Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Men Suffer From Depression Too

Most research shows that women are much more likely than men to suffer from depression, but that doesn't mean that men never have the problem. Depression in men is often overlooked due to the fact that men are very reluctant to let their true emotions show, they think it will make seem like a wimp, rather than the tough guy they think they should be. For the same reason, fewer men suffering from depression will seek treatment. If all of the men who suffer from depression were to step forward, chances are there wouldn't be a lot of difference in the statistics when compared with the number of women who also have depression.

It can be extremely difficult to get most men to talk about their lives and their feelings, and most physicians are aware of that fact, and shy away from any touchy subjects as much as possible. Men often think they should tough their problems out on their own, rather than seek professional treatment. They hold their emotions and feelings inside until they can no longer cope with them, causing even more and more problems for themselves.

Oftentimes, the symptoms of depression that men experience are quite different than those reported by most women sufferers. Depression symptoms experienced by men may seem like any other health complaint, including general muscle and joint pain, extreme fatigue and less energy, insomnia, and appetite changes. Men will often express their feeling through violent emotions, such as anger and physical outbursts. They will often begin to drown their sorrows and problems with alcohol or drugs, rather than admit they have a problem and seek treatment. Due to the symptoms they usually suffer from, men often don't even think about the fact that they may be depressed. They know there is a problem, but they can't say just what it is. If they do talk to a physician, who treats them for depression, they are often shocked to find out that all of their symptoms disappear.

In some scientific research, the link between depression and the hormone testosterone has been questioned. We do know that as men get older, they have less and less testosterone in their system, a common finding in men who are older than fifty years of age. It also seems that the problem may be worsened with excessive alcohol consumption, extreme stress, and being moderately overweight, or obese.

Many doctors who have a male patient that comes in with symptoms which may indicate depression will immediately order a test to determine the level of testosterone in his body. The doctor may also test other hormone levels in the body, and if they come back irregular, he may first try treating the problem with some hormone supplements. If the patient seems to be suffering from deep depression, chances are the problem is not related to hormonal changes, and the physician will probably go ahead and prescribe an antidepressant medication, along with a referral to a mental health professional for therapy.

Treating men with testosterone supplements sounds like an easy fix for depression sufferers around the world, but unfortunately, the supplements can only be taken safely for a short period of time. Testosterone supplements taken on a regular basis have been known to cause prostate problems, including cancer, cardiac disease, liver malfunction, hair loss, or severe headaches. Supplements may also decrease the body's ability to create testosterone on its own, leading to even more problems once the supplement has to be discontinued.
Before taking testosterone supplements, you should be thoroughly evaluated by your physician, and do some research to make sure that you feel the benefits outweigh the risks. Talk to your doctor, and together you can come to the best decision for you.

For men, depression is usually triggered by problems or demotions on the job, loss of physical ability due to health issues, etc. When seeking treatment for depression, men should remember that they are showing incredible strength just by coming forward and admitting that they need help. Men are much more likely to commit suicide if they ignore their depression and fail to seek treatment. So, take steps now to get the help you need, before you make a mistake with your life that cannot be changed.

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