Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Mental Depression and Its Downward Spiral

The term mental depression brings fear to those who hear it. Mental plus illness leads some people to think "crazy". This is of course untrue. Although mental depression is a real medical condition it isn't insanity in the classic, negative sense. Drop the mental illness stereotypes. It can be cured, and mental depression does not make a person some type of sub human. Mental depression attacks about 15 million Americans each year. But 2/3 of those never seek medical attention because of their fear. Make health the primary concern. Wishing away mental depression doesn't work. The illness is persistent. It can affect anyone, anywhere at any time. It doesn't care about your color or the god you worship. It has no care for financial or social status. It does not care if you are young or old. This disease has no boundaries. Early detection can be a great boon when it comes to treatment. But the signs of mental depression aren't easy to spot. Everyone is down from time to time.

The general term depression is better used to describe a temporary depressed or sad mood. By contrast, major depression is a serious and often disabling condition that can significantly affect a person's work, family and school life, sleeping and eating habits, and general health. In Western countries, around 3.4% of people with major depression eventually commit suicide, and up to 60% of all people who commit suicide have depression or another mood disorder. Depressed individuals have a shorter life expectancy than those without depression, being more susceptible to medical conditions such as heart disease. However, depression may be overdiagnosed, and current diagnostic trends arguably have the effect of medicalizing sadness.

Depression is a loaded word in our culture. Many associate it, however wrongly, with a sign of weakness and excessive emotion. This is especially true with men. Depressed men are less likely than women to acknowledge feelings of self-loathing and hopelessness. How is depression expressed in men? Frequently, it comes out in more "socially acceptable" forms. Anger, aggression, reckless behavior and violence, along with substance abuse, can be signs of an underlying depression. You might hear complaints about fatigue, irritability, sleep problems, and loss of interest or sudden excessive interest in work and hobbies. Even though depression rates for women are twice as high as those in men, men are a higher suicide risk, especially older men.

Depression is a major risk factor for suicide. The deep despair and hopelessness that goes along with depression can make suicide feel like the only way to make the pain go away. Suicidal individuals often give warning signs or signals of their intentions. The best way to prevent suicide is to know and watch for these warning signs and to get involved if you spot them. If you believe that a friend or family member is suicidal, you can play a role in suicide prevention by pointing out the alternatives, showing that you care, and getting a professional involved.

There are a variety of symptoms that may indicate mental depression. Sufferers avoid contact with others. They may not find any enjoyment in activities that once comforted them. Sleeplessness and insomnia are common. People may begin to eat more than usual or less than usual. Dealing with others becomes a chore. Feelings of hopelessness may arise, and despair results. Even physical health will begin to deteriorate. They can be suffering from mental depression and not even realize it. Sometimes we have to realize it for them.

Depression is caused by a variety of possibilities. Stress can be a key. Many things cause stress. Stress comes from relationships and even the struggle to make ends meet. There is also stress from losing someone you love. It is also believed that mental depression is passed on through the genes. Many things cause depression. But there are many treatments too. Talk therapy is a good treatment. Prescription drugs and natural herbs can also work. If treated, mental depression can be cured.Depression is generally ranked in terms of severity -- mild, moderate, or severe. The degree of your depression, which your doctor can determine, influences how you are treated. Symptoms of depression include:

* Trouble sleeping or excessive sleeping
* A dramatic change in appetite, often with weight gain or loss
* Fatigue and lack of energy
* Feelings of worthlessness, self-hate, and inappropriate guilt
* Extreme difficulty concentrating
* Agitation, restlessness, and irritability
* Inactivity and withdrawal from usual activities
* Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
* Recurring thoughts of death or suicide

Low self esteem is common with depression. So are sudden bursts of anger and lack of pleasure from activities that normally make you happy, including sex.

Depressed children may not have the classic symptoms of adult depression. Watch especially for changes in school performance, sleep, and behavior. If you wonder whether your child might be depressed, it's worth bringing to a doctor's attention. For some people, a combination of many factors may be causing clinical depression. For others, a single factor may be triggering the illness. Depression often is related to the following.

* Imbalance of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters -
* Certain diseases or illnesses -
* Negative thinking patterns -
* Family history of depression -
* Difficult life events -
* Certain medications -
* Frequent and excessive alcohol consumption.

Now, knowing all this about Mental Depression, it's up to you to get on the ball and maybe read some more of the information on the site.

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