Thursday, August 15, 2013

Clinical Depression Symptoms - Spot Them Fast

Are you displaying classic clinical depression symptoms? You may be able to work out from this article if you're suffering from depression. Read on to find out more about depression and what to do if you believe that you are displaying any of the clinical depression symptoms.

  • Part 1) Emotional state & mood: Sometimes it is hard to articulate the way you're feeling and it can be difficult to pin point what it is that's wrong. Clinical depression symptoms have been characterised in many ways, some describe it as a constant uncontrollable sadness, whilst others suggest it's more like a heavy black cloud that hangs over you. If for any extended period of time you stop feeling like your usual self, loose motivation in your daily life, feel irritable, short tempered for no reason and have suicidal thoughts you must take these clinical depression symptoms seriously. Whether you're feeling blue or you're consumed with pessimism you should never just sweep it under the rug.

  • Part 2) physical state & health: You'll be amazed how much depression can effect your physical health. One of the most common clinical depression symptoms is a change in appetite. Some people will loose their appetites completely, while others will comfort eat. You may also experience some lethargy, feel constantly tired and feels as though things take great effort to do. Some sufferers who go without treatment turn to alcohol and drugs, in an attempt to make themselves feel better. This is the worst thing your could do. Once you sober up or come down from your high, you will be in an even worse state. So, be sure to avoid these substances.

  • Different types of depression: Bipolar (manic): is often misdiagnosed as depression, but this is a very different disorder where the sufferer experiences extreme high and low moods and swings wildly between the two with little or no control. S.A.D: this stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder which is a winter depression caused by the short winter days and a lack of exposure to the sun. Post natal: this is a very serious type of depression that affects women after childbirth. Clinical/Chronic: this is long term depression which may have been caused by childhood events or chemical imbalances in the brain (see the clinical depression symptoms above). Reactive depression: this can occur after a significant and stressful event such as a divorce, death, moving house etc.

  • Ways to improve your state of mind and reduce clinical depression symptoms in three simple steps: 1. Work out the things that make you depressed and try to avoid them 2. Decrease the demands on your daily life ease off on the pressures and stresses 3. You may feel like staying in bed all day, but don't. Getting the right amount of sleep is important but staying in bed all day won't make you feel any better, in fact it'll probably worsen your mood.

If you have been experiencing any Clinical Depression Symptoms for an extended period of time, you must visit a medical professional. If you would like some more information on depression, Clinical Depression Symptoms and the help that's available then click on the links below.

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