Saturday, November 23, 2013

Brighten Your Day With Daily Inspirational Quotes

Though often consisting of a few words, daily inspirational quotes are known to greatly affect an individual's life. In this constantly changing world, we are often faced with a lot of struggles, hardships, failures and heartbreaks that could possibly shatter us into pieces and make us feel hopeless and helpless. Yes, we should always turn to our family and friends for support and encouragement but there are times when we have to face our demons alone. It is during these times when we really need to arm ourselves with great inspirational quotes in order to survive the emotional turmoil we are going through.

We may need to seek inspiration from these powerful quotes during:

Death of a loved one.
Losing someone is one of the most painful tragedies a person can encounter. It is during this stage of life when sadness, grief, regret and guilt are all felt at the same time. Sometimes we feel like all the hope, happiness and reason to live were taken away from us. But, we need to remind ourselves that life must go on, even without that special person. Inspirational quotes about overcoming the death of someone can serve as our source of strength that we need to face the day again with the memories of our dearly departed.

Dreams and ambitions are what encourage us to do our very best. But sometimes, the things we wanted to achieve do not come easily. At some point, we may fail in achieving what we wanted but that isn't suppose to make us stop dreaming. Failure does not mean giving up. The best way to handle the situation is to consider these failures as part of our learning experience. Keep in mind that we become better people through these experiences.

Break ups.
Love is supposed to linger forever. But we cannot avoid the fact that love sometimes jumps out of the window due to differences in beliefs, status in life and many other factors. It is hard to let go of someone we love but in the end, we really need to because that's the only way for us to grow and become happy. Reading inspirational quotes about getting over heart break, in addition to kind gestures from family and friends can help us get through this rough situation.

The above mentioned scenarios are just a few of the most difficult times we may encounter as we live our lives but let us not forget that there is always hope as long as we believe and that we can always strengthen our hopes with the help of powerful daily inspirational quotes.

Childhood Depression

Childhood depression is a very real but sometimes elusive illness that affects the young today. We take a look at what it actually means and how unity and support in the family can help fight its hold over a child.

At the recently concluded Asia Pacific Suicide Prevention Convention 2006, we learnt a few startling facts about children and suicide. For example, in a worldwide survey, 7.3% to 38% of the children surveyed demonstrated suicide ideation, which is the idea of wanting to kill themselves. In Singapore, close to 4.7% of children entertain this morbid thought. While the figure may be alarming, there is no need to panic as it is actually not uncommon to think about suicide.

Ask anyone in the street if he had thought about suicide before and the answer will most probably be a `yes'. Thinking about something as serious as killing oneself and actually doing it are two different matters. Out of all childhood suicides, approximately 23.5% are associated with mental illness such as depression, schizophrenia and others. Seeing the numbers and understanding that depression is one of the key causes that drive our young to suicide. It is time we understand a little more about this elusive illness called "Childhood Depression".

The Definition of Childhood Depression

In a 2004 article published by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry , childhood depression is defined as "an illness when the feelings of depression persist and interfere with a child or adolescent's ability to function."

Feelings of depression are represented in the forms of mood, physical, mental and behavioural changes in a child. Dr Ken Ung, Senior Consultant Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatrist & Psychotherapist at Adam Road Hospital describes the signs of childhood depression as persistent "irritability or loss of interest, loss of appetite and weight, poor sleep , lethargy, headache, stomach pain, loss of concentration, preoccupation with self-harm or suicide, refusal to go to school, increased temper tantrums and antisocial behaviours such as smoking, drinking and running away from home. Any combination of these changes that lasts for more than two weeks could spell a child falling into depression and warrants a closer look.

Many of the symtoms listed are actually applicable to both adults and children but there are telling differences. Age, in a non-categorical way, does make a difference in the presentation of depressive behaviour. "We don't tend to categorize (childhood depression) in terms of age groups," says Dr Ung, " but we can generally say that adolescent depression tends to look more like adult type depression , whereas, childhood depression can be more `a typical' perhaps manifesting in bodily pains and behaviour changes. The closer the age of a child to adulthood - the more we can expect to see an adult-type depression.

Types of childhood depression

There is no clear categorization of childhood depression. According to Dr Ung, "Typing depression is notoriously difficult and fashions come and go. We now tend to type it according to severity i.e. mild, moderate and severe. Sometimes, we use the term `reactive' depression to denote the type that is due to a reaction to some stress (such as the sudden passing of a loved one). Although very rare in children, `psychotic' depression refers to the presence of psychotic symptoms, which are symptoms that show that the person has lost touch with reality, i.e. hearing voices, believing irrational, bizarre or incredible thoughts."

Another childhood psychiatry expert, Dr Sharon Chan of Sharon Chan Child Guidance Clinic, who has been practicing child psychiatry since 1988 concurs, "I am not sure that there is such a categorization (of childhood depression).. because the entity is still controversial, it follows adult depression patterns (sic) - chronic, single episode or recurrent, adjustment disorder, bipolar etc."

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depression, is a type of mood disorder marked by extreme changes in mood, energy levels and behaviour. Symptoms can begin in early childhood but more typically emerge in adolescence or adulthood. Children with bipolar disorder usually alternate rapidly between extremely high moods (mania) and low moods (depression). These rapid mood shifts can produce irritability with periods of wellness between episodes, or the young person may feel both extremes at the same time. Parents who have children with the disorder often describe them as unpredictable, alternating between aggressive or silly and withdrawn.

Stages of childhood depression

According to a Harvard Medical School Publication, " The picture changes with age. Up to age three, the signs (of childhood depression) may include feeding problems, tantrums, and lack of playfulness and emotional expressiveness. AT ages 3-5, depressed children may be accident-prone and subject to phobias. Even before age 5, they may show signs of self-reproach by apologizing unnecessarily for minor mistakes and transgressions like spilling food or forgetting to put clothes away. Children of early school age (6-8) sometimes show depression with vague physical complaints and aggressive behavior. They may cling to their parents and avoid new people and challenges. At ages 9-12, some common symptoms are morbid thoughts and lying awake worrying about schoolwork. By then, children have enough intellectual capacity and social understanding to think about reasons for their depression , and they may blame themselves for disappointing their parents."

When asked for his opinion on this analysis, Dr Ung says, " I think that this is a good guide by and large. Nevertheless, this is merely a guide and should not ne taken as set in stone. For example, a 12 year old boy may show signs of depression by aggressive behaviour and phusical complaints."

For Dr Chan, "Depression before the age of six is very rare. In fact, I do not think that there is general agreement that it exists. In a young child, the common emotional condition is anxiety, not so much depression. From six years onwards, I would agree with the given description."

Children under stress, who experience loss , or who have attention , learning , conduct or anxiety disorders are at a higher risk for depression. Depression also tends to run in families.

Lena's experience

Lena (not her real name) is a 17 year-old student who recently suffered a relapse and fell into depression once more. Lena has been troubled by depression since the age of 12. Once again, she has no appetite for food, is feeling listless and confused, lost a lot of weight and is isolating herself from others.

Lena's mother, 49 year old clerical staff Sonia (not her real name), recounts her daughter's experience with depression, " It all started after Lena's father passed away. At first , nothing seemed wrong. SHe was very sad but she did not shed a tear at his funeral. It was a year after that she started to miss him badly. This was compounded by being bullied in school and stressed by schoolwork. Always a quiet child, Lena became even more withdrawn. She had trouble sleeping, would cry for no reason, refused to eat and talked about hurting herself."

Seeing her daughter's condition, Sonia brought Lena to a Polyclinic which referred them to a psychiatrist at a hospital. Lena was given antidepressants and started having regular therapy sessions with psychiatrists and counsellors. She tried to follow their advice of not thinking negatively, to focus on developing her interests and to make a timetable for each day. Everyday was a struggle but she managed to recover with time.

"She said she liked the counselling sessions where she could talk to someone about her feelings and problems." say Sonia of Lena's reaction to treatment. "Slowly, she got better to the point that she was more cheerful and could laugh and giggle like a normal young girl. She even enrolled in yoga classes that helped her gained fitness and to relax."

For Sonia, being supportive of Lena through the down times and being sensitive to her needs are her priorities. "I told her that her health is more important than studies. When I'm at work, I try to call her and talk to her whenever I can. She will tell me things like, " Mummy, I'm useless and I don't know what to do," and I will try to encourage her to look on the bright side, not to think too much..etc.. I have to try to give her lots of love, my full support and attention."


What most doctors agree on is that medication should not be used unnecessarily on children and that when used, it should be accompanied with the right counselling and therapy. " It's interesting that recent studies have not been able to prove that antidepressants work in children. This could be because children are not mini adults and what works for adults may not work for kids," says Dr Ung.

There is also little research of how antidepressants work on children and prescription drugs may increase the risk of self-harm for some vulnerable ones. However, Dr Ung adds, "To keep a perspective on things, the increase of antidepressants prescriptions is small, probably around 2% in affected children given inactive medications (placebos) to about 4% of those on active medication."

Counselling, it seems , plays the key role in helping children recover from depression. "A good counsellor will try to get information from parents, child and school and will try his or her best to co-ordinate the counselling to incorporate all these parties. Cognitive-behavioural therapy is one of the commonest forms of counselling techniques used nowadays - it seeks to change the negative thoughts of the child to more realistic and positive ones and also t help the child make action/behavioural changes that will help lift the mood," adds the psychiatrist.

Cyber Help
With the computer-savvy generation of today, some children or teens may choose to express their thoughts and feelings in cyber space. is a community website launced in March to provide information and counselling services for depression. A `diary' services allows members to post daily updates on their mental and emotional experiences while a `letterbox' service provides them with an opportunity to ask questions to a panel of experts. Most importantly, a service like this seeks to educate the public on the existence of depression and encourage those who are depressed to seek help. Following examples, depressed children may be inspired by a strong sense of community to step out of a possible state of isolation. Adults too, can visit to gather more information and advice before deciding how best to seek help.

Understanding is Key.

"Sometimes, depressed children are mistakenly labelled as lazy, stubborn or difficult," says Dr Chan. This is largely due to a lack of knowledge and understanding on the adults' part. Children, unlike adults are dependent on their families and guardians to identify their troubles and seek help.

Dr Ung adds," One common misconception is that the child is mad. This is totally not so. Another is that the child is `weak'. Some famous people who are strong of character and have suffered depression include Abraham Lincoln. Another misconception is that it is incurable or that the child is `bad'. Depression is a very treatable condition and the change of behaviour from depression should not be mistaken for `badness'.

An Insight Into Depression

Either directly or indirectly, depression affects almost everyone on the surface of the planet today. Popularly referred to as the common cold of the brain, there has been confusions concerning what depression actually is and what it is not. Many can still not distinguish between depression and when an individual is just feeling down. Also, the different types of depression have raised a number of confusion for those trying to describe what they, or the persons around them, are feeling. Right now, we just have to set the record straight by enlightening everyone about this mental condition.

Symptoms of Depression

Highlighted below are the common depression symptoms experienced by its patients:

  • An obstinate anxious, sad, or 'empty' mood

  • Hopeless and pessimistic feelings

  • Feelings of worthlessness

  • Feelings of guilt

  • Feeling helpless

  • Lack of interest or pleasure in the hobbies and activities they once love to engage in.

  • Waking-up very early in the morning

  • Insomnia

  • Oversleeping

  • Inability to concentrate, remember and make decisions

  • Restlessness

Apart from the ones listed above, some other depression symptoms may include loss of appetite with or without loss of weight. On the other hand, some depressed individuals notable experience overeating causing a drastic weight gain. Meanwhile, others experience fatigue, lack of energy and a feeling of incompetency and sluggishness. As for people with severe depression, they can also have the thought of suicide or death in their mind at times. Apart from these, there are some stubborn physical symptoms that normally fail to respond to anxiety treatment. These include digestive disorders, headaches, and chronic pain.

Am I just feeling down or has depression sets in?

In the present fast-paced society we live in, a lot of people engage in strenuous activities more than before with less pay. Therefore, it is absolutely normal for an individual not to be in his full state of mind at times.

The major things that differentiate occasional feeling down from depression are:

(i) How severe is the individual experiencing any of the symptoms above, and
(ii) For how long have you been experiencing the symptoms?

Normally, in order to establish a depression attack in an individual, the person must have been facing some of the symptoms listed above for a period not less than two weeks. Also, such symptoms must have been causing a reasonable amount of distress in the sufferer's life, and must have been interfering with the person's ability to go about their normal daily routine.

Depression could be very creepy and could go undetected in people's lives for a long period of time. It is a severe disorder that may not strike fully at once. It could cause a slowly and unnoticeable pull out from your active and enjoyable lifestyle.

Although there are different depression types being experienced by different people. Apart from the slow-onset depressions described above, most of these disorders are triggered by clear events such as a divorce, relationship breakup, family issues, and so on. Meanwhile, as important as it is to know the cause of this problem, it is more important to undergo a depression test to estimate your level of your depression, and also to find an appropriate and operative treatment for it.

Nevertheless, individuals grieving the loss of their loved ones are regarded to be undergoing a normal state and are not considered to be among the sufferers of depression. Also, clinical depression is not associated with teenagers that are undergoing the normal mood swings associated to their age. Following its normal cause, the disorder basically attacks adults. However, depression is more common in women than men.

Enthusiasm, Pure Divine Energy!

Enthusiasm is one of the most divine feelings we can experience. Enthusiasm is energy vibrating at the highest level, energy vibrating in tune with creation. When we are feeling enthusiasm, we are on the cruise ship of divinity. This divine feeling of excitement is your reward for heading towards your true soul purpose. You will never feel enthusiasm when you are doing the "wrong" thing with the "wrong" people at the "wrong" time. When you are off track, you will feel emptiness, fatigue, depression, frustration and anger. Enthusiasm is what lets you know that you are right on track with your life.

The word « Enthusiasm » has its roots in the Greek language; it literally means « the God within ». The etymology of the word reminds us of the divine source of the feeling called enthusiasm. An enthusiastic person is someone who is positively possessed, in an extraordinary fashion, by the spirit of God.

Enthusiasm equals passion.

It is the thrill and tremble you feel when you take the risk of being yourself!
Enthusiasm is a wave emanating from the soul, lifting you up and taking you along.
It is the very Life Energy that freely flows through you when you dare to be yourself!

Enthusiasm can be seen in the twinkling of your eyes, the determination in your step, the strength in your hands, the irresistible energetic pull of what you have decided to create.

When you feel enthusiastic, nothing can stop you! You must and will go on, no matter what others are pulling out of their hat to try to stop you. When you are working towards your goal with enthusiasm, nothing can hold you back. You jump out of bed early in the morning because your goal, your dream, is calling you. The entire day you are working for the achievement of your goal, losing track of time without feeling hungry. You live in another dimension, carried along and aloft by a divine energy. The material details of life seem small and insignificant and they can no longer distract you, for you have more important things to do. You have a veritable Life Goal, something that entails your whole being and your whole doing.

When you are one with your Life Goal, you feel a divine energy carrying you; it is called enthusiasm. You are still in this world, but you are no longer of this world. You are able to accomplish large amounts of work that others may consider humanly impossible. It is this very divine energy flowing through you that enables you to accomplish the impossible.

Enthusiasm is the elevating force that lifts your dreams up to the stars.
The world evolves by grace of the powerful thrust of highly motivated, enthusiastic people.
Enthusiasm is the wondrous engine of life!

Enthusiasm is directly linked to passion. You have to find your passion in order to feel enthusiasm. You won't be able to generate enthusiasm by endlessly repeating a lousy job you hate. You have to stop doing the things you hate, the things you don't like, the things that drag your energy vibration down. You have to start doing what you like doing, what you have always liked doing since you were a kid, things that boost your energy, things you can lose yourself in while doing them, things that totally absorb you and make you lose track of time, make you forget about the details of daily routine.

This passion is your birthright - go look for it. I can help you find your passion if you want to find and claim it. Visit my website and find out how to discover your passion in life!

In closing I present to you a few quotes from celebrities:

A man dies for the first time, the day he loses his enthusiasm. - Honoré de Balzac
All great moments in world history are due to the triumph of enthusiasm. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
A person incapable of enthusiasm is a mediocre person. - Honoré de Balzac
Enthusiasm surfaces when you strive with dedication towards worthy goals. And it is enthusiasm that frees the energy and the power. - Woodrow Wilson
Enthusiasm carries the spirit towards sublime thoughts, surprising and true. - De Piles

The Law of Attraction And The Importance Of Positive Affirmations

"Think of happy thoughts and you can fly." This is one of the most memorable quotes from the famous children story, Peter Pan. The only way for him and for the other children to fly is to think only of happy thoughts. This scenario can be a wonderful motivation to visualize about the power of thinking particularly positive affirmations. It may sound childish to others but this is also the concept that the Law of Attraction is trying to teach.

The Law of Attraction believes that thoughts have the power to create reality. It stems from the perception that everything in this universe is energy, even thoughts. It's about attracting wealth and happiness by possessing positive thinking. Like Peter Pan's ability to fly, Law of attraction is thus powered by happy thoughts. What the story and the law is trying to convey is that despite the problems and conflicts in life, putting in beautiful thoughts can change how to look at them on a different perspective.

In the same sense, when a person feels bad about the unfavorable situations coming into his life, he becomes motivated negatively. Instead of thinking what he can do about it, he choose to feel depressed and end up building more negative circumstances without knowing it. Focusing on the positive therefore becomes even more important whenever feelings of frustrations, sadness and anger are trying to dominate.

Telling oneself positive affirmations as though he is wonderful and wealthy, can help start inviting positive energy to flow. Oftentimes, people tend to overlook the importance of positive declarations. Many do not understand how repeating these affirmations all day and every day can change their lives. Setting the mind with positive affirmations can bring positive results. How a person thinks is how he changes his life. If he starts feeding his thoughts with negative affirmations and start feeling gloomy, negative patterns and actions will follow. Declaring positive affirmations can smash them and eventually change his views. Using positive affirmations can remove 'bad luck' from life.

Happiness is a choice as often heard. And this was proven by people knowing how the law of attraction works in their lives and believing in the power of their thinking. With these, it seems like the only limitation that a person can have is his own mind. Limited thinking can bring limited choices and opportunities while positive affirmations can pour in wealth and happiness.

Remember, people can and do make recoveries from depression and go on to lead their best lives imaginable. Seek help.

The Dangerous Side Effects Of Steroids, Arthritis Drugs, And NSAIDs

Commonly prescribed drugs and their dangerous side effects

A medical investigation in the United States has shown that three times more people die from legal prescription drugs than from illegal narcotic drugs, such as heroin and cocaine. This study does not account for the contra-indications of the drugs, which kill at least 30,000 a year in the U.S.

These are people who take medications, but have conditions (including drug allergies) that would cause these drugs to be dangerous for them. It is nearly impossible to determine how many people are being hospitalized because of contra-indications from drugs, but careful official estimates indicate that they make up about 5 percent of all lying in American and British hospitals today.

Steroids belong to another group of drugs that were formerly used only for extreme, life-threatening conditions. Today, they are used for minor problems such as sunburn, skin eruptions, acne and glandular fever. Patients are rarely aware of the dangers that may arise from taking these drugs. Side effects include high blood pressure, stomach ulcers with possible perforation of the stomach wall (this is how my father died), cramps and dizziness, inhibited growth in children within six weeks of taken the drugs, irregular menstruation, weakening of muscular strength, slowed healing of wounds, vision problems, skin atrophy, allergic shock, loss of libido, decrease in bone density, manic depression, and the emergence of latent diabetes.

Steroids are now handed out, even for babies, at the first sign of inflammation of any kind. But these drugs cannot cure a single condition; all they do is stop the body from responding to an abnormal condition. The new diseases caused by such drugs may require further treatment using even stronger drugs, thus adding more side effects to the ones that have already occurred.

The latest 'breakthrough' drugs for arthritis produce such strong side effects that it might be better to live with arthritis than to risk one's life. The manufacturer of one popular brand was obliged to warn the consumer that this particular drug was very strong and had led to cases of leukemia (cancer of the blood) even after short term use. Additionally, the drug can have 92 side effects including hepatitis, high blood pressure, dizziness and unconsciousness, as well as headaches. The manufacturer advises the attending physician to enlighten his patients about the possible dangers that can arise from taking the drug, particularly if they are over 40 years old, and to use the smallest possible, but still effective, dosage. The manufacturers admit that the drug can cause serious and life-threatening reactions while having no effect on improving the condition of the disease!

NSAIDs, the common name for over a dozen or more non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (including aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen), are used to treat rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. However, for the past few years, these drugs have been given to people for such simple complaints as recurring headaches or inflammation. In return for the pain relief, however, the patient may die as a result of gastric bleeding caused by the extreme toxicity of the drugs. A warning placed on each NSAID prescription says: "Serious gastrointestinal toxicity such as bleeding, ulceration, and perforation can occur at any time, with or without warning symptoms, in patients treated chronically with NSAID therapy."

If this doesn't sound like Russian Roulette to you, the death toll from taking these drugs may convince you otherwise. In the U.K., 4,000 people die each year from taking NSAIDS. In the U.S., the fatality figure is up to five times as high as it is in the U.K. Each year, hundreds of thousands of people are hospitalized due to gastric bleeding caused directly by taking NSAIDs. Other side effects include perforation of the colon, colitis, Crohn's disease, blurred vision, Parkinson's disease, liver and kidney damage, hepatitis and hypertension.

A 20-year-old acne medicine that millions of American teens are, no doubt, taking every day has been linked to a stunning array of negative psychiatric conditions including suicide, depression, psychosis, violent and aggressive behaviors, mood swings, emotional instability, paranoia and changes in personality. This makes one wonder if any drug, no matter how commonly prescribed, is even remotely safe.

The small print

With the enormous variety of drugs available today, many doctors no longer have the time to study the side effects of each drug they prescribe, and most patients never read the list of side effects that accompanies the drug. Also, few patients read the small printed contra-indications or ask their doctor about the possible dangers of the drugs. Doctors don't seem to have the time to warn their patients about possible side effects either.

One report on a survey published in a 1996 issue of the British Medical Journal found that less than two-thirds of patients recalled receiving any advice from their doctors on potential side effects. Although the doctor has a moral as well as a legal obligation to inform the patient about the risks of treatment, in most cases this important step is omitted. The drug company is legally protected as long as the side effects and contra-indications are listed. This leaves it up to the patient to decide whether to take a drug.

Read side-effect labels to save your life

Side effects arising from the use of common pharmaceutical drugs can develop into some of the most grotesque symptoms imaginable. The Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS), which can progress into a complication called TENS (toxic epidermal necrolysis), is caused by adverse drug reactions. Before you start taking common prescription drugs, you may need to inform yourself about this often-fatal reaction. The list of drugs that may be problematic includes antiepileptic and anticonvulsant drugs, sulfonamides, ampicillin, allopurinol and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs), as well as some vaccinations (such as anthrax).

The frightening fact about these drugs is that the body's reaction to them is completely unpredictable. For instance, you may have taken ibuprofen, a popular NSAID, a hundred times, but you can never know for sure whether or when the body will suddenly become hypersensitive to the drug. When your body starts fighting the drug, it will go into an extreme inflammatory response that causes your skin to die and literally burn away. This side effect can occur with any age group, from infants and teens to the elderly. The mortality rate ranges from 25 to 80 percent. Those who survive the ordeal are scarred for life, often to a point of total disfigurement. As the number of people taking these drugs rises, the number of victims increases.

Do you really need to take these drugs?

There is no real need to take any of these drugs. Suppression of symptoms jeopardizes the body's own healing efforts and only makes matters worse. If you do opt to take a prescription that puts you at risk for SJS or TENS, watch for any signs of an allergic reaction, such as a rash, blisters, a scalding sensation or fever, and discontinue the medication immediately. Don't wait for your doctor to take you off the medication because your life may be at stake.

How to Recognize Depression - Top 5 Signs

Are you suffering from depression? Are you having tough time recognizing the symptoms and signs of depression? In this article you find top 5 signs of depression which can help you in recognizing the disease.

If somebody is having following signs then it is a good idea to start with the treatment of depression. There are many signs and symptoms of depression. Let's discuss the most important signs of depression.

1. Low Mood - Person suffering from depression have persistent bad mood. There is no effect of external conditions on his mood.

2. Anxiety - A person suffering from depression most probably complains of anxiety too. He or she can be very easily irritated.

3. Weight Loss - Loss of appetite is one of the symptoms of depression which can result in weight loss - A depressed person can also complain of constipation or diarrhea.

4. Loss of Libido - Loss of libido is one of the most common symptoms found in depressed people.

5. Thoughts of Suicide - This sign is found at the later stages of depression. A person having suicidal thoughts needs permanent support and professional help.

The most common treatment given to depression patients is anti depressants. But as we all know antidepressants have lots of serious side effects. So it is not a good idea to go for pills. Nowadays there is a lot of talk about natural treatments of depression. I would recommend you to go for natural therapies and remedies. It is a good idea to do some research before you choose best possible therapy or remedy.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Morning Quotes to Start Your Day

Many people choose to start their day with morning quotes as a way to set the mood for the day ahead. Quotes are often used as inspiration to live a certain way, as motivation to make life changes or to serve as a way to make a difficult situation seem a little more bearable. It is for this reason that quotes by actors, politicians, sports figures or other respected figures are often circulated to help loved ones overcome difficult circumstances because of their uplifting nature. Morning quotes can also serve as a mantra for the day so that when a difficult situation arises the person can remember the motivational morning quote and respond in a more positive manner. For example, a woman may choose to start her day off with a morning quote for her to remember during the day. Then when she has trouble at work or at home, she can remember the quote she read and she may remember to have a more positive outlook, handle the situation accordingly, and hopefully, have a more positive result. Starting off the day with a morning quote of a prominent male figure can also serve to help men to be more positive figures themselves. If a man reads a quote for him to be a better leader, such as a quote by John F. Kennedy or Abraham Lincoln, he may use that knowledge to be a better leader at work and in his home life.

The benefits of inspirational morning quotes can be great, especially during difficult times in life when we are feeling down. Reading quotes by important figures in our world, present and past, can often remind us that things will get better and that we can turn things around. For example, "There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not," from Robert F. Kennedy can serve as a reminder to think outside of the box and focus on the future not on the past.

Funny morning quotes also have their benefits. Chuck Jones had a good one when he said "I dream of being Bugs Bunny, but when I wake up, I'm Daffy Duck or Wile E. Coyote." I'm sure that he is not the only person to ever feel this way. To recall this quote during the day can help to keep a sense of humor during a difficult day and also to try to be more like Bugs Bunny during a hard day rather than the defeated, Daffy Duck or Wile U. Coyote figures that are always defeated by their opponents. Starting your day off laughter is like waking up on the right side of the bed!

Starting the day off with a quote is a practice that can have definite benefits in improving attitude, and outlook on the events of the day. Whether you prefer inspirational, funny, morning quotes for her, for him, or even for friends, it is a great way to start off every day!

The Early Signs of Depression Can Be As Straightforward As Fatigue and Insomnia

A large percentage of people may not even realize they are depressed. Being down mentally, whether from loss of a job, divorce or even moving can cause stress which then can lead to a mild form of depression in many people causing the early signs of depression like fatigue, lack of energy, irritability, insomnia or even sleeping too much. Some people can develop short tempers and cannot handle the daily stresses of life if overloaded with responsibilities; this too can lead to depression in some people.

If your feelings or the cause of depression are not dealt with these feelings can escalate to feelings more intense such as feeling sad, life can seem meaninglessness or hopeless. Hobbies or activities that once were fun have no interest to you. It might also be difficult to focus or make decisions.

Feeling sad or having bleak thoughts are also early signs of depression but when feelings start to turn towards drinking alcohol in excess to feel better or thoughts of suicide then consider these warning signs of depression. Symptoms can also include physical ailments like headaches and vague symptoms that never go away or cannot be diagnosed by a doctor.

Most everyone will deal with some form of depression in their life so do not feel alone. There is help out there from many sources; whether just talking to a family or church member, friend or a counselor. If you think you might be experiencing the warning signs of depression go see your doctor especially if severe thoughts are consuming you.

If you have a mild case of depression or just in one of the slumps in life there are other alternative remedies and medicines to treat your symptoms which have been around for many years and can be just as effective as pharmaceutical medicines.

Bipolar Disorder in Children: Parents, Know What to Do

Bipolar depression affects thousands of children all over the world, but not all of them get the right kind of help. A lot of parents misinterpret this type of depression as usual tantrums and mood swings of kids. They view irritability and hyperactivity to lack of attention.

If these children remain untreated, the problem can get worse, leading to aggressiveness or worse death.

What is bipolar depression?

Bipolar depression, also known as manic depression, is a real mental illness. It describes the brain's inability to remain calm or stable. It affects all sorts of people, including children.

Bipolar depression is characterized by excessive depression and mania, which separates bipolar disorder from typical depression.

What are the symptoms of bipolar depression?

One of the earliest signs of manic depression is severe mood swing. A child may appear quiet at first and burst out laughing or crying after a while. His thoughts are very wild. He or she can exaggerate things, almost close to hallucinating, or be filled with morbid thoughts such as suicide and death.

Manic depression manifests itself in a lot of ways. Physically the child experiences several migraine headaches, tiredness or lethargy, and digestion problems. There are also changes in his or her manner of sleeping and eating. He or she can be very depressed or very happy or silly.

How do you diagnose a bipolar disorder depression?

A sudden shift in moods shouldn't be immediately attributed to bipolar disorder. Children, after all, have very short attention spans. But to be sure, see a doctor right away. A doctor can conduct a bipolar depression test, and the result can determine if your kid is suffering from one or not.

What do you do when he or she is diagnosed?

Dealing with bipolar disorder isn't easy, but it is very manageable. A lot of kids grow up to be professionals because they have obtained help.

As a parent, here are some things you can do:

Work closely with the doctor or therapist. Your doctor is the best person to help you out. He or she can provide the right kinds of treatments, from drugs to therapies. His or her wide range of experience and expertise can ensure your child doesn't have to live the rest of his or her life in misery.

Provide a happy environment for your child. Bipolar manic depression becomes worse when your child goes through traumatic events. Surround your kid, therefore, with a lot of love and support. If you have other children, teach them to be more patient, giving, and loving.

Coordinate with your child's teachers. Safety should extend all the way to your kid's school.

Learn more about bipolar depression. With the right knowledge, you can provide the essential help your child needs. Know more about his or her medications and treatments. thebe more aware of the other signs of the illness or discover other revolutionary approaches used by others these days.

Be motivated. Caring for a child with bipolar disorder is strenuous. There are definitely times you want to give up. Use subliminal messages to continuously encourage and inspire you.

Make Inspirational Quotes Part of Your Personal Development

Whether it is working to gain a stronger command of the world around you, build self-confidence, or simply a better understanding of ones self, there are many factors that go into ones' personal development and inspirational quotes can be a major part of that. Starting from a young age, we all find something that inspires us in order to guide our dreams and aspirations. Whether its trying to be like a parent, idolizing a superhero, or looking up to a sibling, we all seek inspiration to guide the path that we will take. In the many forms that inspiration is presented to us, the shortest, most concise phrases are what sticks with us the most. It is for this reason that taking a little bit of time each day to focus on a small gem of inspiration can be the difference between growing strong as a confident individual, and being stunted by the weight of society. There are a few things to look at when understanding the importance that a few inspirational words can have you your life.

You cannot grow mentally if you don't feed your mind

If you fail to feed a growing child the proper nutritional values they need, they wont grow physically. The same is true when it comes to mental development. If you do not feed your mind with the proper fuel, it will not grow. Inspiration is that fuel. An inspired mind can achieve great things, but left to starve will achieve nothing.

Inspiration cannot be forced

If you force a piece of meat to cook fast most likely its going to turn out hard on the outside and raw on the inside, or hard and tough all the way through. The same goes for inspiration. Inspiration comes at the exact right time and cannot be forced. The more that you force yourself to be inspired, the higher chance there is that you will end up feeding your mind a raw, unfinished idea that isn't inspirational at all. Be patient and the best inspiration will come to you when it is most nutritious for your mind to feed on.

In order to grow you must outgrow

Just as a teenager grows drastically and outgrows clothes, shoes, and hairstyles, same is true within personal mental development. When you seek out inspiration you must first be willing to put away the old mental state that has led you to a need for change. One of the most essential parts of personal growth is outgrowing of ideas that will lead you no where in your pursuit of success, happiness, and inner peace.

Carrying with you inspirational words, quotes, or personal experiences will help serve as a guiding light through your journey of personal discovery and development. Take each day and inspire yourself through the inspirational words from those that have effectively navigated their way through the winding road to personal achievement.

Funny Quotes - Adding Fun to Life

Fun frolic and festivity is a part of life. All of us like to celebrate together and this needs a medium of communication. Communication without humor would be like a garland without flowers. It would then be a routine process of transferring information without any newness and excitement. But thankfully things are not so. Life is full of plethora of emotions like- love, anger, happiness, anger etc. One such emotion is fun and it goes without saying that fun is an important part of every domain of our life. Amidst these, the funny quotes play a major role. Be it a normal day to day conversation or a formal presentation, a pinch of humor through such phrases makes the complete atmosphere more amiable and interactive

One recent development in the use of such hilarious quotes has been on the social networking sites where people put random thoughts, messages and quotes on public forums like Orkut, Facebook and Twitter. This has been a recent method to catch attention of their friends and acquaintances as this way they can interact with them frequently and with ease. The variety of topics they post on such forums varies but humor is always one of the most favored topics for the same. People write quotes written by them or copy it from different sources, but the motive remains the same, popularity and affinity with the fellow mates. And this successfully works for a majority of people because everyone likes fun and enjoyment irrespective of their color, nationality or any other parameter. This is because other things like choice of music, eating habits or dressing sense may vary from person to person or from region to region but a taste for fun never changes. Almost everyone understands this form of communication and also enjoy it at the same time

Funny quotes can be made for any topic on earth ranging from serious issues like politics and love to trivial every day issues like classroom or cooking. It depends on the sense of humor of the person to extract out the fun of ordinary moments. There are a few exceptionally gifted people who can make up funny phrases from every situation of life. Such are the kind of people who brighten up the lives of everyone around them and spread happiness around

Sometimes these funny quotes are also used to spread serious messages to the vast audience from diverse background because humor appeals to all. This helps people spread the message quite easily. It has also been increasingly used for social welfare and for business purposes. One of the most evident examples of this is the use of humorous sayings in print and outdoor advertisements and also in television commercials. Everyone, be it kids or adults like such advertisements and remember it for a longer period of time which translates into the success of the brand. This formula has been used for ages and is still effective and successful. Such quotes are used in taglines too so that people remember them. As a result of this connection, people also tend to use these quotes in normal everyday conversation which also helps people increase the brand recall

People also use such quotes in greetings and messages to people they care about. They do so to bring a smile on their faces

We can say that funny quotes add that spice to life which helps break the monotony of life and also brings people close to each other by sharing the smiles and laughter together with each other. This helps them build a bond among each other which is built on the base of smiles and laughter. This strong foundation helps relationships to bloom and also create happy memories from them

This tool is used by all for a variety of purposes; right from a normal human being to great authors like George Eliot. Big literary geniuses have said intelligent things in the most humorous way and there lies their skill. This is a very trivial thing but it has so intrinsically meshed with our life that we cannot separate it. They are now such an important part of life that we cannot imagine life without it

Symptoms And Signs Of Depression

Symptoms are the things that a person feels. For example a person may feel pain from a burn or may feel dejected because of a bad experience.

Signs are what others observe. Examples of these are when one person observes another person exhibiting the signs of apparently being in pain for some reason, or when they notice that somebody is not being their usually bright self with a positive outlook on life.

If you feel that you may be suffering from depression then you will need to check out your feelings as well as your actions.

If you are concerned that a loved one may be depressed, you will need to observe their behavior and make judgments about how they may be feeling. It may even be advisable to ask the person how they are feeling. However, you may get a vague response and even a sharp retort. Your ability to use tact may be put to the test.

Before we proceed, we need to realize that short term feelings of "the blues" are quite common and do not necessarily constitute a state of depression. Things such as, the death of a loved one, a failed relationship, the loss of a job, or the disappointment of missing out on a promotion, etc., can make us feel sad for quite a while. However, time tends to heal most wounds and we generally pick ourselves up and get on with life again. It is when a reasonable amount of time has passed, and the condition has not improved, that we need to consider the possibility of depression.

Let us look at the symptoms of depression:-

* Low self esteem.

* Inability to sleep well at night. Managing to get to sleep but often waking in the early hours
and unable to return to sleep.

* Oversleeping or wanting to sleep during the day.

* Constant feelings of fatigue.

* Being unable to enjoy life as well as you used to. [Chronic low grade depression].

* Not being able to function to the best of your capabilities.

The symptoms mentioned above are typical of the depression condition known as dysthymia, or as the ancient Greeks called it, ill humor. It usually has a slow onset and persists for two years or more.

With more severe cases of depression [clinical, or major, depression] some of the following symptoms will also be noted:-

* Change of mood from being ill humored at the beginning of the day to being much better at the end of the day.

* A change in appetite. Appetite may decrease and result in weight loss in many cases, especially in older people. In other cases binge eating may occur and weight may increase.

* A lack of interest in hobbies and other interests. You just cannot be bothered doing what you used to enjoy in the past.

* A loss of libido. Sexual activities diminish or cease.

* Feeling sad or crying for no apparent reason.

* Having feelings of shame, guilt and/or worthlessness.

* Feeling vulnerable or anxious.

* Feeling overwhelmed, or that you are lost in a fog or in a deep chasm.

* Inability to make decisions or to concentrate on a subject.

* Becoming withdrawn from society, including family and friends. Wanting to be alone and then often feeling rejected when you are left alone.

* Being easily agitated and angry.

* Failing to look after yourself [appearances, hygiene, well being etc.].

* Considering, or causing, self harm. This can culminate in suicide in severe cases. Statistics suggest that 80% of suicides relate to people who were suffering from depression.

The above sets of conditions are known as unipolar conditions.

When a person experiences extreme mood swings from being "on top of the world" to being "down in the dumps" this is known as bipolar condition and was previously called "manic depression".

Depression can be cured, and because suicide is a real possibility you need to seek help very soon if you are suffering from it. Talk to somebody about your feelings because a problem shared is a problem halved. I am sure that you will find a sympathetic ear without too much trouble.

Make sure that one such person is a doctor. One factor associated with depression is often an imbalance of chemicals within the body. Doctors can provide quick relief with the modern medications that are available nowadays. More on this, and causes of the imbalance, will be in future articles.

If you have a loved one whom you consider to be in need of help, you will have to use a lot of tact and discretion when broaching the subject. Perhaps drawing their attention to this article may be useful.

The first step to recovery is to acknowledge that help is needed and that it is readily available. Remember that when a person has reached the bottom of a pit the only direction left to go is up.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bipolar Poetry From the Mind of a Manic-Depressive Person

In my never ending search for sanity I've begun writing down thoughts in poetic form. I've included some of my personal works below, see if you can find the differences from the other compositions you have read.

Watched the colored clouds preening
Intersection of those pupils
Caresses the cornea to post visions
I long to tell you a trillion things
They're said through our connected eye strings
My soul no longer tumbles
There's a focal point to dance around
No longer the two are forced to tumble
I saw you that day

The desolate find an early release
Reconciliation from the world of the living
To have the pain cut short
Without feeling the pleasure, awaiting
A certainty that already is
Brought from the recesses of mind
A cold, dark warmth

God is an idea
Comes mistake form, missing meaning
Euphoria of love, drugs, sex, art
The oneness of us all
Part even for the small
We are sacred, luminous beings
Caged and freed in animal bodies

The day that was night
Any day in any way
A familiar touch
I thought let me down to stray
Cracked through the eggshell
Depression order of a general clay
Melts away our meat-walls
Seeing us, at once

Conceiving so much
Constructing so little
Minute maps
That aren't drawn in time
Never to be explored

Jump into the black pit
You'll never come out the same
Then behold the Light of her Name
Sheeted waves of warm, red stature
Passing through an infinite spiral tube
Orgasms and death soothe the creature
The moment caught
We mingled that day, seeing

Great towers of steel forcefully gestated
Lure onlookers abroad
Tall owed by a wanting of intensity
Masses peer into the visions of pixels
Varying degrees of ballistics envelope the rider
An awkward palate of physics
In this manner, senses are becoming
Manifest embroideries
Birth of this splendor
Behold a venture of death
Imprints itself on the subconscious
Precursor to rippling flesh

A sacred, assuring thought
I take dreams off a boundless board
Images of color give to me
An explosive reward

Shall I expose myself?
Let others see my living innards
Sliced from toe to gullet
A horrific, bloody engine
Supplements and traps within
Disgusting other with bluntness
Heart giving, taking life fluid
A shrunken liver
Ridiculed for excessive energy
Dissipated unto others
Stomach eager to digest
Send awareness to my mind
Fluctuate fills to indulge
Seeds sown in an unsure breath
Keep the machine running

Scripted pain splashed on ground wood
Put on a mental meal plate
So many stuffing contents down
Indifferent, lifeless numbers and letters
I cannot ingest this factual dogma
My sustenance bile's forth, ingesting ways
And this is meant to help me
Cleanse me of wrong doings

People will never know
Never the experience of others
Dramatic, random worlds
Born into, but pliable
Connection is fathomed
Portrayed as a smile
Or a grimace

Pulled Decision found to be
Neutral, swaying
Seconds spontaneously
Tossing thoughts, actions
Every choice runs
Through space, time passions

Conjured deception
Shadows from the dark
Conceived in hate
Mistaken for power
Phantoms of energy
Caress the wounds of old
They stretch out to kill the mockingbird
Cut the wings to bloodied hate
See strings ripped asunder
Drops of violence

Death by numbers
Millions, billions
One to part from the world
Far flung dreams are captured
Day to day, every second
Long to splash in the pool
Is a ripple the only consequence?
Faces, souls, actions, cast
Into an anecdotal pool of remembrance
Pain, death, joy, orgasm
Meld into every facet
Fear is forgotten

Toss aside casual greeting
Delve into an episode without footing
Your arm is longer then eyes can see
No slowing down to see the skins sheeting
Puncture wounds, torn apart
Upsetting the gaze, no sparks to deem
We burn a light our own
The length those eyes can see

Let go
We can fly
Don't die
In remorseful tears
Toss energy to and fro
Expending while expanding
Let go

Which is the greater tragedy?
To be born with gift and suffer
The consequences of madness
Or to be born gift less
Never to know the madness

A feeling appeared
I know it's there
Felt it, knew it
Circles of consciousness
Symmetric bonds of gravity
Glimpses of hope

Cut into your heart
Deeper than thought
Left alone to see this place
Nothing here but empty disgrace
Cuts up your heart
Cuts up your heart
Cuts of your heart?
Moments of blood is what he is fed
Moments of red is what she'll dread

Lists of lives draw together
Plotted on empty boards
Pain brings out life
A sharp spike of emotion
Contrast to the light wings

The flesh does what pleases
Leaves absent matter reeling
Spilled between the partitions
Life's one continual experience
States of inebriation, clarity
Longed for that which
Is already there
Cast into spectrum's

To find god in music
The bass, angels
The treble, prayers
Lyrical prose
The divine saviors

End it all of a sudden
Or leave random events
Lost in time
Unnoticed, forgotten
The difference, negligible
One ant among billion
Of an ancient god
Defiant among many

Curiosity is painful
Let go of this bar
Cold lies, sheathed in dogma
Greased in the fear of disrespect
Struggled to grapple on
You'll slip down, down
Swallowed a curse I love

I want to tell you everything
These minute thoughts
Last lifetimes in my mind
More precious then diamonds
Lost in the dusts of coal
These glimpses of my form
Could open a mountain of gods between us

This pain
Wanting to live
Each second, each lifetime
Perfectly, I want a new story
Where the villain lives
True justice
Of an uncertain world

Direction, sustain:an illusion
Lives are but a series of movements
Unplanned for thoughts,feelings
Embrace the prehistoric call
Rejecting society
Previously designed coordinated tenures

That's just some of the things that randomly pop into my head everyday. When people read them, often I see them wincing or looking extremely confused. Sometimes when I look into the eyes of a bipolar person, I see the reflection of my own madness.

The Best Diet for Depression and Anxiety

Making simple changes to your diet can have profound effects on your brain and body. Scientific organizations all over the world have found that eating the right foods can reverse depression, reduce anxiety, boost energy levels, improve mental alertness and concentration, and fight a variety of chronic health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

To help heal your depression, make sure to get these foods into your diet:

Nutrient-Rich Foods

Nutrients help to maintain your body's health. They come in the form of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and some fats. Some nutrients give us energy, such as complex carbohydrates and proteins. Others boost our metabolism, like water, vitamins and minerals. Nutrient deficiency prevents the body from working at full capacity. Not getting all of the nutrients you need can result in a host of health problems.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Participants in a 2002 study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry took just a gram of fish oil each day and noticed a 50 percent reduction in depression symptoms such as anxiety, sleep disorders, unexplained feelings of sadness, suicidal thoughts, and decreased sex drive. Omega-3 fatty acids can lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health. Foods that contain significant amounts of omega-3s include:

  • fish oil

  • tuna

  • salmon

  • mackerel

  • flaxseed

  • canola oil

  • soybean oil

  • walnuts

  • dark, leafy greens

The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is a balanced, healthy eating regime based on the traditional cuisine of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. It consists of lots of fruits, nuts, vegetables, cereals, legumes, and fish. These foods contain nutrients essential to proper brain function, making it an ideal diet for depression.

One study involving over 10,000 adults, published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, showed that those who most closely followed the Mediterranean diet were more than 30% less likely to develop depression than those who least adhered to the diet.

Scientists have linked folate and vitamin B-12 deficiency to depression. The Mediterranean diet consists of high levels of these two nutrients, as well as heart healthy omega-3s, monounsaturated fats ("good fats"), and dietary fiber. Folate is found in legumes, nuts, fruits, and dark green vegetables, and B-12 can be found in all lean and low-fat animal products, such as fish and low-fat dairy products.


Damaging molecules called free radicals are produced in our bodies during normal body functions. These free radicals speed up the aging process, and contribute to many health problems. Antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamins C and E fight the effects of free radicals, stripping them of their destructive powers.

Francine Grodstein, ScD, associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and associate epidemiologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, studied the effects of beta carotene on memory and cognitive functioning, concluding that beta carotene can boost memory and reduce chances of dementia. Beta carotene's cognitive benefits can also help lessen symptoms of depression.

In a study 40 chronic psychiatric inpatients received 1 gram a day of ascorbic acid (a form of vitamin C). Significant improvements were seen in depressive and manic symptoms as well as in overall well-being. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, it has been reported that depressed people have lower levels of vitamin E.

Complex Carbohydrates

Eating foods high in complex carbohydrates (whole wheat breads and pastas, cereals, brown rice) raises your levels of serotonin, a mood-lifting brain chemical. Serotonin fights the effects of depression and anxiety.

Researchers from Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation found that over the course of one year of dieting, people who participated in a low fat, high carbohydrate diet had better moods than people who participated in a high fat, low carbohydrate diet.

A study reported at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) compared depression scores of women on a low-protein high-carbohydrate diet to women on a high-protein low-carbohydrate diet. The women placed on the high-protein low-carbohydrate diet showed significant improvements in their depression scores and self-esteem, while the low-protein high-carbohydrate women showed no improvement.


Protein-rich foods contain high levels of the amino acid tyrosine. Tyrosine aids in the production of the brain chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine. These chemicals boost your energy, improving alertness and concentration.

Protein is utilized in the in the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, chemicals which enhance alertness and concentration, and improve symptoms of depression.

Try to include proteins in your diet several times a day. Good sources of protein are:

  • beans and peas

  • lean beef

  • low-fat cheese

  • fish

  • milk

  • poultry

  • soy products

  • yogurt

Vitamin D

Vitamin D increases serotonin levels in your brain. Researchers from the University of Toronto found that people who were suffering from depression, particularly those with seasonal affective disorder, tended to improve as their levels of vitamin D in the body increased over the normal course of a year. Vitamin D can be found in most dairy products and fish.

Helpful Hints For Depression

Millions of people suffer from depression. The struggle that one lives with when depressed is often life changing. Statistics indicate over 18 million Americans have been diagnosed with depression and it continues to grow yearly. There are many medications available by prescription that can help. There is however, growing evidence that milder forms of depression can be lessened or alleviated by also including healthy lifestyle changes.

Gain More Control Over Your Life: People who are depressed often fail to keep a regular routine or schedule. Having little structure in your life can make depression even worse. Try to create a daily routine that you can reasonably stick too. For example, eating meals at set times, completing routine household tasks on a schedule and being generally responsible will definitely help lift you out of your depression. Having too much free time to fall into a deeper state of hopelessness will certainly not help people. Even if you are not working and are home, you can create a workable schedule that will keep you more focused on feeling good about yourself. Daily small accomplishments will be very helpful.

Setting Goals: Setting very easy, measurable goals is a good idea. Don't overwhelm yourself with trying to envision very involving ambitions you may have. Rather, establish small goals that you know can be easily achieved. For instance, plan a weekly outing such as dinner or a movie. If you're not employed, do some volunteer work or get a part time job if possible. Make sure you do this activity every week on the same day if possible. This begins to reinforce positive rewards and you will begin to feel better. If you are having trouble with this, enlist the help of friends or family to create some small goals.

Exercise: Many studies show that a consistent exercise plan will help keep depression under control. Many studies prove that exercise is a natural mood enhancer. All that is needed is 20-30 minutes 3 times per week to start boosting your mood. A simple walk a few times weekly can make you begin to feel better. Diet: When you are depressed it is very important to eat a healthy, wholesome diet. Eating too much processed foods or junk foods can rob you of important nutrients that your body and brain need. Be sure to have a balanced meal plan that revolves around fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains and healthy oils.

Restful Sleep: Many people who are depressed either having trouble sleeping or sleep entirely too much. If you focus too much on your inability to sleep it will become even more difficult. Try to create an environment in your bedroom that is conducive to sleep. That means to remove anything that can be a distraction to restful sleep. TVs, radios and media are all items that you shouldn't have in your bedroom. You should create an environment that is tranquil and soothing and will encourage sleep. Also try to go to sleep at the same time consistently as well as wake up at the same time. This will begin to set your body clock to a regular sleep pattern.

Create a Support Structure: When you are depressed it is important to try and create a support structure around you. Oftentimes people will begin to isolate themselves from their friends and loved ones and sink deeper into depression. If you don't have immediate friends and family you can join one of the numerous support groups that exist. You will be in an environment with peers who understand what you are going through. Also having the counsel of trained professionals who are running the groups can give you even support and valuable insights into overcoming your depression.

Change your Patterns of Thinking: Negative thinking is very harmful. It can completely cloud your perceptions of reality and make you see things in an unrealistic light. A good technique to employ is positive visualization. Experts say keeping a journal and writing down how you feel at various times throughout the day can give you more insight into your own behavioral patterns. You may start to see that you feel more down in the evening, for example. This journaling can help you to make constructive changes that may make you feel better. Perhaps then you can find interesting and constructive things to fill your time when you are feeling depressed. Make time to do things you enjoy and reward yourself from time to time.

Remember that as humans, everyone feel down or depressed from time to time. But never ignore severe signs of depression. While there are many things you can do to help yourself, more serious depression requires the care of a medical professional. Remember whenever beginning any dietary or lifestyle changes, always consult with a medical professional, particularly if you are taking prescription drugs or suffer from any disease or ailment.

What to Do When Your Husband Is Depressed (Top 5 Ways to Deal With His Depression)

If you don't know what to do when your husband is depressed, things can get out of your power rapidly, because, according to researchers, depression impact men differently than it does women. Men who are depressed go through a series of physical and emotional alterations. They start ignoring responsibilities and hardly find pleasure in any pursuit.

Men hardly indicate the signs of depression; In fact, they keep their inner depressed feelings hidden instead of revealing them. If you want to be an elite wife, then you should know what to do when your husband is depressed. Here are the top 5 ways for you to deal with his depression.

1. Let Him Stay Alone.

A man's silence can easily baffle a woman, because silence is a woman's cry. When she finds her man in silence, she tries to draw his feelings out through verbal contact, but this try depresses his husband even more and turns the discussions into painful fights.

There are two things which you need to remember always if you want to deal with his depression.

(a) When a man is depressed, you can't expect him to share things with you immediately. It's in his nature to be alone in silence and solve things in his own mind.

(b) If you ask him direct questions while he's in depression, you will turn the discussion into a painful argument. So, it's always better for you to let him spend some time in silence and alone.

2. Focus On Creating a Solution.

Many studies have revealed that men's brain always focus on creating solutions. That's why, solution oriented approach is mainly used by men in every discussion. It's in their nature to work out the issues, calculate the next step, and make decisions.

Deborah Tannen, author of "You Just Don't Understand", said that a man communicates to provide information, create solutions, and show mastery. So, during his depression, a woman should talk according to his ways of thinking of keeping the conversation solution-oriented.

3. Ask For His Opinion.

You can deliberately use this powerful trick to refrain his depression during discussion. This trick can instantly end his heaps of worries and make him think about the solutions more clearly.

(a) Always ask him about his opinion before you tell him your opinion.

(b) Add an example which illustrates his opinion and supports it.

(c) Through opinions, "Talk about quick solutions and set achievable goals."

This strategy allows you to win his mind completely and builds a strong rapport with him. He not only gets clear about what he wants but also feels that you are the only person on this earth who understands him completely. Most importantly, when you understand his psychology and give him what he wants, he does almost anything to keep you happy forever.

4. Creative Ways to Cheer Him Up.

There are many creative ways to cheer your husband up if he's depressed. Just understand his source of depression and make him feel special by shifting his thinking on something worthy. Here are two creative and powerful cheer-ups that are very effective - and easy to implement - for men.

(a) Give him a long hug, rubs his backbone, or give him a massage. Your touch is the most powerful way to lower his anxiety level.

(b) Despite pointing out the negative issues, motivate him for the future rewards, because men love being around those who motivate them.

5. Make The Food and Mood Connection.

Make the food and mood connection in order to reduce his depression. The positive energies of food develop euphoric feelings that enhances the complete inner state of body. Here are 3 foods that will provide the needed fuel to spark the pleasant effect while he's depressed.

(a) Eggs: Although eggs are not the most sensual of foods, but they are very nutritious. They are the nature's golden food that maximize energy levels and fight stress.

However, it's necessary to mention that, according to experts, one should not nosh more than two eggs a day when it comes to dieting.

(b) Bananas: Bananas are great stress relievers. If your partner usually stays upset, try adding bananas to your daily routine, since they create a direct positive impact on our mood and brain.

(c) Pasta: Pasta should always give your husband the boost he needs. It actually reduces depress hormones and improves the mood.

Treatments Of Clinical Depression - Herbs As Alternative Treatments Of Clinical Depression

There is a variety of treatments of Clinical Depression. Some come with some very serious side effects. We will discuss some of these treatments and their effects. We will then discuss the use of herbs as alternative treatments of Clinical Depression.

Treatments of Clinical Depression

Electroconvulsive Therapy - ECT is also known as shock therapy. The patient is given two medications: a general anesthetic and a muscle relaxer. Electrodes are placed on the scalp and wires are attached to them. A series of shocks are delivered. A seizure should result if the therapy was done correctly. There will only be mild movements in the hands and feet due to the muscle relaxer. The patient awakens and is very confused. They remember nothing surrounding the treatment. People have reported loss of memories sometimes years' worth of memories are gone.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation is an invasive surgical procedure where a kind of pacemaker is placed in the chest. It is connected to the Vagus nerve that runs from the neck to the brain. This nerve is thought to influence mood. Research appears somewhat contradictory with some reporting this procedure works while others report that there isn't enough evidence one way or the other.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation - TMS is still an experimental procedure but many hospitals and clinics offer it anyway. It is performed using a magnetic coil that is charged with pulses of electricity and passed over the scalp. The current penetrates the bones of the skull and stimulates nerve cells in the brain. TMS has the potential to become very precise and capable of targeting specific areas of the brain. Studies are still being done.

Antidepressants work on the chemicals in the brain thought to influence mood, namely Serotonin and Norepinephrine. They work to balance out the brain's chemicals by affecting the levels and the brain's ability to use them more efficiently.

Herbs as Alternative Treatments of Clinical Depression

Herbs are used in many ways including flavoring foods, as part of salads, and in healing or treating health conditions. For centuries they have been used in tribal rituals and by Shaman in healing practices. They can be used in their natural form, brewed in teas, smoked as in aroma therapy (similar to incense) and in moist compresses that are applied to injuries.

There are herbs known for their positive effects on moods. They include Chamomile, Green Tea, and Grape Seed. Each of them affect mood and they may also benefit other health conditions.

Herbal supplements for the treatment of Clinical Depression should be manufactured to pharmaceutical standards. The metabolism of each ingredient should have been tested at the molecular level. The interactions of the ingredients should have been tested as well. This ensures their potency, effectiveness, and quality. You know you are getting what the label says you are getting.


Treatments for Clinical Depression include medical procedures such Electroconvulsive Therapy - ETC, anti-depressant medications such as Prozac, and Herbal Supplements using specific herbs known to influence mood. If you feel you are depressed get help as soon as possible. You and your doctor can find resources that may be available such as psychiatrists or counselors. Your doctor can be a great asset in treating your depression (or any other health condition) and you can be your own advocate.

Some Toxic Foods to Avoid When You Are Depressed

The toxic foods are foods that you're going to have to eliminate or eat only sparingly because they are slow-acting poisons, adversely affecting moods, energy levels, and overall sense of well-being. They also cause you to pack on pounds, especially if you're taking antidepressants. What's more, they can interfere with the beneficial effects of your antidepressants.

When you're on antidepressants, sugar is the thing you crave most. It's also the very thing that will rob you of your energy and sense of well-being. Eating foods high in sugar activates an energy-draining process. Let's say you have a bowl of Frosted Flakes or a fruit Danish for breakfast. This high-sugar meal will cause your body to overproduce the hormone insulin, which helps your cells use the high amount of sugar that has entered your bloodstream.

Repetitive high insulin levels reduce your body's ability to recognize the insulin; therefore, your cells can't use the sugar, so it is stored as fat. The insulin itself increases your hunger for carbohydrates-as well as your cortisol levels. You begin to crave a midmorning donut and/or coffee to give you some energy. Before you know it, you've gained weight. Even worse, you're too frequently tired all the time, feeling out of sorts, and always seeking food to give you more energy. You find yourself eating out of tiredness and anxiety, not real hunger.

Not everyone has such a negative response to sweets, but most antidepressants can leave you more susceptible by triggering intense carbohydrate cravings, which set you on the vicious insulin cycle. Paradoxically, the more you feed your cravings, the stronger the cravings will become. Scientists still haven't mapped out the exact mechanism for how antidepressants trigger sugar cravings. It probably has to do with the fact that these drugs affect the appetite centers in the hypothalamus, as well as their long-term effects on certain serotonin receptors.

My prescription for sugar: Elimination of sugar-filled foods from your diet is the only way to banish your cravings for good. After six weeks on the nutrition plan, limit your intake to one serving of dessert each week, and make sure you eat these foods with adequate amounts of protein.

If you're trying to lose fat or improve energy and mental clarity, you must avoid sugar-filled foods altogether. Also, check food labels for hidden sugars such as glucose, maltodextrin, corn syrup, cornstarch, and modified cornstarch. Foods that are sweetened with honey or fruit juice should also be banned. They can contain the same amount of sugar as or even more sugar than products that have the real thing.

Every time you have a cup of java or a Coke, the caffeine triggers a release of the hormone adrenaline, which, among other actions, signals the liver to release sugar into your bloodstream. You get a burst of instant energy from the sugar and adrenaline. But it lasts only two or three hours before you crash. That little energy boost can leave you feeling drained over the long haul. The result? You crave candy bars and cookies, the very foods you're supposed to avoid, to get more quick energy.

Caffeine is highly addictive, and it causes instabilities in your blood sugar, which raise your risk of obesity, diabetes, panic attacks, and even seizures (if you are prone to them). What's more, caffeine stays in your system for about two days, which means it can interfere with the quality of your sleep (which leaves you feeling tired, which causes you to crave caffeine and sugar, and so on). I've also found that some of my patients use caffeine as a substitute for exercise. They figure: Why do a workout if I can get a little boost of energy without the time and effort?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Teenage Depression - Understanding and Preventing Suicide in Teens

People of all ages are susceptible to experiencing stress, confusion and depression from situations or events occurring in their lives. This can often be experienced as so overwhelming that it leads the person to consider suicide as a "solution". The onset of clinical conditions such as depression or dealing with a negative life circumstance can be so painful that the person's thoughts frequently turn to ideas about escaping the constant torment of their situation.

This is particularly common in teenagers who lack the resources gained through life experience to overcome difficult life situations. Teens who reach this point feel that they lack the resources to cope with their problems and try to communicate feelings of hopelessness and the expression of insurmountable stress through suicide. While some teenagers attempt suicide as a desperate act to get help from others without the intention of ending life, there are those who have lost all hope that help is obtainable that the goal to end their life becomes a reality.

Suicide prevention is best achieved by anticipating the precipitating factors for suicidal ideation and being aware of the warning signs of suicidal intent. Even if the teen denies suicidal intent, behavioural clues and thinking patterns can indicate the teenager's level of suicidality. Depression, hopelessness and anxiety are found to be important factors in suicidal ideation and behaviour. This is often accompanied by feelings of isolation and perceived loss of control over their environment. All-or-nothing thinking emerges in which no options for coping or overcoming problems seem possible.

Suicidal intent refers to how committed the teen is to dying. Suicidal lethality refers to the dangerousness of the teen's intended method of dying. Warning signs that a teenager is thinking about suicide include:

  • Lack of hope for the future: the teen feels that there is no hope for the future, and things will never improve

  • Preoccupation with death and dying: the teen imagines the world without their existence, or frequently talks about death or dying. For example they might say things like, "I wish I'd never been born"

  • Feelings of worthlessness: the teen expresses self-hatred and self-loathing and perceives him- or her-self as a burden.

  • Social withdrawal: withdrawing from family and friends and isolating self from social interaction.

  • Self-destructive or self-harming behaviour: purposely taking unnecessary risks and risk-taking behaviour such as drug and alcohol abuse, or engaging in self-injury such as cutting.

  • Saying good-bye: unexpected visits to family and friends and talking as though they will never see them again.

  • Getting affairs in order: the person appears to be making preparations for after their death such as suddenly giving away prized possessions or making arrangements for pets and family members.

  • Seeking out suicide implements: the person has a sudden interest in obtaining lethal objects such as pills, guns, knives, etc.

  • Sudden sense of calm: this is often the most surprising warning sign as many people remark that the person who committed suicide appeared very happy before the suicide. If there is a sudden change from being depressed and experiencing feelings of hopelessness to displaying a sense of resolve, this could indicate that the teen has made peace with the decision to end their life.

The more well thought out and detailed the teenager's suicide "plan", the higher the risk of follow-through. Providing social support to a suicidal teenager is an acknowledgment that he or she feels alone and therefore having social support reduces that sense of isolation. Suicide threats or behaviour should never be ignored as this is often a cry for help. Many people make the false assumption that broaching the subject with someone you suspect to be at risk, will be a catalyst to suicidal thinking. On the contrary, speaking openly and non-judgementally can often prove to be one of the most helpful preventative measures you can take.

Perimenopause And Clinical Depression - Tips To Manage Depression During Perimenopause

Perimenopausal women undergo a very specific condition which can aptly be termed as clinical depression. In women nearing menopause, there are rapid changes in the hormones produced within the body that generally upsets the routine that the body had been following for the preceding years. The body of the woman cannot take in such a change and this leads to several conditions that were not present before. Clinical depression is one of them.

Though this is something that happens to every female who undergoes this phase, nevertheless, this change must be made note of seriously. A failure to do so may at times lead to fatal consequences. But, on the other hand, one must also know that there is nothing got be overtly worried about. It is normal, and it happens to everyone. And most importantly, it passes away, when the phase does, just like all the other changes that took place.

It is important to understand what happens within the body at this stage in life. First, the body has always been producing hormones. In the perimenopausal stage, the body gets into an adjustment mode. Here, the hormones produced are adjusted according to what the body would now need. Therefore, it is this that leaves one sad and depressed during this phase.

But it must be understood that such a depression is being induced not be any mental or psychological changes but by physical and chemical reactions within the body. It is difficult to get over such a depression as easily as many say it is. While many women can handle such a phase of life with perfect ease and tact, many would need professional medical help. Consulting a doctor can be a very good idea a he or she can tell one exactly how to overcome such a condition. For some just the subscription of an anti depressant may suffice, for others, a special change will have to be made in the estrogen and progesterone levels within the body to correct such a condition.

Again, as sated above, not all women may need such a kind of treatment. There are different levels of depression. Some may not be called depressions at all. This is because different bodies adjust to the changes that occur within in different ways. Those that have greater adaptability suffer less depression. The condition becomes clinical only when the doctor feels external treatments like anti depressants and hormone replacement therapies are required.

From Depression to Happiness - A Journey of 1,000 Miles Begins With a Single Step

It seems like everyone knows someone who has been diagnosed as depressed or who may not be clinically depressed but still experiences sadness from time to time. For a lot of depression sufferers, symptoms include loss of pleasure, loss of appetite, low energy and lethargy, guilt, sleep disturbance, negative self-image and irritability. How constant these symptoms are in one's life, and how strong they are, will determine the level of depression. Depression robs the brain of a chemical called dopamine, and that could be what prevents a person from any feeling of pleasure and happiness.

Get a dose of ancient Chinese wisdom

So, what should you do if you are depressed? Focus on taking the first step. There is a common Chinese saying, "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." This is wisdom from 5,000 years ago, based on the spiritual classic Tao Te Ching written by Lao Tzu. These days, depression is so prevalent, it has been called "the common cold of mental illness." Like other problems we face, feeling depressed could be overwhelming and seem like a such "messy" thing you don't know how to address it. Using Lao Tzu's wisdom, why not take one small first step first to address this. It can stop the downward spiral and provide momentum for things to turn around.

For example, as a first step, understand that depression is a treatable illness. If your depression symptoms are strong to intense, and you know that depression is a treatable illness, then you may be motivated to go for an appointment with a qualified health practitioner or mental health professional. The sooner you do this before the condition worsens, the easier it is to reverse the downward spiral. Check with the doctor, psychologist or therapist on what the best treatment options are and then choose a plan of action to address the situation.

Sometimes, you may just feel sad as you are had a bad episode come up and your symptoms are not persistent or severe enough to warrant seeing a doctor or therapist. In that case, you can just focus on taking a first step to uplift yourself. Make it a step that is small, doable and fun. Here is one simple suggestion - go for a short 10 minute walk. Psychologists and therapists working with patients know the benefits of getting your body in motion. You brain will start stimulating more neurotransmitters and neuromodulaters like dopamine and norepinephrine, and that will help you to feel better. Not to mention the positive effect of the sun and fresh air depending on the time of day and where you are walking.

Does Depression Cause a Migraine Or Does a Migraine Cause Depression?

Migraine triggers and other causes of headaches can come from many sources. So often we are looking for just one thing that causes migraines and headaches when in reality it is a combination of many factors. The most frequent cause of headaches in general is stress, but all too often mood plays a large role.

Quite frankly, until you are able to recognize and accept this, you might not have much success in getting these headaches under control. The effects of lifestyle on headaches cannot be underestimated.

Depression and anxiety can greatly affect your headache profile and are recognized by headache experts as a migraine trigger. Now wait!! Before you dismiss the idea, up to 85% of all chronic pain sufferers have depression and/or anxiety to SOME degree. It's almost like the chicken and the egg, which came first?

Pain and depression impact each other; the more pain, the more depressed you feel and then that makes the pain worse. If you have a headache, doesn't crying or being upset make it worse? This is the anxiety fueling the headache. Along the same vein, if you have headaches or migraines on a regular basis, are missing school, work and family outings, you are bound to feel a bit depressed.

Too many times this is one of the most difficult concepts for people to get their minds to accept; that they may have some degree of depression which makes the pain more chronic and more severe. Don't be too hard on yourself! The receptors and pathways for headache are similar and sometime the same as anxiety receptors in the brain. Without getting in to a medical lecture when they are all firing off you have a headache and are anxious. One basically fuels the other.

Treatment of Anxiety and Depression in Headaches

Just like treating the headache itself, it is important to realize that treating mood is multi-factorial. Counseling with a good psychologist is invaluable. The rule of thumb when getting counseling is to give it at least three visits to see if you and the counselor "mesh" so to speak. Not all patient/provider relationships are perfect.

Counseling will allow you to dump some of the stress, in addition to learning how to develop good coping skills for future life stressors. Try too, to develop a good social structure. Even if you can't participate in activities that your friends may do (sports), you can still invite people to your place for a get together once a month or so. Regular human social contact is a form of support and can help stave off depression. In fact, more than 6 million women experience depression each year in the USA.

Many people disregard the recommendation to take medication for mood in the presence of headaches. So many times people make this mistake and think there is something wrong with them if they accept the fact that they are anxious or depressed. Even MILD depression can make headaches worse. Many of today's medications can treat BOTH mood and headaches.

SSRI's: This group of drugs are seratonin re-uptake inhibitors (what??). Seratonin is one of the natural "happy drugs" in the brain, but is taken up by nerve endings and recycled, so to speak. By slowing this process, you have more of it in the way you need it and feel happier. Side effects include weight gain, odd dreaming, mild episodic vertigo and rarely some of them can cause headaches to be worse. Zoloft, Lexapro, Celexa, Prozac and Paxil are all in this class. Paxil and Lexapro are excellent if you have more anxiety. If you are over the age of 60, you may need to start at a lower dose than normal.

TCA'S: Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) are an older class of drugs that are NOT first line for depression. I mention them here because they are used in the treatment of headaches and can reduce headache pain.

CYMBALTA: Cymbalta is a drug that functions with two effects. Part of the drug is an SSRI but most of the drug functions on another pathway called norepinephrine. The end result is another brain chemical is boosted and you feel happier. It also has and effect of calming back pain in some patients.

Treatment of depression that is fueled by migraine involves treating not only the migraine but the also the mood. Until both sides of the problem are addressed, progress may be slow.

Why Income Insurance Is Something You Need

When you are buying something you will most probably be thinking about what exact benefits it will offer you. Income insurance is something that may not strike to you as very important when you first encounter it, but we are sure that as you learn of the benefits it offers, you will be a convert. The benefits of buying income insurance are many. Income protection is something worthwhile in today's economic times. This article discusses the benefits it provides you.

1. Financial protection: This is the most important benefit of income insurance that you get. In the economic instability that the world is facing today it is imperative that you have financial protection. This kind of insurance cover provides you with protection against any inability to work due to injury, illnesses or accidents. This kind of plan may not pay you 100% of your income, but it is going to pay you up to 75% of it. We think such an income protection is really great as a sort of cover for yourself during times you may not be able to work.

2. Not an encouragement not to work: Income insurance is not to be considered as an encouragement not to work. Instead it makes sure that you are protected in times when you may be unable to work for some reason. It provides you with a guarantee of paying you a considerable part of your income so that you don't have to worry about money when times are bad.

3. Disability to work: The thing about the future is that no one can predict it. Who knows what is going to happen in the future? Who can say for sure that you will not face an accident that will make you a disabled person unable to work for a living? If that happens, what is going to happen to you and your family? Bad times are something income insurance prepares you for and protects you against. In case you do face a financial crisis because of your inability to work, you don't have to worry as your insurance cover is going to make monthly payments to you to get on in life. So you can keep away stress and depression in case you do face a crisis in life.

4. Save tax: Not only will you get paid 75% of your income from the insurance provider, you will also be able to avail of this amount of money tax- free! This is a great thing as it lets you not only get financial protection but also enjoy it without paying any taxes. Income insurance can be availed of either long term or short term. Depending on which insurance provider or company you choose, you will be able to avail of permanent compensation till the year of your retirement.

Having an income insurance cover makes good sense in these times of economic instability. It is a good idea to choose an insurance provider after you shop around. Making a good choice will help you be protected a lot more.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Clinical Depression and Daily Life

Clinical depression is a challenge that can frequently make you believe there is no hope, as if you are in the rock bottom of despair. When you feel like there is no hope and you are in the pits of gloom then you may have clinical depression. It is a dilemma that millions of people face each and every day. Depression can be very hard to defeat but if you are up-to-date about the illness of clinical depression then you have a better prospect at getting healthy. It is imperative to know how depression works and some of the many treatment options available to assist and heal this problem.

While everyone is prone to sad feelings on occasion, these feelings of misery are typically related to a specific occurrence. However when expressions of hopelessness surface over and over, then you may be suffering from clinical depression, especially if these feelings of sadness have no definite source. Many diagnosed with clinical depression often feel depressed without a clear explanation. Although both girls and men can battle depression, research studies demonstrate that girls experience depression twice as often as males.

Experiences of self-hatred and sadness, low self admiration and an absence of interest in contributing in daily activities are general signs of clinical depression.

Depression may crop up in families and is thought to be a genetic issue. Over half of all victims have a familial temper to the illness. Being a part of your family history or not, let's not forget that specific life events can often absolutely trigger a case of depression. There are several things that can initiate the onset of clinical depression can involve the demise of someone close to you, a loss of employment, the unintended demise of a relationship,relocating to a new house or neighborhood or even a serious lifestyle transformation can all contribute to the onset of depression.

Clinical depression is thought to be because of an insufficient numbers of neurotransmitters in the brain. These chemical agents, called, neurotransmitters are chemical agents that help us to have precise emotions. So it makes sense that if there is a lower amount of these neurotransmitters, serotonin and norepinephirne, within the brain, then clinical depression can quickly take hold. Since there is a clear relationship of neurotransmitters to depression, one of the primary meds used to deal with clinical depression is a class of drugs known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs. These meds cause the brain to be unable to soak up the excess serotonin that is there. With this weak point, there is more serotonin available in the brain, which can be very advantageous in abolishing the depressed feelings.

Although you may not feel like making the call, it is absolutely necessary that if you are aware that you are hopeless enough that you believe you may have clinical depression, it's central to speak with your healthcare provider immediately. delay. Depression deserves to be treated and to be treated without delay and effectively. While depression doesn't display obvious physical signs, the consequences of untreated depression can be harsh.

So don't go one more day without making that phone call and getting the help you require in order to be free from clinical depression.