Monday, January 6, 2014

Recognizing the Signs of Depression - Know When Help is Needed

It is important that each individual knows the signs of depression. A loved-one may be suffering from this condition and might need your help badly. How are you going to find out if somebody close to you is having depression? Recognize the signs and symptoms.

Depression is manifested by individuals in a different manner which means that one person's behaviour may differ from another one who has this same disorder. In most cases, depression is episodic and each time a person comes into this episode, the experience is almost always the same. The following are manifestations of depression:

  • When a person loses interest in his/her usual activities

  • Loneliness

  • Mood swings

In other cases, depression may be multi-symptomatic and will present itself with the following symptoms:

  1. In despair and doubtful

  2. Lack of importance

  3. Feeling associated with guilt

  4. Lack of patience and becoming more unpredictable

  5. Eating disorders which could either result to drop in weight or sudden increase in weight

  6. Suicidal tendencies

  7. Sleeping disorders, restlessness, irregularities in sleeping patterns

  8. Lack of energy and will

  9. Difficulty in concentrating, lack of focus and inability to make decisions

The following are the signs that indicate that a person suffering from depression needs to seek help from a professional.

  • Suicidal attempts or tendencies

  • Mood swings are becoming more severe

  • Depression is secondary to certain problems or is linked to other conditions

  • Lack of control in life

  • Easily becomes overwhelmed; troublesome feelings, anxiousness, dejectedness and lack of control

  • Behaves in a harmful manner and shows signs of addiction

  • Chest pain

When dealing with a depressed individual, it is important to use a kind approach. Give enough consideration to the person. This can be done in two ways.

1. Provide support by helping the person find the most appropriate treatment. Encourage the person to complete the treatment and comply with it until improvement becomes apparent. If no improvement is being noted, seek other treatment options.

2. Provide emotional support which involves being patient with the person. Give enough consideration and approach the person calmly and lovingly. Do not ignore signs that indicate suicidal attempts. You may choose to speak with the medical practitioner yourself about the person's condition or if you notice strange behaviour. Gentle persistence is required if no steps are done. Encourage the person to join various fun activities that can make him/her happy.

Do not think that the person is just being lazy or trying to fake his/her illness. Avoid having an impression that the person will come out of the habit soon. Without adequate and proper management, a depressed person's condition can get worse and he/she may have difficulty bouncing back to normal life. Take the time to comfort the person and assure him/her that proper treatment can make things better gain.

Where can you get help?

You can extend help to a friend or loved-one who is suffering from depression by initiating the idea of proper treatment. There are a lot of people who suffer from depression and anybody's case cannot be considered isolated. Depression could happen to anyone. Encourage a depressed person to become vocal about what he/she is going through.

In any case that you feel insufficient to provide help, consulting a doctor or health practitioner is the best thing to do. Visiting a mental health institution or a therapist that deals with depression can be beneficial. If possible, you have the option to assist in taking the person for treatment. It may seem that the person has no problem at all and there is no need to seek for medical help.

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