Saturday, September 21, 2013

Some of The Main Types of Depression

In the previous article "What is Depression, Some of its Types" I have discussed two main types of Depression, Major Depression and Atypical Depression. Psychotic Depression, a third type of depression, starts to hear and see imaginary things like sounds, voices and visuals that never exist like hallucinations or delusions. In this type of depression the sufferer come to believe that his or her thoughts are not his or her own or that other can hear their thoughts. Some of the victims of this disease know that these thoughts are not true and try to hide them because they feel that such thoughts may be shameful for them.

The fourth type of depression is Dysthymia, lies under the type of low-grade depression. The sufferers of this type of depression just walk around seeming depressed. It is the problem with the people of dysthymia that they experience little or no joy in their lives; they may be unable to remember a time when they felt happy, excited or inspired. They have a tough time enjoying things and having fun. The people with dysthymia worry habitually and criticized him or her being a failure, when they are withdrawn from their posts.
Dysthymia is a type of depression which affects women two to three times more than men. The diagnosis must be given for two years to the patients of such depression, and for children it's duration should be for one year. Remember that the mood of patient during medication may be irritable rather than sad or depressed.

Manic Depressive, 4th type of depression, is actually an emotional disorder characterized by changing mood shifts from depression to mania which can sometimes be quite rapid. Manic depressive illness is also known as bipolar disorder. Bipolar mean two poles, high and low, used for depression. It is actually a brain disorder that causes unusual changes in the person's mood, energy, and ability to function. This type of disorder affects both men and women. Manic depressive illness is found among people of all ages, races, ethnic groups, and social classes. Bipolar disorder not only affects the life of sufferer but also it is dangerous for caregivers. The sufferers of manic depressive illness have an extremely high rate of suicide. Bipolar I disorder refers to patients who have had at least one episode of Mania and Bipolar II disorder refers to patients who have had both hypomania and depressive episodes. The victim of bipolar disorder must have had a manic episode lasting for at least one week, in order to diagnose.

Signs and Symptoms of Manic Depression

Someone who believes they may be suffering from Bipolar Disorder Syndrome should see a physician to determine if it is in fact, but you may want to have some idea before your visit. While the symptoms vary from individual to individual, there is a common signs checklist of general behavior that may help you to determine if it may be or rule out Bipolar Disorder for you or your loved one.

Bipolar Disorder is also called Manic Depression, and one suffering from this will often go in to a manic phase, which can last months, into a depressed phase. Diagnosing this illness can take some time. There is no blood test that can be performed to check for it, so your physician will look at the symptoms that you have experienced over a period of some time. It is helpful to keep note of any symptoms you experience so that you can be sure to give the physician extended accurate information. This will help in diagnosing Bipolar Disorder. Below is a common list of symptoms reported with Bipolar Disorder / Manic Depression:

Symptoms of Bipolar Mania:

Constant Irritability
Talking Fast
Inflated / High Self Esteem
Extreme Energy on Little Sleep
Being Irrational with Decisions / Impulsive Behavior

Symptoms of Bipolar Depression:

Inability to Concrete
Depressed Behavior
Lack of Energy
Fatigue / Constantly Sleeping
Low Self Confidence
Not interested in their normal activities / Seem Distant from Everyone
Suicidal Feelings

With all the ongoing research and studies being done on Manic Depression, there are always new treatment options available if you have yet to find the one to work for you. It is very important to keep in contact with your physician after this has been diagnosed. It is a life-long battle, but once the right treatment plan has been found, people suffering from this disorder can live a fulfilling and normal life, provided that they continue their medication and follow their physician's treatment plan. There is no cure, so treatment will be forever, but will more than likely get easier to cope with over time. The specific treatment for each patient will vary, and will also depend on the severity of bipolar the patient has. There are different types of bipolar, and your doctor will evaluate your symptoms to ensure a proper diagnosis.

Although all the information may seem overwhelming, most patients to have responses to their treatment. The medications you take may need tweaking, to increase or decrease dosages, to make it work effectively for you. Over time, most bipolar patients will find a good balance between their medications and their therapy, that will get them on the right road to recovery.

Tips on How to Get Rid of Depression Naturally

Depression is a real condition that many people have. There are cases that range from mild to severe. There are many medications that are made to treat the symptoms of depression, although some people decide they would rather not take them. There are many reasons that depression sufferers make this choice. If you have depression that is mild, it is possible for you to get rid of depression naturally, with non-medical methods. Continue reading to learn some healthy things you can do to reduce your depression symptoms.

One thing you can do that is good for your body and your mind is to eat healthy. Eating healthy can actually do wonders for your state of mind. Some foods can actually put you in a bad mood. Many people have bad reactions to refined carbohydrates and sugars. Watch your mood after you eat these foods and you might find that cutting them out will help you feel better. Eating a healthy diet is not only can help you feel better mentally and get rid of depression naturally, but it can also help you have more energy and help you lose weight. Both of these things can help you feel about yourself and this can lift your mood, too.

Another healthy activity you should partake in order to get rid of depression is exercise. Many studies have shown that taking part in cardiovascular exercise for at least half an hour several times a week can be just as good for you as taking an anti-depressant. Not only that, but it exercise will make you stronger and can help you look your best and that can also help you feel better about yourself.

You should also try to get adequate sleep. Your body needs sleep to recover from your busy day. Sleep helps your brain and your body recharge and get ready for the following day. If you do not get the recommended amount of sleep, you can be grouchy and tired. Getting enough sleep can help keep your depression symptoms at bay.

In your daily life, it is easy to feel down if you feel like you are not accomplishing anything. One way to keep up with your accomplishments and make sure you are making progress is to set goals for yourself. When you set your goals, make sure they are achievable. Do you want to go back to school? Maybe you want to lose some weight or your goal could be something as simple as cleaning out the cabinets. No matter what your goals are, set them for yourself and do what you can to accomplish them. Once they are accomplished, you will feel good about what you have done.

It is also important that you socialize, at least a little. If you are feeling particularly down, call up a friend and make yourself do something that is fun. You never know, it may be all you need to pull yourself out of your hole.

If you have mild depression, you can take charge of it by taking proper care of yourself. If left untreated, it could get out of control and take over your life. By making healthy choices in your life, you are able to live with your depression or maybe even completely erase the symptoms.

Depression - What Are the Signs?

Depression can consists of mood swings, being down in the dumps, sadness, not so much of the feelings of happiness, and feeling miserable. The actual clinical meaning behind depression is a type of disorder within the mood of a person, where the feelings of loss, sadness, frustrations and anger have an impact on your everyday life for a long time.

The causes and risks of depression can sometime run in families. It could be inherited in their genes or by associating it with behavior or even both. Genes could be what causes and develops the depression, but it is likely someone with an unhappy or stressful event in their life which can usually start off a depressive episode.

The form of depression may be caused with the use of alcohol, or drugs, events that have happened in the childhood, such as abuse or a form of neglect, disappointment from home, or work, or even school. It can be due to many negative feelings about themselves, not being able to problem solve, not being able to sleep and being isolated in society.

There are test and diagnostics that can determine if you have depression, as their are guidelines to follow. In the interview, a scale may be used to look at the patients mental state and see what the actual depressive symptoms are off if there are any. These test include a Geriatric Depression scale and many others. These type of test will occur at a hospital, with a social worker, psychologist or a psychiatrist.

There are treatment options available for someone who has been depressed for a while, which they can try to help themselves with at home. The self- care steps to take are, trying to get the right amount of sleep, having a good diet, having regular exercise, and many others. If you are experiencing depression in the winter months try a form of light therapy. A form of herbal remedy can help reduce the symptoms but only if they are moderate. However, you should still consult a doctor if you have any of depression symptoms. If you do have any depression symptoms whether it will be moderate or a severe depression, the best effective method would be both counseling and a form of medication.

Prevention can also slow the rate of depression if you are starting to experience some symptoms. Having a good healthy habits can stop the chances of depression happening again. These type of habits would include the type of food you eat, adjusting your sleep habits, learning skills to know how to relax and not drinking to much alcohol. If you feel like you are being isolated socially, try getting involved in group activities.

Depression can come in a range of forms, and can be extreme or moderate. Symptoms can include a change in mood or being down all the time. If you do experience a form of depression or you think you have depression it is best to go seek some counseling as it will help you to move forward. As they do have test that will determine what kind of depression you have, so treatment can be undertaken.

4 Causes of Depression

Depression is a serious illness that attacks about 18.8 million Americans each year. About 1 in 20 adults will suffer from depression in their lifetime. There are a variety of reasons that can trigger a depressive state. Read further to see some of these causes.

There is one factor that stands out when it comes to depression, it's stress.

Causes of Depression

  1. Pressures at work.

  2. Money worries.

  3. Divorce.

  4. Job loss.

Signs and symptoms

  1. Loss of interest in daily activities.

  2. Fatigue.

  3. Low self-esteem.

  4. No sexual interest.

  5. Poor sleep.

  6. Poor blood circulation.

If the signs point to depression and you feel depression gaining a foothold in your life look at imbalances first. Many times a chemical imbalance can be the reason you can't handle stressful situations. Since stress is the highest percentage of causes this would be the first place to look.

You would look at your adrenal glands, these are the glands that produce chemicals that help you with stressful situations. When your adrenals are not functioning properly you entire system can get depressed. Doctors will pass this by in favor of a drug for depression. Ask your doctor for a adrenal cortisol test, it's simple and inexpensive. This test should be covered by most insurance programs, if not it's worth to pay for out of pocket.

There are other alternatives to overcome depression and you would be advised to search for the natural cures. The reason is drugs will only cause other problems with your kidneys, liver and stomach if taken long term. There are situations where a drug is needed for immediate relief of depression, but long term you need a cure.

Teenage Depression - Statistics

There are numerous sources of information quoting statistics of the prevalence of teenage depression and these statistics appear to be increasing every year. But what is the value of knowing the grim reality facing the youth of our generation. Well historical statistics will indicate that teen depression was almost unheard of about 15 years ago, yet today the average statistics seem to indicate that a staggering 20% of teenagers will experience depression before they reach 18. One could argue that lack of knowledge and awareness of the signs and symptoms of teenage depression may have resulted in many teens being undiagnosed and simply labelled 'typical' teenagers. But extensive research and statistical evidence have brought this growing problem to the forefront of mental health programmes worldwide. Statistics of teen depression, regardless of how disturbing, helps us to recognize that it is a problem shared by many and has resulted in a growing resource of help and support.

An even more unsettling statistic is that out of the 20% of teens that experience depression, only 33% receive help or follow through on the recovery process. Educational and awareness campaigns are aimed at family and friends as well as depressed teens themselves in order to reduce the number of undiagnosed cases of teen depression, as research indicates that 80% of teenagers who access the appropriate services can be successfully treated. Given the evidence of success of appropriate treatment and intervention, it is sad that the statistics report about 90% of suicide cases to be linked to depression or other mental conditions, especially when approximately 1 million American teens attempt to commit suicide every year.

Another useful outcome of statistical research into the prevalence of teen depression is that it highlights key precipitators or risk factors in the teen population. For example, the evidence suggests that girls are twice more likely to experience depression than boys. There is also evidence of a small percentage of teenagers that suffer from seasonal depression, usually during winter months and in higher latitudes. Also, in almost 50% of teen depression cases there is a family history of depression or other mental condition. These statistics have resulted in mental health programmes and awareness campaigns being more focused to reach more vulnerable groups.

These statistics tell us that parents, as well as teenagers themselves need to be aware of the risk of depression in individuals who endure intense emotional or social difficulties, or have experienced recent trauma or loss. It is also important to be aware that 70% of teens who do suffer with depression will have more than one episode before adulthood. By recognizing the signs and symptoms of depression early, friends and family of the depressed teen can assist him or her to seek help early and provide the invaluable support in the teenager's time of need. This will be the key to lowering the unsettling statistics of teen depression in the future.

Alarming Statistics Of Adolescent Depression

Many say that the best way to get someone's attention is by showing them numbers. Because quantities are exact. Numbers give figures. Figures are concrete concepts which can persuade even the most skeptic of them all-even if it's about teenage depression.

To start off, it is alarming that almost 20% (1/5) of teenage population experience clinical depression even before they reach their adulthood. Around 10-15% of teenagers show symptoms of adolescent depression at any time, while approximately 5% of teens are suffering from major depressive disorder. Despite the lack of social acceptance with regard to clinical depression as a valid health concern, it is noted that 8% of teens undergo depression, at least a year at a time. The percentage is definitely higher than the 5% of the general population suffering from the said mood disorder.

An episode of teenage depression generally last around 8 months. Teens who suffer from depression are predicted to have a 20-40% chance that their next depression attack can happen within the next two years, while there is a bigger chance of around 70% that there will another episode before they reach adulthood. It is interesting to note that a portion of teens have bouts of seasonal depression which usually takes place during winter season and in places of higher latitudes. The weather can be an element of this mood progression and it is something to be wary about.

Dysthymia, a mild but long lasting type of depression, affects 2% of the teenage population and the same percentage of teenage population develop bipolar disorder in their later years. Around 15% of teens who have major depression are later on diagnosed to develop bipolar disorder as well.

To sum it all up, teen depression can affect teenagers regardless of their social background, gender, income level, school, race or any other achievements. It is a fact that depression is one of the most common mental health disorder in the United States. Whether you are in your teens or adulthood, depression can strike you. Depression can have a serious effect on how teens will lead their lives and become productive individuals. Untreated depression or any mood disorder can be detrimental to their social and mental health.

Friday, September 20, 2013

1929 Stock Market Crash

Some economists regard the 1929 stock market crash as major contributing factor to the great depression. The speculative boom of the 1920's caused the crash because of the build up of the economic bubble. The bubble was formed because in the 1920s, as the stock prices were increasing, many people invested in the market. As the prices kept increasing they continued to invest hoping the prices would go up forever. Most people borrowed money to invest in the market.

This continued till about 1929. Then the market started trading down. Most people panicked and this resulted in heavy selling of stocks. By the year 1933, the stock prices were down 80% from the highs in 1929.

This led to people feeling poor. This led to decrease in the demand for various products in the market. Companies that tried to raise money in the market failed miserably. This led to shortage of money for manufacturing products or providing services. Companies started firing their employees because they wanted to scale down production. As you can guess, this led to the great depression. This period lasted about 4-5 years till 1934. All this was caused due to lack in confidence. This was preceded by confidence in the stock market. This turn of confidence was caused by a small negative sentiment in the market.

The speculative boom of the 1920's was one of the factors that contributed towards the great depression. The speculative boom was caused due to the heavy investing in the market. The heavy investing was taking place due to most people trading on margin. Some traders were trading on 90% margin. The banks were also invested in the stock market. When the stock prices went down, people lost faith in the entire financial system and this lead to banks failing by the hundreds. This could have been avoided if there were proper regulatory procedures for the banks and the stock market in place. There should have been a limit on the margin you can use to trade. There should have been some restrictions on the banks from investing the depositors' money in the stock market.

Needless to say, the regulators learnt a lot from this cash. It required some time before the trust in the financial system came back. The federal government then set up the federal deposit insurance corporation. Due to the presence of FDIC the banks could run out of money to pay back but still escape as the government reimbursed the depositors. The regulatory rules and procedures in place now are stricter and prevent the economy from crashing like it did in 1929.

You as an investor or a trader can learn a lot from this crash. In the late 1920's people began to invest without doing any research about the stocks they were buying. In those times, the trader who was in the floor had more information than the common people trading. This led to lack of information among investors. Now, due to internet and disclosure policies, the common investor can have all the information about a company before investing in it. Good research will give you confidence about your investment and you will not panic when your stock price goes down or the general market conditions are bad.

Charles Schultz - Anxiety Disorder

Charles Schultz is a cartoonist who suffered from debilitating anxiety. Anxiety is an emotion everyone has experienced. Like many other ordinary individuals, celebrities and famous people like Charles Schultz, anxiety has also been a part of their lives. Being anxious causes changes in one's thinking like fear or worry, bodily functions and behavior, all of which only reinforce the feelings of distress. A little anxiety can be a good thing but too much anxiety is not. At a certain point, anxiety can impair one's abilities.

Being rich and famous does not necessarily mean being healthy. Rich people can buy anything and everything, but not health. They too, can't run away or hide from any health disorders such as anxiety disorder. Not only did Charles Schultz suffered from anxiety disorder. Other famous folks who suffered from an anxiety problem include Carly Simon, Aretha Franklin, Lani O'Grady, Michael English, Sir Laurence Olivier, Earl Campbell, Al Kasha, Emily Dickenson and even Nicolas Cage, Naomi Judd and Susan Pewter.

Cartooning is a tough life, with the most brutal deadlines imaginable. No wonder Charles Schultz had developed anxiety disorder. Maybe this is because of his stressful schedule that he should be able to catch up. Although Schultz depression and mood disorder could not be seen in his pencil and pen driven lines, there could be something inside him that makes his life difficult, isolating and paralyzing. That is, Charles Schultz had anxiety.

Many, if not most of us, have had contact with depression and anxiety, either in ourselves or in someone close to us. They can be source of shame, fear, grief and confusion. Yet almost no one is exempt. Well of course, including some talented and well known human beings. Many of them describe anxiety as, "a graveyard of buried hopes", "a shipwreck of the soul" or "the wing of the wind of madness". The point of the service today is to open up this topic in order to help each of us recognize depression and anxiety and help each other to live as it is. This is the name of our inherent value as persons and the interconnected nature of life in which we all partake...

Depression and anxiety disorders are despairing. It feels like nothing can stop that constant white noise and interior pain. Depression and anxiety disorders are also isolating. It can take away our ability to be present with one another, at precisely the times when we need it the most.

Bipolar Disorder Manic Depression - Important Facts to Be Aware Of

When you are being treated for bipolar disorder, the physicians in charge have to help you distinguish the beginning signs of a manic episode so that you can take care of it in a hurry. Likewise, you have to be able to tell that a depression is coming on so that you can do the right thing. If you don't, you never know, this may be the episode in which you kill yourself.

If you are ever going to survive this disorder you suffer from, you have to be able to identify its symptoms without outside or professional help. This is critical to your treatment or ever getting better. The time will come when no one can be with you, and at that time, your knowledge of the symptoms may be what will save you.

Men usually experience mania first when they suffer from this disorder. Women on the other hand tend to sink into depression at the onset of the disease. You will do well to know which is which by identifying the symptoms of the disease early on. Once you have that in place, you may know well enough to get them the medical attention that they need.

When your bipolar disorder is just starting, the cyclic episodes of mania and depression may last for mere weeks. This is the best time to identify them and start to look for things you can do to address them. If you miss the symptoms at this time, you may grow well into adulthood, and close to destroying yourself before you discover it again.

My Wife Is Bipolar

When you say to yourself "my wife is bipolar" what are the first thoughts that come to mind? Possibly this is nothing new, possibly your wife was diagnosed years ago. Maybe your wife was diagnosed just last week, or even earlier today. So what are the thoughts that go through your head? Are you angry, scared, frustrated, sad, relieved, or possibly a mix of these emotions and a thousand others? Sometimes it is a lot to swallow, being the husband of a bipolar wife. Bipolar disorder is so complex and has so many levels. If you have known about your wife's illness for a while I'm sure you are very aware of what a roller coaster Bipolar disorder can be, not just for her, but for everyone involved. If you have just received the news that your wife is Bipolar this can be a very scary time as well. We will visit both Husbands looking for new coping mechanism and Husbands that are new to the diagnosis and seeking help.

We are going to learn about Bipolar disorder, and then take active participation in coping skills for yourself, to help YOU. When your wife, best friend, lover, mother... the list goes on and on is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, she no longer is the only person who needs help.

The First step is to learn about your wife's disorder. I am going to briefly explain a few different types of Bipolar disorder and there common traits. I am going to review these as a refresher for husbands who have already studied the disorder of their wife, and as a great introduction to the disorder itself for the husbands that are new to the disorder. I am not going to go into great detail about bipolar disorder there is tons and tons of information regarding bipolar disorder if you would like to research it more. I am here to show YOU coping and hoping strategies to help YOU the husband.

First and foremost I strongly hope that your wife has been diagnosed by a licensed psychiatrist, who has the skills and are qualified to diagnose and treat the disorder. If this has not yet been done I encourage you to help your wife be properly diagnosed. This is the first step in any situation of getting treatment.



Approximately 1% of the general population has Bipolar 1. Bipolar 1 patients usually experience severe depression, and long full-blown manic episodes. Bipolar 1 patients are often also know as having episodes without any obvious mood problems, this can last for months on end of feeling like your wife is totally fine, fixed so to speak, and or normal. Physicians will call these long-lasting episodes of normalcy Euthymia.


This is the most common type of Bipolar Disorder. Recent research has shown that 4 to 5 percent of the general population has Bipolar II. People who suffer with bipolar II have a tendency to have very majorly depressive episodes. In fact a lot of bipolar patients are misdiagnosed as being depressed for many years before being properly evaluated as Bipolar II. Another diagnosis tool that differentiates from Bipolar I is that most Bipolar II patients do not ever have full-blown mania episodes. Physicians usually call Bipolar II mania episodes as Hypomania. Hypomania does not have the same intensity as full-blown mania. There is usually periods of time with increased energy, a decreased need for sleep without any fatigue, and a slight euphoric sensation. A lot of patients when in this Phase of Bipolar II can be extremely productive. Extreme caution must be taken when in hypomania state. Your wife can easily start abusing substances and have spending issues. More times than not the patient does not realize something is wrong, in fact sometimes welcoming the feeling after a long depression. Most hypomania episodes do not last longer than a week or two.


Cyclothymiacs are a mild form of bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness) in which a person has mood swings over a period of years that go from mild depression to euphoria and excitement. It has been recently discovered that patients with cyclothymia will usually evolve into Bipolar 1 or Bipolar II throughout their lifetime.

As you can see a lot of the Bipolar Symptoms can and are very similar sometimes more often than not overlapping and fitting the criteria of not only one but both forms of Bipolar disorder. Often that is why it is not usually heard of as Bipolar 1 or Bipolar II outside of the professional medical field. In standard terms we simply use Bipolar Disorder. Now that we have learned a very brief description and knowledge for bipolar we must start getting more specific in accessing your partners specific bipolar symptoms.

Dealing With Depression at Work

Depression is unbelievably common. 1 in 4 will be diagnosed with depression at some point in their life and it is the number 1 condition treated by GPs in the UK. Despite the commonality of it, it still carries a stigma of somehow meaning that you are weak and lack mental strength, which is quite frankly absolute nonsense. Depression is completely indiscriminate and has hit some of the most extraordinary and influential people in our history, including Winston Churchill and Charles Darwin.

If you are a sufferer, you will no doubt have realised that it is a pretty horrible thing to deal with. Firstly you will need to admit that you are ill, which is tough. The signs are often subtle and creep up on you over a period of time. You learn to accept that you feel sluggish, unhappy, irritable and weepy all of the time and make excuses for it just being the way things are at the moment and that in time your mood will lift. Sadly, this is not the case. You can't snap out of 'clinical depression' you are ill and need medical treatment and probably some time off work to rest and get better. You wouldn't hesitate to take time off work if you had a serious illness of any kind, but for some reason we struggle to acknowledge 'depression' as a reason to rest and recuperate.

Some people will only ever get depression at one time in their life, caused by something like a bereavement or childbirth but for some reason, others suffer again and again throughout their life and will need to learn to manage the condition long term. With this in mind, you should know that it is perfectly plausible to hold down a good job and continue to progress through your career with depression. If you are currently suffering with depression for the 1st time you probably think I am talking rubbish, but believe me once the dark cloud has lifted, you will find that you can see things with a better perspective than you have ever done.

My husband has bad asthma. When he has an attack, his breathing capacity is severely restricted. Normally however his breathing is better than mine. He gets a device from the doctor which you use to measure the output of your lungs and he is always miles better than me, except during a asthma attack. Think about this and depression. Yes, in the throws of a severe attack of depression, your mental capacity is poor. Concentration is not good, you will be overly emotional, either irritable or weepy or both and you will have a very pessimistic view on life. Once your mood lifts and you will have inevitably spent weeks or months in self analysis, you will come out the other side, unbelievably self aware, more patient and empathetic. You will certainly have more control over your own moods and emotions and your optimism will return. In effect you will have more control and mental strength than those who have never suffered with the illness.

I have worked successfully with depression for years. It has not always been easy I admit, but it is possible. Every employer is different and you may face some difficulties from those who are ignorant of the condition. Unfortunately this is inevitable. The law however is on your side. In the UK 'depression' is covered by the 'Disability Discrimination Act' (DDA) and as such your employer cannot punish you or treat you differently because you have the condition. Depression is not straightforward however in relation to the DDA, as there are certain exclusions. Firstly depression as a one off condition is not covered. The way the act looks at depression is that you must have suffered or are likely to suffer for 12 months or more to be covered by the act. Employment law is really complicated, but in layman's terms it has to be a long term condition to consider the DDA applicable in your case. The effect the condition has on your day to day life, should be measured within the act as to how you would be able to function WITHOUT medication. If you are unsure, you should seek independent legal advice.

If you feel that you have been discriminated against, you should make sure that you have done certain things. Firstly, you must let your employer know that you have the condition. They are not mind readers, they cannot be expected to know just from your behaviour. If you choose to keep it secret, you have no rights under the DDA.

Secondly, before you take any legal action, you must raise a grievance and give your company an opportunity to address your concerns within their internal processes. If after this you are not satisfied, then you should attempt to take a legal route. This kind of case is very difficult to prove so make sure you keep any documentary evidence and if possible get witnesses who are willing to speak up for you. This is not going to be easy, as these people will still be working for the company and might feel threatened or intimidated by the thought of upsetting their bosses. It is much much better to deal with these things amicably within the company, if it is at all possible.

You could, if the company has this service, ask for a 'Occupational Health' adviser to do a work place assessment to look at the factors present in the workplace, that may have a detrimental effect on your health. Your employer has to, under the DDA make 'reasonable adjustments' to help you manage your condition. I would say it is better to work with them than to make unreasonable demands. A reasonable adjustment might be flexibility over your hours, for example you may have bouts of insomnia and if that is the case, perhaps allow you to start later in the day and finish later. You might be allowed to work from home 2 days a week or work from an office closer to home. Remember that you should still be able to do the job you are paid to do. If your condition means that the job is no longer suitable and after trying to find an alternative position within the company you have not found a job which you can do, your employer can terminate your contract on 'capability grounds'. This basically means you are no longer able to do the job you are paid to do, therefore they do not need to continue to employ you.

I see no reason why, if you have your medication right, you cannot continue to work effectively. You may need to ask yourself the question as to how much of your job is causing you to be depressed. That's a tough one, but the reality is that if your job is the major factor, then you will never be fully well until you change it. You will just be papering over the cracks until the next bad attack.

For more information and self help on depression, my website is

Good luck

Aggravation Can Cause Spiritual Delays

Living in a world of physicality can be difficult on your heart, mind and soul. There are numerous lessons for all people to learn. Sometimes, it seems as though the issues you have to deal with on a personal level were caused by someone elses behavior. It might appear that you are the unfortunate one to be on the receiving end of a situation that has nothing to do with you. The truth is, you would be wrong. All interactions while you are blessed with this incarnated existence are meant to enhance your soul. Fly with it!

Yes, we are having a little fun with that last line. Like angels, we have an expectation that you will learn to mold yourself to do what is best for you. Learning not to let aggravation become your controlling emotion will enable you to move past the frustrations and hurts; to move past the sins of others and possibly the sins of your own doing. God did not put you here to make you suffer; contrary to the belief of many cynical, negative thinkers. All people and all lessons for your soul or your physical self are intermingled. Everything and everyone has an effect on your future, both on earth and in the blessed, sparkling light of eternal bliss. What we are really speaking of is that you understand that all of your emotions are linked to each other and to everything you do in one way or another. This is why we, from the side of spirit, we will continue to extol your virtues and the virtues of those around you. By doing so, we are intending to get each of you to rise above the normal vitriol when something goes awry.

When anger and frustration grip you like a vice, then you are sending signals everywhere that you would prefer to be unhappy and stuck in your emotional quagmire. Lift yourself out of it by forgiving those who have wronged you. More importantly, forgive yourself for making mistakes. All souls make them! You do not have the market cornered on errors, misjudgements or deceitful activities. God and Spirit will help you to deal with them, but first you must connect with the level of purity that is harbored in the child within. You are a blessed piece of God and should not think you are beyond repair or unworthy.

It is only when you repeat erroneous behaviors that you know are wrong, and keep refusing to improve on it, that Spirit may put some roadblocks in your way. It is not meant to scold you, but the act is designed to elevate your level of respect for yourself. If there is no self-respect, it will lead to continued depression and errors in judgment, along with more aggravation and frustration with anyone around you. In the end, it is a vicious cycle that can easily be halted when you request help from the guardian angels who are in your midst. They are available to you in the form of Godly energies, but they also come in the form of angels on earth. In other words, there are people who can help you to grow and expand who are placed in your life. Sometimes, they may have been put there years ago, while other times they could have been a sudden addition to your circle of friends.

With all of that said to you, it is important to retain the fact that anger, depression and similar emotions are just wasted energy. They delay your goal in life. That goal is the gift of yourself that was entrusted to nurture the soul within you. Through it all, you are loved and special in the eyes of the Creator. Accept this and you will start to heal. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

24 Hour Nutritional Help For Depression Symptoms

Want to defeat depression without drugs or expensive psychotherapy? In many cases, you can resolve or reduce depression symptoms with one simple nutritional remedy.

Of course, because there are many kinds of depression symptoms, you may need to see a doctor. Dysfunctional depression, where you don't have the energy to go to work or get out of bed, needs professional help, and you can get quick relief.

However, most types of depression are not dysfunctional. This means that you feel bad emotionally and perhaps physically, but you can still go to work and function socially. This type of depression is more common.

Happily, common depression symptoms can be reduced and often cured with some simple nutritional and lifestyle remedies. You can experience relief often within just a few days.

One thing to do when combating depression is to make a few simple nutritional changes. The first nutritional change may seem to be the hardest, but it can be the most powerful. And that is to cut refined white sugar completely from your diet.

White sugar causes sugar blues. You get a rush of good feeling from eating something like a doughnut, then within 60 minutes your system releases lots of insulin to get the sugar out of the blood stream. All this insulin then causes low blood sugar for another few hours. The insulin is so effective it gets rid of too much glucose from the blood stream.

Low blood sugar causes depression symptoms like fatigue, irritability, and dark mood swings. That's right, low blood sugar causes most common forms of depression. Low blood sugar in the bloodstream causes the brain to run inefficiently. The symptoms are the result.

Refined white sugar actually causes low blood sugar! Our natural bodily response to produce insulin creates low blood sugar. So eating sugar causes our blood sugar levels to spike up and down all day long, which creates mood swings and other symptoms.

So a simple fix for many common depression symptoms is to simply cut out refined white sugar. Try it for just three days and see how you feel. You can still have sweets, but sweeten things with stevia, which doesn't cause insulin to be released. There's more natural help for depression symptoms, but this should be one good place to start.

What Is Mania And How Do I Know If I Have Mania?

Mania is the medical condition where patients suffer severely elevated moods at all times. Normally it is associated with mood swings when the patient goes through extremely elevated or happy mood at one time and at the other time may feel depressed. However this is not the only condition and Mania can occur without these cyclical episodes.

How do I know I have Mania?

Although some one who is not suffering from the disease may fail to understand what the big deal is all about since the patient is happy at all times, people afflicted by it lose their judgment as a result of being over powered by feelings of joy at all times and end up taking wrong decisions and keep getting into socially uncomfortable situations as a result of this. Manic patients often get irritable, belligerent and deny there is anything wrong with them when pointed out the obvious disconnect that their behavior shows with the situation prevailing at that particular time.

Some of the prominent symptoms of Mania are given below:

The patients feel decreased need of sleep and will be hyperactive, hypersexual and hyper religious.

The afflicted person has got grandiose ideas and plans and finds himself to be unusually talkative.

There are other behavior that the person suffering from Mania displays like wasteful expenditure, risky liaisons in personal and business life as well as very vocal and violent arguments.

Mania patients fail to recognize signs of sadness in the facial expression of others, while they can easily recognize expressions of happiness the expression of sadness fails to register in their minds.

There is a mnemonic which is used to describe Mania - DIGFAST

D = Distractibility (Difficulty to concentrate on one thing)

I = Indiscretion (indulging in excessive pleasure activities)

G = Grandiosity (having grand notions and making grand plans)

F = Flight of ideas (having a flurry of ideas and feeling the need to slow down)

A = Activity increased (getting hyperactive emotionally and physically)

S = Sleep deficit (not getting enough sleep and continually going through a dazed state)

T = Talkativeness (the pressure and tendency to speak incessantly and needlessly)

Can Mania be treated?

Mania can be treated by medication and talk therapy, however before that it is necessary to diagnose it correctly. This is because most of the symptoms mentioned can occur due to non psychiatric reasons and something known as differential diagnosis needs to be performed. What happens in this type of diagnosis is the various symptoms of the patients are observed and then a list of diseases is mapped according to the symptoms. Then the doctors start off their treatment and analyze which is the treatment that the patient is responding to the best.

In cases of acute mania patient may also have to be admitted for treatment involuntarily and is typically treated with mood stabilizers and antipsychotic medication. But invariably all of these medicines have side effects and the patient has to be carefully observed to avoid any side effects. Even while the symptoms of Mania have subsided long term treatment still continues in a bid to stabilize the patient's mood through a combination of medicine and talk therapy.

Collective Mania

Collective Mania is a state where a large number of people start behaving irrationally, the numbers can in some cases be as large as an entire country as in the case of Tulip Mania. Such cases can be often witnessed in some of the stock market rallies that happen where the stock prices reach very high levels but despite repeated warnings from analysts people keep on buying without any apparent reason to do so.

What Are The Non Medication Treatments For Depression In Bipolar?

It is a common question amongst bipolar sufferers and their loved ones. What are non medication treatments for depression in bipolar? Are there any? Popular belief is that bipolar disorder can only be controlled by a lifetime regime of strong medication.

The answer to the question is a resounding yes. Several non-medication approaches have now been shown to be of benefit when added to the conventional medications for depression in bipolar. Mood stabilizer tactics and therapies are now emerging and being slowly embraced by some mental health practitioners. Regulating daily schedules and patterns of sleep, using light therapy and implementing regular exercise programs are now included as treatments for some bipolar patients.

Maintaining a regular daily schedule.

One approach that is crucial for some patients with bipolar disorder is to maintain a regular daily schedule, especially regular patterns of sleep. One such therapy is organized around the daily schedule idea, in particular having a regular time to go to sleep, and a regular time to wake up and get out of bed.

Light Therapy.

A recent study in Canada showed that approximately 100 patients with winter affective depression were randomly assigned to Prozac or a standard light box. There was equal improvement in both groups, with the light box marginally faster in lowering depression scores. This means that the light therapy is as good as the standard antidepressant approach, but has fewer side effects and less overall risk.

If you're not familiar with light therapy, basically one sits in front of a box the size of a small suitcase (smaller ones now available) which emits a lot of light, for about 30 minutes to start, and as little as 15 minutes or less later to stay well through the winter.

Regular Exercise.

The data showing that exercise can actually treat depression has been pretty good for a long while. It is well documented that depression can cause brain shrinkage, and that effective treatments can stop and at least partially reverse that shrinkage. A recent study research team at the University of Illinois compared people with an average age of 67 who were physically active to those who were less active.

The results showed that the active elders had better mental skills and memory, and even that their brains were more active as well. They then did the crucial follow-up test: they divided a group of elders into two groups, one which participated in an aerobic exercise program, and one which did not. They have found that the group which exercised increased their brain size compared to the sedentary control group, in the brain regions which are known to shrink when people have mood problems. Extrapolating just slightly from these results, we now have preliminary evidence that exercise, like other effective antidepressants, can reverse brain shrinkage.

Although it may be difficult for a depressed person to think about exercising, even a regular walk can have the desired effect. Most people, however depressed, can still walk. Walking has the absolute best record for easy access. The Harvard Bipolar Program leader, Dr. Sachs, says "here's your exercise program: go to the door, look at your watch. Walk 7.5 minutes in any direction, then turn around and walk home. Do that 5 days a week at least." And that's it.

Specialized Psychotherapies For Bipolar.

In April 2007 a major research program published their results showing that when the three psychotherapies listed below were added to mood stabilizer treatment for bipolar patients experiencing significant depression, the patients recovered more quickly and more were likely to stay well.

o Bipolar-specific cognitive behavioral therapy

o Interpersonal therapy with social rhythm therapy

o Family-focused therapy (for patients with family who could join in treatment)

The problem is finding a therapist who can provide one of these treatments. Currently, these psychotherapies are primarily found in large treatment programs that have adopted one or more of the new methods. For those interested in sourcing a sympathetic therapist, the internet is a good place to start.

There is no doubt that the non medication treatments for depression in bipolar are making a difference to the quality of life for some bipolar sufferers. They are able to wean off high doses of antidepressants, and also benefit from the positive side effects of good sleep patterns, exercise and light therapy.

References: Excerpts from information provided by Jim Phelps MD at (Quality Mental Health Information On Specific Topics)

Canine Addison's a Letter to Owners of Any Breed That Is Known to Carry Addison's

Where is Addison's centered?

Addison's is an imbalance in the adrenal glands; it is an imbalance in hormone levels. Addison's is believed to be primarily genetic with environmental triggers. The adrenal glands are located in front of the canine kidneys and produce hormones. These hormones are important in a body's ability to cope with stress (physical and psycholocigal) plus balance minerals critical to life. Of the two adrenal glands, the Adrenal cortex produces hormones essential to life, including mineralocorticoid, glucocorticoid. Addison's is basically hyposecretion of the hormones or the lack of mineralocorticoids whereas the result is a loss of sodium, and the ability of the body to retain potassium and water. All of the various adrenal produced hormones (there are more than just mineralocorticoid) need to be balanced, the increase in one or decrease in one hormone causes illness. Commercial drugs (corticosteroids or steroids) are available to substitute for the lack of mineralocorticoids produced naturally. However, while low levels of mineralocorticoid causes illness (Addison's), high levels of these steroids (given for other reasons) has a profound effect in the opposite direction and can actually trigger Addison's or bring on an Addison's crisis in dogs that carry the genetics for Addison's. Simply put Addison's is believed to be genetic, even requiring two or more specific genes; however environmental factors are believed to trigger these genes. Without the trigger even those with Addison's genetics may never have or even know they carry Addison's.

When would you see the signs?

Usually after a stressful situation (psychically or psychological) in dogs between the age of 18 months to 7 years of age Addison's symptoms may arrive. The younger age in that range occurs if, for other reasons, steroids have been given to the dog.

The problem with Addison's is that many times it goes undiagnosed until it is too late. What to look for are the commonly reported symptoms, which can vary from dog to dog, and include loss of appetite, weight loss, depression, listlessness, vomiting, diarrhea, hind-end pain, muscle weakness, tremors, shivering, increased thirst, dehydration, excessive urination, a painful or sensitive abdomen, muscle or joint pain, and changes in coat, which may become thicker, thinner, longer, or even curly and about 15 to 20 percent of Addisonian dogs will have dark, tarry stools or blood in their vomit, mental depression, patches of darkened skin, a slow and weak pulse, low body temperature, low blood pressure, and pale mucous membranes. These symptoms usually come in waves; the dog is sick and then seems to get over it for no apparent reason multiple times over a year or longer. Many owners miss these bouts as they can be short in time. This temporary illness is when the adrenal functions are fluctuating but not yet at a critical stage. As the illness progresses a lack mineralocorticoid results in marked changes in blood serum levels (potassium, sodium and chloride). Excess potassium causes a decrease in heart rate leaving the dog predisposed to circulatory collapse and renal failure (acute renal failure is a common misdiagnosis). An adrenal crisis is an acute medical emergency. The dog will need fluids, emergency doses of glucose and perhaps glucocorticoid. This is sometimes given even if the ATCH (Addison's test) is not back yet but blood levels indicate changes in levels of potassium, sodium and chloride (specifically elevated potassium, low sodium, elevated BUN and creatinine, elevated liver enzymes, low glucose, high calcium, low protein (albumin and globulin), anemia, low cholesterol, and metabolic acidosis. A sodium/potassium ratio of less than 27 is strongly indicator of Addison's) indicating Addison's. Once these drugs are given the dog will be over the crisis and seem back to normal. This of course is a preliminary indication that the problem is indeed Addison's. Note, only an ACTH stimulation test can determine positive Addison's. Currently there is NO test to determine if your dog carries the necessary genetics for Addison's. UCDavis is working on this test but it may be years before one is available. Currently, prior to any illness the best you can do is follow the recommendations:

Always keep your dog on high quality foods low in grains (no wheat, corn, and soy); I cannot say this enough; a good food is well worth the price in exchange for long term health. Dogs are carnivores not omnivores, they are not able to digest grains and making a canine body to digest grain causes daily stress on the dogs complete system.

If you are worried, because a dog in your dog's pedigree line has Addison's, you can supplement with licorice root (pill or liquid) daily (consult a holistic vet) to help your dogs body deal with stress. Research has shown that licorice helps prolong the activity of natural (and synthetic) corticosteroids like hydrocortisone.

Digestive enzyme powders (probiotics or good bacteria) are a sensible addition for any dog with digestive problems and can be found at almost all pet stores.

Melatonin (consult a holistic vet) is recommended occasionally (one 3-mg tablet or capsule for a medium-sized dog) 20 to 30 minutes before stressful events such as fireworks, thunder, long distance moves, etc., if a dog has reactions.

Be aware of Addison's symptoms

IF a crisis arrives along checking for other issues (obstructions, etc) request a blood test be preformed to check potassium, sodium and chloride levels. If levels indicate possible Addison's, run a ACTH test (this test is two blood draws one hour apart, after the first an injection is given to stimulate cortisol both blood tests check for cortisol levels) and IF the crisis is a critical situation treat for Addison's with fluids and glucocorticoid. The ACTH test is a blood test and can take up to 24 hours to get the results, the time some dogs do not have.

IF your dog has been diagnosed with Addison's the recommendation is to move to a holistic veterinarians for long term treatment. A dog on long term treatment can lead a normal happy life. Treatments vary depending on a dog's size and the extent of illness plus a negotiated price at your vet for blood work and finding the lowest cost treatments. But in general, long term treatment can be holistic or commercial drugs or usually best a combination of both to reduce dependence on synthetic drugs and lower costs, all and all about $30/month on average. Addison's groups on line can help find the lowest prices for long term treatments. Each dog will vary on what is effective and what is not so obviously that cost varies as well.

Signs of Teenage Depression - Five Things To Look Out For

Can you spot them? It is not easy; yet with heightened senses and an open mind, you can see right through your teenager's heart.

Your teenager is an individual in his own right

Your baby is now grownup; yet not quite. Most of the times your teenage son or daughter disagrees with you. He or she is not anymore allowed to play and act like a child but he or she isn't allowed yet to do many of the things that are said to be for adults only. Add this fact to peer pressure and hormones and you've got a perfect recipe for teenage depression.

Being a teener is not easy, you've been there and done the "deeds" that now make you shake your head at the thought. Since you've passed the teenage stage uneventfully, you may think that your son or daughter would also do so and react to adversities in the same way as you do. Not quite.

Your teenage son or daughter is a different individual with a temperament that although it may resemble yours, does not make him or her just like you altogether. This means that he or she may react and decide differently with the same stressors that you have faced.

Spotting signs of teenage depression

Below are some actions or behaviors of a teenager that you may think of as just sulkiness normal to any teen, but may be telltale signs of teenage depression:

1. Sudden disregard for appearance or personal hygiene.

When a teenager suddenly looks shabby, doesn't want to take a shower even if his hair is already sticking to his head, and wears used and soiled clothes for school, it is one of the signs of teenage depression.

It is not that your teenage son or daughter prefers to look shabby; he is not anymore aware of his looks because his thoughts are preoccupied with depressing thoughts and personal hygiene and appearance become the least of his worries.

When this happens too suddenly, it is one of the signs of teenage depression. However, if this happens just once in a while and your teenage son or daughter still dresses up for school, he is just a normal teenager who gets lazy at times.

2. Sudden drop in grades.

Lackluster performance at school is one of the signs of a teenage depression especially if the trend was from up to down in a matter of weeks or a few months. This means that your teenage son or daughter is facing a difficult time, whether at home or at school, and this matter should be discussed with him or her. During a dialogue, don't go on the offensive since this will push your child away from you. Talk to your teenage son or daughter as though he is an adult and let him do more of the talking.

3. Change in appetite.

A teenager who goes into eating spree or suddenly went anorexic has some deep problems that aren't surfacing yet. If you notice change in appetite, observe first your teenage son or daughter's behavior and take the time to talk to him or her about the things that bother him or her.

If he declines, give him the space he needs and leave him alone for a few days. If nothing has changed after a few days, talk to him again and never accept a "no" answer for a dialogue. Ask in a kind way what's bothering his mind and tell him that no matter what, you are always there to assist him.

4. Deviant or destructive behavior.

If a teenager becomes too destructive to himself and to people around him, it doesn't mean that he is just a rebellious teenager. This is one of the signs of teenage depression and you should extend a hand for guidance and comfort. Don't be on the offensive when he sulks. Nor should you be on the defensive when he spites you.

5. Restless or agitated or sluggish.

A depressed teenager may be restless, can not keep himself in one place or is sluggish and prefers to stay home, sleep all day, eat a lot and do nothing. These are signs of teenage depression; and when you see these signs, better talk things out with your teenage son or daughter to understand his wants and needs.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) When, How, and Why to Supplement

Pyridoxine (B6)

Sources and Physiologic Functions Sources: Poultry, fish, liver, and eggs are good sources of this vitamin; meat and milk contain lesser amounts. Pyridoxine in animal sources is 96% bioavailable. Vitamin B6 can be made by intestinal bacteria in healthy persons. Plant foods such as legumes, peanuts, potatoes, yeast, bananas, corn, cabbage, yams, prunes, watermelon, and avocados also contain this vitamin.

Populations at risk: As this vitamin is widely distributed, deficiency is rare except in chronic alcoholics and among women taking oral contraceptives. Elderly persons and infants of preeclamptic mothers or mothers deficient in B6 are at risk. Patients on Cycloserine, hydantoin, hydralazine, isoniazid, and penicillamine should be given B6 supplementation. High protein diet increases the needs of this vitamin.

Severe deficiencies of vitamin B6 are rare, but mild deficiencies are extremely common. Dietary data from Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES II) in 11,658 adults aged 19-74 y showed that 71% of males and 90% of females consumed less than the 1980 recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is the most common deficient water soluble vitamin in elderly. Single drug and drug combinations taken by elderly individuals may impose nutritional risk. Unwanted outcomes of drug-food and drug-nutrient interactions can be minimized by instructing elderly men and women and their caregivers to avoid timing errors in drug-taking behavior and toxic reactions due to food incompatibility. In addition, drug-induced nutritional deficiencies can be avoided by advising drug-taking elderly on the appropriate levels of nutrient intake. In a study which compared the nutrient intakes of American children aged 2 to 10 years, vitamin B6 was found to be below the RDA in more than 50% of the population.

Birth control pill usage and occupational exposure to carbon disulfide induce vitamin B6 deficiency and/or enhance vitamin B6 requirement. Both compounds cause adverse psychological/neurological disorders such as extreme irritability, manic depressive tendencies, headaches, and other variables, but related disorders presumably by disrupting normal vitamin B6 metabolism and vitamin B6 administration has been found to alleviate their adverse psychological symptoms. Further studies are needed to experimentally evaluate this interrelation. Conjoined exposure to OCs and CS2 may result in an enhanced disruption of tryptophan metabolism which may in turn cause exaggerated psychological sequelae associated with CS2 exposure.

Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency: In infants, convulsive seizures and hyperactivity are the usual presenting symptoms. Diarrhea is also common. Anemia and peripheral neuritis are seen in tuberculosis patients on isoniazid who develop pyridoxine deficiency. 20-30% of homocystinuric patients with dislocation of the lens of the eye, osteoporosis (brittle spine), mental retardation, and a tendency for spontaneous blood clots that can lead to heart attacks and death, respond to vitamin B6 therapy.

Biochemistry: Vitamin B6 isa collective term for pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine, all of which serve as precursors of the biologically active coenzyme, pyridoxal phosphate. Pyridoxal phosphate functions as a coenzyme that catalyze reactions in protein metabolism, conversion of tryptophan to niacin, fat metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, folic acid synthesis, glandular and endocrine functions, and for the nerve and brain energy. Vitamin B6 has a clear benefit in lessening the severity of homocystinuria, a rare disease that usually results from a defect in an enzyme used for degrading homocysteine.

Safety: Deficient and excess intakes of pyridoxine can produce neurologic disturbances. Most cases of sensory neuropathy have resulted from intakes of over 600 mg/day, but some evidence suggests that it may result from doses as low as 300-500 mg/d and that the total exposure over time is the determinant of toxicity. There is one report that a daily intake of 117 mg/day (on average) for 2.9 years may be related to some toxicity. In the same study however, the control group that did not get any neuropathy had an average intake of 116 mg/day for an average of 1.6 years, and some women in both groups had been taking as little as 50 mg/day, questioning the accuracy of the telephone survey method used to determine neuropathy.

Vitamin B6 is toxic at doses that are 1000 times the RDA. Daily doses of 2 to 5 g of pyridoxine can produce difficulty in walking and tingling sensations in the legs and soles of the feet. Continued consumption of the toxic dose results in further unsteadiness of walking, difficulty in handling small objects, and numbness and clumsiness of the hands. Where vitamin B6 supplementation is stopped, recovery begins after 2 months. Complete recovery may occur after 2 to 3 years of discontinuing consumption of the vitamin B6 supplements. One study showed development of pure central-peripheral distal axonopathy with pyridoxine abuse. Pyridoxine dose was 0.2 to 5 g/d, and duration of consumption before symptoms was inversely proportional to the daily intake. In all patients with adequate follow-up, improvement followed discontinuation of pyridoxine.

Is pyridoxine safe for long-term use in large segments of the population, including children? It would appear from retrospective analysis of several studies that pyridoxine is safe at doses of 100mg/day or less in adults. In children, there is not enough data to make any sort of suggestion. Because the major neurologic complication is a peripheral neuropathy, and the causes of this condition are myriad, pyridoxine may cause neuropathy only in patients with a pre-existing susceptibility to this condition. Family histories, drugs, alcohol, nutritional status, and toxic exposure at home or in the work place may all be predisposing factors which, in combination with pyridoxine, produce the peripheral neuropathy that is not seen in other patients taking the same dosages. The duration of exposure that causes neuropathy is still a major question. Extremely high doses cause neurologic injury within a few days, and chronic low doses seem relatively safe.

Deterioration of acne vulgaris or eruption of an acneiform exanthema was demonstrated during treatment with vitamin B6 and/or vitamin B12 in 14 patients. Females were, by far, the more frequently affected. The appearance of skin symptoms, even outside the age groups typically affected by acne vulgaris, is characteristic. The clinical appearance of acneiform exanthema occurring during treatment with vitamin B6 or B12 consists of loosely disseminated small papules or papulopustules on the face (especially on the forehead and chin), on the upper parts of the back and chest, and spreading to the upper arm. The pathogensis of the change is not yet certain. The acneiform rash generally fades within a short time after vitamin B6 or vitamin B12 treatment has been stopped.

Recommendations: RDA in mg.

  • Infants birth to 6 mos - 0.3mg


  • Infants 6 mos to 1 yr - 0.6mg


  • Children 1 yr to 3 yr - 1.0mg


  • Children 4 yr to 6 yr - 1.1mg


  • Children 7 yr to 10 yr - 1.4mg


  • Adolescent males 11yr to 14 yr - 1.7mg


  • Adolescent females 11 yr to 14 yr - 1.4 mg


  • Adolescent males 15 yr to 18 yr - 2.0mg


  • Adolescent females 15 yr to 18 yr - 1.5mg


  • Adult males 19 yr to 50 yr - 2.0mg


  • Adult females 19 yr to 50 yr - 1.6mg


  • Adult males 51 yr plus - 2.0mg


  • Adult females 51 yr plus - 1.6mg


  • Pregnant Women - 2.2mg


  • Lactating Mothers (1st 6 months) - 2.1mg


  • Lactating Mothers (2nd 6 months) - 2.1mg


Pyridoxine B6

Food Source Serving Size/Amount # of mg/serving

Chicken (dark meat) 3.5 oz 0.37 mg

Chicken (light meat) 3.5 oz 0.63 mg

Atlantic Salmon (wild, raw) 3.0 oz 0.70 mg

Tuna (canned in water) 3.0 oz 0.30 mg

Liver (beef braised) 3.5 oz 0.91 mg

Live (veal braised 3.5 oz 0.91 mg

Navy beans (boiled) 1 cup 0.30 mg

Peanuts (dry roasted) 1 oz 0.07 mg

Potato (boiled) 1 medium 0.40 mg

Banana 1 medium 0.66 mg

Prunes (dried) 10 0.22 mg

Watermelon 1 cup 0.23 mg

Avocado 1 medium 0.48 mg

The Literature: Heart disease Prevention:


Hyperhomocysteinemia, a risk factor for atherosclerosis, is associated with deficiencies of vitamin B6, folate, and cobalamin. Patients who were given vitamin B6 for carpal tunnel syndrome and other degenerative diseases were found to have 27% of the risk of developing acute cardiac chest pain or myocardial infarction, compared with patients who had not taken vitamin B6. Dr. Ellis found that among his elderly patients expiring at home, the average age at death from myocardial infarction was 8 years later in those who had taken vitamin B6, compared with those who had not taken vitamin B6. The preventive effect of vitamin B6 on progression of coronary heart disease may be related to increased formation of pyridoxal phosphate, the coenzyme that is required for catabolism of the atherogenic amino acid, homocysteine.

The total homocysteine (tHcy) level in the serum is related to pregnancy complications, neural tube defects, mental disorder, and cognitive impairment in the elderly. In addition, over 80 clinical and epidemiological studies provide ample evidence that an elevated tHcy level is a common cardiovascular risk factor. Oral treatment with pyridoxine up to 300mg/d does not lower the fasting tHcy level in healthy subjects or vascular patients. However, pyridoxine (10 - 250 mg/d) lowers an abnormal postmethionine load tHcy level in most patients and, when combined with folic acid, nearly all obtain a normal postmethionine tHcy level.

Platelet aggregation:

In a randomized trial, Pyridoxine inhibited ADP- or epinephrine-induced aggregation by 48% and 41% (p < 0.001), respectively. It also prolonged both bleeding and coagulation time. Pyridoxine significantly reduced total plasma lipid and cholesterol levels, whereas it enhanced HDL-cholesterol level. Thus, it is suggested that oral vitamin B6 inhibits platelet aggregation in normal subjects.

Essential Hypertension:

In a study, treatment of hypertensive patients with pyridoxine significantly reduced systolic (p < 0.01) and diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.005), plasma NE (p < 0.005), and E (p < 0.05) within 4 weeks. The dose of pyridoxine used in these patients was 5 mg/kg body weight/d. Thus, pyridoxine may be beneficial in the treatment of hypertension.

Neurotransmitter Production

Pyridoxine has been known as an essential cofactor in the production of neurotransmitters. For this reason, it has been considered a therapeutic adjunct in a variety of conditions with known or suspected neurotransmitter abnormalities. Among these conditions are seizures, Parkinson's disease, depression, chronic pain, headache, behavior abnormalities of adults and children, and peripheral neuropathy. Other clinical uses for pyridoxine include treatment of premenstrual syndrome and carpal tunnel syndrome. The potential neurotoxicity of pyridoxine makes it essential that vitamin intake be included as part of medical history.

Diabetic neuropathy:

Vitamin B6 has been recommended in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. Vitamin B6 deficiency was thought to be the causative factor for neuropathy in diabetes. However, several studies show that vitamin B6 supplements may not be beneficial in these patients. In one of these studies, 18 patients with symptomatic diabetic neuropathy were treated with placebo or pyridoxine. After 4 months of follow-up, there was no difference between the two groups with regard to fasting plasma glucose, motor nerve conduction velocity, or ophthalmologic examination at the beginning or at the conclusion of the study. These results suggest that vitamin B6 deficiency is not a factor in the etiology of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

Gestational diabetes:

In a study of 14 pregnant women with gestational diabetes, a relative pyridoxine deficiency was thought to exist. After treatment with vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 100 mg/day for 14 days, the oral glucose tolerance improved considerably. It was hypothesized that increased xanthurenic-acid synthesis during pregnancy may cause gestational diabetes. Treatment with vitamin B6 makes the production of xanthurenic-acid normal by restoring tryptophan metabolism and improves the oral glucose tolerance in patients with gestational diabetes.

Kidney Stones:

Weak evidence suggests that pyridoxine may be useful in the therapy of kidney stones. Twelve recurrent stone formers with hyperoxaluria were administered pyridoxine-HCl (10 mg/day) daily for a period of 180 days. Urinary oxalate decreased significantly (p less than 0.05) by the 90th day of pyridoxine therapy, and thus, pyridoxine in low doses (10 mg/day) is of therapeutic value for hyperoxaluric stone formers.


A review of four therapeutic crossed-sequential double-blind trials with 60 autistic children examined the effects of vitamin B6 alone, magnesium alone, and in combination on behavioral improvement. Modest behavioral improvement was observed among children taking both magnesium and B6, but not when either one of those taken alone.

Cognitive Development

Vitamin B6 is an essential cofactor in the developing central nervous system and may influence brain development and cognitive function. Recent work in animal models suggests that vitamin B6 deficiency during gestation and lactation alters the function of receptors thought to play an important role in learning and memory. A deficiency of vitamin B6 during brain development has been shown to result in neurochemical and morphological changes that are expressed behaviorally as tremors, irritability, abnormalities in motor function, and spontaneous seizures, although the specific mechanism is still not understood. Numerous studies have suggested that pregnant and lactating women may have dietary intakes of vitamin B6 that are well below the recommended dietary allowance, which may affect the vitamin B6 status of their offspring. Reports indicate that unsupplemented lactating mothers have a milk vitamin B6 level that, in some cases, is lower than 100 μg/L, a concentration that places infants at risk of development of seizures. Although this level of vitamin B6 in milk does not always result in clinical signs of frank vitamin B6 deficiency, it may influence the normal development of the child. Evidence for such an effect was noted in an Egyptian study where abnormalities in behavior were observed in infants whose mothers had vitamin B6 levels in milk below 85 mg/L.

Thus, many conditions in clinical neurology may be responsive to pyridoxine as a therapeutic agent. The observations that serotonin deficiency is a common thread in patients with headache, chronic pain, and depression, and that pyridoxine can raise serotonin levels open a wide range of therapeutic options. Comparison with amitriptyline in the treatment of headache appears to show about equal efficacy, although side effects would be expected to be more of a problem with the amitriptyline. Some medical authorities have taken this so far as to suggest that many of the behavioral disorder problems are caused by "toxic" exposures to chemicals that are pyridoxine antagonists and that supplementation at early stages may reduce the incidence of hyperactivity and aggressive behavior.

Interaction with Medications

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) supplementation during isoniazid (INH) therapy is necessary in some patients to prevent the development of peripheral neuropathy. In vivo pyridoxine is converted into coenzymes which play an essential role in the metabolism of protein, carbohydrates, fatty acids, and several other substances, including brain amines. INH apparently competitively inhibits the action of pyridoxine in these metabolic functions. The routine use of pyridoxine supplementation to prevent peripheral neuropathy in high risk populations is recommended.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Vitamin B6 is effective in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome and related disorders in patients with vitamin B6 deficiency. A study found that higher plasma pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) concentrations, particularly in unsupplemented males, appeared to be associated with less frequent pain/discomfort, tingling and nocturnal awakening. In contrast, higher vitamin C concentrations or a relative deficit of plasma PLP in comparison to the plasma vitamin C (higher ASC/PLP ratio) were, in some analyses, associated with greater sensory latencies or with more prevalent and frequent symptoms. This raises the possibility that vitamin C supplementation in the presence of vitamin B6 deficit might be injurious to the median nerve and thus promote the development of the hand/wrist symptoms of CTS. Thus, there are significant relationships between plasma vitamin levels and both components of CTS (specific symptoms and median nerve slowing). The interaction between plasma PLP and ASC appears to be particularly important with respect to symptoms. Hence, vitamin B6 is commonly recommended for carpal tunnel syndrome.

Premenstrual Syndrome

A review of 12 controlled trials on vitamin B6 in the treatment of the premenstrual syndrome showed a weak evidence of positive effects of vitamin B6. A major drawback of the trials is the limited number of patients included. In a more recent well designed study, 120 women were randomized to receive active drug or placebo. Pyridoxine at 300 mg/d showed no greater benefit compared to placebo in symptom reduction.

Vitamin B6 and Exercise

Vitamin B6 may play an important role in exercise response. Vitamin B6 is essential to the production of energy during exercise. If vitamin B6 status is poor, exercise performance may be impaired. Vitamin B6 supplementation may increase the levels of plasma growth hormone during exercise and immediately following exercise. The physiologic significance of these changes has not been explored but are thought to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat. Female athletes and those who participate in sports which emphasize low body weights (e.g., dancers, wrestlers, gymnasts and runners) may be prone to low dietary vitamin B6 intakes.


Weak evidence suggests that vitamin B6 may be useful in asthma. A double-blind study with 76 asthmatic children followed for five months indicated significant improvement in asthma following pyridoxine therapy (200 mg daily) and reduction in dosage of bronchodilators and cortisone. The data suggest that these children with severe bronchial asthma had a metabolic block in tryptophan metabolism, which was benefitted by long-term treatment with large doses of pyridoxine. In another double-blind placebo-controlled trial, 31 patients requiring steroids (oral or inhaled) for the treatment of their asthma received pyridoxine 300 mg per day or placebo. After a 9 week follow-up, treatment with oral pyridoxine failed to improve the outcome variables in patients requiring steroids for the treatment of their asthma.


Weak evidence suggests that vitamin B6 may be beneficial in the treatment of depression. The augmentation effect of 10 mg each of vitamins B1, B2, and B6 in 14 geriatric inpatients with depression who were treated with tricyclic antidepressant treatment was assessed in a well-designed study. The vitamin treated group showed trends toward greater improvement in scores on ratings of depression and cognitive function, as well as in serum nortriptyline levels compared with placebo-treated subjects. Thus, B complex vitamin augmentation in the treatment of geriatric depression should be considered.

Summary: Pyridoxine is essential for protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, folic acid synthesis, glandular and endocrine function. It is also essential for the formation of serotonin, and dopamine, and aids in the formation of several neurotransmitters and is therefore, an essential nutrient in the regulation of mental processes and the mood.

A number of claims have been made about the beneficial effects of vitamin B6 on numerous conditions: atherosclerosis, attention deficit disorder, autism, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, diabetes, fibrocystic breast disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, chemotherapy, HIV patients, nephrolithiasis, osteoporosis, photosensitivity, retinopathy, and canker sores.

Evidence strongly suggests that vitamin B6 has a preventive effect in the progression of coronary artery disease. Although it did not show any effect in lowering the fasting plasma homocysteine level, vitamin B6 supplementation is shown to lower postmethionine load tHcy, which might be the reason for its cardioprotective effect.

In well done studies it has shown efficacy on par with amitriptyline in the treatment of chronic headaches. Many clinical conditions like chronic pain and depression, which are caused by serotonin deficiency, might benefit from vitamin B6 therapy. As it functions as an essential cofactor in the production of several neurotransmitters, it may be considered a therapeutic adjunct in the treatment of several conditions like seizures, Parkinson's disease, behavioral abnormalities of adults and children, and peripheral neuropathy. Vitamin B6 is also found to be effective in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome in patients with vitamin B6 deficiency. Exercise performance is improved with vitamin B6 supplementation.

Populations who are prone to be deficient in this vitamin such as chronic alcoholics, women on oral contraceptives, patients on Isoniazid, and athletes should receive supplementation. Pregnant and lactating women should consume adequate amounts of vitamin B6 in their diets for the normal development of central nervous system and cognitive function and for the prevention of abnormal behavioral development.

Our recommendations for adults is 40 mg/d, as there is weak evidence of some toxicity at 50 mg/d. Vitamin B6 is usually safe and can be consumed in amounts of 10-300 mg/d. Although side effects are rare, doses over 300 mg/d may result in adverse neurological outcomes. Pregnant and lactating women should not consume more than 100 mg/d. Vitamin B6 supplementation should be stopped immediately when sensory neuropathy with numbness in the hands and feet and/or difficulty in walking develops while on therapy.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Taming Depression - 3 Reasons Why Vitamin B3 Is Good for Depression

You probably know by now that I always refer to nutrition when I write an article in here. Today I want to talk to you about niacin to treat depression and mental illness. Mental illness on all its forms is nutrition deficient. If you do not supply your body with the type of food that will nourish it, your body will lack nutrition and be sad. You are depressed. You are nutrition deficient.

Back in the day many people in southern USA ate a lot of corn, and corn is tryptophan deficient. Tryptophan is converted in the body into niacin, and niacin is vitamin B3 which is one of the best and most necessary nutrient characters to have to prevent any mental illness. Another disease as a result of niacin deficiency is pellagra and so many people in the south had pellagra which eventually killed them. At some stage niacin was introduced into the food and all pellagra cases (as well as other diseases as a result of tryptophan deficiency) improved significantly. This is all due to an addition of just a little bit of niacin.

Niacin helps depression as well as dementia, pellagra and other chronic diseases. Here are 3 reasons why:

  1. Niacin is vitamin B3. Vitamins are essential for a healthy body. Without them we get seriously ill and eventually die. a depressed body is a body without enough nutrients given to it. If you eat a lot of cooked food, processed food, chemically sprayed fruits and vegetables you will never give your body enough of what it needs to function properly and it will effect your brain. It will take the natural chemicals in your brain out of balance and you will be depressed as a result of that.

  2. Niacin may improve your depression in 15 minutes. 250-500mg of it will cause you a flush, you will have a red face and it will look like you were sun burnt. This will improve your mood instantly although temporarily. It is a great way to test the theory about niacin B3 vitamin.

  3. Niacin is proven to work even in higher doses. Seriously depressed ill people should take thousands of mg of niacin every day. I am not talking about people who are not depressed because if you are not and taking that much of this drug you will have a serious flush and a lot of other side effects which are dangerous, but if you listen to the free 20 minutes of video footage Dr Andrew Saul gives on Food Matters he talks about a woman who was seriously depressed and after 11500 mg of niacin she was fine.

This just goes to show you that a good supply of nutrition to the body is the ultimate cure for any disease.

Asperger's Syndrome Symptoms in Adults: 3 Tips for Overcoming Depression and Anxiety

One common set of symptoms that many Asperger's syndrome adults have is feelings of depression and anxiety...and a sense of meaninglessness in their lives. Since Asperger's adults have so much difficulty with social activities in their lives, as well as everyday activities and employment issues, sometimes it can seem like nothing ever goes right. Repeated failure leads to low self-esteem.

If you can't work, what do you do with your time? Even if you can work but you have no social contacts or friends to spend time with, nothing to do that interests you, how do you make your life seem worth living?

Asperger's adults may very well want to participate in all the social activities that the rest of us take for granted, but there is so much that they have to consider that the ordinary person would never consider.

The symptoms of those with Asperger's syndrome are familiar to family and friends. Many times, people with Asperger's syndrome are not comfortable being spontaneous or doing anything spur-of-the-moment; they need to plan ahead. Noisy, boisterous events are just too overwhelming. Just going out of the house can be a big gamble. Are the sensory aspects of the event worth it? Can I handle it? Will I have a meltdown? Is it worth it? Am I going to be able to seem social enough?

Asperger's Adults Can Be Smart But That Isn't Enough

These are very smart people, often with college degrees or even higher; but just because they can work their way around a textbook or a classroom doesn't mean they can handle the world outside it. Many, but not all, Asperger's adults end up living with their parents, and feelings of resentment build over this. It can be hard to compare yourself to others and not measure up. Depression can set in. Sometimes, it's hard to think of a reason to get up in the morning. If you are someone you know is in this situation, it may be helpful to follow the tips below.

How To Lead a Meaningful Life As An Adult With Asperger's Syndrome

Change your life in small but important ways. Shake it up a little bit. Find ways to deviate from your normal routine so you don't feel so stuck in a rut. Go out to lunch with someone you haven't talked to before. Join a club. Volunteer somewhere.

1. Volunteering

The single most important thing you can do to raise your feelings of self-esteem is to volunteer somewhere. It just plain makes you feel good about yourself! Volunteering can be a great way to meet others and gain some social contacts, and gives you a sense of connection and belonging in your community. When you are appreciated for a job well done, it makes you feel like you made a difference in someone else's life.

Think about what your interests are. If you like working with kids, you can volunteer at an after school program, or a mentor a kid who needs it. You could tutor someone in a subject you know well - finally all that academic knowledge you have stored away will be useful for something! If you like to write, you could volunteer to write for a local newspaper, or start a blog.

You can work in a soup kitchen, do some office work for a non-profit, or volunteer to straighten books on the shelves at your local library. If you like to garden, offer to help out an elderly person with their yard. The possibilities are numerous.

2. Hobbies

Another way to add some spark into your life is to try to take up a hobby. Something you can become enthusiastic about, something that you can look forward to. For example, if you like taking pictures, get a camera and start snapping shots of everything you can think of. Publish your best shots online. Learn how to cook, or get into reading. Start exercising; perhaps you could join others for daily walks or even join a sports team.

3. Groups

To get a sense of meaning in your life you must gain some feeling of social connection. To this end, it can be very helpful to join social groups centered around your interests. Maybe you enjoy chess? Writing? Photography? Try to find local groups that you may enjoy. One way that you can do this is to use the website Or join an Asperger's group and meet people you can relate to.

The best way to make your life feel more meaningful is to work around the obstacles and limitations you have in your life as best as possible. If you think something is impossible, it may not be with a little accommodation. Don't be afraid to ask for help or modification of activities to fit your needs. Just try to get involved in something. You will find yourself looking forward to it, and it will get your mind off your worries. Don't focus on the symptoms of Asperger's syndrome or the treatments but focus your efforts on accomplishing something worthwhile.

Factors Triggering Bipolar Disorder - A Complete View Of The Problem

The cause of bipolar disorder is not entirely known. Genetic, neuro-chemical and environmental factors probably interact at many levels to play a role in the onset and progression of bipolar disorder. The current thinking is that this is a predominantly biological disorder that occurs in a specific part of the brain and is due to a malfunction of the neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain). As a biological disorder, it may lie dormant and be activated spontaneously or it may be triggered by stressors in life.

Although, no one is quite sure about the exact causes of bipolar disorder, researchers have found some important clues. Bipolar disorder tends to be in the genes, meaning that it runs in families. About half the people with bipolar disorder have a family member with a mood disorder, such as depression.

A person who has one parent with bipolar disorder has a 15 to 25 percent chance of having the condition. A person who has a non-identical twin with the illness has a 25 percent chance of illness, the same risk as if both parents have bipolar disorder.

A person who has an identical twin (having exactly the same genetic material) with bipolar disorder has an even greater risk of developing the illness about an eightfold greater risk than a non-identical twin.

A study of adopted twins (where a child whose biological parent had the illness is raised in an adoptive family untouched by the illness) has helped researchers learn more about the genetic causes vs. environmental and life events causes. Bipolar disorder is primarily a biological disorder that occurs in a specific area of the brain and is due to the dysfunction of certain neurotransmitters, or chemical messengers, in the brain. These chemicals may involve neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, serotonin and probably many others. As a biological disorder, it may lie dormant and be activated on its own or it may be triggered by external factors such as psychological stress and social circumstances.

Environmental factors in bipolar disorder may be a life event which may trigger a mood episode in a person with a genetic disposition for bipolar disorder. Even without clear genetic factors, altered health habits, alcohol or drug abuse or hormonal problems can trigger an episode. Among those at risk for the illness, bipolar disorder is appearing at increasingly early ages. This apparent increase in earlier occurrences may be due to under diagnosis of the disorder in the past. This change in the age of onset may be a result of social and environmental factors that are not yet understood.

Although substance abuse is not considered a cause of bipolar disorder, it can worsen the illness by interfering with recovery. Use of alcohol or tranquilizers may induce a more severe depressive phase.

Yet another cause of bipolar depression is that caused by medications. Medications such as antidepressants can trigger a manic episode in people who are susceptible to bipolar disorder. Therefore, a depressive episode must be treated carefully in those people who have had manic episodes. Because a depressive episode can turn into a manic episode when an antidepressant medication is taken, an anti-manic drug is also recommended to prevent a manic episode. The anti-manic drug creates a ceiling, partially protecting the person from antidepressant-induced mania.

Certain other medications can produce a high that resembles mania. Appetite suppressants, for example, may trigger increased energy, decreased need for sleep and increased talkativeness. After stopping the medication, however, the person returns to his normal mood.

Sign of Severe Depression - Recognize Them Easily

If you think you may be suffering from depression then read on to find out more about the common sign of severe depression and how to get help and deal with depression.

Part 1) Sign of severe depression facts: Depression is now extremely common and more than 20 million Americans currently suffer from it. It's a condition that can affect absolutely anyone rich, poor, young or old. More women suffer from depression than men and it has recently been documented that women are almost twice as likely to show the signs of severe depression than men. Depression is often thought to be a sign weakness and sufferers (especially men) are sometimes too embarrassed to even admit that they have the condition.

Part 2) Spotting the sign of severe depression: The best way to find out if you are depressed is to look at the common symptoms. If you have been suffering from the following sign of severe depression for more than two weeks you should seek advice from a medical professional.

Refusing help from others

Feeling like you don't ever want get out of bed

Not wanting to leave the house

Lack of energy and constant tiredness

No longer making an effort in your appearance

Feeling constantly down and pessimistic

Thoughts of suicide and death

Part 3) The most common causes of the signs of severe depression: Stress at work or at home can often lead to depression and this is one of the most common of all courses. Stress can also lead to anxiety and may in some severe cases affect your physical health. Traumatic events can also cause depression, especially those which occur in childhood. It's quite common for events in childhood to lead to depression during adulthood. Depression can also be passed on genetically. If you think you may be suffering from the condition, find out if it runs in your family.

Part 4) 'What should I do if I'm showing the sign of severe depression': The first and most important thing you need to do is speak to a medical professional. He/she will be able to fully diagnose your condition and offer help and guidance. Next tell your close friends and family. Coping with depression alone will only make it harder to deal with and overcome. There are many things you can also do yourself that will start to make you feel better keep active, take regular exercise, reduce your levels of stress and avoid alcohol and drugs.

Remember... we all have problems from time to time, so don't feel ashamed about being depression. The quicker you seek help the quicker you will start to feel better. Check out the links below for even more information on the sign of severe depression.

How to Have Daily Inspirational Quotes Sent to Your Phone

Having daily inspirational quotes sent to your phone helps in many ways to keep people motivated. There are so many to choose from that exist. Most however, don't know where to go.

N'deav[r]'s one of the many services that carries access to daily inspirational quotes. These are quotes aimed in making your life better and more fulfilling. They cost about a 1.92 per week.

If you are not the type that wants something inspiring for the day, but rather for a purpose, they have that too. The same company can provide people who are in the process of quitting smoking, inspirational quotes aimed at helping with that. They made a specific set which is supposed to inspire and motivate those who are quitting to resist the urge.

With any of the paid services, you usually have the choice to choose when you are to receive the message. This especially comes in handy for those who know they have cravings to smoke at certain times throughout the day. This way they receive a message with inspiration at that time and then have their attention shifted from the craving to the quote in front of them.

Another choice for those not wanting pay for a service to send them daily inspirational quotes to your phone, is Zedge. They actually have a free service where you are able to download videos of quotes. This way you have access to the quotes on demand, rather than only when a company sends you a quote.

The three mentioned are a few of many. Doing a simple search on the Internet will give access to the numerous services available. Those who need a little courage, motivation, or inspiration, find these kinds of services a great way to give them what they need. Many enjoy the motivation received from these kinds of quotes and you can too.