Sunday, December 1, 2013

Current Depression Linked With Crack Cocaine Use

Mental Health professionals have for years been searching for the magic bullet for solving addiction to various drugs. When the crack cocaine problem hit the streets in 1980's addiction treatment counselors one time would get you hooked, and it was true for many. Many therapist, psychiatrist and physicians either intentionally or ignorantly labeled many addicts as suffering depression and were "self medicating" with crack cocaine.

Recent reports and studies costing no telling what show that women who are suffering from a major depressive episode when they enter drug court are at substantially greater risk of using crack cocaine within four months, compared with women who are not currently depressed. These are pretty important facts but these studies usually have an agenda that result in coming up with solution that can be profited from.

While it is most certainly true pre-addicted individuals could have been suffering depression, the true cause was not determined. Self medicating is the most absurd diagnosis possible as no drug exists that can cure depression. Just like crack cocaine, antidepressants actually create the very thing they are prescribed and marketed as "treating" not curing.

Crack cocaine effects cause physiological changes and nutritional deficiencies that create depression. Lack of vitamin B reduces the ability to the body to produce serotonin; magnesium deficiencies create paranoia, nervousness and anxiety. Crack cocaine burns up these nutrients at tremendous levels. Nutritional deficiencies usually exists in people predisposed to addiction and the true causes of the depression were never really looked at I can guarantee.

Studies are important factor in heading off possible problems in the future as long as the correct cause of the problem is determined. Not simply treating symptoms caused by some ailment as is done with antidepressants. Drugs that have very dangerous side effects that often turns out deadly. Knowing someone suffering with depression is 4-6 time more likely to abuse crack cocaine is an important fact.

"Treating" that depression with drugs, regardless prescribed or illicit without further testing is taking a step the wrong uninformed direction. A comparison that can be made here is physicians and mental health professionals are making the same mistake the addict is making. No before you go should be the policy and that is most certainly the case with nearly all patients prescribed anti-depressant drugs which are " thought to" help alleviate depression symptoms.

Nutritional deficiencies and thyroid problems are very common in those suffering depression. These and other problems should be ruled out prior to any drugs being ingested either off the street or pharmacy.

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