Saturday, May 10, 2014

Not All Whiplash Claims Will Lead To A Compensation - Here Is Why

What is whiplash? It's an injury to the soft tissue by jolting the head either backward (hypertension) or forward (hyperflexion), extending the neck suddenly. The pain can be immediate, or sometimes take a few days. If your head was turned to the side when injured, the injury can be worse.

The most common reason for whiplash claims is due to an accident on the road. Nearly 20% of people involved in road accidents sustain whiplash. The vehicle doesn't have to be driving fast to cause whiplash. In a survey performed in 2006, apparently it depends on your head and body's distance from the back/head rest. The closer the better as far as whiplash is concerned.

You can still make a whiplash claim even after other injuries occur such as a head injury as well as repetitive, long-term neck damage. There's no set time on whiplash recovery. It could take a long time. And if you've missed work, then you should be compensated for lost wages.

How do you know if you have whiplash? Well, through x-ray, but also by symptoms such as neck, arm, shoulder pain, dizziness, headache and even loss of memory, depression, ringing ears and trouble concentrating. See your doctor if you are unsure. Any doctors' bills accumulated due to your whiplash needs to be filed with your claim.

A National Accident Helpline exists where you can file a claim online, or chat with a professional if you have any questions.

What you need to know when filing a whiplash claim, and hence, keeping your claim from being denied:

  • Do not fake an injury or an accident

  • Don't overwork your body - it is important to rest, as whiplash can be quite painful if strained. Also, you may be accused of worsening the injury.

  • Do not admit any liability - do not apologize or admit that you may have been at fault. If the other person was injured, you may be in a lot of trouble.

  • Don't grab a witness that was not at the scene of the accident. His or her story may not match up with yours. Then, your claim will be immediately denied.

It is hard to calculate a figure when talking about whiplash claims. Here's what you need to know:

  • Know your injury's severity - this goes along with lost wages. The severity often decides how slow or fast the claim will move.

  • Were you at fault-you need to know this

  • Where was the accident located - good to know to find out the city, state or even countries rules for whiplash compensation.

  • Your quality of life after the injury

  • Your attorney's experience - especially if he or she specializes in whiplash claims, can make or break the claim.

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