Saturday, October 12, 2013

Music Therapy: Quick and Easy Help for Depression

If you are looking for help for depression, music therapy can provide the stimulation your brain needs to elevate your mood and ease your symptoms.

Depression is a condition which is effected by a fluctuating neurotransmitters in the brain responsible for mood changes.

For some people, these chemical imbalances can be treated with medication. For others, however, drug therapy is almost as uncomfortable as the depression, itself.

Music therapy is a useful alternative to medication as it has been shown to be an effective treatment for a wide variety of mental conditions. Music therapy promotes successful outcomes as a result of stimulating healthy changes in the brain.

Not only are symptoms of depression improved, but this new field of healthcare continues to show promise in helping to manage pain, and treat conditions like autism, ADD and certain types of cancer.

Why is music therapy so effective? Well, if you've ever listened to music you know how it has the power to stir your emotions.

Think about the music heard during a movie. If you've ever watched a horror film, you know how deep, pulsating, foreboding background music can cause your blood pressure to rise, your heart to race as you anticipate something scary about to happen.

Sad or romantic movies can effect you even more strongly by the slow, dulcet tones of the music played during emotional scenes. You can feel sexually aroused, romantically attracted, or sad and tearful. There is a reason this happens.

Specific types of music are composed in specific ways. The notes which make up this music stimulate changes in your brain waves.

The way certain tempos resonate lead to brain waves resonating at the same frequency. These brain waves directly effect heart beat and breathing functions. When a piece of music has a quick, exciting tempo, your heart and breathing rates speed up to match quickening beat.

Conversely, listening to slow musical tempos tends to lower your heart rate and slow your breathing. As a result, your body and mind become more relaxed and serene. Stress levels are lowered, and their negative effects on the body are reduced.

There is a quote which states, ""Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul."

Just as depression puts you in a particular state of mind, so can listening to music. Think of some of your favorite songs. What images and feelings do they bring up? By using familiar songs which bring about a relaxed, happier state of mind, you can immediately counter your suffering from depression. Music therapy can give you results much faster than many medications.

So how do you use music therapy as help for depression? You can consult a trained music therapist to help you develop your own therapeutic regimen. Or you can just listen to the music you already know has a positive effect on the way you feel. The great thing about music therapy is it is free, and as easy as turning on your stereo, iPod,or radio.

Do Depression and Menopause Come Together?

Depression and Menopause - What you can Expect

It is true, depression and menopause can happen together. They may not belong together, but if you are going through menopause it can cause a certain amount of depression. Scientists and doctors really don't have a true answer to why the two go together, but they have found it is worse in women from families with a history of depression.

Most believe that depression and menopause are actually related more with the pre-menopause period than during actual menopause. This is when estrogen levels are beginning to decline on a gradual basis and some studies suggest this can bring out the depression in women. If you are going through the premenopausal years here are some of the symptoms you might expect.

Some of the most common symptoms with depression and menopause:

- Multiple weeks of a depressed mood
- Appetite change
- Less pleasure from activities
- Sleep patterns change often
- Loss of energy and fatigue
- Struggle concentrating
- Suicidal thoughts
- Guilty feelings and feelings of worthlessness
- Irritability

What to do During Periods of Depression and Menopause?

There are many options when going through depression and menopause at the same time. Antidepressant medications are one of the options and if you believe your depression is severe, then you need to consult your doctor. However, if you are looking for a more natural remedy, then you can try these options.

Exercise - When you add regular exercise to your daily life you will be able to help lessen the effects of depression. This will help both your mood and your physical health and there is really no substitute for exercise. A good goal to start is to strive for 30 minutes of exercise three times a week, but if you cannot manage this even 10 minutes can help.

Taking away Daily Stresses - Usually women going through depression and menopause need to ask for help around the home and with other daily tasks because you have the stress of children to care for and potentially elderly family as well. Ask for help and eliminate some of the different daily tasks to help lessen your stress.

Nutrition - Making changes to your diet can also help during this time of your life. This can include eating better and healthier foods, adding supplements into your diet, and also adding in an herbal treatment. If you put together the best choices for your diet it can help support your body and keep your depression to a minimum.

Sleep - It is necessary to make sure you get enough sleep every single night. This can be where women struggle due to night sweats and hot flashes. There are some herbal remedies and some specific diet changes you can use to help make it easier to sleep at night and this will help with both your night sweats and your depression by allowing you to get proper rest.

Seeking Help for your Depression and Menopause

If you know you are suffering from depression and menopause, then you may want to seek professional help. This can come in the form of psychotherapy, your health care provider, or even a book. Finding the right help for you may not be easy and you will have to decide whether you want to trust prescription drugs or if you want to use a more natural treatment.

Naturally treating menopause and depression is a good way to alleviate the symptoms without having to deal with the side effects possible with some of the prescription drugs. You can use specific herbal remedies, vitamins, mineral supplements, diet changes, and other natural treatments to make your journey through menopause easier.

Finding the right book or eBook can help you tremendously and it is much less expensive than taking a trip to the doctor, getting prescription drugs, or going through therapy. Plus treating your depression and menopause with a natural treatment found in a book or eBook can be much better for your body over the long journey you are about to go through.

Health Insurance For Someone With Pre-Existing Conditions

If you have you been rated up or declined for health insurance it's probably because you have a pre-existing condition.

Thousands of uninsured, underinsured and uninsurable individuals are facing serious health issues like heart disease, heart attack, diabetes, cancer, stroke, liver disease, AIDS, pregnancy, depression and kidney disease. Any of these pre existing conditions can cause them to be declined for health coverage. Today, you may even be declined if you are over-weight.

It's a real challenge obtaining health insurance for someone with pre existing conditions. However, before we get ahead of ourselves, here are some questions we need to address.

What is a pre-existing condition?

A pre-existing condition is any injury or sickness for which diagnosis has been made, treatment has been recommended, treatment has been rendered, or expenses have been incurred within a set amount of months prior to the effective date of coverage (usually 3, 6 or 12 months and this can vary by state). It includes any condition manifesting itself in symptoms which would cause a prudent person to seek medical advice.

What is a pre-existing condition exclusion period?

Insurance companies try to discourage people from waiting until they get sick to purchase medical insurance. This is accomplished by imposing what is known as a preexisting condition exclusion period. This simply means, if you have a medical problem which exists at the time you purchase insurance, the insurer will deny the claims pertaining to that medical problem for a certain period of time.

The rules governing preexisting condition exclusion periods in individual health policies vary widely from state to state and are very much different from the rules of an employer-sponsored plan. If you have or recently have had health coverage, you may be able to apply this creditable coverage to offset a preexisting condition exclusion period.

Why all the hoopla over a pre-existing condition?

The biggest stumbling block with private individual medical insurance is the problem with preexisting conditions. Plain and simple... insurance companies don't like preexisting conditions. They know in the long run... it will cost them more money to insure you. Frankly, insurers prefer to insure people who are not very likely to need the insurance.

But stop and think! Who doesn't have some kind of health or medical issue? It may be something as simple as asthma or as complex as cancer. Some pre-existing conditions can be managed and these individuals can live a relatively healthy and normal life.
Yet, insurers can and do turn down "high risks" individuals for coverage because of an existing or previous illness. Even if coverage is found, the premiums charged are often unaffordable. Sometimes the individual may end up with a modified policy paying more because of their medical history or having to take a policy that excludes their pre existing conditions.

Are there things I can do to get healthcare coverage?

Here are some choices for obtaining health coverage. See if any apply to your situation.

(1). Employer-sponsored group health plan

(2). Join a professional organization (e.g. Chamber of Commerce)

(3). Individual health insurance

(4). State risk pool (if one exist in your state)

(5). Discount health cards

(6). Guaranteed Issue Health Insurance

Whether covered by insurance or by some other means, the total cost of health insurance for someone with pre existing conditions is high enough to dramatically impact that person's lifestyle.

Today it is important for all of us to lead a healthy lifestyle. However, if you already have a preexisting condition that is keeping you from getting affordable health coverage, you should investigate the 6 options listed above to see which would work best for you.

Depression - Insurance Can Help You to Get the Treatment You Need

Everyone experiences periods of sadness or feeling "down in the dumps." But major depressive disorder is a far more serious condition than simply feeling occasional sadness. At its worst, clinical depression can be debilitating, preventing people from going about their daily lives and completing simple tasks. Fortunately, there's help for this condition. Aside from psychotherapy and counseling, there are also some excellent anti-depressants available with a prescription. But if you want to take advantage of all the help available to you, then you should make sure that you have a solid insurance policy that will help you to cover the cost of your medical care.

If you already have insurance, you should check with your provider to see if treatment of your depression is covered by your policy. You want to check as specifically as possible, as some providers cover certain benefits, but not others, and others only offer limited benefits. If you're going to get all the treatment and medication you need in order to get this condition under control, then you'll need to make sure that you have adequate coverage for these items. If your current provider doesn't cover these items, then you might want to start looking for one that does.

If you don't already have insurance, then you should definitely start looking. Your depression could get worse if you don't do anything about it. Once you've been diagnosed, you should begin exploring treatment options immediately, which means that you should begin exploring insurance options immediately. Even if you've already been diagnosed, that doesn't mean that you won't be able to get medical insurance at a competitive rate. As long as you're up-front about your condition, you might be surprised to see how affordable it is to get adequate health insurance. You just need to start looking.

When you start looking for insurance, get at least three to five quotes back. That way, you'll have something to compare each quote to. You'll get a better feel for what kinds of policies you're eligible for and which policy features most appeal to you. You'll also get a feel for how big a premium you can expect to pay. When it comes to insurance, it's not just about getting the lowest price. It's also about getting the best value for your money. With a moderately priced policy that offers you adequate coverage, you can get the treatment you need in order to keep your depression under control.
If you need assistance in locating particular coverages at a pre-determined price, we can help you find a reduce health insurance premium today.

Herbs and Manic Depression

Before we can get into herbs that might benefit those with Manic Depression, we should discuss what Manic Depression is. Manic Depression is marked by mood swings that can go from mild and calm to excited - highly irritable. These cycles can last for days or weeks. In some cases, these cycles can occur multiple times in a day.

Standard Treatments

Manic Depression is a serious form of Depression requiring more intensive treatments.
Standard treatments typically include psychotherapy (talk therapy) combined with one or more antidepressant medications. In some serious cases hospitalization might be necessary to stabilize your moods.

Anti-depressants fall into four classes and each class works in a different way on the chemicals in the brain that control mood. The levels of two neurotransmitters - Serotonin and Norepinephrine are affected. Anti-Depressants have some serious side effects that could put you in a risky situation.

Booster Drugs are used to increase the effectiveness of the primary drug. One such drug is Ritalin. This works about 50% of the time. They are still used and with new drugs coming out all the time the effectiveness could increase.


Herbs have been used in rituals and healing practices by ancient tribes and Shaman. They were brewed, used to flavor foods, burned (as in incense), and in moist packs applied to injuries called poultices. With the development of western medicine natural remedies were left aside.

Due to the fact that anti-depressant medications have such serious side effects, many people are looking to return to natural remedies whenever possible. Natural/herbal remedies are safe and they are effective. They have been known to help those with Manic Depression but still more studies need to be done to confirm that.

Some herbs used in supplements to treat any form of Depression include Green Tea which is an anti-oxidant and is known to boost general metabolism and mood. It can also be used for stomach problems.

Valerian is known as a sleep aid. It can be used in smoking cessation. Valerian also is known to have anti-anxiety properties.

The highest quality herbal supplements should have gone through very extensive testing. The metabolic pathway of the ingredients is studied at the molecular level. The interaction of the ingredients should be studied as well. When the supplements are manufactured they should be made according to pharmaceutical grade standards.

This helps to ensure you are getting exactly what the label says you are getting, their efficacy, potency, and safety. You can check with your pharmacist or the manufacturer for this information.


Manic Depression is one of the more serious forms of Depression. Standard treatments include anti-depressants, psychotherapy, and the possible use of Booster drugs. Herbal usage is becoming popular again and can be effective in treating Manic Depression but studies, as was said, need to be done to confirm the effectiveness of herbal supplements.

Growing Up With a Bipolar Mother

When I was a kid, everyone said my mom was brilliant, and indeed, she was. She didn't finish high school, but had my older brother instead. Once she decided she wanted to learn something, she just learned it! She had an upbeat personality. People liked her energy and witty sense of humor. She was a young mother of seven children. She also had bipolar disorder.

How Her Mental Illness Progressed

At first, she started doing strange things like running outside barefoot in her nightgown at night in the middle of winter. Her temper became worse. I told myself that most of these symptoms would have occurred in anyone because of the pressures of raising a large family on a farm.

Then, one day in a fit of temper, she tried to kill me with a carving knife. My older brother and I placed a cowbell on my door, so that if she came into my room in the middle of the night, I would know she was there, and be able to defend myself.

A Wrong Diagnosis of Schizophrenia
Our dad had her placed in a mental hospital where she stayed for some time. This was the 1960s before too much was known about various mental illnesses. The psychiatrists diagnosed our mom with schizophrenia, gave her some medication, and sent her home.

The medication made her feel funny, like she wasn't fully herself, and so she didn't take it. Another suicide attempt sent her back to the hospital. After she came home, things got progressively worse. She went back to the mental hospital, and I took over the household. At the age of twelve, I became an adult. I cooked, cleaned, took care of my brothers and sisters, and worked outside in the barns.

Finally, when my mom came home, I didn't want anything to do with her. Our dad begged for a truce between us. Bitterness, anger, and hurt filled my heart. My hatred for her became apparent to everyone.

About the same time, our parents announced that they were getting a divorce. It upset me horribly. Our mom and dad separated, and our mom moved out, taking the four youngest children with her.

Losing Hope and Faith

When I was younger, I had prayed for God to heal all of us, and make us happy again. We had been such an idyllic family! As things became worse, we stopped going to church, and I stopped praying. It seemed hopeless.

Fast-forward to 1999. My husband and I were in San Francisco when my older brother called, and said that our mom had tried to kill her husband. (Our mom had remarried one year after our parents divorced.) They took her off in a strait jacket, and placed her in mandatory detainment in the state mental hospital.

A New Diagnosis: Bipolar Disorder

While detained in the state's mental hospital, the psychiatrists diagnosed her with bipolar disorder, not schizophrenia, and placed her on the right medication for the first time in her life. It calmed the manic part of her personality, stopped the cycling between mania and depression, and she became stable.

What Did I Learn Through All Of This?

First, I learned that bipolar disorder is hereditary: a person may inherit the whole thing or inherit it in part, the fullest cycling or a lesser cycling, or one may get either the manic side or the depressed side. It was truly a revelation. It explained a lot about me, and my brothers and sisters. Knowing this, we have a much better chance of trying to control it.

Second, I learned that I do love my mother. Bipolar disorder demands that she always be the center of attention. That is part of the illness. She has all the potential to be normal when she takes her medication, and then she can be very sweet and loving.

Thirdly, not taking the prescribed medication is a natural disaster. She doesn't like to take it because it takes away too much of the manic side of her personality, and that is precisely what people are drawn towards. If she doesn't take her meds, it leads to the manic-depressive cycling again.

Lastly, I have learned that God is greater than all problems. His love overcomes everything that we have endured on earth, and those abuses no longer matter. Our Lord takes them away, and replaces them with love. His love for us is so powerful that my bitterness disappeared. He, indeed, has finally put everything right. I've forgiven my mom, and my childlike faith has returned.

A Book Is Written

That's not the only miracle. God gave me a miracle in my first fiction novel: Innocence: Simplicity of Spirit. Somehow, He drew out of me all the good experiences of my childhood, and allowed me to reflect on them. I enjoyed remembering the good years before she became ill. God has blessed me with this novel, and I hope it will bless you, too.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Reading and Writing - Two Very Important Skills

When I was a young girl attending public school in the 1930's, my city of Toronto, Canada had a population of less than one hundred thousand people. Now there are over 2.5 million people living here and of course it is still growing.

That population is not large compared to some cities in the far East such as Osaka, Japan, where my present day mentor and teacher Kevin Riley lives. Osaka has a population of over twelve million people.

During the years known as "The Great Depression", Toronto was a fairly safe city to grow up in and children played outside most warm evenings after school until the street lights came on. I always enjoyed school but the safe and pleasant after school activities back then were fun too.

My formal schooling had a temporary closure when I turned sixteen and had to work in a factory office in order to help out with finances at home. After the second world war broke out, when I was old enough to serve, I joined the Royal Canadian Air Force, Womens Division where my education resumed on a different level.

After the war, marriage and family kept me busy in other areas. However, education never really comes to an end when a person has a desire to learn. There are many opportunities to further ones education from night school classes to correspondence courses. When we bought our first computer my husband and I took a night school computer class and discovered that we both loved working with computers. Then I learned how to use spreadsheet and word processing programs to help us with our business.

Now in my retirement years I am attending classes on line and working from home at my own pace. In addition to this there are opportunities to promote the products of my teacher through advertising on my own websites.

It is very easy to promote affiliate products on the internet even if you do not have a website. However I really enjoy building websites for this purpose.

I hope this article will encourage readers to never stop learning. As my daughter always quotes on her websites, "you are never too old to learn".

Manic Depressive Disorder Can Control a Number of Lives If It Is Allowed Too

Manic depressive disorder can control lives. If it is not properly managed it most definitely controls the life of some-one so afflicted. If it does then there is also a strong potential for it to control the lives of the friends and loved ones of the afflicted person as well. People close to someone with manic depressive disorder frequently suffer as well when an afflicted person experiences a manic episode, hypomania or a major depressive episode. However, there is definitely hope available all round.

Left to run its course manic depression can be a horrible experience. To an afflicted person hypomania often appears to be a great place to be. However, the question must be asked "In fact is this really the case?" Left untreated it generally leads onto depression or to a manic episode. Neither of these are a good place to be. This is particularly so if they are left untreated or the prescribed treatment regime is not working. Either way the afflicted person is left experiencing an extremely unpleasant mental state. Either of these states can take full control of a person's mind.

What of the friends and loved ones? They can be left watching a person they care about cruelly suffering. They are in a position which makes them feel totally helpless and without hope. They may have to stand by and watch some-one they are close to do things which they are totally unable to accept. Such actions can lead to the break-up of the relationship. Once again this does not have to be the case. There are options which can prevent this happening.

There can even be problems all round when a manic depressive person is normal. These periods of normality vary in length. They can last for a year or more. For others they almost don't exist. With ultra-rapid cycling bipolar disorder a full cycle can be experienced in a day or less. Even periods of normality can leave a number of lives being controlled by the disorder. When will the next horrible episode strike? This question can leave the afflicted one, their friends and loved ones deeply troubled by the sleeping disorder.

As indicated above there are a number of situations which can lead to a manic depressive person and their friends and loved ones lives being totally controlled by the disorder. In fact there is a way out of this situation. It is to learn to manage the disorder. This leads to you regaining control of your life. Even friends and loved ones can learn to assist you manage the disorder. Working together gives far greater ability to manage the disorder. All parties benefit if such action is taken. Obviously this is a win/win situation all round.

Key Symptoms of Teenage Depression and Teenage Stress

Increasingly common problems that teenagers face are teenage depression and teenage stress. Whilst a lot of the problems like drug abuse, eating disorders and teenage problems like ADHD, learning disorders, short height etc can ultimately result in depression; there are other factors, which can cause depression. These factors could be related to family or personal relationship stress, excessive academic pressure at school or home, bullying at school or even depression caused due to hormonal changes in the body. It is extremely important to recognise this problem at an early stage as teenage depression and teenage stress are the biggest reasons for teenage suicides or self-harm. In some cases it could also lead to reckless behaviour or violence on part of your teen. In most cases of depression the sufferer experiences low teenage self-esteem or a lack of confidence, which can severely impair a teenager's future growth and success.

Below are some of the symptoms that can help you recognise if your teenager is suffering from teenage stress or teenage depression.

Physical Characteristics: You can tell that your teenager is suffering from teenage depression or teenage stress if they often feel hopeless and angry, cry a lot more than usual, are constantly worried, lack energy and always feeling tired, suffer from insomnia, lack appetite, feel restless, show a complete lack of motivation or enthusiasm and stop doing things they used to enjoy. Similarly if they constantly complain of unexplained aches and pains like stomachache or headache, without any medical cause, it could also indicate stress or depression.

Social Habits: Another common symptom of teenage depression is avoidance and withdrawal from relationships and friends. Your teenager might try to avoid going to school as the teachers are too strict, or they do not have friends, or others make fun of them. They may also try and avoid other social gatherings and prefer to spend and increasing amount of time alone. Teenage stress can also be manifested in the form of reduced overall communication and introvert behaviour.

Performance: Your teenager could also show complete lack of concentration and try to find reasons not to do their homework or avoid school when they are suffering from teenage stress. In these circumstances it is crucial to probe if they are having a bad experience at school which is causing them excessive stress.

In most cases teenage depression is either the trigger or a result of some of the other teenage problems. Hence you need to understand the symptoms of all other teenage problems like eating disorders or drug abuse to understand the root cause of depression. When looking out for symptoms it is therefore important to look at all of them together, rather than individually, so you can get the best understanding of the state your child is in and can take corrective action if necessary.

In the book "Solving Teenage Problems" all the possible teenage problems, their causes and symptoms have been discussed in detail. Along with this exercises are provided so that parents can understand the severity of problem they are facing and then work through various tips provided to deal with these problems.

Natural Treatments for Depression in ADHD Children

Children are the last people you'd think would experience inexplicable sadness, listlessness, or hopelessness. After all, childhood is supposed to be the most carefree period of our lives. However, depression in children is not as uncommon as you think, especially among children with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). Research shows that children with ADHD are three times more likely to experience depression than children without the disorder.

Depression with ADHD can either be "primary" or "secondary". "Primary" depression occurs among children with a family history of depression, and is not triggered by life experiences. Around 50% of children with ADHD cannot regulate their emotions, and this lack of emotional control may be related to primary depression. "Secondary" depression is triggered by ADHD-related problems, such as poor academic performance, lack of friends, or low self-esteem.

The good news is that depression can be treated along with ADHD symptoms, especially if a holistic treatment program is applied. Here are some drug-free options for treating childhood depression.

St. John's Wort

Studies show that St. John's Wort does not treat ADHD per se, but this herb can be used to reduce co-morbid depressive symptoms, especially among children with primary depression. One of the most popular alternative treatments for depression, St. John's Wort has an ingredient called hypericin, which is thought to raise the neurotransmitter levels that affect mood. Hypericin has also been found to reduce excessive adrenal activity, which is related to symptoms of depression. Although you can easily purchase St. John's Wort capsules at a health food store, consult a doctor before giving any to your child.

Bright light therapy

Sometimes, depression in ADHD is caused by seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a condition where children experience depressive symptoms during the cold winter months. Although exposure to sunlight is still the best treatment for SAD, bright light therapy is an excellent alternative if natural sunlight is not available where you live. Bright light therapy involves sitting close to a set of fluorescent bulbs with eyes open and the lights on. The child should not look directly at the light as this could damage the eyes; rather, the child should engage in normal activities like writing, reading, or eating. The important part is that the head and body face the light so that the child receives enough exposure. Light therapy is offered at clinics, but you can also purchase the equipment for use at home. Besides depression, bright light therapy is also thought to regulate the body clock and reduce sleep disorders, another co-morbid problem of children with ADHD.

ADHD diets

Did you know that the food your child eats can also trigger depression? Depressive symptoms can be manifestations of a food allergy, in the same way hyperactivity or lack of focus can be caused by food substances. If your child is already on an ADHD diet, there's a good chance that the depression will go away with the ADHD symptoms if the offending foods have been identified and removed.

Antidepressant Facts You May Not Know About

If you have depression and are wondering why your antidepressants are not working for you, you are not alone. Many of these drugs that people with this illness are taking not only do not work, but can in fact make symptoms worse. Certain people can not take these drugs, like children and adolescents, because they could make young people start thinking about suicide, or have other behavioral problems, far worse than the problem itself.

There are many different reasons why you should think before you take antidepressants for treating depression. In addition to them not working in the first place, there are also other problems relating to them. For one thing, many of these medications are highly addictive and in some cases the withdrawal symptoms are as bad as withdrawal from hardcore drugs like heroin, and amphetamines. The reason for this is that your body starts building up a tolerance, and it gets ingrained on your brain. You start having to take more and more to get the same effects.

In some cases, the reason people have depression is a lower level of serotonin in the body. Serotonin acts like a mood enhancer in the body, plus it can help with sleep, appetite, and the production of healthy cell and immunities. If you do not have enough of this chemical, then you can feel the symptoms of depression. The problem with antidepressants that are designed to heighten these levels, actually do it too much, so the receptors that regulate these levels are falsely registering serotonin in the system and shut down. The more you take, the more they shut down, and the same is true for the endorphins in your body as well.

Many medications for treating this disease have some really bad side-effects, that is why these medications are so carefully monitored. Many of the common ones include nausea, headaches, stomach pain, and trouble with bowel movements. There is irritability in many cases, and mood swings, as well as many others. There are some major psychological side-effects that can also occur. These can include thoughts of suicide, behavioral changes, and severe anxiety. Now if you thought that depression was your biggest problem, you may end up dealing with psychological issues as well.

There are also long term effects that go along with taking anti-depressants for depression. Some of these can include kidney and liver damage, high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, and a higher risk for stroke or a heart attack. This is why doctors test for liver and kidney problems, and monitor them regularly.

Sometimes, there are causes of depression that people may not even think about. People who suffer from certain allergies, or that have toxins in their system suffer from this disease, because their brains are inflamed, or these toxins have built up in their systems over time. Taking natural non-inflammatory foods, flushing toxic build up from your body can often relieve the symptoms of the disease, without antidepressants. Changing your diet, getting exercise, and drinking lots of fluids, are all natural ways to heal your body.

There is an abundance of other important information on why medications do not work for treating depressed individuals that you can find on-line. It is important to read as much as you can on this disease, its causes and natural remedies, as well as medications before you take them.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder - Depression and Manic Phase

The depression in bipolar disorder is not necessarily the mild type, especially in adults. It may appear like a clinical form of the disorder such as dysthymia or seasonal affective disorder; or it could appear more severely as a form of major depression. When you are depressed in bipolar type of disorder, you tend to experience painful sadness, negative thinking, and indifference to things that used to bring you happiness.

You feel woebegone but cannot bring yourself to do anything about it; and you feel drained and tired, but you cannot do anything about it because you still can't get enough sleep. Adults who suffer from bipolar disorder have been known to seriously consider suicide when they are in the depressed phase of the cycle.

In the manic phase of bipolar disorder, you are overexcited without reason. You have all of these creative and inspirational thoughts at the same time but you cannot focus on any of them long enough to make them happen. You find yourself irritable because no one understands your rapid-fire vocalizations, and they don't seem to want to go along with your self-destructive behavior. Of course you aren't getting a lot of sleep either, and nothing can stop you from making indecent sexual advances, buying extravagant gifts, gambling and wasting money, and generally getting nowhere.

It does not take a lot to observe either of these symptoms in an adult. However, being able to notice both sets of symptoms to make the correct diagnosis often takes careful observation of the patient so that you don't end up with a misdiagnosis and treating them for the wrong thing. Sometimes the cycles are years apart and sometimes they can cycle several times within a single week. This is called rapid-cycling bipolar disorder. Surely you can't identify these on your own, without the right professional help.

5 Questions to Ask Yourself If You Have Depression and Bipolar Disorder

If you are experiencing depression that is associated with bipolar disorder or even without bipolar disorder, it is important that you start journaling every day. Journaling can do many things for the human brain; including helping release any negative emotions that are inside. You'll also be able to see patterns in yourself and learn what you are doing unconsciously on a regular basis. Ask yourself these five questions while journaling to get better insight into yourself.

The first question you need to ask yourself is what exact symptoms you are experiencing that are associated with depression. When did the symptoms start to occur? You will have to do some thinking whenever you decide to answer this question, as it will require you to remember past situations that may be painful and difficult you don't want to think about. You need to narrow down to the exact day if possible, month and year your symptoms started and what exactly the symptoms were.

The second question you must ask yourself is how long the symptoms lasted. This will also require you to put some thought into your answer, as you will have to recall from the past and do the best you can. Many of these symptoms will last for days, weeks, months and even years sometimes. The most important thing to do is be honest with yourself when answering these questions.

The third question you want to ask yourself is on a scale of 1 to 10, it is important that you rate how severe your symptoms were. For each individual symptom you experience associated with depression and bipolar disorder, you would need to write the individual symptoms and decided rate how severe it was for each period of time you experienced it.

The fourth question you will need to ask is how exactly the symptoms showed presence in your life. Did they cause you to become extremely sad to where you did not want to get out of bed for many days? Were you having thoughts of suicide and want to kill yourself? Did you actually inflict self pain or self harm onto your body? You can come up with your own questions for your own symptoms, but be honest with yourself.

The fifth question you must ask yourself is what the outcome was of the behaviors you were showing. Did this cause you to actually create harm to someone else or yourself? Did you stay out of work for a few days because you lay in bed and did not want to get up? Did you have a lot of internal conflict with yourself and confusing thoughts?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Omega 3 Deficiency Symptoms

There are some Omega 3 deficiency symptoms to be aware of, and you would do well to take steps to correct the problems that arise if you don't get enough of this amazing nutrient in your body. Omega 3 is a fatty acid that your body needs to function properly, and not getting enough of this acid can cause a number of problems. If you aren't getting enough of the acids, you may end up with one of the following Omega 3 deficiency symptoms:

Skin Problems

When you don't get enough Omega 3 in your body, you can expect to have dry skin, dry hair, and fingernails that are either very soft or very brittle. You may find that your skin has some rough spots on it, and you may even get little bumps that look like chicken bumps on the back of your legs and upper arms. You may find that you get skin allergies, such as eczema, your scalp may be covered in dandruff, and your eyes may be dry. All these things are caused by insufficient Omega 3, so you would do well to take steps to get enough of this fatty acid and correct this problem.

Focus Problems

If you are not getting enough of this essential fatty acid, your brain isn't being fed the fuel it needs to produce all of the important neurochemicals it needs to function properly. You may find that you have a hard time concentrating, and your mind may wander more than it should. People with Omega 3 deficiency symptoms often find that they are very hyperactive, and many of them actually develop attention deficits that can lead to ADD or ADHD. Be very wary of these things and try to increase your fish oil intake to prevent them from getting worse.

Energy Problems

Many people find that they are sorely lacking energy if they don't get enough Omega 3 in their body, and this is due to the fact that the blood isn't circulating properly. Not enough blood means that not enough oxygen is reaching all the organs and the muscles, which causes fatigue. Those that don't get enough of the Omega 3 will also be at risk of insomnia or just poor quality of sleep, and this is caused by similar problems.

Emotional Problems

Emotional problems are caused by the brains under-production of the neurochemicals that are required by the emotion centre of the brain, the hypothalamus. If the hypothalamus isn't fed the right chemicals, you may experience a lot of anxiety, depression, and irritability. Many of the people who don't get enough of the essential fatty acids often end up suffering from strong mood swings, as well as a short fuse when it comes to tolerating frustrations. Many of these people end up with wild emotional outbursts because they have no way to control their temper or emotions.

Swelling Problems

Inflammation is one of the main problems that accompany Omega 3 deficiency symptoms, and you may find that there are a number of inflammation problems that can be very serious. One such problem is joint pain, which is caused by the inflammation of the joints due to arthritis or other inflammatory diseases. Omega 3 helps to fight off this inflammation, but without it there is nothing that the body can do to prevent it. Those with other joint problems can take the supplement to help cure their pains, but not taking it may mean that the pains are much stronger.

These are just a few things that you can expect if your body doesn't get enough of these essential fatty acids, so it is important that you consume as much Omega 3 as is healthy for your body.

Why Put Labels On People?

"Hey, did you know that bloke was afraid of mice? Right wimp. Whoever heard of a grown man being afraid of mice?"

The fact that you climb the wall when a large spider appears on the scene, isn't mentioned.

Now, there's the rude labelling, labelling that can hurt and insult people, but there's the other kind of labelling. You go to your doctor and he tells you that you suffer from depression. You're a depressive. This can be helpful to people who weren't sure what the heck was wrong with them.

The problem is that if we don't visit the doctor; if we simply 'tough it out,' then a loss of control over our lives can be the result. I mention depression, because it's so infernally prevalent. So very many people suffer from it, but at some time down the line, they've mentioned it to one of their relatives and been told;

"Oh, don't be such a drip. We all feel depressed at some time."

Oh, I see. We all feel clinically depressed, do we? Big strong men have no trouble getting over clinical depression, do they? Oh no. Clinical depression is depression, only the doctor gives you pills to clear it up.


Why put labels on people at all?

"What's wrong with your husband?"

"He has clinical depression," so this woman trots home to her husband and tells him that poor old Bert's mad!

The Human Condition is what these various ailments used to be called. They were accepted as part of life, most especially in the last century. They'd use the motor car analogy.

"Oh, you're just a bit run down." Yeah, like a car battery.

"It's his nerves, poor man."

Thank God more enlightened thinking has started to take over. A good psychotherapist can gently make the condition seem more normal.

Let's look at grief. Some poor woman has just lost her mother, whom she idolized. She simply can't stop crying. The good therapist will quietly point out that she's suffered a terrible loss, and what she's experiencing is perfectly normal. Hellish though it is at the moment, the grief will pass.

Gradually, gradually, day by day, the light will shine through again. You'll cling to it and start to find little moments of happiness, where all was darkness before.

Personally, I think that this thoughtless labelling of people who suffer through no fault of their own, is quite despicable. Supposing a lady sees someone shot in front of her. What do you think she'll do? Go about her merry way, rejoicing? Of course she won't. She's been very badly traumatized. She'll probably wake up in the middle of the night and in her mind, hear a gunshot.

But this is the beauty of our make-up. Slowly, slowly, these hellish thoughts will leave us. So before you label someone out of your own ignorance,


Ayurvedic Cure for Depression

Depression, clinical depression or major depressive disorder is a mental state of chronic despair or sadness. The person suffering from depression retires from active social life and spends time in isolation, further worsening the condition.

What depression is not: clinical depression is not feeling down because of some loss or happenings that happen in day to day life. You may feel depressed for quite a time or for a few days. You will be able to identify the reason for such dejection and will get over it soon.

Clinical depression is feeling depressed with no apparent reason. This is something more serious than feeling depressed over some matter - like a loss of something.

A person with clinical depression just fails to find motivation to do anything at all.

Causes of Clinical Depression

No one can pin point a factor as the reason for depression. Several factors contribute to depression. In the ancient Vedic periods, people had to worry little about depression. The colonized life of man can be one among the prime reasons of depression.

Heredity, physiology, childhood or early life experiences, side effects of certain medicines and psychological factors can contribute to clinical depression. Stressful life, imbalanced diet, alcohol or drug consumption etc can cause depression.

Clinical Depression Treatment

Modern medicine use strong medicines to treat clinical depression. Ayurveda has a milder approach to cure depression.

There is a variety of techniques used in Ayurveda to effectively lift the mental state of a person. Ayurveda methods for treating depression are completely free from side-effects. Recurrence of depression to previous levels is also rare in Ayurvedic depression cure.

The main requirement of Ayurvedic treatment for depression includes meditation, avoiding non-vegetarian food, eating lot of fruits and drinking lot of water; going to bed, taking meals and going to toilet at specific times of the day; going to bed early before 10pm, waking up with sunrise, walking long distances in the morning light, and putting your body in a balanced and active state.

According to Ayurveda an imbalance of the three doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) of tridosha and general ignorance about self contribute to depression. There is less communication between neurons of brain, which leaves the person sluggish.

Rasayana treatment, head massaging (like sirovasti, thalam), meditation are involved in Ayurvedic depression cure treatments.

The treatments are aimed at releasing the extra-influence of Kapha on Vata and Pitta. Kapha tries to balance the imbalance that may occur to vata and pitta by slowing down their movements. This leads to stagnation, darkness and the result will be depression.

Ayurveda massages and medicines like rasayana restore tridosha balance. It gives immediate cooling effect to the head. Slowly the person can get out of depression.

Humor - Depression Can Be Fun!

Since you don't believe that fun exists when you're depressed, what you need to do is have negative depression. So you try your hardest to get more depressed, and then you fail, and get happier instead. Negative failure is a good thing; the two negatives cancel out!

Looking in the mirror can be a death knell for depression. That woeful, sad face you see looks so ridiculous that bursting out laughing is totally unavoidable. If you want to stay depressed, stay away from mirrors!

Anyway, there are lots of fun activities for the depressed person to enjoy. Especially in this financially depressed economic situation we find ourselves in at the moment.

Get all your bills that you can't pay, and make paper aeroplanes from them. Then the one that flies furthest is the one that gets paid first.

Read the telephone directory. Some of the weird surnames in there are bound to cheer you up!

Catch a cockroach and put it in a glass jar. Study it. Then be grateful you don't look like him. If you do look like him, then go look in the mirror and have a good laugh.

Write all your worries on a big piece of paper. Then have fun burning it in the fireplace. Maybe they'll go away! If you can't bring yourself to set it alight, then you are too attached to your worries!

Have a staring competition with the wall. The wall normally blinks first...

Tell your cat about your tough, unfair life. They normally fall asleep, so hold a cat treat up where they can see it to improve their attention span.

If it's foggy, freezing cold and drizzling... uh, well, that's a tough one. Maybe just stay depressed until one of those three clears up, then you can say "It could be worse!"

If you live in Zimbabwe, you can play monopoly with real money, and the kids can keep it at the end of the game. Or you could wallpaper your rooms with million dollar notes, which is cheaper than buying wallpaper!

If you've lost your job, imagine that you've got a free holiday from that horrible boss of yours. And remember that you are not alone - there's 52 million others like you, and counting.

If you're really sad, sprinkle some paint powder, all different colours, onto a large sheet of paper, and then cry over it. The tears will drop randomly and start creating an impressionist masterpiece, which you can later sell for a fortune. Trying to wipe up the tears gives an even better, messier effect. This is called the "depressionist genre" of painting.

Sit in a busy place and see how many sad faces you can spot. Some of them should be quite impressive. Shame, so many people have huge problems. Anyway, it'll probably help you to feel better! If you get to 100, treat yourself to a cup of coffee.

Launch a website called Misery makers, where you help people to get over their happiness, and help them to cope with bubbly, positive attitudes.

Watch the TV news. See how many people you can count that have worse problems than you.

Start your own blog. Start with an entry like this: "There's nothing in this blog because I didn't feel like writing anything. And if you post a comment here, I'm not going to read it." There's power in the internet!

So there you have it. Don't let depression be boring and tedious. Make it interesting. Have a load of fun! You may even look forward to being depressed!

Bipolar Disorder Triggered by Stress and Failure and How to Handle it

The genes you inherit from your parents are perhaps the most likely reason why you have bipolar disorder at all. However, things have to happen to you to cause you to slip into mania or into depression. In my experience, I have found that these triggers are usually well hidden in the surroundings and you can stumble upon them at any time. You must watch out.

All kinds of personal stresses that you come across day to day in your home or anywhere else can cause you to have episodes of bipolar disorder. The good thing about it is that you might be able to see these triggers about a mile away, and you should at that time choose to walk away from it before it takes you over.

One of the most infamous triggers of a manic-depressive episode in a bipolar-disorder sufferer is failure. It is a fact that there aren't a lot of people on this earth who can handle failure too well, and patients of this disorder are not on the good side of that list. If you suffer from this condition, you should have someone or something that helps you check how much your emotions are tied into what you do so that if you fail it won't break you.

Dealing with bipolar disorder can best be done with the assistance of a doctor or a medical practitioner. Irrespective of the triggers - either by stress or failure a doctor can assist you to handle the situation with ease using various medications and therapies for the condition.

Grad School Burnout: A Letter From a Psychologist to a Depressed and Anxious PhD Student

Dear burnt out grad student,

It seems to me, admittedly without really knowing you at all, that a lot of your identity through high school and undergrad may have been based on a vision of yourself as one who excels...and this means particularly that you have been judging yourself by the easy-to-understand, nationally and internationally recognized standard of "high marks" and praise from others.

Now you are in grad school... finally in the program that you have worked all these years to get into and you are not feeling so great. You are struggling and there are a bunch of reasons why this might be so.

You may be, for example, telling yourself that you are not now and probably never really were smart enough or driven enough to make it "all the way". The PhD suddenly feels like a sort of trial by fire and you feel you are failing the test miserable. That is even more peculiar because suddenly there are no tests... and no exams... or at any rate not the kind you have been used to "aceing" up to now. Even more perversely, those around you may still seem to be treating you like you are doing all right... leaving you with a strong sense of being an imposter.

It is highly unlikely that these self-recriminations about your intelligence or your drive are really true, but one of the reasons why the PhD is a watershed in your education is because the standards change from "what you can learn" to "what you can create or contribute". The emphasis shifts from what you can cite back speaking as a student, to what you have to say as an "expert".

Becoming an "expert" essentially means developing a sense of "personal authority", developing a feeling that what you have to say about a subject is valid and important. This is a developmental process. It does not emerge instantly when you get accepted into a program, start teaching a class, publish a paper or present at a conference. Instead it evolves slowly out of doing all these things and getting used to doing them. Often I find that for someone like you there is a long-standing ambivalence about one's right to an opinion, perspective or point of view which can be traced back to earlier experiences in life.

And what is this business of control and perfection? When did you develop the belief that you couldn't just cope with things as they happened but that they had to be controlled in advance? Was there a chaotic or demanding family in your past that proved to you that things could easily go wrong if things were not controlled?

Paradoxically, the perfectionism which torments you and gets in your way is almost always a "defense" because this kind of perfectionism stems from a wish for total control of the situation. It is an attempt to defeat anxiety-causing chaos, uncertainty and randomness.

It is worth struggling to lay aside unhealthy perfectionism because the benefits of putting down that burden are real and important. Tackling perfectionism and increasing your capacity to calmly tolerate ordinary uncertainty and imperfection can result in better physical health, less psychological distress and warmer, richer personal and professional relationships. Putting it aside can actually lead to higher and more genuine self-esteem and more flexibility, curiosity and creativity which can be applied to your thesis project.

But maybe you should not be going through this all alone. If you are suffering, anxious or depressed it is likely that your ability to see your situation clearly is impaired. It may be a good idea to seek out a supportive counselor to assess your levels of anxiety or depression and perhaps to help you work through various emotional or cognitive blocks which stand in the way of your enjoying your creative academic project.

I recognize that you are suffering and you are worried and you wonder whether you should continue...whether it is really worth it.

Yes it is!!!

In a psychological survey by well-known psychologists studying the development of positive human qualities the question is asked, "Have you ever carried a multi-year project to completion?"

This is an important question because embarking on and seeing through a long involved project like a PhD is a genuine human challenge which contributes, not just to the sum of knowledge in a given domain, but to the development of "character" in the candidate.

If you ask me, it is worth doing for that reason alone.

All the best,
Susan Meindl

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Suicidal Tendencies That Exist In Bipolar Disorder And Ways To Treat It

First - What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is the mental disorder in which the person suffering goes in extreme mood swings. So while he or she may be feeling depression at one moment they will feel mania or extreme sense of pleasure and heightened activity the other. This is a quite dangerous situation as the suicidal rates are almost double than that of normal depression and research also suggests that people suffering from this kind of disorder face worse depression than the people who suffer only depression.

What makes this situation even more dangerous is the increased incident of suicide in this case and the risk of life it poses to the persons suffering from it.

Following are some symptoms of suicidal tendencies among the persons who are suffering from this disorder:

Talking about feeling suicidal or wanting to die at all times of depression and forgetting all about it when mania occurs

Feeling hopeless, that nothing will ever change or get better and getting depressed about the current state of affairs.

Feeling helpless, that nothing one does makes any difference and in some cases even how everyone has ganged up against you to make your life miserable

Feeling like a burden to family and friends and feeling that nothing you do is helping them or contributing to the family while you are living off their sympathy

Putting affairs in order (e.g., organizing finances (paying debts) or giving away possessions to prepare for one's death), basically doing things which one does in old age when the thought of death starts creeping in and when one thinks that their days are numbered

Putting oneself in harm's way, or in situations where there is a danger of being killed, creating circumstances which puts life at risk or at least putting you in harm's way

Abusing alcohol or drugs

If you have experienced such emotions yourself or are seeing someone witnessing similar emotions you should first of all consult a doctor and then put away all things that you can use to cause damage, like hiding knives and blades and keeping other such objects which can be used to inflict self damage away.

Treating bipolar disorder

Currently bipolar disorder cannot be treated but it can be managed to control the long term consequence of the disease. Treatment is basically done through pharmacology and psychological techniques and most people suffering from bipolar disorders are given a combination of medicines.
Since bipolar disorder involves the individuals going through mania and depression the medication prescribed is what is known as mood stabilizing and anti depressant.

What this effectively means is that doctors prescribe mood stabilizers to control the mania and then anti depressants to take care of the depression. Lithium is the oldest and the most popular mood stabilizing medicine which is the most effective and is also known to reduce suicidal tendencies. However as with all medicines there are side effects of lithium too such as high blood pressure, retaining too much water and constipation.

Anti depressants are also used among patients however there is a need to be cautious so as to not induce mania after taking such anti depressants and normally they are prescribed and had only after mood stabilizers have been taken by the patient and the chances of going into mania reduce.

Another thing to keep in mind is that different patients react differently to medicines and it might take 4 - 6 weeks for a patient to react on a medicine. In such a case patients should not give up on the medicine. On the other hand patients should also not leave the medication too soon when they see the symptoms disappearing and take proper medical advise before leaving the treatment and make sure that they have completed their medication.

A pointer for friends and family would be that as the case of bipolar disorder increases in a person they refuse to admit that they have any illness at all and therefore compliance to medicine becomes difficult which becomes the responsibility of the relatives and friends of the patient.

Why The Medicinal Use Of L-Carnosine For Anxiety Works For You

Those who suffer from panic attacks and bouts of depression, among other psychological condition may benefit from the medicinal use of L-Carnosine for anxiety. This natural ingredient is a combination of two non-essential amino acids which boost the function and health of your whole body. This natural alternative health supplement acts as a great nerve tonic and supports healthy nervous system functions. When all of your organ systems work in harmony with one another, they stimulate the body's natural healing response to reach optimal health conditions.

How using L-Carnosine for anxiety prevents recurrent symptoms

The main culprit of psychological disorders that cause the sufferer to experience severe anxiety is nutrient and body substance level imbalances. Certain Ayurvedic medicinal practices state that any imbalance in the body leads to pathological conditions. Using natural L-Carnosine for anxiety reduces inflammation, interruption and chemical imbalances that cause the symptoms of this debilitating disorder. This natural ingredient has the ability of relaxing the nervous system so that the sufferer experiences a sense of calmness, even during times of stress and stimuli.

Healthy benefits associated with the use of L-Carnosine for anxiety

This alternative health supplement normalizes activity in the brain while the naturally occurring antioxidants actually protect cells from damage from different harmful substances. This amino acid extends the life of healthy cells and stimulates the proliferation of certain tissues in the brain to reduce the presence of symptoms. This creates a healing process that starts in the brain and spreads throughout the body. The application of L-Carnosine for anxiety influences the mind to operate efficiently without delay which is essential in receiving chemical and genetic information from the proteins included in this ingredient.

Clinical analysis of the natural L-Carnosine for anxiety

Clinical research has been performed on the therapeutic effects of this amino acid which is naturally present in the brain. This anti-oxidizing substance complements any therapy currently used by the sufferer because of its innate ability to block to effects of chemical and nutrient imbalances that cause the signs and symptoms of this disease. Your cells and nerves need to be revitalized to heal from the progressive effects of this disease. When individuals begin use of L-Carnosine for anxiety, they may feel a great reduction of debilitating symptoms that cause pain, depression, and other mental and emotional disorders.

Out tips and considerations when L-Carnosine is used for anxiety issues

This key ingredient has many revitalizing properties that enhance the function of all organ systems of the body, starting with the brain and nervous system. These key amino acids act as catalysts for biochemical reactions in the body which normalize and sustain healthy functions so that individuals can live a functional life. When this ingredient is used in combination with other vitamins, minerals, and ingredients, its healing power is amplified so that the ultimate rejuvenating effects can take place. Using medicinal L-Carnosine for anxiety is a great natural solution to help normalize internal body health.

Depression and Cricket

''Meet it and you do not see its face. Follow it and you do not see its back.''

- Lao Tzu

This is serious as we are beginning to hear more about depression within cricket circles. Is it an excuse to cop out, or something more? Actually its more than feeling low and when it affects someone it can be a serious illness. Getting through the day can be difficult and through life may seem impossible. This is why people with depression find it difficult to function each day as it affects their physical and mental health and robs them of the ability to think rationally. A cycle of depression can occur after a setback drags on and then other things happen which multiple the situation and the problem seem far worse.

Cricket is not immune and we have seen a number of cricketers affected by it in different ways over the years. A small, but significant number have taken their own lives by not being able to cope. Does the nature of cricket lead to frustration and disappointment? According to David Frith in his book 'Silence of the Heart, Cricket Suicides' professional cricketers statistically are more likely to take their own life than any other group of men in the west.

As you may have read earlier in this book, negative thinking affects feelings and therefore emotions. In sport psychology 'speak' depression is linked to burn out, mental exhaustion and unexplained underperformance syndrome - however they are all the same illness.

Knowledge is the first step in helping team mates who are suffering. ''Pull yourself together'' just will not work, neither is it advisable to sit back and say nothing if you know someone who is stumbling through. Look out for your team mates and assist where you can.

Everyone goes through hard times at some point in their careers, so it is important to have good friends and colleagues to help through the personal struggles of fitness, injury, form, family or work. At times like these it can be hard to know what to do, how to help your friend, or find it hard to ask for help if it affect you.

Diagnosis must be left to medical experts, however to understand something about depression it is important to understand how people can suffer from it. There are several features that can cause a cricketer to be depressed. Research has shown that depression can run in families for generations. Trauma and stress from financial problems, relationship breakdowns, family bereavement can all bring on depression.

Injury and illness can contribute to depression, partly because of the physical weakness and stress it brings on, while depression can make medical conditions worse as it weakens the immune system. Some medications can cause depression.

Depression may be caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, but these are due to the emotions being felt, or more likely, emotions not being felt and expressed, but being suppressed and bottled in. As the subconscious harbours negative and unhappy thoughts, the chemicals which makes us feel good, decrease.

Those good-feel chemicals are serotonin, dopamine and intrinsic endorphins. Serotonin manages contentment and plays a role in our quantity of appetite, aggression, anger, mood and sleep. Dopamine is associated with the feelings we get from reward after achieving a goal. People who lack dopamine are unmotivated and depressed. Endorphins are produced during strenuous exercise, excitement and sex and help us decide whether an experience is pleasurable or painful.

People become a slave to their minds and their emotions. Strong and traumatic events create turmoil in their lives. Anger turned inwards, unexpressed trapped emotions, repressed negative feelings, psychosomatic illness all cause feelings leading to phobia, panic attacks, extreme stress and depression.

There are numerous forms of depression. Slightly different symptoms may require different treatments. Briefly a major depression, also known as clinical depression, is classed as a depressed mood that lasts for at least two weeks. Psychotic depression is a depressed mood when the sufferers hallucinate, they see and hear things that are not there. There is also paranoia where they feel everyone is against them. Dysthymia is a less severe depressed mood which can last for years. There is mixed depression and anxiety which shows a combination of symptoms and bipolar disorder, formally known as manic depressive disorder which involves periods of feeling down reversed by feeling high.

How do you know if a person is depressed or just going through a bad time? There are some indications when sadness could progress to depression. Someone could be depressed if for more than two weeks they have been down, miserable or sad a majority of the time, or they have lost interest or enjoyment in most of their usual activities and experienced the warning signs in at least three of the following four categories:

1. Behaviour. They have stopped going out, they are not getting things done, turning to alcohol and sedatives, unable to concentrate and withdrawing from family and friends,

2. Feelings. Disappointment, frustration, guilt, indecisive, irritable, lack confidence, miserable, overwhelmed, unhappy.

3. Physical. Churning stomach, headaches, loss of appetite, muscular pains, run down, sleep problems, tiredness, weight loss or gain.

4. Irrational thoughts. ''I'm a failure,'' it's my fault,'' I'm worthless,'' my life's bad.''

It's not always easy to help a team mate because you may not know what to do or say for the best. Maybe they say they don't want any help. They have to accept they have a problem before it can be resolved. Denial can make it difficult for someone to take the first step in seeking help. Its important to stick with your team mates when times are rough for them, even if its just to listen. They need support from friends and family as well as doctors and psychologists.

To help someone show them interest. Encourage them to explain what they are thinking and feeling. Listen without interrupting. Don't show shock on your face. Don't make light of what they are saying. Don't look for quick fix solutions. Sympathise. Ask them what do they want to do about the problem.

Don't place more pressure on your mate by telling them to ''snap out of it.'' Don't avoid them. Don't pressure them to party more. Alcohol and substance abuse often appear alongside depression. Discourage your team mate or friend from using them. Eating disorders and anxiety also appear with depression.

Antidepressants from the doctor don't always help as it can become difficult to come off certain types due to withdrawal symptoms including anxiety. Correct counselling along with meditation enables the sufferer to adjust and change for the better. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has been recommended to combat mild to moderate depression as it breaks habitual negative thinking. Just talking to a counsellor can be a blessing. The counsellor may ask the sufferer to keep a diary and write down whenever they feel angry, anxious, guilty or upset in any way and describe what the feelings would achieve. This can challenge negative thoughts by considering positive alternatives.

Previous sufferers of clinical depression who have come off prescription drug addiction demonstrate a glimmer of hope with the mantra 'meditation not medication' relegating the grim period of their lives into the past. For some, medication can be the answer while others will respond better to CBT.

Help your mate get information, perhaps from a library, health centre or website. Help them make an appointment and go along with them if that is their wish. Have them remember past achievements and successes. Use guided visualisation with an outcome toward positive results, you learned visualisation earlier, didn't you! Encourage the person to get further involved in the club's social activities, fund raising or coaching juniors if appropriate.

Supporting someone who needs it can sometimes be difficult and emotionally draining, especially over an extended period. You don't have to go through it on your own. Find your own team mates, colleagues or counsellors to talk to. Make sure you continue to enjoy your cricket and other activities, take time out to have some fun and keep things in perspective.

The above article is taken from the authors book, A Mind 4 Cricket.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and the Stress Spiral

Stress and anxiety are an unfortunate, but sometimes necessary and inevitable feature of modern life.

As with diet, obesity, alcohol and smoking I am afraid that the news is simple. They have to be addressed.

Learning to deal with stress is something that can be consciously learned and practiced and new techniques have proven very effective.

A higher than average percentage of patients undergoing Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue treatment are, or were, engaged in high stress environments.

This may be or have been at home, as carers of relatives or young children. It may have been in work detail or during a divorce or home move.

Whatever the cause a significant increase in stress is frequently cited at the time of onset of the sufferers Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome symptoms.

As well as being implicated pre-onset, stress reactions are involved in the maintenance and exacerbation of the Syndrome post-onset.

Blood pressure, heart rate, the entire endocrine system which controls hormone production are all implicated and involved during stress reactions.

Unfortunately, the system that directly controls all these systems, the Autonomic Nervous System, in particular the Sympathetic Nervous System or "day nerve" remains malfunctional post-onset.

The result, unfortunately, will be an exacerbated negative reaction of your Fatigue and Fibromyalgia symptoms to stress and anxiety producing situations.

To make matters worse there is evidence that once activated the stress reaction lasts abnormally longer in patients afflicted with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Is CFS more common in stressed people?

Let me first give a very broad outline of how general medical advice is presented to Healthcare providers in diagnosing Fibromyalgia and CFS patients:

"frequently seen characteristics of CFS and Fibromyalgia patients

* People who through their own personal attitudes and anxieties tend to make their own lives mores stressful.

* People who are highly ambitious, they appear to be always active physically and mentally.

* People whose lives are fully absorbed coping with the needs and requirements of others.

* People who avoid taking the time they need for themselves to rest, relax and recuperate and build supportive relationships that are entirely their own.

*People who have difficulty finding others to confide in, so bottling up years of emotions and pain at times of bereavement or loss. "

In itself this is not an inaccurate description of frequently seen characteristics of Fibromyalgia and CFS sufferers. However it is so broad that it can describe patients with a multitude of other conditions.

As I have said many times the human body is a remarkably resilient organism, able to accommodate fantastic pressures and stresses, but as with all machines and organisms there comes a breaking point.

Stress appears to be a very large facilitating factor for people who become the unfortunate ones to develop CFS and Fibromyalgia post "trigger" infection or trauma.

A lesser, but still analogous example of stress related conditions is frequently referred to as "burnout", or simply "stress" and I quote.

"A series of personal life circumstances combine to create a "breaking point", for example; death of a close family member, chronic pain, moving house, bullying at work, divorce, separation, financial loss or redundancy have all been linked to detrimental changes in health "

How stress can become a causal factor in Fibromyalgia and CFS

The initial trauma that was the notable "trigger" of your CFS or Fibromyalgia is usually cited as a bacterial/viral or chemically invasive attack of some kind, but it has been noted that in some sufferers extreme acute stress, such as bereavement, divorce, bullying, extremes of overwork may also be a trigger for CFS symptoms in the absence of a notable infection or exposure.

This makes sense in that scientific evidence has shown conclusively that stress lowers our immune defenses against infection as witnessed by white blood cell and lymphocyte counts.

Also, stress has been shown to directly affect the body in the short to medium term causing extreme fatigue and more disabling problems such as migraine, impairment of concentration and memory and interrupted sleep patterns.

Fortunately, as a society we have been woken up to the negative effects of stress.

As is often the case it has taken the negative economic implications of stress to spur employers and healthcare providers into action.

Sufferers no longer have to fight against the labeling that was common with previous generations which took the basic premise that "stress, depression and anxiety are all in the mind and are a sign of weakness"

How stress can maintain and exacerbate CFS and Fibromyalgia

Stress, depression and anxiety are known to slow down and in severe cases prevent recovery from infectious illnesses, and this is partly where the confusion and malpractice surrounding the CFS/depression arena was instigated and fed by general practice and psychologists over the last few decades.

The dividing line between the two conditions can appear very close to the untrained eye, but on closer inspection CFS and Fibromyalgia do in fact have a totally unique subset of features when compared to depression of any type.

To further muddy the waters both CFS and depression cause physical symptoms which can be similar to each other on initial presentation and also there is crossover with the symptoms of various infectious illnesses of the rheumatic and auto-immune spectrum.

As I have mentioned several times in my text, establishment apathy and nonchalance about the true nature of CFS and Fibromyalgia have lead to it being sidelined as a subdivision of psychology and particularly depression.

Historically, when help is sought, sufferers are left feeling isolated and misunderstood to the extent that they will begin to hide their symptoms, live in denial worried about other peoples reactions, and press on regardless while understating their illness.

Unfortunately, these typical reactions only serve to heighten overall stress levels which is precisely the opposite of the reaction needed for recuperation and so leads to a further exacerbation and worsening of symptoms.

A lot of sufferers understandably avoid further professional help.

Some work very hard to find a cure and convince people that CFS/ME/Fibromyalgia is a real illness. This leads to sufferers experiencing a desperate urgency to recover which is met and fed by a cynical and irresponsible health industry full of fake cures, miracle pills and treatments.

All this while sufferers are feeling threatened, scared, angry, stigmatized and generally ill.

The stress cycle goes even higher, and the result, sufferers sink even lower.

There are times in a person life when it may become particularly difficult to actually be ill at all.

For example as a carer of an ill relative, or a baby or young children, during a period of house renovation or construction, the demands of work as primary source of income.

In the absence of people that can help practically and emotionally in these life scenarios it can be very difficult to actually say "STOP".

Traditional medicine understood the importance of recuperation, rest, relaxation and contemplation as an important therapeutical facet of overcoming serious illnesses and infections.

In the presence of a frightening array of diseases which are now largely purged from modern society, and the absence of powerful antibiotics and antivirals, painkillers and analgesics, the body was largely left to its own devices.

In Traditional medicine patients were often treated with herbal tonics and natural cures, a lot of these were incidentally quite effective but have now been largely forgotten, dismissed or dismantled and reproduced in synthetic form to provide the basis of 75% of modern pharmaceuticals.

However the primary strategy of the era involved long periods of rest and recuperation.

By contrast, modern medicine and society place more importance on masking the symptoms, " keeping a stiff upper lip", "knocking it on the head" and "getting back on the job" as quickly as possible.

A "get well quick" protocol which unfortunately is completely at odds with a recuperative strategy for illnesses such as CFS and fibromyalgia.

Learning to control and reduce stress is an important and essential adjunct to any CFS and Fibromyalgia recovery strategy.

You will need to learn how to recognize stress and how to short circuit the sequence of events that leads to a "stress spiral".

Techniques of physical and psychological relaxation are essential and very effective.

Learning when to say NO is essential and avoiding all events and activities that place you under unnecessary stress or anxiety are essential in the short to medium term.

In my next article on this subject I will be talking about techniques that can be used effectively to short circuit and alleviate stress and anxiety at home, in the car and at the workplace.

ADHD Symptoms and Why Drugs Don't Work

For many years, Ritalin and Adderall have been the most common treatment for ADHD symptoms. Many people, including physicians who ought to know better, still believe that children who suffer from attention deficit disorder have an "inborn defect" which makes them different from supposedly "normal" children; as a result, central nervous system stimulants such as Ritalin have a "paradoxical effect" (the theory goes) upon them, calming them down and helping them to focus rather than exciting them. In a recent article from the New York Times, Dr. Alan Sroufe of Minnesota's Institute for Child Development disputes this theory and shows that these drugs had exactly the same effect on radar operators during World War II; he also found that "all children, whether they had attention problems or not, responded to stimulant drugs the same way."

In other words, children who suffer from ADHD symptoms don't have an inborn defect, and there's no evidence for the supposed "paradoxical effect" of the most common ADHD medications. Ritalin and Adderall are stimulants -- "uppers", as we used to call them during my youth -- and anyone who has relied upon them to get through exams week understands their short-term benefits. Like other amphetamines, these drugs help you to focus your attention and to engage in "boring" tasks (like studying for your biology final) for an extended period of time -- say, that all-nighter while you're cramming.

As the body adapts to these drugs, the short-term benefits often fade (just as the short-term benefits of taking anti-depressants fade after 6-8 weeks). They also have unpleasant side effects such as sleeplessness and loss of appetite, feelings of dullness and changes in personality; they've also been linked to intermittent psychotic episodes. Anyone familiar with the side effects of other drugs that affect neurotransmitters in the neural synapse (the SSRIs, for example) has to wonder if nerve damage may also result from using Ritalin and Adderall long-term.

As with adults who stop taking SSRIs for depression, children who discontinue stimulants for ADHD symptoms also demonstrate the "rebound effect"; their behavior worsens, which then convinces parents that the drugs were actually "working", when in fact their children's bodies have adapted to the drug in their system and strongly react to its withdrawal. Adults may have a similar response if they suddenly stop drinking coffee or quit smoking. For similar reasons, the worsening of depression symptoms after stopping the use of SSRIs often convinces patients that the drugs were actually "working".

Due to aggressive marketing by the APA and the pharmaceutical industry, along with the nearly universal wish to believe that psychiatric problems and societal ills can be solved by taking a pill, physicians and parents have come to rely on medication as the preferred mode of treatment, especially when they hear of studies showing brain anomalies in children who suffer from ADHD symptoms. If you're familiar with the work of Allan Schore, you know that brain anomalies also result from failures in early attachment, during the first year of life. It's quite likely that ADHD symptoms and the brain scan anomalies found in children who suffer from those symptoms result from experience.

Since 1995, Dr. Sroufe and his colleagues at the Minnesota Institute for Child Development have been following 200 children born into poverty, thus more vulnerable to behavioral problems. His and other epidemiological studies have found that the environment of the child is a better predictor for the development of ADD problems than IQ or infant temperament, including activity level. These studies tell us that what happens to you during infancy and early childhood will shape you (and your brain) for life.

I have close friends whose son, born prematurely, suffers from ADHD symptoms. His premature birth and the experience of those early months of life color his family, peer and academic relationships to this day. I've known others who suffer from attention deficit disorder, with family backgrounds full of chaos and instability which likely influenced the development of their ADHD symptoms. Helping someone recover from such early deficits is a highly complex and difficult challenge; it's so much easier and deceptively comforting to believe that you can prescribe your way out of the problem, rather than trying to do something about the complex interaction between societal woes, family fragmentation and neurological development. In a similar vein, it's much simpler to buy into the widespread belief that SSRIs will cure your depression than face the facts: making a meaningful difference in your state of mind means engaging in the difficult and long-term work of psychotherapy.

Drama Queens - Do You Attract Drama in Your Life Or Business?

One of my incredible mentors raised an interesting question in a teleclass this week: Do you attract drama in your life or business?

Your first impulse might be to deny it. But what is drama really?

The dictionary definition of "drama" is a state, situation, or series of events involving interesting or intense conflict of forces, or excessively emotional performances or reactions.

Well, I don't know about you, but if that is how drama is defined, I certainly can't say that I haven't experienced my fair share of it.

And if you are launching or running your own business, it is likely you have too.

What does drama do to us? Well, drama creates stress. And unless you have been living under a rock for the past few years, chances are that you have heard about what stress can do to your body. A quick refresher:

"The body doesn't distinguish between physical and psychological threats. When you're stressed over a busy schedule, an argument with a friend, a traffic jam, or a mountain of bills, your body reacts just as strongly as if you were facing a life-or-death situation. If you have a lot of responsibilities and worries, your emergency stress response may be "on" most of the time. The more your body's stress system is activated, the easier it is to trip and the harder it is to shut off.

Long-term exposure to stress can lead to serious health problems. Chronic stress disrupts nearly every system in your body. It can raise blood pressure, suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, contribute to infertility, and speed up the aging process. Long-term stress can even rewire the brain, leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety and depression."

Yuck, right? I know that none of us want to face these physical and emotional risks.

So, how do we prevent ourselves from becoming another stress-related statistic? The answer lies in the simple question: Do you create drama, attract it, seek it out...Are you a drama junkie?

This takes some real soul-searching to get to the answer.

The first place to look is your past to see if there are patterns that you can see in your life - patterns in your relationships, your work experiences, your family, your money situation, etc.... Most of us continue in the same kind of cycles in life until we become aware of those cycles and make a firm decision to change their experiences and the results of those experiences.

Remember that famous quote by Albert Einstein about cycles? He said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

I am here to say that drama is just about the most destructive cycle you can get caught in as a business owner. Besides the awful physical and emotional havoc it can wreck on you, it can also undo all of your hard work, make forward progress difficult if not impossible, and can even ruin valued relationships.

Any way you look at it, drama can hurt you, your business and your bottom line.

So, where is YOUR drama?

In your environment? Is your office a mess? Do you have clutter in your workspace? Are you months behind on your filing?

In your wallet? Are you up to date on your bookkeeping? Do you have a box, file or pile of receipts building up that you keep forgetting to do something with? Do you have unpaid bills or an unbalanced bank account?

In your relationships? Do you have someone in your life who sucks up all of your energy? Someone who discourages you or actively criticizes you? Do you have a relationship that is riddled with arguments, resentment or weighty expectations?

Can you see where I am going with this? I think if we are all honest with each other, we all have some area or areas where there is drama. In fact, many of us have likely learned to live with it day-in and day-out, the weight of it pushing down on us. We have learned to tune out the warning bells, the adrenaline rush, the frustration and to just live with the drama like it is an inevitable part of our lives.

Drama should not be an inevitable part of our lives on a regular basis. True, life always changes and always sends us curve-balls and tragedy. We all have our crosses to bear at one time or another.

But accepting daily drama and pain isn't healthy and it will keep you from true success, true happiness and living your truth.

If you are on this blog, chances are you want success, happiness and the chance to be your true self, so it is time to address the sources of drama in your life.

Some of them are easier to deal with than others, but you really can deal with any kind of drama.

If your office is a mess, you can devote an afternoon to clearing it out and getting organized. Better yet, pay someone to do it for you on a regular basis and devote your time to activities that move you forward. It is also much easier to quickly eliminate the chaos and drama when you bring someone in who isn't emotionally connected to your drama. She can be unemotional and efficient about clearing the clutter, whereas you might be bogged down in the emotional connection to the things you need cleared out.

If you face money drama, that can be overwhelming, but it can be eliminated. For starters, hire a good bookkeeper to handle your books and to enter receipts on a weekly or monthly basis. She can also balance your accounts for you and keep you on top of bills that need to be paid. Pay her to do her job, and focus your time on what you do well, which will in turn result in more revenue and less money drama. That does NOT mean ignore your finances, though. Make sure you stay connected to what is happening and that your bookkeeper educates you weekly on all of your accounts.

If you face drama in your relationships, that one can be harder to deal with, especially if the person who brings drama into your life is a spouse, parent, child or best friend. This is a very complicated subject for a blog post, but I urge you to think about ways to eliminate the drama in those relationships. It might require counseling, or carving out space for yourself each week, or it might ultimately require that you (sadly) end the relationship. If you have people in your life who are toxic, that is always going to undermine your attempts to achieve your dream life. You need to surround yourself with people who believe in you, who are your fans and champions, and who give you honest feedback that builds you up and helps you progress (honesty is NOT the same as criticism or harsh words).

I know a lot of this is easier said than done, but all you have to do is just START. You just need to take baby steps and make sure you renew your commitment on a daily basis to eliminating drama in your life and business. Taking the first baby step is a movement towards breaking the cycle of insanity. It will open up your horizons, free you to a new future and you will find that you have renewed energy, enthusiasm and strength, all of which you need in order to find your business brilliance!

Good luck and let me know how it is going for each of you!

p.s. If you need some direction, you might want to consider my programs. My clients who want greater support and a tribe of their own often seek out my coaching programs and bootcamps, which provide the tools, support and encouragement that accelerates them towards success and turbo-charges their journey towards bliss and business brilliance.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Aspergers Syndrome - Shedding Light on Aspergers Syndrome - Depression Traits

Aspergers syndrome, if left untreated, can be a major cause of depression as a consequence of anxiety and loneliness, two emotions Asperger autism sufferers may experience.

Asperger's syndrome is exhibited in a higher ratio of males to females. Sufferers displaying aspergers syndrome depression traits may do so in response to a growing awareness of their disability and an ongoing clinical inability to cope with the social, occupational and emotional impairment symptomatic of Aspergers disorder.

Children and adults with Aspergers disorder alike can experience social dislocation by virtue of a restrictive preoccupation with one or a series of interests and the intense focus attributed to their topic.

Whilst there is no 'cure' for Aspergers syndrome in the sense of eliminating it's presence, there are interventionist approaches aimed at treating the underlying cause which are prevention driven, or rehabilitational. There are also more traditional methods to treat the side effects of Aspergers syndrome which can accompany the condition, such as depression. Such interventions can include psychotherapy to assist in the processing of feelings caused by an awareness or perception of a self held social disability, behavioral modification, parent education for children with Aspergers, or medication which may include the proscription of anti-depressants.

With children who have Aspergers syndrome, the teaching of problem solving skills, and the learned ability to interpret body language and recognise when their emotions are being triggered by external stimuli is important.

The maintenance of good health and fitness can also act as a deterrent to symptomatic depression, lack of energy and stress.

Enquiry into the Personal Maladjustment Pattern Among Alcoholics Following De-addiction Treatment

Alcoholism is matter of serious concern, not confined to any group, culture or country. Universally it creates professional, social, financial, legal, medical, psychological, and familial problems. The cost of alcoholism to the society is staggering by any account. Lost working days, accidents and related disability, family disruptions and resulting juvenile problems, and direct medical complications of alcohol abuse add up to a significant proportion of loss to nations` economy and well being. Alcoholism thus becomes a complex phenomenon deserving attention from different angles.

Studies have reveled that alcoholics" families acquire certain typical coping strategies within the family system (Orford, 1975, Glassner and Loughlin, 1987). This invariably evokes further stress, feelings of hopelessness, withdrawnness and depression in alcoholics. Thus, a vicious cycle of alcohol, stress and maladjustment is found to exist. In the post de-addiction treatment phase, this situation is expected to change. The treatment as such and its positive outcome should bring in a new atmosphere to the family. In spite of differences, all treatment modalities for de-addiction aims at improved family relations and better social adjustments. A positive change in adjustment skills is necessary to keep the person sober after treatment. Psychotherapy, practice of relaxation, family counseling, rehabilitation counseling, and group therapies are deferent methods of attaining this goal. Do these techniques work in the long run? Does participation in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings modify a person's adjustment skills?

The present study therefore attempts to investigate the nature of change in Maladjustment among alcoholic patients in the immediate three years following de-addiction treatment.


The central theme of the present investigation is to study the nature of maladjustment among alcoholics in the immediate three years following de-addiction treatment.

1. To find out maladjustment among alcoholics in the immediate three years following de-addiction treatment.

2. To find out whether deferent treatment methods, viz. regular attendance to AA meetings and practice of relaxation are effective in modifying the maladjustment patterns present in alcoholics in the immediate three years following de-addiction treatment.


Sample of the study consisted of 166 male alcoholics admitted in deferent de_addiction centers in Kerala. Their age ranged from 26 to 53 (mean 34, SD12.5). All subjects belonged to middle socio economic class. Duration of alcohol consumption ranged from 4 to 23 yrs. (mean 14.5, SD 9.6)


Mathew Maladjustment Inventory

Mathew maladjustment inventory (MMI), assesses five major aspects of maladjustment viz., anxiety, depression, mania, inferiority, and paranoia. The test is reported to have high degree of content validity. The coefficient of reliability (split half) of the subscales ranged from 0.6 to 0.9, the total score having a reliability of 0.9 (Mathew, 1975)


Present investigation is an experimental study with two independent variables and a dependent variable. First independent variable is the participation Ss in AA meetings, Second independent variable is the Relaxation training given to the Ss.Dependent variable is General Maladjustment.

A sample of 166 alcoholics who were admitted for de-addiction treatment was chosen for the study. Out of the sample,60 Ss were randomly assigned to the first group ( Exp Gr.1,regular participation in AA meetings) ,another 60 Ss were randomly assigned to the second group (Exp Gr.2, regular practice of relaxation).The second group was given training on relaxation techniques, viz. Jacobson's relaxation and Benson`s relaxation, and were advised to continue it regularly. Rest of the sample, (n 46) were kept as control group.

MMI was administered to the whole sample at the time of admission and base line data on maladjustment was obtained. During the study, Ss were assessed on maladjustment, after 2 months, 1 year, 2 year and 3 year periods.
The final sample consisted of only those subjects who were regular for follow-ups. Exp Gr.1, Exp Gr.2, and control group for final analysis consisted of 46, 48, and 32 Ss respectively. It may be noted that the size were 60, 60, and 46 respectively for the three groups.

3 X 5 Univariate analysis was conducted on scores on maladjustment among the three groups during the three year period. A graph was plotted.


Results are presented in tables 1 and 2.There is no significant difference among groups on their scores on general maladjustment. However the scores were found varying significantly across duration of treatment. (F=72.5, P