Saturday, April 5, 2014

How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back - Just Like the Movies

It's always the same with breakups: initial shock, pain, hurt, resentment, depression, and so on. But don't fret, once the dust clears you'll realize that getting back with your ex is not impossible. But first, focus on feeling better about yourself. You can't get your ex back if you mope around all day. The show (or in this case, life) must go on. Have a look at these dialogues or quotes from the movies. They could clue you in and be your guide in your relationship dilemma.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"
(Shaw Shank Redemption)

If you really want to get your ex back, then it's important that you don't lose hope. Right now, hope is the only thing you going, the only thing you can rely on. If you truly believe that what you and your ex shared was special then there is chance you'll get it back. Like they say in the movies, "no good thing ever dies".

"We are who we are, how we got here doesn't matter. What matters is what do we do now?"
(Deep End of the Ocean)

Problems are inevitable in relationships, how you handle them is what counts. Whatever issues you and your ex had belongs in the past. What do you do now? How about resolving your issues and burying your anger. Consider each others' opinions and don't be too critical.

"I'd rather have a lifetime with you than to live all the ages of this world alone"
(Lord of the Rings)

There are some things in life worth saving, and a relationship with the man you love is one of them. When the breakup is still new, then it's better to respect his wishes and keep your distance. Use this time to become emotionally stronger as well. After all the arguments, you both need a breather.

"Love is about making chances"
(The Sweetest Thing)

You can't resign to the idea that it's all over. If you feel that there's still something there, then take the chance and try to get your ex back. Remind him that you're still the same girl he fell in love with. If you are truly meant to be together, then it will happen. Be patient and play your cards right. Prove to him that you're willing to make the relationship work by making the necessary changes like changing bad habits and attitudes.

Gluten Intolerance, Elevated Liver Enzymes and Liver Damage

You may not know you have gluten intolerance - but you should be highly suspect if you have elevated liver enzymes.

Gluten intolerance, largely a genetic disorder can cause many health challenges. People who suffer with bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea, fatigue, weight gain, bone or joint pain, dental enamel defects, depression, infertility, anemia, alopecia areata (hair loss), migraines, multiple sclerosis (MS), psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, or any of the dozens of other symptoms should suspect their malady to be connected to gluten intolerance.

Elevated liver enzymes may indicate inflammation or damage to cells in the liver. Inflamed or injured liver cells leak higher than normal amounts of certain chemicals, including the enzymes made in the liver, into the bloodstream, which can result in elevated liver enzymes on blood tests. Two common liver enzymes regularly tested in most blood chemistries include AST (aspartate transaminase) and ALT (Alanine transaminase).

AST (aspartate aminotransferase), which was previously called SGOT, can also be elevated in heart and muscle diseases and is not liver specific. The normal range of AST is 0 to 45 U/L

ALT (alanine aminotransferase), which previously was called SGPT, is more specific for liver damage. The normal range of ALT is 0 to 45 U/L

Besides these two enzymes, the liver produces other enzymes, which are special protein based molecules that help necessary chemical reactions to take place. Liver enzymes trigger activity in the body's cells, speeding up and facilitating naturally occurring biochemical reactions, and maintaining various metabolic processes within the liver.

I regularly see patients who have high liver enzymes of "unknown etiology", which simply means the cause has not been discovered. One common sign of gluten intolerance is elevation in liver enzymes. Elevated liver related enzymes can lead to additional damage to other parts of the body outside the liver if the cause of the elevated enzymes is not discovered.

I challenged a patient of mine who has had elevated liver enzymes as long as she can remember to get properly tested for gluten intolerance. You probably guessed right - she was gluten intolerant. This patient agreed she should eat gluten free the rest of her life. In one month on a proprietary specialized dietary healing plan, her liver enzymes came down into the normal range, the first time since her liver enzymes have been tested many, many years ago!

Unfortunately most doctors still use tests that are outdated and inaccurate for gluten sensitivity testing. At Johnson Chiropractic Neurology and Nutrition we use the most advanced, state-of-the-art testing gluten intolerance. The tests we use include testing for genes that predispose one to celiac sprue and gluten intolerance (I found I have one of each), as well as a special test that measures ones sensitivity to several components (epitopes) of wheat. Until very recently (January, 2011) testing for Gluten Sensitivity has only been against one component of wheat; alpha gliadin. Through extensive research Cyrex Labs, pinpointed the twelve components of wheat that most often provoke an immune response. You will want to learn more about this specialized testing, especially if you have unexplained elevated liver enzymes.

Am I Bipolar? - Testing Yourself for Bipolar Disorder

"Am I Bipolar?"- this is one perplexing question a person, constantly experiencing dramatic mood swings in each and every single day of his life, would like to answer. In a year, one percent of Americans with ages 18 and above suffer a manic-depressive illness called Bipolar Disorder. How does one really know if he or she suffers from Bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder, which is formerly called manic-depression, is a diagnosed psychiatric disorder that causes abnormal shifts in a person's everyday mood, liveliness, and capability to perform. The person experiencing such illness may feel very much ecstatic, then extremely bad-tempered an hour after and then back again to feeling overly ecstatic with a short span of normal mood in between both contrary tempers. "Am I Bipolar if get mood swings?" The answer is no. Since a condition such as Bipolar Disorder is seemingly different from a person experiencing the usual mood swings because in Bipolar Disorder, the symptoms are evidently severe. If such brain disorder is left untreated, it may lead to effects such as dreadful behaviors, inadequate performance in one's job/studies or worst; it may even lead to suicide.

World renowned painter, Vincent Van Gogh, who's Bipolar Disorder mysteriously made him even more creative; Hollywood actor/comedian, Ben Stiller, who was open to the public about his psychiatric condition; Action star Jean-Claude Van Damme, whose Bipolar Disorder led him to a cocaine addiction and accusations of spousal abuse and author/actor Spalding Gray, whose suicidal death on the East River was allegedly caused by his dreadful psychiatric condition. The previously mentioned public figures are just some of the popular personalities who once asked the question, "Am I Bipolar?" Unfortunately, the answer to their question was "yes". Bipolar Disorder may have numerous unpleasant effects but through the appropriate treatment, people inflicted with such disease may lead fruitful and normal lives.

Bipolar Disorder is characterized by a series of highs and lows in one's mood. These highs and lows are called episodes of mania and depression. Try to check if the following statements describe your day to day mental state to aid you in answering the question, "Am I Bipolar?" :

Indications of manic episodes

· I'm a very talkative person and I can utter a lot of words in a single minute.

· I am an extremely energetic person.

· I'm a compulsive shopper.

· I don't like to sleep.

· Family and friends have been telling me that I've been acting strange lately. I'm becoming a war freak, a loud talker and a very angry person.

· I feel sluggish most of the time.

· I want to have sex all the time.

· I can't concentrate on something for a long period of time.

· I feel like I'm the king of the world and I can do whatever I wish to do.

Indications of depression episodes

· I don't get pleasure doing the things that I've always loved to do.

· I have trouble sleeping at night.

· Whenever food is served on the table, I don't feel like eating.

· I have many aches and pains from the past that just won't go away.

· I lack energy when it comes to having sex.

· I lack focus.

· I'm a very absentminded person.

· Most of the time, I feel like eating something.

· People and things around me make me angry.

· I can't figure out why I feel disappointed and scared.

· I always feel gloomy.

· I'd rather be alone than talk to people.

· It's hard for me to get out of bed.

· I feel as if my existence on earth has no meaning and nothing desirable is going to happen to me.

· I hate myself.

· I've always thought about killing myself and the ways on how to do so.

Indications of Bipolar Disorder

· The highs and lows in my mood alternately repeat as the day progresses.

· My mood swings cause me household and job problems.

If most or all of these statements best describes your everyday mood in the duration of one week or more, a checkup with your psychologist might be a good idea since there's a big probability that you might be suffering a Bipolar Disorder. Besides, early detection and consistent treatment is the best way to win the battle against this lifelong illness.

How to Overcome Depression Symptoms Through Coaching

The term depression is often used to describe when someone is feeling 'low', 'miserable', 'in a mood', or having 'got out of bed the wrong side'. In addition to feeling low most or all of the time, many other symptoms can occur in depressive illness (though not everybody has every one). These include:

  • losing interest in normal activities, hobbies and everyday life

  • feeling tired all of the time and having no energy

  • difficulty sleeping or waking early in the morning

  • having a poor appetite, no interest in food and losing weight (though some people overeat and put on weight - 'comfort eating')

  • feeling restless, tense and anxious

  • being irritable

  • losing self-confidence

  • avoiding other people

  • finding it harder than usual to make decisions

Experts believe that depression is caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. In fact, your lifestyle choices, relationships, and coping skills matter just as much, if not more so, than genetics. Certain risk factors can make someone more vulnerable to depression. These are a few of them:

  • Loneliness

  • Lack of social support

  • Recent stressful life experiences

  • Marital or relationship problems

  • Financial strain

  • Alcohol or drug abuse

  • Unemployment or underemployment

  • Health problems or chronic pain

There are many extremely effective life-skills and techniques that can be used to help individuals overcome depression. Importantly, whenever someone develops these skills, they will be much less likely to enter into additional episodes of depression., The dictionary defines 'overcoming,' as rising above, gaining control or an upper hand over someone or something. Additional meanings include struggling successfully against a difficulty or disadvantage, or to render somebody or something helpless or incapacitated.

It is vital to realize that overcoming something does not mean making it disappear. To overcome depression does not necessarily require eliminating the condition entirely, but rather, learning to gain control over, and rise above a potentially devastating condition.

As we discover how to overcome depression, it is also important to remember that learning to gain control of depression and the power it can have over our lives is not a one-time occurrence. In overcoming depression we are learning how to reclaim the power that we often lose in the depths of depression.

At any time, the way to overcome an obstacle, difficulty, or painful condition is basically the same. Start by facing the situation head-on. Knowledge is power, so we must begin the process by seeing our challenges as they truly are in order to understand them. We must adjust what we believe.

Behavioral scientists have shown that one-on-one coaching is among the most effective approaches to helping people make and sustain improvements in their lives. A health and wellness coach can facilitate a depressed client's positive change by focusing on their client's stated needs, values, vision, and goals and helping to bring out their personal emotional best. Together the coach and client will create their personal vision for wellness and identify priorities in one or more areas including: relationships, nutrition, stress, and general health. They will also discuss the principles that are important for them to be successful in developing a healthier thought process and lifestyle.

Life coaching clients reduce their stress, increase their energy, make better decisions, increase their life balance, increase their peace of mind, and focus more on what is really important to them, because of participating in the coaching process. The coaching process requires clients and their coaches to develop a very strong mutually trusting, mutually respectful and mutually focused partnership which can create the perfect environment that will defeat every depression symptom.

Home Care Helps Ease Depression in Older Adults

Depression is a problem for many elderly adults. While they may be perfectly healthy in the physical sense, aging adults often experience sadness or depression as a result of getting older and being alone more often. The elderly face many difficult challenges, such as medical problems or the loss of a spouse or loved one. Particularly for those without a strong support system made up of friends and family, depression can become a prevailing factor in their lives. Depression is not a necessary part of growing old, nor is it normal. In actuality, most elderly people are satisfied with their lives.

One solution to depression in aging adults is home care. Durham, NC residents are finding that providing part time or live-in at-home caregivers for their aging loved ones helps to ease the pain of depression. By having an experienced, compassionate caregiver come in and provide home care, the senior citizen has someone to keep them company and help them with chores and errands they may not otherwise be able to do. This gives them an increased sense of independence, mobility, accomplishment, and probably the most valuable gift of all - friendship. In many cases, when an elderly person has home care, they have an instant companion. This alone can boost their quality of life exponentially.

Let's say that you are the son or daughter of an elderly parent who has been living alone for a while. Have they had an increasingly difficult time doing regular household chores? Are you concerned about their driving skills? Are they spending less time in the company of others? Are they exhibiting signs of depression? Some signs of depression in older adults include fatigue, sadness, lack of interest in social activities or hobbies, a reluctance to leave the house, weight loss, sleeping problems (lack of sleep or oversleeping), feelings of worthlessness, worries about becoming a burden, alcohol or drug abuse, a fixation on death, etc. If you've noticed any of these signs in the behavior of your parent, perhaps a good option would be to talk to an agency that provides home care Durham, NC residents have more than a few of these care providers at their disposal.

A few ways home care can help elderly folks exhibiting symptoms of depression are by getting them out of the house, engaging them in activities, providing stimulus, providing companionship, helping them to clean their house and run errands, helping them plan and prepare healthy meals, making sure they are taking their medications as instructed, scheduling regular outings, giving them events to look forward to, encouraging them to follow through with treatment plans and therapies, and keeping watch for signs of severe depression or thoughts of suicide. Finally, someone providing home care to your elderly parent can keep you informed about their state of mind and overall well-being. This alone can give you the peace of mind that you've been looking for, provided that you've hired someone you like and trust to provide home care to your loved one.

In the later years of their lives, seniors deserve to be happy and feel a continued sense of vitality. Home care is just one wonderful way to give them back their "golden years." This should be a time when the elderly can relax and simply enjoy a life without worry and sadness.

Postpartum Complications - They Aren't All About Depression

As a first time mom-to-be, the biggest question in your head is which crib will look prettier in the nursery? The wooden one or the white one? I'm sure you're also having trouble picking out only seven of the ten baby outfits to buy!

But, if you're a single mom, your situation probably goes a little more like this: "Will I have the money to buy a stroller and car seat before the baby is born?"

All the information online for pregnant women seems to be about taking care of yourself during pregnancy. Eating healthy, exercising, writing a birth plan, hiring a doula; but does anyone ever prepare you for the physical complications you may face after? A good gynecologist may do this, but don't even depend on that. Family members and friends are so proud of you because you made it through the delivery; they leave you on your own and say everything is back to normal now. But, pay special attention to the small signs telling you it isn't.

If you are a single mom, the best thing you can do for you and your baby is set up a support team before the baby arrives. Not every woman's body naturally falls back into its pre-pregnancy state. Postpartum thyroid problems and hormone imbalances are way too common. Unfortunately, your gynecologist may never make you aware of these possibilities. If you develop one of these postpartum complications, you may not even recognize it; a strong support person will notice the things you miss.

Postpartum complications aren't all about depression; but sleep deprivation, a hormone imbalance, or thyroid problem can actually cause it! All of those physical complications can cause a brain fog; add the challenge of being a first time mother to the list and your thinking is going to get as foggy as an early morning drive on the highway! This is why it is extremely important to have a supportive person who you regularly communicate with; be open with them about anything happening physically or emotional difficulties you are experiencing. Once you experience sleep deprivation, it quickly hinders your ability to make decisions and think clearly; your support person will need to be knowledgeable.

Choosing a support person is like a game of "Red Rover": deciding who you want on your team. The person you pick will ultimately make you stronger or weaker. The only difference is your choice in "Red Rover" results in merely a win or loss; your choice in a support person effects much more.

For instance, it may not be wise to choose the person who sits through an entire television show and the next day cannot remember anything they watched! You may also want to pass on the arrogant family member who suggested the possibility of a miscarriage after learning of your pregnancy. Also, someone who is hardheaded and makes quick assumptions based on their own knowledge or lack thereof (ignorance) will only want to fight during a crisis. Please do not choose a support person who does not take what you say seriously.

Characteristics of a strong support person are someone who is smart, insightful, researches things, assertive, wants you to succeed, listens, encourages you to face your fears, and takes charge. A strong support person also seeks to understand and will hear what you are saying without making their own assumptions. A great support person would be someone who thinks for them self and tends to question those in authority rather than blindly accepting something at face value.

You have wanted to be a mother all your life; you had that beautiful baby for a reason. So you could raise her, of course! I want to insure you can do just that! Here are some of the symptoms both you and your support person should watch for which may indicate a postpartum hormone imbalance or thyroid problem:

o INSOMNIA (Waking up many times during the night for no reason, trouble falling asleep initially, trouble getting back to sleep, or waking early, suddenly inability to sleep during the day anymore. Before you were pregnant, it was normal to sleep the whole night through without waking. As long as your baby is sleeping through the night, that is still considered normal! Something else besides your baby is causing you to wake up- and that means something isn't right.)

o Frequent urination (don't write this off thinking it is a bladder infection)

o Night sweating (Waking up drenched in sweat)

o Inability to tolerate the cold (Inability to get warm with many blankets, need more winter jackets than those around you in cold weather and still cold, freezing feet at night, always seem to be colder than those around you. Pay extra attention to this if it used to be normal for you to go without a jacket in 50 degree weather)

o Allergies (morning sneezing, runny nose, etc.)

o Pressure in neck (may feel like swollen glands)

o Neck is tender when someone touches it

o Lose postpartum weight extremely fast or just rapid weight loss without dieting

o Extremely dry hair (you wonder if you need a new Chi since it isn't making your hair smooth anymore. Here is a clue: It might not be the Chi!)

o Skin suddenly becomes very dry and starts peeling

o Hair loss (Women generally lose hair postpartum. If you are aware of that fact and have a gut feeling you are losing way too much, don't ignore it.) Especially if you are losing so much you're getting bald spots!

o Diarrhea


o Bruises

o Memory loss and word finding difficulty (Continually talking about your baby while calling her another family member's name throughout the course of a day could be a clue! This is a sign of low estrogen or a thyroid problem.)

o Frequent sore throats

o Anxiety

o Depression

o Unusually long or short menstrual cycles

o Pain behind the eyes

o Swollen cheeks/face

o Gaining weight while exercising and eating healthy

o Trouble swallowing

o Brain fog

o Trouble making decisions

o Hoarse voice

If you are experiencing any of those symptoms and have a gut feeling something isn't quite right what do you do? Make an immediate appointment with a gynecologist you trust. Also ask each of your family members if they ever had any difficulties with their thyroid. If so, this is important information to give your doctor. What else should you do during your visit? Ask if they are skilled in treating thyroid disorders; even slight ones. Insist on full thyroid blood tests and hormone testing.

What is the next step? If your gynecologist tells you everything is normal, ask for a referral to an endocrinologist or find a natural doctor. Your blood tests can show your thyroid is within normal levels but the standard levels may not be your norm. A good doctor who understands the thyroid will acknowledge your symptoms along with your test results.

Don't listen to anyone who tells you just wait to see a doctor until you have insurance coverage; would you wait to take your baby to the doctor if she was sick? Postpartum hormone imbalances and thyroid problems are not to be taken lightly; the symptoms they cause are many and can quickly escalate. Get together with your support person and find a way for you to see the doctor now; the more sleep deprived you become, the less clearer your thinking will be.

Sleep loss should not be brushed off; sometimes the remedy isn't as easy as counting sheep! A postpartum hormone imbalance or thyroid problem can make it impossible for you to sleep nights at a time; leave the support people behind who don't believe something is possible just because they have never heard of it happening before. Especially if they don't take the time or make the effort to do the research to find out if it is possible! Ignorance and narcissism is egotistical and can easily hinder your health and future.

Research Suggests 5htp Benefits Depression Symptoms

Depression is painful. Overwhelming feelings of sadness, anxiety, low self-esteem and general lack of pleasure can take away much of the joy in life. Research shows the natural amino acid 5htp benefits those experiencing depressive symptoms by promoting feelings of calm and well-being without the side effects of prescription anti-depressants.

Derived from the West African plant Griffonia simplicifolia, 5htp, or 5-hydroxytryptophan, plays a vital role in our brain's serotonin production. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter necessary for normal nerve and brain function to occur. Serotonin is largely responsible for regulating sleep, emotional moods, and perception of pain.

Decades of research have linked low serotonin levels with the symptoms of depression, including low mood, lack of energy, weight gain, insomnia, and anhedonia, or lack of pleasure. SSRI's, or selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, have been in use to treat these symptoms for many years. SSRI's work by artificially changing the balance of serotonin in the brain. Although generally effective, they're associated with numerous and highly undesirable side effects, including nausea and vomiting, inability to orgasm, weight gain, dry mouth, diarrhea, insomnia, and agitation.

How effective is 5htp in comparison? A number of clinical trials have been conducted to determine how 5htp benefits those experiencing depressive symptoms, with largely favorable results. One study indicated 5htp was as effective as the prescription antidepressant fluvoxamine. Repeatedly, 5htp's ability to increase the brain's natural serotonin production has been shown to elevate mood, promote healthy sleep patterns, and reduce anxiety. In addition, reported side effects were infrequent and extremely mild compared to those of SSRI's.

5htp has also been shown to improve the symptoms of fibromyalgia, reduce the frequency of migraines, and conduce appetite control and reduce carbohydrate cravings. All of these have been associated with low serotonin levels.

Most people using 5htp for depression take between 50 and 400 mg daily. Some people obtain more favorable results while taking a lower dose, so it's advisable to start with 50 mg and add more over time if necessary. For maximum absorption, 5htp should be taken with or shortly before a meal, with a full glass of water. 5htp may not be appropriate for all mood disturbances, and should not be taken by those using anti-Parkinson's or prescription antidepressant medications. Consulting a health care professional before beginning a 5htp regimen is advised.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Three in a Bed by Deborah Jackson - A Review

Co-sleeping or the family bed as it is sometimes known is a maligned and misunderstood practice that is often secretly practiced by many new families desperate for a good night's sleep. A recent survey in the UK found that 90% of new mothers admit to falling asleep with their baby in the least once. Three in a Bed: The Benefits of Sleeping with Your Baby by Deborah Jackson offers a thoughtful and thorough exploration of the facts and myths surrounding this practice that continues to be the norm in much of the world.

In addition to exploring the practice from historical and sociological points of view, she also looks at the most practical of issues, such as how safe is the practice, how to sustain a sex life and when the child is ready to leave your bed. Her chapter, Practically Speaking, offers excellent advice in a question and answer format. She answers basic questions such as how important is a bed-time routine, what you and the baby should wear and how to get out without the baby. She also tackles more difficult issues like what happens when you have a second baby, what about twins and what if your partner does not like the idea.

This book is a comprehensive and evidence based exploration of this touchy subject. Ms. Jackson relies upon, quotes and cites numerous scientific and sociological studies on the subject. She includes a complete appendix of footnotes and a bibliography.

The drawbacks of this book are that it is not an easy read. The few illustrations are black and white basic drawings; while this topic could have well benefited from color illustrations or pictures such as different options for positioning. Although she uses quotes frequently, she does not make effective use of tools such as text boxes to pull out and emphasis points.

As a result of its evidence based approach and lack of readability, this book is not one that I recommend to all my clients. But it is a reference tool that I recommend all birth and baby professionals read as well as parents seeking more than a cursory look at this important issue.

Men and Depression - How to Help a Depressed Man and Keep Your Relationship Strong

What? Men don't get depressed? Of course we do, but we tend to hide it well.

Men tend to deal with depression differently than women and may show different signs that they are depressed. Depression is often a hidden problem with men, since many men tend to suffer in silence, rather than talking about their feelings.

And that can lead to relationship problems.

Historically, depression has been thought of as mostly a problem for women, but now we know that depression is a problem for men, too. Depression in men may go undetected. In fact, men may not realize they are depressed, although they may recognize they are feeling stressed. And their health care providers often miss the telltale signs.

Depression is a normal part of life. Yet, if it goes unresolved, it can have a disastrous affect on personal functioning, relationships and careers. It can result in temporary personality changes, uncharacteristic bouts of anger and moodiness, create communication problems, spur conflict, and lead to relationship problems or marital distress. Thus, depression is a condition that must be recognized and treated for men to function on their highest level.

What Are The Signs?

1. Men who are depressed may suddenly become irritable and quick to anger. Non-aggressive men may become more aggressive and hostile.

2. Some may abuse alcohol or drugs, or turn to food for comfort, although some may eat less. It really depends on the person and his circumstances.

3. Some men may over-exercise, while others may stop.

4. One man may throw himself into a favorite hobby whereas a workaholic may become more dependent upon work ...while ignoring his relationships.

5. Men may show typical signs of depression, too, such as, feelings of fatigue and burn-out, sleep disturbances and decreased libido. Thought patterns may change; men may think more negatively and perceive the world in darker, more threatening ways. This can be a subtle change. Depressed men may start feeling anxious and worried, and respond poorly to daily problems or stress at work or home, either over-reacting or under-reacting.

Men may not discuss the way they are feeling with anyone, and may not recognize the changes themselves. As a result of societal conditioning, they tend not to talk about their stress with their friends, unlike women, who tend to get support from other women.

And the impact their depression can have on their family life and primary relationships is often nothing short of devastating.

Strategies for Helping A Depressed Man

First, if you notice that a man you care about is depressed, don't beat him over the head with your observations; be careful how you approach the subject, or you may make your relationship problems worse. You might try sharing your concern with him, mentioning that you have noticed one or two of his symptoms. Go gently ...and see if you can get him to open up about how he's feeling. Express your concern. Avoid being critical. Don't blame. Just listen and tell him how concerned you are.

Second, if you know someone the depressed man knows and respects, such as his father, pastor or best friend, suggest that he talk to that person. Or, you may enlist the help of a family member or close friend who has his ear.

Third, try to get him to see his doctor (or yours), and encourage him to talk to his doctor about his depressed feelings (maybe he needs to go for other reasons, too). The physician can make a referral for counseling or prescribe helpful anti-depressant medication, if needed.

Fourth, sometimes we men need a little prodding (and pampering). Be persistent and don't give up, as long as you proceed in a non-threatening manner. Remember, you want the man to view your efforts to help him as a sign of your deep-felt concern, rather than an attempt to nag or harass him. He won't end up feeling pressured by you if you always state your concern in non-demanding ways.

The way you say something is as important as what you say. Some sensitive men are hard to approach, but they tend to respond favorably when you talk to them in a direct, caring and gentle manner. Avoid allowing your body language or tone of voice to express anger or contempt.

Consider the impact depression can have on relationships, especially intimate ones. A man's marriage can suffer because of his depression, and he may not realize what's wrong. His wife will feel the impact, as well; so, his biggest support system may be compromised, which only compounds the problem.


If you are in an intimate relationship with a depressed partner, it is often best to seek counseling. It is much easier and more effective to sit down with a trained relationship professional to discuss your relationship problems.

Counseling is one of the best ways to face and deal with depression. It can be just as effective as medication, if not more so. The combination of the two can be even more effective.

Sometimes depression can become quite serious and lead to other mental health issues. It is best to take it seriously.

Depression and Your Relationship

Without a doubt, the depression of one spouse can injure the other. And it can have a derogatory impact upon the relationship in general, giving both partners a sense of despair, and causing them to view the relationship in pessimistic terms.

Also, long-term depression can keep a relationship down. It is difficult for the non-depressed spouse to keep a positive attitude when he/she has to deal with an unhappy, sad or anxious spouse who has been depressed for a long time. Frequently, the spouse of the depressed person will blame himself/herself or interpret the depressed spouse's actions as a rejection.


Depressed men may not know they are depressed and may not recognize the signs, and often choose not to talk about the problem. Yet depression can have a derogatory affect on relationships, careers and all areas of life.

To help a depressed man, look for signs of depression, such as behavioral changes, and talk to the depressed man in a sympathetic way. Avoid allowing depression to remain in the closet. Give the man in your life, whether it be your husband, father, brother or friend, lots of support and encouragement. Establish communication about your concerns.

Depression can have a serious impact on your marriage, and can cause serious relationship problems.  Deal with it as a couple. Help your spouse get the help he needs. If there are problems in your relationship that are contributing to the depression, it is wise to address them. Don't allow depression to rob you of joy and happiness. Face it, find solutions and move on!

Why You Get Fat and Depressed - And What to Do About It

Over the years many clinical studies have shown that obesity and depression tend to be co-morbid. That means that they tend to occur together without necessarily having a cause and effect relationship. When conditions tend to occur together, scientists naturally want to explore exactly how they are connected. Does obesity cause depression? Does depression cause obesity? Could there be a third factor that is driving both conditions? These are important questions, because once we know the answers, we can better direct our research and treatment efforts.

I happen to believe that both obesity and depression are often driven by a third factor-our modern Western diet. It is now clear that excessive fructose mainly from sugar and high fructose corn syrup is the driving force behind insulin resistance and central obesity. When you have insulin resistance it takes more insulin to drive glucose into your cells and high insulin levels tend to trap fat inside of cells where it can't be used for energy. Recent evidence suggests that excessive fructose can alter your gut bacteria flora, further contributing to metabolic syndrome and obesity.

When you have insulin resistance and consume rapidly absorbed carbohydrates, especially from grains, you end up with magnified glucose spikes. Over time these glucose spikes can cause damage to your nerve cells, because unlike most of the cells in your body, neurons don't have an insulin gate. That's why diabetics tend to lose their nerve function and develop neuropathy long before other organs in their body are damaged.

Over time these toxic glucose spikes can trigger a form of diffuse brain dysfunction where your brain no longer functions as intended. The first symptom you experience when this happens is craving for sweet and starchy food, pushing you to consume more of the very food that is frying your brain. You also can develop mild brain dysfunction symptoms like fatigue, anxiety, mood swings and poor sleep. At this stage of brain dysfunction you don't yet have a disease because the symptoms are mild and variable. I refer to this pre-disease condition as "sugar-brain".

As time goes by, sugar-brain can transition to a true disease characterized by up to 22 distinct brain dysfunction symptoms that interfere with your ability to function in multiple settings. I now call this disease Carbohydrate Associated Reversible Brain syndrome or CARB syndrome. Because the brain plays a key role in auto-regulating fat stores, people with sugar-brain and CARB syndrome will start to store extra fat even as they diet and lose weight and lean body mass.

The symptoms of sugar-brain and CARB syndrome develop because people with these conditions have low levels of monoamine neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinphrine and serotonin in their brain. When these neurotransmitters are low, regardless of the reason why they are low, you end up with predictable symptoms. Some of these symptoms would easily qualify you for a diagnosis of depression.

It's important to remember what true hereditary depression looked like 100 years ago. At that time all patients with major depression felt depressed, lost their appetite and lost weight. There was no such thing as a "weight gain" type of depression. This situation has radically changed over the past 30-40 years. Today most patients diagnosed with depression feel depressed, have an increased appetite and carbohydrate cravings and weight gain. In my opinion this form of depression is CARB syndrome, not true major depression. Unfortunately the medical and scientific communities lump both types of depression into one category, when in fact they are dealing with two distinct diseases. Suffice it to say that the great majority of people diagnosed with depression today, in reality have a form of food-induced brain dysfunction called CARB syndrome.

A recent study published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry by Dr. Mark Hamer titled

"Risk of future depression in people who are obese but metabolically healthy: the English longitudinal study of ageing" supports the view that obesity and depression are connect through metabolic parameters, not obesity per se.

Remember that there are really two types of obesity. The most common type is associated with insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and type II diabetes. This is the form of obesity that we tend to see with CARB syndrome. The second type of obesity is where a person has excessive body fat without any of these adverse metabolic markers. This type of obesity is seen when a person or lab animal is over-fed healthy food. If you give enough healthy food to any animal, they will eventually develop this type of obesity.

The type of obesity associated with sugar, HFCS and grain-based carbohydrates is not dependent on calories or over-feeding. Although people with this form of obesity always have excessive body fat, especially in the abdominal region, they may not be over-weight and they can sometimes even be thin. It's important to remember that obesity is defined as excessive body fat, so don't be fooled by someone's size or weight.

In this particular study they looked at the correlation between both types of obesity and depression. They wanted to know about the connection between depression and people with "metabolic obesity" and those who were obese but metabolically healthy. As it turns out people with metabolic issues were at an increased risk of later developing depression, whereas those who were obese without metabolic issues were not at an increased risk of developing depression. This is exactly what we would predict from the CARB syndrome disease model.

How does this information apply to you? I assume that most of you would rather not be obese or depressed. If insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are the gateway to most cases of obesity and many cases of depression, the best strategy would be to prevent metabolic problems or to treat them aggressively if you already have them. The best way to do so is to limit your intake of the dietary triggers of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome-sugar, HFCS and high glycemic carbohydrates, especially from grains.

Of course this describes most processed foods that form the core of the modern American diet. Learn to eat real food including meat, fowl, fish, seafood, vegetables and fruit. I'm not a big fan of milk because of its sugar content but a reasonable amount of cheese is acceptable. I would also limit your intake of legumes because of their anti-nutrient content. Some would recognize this as a Paleo-style diet. I simply call it a healthy diet.

If you learn to eat this way you will go a long way towards preventing the metabolic problems that seem to lead to many cases of obesity and depression. There are also many other common conditions that fall under the CARB syndrome umbrella. As with depression, we now believe that the diseases listed below can be triggered by eating these toxic dietary elements.

繚 Anxiety disorders
繚 Autism
繚 Eating disorders
繚 Fibromyalgia
繚 Irritable bowel syndrome
繚 Restless leg syndrome
繚 Bipolar II

I think that it's really exciting that we have now made a connection between food and these common disorders. Think about it. What would you rather do-take handfuls of pills for the rest of your life living in a daze, or simply change your diet? This important study clearly shows the relationship between consuming certain foods and depression. In the years ahead I hope that we will see more studies looking at the impact of diet on common chronic diseases. Gary Taubes, author of the excellent books "Good Calories, Bad Calories" and "Why We Get Fat" has started a non-profit organization called NuSi that is dedicated to funding such research. I plan on supporting Gary in his efforts and I encourage you to do so as well. I don't think that we can count on the agricultural or food industries to fund this type of research so we're on our own. If we are going to stay healthy, we need to stick together.

If you want to learn more about the role that excessive fructose plays in driving metabolic problems, I recommend that you read Richard Johnson's book "The Sugar Fix" or his excellent new book "The Fat Switch". It's never too late to learn and it's never too late to change. For the sake of your health and mental wellbeing, I suggest that you start today.

Depression - Home Remedies for Depression

People with depression are simply not able to carry on their lives normally. Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years. When these symptoms become very intense, they start interfering with one's ability to normally carry out even the daily chores. The person feels unable to do anything about it; other people need to help him out of this depressive situation. Appropriate treatment is required to help most people who suffer from depression.


The symptoms that help identify depression include:

- Constant feelings of sadness, irritability.

- Feeling exhausted most of the time, despite lack of activity.

- Decreased interest social activities.

- Significant weight change.

- A change in sleeping pattern, such as difficulty sleeping or early morning awakening.

- Lack of confidence.

- Spends a lot of time thinking about what has gone wrong or what will go wrong.

- Feelings of worthlessness or guilt.

- Physical pain, which has no apparent physical

- Thoughts of suicide or death

If you or somebody close to you is experiencing any of these symptoms, you must consult a doctor right away.

What causes depression?

Causes of depression are still unknown, Depression has no single cause - it may result from a combination of things. However, it can be triggered by:

- Trauma and stress - financial problems, the breakup of a relationship, or the death of a near one can bring in depression.

- Loss of social support such as the loss of a job

- Poverty.

- Physical conditions - chronic illness such as Parkinson's, diabetes, HIV or cancer

- Side-effects of medications.

- Hormonal changes that affect mood, such as the onset or end of menstruation, menopause.

- Alcohol abuse

- Hereditary - depression may run in families, and parents may pass on the defective genes.

- People with low self-esteem, or who are pessimistic.

- Psychological disorders such as anorexia.

- Some scientists suggest that overexposure to electro-magnetic smog from computer terminals and kitchen appliances, especially the microwave oven, upset the balance of the body's own electromagnetic field and leads to depression.

- Being physically or sexually abused.

- Family conflicts, especially between parents.

Depression in women -

Women are prone to depression twice as compared to men. Many hormonal factors may contribute to the increased rate of depression in women particularly factors as menstrual cycle, pregnancy, miscarriage, premenstrual syndrome and menopause. Many women also face additional tensions such as responsibilities both at work and home, single parenthood, and caring for children.

How to diagnose depression:

A good diagnostic assessment will include a complete history of the patient's symptoms, i.e., when it started, how severe they are, are they recurrent, whether any previous treatment was given, if yes, then what treatment. The doctor should enquire about physical abuse or alcohol and drug use. Further, a history should include information about whether other family members have had a depressive illness.

Can depression be treated?

o Yes, depression can be treated.

o About 80% of people treated for depression get better.

o Both medication and therapy can effectively treat depression.

What happens, if depression is left untreated?

Depression if untreated, can affect:

- Social behaviour, along with normal day to day functioning

- Self-esteem and confidence

- Can lead to drug abuse, disruptive behaviours, violence and aggression,

- Even lead to suicide

Depression is a serious problem that demands a serious medical approach. However, you need to first recognize what is causing it.

How to treat depression?

Most people with depression never seek medical help, even though the majority will respond to treatment. Treating depression is especially important because it affects you, your family, and your work. Depression is a curable illness.

Treatment includes a combination of professional counseling, drug therapy, and family support.
Love, appreciation and normal communication are some of the most important things you should provide to help the person cope with depression. Do not be critical of the person at any stage.

A change in normal lifestyle habits can help reduce symptoms of depression. Encourage the person to:

o Go in for some light exercise regularly, such as swimming, walking.

o Avoid alcohol and illegal drugs.

o Get a good and refreshing sleep

o Eat a balanced diet.

o Be optimistic. Positive thinking is very important in recovering from depression.
Change will not come overnight - but with the right treatment, you can keep depression from overshadowing your life. Early treatment of depression will bring about the best results. Think positive, recovery will happen, but gradually.

Are anti-depressants helpful?

Many psychiatric drugs have not been satisfactorily tested in patients, so we do not know for sure the risks or the benefits of these medications.

The thumb rule is caution while giving antidepressants - They should be neither a first nor a last resort. If given, anti-depressants should not be stopped abruptly, because it may lead to a withdrawal syndrome that includes dizziness, nausea, seizures and anxiety.

Side effects of anti-depressants:

The side effects vary depending on the drug, but can include:

o Insomnia

o Sleepiness

o Increased anxiety

o Nausea or vomiting

o Headaches

o Dizziness

o Weight gain or loss

Beware! Anti depressants can trigger off suicidal behaviour!

Some helpful home remedies for depression -

Home remedy for depression is the best solution as it is free from any side effects.

- Ayurveda recommends yoga, massage and meditation, which increases the energy of life. Yoga exercises help to increase the circulation of oxygen in the system and helps keeps the mind relaxed. Deep breathing exercises or "pranayama" help the body and mind to relax.

- Try to distract your mind. Listen to your favourite music, do the things you are fond of, eat something good, go out with friends - bring a change in your daily routine, and it will help cope with depression.

- Aromatherapy helps the body relax and revive the nervous system. Inhalation of some herbal oils like rose, jasmine, lime, and grapefruit are considered a natural remedy for depression.

- Cashew nuts are extremely beneficial in treating depression, as it is a rich source of vitamin B. It ensures body activeness and energy levels.

- Take daily walks. Fresh air and deep breathing exercises are both good in aiding relaxation.
Avoid black tea, kava tea, tobacco and alcohol. Eat more wheat germ, which is an energizer. Pears, apples, and nuts assist the nervous system in functioning properly.


Anxiety and Depression Symptoms

Most people believe anxiety and depression are two separate conditions that do not work together. But the fact is research has shown that the two do actually overlap each other, however the symptoms can be completely separate of each other, this makes it difficult to initially diagnose either condition.

The reason why these two disorders occur at the same time is not fully understood. Research shows that major depression can often accompany an anxiety disorder. Both of these disorders are more than likely caused by a brain chemistry imbalance, however the exact reason these two opposite disorders exist in the same person is still not understood. What is understood is that the flight or fight reaction does not work in anxiety sufferers, it can be triggered by any thing at any time. Anxiety sufferers always feel they are in danger.

When you think about someone suffering from depression you generally associate it with someone that is in despair, angry, tired, overwhelmed by normal life, and unwilling to be part of society. A depressed person will withdraw into themselves and cut off ties with others.

On the other hand an anxiety attack will happen out of the blue for no apparent reason. Without the proper treatment an anxiety sufferer will start to fear the actual attack itself, worrying when and where the next attack will take place. They will go on to have a negative impact on the sufferers life, affecting their jobs, relationships and even going into society.

What the majority of people suffering from theses two disorders don't realize is that one can often lead to the other. Depression can weigh heavily on the mind, this can lead to the depressed person going through a number of different emotions. This can lead to anxiety and eventually lead to panic attacks. Suffering a panic attack causes a loss of control, the more this happens the more the sufferer will become depressed, thus forming a vicious circle.

Research shows that having depression and anxiety together is much worse than having just one of these conditions. Someone suffering from both disorders will take a lot longer to resolve their depression which will make it much harder to treat them. Also those that suffer from both disorders
have a much higher suicide rate.

Although this does not sound good for people suffering from both conditions help is at hand. Anti-depressant drugs can be used for treating both disorders. If used with behavioral therapy there is a high success rate in treating depression accompanied by anxiety.

The Importance in Knowing the Signs of Depression

When the signs of depression are identified, families of individuals afflicted with this mental health disease can seek treatment as soon as possible.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, "in any given 1-year period, 9.5 percent of the population, or about 20.9 million American adults, suffer from a depressive illness".

Dealing with this mental illness can cause a person to hit rock bottom and perform drastic acts that can greatly hurt their lives. If the signs of depression are found early on in the illness, a person can recover and become a better individual because of their ordeal.

Knowing the signs of this mental illness can help a person seek treatment early. One of the first indication of this illness is a persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood. This constant state of mood can lead to feelings of hopelessness or pessimism and this is another one of the warning for this illness.

Other indications of this mental illness may include loss of interest in things that make that person happy, decreased levels of energy, constant fatigue, and even certain persistent physical signs such as a headache that will not go away or digestive disorders that become chronic.

Of course, several other signs are common, and not every person will experience the same signs. Some may only feel a few signs and others may experience all.

Just as different signs of depression exist, different types of depressive disorders also exist. With manic depression, also known as bipolar depression, the signs can be different than when dealing with "normal" clinical depression.

With mania, a person has tremendous highs and lows that bring on severe symptoms. Some of these symptoms include unusual irritability, poor judgment, racing thoughts, and inappropriate social and sexual behavior. These symptoms require seeing a doctor as soon as possible.

No matter if a person is dealing with clinical or manic mental illness, the signs of depression are very evident if a person is paying attention. Dealing with this mental illness not only includes the person with the illness, but also the family and friends that surround that individual.

Depression can annihilate a family as well as the person that is sick. However, treatment is available if someone will only take the first step in admitting something is wrong.

Mental illnesses are real illnesses and the person that has one is just as sick as if they had a physical ailment such as cancer. Knowing the signs of this mental illness can help a person to get better with the aide of trained professionals.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Seasonal Depression - 5 Steps to Prevent Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

I know that some people think that the idea of seasonal depression is just plain crazy. However, there are some very real cases that lead us to believe that the weather can have a tremendous affect on a person's mood.

The thinking used to be that a change in the weather can't really make a person depressed or that anyone who feels this way just needs to get a grip on their emotions and snap out of it. After all, in any given area we all deal with the same weather as our neighbors, so how can some actually suffer from seasonal depression when others are unaffected even through the coldest darkest of winters? There are a few reasons why some people may get this disorder when others remain un affected, and fortunately, there are some things that any person suffering with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can do to deal with it.

What Causes Seasonal Depression?

Humans are living breathing creatures and react to sunlight just as much as plants and animals do; we may not exactly wither in the shade, but we still need sunlight. For instance, someone that isn't exposed to natural light on a regular basis can suffer from rickets and other diseases. So to say that a lack of natural light having an affect on your mood is all in the head just doesn't hold up under scientific scrutiny.

If lack of sunlight affects you physically of course it can affect you emotionally. I would go so far as to say that because it affects you emotionally that it will eventually affect you physically. A lack of sunlight during wintertime can cause seasonal depression in those that are more sensitive to this condition. With our culture of early commutes in the dark to work and then into artificially lit cubical during the day only to leave the office or plant at 5 o'clock with less than an hour of daylight left, it's easy to see how little light many of us get in the winter.

It's also true that some people just don't like outdoor sports or exercise during the winter such as skiing or snowboarding or even running and walking, so they are getting much less natural light than those that exercise on a regular basis. Others simply may be more sensitive to the cold, such as people with poor circulation. This of course leads to them wanting to stay indoors more often, contributing to their seasonal depression.

Cabin fever can also contribute to seasonal depression. When you are locked up in the house all the time because roads are covered in snow and ice, it's easy to feel frustrated, irritated, bored, and trapped. These can easily lead to cases of seasonal affective disorder and, if left untreated, into clinical depression.

Treating Seasonal Depression

We can't magically wish winter away nor would most people want too. Most can't take off for several months at a time to go sit on a beach soak in the natural light and make ourselves feel better. But there are some things that you can do when winter blows in to treat seasonal depression.

First, getting outside as much as possible is important. Even if all you do is go outside to clear the walk or just stand on the porch for a few minutes, this can help. Perhaps instead of hitting the cafeteria in your building walk around the block for some fresh air or a new lunch spot. You don't have to be in direct sunlight just natural light so being out side during the day is going to be helpful.

Second, try to do some type of out door exercise. If you're not one much for winter sports, remember you can play in the snow with your children or just walk up and down the sidewalk to be outside. Regular exercise is also important as exercise always helps to alleviate one's mood.

Third, changing your light bulbs to the type that mimic natural light can be effective for keeping seasonal depression at bay. Keep your environment as bright as possible for as long as possible; avoid turning down your lamps until it's nighttime. Likewise, turn on as many lights as possible in the morning to get your body believing it's daytime.

Fourth, watch what you eat. We all tend to eat heavier "comfort" foods in the winter that tend to make us more lethargic and not want to get out and do things we normally would on a lighter stomach.

Finally, it's important to plan activities with friends and family during the winter months as well; staying at home and just watching television will only contribute to your feeling bored and depressed. Keep these thoughts in mind, take action on implementing the 5 steps above and you'll stop seasonal depression before it stops and you'll have the best winter ever!

Self Motivation Quote - The Way To Get Over The Humps of Life

This is actually what you can do, to motivate yourself, if there is no one around to pick you up, when you feel low. But of course you can use Self Motivation Quotes in your everyday life, just because you want to develop your own mind.

Quotes can actually do many things to your mind in all situations. When I think of motivation quotes, I think of quotes that can make me push myself further, than I normally would have gone.

By this I mean e.g. I'm standing in a situation, where I feel uncomfortable to go on. Let's say I'm standing outside a door to a house, owned by a person I do not know. I need to make a sale at this house, and it's the last sale I have to do this month, and I have managed to sell the demanded of me.
In this house, he is actually not totally unknown to me, he's one of the known faces in town. Many thinks he's intimidating. Actually I just want to move on, and let this house be..

Think I've painted the picture really nice now, right? Do you know the feeling of this? I think you do, or I think you can relate to the feeling.

At this situation, I think of some quotes, and I need a quote, which can get me over this feeling, or make me cope with the feeling. Actually, I have a favourite quote that usually does for me, in any situation I can think of, when I'm feeling uncomfortable doing something.

This Quote is a very famous one by Vincent Lombardi: "Winners Never Quit, Quitters Never Win"

This self motivation quote really does it for me, and it usually can make me cope with any feeling, if any action is needed by me.

Do you see what I mean? The right quote can take you further in life, and take you closer to your goal, because it can motivate you to do something you wouldn't normally do. Think about it.

Difference Between Bipolar Depression and Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar depression is just another name of depression in which patient can easily be diagnosed by a specialist. A specialist usually examines the symptoms of depression present in the patient or ever found in the patient in the past, to make sure the depression is just a simple depression not of the severe form. It is a very critical verdict for the psychiatrists to establish the difference between bipolar depression and bipolar disorder, as both of these forms of depression require different treatments.

Bipolar depression is generally involves sad mood, irritating behavior, you suddenly avoid going to places that you used to enjoy the most, your way of looking at things start changing, you start disliking yourself without any reason, sleeping problems occur. Your mind becomes home for the negative thoughts, suicidal thoughts start taking place into your mind. Women suffer from this type of depression. Bipolar Disorder is also known as Manic Depression, Bipolar Affective Disorder and Manic-Depressive Illness. It is a mood disorder. Almost 1% of the adult population across the world suffers from this disorder. It falls in the category of affective disorders. Women and men both suffer from this type of depression disorder equally unlike other forms of depression where women suffer more.

Bipolar disorder has two types:

1. Bipolar disorder I

2. Bipolar disorder II

Bipolar disorder I

It is known as the classical type of bipolar disorder. It involves long lasting spells of mania followed by long lasting spells of depression. Therefore it is mix of mania and depression. If you experience psychotic symptoms like hallucination and paranoia then it is bipolar disorder I.

Bipolar disorder II

It involves at least one Hypomanic and one major depressive episode. It can be better to call it a mix of hypomania plus depression. People do have misconceptions about Bipolar disorder II and often call it manic episode or cyclothymia. It is not a full blown manic episode or cyclothymia. People suffering from bipolar depression tend to have tremendously low energy, their mind and physical processes seem to retard from usual working, and deep fatigue conditions capture your body. Symptoms of Bipolar depression involve Decreased energy levels, Fatigue conditions, Lethargy (Lethargy is a very serious symptom, it is defined as the drowsiness, torpid or apathetic state of your mind), Almost diminishing activities, Insomnia (sleeping problem, you do not get the proper sleep), Hypersomnia (Oversleeping condition, people may sleep more than 20 hours a day), loss of Interest in entertainment stuff and Social cut off. Symptoms of Bipolar disorder are very dramatic and unpredictable as it has two phases of mood swings that are manic phase and Depressive phase. Manic phase has the symptoms of Excessive talking, elevated thoughts, less amount of sleep, extremely high level of energy, Too much sex, Inflated self boasting and in case of psychotic form of bipolar disorder Hallucination and delusion as well are the symptoms of Bipolar disorder. In case of Depressive phase of bipolar disorder the symptoms are exactly the same as bipolar depression.

What is Agitated Depression?

A form of clinical depression and generally shows the symptoms of irritability and restlessness. Hypomanic behaviors cause depressive episodes in this form of depression. Agitation is always there in all types of depression but this type is particularly more severe and agitated that is why known as agitated depression. Just like other types of depression this one also has so many symptoms, the occurrence of symptoms depend upon the patient. It is one of the most severe depressive disorders among all the other types of depression. Usually middle aged people or old people become the victims, but it does not mean that adult or children do not suffer from it.

It is not tough to identify the symptoms, a person that suffers from this type of depression is not able to sit still and keeps on restlessly moving here and there all the time, it happens due to the outburst of emotional energy. Those that suffer from this type of depression tend to complain a lot and develop the feelings of getting misunderstood by others. The symptoms are :

1. Tearing of cloths
2. Motor agitation
3. Intense inner tension
4. Racing thoughts
5. Never ending baseless thoughts
6. continuous talking
7. verbal outburst
8. Hand wringing

It is noticed many a times that a patient tends to outburst his anger on his cloths by tearing the cloths. Motor agitation is a condition in which a patient is unable to stick to one place and constantly moves from one place to the other. Intense inner tension or also known as psychic agitation or mental agitation is a state of mental distress in which patient continuously found suffering from restlessness or tiredness without any reason. It is also known as mixed mania and appears like a hyper-active disorder, as it shows the symptoms of Hyperactive disorders such as difficulties to stay at one place or continuous talking problems etc. According to DSM-III-R, Agitated depression is categorized as major depressive episodes and surprisingly does not fall in the category of mixed bipolar disorder that it resembles most closely.

It is very commonly believed these days that it also exhibits the symptoms of Bipolar disorder I. Agitated depression with bipolar disorder I can cause major complications in the overall health of a patient. However, it is yet to be proved that it has any connection with bipolar disorder. If you feel that you have the symptoms, do not feel embarrassed, just consult with psychiatrist and seek proper treatment.

What Makes Sun Salutations So Great?

Don't be taken aback if the first quote here appears to be gibberish, but:

"aadityanamaskaaram yE kurvanti din E din E janmaantarasahasrEna daaridra'm n OpajaayatE"

Now here is its meaning:

"The Man who performs Sun Salutations daily does not get poor in a thousand births!"

So what exactly are the Sun Salutations?

Well, this exercise is a combination of Yoga Asanas, Pranayama, Sun Bathing (if done in an open space) and Respiratory Cleansing.

Taking That Into Consideration, here are some of its benefits:

- It alleviates disorders of the skin and visceral organs

- It helps with restoring flexibility and corrects old or acquired habits of improper breathing.

-It exercises the legs and arms, thus increasing the circulation.

- It is one of the best ways to burn calories and reduce weight WITHOUT any cumbersome or expensive equipment and is often recommended for obesity and depression.

- It is quite helpful with loosening up, stretching and warming up almost joints and internal organs of the body. This lends itself to a more effective yoga session with a lesser risk of injuries owing to inadequately warmed up muscles.

- It has a stimulating, restorative and balancing effect on all the systems of the body including the endocrine, circulatory, reproductive and digestive systems.

- In actuality, if you are familiar with "burpies" (the calisthenics exercise), they do derive their origin from the Sun Salutations and these exercises are said to help with explosiveness, agility, endurance and coordination. These all being components of fitness that will be enhanced by a regular Sun Salutation session.

It is noteworthy of mention that if you do 10-20 minutes a day alone of these powerful exercises along with basic natural movements such as dancing, walking, running, jumping etc, they will be more than sufficient to aid in weight loss and spiritual enhancement.

Here's to health.

Foras Aje

Manic Depression Cure

Throughout the medical community great minds are coming together trying to piece together a manic depression cure. Manic depression strikes thousands of people across the world and is perhaps the most dangerous form of depression. Marked by extreme highs and lows manic depression can first show itself in a number of ways often which include violent outbursts or even physical confrontations. No one is one hundred percent certain what causes depression much less manic depression. Some people first develop this illness early on in life while others may be much older before experiencing symptoms. It takes a close eye to differentiate between standard depression and manic depression sometimes referred to as bipolar depression.

People suffering from manic depression often times lack self control which can lead to unwanted consequences. Everyday tasks such as sticking to a budget can be overwhelming. Everyone has mood swings at some point in life. This is no surprise; however a normal person has what I will refer to as safety nets in their mood swings. If you think of your moods like a roller coaster ride your happy moods being the high points in the track and your depressed moods being the low points a normal person would be comparable to the kiddie coaster. A person suffering from manic depression however would be comparable to the mac daddy of roller coasters with the highest points being 1000s of feet up and the low points digging deep into the earth. Their emotions are like a runaway train gathering more and more steam in whichever direction they are traveling so when a normal person will only get so sad a manic depressed person will go beyond that point toward the suicide line. The same goes for their happy moods, they can experience greater highs than you or I might be accustomed to and this can be as dangerous as the lows. Often times when riding one of these highs the person may feel a sense of invincibility thus encouraging dangerous or illegal behavior. One common trait amongst the people I've known suffering from manic depression is large shopping sprees. In my mother's case she would go to town with the home shopping network while a past boyfriend of hers would buy cars he couldn't afford. Imagine impulse buying on steroids.

People suffering from manic depression have a tough road to travel each day but imagine their lives with a manic depression cure. What would it be worth to change these people's lives in such a positive way? Manic depression not only tears the person suffering it apart but it can have a detrimental effect on everyone who comes in contact with that person ranging from close family members to co-workers. It is important that we continue to support research into depression so that one day those suffering can live normal lives again.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Depression - Simple Tips to Beat the Blues

If you are suffering from depression, you are not alone.

Depression affects many people at some time in their life, with some of us going through periods of depression that can lift after a very short time, while for others, it can be ingoing for many years.

Whichever category you fall into, here are some simple tips to help you manage your depression.

Depression - What is it?

Depression is best identified as feeling in a low mood. It may not stop you leading a normal life, but things may seem less worthwhile.

Most of us will admit to feeling depressed from time to time and this is perfectly normal.

Depression becomes a problem when it interferes with your day to day activities.

What Causes Depression?

Depression may be caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain or can be triggered by significant life events including:-

o Bereavement

o A traumatic experience, such as rape or physical attack

o Childhood events

o Illness

o Frequent use of recreational drugs

How Do I Know if I am Depressed?

Symptoms of depression may include:-

o Preoccupation with negative thoughts

o Difficulty in concentrating

o Feeling in a low mood most of the time

o Feelings of numbness, emptiness or despair

o Low self-esteem

o Lack of sex drive

o Lack of confidence

o Pessimistic view of the future

This is no a definitive list and you may experience all or some of these symptoms.

You may also notice changes in your sleeping pattern, your eating habits, or there may be a rise in your alcohol or tobacco consumption.

Depression - Helping Yourself

Knowledge is power. The more you learn about depression, the better equipped you will be to deal with it.

Go to the library, do some research on the internet or join a self-help group where you can gather information about depression and the treatments available.

Being aware of the choices available to you will help you to make an informed choice about treatment if you need to seek help from your healthcare provider.

Whereas many of us may experience bouts of mild depression or low mood, clinical depression is a serious medical condition and if you have been experiencing symptoms described above for some time you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Depression - Don't Suffer in Silence

While clinical depression is a serious illness, it can be treated and you do not need to feel ashamed, embarrassed or suffer in silence.

Some people allow depression to go untreated for years but clinical depression will not disappear by itself.
Professional help may include a course of antidepressants together with some counseling.

Depression - Help Yourself

Helplessness is a feeling often experienced by people with depression.

Together with professional help try and help yourself.

o Stay focused - depression can feed on itself and you can find yourself trapped in a vicious circle of negative thoughts that it seems impossible to get out of. Focus on positive thought and the positive things in your life. If you can't think of any, think of a positive goal you would like to achieve.

o Avoid your own company - depression feeds on loneliness. Try and break the hold that depression has on you. Join a club or self-help group where you can talk to people who have successfully overcome depression.

o Do something worthwhile. Keeping yourself busy will give you less time to dwell on pessimistic thoughts. Take up a hobby or why not join a gym. Regular exercise will have a mental and physical impact on your wellbeing.

o Let go of the past. Many of us make the mistake of hanging on to past hurts and this too can cause depression. If there are things in your life that have caused you upset, past grudges, guilt or anger, perhaps it is time to let go.

Depression is not an easy thing to overcome but it can be done, all you have to do is make he decision to make a change.

The Happiest Happiness

What is ever alluring can be correspondingly ever elusive. The capture of happiness is the grand scheme of life, but many, even most, don't know how to go about it, where to look or, worse, they go in the wrong direction. By far a better method is captured in the following quote:

A true man never frets about his place in the world,
but just slides into it by the gravitation of his nature,
and swings there as easily as a star.

~Edwin H. Chapin (1814-1880)

The world is robbed hand over fist of its instinct for happiness. And this is because of the hedonistic desire that is sown into our lives through the media machine; we are told, subliminally, to 'put on' happiness via things that can be bought, attained or achieved.

Yet, not everything can be bought nor attained nor achieved. We are sold a lie for happiness. We tend to believe the lie, though, because it has infiltrated the entire world.

Happiness is not sourced from without; it's sourced from within - yes, even from God who lives within.

Particularly when we are faced with great challenges, our sense of ourselves aligning with the truth-in-reality is critical to future experiences of the happy-us. Many, not all, depressions come because of warped self-perceptions.


Stuff happens, apparently. We all know it. Things occur within our lives we have no control over, but for our attitude in living out these moments and making the most of the ever-changing future.

Not only does stuff happen, stuff has happened. We are where we are. We are who we are. We are, also, why we are. All of the things that have enrolled us in ourselves, to this point in time, have been the making of us in conjunction with the circumstances presented. These are our lives.

No matter what has happened to us, even with the fact that these things have defined us, we are not defeated. Indeed, being ourselves is the very essence, and platform, for success in our lives. It's just that our definition of success needs to be adjusted. Everyone's does. We need to redefine success as happiness from where we are.


This, for me, is the essence of the Chapin quote, besides the implicitness of peace we feel in reading the full quote.

We cannot help how our nature - otherwise known as our personality - interacts with the world; it gravitates certain ways. No amount of self-analysis will determine the reasons why, nor will it prove the springboard for shaping us into a different direction.

Achieving peace is, therefore, going with the gravitation of our nature; it truly is self-acceptance. If we can go with our personality, allowing it not to be judged by ourselves, we nourish the relationship we have with ourselves. In fact, we cannot go with the gravitation of our natures without constantly talking with ourselves and affirming ourselves in the presence of reality.

Knowing and accepting ourselves is the basis of true happiness. And I'm not sure how that can be achieved without some positive relationship with God.

The happiest happiness is the deliberate achievement of accepting the gravitation of our nature - our personalities. We accept the past and present, as it is, as well as determine we are okay, within ourselves, for the future. Happiness is an inside job and it begins now, today.

穢 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Managing Anxiety and Depression

If you have ever experienced a panic attack, or, an episode of clinical depression - you could hardly be faulted for wanting and seeking a final and everlasting "cure." Some people who experience these conditions never have a recurrence. For others, anxiety and depression are persistent intruders in their lives. Why the difference? Likely, genetics predispose some of us to anxiety or depressive reactions as a response to situational stressors in our life. But that does NOT mean any of us are entirely helpless. Depression and anxiety are most often manageable.

Powerlessness: Beliefs, Behaviors, & Feelings

A key component to anxiety and depression are feelings of powerlessness. Perhaps some life stressor or loss has temporarily overwhelmed or discouraged you. Or, perhaps over time you have developed ineffective cognitive habits - styles of thinking - that promote your giving up power. These "distorted beliefs" lead us to have "distorted feelings" and "distorted behaviors". For example:

Suzy Somebody held and reinforced over time the distorted belief that "No one would be interested in someone like me." This distorted and powerless belief led her to behave by isolating herself from others. Her isolative behavior and belief that no one was interested in her, led to predictable feelings of loneliness. Then, looking at how lonely she felt and isolated she behaved - she reinforced the powerless belief that, sure enough, "See there! I told you no one was interested in someone like me!" And the spiraling cycle of powerlessness was complete and reinforcing.

It is much easier to change the way we think and behave than how we feel. The good news is, if we can change the way we think (correcting distorted thinking) and behave (powerless behaviors), then most often what we get is a resultant change in how we feel (for the better!). This is why cognitive-behavioral therapy is the treatment of choice for anxiety and depression and why empowering clients is so important.

People often think of depression or anxiety as a function of low self-esteem. Actually and more precisely, depression and anxiety are made worse by low self-efficacy. What is self-efficacy? Self-efficacy is the belief that I have a sufficient measure of control and power over my life.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is an important tool in identifying ways we might be lowering our sense of self-efficacy, giving up power and control, and thereby encountering depression and anxiety as a persistent companion in our lives.

Tools for Managing Depression & Anxiety

Fortunately, we have many tools at our disposal for managing anxiety and depression. These include:
Medications which help treat the biological basis of depression.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - changing the way we think and behave in order to increase our self-efficacy.
Building supportive social networks of friends and activities.
Increasing self-care habits to help us weather the storms of life.

Is Bipolar Disorder Hereditary - What Are the Risks If it Runs in the Family

For many years bipolar disorder has been given various names, and classified as having a variety of symptoms. Even today there are still quite a few mysteries concerning bipolar disorder. Many sufferers of this condition have been misunderstood and thrown into inpatient situations for long periods of time earlier in history. Luckily, today we understand much more about this mental disorder. However, there are still questions about the disorder that have not received definitive answers from the medical community. One such question has been, "Is bipolar disorder hereditary?

Recently, it has been discovered that this problem is formed because of an imbalance of chemical levels found in your brain. This chemical imbalance can have degrees of severity and manifests itself through a variety of symptoms. It has long been said that it ran in the family, but there haven't been a lot of concrete evidence to support the theory. Now scientists have discovered that it can in fact be passed down genetically, though it is a complicated situation.

Research has shown that children with both parents with the disorder have a higher chance of developing it, but a child with one diagnosed parent and one non-bipolar has a very small risk. There have also been studies on identical twins that states that if one is manic-depressive than the other has an over 80% chance of the mental illness developing. There are several genes that are involved in it's development, and there are so many combinations involved when passed down genes; that's why it is possible it to skip a child even if one parent has that diagnosis.

Although we are not sure which specific genes cause bipolar disorder, with the recent expansion in knowledge of molecular genetics, we may one day find the answer. We will one day understand why the disorder is different between individuals, and why the age in which it manifest varies so greatly. These answers can help further medical and pharmaceutical treatment for this condition. So although it is true, the mental illness can be hereditary, but there are too many factors involved to confirm that you will develop the disorder. Some say that just like alcoholism, people pick up patterns that they learn from their families so it is not really genetic but what one has absorbed in childhood. The good thing about this is that we can unlearn our conditioning and not be slaves to it. You should seek medical advice to evaluate your risk level.

What Does it Mean to Be Manic Depressive?

First, what is manic depression? Manic depression is a bipolar disorder that means a patient is going between cycles of mania and depression. Mania is where a person will be overly enthusiastic, or excited for a period of time. The older term, manic depressive, has been replaced by the term bipolar affective disorder. During a manic episode, the person may exhibit extreme irritability that can last for a long period of time. Other symptoms of a manic episode may have the person feeling very self-important, the person may also develop poor sleep problems, or their mind might be filled with racing thoughts, have an inability to focus, or seem hyper in their speech.

What causes manic depression? There are a few different factors that are thought to contribute to manic depression, such as the environment the person grew up in as a child, genetics, or psychological processes. Much study has gone into determining the causes, as the bipolar disorder is a problem for many individuals, but much is still unknown. There is belief it might also be a result of a severe chemical imbalance, but this is still being studied as well. Through some of the studies currently being done to further understand this form of depression, it has been found a connection between this bipolar disorder and a person's creativity may exist. While this has not been proven, it does seem coincidental that many of the well known artists of both the past and present appear to have suffered from this form of depression.

Is manic depression, or bipolar disorder, curable? Being as there is still a ways to go before it is better understood, there is no real cure for this condition. What makes it even more difficult to help individuals diagnosed with this form of depression is that it seems to differ slightly from person to person. Different people will also react to medications and online therapy differently than other people who have tried the same things, so each individual may require their own individual treatment with an online counselor. The different treatments needed could be dependent on the cause of the disorder, but then again, as mentioned before, little is actually understood about the causes so the treatments can be a little hit and miss. Despite all this, treatment is available through online counseling for people who accept they might be suffering from this form of depression and want help. It might take a little while before results are felt, and it could even take time to try different medications out there to see which will be the right one for the patient, but in the end the patient could end up with the right treatment for them. If they want it bad enough and are patient enough to keep trying, then they could end up finding the right treatment that could help them live better lives.

Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, affects many individuals in the world today who may not even be aware they have it. For those that want help, there is an option. An online therapist can sort out quickly what is going on and get you the best help possible. There are also people who know they have it, but feel there is no hope for them. No one should have to live with this and suffer in silence. Going out and seeking help is the first step to having a better life.

Getting Older: A State Of Mind Or A State Of Body?

A few years ago I turned forty - a scary time for the supreme, alpha male warrior.

I'm not sure, but I reckon there's some correlation between decreasing testosterone levels and increased neurosis and insecurity in blokes.

Not me, of course...but I've heard it happens to some men.

"Darl, feel how big my biceps are."



There's a thesis for some Phd. student right there.

I don't know why, but I never pictured myself being so 'old'. Not that I envisaged some untimely early death or anything, but nothing prepared me mentally or emotionally for the onset of crows feet or for the amazing ability a forty year-old body has to gain body-fat in a matter of hours (or so it seemed). I reckon there should be a government mandate that we all undertake some type of preparatory course in our thirties to help us negotiate our fifth decade on earth (actually forty one is the start of our fifth decade but you get my point).

For over twenty years I had been helping older people get in shape and then overnight, I was one (in my mind at least). Just as I was about to immerse myself into a massive depression and wallow in my own pathetic self pity, I vaguely recalled a lecture from University (one of the four classes I attended). I remembered that there are different types of age; chronological age (how many years we've been on the planet), emotional age (I'm nearly sixteen now) and physiological, or biological age. In order to estimate our biological age people in white coats put us through some physical testing (fitness, strength, blood pressure, body-fat, flexibility and a few others) and then they compare our results to scientific 'norms' (how other people have scored). Then they tell us how 'old' our body is. If you're lucky they'll say something like, "well Sally, even though you've been around for thirty eight years, you have the body of a nineteen year-old" (or if you've punished yourself, possibly the other way around).

After dragging my depressed forty year-old body around for a few days and getting

no sympathy from anyone, I decided that it was time to get over myself. 'How can someone become old in a week,' I thought. Last week I was thirty nine and life was good, this week I'm a middle aged man, with a sore back shopping for a retirement village'.

Well, almost.

Logically I knew that my body was no different to the week before when I was in my thirties but I 'felt' different. Could it possibly be that I was creating a problem? Perhaps my body was fine but maybe my attitude that was the issue. Maybe my body hadn't aged but my thinking had. Sure a few lines had crept onto the face and the Levi's might have been a bit tighter, but the truth is that turning forty proved to be more of an emotional and psychological challenge for me than it was a physiological one.

We don't stop playing because we grow old,

we grow old because we stop playing

Does this story sound familiar? Perhaps someone you know?

For years I've watched people begin to 'act' old once they reach a certain age. It might be forty, it might be fifty, but at some stage they begin to live, behave and communicate like 'old' people: "I'm fifty you know; I need to start winding down."

The truth is that beyond thirty five is when we most need to follow some type of structured exercise program, whether it's in a gym, at the park, around the streets or in our lounge room. Until we're about mid thirties most of us can get away with not doing too much structured exercise. The tragedy of most suburban gyms is that the people who really don't desperately need to be there (the eighteen to thirty age group) often spend half of their life there, and those who would really benefit from some regular, structured exercise (the thirty five plus group) are too intimidated, lazy, busy, embarrassed, fearful or indifferent to pick up a dumbbell.

Some of the best results I have seen in my twenty plus years as a trainer and exercise scientist have been achieved by people in their forties, fifties, sixties and beyond; people who stop rationalising whether or not it's 'sensible' or 'appropriate' for them to be lifting, running, riding or jumping, people who realise that age is really a state of mind not body. People who understand that we can literally turn back our body clock when we give our body what it needs.

So, maybe it's time to stop thinking about it and start doing it.

Over the last ten years there have been countless studies conducted which have repeatedly demonstrated the ability that people have to change their body shape and their level of strength and fitness into their seventies, eighties and nineties. I have personally worked with people in their eighties who have more than doubled their strength in twelve weeks and I have worked with fifty and sixty year olds who have totally transformed their body shape and their life within a matter of months.

If a ninety year-old can get fitter and stronger, so can you.

About twelve years ago I started training a woman who was 55 years young. While she was not particularly out of shape for someone in her fifties, she was not particularly fit or strong either. Within a short amount of time she began to make amazing progress, seemingly getting fitter and stronger by the week. What amazed me most about Jan was that she didn't have an 'old' mentality. She didn't seem to think like a lot of people do once they hit forty, fifty and beyond. She didn't provide me with the "remember I'm an old woman" line, instead she approached every session and challenge with the enthusiasm of an excitable young kid. It was so refreshing to work with someone who didn't come into the process thinking and behaving old or limiting herself before she had even started. Some people reach a certain age and seem to adopt an old mentality; not long after, this attitude is reflected in their physiology.

Jan just came to exercise and to learn, whatever that was going to be. She lifted weights, boxed, ran, stretched, biked, rowed and did whatever was asked of her. She didn't rationalise whether or not each workout or activity was appropriate for someone her age, she just did what was asked of her. Within a short amount of time she began to make amazing changes to her body and her life. At a stage when many people are quietly 'sliding into their retirement years' this average woman with an amazing attitude decided she would get fitter, stronger and leaner than she ever had before in her life; not fit for an older person, fit for a person of any age.

These days this grandmother who runs fifteen kilometres at a time, does push ups with the boys and rides her bike up to 200 kilometres in one hit, is an absolute inspiration to everyone she comes into contact with; an inspiration not because she is

extraordinarily gifted or a genetic freak but because she has an amazing attitude and a refreshing outlook on life.

Once a week Jan gets together with a group of her friends to do a killer fitness session; the session is an hour of pain and is not for the faint-hearted. These sessions are usually competitive and designed to take the participants to the 'edge' for a bit of a look. Every week without fail Jan is the first one ready to train. Aside from her, the average age of the group is around thirty. While most people her age would not even consider getting involved in something so 'inappropriate' for a 65 year old, she is sweating her butt off and not trying to rationalise whether or not her behaviour is 'sensible' or 'normal'.

Some of the most amazing results I have seen have been achieved by people in their forties, fifties and beyond; people who stop rationalising whether or not it's 'appropriate' for them to be lifting, running, riding or jumping.

People who realise that getting older is a state of mind, not a state of body.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Cure Against Depression and Low Self Confidence

Depression strikes most of us and it can make us paralysed.
It is essential that we do not let it get too much
influence on our lives.

Cure against depression

Practice this cure on a day off.

* Have a healthy and balanced breakfast in your dressing

* Take a warm shower or sauna.

* Rub your skin with body lotion and your feet with foot

* Put on some comfortable clothes.

* Go for a long walk.

* When you come back home, make yourself a cup of hot tea
on St. John's Wort, rosemary or lavender.

* Make yourself comfortable in your favourite armchair.

* Read a good book or magazine.

* Listen to your favourite music. (It should be cheerful)

* Make sure you are warm. Slippers and a blanket may come

* Be sure to have fresh air in the room. Take some
deep breaths to fill your lungs.

Great self confidence can be learned

You can learn how to be confident about who you are and what
you can do. You can learn how to tolerate uncertainty and be
confident with not knowing what is going to happen.

Some tips:

* Write down your positive achievements, all that you can
remember; educations, jobs, loves and relationships (even if
they ended, you still achieved them), friendships, children,
driving licence... Look at what you already have and realize
you have done rather well.

* Write down good things that others have said about you.
Read through old documents from former employers or teachers
that state all your strong sides. Maybe you forgot you had them?

* Make plans. Ask yourself what can be done. What can you
change to make things better? Write down precise goals and
write a step-by-step plan on how you intend to achieve your

*Decision. Make a decision that tomorrow you will start
dealing with the first step of your plan.

When you read what you have written you will realize that
you have grown and developed over the years. That also means
that you can grow and develop further.