Saturday, June 22, 2013

What Are the Different Types of Depression According To Symptoms

Types of Depression

Depression is diagnosed by studying a person's behavior and by evaluating his/her state of mind. Many people are not aware that there are several kinds of depression. Medically, several different types of depression have been diagnosed and identified based on the symptoms of depression displayed by people.

Based on their symptoms the following paragraphs contain a list of the
Different Types of Depression

Agitated Depression
Symptoms are an agitated state, both mentally and physically, irritability, restlessness and sleeplessness. These symptoms are the opposite of most other kinds of depression.

Anxiety Depression
Being panicky is a common symptom of this type of depression. The person will also suffer from social phobia and will have panic attacks. Some types of stress disorders are also considered as symptoms of this type of depression.

Atypical Depression
Symptoms like unusual weight gain with an increased appetite along with mood swings are common in people affected by this type of depression. Other symptoms include sleepiness, heavy feeling in the limbs and a fear of rejection.

Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depression
This can be identified by extreme variations in a person's mood. Happy moments will include a feeling of ecstasy, sleeplessness, an urge to talk and an increased activity along with overconfidence. This can last a few hours or for days together. However, the person may change suddenly and inexplicably.

Catatonic Depression
The person is insensitive to his/her environment and may desist from doing necessary chores, or will look aimless. Symptoms similar to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), which include repetitive actions, are part of symptoms of this type of depression.

Chronic Depression or Dysthymia or Dysthymic Depression
Affected person remains depressed for nearly two years. Disturbed eating and sleeping patterns are easily noticeable in the affected person. The person also suffers from a feeling of hopelessness, fatigue and low self-esteem besides displaying an inability to concentrate.

Clinical Depression or Major Depression or Major Disruptive Disorder
A lack of interest along with fatigue, disturbed sleep, a feeling of worthlessness, confusion are the symptoms that indicate clinical depression. In some cases, the person suffering from such kinds of depression may also harbor suicidal tendencies.

The symptoms are a milder version of manic depression. Irritability and an unpredictable mood, lessen their chance of succeeding with work or social relationships.

Double Depression
The symptoms are similar to Dysthymia. However, these symptoms can occur for a period of about two weeks.

Dysthymic Disorder
Symptoms like an irregular eating pattern, fatigue, irregular sleeping pattern, a feeling of low self-esteem along with hopelessness and an inability to concentrate are common in people suffering from this type of depression.

Endogenous Depression
A person suffering from this type of depression will seem depressed and confused. There will be no apparent reason for the depression. Since there are no external stimuli involved in this type of depression, the person's body chemistry or a change in the level of hormones is considered a cause.

Existential Depression
The person suffers from chronic fatigue, which can be a result of domestic or social disturbance. The person also displays a general lack of interest and does not have a passion to do anything.

Melancholic Depression
The person loses interest in pleasure of any kind and does not show delight even when good things happen. There will be a marked variation in the person's appetite and weight. A strong feeling of guilt overcomes the person accompanied by excessive movement. All these symptoms will be stronger in the early morning hours as the affected person will wake up early.

Medication Induced Depression
Prescription drugs like analgesics, antibiotics, stimulants, steroids and sedatives, antifungal medicines as well as drugs to control the heart, all induce some degree of depression. The depression persists for the duration of the medication.

Neurotic Depression
A feeling of self-pity, embarrassment, guilt or shame overcomes the person. Some types of phobia and the symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder are also common. Such symptoms are common during a particular time of the day like evening for example.

Post Partum Depression
Women experience post partum depression after pregnancy. Symptoms like irritability, grief, crying and a feeling of fragileness in women are common after delivery due to this type of depression.
Psychotic Depression

Hallucinations, a state of delusion and hearing voices in the head are common with people affected with this type of depression.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
A feeling of sadness and fatigue sets in as soon as the season changes. This kind of behavior may occur only at a certain time of the year and for the rest of the time the person stays normal. Sensitivity and emotional reactions to the amount of daylight at a particular time of year can be easily noticed in the sufferer.

Situational Depression or Reactive Depression or Adjustment Disorder
This is something different from mood disorder. Symptoms like insomnia, varying levels of appetite, worrying continuously, withdrawal from social and family activities, strong feeling of sorrow and a lack of enthusiasm in response to relocation to a new place, natural disasters, bereavement, etc. identify a person suffering from this type of depression.

Substance Induced Depression
An emotional disturbance and irritating behavior brought about by overuse of medication or self-medication identify a person suffering from this type of depression. Overuse of alcohol also causes a similar effect.

Unipolar Disorder
The affected person suffers from a feeling of sadness and a lack of interest in almost all activities. These symptoms can last for months.

Depression though common, should not be considered lightly. The above list of different kinds of depression indicates that depression occurs in more than one form and affects in different ways. Hence, a correct diagnosis followed by correct type of therapy becomes important.

Serotonin and Depression: What's the Connection

Depression is one of the most common and treatable of all mental illnesses. One in four women and one in 10 men can expect to develop it during their lifetime. Studies have shown that people suffering from depression have imbalances of neurotransmitters, natural substances that allow brain cells to communicate with one another. Two neurotransmitters implicated in depression are serotonin and norepinephrine. Neurotransmitters are powerful chemicals that regulate numerous physical and emotional processes such as mental performance, emotional states and pain response. Virtually all functions in life are controlled by neurotransmitters.

Serotonin is a key neurotransmitter with many important functions in the brain and body Serotonin deficiency is a common contributor to mood problems. Some feel it is an epidemic in the United States. Serotonin is key to our feelings of happiness and very important for our emotions because it helps defend against both anxiety and depression. Many of the current biochemical theories of depression focus on the biogenic amines, which are a group of chemical compounds important in neurotransmission--most importantly norepinephrine, serotonin and, to a lesser extent, dopamine, acetylcholine and epinephrine.

What causes or contributes to Serotonin Deficiency?

o Prolonged periods of stress can deplete serotonin levels. Our fast paced, fast food society greatly contributes to these imbalances.

o Poor Diet. Neurotransmitters are made in the body from proteins. Also required are certain vitamins and minerals called "cofactors". If your nutrition is poor and you do not take in enough protein, vitamins, or minerals to build the neurotransmitters, a neurotransmitter imbalance develops. We really do think and feel what we eat.

o Genetic factors, faulty metabolism, and digestive issues can impair absorption and breakdown of our food which reduces are ability to build serotonin.

o Toxic substances like heavy metals, pesticides, drug use, and some prescription drugs can cause permanent damage to the nerve cells that make serotonin and other neurotransmitters.

o Certain drugs and substances such as caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, NutraSweet, antidepressants, and some cholesterol lowering medications deplete serotonin and other neurotransmitter levels.

o Hormone changes cause low levels of serotonin and neurotransmitter imbalances.

o Lack of sunlight contributes to low serotonin levels

Symptoms. You may have a shortage of serotonin if you have a sad depressed mood, low energy, negative thoughts, feel tense and irritable, crave sweets, and have a reduced interest in sex.
Other serotonin related disorders include:



Panic Attacks


Irritable bowel

PMS/ Hormone dysfunction



Eating disorders

Obsessions and Compulsions

Muscle pain

Chronic Pain

Alcohol abuse

Migraine Headaches

How do I know if Serotonin is deficient?

Neurotransmitter testing, Questionnaires, and blood testing can help determine if you might have a serotonin deficiency. Certain test can determine if you have normal levels of the precursors and co-factor vitamins and minerals needed for the brain to produce serotonin. Additionally, hormones such as Adrenal, Thyroid, and Estrogen levels can affect serotonin levels and may explain why some women have pre-menstrual and menopausal mood problems.

How to raise serotonin levels naturally

Prescription drugs such as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and Lexapro are classified as serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or (SSRI's). They help to keep more of the serotonin your brain is making in circulation. They are used for a wide variety of symptoms such as depression, panic attacks, anxiety, PTSD, obsessions, and compulsions. There are serotonin/norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitors (SNRI's) such as Effexor and Cymbalta that keep more serotonin and norepinephrine in circulation.

Nutrient therapies such as Targeted Amino Acid Therapy naturally increase the levels of neurotransmitters that a person has been found to be deficient in. 5 hydroxytryptophan and Tryptophan are widely known for their ability to help depressive symptoms by raising serotonin levels in the brain.. Numerous clinical trials have studied the efficacy of 5-HTP for treating depression. One compared 5-HTP to the antidepressant drug fluvoxamine and found 5-HTP to be equally effective.

It can be used alone or in combination with medication to keep dosages low and to prevent the "poop out" many people experience with medication.

o tryptophan --> 5-HTP --> serotonin

Herbal Remedies such as St. Johns Wort are available to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Some work in a similar way to the SSRI antidepressants.

Things you can do to increase your serotonin levels and improve overall health

Exercise at least 30 minutes three times a week.

Walking, yoga, stretching.

Get plenty of sunlight.

Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily

Prayer and meditation

Eat at least three meals per day. Skipping meals promotes high stress and low energy. Eat protein with every meal. Eat Complex carbohydrates such as brown rice. Avoid sugar, junk food, white pasta, white rice, white bread, cookies and cake.

No Caffeine, alcohol, or NutraSweet (aspartame). NutraSweet can be toxic to your brain.
Alcohol can worsen depression, anxiety, and sleep problems.

Helpful Supplements

Multivitamin/multimineral daily

Fish Oil capsule EPA/DHA combined 2000mg daily

Serotonin raising supplements such as :

L-Tryptophan 1000 mg bedtime

5HTP 300 mg daily

Serene 3 capsules daily

Serotone 3 capsules daily

Depression and Digestive Health - They Are Tied More Closely Than You Think

Digestion problems can be a pain in more ways than one. Many people suffering from IBS, Crohn's disease, chronic constipation or colitis experience emotional distress that they assume is caused by physical discomfort. But science tells us that there is a close connection between the gut and the brain. This connection helps determine our mood as it bridges the gap between where the "feel good hormone" is produced and where it is employed. Therefore, irregular digestive patterns or even insufficient digestion can significantly affect the way we feel!

Serotonin is this "feel good hormone." And it is serotonin that chemically transfers messages to the brain, helping to determine our mood. Deficiency of this vital hormone can cause symptoms of depression. Particularly in the seasons of fall and winter, people commonly have a significantly lower level of serotonin.

During the day, serotonin stimulates our activity. As the evening approaches, our pineal gland sends messages to the brain to convert serotonin to melatonin-a hormone that induces sleepiness. Often times, those that suffer from serotonin deficiencies have higher melatonin levels, causing them to feel tired and depressed.

When serotonin levels are low, it means that the receptors in the brain are not functioning properly. This causes neuroendocrine imbalance, which arouses the symptoms of depression.  Furthermore, serotonin regulates the brain's impulse controller, to an extent. Those with lower serotonin levels are often times more frequently angry and aggressive. Other signs of low serotonin levels could be headaches or addictive and compulsive behavior.

Because serotonin is produced in the gut, it's important that we do everything we can to maximize and improve digestive health and thereby support mood. In order to do this, we need first to remember that our bodies are designed to be active. Consistent exercise helps your body regulate digestion.

Even if you don't feel athletic, find an activity that will raise your heart rate and challenge your muscles. The benefits of physical activity reach beyond just helping your digestive health.

Another way to get on top of your digestive problems is body cleansing. The byproducts of unhealthy or contaminated food pollute our bodies and can cause a build-up of toxins in the digestive tract. The objective of a body cleanse is to regulate digestion, free our organs of unwanted waste, and ultimately provide an optimum environment for serotonin production.

You may also want to try a digestive supplement that boosts serotonin production. Doing so can help your body receive the proper amount of the "feel good hormone"-so you can actually feel good. You may be surprised at your mood change when you either take serotonin-boosting supplements or regulate your digestion.

Anti-Depression Medication Side Effects Can Often Lead to Increased Risk of Suicide

Anti-depression medication has been getting popular lately. But they aren't a silver bullet. They come with numerous different side-effects...most of which will even worsen the disease they are trying to cure. Because of this anti-depression side-effects will almost always include "increased risk of suicide" in their warnings.

And deep down, the anti-depression medication isn't 100% fact a 2006 government study showed that anti-depression supplements only work fully for 50% of people. The rest will actually get worse. And this is only for major depression...if you have mild or moderate depression, they are not that much more effective than placebos (sugar pills).

Essentially there are three types of anti-depressants: SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), atypical anti-depressants, and the older tricyclic/monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Fluoxetine (Prozac), Fluvoxamine (Luvox), Sertraline (Zoloft), Paroxetine (Paxil), Escitalopram (Lexapro), Citalopram (Celexa), Bupropion (Wellbutrin), Venlafaxine (Effexor), Duloxetine (Cymbalta), Mirtazapine (Remeron), Trazodone (Desyrel), Nefazodone (Serzone) are some of the drugs that treat depression.

Don't get me wrong, you should still treat your depression...since depression alone can quickly lead to suicide. But you can treat the mild depression with nothing more than therapy or exercise. Some are even able to treat their depression(usually when it's mild) using anti-depression foods and anti-depression music(anti-depression songs will usually have upbeat tempos with fun lyrics). Others do it using anti-depression herbs or anti-depression light(usually involves using an anti-depression lamp, which is basically a slightly brighter light). No matter the method you pick to treat the depression, suicide is still a real threat until the person is cured. In fact more than 1.1 million Americans try killing themselves every year, and the number one cause is depression.

No matter the type of anti-depressant being used, in a certain percentage of people, the anti-depressants will actually increase depression instead of lowering it. Because of this the FDA makes all the anti-depression medication makers to provide a warning that anti-depression medication can lead to suicide.

So if you know someone taking anti-depression medication or any other drug that is designed to deal with depression, you need to learn all the potential suicide warning signs so that you can catch when the person becomes suicidal. If you yourself are taking anti-depression medication, you should provide a suicide warning signs guide to someone around you who you interact with on a daily basis.

Note: NEVER let anyone quit anti-depression medication cold turkey, the risk for suicide skyrockets if you do. If you plan to quit, lower your dose little by little every one-two weeks, so that your body can adjust.

The Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder - Are You Manic Depressive? Learn the Four Signs

While it was initially thought that bipolar disorder only affected 1% of Americans, doctors now accept that up to 5% of the population suffers from this illness. Bipolar disorder is a neurological disorder that results in mixed moods, from depression, a low, to mania, a high. Depending on the person, the severity and length of these episodes will vary, however, here are some common symptoms that afflict those with manic depression.

Hypomania - The one blessing of bipolar disorder must be hypomania. A disproportionate number of artists and authors have been manic depressive, and the disease greatly contributed to their creativity. Hypomania is an excited state, where the person is more productive, although the downside is that hypomania can quickly progress into a dangerous manic phase.

Thoughts of Suicide - Bipolar disorder has the highest incidence of suicide compared to any mental disorder that exists. It is estimated that 15% of those suffering from manic depression will successfully commit suicide, with over 30% making the attempt. Those who experience rapid mood fluctuations such as those found in bipolar II or mixed states are at the highest risk.

Loss of Appetite - It is common for those with bipolar disorder to be either underweight or obese. The biological feedback mechanism in the brain, that tells the body to eat, does not function properly in some of those with bipolar disorder. The danger of a lack of appetite is that without food, the mind will enter into a state of mania much more readily. As well, some of those with bipolar suffer from anorexia, as a result of negative body image.

Increase in Appetite - As a method of coping with depression, some individuals with bipolar II will use food to cope. Seeing as the levels of neurotransmitters such as dopamine are low in manic depressive patients, foods like chocolate or sugar can temporarily alleviate mood. For someone with bipolar to lose weight, they must learn different ways to cope with their problems.

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Cure For Mental Illness - Part 1

I can walk or ride by the original St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital in New York City, which is still in operation and see a shadow of my former self staring forlornly out the 8th floor window of the psychiatric ward. My vision, which makes me shudder is back in time, real time to when I was a patient there in February 1989. The hospital is a good one, my situation was bad. Real bad.

I had flown to New York City from Los Angeles where I lived in West Hollywood, looking for a job as a news reporter again. The entire story is involved and I will tell it in more detail later. The low point was weeping, feeling so alone and so cursed, and gazing out the window and longing to be in the mainstream of New York City, or anywhere than inside a mental ward, while I languished in that hospital for more than a month.

One of the high points if you can call it that, was that after about ten days there, they brought/dragged in two more inmates and I had "company". Day after day I sat in the day room with two "colleagues" and "peers" who had cracked up too. Eric, who was still on staff as a reporter for The New York Times, who had unravelled enough "on the job", to be admitted, but whose brilliance was evident through bouts of madness. And Ira, the stockbroker, who looked like he would have jumped out the windows if they hadn't been gated and barred, who seemed to get more therapy from our camaraderie than from the medical staff.

And then there was me, a woman with a history of manic depression/bi-polar illness, who had worked as a news reporter in radio and television. Eric, Ira and I had wonderful conversations planning for our escape and/or discharge and resuming our lives. Sometimes they were like any professionals talking, at other times our conversations sounded like everyone there across the socio/economic strata who suffered from "grave mental illnesses". Our conversations were wonderfully disjointed, deep, brilliant and maddening.

Over the years I was hospitalized a total of 22 times. That's not a misprint, though I wish it were, I lost so much of my life, but an average of two times a year for a concentrated period of 12 years, I tried to work while bouncing in or being hauled into and bolting out of mental hospitals.

I have been free from mental illness since February 25, 1998, when Christ delivered me after prayer from a telephone prayer partner, and 3 days of prayer and fasting unto God to break the chains on my brain, body, spirit and soul and free this captive. Prior to that, while still living my old sin-filled lifestyle, I was attending a Bible-based non-denominational Christian church, and learned how important prayer and scripture memory is deliverance. Since I had not surrendered my life to Christ until that day in 1998, I don't believe I was truly saved until then either.

Deliverance from mental illness is a rarity today, but knowing what I know now, I don't believe it should be. I do however believe, that you should be saved or seeking salvation and have or be seeking a real relationship of love and trust with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You need to be covered by the blood of Jesus, because trust me it's a bloody battle. The devil does not give up captives willingly, they have to be wrenched from his reptilian hands. That's why you need the Warrior-King Jesus to fight this supernatural battle. You in the natural can't see half the things that are happening. He can.

I believe there are those who are suffering from mental illness who can be saved even in their mental illnesses without deliverance. But why not get the whole "Freedom Package" for which Christ died and rose again?

Sometimes when I'm not listening to Christian radio and if the topic interests me, I'll listen to alternative radio. I was listening to the Coast to Coast radio program with George Noory on March 23, 2009 when they announced that the guest would be a journalist, who would be speaking about his experience covering a priest who went to Rome, Italy, and was learning how to do exorcisms. Naturally I was intrigued, since they were talking about what I feel happened to me. I call it deliverance instead of an exorcism. The weird thing, though there are no coincidences with God, over and over after my evening prayer, I felt the Lord impressing upon me, hours before that broadcast came on:

"Tory, I delivered you. I want you to write about the cure for mental illness which is through Me (Jesus Christ)."

I know I was delivered from demons that made me mentally ill. I also believe that something like 90% of the people who suffer from mental illnesses are demon-infested.

This is not a medical opinion, but most doctors and psychiatrists have not suffered from severe mental illnesses themselves. The journalist and the priest who went to Rome to report and study exorcisms both believe that you have to make a distinction between demonic possession and mental illness. But again they didn't indicate they had ever suffered from either themselves. I have been trained as a journalist and as an evangelist, and I have also suffered from demonic possession / mental illness. I do not believe there is much if any distinction. How do I know? Walk a mile in the green foam smiley-face slippers of a mental patient in a mental ward (which I unwillingly did) and then tell me what you think.

Jesus is the Great Physician. He is a healer and deliverer. 2000 years ago when He healed the mentally ill or demon-possessed or lunatics and previously devil-possessed / mentally ill people like Mary Magdalene--He cast demons out of them. Jesus is still in the deliverance business today.

I believe that the information I am giving you is not just for antiquity, it is not outmoded, nor is it outdated. People are still getting emotionally and mentally ill in record numbers, many visibly so. Drugging the demons within has been the solution especially since the 1950's. Beats being chained up in an insane asylum for a lifetime, devastating lobotomies and frightening electro-shock therapy which convulses you and can fry your brain beyond anyone recognizing you, or you ever recognizing you again.

But I personally didn't want to be on drugs for the rest of my life. So with the covering of prayer through Christ Jesus prior to my deliverance over a year of time or more, I weaned myself from them, one by one. I was once on Haldol, Mellaril, Lithium, Thorazine and Elavil, sometimes all at once.

Another thing that intrigued me about the Coast to Coast radio program is that the Vatican seems to be preparing for a renewed interest in exorcisms. Italy has 350-400 church-appointed exorcists and some 500,000 people who seek out exorcisms in that country. 500,000 people flocking to Rome alone folks, seeking for relief from emotional and mental torment! People are hurting all over the world and that's just one example of the huge numbers of tortured people who have sought help and healing
everywhere else and are now in desperation, banging on the doors of exorcists.

The reporter who wrote a book about the phenomenon said he took a course at a brand new university in Rome built just for that purpose. He said he was struck by the pristine campus, bustling with activity and new classes that were organized for just such a time as this. He also walked away as a believer in the demonic and angelic realm having seen things that defied scientific explanation. Even TIME magazine wrote a recent article about it saying that the paranormal cannot be explained, but it manifests nonetheless.

So Rome has 350-400 exorcists trained by the Catholic church and a mile-long waiting list while they train more. The United States has about 14 -15 official exorcists and less than a handful of those are in New York City a place where hundreds of thousands of people suffer from mental illness. What are you supposed to do in the interim. How long are people supposed to suffer?

What if you can't or don't want to go to Rome? What if you don't want an exorcism by the Catholic church, but you do want relief, deliverance and a cure? Why are millions of people still getting and staying mentally ill? Are we in the last days? Well the devil sure acted out when Christ came on the scene, in the flesh, in ancient days and devils were being exposed in huge numbers. It's happening again, today.

Here's another clue to how bad it's gotten and will get. When the Vatican does something, I pay attention and they are not teaching many more priests how to do exorcisms for drama or entertainment. ( I pay attention because the Vatican has vast political and religious power, not because I am Catholic.)

Let me emphasize, I am not Catholic, nor do I believe that is requirement for deliverance. I do believe you need to want to know, or get to know the Lord Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible.

So without further introduction, let me get right to this. The Cure for Mental Illness is the title of another book I am working on, as I mentioned, I'm a published freelance reporter and author. But God has impressed me to get this word out now.

Just to sum up my life story, I was delivered from drugs, alcohol and manic depression through the amazing power of Christ. I've taken no psychotropic drugs for 11 years now and I rest on the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for His Holy Spirit to come upon me now.

The Cure for Mental Illness is not one specific cure, but having suffered greatly in the past and now tasting freedom, I know there is a cure. It's not a formula, but it is using the biblical tools God leads you to use. It's a combination of things converging for YOUR freedom (or the release of a loved one or friend.) It's a prescription from the Great Physician, Dr. Jesus Christ.

Each person is different and caution must be taken not to throw medication in the wind. Begin to seek God through Christ and His in-filling in your spirit will most likely cause the need for medication to be less and less, until you may not need it at all.

1) Have a Heart for God - One of the most important things is to have a heart for God, to really want a relationship with Him. To pray for your soul, your salvation and the healing of your mind. A relationship with Christ can't be faked. You either love Him or you don't. Get to know Him and you will.

2) The Power of Prayer and Fasting in Overcoming Mental Illness - The most powerful biblical tools I have ever witnessed and used for myself and others. In praying and fasting, do it in Jesus' name. Have a heart for God. Don't pray and fast without the covering of Jesus Christ. You will be opening yourself up to the supernatural realm and you don't want to pick up anymore unsavory entities.

You want Jesus to be there to guide you through your deliverance. If you can't fast for 3 days, or even a day, just fast a meal. In time you will be able to fast more as the Holy Spirit leads you. Don't try to take on an epic 40 days and 40 nights fast, it could be too much too soon. Go slowly. But as you deny the flesh, God will do a work in your mind, body, spirit and soul. Deliverance is a deep work done on all of those levels.

I will detail much more on fasting (with prayer) later, but a great place to start is with the wonderful book, a time-tested classic by Arthur Wallis called, "God's Chosen Fast." Of course have your Holy Bible nearby. I prefer the King James Version, because it spells out the need for prayer and fasting, without "modern" editing! A New International Version (NIV) or American Standard can help you understand difficult to understand passages.

3) Scripture Meditation and Memory - This is powerful. And if you hear accusing or demonic voices in your head, counter them with powerful scripture. One that a Christian friend and his wife gave me, got me through many spiritual warfare battles:

2 Corinthians 10:3-5:

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh; for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but are mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds.

"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."

- I learned this by heart and even made a little song of it, so I could remember it.

4) Fellowship with a Body of Believers - Ask God to send you to a beautifully powerful, Bible-based church that believes in the concept of deliverance. Ask those you trust to pray for you.

5) Praise Music - Worship and Praise music is very healing. It builds up your faith and pleases God. Sing it or have it playing at night and during the day as often as you can. satan hates praise music to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This is a good sign!

I have a song that the Lord gave me, called "This is the Day of Deliverance." I won't write all the lyrics here, but just concentrate on those words, that this is the day of YOUR deliverance.

Christ is a Healer, a Deliverer, Lord of Lords and King of Kings. He can do anything.

Marriage Problems - Recognize the Common Signs of Male Depression

You were very happily married but now you have marriage problems. Not only were you happy with your wife but you are also happy with yourself. You feel happy, calm, and ready to take on the world. This is all a thing of the past, though.

You lost your job, a death happened in the family, or you had to move away from your familiar neighborhood and EVERYTHING changed. You are no longer happy, you are irritable, you begin to pick fights, you start to go on-line all night long, and you begin to drink.

What has happened? Simple, you suffer from depression and, before it is too late, you better do something about it and get help fast before it is too late.

In this article I will point out to you some of the common signs of depression in men so you will know to get help.

Typical THOUGHTS and emotions of a depressed person.


*Wary of other people; very not trusting

*Fear of failure.

The world looks black to you so you interpret everything that is going around you very grimly and negatively. The universe is against you, people are out to get you, and you will fail at anything you try. You looked at these same things in a completely opposite light before you suffered from depression, but now that you a under the claws of depression this is the way your perceive everything that is going on around you.

Common ACTIONS that are telltale signs of male depression

Blame others or picks fights. This is a sign of depression only if you weren't like this until now. For a person who has always blamed others for their mistakes or picked fights then this is not a sign of depression (it is a sign that you should change but it is not depression).

Sleeps much less than before. He goes to bed late, wakes up in the middle of the night, or wakes up real early in the morning (without an alarm clock)

Controlling. AT first glance this symptom is really counter intuitive. How can it be that a person who feels so low and powerless try to control others? However after giving it a little thought it DOES make sense. It is because of his feeling of such hopelessness and lack of control over himself that he tries to control others as if to say to himself, "Yes, Charlie, you are still capable of controlling."

Overuse of internet,, TV, video games or, sometimes, even substance abuse. To escape the horrendous feeling of depression a lot of men engage in addictive behaviors. Like this, they forget themselves and have some temporary relief from the black feeling of depression.

Even happily married people can end up having marriage problems if you or your spouse suffers from depression. The good news, though, is that it is treatable. If you have experienced a few of these symptoms for more than two weeks than get help as fast as you can. Do it before it is too late.

5 Ways To Get Over Heartbreak: Ways To Mend A Broken Heart

Have you been searching all over for specific and easy advice on five ways to get over heartbreak and other ways to mend a broken heart? How long does a broken heart last? Hopefully not for long if you follow these tips. So without wasting your time anymore, here's a list of 5 ways to get over heartbreak:

1) Treat yourself to something unexpected: if you've just gone through a breakup you may feel like your life is closing in on you, and that there's nothing else you can think of except your past relationship. In order to break out of this vicious and dark circle, you need to tell yourself that you are the best and most important person in the world and do something nice for yourself to prove it. Perfect examples would be taking dancing classes, going out to a really nice restaurant, or even taking a vacation. The point is to go for luxury and splurge on yourself.

2) Find someone new to flirt with. Although it's probably too soon since you broke up from your previous major relationship, a bit of harmless flirting definitely doesn't hurt, to help build up your confidence again for dealing with the opposite sex, as well as how to take your mind off your ex.

3) Focus on your appearance: it's common for people to let themselves go after a breakup, however this leads to a vicious circle where your appearance becomes a source of resentment and a loss of self-esteem, therefore further discouraging you from reentering the dating market. Of course it's hard. Going through breakup depression makes it even harder than usual to set out on an exercise routine. However, the more you do to improve your appearance to begin attracting the opposite sex again, the better you will feel about yourself and the less you will think about your ex.

4) Imagine that your life is much more wonderful than it currently is: try to imagine that even though things look down right now, perhaps there was a reason, some long-term plan for the way things turned out with your ex. Think of all the possibilities that are now open ahead of you because you are not with that person anymore. Who might you meet now that you've broken up with your ex? What places might you travel to now that you're free to explore? Again the focus is on getting your constant repetitive thinking away from negative breakup emotions.

5) Finally, if all else fails, and your sure it's right for you, simply consider making up with your ex! Go back to them and just be completely honest. Tell them how much you love them right to their face. Tell them how do i live without you? At least you'll know this way. Immediately, whether they verbalize it or not, you'll know if this one last chance worked. If there's any chance to rekindle your love, your partner will respond immediately.

Hopefully these tips can help you with how do you move on after a breakup. This is a small example of the wealth of advice out there relating to all matters of the heart. Whether you're looking for ways to get an ex back, or the opposite, how to break up with someone, the Magic Of Making Up covers all aspects of love. Perhaps you're wondering how do you get your wife to love you again or even, if you're a little younger perhaps, how do you know if a girl likes you. The point is that love is incredibly complicated, and it can't hurt to have a trusted guide along the way.

Discover Vitamins And Herbs For Depression

The interest in learning all about vitamins and herbs for depression has skyrocketed. Indeed, depression is the most common of all mood disorders affecting an estimated 17 million Americans every year. Needless to say, many of us are very familiar with prescription drug antidepressants, such as Zoloft and Prozac. However, there are also natural substances that can help counter depression. So, without further adieu, let's delve into vitamins and herbs for depression.

St. John's wort is highly recognized as an herb that can help brighten the moods of mild to moderate depression sufferers. In addition, St John's wort has been found to ease anxiety. Although the exact way the herb works to counter depression is not yet known, St. John's wart has been dubbed "nature's Prozac" because of its success. In general, it appears to boost levels of the brain chemical serotonin, a powerful brain chemical that is responsible for good moods. In fact, many European studies have found that St. John's wort is even more effective than some prescription antidepressants and in Germany, St. John's wort outsells pharmaceutical antidepressants. Indeed, St. John's wort is the superstar when it comes to herbs for depression.

Gingko Biloba is highly valued for its ability to enhance circulation, especially to the brain. Therefore, this herb may be helpful in combating depression if the depression is related to poor blood flow to the brain.

Other herbs used for depression include: Damiana and Yohimbe. However, unlike St. John's wort, Damiana and Yohimbe do not have the research to support its medicinal claims.

That said, let's move forward on our topic of vitamins and herbs for depression.

The B complex vitamins are recommended by some experts because these vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. Clinical depression sufferers often have lower levels of one or more of these important B vitamins. Keep in mind that most multivitamins provide the recommended daily allowance. However, during times of emotional stress higher amounts are needed.

In addition, the mineral zinc is often found to be deficient in people who suffer from depression. Zinc plays a role in aiding proper brain function and in promoting mental alertness.

Although the following are not vitamins and herbs for depression, we would be remiss if we didn't mention a few other natural substances that may be helpful in combating depression.

SAMe is an effective natural antidepressant. According to the well renowned tome "Nutraceuticals - The Complete Encyclopedia of Supplements, Herbs, Vitamins, and Healing Foods" written by Arthur J. Roberts, M.D., Mary E. O'Brien, M.D., and Genell Subak-Sharpe, M.S. who states:

"European studies show that SAMe can be faster and more effective in overcoming depression than many standard antidepressant drugs. It is thought to work against depression by enhancing the action of the mood-elevating brain chemicals, such as serotonin and dopamine." (Page 96).

Indeed, SAMe is one to consider even though it's not under the category of vitamins and herbs for depression.

5-HTP is said to boost levels of serotonin. It may be helpful for mild depression.

Essential Fatty Acids- Fish oils offer high concentrations of omega-3-fatty acids that are needed for proper brain function. More specifically, fish oils are a rich and direct source of two essential omega-3 fatty acids known as EPA and DHA. It's important to note that the brain is 60 percent fat and requires essential fatty acids, especially DHA. Researchers have linked the lack of omega-3 fatty acids to depression, and in particular DHA.

Nutritional-Supplement-Educational Opinion On Vitamins And Herbs For Depression

We believe you may want to consider a comprehensive formula specifically designed to combat depression. In fact, a comprehensive formula using carefully selected ingredients can offer more therapeutic benefits, often better than taking a single nutrient or herb on its own.

Therefore, it's important to understand the how and why of what makes some these comprehensive depression products useful -- an important factor in making an informed choice. Moreover, mixing and matching nutrients and herbs on your own can be very dangerous to your health as well as expensive.

However, make sure that the product is professionally and scientifically formulated by a highly-credentialed scientific team that can ensure the proper blending of ingredients to maximize the therapeutic benefits needed to combat depression.

Final note...

It's important that you always speak to a physician before taking any dietary and herbal supplements. In addition, you should never stop taking any prescribed medications to try any these nutrients, including vitamins and herbs for depression without talking to your physician and/or psychiatrist.

The Sisters

A white BMW rounded the curve in the night darkness, its headlights catching the silhouette of two standard poodles running into the road. A screech pierced the air as the driver hit the brakes.

My husband, Dick, had had the dogs off-leash at a dog park on a rainy Thanksgiving evening when they heard something that frightened them. They sprinted off, their black coats blending into the surrounding darkness. He ran after them, calling their names, "Chien! BonBon!"

Now, Dick saw Chien, the male, lying on the ground. The driver and passengers were climbing out of the BMW. One passenger, an older woman, had started to cry. BonBon was prancing in circles in the road. Dick grabbed her by the collar and pulled her into our van, which was parked nearby. Dick gingerly lifted Chien into the van with the help of a passerby, and drove to the nearest animal hospital. BonBon, frightened and shaking, crouched in the front wheel-well of the vehicle--while Chien died in the back.

Dick and I grieved deeply over Chien's sudden death. BonBon was traumatized-she took to her bed with one of her stuffed toys, or "babies," and rarely left the bed, day or night, except when she needed to go outside.

For years, BonBon and Chien had relished an early morning routine in our back yard in a Phoenix suburb of barking back and forth with the dogs next door. Fortunately, no other neighbors were close enough to be disturbed. Our property has a block wall around it, but if the poodles crouched down, they could peer at their pals through an opening under the wall where a wash runs between the two lots. Now, when BonBon went out in the morning, she stood by silently while the dogs on the other side barked. She ignored her favorite treat-Trader Joe's peanut butter dog cookies. And, when we got home from work (in the past, a joyous occasion with the poodles jumping up on us, barking and licking us), she stayed on her bed. It was very sad to her in this terrible state of depression.

Within a few days of Chien's death, Dick and I knew we had to get another companion for BonBon. We agreed to look for a female about her age, and we definitely wanted another black standard poodle.

We started our search by contacting animal shelters and poodle rescue leagues over the

Internet. However, we did not find any standard poodles that needed a home, let alone one of our specifications. The breeders we talked to had only puppies.

A whisper of Fate stirred in my mind at some point, reminding me that the breeder in El Paso, Texas, who had sold us Chien and BonBon, had said when we left the kennel with BonBon, "If anything ever happens, and you can't keep your dogs, call me, and I'll take them."

I reminded Dick of this and said, "Maybe she told other people that, too, and someone has brought back a poodle we could have." When we found no standard poodles closer to home, he finally looked up the breeder's name and called her.

Brigitte Copeland was in the process of closing down Copeland Kennels, after 26 years, to go home to Germany to take care of her aging parents. She had several poodles for sale, including Maggie, a retired show dog, who turned out to be exactly the dog we were looking for. Maggie, a six-year old, female, black standard poodle, was BonBon's littermate. Her Sister!

We flew to El Paso on December 18 to pick up Maggie, almost six years to the day we had made the same trip to pick up BonBon. Maggie is an American Kennel Club "finished champion," whose formal name is Champion Falkirk Hocus Pocus. While BonBon was living the life of a common pet, hanging out in our back yard with Chien, her sister Maggie had strutted around the show ring to the applause of the crowds. While BonBon, spayed at an early age, mothered stuffed toys, Maggie had nursed a litter of real pups.

When we put a collar around Maggie's neck to attach a leash to lead her from the kennel to our rental car, it was the first time in her life that she had worn a regular dog collar. A show dog doesn't wear a collar because it will wear down the fur around its neck. When Brigitte wanted Maggie to do something, instead of pulling on a collar, she led her by the ears.

Dick drove the rental car from El Paso to Phoenix, with me sitting in the back, tightly hugging Maggie. We arrived home in the early evening and took Maggie and BonBon into our back yard to introduce them. They sniffed each other and got acquainted while on leashes; then were let loose. They were standoffish, but everything seemed to be going fine, until BonBon did a fast run around the yard and "body slammed" Maggie.

The body slam was a signal that BonBon was ready to play-it was something Chien used to do to BonBon when he wanted her to chase him. Maggie, who had never been body slammed, turned up her nose at this crude behavior, and started to walk back toward the house, straight into the swimming pool. As soon as her front paws got wet, she realized she was in trouble, caught her balance and backed up, walked around the pool, and into the house, holding her nose high in the air.

Maggie's grooming put poor BonBon to shame. Maggie was coal black, although Brigette had described her as starting to grey, and BonBon was clearly going grey. Maggie had a fairly simple poodle cut, not the fancy cut she would have strutted in the show ring, but she did sport a wonderful puffy, pom pom tail with a little ring shaved at the base of it. BonBon had still a simpler cut and was overdue to be professionally groomed. I immediately got out a brush and started working on her.

At bed time, BonBon lay down on her bed in our bedroom, where she sleeps next to a very large, floppy, stuffed bunny we bought when she was new at our house to give her a "mother" to cuddle up to at night. She stretched out her legs and strategically placed her front paws on Chien's bed, next to hers, to keep Maggie off. But Maggie was not interested in sleeping on a dog bed. She was uneasy in her new surroundings, and spent the night stretched out on the floor next to Dick's side of the bed. We assumed she had slept in a cage at the breeders.

We took the poodles on leashes for a walk in the neighborhood the next morning. Maggie held her head high and glided along as though she were in a show ring; BonBon, harking back to her German ancestors, ran alongside the road with her nose to the ground, sniffing for game. Quite a contrast! We had to leave the dogs alone during the day while we went to work, but they were ignoring each other, so we were sure they would be okay while we were gone.

Dick came home from work early that day and took the dogs to the grocery store in what we call "the Dog Van," a van, purchased specifically for the poodles. Chien and BonBon loved sleeping on the back seat, looking out the side windows, or lying on the floor between the captain chairs in front, and being petted as we traveled along. Maggie apparently had never ridden in a vehicle except while in a cage, and she seemed a little confused about what to do. She chose to lie on the floor-and traveled along, facing backward.

Over the next few weeks, BonBon's depression disappeared, and Maggie's assimilation into the family became complete. Maggie was just as loving as Chien and BonBon had always been. The sisters became close friends, licking each other's faces in unison, running together to the wall in the back yard to bark at the dogs next door, and playfully taking turns sleeping on each other's beds. BonBon gave up body slams, perhaps because she was learning more dignified behavior from her more refined sister. For our part, we bought some professional "Black Star" color-enhancing shampoo to take to our dog groomer, after which both dogs pranced around in coal-black coats.

Chien's death was the result of bad Fate, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. If Dick had not taken the poodles to the dog park that night, or had kept them on their leashes, Chien would not have died as he did. If the BMW had not happened along just when it did, things might have been different. However, we also had good Fate, in that we found Maggie because we called Brigitte when we did. If we had called even a few days later, Maggie might have been sold to someone else, and a few weeks later, Brigitte would already have left for Germany, and the phone would have been disconnected. The two sisters, separated shortly after birth and never expected to be together again, were reunited six years later to live out their lives together-due to Fate.

By Brenda Warneka

How to Overcome Depression - Inspirational & For Reflection

The Spiritual Teachings are wellsprings that bring consolation, recognition, serenity, moderation and peace. They are not a prescription or pretend to replace medical help and special attention but they truly are capable of contributing something extraordinary and wonderful, that all the sciences of the world have not been able to know, understand and appreciate. And this is because they have wisdom, which is greater than all sciences. Wisdom, which also knows all arts, all foundations and principles of life.

And this spiritual science knows that man is more than what the senses reveal. Man is not only flesh and bones, thoughts and feelings. Man has a spiritual foundation, an extraordinary and wonderful worth. This is because he has inner light, which truly shines more than the sun. This light will help us, with certainty, to overcome any depression, no matter how dark can be, since in the depth of man, the Love of God lives.

Depression, may pretend to suffocate or burn us with its scorching embrace but there is a superior Love, who can rescue us. The path always is prayer, where we will find refuge, serenity and transformation. And what was hurting will not hurt any more because there is an inner foundation, who always rescues and brings inner peace.

Even though, man may be facing paths of desperation and chaos, if he really wants to change with sincerity and with all his heart, then, God will not abandon him, on the contrary, God will exalt him and will bring him out of the fog and will nourish him with His presence. God will strengthen him and will bring light to his life, peace to his heart and will make him prosper, because God is true. It is very certain that every one who looks for God and knows Him, will overcome the obstacles, the confusion and depression.

God is true. He is peace, joy and Love. Keep this in your heart and live in the name of God. And your life will be as a garden full of flowers, in which you will have banished and transcended depression.

Will Fish Oil Remove Depression Symptoms?

Many have asked, 'Will fish oil remove depression symptoms? What is the best fish oil depression dosage? This article will help answer those questions.

A number of clinical studies report that a depression treatment is safe and effective. Some studies indicate that it is as effective as traditional anti-depressant drugs. But, it does not cause the negative side effects that those drugs cause. In this article, you can learn about the fish oil depression dosage that is recommended by a doctor of naturopathic medicine, but it is important to mention that depressive feelings can be serious.

Get Professional Assistance

If you suffer from this problem, you should be under a doctor's or counselor's care. It is important to have your symptoms evaluated to see just how serious the condition is. If you consult a doctor of naturopathic medicine, you can still elect a fish oil depression treatment or other natural remedy. But, counseling is highly beneficial, too.

Depression Symptoms

There are many things that can cause depressive feelings, including life changes, medications, health problems and nutritional deficiencies. Stress and pressure at work or home can cause the problem, too. There are physical, as well as mental symptoms. The physical symptoms may include headache, backache, and itching, blurred vision and stomach problems. An appropriate depression dosage can help with those things, too. It has natural pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory activity. It is good for the digestion and for the skin's health.

Fish Oil Dosage

The appropriate depression dosage depends on the amount of omega3 fatty acids that are in each capsule. For example, the better products provide 500mg of omega3 fatty acids per 1000mg of oil. Three capsules per day are generally recommended for adults.

In addition to a depression treatment, there are other natural remedies. For example, SAM-e has effects that are very similar to conventional anti-depressants. Since it is a nutrient that is naturally present in the body, there are no unwanted side effects. The amino acid 5-HTP has been beneficial for many people, as well.

You might be wondering just how a fish oil depression dosage could be effective. Researchers have attempted to explain that by looking at the chemical reactions that occur in the brains of animals. What they have seen is that it is something like "feeding" the brain's cells.

They began to investigate a depression treatment when it was noted that low blood levels of an omega3 fatty acid called DHA were found in people that suffered from the condition. Later research revealed that suicide victims often had low levels of EPA, another omega3 fat. Of course, there are life situations that sometimes trigger suicide, including a build up of stress. But, when there are no "outside" reasons for the condition, we have to look at the inside of the body.

A good oil dosage will provide both 360mg of EPA and 840mg of DHA. This amount has been used in some clinical studies. But, remember, your body needs complete nutritional support. It is difficult to get all of the support that you need through diet alone. A fish oil depression treatment can be effective alone or in combination with SAM-e and 5-HTP. Again, consult an appropriate health provider.

And now, see my website listed listed below for more information on fish oil depression treatment and the proper fish oil depression dosage.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Danger Signs of Pregnancy Depression

Just about every woman you speak with will tell you of some strange feelings she had during her pregnancy. Most of these types of things are simply due to the normal hormonal upheaval one's body goes through during pregnancy. The intense excitement you feel at the prospect of being a new Mom leaves little room for doubt that the entire processing will be rewarding and filled with anticipation. And yet there are a few women who undergo stress and difficulties during their pregnancy which can lead to pregnancy depression.

To be observant of depression signs in a pregnant woman, one has to look very carefully. Many symptoms, that would otherwise be suspicious, can be considered normal for the average new mom to be. Still, if any symptom is ling lasting or shows worsening behavior, someone should see to it that professional help m intervenes. Some of the things to look for include hyperactivity, emotional outbursts, or changes in eating and sleeping habits. Some of these may be considered nothing to worry about, but it should be a professional that makes that decision. However, if there is a suspicion of drug and alcohol abuse, it is imperative that the individual get help without hesitation. These activities cannot only harm the mother, but can cause serious and lasting harm to the unborn infant.

A primary care doctor should always be prepared to work along with a psychotherapist. Treatment of pregnancy depression can be risky at best. The use of antidepressants during pregnancy can harm an unborn child so it has to be determined if the depression is better left untreated or not. If the depression is severe enough, it can lead to serious side effects on the newborn infant such as slow response and irritability. It can even shorten the gestation period. So the risks of treatment have to be weighed very carefully. Psychotherapy alone can often be enough to get a mother through her pregnancy.

If depression persists after pregnancy, or is found to be an event occurring only during pregnancy, there is still no reason why a woman cannot have repetitive and successful pregnancies. If the depression is so severe that the woman cannot function without her medication, the she needs to be seen by her obstetrician and psychotherapist. It should be in the hands of the professionals as to which way to proceed and which benefits outweigh the risks. If it is felt that depression can be tolerated throughout the pregnancy, then the woman is usually advised to stop her medications about six months prior to becoming pregnant. This is often the case with mild to moderate depression.

It is always best that clinical depression be discussed with ones physician. The doctor, who knows your case best, will take into consideration all aspects of your depression. All critical issues will be examined. So, with all the precautions set carefully in place you can have a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Helping Bipolar and Depressed Individuals' Mood Disorders: Beyond Psychiatry and Psychology

The noble and satisfying desire to help others in need must extend to those afflicted with clinical mood disorders. These include anxiety, bipolar disorder, and clinical depression. Because one out of six Americans suffers some form(s) of mental illness, there are many interpersonal, financial and quality-of-life reasons for family and friends to help them. Because mental patients often feel "the outside world" cannot understand their pain, they often turn to publications written by both unknown and famous mental patients.

Unfortunately, most memoirs of the famous tend to only glance at the mood disorders and only graze the surface of underlying medical issues; they emphasize the wrong things, telling stories about their families, other luminaries and Hollywood, sports, or political intrigues. Books written by the average sufferer of manic-depression contain more detailed descriptions of their episodes and better weave them into their life stories.

The little talked-about and often misunderstood epidemic of mood disorders is sweeping across America. Today's statistics are chilling: Clinical depression is the number one reason people go to see their doctors and the class of psychotropic drugs prescribed is second only to that of analgesics (pain killers). Bipolar disorder is the second-highest reason for U.S. disability awards. Unemployment is 50% higher for those with mood disorders than that of the general population. Women suffer clinical depression twice as much as men do. The mood disorder suicide rate is 33% when a person is left untreated; it is 20% when properly treated. And 90% of all suicides result from clinical depression. Only 33% of the clinically depressed receive treatment. Bipolar disorder affects men and women equally and 83% of cases are severe-yet 37 % neither recognize nor admit to suffering the condition. Only 49% of bipolar individuals receive treatment.

As a bipolar mental patient and burn victim, I can attest to the fact that psychic pain often exceeds that of physical pain, both in intensity and duration. Utter hopelessness and suicidality transcend verbal description. There is no cure for mood disorders, no "dipstick" with which to test the brain's neurotransmitter levels that regulate the human feelings and emotions that drive our aberrant behaviors. Exotic and expensive medications and psychotherapy are the primary means for mitigating the pain and skewed behaviors experienced by those of us saddled with mood disorders. The doctor-patient goal is to reduce the frequency, intensity and duration of bipolar and clinically depressive episodes, and to encourage the patient to reform old habits into positive, healthy and beneficial lifestyles.

Today the social stigma of mental illness remains the equivalent of unwed mothers before the 1960s: "hush, hush and put them away." And deep down inside the general public there is that private feeling of "there but for the grace of God I go." That must end-there are too many of us to ignore any longer. One partially effective pain relief method for aiding mood disorder patients is peer interaction and comfort found in either physical or cyber discussion and support groups. Another means of relief is to share the stories of other mood disorder sufferers.

Unlike live groups, there can be no accidental or intentional personal attacks or judgmental assessments when reading about mood disorders. Stories written by mental patient peers can help ease the pain for those who suffer mood disorders, both manic and depressive episodes, by entertaining and educating the reader. There is wonderful relief for patients just to know there are others who suffer the exact same malady as they do. A search through a library or bookstore psychology/manic-depression category yields many books that bring understanding, hope, help and healing for sufferers of bipolar disorder and clinical depression, and their families and friends.

Should Post-Divorce Co-Parenting Training Be Mandatory?

When parents get divorced or separated, there is a tremendous amount of strain put on their new relationship and many times this becomes extremely difficult to handle. In turn, the focus on the children's mental and emotional health is greatly diminished. That's why it is extremely important for the parents to transform their relationship, which I call restructuring. It is imperative that parents learn how to co-parent in their new relationship, but imagine how difficult this is for a couple deciding to end their relationship together.

One parent has moved out of the family home and the children are trying to adjust to the non-custodial/custodial parent arrangement. In addition, many times children experience hostility and violence when their parents communicate creating tension in their environment and causing anxiety a child cannot verbalize. Without proper communication from the parents or outside help, many different types of behavior issues in children manifest, such as anger, insecurity, depression and anxiety. Although there is little evidence that divorce causes clinical depression in children, there is concern that divorce leaves children feeling lonelier, less protected and more stressed-filled. Often these symptoms and behaviors effect the children in school, in social situations and in the home. When the divorce or separation occurs during the child's early development, the child exhibits behaviors that indicate an attempt to control their environment, since it has been disrupted. Young children display behaviors of opposition or use inappropriate words, despite being told not to. When schools and psychologists are not made aware of the new situation or given vital information, the child ends up with a diagnosis of ADD or ADHD and is sentenced to a label and medication, damaging self-esteem and causing medical side effects.

Children need to feel they have some consistency in their lives. Parents who have recently undergone or are going through a separation have to step-up and admit that they are responsible for their child's ill-behavior. The lack of understanding of their children's behavior issues is an acute result of both parents' emotional reaction to their deteriorating marriage. The children's behavior in this situation is the smoke alarm and often times the parents do not see or hear the smoke alarm because they are caught up in their own dilemma and trying to stabilize themselves after the loss of their relationship. It may be too much for them to find the professional support the family needs to preserve its basic foundation amidst the rubble. When a marriage dissolves and there are children involved no one ever gets away unscathed. This does not mean all children suffer irreparable damage, because some children develop resiliency. However, you never know until years later how this situation affects the children and this is why parents need to pay close attention to any cues, while adjusting to a new living situation. Many parents do not want to accept the pain their child is going through and are in denial. There can be tremendous feelings of guilt, bitterness, non-communication, extended family pressure, and financial strain. It is not enough to keep children, jobs and life normal while undergoing dramatic changes in the household.

As a child of divorced parents at the age of ten, I often felt worried and anxious when they were in the same room. When my father would pick us up for visitation I felt very uncomfortable because they were visibly hostile to each other and as a child it was very depressing. In addition, my own parents would talk ill of each other in front of me and this was very confusing and was a enormous burden on me. Parents don't realize how their emotions effect their children. Children also don't know how adult relationships work and are trying to manage from a child's experience and perspective. It became so stressful that as a child I would pray that one of my parents would mysteriously disappear so I didn't have to feel so bad. It's confusing for a child to witness such indifference and hostility among the parents who conceived them. As I got older, I delayed any possible committed relationship because the thought of both my parents at my wedding caused heart palpations. My sister eloped denying herself the possibility of a special celebration. This was unfortunate for those of us who wanted to be there for her, but I understood. If only there had been post-divorce counseling to address the issues that caused so much unnecessary stress in my life. As a society with almost a 75% divorce rate, it seems to me post-divorce co-parenting skills should be a goal in the stipulation. If my parents and many divorced parents with children had been strongly encouraged or even court-mandated to parenting classes, I believe the children of divorce would have an easier time in their own relationships as adults and had a more secure stress free childhood.

Dana Greco is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and family psychotherapist in NYC. She is affiliated with The Ackerman Institute for Family Therapy, specializing in family systems She is a member of the Mental Health Professionals Panel for the Appellate Division of The Supreme and Family Courts in New York City. She is the author of "Please Don't Buy Me Ice cream... A child's rules for priceless parenting." Dana also works closely with a mediator, Don Desroches, during the process of separation as a family counselor.

Don has several years experience in small, medium and large size organizations negotiating and mediating. He knows communication is essential when identifying each parties' needs in order for the facilitation and mediation process to resolve to a win/win situation. For many years, Don has helped people come to the realization that mediation instead of litigation is a much more reasonable route. He has saved clients thousands of dollars in legal fees, by reducing the emotional strain and increasing their ability to communicate amicably for future interactions.

School Depression

School depression is a kind of depression that occurs in school going children. Depression in school going children is quite a common illness. Numbers of students get affected by depression every year. School depression is not a strange kind of depression; it is just the same as some of the other types of depression. Following are the symptoms of school depression:

1. The first and the foremost symptom of depression in school going children is inability to concentrate while studying.

2. Irritation at school without a proper reason.

3. Poor appetite.

4. School going children may exhibit sleeping problems; these consist of too less sleep or too much sleep.

5. Less interest in extra curricular activities.

6. Nervousness or hesitation without any reason.

7. Fatigue.

8. Negative thoughts and poor self confidence also are the symptoms of depression in school going children.

School depression or depression in school going children exhibit the above listed symptoms commonly, but the symptoms might vary child to child. The prevalence of depression in school going children is 3 to 4 out of100 children. School depression occurs equally in boy and girls. The relationship of students amongst their friends and teachers play a big role in school depression. Some of the causes that may lead to depression in school going children are:

1. Extra pressure of parents or school teachers on students to perform well in examinations.

2. Too many expectations of parents.

3. Those students that do not play they may also develop depression.

4. Book warmers may also develop depression.

5. Low self confidence can also develop depression in school going children.

6. The fear of bad performance or bad performance in studies could also be the reason of depression in school going children.

7. Students that have no friends are often found stressed, the stress may also lead to depression.

8. Inferiority complex in students is also one of the reasons.

School depression is a treatable illness and can be treated if the proper treatment technique is followed. Parents need to identify the symptoms in their school going children, as most of the children do not even know that they are suffering from depression. Parents need to take their child to a specialist and look for proper treatment plan. Talk therapy, Cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy or interpersonal therapies are good method in these cases. You as parents can also help your child getting over school depression. Following are some of the do's and don'ts that you need to follow:

1. Do not pressurize your child for more and more. Every child has a special talent; you just need to motivate him to explore his talent rather than pressurizing him.

2. Do tell him to play for an hour a day at least. Your child will feel energized.

3. Do not torture your child if he scores less marks, instead encourage him to do well next time.

4. Do take your school going child to those places that interests him.

5. Do not show negative behavior in front of your child.

Preventing Gifted Depression

Depression comes in many forms for the gifted adult. The word 'depression' is used so commonly these days, the meaning people associate with it can be anything from feeling a little down or not quite yourself, to full-blown clinical depression that requires medication to address.

For the most part, depression among the gifted stems fundamentally from the gap between who you are and who you were meant to be. This is not always a conscious gap, but for sure you feel it there.

Gifted adults always have to be learning and exploring. That's just part of your nature - a big part that you can't live without. When you stop growing you start dying, in a sense, which for many shows up as depression.

If you get bogged down with taking care of other people, or you find yourself stuck in uneventful routines day after day your brains start clamouring for your attention. And you start to feel it in your everyday emotions. Add to all of this the high levels of emotion you perceive regularly anyway and you have a recipe for trouble.

If you start to notice that you're spending more time in the lows than in the highs in your life, take note of what you've been doing.

  • Have you been eating well and physically moving to help keep your body healthy?

  • Have you been taking time for yourself to explore some of the topics and do some of the things you're interested in?

  • Have you been challenging yourself to do something unique that really excites you?

  • Have you been connecting with other gifted people so you can share your experiences with other people who understand you?

  • Have you been looking toward future ways to keep your life motivating?

If you're feeling down and you've answered no to some of these questions, then you now have a place to focus on to begin picking yourself up. Pay attention to what helps you feel better and when (maybe you need to be busier in the morning instead of the afternoon, for example). And write down your reflections during your up times so you can go back and look for any connections between them later on.

And, above all, please share what works for you or someone you know so gifted adults can continue to learn and grow together.

Watching For the Dark Signs of Depression

All of us have had some kind of encounter with depression. That is, a continual state of extreme sadness or pain whether or not it is founded or particularly directed at someone or something.

You may suspect someone you know of suffering from depression. If so, check the warning signs below to see if they are exhibiting.

If you have noticed that a person becomes easily irritated or agitated over minor issues, you may be observing the beginning signs of depression, especially if this is not typical of their behavior. Attempt to gently talk with this person to see if they might need help.

Occasional feelings of emptiness are familiar to all of us. If, however, you know someone who can seem to talk of nothing else, you should encourage him to speak to a professional who can help him deal with his emotions of despair.

Watch for sudden changes in lifestyle, including oversleeping or sleep deprivation. This may be contributing to the individual's heightened irritability and be a sign that he is suffering from emotional turmoil.

Sudden or unexplained bodily aches and pains also point to depression. If a doctor is unable to medically pinpoint the root of chronic headaches or chest pains, it may be an indicator that a visit to the psychiatrist is in order.

If someone has recently undergone some kind of trauma, like a bad breakup, divorce or loss of a loved one, it is almost certain that this is the source of his depression. As a friend or family member, you need to be gentle and patient in offering as much support as possible so that the individual battling depression can sort through his issues and overcome his problems.

These are the classic symptoms that persistently recur in most confirmed cases of depression. If you have noticed a number of these symptoms in someone you know, talk to them. Let them know that they matter to you and that you are worried about their wellbeing. Your care and concern may save their life and discourage them from doing something regrettable.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Depression and Overeating - How to Break the Cycle

There is a real link between depression and overeating.  For some people depression is a chemical imbalance.  Medication (along with therapy if needed) can remedy that issue.  But for most people depression is a symptom of not addressing unwanted stress or emotions.

When these unwanted emotions come up; food can be an effective numbing agent.  It literally pushes the emotion away.  But the kicker is that it takes energy to keep these emotions at bay.  So not only is there weight gain; but energy is being used to "depress" emotions.  When a person continues to do this; a state of depression occurs.

The cycle can also occur first with depression.  When a person is depressed they may use food to comfort themselves.  This then leads to further depression and deepens the need to use food to feel good.

When so much energy is being used to numb emotions; you literally have nothing left to give to your life, yourself, or your family.  This is common among people who suffer from binge eating and emotional eating.

But the good news is that this type of depression can be reversed!  When you begin to face the emotions you fear; you free up energy to live your life.  The depression begins to dissipate.  They key is to continue being strong enough to deal with emotions and situations in a healthy way and to stop overeating.  

Ideas to help you get started:

1-Ask a higher power for help and assistance (God, universe, whatever you believe in).

2-Begin using a journal to express your emotions rather than turning to food.

3-Address the situation that is causing you stress (either through writing or speaking with the person).

4-Pay attention to your self-talk and make sure it is positive.  (You could use affirmations or afformations to help you accomplish this.)

It is easy to revert back to using food to cope.  And in so doing; the depression can creep back in.  The first thing that people tend to do is throw in the towel and continue doing what has been familiar to them in the past.  But don't let any setbacks keep you from releasing yourself from this self-imposed depression.  Be brave enough to face your fears!  You can break the cycle.  

Remember: mistakes are bound to happen; that doesn't mean you have to continue it the rest of your life.  Don't beat yourself up about them; that will only keep you stuck.  Make the choice to face stress and emotions in a healthy way and stay positive.  You can do it!

How To Live Better With Manic Depression Using A Support System

Having diagnosed with bipolar disorder can be one of the most stressful and difficult experiences of a person's life. To learn to manage bipolar disorder better, whether yourself, with families or friends, it is important to build and maintain a strong support system.

A support system is a group of people who come together to offer unconditional emotional support to the person with bipolar disorder, these people must have the desire to understand the struggle and difficulties of living with bipolar disorder. They can consist of families, friends, support groups, therapists, mental health caseworkers, and even doctors.

Having family and closed friends who offer emotional support is an extremely valuable asset to those suffering from bipolar disorder. In times of crisis, when people affected by the disorder feel overwhelmed by suicidal thoughts or feel that their life is spiraling out of control, they need to know who they can rely on for help and comfort. This is where the support group is so important.

A manic depression support group is an excellent source of peer support. Support groups can help many people cope with the emotional aspects by providing a safe place to share experiences and learn from others who are facing similar situations. Within a support group for bipolar disorder, there are likely to be people who have experienced the ups and downs of bipolar disorder and who is the best person to share their experience but them.

A person with a manic depressive illness may feel isolated and secluded in the disorder. They may also feel alone in their struggle to manage the symptoms. Attending a support group can show the person that they are not alone in their journey to recovery from bipolar disorder.

Support groups for bipolar disorder are often not specifically for bipolar disorder, and usually designed for those who have any mood disorders, including bipolar disorder and clinical depression. If you need more information about such support group, your therapist or psychiatrist should be able to give some advice on some of the local support groups that are available.

When joining a support group, someone with bipolar disorder should try to attend whether they are in crisis or doing well. If someone new attends the group and only sees others who are in crisis, it may give the new person a sense of despair and hopelessness. The idea is to support each other through the journey of recovery. During a normal period between episodes, someone can be a light of hope to members who are having difficulty coping with the disorder.

In the current age of technology, one can find many Internet support groups and chat rooms designed as manic depression support groups. These can be a good resource for those who suffer from the disorder. Nevertheless, being active in Internet support groups is not enough and should not replace the attending of local support groups. This is because someone with bipolar disorder can have an inclination to isolate himself. Attending a local support group provides positive social interactions with people who understand the difficulty that the manic depressive person is facing and help prevent him from isolating from society.

Medication Mendacity?

Seventeen million Americans today are taking antidepressants, spending 11.3 billion dollars for the privilege of doing so. Kind of depressing, wouldn't you say? Rather than get depressed, however, I get angry.

Why? Because we have been fed so many phony "facts" about depression, we now simply accept them as true when we should really be applauding the drug companies for a super successful relentless marketing campaign.

You hear the ads everywhere. But here's what you won't hear about anti-depressant drugs.

  1. They don't work for about 86% of patients. (Wow, that's a high number.)

  2. They are least effective for those who are mildly or moderately depressed.

  3. They are sometimes prescribed for children as young as 6 years old.

  4. They have dangerous side effects, including an increased risk of suicide, particularly for the young. (Go figure!)

  5. They have unpleasant side effects. Weight gain and lack of libido are the two big ones. But let's not leave out dry mouth, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, sweating, fatigue, headaches, diarrhea, constipation. (Are you kidding me? If I weren't depressed before taking these meds, I'd be now!)

  6. It has not been proven to be true that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Repeat something often enough, however, and everyone believes it. If depression is supposed to be caused by low serotonin levels, then how come doctors don't monitor your serotonin and prescribe only when your levels are dangerously low? Answer: Your serotonin levels are in a constant state of flux, depending upon what you're thinking, feeling and doing at the moment. Oh, and one more reason: it would entail an invasive brain procedure. And who wants that? So we operate under an assumption that depression is caused by a lack of serotonin and prescribe medication to fix the problem.

  7. Even when anti-depressants work, they don't address the underlying problems. They don't increase your coping skills. They don't teach you how to manage your emotions. They don't provide you with what you'll need to deal with the inevitable ups and downs of life. Though anti-depressants may create an initial boost of positive emotion, the body inevitably adapts to it. Then, a higher dosage or an alternative drug or a cocktail of drugs is prescribed.

  8. " 60 Minutes " recently broadcast an "explosive" report on "new scientific research" that shows that antidepressants were no more effective than placebos for treating mild and moderate depression. Will this finding affect the ever increasing trend for Americans to search for solutions in a pill? Don't bet on it. Studies linking the placebo effect to antidepressants have been around for more than a decade. In 2010, Newsweek and Time magazines ran major stories about the "depressing news about anti-depressants." Yet, the number of prescriptions written keeps climbing.

  9. There are safer and better alternatives for treating depression. Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy has been proven to be an effective treatment for those with mild or moderate depression. Psychotherapy comes with no disturbing or dangerous side effects.And its benefits last a lifetime, as one learns to cope with difficult situations and overwhelming emotions.

So, why is it that people remain hooked on anti-depressants?

The typical scenario goes something like this. You're feeling down, helpless, unsure about what to do or whom to turn to. As you flip through the magazine, watch the commercial, surf the net, you're repeatedly exposed to a melancholy, mournful lost soul. Twenty seconds later, this person has morphed into a lighthearted, unflappable, joyful soul who's running through the daisies to embrace loved ones.

The rational part of us recognizes this as Madison Avenue hype; yet the emotional part of us gets hooked. We long for an easy, effortless solution. Modern medicine is constantly delivering miracles, perhaps it can also help with depression. As the ad advises, you speak with your doctor. You describe your symptoms in the 12 minutes allotted to you. Your doctor checks for somatic signs that may be a causal factor. If there's nothing significant, he'll probably prescribe an anti-depressant. Typically there's no mention of psychotherapy, physical exercise, or nutrition. It's not the way the system works. It's not the doctor's forte. It's not in the time budget of a doctor's busy day.

And the beat goes on; the beat goes on.


Comorbid Conditions

Many other medical conditions may occur along with autism. These comorbid conditions are also important in determining the diagnosis of autism. The comorbid conditions may be used to indicate autism; however, they do not have a direct effect in causing disabilities associated with autism. Autism is firmly diagnosed as a cognitive disability that starts in early childhood, continues through adulthood and has an effect on the development of imaginative, communication and social interaction skills.

Over 40 comorbidities have been associated with ASD. (Zafeiriou, Ververia, & Vargiamia, 2007) Some of the most common comorbid conditions are:

Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorders apart from those that are included in the autism disorders may occur, however it is difficult to say it is a comorbid anxiety problem.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depressive disorder. It may have other comorbid conditions in itself.

Bowel Disease

Gastrointestinal symptoms are known to affect a large percentage of children with autism. Constipation and inflammation of the intestines are among the common bowel diseases that are comorbid with autism disorders.

Depression and other Psychopathological Disorders

Various phobias, depression and some psychopathological disorders are known to occur with autism, though this has not been examined systematically.

Fragile X Syndrome

This has an effect on two to five percent of the population with autism. In this condition one component of the X chromosome is defective, and therefore looks fragile when viewed under a microscope. If a child has Fragile X, then there are high chances that his or her sibling will have Fragile X.


Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may co-occur in children with autism. The co-diagnosis of ASD and ADHD is prohibited by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edition). ADHD treatments are not very successful among children with ASD. Other kinds of medication and therapies are required for its treatment.

Mental Retardation

Some individuals with mental retardation are reported to also have autism.

Neuroinflammation and Immune Disorders

Many comorbid conditions connected to autism may be triggered by some immune disorders. Recent findings have shown that neuroinflammation and immune disorders are present in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid of some patients with ASD.

Non-Verbal Learning Disorder

This is typified by a considerable difference between greater verbal scores and lower performance scores in IQ tests. Disabilities related to motor, social and visual-spatial skill are also noticed.

Motor Clumsiness

Children with autism frequently have low levels of motor handiness and they acquire motor skills in a delayed period. Coordination may be poor which may affect their posture, handwriting, etc. Conceptual learning skills are also affected by this.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Recurring obsessive thought and actions may affect a child with autism. These are stereotyped repetitive behaviors that are not essentially enjoyable.

Tourette Syndrome

Tourette syndrome affects 6.5% people with autism. It may occur due to genetic factors or serotonin, glutamate and dopamine abnormalities.


Seizures occur in one in four children with autism. It is caused by irregular electrical action in the brain, which can cause short-term unconsciousness, staring spells and body convulsions.

Sensory Problems

Sensory problems apart from the sensory symptoms of autism may occur as a comorbid condition. For instance damaged tactile perception is known to affect children with autism more than adults. Related motor problems such as poor motor planning may also occur.

Tuberous Sclerosis

This is an uncommon genetic disorder that causes benign tumors in the brain and other vital organs. One to four percent of people with autism are known to have tuberous sclerosis. 25 to 61% people with tuberous sclerosis may be diagnosed with autism.

Depression in Men - The Cause, The Cure and How To Cope

Depression in men often goes unnoticed and untreated, because men are less likely to ask for help and admit that they're feeling depressed. Below are the most common signs of depression in men. If you or someone you know is suffering from depression read on to find out what to do next.

  • Tip 1 What to look for: Depression will effect your body as well as your mind, so look for the following signs of depression in men... Mind symptoms of Depression in men: feeling miserable and down and not being able to shake the feeling, finding it hard to enjoy things, experiencing problems with concentration, having feelings of guilt and/or failure and feelings of hopeless and increasing pessimism. Body symptoms of depression in men: a noticeable change in eating habits, sleeping patterns, a lack of interest in sex and aches and pains you haven't experienced before.

  • Tip 2 Getting help: Men are Less likely to believe or admit that there's something wrong. So, if you've been feeling low for any extended period of time you must get some help. Here's where to start... get some professional advice from your doctor don't deal with depression alone talk to someone and ask for help find out as much information about depression in men as possible get some self help books or research it on-line join a support group eat a healthy balanced diet (you'll be surprised at just how much this can help) keep active distress your lifestyle take break or a vacation and above all avoid all drugs or alcohol.

  • Tip 3 How it can affect your life: Depression can also affect your working life and relationships. It can be very difficult to live with some who suffers with depression and will often result in relationship strains. Your performance at work may also suffer, you may even need to take time off. You may also find that you're more aggressive, irritable and less talkative than usual. Men are more likely to turn to drugs or alcohol rather than asking for help. If left untreated depression can be very dangerous, but if you deal with it early on it can easily be treated.

  • Tip 4 Remember you're not alone: Depression in men is very common; more than 6 million men in America currently suffer from depression. Don't be ashamed to ask for help, no one will think any less of you. Be sure to take the way you are feeling seriously and don't just sweep it under the rug. Men are 3 times more likely to kill themselves than women, because they try and deal with depression alone, so get some help.

If you recognise the signs of depression in men in yourself you should immediately seek some professional advice. If you would like more more help, information and advice about depression in men click on the links below.

Most Common Methods To Treat Depression

Depression is a mental illness and requires proper attention and treatment. If this condition is not properly treated, it can lead to many other mental and physical problems. There are many ways to treat and cure depression. The most common methods are using medicines, Talk Therapy and natural ways to treat depression.

There are many effective medicines that are used to treat depression. These medicines should be taken regularly after asking your therapist. The use of these drugs is always associated with side effects, so only your therapist can suggest you the best medicine that will be most effective for your condition with least side effects. Most of these drugs are anti-depressants that affect on nervous system and increase its efficiency. It results in increased blood flow to the mind and other body parts, that helps in lowering the sadness and other signs of depression.

Another common way to treat depression is the Talk Therapy. In this therapy, the therapist conducts many meetings with the patient and talks about various events and aspects of patient's life. During these discussions, therapist keeps an eye on the feelings and behavior of the patient and tries to find out the exact reasons of depression. Once the real cause of depression is diagnosed, it becomes easier to find the solution and to treat depression. For instance, if the reason of depression was a big failure in business, then therapist tries to help him by giving the advices and tips to resolve the issue. Due to these discussions, the patient becomes relaxed and burden of his mind is decreased. This results in lowering the depression.

The Best 20 Bible Verses About Love

As a human, we are guaranteed to do ONE thing during our lives no matter what: we will love. Love is a timeless emotion that can be exciting, deep, passionate and even unwaveringly loyal. But there are also bad things about love: it can cause wars, pain, suffering turmoil.

That's why, as Christians, we should learn about God's eternal Love. If we do, then we can do our best to TRULY love people during our lives. Our love can be selfless, instead of selfish. The best place to learn about God's Love for us is the Bible.

In the Bible, we see that God loved us so much that He gave up his only Son for our sins and us. If it weren't for this eternal, unconditional act of love, we wouldn't be saved. Praise God and read the Bible verses below to get a better, more fuller understanding of love!

# 20 - Psalms 42:11

Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.

The most important message contained in this verse is this: we should not be in despair. Psalms 42:11 tells us that we have no reason to be in despair or cast down. We, people who love and worship God, are saved. We praise Him because He loves us and he gave up His only Son for us. We should rejoice in His love!

Therefore there is no reason for us to be sad! Any time you experience sadness or depression in your life, all you need to do is remind of yourself of God's undying love for you.

# 19 - Proverbs 5:19

Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.

When reading this verse in Proverbs, you must take a step back to truly understand the big picture. It teaches us about being satisfied with our chosen partner in life. We should be satisfied with by the love of this person, as an infant is kept satisfied by its mother's milk. If the wife loves the husband and the husband the wife, then it is a recipe for happiness.

So remember, when you choose your partner, you should be satisfied both mentally and physically. This should be a person that you respect loves you back. If it is, then you will always be happy in his or her love.

# 18 - Proverbs 10:12

Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.

Sin, strife and negativity are borne out of hatred - this is always the case! But, as this verse in Proverbs tell us, LOVE "covers" of these sins. Love, goodness and happiness will always conquer hatred, evil and sin. That is why every one of us should fill our lives with as much goodness as we can.

Love will heal us, so we should look to God's love whenever we are in need of healing, support and guidance.

# 17 - Proverbs 13:24

He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.

If you love your children, you should always endeavor to teach them, even if this means punishing them from time to time. You would be doing them a disservice if you "spared the rod" and didn't punish them when they did wrong. If you love your family - teach them what is right and good in whatever way you can.

As a parent, it can be hard to scold a child that you love so very much (more than yourself, even). But you must be strong! Teach the child what is good and what is bad - even if sometimes that requires chastisement. They will be better for it.

# 16 - Proverbs 17:17

A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

This verse from Proverbs is a little confusing - both a friend and a brother should know love. However, it is a friend's nature to show love at all times. A brother's love is different from a friend's, however. Even though he should love at all times, he should always strive to fight for and protect his brother, even though he may face adversity while doing so.

Therefore, a brother's love is MORE powerful... even though he might have to endure strife and hardships to protect his kin.

# 15 - Song of Solomon 1:2

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine.

The Song of Solomon is full of colorful, passionate language about love.This verse is a simple celebration of love at its most basic expression - the kiss! The kiss can unite lovers, families and friends. It is universally understood as an expression of love. Love between two people can be more exquisite and enjoyable than all other earthly pleasures!

# 14 - Song of Solomon 4:10

How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse! how much better is thy love than wine! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices!

This is yet another verse in the Book of Solomon that celebrates the simple beauty and joy of love. Although there are many different kinds of love, they all share a similar core that brings us joy. How lucky are those who are able to love God, family and friends!

Love is compared to many pleasing things throughout history: a wine, a flower, a sound or a smell. And even though we can get wrapped up in the poetry of love, we must never forget what a serious, passionate emotion it can be.

# 13 - Song of Solomon 8:6

Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.

All of us should be able to wear the love we have in our hearts like badges of honor on our sleeves. Love can be passionate - so passionate that it feels it will outlast even death itself! And although love can inspire jealousy that feels as cruel as torture, it is always worth the risk!

You should be proud of the unconditional love you have for people. It is an amazing thing to have. Every time we love someone we are honoring God's love for us. Be proud!

# 12 - 1 Corinthians 13:4

Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

This verse in Corinthians reminds us that by giving to others we can express our love. Charity, a common expression of love, represents some of the most important things about the thing called love. It is kind, long, it does not envy and it is not concerned with itself. It is completely selfless - a perfect expression of God's undying love for us.

We should be reminded here that love should be selfless. If we love someone, we should not care to receive anything in return, even if that is something we desperately want.

# 11 - 1 Corinthians 13:13

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

This verse in Corinthians reminds us of what we should hold dear in our lives: faith, hope and charity. However, it emphasizes that charity should be the most important. Charity helps others and it is a completely selfless expression of true love. It is the best way to spread the love of God to the people of the world!

Just think of what the world would be like if more people were charitable! It would be a kind, loving place and no one would have to fear. And although there are many very giving people in the world, not all of us are all of the time. We should work more often to be this way!

# 10 - Colossians 3:14

And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.

This verse in Colossians that teaches us again about the importance of charity - it is the selfless expression of love that we should show the world as faithful Christians. Through charity, we can improve the lives of others without asking for anything in return!

Sometimes it is hard to put this into practice. If we are charitable, then we are not receiving anything in return. We must think about what God and Jesus would do during our days. Would They worry about receiving? Or would They give? Just like Jesus gave up His life for our sins?

# 9 - 1 Peter 4:8

And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.

This verse in Peter means that if we are repentant, loving Christians... we should try to show love to others. By being charitable, we can show others and God that our love is pure and meaningful. Do your best to make the world a better place when you repent for your sins.

It might not always be easy, but it is best for your life and the lives of others if you are charitable and repentant. Volunteer, be selfless and always put others' needs before your own.

# 8 - 1 John 3:16

Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

This verse is telling us that we should use God's ultimate example of unconditional love - Him giving up his only Son for our sins - as guidance in our own lives. If God was able to give up His Son for us, we should be able to provide for our brothers and sisters in a similar way.

Every day of your life doesn't have to be full of extravagant, love-filled gestures, but we should always remember that the least we can do is to treat people with kindness. If God's Son gave up His life for us, we can act least be nice to our fellow man.

# 7 - 1 John 4:9

In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.

Once again, this verse from the Book of John instructs us how to treat the other people in our lives. If we can attempt to love others even a fraction of the way God loves us, we could make their lives and ours better.

That is why keeping God at the center of our lives can improve so much! Our lives can take on a whole new meaning if we try to love our brothers and act like true Christians. We should be filled with love - not hate!

# 6 - 1 John 4:18

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Whenever we are truly, deeply in love with someone we shouldn't feel fear. There is no fear in love - only passion, understanding, and kindness. Fear results in torment, misunderstandings and heartbreak. When we love God and others, we should be faithful in that love.

If we are in love with someone, the worst thing we can do is FEAR. We must let ourselves be consumed by the love. Some people fear change or commitment, but we shouldn't. Love is a pure, amazing thing. Humans are imperfect and things can happen, but the act of love will always be the same.

# 5 - 1 John 4:8

He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

This is an extremely important verse in the Book of John. This verse tells us that God IS love. If God is love, and we desire getting closer to God, we should learn to love more deeply and more fully than ever before.

This might be the most straightforward Biblical advice on love in existence. If God is love, then love is good (like God). It is also pure and holy. This is why when we feel love, we need to remember it is sacred. It should be treated with respect - and so should our fellow man.

# 4 - Song of Solomon 8:7

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

This verse in the Song of Solomon so eloquently defines love - it cannot be drowned and it should be one of the most important things in our lives. Take this to heart when you think about your love for God. This love (and God) should be at the center of your life.

If it is, then you can be strong during times of strife. You can survive against the raging waters and not drown.

# 3 - John 15:13

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

If any of us were to lay down our life for our loved ones, we would be emulating the greatest act of love of all: Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. If we could put our loved ones first in our life, we could get that much closer to God.

This is never easy to do, but we should always strive to do it. Just think of how a mother would feel about her children: she has an undying, unconditional love for them. If we could express a fraction of that love to more people, we could improve so many lives - even souls.

# 2 - Song of Solomon 2:16

My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies.

This simple verse in the Song of Solomon summarizes love famously - if you love someone and they love you, you will be in a world so wonderful, as if sweet smelling lilies surrounded you. Now, the real world isn't fantasy, but true love is real. And when you love, your world can be so much better.

Each one of us has a different mental of image of what love it like - you might think of sweets, flowers, perfumes, silks or passion. But love is a universal language. No matter what it means to each of us, we all feel the same love!

# 1 - Ephesians 5:25

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

This final verse about love from the book of Ephesians is one of the best verses to read when you're curious about the love in any relationship that you are currently in. It applies to every single one of us and we should take it to heart. Husbands should love their wives and wives should love their husbands - it is simple as that. Relationships can be complicated, but if we can keep unconditional love at the center of our hearts we can make our lives, and the lives of others, so much better.

So learn to love God more deeply and more truly if you want to become closer to Him - if you need help understanding, please read more on GodVine's online Bible!