Friday, September 6, 2013

Getting Anxiety Panic Attacks Over Anxiety Depression?


Many people simply do not relax enough. They exhaust not only their physical strength when multitasking, they also become mentally exhausted. For many people this can lead to all sorts of mental disorders, one of which is termed Anxiety Depression. One symptom is the incidence of anxiety panic attacks. If you are unable to de-stress and are constantly worried and fussing over things, however small, there are available cures and treatments for handling anxiety panic attacks.

Does the problem exist:

Sometimes it takes an unexpected anxiety panic attack to happen before there is a realization that a problem exists. Closely related are nervous breakdowns and major depressive disorders.

Signs of an anxiety panic attack can include undue jitters and other stressful behavior, such as erratic and irrational outbursts and constricted breathing. These signs can be triggered off when facing difficult and stress-prone activities. It may be easy to say that all you need is a strong will to cope with these stress triggers but this could be the worst advice. Failing to buck up and keep a stiff upper-lip are stress triggers in themselves.

How to manage the problem:

To effectively manage anxiety panic attacks you have to acknowledge that you have the problem in the first place. This does require that you be honest with yourself with a realization that if you did nothing about it then nothing will change. This may mean visiting a reputable psychiatrist to get diagnosed correctly as your stress triggers may emanate from different psychoses.

Some types of depression:

Here are various types of depression that may be the underlying cause of your anxiety panic attacks.

1 Manic or Bipolar Depression:

This is characterized by extreme and sudden mood swings wherein you are in an elevated state of euphoria while the next minute, day or week you suddenly feel that you have descended into Dante's seventh level of hell.

2 Postpartum depression -

This is experienced by some new mothers wherein the physical stress during childbirth, characterized by a prolonged sadness, and a feeling of emptiness, together with an uncertain sense of responsibility towards the new born baby, prevail.

3 Dysthimia

This has a slight similarity with depression though it's a loss less severe. However, if diagnosed, it should be treated.

4 Cyclothemia

This has a slight similarity with Bipolar or Manic depression whereby severe mood swings occur.

5 Seasonal Affective Disorder

This is where you may fall into a rut during Winter and Fall and your mood changes from being happy to sad to angry in a short period of time, without any rational explanation.

6 Anxiety Depression:

This has proven to be more common and is characterized by being overly anxious. Anxiety in itself serves a useful purpose as it causes you to adjust and prepare better to certain stressful activities like a forthcoming grueling exam or job interview.

Anxiety Depression is a different animal - not good at all. It just cannot be dismissed as a case of the nerves. It is an illness that can be caused by a variety reasons including your biological make-up through hereditary factors.

It is outside the scope of this article to explore the various types of Anxiety Depression except to mention that you should seek professional help should you feel more paranoid than usual, suffer anxiety panic attacks more frequently - particularly over absurd trivialities, and feel anxious for no apparent reason. Symptoms include lack of sleep, being unable to relax at all, getting fatigued easily and lacking concentration.

It really goes without saying that when these symptoms occur you should seek professional help. This may include some form of cognitive behavior therapy and medication.


It does not matter if a "cure" is not found - what is important is that your anxiety is controlled then managed so that you can calm down, relax and not suffer further anxiety panic attacks - and live life normally.

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