Monday, April 28, 2014

Getting the Facts About Depression

Depression can come in many varieties and is defined as an abnormal and persistent mood state characterized by sadness, downheartedness, slowed mental processes, and changes in essential physical patterns such as sleeping and eating. If you feel like you may meet the above criteria you are not alone. It is estimated that on any given day, 121 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Over the course of the year, about 7 percent of the worlds men and 10 percent of the worlds women face the devilish mental disorder known as depression. While the above numbers may seem incredibly large they have continue to increase. Experts are somewhat perplexed by the continuing rise and ideas are mixed as to how to stem the tide of depression cases. But what is undisputed is that depression is a dangerous condition that robs a person of happiness, joy, and the capacity to receive love.

Major depression is a common disorder. It usually starts when a person is in their early 20s, although it seems to be becoming a more common and serious problem in teens and children. In some cases, the first depressive episode is preceded by milder but recurring symptoms, which over time manifest themselves as depression. Depression is normally chronic and may come and go over periods of months or years. In some, depression can become chronic, creating challenges both in treatment and in the daily lives of those impacted. Depression often co-exists with other conditions such as ADHD, anorexia nervosa, bulimia, obsessive compulsive disorder, and substance abuse. Anxiety can also lead to depression is allowed to fester over time.

The exact cause of this condition is unclear, though many experts believe it is linked to neurotransmitter chemical activity in the brain. The fact that over 30 percent more women struggle with depression is likely attributable to the differences in sex hormones in men and women, since women are predisposed to two types of depression (postpartum depression and premenstrual syndrome), both of which are linked to fluctuations in hormone levels. Depression may be inherited and tends to have a hereditary component. Life events, such as a emotional distress, job loss, marital problems, loss of a loved one, divorce, childhood neglect, financial difficulties, and physical illnesses such as cancer and stroke are all major contributing factors.

What Next? Certainly is you are suffering from depression finding help should be your number one priority. You will have a number of different options including conventional medications, psychotherapy, and natural remedies all of which approach depression in different ways; with each method having its benefits. While this may be true many people are choosing to give natural therapies, such as herbal remedies, a try due to their lack of side effects. Two of the most effective herbal ingredients commonly used to overcome mild to moderate depression are St.John's wort and passionflower. Herbal remedies which are able to harness the power of St.John's wort and passionflower are a safe and effective way to treat depression and can be used both as a standalone treatment, or when called for, in combination with other non-prescription therapies for maximum impact.

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