an individual change negative belief systems, problem behaviours and destructive ways of dealing with mental issues. With the help of a trained medical professional, CBT can be used to help with any number of mental illnesses and help restore an individuals quality of life.

Understanding Symptoms of Manic Depression In Children

Until recently, Bipolar disorder, a serious, nevertheless treatable mental illness was rarely diagnosis in young children. The symptoms of this mental illness included extreme changes in mood, energy, thinking, and behavior. Today, doctors can recognize this illness and treat them accordingly in young children.

Also known as manic depression, bipolar disorder symptoms can appear as early as infancy stage. The signs and symptoms include an erratic sleep patterns and much difficulty settling a baby who is diagnosed later in life as having bipolar disorder. Separation anxiety or extreme tantrums and rages may have had happened in the toddler's life.

While children with bipolar disorder do not experience the same syndromes that most adults do, children with bipolar disorder still display signs and traits like changes in mood and behavior that is known to be symptoms of the disorder. Children suffering from moods swings are known as episodes and there are generally two types of episodes. Episodes of extreme elation or agitation followed by high energy are known as mania. Persistent states of extreme sadness or irritability followed by low energy are known as depression.

Unlike most adults, manic depression may seem to be different in children. Children more often suffer from an ongoing mood disturbance that is a mix of mania and depression. This rapid and severe cycling between moods produces chronic irritability and few clear periods of wellness between episodes. Rapid cycling is common among children with bipolar disorder and they may well experience several episodes of mania and depression within a single day. They may also experience mixed cycling where the symptoms of both mania and depression occur simultaneously.

It is also common to find other mental disorders to be diagnosed in bipolar children. These other diagnoses may be in addition to the bipolar disorder, or they may be an incorrect diagnosis of symptoms of bipolar disorder. Some of the commonly found mental disorders are Depression, ADHD (Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder), ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), schizophrenia, and Tourette syndrome.

Today, it is suspected that numerous children diagnosed with attention-deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD) actually have bipolar disorder instead of ADHD. Misdiagnosis on the doctors' part can lead to giving the wrong medication. This can be a serious mistake as it could easily trigger mania or suicidal thoughts within the children.

For some teenagers, it is found that a dearly loss or other traumatic event could trigger a first episode of depression or mania. In later stages, episodes can happen without any obvious stresses, or could even worsen if stress comes along into their life. Puberty is also a time of risk. In girls, the beginning of menstruation may trigger the illness, and symptoms often vary in severity with the monthly cycle.

Early intervention and treatment is the best bet to help young children recover from bipolar disorder. It is also the best chance for them to achieve stability and grow up to enjoy their life thereafter. Effective treatment should be soughed out as fast as possible to control the symptoms and to diminish the negative effects of the illness on their young lives and those who love them so dearly.