Saturday, May 4, 2013

Truckers and Amphetamine Abuse

Many workers are fortunate enough to have the benefit of a regular daily schedule that fits into the normal cycle of waking and sleeping. Long haul truck drivers, however, are required to be much more flexible and adaptive to the demands of clients and a particular load of goods. The physical strain of spending lengthy hours behind the wheel of a massive commercial vehicle can cause a driver to develop extreme fatigue that may not only interfere with his or her ability to make a timely delivery, but may also threaten the safety of other motorists on the roadway as drowsiness takes its toll.

Federally established regulations governing the hours that a driver can spend working and mandatory hours of rest are designed to limit this danger. Yet some drivers may not feel that these measures are sufficient to enable them to maximize their miles and wakefulness. Unfortunately, this can push a truck driver to use or abuse amphetamines or other substances. The influence of these drugs can turn an otherwise reliable commercial vehicle operator into a dangerous roadway liability.

Detecting Amphetamine Dependency or Addiction

As the owner of a small trucking company, you potentially stand to lose considerable revenue and other resources if one or more of your drivers develop an amphetamine problem. Beyond the concern that you have for your own enterprise's success and financial stability, you are also likely to be heavily invested in the health and welfare of your drivers, so it would behoove you to be aware of any of the following symptoms of amphetamine dependency of addiction in your drivers:

  • Excessive sweating

  • Visible shaking

  • Paranoia

  • Chronically failing to carry out expected duties

  • Abnormal and excessive irritability

  • Sleep disorders

  • Depression

These symptoms are often signs that a person is suffering from amphetamine dependency and needs medical help.

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