Friday, September 27, 2013

Canine Depression - 10 Common Signs and 10 Simple Suggestions to Help Your Dog

Yes! Absolutely! Dogs can get depressed. There are a number of sources that can ebb the life out of your canine buddy.

1. may be too busy, or they may have lost a dear human or animal friend.
2. Sudden changes in routines and schedules.
3. More than usual tension in the home. Your dog may be sensing YOUR mood changes.
4. Illness, yours or theirs.
5. Ageing. They can no longer physically do, what they were once capable of doing.
6. Dietary problems (wrong food).

10 Common Signs of Canine Depression

1. Weight loss/Lack of thirst
2. Regression in house training...soiling inside
3. Lack of sociability
4. Lack of enthusiasm and motivation
5. Anxious
6. Impulsive aggression
7. Phobic
8. Nervous
9. Grief
10. Chemical imbalance

10 Simple Suggestions to Pump That Zest for Life, Back Into Your Dog

1. Have your veterinarian determine if there is a physical or chemical problem causing your dog's mood change.

2. Talk to your veterinarian about your dog's diet. A simple change of diet may help.

3. Talk to your dog! Don't worry, no one is looking. Many owners rarely talk to their dogs...other than to scold them. Your dog loves the sound of your up beat. Praise them as many times a day as possible. They can never hear it enough.

4. As much as possible, stay on a scheduled routine. It offers your dog a sense of security.

5. If your dog has lost a human or animal friend, socialize them. Take them where they can interact with other dogs, preferably daily. Dogs need dogs.

6. Enroll in a positive reinforcement, punishment-free obedience dog training class. You will benefit by toning up your leadership skills, and your dog will benefit from the socialization with new people and dogs, not to mention the added bonus of spending quality time with his or her best friend, YOU! Make the commitment, you will both enjoy it...and it works!

7. Have an adventure with your something fun, and different. Challenge up their self-esteem. Keep it short and keep it fun. Keep them interested, so they will be open for new challenges.

8. Walk him or her in a different neighborhood. Vary the pace of your walk. Make it interesting. The change may spark focus back into your friend.

9. Take your dog with you when possible. Include him or her in your activities outside the home. Take them to work with you if possible. Take them with you when you visit friends or run errands. Make it fun!

10. If the time is right for you, consider getting him or her a canine companion. Let your dog pick out their new friend! If you are not ready to assume the responsibilities of another dog...don't do it!

The most important thing you can do to help your dog over this bump in the road...let them know how much you love them. They need to see it in your eyes, hear it in your voice, and feel it through your actions. Their lives are too short. Being a dog should be fun. It doesn't take much to make them happy!

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