Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Advantages of Team Truck Driving

Independent owner-operators and the owners of small trucking fleets are largely in control of their own destiny. That is part of the appeal to many of the individuals who choose this particular professional path. Wise decision making can serve to bolster a growing company's bottom line and one critical error has the potential to undermine a wealth of progress. Perhaps the most significant decisions that an owner will make are those regarding the employment of other drivers. Having to cover the cost of another driver's salary is not a small matter, but the additional business that you may be able to accept as a result of having more drivers available might more than make up for the expense. Choosing a team truck driving approach is one option that may, under some circumstances, prove favorable for your trucking company.

Team Driving Benefits

Team truck driving is not the best choice for every owner-operator or small fleet owner, but it may be right for you. When team drivers travel together, it requires a special pairing to avoid intense personal conflict over the course of a long journey. When drivers haul a cargo load in legs, valuable time can be lost if one of the truckers along the chain has reliability issues. But some of the potential benefits of team driving for your business may include:

  • Reducing the length of time that drivers must spend away from home and family

  • Increasing the earning potential of a single vehicle by expanding the truck's possible schedule and distance

  • Helping to combat driver depression and to reduce the turnover rate

  • Lessening the likelihood that drowsy driving accidents will occur

A Financial Partner

As you are seeking to expand your company's client pool and geographical region, being able to compensate additional drivers is essential. Contact the truck factoring team of TBS Factoring Service, L.L.C., to learn how freight factoring can help you to stay ahead of the curve.

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