Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Fight Depression - Memory Loss Naturally

Has it ever occurred to you that you are forgetful when you are in a sad mood? If yes, then you had probably experienced a short term memory loss triggered by depression. The root of the question is the connection between depression and memory loss. At its worst, depression can snatch away from you your ability to concentrate, your appetite, your sleep and the pleasures of life.

Memory loss can render anyone in a helpless situation and vulnerable to adversity. The condition can be caused by different factors such as an accident or a head injury, a stroke and diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson and chronic depression. Among them, depression is one of the most common mental illnesses affecting nearly 3-5% of the world's population. The feeling of sadness associated with depression may surface from time to time whereas in cases of clinical depression it may continue over a period of days or weeks at a stretch.

Besides memory loss, depression is also known to induce a feeling of worthlessness or bout of excessive guilt, loss of interest in food, sex, entertainment, recurrent suicidal tendency and fatigue. This mental disorder if left untreated may lead to serious psychological problems or even suicide in severe cases. A depressed person generally losses his or her concentration power, as a result of which the learning ability is highly impaired and the condition further deteriorates into a lack of mental alertness and focus.

Some researchers associate the increasing number of depression cases in the world to the high involvement of stressful activities in our lives. The administration of herbal supplements in the treatment procedure for depression can ensure higher chances of overcoming the illness without leaving harmful side-effects on the body. Most health experts recommend physical practice remedies like yoga, meditation and other exercises for the effective control of the mind and the body.

The science of Ayurveda has been passed over from ancient times, down to the generations and it is considered a vital tool in prolonging life. Its treatment methods are based on the composition of ingredients found in nature. Aswagandha is a plant widely used in Ayurvedic treatment as a mood-stabilizer because of its anti-depressant properties. Hence, this herb is highly effective in combating clinical conditions such as anxiety and depression.

Opting for Ayurvedic health supplements for depression or memory loss supplements can help lessen anxiety without causing unpleasant side effects and it also helps restore the emotional balance. DeprsnCare is naturally designed to help your mind relax and be at the comfort zone. A calm mind is capable of striking a balance between the acid and the alkaline which restores the natural autonomic nervous system.

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