Saturday, March 15, 2014

From Outcast To Insider: Overcoming The Stigma of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder and Society:

The stigma often associated with manic depression and other mental disorders is very real. Many people with bipolar disorder or other mental illnesses are afraid to share their condition with other people for fear of ridicule or judgment.

A World Federation for Mental Health study recently revealed that more than 71% of patients with bipolar disorder felt they could not reveal their illness to others without being judged.

The stigma is so real in fact many will avoid telling friends or family of their mental condition. Many people with bipolar disorder face stigma and discomfort from well-meaning friends and family members that don't really understand bipolar disorder.

Many patients are more than happy to share their "up" phases to the outside world but tend to keep their depression to themselves.

While people may enjoy being around an upbeat hypomanic personality, they may find a depressive bipolar less companionable.

This makes common interactions and social events uncomfortable at best, and undesirable at worst for many bipolar patients.

It is common for patients with bipolar disorder to feel misunderstood. Unfortunately even many health care providers carry with them a biased attitude toward bipolar patients. Many have a difficult time focusing on the real reason a person is in their office. Instead they focus on the mental health issue.

Some patients feel cut off by their doctors or disregarded before they have an opportunity to get at the core of their problem. Manic patients may leave their doctor's office without their dignity and respect.

Respect and Dignity For Mental Health Patients:

What is important for patients and the public at large to realize is that bipolar patients are people too, people that deserve compassion, kindness and understanding.

Far too often even well-meaning doctors fall into the trap of generalizing the public's health or mental condition.

What is true is that all manic depressive patients are different. Not all patients are the same and what works for one may not necessarily work for another.

What the public should also realize is that according to the National Institutes of Mental Health, roughly one in five people suffers from some form of mental illness or another.

That means as a patient, you are more part of family than an outcast.

Most patients with bipolar disorder or some other form of depression are in fact, more commonly the norm rather than the exception to the rule.

Understanding this can help promote greater compassion and acceptance of manic depression and bipolar disorder.

Steps for Overcoming Fear of Bipolar Disorder:

If you or a loved one suffers from bipolar disorder or any other mental illness, there is hope. There are several strategies you can adopt to help promote your health and well being.

There are even more steps you can take to help you feel comfortable and accepted by society at large.

Here are some small steps patients and family members can take to help overcome the stigma associated with mental illness.

- Always accept your condition for what it is.

- Never attempt to hide your condition for fear that others will be un-accepting or misunderstand you.

- Educate friends and family. Direct them to a number of sites that help explain bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses. Great reference sites include the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

- Confidently explain that one if five people suffers from some form of mental illness or another.

- Remember that you are more an insider than you realize.

- One out of every five of your friends, acquaintances or associates likely suffers from some form of mental illness. -Use support groups to help bolster your self confidence and promote your inner peace and well being.

- Remember to always hold your head high with dignity and respect. Never accept less than the utmost respect when consulting with friends, family or your doctor.

A good friend is often a key support figure for patients suffering from bipolar disorder.

There are various online and offline support groups for patients with bipolar disorder and manic depression. Be sure you check some out to find the support you need when treating this complex and emotional disease.

Remember, there is hope. Bipolar patients are more a member of a large family than anything else.

Copyright 2006 Anne Arthur

Depression Symptoms and Hypnotherapy

What is Depression?

The Oxford Reference Dictionary says that depression is "as state of extreme dejection often with physical symptoms". There are, as with anything, different types of this condition which range in duration and severity.

The human condition is one that brings with it what is often called "moods". You can be in a good, bad, high, low or indifferent mood. It is normal to experience all these moods at different times. Some of these moods can be started by conscious events in our lives whilst at other times we may be unaware of why we feel a particular way. Sometimes there may be a physical reason for feeling one of these moods.

The word 'depression' or 'feeling depressed' is often used to refer to feeling 'blue' or 'down' even though this may state may last for only a short period of time. Referring to this short time of feeling down as depression is not accurate and it is important to distinguish between occasional low moods and depression.

Depression is when someone experiences a sustained period of dejection or feeling low that seems to have little respite or it can be a low mood that seems to continue to return on a regular basis. To this end there are categories of depression ranging from what is considered mild depression to the heavier and longer lasting low moods of chronic, clinical or manic depression.

What are the Symptoms of Depression?

Typically a person with depression may experience any or all of the following:

1) Loss of appetite
2) Broken sleep or insomnia
3) A constant feeling of dread
4) A lack of motivation
5) Feelings of guilt
6) Low self esteem and self confidence
7) A sense of being trapped with no means of escape
8) A sense of shame and failing
9) A pessimistic outlook on life (always expecting the worst to happen)
10) A lack of energy
11) A hunched stance, unhappy expression and negative attitude to any or everything
12) A sense of being a victim or always having bad luck
13) A high level of stress or anxiety

In the mildly depressed person only some of the above may apply for only a short period of time. In the person with manic depression many more of these symptoms may be true and can be coupled with psychotic episodes of delusions, hallucinations and a loss of a sense of reality. Anyone with manic depression should be under the supervision of a psychiatrist and will probably be prescribed drugs to help the condition.

It is the mild forms of depression that other forms of help such as counseling, hypnotherapy and EFT may be useful. Certainly if you do feel that you are depressed, even if it is only a mild form of depression and has been with you for a only few days or keeps returning sporadically you should go and see your doctor first. It is not the intention of this article to address anything other than mild depression.

There are a number of events that can trigger mild depression. These can be:

1) A divorce
2) Shock or upsetting news
3) Loss of a job
4) Loss of the home
5) Being assaulted (mugged)
6) A burglary
7) Rape or constant abuse
8) Physical, verbal or psychological abuse at home or at work

These 'life event's' happen to all of us. It is how we perceive them and ultimately deal with them that make the difference between someone who handles the crisis and someone who feels unable to cope. Even children can suffer with depression, which may be due to factors in the home or at school.

For those people with mild depression which they know has been caused by a particular event or events, an Up from Depression self hypnosis CD may help.

Signs of Depression and Treatment Based on Scientific Discovery Related to Dreaming and Spirituality

You will understand that you suffer from depression if you are always sad, and if you have no motivation to do anything.

Sadness is part of human life, but when we are not able to find solutions and overcome it, we tend to be dominated by despair.

If you are desperate, this means that you believe that there is no solution for your problem; you feel imprisoned in a labyrinth and there is no way out. If this is the feeling you have, this is a sign that you suffer from depression.

Depression is a normal reaction when we understand that we cannot change anything in the world where we are. We cannot change other people's behavior, nor cure invincible diseases or prevent accidents.

However, if we don't overcome this feeling believing that we can do something and find salvation, we are dominated by despair. The domination of despair increases our depression and generates panic.

If you tend to be dominated by despair all the time, you have lost all your courage and you don't want to continue living, these are signs that you suffer from depression and you need treatment. This is not only a provisory feeling of impotence.

Fortunately, there is a magical solution for you. Thanks to a recent scientific discovery based on dreaming, we can completely eliminate depression and despair and prevent all mental illnesses.

This solution cures the human psyche. It transforms the world, cures all diseases and mental illnesses, and puts an end to terrorism, violence, immorality, hypocrisy, futility, indifference, poverty, tragic accidents and invincible diseases.

By translating the meaning of your dreams you enter in contact with the unconscious mind that produces them. You will then begin to understand the wise messages contained in the dream images. The unconscious mind is a superior mind and entity that proves the existence of God, the existence of goodness, and the existence of real happiness. There is hope for the human being!

The meaning of our dreams is really extremely important, even though it has been distorted throughout time, until now.

Only the psychiatrist Carl Jung managed to discover the real code for a perfect dream translation, proving that his interpretations allowed to the dreamer to have a communication with the unconscious mind. However, until today many people doubt that he was right.

My work proves that Carl Jung really discovered how we can accurately translate our dreams and understand the unconscious messages. I continued his research and discovered that the unconscious mind is even more important than what he believed.

The psychotherapy of the unconscious mind in your dreams will cure your depression and help you become more intelligent. At the same time, it will purify your spirit.

The treatment for depression based on scientific dream interpretation is also a philosophical and religious transformation regardless of the faith you adhere to. It is a religious transformation that will occur regardless of whether or not you are an agnostic or an atheist. All religions explain a part of the complex truth of the meaning of life and death and help the human being attain spiritual perfection.

If you are an atheist you'll learn why you need religiosity in your life, besides scientific knowledge. You'll feel much better for understanding that there is also a spiritual reality, besides the material one.

Snap Out of It - Not That Easy - Clinical Depression

"Snap out of it!" How many times have you heard that expression, during your lowest depressive moments? Me I have heard it a few times during the course of what I like to call my anesthetized bouts of depression. And I would like to tell you that it is not that easy. No it really is not. But, still I understand why most would think it is. Lack of knowledge and a complex illness can easily make one think the depressive person can just snap out of it.

Depression symptoms come in a different range, usually from mild to severe. I have experienced both and I can tell you first hand the severe range is no walk in the park. Here are some of the symptoms of severe sometimes called clinical depression:

- Extremely fatigued
- No interest in activities of any kind
- Always feeling sad
- Thoughts of suicide
- Having a hard time concentrating
- A hollow feeling inside
- Changes in weight
- Isolation
- Crying a lot

If you know a person who is showing signs of severe depression the best thing you can do is be there for them and show them that you care. Listen to what they have to say. Suggest to them that perhaps they should seek professional treatment if they have not already done so; support them by going to a few of their doctor appointments. Remain in communication with them, do not assume just because they say that they are not interested that the person may not need companionship or a phone call every now and than, depressed individuals often seem uninterested. Encourage them to engage in activities such as a going to the theater to watch a movie or a simple walk in the park. If their response is no then perhaps suggest visiting and renting a movie at home with some popcorn. I remember during my depressive bouts I preferred to stay indoors, so I always appreciated someone suggesting renting a movie at home.

The key here to remember is support and companionship. Although many times they will refuse and avoid it, I suggest baby steps. Do not come on to strong, but be attentive and remember the little things we do can sometimes go a long way.

Another thing that I was grateful for during those difficult times were the inspirational books and gifts that friends gave me, many of those books were memoirs and stories of people who experienced similar things and were able to overcome them. The gifts were as simple as a frame or jewelry that symbolized hope. Those things I held very close to my heart and still do.

If you have a friend or know someone that is showing signs of clinical depression. Support them anyway you can and remember to never use phrases such as "snap out of it" Phrases such as these can be very harmful and even dangerous for the individual suffering from depression. They might feel misunderstood and the feelings of loneliness can intensify causing them to have irrational thoughts that can even contribute to erratic behavior.

Awareness and knowledge is very important in dealing with complex and sensitive illnesses such as depression. The more knowledge we have on certain topics the more helpful we are to ourselves, friends, family and even society as a whole.

Revealed - What is Manic Depressive Disorder-Bipolar Disorder?

Manic depressive disorder, more properly called bipolar disorder, is one of several conditions referred to as depressive disorders. These affect the functioning of the brain, and can cause emotional and mental distress. They're extremely common, and more than seventeen million adults in the United States - or about one in seven people - has one of these disorders. Fortunately, manic depressive illness can be treated effectively, with and without drugs. While many people use drugs to help them cope with their manic periods and their depression, there are many side effects to these drugs, and other people choose to manage their symptoms through other means.

There are multiple different types of bipolar disorder - bipolar I, bipolar II, cyclothymia and a type of bipolar disorder that doesn't fall into those categories. This kind of categorization helps mental health professionals see which way the symptoms are manifesting in a particular person and help them get the treatment that's right for them. This kind of disorder affects just about everyone, men and women alike, and usually turns up in adolescents, though children can also suffer from it. The first diagnosis is usually in people in their early twenties, however.

The reason that manic depressive kids and teenagers aren't always successfully diagnosed is that they respond to the disorder differently. They may have extremely rapid mood changes, anxiety, and irritability, but they don't always have the other symptoms. Thinking, feeling, and behavior are all affected, making it hard for sufferers to understand their condition. Other people may believe that sufferers are behaving the way they do on purpose and can stop it easily. However, this is a legitimate illness, not a character flaw or a sign of immaturity or weakness. Just like any other disorder, it needs to be treated carefully.

Symptoms of manic depressive illness include episodes of depression and mania, often called highs and lows. These are intense, and can be severe mood swings. People with mania may speak and think very quickly, feel energetic, need less sleep, be extremely happy or overly optimistic, and have greater levels of physical activity. They can also have poor judgment, be irritable or aggressive, suffer from impatience or concentration programs, be overly self important and engage in reckless behavior.

In a phase of depression, people often lose interest in their usual activities, be irritable or sad, feel tired, guilty, worthless or unable to be happy, sleep too much or be insomniac, have concentration programs, lose their appetite or overeat, and suffer from high levels of anxiety and regular thoughts of death. Generally in adults, these episodes last weeks to months, and are shorter in children and teenagers. Oscillations throughout the day are not uncommon. Some episodes are also seasonal. Normal or near normal functioning between episodes occurs for some people, but not for others.

Treatments for manic depressive symptoms that are not medication based include reduction in stress, a good diet, and a good sleep schedule. Regular exercise and a support network can also really help, as can counseling and behavioral changes. It is possible to live happily with bipolar disorder, but it's not easy, and anyone suffering from this problem should get help as quickly as possible.

3 Simple Tips on Defeating Stress Depression

I have a fried who is quite fragile and can easily find himself worrying about the smallest of things. People who I have a friend who is quite fragile and can easily find himself worrying about the smallest of things. People who know him comment that he always stressed and should attempt to learn to relax more. Unfortunately, we all know it is not that easy. In this article, I will explain few things you can do to avoid getting stressed and depressed.

1. Think of it as a project, or an experiment

This is what most psychologists will tell you as a way to change your perspective. If you change your perspective, it is easier for you to see what's wrong with you, and how you can deal with it effectively. You should be determined to change yourself and be positive about it. There's no use of being a negative person at this point of life (especially when you have a lot of things to be done).

2. Write down when you get stress and depression

Try to jot down when you had stress and depression. Write down what do you feel when you got it, and how it happens. Ask yourself specific questions, such as am I am tired? Have I recently had an argument with someone? Is work getting me down?

3. Don't drink alcohol (or drink less of it)

One research shows that by drinking less, you could actually decrease the frequency of "stress attack" you experienced. My friend noted that he always felt very low and sorry for himself after he drank alcohol because he doesn't really enjoy it.

Try this tips, and I hope it will worked for you as well as my friend has!

Depression - It Can Affect Everyone

About 21 million people suffer from depression. Depression affects the way one feels about themselves. It involves the body, mood and thoughts. If a person is depressed it can affect the way they sleep and eat. Having depression is not the same as feeling blue temporarily. Despite of what some people think it is not a sign of weakness either. If a person with depression doesn't get any treatment then it can last for weeks, months or even years. Treatment can help most people overcome depression.

There are different types of depression. The three most common types are major depression, dysthymia and bipolar disorder. Major depression is a combination of symptoms. Having major depression will affect your everyday life such as working, sleeping and eating. Dysthymia is a less severe form of depression. It involve long-term chromic symptoms, however they are not disabling like major depression. It will keep them from feeling good. People with dysthymia can suffer from an episode of major depression.

Bipolar disorder is sometimes called manic-depressive disorder. Bipolar is characterized by cycling mood changes. Severe highs are called mania or manic. And lows are depression. Sometimes the cycle changes are dramatic and rapid. Most of the time the cycle is gradual. When in the depression cycle, a person can get most symptoms of major depression. When they cycle to mania, they will often have lots of energy, be very talkative and overactive. Mania can affect judgment and social behavior. This may cause serious problems and lead to embarrassment. If the mania is untreated it can worsen to a psychotic state.

Depression can be inherited. It often runs in families. The question is, is it inherited genetically or learned behavior. Depression can occur in somebody who has no family. Bipolar studies have shown that families, whose members of each generation develop bipolar, that those with illness have a different genetic makeup than those who do not become ill with the disorder. Whether the depression disorder is inherited or not, depression is associated with the changes in the brain structure and or brain function.

Women have been known to experience depression more often that men. For women many hormonal factors contribute to the higher rate of depression. Especially during menstrual cycle changes, pregnancy, post partum and menopause. Also environmental stress factors such as single parenthood, caring for children and aging parents.

Men are less likely to develop depression, however men are more likely to deny that they are depressed and unfortunately doctors are less likely to suspect it. The rate of suicide is higher in men, but more women attempt suicide. The rate of suicide increases in men around the age of 70 and peaks after the age of 85. Depression in men may often be masked by the use of alcohol or drugs. They may work extremely long hours. If a man realizes he is in depression he is more unlikely to seek help for treatment.

Some symptoms of depression are sad, anxious, feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, pessimism, loss of interest in pleasurable hobbies, fatigue, hard time concentrating, insomnia or oversleeping, weight gain or loss, thoughts of suicide and persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, like headaches, chronic pain, and digestive disorders.

Here are some examples of mania; excessive happiness, unusual irritability, lack of need for sleep, increased talking, racing thoughts, increased sexual desire, a big increase in energy, poor judgment and inappropriate behavior.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Bipolar Disorder - A Cyclic Illness

Bipolar disorder is a cyclic illness where people periodically exhibit manic (elevated) and depressive episodes. Categories of Bipolar disorder include; Type I, where an individual experiences full-blown mania, or Bipolar Type II, in which the "highs" do not go to the extremes. Bipolar disorder will generally manifest in late adolescence or early adulthood. However, case of bipolar disorder manifesting in late life are well documented.

Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder which consists of shifts in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function. Due to the complex nature of the disorder it is often difficult to diagnose. Although the exact cause of bipolar disorder is not apparent, it is known to run in families and it is believed that genetics play a significant role.

Manic Phase

Manic episodes are periods where a person affected with bipolar disorder will exhibit elevated moods, which can manifest as rapid thought processes, irritability, and/or reckless behavior. These manic episodes are frequently very hard on the person and their relationships. A person in a manic phase of bipolar disorder will have symptoms of high energy and accelerated states. Manic episodes appear in stark contrast to major depressive episodes, which are an equal and opposite component of bipolar disorder.

Bipolar Depressive Episodes

A depressive episode may include feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness, inability to concentrate, thoughts of death or suicide, change in appetite or weight, and fatigue or loss of energy. Depressive symptoms will frequently include physical complaints such as headaches, tiredness, lack of interest in activities, or social isolation. These depressive episodes can last six to twelve months if untreated. Depressive episodes are more common in the winter and fall, while manic episodes are more likely to occur during spring and summer.

Bipolar Treatment

People with bipolar disorder can live healthy lives if treated. Typical treatment will include medication and psychosocial therapies. There is no cure for bipolar disorder, so the main goal of treatment is to stabilize mood and control of symptoms. Treatments during an episode of mania are mostly concerned with managing symptoms and patient safety. During the bipolar depression, an antidepressant is normally the best option for treatment. Treatment is can be very effective so there is no reason to suffer this debilitating disorder.

In closing, bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness. Defined as a psychiatric condition, bipolar disorder is characterized by recurrent episodes of significant disturbance in mood. Bipolar disorder is usually treated with medications and/or therapy or counseling. A person afflicted with bipolar disorder will experience dramatic mood swings. Bipolar disorder (also known as "manic depression") is often not recognized by the patient, relatives, friends, or even physicians.

Depression - Bipolar Disorder

Depression is not a product of modern times, as is sometimes believed; the condition that goes by the name of depression today was known in the times of Hippocrates as well as the Old Testament and was a cause of worry for the ancient Egyptian medical community as well. In the absence of modern medical techniques, it was described as despondency, or melancholy and was believed to be caused by an imbalance in the so-called 'humors' of the body, which determined the individual's temperament and state of mind.

Depression occurs in various forms, the classification depending on the causes, intensity and duration of the condition. The main categories of commonly seen depressive condition are major depression, dysthymic or moderate disorder, unspecified depression and adjustment disorder. However, there is one form of depression that is very different from these conditions - bipolar disorder. This condition is unlike other kinds of depression because it is characterized by abnormal changes in a person's mood, energy levels and functioning pattern. It is also known as manic-depressive illness. While other categories of depression may stem from a variety if causes, bipolar disorder is generally attributed to genetic reasons. This condition often starts in childhood or adolescence and continues through life; hence, it is termed a chronic illness that, like diabetes or cardiac disease, needs long-term management.

The symptoms of bipolar disorder are drastic and severe mood swings, from very energetic, optimistic and enthusiastic to inactive, despondent and hopeless. These phases are called alternating episodes of mania and depression. A 'manic' episode is characterized by vigorous mental and physical activity, abnormally elevated mood and energy level, sleeplessness and distractibility. The afflicted person experiences extraordinary feelings of power, capability, euphoria and optimism and indulges in aggressive behavior; in fact, it appears as if the personality of the patient has undergone a change. This episode, which is also known as hypomania, may last for a week, to be succeeded by the 'depression' episode, during which the affected person feels helpless, dejected and worthless and is assailed by feelings of failure and self-doubt. This phase often triggers suicidal tendencies and many patients turn self-destructive.

Bipolar disorder obviously imposes a very severe strain on the patient's relationships with family, friends and colleagues; in many cases this manic depression results in loss of education or job, drug abuse, divorce and fractured family relationships. The problem with bipolar disorder is that it takes time to be diagnosed, because people tend to regard these behavioral abnormalities as psychological and temperamental, whereas they are actually manifestations of a biological problem. Any form of depression is caused by physical changes in the brain connected with imbalances in the chemicals called neurotransmitters that carry signals in the brain. Many patients enjoy the manic high episode and refuse to believe that they are suffering from any disorder and consequently refuse treatment. Delayed recognition of the condition is the biggest impediment in the treatment of bipolar disorder.

Effective treatment avenues are available for bipolar disorder; a combination of drug therapy and counseling is normally used to address the condition. The most commonly used drug is lithium, taken together with mood stabilizing anticonvulsants such as carbamazepine and valproate; however, the patient needs substantial counseling and family support to cope with the disease. Bipolar disorder is a life-long disease and needs continued therapy to control and prevent the recurrence of the manic depression episodes. In the United States, where about three million people suffer from the disorder, mutual self-help groups sponsored by the National Depressive and Manic Depressive Association (NDMDA) and National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) extend valuable support to patients and their families.

Manic Depression Symptoms - The Highs and Lows

Manic depression is a mental disorder that is also called manic depressive disorder. To some, it is known as bipolar disorder. Manic depression symptoms are known to be on the extreme sides of the spectrum. They are either on the high end or the low end. The high-end symptoms are known to be the manic symptoms while the low end is known as the "hypo" symptoms or the depressive symptoms.

This type of mental disorder is hard to spot because the patient may appear to be going well after an episode of depression. Unknown to people around him, he becomes sunny all of the sudden not because he has overcome depression; it is just that he shifted to mania, the other symptom of his illness.

Manic Symptoms

The following are manic depression symptoms observed in patients who suffer from the manic or high end of the mental disease:

o Extreme kindness and euphoric mood.

o Being provocative.

o Inability to concentrate, always and easily distracted.

o Talking very fast due to the racing thoughts that flood the mind.

o Extreme energy level, hyper activity and restlessness.

o Excessive and uncharacteristic spending.

o Incoherence and mixed ideas.

o Increase in sexual drive.

o Intrusive behavior.

o Overly aggressive behavior.

o Very poor judgment

o Believing in his own super powers and unrealistic abilities.

o Extremely irritable.

o Sleeps too little but still have too much energy.

o Abusive use of substances such as cocaine, alcohol, and sleeping medications.

o Falling into a denial stage and not believing that anything is wrong with him.

Depressive Symptoms

The following manic depression symptoms are observed from patients on the low or depressed mode of the disorder.

o Sadness that stays for a considerable length of time accompanied by anxiousness and feeling of emptiness.

o A constant feeling of fatigue and a very low energy level.

o Feeling hopeless and always pessimistic.

o Loss of sexual drive.

o Inability to feel pleasure from anything.

o Inability to concentrate.

o A gnawing sense of guilt and feeling worthless.

o Forgetfulness.

o Restlessness.

o Extreme irritability.

o Inability to make rational decisions.

o Insomnia or oversleeping.

o A drastic loss or gain of appetite that leads to either weight loss or gain.

o Constant body pains that can not be confirmed by medical examinations.

o Suicidal tendencies.

Psychosis is another phenomenon that can be observed as a manic depression symptom. It occurs in both manic and depressive modes of the disorder. It is characterized by hallucination and delusion that is sometimes mistaken for schizophrenia (another form of mental disorder that also manifests hallucination and delusion).

It is important that proper diagnosis be done to tell whether it is manic depression symptom or schizophrenia because the two types of mental disorder need different types of psychological and medical attention.

There are people who exhibit mixed manic depressive symptoms. They manifest both the high and the low end symptoms of the disorder at the same time.

When To Seek Help

As mentioned, it is not easy to determine if a person has manic depressive disorder. If you suspect that you or a loved one is suffering from this mental illness, it would be best if you go and see a psychiatrist to fully assess your condition immediately since the person with this illness has a very erratic and unstable behavior. It can go from shoplifting to promiscuous sexual behavior to suicide. What's more, these behaviors may be manifest within a short period of time.

Proper diagnosis of the manic depressive symptoms is necessary in order to provide the proper treatment needed by the patient. The symptoms are confusing. The assistance of professional people is important in order to recover properly. Administration of medication is almost always necessary to stabilize the patient. Medications would help a patient respond well to other forms of psychiatric treatments such as psychotherapy and cognitive therapy.

Green Tea As a Mood Booster - How Green Tea Positively Affects Depression

Green tea has been studied for its antioxidants and weight loss properties, but recent news has indicated that the beverage may even improve depressive symptoms. A study at the Tohoku University Graduate School in Sendai in Tokyo shows that drinking several cups during the day may act as a mood booster, particularly for those who are above 70 years of age. Green tea wasn't the only beverage studied, however. Other caffeinated beverages like black and oolong teas and coffee were involved, but none had the same mood improving effects, which, although from the same sinensis plant, is processed differently to preserve antioxidants.

This study involved 1058 participants, both males and females at 70 years of age and older. 34 to 40 percent of those studied suffered from depressive symptoms, and about a quarter had severe depression. During the study, these participants drank four or more cups of green tea per day, and, by the end, 44 percent of the total participants were seen to have less depressive symptoms.

How does this work? The researchers at Tohoku University Graduate School think that the improvement in mood is the result of an amino acid in green tea, theanine, which isn't present in any of the other caffeinated beverages studied. Theanine is said to have a tranquilizing effect in the brain, which results from the production of alpha brain waves that induce a state of relaxation. Additionally, theanine alters the levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, both of which are often the target of antidepressant medications used to elevate moods in patients.

Bipolar Depression: You Have the Power Over It

Bipolar manic depression is actually very common. It affects over 2 million people in the United States, regardless of age, social and economic status, and race. Based on scientific studies, this type of depression usually starts during adolescence (commonly diagnosed as teen depression).

What is bipolar depression?

There are several types of depression, and bipolar disorder is just one of them. This psychiatric illness is quite hard to diagnose as it's episodic. A person may never exhibit any symptom for a few weeks or months. It is also mistaken as other kinds of depression and medical conditions such as ADHD.

You are suffering from bipolar disorder if you experience extreme highs and lows. When you're high, you are very alert, energized. When your emotions are down you're utterly depressed, even with suicidal thoughts.

Symptoms of Bipolar Depression

There's a comprehensive list of bipolar depression symptoms. They are classified as highs and lows. When you're manic, you may experience the following:

  • Too much confidence and optimism

  • Aggressiveness

  • Exaggerated thoughts

  • Impulsiveness, compulsiveness

  • Rash judgments

  • Hallucinations or delusions

  • Sudden changes in ideas

When you're depressed, you may go through these:

  • Extended periods of sadness

  • Change of appetite and sleeping habits

  • Agitation, panic, or anxiety

  • Pessimism

  • Withdrawal or isolation

  • Body aches (head, shoulders, and back)

  • Change in bowel movements

  • Lack of concentration

  • Lethargy

  • Suicidal thoughts

How to Cope with Bipolar Disorder Depression

Just like other kinds of illnesses such as diabetes and cancer, you can definitely manage to co-exist with bipolar depression. You can start with the following tips:

Admit the issue. The very first thing you should do is to accept that there's something wrong with you. Often, you won't recognize the mood changes since manic depression can give you an unusually high feeling, which you learn to like. Nevertheless, unless there's an admission, you would not realize you deserve help.

Get yourself diagnosed. Once you accept the fact that there's something wrong, you can then start seeking professional help. There are a lot of professionals who can help you out. Psychiatrists have the ability to tell you if what you're experiencing is manic depression. Most of all they possess the experience and expertise to determine the most ideal approach to treat or manage your condition.

Be involved. Keep in mind that no amount of professional help will work if you're not willing to cooperate. Ask your doctor some questions, share your concerns, and even suggest other modes of treatments you think will work for you.

Empower yourself. One of the best ways to deal with bipolar depression is to change your perspective. You need to start thinking there's definitely you can do to manage it and not allow it to interfere with the way you live.

You can begin by using subliminal messages or affirmations. The purpose of affirmations is to plant positive thoughts and images into your subconscious mind. Because this part of the mind isn't influenced by other factors, such as your ability to filter out certain information, you can activate it with ease and allow the messages to alter negative perceptions.

Allergy and Mental Diseases

The following may come as a surprise to most people, including most medical doctors.

Most mental disease is caused by unsuspected brain allergies!

This fact was illuminated for me by Dr Marshall Mandell in the early 80's. He appeared on the Phil Donahue show, and had videos of persons with mental problems caused or worsened by allergen testing. He was the first to name such as "brain allergies".

In 1982, Dr Von Hilsheimer introduced the first End-Point-Titration allergy testing into Florida, and I worked with him at an allergy clinic in Orlando. We amazed several MD allergists in that clinic with depression and many other cases being solved.

During that time, I studied allergy/sensitivity extensively. I found a list of mental diseases caused by allergens that surprised me. None of my previous experience and learning in psychology had prepared me for such. I found the following in a "standard" text on allergies as "Mental Symptoms". It surprised me, and probably will you.

Schizophrenia, depression, hyperactivity (ADD/ADHD), Emotional instability or hypersensitivity, Insomnia, Chronic fatigue, crying jags, stuttering, excessive daydreaming, anxiety, panic attacks, withdrawn, listless, seizures, aggressive behavior, anger, irritability, silly, tense, restless, excited, agitated, behavior problems in children, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, poor comprehension, confusion, impaired attention, obsessive thoughts, compulsive behavior, feelings of unreality, disorientation, false beliefs or delusions, hallucinations, suicidal, feel like hurting self.

While giving a 4 day orthomolecular seminar in Soviet Georgia in 2000, I was introduced to the latest EEG biofeedback therapy of raising the amplitude of the brain waves just above Alpha, in the range of 12-15 Hz. (later named the SMR brain wave) In the discussion, I remembered that list of mental diseases caused by allergens. I then proposed the following theory: "Raising the SMR brain wave somehow changed the affect of allergens on the brain. To date, no other theory fits the data.

When I returned to the US, I started the first leasing of EEG BF equipment for home use. As you can imagine this did not endear me to the clinicians who were charging up to $250 per half hour for the service. The actual operation is so simple that anyone with a high school education can easily learn how to do it, although the learned clinicians will (as usual) protest the necessity of a professional approach. (This in spite of no record of harm being done to anyone, and no license being required to practice this simple therapy.)

In 2001, Dr Jiri Tyrl of the Czech Biofeedback Society listed papers about EEG biofeedback that showed the following mental diseases as being either cured or greatly improved by this feedback:

Epilepsy; ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Academic-Cognitive Enhancement; Anxiety Disorders, PTSD, Sleep Disorders, Depression, Hemispheric Asymmetry, Anger, Addictive Disorders, Brain Injury, Stroke, Coma, Spasticity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Dysfunctions, Headache and other Pain, Schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Parkinson's Dystonia, Tourette's Syndrome, Autism; Cognitive Decline with Aging, Asthma Hypertension Dissociative Disorders, Creativity, Optimal Functioning, Criminal Recidivism.

This list was further proof (to me at least) that allergens were involved in much more mental disease that was suspected, and that this particular EEG biofeedback (now known as raising the SMR brain wave), DID somehow relieve this allergen susceptibility. (Both my wife and I have either "cured" or alleviated lifelong allergies.)

In 2004, one of those comic light bulbs went on above my head, and I realized that it should be possible to do the same thing - namely raise the SMR brain wave - by use of subliminal messaging.

I put out a call for volunteers, and got over 20, who sent me weekly emails for 4 weeks. Most were various types of ADD/ADHD, with a few depressives and insomniacs mixed in. The results definitely showed that both my allergen theory and my subliminal theory were correct.

In 6 more volunteer tests since that time, we have shown that this therapy (named Neuroliminal Training) is at least as effective as EEG Biofeedback (aka Neurofeedback) for ADD/ADHD, depression, insomnia, autism, and epilepsy.

We're going even further with a current test that includes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, PTSD, Depression of all types, etc. This test will end in January 2009.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Sample Hypnotic Induction For Self Hypnosis Relaxation

Are you trying to learn self hypnosis relaxation? You will need a relaxation self hypnosis script to use for hypnotic induction. The one in this article is an effective one you can record to use for all your hypnosis sessions.

Before I share the script with you, I want to make sure you understand the power of self help hypnosis. Did you know that you can use hypnosis techniques in nearly every aspect of your life?

Many years ago, I discovered the power of hypnosis when it removed severe depression from my life and allowed me to stop taking medication for bipolar II manic depression. Since then, I've been fascinated with hypnosis, and I recently discovered a program that teaches what the program calls "Street Hypnosis," the ability to use this technique in all interpersonal communication. It really opened my mind to what you can do with positive hypnosis.

If you want to start experimenting with hypnosis, here's a relaxation induction that will induce a hypnotic state:

"Go ahead and close your eyes. You are going into a hypnotic state. Every time I say the word, 'deeper,' you will go deeper and deeper into a state of deep relaxation. You will relax into a comfortable state of hypnotic awareness.

"Now pay attention to the top of your head and go deeper and deeper, more and more relaxed. Allow your head to go limp and relaxed. And go deeper into hypnosis. As you go deeper, pay attention to the muscles around your eyes. Relax those muscles. Get more and more relaxed, more and more at ease. Relax your facial muscles. Let them go loose and limp. Go deeper and deeper. Relax.

"Now pay attention to your shoulders and allow your shoulders to relax as you go deeper and deeper. The deeper you go, the more you'll relax. Focus on your left arm and let the muscles in that arm go loose and limp. As they relax, go deeper and deeper into hypnosis. Allow yourself to drift deep and comfortably into hypnosis. Now let your right arm go completely limp. Allow your limp right arm to lead you deeper and deeper into a hypnotic state.

"How pay attention to your stomach, chest, and back. Let them go loose, limp, and completely relaxed. Go deeper and deeper into hypnosis.

"Now let your hips and buttocks go loose and limp. Focus your attention on your left leg. Relax the muscles of your left leg. Go deeper into hypnosis. Focus your attention on your right leg, and let your right leg relax completely. Go deeper into that wonderful feeling of hypnotic relaxation. Relax your feet and ankles. Let them go loose, limp, and completely relaxed.

"Now you're in a deeply relaxed state. Let your unconscious mind remind you of a pleasant scene, some pleasant place you feel safe and comfortable. When you remember that safe comfortable place, your unconscious mind is learning to make you feel that safe and comfortable in all areas of your life. You are becoming more and more comfortable, and you feel completely safe and relaxed."

You can use the above hypnotic induction for self hypnosis relaxation, or you can lead others into hypnosis using this induction. Of course, this is just the beginning of the hypnotic process. Be sure you learn the whole process from a reputable source if you want to experience the amazing benefits hypnosis can bring you.

Drums Along the Mohawk - 1939



The film stars Henry Fonda farmer Gilbert Martin, who, in 1776, has returned with his wife, Lana, to his small cabin in the Mohawk Valley. At first uneasy to deal with the harsh physical challenges of frontier life, Lana adjusts to farm work and is soon able to help her husband in the fields. Shortly after they learn that the colonies are at war with the British, their farmhouse is attacked and burned to the ground by a party of Tory-led Indians. The energetic Widow McKlennar hires and shelters the couple, but soon after the Indians invade their community once more. Thus, men join the militia and try to win their independence from Britain, and defend their community against the crude wilderness and its dwellers. In the end, the war has finished and the Old Glory is on the top of the church tower. The American nation is born.


This 1939 Western adventure is directed by John Ford, and is one of his typical looks into the American history of the frontier. The story is based on a book with the same title by Walter D. Edmonds. Its music is composed by Alfred Newman. The actors include Henry Fonda as Gilbert Martin, Claudette Colbert as Lana, and Edna May Oliver (with her typical role play as an energetic masculine woman).


The film is made in 1939; however, it is a broken mirror through which to see the American Wars of Independence. The American frontier life during the colonial period, with all its hardships and dangers, is the theme of the film. One American community is built in the Mohawk Valley in New York and the people have farm-life there. Although of the Revolutionary American era, the film mainly focuses on how whites and Indians encounter each other, with obviously depicting the Indians as untamable savages who have no mercy on white colonists.


Any historical account is informed by personal taste and prejudices. Reviewing history books gives us knowledge of the story of colonial America becoming a nation. No doubt, the accounts by different historians differ in details, but the essence remains significantly the same in almost all of them. However, to learn history form the viewpoint of the silver screen is another story.
Steven Mintz in his review of the book "Past Imperfect: History According to the Movies" -edited by Mark C. Carnes- talks of the "films' role in the construction of cultural memory". In the so-called "United States of Amnesia" the history is easily distorted, disfigured, clad-in-love scenes and presented to the audience; beautiful it is to notice how the audience digest it as authentic. If you have a look at the non-professional review section in you will find the tragic reality come true. Many have found it a historical narration. Some have even advised history fans to go and watch it! This is the process of constructing "cultural memory" by an insignificant film of 67 years ago up to the present. This is "gap of representation" in the medium of movie.

Mintz also quotes the distinguished anthropologist Anthony F.C. Wallace criticizing the inadequacy of the film even in reproducing the original book, by adding that the film is a failure in "its depiction of Native Americans as stupid or savage killers...." The simple binary division of good/bad, savage/Christian Indian is one of the greatest flaws of the film, though the audience might endorse it.

Being Ford's first color film, Drums along the Mohawk, nonetheless, is a failed attempt to convert black/white coloring of the story into a gray continuum of characterization. All American whites are heroic able-minded men and women who withstand hardships to witness the birth of their nation. They are simple villagers, but in their hearts, they surrender to the savage wilderness; they are, in case of Lana, well-bred people who adjust to the situation for the sake of unity, love and future of their land.

The other issue of high import is that in a colonial community of immigrants inevitably different European origins have a stake; but in this film barely you might come across a German or Irish immigrant within the community. This clearly proves the partiality of John Ford.

The other interesting point about the movie is the same theme of patriotism, fear of Indians and other invaders and the military power of the immigrants during the colonial period. Set in the time of the American Revolutionary War, the film is not only a means of
re-presenting history, but also indicative of what is going on in the time film is being produced.
Such social factors as the Great Depression and the World War II had their influence upon the narrative of the film; Americans were confused as what their role was both internally and universally; and this was the time when more than ever myths came to help the American psyche find its way.

According to Ziauddin Sardar and Merryl Wyn Davies (American Dream, global Nightmare, 2004, p.32)American history is infused with fears and threats, and the American film industry takes the responsibility to remind Americans of such fears, when needed. Thus, it is regarded as a myth-making device on the eve of the Second World War. Americans should first be scared, and then called into action.

Back to the issue of Indian Americans, it is evident throughout the film that only one Indian is presented as good, one who is Christianized and helps the colonists. Others are heartless giants who are stereotypically malign, blood-thirsty and stupid. Ward Churchill, in his paper "Smoke Signals: a History of Native Americans in Cinema", points to this fact that Indians are depicted so because they have never had any voice in American film industry. Interestingly, he makes it clear that even when Indians were given trivial roles they were ordered to wear heavy bleaching make-ups in order not to annoy the audience.

The last point is that while the song "My Country" (which is heard at the last scene of the film as a sign of American nation being born) is a patriotic one, it highly resembles the British national anthem. What this might convey? Of course, Ford is no fool not to understand the similarity of the two. Instead it seems that in 1939 it signals a future possibility of the United States becoming ally to the Great Britain in the World War II. Also, it adds to the patriotic theme of the film, thus provoking the patriotic emotions of the Americans on the brink of WW II.


Highly propagandist in nature, Drums along the Mohawk is
well-situated on the eve of the Second World War. The American psyche once anointed with fear gets flexible before being introduced to a new missionary period. The Indians represent the European enemies, while the colonists are the contemporary Americans who should join the militia to defend not only their country but also their very values.

It should be noted, however, that the film is worthy of being seen; not only because of its implications but also because it is one of the first color films ever produced.

Act With Tact, Starting Within Yourself and You Will Get Somewhere in Life, Existence and Everything

In life, we all must be logical and honest at all times, not negating emotions or being in denial in any way. But, I am writing about keeping a balance no matter what "luck" or circumstance may happen so that opportunities and "setbacks" can be worked with. I put the word "setbacks" in quotes because "setbacks" can be turned into opportunities if approached right, with total patience, understanding, tolerance, discipline, work ethic, thought and self control. Think in this direction as you read this article, with the right approach, even the worst thing in existence can be overcome or won over through persistence, hard work, smart work and genuine advancement through honestly applied persistence and integrity. This article explores logically this concept and expands upon it. So, consider this argument for tact no matter what: The "worst thing in the world in the most genuine sense" feeling wise just happened to you and life seems to have no recourse, but later there is a recourse or rebound from "that worst thing in the world". Let us explore the concept that got you through that, let us analyze the reality that made it possible to get through "the worst thing in the world".

Sure, it could be said that chance is a factor when it comes to dealing with certain situations, I disagree with that. It is genuinely attitude determined in every way how things are dealt with in life and existence. Chance, luck, they are nothing compared to the attitude of strength (winning) or weakness (losing) you deal with life with. Indeed, chance may play games, but attitude does not in any way. Because attitude is self determined, just like your genuine work ethic and destiny, chance and luck are illusions just like an appearance of outer causality. Sure, we can blame what is outside of us, but indeed, it is how we deal with things that makes things right or wrong in any way. Now, sure, you can cry foul and say: "What about natural disasters or acts of God or even fires?" I would say: Yeah, those can be overcome with advancement, persistence, honesty, smart work, hard work, all in that order. Sure proper vigilance and precaution help, but, to put it in the terms of Marshall Field, who built his stores into the biggest department store in the world after a fire burnt down his original store in my the hometown of my Mother: Chicago, Illinois. No matter what it takes, with persistence, perseverance and unyielding resolve, it can be done. And if the "disaster" happens again, I will rebuild greater and greater until it is permanent. What do you think is the secret of some businessmen who fail many times, and rise up larger than before? It is that simple, although it is hard work admittedly. Personally, I would rather do what it takes instead of not do what it takes, no matter what. What is dynamic energy except persistence and perseverance no matter what combined with the positive use of the law of averages. Because the negative use of the law of averages is just to quit "while the getting is good." Sound familiar? That is why the "average" person "nowhere", and that is what makes the "average" or "normal" person, the "average" or "normal" person.

But what makes the "great and weird" person, "great and weird" is that powerfully unyielding Marshall Field like resolve that knows that self discipline, honesty and purity of effort as in consistent perseverance is success. Sure, I could be a little more "yielding" and "realistic" about it, but this is what makes the great what they are. Only the genuinely mediocre are yielding in "that way." Now it is becoming quite obvious what I am writing about in the fullest sense, for what I mean by tact is the most powerful meaning in the universe and existence. I do mean patience, understanding and tolerance, sure. But, more than that, I mean self control from inside, not determined by outside factors or forces.

So, to end this article, say that I lost this article in a computer accident where I did not save my article: Then I would start over again, forget this article and write a better, more ambitious article, but if this article is written, this article is written and I will have it published and go on writing greater articles. But no matter what, I will persist and persevere, that is the nature of how it all works. As the Holy Bible says with an honest reality: The Law Is One.

The Effects of Bipolar Disorder Symptoms and a Bipolar Support Group

Having bipolar depression is not a joke. It can spell the difference between life and death. In between are episodes of extreme anguish that can make one feel eternally useless and hopeless. On the other hand, a bipolar support group can do a lot to alleviate the pains associated with the disorder. That bipolar support group can be composed of family, friends and even you.

The Challenges of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a brain illness that affects the mood of an individual with extremes of high and low. The person with bipolar disorder finds it hard to cope with the constant shifting of emotions that they become unable to carry on with the demands of daily activities or the maintenance of healthy relationships.

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

Even if bipolar disorder is a biological illness, the individual experiences psychological effects that influence their thoughts and behavior. In the manic state, they can feel so ecstatic and so full of energy. Yet in the depressive state, they can feel tired and helpless. In both episodes, their thoughts are often irrational and behaviors dangerous. These are just a few of the bipolar disorder symptoms.

Looking for Signs of Bipolar Disorder

Manic-depressive illness may manifest early in childhood or late in adulthood. But most often, the bipolar disorder symptoms become apparent in late adolescence or early adulthood. They can go undetected even though it is important to be very observant and alert to the signals. This way, proper referrals to a mental health professional for diagnosis can be made.

In extremely high moods, the person can exhibit restlessness, talkativeness, racing thoughts, less sleep, being easily distracted, poor judgment, overconfidence over abilities and powers, drug abuse, aggressive behavior and increased sexual desires. Meanwhile, in times of severe depression the person can be very anxious, lonely, fatigued, and pessimistic; complain of pains without medical cause and have difficulty concentrating.

Help for Individuals with Bipolar

With early intervention, bipolar disorder can be treated. The mood swings of those afflicted with the condition can be stabilized and thus help them to live fully functioning lives. One of the treatment modalities involve medications known as mood stabilizers. The medications can be in the form of lithium, valproate, or carbamazepine.

Being Part of a Bipolar Support Group

On the other hand, medications are not the only way to treatment. Most of the time, individuals with bipolar disorder need support that will help them manage themselves during those disturbing mood changes. Getting actively involved in bipolar support groups provides a venue to know more about the disorder and how to cope with it from individuals who experience it themselves. As such, feelings of isolation can be lessened just by being with the group.

Bipolar support groups are available within the local community. In the United States, the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill or NAMI can be contacted. For the rest of the world, there is the Mood Disorders Society of Canada, Manic Depressive Fellowship in U.K., Balance: New Zealand Manic Depressive Network, German Society for Bipolar Disorder and the International Society for Bipolar Disorders among many others.

Finally, a bipolar support group is not only available for the individuals themselves but for their families, friends, and social networks as well. This is also important because these people can help prevent stressful situations from occurring that can become triggers for the manic or depressive episodes of those suffering from the condition. Certainly, a lot of help can be extended to individuals with bipolar disorder just by going the extra mile.

Dementia In A Nutshell

Dementia is a deterioration of mental condition. Dementia usually occurs in later life, though rarer cases of presenile dementia are diagnosed. Terms that are used synonymously with dementia are chronic brain syndrome, organic mental syndrome, and senile confusional state.

The incidence of dementia is less than 10% of persons over age 65 but perhaps a quarter of those over age 80 and half of all nursing home patients. Dementia is not the most common mental disorder in later life (that is depression), nor should it be considered an inevitable concomitant of aging. Many individuals are able to preserve cognitive functioning into their ninth decade.

The onset of most cases of dementia tends to be gradual. The first mental changes may be heightened rigidity, suspiciousness, crankiness, or depression. As the disorder progresses, deficits in short-term memory become pronounced. Patients may be able to recall in great detail what happened years ago but be unable to remember the answers to a question given five minutes ago. One woman in a nursing home could remember how to play a song she had learned in a Prohibition-era honky tonk, but when the other residents applauded and asked for another song, she played it again. The ability to follow instructions also decreases, leading to the consternation of the patient's caregivers. Disorientation in time develops: the patient does not know which day of the week it is. Then comes disorientation in place: the patient may get lost, even in familiar territory. The patient may develop aphasias, apraxias, perseveration, and/or social withdrawal. In later stages the recognition of significant others may be lost, along with bowel and bladder functions. Death usually occurs when the patient loses the ability to swallow.

Dementia is different in kind rather than degree from the forgetfulness of which most elders complain. Benign senescent forgetfulness is an age-associated memory impairment that does not have a serious prognostic implication. Neither is dementia analogous to a second childhood. Childish playfulness stems from a lack of knowledge about proper adult roles, whereas demented elders may manifest such behavior because of impaired memory, confusion, or sensory/motor limitations. Some nursing home patients may act more like children if the staff rewards such behavior with attention, especially affection.

More than 50 different diseases can bring about dementia. Huntington's chorea is due entirely to the presence of a single dominant gene. Creutzfeld-Jakob disease is caused by viral infection, perhaps due to the consumption of insufficiently cooked bovine brain. Kuru, a viral infection in Melanesia, may be spread by ritual cannibalism. Hydrocephalus is excessive pressure of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles, impairing the functioning of the cortex. Chronic alcohol abuse, tertiary syphilis (general paresis), AIDS, encephalitis, subdural hemotoma, Parkinson's Disease, intracranial neoplasm, head trauma, and meningitis are other possible causes.

The majority of the demented geriatric patients suffer from Alzheimer's Disease (also known as senile dementia of the Alzheimer type), which results in specific degenerative diseases in the brain's tissues. A similar though rarer disorder is Pick's disease, which usually affects people in their fifties and is located primarily in the frontal and temporal lobes. These changes can be observed postmortem or via computerized tomography.

Before 1980 it was assumed that the principal cause of dementia is cerebral arteriosclerosis, a hardening of the brain's arteries that results in less oxygen being supplied to the brain's tissues. The current consensus is that diminished blood flow is a significant causal factor in only a minority of dementia cases of later life. Reduced oxygen may be more a symptom of reduced cortical functioning rather than its cause. A greater cause of dementia posed by the vascular system may be multi-infarct dementia-many tiny strokes that have the combined impact of diminishing cognitive ability without bringing on the paralysis characteristic of the larger strokes.

The diagnosis of dementia cannot be based solely upon the patient's complaints of a failing memory. There is no correlation between the self-reported memory capacity and memory capacity as indicated by objective tests. Many of the elders who complain the most about diminishing memory are well within the normal range but suffer from depression. Some thoroughly demented patients perceive no difficulty with their memories.

The first step should be brief psychological screening tests. Use of the Bender-Gestalt, Intelligence Quotient test scales, or other tests devised for other purposes or other age groups should be avoided. Questions that test the capacity for orientation in space and time are useful. The ability to draw a clock face with its hands and dial is useful. Focusing the examination on short-term memory tends to neutralize some of the confounding variables and give a truer indication of dementia. Many of these tests (e.g., the Mental Status Questionnaire or the Folstein Mini Mental Status Exam) have a greater sensitivity than specificity: it is more likely that some normal elders will be misdiagnosed as having dementia than that seniles will score in the normal range. Whenever these screening tests suggest the presence of dementia, a comprehensive neurological examination is appropriate.

One diagnostic difficulty is to distinguish organically based dementia from a pseudodementia due to depression. Dementia is usually characterized by a gradual onset, while depression may have a rapid progression of symptoms in the wake of environmental stress or loss. Depressed patients are more likely to complain of memory loss and give "don't know" answers. Purely demented patients are more likely to attempt to conceal cognitive deficits or to give ludicrous answers rather than admit that they do not know the answer. One complication for the differential diagnosis of depression is that self-rating scales (e.g., the Geriatric Depression Scale) may lose their validity as senile confusion increases: the patient may be unable to understand the questions. Another problem with differential diagnosis is that the two disorders are not mutually exclusive. Awareness of cognitive decline can produce a depressive reaction, and a sizable minority of early-stage dementia patients develop a clinically significant depression.

Another possibility is that the cognitive impairments are the result of a delirium or an amnestic disorder rather than dementia. This may be the case with many confused elders admitted to general hospitals. What is needed is a knowledge of the details about the onset, course, and laboratory testing. The complicating factors are that delirious patients cannot take memory tests and these disorders are not mutually exclusive.

Even with computerized tomography and spinal taps, the diagnosis of dementia is far from exact. Some patients are falsely labeled as demented, while other cases might go unnoticed until autopsy.

Treatment for dementia can be both medical and psychosocial. About a fifth of dementia patients have a treatable organic cause (e.g., hydrocephalus, which is treatable by surgery). The use of medications has been much debated. While some patients report some benefit from tacrine or Hydergine, some report side effects from the former and most report little benefit from the latter. Another controversial issue is the use of psychiatric medications (e.g., antidepressants, antipsychotics) with dementia patients. In many nursing homes the antidepressants are probably underutilized while the antipsychotics are often given to diminish behaviors that the staff may find objectionable or inconvenient.

Postpartum Depression Treatment - Different Treatment Options

A mother who is experiencing any of the signs or symptoms of postpartum depression should definitely obtain professional treatment. If left untreated, postpartum depression can go on for a very long time, even up to a year or more. Most of the time, postpartum depression or anxiety will respond to the same types of treatments that are used for regular depression.

Therapy, support groups and medication can be a great help.

Psychotherapy. Known to be extremely effective in treating postpartum depression, psychotherapy can consist of either group or individual therapy. Many mothers do not want to take medication because they are breastfeeding, and psychotherapy is a popular option.

Interpersonal therapy, or IPT, is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on interpersonal relationships and issues. It is thought to be very effective in treating postpartum depression.

Hormone Replacement Therapy. In some cases, hormone replacement therapy using estrogen can be an effective way to treat postpartum depression. Estrogen is used in combination with an antidepressant drug. It is recommended that you discuss hormone replacement therapy with your physician to determine the type of treatment that would be safest and most effective for you.

Antidepressant Medications. Antidepressant medication should be an option whenever a mother has a severe case of postpartum depression and is not able to care for herself or her baby. This type of treatment should be used in combination with therapy and should always be closely monitored by a physician.

Medications can easily be passed onto a nursing infant through breast milk, but research shows that levels of tricyclic antidepressants reaching a baby through breast milk are undetectable or extremely low. Even so, some nursing babies have been reported to have adverse reactions.

Treatment Through Self Help. Relaxation, a healthy diet and sufficient sleep are always excellent. The best way a woman can help herself is by finding people to talk with about her feelings and emotions. Finding people to assist with child care, running errands and doing housework will help a mother get the rest she needs. It has also been shown that keeping a diary or record of your thoughts, emotions and feelings can make you feel better and help track any progress you make.

Postpartum depression can be dealt with in several ways, including changing ones' lifestyle and alternative treatment options. It is important that you learn as much as you can about your depression and determine whether your symptoms might be due to some other medical condition. If that is the case, that condition should be treated first.

You should realize that the more acute and severe your depression is, the more intensive the treatment will be. At first, it might take some time to find the type of treatment that will be best for you. You might need to go through some trial and error to find the best therapist. The key is to be patient and open to change and experimentation. A woman should never solely rely on medication.

Although medication is effective in the treatment of postpartum depression, side effects are possible and in the end, using therapy along with medication offers advantages.

Research has also shown that lifestyle changes such as proper nutrition, regular exercise, social support and plenty of sleep are some of the most effective ways a woman can reduce her stress.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Recognize And React To The Signs Of Depression

Depression can be a minor, temporary problem that vanishes after a few days, but it can also manifest as debilitating chronic disorder that lasts for years. Depression is both a medical and psychological condition, it is studied and treated by both doctors and therapists. Depression has a strong negative impact on the mind and body, so it is important to be able to recognize the signs of depression so that you can act immediately to deal with the problem in yourself, a close friend or family member.

Individuals suffering from depression often feel or act sad, worried or apathetic. Consistent expressions of negativity, difficulty communicating and sudden changes in social behavior are all symptoms of depression, particularly if the personality change runs directly contrary to the person's normal habits. Sudden outbursts of anger or frustration are also more likely, as depression is closely linked with mental stress.

Sudden adjustments to basic life patterns, like eating and sleeping routines, are among the other common signs of depression. If a person eats significantly less or more than usual, then it may indicate that they are struggling with some form of depression. Inability to sleep, or lack of motivation and desire to get out of bed, are also recognizable symptoms.

Depression is difficult to diagnose not only because of its large range of symptoms, but also because it has many potential points of origin. When looking for symptoms of depression in yourself or someone else, it is important to watch for signs of physical or mental problems that could cause the condition in the first place. Even if the symptoms of depression are treated, it will never completely go away unless its source is discovered and removed.

Physical injuries, both permanent and temporary, can lead to depression, particularly in naturally athletic or mobile people. Numerous bacterial diseases, internal parasites and other pathogens can cause long-term health problems, which are closely associated with depression. To understand a particular case of depression, it is important to closely monitor diet and exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Recognizing situations that could trigger depression is also an important part in preventing it from becoming a major problem. Biological changes that involve hormones, like menopause, are a common source of depression in women. There are several age-linked triggers for depression in men as well. Other events that are associated with the development of depression include divorces, weddings and the death of a close friend or family.

If you notice the early symptoms of depression in yourself, a friend or family member, there are several options for addressing the problem. Request a health checkup from a doctor and follow up on any abnormalities. Examine your living and working condition for possible sources of stress. Sometimes the cause of depression is difficult to identify at first, particularly for the person being effected. Encourage discourse on the subject by talking to friends, family or a psychologist.

There are some general types of medication that are available by prescription from doctors and mental health professionals. A large group of these medications are monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), which have long been used to treat the symptoms of depression. It does not solve the cause of the condition, but can improve quality of life and functionality.

Counselors, mental health professionals and social agencies are available to help combat depression outside of the doctor's office. Therapy is a common route for sufferer's of depression that want to navigate their way out of the mental maze that they've been buried in. The consultation of a therapist can help treat mental sources of depression, which cannot be solved in a hospital or pharmacy.

Copyright (c) 2012 Embracing Depression

How To Ease Depression After A Marriage Break Up

When you have just come through a painful marriage breakup, depression is an affliction that might trouble you. If you find yourself feeling seriously depressed, don't be afraid. Many people suffer from depression after a traumatic event. The emotional trauma of divorce or the breakdown of a marriage is a common cause of depression.

If left untreated, depression can have serious consequences. So, if you think you are suffering from depression, you should seek advice from an appropriately qualified medical practitioner without delay. This type of depression is called reactive depression and it can be diagnosed and treated very easily. While the symptoms can be distressing, most cases of reactive depression can be cleared up quickly with the right treatment.

You might find that you don't need to take medication for your condition. Simply being able to talk to a doctor about your feelings can help you. Some people start to recover spontaneously as a result of receiving a diagnosis. People often fear that they have some terrible disease when they experience the symptoms of depression. Knowing that they have a treatable condition reassures them and they start to get better.

You need your friends around you after a breakup has left you feeling so low. Unfortunately, not everyone understands how depression can affect a person. Well-meaning friends will do their best to cheer you up. Sometimes their efforts just make you feel worse. Some ignorant people will tell you to "pull yourself together" as if depression is something you have cultivated deliberately.

Don't let experiences with people who don't understand drive you back into your shell. Seek out the friends who understand best. Some people will show the natural ability to fit in with your mood. Try to spend most time with these friends while you are feeling at your most vulnerable.

You need to make sure you take care of yourself. Depression can leave you feeling that everything is pointless. You won't want to see anyone. You won't want to talk to anyone even on the phone. You won't want to eat or drink. You won't even be bothered to take a shower. Even getting out of bed is too much effort. All you want to do is lie down in a dark room and wait for misery to suffocate you. You must not give in to these feelings.

You must force yourself to keep to a routine of getting up, showering, and eating meals. If you have been prescribed medication, take it according to your doctor's instructions. Keep in close touch with your friends, even if it is only through brief phone chats. Meet up with friends as often as possible. Take some exercise every day, even if it is only a ten minute walk. These things probably don't seem very important, but they are all steps on your road to recovery. Everything you do towards living a normal life will help to speed up your recovery.

As soon as you sense the depression lifting, even slightly, you should increase your levels of activity. Get out socially, visit family you don't see very often. Increase the amount of exercise you take. Keep yourself generally busy.

One of the best things to do is to donate time to working for a charity. This helps you to get better, and it gives you the satisfaction of knowing you are helping people who need help.

The one thing you need to avoid is dating. It is very easy to slip into a rebound relationship. Rebound relationships rarely work out. If you get into one while you are vulnerable you are almost guaranteed to find yourself going through another breakup.

Depression often starts to take over when we have too much time on our hands. When you have just come out of a relationship, you will need to fill the time you would have been spending with your ex. Keeping yourself busy is the best thing you can do to ease depression after a breakup. But don't be afraid to seek counseling if you feel you need help to cope with your emotions after the breakup.

How You Can Use Inspirational Quotes to Ease Depression

Are you feeling blue? Are you stressed out over your job, the economy or your kids? Instead of making a doctor's appointment for a prescription, try a prescription of a different kind: daily inspirational quotes.

Inspirational quotes may seem like an odd way to get rid of stress and depression, but they have been proven to lift many spirits and give new hope to those who are otherwise feeling hopeless.

Here are some ways you can use inspirational quotes every day to give you your life back:

• Print off one inspirational quote per day and put it in your calendar. Memorize it, and say it to yourself several times throughout the day. Make it the last thing you read before going to sleep at night and the first thing you read when you get up in the morning.

• Put inspirational quotes throughout your home - on your fridge, on your bathroom mirror, or on your nightstand.

• Keep some inspirational quotes in your car, and keep them on your dashboard. Or, buy an inspirational CD, and listen to it while driving.

• For your favorite quotes, learn more about the author - what was their life like? Chances are, they overcame great adversity to become successful.

• Share the quotes with your family, and get a discussion going on what the quotes mean to them. Sometimes sharing other viewpoints can give a different perspective on things.

• Put the inspirational quotes on an ipod or mp3 player, and listen to them while you are taking a walk or working out. Exercise is also a great stress reliever!

Once you get into the habit of reading or listening to quotes every day, and putting them into perspective in your own life, you will begin to see that everyone has had tough times at one point or another; the important thing to learn is to how to overcome that adversity. Inspirational quotes will move you into action, and get you motivated to change your life and your situation. You will start to build self-confidence and understand that you have the power to change, to reflect, to overcome, and to achieve whatever you want in life. You can become the person you want to be, if only you take the first step. You are responsible for your actions, your decisions, and your mindset.

Once you take responsibility for your life, you have already won half the battle! Inspirational quotes can help you along your journey of self-discovery, self-discipline and self-esteem.

What is Psychological Depression?

It is one of the most common and most serious mental health problems facing people today. Psychological depression can interfere with a person's ability to function effectively throughout the day or even to have the motivation to get out of bed in the morning and it is in fact so common that over 1 in 5 Americans can expect to get some form of depression in their lifetime.

The causes behind depression are complex and not yet fully understood but we are able to treat it much more effectively because we have a better understanding of the causes of clinical depression.

The first step in fighting depression is to understand what it is, how it affects you, and what causes it. Unfortunately, many people do not recognize that depression is a treatable illness. Most people with a depressive illness do not seek treatment; although the great majority, even those whose depression is extremely severe can be helped. This condition is so common that over 1 in 5 Americans can expect to get some form of depression in their lifetime.

Symptoms of major depression include at least five of the following symptoms (at least one must include the first and second listed below) and they must be present nearly every day, all day, for 2 weeks: Persistent depressed mood, including feelings of emptiness or sadness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, feelings of hopelessness or pessimism, feelings of guilt, worthlessness and helplessness, insomnia, early morning awakening or oversleeping, change in eating (either loss or increased appetite), decreased energy, fatigue or feeling slowed down, restlessness and irritability, difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions, thoughts of suicide or death, persistent physical symptoms, such as headaches, digestive disorders or chronic pain. A less severe type of depression, Dysthymia, involves long-term, chronic symptoms that do not disable, but keep one from functioning well or from feeling good.

The most important thing anyone can do for the depressed person is to help him or her get an appropriate diagnosis and treatment. The guidelines for diagnosis of major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder are found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM IV). The depressed mood must persist for greater than two weeks in order to warrant this diagnosis.

The first step to getting appropriate treatment for depression is a physical examination by a physician. Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years. Appropriate treatment, however, can help most people who suffer from depression. If a diagnosis of depression is made, treatment with medication and/or psychotherapy will help the depressed person return to a happier, more fulfilling life. Most do best with combined treatment: medication to gain relatively quick symptom relief and psychotherapy to learn more effective ways to deal with life's problems, including depression.

Psychological depression is not something you can just "snap out of", it is a serious medical condition that affects the chemistry of the brain. With the appropriate medical treatment the vast majority of people of suffer from its effects can live depression free lives.

Does My Child Have Coeliac Disease? - Recognizing Gluten Allergy Symptoms in Toddlers

Gluten is the cause of Coeliac disease, a serious and lifelong auto-immune condition (meaning that the body produces antibodies that attack its own tissues). Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt, and other grains (NB some people are able to tolerate oats). Coeliac disease is genetic so your risk is increased if you have family members who are sufferers. Treatment consists of a gluten free diet for life, which leads to a full recovery in most cases. Many people with Coeliac disease do not realise they have the condition.

In Coeliac disease, the villi that line the gut are attacked and damaged leading to problems with absorption of essential nutrients. Symptoms vary from mild to serious and can include stomach pains, bloating, diarrhoea and nausea. Symptoms are often confused with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or stress. Recognizing and diagnosing Coeliac disease can be a lengthy drawn out process and some people go years before finding a diagnosis and some people are simply never diagnosed and suffer with general ill health. Since the disease can go on for many years undiagnosed there is the risk of developing long-term complications such as anaemia, weight and hair loss, osteoporosis, infertility, joint/bone pain and malnutrition.

Q. Does your toddler/child have more than two of the following symptoms after eating gluten-containing foods: abdominal distension or bloating; bone or joint pain; flatulence; headache, nausea and vomiting?

Q. Has your toddler/child ever been diagnosed with: anaemia; obesity; low bone density; sleep apnoea?

Q. Would you say your toddler/child is generally: tired - especially after eating; prone to swinging between constipation and diarrhoea; noted for having a poor appetite and for lingering over food?

Surprisingly enough, all the symptoms listed above and below are indicative of gluten reactions and should be checked out by a medical practitioner.

The common symptoms of gluten sensitivity and therefore possibly Coeliac disease include:

• Feeling tired or exhausted
• Want more energy
• Have low iron levels
• 'Irritable bowel' diarrhoea/constipation
• Gastric reflux, heart burn
• Get moody or irritable or depressed
• Bothered by headaches and migraine

Also, consider if your child(ren) have chronic symptoms such as:

* eczema (itchy and scratchy skin)

* stomach troubles (gastric reflux, sore tummies, diarrhoea, constipation)

* behaviour issues (being cranky, moody and irritable)

Lots of children (and adults) have chronic symptoms of gluten sensitivity but think that they are 'normal'. They experience symptoms and bad feelings every day of their lives - but this is 'normal' for them. They do not recognise that they have a problem. It affects about 1 in 10 people. So your child could be the one! If the symptoms in these lists are starting to look familiar then perhaps a test for gluten sensitivity is your next step. It is always difficult diagnosing any condition in children as they are not able to tell us what is wrong. So, it is important that you make observations about your child/toddlers behaviour, bowel movements, energy levels, eczema flare ups etc - consider keeping a food and symptom diary to see if there are any patterns. This diary could assist a doctor with their investigations and eventual diagnosis. Talk to your doctor or an allergy specialist about getting tested - a very simple blood test can help to detect the possibility of gluten sensitivity and then further tests can be carried out for Coeliac disease if necessary. It is important to have these tests done before starting a gluten free diet otherwise the tests could give false negatives.

Michael Jordan Quote: You Will Succeed If You Are Not Distracted By Failures!

"I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I have been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." - Michael Jordan

At a net worth of over $500 million, Michael Jordan has proven through much trial and error what action it takes to be a success.

There are thousands of aspiring basketball stars in the world today. Just as there are billions of people who want success in the world today! Everyone wants to have abundance, everyone wants to be the best, everyone wants to get ahead, so how can everyone do it? More importantly, how can you do it? Is it even possible with all the competition?

YES, of course it is possible to be a success, of course you can have abundance! The reason that it is possible is because everything you see or do in your life is energy manipulation. If you know how to manipulate energy then you know how to be successful. The reason it is easy, yes easy, is because even though everyone wants to be successful and have abundance most waste their energy and therefore waste their ability to create the abundance and success they desire. You are using your energy right now towards positive ends and just reading this article is helping to focus your energy towards the very success you desire.

The 2 general ways people waste their energy :

  1. Emotional Diffusion: Most people are slaves to their emotions. Your emotions were not meant to enslave you. Your emotions were created as a guide, a tool. If you feel good and have a clear conscience you know you are on the right path. If you feel guilty you know you need to change. You are also supposed to control your emotions to give you energy. Guide your thoughts to guide your emotions. So many people just let their emotions guide their thoughts. These people suffer massive depression, anxiety, fits of anger and a multitude of painful emotional experiences which drain all their powerful energy. Above all fear is the emotion that wastes the most energy. If you have fear in your life you must substitute it for a healthy emotion. Fear will never allow abundance to stay.

  2. Distractions: The world is a distracting place. In all the world you have endless options to help you consume your time and energy. No matter who you are you will never be able to do everything there is to do in the world. You must pick and choose your actions and activities. Some things you are more less expected to do, some things you choose to do. If you want abundance and success you must realize that you cannot be distracted by every whim that passes through your mind. You must learn to concentrate your mind, your actions and therefore your energy. How many fail simply because they were distracted. Those famous people you know who have fallen from their position lost all they had because of a distraction. How many superstars lose their way because of a bad relationship or relationships which consume all their energy? How many have lost all because of drugs?! These are extreme examples, but wasted energy can be as simple as not focusing on your goal consistently and vacillating between every new idea or desire that pops into your head. One of the biggest distractions is failure. People expect something it does not happen, so they instantly give up on their goal!

Michael Jordan did not become distracted by failures. Michael Jordan looks at failure as a part of everyone's lives. You must not get distracted by it. Simply forge on and focus on the process and your goal. Most people do not stick with their goal long enough to fail thousands of times.

Do not let failure distract you. You can change your actions and your thoughts, but be careful when you it comes to your goals. Do not create the habit of changing a worthwhile goal. This just disperses powerful energy and wastes your greatest asset. Fail again and again until you succeed. If you keep aiming your energy (thoughts, emotions and actions) towards your goal, even after your failure, you will accomplish amazing feats!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Herbs For Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Irritability, and Nervousness

When a client comes to me with mood balance problems, I almost always offer them a specially formulated traditional herbal tonic as part of my comprehensive approach to Mood and Energy Wellness.

My clients (and I personally) find these tonics to be a key asset in maintaining stable, balanced, centered, and harmonious moods throughout the day.

The exact formulation of herbal tinctures that I combine for each client varies and is proprietary.

Generally these are the herbs I choose from for their effects on depression, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, and nervousness.

St. John's Wort

Many studies attest to the ability of St. John's Wort to positively affect depression. St. John's Wort has at least 10 active ingredients that help in relieving depression. As proven as those active ingredients are, never forget that the whole herb is going to be more powerful than its extracted ingredients. St. John's Wort helps relieve depression by:

  • Acting like a Serotonin Reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) similar to SSRI anti-depressant medications. 

  • Acting as a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor keeping this neurotransmitter at optimal levels. Low norepinephrine levels results in fatigue and lack of energy. Optimal norepinephrine levels are important for cardiovascular functioning, thermal regulation, vascular functioning (blood vessels) and act in the central nervous system to improve mood and concentration.

  • Inhibits excessive cortisol secretion.

  • Lifts dopamine levels. Low levels of dopamine leave you without adequate motivation and prone to compulsions and additions.

  • Enhances the activity of the natural tranquilizer GABA in the brain.

A number of studies have demonstrated the efficacy of St. John's Wort in improving depression symptoms with approximately 80% of people using St. John's Wort finding relief.

Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh is an analgesic nervine relaxant and helps correct low estrogen states in depression. Black Cohosh is especially indicated for deep dark depression that seems to descend out of nowhere. It helps when the mind is chaotic and wild with little ability to focus that results in acute or chronic anxiety.

New research indicates that Black Cohosh helps mood imbalances through directly effecting neurotransmitters and not just as a phytoestrogen acting like estrogen. It appears that Black Cohosh works through the brain and hypothalamus. It does so by affecting the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine - which helps explain why it alleviates mood swings and irritability.

Siberian Ginseng

Siberian Ginseng is an adaptogen and helps the body reach a healthy homeostatic state and more easily manage and integrate the stress that can act as a trigger for depression. It raises mood and increases non- specific immunity, which makes it especially helpful when depression occurs in conjunction with chronic illness.

Siberian Ginseng acts as both a mild tranquilizer and neurostimulant and has both a calming and a stimulating effect useful in both manic or depressive phases and sedation and arousal depressive states. The stimulation achieved with Siberian Ginseng does not produce nervousness and over stimulation but rather a relaxed sense of well-being - calming and at the same time invigorating.

It can raise norepinephrine levels helping to induce movement and motivation for desired projects. Plus, it works as a nerve tonic to calm the agitation that can come with depression.

Siberian Ginseng is particularly supportive for stressed and overtaxed adrenals and because adrenal gland tissue is neuroendocrine tissue, Siberian Ginseng provides the adrenal support along with brain support. It stimulates the adrenals to help give more energy to the body and the cholinergic (calming) nervous system. Its effect on the adrenal glands is more tonic-like than stimulating and acts to normalize adrenal activity. The use of Siberian Ginseng switches adrenal function from a cortisol/catoblic focus to a DHEA/anabolic focus resulting in building and energizing and normalizing physiological functioning throughout the body.

Siberian Ginseng has a long respected ability to improve performance and withstand adverse conditions without experiencing adverse effects. It also increases mental alertness, improves concentration, and has been found to increase the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain.

In addition, Siberian Ginseng contains concentrated nourishment - especially for the brain and the nervous system. A well-nourished brain and nervous system are less likely to fall victim to mood imbalances.


Lavender is a restorative for the nervous system and helps lift mood - especially when sadness and low mood linger on after improvements in life situations. Lavender clarifies and stimulates thought processes and eases and relaxes emotional tension. It stimulates the limbic system and causes relaxation in anxious, tense, or hysterical states. Very soothing to the nervous system.

Passion Flower

Passion Flower helps to achieve stability of mood. It also helps restore deep synchronized sleep patterns in those who are tired but are awakened by pain or mental or emotional disruption during the night. It is specific for depression with deep exhaustion and insomnia due to worry, overwork, or disability.

Passion Flower is excellent remedy for reducing and resolving rumination - the excessive and repetitive thinking so often accompanying depression and other mood disorders. Passion Flower is effective in managing generalized anxiety and nervous restlessness.

Lemon Balm

This is a gentle but powerful nervine, which affects the limbic-hippocampal area in the brain. By so doing, the plant helps to filter out excessive stimuli from the body and modulates internal and external nervous input protecting the brain from excessive stimulation, reducing symptoms of excitability, restlessness, headaches, and palpitations.

Lemon Balm is specific for nervous heart, nervous stomach, and for depression co-existing with difficulty going to sleep. As a carminative nervine, it strengthens the brain against restlessness, anxiety, and neuroses.

Lemon Balm is known as the "gladdening" herb and has mild anti-depressant qualities, being soothing, calming, and uplifting plus reducing restlessness and agitation.


Nettles is the premier herb for all your physical and subtle energy systems. She clears out debris in your entire energetic network and clearly but gently dismantles old, worn out energy patterns. Nettles is truly a liquid green gold that weaves her way through you to reconnect you to your own harmonious rhythms freeing up stale and stagnant energy enlivening you.

Nettles is a nutritional powerhouse having appropriately ample supplies of amino acids, calcium, magnesium, chromium, cobalt, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, sulfur, selenium, silicon, manganese, trace minerals, all the B vitamins , the carotenes, vitamin K, D, and C! And nettles is a wonderful restorative tonic for the kidneys and adrenals. Strong well-nourished kidneys and adrenals are needed for the production of ample clean energy and for replenishing your deep reserves of essential life energy. Nettles provides a sense of clarity, wellness, and well-being. Nettles will nourish an awakening in you of your true self - the self that your depression is attempting to hide from you.


Alfalfa means "father of all foods" and is another nutritional powerhouse. Alfalfa is rich in chlorophyll and natural protein and has high concentration of Vitamins A, B6, D, E, and K as well. Alfalfa's roots reach deep into the soil and bring up minerals stored deep in the soil. It is a good source of iron, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus and contains eight of the essential amino acids. Alfalfa is a rich nutritional support for many systems of the body and as such it encourages, supports, and coaxes the production of fundamental clean energy in the body.

California Poppy

California Poppy helps normalize disturbed sleep patterns, which are a troublesome part of depression.

Wood Betony

Wood Betony is a gentle, stimulating tonic for the brain especially in the presence of hysteria and persistent unwanted thoughts, and for nervous debility, anxiety, or neuroses. 

Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola is a powerful rejuvenative nervine that enhances oxygenation and the metabolic efficiency of the brain. It is reported to increase intelligence, longevity, and memory while decreasing senility and aging. Known as the king of tonics for the mind it enhances cerebral function. It also helps to purify the blood and strengthen the adrenals.


Rose gives its supportive gentle strength to the brain and nervous system. It is loving, calming, centering, and facilitates the integration and release of stressful experiences. Rose enhances your ability to drop your consciousness out of your analytical mind into your heart and stay focused in your heart-centered intelligence. Rose helps you make your way through the dark night of mood imbalances and step through the gateway to give and receive love. Lifts your spirits, heals the pain of the heart and enlivens your vitality.

If you are taking anti-anxiety and/or anti-depressant medications, any other medications, have a diagnosed condition or illness, are pregnant, breastfeeding, elderly or very young it is important to work with a knowledgeable health care practitioner before using these or any herbs. Uses described are based on traditional use and personal experience. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Evenstar Herbs products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.