Saturday, January 11, 2014

Research Paper About Depression

Depression is a common disease affecting people from all ethnic groups, ages and professions. It is caused by the unbalanced chemicals in brain called "neurotransmitters". It is diseases which cause you to feel sad and gloomy and create a feeling of hopelessness about future. This feeling prohibit the person suffering from it to enjoy his routine life, hobbies and things which he loves to do normally. The most common problem about depression is that many people leave it unnoticed and untreated. Some people are ashamed of having depression just because they do not want their weak point to get exposed in front of others. People with little knowledge of depression take it as a normal mood swing but it is not. This feeling of sadness or despair is not normal as it does not go away or come with normal incidents that are meant to cause these reflexes. A person may get depressed even when there is no reason of being sad.

People suffering from depression say that "it is a black curtain of despair coming down over their lives" ( This feeling of worthlessness and despair often takes the patient to a point of no return where he could only think about ending the worthless life by committing suicide.

The disease is directly associated to unbalanced chemicals present in the brain. The human brain is a gigantic messaging system which controls everything from heat beat to the breathing, skin functions, organ working and reflexes. The brain is made of millions of nerve cells called neurons. These neurons send and receive messages from rest of your body through neurotransmitters present in the brain. These brain cells are responsible for emotional states of human being. When an unbalanced chemical reaction occurs in the brain cells the messages are not delivered correctly and disrupt the communication resulting in causing depression.

A person having depression feels sadness, helplessness and worthlessness. Some authors says that feeling depressed or in a low mood increase the ability of a person to cope with tough situations. Depression may happen in life as a normal phase when it is backed by certain types of life occurrences like sudden death of a loved one, divorce, loss of status or death of spouse child. Depression may be an aftereffect of any disease like influenza or flue.

Depression may also be due to some psychiatrist disorders like Bipolar Disorder, Anorexia Nervosa, and Bulimia Nervosa etc. Symptoms of psychological disorders are dullness, chronic sadness never seems to end, obsession, shakiness when feeling most down and mood swings. The cure to psychological disorders is constant therapy and responding to the disease well in time.

As mentioned earlier most of the people do not know that they have been suffering from depression. This is due to lack of information about this common problem amongst people. The first thing is to identify whether you have depression or not. The next phase is to get to a physician. In case of depression both the things are difficult for a person who is suffering from the disease. This is because the patient is already down in mood and is never ready to rectify any wrong done to him. The patient is already having sad feelings about himself which forbid him to take any measures to get to solution. This worthless feeling if not identified well in time can push a person to end his life. In some cases the patient often get irritated to that extent that he never hesitates to harm those who he love the most and this is done under the immense pressure of depression that a person feel upon himself. It is like no dawn forever and no way out. The second phase is how to get out of depression when you have done diagnosing that you actually have depression. This phase is easy for some people and is extremely difficult for some people. In such case it is the collective responsibility of the family members or relations of the person to convince him to visit a doctor.

People suffering from depression need sympathy and need extra attention from those who are around them. This is kept in mind that in today's hectic world where everything is traveling very fast, a struggle between individuals to reach the top has created things worse. The fight for needs is converted into fight for wants which is creating unwanted problems for the society. In such case depression is becoming a global issue which is affecting every social group of every race and ethnicity. The solution for the problem is addressing the problem before it becomes a serious problem. Adopting healthy and natural life styles, living close to the nature and by avoiding unnecessary and complex life styles can reduce the problem of depression.

People should not take depression lightly as it is a catalyst which speedups the process of disorders which are virtually not affecting the person in normal life. Identifying the problem and consulting a physician can reduce the risks involved and can improve the quality of life of the patient and helps him recover and pursue his course of life in the normal manner. Eliminating gloominess, despair and worthlessness from the patient's life.

How to Deal With Depression the Easy Way

Depression is an unsound mental health condition that spares nobody. Depression can alter a persons actions and can easily be seen by the way he does the things he usually does. It can affect sleeping and eating habits, as well as how he thinks and deals with others. This mental condition is often behind a persons pessimism and sudden loss of self-assurance. A person afflicted by depression isolates himself from his social network.

Depression changes a persons social skills and makes it hard for him to relate with other people. The person will eventually develop pessimism and become short-tempered. His hopelessness will become visible by the way he interacts with other people. When this is already happening, one must know on how to deal with depression.

Many people do not know how to deal with depression. It was perceived that depression is just a normal episode in our everyday life. Knowing how to deal with depression must always begin in figuring out the signs of depression. Various perceptible indications of depression are weight loss or gain, changes in the usual appetite, insomnia or excessive sleeping, low self-esteem, feeling of insignificance and desperation, loss of interest in the activities he is fond of doing, short-tempered, loss of focus, short attention span, chronic low energy, obvious cynicism and melancholy. When these are being manifested by somebody you know, that person might be down with depression.

All of us must find out how to deal with depression. This will help in the swift recovery of the person tormented by depression whether it is you or somebody that is valuable to you. As soon as you figure out that the person in suffering from depression, you can help them get the available treatments in the market. These will also help you and educate you on how to deal with depression. Here are some ways you can help a person suffering from depression.

a. Foster compassionate relationships. Love and support from the patients social circle is important in curing depression. Seclusion is one of the most noticeable signs of depression, when seclusion takes place the link and interaction with the social network ends. Steady contact and activities are imperative in helping a person recuperate from depression. It helps deflect the persons attention and thoughts away from constructiveness.

b. Do not abandon yourself. Take care of yourself by doing the things that you take pleasure in. Help yourself and do not just depend on others in helping you pull through from depression. The will to get out of that state is very critical. This comprises not just the mental but the physical and emotional facets as well. Allot appropriate hours for sleep, watch your diet by eating the right foods and treat yourself often.

c. Engage in habitual exercise. Exercise generates endorphins. Endorphins are chemical matters that are being produced by the pituitary gland when a person needs to stop pain. These chemical substances are believed to be tied to production of hormones that makes people happy and in control with their sense of being.

d. Throw away Pessimism. The pessimism destroys all hopes left in a person and results to heavier depression. Instead of brooding in negativity, indulge yourself with positive energy. Surround yourself with people who will bring positive aura in your life. Think of beautiful thoughts by thinking only of positive things. Become more productive and not destructive. When you are depressed you also affect other people negatively.

Depression is not impossible to cure. The first step in how to deal with depression must always start with acceptance. Accept that you cannot do things by yourself and that there are things beyond your means. Do not lose hope, it is always the last thread that keeps man from succumbing to depression.

Vitamin D Benefits and Depression - Is Vitamin D a Potential Depression Cure?

Is it possible that vitamin D benefits depression? A new study says it does, and raises the intriguing possibility that boosting blood levels of this crucial vitamin might help lift or even prevent depression in many.

The study, conducted by by VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam, speculated that depression may be the consequence of inadequate levels of the "sunshine vitamin". Noting that about 13 percent of older individuals have symptoms of depression, the Amsterdam study cited numerous underlying causes of D vitamin deficiency among the elderly, including less sun exposure as a result of decreased outdoor activity, and different housing or clothing habits.

Research shows correlation between low vitamin D and high parathyroid levels in depressed people

The Amsterdam study correlated two important facts: one, inadequate levels of D vitamin cause an increase in parathyroid hormone levels, and two, overactive parathyroid glands are frequently accompanied by symptoms of depression. It was further noted that the depression symptoms disappear after the restoration of adequate D vitamin levels.

The Amsterdam research, which tracked over 1200 people aged 65 to 95, showed that blood  levels of the vitamin were 14 percent lower in individuals with major and minor depression compared with non-depressed participants.

It was also revealed that, in comparison with non-depressed people, patients with minor depression had five percent higher parathyroid hormone thyroid levels and those with major depressive disorders but levels of the hormone were a surprising 33 percent higher in those with major depressive disorder.

Vitamin D as possible depression treatment?

The Amsterdam study stopped short of affirming that the vitamin can prevent or treat depression, but called for additional study to investigate the possibility. High parathyroid hormone levels can be treated with higher dietary intake of vitamin D or calcium and increased sunlight exposure, the researchers said, and because the levels of both substances are predictable indicators of depression such treatment has real preventive potential. However, it must be determined whether changes in levels of the vitamin lead to depression or are a result of it.

Recognizing Side Effects Of Depression

Someone living with depression has many different feelings to try and deal with on a daily basis. Sometimes these can become so overwhelming that it is almost impossible to get through each day. There are a lot of mental depression side effects that these people have to deal with. For instance, depression interferes with both your personal and professional life by making it harder for you to deal with normal events. If you are dealing with depression, then you may find it hard to get out of bed for fear of what the day may bring. You may experience insomnia or you may find yourself wanting to sleep all the time. Either way you will feel tired and worn out all the time.

A depressed person will have very low energy levels and feel tired and worn out even when they first get out of bed. You may feel lonely, sad and empty inside for no apparent reason. You will no longer enjoy going out with friends and doing the things that you use to do. In fact, you would much rather be at home alone where things are easier. Holding a conversation can even become difficult as simple decisions get harder to make. Basically, you begin to lose interest in everything that you use to care about and nothing really matters anymore.

Headaches and body aches and pains are another sign of depression especially when there is no physical reason for the pain you are feeling. The pain can be difficult to deal with because you can't get rid of it unless you treat the source, which is depression. Crying, being irritable and having a restless feeling are also mental depression side effects that you need to be aware of. Many people try to treat their depression by overeating. They use food as a comfort zone. This of course just adds to the symptoms as you become overweight and more depressed. Some people stop eating which can also cause a lot of health problems.

Once depression gets really bad many people give up and start thinking about suicide as a way out. This is certainly not the answer. If you or a loved one is depressed then it is crucial that you see your health care provider. You don't have to live this way and you can get your old life back as long as you take that first step. Don't let anyone make you feel that you have to do this on your own because it is not just something you can overcome easily. There is help available for those who seek it. Don't hesitate to ask for help talk to your doctor today and start getting your life back in order.

Early Sexual Abuse: And Related Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychological syndrome first recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 1980 (American Psychiatric Association).

The literature on traumatic anxiety covers a wide range of varying circumstances and experiences. The effects of these experiences, whether from natural disasters or events of human creation, war, terrorism or single acts of violence against one person are often determined by the individual's capacity to cope with stress. This in turn is a function of each person's early developmental experiences with trust, constancy and mastery. Traumatic abuse, sexual or otherwise, in the first years of human life not only effects the child in the moment, but has a more lasting effect on the ongoing development of the defense system itself.

Individual psychology believes that traumatic anxiety is most often seen as resulting when the ego is "overwhelmed or disorganized" with the defenses employed in the service of maintaining a sense of self-constancy and continuity. More specifically, the defense function acts to ward off a sense of discontinuity or void in one's identity. Therefore, the trauma is considered an attack, real or potential, escalating the anxiety to terror as a consequence the protective rage is rendered unconscious and turned inward to depression and guilt, or outward to action discharge. This process is called into action to protect against these powerful threats to the integration of the self. It reminds one of the often-quoted words of Freud "that what makes us neurotic in adulthood is what we learned in childhood to stay alive." The key is the breakdown in the growing psychic apparatus and its ability to provide stimulus barrier. Therefore, effecting a breach in the ego's boundaries or protective shield.

These stimuli are experienced as overwhelming and producing a sense of helplessness, often leading to a sense of hopelessness. Clearly, the trauma can be psychological, emotional, physical, or sexual (most commonly, incest), often involving aspects of all four. In the case of incest what stands out - adding to the terror caused by the actual and potential attack, with its accompanying sense of helplessness - is the humiliation, shame, and feelings of degradation. Commonly, these feelings lead to an identification with the aggressor internalizing the sadistic and masochistic components (all rendered unconscious), resulting in intense guilt and self-blame. Perhaps the most crucial component of the trauma for survivors of sexual abuse is not only that it results from acts causing severe pain, suffering, humiliation and intimidation, but that it is inflicted by those deemed protectors. Another factor in this process is the strong demand from the instigators that the victim become part of a conspiracy of silence. This leads to further operations by the victim's defense system in order "to stay alive," primary among them being the defense of denial.

My interest in traumatic stress and anxiety began over two decades ago. At the time I was involved in a project working with Vietnam veterans addicted to various kinds of drugs. This project was designed to study the effect of psychotherapy as an adjunct to chemotherapy (methadone) on the addicted veterans. While working with this group, I noticed that many of the patients diagnosed with divergent kings of addictive disorders also exhibited symptoms of depression, anxiety, sadness, profound withdrawal, and brooding. Also, I observed that these veterans suffered severe mood swings, deep character change and survivior-guilt nightmares. At the core was always the overwhelming sense of helplessness and hopelessness. In the past these symptoms were most often associated with survivors of overwhelming trauma such as the Holocaust during World War II in Europe and the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. It was clear that for the patients exhibiting symptoms such as those mentioned above, the abuse of drugs was part of an effort to self-medicate and ease the emotional pain. The drug abuse, then, was seen as a serious, yet secondary problem, whose goal was both to mask and alter those feelings of being powerless to change one's intolerable emotional state. This same approach can be used to understand those individuals who survived early-life incest and sexual abuse.

However, there is a much more limited discussion as to how the wider understanding applies to adult survivors of early childhood incest experiences. Working with those suffering PTSD as a result of war experiences, we learned first to note the cluster of characteristic symptoms, and to see the connection between an overwhelming distressing and disorienting event, often beyond the normal range of human coping capacities, and the resultant later symptomatology. The stimuli producing these events were experienced with such an intense terror and helplessness notwithstanding all attempts to deny, internalize or act out, the traumatic event is relived as a series of intrusive recollections or as repetitious dreams and nightmares in which the trauma recurs. Though the symptomatology varies from person to person, it remains a number of common characteristics. Quite often there are dissociative disorders: fugue states, period of derealization, amnesias and trance state, lasting for a few moments, for several hours, and even for several days. Because of the extensive use of denial in most cases of sexual abuse, complete loss of memory of the abusive events are quite common. Of course, what is also quite common is that the individual becomes symptomatic (usually bouts of depression or intense free-floating anxiety), or given to explosive action discharge.

Another expression of the dissociative symptoms mentioned is found in the expression by incest survivors the feelings of depersonalization, feeling detached and estranged from others. Some survivors exhibit a need for a hypervigilance of their surroundings and talk of an exaggerated sensitivity to touch. Also commonly experienced is a kind of anhedonia, a loss of the experience of pleasure, an incapacity for happiness or to feel strong emotions, especially those associated with trust, intimacy, tenderness and sexuality. Still another affective disturbance commonly found in incest survivors and other sufferers of post-traumatic conditions is called alexithymia, it is characterized by poorly differentiated affects which inadequately serve the signal function. Sufferers often think in very pragmatic ways, almost robot-like, appearing super-adjusted to reality and quite stoical in appearance. In psychotherapy these individuals tend to recount trivial, chronologically ordered events of daily life in monotonous detail. They stifle imagination, intuition, empathy, fantasy, especially in relation to others. This phenomenon is seen from a psychoanalytic perspective as a group of developmental defenses against totally terrifying experiences of early life.

from a historical perspective, the disguised or hidden victims of incest and sexual abuse have long remained unrecognized or disbelieved. For many, in the mental health profession, the central nature of trauma in the development of psychopathology is indisputable. And, of the traumas in early childhood, the most damaging to the individual psyche is the trauma of incest. Its growing recognition in recent years has been a welcome turnaround from the earlier view that the individual's memory of incest and sexual abuse was invariably the expression of an infantile wishful fantasy.

A Discrete Way to Alleviate Depression at Work

Depression is a stigmatized and little understood affliction, specially at work where you can became discriminated. Indeed, suffering from depression can be a serious handicap affecting the job performance of the sufferer and in this way reducing her competitiveness at work putting in danger her job position. For that reason, in this article I will share with the readers some definitions about depression, common treatments, and finally the use of brainwave entrainment as an discrete alternative for depression treatment.

The main problem of working with depression are the particular symptoms of depression. They interfere with usual work activities such as team working, communication, or goal achievement. This disorder prevents the laborer to achieve his peak performance or even worse: total paralysis at work. Common symptoms are:

- Difficult of concentration
- Difficult to remember details
- Difficult to make decisions
- Irritability and restlessness
- Persistent sad and anxious
- Feelings of hopelessness and pessimism
- Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and helplessness
- Loss of interest in pleasurable activities or hobbies, including sex
- Fatigue and decreased energy
- Insomnia, early morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping
- Overeating, or appetite loss
- Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts

According the National Institute of Mental Health, depression touches roughly 20 million American adults or about 10% of the U.S. population over 18 years old in a given year.

Specialists say that depression can be caused by biological, psychological, and social factors, all of them playing a role to varying degrees in causing depression. Thus, depression comes when a preexisting weakness is activated by stressful life events. The preexisting weakness can be either genetic, implied in an interaction between nature and nurture, or schematic, resulting from what one learned in childhood.

The three major depression treatments known are: psychotherapy, medication, and electroconvulsive therapy. Psychotherapy is the normal treatment for people under 18. Electroconvulsive therapy is only indicated as the last resource. Medical attention is usually given on an ambulatory basis, while treatment in a hospital is considered only if there is a significant risk to self or others. A significant number of recent studies have indicated that physical exercise has beneficial effects over depression.

Usual medications prescribed for depression are sertraline, escitalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, and citalopram. However, Many patients cease medication due to side effects and overdoses risks from the medication. To find the most effective antidepressant medicament with minimal side effects, the dosages must be adjusted, and if necessary, combined of different classes of antidepressants can be tried enlarging in this way the period of treatment.

As alternative medicine for depression disorder treatment based on drugs, Brainwave Entrainment can be used. Indeed, therapies based on brainwave entrainment help you to reduce not only the depression feelings in the short term but also the patient can reduce the dose of medicine needed to relieve depression and even avoid drugs totally in the long term if the sufferer train his brain with the therapy frequently.

The way that brainwave entrainment works to smooth depression is firstly knowing the neurological base of this ailment. From the neurological angle, depression is a brainwave lack of equilibrium. It means that depressed people tend to have an hyperactive right hemisphere (the emotional side) predominant over their left one (the logical side). This is the reason why depressed people show irrational behavior and in serious cases they commit suicide, the temperamental side of your brain dominates the logical side of your brain.

Therefore, the technology of brainwave entrainment is about brain synchronization with a source of induced brainwaves to achieve a desired mental state. These brainwaves can be generated by sounds, physical vibrations, lights, or, recently discovered, electromagnetism.

A typical depression reduction session based on sounds consist of a source of a special sound that is listened between 15 and 30 minutes on regular basis. This session helps to reduce the activity in the right hemisphere, while increasing activity in the left, giving the patient more control over himself and reducing in that way the senseless thought patterns. In other words, these sessions slow down your temperamental (right) brain while accelerates your rational (left) brain, giving the patient the discernment to return to normality. Another advantage of this kind of therapy is that is a very discrete one. You can be listening your depression session at work and nobody will realize.

To conclude, depression disorder is a problem from which nobody is free. Depression also is the worst enemy of an employee. In the present article we learnt that Brainwave Entrainment can be easily used at work to treat this disease becoming in a good complement or even an alternative to those treatments based on drugs.

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Empowerment of Self Esteem, Motivation, and Determination

There are three factors that together empower you to create your dreams: motivation, self esteem, and determination. You need to have self esteem to believe that you can achieve you dreams. It will provide you with the strength to believe in you throughout your path of achieving your goals. Sometimes in life we go through things that take away from your confidence and self esteem. When this does happen, you find yourself facing an endless struggle on the path to your dreams. There are necessary steps to take to improve your self confidence before you can fully realize your potential. Taking time for yourself, visualizing and daily affirmations are great ways to increase your self esteem.

When you develop your self confidence, it allows for you to have the motivation to get things started. As mentioned, the three factors motivation, self esteem and determination work together. If you are lacking in one, you may find yourself struggling and tired. Once you take the steps to increase your self confidence, you then need to work on the motivation. While watching your progress, take notes and pay attention to what robs you of your focus. When you have your list of goals you've set, it takes a lot of energy and motivation to complete them. Don't surround yourself with negative people as they will drain you of your motivation and you will fail to create your dreams. Not meeting what others expect of you and constantly hearing negative words will eventually drain you of your determination and motivation.

This can be detrimental and can lead to depression. It is key that you reduce all forces of negative influences surround you so that you stay focused and have the energy needed to accomplish your plans. Keep a strong mind and stay focused and you will see that motivation, self esteem and determination will favor you and you will end up with what you have striven for.

Depression - Am I Crazy?

Let's talk about happiness. Most of us want to be happy, all the time, no matter what is going on around us! It's plain and simple. But, being happy, how do you do that, get there, be that?

Maybe happy is not really what you are looking for. After all, happy is just like any other emotion... it comes and it goes. Perhaps what you seek is the ability to feel joy. Not just alive and surviving, but energized, excited, and living the life of your dreams. Imagine feeling joy beyond your wildest dreams as you live in your body, glad to be you, putting energy into your life's work, and creating stimulating experiences. Joy also means accepting your human emotions, experiencing the ups and downs of life, while learning to breathe and let things pass in their own time.

So how do we gain this feeling of joy? As paradoxical as it may sound, perhaps for some of us the path to joy leads us first through depression.

What does depression look like?

Let's imagine we have a friend named Jane. Lately Jane just doesn't feel like herself. She lacks energy and doesn't have enthusiasm for much of anything. Jane lies around a lot, feeling empty and not sure which way to go. Decisions seem overwhelming. She often cries although nothing in specific is wrong. Jane feels shame, wonders what is wrong with her, and thinks she must by crazy. Everyday she asks herself, "why do I feel this way?" and "why can't I make this go away?" She musters up enough energy to make it through the day and creates a happy facade so people will not see the pain she is in. Jane is depressed.

Depression is not the same thing as feeling sad, blue, or down. Most of us have our ups and downs, our good days and bad. Everyday events, and our reactions to them, sometimes interfere with our peace of mind. Some unhappiness, the blues, or an occasional low mood is common when disappointed. This sadness is all part of life.

In contrast, depression affects the entire body, not just the mind. It can lead to an imbalance in the delicate chemistry of your brain and affect your emotions, feelings, thoughts, behaviors, physical functioning, and health. It can also affect the way you eat and sleep, the way you feel about yourself, and the way you see the world. With depression, the misery can be so great, and persist for so many weeks without relief, that a person may begin to think that life is not worth living anymore.

Symptoms of Depression

o Depressed mood for most of the day

o Persistent sad or "empty" feelings

o Loss of appetite or loss of weight

o Eating more than usual and gaining weight

o Trouble sleeping, insomnia, or oversleeping

o Anxiety

o Feeling tired all the time or finding everything is an effort

o Not caring anymore about work, hobbies, friends, or sexual activity

o Difficulty concentrating or thinking clearly, or indecisiveness

o Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism

o Feelings of worthlessness

o Excessive or inappropriate guilt

o Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts

Other problems people experience during a clinical depression may include:

o Frequently feeling on the verge of tears

o Waking up early in the morning, with difficulty returning to sleep

o Feeling worse in the morning

o Feeling anxious or irritable

o A gloomy view of the future

o Physical pain or headaches

o Cravings for certain foods

Overcoming depression is extremely challenging and not something that happens overnight. But overcoming depression is do-able. It is entirely possible to move beyond the dread and sadness of each day and reclaim a peaceful, fulfilling, and meaningful life. Below are some enlightening insights that will help you view depression from a higher perspective and some tips that will help you through your journey.

Accepting Depression

If you are struggling with depression, you may have tried countless therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, energy healers, self-help books, and programs. You may have practiced the power of positive thinking, studied the law of attraction, practiced meditation, or looked into religion for you answers. Through all these strategies, you have been at war with your depression, doing everything within your power to get rid of it. Pharmaceutical companies convince us that depression is an illness caused by an imbalance in brain chemicals. If we simply take medication, we can quickly get back to feeling better again. If only the answer were so simple. Perhaps there is a gift beyond depression that can only unfold if you dare to first accept your experience as important and valuable instead of trying so hard to make it disappear.

Depression and Personal Growth

An easy start to shifting depression is to entertain the idea that depression is not dysfunctional, not a mental illness, but instead deeply meaningful. Consider that depression may be a naturally arising expression on your journey of evolutionary growth. Yes, depression is dark, and a time of misery and suffering. Yet, it also a time when we ask deeply personal questions:

Who am I?

Why am I alive?

What does it mean to be me?

What makes my life worthwhile?

Should I continue to live?

Why should I continue to live?

Is depression really something that we should avoid, or an illness that we should 'cure' with drug therapy alone? Should our profound questions be pushed down into silence with medication and drug therapy?

The distress you feel is real, the suffering immensely painful, and there is a very real risk of ending your own life. However, what if you are in emotional suffering but yet not ill? When you look inside, do you really believe, on a soul level, that your pain is simply due to a chemical imbalance - or might there also be a meaningful spiritual component to your journey through depression?

Why Does Depression Occur?

Depression often occurs when we are at the edge of personal and spiritual growth. In some ways, depression can be compared to a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. You once lived life as a caterpillar and everything was fine. Then it was time to change and become something new. During this transition, you offer yourself an opportunity to throw off old heavy energies, outdated perceptions about life, self-doubt, and self-limiting beliefs. It's a time when we entertain a spiritual desire to be more than we were in the past. We wish to be more alive, more self-confident, and more authentically engaged in life. During depression you are going through an expansion process, an unfolding, a readiness to release certain agreements you made in the past.

Depression, however, is the middle ground between here and there. Old tried and true ways of living are now outdated and limiting. They create stress, emptiness, avoidance of being in touch with your own authenticity, and narrow ways of dealing with life's challenges. On the one hand you are ready to come out of your cocoon and adopt new ways of being true to self, but on the other hand your logical mind tells you that you are already doing the best you can and no other alternatives are possible.

Depression, and thoughts of suicide, happen when we are in turmoil, caught between the end of an old way of living and a terrifying desire to live in a new way. In this transition, we cannot feel the joy of being alive. Internal anxiety rises and there is nothing we can do to run or hide from the conscious realization that we feel alone. We feel lethargic, powerless, and trapped. It seems as if the pain exceeds our capacity to deal with it.

One Step Forward

If you have feelings of depression, you have those feelings for a reason. Accept that your depression is real, that you feel miserable, and that you are questioning whether you choose to continue living in the same way that you have always lived. Remind yourself that there is no mandate that you must be happy and content. Even though you would rather not be experiencing this part of life, it's okay. You may eventually discover that your depression was more profoundly necessary that you can yet consciously imagine. Depression deals with a deeper relationship issue of becoming more true to self, the transformation of your physical body to become more alive, and a deeper connection to your spirit.

Depression Runs Its Course

If you are depressed, it is natural to want the pain to end. However, consider the idea that perhaps your pain is necessary. You feel the heartache, the loneliness, the despair of your life. For a while, perhaps your pain needs to run its course. It may just be a natural outcome of wanting to evolve and live your life differently, but at the same time being terrified, uncertain, and grieving for what you must let go in order to move forward.

At some point during your depression you will arrive at a decision making point. You can decide to release certain beliefs, adopt new ways of believing, and move forward with the new experiences your life will bring. Alternatively, you could decide to remain in your suffering for a long time. A third choice exists and that is to end your life as a way of ending the painful conflict. There is no right choice to make. It is your life and you must choose what feels right for you, not only in your mind and emotions, but also in your heart and soul.

Do You Choose Life?

During your time of depression, you are considering whether you choose to take the next step in your evolution. Do you decide to let go of self-doubt, move beyond the limitations of your former beliefs, and bring new balance to your mind, body, and spirit? Do you consciously choose to be alive in a new way? If so, for what purpose and meaning? When you accept that your depression is a time of change and release, you can begin to see that you are asking yourself to live in a new way. You are making a choice to release formerly held beliefs and discover what lies beyond those beliefs. Offer yourself compassion as you see that heading off into unknown territory is frightening.


What to do if you are depressed? Breathe. If you can accept that your depression has deep personal meaning, if you can accept the experience in which you find yourself, and if you make the conscious decision to remain alive, then the best therapy is to consciously breathe.

You don't need any fancy breathing techniques. Just breathe more deeply than you are right now. Breathing helps move the heaviness of depression. Breathe with intention to fill up with life. You already know that depression does not hold much light, not much energy. Breathing will arouse energy. You can't just wait for energy to flow into you. You must decide to choose life, breath, and energy. If you can, get up and go for a walk outside. Get some fresh air and sunshine. Breathe. If you just arouse a little bit of energy, it will help you to generate a bit more energy, and that uplifts you and gets you moving one more step further out of the depression.

Depression involves the very real emotional despair of living day to day with real hopelessness. There is no one right way through depression. Your life is very important, including those times when you are in transition or depressed. Use the ideas above to help support yourself as you choose to bring new meaning into your life.

Discover Laminine - Mood Enhancement

All of us have different moods and it is a part of our lives. In a day, we can go through different moods and this is quite normal as long as your mood, especially sadness or depression, does not last for days or weeks. Some of us can cope with these mood swings but there are others who need some mood enhancement supplements. Luckily there is Laminine which we discovered is also a mood enhancement supplement.

Causes of Mood Swings and Depression

Mood swings is different from clinical depression in the sense that clinical depression is more severe. But, whichever one you are feeling, it is frustrating and irritating. It is not only difficult for you but also your family and loved ones.

It is not easy to discover the specific causes of mood swings and depressions. It could be biological or emotional. It could be caused by a tragedy in one's life or due to some illness or injury or simply because of everyday stress. The real cause may vary from person to person.

Like in the case of Renee H., she got too depressed when her mother died and she was placed under medication.

Michelle had an upper back injury because of stress and over lifting and this injury puts her in extreme pain that makes her frustrated, agitated, distracted and fidgety.

Stella Carlson broke two bones in her left leg when she fell down. She said that the last ten months of her life was devastating and that she lacks energy, motivation and appetite.

How Laminine Helped

Laminine is a nutritional supplement composed of amino acids, oligopeptides and growth factors. It is not promoted as a mood enhancement pill. People buy Laminine thinking they will discover its health benefits rewarding but soon realized they discover mental and mood enhancement benefits as well. Do not forget that Laminine is also an energy enhancement supplement.

Renee H. confessed that Laminine made a tremendous difference in her life. When she started taking Laminine, she immediately felt balanced and a sense of well-being. She was going off the anti-depressants and she was happy to use a product that is organic and could produce a great result. She believes that if she had taken Laminine in the beginning of her depression, she would never have needed the anti-depressants.

Michelle was extremely thankful she tried Laminine. Within minutes when she started, she noticed she could sit still, watch a movie, move around the house, stay focused and the feeling of aggravation and depression was gone. She likened the feeling to a state of "euphoria" without taking drugs. She said that the Laminne capsules have made it easier for her to have patience to let her body heal naturally.

Stella Carlson started on Laminine on a minimal dosage because she knows she is sensitive. She was not a morning person but the next morning after taking Laminine, she discovers she had more energy than she ever had. Her motivation and appetite couldn't be better and she can keep up her home. She declared that she is finally walking normally again and that Laminine has benefitted her in all areas of her body that were down.

Laminine as a mood enhancement supplement is so effective that people who discover and regularly take Laminine are suggesting their friends to buy Laminine and try it out. If your mood swing is making your life difficult, you should try it too and maybe, you will discover a whole new life for you.

Bipolar Disorder - Manic Depression - The Manic High

Bipolar disorder (or manic depression) is comprised of two halves. Mania is the extreme high and depression is the extreme low. As stated these are extreme mood changes, not just the normal highs and lows everyone goes through from time to time. This article shall concentrate on the mania portion. Doctors also have a diagnosis of hypomania (bipolar 2) which is a mania to a lesser extent. While experiencing hypomania a person will feel in a very happy mood all the time. Many of us would like to feel happy.

Mania can be very extreme with its highs. A person suffering from this condition (he or she will not believe they are suffering though), can become volatile fast. The highs can spiral downward if they are provoked and angered in any way. Many arrests are made when people become angered and start screaming at each other. A manic person will accelerate this into a fight and if weapons are available it can mean disaster. Control is not a strong point of manic people. On a lighter note, mania can also bring out creativity in people. There are a number of great artists, musicians, and writers in history that were diagnosed manic depressive. Many swear that their most productive periods were during episodes. Those periods unfortunately do not last though.

A person who is bipolar or there loved ones should be aware of the warning signs that could trigger an episode of mania. Getting help early in the manic stage could help keep the worst symptoms from occurring. Psychotherapy and medication are known to help the bipolar patient tremendously.
What to look for:

Insomnia or not sleeping normally

Not feeling fatigued (despite no sleep)

Increased energy

Speaking more rapid that normal

Thoughts that race everywhere (rapid speech might show this)


Spending money with no regard to consequences (shopaholic)

Promiscuousness (sleeping around)

Feeling invincible (nothing can touch or stop them)

This list is by no means all inclusive. These are just guideline for which a person can follow. Your medical professional will have better information in relation to you. Everybody is an individual and will have his or her own warning signals. The afflicted and their loved ones should take notice of them and be aware of the signs. Some bipolar patients have recurring episodes throughout their lives. Medication does help to level the moods though so patients should stick with the regimen their doctor prescribes. Weight gain is listed as a side effect on many prescription medications for this illness which can scare people. Everyone is different regarding this and people should take heed. Diet and exercise goes a long way to make sure that this side effect does not take.

What You Need to Understand About Bipolar Symptoms in Women

Bipolar Symptoms In Women

Bipolar Disorder was once commonly known as "manic depression" and basically consists of several medical conditions known as depressive disorders, which effect the way in which an individual's brain will function.

Although Bipolar Disorder affects males and females in approximately equal numbers, the actual symptoms exhibited by both genders can be vastly different. Bipolar symptoms in women tend to manifest mostly as depressive episodes, whereas men will more than likely experience more manic symptoms. Typically this pattern emerges in a patients first episode also, women tend to experience a depressive episode first and men will generally have a mania episode initially.

Women will generally be diagnosed mostly with Bipolar type II, which could be described as a milder form of Bipolar Disorder. However, rapid-cycling Bipolar, which is described by experiencing at least four episodes of depression or mania in one year, are more likely to be experienced by Women. Rapid Cycling Bipolar can be more difficult to treat than other forms of the disorder.

There has been extensive research that suggests Bipolar symptoms in women (especially rapid-cycling) could be influenced by abnormal thyroid levels. Thyroid imbalances are said to be more common in women than men. Women are also more likely to suffer from some of the following medical conditions than men. Obesity, anxiety, panic disorders and migraines. Hormonal imbalances can play a major role in developing Bipolar Disorders, declining estrogen levels during perimenopause can leave a women at risk of depressive disorders. During and after pregnancy can leave a women more vulnerable to the condition also.

Bipolar disorder is a higher risk in somebody who comes from a family with a history of Bipolar. This is not difinitive and absolute. Although there is a genetic link, it does not mean that someone that has a Bipolar parent will necessarily be Bipolar. Risk factors that contribute to Bipolar Symptoms in women include stressful life events, drug or alcohol abuse, harsh changes to sleeping patterns or other chronic medical conditions can contribute to the risk of Bipolar.

Medications used in the treatment of Bipolar are known as "mood stabilizers" These medicenes can reverse depressive or Manic episodes and prevent an individual from suffering a potential relapse. A Doctor or healthcare professional will prescribe either individual or a combination of medications that best suit your needs.

It is important to understand that whilst there is no actual cure for Bipolar Disorders, it can be treated successfully once diagnosed with ongoing psychological treatment and a successful prescription for medication. Studies are ongoing and new treatments are continuously being developed that help in the fight against Bipolar Disoder. It is possible to lead a complete and full life after a Bipolar disorder diagnosis.

Around one person in a hundred is diagnosed with a Bipolar Disorder, once diagnosed it can be treated successfully but many people are unaware that they have the condition and this can obviously be dangerous. It can occur at any age although commonly develops between the age of 18-24. The patterns of Bipolar symptoms in women can vary between individuals, with long term depressive episodes mixed with short term mania and vice versa. Please make sure that you contact your Doctor or healthcare professional if you or someone close to you is displaying symptoms of Depression or mania.

Motivational Life Quotes and Success in Life

You have probably noticed the great trend of putting motivational life quotes on the walls of home. It's a great way to keep yourself motivated and energetic throughout the day. It's best motivational tool to put life quotations on the strategic places of your house. Using affirmations along with quotes can do wonders into your life.

Motivational Life Quotes and Goals

Decide your long term and short term goals like in next one year I have to buy a new house and in the next two years I have to make ten thousand dollars and so on. Deciding goals is the key to success. Make workable action plan to achieve your goals. Just believe in yourself. Think big and you will get big. Kick out all the negative thoughts from your mind. Think positive and you will get positive results. And whenever you feel down in the way of achieving goals and need motivation to keep yourself striving, Life Quotes are always there to give you instant boost in your energy and motivation.

Survive Through Tough Time

We can't ignore the fact that today's life is full of stress. There's no denying that we all are facing difficult moments. Peoples are being laid off and unemployment level is growing at a very fast rate. From terrorism to natural calamities to global warming, people are literally stressed out of the amount of devastation simply waiting to happen.

And it doesn't seem like things will get back to normal in near future. It seems as if things will get worst. So what can we do to succeed in this tough time? How can we make ourselves strong and determined to fight tough time? We need to change our thoughts. We need to think big. We need to think positive to survive. Motivational Life Quotes re-write negative thoughts in your mind with positive ones and thus helps you become successful person in today's tough time.

Success and your thoughts

Success depends on your thoughts and beliefs. What you think you become. Those who are successful person have one thing in common and that is they believe in themselves. They believe that they are worth to get success. If you also do believe in yourself, you can also achieve the same success. Antole France once said, "To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." So believe in yourself and don't let your dreams stay just dreams. Achieve them and get success you deserve. And form a habit of reading Motivational Life Quotes on daily basis to keep yourself full of energy and motivated on the way of success.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

How Omega 3 Helps Beat Depression

Feeling blue, sadness, crying, loss of appetite, trouble sleeping and low moods. All are classic signs of depression and affect millions of people worldwide. So which countries are the most depressed and what can be done to lift their general mood of gloominess? This article explains natural ways to beat the blues and how omega 3 helps depression.

It might surprise you to know that the United States tops the list of most depressed countries in the world. According to a survey conducted by researchers from the World Health Organization (WHO) and Harvard Medical School, a staggering 9.6% of the American population have experienced major depressive order, chronic minor depression, mood and anxiety disorders, panic disorders or bipolar disorder, which is more commonly known as manic depression. Other countries that registered high rates of depression include the Ukraine, France, the Netherlands and Colombia.

In general, Asian countries recorded relatively low rates of depression. This was contributed to the fact that many people were too busy earning a living to worry about themselves and the fact that displaying signs of depression was seen as self-indulgent and a loss of face in those societies. People with depression or other mental illnesses were also shunned and kept out of sight so their condition was either unnoticed or untreated.

Two countries that really stood out for their low rates of depression were Japan and Iceland. One of the most interesting discoveries was that people living in both of those countries consumed high amounts of fish. Japan is famous for its fish-based diet, while Iceland is one of the greatest fishing nations on earth and the people there are huge fish eaters.

As the study of the Japanese and Icelandic populations unfolded, the epidemiological, biological and clinical evidence gathered suggested that a diet rich in fish appeared to protect people against depression and suicide because they were also consuming a lot of omega 3 nutrients. This correlated strongly with earlier studies of people with depression, which found a depletion of omega-3 fatty acids in their cell membranes. So how exactly does the omega 3 in fish help depression?

The two main ingredients of omega 3 are EPA eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA is considered to have the most beneficial effects, so it is important to buy omega-3 that contains more EPA than DHA. The reason that they work so well in fighting depression is because omega 3 is critical to the growth and maintenance of brain cells, especially cell membranes. This is the main reason why omega 3 helps depression.

The other important thing to remember is that our bodies do not naturally produce omega 3. It must be consumed either through the food we eat or through supplements and today the majority of highly processed Western diets are highly deficient in omega 3. In simple terms, the majority of us are not getting the omega 3 nourishment we need. So our bodies turn to omega 6 instead which produces cell membranes less able to cope with neurotransmitter traffic.

What has been significant in the United States, Europe and other Westernized countries in past two hundreds years is the dramatic rise in mental disorders and depression. For a long time this was thought to be a side effect of modern society and the highly mechanical way we all now live since the Industrial Revolution. But increasingly it is also seen as an effect of our shift in diet to more processed foods that contain little or no omega 3 nutrients.

One way to overcome this deficiency is simply to eat more fish. Unfortunately that has its drawbacks too. Many of the fish caught today have been swimming in seas contaminated by oil, mercury, PCBs and other toxins. Farm breed fish are no good either as they are fed grain, which does not contain omega 3, instead of algae which does and passes along the food chain naturally.

The other way to get the essential omega 3 nutrients your body needs is to take fish oil supplements. But be careful there too. You need pharmaceutical grade fish oil and the only one I trust myself is made by a company in New Zealand that distills it from a cold water fish called Hoki, which is probably the best source of natural omega 3 fatty acids that you will find anywhere in the world. If you would like to know more, take a look at my website for more ways that omega 3 helps fight depression.

H Pylori - How H Pylori Causes Vitamin B12 Deficiency That May Lead to Depression and Fatigue

Scientific research suggests that H pylori can cause vitamin B12 deficiency. This may be one of the reasons why patients feel tired, depressed or anxious as a result of having chronic H pylori infection. It may also explain why some patients also struggle with headaches and migraines that disappear when H pylori bacteria are eradicated.

Unfortunately, conventionally trained medical professionals tend not to associate digestive infections with symptoms outside the gut. But anything that disrupts the proper digestion and absorption of food has the potential to cause nutritional deficiencies which, themselves can cause problems in any and every area of the body.

H pylori is known to have the ability to cause autoimmune reactions against the parietal cells of the stomach. These parietal cells are very important because they make and secrete stomach acid and intrinsic factor - a substance that is needed for vitamin B12 absorption - into the stomach.

Stomach acid helps to break down food, releasing vitamins and minerals from the food you eat so that your body can absorb them. Intrinsic factor is absolutely critical for the absorption of vitamin B12. In fact, you can take as many vitamin B12 pills as you want, but without intrinsic factor you will not be able to absorb them.

Therefore, anything that slows down or prevents the production of stomach acid and intrinsic factor can cause symptoms associated with vitamin B12 deficiency.

If you have H pylori and it is causing problems related to parietal cell function, there is a good chance that you are going to have low stomach acid levels and decreased intrinsic factor secretion.

Antacid medications such as Omeprazole, Pantoprazole and other members of the proton pump inhibitor family of drugs can also shut down stomach acid production. H2 blockers and over the counter medications can also suppress acid production.

This acid suppression is an important consideration because the antacids drugs are commonly prescribed to treat the heartburn and reflux symptoms commonly experienced with H pylori.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Deficiency in vitamin B12 is know to cause neurological symptoms, some of which can be serious. The brain commands the nervous system so inadequate vitamin B12 may lead to a range of symptoms:
Poor memory
Behavioural and Personality Disorders

When Helicobacter pylori and other digestive infections are present, these neurological symptoms may or may not be accompanied by digestive symptoms. In other words, you can have H pylori and feel tired and depressed, but you may not have the common digestive symptoms that lead doctors to recommend testing and treatment.

Many symptoms can develop elsewhere in the body as a result of the collateral damage that is being done by stomach and intestinal infections.

Other Causes of B12 Deficiency

Whilst H pylori can certainly contribute to vitamin B12 deficiency and its associated symptoms, it is not the only cause. Other causes include:

Inadequate dietary intake of vitamin B12, especially in vegetarian and vegan diets.
Surgical removal of the small bowel due to chronic or serious disease.
Genetic polymorphisms (e.g. MTHFR)
Gluten intolerance and celiac disease.
Chronic intestinal infestation by the fish tapeworm, which competes for vitamin B12 for its own use.
Bacterial overgrowth in parts of the small bowel are thought to be able to absorb B12, making it unavailable to the body.
Some studies have shown that Giardia infestation can also lead to the malabsorption of vitamin B12. Giardia parasites can coat the small intestine and often result in fatigue in addition to classic diarrhoea symptoms.
Chronic alcohol abuse.

Treatment of B12 Deficiency

The medical approach to the treatment of B12 deficiency would typically be to prescribe B12 supplements (sprays, pills, sublingual drops) or injections. These treatment options may bring benefit and many patients will testify that B12 repletion has improved their quality of life considerably.

But when you look at the true underlying causes of the deficiency, it becomes apparent that a more holistic view to treating B12 deficiency is likely to bring better results.

Simply taking B12 supplements really does not address the underlying cause of the problem. Taking B12 on its own does not address low stomach acid or intrinsic factor levels, H pylori, parasites and other reasons why the deficiency occurred in the first place.

The Functional Medicine Approach To B12 Deficiency

I functional medicine, we look to address symptoms from the root cause. We do not simply recommend taking medications or supplements to mask the symptoms.

We have identified several possible causes of vitamin B12 deficiency and so it makes sense to address all the possible causes in addition to using B12 to top up levels. When we do use B12 supplements, we make sure they are taken under the tongue so that they absorbed better.

Testing & Assessing Vitamin B12 Levels

It is possible to check vitamin B12 levels in a blood sample and this will certainly provide useful information. A blood test is available from your doctor.

In order to perform its functions, vitamin B12 must move out of the blood and into the tissues of the body. Therefore, we also use urine testing called Organic Acid testing to evaluate B12 levels in our clients.

The advantage of this testing is that it tells us whether certain key metabolic pathways are being blocked because there is not enough vitamin B12.

Research cited in several textbooks has now informed us that Organic Acid testing is able to detect B12 deficiency at a much earlier stage than basic blood testing.

Make no mistake, H pylori and other factors that disrupt digestion can cause vitamin B12 deficiency and make you feel depressed, anxious and tired. If you know you have H pylori and you are suffering with these symptoms, be aware that simply eliminating H pylori may not be enough. You may need to have your B12 status checked and corrected, along with other nutrients such as B6 and folic acid.

If you have already been tested for B12 levels and have been told they are too low, it would be advisable for you to get checked for H pylori, gluten intolerance, celiac disease and other potential causes of the deficiency. If you do not do this it may be very hard to correct your symptoms.

Finally, if B12 capsules or tablets are not working for you, try sublingual drops or injections under the care of a qualified professional.

The Correlation Between Writers And Depression

Is there a correlation between writers and depression? Well it may seem so, since so many writers have admitted to having some form of depression or going through bouts of depression. What's interesting is how so many writers seem to welcome their depressive state because they believe that it causes them to write better. Why do writers feel that creativity is born solely from a cathartic event which usually entails some form of suffering either mentally or physically?

True many writers are depressed, but I feel that this is because of the conditions that writers face. Irregular hours, Isolation, a lack of exposure to sunlight, and the greatest factor, financial and professional uncertainty--all may cause a depression or worsen one.
These factors would cause anyone to become depressed; writers are just unfortunate enough to face all them.

Scientists have been debating why writers are more prone to depression, what they should be asking is why some writers enjoy their depression or feel that they create better pieces when they are depressed.

Because of the financial and professional uncertainty there is a correlation between writers and depression. Many writers feel that when there are no major assignments coming in (free lance writer) or no works being published/bought there are depressed. Well this shouldn't surprise anyone. I don't think anybody is ecstatic when they have bills to pay and no way to pay for them.

It's no secret that some writers go through bouts of depression. But what makes them so different from any other creative master? I'm sure that there are many "work at home" gurus who are depressed or painters or even designers. Anyone who has an uncertain future in their career and spends a lot of time alone is prone to depression. Yet, their depression isn't as glamorized as it is with writers.

Writers may be depressed, everyone is sometimes but to say that they are more creative when they are is myth. And I feel that writers should ease up on the affection that they have for their depression. Why would anyone want to welcome an unhealthy state? Why would you want to be depressed in order to create?

Writing is therapeutic, and can be used as an escape and a release. In many ways writing can be seen as an antidepressant. But for anyone to relish in their depression is to deny themselves the real art of creating. If you can only produce a document when you are experiencing one particular state, then you will never know what it is like to create from a different one. It makes me sad to think that any writer would use depression as a crutch for their creativity.

I want to be able to write when I'm happy or sad, when I see something that aggravates me or amuses me, when I'm at my highest point or my lowest. I want to always be able to tap into my writing skills anytime, anyplace. Are some days better than others? Of course, I'm sure that all writers will agree they feel inspired during some moments more than others. But how can anyone have a flourishing writing career when they are dependent on their depression to inspire new ideas. Clinical depression is very real and very serious yet there are writers who refuse to take their medication because they don't feel that they can write unless they are depressed.

You may be a writer, but it is no excuse to neglect your health. Get out as much as you can, eat well, sleep well and exercise. Finding company among other writers is also helpful. There may seem to be an unhealthy bond between some writers and their depression but you must try to find writing in the act itself. Creativity stems from both negative and positive experiences.

Success Secret - Happiness Is A Choice

People search for keys to success. Some say it is all about hard work, some attribute success to patience and perseverance, some simply credit it all to destiny. Perspectives differ but everyone agrees that success doesn't come easy.

But one misconception many people have about success is about its relation to happiness. That success leads to happiness is a common belief. And one can say it is a myth.

Success does not necessarily lead to happiness. You can have all the success, fame and riches you desire and still not be happy with what you have. Happiness does not come from abundance or opulence. Happiness is essentially a state of mind and rather than success being a cause for happiness, one can say, happiness is always a cause for success.

"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss and found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen"

~ Elizabeth Kubler Ros

Happiness is a choice. You can be happy no matter what the circumstances are. The biggest struggles of life, the deepest pains, and toughest challenges do not have the power to tear you away from choosing to be happy despite everything. You may say this is impossible. How can one remain happy in the midst of pain?

You can if you approach pain with a positive attitude, as an obstacle or challenge which has been put in your path to test your resilience and stoicism, you will be able to face it square on rather than let it climb all over you and drown you in depression.

It is all a matter of your own thoughts

Happiness is not something that depends upon another person or situations either. You have the power to create things that make you happy. Many difficult or sad situations arise every now and then. It is all up to you how you choose to feel on any given day.

For instance, if you are handling too many responsibilities, your success in fulfilling each one of them will depend on how you balance the various responsibilities and approach each one as per its importance. If you let yourself become confused, hassled and disorganized, the problems that are actually opportunities in work clothes will seem all too difficult to handle. The opportunities will slip past you, and you will just be looking at the problems and not what's behind them. It is not important how you look at things but what you see there.

Turn your mind towards positive thinking. Decide to finish the jobs according to priorities, spare a few moments to absorb the beauty that surrounds you, count your blessings, and read some inspirational messages. Create your own happiness.

Remember, the amazing thing about life is that, you choose what you allow into it. You choose how things affect you, you choose how you react. Happiness is a Choice. Make it. Keep smiling!

Cute Life Quotes to Make You Smile

Charlie Chaplin once said, "A day without smile is a day wasted." A simple act of smiling can kick all your worries and tensions far out of your life. Yet, in the fast paced days we live in, it could be quite difficult for us to stay smiled, ecstatic and happy. Work deadlines, personal relationship demands, social issues, money problem, conflicts, pressure from family members and colleagues are some of the reasons that cause stress and stops us from living the life of abundance.

Good thing is we have cute life quotes to help us survive in this extremely toxic and turbulent environment. One thing that these quotes are best at doing is to make you smile. And once you smiled, all your enthusiasm and confidence will be greatly increased and you feel more energetic, relaxed and optimistic.

Many studies have proved that smile is best cure to depression. Smiling out loud for 10 minutes regularly can help you become healthy person both physically and mentally. So laugh away your worries and enjoy life to fullest. The Cute Life Quotes, I've gathered below from the likes of Will Rogers, Robert Frost, and other famous personalities will definitely bring smile to your and your family faces.

"Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else." Will Rogers

"I'm not afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." Woody Allen

"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

"Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much."

If you form a habit of studying cute life quotes regularly, soon you begin to realize the true meaning of life which is to enjoy every moment of life to your heart's content. As Horace observed, "Rejoice while you are alive, enjoy the day, live life to fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later then you think."

Depression As A Misdiagnosis

Depression is a common mood disorder that a number of people seek assistance with. Unfortunately, some of these people end up misdiagnosed as depressed when they actually have bipolar disorder. Depression is a component of bipolar disorder. Though they are both mood disorders, they are entirely separate afflictions that require starkly different treatments. Misdiagnosis derails a person's wellness goals until it is corrected.

Psychiatric and medical professionals that do not have specific knowledge of bipolar disorder can easily overlook it. The reason is simple. A person that is depressed is going to understand how terrible they probably feel. They will visit their doctor, talk about their depression, how they're feeling, and hopefully be treated for it. The problem is that the depressive person does not always associate their mental upswings as a negative experience even if they are destructive. Anything is a welcome respite and positive so long as it is not the consuming void of depression.

Misdiagnosis creates a very drastic problem. The average treatment for bipolar disorder includes an antidepressant and a mood stabilizer. The antidepressant is meant to bring the lower end of the person's moods to a higher level. The mood stabilizer creates a ceiling that prevents the bipolar person from escalating. Treatment for depression does not include a mood stabilizer. A bipolar person that is misdiagnosed as depressed and is on antidepressants will just keep escalating until they finally hit their breaking point. The mood stabilizer is not there to provide the necessary ceiling. That is extremely dangerous. It has resulted in suicides, homicides, institutionalization, and self-destruction.

There is good news and bad news! The good news is that the symptoms of the manic periods of bipolar disorder are fairly easy once a person understands what they look like. The bad news is that not a whole lot of people understand what Bipolar Disorder is as opposed to the mental image they have through the media or their own opinions.

The answer is in the question- how does the person feel when they are not depressed? Do they have unlimited energy? How about very scattered thoughts that either do not connect or are entirely erratic? How is the person sleeping? A manic bipolar can get very little to no sleep and still not be physically tired. Manic thinking causes a person to draw conclusions and have thoughts that they normally would not. It is common for a bipolar person to look back on an unwell period and question why they ever would have performed an action that they did. Impulsive decisions and spending are also very common.

The most important question at the center of it all is simply, "Are the periods where I am not depressed just as destructive when I am?" A person that is answering yes to some of these questions should ask to be screened for bipolar disorder.

Depression is easily treatable for a number of people. People that have more psychiatric problems going on will have a much harder time of things. A depressive person struggling to find wellness for years should ask to be screened whether they feel they meet the criteria or not. A dual diagnosis of depression and some form of anxiety disorder is common. Manic symptoms are often mistaken for the signs of an anxiety disorder because they share many similarities.

The final thing to look for is a pattern. Bipolar Disorder typically emerges during puberty. The Bipolar person's manic unwell periods follow a certain pattern. An event will trigger them, they will begin to escalate, their mind will gain speed until it reaches the peak, and then they will plummet down into a deep depression much worse than what they normally deal with. The next few days after that the person will feel pretty good but not to an unhealthy extent. Finally, they will settle back to whatever their baseline mood is. This pattern will have repeated itself several times over the course of the person's life.

Misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder as depression ensures that the bipolar person will not find wellness.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Laughter Has a Multitude of Health and Wellness Benefits

Plato, the Greek philosopher's quote, "Even the Gods love jokes," must have some validity, for the merits of laughter are recorded in sacred scripture. For example, the Koran states that "He deserves paradise who makes his companions laugh."

By the fourteenth century, the healing power of humor was recognized by the medical community, but extensive research on 'Laughter Therapy' did not start until the New England Journal of Medicine published an article by Norman Cousins in 1976.

In 1964, Cousins was diagnosed with anklyosing spondilitis and he was given a one in five hundred chance of recovery, and was told that he only had a few months to live. He left the hospital and checked into a hotel where he took mega doses of vitamin C, and watched humorous movies and shows, such as Candid Camera, the Marx Brothers, Laurel and hardy etc.

He found that 10 minutes of hearty laughter resulted in a minimum of 2 hours pain-free sleep. He continued this routine until he was fully recovered. He proved that laughter is the best medicine, and pointed the way to mind-body medicine.

William Fry, MD, professor of psychology at Stanford University medical School, who is a health and laughter expert, reports the average child in kindergarten laughs 400 times a day. As adults, we are lucky to average 4 -6 times a day.

Our five senses are not enough in our daily lives. We need our sixth sense - 'our sense of humor.' Humor isn't just telling jokes, it's the way we view the world. We can take our jobs, our responsibilities seriously, but need to take ourselves more lightly.

The many benefits of laughter

  • When \you make fun of yourself, you disarm those who would make fun of you and defuse possible confrontations

  • Laughter relieves tension, stress, anger, irritation, grief, and depression. Similar to crying, laughter lowers emotional barriers, allowing the release of pent-up emotions. After a hearty session of laughter, you experience a sense of true well-being

  • Medical researchers have found that laughter boosts the immune system

  • laughter reduces pain by releasing endorphins that are more powerful than equivalent amounts of morphine

  • Humor helps merge the 2 hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere is used to interpret the verbal content of a joke. The right hemisphere interprets whether it is funny or not

  • laughter adds spice to life. Laughter is to life what rain is to the earth

  • When you develop your sense of humor, you become more productive, communicate better, and tend to be a better team player

  • Laughter provides the balance we need to get through the many hurdles of life

  • Laughter is another form of exercise. It massages all the organs of the body according to Dr. James Walsh

  • Laughter / humor helps you to rise to any challenge and handle the unexpected with ease

What Is Good For Fighting Off Depression?

Depression is not a sign of weakness. It is a normal reaction to certain events that happen in our lives that we don't like and which we have no control over. It is normal to get depressed once in a while when the situation so warrants it. But of course it's totally another thing when you get depressed more often, sometimes with no particular reason at all, or when your depression comes to the point when your health, work performance and relationships are already compromised. If you don't want either of this to happen, consider these depression busters:

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids. You might have heard about Omega-3 fatty acids too often. These essential fatty acids have always been linked to heart health, but studies are suggesting that these are very helpful in warding off depression, too. Eating fish, therefore, will be good for depressed individuals, but experts warn not to do it every day as fish may be contaminated with toxic ingredients. To be safe than sorry, take Omega 3 supplements or Fish Oil with Omega-3 supplements.

  • Sunshine. As studies show that more people tend to get depressed during the cold months experts suggest that a little bit of sunshine every morning will help keep depression away. But of course, you can't stay too long out in the sun without protection. A good time to enjoy it is before eight in the morning. At 9am, the heat starts to sting the skin already, and that kind of heat will do you more harm than good.

  • Vitamins. Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D all help to improve brain and nerve function and increase the production of serotonin.

  • Exercise. A 15-30 minute jog around the plaza or your very own neighborhood can improve your mood. You may not feel like doing it, but you have to force yourself. Once you get into the habit of exercising every morning, you'll begin to notice that you are not getting depressed often anymore.

  • Meditation and Deep Breathing. Meditation and deep breathing exercises can also lift your mood up while calming your nerves and bringing your stress levels down at the same time. Try this early in the morning or at night before you sleep.

  • Good Nutrition. Don't let depression ruin your appetite. Eat anyway, even if you don't feel like to. But make wise food choices. Make sure to include fruits, vegetables, and walnuts in your diet. Rather than take comfort in chocolates and junk foods, munch on vegetable sticks instead. Carrot sticks, cucumber and apple slices (minus the mayo dip, of course) are great companions during snack time. Never skip your meals. Have 5-6 small meals a day, instead of 3 big meals. It's important to go easy on your stomach as a sluggish metabolism can set off depressive attacks. Avoid fried and fatty foods, then, and too much sweets.

  • Talk. Verbalize your thoughts and your feelings. Don't keep them in. Talk to someone you trust - your best friend, partner, parent, relative, anyone. It's easier to cope with depression that way.

  • Express yourself. Fight depression through art. Doodle, draw, dance, paint, write. Let your imagine run wild. Be creative in coping with depression.

  • Hobby. Getting a hobby keeps your mind off a lot of things, including depression. If you are immersed in a project, you may even forget that you are actually feeling sad or low at the moment. Think of something you've always wanted to do and get right on it. It's never too late to start anything, you know.

Feeling low? Try these depression-busters and kick depression out of your system!

Analysis of John Clare's Love Poem First Love

"First Love" was written by John Clare, 1793-1864, about his true first love, Mary Joyce, whom he met when he was only 10 years old. She was the daughter of a wealthy farmer who forbade his daughter from meeting with Clare, a mere poor laborer, and his separation from her created an overwhelming sense of loss that set the tone for much of Clare's love poems.

The Poet

Clare was mired in poverty all of his life. He was malnourished during his youth, which contributed to his poor health later in life. At times he made his own paper by scraping birch bark, and he made his own ink with some dyes and rain water. Charity from his church kept him going until he published his first book of poetry.

John Clare married Martha Turner in 1820, the same year that he published his first book of poems. His "rural poetry" was relatively popular through the early 1820's and Clare enjoyed some success throughout London. By the 1830's the popularity of his poetry had diminished. Clare published 5 books of poetry during this period, each better than the previous, but each sold fewer copies than the previous.

Though Clare lived during the Industrial Revolution his early poems show his strong knowledge of the yearly cycles of the rural countryside. Clare gained a reputation for being able to write delightful descriptions of the natural beauties of the world and the details of raising animals and harvesting crops.

Friends and supporters helped Clare and his family move to a larger cottage, but with a wife and seven children Clare was unable to provide for his family adequately. He felt alienated in the new location and became more depressed. Stress and depression overtook Clare and he was admitted to a mental asylum in 1837. He had become delusional, imagining himself to be Lord Byron at times, Shakespeare at others, and sometimes a prizefighter or a son of George III.

He walked home from the asylum in 1841, about 100 miles, hoping that he would reunite with his first love, Mary Joyce. He had convinced himself that he was married to both his wife and Mary Joyce at the same time. He imagined that he had children with Mary Joyce as well. Disappointed and depressed at not finding her, Clare entered another asylum where he remained for the rest of his life.

He continued to write poetry as his health permitted while confined in the asylum. In fact some of his best love poems were written during the early years of this confinement. In all, Clare wrote over 3500 poems, about 400 of which were published during his lifetime. He composed his first poem, "The Morning Walk," at age 13 after being inspired by reading a copy of James Thomson's "The Seasons."

The Poem

"First Love" is a memorable, romantic poem, written by a notable Romantic poet. The poem has inspired many readers who often strongly remember and easily quote the final stanza of the poem.

The poem is well constructed with a typical romantic rhythm and rhyme scheme. The rhyme is a consistent abab when the poem is read as six quatrains. The rhythm is generally composed of lines of iambic tetrameter, eight syllables with the even syllables being stressed. However, the rhythm is not consistent, especially as seen in the poem's two final stanzas. To end his poem Clare utilizes a typical ballad meter with a tetrameter line followed by a trimeter line. This choice gives the end of the poem a musical quality.

Several similes and metaphors are evident in the poem. The metaphor in the final two lines has led to several different interpretations. Some feel that the lines mean that the poet has realized that his love is lost and will never be requited; the lines express rejection and loneliness. Others feel that the lines show that the poet is mentally unstable. Still others feel that the lines represent the romantic notion that one can lose oneself in love and be "head over heels" or "lost" in love.

First Love

Here's how the poem starts:

I ne'er was struck before that hour

With love so sudden and so sweet.

Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower

And stole my heart away complete.

Recurring Thoughts of Depression Checklist - Are You Clinically Depressed?

Reports say that more than one in five Americans struggle with some form of depression in their lifetime.

Depression is a major issue that affects most Americans either directly or indirectly. If you feel depressed, please realize that you are not alone. Due to the high stress and pressure of living today, most people experience some level of depression during their lifetime.

To help determine if you are suffering a clinical level of depression, please review the following depression symptom checklist to see if you have experienced any of the most common issues associated early depression.

*** Depression Symptom Checklist ***

• Extended loss of energy and interest in daily activities.
• Continually diminishing ability to enjoy life.
• Decreased - or increased - sleeping or appetite.
• Difficulty in concentrating; indecisiveness;
slowed or fuzzy thinking.
• Exaggerated feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or anxiety.
• Feelings of worthlessness; recurring thoughts about death and suicide.

If you are experiencing one or more of the issues on the "Depression Symptom Checklist" and are also experiencing some of the following recurring thoughts, you will need to consult your doctor for a simple and very common evaluation.

*** Recurring Thoughts of Depression ***

- I don't know why I did it!
- I can't stop worrying even when I try.
- My life is always up and down.
- I have no energy.
- I just can't seem to get started.
- Why do I speak without thinking first?
- I need to check it out just one more time.
- It seems I have to work so hard to be happy when others don't.
- I can't believe what I've done.
- What's the point? It's not going to work out anyway.
- You mean I'm not supposed to think all the time?
- I'm not meant to be happy.
- People think I'm weird.
- It's so hard to make decisions.
- If I die, the pain will finally go away.
- But what if I make a mistake?
- I'll never forgive myself, and neither will anyone else.
- I hate myself.
- I think I have a chemical imbalance.
- Something must be wrong with me.
- I get in bad moods for no good reason.
- My mind never, ever stops!
- Things are feeling unreal and I'm afraid to tell anybody.
- I just can't seem to get things finished.
- I deserve to suffer because I've hurt so many people.
- I can't stand feeling like I'm going to die or go crazy.
- It's so hard to listen and pay attention.
- Why can't I have a happy, successful relationship?
- Why do I get myself into so much trouble?
- I feel so empty inside.

If you are experiencing any of the previous thoughts or any of the issues on the checklist on a regular basis, do not worry or panic. You are among friends. You are not crazy or hopeless, and you are not destined to be unhappy forever. You're among millions of new people each year who simply fall out of balance. Although feeling "good" again may seem like a hundred years away, that is not the case at all. You will just need to take some responsibility for your own happiness and make an a point to see your doctor to begin your journey back to feeling like yourself again:

Then, when you get in front of your doctor you simply have to say, "I think I'm depressed." Once you do that, your doctor will tell you all about how depression works and how you can overcome it as quickly as possible. You will simply be amazed at how very hopeful your future becomes just by talking to professional.

No matter if you are for or against medical treatments or psychiatrists, if you feel lost and depressed communication with a medical or counseling consultant is the best way back to feeling like yourself again.

** Epilogue: Don't feel embarrassed to say, "I think I'm depressed." Realizing you are not feeling like yourself and seeing someone about it is a very mature step. Once you do it, you will be on your way back to feeling better every day and in every way.

Exercise Improves Your Health and Your Life Insurance Rate

Life insurance companies are basically gambling against your death. The more risk factors you have for an early death, the higher your premiums will be. There are certain pre-determined risk types that you will fall under depending on the condition of your health. If your health is excellent, and you are leading a healthy lifestyle, have no major medical history, you may be able to qualify for the super preferred category. The super preferred category has the least premiums because the odds against you living a long life are high. Other categories include preferred and standard premium rates. Standard is the category most Americans qualify for. There are categories lower than standard which are very expensive.

How does exercise help qualify you for cheaper life insurance premiums? A regular exercise routine of 30 minutes a day, five days a week is necessary for maintaining good health, increasing longevity and for feeling better. Most doctors recommend a brisk walk, bicycling, swimming, gardening, dancing or other forms of recreation.

  • Exercise along with a healthy diet can help you lose weight. By maintaining a healthy weight you will better your chances of avoiding several major risk factors associated with being overweight such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and joint pain.

  • Stress is another health-related factor that may cause high or low blood pressure, anxiety, and depression. Exercise is a good stress reliever. Exercise has stress-busting effects that help ward off stress, anxiety and depression. By keeping stress levels at bay through regular exercise, you may be able to avoid any physiological implications on health stress may have.

  • Exercise can help you feel good about yourself. Engaging in exercise stimulates the production of chemicals called endorphins which elevate the mood.

  • Can exercise increase longevity? A Harvard Alumni Health Study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (April 1995), noted that exercise and longevity were related. Those who engaged in regular, vigorous exercise tended to live longer.

  • According to MedlinePlus (National Institutes of Health) regular exercise (including walking) can decrease your risk of anxiety, depression, heart attack, high blood pressure, obesity, osteoporosis, some types of cancers, and stroke. It also helps to improve good cholesterol levels.

So, it is a well known fact that improving your health can improve your life insurance rates. A few chronic health conditions that can prevent you from getting a good rate on insurance are high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Life style-related conditions such as smoking, obesity and drinking also have a negative impact in underwriting your life insurance rate. The only way you can improve your chances for a good rate is by keeping yourself fit and healthy. Maintaining a regular exercise program is one great way of doing just that.

Another way to improve your chances of getting cheaper life insurance premiums is by shopping around. Online insurance quote providers can find hundreds of life insurance quotes from reputable insurance companies. This helps you compare quotes and find the most affordable life insurance as well as one that best suits your needs.

Hormone Imbalances And Depression

Serotonin depression is a mood disorder due to the imbalance in the hormone, serotonin. The symptoms can affect bipolar, anxiety and depressive eating disorders.

Serotonin is what is called a monoamine transporter. It carries important messages along the neural pathway in the brain. It's a bit like the postman who will use the pathways in the brain to carry the letter you posted.

In Serotonin depression it's as if the letter writer ran out of paper to write on or didn't mail it properly and the receptors pick it up too quickly and it gets scrambled up somehow. This causes an imbalance of mood, energy or understanding and can lead to depression. It has also been discovered that the release of serotonin is somehow tied in with the sleep cycle and the body's natural circadian rhythms.

There are two major types of serotonin depression. It can be due to a genetic defect in the brain's serotonin receptors (mailboxes), called 5HTT receptor sites. These are too short making them too quick to absorb the serotonin and then to release it back into the neural pathway properly causing a shortage.

Many antidepressant medications are designed to block these receptor sites (5HTT) from absorbing serotonin too quickly. That is why they are called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI's) and are used for depression but recent tests are now questioning whether they are as effective as it was first believed. They have also found that it has an impact on the teenage suicide rate.

SSRI's may not be effective in many cases because of the brain's inability to produce enough serotonin to begin with. If levels of serotonin are too low the SSRI's won't work. This is the second type of serotonin depression - the brain's inability to produce enough serotonin. The problem is that one cannot just take a serotonin supplement. The brain's defence mechanism called the brain barrier protects it from outside chemicals which are why the supplements don't work well.

Sometimes the brain can temporarily get the extra serotonin it needs from carbohydrates in sugars and starches as these cause the pancreas to release insulin to break down sugars. This insulin gets the brain barrier to open and absorb the serotonin compounds giving the person a 'high' for a while until they run out of serotonin again. Then they crave more carbohydrates, put on weight and create a cycle which is why this is not a good way to get serotonin into the body.

Research shows that the body needs different hormones at different times of day such as melatonin to help us sleep and serotonin during the day. The control centre that regulates these hormones is called the Suprachaismatic Nucleus, or body clock, and is in a part called the hypothalamus in the back of the brain. This body clock uses light as a signal to know when to produce the right hormones and uses darkness to produce night time hormones. As people age or suffer from stress it can malfunction causing many a sleepless night. Light produces serotonin and light therapy has been found to help with mood disorders especially in winter with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

In terms of natural supplements studies show St. John's Wort (Hypericum) can sometimes be as effective as Prozac in treating depression because it affects all three neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine). There is no other pharmacological medication that does this and it works by causing these neurotransmitters to stay in the synaptic system longer and stopping absorption too quickly. These neurotransmitters are the messengers, carrying the brain's commands to where they need to go. Since they stay in the system longer, the brain's cells communicate better with each other and this is why many depressed people respond so well to St. John's Wort. It is important though that if you are on medication you tell your doctor you want to start taking St John's Wort as it accelerates the liver's ability to break down and can inter-act with other medications.

A vitamin B deficiency is also usually in play when one is depressed due to low folic acid levels. That is how depression usually starts. Medications also work better if folic acid is taken. Vitamin B also helps with mood swings associated with low self esteem, menopause and PMT. It is important to buy the highest B complex that you can find.

Fish oils such as Omega-3 Fatty Acids (DHA and EPA) are also anti-depressants and studies show they can help in stabilising bipolar depression. These may work by nourishing the nerve cells in the brain which are mostly made of DHE fatty acids. Depressed people have low DHE levels so the fish oil will raise these as well as lowering the risk of heart attacks, strokes and help build better bones. It is important to take vitamin C and E and other natural anti oxidants with these as they can produce free radicals if you take too much of them. Goji Juice is one of the best antioxidants. Also fish oils can sometimes interfere with anti-clotting medications.

DHEA is also a natural anti depressant which helps with moods but it may also affect hormone levels as DHEA is produced by the adrenal glands and converted into oestrogen, testosterone and other hormones in the body. Too much may cause oily skin, some facial hair which is rare and a lowering of the voice. Chromium Picolinate is helpful in cases of dysthymia and selenium helps with concentration and energy whilst Zinc can also lift one's mood.

The old remedy of L-Tryptophan, 5-HTP used in the past does not work that well though. Although L-Tryptophan is the basic building block of serotonin and 5-HTP is a synthesized intermediate compound close to serotonin and the combining of these doesn't necessarily produce more serotonin.

Serotonin is a difficult substance to produce artificially and therefore it makes serotonin depression a difficult disorder to treat.