Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Some Tell-Tale Signs of Postpartum Syndrome and Some Preventive Measures

Postpartum syndrome, more commonly known as the "baby blues", is one of the most common problems linked with children and was documented as early as the 19th century. This syndrome is best identified by the depression the woman experiences within four weeks after giving birth. It affects approximately 13% of women after childbirth, with one out of every eight deliveries in the US leading to this syndrome. It can also lead to more serious type of psychosis, which affects one of every thousand women.

Sadly, only half of the people with this syndrome are detected. And those who remain undiagnosed can result with devastating outcomes not only on themselves, but also on their family. What's more, postpartum syndrome is not just exclusive to women.

Contrary to common misconception, men can also experience this syndrome as well, with 10% of new fathers reported to experience such a condition. And much like with women, the symptoms of postpartum syndrome in men is the difficulty of caring for their children on their own while suffering from depression.

The said syndrome can be harmful to one's mental and emotional health as well as those people around you, so early detection and prevention is crucial in order to keep it from ruining what should be the joyful even of childbirth.


The onset of postpartum syndrome usually occurs within four weeks after giving birth. These include feelings of severe sadness, emptiness, and emotional numbness. People who suffer from this psychological disturbance are also easy to cry and do so often, as well as irritable and quick to anger. There is also the tendency to withdraw from relationships with family, friends and from activities that are normally pleasurable to the sufferer, as they feel a strong sense of failure or inadequacy. The depression may also cause a constant feeling of tiredness, sleep difficulties, overeating or loss of appetite.

In addition, postpartum syndrome can also cause the sufferer to experience intense concern and anxiety about the baby or lack of interest. In the worst cases, sufferers may have suicidal thoughts or fears of harming the baby, delusions and false beliefs, hallucinations, and other severe depressive symptoms.


If you feel that you are prone to postpartum depression or have experienced it in the past, the first recommended course of action is to get in touch with your doctor, therapist, psychiatrist, and other professional healthcare provider. If you have experienced this syndrome before and treated successfully with medication, you may want to think about taking the medication again immediately after giving birth.

It is also important that you talk with your partner and other loved ones; let them know what you might go through and what might help in dealing with you suffering this type of psychological problem. You should also establish a support plan in case you do experience postpartum syndrome. Assign someone to help you take care of your baby, for example, or get in touch with a postpartum doula to help you ease through this troubled period of your life.

Adverse effects such as suicidal tendencies and psycho-somatic impacts can be mitigated if the problems are detected early. It is always best to seek the services of healthcare professionals such as psychiatrists.

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