Friday, August 30, 2013

Can Fish Oil Help Postpartum Depression?

Fish oil supplements are now highly recommended for pregnant mothers, for all but good reasons. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which all contribute to the normal development of the baby in the womb. These omega-3 fats are actually building blocks that lead to the formation of brain cells and a sound nervous system. Omega 3 fish oil EPA specifically aids in the proper development of the respiratory and cardiac systems and promotes a healthy heart. Furthermore, many research studies also confirm that increased intake of omega-3 can reduce the risk of premature delivery and enhance the visual system of the developing fetus.

The benefits of this supplement do not end when the mother gives birth to the child. As a matter of fact, even if you have not taken this supplements early on, it is not too late to enjoy the many benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fats do not only promote good prenatal nutrition, it may even be more important to take for women who have already given birth and/or is breastfeeding.

The fact that it helps counter depression has already been established. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to boost the levels of serotonin in the brain - those so-called happy hormones, and regulate production of chemicals that lessens anxiety and ill feelings. A new study conducted in England revealed that women who consume more seafood and thus more omega-3 during the third trimester are less likely to show major signs of postpartum depression.

There are a sheer number of research studies that provide sufficient evidence that links feelings of depression with decreased reserves of DHA and EPA omega 3 fats. The same is true in the case of postpartum anxiety. To make matters worse, a breastfeeding mother is bound to have depleting reserves of these fatty acids, which might worsen post-partum depression in already deficient mothers.

What all these reveal is that it is indeed important for the proper prevention and treatment of postpartum depression. New or expectant mothers must always prioritize their own and their baby's health so if you are interested in taking fish oil supplement to get sufficient amounts of omega-3, you must choose a supplement that does not put you at risk for mercury contamination. It is important to choose an omega-3 fish oil brand that contains pure, molecularly distilled and ultra-refined fish oil. It is also important to consult a health care provider should you find yourself having postpartum depression that is far from manageable. While there is enough evidence that links fish oil for postpartum depression, it must not be considered as a sole treatment for serious cases.

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