Saturday, November 30, 2013

Clinical Depression and Your Pocketbook

If you suffer from clinical depression, have you ever thought about the effects on your pocketbook? By way of introduction, my name is Dave Kanofsky and I had suffered from the adult symptoms of clinical depression for thirty-five years. In 2007, thanks to a combination of the right medication and years of talk therapy, my symptoms were under complete control but my financial situation/bank accounts were in complete ruins.

Clinical depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, in my case, I was tormented by a continuous feeling of despair. Over the years this feeling would vary by degree from mild to intense depending upon external or situational factors. Nevertheless, the feeling was always there, monopolizing my entire life and inhibiting my ability to make any type of rational decisions.

Just to give you an idea of what that experience was like, when I was in undergraduate and graduate school, I majored in a subject area I did not enjoy but forced myself to go through, not once but twice.. After college, I kept hopping from job to job job. The first several weeks of each job were fine or so I thought. Eventually I would get severely depressed because I really was not happy with the type of job I had applied for in the first place. So I quit, telling myself that the next job would be better. Yeah, right. Never happened.

Since I was in a vicious psychological catch-22, saving money never did exist. They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Do you notice a pattern here? When my first wife, who was the bread winner, died in 1998, things went from bad to worse. I maxed out my credit cards by borrowing money to live off of since I was too depressed to work. Eventually, I had to declare bankruptcy and went onto disability.

By the grace of God, things began to turn around in 2007. My doctor put me on some medication that was just right for me. Slowly, all the symptoms began to subside. Soon, after years of talk therapy and a handful of different medications, I was completely free, not of depression but of the symptoms. For the first time in over a quarter century I was finally able to make some rational adult decisions for myself. I retired from the industry I "worked" in all those years. My second wife is working and very supportive. Although, I am still on disability, I created a blueprint for myself on how to earn or make money online so I do not have to totally depend on the federal government for assistance. Eventually, I will not have to depend on government assistance at all.

Now it's your turn. I really want to hear from you. People who suffer from clinical depression often feel alone but I can assure you that you are not. What effects have the consequences of clinical depression had on your pocketbook and what if anything have you done or would you like to do about it?

Thanks in advance for sharing and God bless you.

How Depression Negatively Affects a Marriage

The dynamic that depression plays into your marriage is a silent killer. The depressed partner will typically withdrawal out of the relationship because they are depressed. The other person feels frustrated and powerless to make a difference. The non depressed spouse typical expresses their frustration with criticism, which makes the depression worse. Depression feeds the negative cycle in the relationship i.e. if your depressed the more critical you become or you stonewall more. Depression is serious because it can put your marriage on the fast track towards divorce, even when things were great a few months earlier. Many depressed people want to change their surroundings i.e. need a vacation, change job or spouse, etc. This is a time when many depressed partners have affairs.

Spouses who are depressed express it two ways:

  1. Being critical and irritable.

  2. Withdrawn and shutdown, or being passive-aggressive.

Partners of depressed spouses often feel like their spouse is lazy or trying to get back at them, or they are passive or being difficult. Lazy is the term most spouses use to describe their spouse who is depressed. Because depression makes it difficult to do most of our day to day tasks. Depressed spouses are often crippled by depression, because they lack motivation, even if they know what they should do.

If your spouse is depressed you need to know:

  • Being critical and judgmental makes it harder for your spouse to recover.

  • 50-70% of all mothers suffer from postpartum depression.

  • Depression disrupts sleep and sexually desire.

  • Conflict is often caused by depression.

  • People who are depressed have a hard time expressing their needs. They also have a hard time accepting anything from the other partner.

Getting Help for Depression: Remember Depression is Common and Treatable.

  1. Warm bath - Warm water will help with depression.

  2. Physical activity - you need to get moving, go to the gym. Walking with your spouse or a friend.

  3. Journaling - writing down on paper what it is that is bothering you and then making a plan to address it will help with depression.

  4. You need to find ways of connecting with your spouse around physical activity without there being any controlling or demanding behaviors. Let the depressed spouse decide if they want to walk with you.

  5. Getting a pet - people who are depressed connect better with animals than people.

  6. Accepting appreciation and giving appreciation back to your spouse. This can be hard so you need to practice small things often. Express appreciation after appreciation, at least one time a day for the first week, 2nd week twice a day, 3rd week 3x a day.

  7. Check in sessions - Ask how each other's day went and discuss the events. Don't judge, it won't help.

  8. Depressed spouse doesn't feel like they are entitled to having any dreams. Depressed people often don't like to voice their dreams because they feel like they don't deserve any. Encourage your spouse to have dreams and follow them.

  9. Need to have fun together. Do things that you both once enjoyed or find new things to do together.

  10. Need to get around friends and family who are supportive and connect with them. Getting around anyone will help too! You can't be isolated it just adds to the depression.

  11. Set priorities and simplify tasks to reduce stress, and make time for activities you enjoy.

  12. Get about eight hours of sleep a night. If you go 30 days without 8 hours every night that could trigger major depression.

  13. Eat more healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

  14. Take Vitamin D, when you notice you're feeling down because of the weather or lack of sunlight.

  15. Get Professional Help. It is very common and treatable, don't just rely on medications.

Male depression signs and symptoms

Depression signs and symptoms can differ in men and women. Men also tend to use different coping skills - both healthy and unhealthy - than women. It isn't clear why men and women may experience depression differently. It likely involves a number of factors, including brain chemicals, hormones and life experiences.

Like women, men with depression may feel blue or may not get pleasure from activities they once enjoyed.

But a few other things commonly show up in men that may not be recognized as depression signs and symptoms:

  1. Escapist behavior, such as spending a lot of time at work or on sports

  2. Alcohol or substance abuse

  3. Controlling, violent or abusive behavior

  4. Inappropriate anger

  5. Risky behavior, such as reckless driving

  6. Infidelity or unhealthy sexual relationships

Female Depression Signs and Symptoms

Although depression might seem overwhelming, there's effective treatment. Even severe depression often can be successfully treated. Seek help if you have any signs and symptoms of depression, such as:

  1. Ongoing feelings of sadness, guilt or hopelessness

  2. Feeling unattractive, when other people affirm you are attractive

  3. Loss of interest in things you once enjoyed

  4. Significant changes in your sleep pattern, such as falling or staying asleep or sleeping too much

  5. Fatigue, or unexplained pain or other physical symptoms without an apparent cause

  6. Changes in appetite leading to significant weight loss or weight gain

  7. Feeling as though life isn't worth living, or having thoughts of suicide

Could Low Self-Esteem Be the REAL Cause of Your Depression?

There are many reasons as to why someone would suffer from clinical depression. It can be genetic, it can be the result of circumstances they're experiencing (prolonged job loss, divorce, death of someone close, relocation, aging, "empty nest" syndrome, just to name a few), or it can be the result of learned thinking patterns.

But depression can also result from a lack of self-esteem. When you put little value on yourself, this can lead to negative thinking and to the "what's the point?" thinking that is common with depression.

When a person has depression, they have little interest in things that they once enjoyed. This would include hobbies, friends, family, their career, and recreation. They often don't want to go anywhere or do anything or be around anyone. You can see how a lack of self-esteem would cause these problems.

When you lack self-esteem, you may feel as if you're not worthy of being around others. You might feel nervous about everything you do and how you do it. You may also assume you're doing things wrong or that people are laughing at you behind your back.

So it's no wonder that someone lacking self-esteem and self-confidence would then suffer from depression. How can you have an interest in things or enjoy the company of others when you assume everything you do is wrong? How can you enjoy these things when you assume people are looking down on you?

Very often a lack of self-esteem leads to depression, and having depression can make a person feel even worse about themselves. This vicious cycle can continue endlessly if a person does not address it directly.

If you seem to have gone beyond depression into the dangerous realm of self-harm, then you need to contact a professional for help as soon as possible.

This can mean cutting, hitting, and other such habits. Those with low self-esteem feel a need to punish themselves, may feel more in control when they harm themselves, or need to feel pain to feel anything at all.

Causing harm to oneself is a very serious matter and one for which a person should get help. There are support groups and doctors that specialize in this type of behavior and its treatment. Letting this behavior go unchecked can result in severe physical problems, including infections, scarring, and things such as these.

Depression: 5 Remedies To Lift Your Spirits

9.5% of the population, or 18 million people a year suffer from clinical depression.* That is just the reported cases, the non-reported cases puts the total much higher. Chances are you've had your fair share of depressed times. The important question is: how do I get rid of depression? Your second question will undoubtedly be, "will I need to take any pills?" Now don't get me wrong, there are times depression has to be handled with medication. But in a world of go-go-go, most people don't have the time and/or money to go to the doctor for depression that will probably pass before your appointment day has arrived. Here are 5 ways to combat depression before it becomes to be too much to handle.

1. Find The Source of the Depression

It sounds simple and a bit patronizing, I know. However, most people who are depressed really have no idea why they are depressed. Other than the really big times of sorrow in your life (death, divorce, illness), it's not always clear to you why you are depressed. It could be any number of things that don't seem too bad one by one. But if you add a few of them together at the right time, then poof! You feel awful and you're not really sure why. So the first thing to do is find out why you are depressed. Even though you are not actively combating depression on this step, it is essential to getting happier.

2. Find What Makes You Happy

Again, it sounds simple but think for a moment. What makes you happy? Don't confuse laughing with happy, something that may make you chuckle isn't enough to lift your depression. Maybe you love Classical Music but with work, kids, pets, and whatever else you have going on; you don't get to listen to Classical Music all that often. Whatever makes you happy is what you should do when depressed. When you are involved in this enjoyable activity don't think about anything else. You will not enjoy your music and get over your depression if all you can think about is that promotion you didn't get, or that break-up. Concentrate on your enjoyable activity and nothing else. If you spend a prolonged period of time being happy, the bumps in the road will not seem that big. Obviously this may take some planning on your part to get the free time you need if you have children or pets.

3. Talk About How You Feel

If you are a private person you will be surprised how good it feels to vent. Sometimes all we need to get out of the depression rut is to have someone you can talk to about whatever may be bothering you. Notice I didn't say advice... sometimes all you need is to get everything off your chest. I find it easier to relax and feel better if I just say what I have to say without waiting for advice I may not agree with anyway. It could be family, friends, or a religious leader. Sometimes it may be better to vent to a total stranger. Cab drivers are perfect for this type of venting. They are being paid for their time and have nothing else better to do while they drive to your destination, and you will probably never see them again anyway. The point is: it's better out than in.

4. Exercise

This one is actually true. Exercise helps produce endorphins, Which are neurochemicals in the brain that make us feel better. There are lots of studies that have proven that exercise is good for battling depression and good for overall mental health. As always if you don't workout regularly, consult a doctor before you start a rigorous exercise plan. Just walking for 20-30 minutes a day can be enough to battle the depression monster. In this case a healthy body and a happy mind go hand in hand.

5. Talk To Your Doctor

Notice I didn't say, "go get pills". If you have tried to get through it on your own and you still have no luck then talk to you doctor. Before he prescribes medicine he can give you some other ideas on diet and lifestyle that will help ease your depression. Some cases will call for medication but remember its not a life long illness. You may be on medicine for only a few weeks or so.

If you are one of the 18 million Americans who battles depression take heart in the fact you are not alone.* In addition to the tips I've given there is a link to the National Institute of Mental Health with more options on how to deal with depression: There are many tips on fighting depression, but for them to work you have to try them.

* = Info from source


Depression and Divorce - 4 Ways to Ease the Depression During Divorce

Depression during divorce is very common. It is not surprising that this frequently occurs, given the massive life changes that often take place during a divorce. You face the change of living arrangements, intimacy, finances, access to and time with children, and changes in your other relationships with mutual family and friends. This can be a traumatic transition and it is important to take very good care of yourself during this time. If you find you are struggling and feeling incapacitated, it may be most appropriate for you to get some medication to treat the acute symptoms of depression. However, in milder cases, it is often possible to use natural methods to combat depression symptoms. Here are 4 ways to ease the depression that frequently accompanies divorce:

1.       Eat very healthy foods. Avoid eating highly processed food and sugars, and focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. If you aren't eating as much because you are upset, trying carrying around snack foods and eating small portions several times per day as opposed to trying to eat large meals. If you overeat when depressed, try setting a time of evening to stop eating. Also, don't eat when you are distracted, like when you are watching TV.

2.      Take vitamins and supplements as needed. Start with a good food based multivitamin and add calcium if you don't have enough in your diet. Take fish oil, which has many benefits including improvement of brain health. L-Theanine is a good choice if you have anxiety symptoms, and 5 HTP (hydroxytryptophan) is a natural antidepressant that increases your levels of serotonin, a brain neurotransmitter involved in mood regulation. It is advisable to check with your health care provider before starting a new supplement.

3.      Talk things out with others. Work with a counselor to help you sort through your emotions and come to a place of closure and peace about your marriage. Speak with friends and family who can offer you emotional support. Avoid isolating yourself too much.

4.      Exercise regularly. Check with your doctor to determine the level of activity for you, then adopt a frequent schedule of exercise. Cardio is ideal for this purpose, as it allows for the release of endorphins. Endorphins are the "feel good" compounds released in the body during sustained exercise where the heart rate is raised. 

Depression Hurts, Overcome Depression

Fighting depression is not always easy but here are some simple tips for coping with depression. If you have chronic depression you should seek professional help. Everybody gets depressed once in a while, you do not have to stay depressed.

Anxiety and depression are inward facing, the trick to treating depression is to focus your attention outwards.

Every morning when you wake up say, out loud, "Hello world" and smile, even if you have to fake it at first.

I start my day by looking out the window and saying "what a great day, Thank you." If it is raining and grey I might say "Watering the plants today? Thats good, I like plants".

Find an open space, park or countryside and go for a walk. I know it is hard to make yourself do anything when you are depressed but force yourself, it will get easier. Find a tree and say hello to it. Then really examine the tree, feel its bark and leaves, test the spring of its branches, give it a hug. Tell the tree it is good looking.

Look at other plants and animals and admire them, notice the way they grow and move. Let them know that they are beautiful.

Some of that may sound silly but a little silliness goes a long way towards overcoming depression.

Do not worry about what other people will think of you. They are usually stuck in their own problems and are often jealous, they wish that they could break loose.

Become curious about all of life, find things that you never noticed before. Learn something new every day. Creation is a wonderful thing, watch the birds soar, notice how plants grow even in the most unlikely places.

Do not take life seriously, some things can be important but they should not be serious. Learn to laugh at the ridiculous things that we do, learn to laugh at yourself.

People have told me that I am weird, I say "Why thank you, I would hate to be normal", they usually laugh and I laugh with them. Do not go out of your way to be weird, you will get more respect and make more friends by being your true self.

If you have a problem that seems too heavy, go out and try to convince the world how serious it is. Try to tell the stars that your problem is the end of the world, tell a tree how bad things are. Life goes on, in a week or a few months the problem is usually gone and you will wonder why you worried about it.

Live, laugh and send your love into the world, it will come back.

Learn to love yourself, you are unique. You are the best person in the world at being you. Everyone has something to offer the world, do not waste it by staying locked in, reach out. There are a lot of people out there who would love to get to know you, give them the chance.

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. Buddha

Friday, November 29, 2013

Depression and Homeopathy

Depression is a medical disorder which affects the thoughts, moods, feelings, behavior of a person it can also affect the physical health. There can be various factors like loss of close people, stressful life situations, difficulty in adaptation to the surroundings which can trigger depression.

In certain cases depression might occur spontaneously without any specific cause. In some cases the depression can be due to some organic brain diseases or a space occupying lesion (tumor) in the brain.

Signs and symptoms:

o Depressed mood The person feels Sad, Weeping spells, Hopeless and Helpless feeling

o Loss of interest in the daily activities that the person enjoyed

The above two symptoms are the most important symptoms in diagnosing depression.

Besides these most of the following symptoms should be present for more then 2 weeks to diagnose a case of depression:

o Sleep disturbances

o Impaired thinking or concentration

o Changes in weight

o Agitation

o Fatigue or slowing of body movements

o Low self-esteem

o Less interest in sex.

o Thoughts of death.

Types of Depression

Major depression or clinical depression:

1. Depressed mood, feeling of worthlessness, guilt.

2. Behavioral symptoms include agitation and social withdrawal

3. Difficulty in concentration and decision making

4. Sleeplessness (Insomnia) Too much sleeping (Hypersomnia)


It is a chronic form of depression in this the person might be free from the symptoms for a period of time and this will alternate with a state of depression. It is a less severe form of depression but it also places the person in the increased risk to suffer from major depression.

Adjustment disorders

This can happen when one losses a close person or a close relative or loss of job one becomes overwhelmed by this. This is a normal process and with passage of time one comes to terms with the loss.

But if the person is unable to come to terms with the loss and he/she develops the signs of depression then it is termed as adjustment disorders. It can be acute if it lasts for less then 6months and chronic if it lasts for more then this period.

Bipolar depression or manic depression disorder

The person suffers from recurrent episodes of elation (mania) and depression is a characteristic symptom of bipolar depression. The person when he/she is in the manic phase will affect the judgment of the person and it might also have periods when the person has increased creativity in his work.

In this type of depression there is a swing of moods to the extremes (poles) that's why it is termed as bipolar depression or manic depressive disorder.

Seasonal affective disorder

It is a pattern of depression related to the changes in season and a lack of exposure to the sunlight.


o Heredity

o Stress

o Medications

o Illnesses

o Personality

o Postpartum depression

o Hormones

o Alcohol, nicotine and drug abuse


It is diagnosed on the basis of the signs and symptoms that are present. Also your physician will do the physical examination to rule out any other abnormality that mimics depression.
If the person is having strong suicidal tendencies then he/she might have to be admitted to the hospital for observation.


o Suicide

o Dependency

Role of homeopathy in the treatment of Depression

The first question that comes to the mind is how these Homeopathic medicines are going to help in fighting the disease. As we all know in a diseased state the internal bodily mechanisms do not work in a harmonious way. So to bring back the lost harmony to its original balanced state the correct Homeopathic medicine has to be given.

The homeopathic medicine acts at 3 levels the Psyche, Neuro, Endocrines at the level of the psyche it helps to bring balance which in turn will affect the neurological balance and the correct secretion of the hormones which play an important role in maintaining the harmonious flow. The homeopathic medicines do not treat the disease but it helps in bringing back the lost imbalance back to its normal state.

To find the correct Homeopathic remedy one needs a complete case study so all the aspects of the emotional nature, Fears, Social relations, family relations, ups and downs in life have to be taken into consideration. Also the past history, problems in adjusting, Family history of any major illnesses have to be mentioned.

What has caused the present state is very important and how the person has reacted to it will be very useful. We will consider few remedies in brief and how they will be represented in the depressed state.

In Digitalis

There is depression; sadness melancholy after love disappointment. The patient develops pain in the heart and is sleepless due to this. He is low spirited.

In Natrum.muriaticum the classic medicine we all know which is very useful in ailments coming on after love disappointment.The patient will brood over the events again and again and cannot forget it even after years have passed. The Natrum.mur patient will cry when alone and consolation aggravates all the complaints.

I will narrate a case in brief which will tell how deep a role the emotions play the patient had been referred to me by a colleague as the patient was not responding to the medicines
The patient has developed multiple uterine fibroids and she has severe pain due to them.

It took me over an hour to get the correct information the lady was very hesitant to divulge this information she is a married lady for over 30 years but she is unable to forget her first love affair which was broken.

She said she is very sad and cries when she is alone, she loves music and she just cannot forget the affair and it makes her miserable and also she feels guilty about it. This is a brief information we confirmed the other points and prescribed her Natrum.muriaticum 200c 1 dose. The result the patient never came back to me. After a months time I go a call from the doctor who had referred the case to me.

She told after that dose the pain had disappeared and the sonography showed regression in the fibroids. I asked why the patient didn't report back. I was told she felt embarrassed as what I will think about her. But I was very happy to solve the case.

So what I want to stress on is finding the "Cause" what has led to the problem in most of the cases if we are able to develop the rapport with the patient they will express as it is told by Doctor Pierce Schmidt we have to find where the shoe pinches. This will help us in finding the right remedy and also we can offer solution.

The other important remedy is Ignatia.amara the complaints come on after a loss of close person or love disappointment.The "Sighing" in this remedy is so marked that it is impossible to miss this remedy. The patient is silent complaints coming on after emotional shock. The patient is non communicative will sit silently will brood and weep.

The depression of Aurum is extreme there is loathing of life, no desire to live, Suicidal disposition, and constant thoughts of suicide. There is also marked fear of death.

Depression can be treated with Homeopathy but a correct case history and perceiving the patient is very vital. Along with treatment the patient also will need counseling which should be provided as per the requirement. While handling patients with strong suicidal tendencies it is the responsibility of the treating physician to talk about the state to the parents or the care giver.

Bipolar Disorder - Mania, Depression Or Moody?

When we come across people who behave abnormal and indifferent, we generally call them mentally unstable or maniacs. Such condition is clinically diagnosed as Bipolar Disorder or manic depressions. Bipolar Disorder is most commonly seen in people who suffer from depression and loneliness. They express varied mood swings very often. In such conditions, they are either too mild refraining to talk to any one (feeling depressed) or get extremely wild (symptoms of mania) by inflicting an injury to oneself or harming others as well.

While reasons for Bipolar Disorders can be related to failures, losing a loved one, job loss etc., psychiatrists also affirm that it is hereditary as well. Patients suffering from Bipolar Disorder often express irritable moods, anger, wanting to stay aloof etc. If there is a history of such mania running in the family, preventing the person from getting into such a situation helps a lot. Assuring the person of full support from family and friends, helping him to come to terms with any failure or loss, can minimize the damage.

Bipolar Disorder can be cured with proper treatment - both medically and with alternative forms. However, family members should play a major role in helping the patient lead a normal life. He should be cared well and never be ignored. When the condition remains unchanged with mere medication, hospitalization is advised where the patient is observed day and night for 10 days for various psychiatric disorders. Doctors record the behavior pattern of the patient to start the next course of treatment.

In addition to constant medical attention, the behavior of people attending to the patient and the environment he is in plays a major role. Hence, hospitals treating such patients are located away from the city in a calm and serene locality. According to psychiatrists, Bipolar Disorder is a mania which can be cured slowly with proper care and attention.

Regain Your Life After Depression - The Emotional SOS Approach

What is Depression?

Depression is a condition that can affect anyone, of any age. It can affect a person regardless of their circumstances or life experiences. In fact, one in five people will suffer depression at some point in their lives. It can be brought on by a number of mental and physical factors. Often it is hereditary, or brought on by hormones in the body. Sometimes if a person is not receiving adequate nutrition they may become depressed.

Stress is another known factor as well as drugs alcohol. Studies have also shown that many sufferers of depression have long term sleeping difficulties. Psychological causes of depression due to personal circumstances are very common. For example if someone loses a child or someone related or close to them it can often trigger depression. Other social impacts such as status or reputation can also have an impact on a person's self esteem or create additional stress which can lead to symptoms of depression.

Why do people suffer depression?

Unfortunately, unlike most medical conditions, it is extremely difficult to determine why a person suffers depression and when it started. Many sufferers tend to isolate themselves from social environments or hide their feelings from family and friends. Doctors believe some people are more susceptible than others and their depression can be triggered a lot easier. The symptoms of depression tend to vary between people depending on their personalities and method of coping. A person suffering depression is seen to be experiencing sadness helplessness and hopelessness. These people normally come across as pessimistic and have low self esteem. It can deplete motivation even to the point where the sufferer may not be able to get out of bed.

Some turn to drugs and alcohol?

People can deal with depression in several ways often depending on their personality. Some people suffer low self esteem in conjunction with depression which makes it harder to deal with. These people put themselves down and fail to see and positives which can cause their depression to become even worse. Some people will become angry and antisocial, isolating themselves from their support which can often have a negative effect. Many people, more commonly teenagers and young adults are known to turn to drugs and alcohol. This often exacerbates the situation. These substances are unhealthy and can have mental effects that can exponentially increase the effects of their condition.

Unfortunately, depression not only makes the sufferer feel down and unhappy, it can also affect other areas of their life. Younger people tend drop their performance in school, others at work, and it can also have an impact on their relationships.

What are the treatments available?

There are treatments and method to suppress the symptoms of depression. These include short term cures such as anti depressant medication, or seeing a psychologist. Anti depressants cure the condition by changing the chemical balance in the brain to change the moods and feeling of the person. Unfortunately this treatment cannot be used long term and is only effective in fifty percent of cases.

Diet and exercise can have an effect. Many sufferer's have reported significant changes in their condition just by eating healthier and exercising more often. Cognitive behavior therapy is used to give a person tools to cope with times when they feel depressed or to avoid getting into these situations. The benefits of this approach are that the results can last a lifetime. However it often suggested by doctors that sufferers take part in these treatments simultaneously for maximum results.

How Damian cured his depression.

Damian suffered from Depression for over 15 years and is now cured. He spent these years researching the condition and developed numerous steps to find his way out. His preference was to regain his life without taking anti-depressants. So he created a plan for his day to day activities and began to put that plan into action. Over time the clouds of depression began to lift and this helped him to see the world more clearly. This clarity led to refinements to his plan and eventually to his cure.

Damian provides visitors to his website with a free booklet to explain some of the steps he took. You can find this by clicking the links below this article.


Damian found a way to cure his depression without taking anti-depressants. He does not advocate his methods as a solution for everyone but he does believe that his approach helps people to better understand why they have the condition. This is important because Damian believes that when people understand what is happening to them and why, they are then better equipped to deal with the condition and to find a way out.

Emotional SOS helped Damian to get his life back. It may work for others too.

Reasons for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Have you noticed that rainy days make you feel tired and dull, while sunny days brings out joy? We all know that every occurrence has a reason, like in this situation it may have a scientific reason because of insufficient exposure to sunlight that has been related with low levels of melatonin and serotonin, weight gain and sleep disturbances.

Don't ignore that yearly feeling as a simple case of the blues because you may have a seasonal affective disorder. Seasonal affective disorder, which is also known as SAD, is a type of depression that is cyclic and seasonal, meaning that symptoms come back and go away at the same time every year.

It is also sometimes considered as a subtype of bipolar disorder. It can sometimes be difficult for a doctor to identify SAD because other types of depression may mimic SAD. Symptoms in SAD start in fall and continue into the winter months but less often in spring or early summer.

Studies show that SAD is diagnosed more in women than in men but men have more severe symptoms. It appears to be common among people who live far from the equator due to the decreased amount of sunlight during winter. It was also shown that people with it are more likely to have blood relatives with the condition. The disorder is classified as winter SAD, summer SAD and reverse SAD. A fall and winter version (winter depression) symptom includes depression, hopelessness, anxiety, oversleeping, loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed and appetite changes especially craving for carbohydrates. Spring and summer SAD (summer depression) symptoms include insomnia, irritability, agitation, weight loss, increased sex drive and poor appetite. Reverse SAD is a form of bipolar disorder and the symptoms are persistently elevated mood, increased social activity, and hyperactivity.

Researchers still do not know the cause of SAD in specific people. Some say that it is caused by genes, age and body's natural chemical. However, there are few factors, which may be to blame and this includes circadian rhythm (biological clock), melatonin levels and serotonin levels. The reduction of sunlight level in fall and winter interrupt the body's internal clock. The interruption of circadian rhythm could lead into depression. The seasonal change can lead to imbalance of the hormone melatonin. This plays an important role in patterns of sleep and mood. A drop in the level of the brain chemical, serotonin, could be partly responsible for SAD. The reduction of serotonin is caused by decreased exposure in sunlight and perhaps leads to depression.

Just like in other mental health disorders, SAD has treatments. Treatment includes light therapy, medications and psychotherapy. Light therapy also known as phototherapy uses a device that gives bright and white light is considered the best form of treatment at this time. It mimics the outdoor light and appears to cause a change in brain chemicals associated to mood. This is because of the hormones stimulated by way of the retina in the eye. Some people with SAD prefer to use medication for treating it. Medication includes; bupropion, paroxetine, sertraline, fluoxetine and venlafaxine. Bupropion helps in preventing depressive episodes. Psychotherapy is another preference. It can help in identifying and changing negative thoughts and behaviors into positive ones. It also has a beneficial impact in a person because he also learns a healthy way to cope with depression and manage stress.

Aside from the treatments, it is helpful to make your environment brighter and sunnier, take a long walk or soak up the sun and take exercise regularly. Physical exercise helps relieve stress and anxiety. Being fit makes you feel better and makes your mood lift. It is normal to have some days when you feel down but if you suffer a long time it is better to seek a doctor. It is a good idea to be well prepared in coming to a doctor so that you will not be afraid. Keep in mind that treatments may take several weeks to notice full benefits and not all medications have no side effects. It is better to choose an anti-depressant which has fewer side effects and remember about light therapy. It is better to talk to your doctor before buying the light therapy box to make sure you're getting a high-quality light box with the same type of light as the sunlight. In general, it's better to be more fit and have a healthy and nutritious diet to prevent any illness.

Depression - What it is and What You Can Do About It

There are three basic ways to treat depression: psychotherapy, self-help, and medication. Many people respond best to a combination of two or more methods.

Psychotherapy: Exploring one's beliefs and ways of thinking, and learning new ways of thinking and behaving, with the guidance of a professional.
Self-help: Exploring one's beliefs and ways of thinking on one's own.
Medication: Altering one's brain chemistry by taking antidepressant medication.

A physician may recommend medication when four conditions exist:

The patient's depression is severe.

The patient has suffered at least two previous depressive episodes.

There is a family history of depression.

The patient asks for medication only and refuses psychotherapy.

There are four types of antidepressant medication available today:

- Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)

- Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

- Structurally unrelated compounds

The TCAs and MAOIs have been used for decades. The SSRIs (such as Prozac) and structurally unrelated compounds are newer and are being prescribed more and more frequently. They have fewer and less pronounced side effects than the TCAs and MAOIs.

Treatment without Medicine

One of the leading methods for treating depression is cognitive therapy. Cognitive therapists help depressed clients feel better by identifying how faulty ways of thinking are making him or her feel bad. The client analyzes his or her thoughts and beliefs, and learns to substitute more healthy ways of thinking and believing.

Many mental health professionals believe that the ideal treatment of clinical depression is medication in conjunction with psychotherapy.

Prevention of Depression

Depression can often be prevented. It is especially important to take preventive action if you are aware that you have predisposing factors such as those mentioned in the last newsletter. Identify your risk factors and be aware of where you are vulnerable. Each of us has unique risk factors, such as things we were taught in our families of origin, values we have learned, and the presence or absence of a family history of depression. Anything that has been learned can be unlearned and replaced with something healthier.

Learn to manage stress. You can learn proven techniques for calming and relaxing yourself. Consider taking a stress management class or buying a set of relaxation tapes.

Learn problem-solving skills. Many people who develop depression never learned problem-solving skills. They need to develop the ability to see problems from many viewpoints and to look for a variety of solutions.
Build your life around things you can control. Learn to recognize what you can control and what you can't. Avoid spending much effort on situations that won't pay off for you.

Learn self-acceptance. Instead of rejecting the parts of yourself you don't like, learn to manage them more productively. Become aware of selective perception. Observe how you generate ideas and opinions about people and events. Remember that these are just your views, not necessarily objective facts.

Focus on the future, not the past. Depressed people tend to be focused on the past. People who set goals and focus on the future tend to be more positive about life. Develop a sense of purpose. Many depressed people lack a sense of purpose or meaning. This means they have no goals and nothing in the future drawing them forward. To prevent depression, develop your sense of purpose and meaning.

Strengthen your emotional boundaries and set limits. Boundaries define your role in a social situation. They determine how you will or won't behave in a given situation. Having clear, strong boundaries is empowering, while boundary violations make you feel victimized and helpless. Setting limits means having and enforcing rules for the behaviors you expect in a relationship.

Build positive and healthy relationships. Think about what you need from others in relationships. Learn to read people and trust your instincts about which people are good for you. Avoid isolation. Talk to others about what's going on with you. If you keep your thoughts to yourself, you may be unaware that your thoughts are distorted. If you share them with another person, you can become more objective.

Signs That Professional Therapy Is Needed

Thinking about death or suicide. This is always dangerous and you should see a professional therapist immediately.

When symptoms of depression continue for a long time, you may need professional help. Acute responses to events are normal, but they should not last beyond a reasonable time.

Your ability to function is impaired by your depression. Seek help before your life situation deteriorates to a serious level. You have become so isolated that you have no one with whom to test reality. Seek someone out to share your thoughts and feelings with.

Depressive symptoms have become severe.

Symptoms of Depression - Anxiety 101

Although anxiety and depression are related to each other and quite often need the same kind of treatment, they are not one and the same thing.

Anxiety occurs in situations where a person does not necessarily have a reason to be anxious and there are not usually any warning signs. Depression on the other hand can happen due to anxiety and is likely to leave the individual feeling sad or down.

A feeling of hopelessness and total despair is a symptom of depression anxiety and as one illness can lead on to the other these two conditions are usually treated together. Depression is more likely to occur when treatment is not initially sought for anxiety and the person is unaware of how to deal with the ensuing symptoms.

When someone is suffering with depression anxiety, all their energy is zapped and they feel tired most of the time. They begin to feel like they are on deaths door and they decide that if they can sleep all of the time, they don't have to face what is really going on and the reason they are feeling anxious in the first place.

When the symptoms of depression anxiety are caused by anxiety, there are treatment techniques such as exercise and relaxation which can be of great benefit. By relaxing the muscles you will feel less tense and by partaking in exercise the chemicals released to the brain will make you feel happy as well as affording you the luxury of releasing pent up anger and aggression in a positive manner.

When you feel healthy due to regular exercise, self esteem is enhanced and this is a key to preventing depression. Another beneficial way of treating depression anxiety symptoms without the use of medication is cognitive behavioral therapy.

This helps the person to identify why they are feeling anxious and depressed and provides them with the necessary techniques to deal with the situation. The therapy itself is concerned with reducing the attitude that bad things are about to happen as negative self talk plays a huge part of anxiety and depression.

Things can be further enhanced when you boost your energy levels by eating healthily. For example, by lowering your sugar and caffeine intake and supplementing your diet with herbal vitamins you are sure to see a naturally significant improvement in the state of your over all health.

By learning to think of yourself in a positive way you can help your anxiety depression symptoms to be reduced.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Domestic Violence and 5 Ways to Recover

How to recognise the non obvious domestic violence and 5 effective ways to heal the wounds from all domestic violence

Domestic violence is physical, sexual, psychological or financial violence that takes place within an intimate or family type relationship and forms a pattern of controlling behaviour. Sometimes psychological domestic violence is referred to as abuse too.

Domestic violence is any behaviour that is threatening or violent. There are many signs of domestic violence to look for:

Verbal abuse-anything that is shouting, naming calling or threatening
Pressure tactics- sulking, disconnecting the phone, with holding your money, taking the car away or faulting statements about you.
Disrespect- putting you down in front of other people, not listening and responding to you when you talk, refusing to help with childcare and housework.
Isolation-preventing you from seeing your friends and family
Breaking trust-lying to you, withholding information from you, breaking shared agreements.
Harassment- following you, checking up on you, embarrassing you in public or opening your mail.
Threats- shouting at you, intimidating you, make violent threats, raising their voice against you.
Sexual violence- using force to perform sexual acts etc
Physical violence- slapping, hitting, biting, pushing or shoving

Domestic violence can lead to stress disorders or common reactions such as:

Fear and anxiety- This can become a permanent emotional state. Memories of the events can trigger very strong raw difficult emotions.
Nightmares and flashback-The mind cannot stop itself going through unwanted, shocking and intrusive thoughts as the experience is so intense. Nightmares can become common.
Guilt, shame and blame- Survivors often blame themselves for letting the abuse take place. The survivor starts to create a negative self-image and a negative view of the world. They often loose trust in themselves and others.
Grief and depression- Feelings of loss, sadness, and hopelessness are signs of depression. Crying spells, social withdrawal and suicidal thoughts are common when grieving over a loss of a disappointing and disastrous relationship.

To recover from domestic violence we recommend:

Stopping the self-blaming - Take responsibility for the current decisions and future decisions.
Stop isolating themselves-Build a support network and reconnect with people.
Stop minimising and dismissing their feelings-Seek to understand your feelings and thoughts on the situation by talking to a friend or a professional.
Stop identifying self as a victim- Join a support group, and start taking control of your life and make choices that benefit you.
Stop the cycle of abuse-Get help, and learn healthy ways to function in the world.

When you are a survivor of domestic violence it is important to recognise what you have been through and then deal with your feelings before you move on.

Neglecting and not talking about the experience can make the recovery harder and longer. At the same time, ensure that you don't over talk about the experience and do not stay stuck with a repeating cycle of unhelpful thoughts and feelings. Whatever approach, you take, be willing to let the experience go.

Why Eat, Pray, Love Has Stuck a Chord With Women Entrepreneurs

So, have you read this inspirational book yet?

Seen the movie? Whatever you do, don't skip reading the book in favor of watching the movie or you'll miss all the rich storytelling-texture the book has to offer.

Elizabeth Gilbert has written a book that many women entrepreneurs will take inspiration from. Some will enjoy her fun prose with its mix of intelligence, charm, and wit. Others will resonate with the honest and transparent way she talks about the good, the bad, and the ugly that led her to and through her yearlong journey.

There have been mixed reviews of the book. Oprah loved it and dedicated two episodes of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" to it. Maureen Callahan of the "New York Post" harshly criticized the book and Oprah for devoting so much time to it.

So what does this have to do with being an entrepreneur? You might be surprised.

First and foremost, this memoir about Gilbert's yearlong travels to Italy, India, and Indonesia underscores just how much a woman's inner journey affects her outer life journey.

For the woman entrepreneur, it is also her inner journey that makes her entrepreneurial journey worth taking and ultimately determines the success or failure of her business.

Five Quotations from "Eat, Pray, Love" to Sustain You along Your Entrepreneurial Journey

1. "Stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone ought to be."

That's a tough one for many women in general and women entrepreneurs specifically. Because women are such community and consensus builders focused on the good of the whole, we often lack the backbone to just stand up and tell it like it is.

In fact, that's the main thread of Gilbert's book: Tell the truth. Tell the truth about who you are and what's important to you. Tell it to yourself and to those important people around you. And when you do, you'll find you've developed the backbone you need to complete the entrepreneurial journey.

2. "I am stronger than Depression and braver than Loneliness and nothing will ever exhaust me."

This quotation is part of a much longer one that both calmed and strengthened Gilbert when she was at her point of greatest despair. Alone and crying out for the first time to God, what she heard, from deep within herself, was this: She was never alone, eternally loved, and always protected.

As women entrepreneurs, haven't we all been there? Alone. Crying out in the dark. Looking more for a relationship than for answers. Whether that calm, all-knowing voice actually comes from God or from within, it is good to know that we are not alone. Together, we are stronger than we ever realized, with a deep reservoir of energy.

3. "'Tis better to live your own life imperfectly than to imitate someone else's life perfectly."

This quotation from the "Bhagavad Gita" is a powerful mantra for women entrepreneurs. Shades of what society once considered women should be perfect daughters, wives, and mothers still color our world today. Yet times have changed. No longer is the right of passage for modern women one of age (from girlhood to womanhood); it is one of thought.

As a woman entrepreneur, you already have a strongly developed thought form of wanting to live life on your own terms. You already have independence, wealth, and wanting to make a difference in the world as your driving forces. This quotation reminds us that the joy of the entrepreneurial journey is when it's not so perfect.

4. "I am a better person when I have less on my plate."

What "Eat, Pray, Love" exhorts you to do is fill up our body, mind, and soul with smiles. "Smile from your liver" with what is pleasing to you. From an energetic perspective, what you focus upon is added upon. It may sound cliche to say, "Let go, let God." However, you must find a way to let go of the little irritations that occur throughout your day and move quickly past that which annoys you to a more pleasing thought form.

5. "You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That's the only thing you should be trying to control."

The first time I read this, I laughed out loud! How true. How true! Show me a woman entrepreneur who doesn't want to be in control of her life, and I'll show you a woman whose business is struggling.

The key, though, is to select what thoughts to think. " your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day."I like how easy this quote makes it sound. After all, controlling someone else's thoughts is never easy. It's not even possible! However, controlling your own can be done, can only be done by you, and is well worth the effort.

Gilbert's book is not the first book of its kind nor will it be the last. However, its popularity means that it struck a universal chord of realization with many readers. As a woman entrepreneur, this book is a present-day reminder to you about how important your inner journey is to your entrepreneurial journey. If you want to run a successful business, first learn to control your own thoughts. Let these five quotations from "Eat, Pray, Love" remind you to select your own thoughts each day, to smile both inside and out, and to stay strong along your entrepreneurial journey.

The Common Signs And Symptoms For Depression And Anxiety Disorders

Back when the human race was first trying to survive on earth, anxiety was important, because it helped to improve their rate of survival. Generally anxiety is defined as a collection of negative emotions, including fear and worry, and sometimes even involves physical symptoms like chest pains or nausea. When anxiety is present, the body prepares to defend itself, so the heart rate speeds up, the digestive system slows down, and blood pressure rises. These are basically involuntary reactions.

Anxiety develops in two different parts of the brain - hippocampus and the amygdala. The important thing to remember is that anxiety is a normal state for humans to be in - when it's at reasonable levels. However once anxiety becomes excessive, it can become a medical issue. This is when anxiety transforms into feelings like dread or extreme terror. These extreme emotions often translate into conditions like panic disorders, phobias, depression, obsessive compulsive disorders or an anxiety disorder.

Depression can develop from anxiety in two main forms - agitated depression and akathitic depression. Someone who develops one of these conditions usually starts with a phobia, which is simply an abnormal level of fear about a specific situation or object. Phobias are generally considered irrational, and stem from a person's overactive imagination. Of the two types of depression, agitated depression is by far the more common, and contains symptoms of panic. Akathitic depression is simply a state of depression, without any obvious panic symptoms.

Agitated depression, although a depressive state, generally presents itself as a state of anxiety. Some possible indicators include insomnia, unspecified panic, a general sense of dread or even suicide. A medical practitioner will usually prescribe antidepressants, but in some patients this can increase the heart rate and so compound the problem. If that happens, an anticonvulsant like Depakote and/or lithium can be prescribed to help reduce the anxiety levels. Therapy is also an important element in treating agitated depression. Therapy helps to uncover the roots of the problem and develop methods of dealing with it.

Panic disorder or a generalized anxiety disorder are often present with agitated depression. Panic attacks are one of the symptoms of a panic disorder, and can involve breathing problems or dizziness. It generally takes around 10 minutes for a panic attack to reach its peak, and they can affect both women and men. A generalized panic disorder involves long periods of anxiety, where there is no particular situation or object to trigger the panic reaction.

Depression is a complicated condition, but it has been shown that anxiety can have a major impact on its progression. Anxiety tends to mean that it will take longer for the depression to go into remission, and it makes it difficult for the sufferer to get back into a daily routine. A person's heart rate demonstrates biologically that there is a link between depression and anxiety. So if anxiety is present at the same time as depression, it's important to consider it as a factor.

The Power of Prayer and Fasting in Overcoming Mental Illness

There is a doctor who has been curing people from mental and emotional illnesses through the power of prayer and fasting. His name is Jesus Christ and He's been doing it for 2,000 years.

I know this firsthand because after graduating from college from Ohio State University with a
degree in broadcast journalism and working for a few years as a news reporter, I succumbed to manic depression, schizophrenia, alcoholism and drug addiction. I spent 12 years in and out of mental hospitals and more in and out of rehabs before I realized that mental illness affects the person on all levels. Mental, Physical,Emotional and Spiritual. This I learned from reading the Bible and health books.

Then I learned the prescription for freedom: Salvation through Jesus Christ and prayer and fasting for deliverance. Deliverance is needed because those who are mentally ill are more than
likely infested with demons who take up residence in the mind, body and soul. Angels and demons have existed in the spiritual realm since the beginning of time. Demoniacs of old who were undoubtedly mentally ill had their demons "cast out" through Jesus Christ. An ancient notion but a power that is available to the mentally ill today.

Though I once was on Halydol, Mellaril, Thorazine, Lithium and Elavil, after two years of carefully weaning myself from those psychotropic drugs I am now medication free. I have had to take no medication for the last ten years.

My restoration is a stunning miracle that should be more common. I believe it can be through the power of prayer and fasting unto God through Christ Jesus.

What Type of Symptoms of Stress to Look Out in Teens

Teenage life is a stressful situation for many people. This transition from childhood to adulthood makes teens very prone to stress. Aside from school work, other sources of teen stress are family, friends, relationships, siblings, and others. Therefore, it is vital for parents to know if their teen is under a lot of stress and how he or she is managing it.

Teen stress can cause a lot of physical, emotional, and psychological problems. For one, stress can cause depression which can lead to suicidal tendencies. Other chronic diseases can also develop from stress. In order to properly assess the stress level of your teen, you must be on the look out for the symptoms of stress in teens.

What are the different symptoms of stress in teens?

Symptoms of stress in teens can be categorized into four types: cognitive, emotional, physical, and behavioral symptoms.

Cognitive symptoms of stress in teens are memory problems, poor judgment, inability to concentrate, negative thinking, anxiety, and constant worrying. These are the different ways that stress can affect your teen's way of thinking.

Emotional symptoms of stress in teens are moodiness, irritability, short temper, agitation, feeling overwhelmed, sense of loneliness or isolation, depression, and general unhappiness. More often than not, emotional symptoms are the warning signs that your teen is under stress. If you observe any of these emotional changes in your teen, talk to him or her.

There are also physical symptoms of stress in teens. These are pains, aches, diarrhea or constipation, nausea or dizziness, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, and frequent colds. Because of stress, your teen can definitely experience any of these physical symptoms.

Last but not the least is behavioral symptoms of stress in teens. These can be any of the following: eating less or more, sleeping too little or too much, isolating one's self, procrastinating, neglecting responsibilities, use of alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes, and nervous habits like biting of nails and pacing. Like emotional symptoms, behavioral symptoms are usually the first signs of stress in teens. And to dull the effects of stress, teens usually turn to drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes.

These are the different symptoms of stress in teens. And as you can see, if these symptoms are left unchecked, these can really lead to more diseases and problems. For instance, the use of drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes can turn to addiction if it is not corrected. Isolating one's self can lead to depression. Emotional changes can lead to broken relationships. And cognitive changes can lead to poor performance in school.

If you see any of the symptoms, try talking to your teenager. More often than not, communication is the key to better understand what your teen is going through.

Grad School Perfectionism Creates Stress, Anxiety and Depression Rather Than Excellence

Grad school is often the final phase of structured education and it is also the transitional process to a desired professional or academic identity.

As you point your sights towards your future as a professional in your field. There is often a sense that it is a critical "make-it-or-break-it" point for progress into an academic or professional career. It is also the point where academically you are given the most freedom and responsibility for self-definition and self-correction as you establish yourself personally as an authority in your domain.

This situation is both a challenge and an opportunity. With the imagined weight of their professional future hanging in the balance, it is not surprising that most grad students work very hard and put forward their best efforts... but for some students, this transition is a psychological tipping point. For a student who is already inclined to define themselves by academic excellence, this sometimes creates a situation where their need for achievement leads to an "over-valued idea" about doing "perfect" work

Grad students vary in their susceptibility to be pushed by positive and negative pressures and the departments in which they find themselves vary in the amounts of pressure or reward that they offer.

Levels of perfectionism therefore will vary from person to person and situation to situation, depending on the value that you, or others in your life, place on achievement in academics. (You may, for example, be very perfectionistic about school projects, but not perfectionistic about housekeeping). But often when perfectionism is problematic it appears in many parts a person's life.

Four Signs of Perfectionism

  • Setting very high standards and placing high importance on these standards. Feeling that you will be a second rate person if you do not live up to these standards

  • Preoccupation with details, rules, lists, order, and organization.

  • Concern and negative reactions to mistakes. Having a tendency to interpret mistakes as failure and believing that you will lose the respect of others for your mistakes.

  • Doubting your ability to do a task.

NOTE: Perfectionism is not to be mistaken for effort and desire for excellence

Origin in the family

Anxiety and concern about mistakes distinguishes perfectionism from healthy effort and desire for excellence. The origin of these concerns can often be found in childhood.

Perfectionists often resonate with statements such as:

  • "My parents expected excellence."

  • "I was punished for being less than perfect."

  • "I could never reach my parent's standards."

These internalized standards were developed in early life and may have been automatically transferred to professors, supervisors and whole academic departments so that they are responded to with the same over-heated desire for approval and fear of rejection that was originally directed towards family members.

Perfectionists are certainly better than average at:

  • Setting unobtainably high goals for themselves and considering themselves a failure when these goals are not met.

  • Feeling that others have set unobtainable standards and goals for them and believing that they must meet these goals to gain the other's approval.

  • Setting unreasonably high goals and standards for others and then suffering from hostile feelings when others cannot, do not or will not live up to them.

Human and non-human solutions:

    Because perfectionism leads a person to treat supervisors and professors as potentially hypercritical others, it reduces the likelihood of turning to them for help and guidance in the very areas where they are the most expert.
    Because perfectionism makes self-exposure as a flawed and frightened person so frightening and shameful, it prevents a person from turning to others for human comfort and regulation.

Instead of turning to others for help, support and a realistic perspective on their projects, perfectionist students may turn to non-human solutions such as:

  • Self medication with drugs and alcohol to lower their physical tension or escape into addictive computer games... or even excessive housework to distract them

  • Use of performance enhancing stimulants to increase their ability to prod produce, produce at an inhuman rate.

  • Unconsciously driven neglect and inattention can lead to "hardware solutions" to perfectionist pressure. Computers break down at in-opportune moments leading to psychologically acceptable delays and respites.

  • Psychosomatic solutions: The continual high level of self doubt, self criticalness, isolation and anxiety may become too much to handle psychologically and lead to breakdown. Physical illnesses which are most easily affected by stress such as headaches, migraines, stomach problems and asthma become exacerbated . While they are physically distressing they provide a much needed psychological respite. Often students who respond physically to stress also suffered in this way as children when feeling sick was considered by perfectionistic parents as the only acceptable reason for a break from school effort.

Psychologically, perfectionism is always a "defense". Perfectionism stems from a wish for total control of the situation. It is an attempt to defeat anxiety-causing chaos, uncertainty and randomness.

Perfectionism exacts a high price.

    Because perfectionism refuses to compassionately admit to human limits, it continually undermines self esteem. It makes it impossible to accept the inadequacies and frailties which are the result of our individual uniqueness which we must accept in order to accept ourselves.
    Because it proposes inhuman standards on self and others, it makes it impossible to ever feel successful, accomplished or proud... no matter how much good work has been done.
    At the graduate school level original thinking becomes part of the skill set that the academic program is trying to develop. When perfectionism limits spontaneity, flexibility, and willingness to take risks and explore imperfect partial responses, it also tends to limit or block creativity.
    The impossibly extreme demands that perfectionism creates can lead to equally extreme feelings of anxiety, hopelessness and despair.... and a loss of realistic perspective on the situation as thoughts and emotions circle endlessly, trapped between the impossibility of the imagined demands and the (equally imagined) shame of failure to live up to these outrageous standards. Depression can result as you psychologically "stall out" in the face of what feels like an impossible situation.

Tackling perfectionism is challenge which leads to real personal development.

The good news is that since much of the problem is internal to the sufferer it is not usually necessary to drop out of an "impossibly" demanding program or to take up arms against an "abusive" academic system.

Perfectionism is a barrier to psychological and professional development.

Fear of not being able to meet challenges "perfectly" often results in procrastination and the avoidance of stimulating but more risky challenges. Perfectionists may actually workbelow their true level of performance in order to avoid any possibility of failure. Research and writing may be limited to areas that feel safe and easy. Academic work may be limited in amount, stereotyped in style or defined entirely by what will please someone else.

It is worth struggling to lay aside perfectionism because the benefits of putting down that burden are real and important.

Often what is needed is an internal reality check. Since much perfectionism begins in family life, it is often helpful to tease out the true origin of your ideas around what makes you a worthwhile human being. It may be helpful to seek out the support of a trained counselor as you examine the roots of your stress-producing perfectionistic ideal. Sometimes what is most needed is compassionate and encouraging human contact which provides reassurance that you are valuable and valued in the world as a person outside your studies.

Feeling less perfectionistic facilitates:

  • Higher and more genuine self-esteem and self compassion.

  • Better, warmer and richer personal and professional relationships.

  • More flexibility, creativity, curiosity and exploration.

Tackling perfectionism can result in better health, less psychological distress, better human relationships inside and out of school.... and paradoxically, better, more creative academic production. Putting aside perfectionism creates time and mental space for self exploration and self-creation outside the academic domain and leads to a fuller richer human life.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Bipolar Medicine - How Do You Know If You Need It?

Abrupt mood swings alternating between mania and depressive episodes is not normal. This is a mental illness that is referred to as bipolar disorder. In layman's term, this is recognized as manic depression. Unfortunately, this problem can only be suppressed temporarily by a bipolar medicine.

There is no known permanent cure for this sickness. However, diagnosed bipolar patients are usually issued with a prescription. Another issue here is the fact that a bipolar medicine may have serious side effects. The safest way to obtain them for treatment is to always consult your doctor.

Caution In Taking Medicine

There are many of types of this bipolar medicine that are available in drugstores. But, it is important to understand that this medicine can be dangerous if taken irresponsibly. One dose is very potent and can cause severe and very serious health problems to a normal person. If you are pharmacist, make sure that the person buying this medication carries a prescription.

A bipolar medicine can also be addictive. If you have a friend or family who is suffering from this mental disease, help him or her with the dosage. Make sure the patient gets only the prescribed amount - no more, no less. Otherwise, alteration can cause more problems than what is already there.

If you think you have manic depressive episodes, you might need to seek professional help as well. To echo what was mentioned above, a bipolar disorder is characterized by abrupt mood swings.

Warning Signs

If you have tendencies of being extremely happy one moment, then shifting into excessive sadness the next, you probably need help. It may be difficult to determine if you do have this problem. Other warning signs of bipolar disorder are listed below:

* The delusion of grandeur. This disease is caused by a disturbance in the brain. At manic highs, a person has the tendency to feel that he is the most powerful person on earth. Even more extreme is imagining himself to be a fictitious character super-hero.

* Sleeplessness. Due to hyperactive extremes, a person with bipolar disorder finds it difficult to sleep. But there is a difference between insomnia and this mental illness. Insomnia is an illness in its own right.

* Easily irritated and angered. Another significant sign of a bipolar case is the lack of temper control. This negative disposition occurs in a depressive state.

* Tendency to judge without bases or facts. Because of the fact that manic depression reduces a person's ability to perform logical thinking, their perspective can often be prejudiced.

* Self-pity and guilt tripping. A bipolar patient has low self-esteem while the level of insecurity is high. This is usually manifested in acts of self-pity and blaming one's self for failure.

These are just a few of the bipolar symptoms. If you happen to have these personality issues, then perhaps you do need bipolar medicine to get well. But before that, you must be reminded again to seek help from a doctor. Never do the treatment by yourself. These medications can cause side effects even with prescriptions and the unintended consequences can be severe.

Do People With Mental Health Challenges Just Imagine Things?

See you being asked to describe what depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or Bi Polar Disorder is. What would you say "mental health problems", or similar? The average person would say the same thing, since there is a common belief that these problems are purely based on the mind. There is still something of an attitude that people with mental health and anxiety problems should be able to "snap out of it" or get over it, just like that. However many mental problems can be linked to a physical situation of the person.

One example of this is the much misused term, clinical depression; depression is now used to describe someone felling a bit low. Full clinical depression is now used to describe someone who experiences long periods of horrifying low moods, low motivation and a general feeling of emptiness. It is a cruel illness, which is described as being entirely mental and as such the sufferer is the recipient of the words, "pull yourself out of it!"

Depression has a physical cause. Depression is a direct result of a lower-than average degree of serotonin in the body. The "feel good" hormone serotonin is responsible for the mood, personality and feelings of a person.If serotonin levels are low, the individual will experience depressive, low thoughts. It is a physical problem with a mental outcome, correcting the serotonin levels through the use of anti-depressants has had a better than average success rate.

Furthermore those with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder have been found to have enlarged lobes to the front of the brain in preliminary scans. Our worry and anxiety mechanism is controlled by these lobes, which when enlarged puts our anxiety in overdrive-resulting in what is termed OCD.

So these mental illnesses are, more often than not, physical in basis after all - and one can no more "shake off" or "get over" a hormone imbalance than one can "shake off" a broken leg!

Melatonin Receptor-Based Antidepressant Therapy in USA?

Self-medication is not the best way of dealing with a severe form of depression. Various psychoactive natural compounds are typically used in this potentially harmful practice. These compounds range from alcohol to over-the-counter products including the hormone melatonin. Hormonal therapies are best suited for the replacement of pathologically low or missing levels of endogenous hormones; using insulin to treat diabetes is a good example. It's difficult to make a simple and convincing case for the use of melatonin replacement therapy - too many miracle cures have already been associated with melatonin. Possibly the best use of this hormone would be to regulate sleep patterns or to prevent jet lag. But could melatonin be therapeutic for conditions such as severe depression? No clinical data are available to conclusively support the use of melatonin in antidepressant therapy. However, clinical results suggest that melatonin receptors may be involved.

A search for clinical trials with melatonin in the U.S. Government-sponsored database called on June 7, 2011 revealed 128 studies. Most of these trials have been designed to explore the effects of melatonin supplementation on sleep. None of them investigated melatonin supplementation in the treatment of depression. One study measured melatonin levels in the blood of patients with major depressive disorder, and a couple of studies investigated the effects of light therapy in depression and measured melatonin levels in treated subjects. This is in a stark contrast to the number of clinical trials with a drug that stimulates melatonin receptors, a target considered to be specific for the cellular actions of melatonin. The compound in case, agomelatine, has been approved in Europe for treatment of depression and is now being investigated in the U.S.

How would melatonin receptors work to alleviate symptoms of severe depression? Imagine for a moment you've just won a huge Mega Millions jackpot and you've bought yourself a mansion. It's a huge castle with lots of doors, each with at least one lock and some with several. These locks are the melatonin receptors. There are two main types of these receptors, MT1 and MT2. You've also got the master key, melatonin, which opens both types of locks. To the in-laws who poured in to visit as soon as they'd heard of your fortune you only give keys to certain locks, the MT1 or the MT2, so you can keep some privacy. For the special room in which you keep your most valued possessions, you have an additional layer of security, a door equipped not only with both MT1 and MT2 locks, but also with an unusual lock, the serotonin receptor called 5-HT2C. To open this door, the 5-HT2C lock must be locked at the same time you are using the master key to unlock the MT1 and MT2 locks. Quite a task!

Apparently, you can do the same to your brain 5-HT2C, MT1, and MT2 receptors by taking agomelatine, a drug that acts simultaneously on the MT1 and MT2 melatonin receptors (as their agonist) and on the 5-HT2C serotonin receptors (as their antagonist). Scientists believed that this simultaneous manipulation of brain melatonin and 5-HT2C serotonin receptors reduces the symptoms of major depression. According to this concept, using melatonin only would not produce the same effect.

In their article The Pattern of Melatonin Receptor Expression in the Brain may Influence Antidepressant Treatment, Dr. Eric Hirsch-Rodriguez and colleagues from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Illinois at Chicago described how the presence of melatonin receptors such as MT1 and MT2 in different brain areas changes over time and can be affected by illness and drug treatment. For example, prolonged treatment with classical antidepressants changes the content of the MT1 and MT receptors. These investigators suggested that melatonin or drugs based on melatonin would produce antidepressant effects only if an optimal amount and brain distribution of melatonin receptors are available for drug action and that clinical trials with such drugs would need to take into consideration the characterization of patients' melatonin receptors.

Agomelatine, the first melatonin receptor-based antidepressant, is currently being clinically evaluated for approval for use in U.S. On June 7, 2011, listed 9 clinical trials (one has been withdrawn) with agomelatine. Seven of these trials are investigating the use of agomelatine in the treatment of major depressive disorder. Their outcome along with the experience from the ongoing use of agomelatine in Europe may decide the future of melatonin receptor-based therapy on health improvement for U.S. patients with major depression.

Is Depression Normal After a Breakup?

There are many emotions that people will feel following a relationship breakup. Not everyone will react in the same way. The depth of the emotions that are experienced will vary from person to person as well. Among the many emotions that we can experience depression is normal after a break-up.

The length of the relationship doesn't necessarily impact how you will feel when a relationship ends. For example, someone in a long term, committed relationship may be devastated if it comes to an end. They have suffered a huge loss. Someone in a short term relationship can be just as devastated if they had high expectations or gave of themselves spiritually and emotionally quickly into the relationship.

When we lose that intimate bond that we had with another person we are losing much more. Yes, the daily sharing with that person is gone but in addition to that an entire social network may be collapsing as well.

The shared activities, family, friends, a home will all change now. They may completely cease to exist in our lives and we are forced to start over. This loss can have a major effect on how we feel and depression is a state that we could easily fall into.

Depression is normal after a breakup as it is one of the five stages of grief [] you may experience after suffering a loss. It doesn't matter if you are an adult or teenager. You are not immune from depression. It is possible that as a teenager you may be more susceptible to falling into a depressive state simply because your life experiences have not prepared you for dealing with loss as an adult would. An adult may have more experience with loss and how to deal with it. They are "harder" in some comparisons and may know how to bounce back more quickly.

In order know if you are depressed you must be able to recognize the signs of depression. These are sleeplessness, anxiety, hopelessness, loss of motivation, suicidal thoughts, lethargy, lack of concentration, indecision, loss of appetite, and no desire to socialize. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms for more than two weeks it is a good idea to consult your doctor for advice and treatment.

Depression is normal after a breakup. It is important that you realize it and let yourself experience it. It is part of the path of recovering from a painful relationship breakup. The key is to recognize when you are depressed and to take action if you are not coming out of the depressive state.

Fashion and Depression

Sometimes it is very difficult to identify life meaning. Depression can come when you do not expect it. But what depression is. I think that today it is very popular to say that you are in depression. It is a trend. In fact people do not even know the main symptoms of this disease. Short run absence of mood is not a symptom of depression. Please, do not worry, relax and go to bed. I am sure that after good sleep you will feel better. However, if it continues during two-three months or longer, it can be considered a signal to start worry that you suffer from "trendy disease."

I think that nowadays people very often lose their identity because they are trying to be in fashion. They dress that they do not like and behave like celebrities. Moreover, they eat that it is order of day. As a result, all people look similarly. I call them "clones." They simply fear to be unique and attract attention. These people are weak, from my point of view, it is very simple to be like many others.

One of my friends can be a very good example. She does not like express her point of view and dress bright clothes only because she does not want to attract public attention. As a result, she almost does not have friends.

I think that fashion kills personality. I recommend people to be the way they are. Do not try to be at someone. Also, don't try to please everybody because it is impossible. It can lead to the losing of your individuality.

Also, I hate when parents tell their children to be like Andy or Suzan or compare a child with somebody. It is a big mistake, from my point of view. Do not do it. My mother always did it and the result is obvious. I lost my life meaning at sixteen. I considered that I am the worst boy in the world. I did not communicate with my classmates because of low self-appraisal.

Finally, I can say that the best way to be happy is to be yourself.

A List of Some of the Various Alternative Manic Depression Treatments

The Following are Alternative Manic Depression Treatments:

Herbal treatment: Herbs and mood-stabilizing compounds can also be used in Bipolar Disorder treatment. Herbs are substances not essentially needed by the body. Nonetheless, studies show that herbs can curb the indications of mood disorders. This is attributed to the pharmacological actions and properties that they have. Basil, Black root, Bog myrtle, Borage, Ceanothus, Chamomile, Chervil, Damiana, Ginseng, Heather, Lady's slipper, Lemon balm, Mugwort, Nettle, Oats, Pimpernel, Primrose, Evening, Saffron, Sage, Sedge root, St. John's wort, Thistle, holy or blessed, Valerian, and American are examples of herbs that are believed to be able to avert mental conditions.

Phototherapy treatment: Seasonal affective disorder, or more commonly known as seasonal depression, is primarily attributed to the lack of sunlight during winter. Supplemental artificial light effectively treats the disorder by exposing the patient 30 minutes a day in front of special bright-light equipment. This is effective in raising the spirits of about sixty percent to eighty percent of those affected by seasonal winter depression.

Acupuncture treatment: Quite a few studies have revealed that acupuncture treatment may work in the healing of manic depression disorder. A medical/scientific analysis would be that the acupuncture points rouse the central nervous system, thereby encouraging the release of beneficial chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. This would ultimately promote the body's natural healing abilities. Research has shown that acupuncture treatment may modify brain chemistry by altering the discharge of neurotransmitters and neurohormones in a positive manner.

Aromatherapy treatment: Aromatherapy treatment has been observed to aid in the milder forms of depression. It could relieve mental fatigue and helps in giving better sleep. Nevertheless, it is advisable that an extremely depressed individual gets further support and treatment. The effect of Aromatherapy is more effective when it is used as a complimentary therapy by supplementing other therapies. Essential oils utilized for Aromatherapy depression treatment are basil, bergamot, cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, grapefruit, geranium, lavender, lemon, jasmine, myrrh, neroli, rose, sandalwood, spruce, orange and ylang ylang.

Massage therapy treatment: Massage is mainly employed to enhance blood circulation in muscles, relieve tension and muscle spasms, and assist the lymphatic and nervous systems. The effects of better circulation lead to the decrease of the negative consequences of anxiety, tension and depression. Massage has also been known to change patients' brain patterns and offer beneficial help for patients suffering from anxiety and depression. This is primarily due to the pleasurable sensations that massage gives to the body.

Music therapy treatment: Research shows that the electromagnetic field that surrounds our head attunes to the electromagnetic field of the planet earth when we are in a condition of deep relaxation or reflection. Listening to soothing music consequently makes the majority of people loosen up and this therapy is believed to work wonders in people suffering from manic depression.

Meditation treatment: Studies have indicated that during meditation, the body achieves a condition of profound rest. Together, the brain and mind happen to become more alert, thus demonstrating a condition of peaceful alertness. In recent times, meditation treatment has developed into an increasingly important tool for finding a tranquil oasis of leisure and stress relief in cases of manic depression.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Quotations on Success - Read Them For Daily Inspiration

When I started learning to surf the web, my first job was to find some quotes for success. I collected those quotes, and in fact I made an e book in this regards. These are a collections from different authors who have excelled in their particular fields.

Everyday, I have to search for some additional success quotes from anything I read, in magazines, heard from the radio, see on TV, and on the Internet.

My latest collection of quotes is from my favorite mentor, John Maxwell, the world renown motivational speaker and leadership author of enormous leadership books, and CD's. I also made an e Books based on what I gathered from leadership quotes.

These collection of success quotes was my inspiration to increase my mode to drive my passion into an active fashion. It's easy for me to write more especially my area of expertise. With my participation to some writing challenges online, it's from my inspiration I learned from my collections of success quotes.

The moment I'm facing a blank wall in my article writing activities, I just scan through my quote collections and read some motivational quotes in line with the theme I am writing.

My favorite quotes I always refer is from Napoleon Hill that says, "The starting point of achievement... small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat". I always get my strength from this powerful quote, that drives me to continue writing despite facing blank.

Not only in writing I get my strength from these success quotes, when I'm alone and desperate, nothing to lean on, I have to open my collection of quotes, read those that jibes my desperation, and really helps.

I am carried away with the quotes from Zig Ziglar that says, "When things seems bad... it's always good".

Ziglar, guided me from isolation and depression to a more brighter outlook in my life to focus on the positive side of desperation.

Based on my own experience of reading my daily collections of success quotes, I was able to formulate more detailed plan for all my daily activities accurately with almost positive impact in my life.

This would continue until someday, my collections runs out of sources, but as long as there are still some quotes I could collect, I'll always compile them for future consumption and to share to my fellow men.

Test Thyroid Symptoms - Do You Have Thyroid Problems?

The thyroid makes hormones that control metabolism. Hypothyroidism occurs when too few hormones are produced due to decreased thyroid gland activity. The condition often goes undetected; estimates, though, put the number of people affected as high as 40% of the U.S. adult population.

Symptoms are numerous and can include chronic fatigue, feeling cold all the time, inability to lose weight and skin conditions such as acne and eczema. In addition, there can be psychological components of the condition, particularly chronic depression, anxiety and panic as well as poor concentration and poor short-term memory.  

Sexual complications can sometimes include low sex drive, impotence and infertility (especially low sperm count). Chronic constipation, hair loss, heart palpitations, brittle nails, muscle weakness, and muscle and joint pain are additional symptoms. Women often experience menstrual problems, such as excessive bleeding, painful syndrome and very late or very early onset of menses.  

Also, an increase in age-related and immunodeficiency disease such as arthritis, cancer and heart disease, is associated with populations that are low in thyroid hormone.  

When thyroid hormone levels are low, the body doesn't produce enough heat, so the extremities tend to be cold. Cold fingers, cold toes, and a cold tip of the nose are common indicators that not enough heat is being produced. In general, being colder than other people can be an indicator that your thyroid output is insufficient.  

Conventional treatment for this hypothyroidism is often times clouded by misdiagnosis and by incomplete testing. This is because there is such a wide variety of symptoms, other diseases are often blamed, and the thyroid condition goes undiagnosed.

Bipolar Test - Seven Steps In Diagnosis

The seriousness of bipolar cases is indisputable. In fact, many patients who have symptoms of a manic-depression state can be misdiagnosed. Another important fact is that a bipolar test can actually take years before a person is correctly diagnosed. Simply put, this mental illness is very difficult to detect.

When a person with manic-depression disorder is high or manic, it is not surprising that he won't feel the need for a test. Therefore, only the depressive tendencies are diagnosed most often. The result is an inaccurate diagnosis of the patient, concluding the symptoms as depression only when it is actually a bipolar issue.

When a doctor conducts a bipolar test, the patient will be asked with a series of questions, assessments, laboratory exams, and constant observations. These are strategically outlined to determine if you have the disorder and to understand the level of concern. The tests will consist of the following points:

* Origin and cycles. It is advised that you recall the details as to when your manic-depression episodes started. The frequency of your bipolar cycle will also be important in diagnosing your problem. This will help your doctor in understanding the level of seriousness of your problem.

* Your family background and personal history. The bipolar test will also include questions of these types. Bipolar disorder is often caused by your childhood environment and may be attributed to your family relationships.

* Assessment of your mental health. Depending on the level of concern, it is possible that you will be interviewed separately to determine your emotional quotient, memory and thinking capabilities, and your reasoning skills.

* Medical history. The doctor may also ask you about drugs that had been prescribed to you in the past years. If necessary, he or she will also ask if you had been taking illegal ones. Drugs are possible causes of bipolar disorder.

* Lab tests. When necessary and if you have indicated that you have been taking drugs other than those prescribed, you may be subjected to a laboratory examination.

* Reference. Especially if the doctor finds that you have a serious bipolar disorder, he or she may inquire about you from your friends and family members. If your doctor asks for names of your friends, give them to him or her.

* Observation tests. You may have to undergo a series of tests that aim to observe your behavioral patterns and mood swings. Sometimes it is even necessary to consider observing your physique and how you dress.

Diagnosing Children

A bipolar test can reveal many symptoms of this problem. But because symptoms share the same signs as that of other mental illness issues, there is more difficulty in diagnosing children for a bipolar test. Kids, especially at a very young age may have characteristics similar to bipolar signs.

Since children are "normally" delinquent, anxious, and their learning curve is still developing constantly at this time, it is more difficult to diagnose them. A child's mood swings also share similar characteristics with bipolar symptoms. Psychosis and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can sometimes be mistaken for bipolar disorder.

Adrenal Fatigue Tests - Three Self Tests

Dark circles under your eyes, morning fatigue, chronic tiredness, the inability to handle stress, cravings for sweet or salty foods, increased allergy symptoms, mild depression ...

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar to you? If so then you may be suffering from adrenal fatigue, which doctors estimate affects 80% of the U.S. population. I hadn't a clue about adrenal exhaustion or fatigue until I realized that I suffered from many of these symptoms, including dark circles under my eyes that would not go away, regardless of how much sleep I got. That's when I got interested in adrenal fatigue tests and further educating myself about this condition.

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is a strangely paradoxical health problem. The adrenal glands, which are tiny pea-sized glands that rest atop the kidneys, do a mighty job in the body. They control and regulate more than 50 hormones in the body, and are primarily responsible for our "stress response." When we are under stress, the adrenal glands release hormones like cortisol to help us deal with the stress. As you may know, cortisol controls the strength of the immune system, normalizes blood sugar, and regulates blood pressure, among other things. Too much cortisol can trigger autoimmune responses in the body, as well as cause weight gain. Cortisol is also related to our body's primitive "fight or flight" response.

So we rely on our adrenal glands to help us deal with and handle stress, which is a good thing. The bad news is that when we are subject to prolonged stress, the adrenal glands are the first to fail. The adrenal glands can function at high capacity for only so long before they break down. In fact, what most people call a "nervous breakdown" is really adrenal fatigue.

Since about 80% of the current population has adrenal exhaustion or fatigue, it's clear that most of us are subject to prolonged stress. These stressors come from too little sleep, too much caffeine, multi-tasking, poor nutrition, and too much work. Sound familiar?

Adrenal Fatigue Tests - Three Self Tests

So how do you know if you are among the 80% who have adrenal fatigue? Well, examining your lifestyle is one easy way to tell. Plus, if you seem to be unable to catch up on your sleep or are chronically tired and grumpy, you're likely to have this problem. But there are three adrenal fatigue tests you can administer to see if your adrenal glands are screaming for help.

1. Ragland's Test

You'll need a home blood pressure machine for this test (you can buy one for around $10 at any drug store). First, take your blood pressure while sitting down. Then, stand up and take your blood pressure again, right away. Your systolic number (the first or top number) should have increased by 8 or 10 points. If the number dropped, then you probably have adrenal fatigue. 

2. Pupil Dilation

For this test you need a flashlight and a mirror. Look into the mirror and shine the flashlight into the pupil of one eye. Your pupil should contract pretty quickly. If your pupil does not contract after 30 seconds, or even dilates, then your adrenals need some help.

3. Pain and Sensitivity

Your adrenal glands sit right on top of your kidneys. If you palpate that area and feel pain, then your adrenal glands are fatigued. You can also try pressing on the reflexology point for the adrenal glands, which is located at the top inside edge of your foot arch. If that area is sensitive, then so are your adrenal glands. 

Adrenal Fatigue Treatment

My physician recommended several approaches to dealing with this situation, and I've found three of them help me the most: 

1. Herbal Support

I'm taking an herbal formula called X51 (or Eleviv) from XanGo that works well. It contains four main ingredients that offer adrenal support: citrus sinensis, eurycoma longifolia suntheanine, and camellia sinensis. Other people use straight herbal tinctures.

2. Order My Life

By focusing on a routine and sticking to it, I reduce the level of over stimulation in my life. I try to check email and voice mail less often, and have more "quiet time" to myself.

3. Rest at 10, 2 and 4

Apparently the adrenal glands tend to become most fatigued at these times, so I stop for short 15-minute power naps at these times. Lying down is recommended, if at all possible, so I do for my power naps.

It can take time to help your adrenals recover -- anywhere from 6 to 24 months, depending on how stressed they are. The good news is that recovery can be taken in baby steps, not radical changes. I like that, don't you?