Saturday, January 4, 2014

Atypical Bipolar - Four Signs of Difficult to Diagnose Bipolar Disorder

Atypical bipolar disorder is barely spoken of, mainly because it does not have any defining features. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association, includes a category for NOS, that is, not as specified. Some forms of bipolar can be difficult to diagnose, as they don't fit into any standard pattern of behaviors. Here are the four signs that the APA classifies as indicating atypical bipolar disorder.

1.) Rapid Mood Fluctuations

Normally, a manic or depressive mood has to last for days to classify as bipolar disorder, but in some cases manic symptoms don't meet the minimal duration considered for a diagnosis. Of course, everyone doesn't fit into a nice little box, so different people with bipolar disorder will experience different severity and duration of their symptoms.

2.) Recurrent Hypomanic Episodes

Like a pendulum, when someone with bipolar disorder has a mood swing one way, they will swing back in the other direction. Usually this means a hypomanic phase will result in mild to severe depression. In atypical bipolar disorder, a person can go from a hypomanic phase to normal, and back again, skipping the depressive phase.

3.) Clouded Data

Sometimes drugs or medications can mimic the effects of bipolar disorder. For example, methamphetamines can mimic the appearance of mania, though the effects are the temporary side effect of a drug. If a psychiatrist is not sure whether the bipolar is caused by drugs, they will classify it as atypical.

4.) Co-existing Illnesses

Mental disorders are linked, so it can sometimes be difficult to tell which one someone has. Sometimes a person will show symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder together, making it hard to determine whether the person is schizophrenic or manic depressive. In instances where disorders are stacked on top of one another, someone can be classified as having atypical bipolar disorder.

Severe Depression is a Dangerous Condition If Left Untreated

It goes without saying that severe depression is a serious condition that should be treated by a trained professional. While this may seem obvious to a person not in the throes of depression, for a person struggling with severe depression making this decision may not be all that clear. Regrettably, more than half of the people who need help for depression don't seek help. In one large study conducted in the United States only about 4 out of 10 people sought help within the first year of their depressed state. Perhaps even more unsettling is on average people struggling with depression tended to wait 8 years before finally seeking treatment.

Basic depression is problem best described as an overly sad mood that lasts for along period of time and a lack of pleasure in doing things that usually make you happy. Someone who is depressed likely will experience sleep irregularities, fatigue, weight fluctuations, problems with concentration and feelings or nervousness and agitation. While those experiencing severe depression likely have many of the same symptoms as those with mild to moderate depression they tend to be much more severe and evolve into a sometimes scary and often dangerous problem that must be treated by a skilled professional immediately.

In very severe cases, depressed people develop psychotic symptoms, such as hearing voices that tell them to kill themselves or others. This advanced form of depression impedes ones ability to hold a job, maintain a healthy relationship, or be a productive student. Depression may also alternate with periods of high euphoria and energy (mania); in this case, the disease is Bipolar Disorder. The most serious complication of sever depression is without a doubt suicide.

It is worth repeating that severe depression must be taken seriously and medical attention should be a top priority if any of the following symptoms are present:

*Suicidal or homicidal thoughts

*Psychotic symptoms, such as hearing voices, delusions, or hallucinations

*Extreme lethargy or fatigue that affects ones ability to complete simple tasks, such as eating, getting out of bed, or showering.

While antidepressant are normally the treatment of choice for most cases of depression, for those suffering with severe chronic depression, that does not respond to medication, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is used. This procedure consists of inducing a seizure by running a small electrical current through the brain. ECT has shown to be only a temporary fix with a high rate of recurrence.

In the end there are not easy answers. For this reason many people are considering natural remedies for depression as a tool in their arsenal of depression fighting solutions. Herbal remedies for depression are safe and free from the side effects that are so prevalent with many well known antidepressant medications. As always check with your doctor to make sure that natural remedies are compatible with any prescription medications you are already taking.

Depression Test

Depression is a fairly common medical condition that affects a large number of people around the world. It is also one of the most misunderstood and misdiagnosed problems out there. For a long time, people have been told that it is all in their mind and they should "snap out of it". Today, however, people have realized it is a serious condition that calls for medical attention. Before concluding that one has depression, it is important to get a diagnosis. A depression test can help people to confirm whether or not they have the condition. Once a person has the information, it is the first step to seeking treatment.

Doctors and mental health experts often carry out several tests to find out whether or not a patient is suffering from depression. It is important to find out if one has depression or if it is another condition that has similar symptoms. The tests that are carried out by the health experts include physical and other evaluation tests. A proper diagnosis can only be carried out by examining the symptoms that the patient exhibits. Most professionals will generally use assessment tools to detect the depression. The assessment will cover a number of questions that help to pick out signs of depression.

Someone who is diagnosed with depression will most likely have exhibited the symptoms for a long period of time. Someone who is feeling sad or low after having gone through a tragic situation cannot necessarily be diagnosed as having depression. The depression tests have a comprehensive list of symptoms and if the patient exhibits 5 or more symptoms for a period of over 2 weeks, then depression can be diagnosed. The symptoms are evaluated and taken alongside the results of the physical tests. After all other medical conditions have been ruled out, the patient is diagnosed with depression and treatment can begin. Getting treatment for depression is very important as it can even help to avert death.

A number of websites have been offering free tests for people who think they may be suffering from depression. When someone logs onto the sites there are some questions to answer and after you have given your responses, the test will come back either positive or negative. While the tests may offer pertinent information, it is important to seek medical attention. The online tests should not be used as a self-diagnostic mechanism. There are many medical conditions that can exhibit the same symptoms as depression. Anyone who thinks that they may have depression and has taken the online tests should visit a doctor for a more comprehensive diagnosis. Depression is a serious illness that should not be taken lightly. It can have serious consequences on one's ability to function in every area of life.

Spiritual Sexuality - The Antidote For Depression

Spiritual Sexuality is an expression of our inner most desires and longings to explore intimate passion stepping into the unknown. When we allow ourselves to explore outside our "box" we feel a stirring in our belly that likens itself to nervousness even borders on fear. The kind of fear one has when taking on a challenge for the first time, skiing a difficult slope, rock climbing, or any type of competition. There is something about being on the edge that leaves no room for depression.

There are different grades of depression, major depression single episode, major depression recurrent, atypical depression: a residual category for individuals who cannot be diagnosed in the above categories. The list of depressive disorders goes on and on. I have created my own label called low-grade depression. It is like a low-grade fever. You can still go to work and carry on with your day but you feel "under the weather". Western Medicine treats these disorders with medication, antidepressants.

This therapist wants to know when was the last time you had sex? How often do you have sex? Does you masturbate and how often? More times then not a person's sex life has diminished or is non-existent. Lack of sex and intimacy is the underlying cause for disease, illness and depression. There are many reasons individuals stop having sex; from the birth of children, to a partner who is no longer interested, to a busy life style, or years of relationship where they have grown apart sexually but are still compatible in every other way.

Bottom line, it is not only a depressing situation but the individual is losing their energy and internal drive to succeed or accomplish their previous enthusiastic goals. Those who manage to keep going may do OK but far less then what they are capable of when fully functioning and using their sexuality as their catalyst life force energy.

Awakening the vital passionate energy that stimulates the hormones and heals us at a cellular level is the first step in pulling yourself out of depression. This means doing things you have never done before in any category of life (legally) but especially sexually. Breaking out of the sexual box is one of the most difficult things you will ever do. Your partner may be challenged and put up resistance. You will have to rock the boat and create what is called a " healing crises". You have to move past your own fears and discover a new world that is filled with energy. The fastest way to lift yourself out of depression is to have a fantastic love making session, breaking your normal patterns. Whatever that may look like for you, give yourself whole-heartedly to the absurd, bizarre, unconventional exploration of sacred sexuality.

The key to exploring your sexuality is to assume authority, take responsibility and be spiritually accountable for your actions. This is not license to do whatever you please but Freedom to do what you need to do to maintain your emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and sexual well being responsible.
All Rights Reserved Copyright 2004 Sexual Solutions LLC

Warning Signs of Clinical Depression

With clinical depression being a silent killer there has to be warning signs that we can look for right? Luckily, there are several warning signs that someone can watch for if they suspect someone that they know or love to have depression. Although there are signs that you can look for they may not be as easy as simply spotting something. However in this article we will be teaching you how to spot someone that may have depression.

Before we get started talking about the warning signs of depression, that is first thank you for taking the time to study this information. This information may actually help you to save someone's life that has depression. Please keep in mind that most people that have depression symptoms never seek official medical mental treatment, and also keep in mind that more than one out of every 10 people that have clinical depression commit suicide.

Clinical Depression Warning Signs

It should come as no surprise that one of the biggest signs of someone having clinical depression is suicidal tendencies. What we mean is that if you notice anyone talking about suicide or anyone that has actually attempted suicide, you may need to pay close attention to these patients. In addition, you may also want to contact a mental health professional who may be able to offer additional guidance on depression.

Anxious, sadness, and empty feelings can add up to clinical depression. They do this because those that have depression often times have a consistent feeling of sadness which can also include the feeling of being alone or empty. On the flip side, it can also cause someone to be very anxious for no reason at all.

Another symptom of clinical depression is someone's appetite being affected. Those that have depression may under eat or over eat - will we mean is that those that have depression can overeat to the point of obesity as sometimes eating can cause calming. Both of these can be dangerous to someone's health as a obesity can kill and anorexia can as well.

Last but not least is a depression patient having the feeling of being irritable are very easily irritated. This agitation is tied to depression as many patients are very calm individuals who are not easily irritated, but may become very easily irritated when they have depression issues.

In close, we hope that you take this information and use it to help someone that has depression whether it's someone you know or love. Clinical depression is a killer which is why I am a very strong advocate of others learning about this condition so that they may help someone one day.

5 Common Signs of Thyroid Problems

The thyroid gland plays an important role in our body. It is important that we take the time to learn how take good care of it to prevent it from suffering from any form of disease. But how will we know if there is already a problem with our thyroid? What are the signs or symptoms that are visible for us to see if our gland has a problem?

There are a variety of symptoms that we can experience that can be related to disease in our gland. But there are five common signs or symptoms that can give you clues on problems with your thyroid gland

1. Fatigue - the most common symptoms for problems with the thyroid gland is fatigue. Since the gland regulates our energy level, there is a chance that it is acting up when we always feel tired or lack energy. Thyroid diseases that have fatigue as a symptom are Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules, Hashimoto's Disease, and Postpartum Thyroiditis.

2. Weight Change - weight gain or weight loss can also be associated with thyroid problem. Our metabolism is also regulated by our gland, so any sudden gain or loss in weight can be attributed to a problem with it. The thyroid disease that are associated with this symptom are Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules, Hashimoto's dDsease, Graves' Disease, and Silent Thyroiditis.

3. Depression and anxiety - Feeling depressed or having an anxiety disorder are also symptoms of thyroid disorder. Depression is usually a sign of Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules, Hashimoto's Disease, and Postpartum Thyroiditis. On the other hand, anxiety is a sign of Hyperthyroidism, Thyroid Nodules, Hashimoto's Disease, Graves' Disease and Silent Thyroiditis.

4. Cholesterol Issues - cholesterol issues that is not responsive to diet, exercise, or medication is a symptom of the problem. Having high cholesterol is associated with Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules, Hashimoto's Disease, and Postpartum Thyroiditis. While having low cholesterol is associated with Hyperthyroidism, Thyroid Nodules, Hashimoto's Disease, Graves' Disease and Silent Thyroiditis.

5. Neck Discomfort or Enlargement - swelling or discomfort of the neck, hoarse voice, having a hard time swallowing, and enlarged thyroid are also signs of problems. Having this symptom can be a sign for Thyroid Cancer, Goiter, Thyroid Nodules, and all varieties of thyroditis (Hashimoto, De Quervain, Silent, Reidel and Postpartum).

These are just some of the most common symptoms that you're experiencing problems with your thyroid gland. If you experience any or all of these signs, it is important that you get yourself checked with a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Magnesium - The Miracle Mineral

Most Americans today are well informed of the importance of calcium in the body. Few, however, are aware of the need for magnesium, an essential mineral which has a close relationship with calcium. In fact, calcium and magnesium are both necessary for strong bones and teeth. Showing that, without magnesium, calcium alone would be useless.

Magnesium makes up about.05% of the average person's body weight. Sixty percent of this is found in the bones, while about 28% is found in the soft tissues of the liver and muscles - including the heart. Magnesium is the second most abundant intracellular cation in the body, involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions involving glucose, fat and protein among many others.

What does that tell us about magnesium? Numerous studies have been conducted on the effect of magnesium on the body. In a study reported in the American Journal of Cardiology, 20% of patients with a trial fibrillation had a magnesium deficiency. In a study conducted in South Africa, a ten percent reduction in deaths caused by coronary heart disease was shown for every six milligrams per liter of magnesium in the water levels. In Oklahoma City, patients with low magnesium in their blood required more drugs to control hypertension that those with normal magnesium levels. Twenty patients receiving long term diuretics in Umea, Sweden, were given 345mg. a day of magnesium. After six months, nineteen of the twenty showed a drop in blood pressure.

Without the proper levels of magnesium in the body, results can be painful and destructive. The earliest symptoms of a magnesium deficiency include appetite loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, mental changes, irritability and seizures. Magnesium deficiencies may cause calcium deposits in muscles and kidney - often resulting in painful kidney stones. A deficiency in magnesium leads to the constriction of blood vessels as well as reducing the amount of oxygen in the blood. Germ life multiplies; intestinal putrification products build up; Schizophrenic tendencies, borderline insanity, neuroses and manic depressive disturbance may occur.

As a treatment option, magnesium can do many wonderful things. In combination with calcium, magnesium is useful in reducing hypertension. A diet high in magnesium may prevent heart attacks and heart disease and improve cholesterol. Magnesium can be used to treat PMS, prevent kidney stones, fight depression, prevent premature labor, aid the treatment of nervous disorders, and treat diarrhea, vomiting and indigestion. A combination of magnesium - vitamin B6 therapy is often used to treat patients with Autism. Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome often respond favorably to magnesium supplementation. Magnesium can also be used to calm nerves, make the body more flexible, induce restful sleep, and cool the body. Other benefits from magnesium supplementation include the following: It purifies the body tissues and prevents phosphates from depositing in joints, which may lead to arthritis, bone complications, and gout. Magnesium has also been proven to cool the liver, sooth nerve endings, prevent motor nerve contractions, end neurotic cramps and mellow the temper.

Magnesium is found in many food sources such as savory cabbage, dandelions, nettles, rye, barley, whole wheat, walnuts and almonds. The best food sources are whole grains and legumes. However, even if you believe you are eating plenty of magnesium-rich foods, you may still be deficient. Over 80% of magnesium is lost in the process of making refined white and enriched flours. Certain chemical additives used to keep frozen vegetables bright strip the food of its magnesium. In addition, there are many chemicals which deplete the body of magnesium. Diuretics and alcohol deplete what magnesium stores, while caffeine increases the excretion of magnesium, and phosphates, widely available in soft drinks, bind magnesium in the bowel and prevent its absorption. It is essential, furthermore, that one have sufficient calcium, vitamin C, and protein in order to absorb magnesium.

People with certain diseases are especially prone to magnesium deficiency, including patients with diabetes mellitus. Postmenopausal women and alcoholics are especially prone to osteoporosis caused by a lack of magnesium. The only sure way to be confident that your body has sufficient magnesium is by magnesium supplementation, preferably by using a liquid source that is easily absorbed into the body's cells.

Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity?

I remember a great quote by Sir John Harvey Jones, he said "The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression"

This is still the approach many customers take when it comes to Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity. However, with high profile events over the last few years, along with new legislation, many customers are driving forward with projects to protect their business should an unplanned interruption occur.

As computing power gets ever more powerful and costs keep falling, in addition to the high availability of broadband network services, the time has never been better for customers to consider tackling this critical issue; but where do they start?

Do you want a Hot Site, Warm Recovery, Cold Space? Do you want Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity? Do you want A Mobile, Static or Business Recovery Centre? What do want you cover? How quickly do you need it? (once you've decided what it is!). Etc, etc, etc.

No wonder the customer is confused and ends up putting the exercise off. I spoke to a customer recently who had been subscribing to a Disaster Recover service for many years, only to find that when he needed the service it failed to work! This was because they had been focusing on a Disaster Recovery service, and not Business Continuity.

So what is the difference?

Disaster Recovery services tend to focus on the provision replacement resources. These are often provided on a shared subscription basis by specialist suppliers (hardware, network connections, office space, computer rooms, voice etc.). Business Continuity is exactly what is says on the tin; Business Continuity. In other words it provides continuity of business following an unplanned interruption. But there are many areas that need to be explored before a full Business Continuity Plan can be developed and tested.

The common steps that need to be taken are shown below.

Threat Assessment - The very first step on any successful Business Continuity Plan is the Threat Assessment. If you don't know what you are trying to protect yourself against how can you possibly protect yourself?

Many customers find this exercise invaluable as it also highlights risks to their business that could be reduced, or in some cases removed all together: Therefore, prevention forms a very important part of the pre-planning phase. Any areas needing improvement should also be highlighted at this stage.

Many customers identify the more obvious threats such as bombs, air crashes etc, but many ignore the less obvious, such as non-physical disasters or environmental side effects such as bomb warnings, adverse weather conditions or loss of access to the building caused by a localised incident. How many customers are aware of what risk their neighbouring business pose? Do they house combustible or toxic materials? Would they attract attention of extremist groups? Could a localised incident prevent you from accessing your facility? If so, for how long?

Business Impact Review - This is when it really gets down to the true impact on the business. One of the problems of constructing a successful Business Continuity Plan is balance: What do I want, and when do I want it? It is quite simple really, the quicker you want it the more is costs! To balance this, the customer has to review the real impact on his business of an outage (loss of revenue, loss of customers, impact on share price, legal requirements, cash flow protection etc.). Even if the impact is so severe the customer will find it very difficult to re-deploy their entire workforce to a recovery facility within very short timescales. Several emergency events in London have highlighted the impact on public transport and the road system (these were so severe that some customers found that they could not get their staff to a recovery facility!). Therefore it is essential that recovery options are priorities for short, medium and long term.

Resource Requirements - Now we know what we want, and when we want it, it is possible to start looking at the Disaster Recover element of Business Continuity. Remember I mentioned short, medium and long term recovery? Well, this is where Hot, Warm and Cold come into the picture.

Hot Recovery - is normally available in minutes. This service would utilise a complete live replacement service, at an alternative facility, with a suitable network connection in place. This would enable customers to transfer operations to the recovery system with minimum (sometimes zero) impact to the business. The obvious disadvantage of this is the cost.

Warm Recovery - Although Hot Recovery is gaining in popularity, Warm Recovery is still by far the most common solution deployed. Warm services are usually based on a shared subscription (shared risk) basis, and are available within hours of invocation. Typically it would take up to 24 hours to have the systems up and running to support the business. Warm can be provided in several ways; ship-to-site, where the equipment is loaded onto the back of a van, delivered and installed on the customers' site (obviously there has to be a site to deliver it to!). If the compute room was impacted by the outage the service could be delivered in a Mobile Recovery Facility (a computer room in a lorry). And if the site is not accessible at all a remote Recovery centre could be utilised.

Cold Solutions - Although less common, cold space (empty office and computer facilities) can still be attractive for the medium term. Enabling customers to recover 50% to 80% of their operation via Hot or Warm options, and relocating within a few days or weeks to a suitable location.

Business Recovery Centres - Business Recovery Centres are located around the world and can help the customer streamline resumption of normal office-related business processes following a disaster. These facilities include up to a thousand desks equipped with PCs, phones, and computer rooms. They also offer meeting/board rooms, canteen and recreational facilities and even secretarial support, along with full telephone switch and communications capabilities including PABX/ACD, ISDN,ADSL, SDSL, MPLS and other networking connections.

Now it's just a simple matter of writing the plan and testing the recovery! And of course, looking at standards such as BS 25999; but that will have to wait until my nest papers.

For more information visit EMA Continuity

Quantum Brain Healing Uses - Care With Stimulant Type Herbs

Mania can be associated with manic depression or bipolar, but it can also be caused by drugs such as stimulants like cocaine and amphetamines. Substance abuse issues must be diagnosed and treated to heal mania. Quantum Brain Healing uses many herbs and several of these herbs have stimulative type effects for some people. These include green tea, St. John's Wort, Rhodiola rosea, horny goat weed, ginseng, Carnitine, 5-HTP, and SAME supplementation need to be closely monitored to avoid increasing the magnitude of the mania.

All stimulating supplements and food substances should be avoided including coffee, chocolate, sugar, corn syrup, and tea. These supplements can also be triggers for bipolar patients turning depression into mania.

Electroconvulsive Therapy can trigger suicide in patients with mania. Electro-cranial Stimulation could also result in overstimulation and result in mania for a person having the disease. This patient should not use electric blankets and should sleep with few electrical appliances close to their bed.

Excess thyroid levels may create some symptoms which resemble mania or hypomania like insomnia, hyperactivity, or increased energy. It is important for mood disorder patients to have their vitamin, mineral and hormone levels tested. Many mood disorders are vitamin, mineral or hormone imbalances which are undiagnosed. High thyroid or testosterone levels can produce symptoms of extreme energy or hyperactivity that are also found in mania. Hormone imbalances should have diagnostic blood work and be treated. Many mood disorders may produce elevated daily requirements of certain vitamins or minerals. Nutritional supplementation can resolve mood disorders or calm mania. ADHD can also have symptoms that are similar to mania.

穢Dr R Stone MD Alternative Medicine-India

Depression And Unsuccessful Marriage - Resolve It To Enjoy Being Loved!

Depression is an innocent but serious illness that steps into one's life silently. There are many social as well as personal causes of depression but here we are going to discuss one of the most important causes - A stressful Marriage. A marriage is the complete spiritual, mental and physical attachment of two individuals. It gives an ecstatic feeling when you are enjoying a happy married life but if the marriage is not working, it turns into a stressor, and a burden to life and both the partners get trapped into severe depression which affects each part of life, personal as well as professional.

A stressful marriage is found to be the major cause among females. For whatever the reason, if one partner is having constant depression, other partner can't be left spared from this evil. And if fortunately the depression is overcome, it is likely to relapse if he or she has an unsatisfying marriage. A marital depression can have its root from the negative behavior of the depressed partner. It is very common and natural among couples that if one partner is depressed, it will add even more stress to the other partner. There may be many things as the root cause of marital distress, like lack of intimacy. Who doesn't desire or need intimacy in married life? Intimacy lets the couple understand each other better intellectually, physically, emotionally and spiritually without fear of criticism, judgment or rejection. Lack of intimacy may kill a married life and it will struggle even to survive.

Reasons like, parenting, financial stress, unsettled issues & anger, and lack of liberty & forgiveness can allow this silent killer to enter into one's life. Although both the genders are equally susceptible to depression but women are twice as likely to suffer as men are. Surveys have revealed the fact that one out of every four women experiences at least one depressive episode in their lifetime. Studies have given way to another fact that depression can be both the cause and the effect of unsuccessful marriage. Depression can cause a partner otherwise happy to perceive ignored and think negative about his partner.

There are numerous life events that can cause depression but if the partners have mutual understanding and loving relation, together they tend to deal with all the depression causing life events. Here are some symptoms of depression which can help you diagnose this evil.

  • Gradual change in behavior, irritating nature

  • Unable to tolerate even little noise or laughter.

  • Sleep Sickness

  • Love to remain isolated and silent

  • Lost desire for sex

  • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness

  • Lost charm of life, suicidal thoughts

Your married life is an important part or better said the most important part to keep all other do's of life perfect. Here are some tips to steer clear of depression and make your married life healthy and happy.

  • Enjoy a healthy lifestyle with lively thoughts, well balanced diet and regular work out. .

  • Learn to create balance in your life by saying NO to overload or extra responsibilities.

  • Share your feelings with your spouse or close friend. You will feel relaxed after letting lose the burden.

  • Educate yourself and your partner about depression. Being aware about the signs, symptoms and causes leaves a great impact on the issue and keeps you away from depression and its negative consequences.

  • Never let the issues or marital problems unresolved. Solve them immediately as they arise to avoid future blast.

  • Take out sufficient time for your partner and do something you both really enjoy.

  • Believe in yourself, your partner and God. Emotions and Lord the prime strength and protector of your married life.

Quotes About the Self Confidence of Women

Quotes about the self confidence of women are wonderful tools for boosting female self esteem and emotional wellness. The reason for this is that lots of women today are searching for nuggets of inspiration from which to gather strength in their daily lives. A single mother, for example, is confronted with the difficulties of lone parenthood and is in need of constant encouragement. Another example is the career woman, who has to deal daily with pressures and tough competition in the workplace. A good way to help these women is to provide them with inspiring quotes that are aimed to build their self esteem and confidence. If they are loaded with positive motivational fuel, they will be in a better position to overcome life's obstacles.

Women today from all walks of life face a variety of emotional challenges. Among those challenges are fear, worry, anxiety, depression and lack of self confidence. These problems are very real, and at one point or another, experienced by every woman in these modern times. The developments in technology and rapid change of modern life has placed greater pressure on the female gender. While women from past centuries are forced to become more submissive and reserved, women in modern times play more active and significant social roles. Today's females are no longer restricted to being housewives or homekeepers. Instead, they have become a compelling force in different areas of society. Self confidence quotes will greatly aid these women to increase their emotional fortitude in order to fulfill their social responsibilities and reach their personal dreams as well.

Sayings from remarkable females in history are great sources of quotes about the self confidence of women. Women such as Hellen Keller, Joan Of Arc, Mother Teresa, and Princess Diana are exemplary historical figures from whom others can draw strength from. Their courage, morals, and fortitude can help the modern woman overcome similar situations and trials. Digesting quotes and sayings from remarkable females in history is an awesome way to build self confidence. It will allow anyone to explore proven nuggets of wisdom from the ages, and also fill the subconscious mind with positive thoughts.

There are many ways to benefit from quotes about the self confidence of women. One method is to put self confidence quotes on index cards and read them upon waking up, before going to sleep, or at various times during the day. It is also important to read the quotes audibly or aloud, if possible. According to psychological research, the repetitive habit of reading positive messages and affirmations helps to eliminate negative thoughts. Given enough time, these positive quotes and affirmations will become part of an individual's way of thinking and personality. Women, therefore, will be able to overcome anxiety and become more optimistic about life in general.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

What Are Some Natural Therapies For Depression?

Depression is not to be taken lightly. If you suffer from it often, getting professional treatment is necessary. If you don't, you run the risk of getting into a more serious mental disorder that can make you lose yourself or even your life. More specifically, untreated depression can lead to:

  • Heart problems.

  • Alcohol and substance abuse.

  • Impaired relationships.

  • Suicidal tendencies.

Signs and Symptoms of Depression

The earlier you seek treatment, the better. But how do you know when is the right time to do that? Answer the following questions to help you decide:

  • Do you tend to eat more or less?

  • Are you losing or gaining weight?

  • Is there a significant loss of interest in things you normally have fun doing?

  • Are there changes in your sleeping pattern? Do you have difficulty sleeping or do you find yourself oversleeping?

  • Do feel persistently low, hopeless, worthless? Are these feelings accompanied by thoughts of suicide?

If you answer yes to all these questions, get professional help at once. A specialist will run some more tests to arrive at a diagnosis and then he/she will come up with the treatment plan that will be appropriate to your case. Usually a combination of psychotherapy and medications is recommended.

If you want to help with your treatment, you can ask your doctor about natural therapies to ease some symptoms of depression. There are mind-and-body practices that appear to offer relief from symptoms, just like:

  • Yoga. Yoga is essentially an exercise of the mind. It involves a variety of poses and breathing exercises to boost the levels of serotonin and other brain chemicals responsible in controlling mood, while at the same time reducing the stress-hormone cortisol. Yoga is also intended to create balance between your emotions and physical self. Practicing yoga helps to clear the body of negativities and so at the end of the session, one usually feels contentment, joy and peace.

  • Acupuncture. Acupuncture is one of the oldest alternative treatments that dates to as far back as 2,000 years. It involves the insertion or penetration of needles into the anatomical points on the body to treat various medical conditions. Accordingly, the procedure has a positive effect on the brain chemicals serotonin and dopamine. Pregnant women who cannot take antidepressants (or any medicines for that matter) may rely on acupuncture to control their depressive state.

  • Acupressure. Acupressure is a simplified version of acupuncture. It's not invasive because you don't insert needles to stimulate anatomical points; rather you simply use your hands to press on the acupoints to balance your emotions. Unlike acupuncture that has to be done by a specialist, acupressure can be done by you. Try these for a start to relieve yourself of depression:
    • Deliver acupressure to your foot (specifically on the area below the ball of your foot) using your hands or a hairbrush. Do this for five minutes.
    • With your fingers or an aide of a wooden comb, deliver moderate pressure to your scalp, starting from the center line of your scalp out to both sides, and then brush along from your forehead up to where your hairline ends.

  • Massage. Getting an ear or a chest massage helps with depression greatly. Next time you are hit with the blues, try pulling your ears in all directions while taking slow and deep breaths at the same time or gently rub your chest.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Vitamins For Depression

Along with these, ask your doctor about taking Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Vitamins for depression. Omega-3 Fatty Acids are essential fatty acids which improve brain function and development, while certain vitamins like Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D, are said to raise the levels of the "feel-good" brain chemicals.

New Bipolar Treatment Proves Patients Can Control Their Mania

In an exciting development regarding bipolar patients and their ability to control their manic attacks, Australian researchers claim that they have developed a new procedure that can cut the number of manic episodes in their patients by 50%.

Bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings from periods of excitability to periods of depression and back again. Bipolar 1 disorder affects over two million U.S. citizens every year. In many people, the mood swings can be so great that it prevents them from being able to live a normal life. This roller coaster of emotions not only affects them, but it affects their friends and family as well.

The new procedure basically involves adding therapy to the bipolar treatments that the patients normally receive. In reality, therapy is not new as many physicians already believe that the most effective treatment for bipolar disease is to use medication in combination with prescriptions medication. But belief does not equal proof.

Researchers from the Mental Health Research Institute of Victoria (MHRI) located in Melbourne, Australia, and is Australia's largest independent psychiatric research center, have gone on record as believing that this study is the first one that proves bipolar patients can control their mania. The exciting impact of the Australian study is that it gives credence to the value of psychotherapy in treating bipolar illness.

The Melbourne study consisted of 84 bipolar patients. Half of the patients were given medication only. The other half were give the same medication but in addition attended weekly therapy sessions. The therapy sessions focused on teaching the participants to recognize the common symptoms that might trigger a depressive or manic episode. Symptoms such as
insomnia, a significant change in appetite, trouble concentrating, listlessness or tiredness, and other symptoms that are commonly recognized as indicating a bipolar event might be taking place.

The working theory behind the study is that if a bipolar sufferer is aware of an impending episode, he has the chance to do something about it. And the theory, in this case, proved to be correct. At the end of the study, the 42 patients taking the therapy, had only 50% of the manic or depressive episodes of the 42 patients that were treated with medication alone.

The study effectively demonstrates that therapy which emphasizes and teaches the patient how to plan his life, as much as possible, around regular daily activities and stable relationships, can help them to suffer less manic/depressive attacks and to recover faster from the ones that they do experience.

Unfortunately, long-term therapy is not cheap and many insurance companies will either not cover it or cover only a portion of it. Hopefully, studies like this will help to push the insurance companies into recognizing that therapy is a valid and useful treatment for bipolar disease and may even help to decrease their long term costs.

This study is also important and encouraging for many sufferers who don't want to be entirely dependent on prescription medication. It gives them a sense of hope that they can exert a portion of control over their lives that up until now has been lacking.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) - Dark Gloomy Weather Slows Brain

Dreary, dismal days without the sun may do more than dampen our spirits. They might just impact the cognitive skills of those who battle depression, according to some new work that appears in the July 28 online issue of Environmental Health.

This is the first research to try and link light exposure and cognition, though earlier studies have shown that our mood can depend on the amount of sun we see (Seasonal Affective Disorder SAD)

The work involved a team of American researchers led by Shia Kent of the University of Alabama at Birmingham who used cross-sectional data for 14,474 people over 45 years old participating in a project investigating stroke incidence and risk factors, to look for links between depression, cognitive function and sunlight.

The team employed NASA weather data for the United States to check for match-ups between the days of bright sunlight and levels of cognitive functioning in those with, and without, depression.

The cognitive function of the subjects was measured using a validated questionnaire; an accepted depression scale assessed depression. Once the data was collected, advanced statistics were used to assess any link between average sun exposure and cognitive function.

Kent summarized the findings of the team, "We found that among participants with depression, low exposure to sunlight was associated with a significantly higher predicted probability of cognitive impairment. This relationship remained significant after adjustment for season. This new finding that weather may not only affect mood, but also cognition, has significant implications for the treatment of depression, particularly seasonal affective disorder".

Seasonal affective disorder, SAD, is a relative newcomer to the scene, first referenced in print back in 1985, and is known to bring depressive symptoms as the days grow shorter in the fall and winter, with symptom improvement as spring returns.

At higher latitudes more people are diagnosed with as they are exposed to less sunlight and colder and harsher winters.

Women are more often diagnosed with this form of depression than men. For symptoms to receive an official diagnosis of SAD, they must repeat for two years in a row, without depression at other times of the year.

The researchers speculate that cognitive impairment brought on by depression and lack of sunlight might improve using the same light therapy as with SAD.

Earlier work has shown a strong link between SAD and other lingering forms of depression. It's also accepted that depression often becomes more pronounced during the darker months of the year.

The study also confirmed melatonin and serotonin, both already implicated in depression, as being involved in cognitive function issues.

These two brain chemicals have been named as factors in serious brain diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, as well as sleeping disorders. Cerebral blood flow has also been implicated in cognitive functioning; earlier work confirming that such blood flow is affected by light.

Also of note, the relationship between sunlight and cognitive function didn't hold true for those who weren't depressed, according to the research. This suggests that it may be that the same mechanisms involved in depression might also be involved in cognitive functions.

If you are depressed, or deal with SAD, trying to spend some time in the sun (safely, of course) is a simple way to put the findings of this intriguing research to the test for yourself. You might also consider learning more about light therapy, which would have you sitting comfortably under a full spectrum light for a few hours a day all through the winter months.

Also good is a walk outdoors, even in the cold, as it can be a refreshing, invigorating source of natural sunlight and keep Seasonal Affective Disorder SAD at bay.

Walking Through the Dark Valley? You're Not Alone!

Walking in a Valley? You're Not Alone! Nestled in the Psalms...along with the prophecies, praises, and worshipful doxologies, we find a few moments of honest and transparent disclosure of the soul by the Psalmist.

Whether it was from his own sin, or the pursuit of others against him, the Psalmist David provided an honest narrative of crying out to the Lord from his affliction. Our times of despair have many names...depression, dark night of the soul, blues, and melancholia.

Former prime minister of England Winston Churchill personalized it by calling it his "black dog". For many, it may be as simple as walking through a few weeks of 'darkness', and then getting back to normal. But others walk in valleys with incredible pain and despair, making daily life itself a challenge.

While the features of this season vary, people often can experience a sense of prolonged depression, anxiety, fear, panic, feelings of isolation, unusual guilt, sense of worthlessness, rejection, or failure. Causes can include physiological illness, emotional trauma, continued stress, insufficient sunlight or exercise, and spiritual oppression from the enemy of our soul.

As we read through Psalm 42, there is a sense of undulation between despair and hope. The Psalmist recognized his despair without shame, yet he also recognized the hope that comes from the Lord. Walking in a tunnel of darkness is a journey that requires us to hope in the Lord in the moment, sometimes a moment at a time. In our present day culture, we have grown accustomed to the quick fix...the instant relief and satisfaction that is ours with minimal effort.

Our prolonged exposure to instant gratification has allowed us to grow soft when times of perseverance are necessary. And walking through a valley of despair often takes an enormous sense of perseverance of walking with the Lord moment-by-moment.

One of the mockeries of depression is the erroneous sense that we are alone...that God has abandoned us, and no one can understand our pain. While nothing could be farther from the truth, a despairing person may have a hard time grasping that they're not alone. But no matter how dark the clouds, the sun is shining brightly above the veil. It's the absolute truth. The Psalmist recognizes this in verse 11 of Psalm 42: "Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God."

But the Psalmist is not the only one in the Bible who experienced despair. Job may be the most lamentable sufferer of despair that we see. He says in Job 7:11, "Therefore, I will not restrain my mouth; I will speak in the anguish of my spirit, I will complain in the bitterness of my soul. Job doesn't even try to hide his pain. He even cries out a couple verses later that he can't even find relief while he sleeps.

Sometimes God allows us to walk through such times. While we may not readily ascertain why He takes us through the valley, I've talked with very few people who haven't emerged from that tunnel stronger in their faith because of it. Job walked in victory again, and lived to praise God. There are others, but time would fail me to elaborate on men like Elijah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Paul, and even Jesus as He cried out to the Father in anguish from the garden, and from the cross.

In more modern times, Winston Churchill was well acquainted with despair and depression, as was Abraham Lincoln, and even Charles Spurgeon. A well-known hymn writer in the 18th century named William Cowper spent much of his life in a sanitarium for the insane as he struggled with unimaginable mental illness. Yet he would recover to times of lucidity and write poetry as this:

There is a fountain filled with blood

Drawn from Emmanuel's veins;

And sinners plunged beneath that flood

Lose all their guilty stains. (Public Domain - William Cowper)

Such words are drawn from the well of deep suffering, birthed from undulations of life's demons of condemnation and the brightest light of forgiveness. The hymn writer John Newton, who wrote Amazing Grace, was an ongoing friend to Cowper during his lifetime. Newton himself had experienced his own dark night of the soul. It seems the Lord uses our times of despair to bring encouragement to others.

Ministering to the Depressed

It is important to realize that being depressed is not a character flaw. People normally cannot be expected to snap themselves out of it, or to fully think quite as lucidly or cheerfully as we might want. The Bible speaks of accepting the one who is weak.

Isaiah 35:3-4 says, "Encourage the exhausted, and strengthen the feeble. Say to those with anxious heart, "take courage, fear not. Behold your God will come with vengeance; The recompense of God will come, But He will save YOU"

In Hebrews 12:12, we read a similar encouragement, "Therefore, strengthen the hands that are weak, and the knees that are feeble, and make straight paths for your feet, so that the limb which is lame may not to be put out of joint, but rather be healed"

I see in these verses a heart of compassion, encouraging us toward healing and restoring others who are hurting. Truthfully, we will all find ourselves in a place of need someday. While it may be easy to think that we are the strong ones, it may be that we are weaker than we might think. It could be that the one we help strengthen today, will help strengthen us tomorrow.

Surviving Depression

We can look at depression in two ways...

  1. As a condition that we attempt to remedy

  2. As a mechanism that God is using to train and teach us reliance upon Him

Depression can be a sign...a symptom that something within our body, life, or mind needs attention. Seeing a medical doctor first thing is recommended, to eliminate any organic or other problems going on that may need medical treatment. Your doctor may prescribe some kind of antidepressant medication for you to take. Discuss with him/her the pros and cons of this decision. In some instances, they can be very helpful. Antidepressants are not 'puppy uppers' as some claim, but actually enable the body to produce necessary neurotransmitters that help control and stabilize moods.

But sometimes our season of despair or darkness is more of a spiritual matter that God uses to draw us closer to Him.

What to Do...

1. Draw Near to God James 4:8 says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you..." Spend time in prayer, and seeking the things of the Lord. Review the things in your life that may be dragging you down...not every book, movie, or TV show is helping us. In fact, they may be hindering us. We have grown accustomed to inviting a lot of different influences into our lives and homes, and many of these things may be spiritually harmful to us. Carve out for yourself a quiet time with the fact, you may want to schedule several of these throughout the day during your darkest times. Cry out to the Lord and ask Him to show you what He wants to teach you during this time. We often cry out to be delivered from our darkness, but fail to ask the Lord to use this time to learn.

2. Draw Near to His Word Psalm 119:105 "Your Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path" Read and meditate on Scripture daily...even hourly if necessary. There is healing in the Word of is a lamp that God gives to light your path.

Cling to the spiritual truths written in God's Word: Jesus said, "I will never leave you or forsake you" He hasn't broken that promise yet to His children, and He's not going to start with you.

Cling to the Word of God: The Psalmist talked of his tears being his food day and night. Well...add some bread to the meal. Instead of just tears, make the Scriptures become your food day and night. 1 Timothy 1:7 - "He has not given us a spirit of fear..." Psalm 34:18 - "The Lord is near to the broken hearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit" Proverbs 3:25 - "Do not be afraid of sudden fear nor of the onslaught of the wicked when it comes." Panic won't help you...Satan uses it in your life to bring confusion, fear, and distrust.

3. Draw Near to Other Believers We need each other. There is comfort in two walking together. But there is also healing in walking with each other, because others have walked this road too

4. Understand the Deception in Depression We all know that our feelings betray us...we think one thing, but the truth is something else entirely. We are never more betrayed by our thoughts and feelings than when we are depressed and discouraged. Things appear worse than they are...problems are intensified

5. God Uses Our Depression for His Glory Listen to this quote by Pastor Mark Abbot in an article in Preaching magazine

"Much of American Christianity is preoccupied with therapy, with offering cures for whatever ails us, including depression. But could it be that, instead of searching for cures for everything that ails us we ought to be listening for God's voice in all the experiences of life, even in depression? Could it be that depression isn't all bad? Maybe there are some things we learn, some growth possible ONLY through these low, dark times."

In spite of our shortcomings, our handicaps, our weaknesses, and other things we deem insufficient in our lives, God is able to take our emptiness, fill it with Himself, and use it for His glory. There is HOPE. God has not been caught by surprise by your depression. He may have even planned it for your good.

He Giveth More Grace

  • He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater, He sendeth more strength as our labors increase; To added afflictions He addeth His mercy, To multiplied trials He multiplies peace.

  • When we have exhausted our store of endurance, When our strength has failed ere the day is half done, When we reach the end of our hoarded resources Our Father's full giving is only begun.

  • Fear not that thy need shall exceed His provision, Our God ever yearns His resources to share; Lean hard on the arm everlasting, availing; The Father both thee and thy load will upbear.

  • His love has no limits, His grace has no measure, His power no boundary known unto men; For out of His infinite riches in Jesus He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

(Public Domain - Annie Johnson Flint)


Bipolar Disorder - How the High Side Afflicts You

Bipolar disorder is the name given to a group of mood disorders. The main characteristic is that an afflicted person swings between high moods and low moods. Generally there is a predictable pattern for each afflicted person. Each pattern leads to a specific diagnosis. There are two levels of highs. These are hypomanic episodes and manic episodes.

Hypomanic episodes

A hypomanic episode is an elevation of mood above what is considered normal. For many people this is a state they enjoy being in. This is because many consider that the plus factors outweigh the minus factors. It is not uncommon for a person experiencing a hypomanic episode to ignore it or to refuse to seek treatment for it. For a person with bipolar, type 1 this can lead to mania. Hypomania is far easier to treat than a mania. Also, a manic episode can be very frightening for the afflicted person.

Symptoms of a Hypomanic Episode

There are a number of physical symptoms associated with a hypomanic episode. These include the following:

- Feelings of happiness, excitement and joy-fulness

- Talking more, faster and often louder

- Increased energy, more activity and an inability to sit still

- Increased sexual drive

- Irritability and

- Recklessness and poor decision-making.

This recklessness can lead to major problems. Stable relationships can be destroyed by inappropriate sexual activity or entering into financial contracts which cannot be honored.

Personal Early Warning Signs of an oncoming Hypomanic Episode

Many people with bipolar disorder have their own personal signs of an oncoming episode of hypomania. Generally these are "strange behaviors" which are different from the afflicted person's normal behavior. Also, they often occur at the start of an episode.

As an example, I am generally an untidy and disorganized person. However, as I enter a hypomanic episode I tend to meticulously plan, organize and write lists of "things" I need to do. If this starts to happen I do a mental check for the physical symptoms of hypomania. If there are enough present, I immediately rush of to my health professional. This is an important key to the successful treatment of bipolar disorder. Recognizing a problem is only half the battle. Seeking immediate assistance is vital if the treatment is to succeed.

Symptoms of a Manic Episode

A manic episode is a very bad experience. For a person with bipolar type 1 the natural progression from hypomania is mania. My own personal experience is that you have lost control of your mind during such an episode. Added to the symptoms of hypomania are others including:

- Euphoria, feeling extremely high, happy, excited and joyful

- Racing thoughts, unable to concentrate

- Even less need to sleep, if any at all

- Increased self-esteem, feelings of grandeur and poor judgment

- Delusions and/or hallucinations

- Drug and/or alcohol abuse

- Aggressive behavior and

- Failure to accept you have a mental problem.

Where do These Episodes Lead To

If a hypomanic episode does not lead to mania it will often lead to an episode of depression. This is generally the case in respect of bipolar type 2 and cyclothymiac's disorder. The depression might be mild or it might be deep. It can last for months or even longer.

Cures For Depression - Chemical Or Natural?

As we fight to recover from a struggling world economy we face a new threat of an ongoing health crisis. Thousands upon thousands of new cases of depression are being diagnoses annually with no end in sight. As this new wave of cases begins to appear large pharmaceutical companies are waiting with their hands out to cash in screaming the praises of their latest and greatest cures for depression.

This is nothing new as pharmaceuticals are big business making billions of U.S dollars each year. Pick up any magazine or newspaper and you are likely to see some form of advertisement for prescription drugs. There is nothing wrong per say with these companies doing major advertising but I'd suggest you be skeptical of drugs promising to rid you of your depression symptoms overnight. Depression is an illness of the brain, a part of the human body we know very little about in reality.

Experts seem to agree that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain but critics of the theory point to the fact there are no known ways to test these supposed chemical levels. Really, this is an educated guess at best. There is no way of knowing for sure if they have anything to do with depression at all. Antidepressants claim to cure depression by helping to balance these out of balance chemicals but again there is no sure fire way of testing their effectiveness. The best methods are observation to individual patient results but when it comes to mental illness how can you truly have a control group in these study groups. There is no way of knowing if there are underlying symptoms of depression in someone. Sometimes all that is lacking is the catalyst to bring them out.

Cures for depression may one day be a reality but that day is not today. Right now if you are looking to keep your depression in check I'd highly recommend alternative treatments to chemical antidepressants. Natural forms include diet, exercise, and even self help programs. Diet and exercise really go hand in hand as they are both aimed at keeping you physically healthy as well as mentally. Have you ever noticed how good you feel after a hard run or workout? Everyone has stress in their lives, some more than others. It is imperative you find a way to release this stress as bottling it up inside will only result in a meltdown know as a nervous breakdown. Just like a pressure cooker we all have our boiling points and when we are full we are full. Any type of physical activity is a great way to blow off that steam. Eating healthy can lead to a more pleasing self image thus boosting self esteem. Low self esteem can be linked to depression. Self help courses will benefit anyone even those not suffering from depression. A little positive thinking can go a long way.

Testing For Food Allergies - Self Diagnosis

There are several ways to check for food allergies on one's own. One is with the Coca test, based on Dr. Coca's observation that a person's pulse rate increases after eating a food to which he or she is allergic. The test consists of taking your pulse before eating and every 30 minutes after that for up to 2 hours.

Normally, the average person's pulse is between 70 and 80 beats per minute. After eating a food to which one is allergic, however, the pulse can increase significantly to a count that's 20 or even 40 beats above the normal level.

Another effective diagnostic measure that can be self-administered is the elimination test. Here, suspected allergy-producing foods are eliminated from the diet for 4 days. Every 5th day one of the foods is added back in to see if an allergic reaction occurs. So, if, for example, wheat is eliminated, on the 5th day a bowl of cracked wheat can be eaten. (Bread should not be used for this purpose because the person might be reacting to the yeast, sugar or additives.)

Recording Symptoms

It is helpful to keep a food diary to isolate those chemicals and foods that make you ill. Ask yourself, "Do I get bloated? Tired? Headaches?" Even is symptoms are not immediate, write them down. If you are allergic to a food, patterns will begin to emerge. A wide array of symptoms can occur depending upon which systems are most affected:

Adrenal System Reactions: Low energy or chronic fatigue is a common reaction, with immune dysfunction being at the most severe end of the spectrum. Another possibility is obesity, which can stem from a tendency to overeat in response to low glucose levels. A hypoglycemic person eats to raise the blood sugar and overcome inertia and exercise too little because not enough energy is available.

Central Nervous System Reactions: Brain allergies occur when molecules, breathed in or eaten, leave the blood and enter the brain. These foreign substances can interfere with enzymes and lead to any number of reactions - diminished concentration, impaired thinking, spaciness, anxiety, headaches, aggressive or antisocial behavior, depression, rapid mood swings, insomnia, hallucinations or episodic memory loss.

Many children experience hyperactivity or fatigue from allergens. Even serious psychotic problems can result; it is estimated that for over 90% of schizophrenics, food or chemical intolerances are contributory factors to their conditions. Unfortunately many allergic reactions, and many psychological problems compounded by allergic reactions, are mistaken for purely psychological.

Skin Problems: Some people experience rashes, or skin redness, discoloration, roughness or inflammation.

Respiratory System Problems: There may be wheezing or shortness of breath, asthma or bronchitis.

Cardiovascular Symptoms: These include heart pounding, rapid or skipped beats, flushing, pallor, tingling, redness or blueness of the hands and faintness.

Gastrointestinal Symptoms: Numerous symptoms include dry mouth, burping, flatulence, bloating, canker sores, stinging tongue, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, abdominal pain, rectal itching and indigestion.

Other Problems: Other annoying, uncomfortable symptoms are muscle aches and joint pain, ringing in the ears and frequent urination.

Unless corrected, subclinical signs can turn into disease states. Most people mask their symptoms with medication instead of addressing the cause of the problem. They do not realize that seemingly divers conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, asthma, migraines, irritably bowel syndrome, adult onset diabetes and skin disease, can have food and chemical allergies as an underlying cause.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Did You Go Through a Breakup & Are Feeling Depressed? Here is How to Deal With it & Clear Your Mind

A break up is very had to come to terms with. It doesn't matter who initiated the break up, the loss of a relationship is always hard to take. If you are in a place where you have been in a break up but don't know what to do read on to get some perspective.

Allow yourself to grieve
If you feel that you can pick up the pieces of your life right after you have broken up then you need to get a reality check. You need to give yourself some time to grieve and mourn the loss of your relationship. It's only then that you will be able to move on. So cry your heart out but don't become a manic depressive.

Don't think that its permanent
Don't think of the break up as a final full stop. People break up and make up all the time. Sometimes people break up only to realize that they need some space in the relationship to sort out some issues. So be open minded enough to accept the chance of reconciliation.

Find things that can make you feel better
Meanwhile, you should look out for things that make you feel better. You cannot allow yourself to mope on forever. So if you have certain hobbies, interests or passions that you have put on the back burner for long, now would be the time to delve into them. The busier you stay the easier it becomes to deal with the break up.

Don't be a recluse
Don't shy away from company. You have to start meeting people soon enough. The sooner you start getting back into the social circuit the better you will feel. It might take a lot of motivation to get out but you will begin to enjoy your new found freedom soon.

Get rid of the guilt
Every person makes some mistake or the other in a relationship and so did you. But don't let the guilt take over your life. You made a mistake pay the price for it and move on.

Think about a reconciliation
If you feel that you probably made a mistake by ending the relationship there is no harm in thinking of reconciliation. In fact even if you were the one who was dumped you can work on resolving your relationship issues and get back together with your ex.

Reconnect with your ex
Let some time go by and when all the hard bitter feelings are gone it's time to reconnect with your ex. Never burn any bridges. Talk to your ex, be friends and who knows? Maybe you'll find the lost love!

Psychotic Outbreak in Depression

About one in four people admitted in a hospital with depression, are there because of psychotic outbreak.

What is psychotic outbreak, then?

Basically, this is a state where you detach from reality. A lot of the symptoms are very similar to schizophrenia - you can hear voices, have delusions of grandeur, say things that do not make sense, become totally antisocial, having difficulties communicating with other people, experiencing hallucinations and just plainly stop looking after yourself.

But there is one difference in the symptoms of psychotic depression from schizophrenia. If you are aware of your strange thoughts, hallucinations, behaviour or voices, schizophrenic is not.

This is partly one of the main reasons why it's so difficult to diagnose and treat this particular sever depression disorder. People are scared and ashamed of it, they think they are going mad and hide their condition.

Among other signs of psychotic depression there are anxiety and agitation, physical and mental impairment, insomnia, constipation and hypochondria.

The doctors don't know for certain what exactly causes psychotic outbreak, but it's thought be very high levels of hormone cortisol which accumulates an overwhelming amount of stress in your body.

Psychotic depression treatment usually is very successful and involves a combination of normal antidepressants and antipsychotics like Olanzapine (Zyprexa), Quetiapine (Seroquel), Risperidone (Risperdal), etc. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is highly successful as well.

Usually people recover within a year, but they still require occasional check ups with mental health professionals. People with family mental health history and drug and alcohol abuse are more likely to suffer from a repeated outbreak.

There is also a very small study that researches a dramatic effect that Mifepristone - an emergency contraception pill has on people in psychosis.

Apparently, Mifepristone originally was made to block hormone cortisol, but because it could also block progesterone, it was turned into a "morning after" pill.

Now researchers say, that people who take the pill improve dramatically within days, and what's more important the effect lasts, which means that they can get better without suffering effects of psychosis for months or going through traumatic electroconvulsive therapy.

So, here it is - the wonders of modern medicine where medical professionals don't know what causes an illness and manufacture a pill for one thing, but it works perfectly well for a different one...

What do you think about it, guys? Please, share any information you have on the subject. It will be greatly appreciated.

Depression and Bad Relationships - How Are They Interconnected?

Frictions in married life are very common. Sometimes it causes depression. This is a sign that there is something wrong in your relationship and your relationship is going bad. The worst part of this depression is that both the partners are totally aware of the situation but cannot find the way out.

Married life brings ups and downs in relationship along with the joy and happiness associated with it. Sometimes the friction between the partners go to such extend that one of them or both go into depression. However, depression takes toll on women's health, both physical and mental more than men.

There are some signs which can very well tell the reason behind depression is bad relationship. Till the time one is leading happy and content married life, all is well. However, when the married life becomes full of stress and both the partners feel its pressure, depression starts showing its signs. Health related problems in women like infertility, pregnancy or menopause add up to the depression in women's lives if they do not get psychological support from their partners.

Here are 5 signs your depression may be related to bad relationship:

• Lack of or lost desire for sexual activities: Intimacy is one of the important parts of the married life. However if you feel you have lost your yearning to come together is may be because you are going through depression episode due to bad relationship.

• Insomnia: Increased stress and tension leads to lack of sleep. Negative thoughts lead people into sleeplessness and depression.

• Decrease in tolerance level: If you cannot tolerate slightest noise or get perturbed due to any kind of sound, it is a sign that your depression may be related to bad relationship. Sometimes if you cannot tolerate the laughter of your kids and get annoyed quickly, then it may be an indication that you are reacting this way due to bad relationship.

• If you and your partner are having episodes of difference of opinions which often results in one of the partners leaving that room or house for some time and another spending hours in isolation. The one, who spends hours alone, is in the high proximity of falling pray to depression due to bad relationship.

• If you are feeling lonely, helpless and disheartened all the time and are having suicidal thoughts just because your partner is not paying enough attention to your needs, it is an indication that you are depressed because of bad relationship.

These are a few signs that indicate that your depression is related to sore or bad relationship with your spouse. Try to speak to your partner without blaming him/her. Try to give as much time to your spouse as possible. If you have a good friend whom you can trust, tell him/her about your state of mind. However, if you are having suicidal thoughts, then getting professional help as early as possible will help you avoid further unhappy moments.

Don't let depression ruin your married life.

Holistic Remedies to Treat Depression and Anxiety

One of the consequences to a fast-paced lifestyle is that it eventually takes its toll on our mental and emotional well-being. Depression, anxiety and panic attacks likely stems from the periodic encounter of stress. In response, pharmaceuticals have developed cutting edge medications designed to manage depressive symptoms effectively.

But then the bitter pill to swallow with these synthetic formulas is the risk of 'chemical imbalance' in the brain in its extended use. At the end of the day, neurological disorders require a holistic healing approach that would not compromise routine physiological conditions.

Natural Remedies for Mental Wellness

The extracts of known herbal remedies have been used in alternative practice for many centuries to treat mental disorders. Here is a rundown of herbal remedies affirmed for their therapeutic effectiveness and safety in restoring the brain's natural chemistry.

Lemon Balm. Herbal infusions or teas have been concocted from this herb and used for many centuries to promote mental calm and relaxation. Its bioactive flavonoids are antioxidants purported to support neurotransmitter balance and activity in the nervous system; furthermore regulating the functions of the brain. The herb is also known to relieve nervous conditions such as irritability and anxiety attacks, and has been found teeming with anti-hemorrhoidal properties.

St. John's Wort. The herb is regarded as a natural antidepressant that is attributive of its active component hypericin. This medicinal property endeavors healing at the different stages of depression, making it a natural and safer alternative to stimulant drugs. St. John's Wort is a powerful remedy and its compounds have in fact been utilized in many drug formulas in line with its remarkable healing properties.

Passion Flower. The herb contains the natural component chrysin used in medicinal formulas to treat anxiety and panic attacks. The therapeutic benefits of Passion Flower likewise extends to the relief of high blood pressure while ensuing a calmative and relaxed demeanor when taken in decoctions or in capsule form.

Lavender. The oils of this herb is reputed as an all-around relaxation remedy that treats insomnia and nervous tension. It also relieves the body from stress and fatigue.

Today, herbalists have integrated the medicinal compounds of the mentioned herbs to come up with standardized herbal supplements such as MindSoothe that is designed to holistically treat and manage the symptoms of depression.

Another convenient herbal remedy used for nervine disorders like anxiety and panic attacks is PureCalm. These herbal treatments have been developed with the intent of natural healing in mind in order to achieve systemic balance and restore mental wellness.

Dysthymia: Myth or Monster?

Chronic, low-level depression has reached such epidemic proportions that the medical community has given it a name - Dysthymia (pronounced dis-thigh-me-ah). It's a big problem affecting nearly 8% of the U.S. population. Low-grade depression (dysthymia) is one of the most common ailments on the planet and one of the least likely to be diagnosed. Like its cousin, clinical depression, low-grade depression hits women roughly twice as often as men. Dysthymia is, by definition, chronic. A diagnosis requires the presence of symptoms on more days than not for a period of at least two years, which is what makes it so hard to pin down. Any given day might be okay, even happy. Yet in the general run of days, there are more gray ones than not, more unhappiness than joy. Most people afflicted with this kind of chronic malaise instinctively blame themselves: They would rather believe they can solve the problem-if they could just find the right job or the right man or lose weight-than admit they have a psychiatric disorder. Unfortunately, many people who are suffering do not seek help because they have been feeling this way for so long, the feelings of depression and malaise are their "normal".

The presence of two or more of the following symptoms persisting for at least two years is indicative of dysthymia in adults:

  • Poor appetite or overeating

  • Insomnia or hypersomnia

  • Low energy or fatigue

  • Low self-esteem

  • Poor concentration

  • Difficulty making decisions

  • Feelings of hopelessness

So, what's the problem? Why are so many women having such an issue with anxiety and/or depression? One reasons is that we are taught and conditioned from our first day on this planet to go after "the American Dream" (or the European dream, or the Australian Dream - or whatever - you get our point) - to have it all - the family, the relationship, the career, the house, car, money, etc. Over time, one of two things seems to happen - either you fall short in one or more areas of life and eventually give up on your dreams, or you actually get it all and find yourself in this place of comfort and routine with no new goals on the horizon. In either case, you find yourself in a dark place where you feel absolutely stuck and dissatisfied with your life and if left unchecked, that dissatisfaction has a nasty way of manifesting itself as chronic, low level depression.

The mental health experts have identified all kinds of underlying factors why women, in particular, are so susceptible to developing depression in their middle years. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, women develop depression at more than twice the rate of men. We've boiled these factors down into six basic areas:

Frazzlemania (Overload): The demands on women today are huge! Most middle-aged women have careers, families, households, aging parents and a myriad of other responsibilities vying for their time and attention. Striking a balance between all of them has a tendency to leave one feeling like a failure - spend too much time on the career and the children suffer - too much time on the kids and the marriage suffers - you can see the problem. plus, many women were born at a time when it was very common for women to be stay-at-home-moms and there is guilt in play as well when they feel they are not doing as good a job managing everything as their own mother did. The guilt, coupled with the sense of failure and stress, make a fertile ground for depression to take root.

2nd Class Setback (Societal Gender Inequity): As evolved as we would like to think we are, the fact remains that in much of the industrialized world, women are often still not valued at the same level as men. Women who do not work outside the home are often perceived as sitting around watching soap operas and eating bonbons during the day. Women who do take time away from their careers to raise children have a difficult, if not impossible, time making up lost ground in terms of pay and retirement savings. These types of "no-win" scenarios can lead women to feel like second-class citizens and cause stress and hopelessness.

Foggy Glasses Syndrome: Depression is very much a disease of perception. Everywhere we look we see images of perfection - the perfect body, the perfect car, the perfect house, the perfect relationship, the perfect children, etc. Perfection is an illusion, yet everyone is trying to attain it. These images are hard to live up to at any age, but become particularly glaring as we age. Constant exposure to these images of perfection works on us in subtle, subconscious ways making us feel "less than".

The Sucker Punch (Traumatic Life Events): How we react to unexpected events in life certainly affects our mood and emotions. A stressful life event can plunge a person into depression, especially if a person is at risk for depression due to other factors. Stressful life events may include: prolonged medical illness; illness or death of a loved one; divorce; ending a close relationship; loss of a job; relocating; and financial or legal problems.

The Clone-Effect (Environmental Factors): The environment in which you were raised can be a major factor underlying your susceptibility to depression. If you were raised to think you were never good enough or that you were a "bad" kid or other negative ideas, these ideas are incorporated into your self-image over time. If you have a negative self-image, the twists and turns of life can make you much more susceptible to becoming depressed.

Comfortitis (Comfort vs. Achievement): This was my KEY underlying factor! I was a goal achiever from Day One - I always wanted to be doing it better, faster, smarter than anyone thought possible. Once I got to a point in my life where I had achieved the major goals I had set for myself, I became "comfortable" and in that "comfort", found myself utterly miserable. There are many people who need to constantly be striving for the next goal - without it, they feel rudderless, without purpose, and depression can easily take hold.

Regardless of the underlying factor (or factors) that caused it, the first step in getting through the depression is to admit that there is a problem. How many conversations have you had with yourself saying that you have to find a way to be okay with your lives, to accept it - this was just the way it was! Well, that's just not true! The life you are living right now is not the way it has to be! You are not a slave to your circumstances!

Sadly, everyone will at some time in their life be affected by depression, whether it be their own or someone else's. Fifty-four percent of those people believe depression is a personal weakness and that there is no hope for them to get through it, which is why 80% of people suffering from chronic, low level depression are not currently having any treatment. And get this, A National Mental Health Association survey showed that more than 50% of women believe depression is a "normal part of aging" and that treatment for depression during menopause is not necessary!

According to the World Health Organization depression is the second largest killer of man, after heart disease, with studies showing that depression is a contributory factor to fatal coronary disease. and current projections show depression overtaking heart disease as the #1 killer worldwide by the year 2020. There have even been studies done showing links between depression and illness including osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease, some forms of cancer, eye disease and back pain.

But you know, we just don't pay as much attention to our mental health and well-being as we do our physical health. We read those statistics and most of us just shrug and say there is nothing I can do about it, that's just life. Well, in part, that's true. It is your life and that is because everything we do, every feeling we have and our belief system and the programming we received as a child are driving every result we are getting. That self-image, that belief system, is nothing more than a huge collection of habits - the programming. It's happening in the background and without your permission. It's like a computer virus. Those little bugs get inside your computer and wreak havoc, but they don't keep you from using your computer until things get so bad that the system just crashes. They operate in the background, not caring what you try to do, they just carry out their program unbeknownst to you. So how do you keep from becoming a statistic? Is there a way to change your programming?

The cool thing is that it really is possible and actually quite simple to re-program your "hard drive" with clean, virus-free programs of your choosing! It is so simple (although not necessarily EASY), but it's not something that we're generally taught. There's nothing new about it - it's been around for thousands of years, but it's stuff that isn't taught in school - although it certainly should be!

That feeling that life is hopeless or out of control, being angry at yourself for not being able to do anything about it, changes in sleep or eating habits, loss of interest in engaging in activities that once gave you joy - we've convinced ourselves that all of these are normal parts of life. We convince ourselves further that as long as we are not under a doctor's care or on prescription medications that everything is okay. But the fact is that these are all signs that something is wrong and the cause can be traced back to some "virus" in your mind. The emotional pain that you feel is the higher side of yourself screaming at you to live up to your infinite potential - to do more, be more, have more!

There is help out there! Traditional programs for stress and behavior modification get you all hyped up with motivation, but offer no follow through action plan. Think of the typical diet program - it teaches you how to modify your behavior to eat in a certain way, to exercise a certain way, but fails to address the root cause of the excess weight - the self-image - the programming! For lasting change to occur the cause of the problem has to be tackled, not just the symptoms.

It is your birthright to be happy and prosperous and your obligation to be all you can possibly be. Why on earth should we settle for the status quo when greatness and abundance beyond our wildest dreams is within our grasp?

Abnormal Psychology Can Be A Fascinating Course Of Study

The field of psychology is a fascinating field for anyone who loves to study behavior in children and adults. It is especially rewarding for those who want to work in a branch of psychology that helps people deal with problems that interfere with their daily lives. One fascinating subject students in a psychology degree program will study is abnormal psychology.

There are different levels of abnormal behavior as defined by renowned psychologists, based on their study of people exhibiting any type of behavior they believe is outside of the norm. The three main levels of abnormal behavior are: bizarre or extreme behavior, behavior that causes disturbances to others, and behavior that interferes with basic daily functions.

Obsessive-compulsive behavior is one example of extreme behavior. Many people are able to lead normal lives outside of the home and may succeed in hiding their extremeness from others. Bizarre behavior may include delusions or hallucinations, as in schizophrenia or manic depression. Uncontrolled violence is an extreme type of abnormal behavior. Two examples of abnormal behavior that affect other people are drunken driving and child molestation. These behaviors are also against the law, and those who commit these acts must seek therapy from a psychologist, in addition to serving out a punishment laid out by the courts.

Abnormal behavior categorized as personal distress includes depression, extreme stress, and feelings of panic. These behaviors make life extremely difficult as they often lead to physical ailments. Many people who suffer from any of these behavioral disorders recognize that their behavior is not normal and therefore seek help by discussing these issues with their primary doctor.

Behavior that interferes or prevents people from functioning normally on a daily basis includes phobias and different types of neurosis. Some people develop phobias to specific items and are capable of leading a normal life as long as they can stay clear of these items. These behaviors may prevent people from leaving their home and holding down a job.

Abnormal behavior encompasses other dimensions as well. Addiction and alcoholism fall under the character of abnormal behavior because they are psychological dependencies. Some forms of personality disorders fall into the category of erratic behavior when those disorders disrupt one's own life, or interfere with the lives of one's family or friends. Many people suffering from personality disorders often develop addictions in an effort to feel normal with the use of alcohol or drugs.

Ways in which psychologists gauge and then diagnose abnormal behavior varies. Some use a statistic model based on studying different people in different situations. Others believe that using statistics provides a model that is too vague or too broad to define this type of behavior. A combination of statistics and others tools is probably the most effective way to study different people in varying situations.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Internet Addiction and Depression - What's the Connection?

Some recent studies conducted by British psychologists showed striking evidence that Internet addiction and depression seem to be related. The study found that a small proportion of Internet users were considered to be Internet addicts and that these people had a greater likelihood of getting depressed than Internet users who were not addicted.

Psychologists say that the reason behind this is that people who become addicted to the Internet eventually find themselves replacing real-life social interactions with online interactions in chat rooms and social networking websites. Since real-life social interactions are necessary for the psychological and emotional stability of a person, lack of it can lead to depression.

The study was conducted based on a questionnaire that was answered by over 1300 young people and adults aged between 16 and 51 years old who used the Internet regularly. A link to the questionnaire was placed on various UK-based social networking sites. The questions mainly revolved around Internet usage, such as how much time they spent online, what they do online, and so on. The questionnaire also included the Beck Depression Inventory, a series of questions that measure the severity of depression or depressive symptoms.

Only about 1.4% of the total number of survey participants were found to be Internet addicts, and they seem to have had more severe depressive symptoms. It was not clear, however, whether people who are already depressed turn to the Internet to fulfill their basic human need for social interaction, or if Internet overuse comes first.

The psychologists reported that over-engaging in social networking websites can easily occur and can just as easily lead to psychological disorders like addiction and depression. People therefore need to consider the large-scale societal implications of social networking sites on mental health.

A similar study, however, gave light to what was missing in the previous study. Another study was conducted in Australia and China, where over 1000 teenage students in China were exposed to uncontrolled Internet use. The students were completely free from anxiety and depression at the start of the study. Sixty-two of them were moderate pathological users of the Internet, while two were found to be severely unable to control their urges to go online. The study took nine months. In the next evaluation, it was found that an alarming eighty-seven of the students developed depression and another eight showed significant symptoms of anxiety.

The study suggests that Internet overuse comes first before depression. Researchers made it clear, however, that the study was conducted in a developing country, so results may differ in developed and underdeveloped countries where the circumstances are different. Nevertheless, they recommend that young people who may be at risk of getting addicted to the Internet should be screened to see whether they need treatment or counseling.

H Pylori Infection Causes Gastritis

My Mother died aged just 60. When doctors performed her autopsy, they reported that she had been suffering severe gastritis and bleeding of the stomach and small intestine. In ten years of medical care, nobody had bothered to check her stomach for the presence of damage.

My Mother died as a result of septicemia: an infection developed in her psoas muscle, burst and allowed the infectious bacteria to enter her brain. It is fairly clear to me that the infectious organisms that caused the sepsis broke into her circulation through her damaged stomach and intestine.

This is a serious topic!

Gastritis simply means "inflammation of the stomach". H pylori infection is the leading - but not the only - cause of gastritis.

In fact, any word that ends in 'itis' means inflammation. For example, colitis is inflammation of the colon, arthritis is inflammation of joints, uveitis is inflammation of the eyes.

Most of the pain people experience is caused by inflammation. If tissues in your body are inflamed, you'll tend to feel pain there.

However, inflammation does not always cause pain and this is one of the most important lessons you can learn regarding your health because "silent" inflammation causes most of the diseases that afflict the Western population.

Chronic, long term inflammation can lead to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression, IBS, autoimmune disease and many other disease processes. These diseases don't appear over night, they are the result of a long term process.

H Pylori, Gastritis & Stomach Pain

H pylori infection always causes inflammation. This inflammation is generally located in the stomach and small intestine, where it is known as gastritis and duodenitis, respectively.

In some folk, gastritis and duodenitis will cause them to experience pain consciously, but other folk will not feel this pain. This is similar to the situation in celiac disease, where some people feel extreme pain upon eating gluten, whereas others feel no discomfort whatsoever, even though the gluten causes huge amounts of inflammation in the intestine.

Individual differences in the way we react to the H pylori infection, in addition to the specific strain of H pylori involved, seem to be the primary reasons why some folk develop stomach pain, heartburn and other uncomfortable symptoms while others do not.

The most common symptom of gastritis is a burning pain that occurs between the breastbone and the bellybutton. The pain can either be worsened or made better by food.

Nausea, loss of appetite, bloating and other common digestive symptoms may also be signs of gastritis. Severe gastritis can lead to stomach ulcers or bleeding, both of which must be treated by a medical professional.

If you have severe pain, burning, nausea, vomiting - especially if you vomit blood or coffee-like granules - or if your bowel movements are unusually dark, seek medical attention immediately as you may have bleeding in your stomach or intestines.

Three Main Causes Of Gastritis

There are three major causes of gastritis:

First, H pylori infection is believed to be the number one cause of gastritis.

Second, NSAIDS such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), Naxopren (Aleve, Naprosyn) are used to treat pain syndromes such as arthritis and headaches. They are available over the counter, without prescription.

They work by decreasing the formation of some of the body's pain signalling chemicals, known as prostaglandins. Gastritis and bleeding of the stomach are known to be side effects of using NSAIDS. For example, in one study it was found that the use of one adult strength aspirin per day triples a person's risk of being hospitalised for a major gastrointestinal bleed.璽?玲?/p>

Third, several diet and lifestyle factors may cause or contribute to the development of gastritis. Here are some of those factors:

• Alcohol consumption (alcohol is a major irritant of the GI tract)
• Cigarette smoking
• Dehydration
• Eating smoked, pickled and processed foods, for example bacon, salami, pickles, vinegar). Processed meats that contain nitrates and nitrites are preservatives are especially problematic.
• Spicy foods such as chilli
• Greasy foods containing processed vegetable oils
• Consuming gluten-containing foods (from wheat, rye and barley)
• Cow's milk products, especially when they are pasteurised
• Sugar consumption
• Coffee drinking
• Food allergies: common triggers include cow's milk, wheat, corn, yeast, nuts, eggs
• Stress (yes, stress has been shown to directly cause inflammation)

Overcoming Gastritis

Overcoming gastritis is not difficult. If you have digestive pain above your bellybutton, the chances are that you have gastritis.

So first, check your lifestyle against the factors listed above and correct any of these that need correcting. Remove problematic foods, stop smoking and talk to your doctor about whether you need NSAIDs.

If this does not relieve your symptoms, make sure that get a test for H pylori. You can get a test from your doctor. We recommend that you two tests: a stool antigen test and a urea breath test.

If H pylori is detected in your testing, you must take steps to eradicate the infection using triple therapy antibiotics or a well-designed herbal protocol such as the one I used when I had H pylori.

Once H pylori has been successfully eradicated, substances that are helpful in healing a damaged stomach and intestinal lining include DGL, zinc-l-carnosine, l-glutamine, cysteine or n-acetyl cysteine, gamma-oryzanol, colostrum and probiotics.

If you are experiencing very severe symptoms, I recommend that you ask for an endoscopy examination from your doctor or specialist. The endoscopy procedure can help you identify how severe your gastritis is. It can also determine whether you have developed stomach, or peptic ulcers, Barrett's esophagus, atrophic gastritis and other conditions, including cancer. A biopsy can also be taken during the endoscopy procedure to identify H pylori infection.

Do not underestimate your body's messages. If you have pain in your digestive system it means there is something wrong. H pylori can cause stomach cancer if it is left untreated. So what begins as simple gastritis can end up causing very serious problems.

Please don't take chances. Alter your diet and lifestyle habits and, if this does not bring relief, seek medical attention immediately.