Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Aspergers Syndrome - Shedding Light on Aspergers Syndrome - Depression Traits

Aspergers syndrome, if left untreated, can be a major cause of depression as a consequence of anxiety and loneliness, two emotions Asperger autism sufferers may experience.

Asperger's syndrome is exhibited in a higher ratio of males to females. Sufferers displaying aspergers syndrome depression traits may do so in response to a growing awareness of their disability and an ongoing clinical inability to cope with the social, occupational and emotional impairment symptomatic of Aspergers disorder.

Children and adults with Aspergers disorder alike can experience social dislocation by virtue of a restrictive preoccupation with one or a series of interests and the intense focus attributed to their topic.

Whilst there is no 'cure' for Aspergers syndrome in the sense of eliminating it's presence, there are interventionist approaches aimed at treating the underlying cause which are prevention driven, or rehabilitational. There are also more traditional methods to treat the side effects of Aspergers syndrome which can accompany the condition, such as depression. Such interventions can include psychotherapy to assist in the processing of feelings caused by an awareness or perception of a self held social disability, behavioral modification, parent education for children with Aspergers, or medication which may include the proscription of anti-depressants.

With children who have Aspergers syndrome, the teaching of problem solving skills, and the learned ability to interpret body language and recognise when their emotions are being triggered by external stimuli is important.

The maintenance of good health and fitness can also act as a deterrent to symptomatic depression, lack of energy and stress.

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