Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tip to Prevent Adolescence Suicide - Third Factors Part - 9

"Decision to commit suicide of a teenager is so momentous that he, even himself gets astonished if survived after a failed suicide attempt" My dear Ezine readers, I am indeed very grateful to all of you for the encouragement you have given to me in preventing Adolescence Suicide a worldwide endeavor. My attempt in saving our promising, potential, keen, aficionado and enthusiast teenagers really deserve the best of comforts, guidance and support to make our planet a peaceful place. The memories of Virginia University campus macabre massacre has left every sane person shattered; but nevertheless the life goes on as usual. Once, my grandfather Sri Ramji Das Mehta said quote "life on the earth does not wait for anyone and moves with the time. Anyone, who does not move with it, is left behind; and he has wasted those many happy moments of his life" unquote. When I analyze his last words, I find that every word of his quotes is true to the last word. You will agree with me that there is another cause also which tempts a teenager to take away his life. What are these issues I would share with my esteem readers?

When I wished to launch a series of articles on the burning issue of teenager suicide, I have never imagined that we united would be able to convince our teenagers to stop ending their lives under stress. Before I progress further; I would also debate about various concerns of teenagers due to which they go astray. The Pampered Child Syndrome (PCS) is not common in modern world. Readers would share my concern that such children are often known for indiscipline and arrogant behavior. What do I really mean with PCS is that a child who is provided with all worldly comforts but fails to adjust himself with his common colleagues and classmates.

While trying to analyze and understand the true causes of external factor affecting teenagers' suicide other than parent and school, I have observed amongst parents of such teenagers three basic flows,

o My first view is that when the parents are exceptionally over committed and they find difficult to frequently share time with their wards, they often believe that their teenagers should be just contacted as and when required and not much attention is paid. Parents repeatedly overlook their teenagers various arrogant and hutted behavior. They feel that parents should provide maximum comforts to their wards while studying. I generally call it "King Comfort Clan" (KCC). There is a need for the parents to review what comfort is required; and what the bare necessities for studies are? I suggest that parents rather than fulfilling and meeting the necessities, must interact with their teenagers to become adaptable in the society. Over 42% teenagers from High Income Groups and Middle Income Groups (HIG/MIG) come from such background. Even sometimes single child amongst Hindus have enough coddled the child to blight his/her future. The parents need to be guided to manage time and space well to share their wards joyous moment and support stressful time.

o The second important facet is the Blind Provisioning of Requirement (BPR) of teenagers by some parents. The BPR should be carefully weighed before fulfilling their teenagers' demands. Some times I have observed that parents fulfill the demand without judiciously analyzing the need. I would say the need and demand of teenagers has to be weighed against his Choice of Preferences Career (CPC) as debated earlier. Every parent has the wisdom to take premeditated steps in guiding their teenagers' future. I suggest that parents should be alive to the environmental changes around their teenagers to take preventive measure in case of stress and strain is developed. The blind provisioning of needs often spoils the child at the later age. I identify the BPR as one of the most important cause of Teenagers and Adolescence Suicide (TAAS).

o My third perception is to debate about the reality of money in present environment. Some parents weigh everything with the money. I have termed it as "Money Mended Parents" (MMP). Parents, irrespective of the needs and requirements of their teenagers in schools, do shelve out money to their teenagers just to make them happier; but actually they have unintentionally paved the way for insolvent wards in long run. Such parents believe that every thing can be weighed with the money. Their perception is imbibed by their wards and exhibited at various occasion to assert their position with respect to other teenagers. teenager and I have observed that on as now discuss a few issues which are neither

After prolonged study on various suicide cases I have concluded that the "Decision to commit suicide of a teenager is so momentous that he, even himself gets astonished if survived after a failed suicide attempt". Some of the teenagers have revealed that before making a Suicidal Attempt (SA) they have believed that:

· One; the life is useless and I am relieving myself from the miseries of world;

· Two; they feel themselves so helpless that they cannot achieve what they wanted; therefore, they must end their life. Such incidences take place with Highly Ambitious Parents (HAP).

· Three; often they move around aimlessly for sometimes before an SA;

· Four; normally either they become silent and secluded or very violent and arrogant from others while trying to conceal their intention;

· Five; exhibit very tense and worrisome facial expression one or two days before the SA;

· Six; often hint using threatening languages to end his/her life; and when parents take it as a joke, they commit suicide due to frustration. I have studied that a teenager would exhibit his intention very clearly to his parents before making a SA. He would surely dramatize his intention by words, deeds or action.

· Seven; would exhibit sense of dejection and fruitless life. Such teenagers often begin to talk about the wasteful life and measures to free from worldly miseries.

· Eight; generally acts in a manner to draw attention of his parents or someone he loves most. He would call and try to ascertain his position in his beloved people's heart. Often he/she would say quote "how would you feel if I die" and so on.

· Ninth; the sense of hatred reaches the zenith of such teenagers' temperament. They repeatedly begin to talk about the person whom they dislike or had some problem. The abusive language should a clear indication to monitor their teenagers activities to avoid SA;

· Tenth; I have also observed that some teenagers try to clear all their financial dues if any they had. They would reply very casually but clearly indicating their intention such as "I may not live longer to repay", "who has seen future", or "how do you know, who is alive tomorrow" and so on.

The above activities of teenagers though engender doubts in the mind of all but

parents seldom take it seriously. The theory of Third Suicidal Factors amongst teenagers goes to Sri Jagan Nath BA and Srimati Devki Devi who had always kept watch in my village to prevent such suicides. What are Third Suicidal Factors and how it influences teenagers to commit suicide?

I defined the Third Suicidal Factor (TSF) as creation of adverse circumstances around a teenager's environment which affects his customary behavior while performing studies at school". The TSF are found out to be quite high amongst my pampered teenagers and some fatherless teenagers in third world and Asian countries. Though some odd cases can not be ruled out in European and American countries but by and large percentage is far higher in Asian countries. I would now discuss as to what are these TSF?

· One; the first and foremost TSF is the Ambitions. The over, super and hyper Ambitious teenagers are more susceptible to exploit. They wish to succeed at all cost to fulfill their parent's dream. I have come across a girl teenager who had compromised with her teacher to get good grade in the school. She continued to top the school but when time of real test came; she failed, thus, going into severe mental stress. She ended her life with a guilty conscience left behind in the suicide note. I suggest that parents should share their mind repeatedly with their teenagers that whatsoever they achieve with hard work are acceptable to them; therefore, the teenagers should work hard.

· Second the next important TSF is the friendship and group of teenager. I have personally seen a teenager becoming druggist and going astray. They indulge in unwanted sex at premature age, thus, losing vital body energy at very tender age. An old Indian saying, that chameleon changes color on seeing other chameleon" proofs true. The teenagers follow the society as per his friends circle. Generally teenagers of BPR and MMP become victim of such bad society. The latest Rap party of Pune in India where police have caught over two hundred adults and teenagers using drugs and liquor. A few teenagers from Low Income Group (LIG) usually get fascinated and trapped to ultimately either commit suicide or become criminals. I suggest that parents must maintain a working school schedule for their wards on monthly basis and one of the parents must routinely follow the schedule not to spy but to check teenager erroneous steps.

· Third, another TSF issue is the Money. Some of the teenagers get involved in earning easy money to have comfortable but unaffordable life style of riches. Such teenagers follow illegal course and often end up in committing suicide. The modern lifestyle has drifted many brilliant students towards criminality. The easy money approach made many male teenagers chain snatchers or burglars. A teenager had attempted to commit suicide due to shame and disrepute he brought to his family after police nabbed him. Despite knowing well that he was not involved but police has caught him due his unknowingly close proximity with the boy who was actually a thief. I suggest that parents should keep a time schedule of their wards and often check with school authorities about any absence of their wards from schools.

· Fourth; the most important TSF is the Improper Supervision Attitude (ISA) of parent's both at home and school which drifts their teenagers towards gambling, drugs and liquor parties. I recommend that parents should maintain continuous communication with their wards. Parents need to carryout weekly free interaction to assert their educational preparations. Any lapse of parents in Time Managing and Monitoring Schedule (TMMS) of their wards might lead into unmanageable conditions later. All parents are request to maintain Som Kalpna Time Managing and Monitoring Schedule (TMMS) chart. It is a simple chart designed with a religious symbol of your religion in the top center followed by name of ward, date of birth, class and school time table including tuition. It should be thereafter divided as, subject, time from to, break tea or lunch, games and other. At the bottom should record tuition timings, television favorite serials or film times, and minimum forty five minutes of physical exercise or game playing time. The last Coolum should always have sleep time noted as Sleep before 11 PM and rise early to study at 5 or 6 AM.

· Fifth; in addition to above a few other unforeseen TSF could be unintentional involvement in crimes or illegal activities such as copying during examinations on other student's encouragement or so on. Notwithstanding the above, my suggestion approach of RASH are

o Regularly interact and continuously monitor your teenager's time schedule but never follow;

o Avoid Pampering your child;

o Support his bad decisions, and

o Hear all problems patiently. My endeavor to debate about the Third Suicidal Factors (TSF), is to enlarge the base of educating probable couples to understand the complexities of life if teenagers fall party to any of the TSF noted above. I am very certain that a large number of teenagers would be saved from falling pray to TSF with active understanding of parents and teachers. I would analyze the common causes of suicide other than one Attitudinal Changes noted above in my attempt to unfold as to why a teenager commits suicide?

Postpartum Depression In A Nutshell

Postpartum depression, as it has traditionally been known, is now called major depressive disorder with postpartum onset. The postpartum onset specifier may also be applied to bipolar disorder (I or II) or brief psychotic disorder. Thus postpartum symptoms may appear as depression, mania, or psychosis.

The common feature is onset within four weeks of the birth of a child in women who do not have either cyclothymia or dysthymia. Postpartum mood episodes with delusions or hallucinations may be more common with a first birth, and 30% to 50% of women who have had one such episode have another with subsequent deliveries.

The symptoms of postpartum onset mood disorders and nonpostpartum mood disorders are the same. However, the course of the symptoms may vary more in postpartum depression, and the moods are frequently less stable. For a diagnosis of postpartum onset depression, a depressed mood or loss of pleasure or interest in nearly all activities must last for at least two weeks, accompanied by at least four other symptoms affecting appetite, sleep, activity level, self-concept, or thinking.

Mothers with a postpartum onset mood disorder may contemplate suicide and may be obsessed with thoughts of the new child being injured or killed. They may find it difficult to concentrate, and they may be physically agitated.

If delusions are present, as they are in as many as 1 in 500 births, they are usually about the baby. As the delusions may be that the baby is possessed by a demon or has special powers, a pastor or Christian therapist may be especially helpful. Christian counselors may be well prepared to assist women with postpartum depression who feel guilty about being depressed at a time when others are telling them that they should be happy.

New mothers who do not have a postpartum onset mood disorder may experience some of the same symptoms, but these so-called baby blues typically last for less than one week after the birth. Clinicians should consider a diagnosis of a postpartum onset mood disorder only if the symptoms (especially those of severe anxiety, repeated weeping, and lack of interest in the new baby) persist for more than one week. Lack of interest must be distinguished from lack of attention or awareness, which may indicate delirium during the postpartum period rather than depression.

Postpartum mood episodes may be severe. Especially if they are accompanied by delusions or hallucinations, they may interfere with developing a bonding relationship with the baby and may even lead the mother to attempt to kill her infant.

Many factors contribute to postpartum onset mood disorders. Physical exhaustion from the pregnancy and labor probably plays a role, as does the accompanying dehydration. Within a few days after delivery, the mother's hormone levels drop abruptly, and estrogen levels in particular have been linked to mood.

Psychological pressures on new mothers and fathers are significant. Both must cope with the physical demands of parenting, with sleep disruption increasing the difficulty. They must learn to communicate with the baby and in a new way with each other. They may be ambivalent about their new family status and roles, and the baby may bring financial and emotional pressures.

The most effective treatment appears to be postpartum counseling within a few days of the birth. Women who know that they should expect their emotions and attitudes to fluctuate for awhile can anticipate recovery in two to three weeks. Those who do not may need clinical treatment for a mood disorder.

Herbal Remedies for Depression

With the growing need to approach depression in a more natural safer way, a lot of herbal remedies for depression are now obtainable in the market as well as the internet. However, only a few of these herbal remedies for depression have actually been proven to effectively alleviate depression. The majority of medicinal herbs being marketed for depression have not been investigated at all, and even those who claim to be "scientifically proven" are most of the time supported by only one or two inadequately designed studies. However, numerous herbs have been proven to effectively relieve depression by various well-designed clinical tests. The most excellent herbal remedies for depression are those that hold these proven herbs in first-rate forms and in proper dosages.

One of the herbal remedies for depression supported by the strongest proof is St. John's Wort or Hypericum Perforatum extract. More than twenty clinical studies have showed that St. John's Wort extract pharmaceutical grade effectively eases depression. In fact, comparisons in study of the first-class St. John's Wort to prescription antidepressant medications such as Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil, show that St. John's Wort works just as well or better than the prescription drugs, but causes lesser side effects. Hence, the most effective herbal remedies for depression are those that have a full measured quantity of pharmaceutical-grade St. John's Wort extract.

Nevertheless, not all herbal remedies for depression that contains St. John's Wort extract are equal. A lot of products have a low-quality form of St. John's Wort or don't offer this herb in the full proven dosage. First-rate St. John's Wort extracts include at least three percent hyperforin, and the top pharmaceutical-grade products are standardized to a minimum of five percent hyperforin, which is the active antidepressant compound in St. John's Wort.

5-HTP or 5-hydroxytryptophan is also one of the effective herbal remedies for depression, which is a natural amino acid extracted from the Griffonia Simplicifolia plant. Doses of 150-300 mg per day, when taken alone are effective. Herbal remedies for depression that combines St. John's Wort and 5-HTP, a daily dosage of 5-HTP in 25-100 mg is sufficient. One such herbal remedy that combines the proven dose of pharmaceutical-grade St. John's Wort extract with 5-HTP, mood related nutrients, and B vitamins, is Amoryn. Amoryn is a herbal supplement that is an effective depression relief, and can be obtained without prescription.

In summary, the best herbal remedies for depression are those that contain proven ingredients in the appropriate dosages and strengths, and produced with strict quality-control procedures. However, it is suggested that anyone considering a herbal or natural approach for depression, should check with a doctor, therapist, or certified nutritional counselor before using any natural remedies for depression.

The Process of Buying Life Insurance

Whenever you are going to buy a life insurance policy for your family; you must be aware of the process involved in buying them. There may be requirements of various documents, proof of identity, proof of income and bank statements. In order to work out with an agent for buying life insurance, you must understand all of these factors and act accordingly.

The process of buying insurance involves intensive paper work and it may take weeks to get the policy at your doorstep. At many companies, face-to-face paramedical tests and examinations are required. In order to carry out the test, urine and blood samples are submitted at the mentioned labs.

There are numerous questions which will be asked during the assessment such as: health condition of family members, reasons for buying the policy, intended travel destinations, and heart and cancer history of family members. You will also be asked if you have been taking medicine for anxiety and depression.

Sometimes, the information you provide in the documents are also verified such as: your permanent address, contact details, birth date details, account details such as bank account number and name of you bank. The information is verified to check if the person is who they say they are.

The agency which you will buy the policy from will likely give your medical reports to the Medical Information Bureau which is responsible for keeping the details of the person who have applied for the insurance policies. This is the way they can track the medical details of the insured persons. The main aim of the bureau is to minimize scams and frauds. There are a lot of agents available around you and you can talk to them about various procedures and documents involved into buying life insurance. You have to be patient to get your policy.

Common Drugs of Abuse - Cut Off Concentrations and Their Detection Periods

Drug abuse is widespread and is one of the top health concerns in many countries. Drug abuse causes multiple problems for the abuser, his/her family and the immediate society. Physical and mental effects are quite obvious in the drug abuser. Drug abusers cannot function as normal citizens of the society. They neglect their families, become poor socially and economically and may also involve in crimes. It is very important to detect the drug abusers using drug tests to make them stay away from harmful drugs. Here we will look at some of the common drugs of abuse, their detection periods and cut-off concentrations in different drug testing samples.

Common Drugs of Abuse
National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) recently stated that about 22 million Americans were abusing illicit drugs in 2009. Some of the commonly used illicit and prescribed drugs are Marijuana, Methamphetamine, Phencyclidine (PCP), Cocaine and Opiates.

Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug in America with almost 16.7 million users. Marijuana is a psychoactive drug. Desired effects of marijuana include relaxation, euphoria, and hallucinations. However, Marijuana addiction leads to problems such as short-term memory impairment, red conjunctiva, and increased heart rate and blood pressure.

There were more than 500,000 methamphetamine users in America in 2009. Methamphetamine is also a stimulant that causes euphoria, mood elevation, and appetite suppression. High doses of the drug lead to restlessness, anxiety, irritability, tremors, and paranoia. It may also result in fixed and dilated pupils, and heart and brain dysfunction.

Phencyclidine (PCP):
Around 45,000 people initiated Phencyclidine in 2009. PCP, a "dissociative" drug, stimulates central nervous system. Short-term effects of PCP addiction are drowsiness, lethargy, and disorganized thoughts. PCP drug abuse causes visual, tactile, and auditory misperceptions; slurred speech; and sweating. Severe psychological effects are seen among PCP drug abusers.

There were 1.6 million Cocaine users in United States in 2009. Cocaine is a powerful nervous system stimulant. Cocaine enhances euphoria, alertness, energy and motor activity. High dosage cocaine abuse leads to convulsions, tremors and increased body temperature. Drug tests for cocaine detection check for presence of Benzoylecgonine which is the main metabolite of the drug.

Opiates including morphine, codeine, and heroin are derivatives of Opium. High dosage of Opium consumption causes depression of central nervous system leading to dizziness, lethargy, and drowsiness. Liver diseases, respiratory depression, and spontaneous abortion are caused by long-term use of Opiates. Morphine and Morphine Glucuronides are the metabolites of opiates that are detected in drug tests.

Drug detection
Urine, saliva, and hair are the common samples taken to perform a drug test in order to detect the elevate levels of the above mentioned drugs. Detection period and cut-off concentrations of various drugs vary based on the type of test. The drug cut off concentration level is defined as the minimum level of drug or metabolite concentration in the specimen, which can be considered as a positive result. Amount of drugs that can be detected is based on several factors such as drug detection time, frequency of use, metabolism, specimen type, methods of drug testing, and others.

Urine Tests
Most of the illicit drug abusers are commonly tested by using urine tests. Many urine drug test kits are available in the market for on-site tests or laboratory analysis. Urine drug tests are least expensive when compared to all other types.

The cut off level for Marijuana in urine is 50 ng/ml and can be detected between 2 to 4 days of consumption. Habitual Marijuana use can be detected up to 30 days in urine. Cut off level for Methamphetamine is 1000 ng/ml and can be detected between 3 to 5 days. PCP 25 ng/ml and detection period is 3 to 7 days. Cocaine 150 ng/ml and can be detected between 4 to 5 days. The cut-off level for opiates earlier was 300ng/ml. However, in order to reduce possibility of false positives, it is increased to 2000ng/ml. Opiates such as Heroin, Codeine or Morphine can be detected for 2-4 days.

Hair Drug Tests:
Hair drug tests are accurate and can detect any type of drugs for 90 days. A hair sample of 1.5 inches of length is enough to conduct hair drug tests.

The cut off concentrations of common drugs of abuse using hair drug tests are: Cocaine (Benzoylecgonine) - 0.5 ng/mg, Amphetamines (Amphetamine) - 0.5 ng/mg, Marijuana - 0.005 ng/mg, Opiates (Morphine) - 0.2 ng/mg, Phencyclidine (Phencyclidine) - 0.3 ng/mg.

Saliva Drug Tests:
More recent drug use can be detected by saliva drug tests. These are more expensive than urine tests and less expensive than hair tests. They are easy to use and the chances of adulteration are very less. Detection period of saliva tests is not known for some drugs. However, methamphetamine and PCP can be detected for 1-3 days.

The cutoff concentrations for the above mentioned drugs using saliva tests are Cocaine - 20 ng/ml, Amphetamines (d-Amphetamine) - 50 ng/ml, Marijuana (THC-COOH) - 12 ng/ml, Opiates (Morphine) - 40 ng/ml, Phencyclidine (Phencyclidine) - 10 ng/ml.

Whatever the test may be, the cut-off concentration is a crucial parameter to detect the presence of drugs in order to provide accurate results.

Friday, February 21, 2014

What is Manic-Depressive Disorder?

Manic-depressive disorder, also known as bipolar disorder, is a condition that describes a mood-based mental illness. It is believed to be caused by genetics as well as environmental factors. Individuals suffering from manic-depressive disorder will generally exhibit mood swings, going from an extreme manic state to a depressed state. This change can occur rapidly, known as rapid cycling, or it can be broken up by periods of normal mood. It is also possible for an individual to experience mood swings which are much milder. This is known as hypomania. While mania and depression can begin in childhood, the number of cases is very small. Most patients suffering from manic-depression are early adults to middle-aged. There are some indications that the likelihood of suffering from manic-depression decreases with age.

When going through a state of depression, an individual will exhibit feelings of sadness, anxiety and guilt. They may also exhibit physical signs like disturbances in sleeping and eating patterns, as well as fatigue and a loss of interest in activities that they enjoy. When someone enters a manic state, their mood elevates and they can become angry, irate, and overly expressive. The increased level of energy that comes with being in a manic state decreases an individual's feeling that they need sleep. The attention span of someone in a manic state is low and they get easily distracted. It also leads to a feeling of being unstoppable or being driven with extreme purpose. This, in turn, can lead to dangerous behavior like substance abuse or physical abuse.

Although there are no medical tests to diagnose bipolar disorder, tests can be done to rule out other medical illnesses. A diagnoses of manic-depressive disorder usually first occurs with family and friends. When the symptoms are noted, a doctor or nurse can examine a patient and observe them to determine if they exhibit enough symptoms. It can take years to diagnose bipolar disorder because it is similar to several other mental health conditions, and because the symptoms can appear sporadically.

Treating manic-depression revolves around two main options, psychotherapy, and pharmaceuticals. These treatments can also be used in conjunction with each other. The goal of psychotherapy is to alleviate the deep-rooted causes of manic-depression. This treatment can also help a patient to recognize signs of a bout of manic-depression, and act accordingly. The most popular pharmaceutical treatment is a mood stabilizer like lithium. However, if taken improperly, medication can lead to relapses of depression or mania, depending on which symptom they aim to treat.

Depression in Teenagers Cured By Hypnosis

Teenage depression isn't just bad moods and occasional melancholy. Depression is a serious problem that impacts every aspect of a teen's life. It can lead to problems in school, home and life in general. It can even lead to tragedy as recently have been noted in the news, teenagers who have committed suicide thought to be caused by cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is new and can spread instantly to hundreds of kids. It is like ripples in the pond and there is no real way to control it. If you are the victim of this kind of bullying you could begin to feel like the whole world is against you and find no place to turn.

If you think your teen is spending too much time on the internet or seems to be moody frequently you might look for some of these signs of depression:

Agitation & restlessness
Feelings of worthlessness and guilt
Lack of enthusiasm and motivation
Irritability, anger, or hostility
Hopelessness or sadness
Loss of interest in activities
Frequent crying
Difficulty concentrating
Fatigue or lack of energy
Withdrawal from friends and family
Changes in eating and sleeping habits
Thoughts of death or suicide

Teen years can be very challenging, but if teens have a good support system through friendships, success in school or sports activities and a good relationship with their parents, then they can develop a strong sense of self. Teen depression looks different than adult depression and because they are still discovering who they are, it can destroy their developing personality. If they are the victim of bullying whether it be on the internet or in person it can cause an overwhelming sense of sadness, despair, or anger and sometimes even suicide as has been in the press lately.

Experts say only 1 in 5 depressed teens receive help. Teenagers may be afraid to tell their parents that they are depressed or having problems at school but unfortunately they are dependent on their parents or teachers and cannot seek help on their own so most times they don't ask for it. They feel they might be letting their parents down or they wouldn't understand.

If you have an adolescent in your life, it's important to learn what teen depression looks like and what to do if you spot the warning signs.

  • They may withdraw from friendships and activities or begin to hang with a different crowd.

  • They could have irritable or angry moods, they might be grumpy or hostile or prone to angry outbursts.

  • They could have unexplained aches and pains, headaches or stomachaches.

  • They could have extreme sensitivity to criticism and they may feel worthless and rejected.

In an attempt to cope with their emotional pain, they may run away, self medicate with drugs and alcohol, become violent or have reckless behavior. Or they may go the other way and try to escape with excessive computer use and isolation. Depression can lead to grades dropping at school, poor attendance and low self-esteem. Sometimes they can even develop eating disorders or self-injury disorders.

If you suspect your teen is going through some difficult times, talk to them. Don't be afraid to express your concern. They need to know you care even if they don't respond right away. You could get help from a therapist that you trust and feel could help get your teen back on track. Make sure your teen is involved in sports or other activities that are healthy for them, maybe even volunteer work or mentor programs.

Use Effective Herbs to Reduce Depression Naturally

Depression is a common psychological disorder of the emotional balance of the person. It is thought that depression may begin because of biochemical cerebration disorder, which is inherited. People who are sick with serious somatic diseases, have a long as well very stressful time or ones who are after psychological trauma is at the risk to get ill easier.

Depression occurs more for women than for men. For example, postnatal or menopause depression may occur sometimes.

This disease has clear symptoms. The first signs are a sad, melancholic mood which lasts for long and lack of energy, also pessimism. Nothing brings happiness and joy to that person. All the things which were important and delightful before, do not seem to have a meaning anymore. The other symptom is sleep disorders; patient either may over sleep or have difficulties to fall asleep at all. Eating disorders also are a serious sign of depression. Patient cannot concentrate, feels worried most of the time, thinks about death and suicide. Have in mind, if these symptoms or a few of them lasts for more than two weeks; you should visit your doctor.

Useful herbs: First of all, if you feel the signs of depression, visit your doctor. It is a serious disease and needs to be treated in a right way, so do not wait. Usually, depression is cured with various therapies and medicines (antidepressants). Sometimes it may get into a habit, so probably you will not be able to take them for long. If you want to try something more natural, herbal remedies are the right solution, which may brighten your mood or resume the treatment.

1. Black Hellebore: It is also known as Christmas rose. Juice and rhizome are poisonous in very big quantities, so you need to use it wisely, in very little amounts. It will improve the mood and also control the mania which sometimes occurs as a symptom of one of the types of depression.

2. Ginger: If you want to feel better, try ginger as it works like an antidepressant. It has been used for long and helped many people. Just be careful, cause big amounts of ginger may cause a heartburn.

3. Siberian Ginseng: It improves the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, which are very important. Siberian ginseng is believed to improve immune system. Also it is beneficial because it improves concentration. Other things, people who are sick with diabetes can balance their sugar levels in the blood.

4. Ginkgo Biloba: Try to use this herb, it is very useful. Ginkgo biloba improves concentration, and memory. It relieves negative mood and feelings like anger, sadness, guilt, anxiety, irritation, etc. Other good things is that this herb improves blood flow in the whole body and makes a person active.

Other valuable herbs are borage, purslane, rosemary, clove, basil and others. Also try to use them for the best results.

In order not to get sick with depression; do not abuse alcohol, eat healthy food, be sure your diet is well-balanced, get enough sleep, avoid stress, be active and communicative, do the things you like, spend enough time in the open air.

Clutter Depression - How to Beat the Guilt Over Your Cluttered Home

A messy home is an extremely common problem in our country, as our consumer driven society buys more and more products to put in our homes. Guilt due to a having a cluttered home can eat you up inside, and make you feel almost paralyzed and unable to act. There are important concepts for you to realize that will equip you to start overcoming your problems. These three points will help you to bring your life into a little better focus and get a grip on your issues with clutter, helping you beat the clutter depression that has invaded your life.

  • Do not beat yourself up. Getting down on yourself is not a good way to approach this problem. It is only natural for us to tie our home to our own personal worth, it is after all it is our home.

  • You are not alone. Even the most organized librarian has a secret little disorganized part of their life. We all have to deal with clutter in our lives at some point. For some people it is their home, others its their finances or their relationships. Do not feel like you are alone, or that no one has it as bad as you. It is part of our human nature to be both organized and disorganized.

  • Starting is the hardest part. I can not stress enough the truth of this point. Deciding to get to work is always harder than the work itself. When you attack a job, and break it up into bite size sections, you can not imagine how happy you will feel once you accomplish your goals of an ordered and peaceful life.

The guilt you might be feeling due to your cluttered home can be like a cancer in your life, eating away at your happiness. Putting your problems into focus and deciding to start overcoming the clutter will set you on the road to bringing back your joy and making your home an relaxing place to be again.

My Child Is Sad

Everyone gets sad. Every single person has had sad feelings once in a while. It is normal to feel blue, isolated, down or out of sorts occasionally. More than half of teenagers go through a sad period at least once a month and younger children do too.

What makes kids sad?

Hurt feelings, anxiety over school, home and family issues or worrying about things in the news. One of the major reasons for sadness in children is feeling that they are not understood and accepted. Sometimes with sadness, there are other feelings mixed in like guilt, anger or resentment. Unfortunately, children may feel that events like death, illness or divorce is their fault. They may feel shame over something that happened and they are afraid to tell parents for fear they will be blamed and lose their love and support.

Why would they feel that way?

Because they are children and their minds are not able to make the distinction between cause and effect. They need to be reassured that your love is unconditional and that sometimes in life bad things happen to good people.

When is sadness a problem?

When it goes on for too long, hurts too deeply and interferes with daily life it goes from sadness into depression. It is thought by many professionals that while events may be a trigger for depression, it is not what happens to us in life, rather how we respond and make sense of the events.

What should caring parents watch for?

Prior to puberty the equivalent of depression in children is anxiety. Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz, MD, founder and director of the New York University Child Study Center says, "When kids are anxious they most probably have similar biochemical issues to teenagers. About half of depressed teens had a childhood anxiety disorder." Most kids will bounce back from a disappointment or adverse situation in a few days. Depressed children are still sad after a couple of weeks.

How do we help our children overcome sadness and depression?

Much of clinical depression is about how we interpret reality and when we fall into thought patterns that are negative or unrealistic, they may take time to reframe. Sometimes treatment involves talking to someone who knows about depression. I recommend cognitive therapy which is short term and result oriented. It is sometimes necessary to take medications which can give a brain a jump start on reframing our thoughts.

Little bouts of bruised feelings, disappointments and the blues are part of our lives, but deep sadness, anxiety and unhappiness is not what anybody deserves. Depression will not go away by itself. We need to be encouraging, supportive and responsive to our children's moods and emotions.

This is a wonderful world, filled with good opportunities, people and experiences, and we want to help our children and ourselves enjoy it to its fullest.

Mistakes We Knew We Were Making

How do you deal with your past mistakes? I would like to recommend a great way to burden your mind, waste time, and lower your self-esteem.

It's called Condemning Yourself for Past Mistakes Game.

Try it out on yourself and people you dislike! It's very easy to do, and anyone can do it. It is great for injecting endless hours of frustration and stress into your life!

I've known many people who do this very well, but just in case you're having some difficulty, here are some pointers to send you on your way?

First, think of all the things you did or failed to do in the past. Especially, things which you cannot do anything about it now. Constantly remind yourself of them and beat yourself up for them.

A good way to do this is to keep whining about them. If you can regularly complain to others, it is even better! Remember to sigh a lot too. There is nothing like constant verbal repetition for these past mistakes to really stick.

Then, tell yourself that you'll never be able to adjust your behavior to prevent similar errors in future. Learning from mistakes just never crossed your mind. Remember, self-improvement is a myth.

This kind of thinking will start a vicious cycle. Remembering how incapable, unlovable, and foolish you are will enable you to continue repeating past mistakes. Now this part is essential in order for the entire self-loathing process to work.

In no time, you'll be able to whittle your self-esteem down to such a degree that you will have no problem thinking you're absolutely incapable of success and happiness. The strategy is laughably simple: reinforce negative thoughts and experiences and they will inevitably lead to negative feelings and outcomes.

Remember, you are not special, you are not unique. The world simply doesn't need another loser like you. If you're doing everything right, by this time, you would have lost most of your friends, alienated your family members, lost your appetite for food and life, and are looking forward to a lonely, meaningless existence.

So, if you're ever bored, and need to kill some time, depress your spirit and embrace failure as lord of your life, try condemning yourself for past mistakes. Have fun!

"Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you cannot bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are beyond that pain." Kahlil Gibran

Manic Depressive Treatment Options

In today's modern world, a patient that has been diagnosed with a bipolar disorder has many more manic depressive treatment options than similar patients of years gone by. Fortunately enough, today's treatments are easier on the patient and produce better outcomes than their historical counterparts.

Treatments include both medications and cognitive therapy which work in conjunction with each other. As such, relief happens faster than if either modality were to be used alone. Patients are thought to rethink their way of thinking which prior to the initiation of therapy, was flawed. These remedies are much more comprehensive and effective than the self-help treatments of years gone by.

We also see the use of more modern medicines being used by manic depressive patients that are better tolerated by the body. The two most beneficial features are longer lasting medications which decreases the daily pill burden for the patient and medications with fewer side effects. Side effects of past medicines were sometimes debilitating to the point of not improving the patient's quality of life. That's not to say that we do not see any unwanted side effects. They are just less taxing on the human element to the point that patients can now lead full and productive lives.

Medication therapy is usually a mixture of a few effective modern drugs. These medications are also known as mood stabilizers unless the patient tends to have one phase of the bipolar state more than any other. In such a case, the medicine will be more targeted to the specific symptoms of the manic depressive patient.

Manic depressive treatment options also include psychotherapy which helps to control the depressive states. Very often, these patients have suicidal thoughts. Being able to control this aspect with psychotherapy goes a long way to producing positive outcomes. Of course if this does not work, psychiatric hospitalization is crucial as these patients can be a danger to both themselves and the people around them. Until they can get their emotions under control, they may have to be monitored in a healthcare facility.

On a lighter note, very often the simple act of joining a support group is all that is needed for some manic depressive treatments. These like-minded organizations bring patients together who learn to trust one another. They also learn about living a healthy life style which includes a daily regimen of exercise and good eating habits.

Early detection relapse therapy is also a useful tool in combating this illness. Here, the therapist will basically teach several specific symptoms for the patient to take into consideration. These symptoms ought to signal a possibility of a relapse. By recognizing some of these symptoms early, it leads the way for faster medical intervention. In the end, the manic depressive patient can now enjoy a fuller, more active, socially acceptable lifestyle.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Love is Imperative

Today, yesterday and as far back as anyone can probably remember, love has been a topic roundly discussed. From Shakespeare to Fitzgerald, from R&B singers to politicians and from toddlers to the elderly, questions of its relevance, positives, negatives and definition have been asked. People born into cultures on opposite ends of the earth have some concept of love and how it should look. Certain groups might say that love is that burning feeling felt inside when looking at someone you care about. Others might suggest that it's just another word for being nice while different circle might say it is the willingness to jump in front of a speeding train for a friend. Some might believe that love is a man-made concept concocted in a quest to find an emotion deeper and less carnal than lust. A lot of attention is directed at what can occasionally be seen as an abstract notion to the point where it can become easy to dismiss along with all the other chatter the world does. That'd be a mistake because love was one of the paramount teachings of Jesus and if He was so focused on it, those of us who call ourselves Christians should be too. Through Jesus, we can learn what true love really is and why it should be practiced unceasingly by all Christians.

What is this love that Christ spoke of? In John 14:15, He told his disciples that if they loved him, they'd keep his commandments. That lets us know that love is an action, not a warm and fluffy feeling. No matter what they felt about Jesus inside, if they didn't actively follow His commandments they didn't love Him. Being sorry about not doing them wouldn't suffice nor jumping in front of a train as penitence either. That goes for all of us alive today. Feeling bad about sinning while continuing to do so or planning to act holy for a day after a weekend of wild partying doesn't make up for anything. If you don't do what Jesus said do, you don't love Him, plain and simple. Emotions on the inside are irrelevant in this situation. Luckily for us God is gracious, forgiving and lovingly gives chance after chance but we must at some point make a decision to totally follow Him so our relationship can grow, making us able to walk in our destiny and be a benefit to those who need us.

Now since we've reconciled within ourselves to do what God says as a way of loving Him, we can now define love because it's better to not know, than have knowledge of and not act. Put simply, 1 John 4:8 lets the world know that God and love are one in the same. Where there is love, there is God. Where there is no God, there is no love. The Holy Ghost brings it into our hearts upon salvation and it's our job to pray and nourish this love with reading of the Word so it becomes real enough in our lives to guide and shape our characters. Sometimes the Bible is referred to as a love letter and that is accurate because it's a letter from God to us. The more of His Word that gets into us, the more we can love because God cannot be separated from what He says. The love that wells up in someone that has spent time with and communed with God is impossible to fake, forge or copy. It's more than being nice. Some of the most hateful people can smile and open doors for strangers while boiling with rage or merely sleeping on the inside. Love isn't always nice but it's never rude. It's not shown in traditional deeds and phrases many are taught as youngsters and done mostly out of habit. Love is conscious and shown through actions done on purpose. We should be so saturated with Him that when people look at us they should be able to see love. One might say, "I don't know what it is but there's something different about you than everyone else." A comment like that doesn't come up from just saying, "I'm a Christian," and then following the rest of the crowd. It comes from God's love exuding from your being. The inquiring mind might wonder at the logic of love supposing to be an action and then its ability to be seen like a coat. An easy comparison is weightlifting. Lifting weights is an action but you can look as someone on the street and see weightlifting all over them because of the time, effort and dedication they put in. It's the same with love. When it becomes part of your daily activities, you're mindful of, and deliberate with it, love will not be able to nor willing hide itself.

Everything that God's gives us isn't supposed to be shared with everybody all the time. Love is. The simple fact that God is love and doesn't turn Himself on and off lets us know to express Him to everyone we come across. Jesus commands his disciples to love each other (John 13:34) and love our enemies (Matthew 5:44). We are also told to love others as we do ourselves (Leviticus 18:19, Luke 10:27) and for that to be effectively done self-hate, low self-esteem, pity parties and all other forms of self-loathing must be quickly done away with and become things of the past. It's impossible to love anyone else if you don't love yourself first. It's an order from God therefore not optional. We can't do anything on this Christian walk until we rise from the pit of depression, despair and desolation, realizing that we're the salt of the earth and the light of the world. God chose us, filled us with His Holy Ghost and expects us to walk with our backs straight because He doesn't make mistakes. Hating ourselves is the same as hating Him. You can't share with someone else something you don't even have enough of for yourself. The muscles on a weightlifter don't bulge until there's more than an adequate amount to handle the chores through daily life. It isn't about arrogance or conceit but knowing you are a crucial element in the Body of Christ and being beaten down emotionally hinders the work of the Lord.

Since we now made the decision to start or continue loving ourselves we must next love other Christians as Jesus told his disciples to love each other. A family in which the father constantly ridicules his wife and children, the mother publicly makes off color jokes about the husband and the kids openly say their parents are fools would be called dysfunctional. The same goes for Christians. It's one thing to be derided by people with whom there is no relationship but the hurt is multiplied when it comes from those that are supposed to help you stand. When a Christian can no longer depend on other children of God then there's nowhere else to turn to but the world. Yes, our source needs to be God but the Lord is relational and means for us to be so as well. We all can't be on our own little islands without communicating and relying on each other. Humans naturally are influenced by the people they're in relationship with, so if you find the most comfort among unbelievers, their thought processes, culture and philosophies will began to infiltrate what God has already put in your heart. That's why it's vital for Christians to spend quality time with, affirm and pull up a fellow brother or sister during a fall. Having a circle of Christian friends but cursing the church down the street is no better either because nothing stifles the work of God more than infighting among believers. God's people can't constantly be in a civil war and expect to defeat the enemy. Jesus even tells us that a nation who fights itself is destined for destruction (Matthew 12:25, Mark 3:24, Luke 11:17). There are some doctrinal points that might vary from church to church or denomination to denomination but that in no way should stop us from doing what Jesus ordered and loving one another. We don't have to like them, but they're fellow children of God, possess gifts necessary for the Church and have to be treated as such.

Along with loving ourselves and other Christians, we are commanded to love our enemies. This can be very hard to do but doing what God says usually is. The people who hate you, irritate you, gossip about you, lie to you and throw any other sinful dart in your direction have to be responded to in a loving way. Once again, this doesn't mean liking them or handing over self-respect, but it does include abstaining from profanity laced rebukes, verbal threats, rudeness or whatever else an uncrucified flesh can dig up. When someone at work, school or on the street does you wrong, remember they're not the problem. There's a spirit inside of them at war with the Holy Ghost inside of you (Ephesians 6:12). Getting out of character, falling for the bait and doing what the world taught us was expected is jumping obediently through the enemy's hoops. It shows we haven't yet allowed the Holy Ghost take control of our lives. People are watching us and when we react to negativity in a way that isn't Godly, it tells them that our Lord has no power. They wonder how great can He be if His children act like everyone else. We are the only Bible that some will read (2 Corinthians 3:2) and they judge God by our actions so we need to strive to make our heavenly father proud.

In order to love ourselves or anyone else effectively, we need to get to know God better because He is love, which means reading and studying the Bible daily as well as having a constant prayer life. Without doing so we dim the image of God that we're supposed to be. Once learning and practicing love as Jesus intended, we as Christians can finally walk in the power and dominion that has for so long been preached about. Anything less would be relegating our God-given assignments to the back burner and having unbelievers curse Him because of our hypocrisy. Let's not misrepresent Christ and do what needs to be done.

St. John's Wort for Anxiety and Depression

St. John's wort is a popular remedy for depression. When combined with other herbs, we can use St. John's wort for anxiety associated with depression. It has been observed that stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia often occur together. A combination of St. John's wort with other herbal remedies for anxiety (such as passionflower) is thought to have a synergistic action in relieving the symptoms of both depression and anxiety. Such a combination is thought to soothe the mind, promote emotional well-being, and improve sleep patterns.

The use of St. John's wort for uplifting melancholic moods is an ages old practice. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that this herb had magical powers. They used it to cheer up a gloomy person, and to relieve a number of other complaints. According to a modern, scientific study conducted by the Cochrane Collaboration, the extracts of this herb are superior to placebo in treating patients with major depression.

Before using St. John's wort for anxiety or mood disorders, it is recommended to rule out the presence of any underlying physiological disorder that might be the cause of anxiety or depression. Certain heart, thyroid, and other endocrine disorders can produce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. For example, lethargy and depression can be symptoms of hypothyroidism or an under-active thyroid gland. On the other hand, anxiety and sleep disturbances can be symptoms of hyperthyroidism or an over-active thyroid gland. Since these underlying physiological disorders can't be cured by consuming antidepressants, it is advisable to consult a doctor and rule out the presence of such physical disorders. If these physiological disorders are present, self-treatment can only delay their diagnosis and treatment.

Anxiety, depression, and sleeplessness are often associated with an imbalance of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. St. John's wort for anxiety and depression is thought to work by increasing the levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the synaptic clefts of neurons. It is interesting to note that synthetic antidepressants such as Prozac (fluoxetine), Effexor (venlafaxine), etc., also seem to work by increasing the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. However, St. John's wort is believed to have lesser and milder side-effects than fluoxetine, venlafaxine, and similar antidepressants.

The most common side-effects of this herb include sensitivity to sunlight, dizziness, dryness of mouth, etc. This herb can adversely react with a number of other medicines and substances such as antidepressants, amphetamines, 5-HTP, oral contraceptives, lithium, tryptophan, selegiline, anti-virals, immunosuppressants, grapefruit juice, garlic supplements, etc. One should avoid St. John's wort for anxiety or depression during pregnancy or lactation. This herb also decreases the efficiency of certain oral-contraceptive pills. You should also avoid it if you are suffering from liver or kidney diseases. It is recommended to use a sunscreen lotion or avoid excessive exposure to direct sunlight, since this herb can cause photosensitivity.

Current Thinking Regarding Bipolar Disorder Treatment

If you are someone who is suffering from bipolar disorder, then you probably already know how important it is that you obtain regular bipolar disorder treatment in order to keep the condition under control. There are many people who suffer from this affliction and the truth is that some of these individuals have no one to talk to when they feel really sad.

One of the treatment requirements is to get professional help as soon as possible. Just talking a health care practitioner will start the healing process. In between office visits, you should always have a good friend or someone you can talk to. Someone who can listen to you, understand you and offer you guidance. A parent can often fill this role, especially if they have also been touched by bipolar disorder.

Some of the time, the bipolar disorder will appear as a result of a very great fear. People tend to harbor deep feelings about worldly events, so if something is troubling you, it is possible that you begin to fear all things related to this event which in turn manifests itself as depression. The opposite is also true in that you may go on a heightened binge such as excessive buying or other irrational activity in order to escape from an inevitable event.

Bipolar disorder has been shown to be transmitted genetically. So if your parent had it, there is a good chance that you will develop it in your lifetime. This is probably due to the fact that the root cause of this affliction seems to be due to neurotransmitter imbalance. As this is part of everyone's makeup, it points to the genetic link just mentioned.

There are multiple factors that will make your condition better. Getting involved in some good social activity, or more than one activity will help immensely. Just having people to talk to, will keep your mind occupied and away from thoughts that might hurt you. Talk with your parents and other relatives as often as possible. The social side of life is a very important bipolar disorder treatment for those suffering with this disorder.

Find a good doctor to work with. They might offer a prescription to help the mood swings, once the diagnosis has been set. The medications will stabilize the three most common neurotransmitters that have been implicated with bipolar disorder. They are dopamine, seratonin and nor-epinephrine. In time, your bipolar disorder treatment will allow you to regain a normal life. The key to the whole regimen is acknowledging the disorder and getting help. Do it today for a better tomorrow!

Depression - Checklists of Symptoms of Clinical Depression

The more common and easily identifiable symptoms of depression are:

deep feeling of sadness,
emptiness, and

The other way to determin if you have depression is by how long these feelings last. If they hang on for longer that
a couple of weeks, then chances are you don't have "the blues" you have been afflicted with depression and what you
really need to do is go and discuss your symptoms with your doctor.

When we think about depression we have the habit of associating depression with the emotional symptoms of how we feel,
however, along with the emotional symptoms we do have physical symptoms as well, which can be equally debilitaiting.
Here are checklists of symptoms of clinical depression, both on the emotional and physical side:

1. Emotional

- feelings of sadness throughout the day and consistently every day

- lack of interest or no interest at all in your favorite activities

- feelings of hopelessness and/or feeling empty inside

- feeling stressed, nervousness, or entirely overwhelmed

- having a hard time concentrating and/or making decisions

- feeling worthless

- feelings of excessive guilt

- feeling restless and irritable

- thoughts of suicide or death

2. Physical

- no energy and feeling fatigue

- either not enough sleep or sleeping all the time

- changes in appetite and/or weight

- suffering from aches and pains

- suffering from headaches

- experiencing back pain

- problems with your digestive systems

- dizziness

This checklists of symptoms of clinical depression is meant for you to take notice and if you have these symptoms and go speak with
your family doctor. Once your doctor is aware of these symptoms he or she can help you understand
what depression is and from there talk
to you about the best treatments of
clinical depression for you.

Ten Little Tips to Feel Happier Right Now

Don't wait to make a big change in the quality of your life.  Eight of these ten little ways to happiness can be done in less than five minutes.

1. Smile.  Raise the corners of your mouth.  Soon your smile will become genuine.  The smile that begins as an effort and a pretense quickly grows to become genuine, and given time, a habit of happiness.  In the words of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, "Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy."

2. Breathe deeply and slowly.  Focus your entire attention on each in-breath and out-breath.  Imagine drawing new clean energy in through the top of your head on each in-breath, and expelling old stale energy out the soles of your feet on each out-breath.

3. Take a quiet walk by yourself.  Focus on each step and on your breathing.  As stray thoughts enter your mind, thank each one, and quickly release the thought and return to a focus on your breathing and your steps.

4. Count your blessings.  Make a gratitude list.  You have thousands of reasons to be thankful.  Be thankful for those who serve you.  Make a list of those you depend upon.  Everyone has many people who help along the way.  Don't forget those who grow and deliver your food, keep your electricity and telephone running, provide emergency medical care, and protect the safety of your community and your nation.

5. Forgive someone for something right now.  Release the resentment and anger.  This practice is for you to become happier.  Telling the other person that you forgive them is completely optional, and is merely a bonus.

6. Stretch your body.  Do yoga, do qigong, or just stand and stretch.  As a simple stretch, stand and hold your arms out to your sides forming a cross. Gently bend each hand back at the wrist until the fingers point straight upward. Twist each hand and arm in a wringing motion as if you were operating a screwdriver.

7. Turn on happy music and dance.  Don't stop 'til you're tired.  Dance with someone or dance all by yourself.  Choose music that makes you want to move and keep moving such as Latin Fitness Dance music.

8. Spend some time with a furry friend. If you don't have your own, borrow a cat or dog to love today.

9. Be of service.  Find someone who has worse troubles than you and do something nice for them today.

10. Have a conversation with God (or whatever you call your Higher Power).  Approach the conversation with an attitude of gratitude rather than neediness.

CBT Treatment - Effective Way To Treat Bipolar Disorder

Also known as manic depression, bipolar disorder is a mental ailment that occurs due to several factors like biological, neurological, environmental and emotional. It is featured by very frequent mood swings or cycling among extreme emotions like mania, depression, and normal behavior of the patient.

While there are several treatment options available for bipolar disorder, the most commonly used option is a combination of therapy & medication.

However, not all patients can be put under the same drill. The cases that involve a history of drug abuses, cannot be put to medication, else it could land up in a great risk. Also, it is hard to find that mood swings occurred due to bipolar disorder or drugs and say if the extent o bipolar disorder was not too much in the body, the medications would end up harming the patient quite severely. Also as a basic fact the patients move to medication only when no other resort is found.

In such special cases where medications are not the right choice, CBT comes in to being. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy popularly known as or CBT is a sort of a therapy that is used to assist the patients in recognizing the exact triggers & causes of their depressive & manic states. Then the patients are made to learn the techniques so as to avoid the triggers & henceforth and cope up with the symptoms during the episodes. 70% of bipolar I disorder patients are made to undergo the CBT experience, especially those when one or a few episodes have taken place with in 4 years of initiating the CBT treatment.

CBT treatment to cope with bipolar disorder is used to accomplish two major goals. These are:

i. To recognize the manic episodes prior to their becoming uncontrollable & making a conscious change in how one reacts to these episodes.

ii. To learn the techniques, thoughts, reactions & behaviors that would help them offset the depression.

With the various activities & techniques prescribed by the expert therapists, these goals are achieved quite effectively.

Under CBT, the effectiveness of the treatment of the bipolar disorder mainly rests in the hands of the patient, as he/she is allotted homework like - performing some exercises, reading, etc. These are focused on helping the patient understand his/her condition and to help them learn the methods to cope with the situation.

The steps to conduct CBT are as follows:

1. Making a Contract with the Patient

Initializing CBT, you need to make a treatment contract with your patient. In this treatment you draw a definite plan of treatment for the patient and he/she agrees to follow the same. This also includes the patient's promise to do all his homework complete taking all assignments seriously. The patient in this contract also ensures that he/she would take any & all the prescribed medication just as directed. This is a crucial step towards CBT as this process largely depends on the patient's desire to cope with the bipolar disorder and his/her sense of responsibility towards the same.

2. Recording the Mood Swings

In the second step, CBT involves monitoring and grading the moods of the patient. For this the doctor gives the patients several worksheets that the patient fills in regularly. In these sheets the patient records his/her moods for the day. They also file the other important details like for how many hours did they sleep, the level of anxiety, & the level of irritability they felt. Especially the patients of Bipolar II Disorder must record all these details daily as in that case the mood cycles very frequently.

3. Patient does the Homework

Once the therapist is able to understand the mood cycles of the patient of bipolar disorder, the next step in CBT is for the patient. Here the therapist gives some reading material to the patient for him/her to understand exactly how our thoughts effect our emotions. This is done by the patient filling in the worksheets and once he/she understands the drill, they would be able to practice through altering their thoughts in far more rational way. Their emotions then become very rational, thereby decreasing the number & severity of the depressive & manic episodes.

4. Recognizing the Triggers

Further, you must be able to know the triggers in the case you are curing. Triggers are the basically any emotional or physical clicks that arouse a depressive or a manic episode like emotions, thoughts, times of the year, situations, environments, events, etc. Once the patient starts understanding and recognizing their triggers, he/she would then be able to learn to avoid them entirely, henceforth decreasing the severity & number of the depressive & manic episodes.

All in all, CBT is quite an effective method of treatment for the bipolar disorder patients. In case you think that you need this therapy, contact your doctor or therapist before it gets too late!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bipolar Disorder in Psychotherapy

Individuals with bipolar disorder struggle with a sense of internal damage so pervasive they feel there's no realistic hope for improvement, leading to a search for "magical" solutions instead. This article will provide a case illustration of this dynamic: a young man in his 20s who might have been considered "cyclothymic" rather than receiving a full diagnosis of bipolar disorder, though his mood swings demonstrate the same high/low dynamics.

Jeffrey was an extremely bright and talented young man, recently graduated from college, who aspired to be a writer. He came to me because of depressive episodes so severe he felt barely able to function. He managed to hold down a clerical job to support himself despite his depression, attempting to write in the evening after work and on weekends. If he were feeling deeply depressed, he couldn't write a word. After work, he'd often collapse into a state of inertia, barely able to feed himself, watching mindless TV. He suffered from extreme insomnia and often slept but a few hours.

Jeffrey badly wanted to have a relationship but felt completely worthless, as if everything about his adult functioning self was a facade, and that as soon as anyone got close to him, they'd find out he was a fraud. He would describe himself as a loser, "damaged goods," or "a worthless piece of shit." The issue of "shittiness" often came up in our work. He had a recurrent dream that the toilet in his bathroom would back up and his apartment would be flooded with feces. Or sewer pipes in the ceiling would break. In these dreams, he'd feel completely helpless to do anything about the broken plumbing or sewer problem. The damage felt insurmountable.

In our work together, I would talk about these dreams in two different ways. The overflowing sewage represented both his "backed up" emotions which he felt unable to tolerate or process, as well as the hopelessness he felt about his internal damage. We returned to this issue again and again, particularly his fear that our work together was pointless because (a) I couldn't possibly tolerate all his "shitty" feelings either, and (b) the damage was simply too vast.

Periodically, the depression would lift and he'd enter a hyper-industrious phase, writing for many hours at a time and throughout the weekend. He'd come up with a "brilliant" new idea for a novel and write 10, 20 or 30 pages at a time. He wouldn't stop to reread or revise but simply kept on with a manic drive in the hope of completing the book within a few weeks, selling it to a publisher and advancing to an idealized life in which he'd be a wealthy, famous and critically acclaimed author. He felt increasingly anxious during these periods; although he came to his sessions, he felt difficult to reach and became suspicious and hostile if I tried to examine his drive to write. Eventually the manic phase would pass and he'd slip back into depression, discarding the partial manuscript as "worthless".

During the manic phase, he clearly felt in the grip of magical thinking; underneath, he feared that he was only passing off shit as if it were something of great value. When he was in his hyperactive writing phase, he unconsciously felt it as a kind of evacuation, too, as if he were magically ridding himself of all the bad intolerable feelings. He couldn't go back and revisit his work or revise it because to do so might deflate the manic triumph of his creation as well as bring him back into contact with the bad feelings he'd tried to evacuate.

My job was to show him, again and again, that he felt hopeless to do anything realistic to improve, either in terms of his writing or his internal damaged world; only magic could solve his problems. Over and over, we had to return to those shitty bad feelings, try to understand them and help him to tolerate his own emotional experience. It was the work of years. Eventually he completed and sold a novel but continually struggled to wrest his writing from the realm of magic.

Eating Disorders: A Tip for When You or Your Anorexic Daughter Can't Sleep

It is common for girls to have difficulty sleeping, going to sleep or staying asleep. This may be related to the anxiety and depression that go along with eating disorders. The eating disorder thoughts may be rampant in their minds after a day of trying to eat more or trying not to purge.

Evenings are increasingly difficult for girls to eat because they often believe they have already eaten enough or too much that day. They are more likely to restrict at dinner time or not have the evening snack they need. They may also be more tempted to purge after the evening meal. Many will also spend this time before bed or late at night exercising to get rid of calories they ingested.

Imagine trying to go to sleep with all these things on your mind. It makes sense because they finally have to be quiet with themselves to go to sleep and cannot as easily distract from ED thoughts. A lot of anxiety comes to the surface at bedtime.

I have problems myself going to sleep and I don't have the kind of anxiety these girls have. Bedtime is vulnerable for a lot of people and it is often because our defenses our down. We aren't busy with other things and our minds are not otherwise occupied. We may use this time to evaluate the day and any mistakes we made we haven't yet dealt with.

One thing that helps me a lot and that I use often is called just being very present with yourself in the moment. When you are lying in bed and your thoughts are racing, start by focusing on what you can hear. For example; "I hear my husband breathing next to me. I hear the clock ticking in the dining room. I hear the cats chasing each other."

Next focus on what you feel physically. By that I mean, "I feel my left hand lying against the sheet. I feel the pillow that is between my knees. My left foot is lying heavily against the sheet."

You can also focus on how your body feels in the moment. "There is a dull ache in my lower back. I can feel some head ache pain above my right eye. My knee feels better tonight. My stomach is not upset and that feels good."

You can increase your awareness just by noticing the room temperature. My hands and feet are cold at night so that is a common awareness for me. You may notice, "The room is cold, the room is hot. I feel the warmth of the electric blanket starting to increase."

This may sound silly to you I don't know; but it works! If you keep focusing in on your own body, your surroundings and your 5 senses you will eventually go to sleep. When your mind wanders to something you are worried about, bring it back to your 5 senses.

You are training your mind on what to do when you are in bed. It is time to sleep, not worry. It is time to sleep not worry about what you ate today. It is time to sleep not solve tomorrow's problems. You have to train your mind to obey you. Keep redirecting it back to your body and what is around you.

If you consistently bring your mind back to your 5 senses you will go to sleep. Sometimes I have to do this for 5 minutes; other times I might have to focus for 30 minutes. Eventually though it will work if you keep doing it. Do this every night and it will get easier to go sleep when you get in bed.

Teach your daughter this skill and it will help her. It will help you too. After all; you have no worries right?

Monitoring the Signs of Depression

Depression affects your thoughts, behavior, body and relationships. If you have worked on beating your depression, you no doubt know what depression looks like for you. We suggest that you observe yourself and the symptoms discussed in the following exercise from time to time.

Conduct a "Depression Review" at least once a week. Select a convenient time and check Depression Review in your calendar. We recommend conducting this review for at least a year after the depression lifts. In your Depression Review, ask yourself these questions:

1. Have I been having gloomy, dark thoughts?
2. Have I started avoiding people or situations that make me feel uncomfortable?
3. What is my mood on a 1 (extremely depressed) to 100 (completely happy) point scales? Has my mood dropped from its usual rating by more than 10 points and remained lower for more than a day or two?
4. Am I having any noticeable problems with my appetite, sleep or energy?
5. Have I been down on myself more than usual?
6. Have I been more irritable than usual?
7. Have I had an increase in guilty feelings?
8. Am I having problems with concentration?

If you answer YES to one or more of the questions above, pay attention! This list contains the early warning signs of an impending depression. Of course, anyone can experience a few gloomy thoughts, a little guilt and difficulty concentrating without sliding into a full-blown depression. However, we recommend taking these warning signs seriously by re-initiating some form of treatment, or possibly self-help efforts if your symptoms are mild.

Improve Testosterone to Deal With Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety in the modern world has become increasingly popular from the 1950's, with more reports than ever with people being diagnosed with mental imbalances. Low testosterone levels been have highly correlated with depression and anxiety. These mental imbalances have been more commonly found in men than women, according to data the modern mans testosterone level is 50% lower than what it was in the 1950's. Testosterone is a hormone which influences sexual ambitions and also related to your energy level, increasing it will boost both sex drive and energy levels. It is common to notice that men which are in a depressive mental state usually tend to have lost their sexual drive and feel low a lot of the time. Increasing testosterone to a healthy level for the individual can change the persons mood these effects can sometimes be felt in the first week.

In Oriental countries, men and women have been using the benefits of increasing their hormones to influence their mood by rubbing the testicles or ovaries. According to their philosophy testosterone is what energizes your body and mind, giving the body energy to do activity and the brain to think. Some men will notice that when they ejaculate before they exercise that they lose the intensity in their muscles and mental drive. From personal experience I have found this happen to me both mentally and physically. You need to be aware that increasing past ones limits will cause your imagination to run wild being over stimulated with sex and violent actions, confusing your logical actions and decisions your emotions will also run wild. When I was increasing my testosterone I found it to work almost by the first week, my mind was clearer and was emotionally neutral. Then I decided to increase it more which exceeded my limit and I was plagued with violent and sexual images along with unstoppable negative thoughts. According the Qigong masters when testosterone gets too high it stimulates the subconscious mind resulting in you losing control of your actions.

When applying testicular massage the hands should be warm and the scrotum should be stretched a few times to allow the testosterone to flow freely. By rubbing the tip of the testicles in a circular motion gently for 10 minutes once in the morning when you wake up and has you go to bed can improve the function of your genitalia. For women rubbing the ovaries may prove to be more difficult so you can use reflexology to massage the ovaries. I have used reflexology points one myself and others and I found that it does stimulate to organ which is being pressed. Get a reflexology book to develop a clear understanding of what you are doing before you before you begin your practice.

According to research men who took part in a scientific test on to see if testicular massage can boost rate of successful pregnancy outcomes revealed that the men were more successful in fertilizing the ovary. Along with other benefits there are a stronger erection and for women promotes regular periods and fertilization.

What Is The Difference Between Clinical Depression And Depression?

Millions of people worldwide suffer from depression at some point in their lives. But depression can be simple or severe. Knowing the differences between them is very important in coping with the problem effectively.

Definition: Simple Depression vs Clinical Depression

Simple depression is exactly what it is - a normal reaction to things and situations that may or may not be expected but which affects your life in a negative way. Clinical depression, on the other hand, is depression of the more severe kind. It is, in fact, a mood disorder that needs to be diagnosed and treated properly. Depression of this kind is of several forms:

  • Dysthymia - it's a chronic type of depression. It may not be very severe but presents with symptoms that have been persisting for at least a couple of years.

  • Major clinical depression - a more severe type of depression that affects one's activities day in and day out. Depression of this form extends from a few weeks to months.

  • Bipolar disorder - this has got to be the most severe form of depression whereby the sufferer goes through alternating periods of mania and depression.

Symptoms: Simple Depression vs Clinical Depression

When one has simple depression he feels sad, lonely, or simply "out of it". The feelings are not intense so as to affect him in a major way. Many regard a person with simple depression as "having the blues". But with clinical depression, the symptoms are more severe. The feelings of sadness are such that cause physical, behavioral, and emotional changes, such as:

  • Sleep disruptions.

  • Changes in eating habits (they could be in the form of overeating or loss of appetite).

  • Indigestion or stomach problems.

  • Loss of concentration.

  • Loss of interest to do anything productive.

  • Lack of interest in performing basic hygienic practices.

  • Crying bouts.

  • Agitation.

  • Feelings of worthlessness.

Duration and Treatment: Simple Depression vs Clinical Depression

Simple depression never lasts more than a few days. The person is able to bounce right back to his or her usual self without getting any form of medical treatment, although making some changes in one's daily activities living (including eating habits) can be of great help.

Clinical depression on the other hand may go on for weeks, even months, and yes treatment is often necessary. Among those that will be suggested to individuals with this type of depression are the following:

  • Psychotherapy. Conducted by a specialist on mental health care, psychotherapy aims to assist depressed individuals to cope with their depression on a constructive (not destructive) manner. The psychotherapist helps individuals learn how to set and reach their own goals.

  • Medications. Medications, specifically anti-depressants or mood lifters, are prescribed to individuals suffering from depression. These drugs are prescription drugs and cannot be bought over-the-counter. They have to be taken for months for one to appreciate their positive effects. Negative drug reactions that include weight gain and loss of libido have been reported.

  • Electroconvulsive therapy. Now this may sound like a drastic procedure, and it can be! Electroconvulsive therapy involves the application of electrodes that deliver a current to your brain. The effect is pretty much like having a seizure. But, while it may be effective in managing some symptoms of depression, it can trigger memory loss.

  • Vitamins. There appears to be a link between low levels of Vitamins D, B12 and Folic Acid and depression, and so increasing your body's supply of these essential vitamins may help a lot in reducing the symptoms of depression.

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids. These essential fatty acids are especially beneficial in brain development and function. Making sure you have enough of these fatty acids in your system goes a long way in preventing and treating depression symptoms.

  • Natural Remedies. St. John's Wort and Kava-Kava are two herbal remedies that are helpful in warding off depression.

Manic Depressive Illness

Manic Depressive Illness, also known as Bipolar Disorder, is not something that you experience once and then snap out of. It is with you all your life, can make your life an emotional roller coaster of hell, and is something you have to learn to live with.

As human beings, it's normal for us to swing from happiness to sadness and back again depending on the circumstances. What separates this behavior from manic depressive illness is the intensity of the swings. It's not unusual for the mood of a person with manic depressive illness to swing from giddy exhilaration to the deepest suicidal depression. It's trying to control and live with those extremes that can make life very difficult for these people.

The symptoms of bipolar disorder usually arrive sometime in the late adolescent years. It can be extremely difficult to diagnose because it arrives at precisely the same time that hormonal and other factors are affecting them. Even normal teenagers' emotions can swing wildly from one moment to the next.

The keys to living with manic depressive illness are to 1) get diagnosed early and 2) get proper treatment. Bipolar disorder, once diagnosed, is normally treated with a combination of mood stabilizers and therapy.

Mood stabilizers are psychiatric medications developed to stabilize the extreme mood shifts from mania and depression in those suffering from manic depression or bipolar disorder. Popular mood stabilizers are Lithium, Valproic acid, Lamotrigine, and Carbamazepine. A variety of mood stabilizers are constantly undergoing clinical trials in an attempt to find the best treatment possible for manic depression.

Before a medication can be advertised as being effective for a certain disease, it must be approved by the FDA. However, just because a medication does not have FDA approval does not mean that it is ineffective. It could simply be in trials or it could be that money is not available to do long term clinical trials. The best thing is to find a doctor or health provider that you trust and follow their recommendations.

Therapy, for many people, has an undeserved negative connotation. They feel that they'll be stigmatized or viewed as crazy if they seek psychiatric help. But, for many people it can literally be a godsend.

Manic depression therapy treatment can be personalized or can take place in a group setting. Therapy can be very helpful in helping people understand themselves, understand their emotional swings, and understand that they have some control over this illness. Therapy can help them realize that they do not have to be an innocent bystander in their own life.

In the best cases, with the right treatment and medications, those suffering from bipolar disorder can manage to live an almost normal life. The more difficult cases may require hospital stays of various lengths to treat the problem.

Manic depression is an illness that affects millions of people. The best way to help those suffering from it is to bring it out of the closet and help them get the treatment that they need.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Walking Wounded - The Devastation of Depression in African Americans

Despite lifelong periods of sadness, excessive drinking, and social withdrawal, Stephen Akinduro had little inkling that he was depressed and never connected his symptoms to his risky behavior. So Akinduro, a trained pharmacist, didn't seek therapy until his sexual promiscuity and pornography addiction began to confound his life and finances. I just wanted a quick fix for my behavior, a set of rules and guidelines on how to behave so I could feel normal, the 38-year-old Columbus, Georgia, resident recalls.

His therapist probed into his childhood and eventually revealed the root of Akinduro's depression. When he was 8, his mother committed suicide after enduring years of abuse from his father. Akinduro witnessed the abuse. I never cried at my mother's funeral. My father told me 'big boys don't cry' and I sucked it in.

For Akinduro, a depressive episode that would spiral into a catastrophe could be triggered by a relationship breakup or a challenge at work. But like many sufferers he had learned to mask his depression. One supervisor suspected his secret after a heated verbal exchange at work that followed a co-worker's racially insensitive remark. "I was shocked that he picked up on it but I didn't want to share my problems with a stranger, says Akinduro, who was eventually told he had bipolar disorder.

Akinduro is one of the roughly 14 million Americans who suffer from a form of depression each year. The disorder is characterized by mood fluctuations, low self-attitude, and five or more symptoms that persist for at least two weeks. These include mood disturbances, difficulty concentrating, psycho-motor retardation (slowing down of function), inexplicable crying, irritability, feelings of impending doom, lack of interest in leisure activities, decreased libido, and social withdrawal. Sufferers may also experience polar behavior such as lack of appetite or overeating and constant sleeping or sleeplessness. Bipolar individuals may engage in high-risk sexual activity. If symptoms persist, they can drive sufferers to commit suicide.

Depression is more intense than the normal feelings of sadness or loneliness that everyone experiences occasionally. It is also different from the grief experienced within two months of the loss of a loved one. Major depression, also called clinical depression and one of the most common forms, decreases quality of life, impairs mental acuity and occupational and emotional functioning, and robs sufferers of experiencing their full potential. Usually precipitated by a traumatic life event or other trigger, an episode of clinical depression may occur only once in a person's lifetime. But more often, it is a persistent, ongoing experience, with episodes that last for up to two years and that worsen without treatment. Women are more likely to suffer from depression, but men have a higher rate of completed suicide. Although whites experience major depression more than blacks over their lifetimes, it tends to be pervasive and more debilitating for blacks, according to a two-year joint study by Harvard, Wayne State University, and the University of Michigan. Successful treatment is challenging because of blacks' reluctance to take medication. What's more, while it's obvious that depressive conditions affect temperament and disposition, it's not widely known that these conditions directly impact hormonal functions including the regulation of blood pressure and glucose levels. Ignoring signs of depression could affect your health in ways you might have never imagined.

A Devastating Condition for Blacks
Chronic depression and bipolar disorder are two well-known forms of depression. Also called dysthymia, chronic depression is characterized by two years or more of a depressed mood. Less severe than major depression, it does not typically interfere with an individual's life. Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, is a complex mood disorder that alternates between periods of clinical depression and those of extreme elation or mania. With bipolar 1 disorder, sufferers have a history of at least one manic episode with or without major depressive episodes. With bipolar 2 disorder, sufferers have a history of at least one episode of major depression and at least one mildly elated episode.

Depression in Blacks is often masked by other issues and as a result may go unacknowledged and untreated for a long time. Stymied by fear of stigmatization, mistrust of health professionals, financial constraints, and the lack of access to appropriate healthcare, blacks tend to quietly carry the burden of depression. Causes of depression can be complex and multilayered-directly related to past personal challenges and/or compounded by collective experiences related to racially tinged slights and discriminatory acts. As a result, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, depressive disorders are less likely to be diagnosed in black people. The 2001-2003 Harvard, Wayne State, and Michigan study-one of the largest psychiatric epidemiological studies of blacks in the United States to date-indicates that of the 3,570 African Americans surveyed, 10.4% suffered from major depression over their lifetimes and 56.5% suffered from it for 12 months within their lifetimes. For the 1,621 Caribbean blacks surveyed, those numbers were 12.9% and 56%, respectively.

These percentages are compounded by the fact that black people manifest specific symptoms that are often misunderstood, ignored, or misdiagnosed, suggests Dr. Patricia Newton, medical director of Baltimore-based Newton & Associates, which specializes in behavioral medicine. Blacks are more likely to be socially withdrawn, and experience guilt and paranoia and internalize blame for whatever went wrong, explains Newton, who is also president-elect of Black Psychiatrists Of America. Workplace and personal conflicts can also fuel dramatic events and reactions, which often manifest in the form of anger and/or addiction.

The Problem with Being the 'Problem Solver'
This was a reality for Jennifer Jones, 45, who was fired from her position as director of community relations at a New York cooperative development in December 2006. Refusing the company's settlement changed her status to a voluntary resignation, which prevented her from collecting unemployment.

I was angry and humiliated, says the married mother of two, who was told she had clinical depression. After eight years, all my efforts and programs I'd created all went down the tubes. Over the course of nearly two years, the formerly two-income family went into a financial tailspin. The couple depleted their savings and took their daughters, one in college, out of private schools. They traded in two cars for one and moved from their Princeton, New Jersey, home to a relatively small apartment in the New York City area to be closer to family. Feelings of disgrace because of the lack of viable employment opportunities and the stress of her family's upheaval took a toll on Jones. She became a virtual recluse, sleeping constantly, overeating, and eventually ceasing most of the functions of daily living, including the care of her younger daughter. Her husband helped pick up the slack. With no history of mental illness, Jones was convinced the low feelings would recede over time. I was told to pick myself up and count my blessings," she recalls. I've always been the go-to problem solver for my family. It was impossible to believe I couldn't help myself.

Like Jones, some sufferers believe that they're imagining the severity of symptoms and that eventually they will be able to pray or will the sadness or behavior away. Donna Holland Barnes Ph.D., president and co-founder of National Organization of People of Color Against Suicide, says, Lack of communication helps to deepen depression, because symptoms are misunderstood and therefore go untreated. Black men are less likely than women to seek help, Barnes adds. They are less likely to comply with treatment and less likely to stay in treatment if they start it.

Medication can both manage a depressive condition and cause other challenges, such as weight gain or impotence, explains Newton, who does not oppose the use of medication. Understandably, patients are reluctant to take [their medicine], which perpetuates the cycle. Akinduro is on medication, but it took three or four tries to find one that worked for him without side effects. Jones is reluctant to try it and prefers sessions with a therapist, which has worked for her, but in some cases psychotherapy is not enough.

The Physical Toll
Although many suffer in silence, the effects of depression are never felt in isolation. Aside from the variety of burdens it may place on the family of a sufferer, depression cost the U.S. about $83 billion because of decreased productivity and workplace absenteeism in 2000, the latest year for which numbers are available. There are other health costs as well. Depression has been linked to heart disease and stroke, which are major health concerns for African Americans. Changes in appetite and sleep patterns, root symptoms of depression, are linked to the hypothalamus, a small structure located at the base of the brain responsible for many basic functions such as sex drive and stress reaction. The hypothalamus also supports the function of the pituitary gland, which in turn regulates key hormones. Abnormalities of pituitary function are related to increased levels of the hormone cortisol, which is related to blood sugar imbalances, and to the hormone catecholamine, which is related to blood pressure changes. Depression causes impaired cognitive performance, lowered immunity, and inflammatory responses in the body.

The Process of Healing
Depression is treatable with the help of a qualified healthcare professional. Treatment includes talk therapy and the incorporation of antidepressants, depending on the severity of the condition. Akinduro, who is a board member of National Organization for People of Color Against Suicide, credits therapy, medication, and finally confronting his father with putting him on the road to recovery. It was very liberating to confront my past. In therapy I learned that it's not a moral failing or scar on your character. Jones' healing began when she saw a television interview with author Terrie Williams about her book, Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We're Not Hurting (Simon & Schuster; $25). Today, Jones is executive director of the Stay Strong Foundation, a New York-based nonprofit that Williams co-founded offering mental health and mentoring programs. As we treat depressed individuals, we also have to treat the community in order to address the larger issues that are affecting our environment, advises Newton. Anything less is a Band-Aid.

Getting Help for Depression
Every year about 14 million Americans suffer from some type of depressive illness and according to several reports, blacks are particularly at risk. Here's a list of resources for those at risk or battling a depressive disorder.

National Organization of People of Color Against Suicide works to increase suicide awareness within minority communities and seeks to educate individuals about prevention and intervention, as well as provide support services to families and communities impacted by depression and suicide.

The National Institute of Mental Health works to broaden understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through research and thereby facilitate prevention, recovery, and a cure.