Saturday, April 27, 2013

Depression Medication

Depression can affect any one of us at any time of our lives and is more than just feeling a bit fed up or down in the dumps. When you cannot just snap out of it and the symptoms of depression persist for more than a couple of weeks, and interfere with your ability to carry out your normal routines on a daily basis, then your health care provider or GP may prescribe some form of medication to help you combat the depression.

There are many different types of anti-depressants available and the earlier ones include Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs). Newer types include Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and others, which may not fall into one specific category but which all work by impacting on the chemicals in the brain that are responsible for our mood and how we feel.

The following list represents the most commonly prescribed drugs for depression, their brand names and the name of the pharmaceutical company producing them (in brackets), as well as a brief description of how the different types are believed to work.

Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs)

Tricyclic antidepressants are so called because of their molecular structure in that they contain three rings of atoms. Although no one understands exactly how they work, it is thought that the beneficial effects are due to their ability to balance the natural neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain. The most common side effects are dry mouth and drowsiness and possibly blurred vision, sweating, and a slight hesitancy when passing urine. The following list represents some of the most commonly prescribed Tricyclic antidepressants:

o Doxepin - Brand names: Adapin (Lotus Biochemical Corporation) and Sinequan (Pfizer Inc)

o Clomipramine - Brand names: Anafranil (Geneva Pharmaceuticals)

o Nortriptylene - Brand Names: Aventyl (Eli & Lilly) and Pamelor (Novartis Pharmaceuticals)

o Imipramine - Brand Names: Tofranil (Novartis Pharmaceuticals)

o Protriptyline - Brand Names: Vivactil (Merck & Co)

o Trimipramine - Brand Names: Surmontil (Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals)

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)

This type of medication works by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme monoamine oxidase, which in turn increases the levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine. They are not prescribed as often as they used to be as the newer type of medication known as SSRIs have become more popular. MAOIs would usually be prescribed when other medications have proved ineffective. MAOIs can interact with foods containing tyramine and raise blood pressure; they can also interact unfavourably with many other drugs and over the counter preparations. Some MAOIs include:

o Isocarboxazid - Brand Name: Marplan (Oxford Pharmaceutical Services)

o Phenelzine - Brand Name: Nardil (Pfizer Inc)

o Tranylcypromine - Brand Name: Parnate (Glaxo Smith Kline)

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

SSRIs work by selectively inhibiting the reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain so that levels of serotonin are increased. They are generally considered safer than other types. Side effects include nausea, anxiety, sleep disturbances and sexual dysfunction. They can also interact with other drugs. Some of the more commonly prescribed SSRIs include:

o Citalopram - Brand Name: Celexa (Forest Pharmaceuticals)

o Escitalopram - Brand Name: Lexapro (Forest Pharmaceuticals)

o Fluoextine - Brand Name: Prozac (Eli & Lilly)

o Fluvoxamine - Brand Name: Luvox (Solvay Pharmaceuticals)

o Paroxetine - Brand Name: Paxil (Glaxo Smith Kline)

o Setraline - Brand Name: Zoloft (Pfizer Inc)

Some other types of medication

There are other types of medication available for depression which are not included in the previous categories but which all work in various ways to alter the balance of chemicals in the brain to alleviate depression. For example:

o Bupropion - works by inhibiting the reuptake of both norepinephrine and dopamine. Often used to treat the type of depression known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), as well as ADHD and as part of a stopping smoking programme. Brand Name: Wellbutrin (Glaxo Smith Kline)

o Duloxetine - works by inhibiting the reuptake of both serotonin and noradrenaline (SNRI). Brand Name: Cymbalta (Eli & Lilly)

o Venlafaxine - Also an SNRI. Brand Name: Effexor (Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals)

o Maprotiline - Known as a tetracyclic antidepressant because its molecular structure consists of 4 rings in a T shape. Brand Names: Ludiomil (Novartis Pharmaceuticals)

Which type medication is most suitable?

The type of medication prescribed by your GP will depend on many factors including the kind of depression diagnosed, the severity of the symptoms, other medication that you may be taking and of course the potential risk of any side effects.

It is not possible to predict with any degree of accuracy which one will be most effective and it can take a number of weeks for any effects to be noticed. If after six weeks or so there is no improvement, then another medication may be prescribed until you find the most appropriate one for you.

Regardless of the type of depression diagnosed, the right medication can alleviate the symptoms of depression and help you get back to your old self again.

Parental Substance Abuse Increases Children's Risk

Parents are supposed to nurture their children with all good habits and guide them to be good members of society. But when parents themselves become physically and emotionally dysfunctional due to substance abuse, it results in profound negative effects on children impacting their social, physical and emotional well-being.

Today, there is an increasing concern about the negative effects parental substance abuse on children as there are many parents who abuse alcohol or other illicit drugs in US. According to a report by SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration), more than 8.3 million children (more than 1 in 10) live with at least one parent who is a substance abuser.

Effects on children
Because of parental drug abuse, one can observe severe implications on children's lives. Parental substance abuse affects the young ones' relationships with both parents and other family members. As per a research by SAMHSA, children of parents who abuse illicit drugs are more at risk than their peers for depression, delinquency, poor school performance, and drug and alcohol use. Some of the other effects of parental abuse on their children are:

Impairs child's growth
Parental substance abuse creates considerable problems including the interruption of normal development of the child. Kids of substance abusing parents will be at higher risk for emotional, physical and mental health issues. They generally suffer from low self-esteem, a disruptive attitude, anxiety, behavioral problems, depression etc. Unable to get consistent practical or emotional care from their parents, they separate themselves from their parents and peers. Parental substance abuse causes a lot of social stigma because of which, they may have difficulty in connecting with others during social interactions.

Health risks
Parents, who abuse drugs, loose their ability to parent effectively as they are more likely to be involved with domestic violence, divorce, unemployment and mental illnesses. Children of these parents will suffer from stress related health problems like depression, anxiety, improper social behavior, delinquency, gastrointestinal disorders, migraines, headaches, asthma etc. Children may also suffer from maltreatment and malnourishment.

Loose interest in academics
Parental substance abusers will have disturbing consequences on their children's academics. Because of continuous unhealthy and stressful atmosphere in their home, these children will have poor academic performance and learning disabilities. They are more likely to repeat grades, truant and drop out of the school. Due to lack of peace at home, children will not be able to concentrate on their studies and homework.

Children may imitate their parents
Children see their parents and try to experiment with the substances that their parents abuse. Some may try these harmful drugs to deviate their minds from stress at their home. They start feeling that substance abuse is the only solution for their problems. According to SAMHSA, children with parents who are addicted to alcohol or other illegal drugs are four times more likely to get addicted if they try alcohol or other illegal drugs.

How to keep the children safe
As discussed above, there are many negative effects on children due to parental substance abuse. They can develop anxiety, which includes over-achievement, constant need to please others, fear of harm etc. They may experience depression, which includes symptoms like fatigue and lack of interest. They suffer from many behavioral disorders such as temper tantrums, emotional outbursts, no control of behavior, aggression, lying, stealing etc. So, it is very important to keep them safe from the harmful effects of the drug abuse. Some of the ways to keep children safe are:

Maintain open communication with children
It is very crucial for the parent to maintain open communication with their children. It is like building trust and an atmosphere of love. The parent has to be honest, clear and also be aware of the influence of words. The parent should communicate about the issues related to substance abuse with their children.

Stick to the facts
Parents have most control over the kids. To keep them safe, parents should intervene at the right time and talk to them. One of the important things they should remember while talking to their kids is that they should stick to the facts. If the parent wants to talk about the actual impact of the substance, it is better to express the truth than covering up. Children these days are smart enough to identify whether the parent is leaving something out or exaggerating. If the parent tries to lie or if the child finds that the parent has lied, he/she will feel betrayed and resentful.

Practice what you speak
Many of the children name their parents as their major role models in their lives, even if they are most rebellious children. Substance abusing parents are a major means of influence of substance abuse for their children. If parents don't want that their children to abuse illicit substances, they should first quit substance abuse. Remember the old saying, "Do as I say, not as I do," doesn't work with kids as they often see and figure out more than we realize.

Be clear and simple
The parent should be clear, simple and straightforward. The best thing is to establish clear 'no-use rules' for children about substance abuse. The parent should not express to their children that a particular substance is better than the other or it is fine to use in certain situations. This will just appear like the parent is approving it to use. Parent should also not give the examples which might be confusing and hard to understand.

Examine family choices
It is very important for parents to make sure that others in the family are also free from substance abuse. In order to make sure that their children grow in a healthy and drug free environment, all the family members should be drug free. If the family is good, the children will pick up the healthy behaviors from them.

As discussed above, parental substance abuse has a significant impact upon the welfare, development, and happiness of the children. Awareness is the best solution for children, communities and individuals themselves to stop misusing drugs or alcohol.

If You Think You Have Major Depression

This is the most serious form of depression in terms of number of symptoms and severity of symptoms. It is a medical illness that involves the mind and the body and affects how a person thinks and behaves. Although suicidal thoughts or gestures are part of major depression, a person does not have to be suicidal to be clinically depressed; you may not be able to go about your usual daily activities, and depression may make you feel as if life just isn't worth living anymore. Although some people experience only one episode of depression, most have repeated episodes of depression symptoms throughout their life.

Symptoms of major depression

  • Loss of interest in normal daily activities
  • Feeling sad or down
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Crying spells for no apparent reason
  • Problems sleeping
  • Trouble focusing or concentrating
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Unintentional weight gain or loss
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Being easily annoyed
  • Feeling fatigued or weak
  • Feeling worthless
  • Loss of interest in sex
  • Thoughts of suicide or suicidal behavior
  • Unexplained physical problems, such as back pain or headaches

The severity of symptoms differ from person to person. In some people, the symptoms are obvious to those around us, even if we don't recognize them in ourselves. Sometimes, a depressed person may just feel miserable or unhappy without knowing why.

What causes major depression?

It isn't known exactly what causes depression, but it is felt to be a combination of factors.

Biochemical: It is felt that naturally occurring chemical uptake to the brain (called neurotransmitters) may be interrupted or faulty. These affect mood and thought and are felt to play a part in depression. Hormonal imbalance can also be a factor.

Genetic: Some studies show that depression is more common in family groups and therefore is hereditary to some degree.

Environment: Life events can trigger depression. Loss of a loved one, financial problems, periods of high stress and marital issues are some of the major environmental factors in depression.

Risk factors for depression

Although the exact causes or triggers for depression aren't known, there are certain factors and life events that seem to increase the risk of developing depression. Being aware of these triggers can help you identify your own depression.

  • Having other biological relatives with depression
  • Having family members who have taken their own life
  • Stressful life events, such as the death of a loved one
  • Having a depressed mood as a youngster
  • Illness, such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's or HIV/AIDS
  • Long-term use of certain medications, such as some drugs used to control high blood pressure, sleeping pills or, occasionally, birth control pills
  • Certain personality traits, such as having low self-esteem and being overly dependent, self-critical or pessimistic
  • Alcohol, nicotine and drug abuse
  • Having recently given birth
  • Being in a lower socioeconomic group

Seeking medical advice

Many people don't recognize their own depression and therefore don't seek help. If you recognize yourself in any of the above, you are taking a step in the right direction. Once you recognize the symptoms, you can then also recognize that you don't have to live like this.

It's normal to occasionally upset or unhappy with situations in your life. With depression, however, these feelings hang onto you for a long period of time. Your friends and family may tell you to "get over it," but you find yourself unable to do that. These feelings are more intense than just "feeling blue," and interfere with your life, work and enjoyment of daily living.

If you are feeling suicidal or having thoughts that life just isn't worth living, seek medical attention immediately. If you are having suicidal feelings right now, call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). This is a free service.

If you don't want to or are unable to for some reason, you have other choices for reaching out for help, such as contacting family members or friends, a doctor or mental or health care provider, a spiritual leader, or someone in your circle with whom you feel a strong connection. You can also go to your local emergency room or call a crisis center or hotline.

Helping a loved one

You may be visiting because you feel someone you love is suffering from depression and you wonder what you could be doing for them.

Have an open and honest discussion with them. As stated above, many times people don't realize they're depressed. For them, depression is "normal," and they don't recognize the severity of their condition. They believe that everyone feels the way they do. You may not be able to force someone to get professional help, but you can be supportive and offer encouragement.

Sometimes, someone who is depressed just needs someone to demonstrate to them that their presence in the world does matter, that there are people who care about them enough to help them make the first step in the right direction. It can be very helpful to them if you get a referral for them to get professional help, assist them in making the appointment and getting to it. Even these simple tasks can be daunting to someone who is severely depressed. Often, they require assistance in getting the help they desperately need because they are incapable of taking care of the things the rest of us take for granted.

If your loved one is suicidal, do not attempt to help them on your own. That is not to say don't help them - just don't try to handle it without professional help. Take them to the emergency room or call for emergency help.

When You Are Down And Out, How Do You Get Up And Go Forward?

Have you been prospecting for months on end, only to end up with no one? Or have you been trying to sell a product or service that has not been selling? Or you just kind of depressed about your current employment? There are many reasons to get down and start to get depressed about your situation. When you are down, do you know how to get back up and heading in the right direction? When learning some techniques in your personal development growth, I believe there are four good principles that you can use to get you headed back in the right direction.

I am going to get these four principles from two passages in the Bible, Psalms 42-43. In the passages, the Psalmist is in a depression. He is searching the depths of his soul looking for God. He talks about how to get one's self out of a depression. I am going to take these teachings and apply them to feelings of giving up because nothing is happening in your home based MLM business opportunity, your online sales, your job, and etc. We all get down for one reason or another. The trick is to not give up, but get up and go forward in the face of adversity.

The first principle to remember is to talk to yourself instead of letting yourself talk to you. In chapter 42:5, the psalmist says, "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me?" Have you tried everything that you knew possible and see others becoming successful, but doing the same thing is not working for you? In the back of your mind, you start telling yourself that you will never be successful. When those thoughts start cross your mind, you need to stop, take a deep breath and say to yourself, "I am going to be successful". Think outside the box. Don't let your conscious get the best of you. If you have a mentor, talk to them. If you do not have a mentor, set up a small support group that will raise you up when you are down or vise versa. Remember this quote when dwelling on the past, "Success comes in cans, failure in can't"

The second principle is to quit dwelling on things that are in the past and start dwelling on the present. In chapter 42:4, the psalmist says "This things I remember..." He also says in chapter 42:6 "my Savior and my God. My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you from the land of the Jordan, the heights of Hermon-from Mount Mizar." Plainly said, "What is done, is done" Quit worry about things that did not work for you. Do not beat yourself up for things that you cannot change. Only think of ways to not make the same mistakes. Try new things! Again, think outside of the box. A famous quote from Ben Sweetland states "Success is a journey, not a destination." You have to continually think about the present and your journey to success.

The third principle is though there are many reasons to fail, there are far more reasons to succeed. The psalmist states in chapter 42:5, "Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him" This mean to not be bogged down in negativity. You may fail at one of your goals, get up, dust yourself off and try again. Always be focused on the big picture. Visualize yourself succeeding. One of my favorite quotes is by Dorothea Brande who states "To guarantee success, act as if it we impossible to fail"

And the last principle is the affirmation of success must be repeated again and again in spite of failure. Within passage 42 and 43, the psalmist repeats the verse "Why are you downcast, O my soul?" three times. Three times he asks himself why he feels down. The psalmist is affirming that he has blessings to be thankful for. Think positively. Have you ever heard the expression to "will" something done? You have to do just that. You have to visualize your success. You have to see yourself in the new house, the new cars, money in the bank, running a successful business, etc. And you do this repeatedly, visualizing yourself succeeding no matter of the setbacks. Willie Davis says, "The road to success is uphill." To succeed, you will constantly need to tell yourself that you are going to be successful.

By reading the passages, you see a man downcast and downtrodden. He is question himself. But we see that he talk himself out of depression. We also see him quit dwelling on the past and concern himself with the present. Even though he has reasons to burden himself with failures, he expatiates on the success. And last, and probably the most important, he affirmed his belief several times. When you get down, you need to do the same things. And one other important thing, you should only surround yourself with people who are positive and like-minded. You do not need any negativity in your life beating you down. "Will" yourself to success!

Physical Symptoms of Depression Can Be Relieved By Your Thoughts

Physical symptoms of depression are very real. People who suffer from the misery handed out by the depression misery monster don't just feel bad mentally; they endure physical symptoms of depression too.

But just because physical symptoms of depression are not figments of a sufferer's imagination doesn't mean the mind can't stop the symptoms. In fact, the mind is the best tool to use to stop physical symptoms of depression.

Many depression sufferers don't realize that many of their physical complaints are caused by depression. But the sad truth is that depression can cause multiple physical symptoms, including:



--Muscle aches

--Back pain

--Digestive troubles

--Chest pain

--Sleeping problems

--Changes in appetite and weight

Because many of these physical symptoms of depression can have multiple causes, many people don't realize that their suffering is caused by depression.

Even though these symptoms are by no means "all in your head" as some doctors might suggest, you can still use your head to help heal the symptoms. Remember that your mind is the master switch for your entire body. Your mind, or more specifically your thoughts, can generate massive bodily changes.

If you don't believe that, think about jumping out of an airplane. If you love the idea of skydiving, the idea of jumping out of a plane will create certain physiological changes in your body. You'll feel your heart rate quicken. You'll feel excited. This feeling of excitement is caused by actual chemical changes in your body.

If you hate the idea of skydiving, you'll have a very different reaction when you think about jumping from a plane. Your palms may start to sweat. You may have trouble catching your breath. These are also physical reactions. Caused by your mind.

To relieve physical symptoms of depression, you must start using your mind in a positive way. Here's the easiest and most effective way I know to use your mind to help alleviate depression's physical symptoms. Begin to use your mind to show you what I call Mini Mental Movies.

Depression is about a negative thinking loop. When you're depressed, you can only see the dark side of life. Focusing on that dark side releases chemicals in your body that causes the symptoms you don't want. If you can start focusing on the lighter side of life, you can change the chemistry in your body.

Of course, simply trying to "feel good" when you're depressed is a lost cause. But you can use your imagination to create little feel good scenarios.

As often as possible, imagine yourself in some situation that you would love to be in. Pick something you want. Imagine it in great detail. Make the scene big and bright and put yourself in the middle of it.

These Mini Mental Movies can completely change your physiology. I know because I've used this technique with great success. I used to experience severe suicidal depression. Today, I'm depression free.

The best way to relieve depression is get your mind and body working together. Using pleasant mental images give your mind the power to shift your body's chemistry so you can relieve physical symptoms of depression.

How to Treat Anxiety and Bipolar Disorder

Anxiety and bipolar disorder are two different mental abnormalities affecting many these days. Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression. Patients suffering from this disease travels between mania, an abnormally high-spirited mood and depression, a terribly low mood. It has been found that a patient having bipolar disorder can also have anxiety. It is good to know the various treatment options available, so that you can take a well informed decision on how to treat anxiety and bipolar disorder.

There are many antidepressants which can effectively treat both anxiety and bipolar-disorder. The most popular drugs are serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. They stop the brain from recycling norepinenephrine and/or serotonin, the two neurotransmitters which are involved in mood. Mood stabilizers are medicines which can manage the symptoms of both bipolar disorder and anxiety. Lithium is a highly effective medicine which can stabilize mood. Valproic acid is another medicine given to those suffering from bipolar disorder with psychotic symptoms like hallucinations and delusions. Mood stabilizer may be prescribed to an anxiety disorder patient to improve the effect of the initial anti-anxiety medication. Benzodiazepines are medication to treat anxiety and they act on the receptors in the brain. Examples of such medications which are used for anxiety disorder treatment ate Alprazolam, Lorazepam, Clonazepam etc. A bipolar disorder patient can take such medication for getting relief from anxiety, sleeplessness or symptoms of agitation.

It is essential to know about natural remedies also to find how to treat anxiety and bipolar-disorder. You can include supplements with the permission of your doctor. The popular supplements include Sam-E, St. John's Wort and Omega-3. Serotonin and Dopamine are two brain chemicals which play a major role in bipolar-disorder. These chemicals have an impact on mood and if their levels are low, it can result in depression. The fact is that by remaining active and exercising for at least 30 minutes a day, you can enhance the production of these essential chemicals. You can also join a support group, where you can share information with others who are tackling the conditions.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Natural Methods to Treat Divorce Depression - 5 Strategies to Ease Symptoms

Depression often arises during the process of divorce.   This is understandable, as the emotional impact of divorce is very strong. There is a change is a large number of areas - living arrangements, finances, standards of living, the loss of ideals, a loss of intimacy, and loss of accessibility and/or time with children. It is not uncommon for sadness, hopelessness, anxiety about the future, loss of energy and interest in doing enjoyable activities, and changes in sleep habits or appetite to set in. In severe cases, you might need to see a doctor to take some antidepressants to help you through this trying time. However, for milder cases, a natural approach can be successful is managing the symptoms. Here are 5 strategies for attacking the depression of divorce with natural methods:

1.       Eat a healthy diet. Eat lots of fresh produce, proteins that are lean, and whole grains. The body and mind are connected and improving your physical health will help support your emotional well being. Often, appetite is impacted by feelings of depression. If you don't feel like eating much, try carrying around snacks and eating them throughout the day in small portions. If you eat more than you really need to maintain a healthy weight and good energy, try setting a cutoff time past which you won't eat. Also, turn off the TV while you eat. The distraction can keep you from being in touch with your body and sensing when you are truly full.

2.      Try supplementation if needed. A food based multivitamin can be a good place to start, adding calcium if you don't eat a lot of calcium rich foods. Fish oil is a good supplement that supports the body in various ways, including supporting brain health. L-theanine is an anti-anxiety supplement that can be beneficial, and os often taken with 5 HTP (hydroytryptophan), a natural antidepressant that converts to serotonin, a brain neurotransmitter involved in mood regulation. It is best to consult with your health care provider before trying new supplements.

3.      Exercise as a form of depression treatment. Check with your doctor to find out the best level of activity for your body and fitness level, then choose a cardiovascular regime that will elevate your heart rate for a period of time. This is important because endorphins are released with sustained cardio activity. Try to exercise regularly, ideally reaching 45 minutes five times per week. 

4.      Talk things out if needed. A professional counselor can be an excellent sounding board, and offer a trained and unbiased perspective to help you sort out your issues. Supportive friends and family are also a great emotional support, and can keep you connected and prevent isolation.

5.      Take a moment in each day to do something that honors you. Make a list of little things you enjoy, then choose one each day to do. Make this a habit - when the first list is finished, start another.

Is Audio-Based Brainwave Entrainment Safe?

In a word, yes.

Brainwave entrainment is a scientifically proven technological tool that introduces rhythmic, repeated sound and/or light stimulus to the brain with the intention of altering its major brainwave frequency to that of the stimulus, changing its state of consciousness.

Each brainwave state has unique benefits and entrainment is a way to consciously access a desired state, under your direction.

You listen to a brainwave entrainment recording, and depending on what it is you wish to experience, your brain will match the frequency on the recording, and alter your state of mind.

Brainwave entrainment is an easy to use, personal therapeutic tool, that can be used safely in the privacy of your own home.

Why Audio Entrainment Is Safe

  • Sound-based brainwave work is generally considered safe.

  • Is considered by the scientific and medical community as a completely safe therapeutic tool.

  • Brainwave entrainment uses the body's own natural processes to create a desired state. The brain naturally follows or mimics any rhythmic, repeated stimulus.

  • Doesn't replace medical or psychological treatment but works as a great complementary therapy.

  • Has been studied and built upon over 75 years of research and clinical trials by the scientific community.

  • Research published to date indicates significant changes associated with relaxation responses such as reduced muscle tension, positive changes in brainwave activity, increased vasodilation, reductions in gastric acid output, reductions in blood pressure, pulse, respiration and heart rate. Significant reductions in clinical depression, anxiety, and specific fibromyalgia symptoms have been revealed. All candidates for the trials experienced beneficial and safe effects.

Some Possible Side-Effects

  • Should not be used by anyone who has epilepsy (this is more prudent with visual entrainment), a pacemaker, or has seizures.

  • Few people have had a bad trip from listening to entrainment. This may more likely happen if they are already under the influence of a mind altering substance.

  • Can experience some emotional upheaval as brain forms and makes new connections, but this will diminish quickly.

  • Tones or beats may be a little uncomfortable in the beginning and give you a headache. If this happens, turn down the volume until you get used to the session.

Brainwave entrainment allows you to train your brain to experience any state of consciousness, in a safe and easy manner. You personally can create, using an entrainment recording, the right conditions for relaxation, visualization, learning, meditation, pain-control, stress relief, sleep, and many more states of mind.

By stimulating naturally occurring brainwave frequencies, you can turn on the right types of mind sets that you need to perform certain tasks.

Brainwave entrainment does not have any of the side effects of medication and is part of a process that happens to you naturally many times a day.

Audio-based brainwave entrainment is a safe way to heal.

Depression in Pregnancy

It is very complicated to face a treatment for clinical depression during pregnancy. This is because; there is a risk in having antidepressant medicines during pregnancy. But the combined attempts of doctors and psychiatrists can cure it.

Women are generally very emotional and sentimental in first few days of pregnancy. Near about 20% pregnant women need antidepressant treatment every year. Actual ratio is definitely bigger than that as women are taken very softly in the pregnancy period and this turns into neglecting psychological diseases. Safety measures in pregnancy and over cautious subjective view make them more emotional and depressed. It may cause serious psychiatric effects on a pregnant woman.

Antidepressants can harm the child of a pregnant woman. But even the depression can harm the baby. So, it depends on the severity of the disease and the decision of the caretakers of a patient.

Depression in a pregnant woman can cause some problems to a newborn. Those are irritability, less attentiveness and slowness in activities. Short gestation period is also one of these affects. The intake of antidepressants can cause some serious problems like pulmonary hypertension, weight reduction and cardiac defects in the newborn baby.

Identifying depression is very difficult in pregnancy. Generally, women become emotional, homesick and hyper in pregnancy. Over attention and some physical changes make them upset.
Sudden changes in mood, low energy are very usual symptoms in all pregnant women.

If a pregnant woman is upset most of the time, addicted to drugs or alcohol and stagnant low in energy, then these are few symptoms of depression in pregnancy. Poor prenatal care leads to unhealthy pregnancy in many cases.

If the disease is at a primary level, it can be treated with psychotherapy sessions. These can be taken in combination with medication too. In such cases doctors and therapists need the permission of the caretakers of the patient.

Those women, who have very minute clinical depression, can choose to be pregnant. But before planning so, you need to stop all the antidepressant medicines at least before 6 months. It should be done with the advice of your gynecologist and psychiatrist. In the case of severe clinical depression, there is no point in taking the risk for both, baby and the mother.

In some cases severe patients also can have babies, but it is too risky. Such patients should be treated with meditations, psycho therapies and anti -attacking consultation.

Generally, it is suggested that those women who are mildly depressed should stop medication, and even those who are in medium severity level also can choose to do the same. The sessions of psychiatrist and meditations are necessary for them. Those women who have severe depression are treated under observation and with the combined treatment of psychiatrists and gynecologist.

If a depression patient wants to get pregnant, she should consult a doctor before taking any decision. Case history, suicide attempts and such issues need to be discussed frankly with the doctor. It will help you to have a less critical pregnancy. Take the right decision and remember "risk bears profit" have a happy parenthood.

Your Thyroid - Taking Care of It

Have you noticed why you had difficulty losing weight, had such dried-out skin, your hair and nails always looked breakable, and your hands and feet appeared to be cold when the remainder of you felt fine? Did you at any time get out of bed in the morning feeling exhausted, discouraged and you felt as though your heart beat was slow, rapid, or abnormal? Well these types of signs and symptoms together with others may be from a thyroid problem. Other possible signs of thyroid problems may be regular constipation, joint pain, muscle weakness, skin issues for example dry rough, itchy, scaly skin and puffy under-eye area.

Our thyroid function is very important to be able to assist in keeping our immune system at its very best. There was a study conducted in Germany which says a large percentage of cancer patients had a very low or subclinical low thyroid level. Over the years the researchers have confirmed that low thyroid levels may lead to illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression, arthritis, and even more.

Low thyroid functions are considered to be called hypothyroidism. Subclinical low thyroid is where the blood test figures show up normal but they are on the lowest side of normal. Numerous doctors don't take into account the low numbers and will only deal with the thyroid if the numbers are evidently below the "normal range."

When I was in med school, we were taught that if the patient had the symptoms of low thyroid and the blood range numbers were normal however low normal, think about treating the patient with a minimal dose of natural thyroid. It was remarkable at the life transforming happiness it brought to many of these patients within days.

Here is a simple test you are able to perform on oneself at home. This was developed by Dr. Broda Otta Barnes around 1942 and the outcomes were printed in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Dr Barnes didn't consider his test to be 100% right but he maintained that it was superior to the blood tests that are being used. A lot of physicians specifically Naturopathic physicians will use this test and occasionally support it with the conventional blood work.


Before going to bed at night, shake down a basal body thermometer or an oral thermometer. Set it up next to your bedside so it could be all set for you any time you wake up. The key is that you don't stir all around significantly when you awaken. Do this before you get out of bed, drink your coffee or food.

When you wake up, place the thermometer in your armpit (axillary) coming in contact with your skin, not over your clothes. Leave for five (5) minutes. Note what the temperature is and record it.

Standard axillary temperature is within the range of 97.8 to 98.2 F. Take your temperature at least 5 days before getting out of bed. If your temperature is less than 97.8, it would be a good idea to have your physician look at your blood work. This could indicate your thyroid is under-active or hypothroid. Always ask for a copy of your blood work to take home so you will have your report. The majority of lab reports will give your result along with the normal range so you should be able to see where within the range you are.

There's incredible quantity of information on the Broda Barnes Thyroid Test which can be googled. Please bear in mind, this test doesn't take the place of your doctor but it can give you an idea and an excellent argument for health. Also, there are lots of great natural thyroid medications nowadays so you don't need to be satisfied with the synthetic drugs.

A good working thyroid helps you to keep a great working immune system!

Wellness Insurance - The Best Health Maintenance and Management Insurance Coverage

Wellness insurance acts as a wonderful alternative to the traditional medical insurance. The main purpose of wellness insurance is to help you get healthy and to keep you in good health all the time by preventing diseases and their symptoms.

Taking care of all or a unique part of some health-related expenses and programs like vitamin provision, supplement aids, weight management courses, smoking cessation and more health-related challenges, wellness protection targets the total health maintenance and management needs of an individual and not waiting to treat health problems when they happen.

Benefits of Prevention

Basically, wellness insurance takes care of the bill for you to enjoy excellent health and be healthy by practicing prevention. This eventually leads to lesser health insurance claims and an overall reduced medical insurance rates. Also, considering the increase in health care services, it pays you a lot to get involved in preventing sickness. Are you just getting this preventive insurance information? be sure to read on and learn more on how you can get wellness coverage, stay in good health, and seriously reduce your medical insurance rates for good; all done at the same time!

Looking For Wellness Coverage

It is true that some health insurance companies now have wellness coverage included in their services to help keep you free of health problems with time. Note that this type of insurance protection and service is still relatively new.

Be sure to ask your insurance provider if they have wellness coverage in the list of their services. If the answer is yes, then you are sure to enjoy health maintenance insurance which will eventually reduce your annual premiums.

On the other hand, if wellness insurance is not available, you can get the same coverage by buying a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) then wisely combine the service with a Wellness Savings Account (WSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA).

Do you need wellness insurance? Let us connect you with the agents on our network. This will make it easier for you to compare different health plans and their prices, and choose your ideal health cover policy.

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The 8 Steps to Be Unhappy, Miserable, and Depressed!

So... people ask me all the time what they can do to be unhappy, more miserable, or depressed. There are so many people in this world that need the answers to these important questions. I decided that I would dedicate my time and vast knowledge of this topic so that you too can create, extremely fast, deep unhappiness in your life. It is important that you read over these principals as they can, will, and do have a huge affect on the outcome of your life. In fact these 8 principals probably have a bigger outcome on your life than ANYTHING ELSE EVER WILL. This is life-changing! Are you ready to find out how to always be upset? Well read on below and lets get unhappy together!

These are the top 8 steps to make you unhappy. As you read this identify with ones that you want to do more of so that you can really accelerate your decline into sorrow and grief.

1. Be extra judgmental

Judging other people is such a fast track to unhappiness. When you really want to be upset then just go find someone to judge. Even better is to judge them, and then tell everyone about how awful they are. When we judge other people it pulls us down to where they are in their lives. It also gives you this awesome negative feeling in your gut. Your first step toward the ultimate sadness is to start judging, and judge as harshly as possible so you can decline like a rocket crashing right into the ground.

2. Complain about every thing! (literally everything, even little things that really don't matter)

I love to complain. If I ever feel happy I know I have not been complaining enough. When we complain it gets our blood boiling. We focus strongly on the negative things around us. It helps if you complain about the people that you are being judgmental about. Then you can kill 2 happiness birds with one stone. Complaining is awesome Gripe and complain all day long for an extra unhappy week. Do this especially when you meet one of those annoying people that is always happy. If you do this you can bring them down with you, then you both can complain about everything together, its awesome!

3. Look for what's wrong, and tell everyone why its wrong.

This is such a perfect goal to have when working on your negative attitude. What could be a better way then finding fault in everything. Think about those bad drivers, the rough roads, the economy, your family, the food for lunch, politics, rude people, and every thing else that you ever see, touch, or even hear about. YOU CAN FIND SOMETHING WRONG WITH EVERYTHING! So do it. Why be happy when you can be finding fault in everything you see. It is especially helpful to try and have a worse day than all of your friends. Then at the end of the day you can say "that's nothing, look what happened to me today.....," or "If it makes you feel better my day was so much worse than yours because of......."This game can be continued on for hours until someone finally wins at the worst day possible, and by then we are all totally depressed. Great game!

4) Hang out with other unhappy people, even if they are good friends or family

Yeah, other unhappy people are a great way to bring yourself town into depression. It is so good for you to spend time around people that have any of these 8 qualities. If they are always negative then you should copy every word they say. I recommend that you get 5 hours of personal time with someone that is unhappy. This can really drain that sick happiness right out of your body. The faster you can get rid of happiness the better off you will be, so make sure you really latch onto people that hate life!

5) Tell yourself how stupid you are when you mess up

This is a really good one. Talk to yourself and call yourself names. Let yourself know how stupid you are. Don't forget to talk bad about yourself verbally as well as non verbally. Really voice the negative judgments that you make of yourself. If you need some suggestions you could say things like "I'm such a stupid idiot." "I hate myself." or even something like "I'm a lazy useless slob." I usually tell women to make sure they tell themselves how fat and ugly they are so that they can really get unhappy quickly.

6) Be critical!

Oh boy, I sure do love this one. Some people say "Location, Location, Location," but I say "Criticize, Criticize, Criticize." You should criticize everything you see. Everything! And if anyone else is around at all, then you should really let t hem hear what you think. Not only about the world, but about that person as well. Why should they be spared if they are not perfect. Criticize them as well. They will hate you for it, and that will make you even more unhappy.

7) Always assume the worst will happen

Always believe that nothing will work out. You will get in a car wreck today. You will fail your test. You will get fired. Everyone will hate you. Everyone is watching you hoping you screw up. Everyone wants you to fail. Never forget to assume the worst possible outcome. You will probably die when you leave the house today, and if you don't die you will probably go bankrupt or loose a family member! Assuming the worst and telling everyone about it will assist you in your unhappiness quest.

8 ) Eliminate forgive and forgiveness from your vocabulary

Hold grudges. Hate. Despise. Never forgive. Forgiveness is your enemy.

If there is anything that will bring more happiness into your life its forgiveness. When you forgive someone you instantly feel free and happy. This is the last thing an unhappiness seeker is looking for. We want to hate them forever. So never forgive. Bottle that up, oh and tell everyone about what they did to screw you over. The more people you tell about what someone did to you, the more unhappy you can be. they will also tell you about the people that screw them over. Then you both can be miserable! This will really accelerate your decline into the pit of unhappy despair.

Please share your stories about how this post helped you to be really rottenly unhappy. Also if you have other ways to help people hate their life then post them as well.

Today is just like every other day, its time to create your pain. I hope you are super depressed right now and did not enjoy this blog. In Sadness and misery - Justin Criner

Hint!~~~~~~For the few of you that are interested in being happy, the first step is to do the opposite of all of these.~~~~~~Hint

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Post Natal Depression

Post natal depression is a psychological illness that affects 15% of the female population after child-birth. It is described by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition as depression with onset within 4 weeks after childbirth usually occurring around two weeks after childbirth and may last between a year and several months. Post natal depression symptoms are usually evident a few months following birth. Symptoms can include guilt, sadness, lack of energy and social withdrawal. This widely misunderstood mental disorder has been also referred to as post-partum depression or PPD, and is closely linked with clinical depression.

A number of risk factors have been identified that may contribute to the onset of post natal depression, with possible causes being attributed to the hormonal changes during pregnancy and the combination of the risk factors. Treatments are available through medical professionals and are most effective when administered as soon as symptoms are noticed.

Post natal depression is an illness associated with women. However, men are also prone to suffer from PPD with rates varying between 1.2 - 25% of the male population. The rates of women suffering are in the range of 5% - 25% with African-American women being the most at risk and Asian/pacific island peoples having the lowest occurrences. The significance of PPD is that this disorder is most likely to affect women in the post-birth period, and it is this period of time that women can expect the greatest risk of developing a psychologically damaging condition.

Symptoms of post natal depression

Post natal depression can be diagnosed by the combination of these symptoms to varying degrees of severity:

Sadness or crying
Feelings of Hopelessness
Low self-esteem
A feeling of being overwhelmed
Sleep pattern disturbance and eating problems such as over-eating, weight gain or loss of appetite.
Exhaustion, fatigue and malaise
Anhedonia (the loss of interest in typically pleasurable activities)
Reduced social contact.
Increased anxiety or panic attacks
Lack of energy
Spells of anger towards others
Becoming easily frustrated
Feelings of inadequacy in terms of child rearing.
Impaired speech and writing
decreased desire for sex or intimacy.

Risk factors for post natal depression:
All women are at risk of developing post natal depression, with some women being more prone than others. Risk factors have been found that can markedly increase the chances of developing post natal depression:

Formula feeding rather than breast-feeding
Prenatal depression during pregnancy
A history of depression
Prenatal anxiety
Lack of social support
General stress related to relationships, the workplace or financial stress-ors.
Poor marital relationship
Infant temperament problems/colic
Single Marital Status
Low socio-economic status
Unplanned/unwanted pregnancy

Three risk factors have been identified that when combined have a big impact on the chances of developing PPD. These factors are: formula feeding, history of depression and smoking cigarettes.

The general conclusions of the risk factors studied pointed to poor social support network, lack of financial resources and either bi-sexual or lesbian sexuality preference were the factors most likely to contribute to developing post natal depression following child birth.

Causes of post natal depression

Lack of vitamins were first thought to be a cause of the illness, although it is now thought that a combination of hormonal changes following child-birth, combined with a number of risk factors such as low socio-economic status, poor social support and history of pre natal depression can place a certain percentage of women at a higher risk than others.

Treatments for post natal depression:

Treatments follow a careful diagnosis by a trained medical professional using The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, which is a standardised self-reported questionnaire.

After a diagnosis, a number of treatments are available. The two most widely used are CBT, or cognitive behavioural therapy, and anti-depressant medication or a combination of the two. Both CBT and anti-depressant medication are equally effective, and the preference is up to the patient as to which treatment would suit them best. Positive results are usually seen within 4 weeks, with some women taking longer than others to respond.

Other treatment options are stable sleep patterns, a nutritious diet ( omega 3's and b vitamins) and group therapy sessions.

Post natal depression is a widespread mental illness that affects women during the post birth period. Timely recognition and accurate diagnosis by a medical professional are key to bringing the condition under control, and restoring quality to ones life.

Psychotic Depression - How It Differs From Clinical Depression

About twenty five percent of individuals admitted to hospitals for depression suffer from some form of psychotic depression. These individuals not only suffer from common symptoms but also from hallucinations or delusions. The illness has many similarities to clinical depression, but some important differences as well.

Other mental illnesses, like schizophrenia, can also include symptoms like hallucinations, delusions, or paranoia. However, individuals with this illness generally know that the thoughts or hallucinations are not real. At the same time, diagnosis becomes difficult because many people hide these symptoms, afraid to admit that they have these more socially unacceptable symptoms.

Along with more common depressive symptoms, these individuals may experience anxiety, hypochondria, insomnia, immobility, and cognitive impairment. Scientists don't know exactly how it develops, but some believe that it may have to do with high levels of cortisol in the blood. Cortisol is a hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands, which is released throughout the day and at times of stress.

The treatments also differ in some ways. Generally, a longer hospital stay is required and a closer follow up may be required for many patients. Mental health professionals have found that tricyclic antidepressants and anti psychotic medications seem to help many patients when they are used in combination. Lithium and electro convulsive therapy are also used to treat the illness, although they are usually second line treatments. Researchers have also been investigating the use of RU-486 (now used as "emergency contraception") as it appears to dramatically reduce the symptoms.

With treatment, most individuals will experience recovery within a year. Like other forms of the illness, psychotic depression can reoccur, although the symptoms are more likely to happen again than the hallucinations and delusions. However, diagnosis and treatment are important in preventing re occurrences and treating the symptoms that do come back. As the risk of suicide and other depressive illnesses is greater, it is imperative that individuals are diagnosed and treated properly.

Psychotic depression shares many symptoms with the clinical form of the illness, but is distinguished by the presence of hallucinations and/or delusions. Treatment differs from other types, as the psychotic symptoms must also be treated.

Alternative Depression Medication - 3 Ways to Start Over

If you are tired of anti depressants and their side effects and want to get out of the vicious circle of not being able to get off them, then read this article to see what alternative depression medication is available.

Here is the first way to start over. Have you heard of SAMe? This is the short convenient name for S-adenosylmethionine which is produced by our own bodies and is present in both fluids and tissues. It has a positive effect on the serotonin and dopamine which govern our moods. Now the synthetic from of this is used to treat depression in Europe but it is not yet approved for prescription use yet by the FDA in America. If you live in the USA that could be a reason why you have not heard of this compound.

Let me tell you about the trials that were done in Italy recently. They wanted to test whether this was as good or even better than the classic tricyclic depression medicine known as Desipramine. Not only was it just as effective as the Desipramine but there were hardly any side effects at all.

In addition they discovered that patients were already reporting symptom relief after only about one week compared to about a month for Desipramine. Now you can see why this is becoming a popular alternative depression medication. If you think this is worth a try, consult your doctor as it may interact with other medications and you want to be absolutely sure that it is safe. It is not suitable at all for people who are bipolar.

Here is the second way to start over. Are you sure that your diet is helping you with your depression? There are foods which can positively affect our mood and just by making a few simple changes to your diet, you can experience more positive thoughts, enhanced mood and a more serene outlook. The Omega 3 fatty acids which are present in fish oils have a positive effect on our serotonin levels. Research shows that depressed patients had low levels of these nutrients in their blood. The remedy is to eat lots of fish, flaxseed oil and walnuts. If you cannot get these foods easily, a good pharmaceutical grade Omega 3 will do fine. This is probably the easiest and cheapest alternative depression medication.

Here is the third way to start over. If you have not considered a herbal remedy for depression, then think again. If you suffer from mild depression or moderate depression, the St. John's Wort (SJW) herb is very popular and in Germany it is the number one treatment option for this mental disorder.

If you want to take this further, why not click through to my website where you can find all the details you need. As an alternative depression medication, it is gaining more popularity and when you read my website, you will understand why.

Genius and Madness, Let's Take a Second Look

Lucidity came to me when at last I succumbed to the vertigo of the modern.
Louis Aragon

Great wits are sure to madness near allied, and thin partitions do their bounds divide.
John Dryden

Yes, there is the "rumor" if not solid truth that madness may more or less be an exhibition of genius in its most grand scale. Many poets, painters, writers, and not so shockingly, poets were creative masters, and they also were mentally ill. The areas of artistic achievement in which these writers made terrific accomplishments in are vast and diverse. Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh is a horrific view of the world through the eyes of someone in the throes of a schizo affective disorder psychosis, arguably. Some say that it was bi-polar that he was inflicted with. Virginia Woolf captures the inner consciousness of the human experience in To The Lighthouse. She suffered with inner emotional conflicts from her jarring bi-polar disorder. The pain of the rubbing tectonic plates within her mind may very well have been the source of such penetrating insight into the intricacies of the human experience. Dickinson wrote massive amounts of poetry under the influence of manic depression. Beethoven, also bi-polar, wrote symphony after symphony in the inexhaustible state of mania associated with bi-polar or manic depression.

You see in the paragraph above, I've mentioned a few artists,that were unarguably geniuses, and they were also mad. But, their madness was of the affective spectrum: bi-polar disorder or schizo affective. "Affective" essentially means "emotion" or in this case "mood." In the state of a bi-polar mania, one is able to create and create and create because of their unlimited emotional energy. If you've noticed I've yet to mention any great creative artists with schizophrenia. (With the exception of John Nash, there have been very few great schizophrenics) It seems as though the fiery fluctuations of mood in the affective spectrum tend to have a particularly amount of influence for the artist, who, at least in my case, is using writing fiction, painting and even cooking; anything to keep the demons from chewing at your neural fibers. So why is it that schizophrenics, who display the most 'original' characteristics not be known to be famous artists, Why is this? Schizophrenics do create art, but they seem so far away, too unreachable and perplexing to an average person, and so distant from the norm, that their work is frowned upon as being irrelevant. These individuals have created beautiful art. Look at the paintings below for instance.

These are cats in the way the artist saw them as he progressed into the depths of the disease. People should really take a look at the art of the schizophrenic. They are accused of being overly abstract, when in reality; their work may very well represent the inner lives of all of us. Perhaps the schizophrenic lives in the subconscious state that we all reside in, only we are not fully aware of it. It is worth thinking about at least.

Dealing With Change in Life: 7 Reasons Why You Cannot Change

We all accept that we should change to catch the day. The world is changing faster than the day before. Dealing with change in life is vital for success. If you want a better life for yourself, you should learn how to deal with change.

I need to change my life, I want to change my life but I do not know how to deal with change.

These are the words more and more people use everyday. Most of us are aware of the need for a change. You think that you can change and you know how to deal with change. Unfortunately, when you need to take action, you feel like frozen. You hesitate and miss the chance to change.

You know the driving forces of change but somehow they are not strong enough to force you take action.

* Your expectations change
* Your desires change
* Your emotions change
* Your knowledge change
* Your goals change

These driving forces step on the gas but there are other forces which put the brakes on you.

If you can learn the forces which are holding you back from change, you can end these reasons and will not miss a chance ever again. Dealing with change in life is only possible if you can decrease the resisting forces.

7 Reasons why you cannot change your life

Admitting that you need to change your life is a powerful start for change. Now you need to discover the reasons why it is difficult for you to act.

  1. You get used to your life
    People can get used to everything in life and they are satisfied with it. This is a protection mechanism of the mind. Mind protects itself from depression and anxiety by this way. You can get used to any trouble, problem or any condition. The problem is, getting used to anything means being blind. You cannot perceive the problems as they are or you cannot even notice them.

  2. Justify Your Life
    Getting used to your life offers you a strong ability to justify your life. You can justify any problem and you cannot say "I need to change my life" anymore. All the problems fade away with your justification.

  3. Leaving the Comfort Zone
    You get used to your life, you justified every problem and now you are living in your comfort zone. You know what you can and cannot expect. Life is casual. There is nothing new, neither problems nor opportunities. You do not need to change your life because you feel comfortable with it.

  4. Fear of change
    Fear is the strongest emotion in any situation. You do not know how to deal with change and this is freaking you out. Dealing with change in life brings uncertainty and this means you cannot get ready for something you do not know. Worries about the change use all the power of your mind and you do not have much energy for dealing with change.

  5. Social Environment
    You want to spend time with the people who are like you. You share the same problems and you understand one another. You want to be a part of this social environment. There is nothing wrong with it unless they are holding you back from changing your life. You feel too comfortable with them that you do not want to waste your time and energy dealing with change.

  6. You do not have goals
    If you do not have goals, you should not worry about anything. You do not need to change anything unless you have goals. You will swing with the wind and accept everything what life brings. That is hopeless. You must think like that: "I want to change my life for better"

  7. You are not ready to change
    How can you be? There is no time to get ready for a change. Life is changing so fast that all you can do is to adapt to change. Your mind always find a way for dealing with change.

How to deal with change

Now you know the driving and resisting forces of change. That means you can control these forces. Dealing with change is; increasing the driving forces and decreasing the resisting forces. You have the control of resisting forces. You resist to change yourself although you think you want to change your life. So, you should start the change from inside. You can decrease the resisting forces if you can reach your subconscious with subliminal recordings, brainwave entrainment or affirmations. All of these techniques are great tools to help you overcome your limitations.

Depression From Estrogen Withdrawal May Accompany Menopause and PMS

One of the current theories in the scientific community is that women may experience depression from estrogen withdrawal after the birth of a child, during menopause or during the last few days of their menstrual cycle. Numerous studies have been done concerning the positive and negative effects of plant estrogens in food. Here we look at some of the available information concerning increased consumption of specific plant foods and symptoms that may be associated with decreased levels of estrogen in women.

Scientists are still studying the affects that estrogen and other hormones have on parts of the brain, including the hypothalamus and the hippocampus, which are responsible for memory and spatial navigation, among other things. A recent study by Japanese scientists indicates that levels of estrogen in the hippocampus are greater than those in blood plasma. However, their findings do not seem to support the theory that depression during menopause is depression from estrogen withdrawal.

Reduced levels of estrogen occur during menopause because the ovaries have stopped functioning. While the ovaries are a major estrogen producer, estrogen can also be synthesized in the body, and specifically the brain, from cholesterol and other hormones. While studies have shown that plant estrogens in food, specifically soy isoflavones have the potential to reduce premenstrual symptoms and menopausal symptoms, there is no clear evidence supporting their use for the relief of depression.

A study by the Bio-Psychology Group at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom concluded that soy isoflavones "may have potential to reduce specific premenstrual symptoms". The "specific" symptoms mentioned are headache, breast tenderness, cramps and swelling. Soy isoflavones are the best known phytoestrogens or plant estrogens. In food, however, the quantity of these components may vary. Studies have shown that women who ate muffins made from soy flour did not experience a reduction in menopausal symptoms. But, women who took a standardized supplement containing isolated soy isoflavones noted a significant reduction of menopausal symptoms.

A review of publications and studies concerning complementary and alternative therapies for menopausal (often referred to by researchers as "climacteric") symptoms by Reinhard-Hennch, Strowitzki and von Hagens concluded that black cohosh, lifestyle modifications and phytoestrogens may relieve climacteric symptoms. Specifically, they noted that black cohosh may relieve hot flashes. Phytoestrogens, hop and Salvia are promising, but less convincing at this time. St. John's wort may be helpful for moderate depressive symptoms. Phytoestrogens have a potential for the prevention of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

This study concluded that phytoestrogens and black cohosh should not be given to breast cancer survivors, but other studies contradict this conclusion. Laboratory analysis has shown that black cohosh has no effect on estrogen-sensitive breast cancer cell lines. Studies in Japan indicate that women with a high dietary intake of soy (rich in phytoestrogens) during their lifetime have both a reduced risk of developing breast cancer and an increased survival rate when breast cancer does develop. Even scientific researchers rarely agree about the benefits of plant estrogens in food.

The most recent scientific evaluation of black cohosh does not indicate that it contains any compounds that would have an estrogen-like effect on the body. No one is sure why black cohosh relieves hot flashes, but many women swear by it (this writer included). Black cohosh was used traditionally by Native American healers to treat symptoms related to hormonal imbalances, as well as many other conditions. It was widely used because it was widely available.

Some research suggests that black cohosh works by binding to serotonin receptors. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, meaning that it transmits signals among nerves in the brain and body. Low levels of serotonin have been associated with depression. The newest anti-depressants work by inhibiting the rapid breakdown of serotonin in the body, increasing its ability to perform its many functions. 5-HTP is a dietary supplement which the body can covert to serotonin. It has been used in Europe and other countries to treat mild to moderate depression.

Whether women experience depression from estrogen withdrawal or because of changes or imbalances in levels of other hormones, low levels of serotonin or other chemicals in the body is unclear. It is known that women are much more likely to suffer from depression than are men.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Using Massage for Depression Relief

For people who are depressed, massage for depression is not a cure but may help lessen some of the symptoms and support recovery.

About Depression

Depression is a brain disorder, and research has shown that the brains of depressed people look and act differently from the brains of people who aren't depressed. The causes of depression are not well understood, but most likely involve a combination of genetic, biochemical, environmental, and psychological factors.

Depression comes in many types. For example, major depression is disabling and prevents a person from functioning normally in daily life, while dysthymia is a milder, usually long-term, depression where a person can still function but probably isn't living a normal and full life. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which usually affects people during the winter months, is also a type of depression.

Often the most obvious symptom of depression is an overwhelming feeling of sadness, but depression has many other possible symptoms that vary depending on the type of depression and the individual. Common symptoms include:

  • Appetite changes

  • On-going physical problems, such as aches and pains, headaches, or digestive problems that don't improve with treatment

  • Fatigue

  • Feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, helplessness, or irritability

  • Insomnia or excessive sleeping

  • Loss of interest or pleasure in life, including lack of sexual desire

  • Trouble concentrating and making decisions.

The two most common depression treatments are medication and psychotherapy. Another treatment, primarily used for SAD, is light therapy, which involves exposure to a strong artificial light that mimics sunlight.

Massage for Depression

Touch is important to human beings - babies die without touch. Lack of touch may even contribute to depression. And, if a person is depressed, massage may help.

First, dealing with depression presents a lot of stress, and relaxation is one of the best benefits of massage. Depression can also lead to muscle tension and pain that massage can help relieve.

Beyond helping a person relax, massage may reduce the body's production of stress hormones, such as cortisol and norepinephrine, and may also increase the body's production of pain-killing endorphins and mood-altering serotonin. Studies conducted by the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami have shown:

  • Lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol immediately after massage.

  • Increased serotonin, dopamine, and endorphin levels, helping elevate a person's mood, after massage.

  • Increased production of oxytocin, a hormone that reduces stress and promotes relaxation, after massage.

These effects may occur because the skin and muscles contain many millions of nerve receptors that are linked to the nervous system. Touch and massage can stimulate the nerve receptors, causing the release of chemicals in the brain.

The benefits of massage for depression are further supported in a review, published in the March 2010 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. The authors reviewed 17 studies of massage for depression and concluded the studies supported the ability of massage therapy to significantly lessen symptoms of depression.

Plus, a great benefit of massage therapy is that it rarely has side effects, when received from a trained, qualified massage therapist. People who want to try massage for depression should always let their massage therapist know about their condition and other treatments and tell other healthcare providers that they are receiving massage.

Mobilize Your Will to Be Well

Dr. John Diamond's career has focused on the effect of our thoughts on our emotions, our emotions on our thoughts, and the effect of both on our body's ability to mobilize and energize itself to enhance the quality of our lives. This article focuses on only one aspect of Dr. Diamond's lifetime work - mobilizing your will to be well.

"The will to be well can be mobilized in a matter of moments by simple attitudinal changes," Dr. Diamond claims. Think of the Thymus test as a form of "truth detection." By contrast, "depression may motivate us to make a decision we would not make if our energy were balanced and more in harmony with our unconscious." When in a state of stress, we're using predominately one brain hemisphere instead of the resource of "whole brain creativity" available to us.

Dr. Diamond employs muscle testing, among numerous other modalities, to test whether a patient's body is or is not in an optimum state of health.

When it comes to solving life issues or problems, Diamond says the statement to be tested "indicates your present attitude, not necessarily what will ultimately be the right decision. The energy in a thought has the power to strengthen a weak muscle - instantaneously!" Diamond also suggests you find out what, in your relationship, is devitalizing you, that goes against high Thymus activity, and go after these smaller problems one by one.

Some 90% of workers, in Diamond's experience, test weak when they say they enjoy what they do. 90% lose life energy just thinking about their jobs. Choices that go against the grain, he says, are "bioethical choices." Optimal life energy, he adds, is "psychobiological harmony."

"Say 'This is just a joke, but your car has a flat tire,' and watch the person test weak. Choose a fantasy you desire and you test strong. What is your life for? What's your answer? What is my specific and unique talent?" These are "bioethical choices" we are making for ourselves.

Football players, Diamond says, "test weak when about to catch the football. The greats are those who hold their energy when most others would lose it." The left hemisphere, Diamond notes, is dominant or overactive in 95% of those he tests. TEST: Place the palm of your right hand 2-4 inches away from the left side of your head. Test your deltoid muscle by extending your right arm and having a friend lightly push down on it. If it is weak it will go down easily. This means you're left hemisphere dominant. If you switch the test to the right side of your head, left arm extended, and it test weak, you are right hemisphere dominant. By testing the left deltoid muscle we are applying the magnetic energy of the hand to each side of the head. Both hemispheres, ideally, will be working together for problem solving and artistic endeavors. A Left Hemisphere dominant person will have energy impairment in the meridians related to that particular hemisphere of the brain..

How does Dr. John Diamond's work relate to that of the French physician Emile Coue' and the system of autosuggestion Coue' developed to aid the healing forces in his many thousands patients during the early years of the 20th Century? Diamond writes: "Notice the power of the word to create great energy changes throughout the body. This is how the surging forces, waves of Chi, flow in us." This, Diamond points out, "is instant transformational psychiatry."

"Another way to test for the underactive meridian is to have the subject say the positive affirmation once for each meridian. The one for which he tests weak is the meridian with the problem," Diamond says.

SEED PACKET: "When we plant a flower seed from a packet that we have purchased," Diamond writes, "we see on the packet a picture of what the seed is supposed to grow into, what we should expect it to become. Each of us must find out what was on our own individual packet."

Diamond suggests you say the following affirmations daily at least three to six times each to raise your Life Energy.


Thymus: I have love, faith, trust, gratitude and courage.

Lung: I am humble. I am tolerant. I am modest.

Liver: I am happy. I have good fortune. I am cheerful.

Gall bladder: I reach out with love.

Spleen: I have faith and confidence in my future. I am secure.

Kidney: My sexual energies are balanced.

Large Intestine: I am clean and good. I am worthy of being loved.

Circulation-Sex: I renounce the past. I am generous. I am relaxed.

Heart: I have forgiveness in my heart.

Stomach: I am content. I am tranquil.

Thyroid: I am buoyed up with hope. I am light and buoyant.

Small Intestine: I am jumping with joy.

Bladder: I am in harmony. I am at peace.

Thymus: I have love, faith, trust, gratitude, and courage.

Close with: My life energy is high. I am in the state of love.

Say "My life energy is high"and there will be, on deeper levels of testing, a greater increase in energy.

"Another way to test for the underactive meridian is to have the subject say the positive affirmation once for each meridian," Diamond writes. "The one for which he tests weak is the meridian with the problem."

With true phobias it is almost always the circulation-sex meridian involved. "Whatever the fear, it drains life energy. With the energy that is gained, we are free to pursue our goal of positive health."

"First layer meridian imbalance indicates the predominant emotional state operant at that time," Diamond writes. "You can learn what is holding you back right now. You can release the energy that is blocked in that meridian and get yourself back in order."

Diamond's method is far more extensive than I have space to cover and his book Life Energy is worth far more than the purchase price, especially the paperback cost. His sections on transmuting energy and "the double-bind" deserves careful examination.

There are physical diseases that feed back and cause emotional problems. "If a person already has a disease, at least the emotional component can be stopped from feeding back into the disease with the use of appropriate positive affirmations" (plus thumping your thymus).

"It is incredible to think that each organ has a specific corresponding emotional state," Diamond writes. "By correcting specific emotional problems that are affecting us we will be invulnerable to most stress and our energies will be released to be devoted to our true purpose in life." Plus, we will begin to discover our deepest homing thoughts.

Diamond's work is about the power of thoughts. "Over the centuries philosophers and psychologists have speculated on this," Diamond says, "but now you have been able to experience something previously undemonstrable: the immediate power of your thoughts to influence your physical state. Your thoughts have the power to alter the physiological responses of your muscles. A thought or a word can change the energy of the organs. Thoughts have the power to cause or cure illness in your body. You can now use them for health."

How to Get Rid of Negative Feelings

Negative feelings are one the worst things we can experience as a human being. And you might be reading this because you have some sort of negative feeling(s) that you have or encounter on a daily basis. I may know what you're going through right now the thing is I'm just like you.

There is not a day that goes by in my life where I do not encounter negative feelings. I've probably tried hundreds of different ways to cope with them, from trying my best not to think of a negative thought when it comes around the corner to reframing my thoughts into something else.

But no matter what, my negative feelings still keep coming like a tidal wave one after another.

Before you submerge yourself into another method of how to get rid of negative feelings, I want to share what has helped me. I can truly say that if you can master this, then you'll be able to handle your negative feelings a lot better in the long run, rather than just deal with the symptoms for a brief moment(e.g. do something, it goes away, it comes back later, repeat, etc.).

The key to getting rid of negative feelings isn't a giant mystery, but many people get angry, depressed, jealous, irritated, anxious, confused, and worried over things that may seem impossible to overcome. It would be pretty nice if we could stay detached to our emotions and not let them affect us and our thinking, but emotions are part of the body; they here to stay. And since we think about hundreds if not thousands of thoughts per day, it's natural that a few of those thoughts can affect how we feel. The biggest one being fear.

  • Fear that we cannot do it...

  • Fear that it will not work...

  • Fear that this is impossible...

  • Fear that this is not for me...

  • Fear that we are always out of luck...

  • Fear that we will never win...

When this happens, our imaginations run wild with more negative thoughts, and this can totally cause our bodies to go beyond just negative feelings. Do you ever feel so out of sync with yourself that you start to analyze every different rational way just to get a hold of your emotions? Then what happens is you're so in the midst of analyses paralyses that your body actually because paralyzed? At this point the mere process of just taking action is not even an option anymore.

If you're a person who constantly finds themselves analyzing your feelings, what you need to do is stop. This will always cause you to have negative emotions. They won't go away just because you started to reframe your thoughts into something differently. What happens when another similar situation comes up? What happens if it's worse? Will you have to come up with another hundred ways until you reframe your negative thoughts and feelings into something else?

I used do this a lot for hours and the end result was always the same; either staying the same place where I was hours ago or backtracking.

For example:

"I'm afraid that people will think lowly of me if I do something wrong."

This is negative thinking will cause tension in your body, and you're body will then tell your subconscious to stop working. Then your mind go into a mode where all you are doing is battling with yourself endlessly through heated analyses.

  • "Why would people think lowly of me?"

  • "Who are these people?"

  • "Should I keep going?"

  • "Just go!"

  • "What do I need to do?"

All this talk of analyzing the situation is useless...

If you want to get rid of negative thinking, do not battle your body with your other thoughts! What you need to do is start trying to be in complete harmony with your body. They should be an aligned, not disjointed.

In other words: just be.

When a negative situation comes up, such as a negative thought or a negative emotion; let it be.

Nothing outside of your physical body is actually happening; everything is going on inside of you.

When you feel worry, anxiety, or fear, let it be. Accept that it's there; don't try to fight it.

When any negative situation comes, be prepared for it, be aware of it, but most importantly, be conscious of it.

Sometimes when this happens, you'll absolutely need to stop what you're doing and go somewhere where it's completely silent and just sit there being undisturbed by. This may take 1 hour; this may take 10 minutes. It depends on how strong the negative emotion is but whatever you do, don't try to fight your negative feelings.

Don't question it, don't analyze it, don't talk about it, and don't obsess or think about it.

Just be.

Be aware of your feelings and allow them run through your body. As hard as it may be at first, if you can do this, then you will be able to channel that negative energy into something positive later on.

Understand that whatever thought caused the uncomfortable you are having, you first accept that it is what it is. The second thing is being conscious of how that makes you feel? Specifically where is the feeling located? Do you feel in it in your chest, your arms; your whole body? Maybe you can't even identify where it is because the feeling moves from place to place in your body.

Don't go into an emotional tantrum like some people do. This just feeds into the negative feelings even more. Just stay still. Recognize these feelings and actually feel them.

This may be contrary to what people belief, but the truth is your not escaping your feelings. You're facing them straight on.

As you're feeling them, say to yourself, "I understand that this is what I am thinking about right now, and I understand that this is what I'm feeling right now. I accept this."

To really understand how to accept something, sometimes you won't even need words at all; you won't even need to say what is written above. Words may cause even more trouble if you start talking within your mind again. It should be silent.

You just are just being at the moment.

You are absorbing whatever happens to be the case.

Whatever you are thinking and feeling, you accept.

If you don't know something, then you don't know. Accept the feeling of not knowing something. If you truly accept something for what it is, you should feel an instant calmness to you.

Anger, jealous, curiosity, and fear should slowly dissipate from your body and you should be able to think more clearly and logically on what to do next once these feelings are gone.

You're not fighting your negative feelings; you're absorbing them and being in sync with them.

The more you are able to do this, the easier it becomes. It's definitely a skill that is worth investing in my opinion because if you can learn to accept the small negative feelings that you are having, then you will be able to learn how to deal with bigger negative feelings the next time it comes. But you'll be prepared when the 83th negative situation comes up, you'll be so completely detached from it that you'll simply brush it off and move on. That's what you're working up to.

It definitely beats taking pills from doctors that are just a temporarily relief. If you can't accept the first negative feeling, then you won't be able to get through the others. You'll constantly have to rely on short term alternative routes to escape the uncomfortable.

I've always disregarded the quote, "No pain, no gain." I've heard so many quotes in my lifetime that sometimes I just neglect them. But this quote sums it up.

Each time you feel a negative feeling, it may be painful but accept it. You're battling it; you're absorbing it. You're gaining ground each time you do this and by the time the 83rd negative situation comes you; you'll be so detached to it that you'll just move on. You'll be indifferent.

The real question isn't how to get rid of negative feelings? People who try to "get rid of it" in my opinion, are taking the wrong first step and will have a hard time doing so because you're in constant battle with something that's naturally a part of you.

Emotions are not something where you can just "remove" or "erase" as you're not getting rid of anything.

You're absorbing something and putting it for better use later on.
And the key to doing this first understand it and accept it. Allow to to be there.

Or to put it how I'd liked to put it: just be.

By doing this, you'll be able to conquer your negative feelings, move forward, and be prepared when the next one comes up.

Recognizing the Signs of Depression and Plotting a Course For a Better Tomorrow

If you are currently feeling depressed chances are it has been with you for a while, gradually eroding your zest for life and social interaction. You now have reached a point where the small things that used to make you happy no longer do, you tend to sleep either too long or too little; you are constantly feeling tired and just plain worn out; nervousness and agitation are your constant companions; and mentally you live in a mental fog full of depression signs and symptoms. In other words you are just falling apart both emotionally and physically.

But always remember that when signs of depression occur it doesn't mean you are weak or a lesser person than you used to be. It only means that your view of the world has changed to a more pessimistic perspective. Is your new world view a product of personal negativity or is the collapsing world around you causing your darker world and person view to persist? Probably the answer lies somewhere in the middle.

According to the World Health Organization you are not alone. At last estimate on any given day 125 million people suffer from depression. The vast numbers might suggest that most of those exhibiting depression signs are being influenced by a world that seems to be collapsing around them. Examples would financial pressures, loss of loved one or personal friend, a job loss, failure to find a new job, marital problems, illness, and divorce. Regardless depression is a very serious problem that can impact anyone and is beyond the control of most people once it appears. Just as disturbing are friends who aren't feeling low offering hollow advice such as "to just get over it" but we both know if it was that simple you would, after all you don't like feeling this way.

What can be done to turn the corner once the signs of depression become clear?

The more isolated you become the harder it will be to sustain the effort it will take to send depression packing. But you know better than anyone else the more depressed you feel the more difficult is to interact socially. So you must at least make an attempt to maintain your close relationships and participate in social activities before you are dealt out of the group. Let's look at a few ideas to gain the upper hand on depression signs and symptoms.

*Reach out to close friends and family members: Forget about what they might think about you or what you are going through. Instead remember that these are the people who love and care about you the most. They will be more than happy to help you through this difficult time if you just give them a chance.

*Follow through with social activities even if you really aren't felling your best: It is important to remember that from a biological perspective depression is caused by a shortage of serotonin and possibly dopamine. These are feel good brain chemicals which are produced when you interact, laugh, or have that feel good stimulating conversation. Additionally, many social activities involve exercise which increases oxygen to the brain, eliminates toxins from the blood, and causes the body to secrete feel good endorphins.

* Herbal supplements for depression and support groups: Also both good ideas. Herbs such as Saint John's wort, passion flower, and lavender have all been shown to lift mood. Support groups will be filled with others who are struggling with the signs of depression and may help you gain a clearer introspective into you own situation. You can also encourage each other, give and receive advice on how to cope, and share your experiences.

Cause, Symptoms and Treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD


  • Definition of SAD

  • Cause of SAD

  • Symptoms

  • Associated diagnosis

  • Treatment

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression or winter blues, is a subtype of mood disorder consisting of recurrent major depressive episodes of varying severity, which occur with a seasonal pattern. The most common type of SAD is winter depression with symptoms beginning in autumn and winter. This is followed by full remission or hypomanic states (mild state of mania) during the following spring and summer. A rare form of SAD occurs during the summer. SAD is generally characterised by four central features;

1. Recurrent major depressive episodes, which start around the same time each year, for example September to October, and end around the same time each year, for example March to April,

2. Full remission of symptoms during the unaffected period of the year, for example May to August,

3. Relatively more seasonal depressive episodes than non-seasonal episodes, over the lifetime course of the illness,

4. Seasonal depressive episodes occur in at least 2 consecutive years.

Subsyndromal SAD is a disorder with similar but milder symptoms to SAD, which do not affect the patient's ability to function. It has been reported that there is a paucity of information concerning the incidence and detection of SAD in UK populations. Prevalence rates suggested by studies carried out have ranged from 1 to 12% depending on the diagnostic criteria used. The overall lifetime incidence of SAD is said to range from 0 to 9.7%, depending on the specific population studied and how it is diagnosed. SAD prevalence may be higher in northern latitudes than southern latitudes and may vary within ethnic groups at the same latitude. It has been reported that the risk of SAD probably increases if people move to live further away from the equator. Almost all the studies of the incidence of SAD report that women are more likely to suffer from SAD. The average ratio of women to men across all studies is 1.8 to 1.2 During the reproductive years, female sufferers predominate; however a reduction in incidence and a narrowing of gender differences is seen in old age.

With respect to age, studies report that the life time incidence of SAD increases with age until around age 60. After the age of 50-54, it is reported that the incidence declines dramatically and as such, over the age of 65 the incidence of SAD is very low. Regardless of this however, patients over 65 may still present to hospitals for treatment. It has been suggested that the response of patients over 65 to treatment does not differ from that of younger patients with SAD. It should be noted that the low incidence of SAD in older individuals may be as a result of misdiagnosis as physicians may consider symptoms presented by such individuals as being down to old age and not SAD. Children also suffer from SAD, although this is quite rare as children have more opportunity than adults to play and interact outdoors thereby exposing them to more sunlight and as such suppressing any possible triggers of SAD; however, incidence rates rise at puberty. Severity of SAD can be mild, moderate or severe.

Cause of SAD

The cause of SAD is unknown. However it is thought that in people predisposed to winter SAD, decreasing daylight period as winter approaches is thought to be a trigger. Essentially, the onset of SAD is thought to be associated with seasonal reduction in daylight, and its remission to ensuing seasonal increase in daylight.


Symptoms of SAD include,

1. Hypersomnia (excessive sleeping)
2. Chocolate/carbohydrate craving
3. Impaired concentration
4. Irritability
5. Weight gain
6. Low libido
7. Anhedonia (lack of pleasure or of the capacity to experience it)
8. Low mood, which is often worse in the morning
9. Loss of interest
10. Poor motivation
11. Anxiety
12. Anergia (lack of energy)
13. Social withdrawal
14. In children, symptoms may also include grades falling in the winter and rising in the spring, or poor relations at school during winter

Patients with winter SAD may experience a reversal of their winter symptoms during the summer, that is, elevated mood, increased libido, social activity and energy, decreased sleep requirements, appetite and mild hypomania (mild state of mania).

Associated diagnosis

Several conditions have been reported to be associated with SAD as they share similar mechanisms. These include,

1. Panic disorders
2. Social phobia
3. Bulimia nervosa
4. Chronic fatigue syndrome
5. Premenstrual syndrome
6. May also be associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
7. A pattern of seasonal alcohol use may also be associated with SAD


Treatment options for SAD include,

1. Regular exposure to natural light outdoors (natural light therapy) as much as possible in autumn and winter, particularly in the morning. This is advisable for milder symptoms and in conjunction with other therapies in severe cases.

2. Continuing regular exercise. This is antidepressant in itself and helps to reduce weight gain and promote a feeling of mastery. Exercising outdoors (walking or light jogging) is even more beneficial through concurrent light exposure. This should also be used in conjunction with other therapies.

3. Light therapy which has been recommended as the first line treatment for SAD. This includes the use of light boxes. Alternatives include light sources adapted for the workplace (such as desk lights or fitments above computer screens), rechargeable light visors and dawn-simulating alarm clocks (body clocks). Both subsyndromal and full-syndromal SAD may respond to light therapy.

4. Cognitive behavioural therapy. This has some effectiveness in improving dysfunctional automatic thoughts and attitudes, behaviour withdrawal and low rates of positive reinforcements. When used in combination with light therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy has been found to be effective in the treatment and prevention against recurrence of SAD.

5. Pharmacotherapy (antidepressants such as Fluoxetine and Sertraline). These are often used in moderate to severe cases, either alone or in conjunction with light therapy.