Thursday, July 18, 2013

Passion Flower For Use Against Depression

Can Passion Flower be used as an alternative to antidepressants for treating depression? This has been used for thousands of years because of its effectiveness in a number of categories. While it does not actually treat depression itself, it does treat many of the symptoms associated with this disease, and has been used for treating other illnesses as well. First we will discuss a little about what it is, and what it does, and then later we will talk about what precautions you should use when taking this as an herbal supplement for helping you with your depression.

Depression is a debilitating disease that affects many aspects of your life, and many people turn to antidepressants as a way to treat it. The problems with taking drugs is that they have many side-effects and can cause problems later on in life like liver disease, plus many of them are highly addictive.

Passion Flower, like many other herbal remedies, is all natural, and not addictive if taken in the right dosages. It is a plant that grows naturally along fences and in the woods of dry areas of the U.S. It likes to grow in partial shade. It has a vine that can grow 30 feet, produces serrated leaves, and finely toothed lobes. Its flowers are white in color with purple centers, and blooms from May through July. Its smooth yellow fruit contains many seeds.

Using this to treat some of the symptoms of depression has been done for many years. It contains compounds that produce sleepiness, and can be used effectively against insomnia. It has anxiety suppressors, and can give you a calmness that many antidepressants can not provide. It also can relieve a number of stomach problems that can be associated with depression. It is the main ingredient in many homeopathic remedies, and counteracts the effects of herbal supplements that may get people worked up.

That is not to say that Passion Flower is not without its draw backs when it comes to an alternative to antidepressants in treating depression. Unlike most herbal supplements, this will promote some side-effects, especially in higher doses. It is a sedative, and can cause drowsiness. It should not be taken in doses more that 200-300
milligrams, and just twice a day. Because of its own properties which affect anxiety, insomnia, and depression, it should not be taken with other medications. These can include sleep aids, anti-anxiety medication, or any antidepressants. Although no tests show that they interfere with these drugs, they still should not be used in conjunction with them, but as an alternative.

Yes you can use Passion Flower as an alternative to taking antidepressant medication when it comes to treating depression, if you only use recommended dosages. It has been very effective, if used right. You can find out more about this flower, as well as many other alternatives when treating this illness, online, or in other areas. It is a good idea to consult your health care provider before you start any kind of alternative medicine, and discuss with them your concerns over taking prescription drugs.

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