Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What is Bipolar Anxiety - Is Bipolar Anxiety Dangerous?

As defined in Wikipedia: "Bipolar anxiety or disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a category of mood disorders defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated mood clinically referred to as mania or, if milder, hypomania. Individuals who experience manic episodes also commonly experience depressive episodes or symptoms, or mixed episodes in which features of both mania and depression are present at the same time. These episodes are usually separated by periods of "normal" mood, but in some individuals, depression and mania may rapidly alternate, known as rapid cycling. Extreme manic episodes can sometimes lead to psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations."

Explanation of the above paragraph in plain English:
For most people there are times when they feel anxious or stressed. This is a normal occurrence in our lives at some point in time. This type of anxiety or stress is not usually harmful. For those who let the anxiety take over their lives the situation can become serious if not properly treated and dealt with.

For some they experience depression and mood swings that become quite severe. It affects their thinking and can interfere with their personal relationships. They may have difficulty concentrating and performing their daily duties. Those people may be suffering from bipolar anxiety.

It is not uncommon for someone who suffers from severe anxiety to also be bipolar. The combination of these two disorders can be devastating to their lives. They may find that if they suffer from bipolar anxiety they will not be able to hold down a job or contribute anything to friendships they have formed with others. It is very important for those who suffer from bipolar anxiety get help to overcome the problem. Only then will they be able to live a normal and happy life.

Most people who are bipolar will also suffer from anxiety. It seems the two most often go together. It is often difficult for doctors to diagnose bipolar anxiety because either disorder can mimic the other.

If you suffer from panic attacks and experience significant fear, followed by periods of severe depression it is a good sign that you suffer from bipolar anxiety. Often symptoms will develop in children and grow worse with age.

A person who suffers from bipolar anxiety may find that it is difficult to get a good night's sleep. They may experience fear that they will not wake up or that something bad will happen to them while they are asleep. They may go to great lengths to avoid sleeping because of their fear. Often those who suffer from bipolar anxiety will pace the floor to ward off the sleep.

People who suffer from bipolar anxiety may also attempt to commit suicide because they feel this is the only way to get out of their situation. Many feel that life is hopeless and nothing is going to get any better for them. If the disorder gets this bad it is extremely important to get help.

You may need to consult your doctor to get the help you need to cope with both bipolar and anxiety. Often medication can be of considerable help. You should also find a friend or a coach that you can confide in. Talking your way through and episode may help give you the confidence you need to take control.

Try to determine what causes you to feel anxious or depressed. Often you will find that there are certain triggers that bring on an attack. Recognizing those triggers can help you to either avoid them or prepare for them. The worst thing that you can do is to try and keep everything bottled up inside.

Many people also find that certain relaxation techniques will be very helpful in combating the symptoms of a bipolar anxiety attack. Deep breathing exercises may help because it takes your mind off of what is bothering you. Taking a walk can also help. Getting outside and enjoying nature is a great way to relax and take stock of your life.

If you suffer from bipolar anxiety the worst thing you can do is nothing. Seek the help that you need to help you deal with the problem. In the end you will be glad you did.

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