Saturday, March 1, 2014

5 Tips to Beat Depression Naturally Without Prescription Drugs

Beating Depression naturally is something that has very seldom been tried by people suffering from this problem. People tend to consult professional help after they detect symptoms of depression in them. Depression is a particular state of mind that is unstable with symptoms deviating from normal mental conditions. In simpler words depression might be referred to as anger without enthusiasm.

Depression can happen because of many reasons and it is of different degree.Some have mild form of depression while some may have deeper forms of the problem. To fight depression alone would be a lot tougher for people who suffer from serious depression than the ones suffering from mild depression. It is better for them to take professional help but for the other category they might try a few things on their own. This might them in beating depression naturally. The following five are tips to fight depression.

1) Exercise, that is physical culture and yoga can do a world of difference to you as far as depression is concerned. Exercise gives your system a different dimension and your thought process too. You start thinking differently. It also adds to your confidence because you become a lot more toned and you start looking great and feeling nice with it Boosting of your confidence is of great help.

2) You might make a few changes with your diet which has often been proved handy when it is to beat depression at home. Consuming less carbohydrate substances would be a good idea. Carbohydrate tends to lower blood pressure that can cause depression. Green vegetables must be made a regular diet because research have proved that green vegetables like spinach and such others are foods to fight depression and are really effective when it comes to it.

3) You must try to self analyze the problems that might be causing the depression and try to cure that. Though it is always easier said than done but this can be a very effective way to fight depression on your own. There cannot be a better help than yourself during such time.

4) If you are an alcoholic or addicted to any narcotic substance like drugs or such stuffs then you must make it a point to stop doing them. You must even try to reduce smoking.These stuffs might apparently seem to be stress busters that helps you in beating depression but in fact they work the other way round. These chemicals and tobaccos are causative agents of depression.

5) Last but not the least you should always try to look at the brighter side of things.Depression makes a person think that every thing is dark and hopeless for him. You must try to make yourself believe that there is always light at the end of the tunnel and sooner or later things would turn bright.

The Pendulum Effect in American Politics: 1974-2010

One of my favorite movie quotes is from Back to the Future when Christopher Lloyd, as Doc Brown, challenges Michael J. Fox's Marty McFly in 1955 to prove his preposterous time-travel story by naming the president in 1985. When Marty replies, "Ronald Reagan," Doc Brown hoots and says, incredulous, "Ronald Reagan, the actor? Hah!"

Before the 1980 presidential election, there were many Americans of the same opinion as the good doctor. Jimmy Carter's presidency may have been weakened by the Iran hostage crisis, a stubborn recession and the second energy crisis of the decade, but the conventional wisdom after the primaries was that GOP candidate Ronald Reagan didn't have a prayer. What he did have, however, was devout support from the defiantly religious, rapidly rising and well-financed "New Right." When this movement helped steer Reagan into the White House, their influence went on to shape American politics and policy for a dozen years. The pendulum had swung dramatically to the right. Progressives and moderates were stunned. Back to the Future, indeed.

But those who were shocked either had short memories or were too young to remember another dramatic swing--to the left--in the wake of the Watergate scandal. The resignation of President Nixon on August 8, 1974, preceded by two years of a "national nightmare" and the birth of unabashed investigative journalism, gave rise to a deep and enduring distrust of government by the press and the public. This collective rejection of presidential arrogance, coupled with outrage at Ford's pardon of Nixon, propelled a bevy of freshly minted Democrats (including Jimmy Carter) into Washington.

Let's return to the much-touted Reagan Revolution. Characterized by trickle-down economics whose terminus mysteriously eluded its promised beneficiaries, it started to dim under the presidency of George H. W. Bush. While his prosecution of the Gulf War met with generally high marks, Bush's tin ear toward the recession of the early 90s became his downfall. The clever and charismatic Bill Clinton wrested the presidency away from the Republicans for the first time in twelve years. While Clinton ushered in the era of the "New Democrat" that rejected some of the more liberal policies of the party's past, the pendulum had undeniably swung back to the left.

Two short years later, Newsweek ran an article with a beleaguered Clinton on its cover accompanied by the title, "The Incredible Shrinking President." Hobbled out of the gate by embracing the worthy but narrow issue of gays in the military, the resulting "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy proved unpopular with all sides. Most critically, it was a dangerous distraction from the average voter's primary issue: in the immortal words of James Carville, "it's the economy, stupid." Enter (stage right) firebrand Newt Gingrich, The Contract with America and the GOP takeover of both houses in the mid-term election of 1994. The future looked bleak for the New Democrats.

Reports of their demise, of course, were greatly exaggerated. Two years later, Clinton's serendipity was personified by GOP presidential candidate Senator Bob Dole. Dole's laconic style and tepid campaign skills enabled an impeached president who had barely survived a seismic sex scandal to win the election decisively. He was greatly assisted by the hubris of the insurgent Republicans, who wrongly believed in their absolute power and greatly underestimated the rage of the American public when they shut down the federal government. That infamous standoff provided the perfect foil for Clinton, and may have been an object lesson in the benefits of enemies behaving badly.

The 2000 Supreme Court decision Bush vs. Gore, handed down by an increasingly conservative bench, effectively shifted the country back to the right. There it stayed through 9/11, two wars, an unprecedented economic trajectory and a dizzying plummet to earth. Bush's approval ratings descended almost as quickly, and the contagion spread to GOP candidate John McCain. Suddenly the boom years of the mid-2000s turned into the worst economy since the Great Depression. This was fertile ground for Barack Obama, a relatively new face on the national scene, who first unseated the heretofore presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton. Obama then proceeded to rouse the spirits of the nation--and the ire of his opponents--by evangelizing the redemptive power of hope. Progressives rejoiced as Americans embraced his promise of change.

Mario Cuomo once observed, arguably from personal experience, that politicians campaign in poetry but govern in prose. The Obama administration took on the herculean task of the failing economy, rising unemployment, and the desperately dysfunctional health care system all within the first eighteen months. Ambitious? Foolhardy? Recipe for a rout in the mid-terms? Perhaps all. The rise of the Tea Party was fueled by raging opposition to the bank bailouts, TARP, and "Obamacare." It is no small irony that the first two were on Bush's watch, a fact quickly forgotten due to an acute case of national amnesia. Blamed for an anemic stimulus effect and unemployment entrenched at nearly 10%, Democrats "took a shellacking" in the 2010 mid-terms. Only twenty-four months after Obama's historic victory, The Economist's post-election issue proclaimed over a picture of an approaching posse: "The Republicans ride in."

The ebb and flow of American politics is not unlike the old adage about weather in New England: if you don't like it, wait five minutes. Reagan's and Clinton's approval ratings were both lower that Obama's two years before their re-election. Clinton, Truman and Eisenhower all suffered similar losses in their mid-terms and were re-elected. If history is prologue, and the pendulum is primed, there may be hope yet for Obama in 2012.

Coping Mechanisms For Depression

Depression can be a source of a more serious emotional and psychological illness if you cannot manage it. At some point, if a depressed person cannot cope with his/her feeling of depression, they tend to build their own world and end up ending their own life. At another point, a depressed person does not have any ability to differentiate right from wrong. If they are into something, they think that it is the best thing to do.

If you are into depression a lot, you should have what we call coping mechanisms. You should not let depression go over you and totally invade your personal being. Here are some of the coping mechanisms that you can have to cope with your depressed feeling.

You should know the causes and reasons why people get depressed. To make sure that you understand these causes, you do a self-research. Based on what you have researched, reflect with your own self. Does it apply to you? Do you have the same causes as well? If so, then you have to try following the coping styles. It might also work for you.

You have to make sure that you have enough sleep every night. Sometimes, the depressed feeling is fueled by the lack of sleep and rest. By making sure you get six to eight hours of sleep every day, you will start your day with feeling light and fruitful.

Do simple exercises even if you are only at home. You can stretch jog, breast walk, or any exercise that will keep you fit. At the same time, you are allowing yourself to be busy with physical activities to keep thinking about what is getting you depressed. At some point, exercise is a god thing to d since aside from the fact that you can keep yourself fit, you can avoiding thinking of the things that can get you into depression.

Do some kind of recreation. Keep yourself busy. Watch your favorite movie, read a book, or do mind games. These activities will keep your ind and body at work. You also have to make sure that you plan your activities for the day so that you have less time to think about unworthy experiences and emotional stresses that might lead you to being depressed. You also have to do time management.

Talk to friends. Do not linger on the thoughts that will end up with self-pity. Once you vent it out, you will surely feel lighter than keeping it. Never compare yourself with others since you are a unique person. You have to think that you have what others don't have. Do not be afraid to seek counseling or visit a doctor if the depression gets worst. Well, you have to try to at least get an advice from the experts on the proper handling of depression.

You will be successful in dealing with the depression feeling if you have the will and determination to cope with it. No one can help you more than yourself. All of us have the tendency to get depressed. However, it is up to us on how to manage or cope with it.

How to Detect Symptoms of Depression

Depression is a complicated illness that can be very hard to detect unless you are looking for the right symptoms.

Did you know that over 15 million American's will suffer some type of depression this year, and that many of them will not even know that they have it, plus the startling fact is that only a third of those that do realize that they are affected, will ever seek treatment of any kind.

So why is it so hard to actually detect depression? Well the answer is relatively simple.

Many of the symptoms we associate with depression are problems we all experience from time to time; therefore it is not always easy to distinguish between what is perfectly normal, and what it a sign of danger.

We all feel sad and out of sorts at different periods of our life, as an example we may become a little shaken when we reach the age of 40, or even 50, as many who see this age, consider it as some milestone of reflection that causes us to ponder and evaluate our lives.

For many it may be depressing to some extent, but this does not mean that you are suffering from depression, as depression is not a feeling that will come and go for brief encounters of sadness.

Depression is consistent and constant, and will progress if not treated, and it can take years to get this illness under control if not caught or treated early.

Typical symptoms of depression can be irregular sleeping or eating habits, again this does not mean symptoms that last the weekend, but rather symptoms that are consistent over long periods of time.

Depressed individuals tend to recede into a shell, and they feel hopelessness and helplessness, but their feelings of loneliness and despair are constant and real to them, and they may want to reach out for help but cannot bring themselves to do so.

Many will find it hard to relate to those around them and where they once may have been the life and soul of the party, they may now be barely noticeable, and these are symptoms in the early stages.

When depression has progressed into later stages it begins to become apparent in their ability to be compatible with others around them, and many will find that their employment and/or educational activities will begin to be affected by their lack of communication and participation.

They find it harder to face others as well as themselves, and they see no hope or purpose for living, and even may begin to consider ending it all.

To avoid this unhappy result early detection is essential, and there is plenty of help available for those who suffer depression, and there are many effective means of treatment, some perfectly natural health remedies are available, which will get those suffering back onto the right track.

If you or someone you love, are experiencing lingering symptoms of depression, please consult a medical professional for an immediate diagnosis, and start to get the help you need.

Your life and the life of your friends depend apon it, so do something about it now.

How To Overcome Sadness and Just Be Happy

In case you haven't noticed, there seems to be a dramatic increase in the number of people who are wrestling with being overwhelmed with feelings of sadness. For many of these people, the cause of their negative emotions is not directly related to a specific incident or situation. Instead, they are suffering from a general sense of unhappiness which is preventing them from being able to function normally in their everyday lives.

Although the vast majority of these individuals are not suffering from a more severe condition known as "clinical depression," the effects of their negative emotions are having a severely negative impact on the quality of their lives.

Nearly all of us have feelings of sadness or unhappiness from time to time. These feelings can be caused by a variety of factors ranging from unmet expectations to hurtful events that happen to us. In other words, none of us are totally immune to feeling sad or unhappy.

There is a problem, however, if the dominant emotions that you experience are ones of sadness, anxiety or depression. These emotions not only affect how we feel about ourselves and our circumstances, they impact the people around us and actually shape and define our situation as much as it describes it.

When you feel sad or unhappy, your brain produces a specific set of chemicals that can eventually harm your system if they continue to exist in excess. These chemicals react with your nervous system causing it to slow down. The physical result is that you often feel overly tired and lethargic when these emotions are dominant.

While many people in today's society are turning to prescription drugs to alleviate the symptoms of sadness or mild depression, there are other alternatives that may be just as effective without the side effects often associated with medications. It is extremely important, however, to consult with your physician before discontinuing any medications if you are already taking them.

All of us want to be happy and to be able to enjoy the things that give our lives meaning and purpose. While it is perfectly normal to occasionally feel sad or mildly depressed, it is not normal to feel this way all of the time or even most of the time.

The problem is that most of us have never learned how to change our negative emotions. We either simply try to cope and label ourselves as a victim of our circumstances or we medicate ourselves in some way using a variety of substances or defense mechanisms to try to escape our emotional pain.

But there are a wide variety of non-chemical solutions for dealing with our negative emotions that are extremely easy and profoundly effective. The key is learning what they are and then actually applying them in our lives. Most people make the mistake of believing that there is nothing they can do or simply feeling too tired or discouraged to make the effort.

The most simple and direct methods to overcome sadness may involve doing something physically that you enjoy and refocusing your attention on the activity instead of thinking about the situation or circumstances that caused you to feel sad. Of course this is only a temporary solution, but it can be extremely helpful to relieve the overwhelming sense of heaviness that most people experience when wrestling with these kinds of negative emotions.

More long term solutions involve being able to gain a different perspective on your circumstances. This may involve talking with others or getting advice or guidance from other people you can trust. It is important to understand that long-term solutions are often a process that can take time. You can be certain, however, that there is a solution and that healing will come once you begin the journey.

Learning how to change your negative emotions can be one of the most important things you can do to improve the quality of your life and your future. When you begin to apply these simple and easy-to-use techniques, you will literally transform every other aspect of your life.

These techniques for transforming your negative feelings involve much more than just "positive thinking." Although your mental attitude is certainly an important factor in the process, the methods used expand to several other areas that impact the totality of your experience.

The bottom line is that these methods work and have been used to help millions of people overcome the negative effects of harmful emotions running rampant in their lives. There is no need to suffer needlessly from the effects of negative emotions. You deserve to be happy and to be able to fully enjoy the blessings that this life has to offer.

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Importance Of Fitness

Did you know that if you are physically inactive that you increase your risk of heart disease by the same amount as if you smoked ? In the UK it is estimated that 70% of the adult population can be classed as physically inactive. In the US 60% of adults do not participate in the recommended level of physical activity & 25% are not active at all.
In Australia 33% of the population are said to be so inactive that they gain no health benefits at all & the risk to the community from their physical inactivity, and therefore lack of fitness, is great.

For thousands of years physical activity and your level of fitness have been linked to good health. Due to the advance of science in this day & age this link can be proven, with overwhelming evidence that people who lead active lifestyles are less likely to die early or to experience major illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes & colon cancer.

Fitness is therefore a major, if not the major, factor in the type of health you are likely to enjoy. Regular exercise will improve your level of fitness and improve the way you look and feel. In conjunction with a balanced diet regular activity can help you maintain a healthy weight. It can even increase self confidence and reduce the risk of depression.

In order to maintain ones fitness it is recommended that you should use up approx 200 calories per day for most days of the week. This equates to 30 minutes of exercise which can be all in one go or even in 3 10 minute stints.

Here are some suggestions to help maintain your fitness.

Walk up the stairs (even part of the way) instead of taking the elevator.

Walk up moving escalators.

For short journeys leave the car and walk.

Do the house work at twice the speed.

Try DIY such as painting or do some gardening such as raking the leaves.

Get off the bus or subway a couple of stops early and walk the rest of the way.

Here are some benefits you will get from improved fitness through exercise.

Increased levels of HDL or "good" cholesterol.

Lower high blood pressure.

Help improve body composition by burning fat.

Promote healthy blood sugar levels.

Promote bone density.

Boost the immune system.

Improve mood and reduce the chance of depression.

Improving your level of fitness needn't be hard work, find some activity that you enjoy, maybe with your partner, family or friends. Stay motivated, keep a diary of your activities so you can look back and see how far you have come. Post inspirational quotes or stories at work or around the home. Set goals, both long and short term, rather than say you want to be fit for the summer, commit to going to the gym or aerobic class at least once a week.

Goals should be SMART





Time based

Picture where you want to be, maybe competing in a local fun run or race, get out an old pair of jeans or a dress that no longer fits & picture yourself wearing them/it.

Remember that exercise releases chemicals to the brain such as serotonin which has a great effect on your mood, helping to reduce anxiety, stress and depression. So even if you don't feel like exercising, remind yourself that you will feel better after.

Christian Faith, Bipolar Disorder, and Schizophrenia - Part One

Growing up with Bible stories and the TV and movies, you come to know about maniac's. As a teenager I knew that genius and insanity were very closely related. Little did I know I would one day become insane. Insanity...being out of your mind...delusional....having visions of grandeur...deceived by evil spirits...possessed by demons...contacting the dead...trips to heaven and hell...seeing evil spirits...seeing angels...seeing Jesus...seeing people out of the Bible...all in Part One

Writing five pages without editing except for a proofreader...writing a warning from God to a nation...being delivered from demons...having demons speak to you...having a demon pretend to be the Holy Spirit and tell you lies and direct you to do things that you assume are God telling you to do...staying up for three days and three nights without sleep... sleeping for two days straight...being so depressed you can't even wash clothes, shower, shave or cook for yourself...all in Part two

These are all experiences I have had as a Christian with schizoaffective disorder. Which is Manic depressive (Bipolar disorder) and Schizophrenia bundled into one illness.

One thing I have found in the church is that FEW people understand mental illness. I also have never met a born again Christian in the mental health services I have been part of and so I am in limbo.

One time about five months ago when I was in hospital I prayed for a Schizophrenic patient to be able to hear from God, and asked her to repeat about four sentences that I would have God speak to her. The message was a message I wanted to hear from God but didn't have the faith to ask Him myself as my own head was in a bad place with deceiving spirits going rampant. She was half way through the second sentence and tears were streaming down my face. God gave me a very comforting and reassuring message of hope in the midst of my crisis.

The patient who delivered the message was astounded that I was so affected and told me that she was so in love with the voice that had spoken the message to her. She said the voice was so soft and so full of love and so different to the voices that spoke to her. I told her that she could always ask God to speak to her and He would comfort her.

Everybody thinks Schizophrenic patients are possessed. Every one has half answers. Ask the same believers to cast the demons out of these patients and they are first to admit that they haven't got the gift.

So how do I cope?

Man, I have to tell you this with all honesty.

I go to dark places and I cry. I cry a lot.

I pray.

I read my Bible.

And I chat to God.

Let me address each of the topics briefly that I mentioned above.

Insanity...being out of your mind.

Whenever you dream, daydreaming is being out of your mind. Where it crosses over to insanity is when you start to believe the reality is true. Many mentality ill people get help from inside their heads as an inner voice to think insane thoughts. I have in the past been quite convinced I was talking to Mary Magdalene in heaven. I used to speak to her for an hour each night. I was thrilled to be speaking to a person so close to Jesus. This is insanity.


Delusional as I understand the term is just like being out of your mind. In the year 2000 I began to speak to my ex wife in my mind. I was told by a spirit that was pretending to be Jesus that through my ex wife I was going to contact a whole lot of witches and convert them to Christianity and because they were gifted in the dark arts they were going to be very effective and powerful in the Christian world when they are operating out of love.

I asked who I thought was Jesus how to do it and he stepped me through it. Soon the whole 144,000 of the book of Revelation were converted and all were ex witches and I was the leader. I had a number of girls that I was speaking to in my mind and one was appointed as leader. Without much sleep I would preach to the 144,000 converts and teach them things and then I would ask them questions and we would do a count of the answers in percentage of which the lead girl would do a tally. Most of them were yes and no answers. When I started wanting to meet the Australian girls and the ones in my city and started to ask for phone numbers and email addresses I was told that it was a whole lot more convenient to speak like this.

If you have a Schizophrenic friend, ask them the answer they got from their voice they are speaking to when they asked for the phone number, mailing address, or email address.

The most common demonic response is that it's cheaper and more convenient to do it through telepathy. I never pushed it further to the second and third level lies from demons.

Having visions of Grandeur...deceived by evil spirits.

I have thought I was one of the two witnesses of Revelation chapter 11. A human being who isn't one of these two last days prophets who is convinced that they are, is most often mentally ill. When people said I wasn't, this only made me more confident as I said, "No one believed in the prophets of the Bible, and so having no one believe me makes it more credible." The only thing that brought my thinking back to reality was medication.

Many mentally ill people have low self esteem and so thinking they are a modern John the Baptist or Jesus or one of the two last day's prophets makes them feel important. These delusions that the patient takes on makes them a person that is important and they will fight not to let go of this through of importance. All the way though my delusion I had a "Jesus" voice speaking to me that wasn't Jesus. I never considered that Jesus would lie to me and so nothing my parents or friends said could be convincing to me.

God had grace on me though,as he allowed the Jesus voice on two occasions six years apart say something that turned out to be a lie. I never forgot the lies and could not reconcile I am the Way the Truth and the Life (John 14:6) of what Jesus said of Himself and the lies my Jesus had told me. I had simply forgiven Him and tried to forget it. Then two years ago anointed preacher from Malaysia told me my Mary Magdalene, the God the Father voice and the Jesus voice that were speaking to me were demons and that I was not to speak to them. I obeyed.

Possessed by demons.

On four occasions I have been delivered of demons. On only three of the occasions did I feel any better afterwards. As I have had an addiction to prostitutes I have always had a vessel full of all sorts of demons that have sex with me and fill me back up again. Touch wood by faith I have conquered that addiction so in months to come when I am delivered again they will stay out of me.

Much of the Christian community does not believe in demon possession. Fewer still believe that a born again Christian can be possessed. It's as if demons disappeared 2000 years ago.

I have a number of demons still in me. I have to spend time on my faith, in the Word and in prayer and healing before I am ready for them to come out.

At present I know a man with a spirit of murder in him and he wants to kill me. Of late this has caused me some distress and put me into a depression. I have to avoid a whole block of my city for my life's sake and this has upset me. Demons are real. Most times it's a demon that is speaking to a Schizophrenic. But it's not easy to turn that voice off even for a Christian with that illness.

Fear, lust and a spirit of Masons have been cast out of me. The Masonic spirit leaving made my whole head seem free. The spirit of fear had a big difference on my personality and is trying to re-exert itself through the man who wants to kill me. The Lord himself lifted the spirit of lust one day after I repented in tears and touch wood I have not been with a sex worker since.

Contacting the dead...trips to heaven and hell.

Often times when in conversation with a stranger the Holy Spirit will direct me to ask them if they have a question for Jesus. Sometimes the person will ask how a dead relative is. On many occasions Jesus will give me a message to share about their relative. On some occasions the relative has spoken. I know in the Law a medium is condemned yet each time it comes a surprise to me the question, and in almost every case the person's eyes fill up with tears. I know this could be a familiar spirit but on most of the occasions I can describe the house the relative has in heaven and all the furniture and they are able to confess that features in the house I describe are exactly what they person would love but never had the money to own on earth or something like that. I see visions of the house and the people when this happens.

On many occasions I have been to heaven. I have been into a throne room at one time and seen a big ball of light like I think Isaiah saw. I explain that in more detail in my article Modern Prodigal Goes to Heaven. One time I saw a whole park full of children and Jesus told me it was all the children in heaven that had no parents. Most of them were abortions on earth. That was a memorable trip. One time in heaven Jesus put a big diamond the size of a soccer ball in my hand. Later on the Father said that diamond that I held would run the USA government for 200 years. He told me that was what he thought of money as the wall I took it out of was hundreds of feet high and miles long all of which were diamonds of that size. Bill Gates with all his wealth wouldn't even be able to buy one of them, such is the verse Jesus said, "Beware of greediness, life does not consist of the abundance of one's possessions." And also when He said, "what does it profit a man if He gains the whole world and loses His own soul?" That wall of diamonds showed me the reality of those two verses.

Yeah I am no one great. But each time I have been to heaven it has been memorable for me. A month ago I took a guy to heaven in his mind in a vision where he met his wife that had died a year before. He saw her sitting with Jesus in a meadow full of yellow flowers and a waterfall in the distance. She smiled at him and spoke to him. I was pleased that he could tell me what she had said and done as I watched it happen and was able to confirm it.

I have been to a part of hell for two fifteen minute trips. It's not a place you want to visit. If you are reading this and you are not a Christian, I invite you to email me and tell me so, I have a few passages in the Bible I want you to look up.

Seeing evil spirits...seeing angels...seeing Jesus...seeing people out of the Bible.

I have only once seen an evil spirit of lust on a girl. It did not look nice. The best I can say is it looked like one of those dragons, people like to collect in popular shops. It gave her an attraction to all the guys and she was very attractive also. One of the Christian men I was with pointed it out and when he did I saw it.

I once asked Jesus, "How come I see angels all the time and I don't see demons?" He said, "Matthew if you saw the demons around you most of the time, you would not get any sleep." I laughed, understood and never once complained since. Sometimes I have discernment of spirits and I can tell the name of a demon a person has inside of them, but I don't see the demon.

However I have seen so many angels it would take a whole article to share all of them with you. Five times I have had the honour to see Michael the archangel. All but one time, He was in the company of Jesus. One time a few weeks before I went to hospital he was with me walking down the street. I saw two big guard dogs back off when I walked toward them as confirmation he was with me. The same day I had a six year old girl confirm that he was with me and when I told her Michael was a fighter, she started to have a play fight shadow boxing into the thin air as her mother wondered what had come over her daughter. With my two confirmations I felt convinced yes on that day I walked with Michael. I have felt a strong presence of God in a church and many times seen angels worshipping God in my church. On some special occasions to me I have seen women angels dancing.

Six years ago I was on a beach at 2am in the morning and Jesus had told me to move away from my family and go 400 miles and to Sydney where I had no friends and 800 miles from my son. On that night I asked Jesus where He was I was so caught up in my love for Him. He told me He was just beyond the breakers. I knew sharks like to cruise right behind the breakers for fish and night time was the wrong time to be swimming there, but I pushed the fear aside and went to swim out. As soon as I took a step toward the water the water receded 100 feet. I asked Jesus what was going on, and he said, "Not tonight, but you will meet me real soon."

I said, "You said in the Book of Revelation that you are coming soon and that has been 200 years. How soon is soon?"

He said "very very soon Matthew."

Three weeks later I met Jesus in Sydney in the flesh. He was dressed as a hungry, homeless man, dirty and forsaken by men. He did three things is my presence that were miracles to prove that He was who I thought He was. One of them was disappear into thin air.

I have seen Jesus in heaven, seen Him on many occasions in visions on earth and not less then ten times with one of my good friends. I once have been knighted by Jesus with a sword. I do not know what that means. When He spoke for ten minutes in the flesh on His ideas on the Gospels, the speech was so rich, so profound that I know it would take many years' study to understand the depths of it.

In heaven I have met people out of the Bible. I have also met Daniel and the Apostle John on earth in visions on earth. I know I will have some role to play in these end times simply because both these men wrote visions of prophecy about these last days. Daniel came and comforted me in hospital.

Seeing evil spirits, seeing angels, seeing Jesus and dead people would have a sane person committed to a psychiatric ward of most hospitals, but to me these are regular experiences and you can't have me put away because at present my mental health workers are very happy with my state of health. I am in a major depression and they can't even tell.

As you can see I have not covered all of the topics. The rest: of them being:

writing five pages without editing except a proofreader...writing a warning from God to a nation...being delivered from demons...having demons speak to you...having a demon pretend to be the Holy Spirit and tell you lies and direct you to do things that you assume are God telling you to do...staying up for three days and three nights without sleep... sleeping for two days straight...being so depressed you can't even wash clothes, shower, shave or cook for yourself...will be covered in part two.

Acupuncture for Treating Depression

Of all the illnesses and debilitating conditions acupuncture can help treat, depression is one of the most interesting. Part of the reason for this is that modern Western medicine classifies depression as a mood disorder manifested by both physical and psychological symptoms. In contrast, acupuncture, a practice within Traditional Chinese Medicine, does not view depression as an illness but rather an imbalance within the person's system that can be treated with acupuncture therapy, herbal medicines and problem-specific massage. Though there is no one answer for treating a case of depression it is wise for someone to consider all their options including psychotherapy, anti-depressant medication and holistic acupuncture therapies before deciding on a treatment program.

Depression is a very unique study area that can involve many factors including genetics, behavior, environment, individual circumstances and chemical imbalances in the brain. Though Western medicine has found success with both psychotherapy talk treatments and anti-depressant medication, there is no one single cure for depression mostly because each individual experiences different symptoms. Some may be riddled with anxiety, suffer from insomnia and experience stomach pains while others may sleep way too much, show little or no interest in just about anything and may deal with feelings of hopelessness and in extreme cases suicidal behavior. Because of the variations in the symptoms of depression it isn't always easy to diagnose a patient and prescribe a treatment program.

If you have tried medication and psychotherapy and have had little or no success it may be time to give acupuncture a try. As with other acupuncture treatments, the goal is to identify strategic points on the body that may be disrupting the vital flow of a person's 'qi' or life force energy. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that conditions such as depression are linked to imbalance of energy flowing through a person's body and that with the gentle insertion of fine needles along these meridians the flow of energy can be returned to its normal state thereby alleviating the symptoms associated with depression.

Unlike broken bones or torn ligaments, the treatments for depression can vary widely. Some people react well to medications while others prefer talk therapy as a way to relieve their anxiety and stress. And still others have found success through the holistic approach of acupuncture therapy and a continued treatment of Chinese herbs and problem-specific massage. Some choose acupuncture for the simple reason that is all natural and won't involve a patient becoming dependent on a particular medication. Many people have also found that a combination of psychotherapy and acupuncture have had great results in alleviating major symptoms of depression. If you or someone you know is dealing with depression, ask him or her if they have considered acupuncture treatment. Quick, painless and affordable, acupuncture may be the remedy you've been looking for.

Realizing a Breakup-Induced Depression

Right after your breakup is the perfect time for you to brush up on your depression detection skills. Feeling sad is normal, but this emotion may linger longer than you expect, can transform to depression, and can take a toll on your mental health and physical well-being if you're not vigilant. How you can detect and cope with depression are covered in this guide. Read on for a better-informed, healthier you:


After a breakup, you are likely to feel extremely sad, frustrated and hopeless. Feeling these emotions is normal, but when you experience each feeling to the point that it interferes with your daily routine, you are already well in the clutches of depression. In most cases, you will experience a loss of appetite, insomnia and a zero social life. With depression, you start viewing your life and the activities you must do with much difficulty. All you really obsess about is the relationship you have just lost.


Depression is no silent visitor. In fact, if you're vigilant, you can easily spot and sniff the condition based on the following signs:

1. You feel a general sense of hopelessness. Nothing is going the way you planned. Bad luck seems to follow you.

2. Unstable sleep patterns describe your rest hours. When you're not sleeping like a log, you sleep like a very alert sentry. You hate to toss and turn, but its what you do all night.

3. Concentration is often a sign that you are experiencing depression. You may have difficulty working, driving, making important decisions, or even remembering basic things ? this can wreck havoc on your professional and personal life.

4. Many people who get depressed may feel very nervous. In some instances, a loss of energy may be experienced.

5. Your nutrition suffers due to changes in appetite. When depression sinks in, you find yourself wanting to eat either more food or less food. Eating a balanced diet ceases to become a main concern for you.

What can you do?

Breakups can be extremely devastating. Equipped with the information given in the guide, you can now tell whether you are safe from the path of depression or heading straight to the hole. This isn't all you can do though. If you suspect you are prone to depression, seek a support system right away.

A few outsiders can help you cope with depression so you don't have to undergo the entire ordeal alone. Seek the company and comfort of family members and friends, or approach professionals to enroll you in a recovery program enriched with great advice and coping strategies.

Avoiding Depression

Can you really avoid depression? Is there a way that you can get rid of this awful disease that seems to be taking over your life? For many, the only way to rid their bodies of depression is by taking medications and getting therapy. Both of these things are great ways to work through your depression, but is there a way in which you can avoid it altogether?

Depression is a mind disease. It is usually caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Sometimes, we refer to ourselves as being depressed when things go wrong. This is not the clinical form of depression, but both of these conditions can feel like the end of the world. The only way to avoid depression or really low times is to simply fight against it by surrounding yourself with good thoughts, experiences and people. Will it cure you of your depression? No, not technically. But, by surrounding yourself with a positive environment filled with positive energy, you may find that the effects that depression has on you is lessened.

Only your doctor can help you overcome depression. But, by placing positiveness within your life, you may be able to lessen the effects depression has. This is never a reason not to see your doctor though. If you would like more information regarding avoiding depression you can seek out the knowledge that is available throughout the internet.

Websites like can provide you with good ideas, inspirations, and ways to avoid depression. Although it is not a medical website, it is still a good source for more ideas.

4 Ways to Reverse Depression

What is Depression? Depression is defined as: a sadness exceeding a normal time of grief both in duration and intensity. In short more often than not you are unhappy, frustrated, pissed off, negative and any other emotion you can throw in the hat. There are 3 major types of depression:

  1. Major depression - is characterized by a combination of symptoms that last for at least two weeks in a row, including sad and/or irritable mood that interfere with the ability to work, sleep, eat. These episodes can occur once, twice, or several times in a lifetime.

  2. Bipolar disorder (manic depression) - is a group of mood disorders or cycles of moods that include at least one episode of mania which are often chronic and recurring. Sometimes, the mood switches are dramatic and can cause unwise business or financial decisions when an individual is in a manic phase. 

  3. Dysthymia - is a less severe but usually more long-lasting type of depression. It involves long-term (chronic) symptoms that do not disable but yet prevent the affected person from functioning at "full steam". Episodes of major depression can occur and this combination of the two types of depression is referred to as double-depression.

In the context of Health we have to realize the body is responding to what is cultivated in our minds. So it is critical to focus on what we feed our mind as much as what we feed our body. Before we do this lets take a moment to look at signs that people exhibit in a depressive character: 

  • Persistently sad, anxious, angry, irritable, or "empty" mood

  • Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism and worthlessness

  • Loss of interest

  • early-morning awakening, or oversleeping

  • Fatigue

  • Crying spells

  • Thoughts of death or suicide

  • Physical symptoms, chronic pain, headaches, loss of appetite

The causes are numerous and to lengthily for purposes of this article but it is worth the time to reflect in your individual case some of the reasons that could have affected you. Grief, sadness and mourning are all natural responses to certain circumstances, but as described above the extended effects of these emotions is what pushes us over the line into depression. 

In discussion all this clinical talk is fine but living in the midst of depression requires more than talk, you need help.

I would like to share a few ways with you that may help to reverse depression:

  1. Medication - There is a real connection between a bodies chemical imbalance and depression. If you cannot do it yourself get help to find out if you have conflicting medication. You may also have a nutritional imbalance it might take some time to research but you may solve a big chunk of your problem in this one area

  2. Protect Your Mind - You know down inside what affects you negatively, stay away from these things. The last thing you need is to add extra negative stress on top of your depressive state.

  3. Layoff - Take it easy on yourself, layoff you. Self-Condemnation is one of the most vicious cycles to break, it consumes you day and night. Since it is a thought it can be as cancerous as any tumor.  To compound depression thoughts can manifest itself into physical problems and you don't need that.

  4. Release - Depression is a poison and like any other poison you need to get it out of you body. Write, talk, exercise, find what works for you and get that poison (depression) out of your body.

I know easier said than done but if you have the will to change then change you will. Take small steps so frustration won't stop your progress. Lets accept the fact that some people like the "Rut" and that's the way that is.

Very disruptive to your life and a complex matter this depression is, but you have to start somewhere and if you have the will to change that's half the battle. 

Don't you give up, that's what depression wants and it can't survive if you have hope.Depression puts you in a very small box where there is no room for hope and the alternatives it offers are not very good.

Folks, in my worse days my hope was that I would not wake up the next day, death was my hope. Now my hope is in some small way as a chick breaks out of it's shell that you can break out of the shell of depression and re-discover what good things life still has to offer.

Remember we have One Life - One Body


Actors: Are You Sure You Want To Be an Actor? Read On!

Lunatics, manic depressives, people with too much ego, people with too little ego. People with so much talent it's scary. People with so little talent it's scary. And just about everyone else in between. The ideal acting candidate carries the following in his DNA: ear, energy, intelligence, imagination, and intuition; the ideal acting candidate somewhere develops the following character traits: determination, drive, refusal to be beaten, resilience, pride, awareness of self and others. Wed those two lists of requirements and you have a potential actor--or saint!

So you have all those characteristics! Great. Now for a couple of comments:

Actors fib. Maybe it is a requirement. But fib they do. I have asked several actors why they want to act. Mostly they fib but here are some of their more truthful replies, followed by my own observations.

1. "I thought it would be fun."
FUN? Let's see. Work 9-5, beg to come in late so you can sign up for an open call. Or instead, get up at six AM and stand in a line outside the Equity building in every kind of weather. I remember waiting outside for two hours in 13 degree temperature for an open call for 簫 appropriately 簫 "The Grapes of Wrath." That was life imitating at least the title of the play!

FUN? Tech and dress that goes on until one AM. A long subway trip home. Up at seven to be to work at nine. Get off work whenever. In the theatre at seven. Curtain at eight. Hours and hours and hours of rehearsal. There are ten people in the opening night audience.

FUN? Four months of open calls nearly every day and not one callback. The air is laden and leaden with depression, rejection, doubt, loneliness. Suddenly a small house and family in Nebraska sound like Eden.

FUN? After an audition, being told by the director you are better than the "star name" they cast, but golly gee you know the business! Gotta fill those seats! Subtext: You're a nobody. "How dreary to be somebody! How public, like a frog." This is small example of why I push for actors to read poetry. No actor sums up being a nobody better than Emily Dickinson.

FUN? You have the female lead in a 35 minute short film, opposite a huge name actor who won't even speak to you because you are not also a "name." ["I'm nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody, too?"] In fact he won't even sit next to you in a bar scene. Me? Once that Northern Irish temper set in (controlled of course!) I was OK. Till then, I felt like Dickinson's frog TAKE TWO.

FUN? Five years later you still have the scar on your arm from the nail some indifferent carpenter failed to hammer in properly and you, rushing off stage, slashed your arm on it. The wardrobe mistress blasts loose language not even heard even in triple XXX rated because you got blood on the costume. Excuse me!

FUN? You're doing Shakespeare behind the NY Public Library. The woman whom you have a scene with in three minutes tears her ankle and you have to improvise both sides of the dialogue because the plot depends on this scene, all the while you keep the verbal balls in the air in dazzling iambic pentameter. When it's over you grab the Xanax or go into cardiac arrest.

Endless examples. If you're in it for "fun," go dance on the rim of Etna or Vesuvius, or any other volcano, while its sizzling. Now that's fun!

Reason # 2 which actors give for becoming become actors:
"I thought I'd give it a try."

Me: Don't bother. Fire swallowing is an easier occupation. Try it.

3. And yet another reason for becoming an actor:
"I was in a play in high school. It was a good memory."

Me: Don't ruin a perfectly lovely memory.

4. Reason (Usually at the bottom of very few lists, if there at all!)
"I just have to. It's like breathing. It's something I have to do."

Me:Oh dear, hope he's talented. His answer is impeccable.

With the possible exception of the "just have to" response, it is my own opinion that 15 minutes in the sun is what lures people into acting. You want sun? Go to Phoenix.

However, it is that same drive for recognition and praise that draws us all, regardless of how noble our professed protestations for wanting to act. The person who lacks that drive for recognition and praise won't work his tail off trying to get auditions and trying to get roles.

Anyone who doesn't want recognition is fibbing. Any actor who says he pays no attention to reviews or recognition has a daddy who's a director, a studio nabob, a producer. If you are just acting for yourself ("I don't care what people think just so long as I am pleased with what I did."), then you don't need an audience and it's less draining to play charades on Friday evening with friends and neighbors.

So my bravos to those who truthfully say, "Yeah, I'm all for fame and glory. I want recognition. I want to be famous." Then let the drive for fame also be the drive that gets you auditions and bowls over the directors and producers. But also love acting, and honor the profession, and want to be the best actor you can be.

Acting, every word and every eyebrow twitch, is a challenge. Let the challenge be a reason to become an actor. Because acting, especially on stage, is one of the toughest jobs in all of the arts. Challenge doesn't begin to describe what it means to make an audience forget you and mix you up with character you are playing.

I remember once auditioning with the Duchess of York's monologue as she curses her despicable son, Richard III. Although the director later cast me, her response to my monologue was, "I wouldn't want to cross you!" That was not me. Those words were Shakespeare's. Not mine. The challenge was to make The Duchess sound real -real with variety and energy. The director's comment was not intended as a compliment. But it was to me-because of the challenge of Shakespeare's words.

My advice to almost everyone who wants to be an actor is DON'T. Find something you really like to do where you can earn a living and then do community theatre. If you live in a large city, there are often movies shot in your city and you could do extra work. In other words, train for a good profession and yet keep your finger in the acting pie, only as a good amateur rather than someone struggling to live off acting.

Although what I am about to say goes against many people's opinion, nevertheless let me say it--with the caveat that it is MY opinion and is not written on a tablet from Mount Sinai. I am not Moses..

There is, I firmly believe, a performing mentality: positive, gutsy, determined, self-confident (about self and ability), full of energy and vitality. I do not believe it is the role of a teacher or a coach to pull or to elicit from a student the energy, the vitality, the joy, the confidence that this profession requires.

Acting requires almost superhuman self-confidence, at least during an audition or performance. You certainly can be taught how to say a line or deliver a speech. But that drive to perform must be so strong that no amount of doubt can prevent or destroy your ability to shine at an audition or performance.

Not long ago a June graduate of one of America's prestigious drama departments asked if I would coach her acting and guide her in how to audition. I agreed. Then she went home (Ohio) to visit a brother and his children. When she returned, she said their life was so good (family and home) that she wondered if she really wanted to act. I strongly suggested that she return home, find a job she enjoyed, and build a good life. I was absolutely sincere in my advice.

I am most alive on stage or in front of a camera. Not to act is not to be whole. BUT THAT IS ME. Relatively dull in real life, but a cyclone when performing. I do not recommend this profession to anyone unless you have the drive, the talent, the ability to function well in spite of rejection, and a joyous inner energy that is contagious to casting people and to audiences.

I wish you luck and sincerely hope that in another ten years we will see your name in lights on Broadway or on a movie marque on 42nd Street. Or that you will be happy in Montana, or Maine, or Mississippi, with a good job, a home, and a lovely family.

But to those who really want to act, read some of my later articles, as well as the ones already published here. See if you have what it takes. Then if your answer is "yes" we will guide you and help you weave the magic necessary to reach OZ with as few twisted ankles or pained psyches as possible.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Ups and Downs of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder, also called manic-depressive illness, is a serious disorder of the brain marked by cyclical mood swings, which often disrupt work, school, family, and social life. The symptoms typically begin in a person's late teens or twenties and affect men and women equally. If left untreated, it can lead to suicide in nearly 20 percent of cases. The illness is often misunderstood and difficult to diagnose because its symptoms may not reappear for as much as a year at a time.

Many times, it is initially misdiagnosed especially when hypomania (milder manic episodes) is not recognized. Since mental illnesses cannot be identified by a blood test or a brain scan, diagnosis must be made on the basis of symptoms, patterns of the illness, and family history. The most common symptoms are episodes of mania and depression. A person with Bipolar disorder may also have neutral periods where there are no apparent mood problems. Additionally, there may be periods of "mixed moods" where the person is both depressed and manic simultaneously.

The disorder shows many other symptoms such as paranoia, intense anger, irritability, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed or over-stimulated, difficulty maintaining focus, attention or concentration, suicidal thoughts and impulses, hypochondria, hallucinations, self-harm, delusions and psychotic breaks from reality. Most individuals with bipolar disorder spend more time in depressed phases than in manic phases.

Bipolar disorder has many causal factors. These include physical, mental, environmental and emotional causes and are usually divided into biological and psychological explanations. Researchers have proven that bipolar disorder is hereditary, but it can also be stress related or caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Approximately sixty percent of individuals with Bipolar disorder also have drug or alcohol dependence or exhibit obsessive compulsive activities such as excessive spending, working or cleaning. Many exhibit sexually promiscuous behavior or an obsession with fitness or body image.

Depression Anxiety Symptoms - Identification For Timely Treatment

Depression is one serious illness that needs to be addressed as early as possible. Depression anxiety symptoms vary and may include one or a combination of the following: sadness or disinterest and displeasure in the simplest of activities or undertakings, weight loss or weight gain, insomnia or sometimes oversleeping, lack of energy and enthusiasm, feelings or delusions of self-pity and worthlessness, and on the extreme sometimes suicidal tendencies. The patient is oftentimes confused at his or her own irritability, irrational anger, worrying and agitation, pessimism, lethargy, guilt feelings and indifference.

Why People Get Depressed and Anxious

The human mind is a complex thing; nothing can understand it completely, even the person who owns the mind. It is a very powerful organ responsible for every thing that we are: the way we think, the way we react and how we show emotions. Everything is lodged in that mass of gray matter called the brain.

The brain learns things through experience. One region of the brain that regulates moods and emotions learns through stresses, happiness and sadness. How it reacts to these outside stressors depend largely on how it functions. If it lacks biochemicals so that things will be process clearly, a person will fall into a state of anxiety and depression.

In short, when there is chemical imbalance in the brain, it will show depression anxiety symptoms. Until such imbalance is attended to, the brain won't be able to get out of its state of being anxious and depressed.

Different Types of Anxiety

Different types of anxiety may be classified separately from different depression modes. The two, however, may have overlapping symptoms and even possibility of congruency in moods. According to a survey by the National Institutes of Mental Health, majority of those who suffer from depression also are afflicted with anxiety. This accounts for the term agitated depression, which is a depression state that includes a high level of restlessness and anxiety, insomnia or lack or inability to sleep, and a general feeling of constant panic or fear.

The combination of even the mildest of symptoms of anxiety with a clearly depressive illness is very critical to consider.

Common Symptoms

To put these two in a clinical perspective, the National Institute of Mental Health catalogued the following symptoms of depression: a persistently anxious mood of emptiness, pessimism and hopelessness, guilt-feelings, loss of enthusiasm for previously enjoyable activities (like hobbies or even sex), lethargy and loss of enthusiasm, insomnia, oversleeping, loss of appetite resulting in weight loss or the exact opposite which is overeating and the corresponding sudden weight gain, suicidal tendencies and attempts, and physical symptoms like constipation or diarrhea, severe unexplained pain, migraines or headaches.

Psycho Indicators in Depression and Anxiety

On the other hand, anxiety, according to the medical encyclopedia, is a physiological, cognitive, mix of psycho-somatic and behavior aspects. Anxiety usually is characterized by irrational feelings of worry and apprehension, even fear. These psycho-indicators are often accompanied by the somatic or bodily manifestations of irregular heartbeats, difficulty in breathing, headaches, chest pains, nausea, or intestinal problems.

While these are highly treatable illnesses, it is vital that symptoms are identified as early as possible and treatment sought after soon enough. Some patients fear the stigma of being branded with a psychological disorder, but families need to be supportive and allow a coping environment.

Depression Anxiety Symptoms Vary By Gender and Age Group

Depression in men may manifest itself differently from depression in women. Women are more often prone to depression than their male counterparts. Although attributable to hormonal factors in a way, as women go through more complex somatic processes of menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, and menopause, women compared to men are more prone to additional depressants in their careers or home chores, in their parenting, and in their caring for the elderly (like their parents).

Other Depression Anxiety Symptoms

Depression anxiety symptoms, causes, and effects also vary between the young and the old. While the youth will have depressants like the incessant need to be accepted, even the elderly sometimes experience those same depressants that afflict the youth but may be manifested in different ways and symptoms.

Depression During the Change of Life

Depression is one of the signs that a woman is likely to be in the perimenopausal stage of menopause. The perimenopausal stage is the phase that leads up to the menopausal stage. Studies have shown that between 8 and 15 percent of menopausal women forms some sort of depression. I am sure that these figures are low and that there are many more woman than reported because when a person is depressed and they tend to not want to talk about depression or any problem with mood swings.

First lets look at perimenopause.

You ask what is perimenopause? Perimenopause is the stage of life a woman goes through before she goes into menopause. This stage can last 8 to 10 years for some women. Perimenopause is where the woman's reproductive life changes and the ovaries begin to produce less estrogen. Low estrogen is one of the main causes that start the mood swings and depression.

Now lets look at menopause.

Menopause is when the man moves out of the house to the dog house to take shelter, sometimes this also happens during the perimenopausal stage. Just a little laughter. Seriously, menopause is the stage where the female stops having a period for one year or more. This is normal and it tells us that the reproductive years are over. This usually happens in the late 40's to early 50's. During this time a woman body changes and she may start feeling worthlessness, guilt for no reason and many other symptoms.

Depression and self worth.

One of the things that happen during a woman in perimenopause or menopause is that the estrogen levels in the body drop which triggers emotional changes to take place. These emotions are depression, memory loss, anxiety, anger and mood swings. Most women can see the signs of depression and memory loss during perimenopause and can connect these signs to perimenopause and menopause condition.

Because of the way estrogen affects the brain, when women are perimenopausal their estrogen drops and so the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin drop also. When these levels are low as a result of less estrogen in the body, depression can result. This is the reason anti depressants, which stop these neurotransmitters from breaking down, are effective.

Lets look at signs of depression.

  • Fatigue

  • Change in appetite

  • Change in sleep patterns

  • Loss of energy

  • Thoughts of suicide

  • Irritability

  • Guilt

  • Feeling or worthlessness

  • Memory loss

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Sleep disorders

  • Anxiety

  • Cannot make decisions

  • Short attention span


Stress can be a major player in depression especially during the perimenopausal and menopausal stages of life. Stress is a powerful tool in the body which can cause the body to do many bad things. Stress can throw the hormones into an unbalanced affair which can cause anxiety and mood swings which can lead to depression. In the case of depression, the body lacks sufficient serotonin, the neurotransmitter necessary to maintain positive mood. Depression medication can help in these cases but first talk to your health care provider. He or she may put you on a antidepressant medication with "Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors" (SSRI).

What can I do about my depression.

First there is medication, talk to your doctor before starting any sort of medications. Antidepressants are a huge help when in this stage of life. Also your physician may talk to you about taking a Hormone Replacement Therapy. Make sure you do your studies on HRT before starting this therapy, there may be some risk involved with HRT therapy.

Second is therapy by a trained professional called a psychologist or psychiatrist. This can be short term or long term depending on your condition. I personally found this to be a huge help in my life. I personally went every other week for a year. But each person is different and you and your therapist can work this out.

Third is to get plenty of exercise and sleep. Exercise can help to increase the levels of serotonin in the body. Even exercising 10 minutes a day can be very beneficial to fighting off depression. Sleep on a regular time table. Poor sleep can worsen depression and can cause sever problems with the body.

And forth, take time out for yourself and also spend time with friends. I found that I did not want to be around others but wanted to go home after work and hide under the covers and watch television. This is one of the worse things you can do. You need to not withdraw and hide at home; you need to spend quality time with positive people in your life. Find a hobby to do, many people with depression find themselves avoiding enjoyable things in life. Force yourself to do things you love even when you have no ambition or energy to do them.

Medical Problems and Sleeping Too Much

When it comes to sleep, like anything else in life, has been reported that moderation is key for good health and long life. Sleeping too little causes health problems, but did you know that sleeping too much can cause the same or more medicals problems such as diabetes and heart disease and is linked to weight gain, Parkinson's and depression? Are you sleeping too much? Researchers do point out that the amount of sleep varies with age and that people that are stressed or sick will tend to sleep more. Other factors that cause over sleeping are those that have less access to health care which may have undiagnosed mental and physical illnesses such as heart disease and depression. People that abuse alcohol and drugs are inclined to over sleep. Then there are those that just love to sleep or at least like to take a nap in the afternoon.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults should get around seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Some research has found that long sleep durations of nine hours or more are associated with illness and death. What medical problems cause people to sleep too much?

Hypersomnia is a medical disorder that causes people to experience extreme sleepiness during the day which is not relieved by napping. People with hypersomnia crave sleep and can suffer from anxiety, low energy and lack of concentration. They not only sleep at various times during the day, they also sleep for long periods during the night. Causes of hypersomnia are brain damage, clinical depression, uremia, obesity and fibromyalgia. Symptoms are like those with other sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, sleep apnea and restless legs syndrome (RLS). Some people get hypersomnia as a result of drug or alcohol abuse, drug or alcohol withdrawal or as a drug side effect as with some psychotropics for depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder.

Kleine-Levin Syndrome (aka Sleeping Beauty Sickness) is the most recognized form of recurrent hypersomnia, though it is very rare, these people often sleep up to eighteen hours a day and yet do not feel refreshed upon waking. Patients that suffer from Kleine-Levin Syndrome only wake up to go to the bathroom and eat. When they are awake they tend to be confused, lethargic and are indifferent to the world around them. Many cannot go to school, work or even care for themselves. The cause for Kleine-Levin is unknown. This disorder affects teens more that adults and in many cases disappears as mysteriously as it appears; often when patients reach their twenties.

Non-insulin dependent (type 2) Diabetes has been linked to those that sleep more than nine hours and less than five hours a night by a risk greater than 50% as a result of a study of almost 9,000 Americans. It is not known why longer sleep durations contribute to diabetes, although increased time asleep to compensate for lack of sleep is one possible reason. There are more studies needed to determine if longer sleep periods actually worsen the metabolic syndrome which is a cluster of risk factors including high blood pressure, obesity and insulin resistance which contribute to heart disease and stroke.

Obesity affects those that sleep too little as well as those that sleep nine to ten hours a night. According to a report, 21% of those monitored over a six year period were more likely overweight when sleeping too much than those that slept seven to eight hours even when taking in to account caloric intake and exercise. In another measure, nearly half of those who slept nine hours or more each night were physically inactive during the day, which was associated to other health issues that make exercise more difficult.

Headaches and Back Pain and other minor illnesses cause people to sleep more than usual. But did you know that over sleeping causes headaches? When you over sleep your brain produces more serotonin a hormone that affects our neurotransmitters causing a headache in the morning. Too much time in bed can cause stiffness resulting in back pain. It is not only important for you to have the right mattress for your back you also need to keep a regular exercise program to keep the weight off and not lay down longer than seven to eight hours. The longer you stay in bed, the longer it will take your back to adjust to your redistributed weight and stiffness upon standing.

Mental Illness is associated with irregular sleeping habits. Depression can worsen when you over sleep and it is important to maintain regular sleeping habits to recover. SAD or seasonal affective disorder is a condition were your brain produces too much melatonin because there isn't enough day light hours which causes people to sleep longer and take naps in the afternoon. SAD triggers feelings of despair, misery, guilt, hopelessness or anxiety. You may find normal tasks become frustratingly difficult, you may cry for no apparent reason or be unable to concentrate. Exercise, taking Vitamin D and light therapy help those that suffer from SAD.

Cardiovascular diseases are 38% more likely to happen for those that sleep nine to 11 hours a night according to a report by The Nurses' Health Study involving nearly 72,000 women than those that slept seven to eight hours. With ten hours' sleep, the death rate from a heart attack or stroke for women over 70 increased 167%, while for men aged 50 to 59, it increased 286%. Researchers have not yet identified a reason for the connection between oversleeping and heart disease as the evidence does not show which came first-the arterial disease, or the tendency to sleep longer than average.

Parkinson's is more probable or twice as likely to develop for those people that sleep at least nine hours verses those that sleep on six hours or less. A study done by the National Institute of Health, a U.S. government body studies 80,000 nurses over 24 years and found that those that slept eight hours were 60% prone to the disease while only 10% for those that slept seven. The most at risk were those that slept at least nine hours a night or 80%. At the end of the study 181 developed Parkinson's.

What they did find interesting was that night-shift workers had lower levels of the hormones melatonin and oestradiol. Some scientists believe higher levels contribute to the development of Parkinson's and a need to sleep may be an early sign of the condition. Other symptoms include tremors, stiffness and gradual slowing down of the body. Further research is needed to make a final conclusion how sleep is related to Parkinson's.

It's a matter of life and death as studies show us that people who sleep nine hours or more have higher death rates than those that sleep seven to eight hours a night. If you feel you are sleeping too much consult with your doctor as he may recommend further test to determine why you over sleep, as too much sleep can be an underlying medical condition. Keeping a sleep journal of your sleeping habits will help the doctor determine if a sleep study is necessary. Sleep experts recommend that having a sleep routine and getting seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep a night will keep us healthy and live a long life.

Pure 5-HTP - The Significance of Taking 5-Hydroxytryptophan Supplement to Beat the Winter Blues

Pure 5-hydroxytryptophan, also called oxitripan, is the major component used in the production of the neurotransmitters, serotonin and melatonin. It is a very popular food supplement used to treat symptoms of depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, loss of appetite and the symptoms of winter blues and can be purchased over the counter from various drug stores and health food stores across the United States.

Pure 5-HTP is important for the treatment of seasonal affective disorder or SAD, also called winter blues. Seasonal affective disorder is a disease that affects a lot of people during the changing of the seasons but is more pronounced during the winter months.

SAD has two types, one is the more common winter-onset depression whose symptoms start to manifest towards the end of fall or the start of winter and is gone at the onset of summer; and the less common type which is the summer-onset depression whose symptoms start to show by the end of spring or the start of summer and is gone by the onset of winter.

The most common symptoms of winter blues is oversleeping and overeating. The person experiences difficulty in getting out of bed in the morning and craves more for carbohydrates-rich foods which could result to increase in weight.

Persons suffering from SAD show symptoms very similar to common depression such as lethargy, anxiety, loss of appetite, anti-social behavior, irritability, increased appetite for sex and suicidal tendencies.

5-hydroxytryptophan is important in fighting symptoms of SAD especially among those suffering from the disorder year after year. The onset of fall signals the changing colors of the season from summer to fall colors but it seems that it is the opposite of what actually happens with some people's mood and behavior.

5-HTP is important in the production of serotonin in the brain and the central nervous system because it has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier which serotonin cannot do. If serotonin cannot cross the blood-brain barrier then it cannot assert its function in beating the winter blues during these cold and dreary winter months.

Besides being effective in beating the symptoms of winter blues, 5-HTP has been proven to be effective in the treatment of fibromyalgia, overeating, depression, recurring headaches, irregular sleep patterns, and insomnia.When taken in excess, 5-hydroxytryptophan can cause damage to the heart valve, nausea and vomiting when mixed with medication for Alzheimer's disease and serotonin syndrome.

It is found in large amounts in the Griffonia simplicifolia plant, a type of vine with beautiful green petals indigenous to the African continent.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Nature of Depression From a Gestalt Therapy Perspective

Depression is one of the most common, yet still one of the most misunderstood of human states of mind. It can be debilitating and frightening, both for the sufferer and for those around them. Let us differentiate though between depressive feelings and true depression. We associate depression with feelings of sadness, emptiness, anxiety, helplessness, worthlessness and guilt. It may cause irritability, problems with sleeping, problems with eating, problems making decisions or concentrating and an inability to feel pleasure; even when undertaking activities which were once enjoyable. Physical manifestations caused by depression may include insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, aches, pains or digestive problems; which often prove to be resistant to conventional medical treatments.

It is normal to have depressive feelings sometimes in our lives. In fact you will often hear people say, "I feel depressed" when something terrible or unwanted has happened. Normally, depressive feelings resolve with time, usually when the person's situation improves somehow. Such feelings are then a normal part of life. Sometimes though, these feelings persist and that is when depressive feelings have become depression proper. Conventional medical theory requires that such depressive feelings persist for more than 2 weeks, in order for a diagnosis of depression to be made. If some of you have ever wondered what the difference between normal depression and clinical depression are, the answer is there is no difference; clinical depression is merely depression that has been medically recognized i.e. termed as such by a doctor.

We are not concerned about the medical recognition of our depression. You know when you are suffering from a depressed mood or not, you do not need someone else to tell you. What you do need is to learn how to cope with depressive feelings so that you may return to happiness again. The restoration to a state of happiness is, as far as I am concerned the aim of any psychotherapy treatment for depression.

Some have said that depression results from a chemical imbalance in the brain, this is true to a point; but the imbalance is caused by the experienced feelings of unhappiness. Like some physical conditions caused by abusing the body, such as heart disease and lung cancer by smoking, depression is a condition which is caused by abusing the mind with negative feelings. Depression also be a result of other conditions worsening, such as stress or anxiety, it is therefore important to get on top of negative emotions right from the start. As depression in all of its degrees is the worst emotional state a human being can be in.

If you had to some up exactly what part of you depression affects the most then what would you say? It may be that you would say your mind, and that would be partly true. But we need to look even deeper than this; depression causes us to experience both physical and mental pain which penetrates to the very core of our being. A while ago someone I know very well said something to me which I feel truly sums up the nature of depression, they said "When I am depressed my body doesn't hurt and neither does my mind. What really hurts is my soul." Depression then touches an area that others can't see, that why they may simply tell you to "Pull yourself together!" or "Snap out of it!" It's not that easy, and that is because depression is a disorder of your feelings. Not a disorder as in a mental disorder, which is not what I am saying, but a disorder because everything within our emotions becomes jumbled by how we feel. Feelings are the cause, emotions are the reaction.

Though the trigger of depression may be something from the outside world, the depression itself is something that is going on in a person's internal world. When our internal world is in turmoil, we cannot step properly into the world that is outside. As when all is said and done, what you are really left with is what is inside you. It is from this inside world where your happiness originates, if you can be happy in here then you can be happy everywhere.

Stress, Adrenal Fatigue, and Fibromyalgia

Most of us can handle the ups-and-downs of our daily stress, even the occasional catastrophe. We suck it up, dig deep, and persevere. However, some individuals have an altered stress- coping system, which prevents them from managing daily stress.

Retrospective studies show that the stress of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse during childhood increases the future risk of developing certain symptoms or illnesses. These illnesses include many of the same symptoms associated with fibromyalgia , including fatigue, poor sleep, chronic pain, chronic viral infections, anxiety, and depression.

Apparently, for some children and adolescents, too many traumatic or stressful events de-condition their normal homeostatic stress coping abilities. Thus, stress and particularly traumatic stress, early in life, may alter the set point of the stress response system, rendering these individuals prone to stressful events later in life.

This most likely occurs from over-stimulation and depletion of certain stress coping hormones including serotonin, norepinephrine, cortisol, and DHEA.

Research shows that patients with fibromyalgia have genetic tendencies that cause them to be affected more drastically by the ups and downs of stress. Fibromyalgia patients are also more likely to report a history of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse during childhood and adulthood, compared to other patient subgroups.

Sadly, I find that many of my fibromyalgia and CFS patients have experienced physical, emotional or sexual abuse as a child.

Stress is the main culprit in low adrenal function as well.

The Adrenal Glands

The adrenals are a pair of pea-sized glands located atop each kidney. The adrenal gland consists of two sections: the medulla (inner portion) and the cortex (outer portion). The adrenal glands release certain hormones that allow us to be able to deal with immediate and long-term stress. These glands and the hormones they release allow us to be resilient to day-to-day stress.

Second only to restoring consistent deep restorative sleep, optimal adrenal function is crucial for over coming low thyroid and or fibromyalgia.

Adrenal fatigue is known to cause:

o hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)

o hypotension (low blood pressure)

o neural mediated hypotension (become dizzy when stand up)

o fatigue

o decreased mental acuity

o low body temperature (also a sign of low thyroid function)

o decreased metabolism

o a compromised immune system

o decreased sense of well-being (depression)

o hyperpigmentation (excess skin color changes)

o loss of scalp hair

o excess facial or body hair

o vitiligo (changes in skin color)

o auricular calcification (little calcium deposits in the ear lobe)

o GI disturbances

o nausea

o vomiting

o constipation

o abdominal pain

o diarrhea

o muscle or joint pains

The Cortex

The adrenal cortex is primarily associated with response to chronic stress (infections, prolonged exertion, prolonged mental, emotional, chemical, or physical stress). The hormones of the cortex are steroids. The main steroid is cortisol.

Chronic over secretion of cortisol leads to adrenal exhaustion, which accelerates the downward spiral towards chronic poor health. Once in adrenal exhaustion your body can't release enough cortisol to keep up with the daily demands.

Eventually you become deficient in cortisol and then DHEA.

Chronic headaches, nausea, allergies, nagging injuries, fatigue, dizziness, hypotension, low body temperature (low thyroid), depression, low sex drive, chronic infections, and cold hands and feet are just some of the symptoms that occur with adrenal cortex exhaustion.

Abnormal Circadian Rhythm

Cortisol levels are affected by stress and the body's circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle). Cortisol secretions rise sharply in the morning, peaking at approximately 8 a.m. After its peak, cortisol production starts to taper off until it reaches a low point at 1 a.m.

Fluctuations in cortisol levels can occur whenever normal circadian rhythm is altered (a change in sleep-wake times). Traveling through different time zones (jet lag) changes in work shifts, or a change bedtime can cause drastically alter normal cortisol patterns.

Therefore maintaining or reestablishing normal sleep/wake cycles is crucial for optimal adrenal health.

Not Enough DHEA

The adrenal cortex, when healthy, produces adequate levels of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

DHEA boosts:

o energy

o sex drive

o resistance to stress

o self-defense mechanisms (immune system)

o general well-being

and helps to raise:

o cortisol levels

o overall adrenal function

o mood

o cellular energy

o mental acuity

o muscle strength

o stamina

Chronic stress initially causes the adrenals to release extra cortisol. Continuous stress raises cortisol to abnormally high levels. Then the adrenal glands get to where they can't keep up with the demand for more cortisol. As the cortisol levels continue to become depleted from on going stress the body attempts to counter this by releasing more DHEA. Eventually they can't produce enough cortisol or DHEA. Aging makes holding on to DHEA even tougher. Even in healthy individuals, DHEA levels begin to drop after the age of 30. By age 70, they are at about 20% of their peak levels.

Stress and DHEA

DHEA helps prevent the destruction of tryptophan (5HTP), which increases the production of serotonin. This helps provide added protection from chronic stress. Studies continue to show low DHEA to be a biological indicator of stress, aging, and age-related diseases including neurosis, depression, peptic ulcer, IBS, and others.

Testing for Adrenal Fatigue

Self-Test Methods

Ragland's sign is an abnormal drop in systolic blood pressure (the top number) when a person arises from a lying to a standing position. There should be a rise of 8-10 mm. in the systolic (top) number. A drop or failure to rise indicates adrenal fatigue. Example: Someone takes your blood pressure while you're lying on your back. The systolic number is 120 and the diastolic number is 60 (120 over 60). Then take your blood pressure again after immediately standing up. The systolic number (120) should go up 10 points (from 120 to 130). If it doesn't increase 10 points, this indicates adrenal fatigue.

Reducing stress, boosting adrenal function with a good multivitamin and DHEA will help you build-up your stress coping abilities. There are several good adrenal supplements on the market, just visit your local health food store.

Depression - You're Never Really Cured

There is a misconception about people who suffer from depression that once they are treated, the underlying causes revealed and the proper medication given, they are cured and can go on to live normal happy and healthy lives without ever having to worry about suffering from the symptoms of depression or becoming depressed ever again. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth.

Depression is not a disease with a cure. Depression, like alcoholism or drug addiction, is a disease that a person must constantly fight against, even with all the medication in the world. The reason for this is simple. Most people who suffer from depression are prone to it because of a number of factors, not just physical. Many times the combination of factors makes it so that no one treatment will be effective enough to insure that the sufferer will never experience symptoms of depression again. There are cases where a person suffered from depression for years, was symptom free for years and suddenly developed symptoms again for no apparent reason; though there are always reasons.

Sometimes it's simply a matter of a further chemical imbalance in the brain that the current medication the patient is taking is unable to correct, either because it is the wrong medication, the wrong dosage or just not strong enough any longer. In other cases, where the person's depression stems from an unhappy childhood with many conflicts, the person may have been going through a tranquil period in their life when suddenly something terrible happens, such as illness or injury, that makes a sudden and drastic change in the person's life. Because this person was prone to depression in the first place, it became easy for him or her to sink back into a depressed state, especially if they never were prescribed any medication for their symptoms because they were treated through simple therapy.

So what exactly does this mean? Does it mean that a person who suffers from depression is going to be depressed for the rest of their life? Not at all. A person who once suffered from depression, even if it was many years ago, can go through the rest of their life and never develop any symptoms again. There are things that a person can do to help see that the symptoms don't come back, but it is important to also understand that there are some things that are beyond the person's control.

The best way to make sure that symptoms of depression don't return is to lead an active life. Don't allow yourself to sit around and think too much. People prone to depression often think about things that make them depressed or even about the fear of becoming depressed again. It is important to keep a positive attitude, keep active, keep busy and don't dwell on negative emotions. It is also important to understand your illness and realize that you are never really cured. By understanding this, you can prepare yourself in advance for the unexpected things that life can and will throw at you.

If you're prone to depression, you probably always will be. That doesn't mean you have to give in to it. You can win this war. One day at a time.

How Mania In Bipolar Patients Affects Decision Making

Bipolar illness is a disease that millions of Americans suffer in varying degrees. One of the things that many of them have in common is the effect that mania can have on their decision making.

The common theme in the lives of people who have been diagnosed with bipolar disease is the dizzying shift from depression to mania and back to depression again. While in the depression stage, those affected can get so far emotionally down on themselves that they may seriously consider, or even attempt, suicide. Conversely, when they are in the mania stage, they may feel so invulnerable and upbeat that they feel that they can do no wrong. And it is this sort of supernatural confidence that gets many of them into trouble.

The prefrontal lobe is the portion of the brain that is primarily responsible for cognitive behavior and decision making. When we are born, of course, this part of the brain is not fully developed. In fact, in the average person, it doesn't really begin to develop until sometimes in their adolescence. This, in part, helps to explain some of the erratic and unfathomable decision making on the part of children. Without a fully functioning prefrontal lobe, we cannot visualize the future impact of our actions.

In a person with bipolar, if they are in their depression phase, this part of the brain is functioning OK. However, if they are in the midst of a severe mania phase, it is as though someone shut off their prefrontal lobe with a switch. In other words, they really cannot accurately evaluate the future consequence of their actions.

This is the state of mind that could lead someone to, in a spur of the moment decision, cash in the thousands of dollars in their 401k plan to spend on a half thought out multi-level marketing plan. Or, it might lead someone to suddenly quit their accounting job and fly out to the west coast to fulfill their long held dreams of being an actor.

Being in this state of mind is like having no control switch in your brain to stop you from making impulsive decisions that could end up hurting you and your family.

So, if you have bipolar, is there any way to avoid following through on a questionable mode of action when in your mania phase?

Fortunately there is. It starts with fully realizing that you are susceptible to these kinds of emotions when experiencing mania. It also helps to learn to consciously identify when you are in the midst of a mania episode. And, lastly, let your friends and family know of the symptoms so that they can help you to put on the brakes when they recognize these symptoms in you.

I Need Help With Motivating Myself

Becoming a motivated person is something some people have a difficult time getting a grasp of. Many people have spoken the words, "I think I need help with motivating myself." Sometimes you can't do it alone and assistance is needed to mentally get moving. By assistance I don't mean prescription medications which are given much too often and at the drop of a hat.

You might be surprised to find that exercise can stimulate major neurotransmitters in our brain that regulate our moods. The four major neurotransmitters are serotonin, dopamine, GABA and norepinephrine which affect our feelings and thoughts, self-assurance, sense of worth and even motivation. Neurotransmitters and endorphins, called the feel good chemicals, help to relieve anxiety and mood swings. If these neurotransmitters are low because of diet, stress, insomnia, or excess alcohol consumption then you might experience psychological health issues like depression or lack of motivation.

Exercise also can help you gain confidence by getting in shape and accomplishing your goals. Exercise is a way to reduce stress and cope with daily worries in a positive way. You don't have to run a marathon or jog five miles a day to get the benefits of increasing your neurotransmitters through exercise. Walking, weights, or gardening is fine; anything as long as you get out in the fresh air, into the gym and off the couch. Try parking further away and walking, using the stairs when doing errands, or riding a bike are all other ways to integrate exercise.

Don't forget your diet. Eating organic (if possible) fruits, veggies and lean protein, especially fish and staying away from processed foods for the most part will give your brain what it really wants in order to function to its full potential.

If you have tried these suggestions and still find yourself saying, "I still need help with motivating myself", you may want to try supplements. They do not have the side effects of prescriptions, are gentle in stimulating and balancing serotonin levels, while promoting a positive and motivated attitude and outlook.

If you can sustain your brain chemistry with healthy neurotransmitter levels by following a plan of exercise, a healthy diet and or supplements, you will gain physical and emotional strength which in turn will give you the inner strength to become motivated.

Postnatal Depression - The Facts

According to research, postnatal depression occurs in as many as 10 to 15 mothers for every 100 women giving birth. Its symptoms are similar to depression in which a person may feel low mood and aversion to different activities which could last for two weeks. This is very common but sometimes, mothers don't recognize the symptoms and instead wait for the symptoms to disappear but this could be more difficult for them.

Every mother is at risk for having postnatal depression. It is different from "baby blues" which is not treated and is often shorter. Having unresolved issues from your own childhood and a family who had a history of depression could be a risk for having the illness due to genetic factors. Unresolved issues from childhood could be a cause of depression and since there's a history, there is a greater chance that the illness would be triggered and go back after giving birth. Having an under-active thyroid may also be a cause of depression. However, the real cause of having this illness is still unknown.

A mother may be diagnosed as having postnatal depression when she cries very frequent for small upsets or for no obvious reason at times, longs for sleep but feeling unsatisfied every time she wakes up, has difficulty in sleeping even when the baby is asleep and has a feeling that she is not a good mother but sometimes hates herself or her baby. She easily gets irritated, has no sexual drive, has a feeling that she will not be able to cope up with activities such as housework and feels anxious most of the time. She may also lose appetite, think of negative thoughts of her unresolved childhood issues and feel tired, angry or hopeless most of the time. In serious cases, she may have suicidal thoughts and psychotic symptoms which could be very alarming.

Postnatal depression can be treated in the same way as depression. Drug treatment using antidepressants, counseling and involving in social activities are the different ways in treating postnatal depression. Talking to a doctor, midwife, health visitor or somebody about the problem is a great help. However, self-help medications can also relieve postnatal depression symptoms. Mothers can try to get enough sleep, eat and exercise regularly, relax, ask other persons to help them in doing their housework and they should never be afraid to tell their partners and family members about how they feel and if they have unresolved childhood issues. A lot of people are always ready to help.

Remember, people can and do make recoveries from depression and go on to lead their best lives imaginable. Seek help.