Saturday, April 20, 2013

Link Between ADHD and Depression

ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a mental disorder that is distinguished by poor attention, poor concentration, hyperactive and impulsive behaviors. It generally occurs in children, and can persist till adolescence and adulthood stage of human beings. It needs to be treated timely to avoid the problems that it may lead to. ADHD may cause poor concentration at school or work due to which your performance gets affected big time, your social relationships with your friends and colleagues worsen, you constantly develop feelings of inferiority etc. approximately 4 toeepiness and negative thinking. Depression has so many types each one is distinguished according t 5 percent of preschool or school going children all over the world suffer from ADHD. The exact cause of ADHD is still unknown. However, it is believed that it has something to do with genes. Go for the proper treatment once you notice the symptoms of ADHD.

Depression is a mental illness. Everybody at least once in life time suffers from it. There is no specific age group that suffers from depression. All age groups may suffer from it. The most common signs of depression are sadness, irritation, poor appetite, slo the causes, duration and severity associated with them. The exact reason of depression is still unknown. It is believed that depression is the result of chemical imbalances in human brain. Depression may become very dangerous if not operated at the right time. Various treatment methods are available all over the word to cure depression.

As a result of experimental studies it is now proved that ADHD and Depression are linked with each other. A form of depression called MDD (major depressive disorder). According to experimental results, if a person is suffering from depressive disorder called MDD then there are all the chances for the same person to suffer from ADHD. In a same way if a person is suffering from ADHD he has all the chances of suffering from MDD as well. Another fact that establishes strong connection between ADHD and depression is dysthymia (Chronic depressive disorder), the chances of dysthymia to occur in a person suffering from ADHD is even larger than the chances of MDD and vice -versa.

According to multi generation studies there is a strong genetic connection that establishes link between ADHD and Depression. Proofs indicate that the occurrence of ADHD in offspring of adults with repeated depression is higher than the common people and also the relatives of young people suffering from ADHD show higher chances of MDD.

It is believed that one of every fourth child suffering from ADHD also suffers from Depression. Conditions become very dangerous if ADHD and depression exist simultaneously. Co- occurring of ADHD and depression increase the danger, particularly if it is not treated at the right time, the risks that are associated with ADHD and depression are: Substance abuse, Suicidal tendencies, development of conduct disorders and anti social behavior etc. Make sure you consult with your family doctor or a specialist in your area so that you can seek proper treatment for ADHD and depression.

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