Saturday, September 28, 2013

5 Reasons To Not Let Depression Control You Anymore!

Depression is a state of mind and once you start to appreciate what you have and no longer brood on what you don't things will start to improve. You are responsible for what happens in your life and until you accept and start making changes you will always be living in a state of nothingness. When we are sick its our bodies way of telling us that something is wrong, depression is no different.

Depression although can seem a very dark place to be, it can also help you to improve your life in many ways. It is a great teacher, highlighting that things are not right in your world and this realisation alone will bring its own reward. You will learn so much about yourself during this period; use it for a time to reflect and change what no longer works for you. Focus and truly appreciate what is important in life right now, improve in areas that are making you unhappy, do it for yourself, your family, friends, and loved ones.

Family - It can be very annoying to your loved one's when you are feeling low and depressed. They love you and only what the best for you, but on the other hand every now and again they can get frustrated and wonder why you can't just pull yourself together. It can be extremely difficult on children of someone suffering with depression and it could affect how they view life in general, sometimes even years down the line. Having experienced depression myself, I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that this is the number one motivation you should have to beat your depression. Trust me, it can be done. You just have to decide, do you want this life forever or do you want to change?

Work - Work life can suffer greatly when you are depressed. You will find it more difficult to concentrate. Not only that, creating and maintaining professional working relationships is much more difficult too. Furthermore, it makes being a "self-motivator" far more unlikely. Rather than making positive moves forward, at a subconscious level continuing life in a negative state becomes more acceptable.

Love - Depression has a massive impact on intimacy too, with a tendency to feel 'unloved', as do those around you. In spite of the loving partner professing their commitment to you, the depression will prevent you ever seeing the brighter side of life and over time it can wear down everyone involved. Life is too short, right? Love conquers A WHOLE LOT, but not everything. When dealing with a sufferer try being understanding, it's easy to be judgemental and critical but a little compassion can go a long way. Put yourself into the other person's shoes, see life from their point of view and then ask yourself "If I were in this persons shoes, how would it make me feel, how would I behave"? It is also good for the person who is depressed to ask themselves these questions too. Finding the answers will make you more tolerant of each others situation. Love is really put to the test when depression strikes, but remember every person we meet and every situation we encounter is for a reason and that reason is to teach us something about ourselves. You can learn a lot about yourself during this period, after all when you are not in alignment your body knows and by plunging you into the depths of depression is its way of telling you that something needs to change.

Health - Studies have shown that people who are out of alignment with themselves are more likely to get depressed and will suffer sickness more often. Also, constantly behaving in a negative manner can shorten your life expectancy, compared to those who are content with their life. It is in your best interest, health wise, to overcome your depression or you could find yourself experiencing more hospital visits and a daily diet of drugs and loneliness, is this what you want?

Prosperity - When depressed you can sometimes lacks clarity in what it is you want to achieve, your life purpose or which direction you want to go in. Because of this many missed golden opportunities have passed you by, if only you were paying attention to what was going on around you things might be different. It's OK to complain about what is and what isn't right in your life, but in all honesty the life you have is the one that you created. You and only you are responsible for the choices that you make, get your head around that one and you have taken the first step in creating the life you truly want. Let's face it, if you keep doing the same thing, behave in the same manner, mix with the same people, how can you ever expect anything but what you already have? Your life is only going to get better when you decide to change. Contrary to what the books say, there are no fairy godmothers, no magic wands nor are there any genies living in lamps ready to deliver your every wish. You can't change the past; you can only create a future. A good place to start is being grateful for what you already have, if you are thinking there is nothing, then take your favourite item and imagine life without it, or that special person who kisses you for no reason, the roof over your head, clean water that comes from your tap. Good things come into your life when you stop taking things for granted and start showing appreciation instead, this is a great way to finally put an end the cycle of depression and self imposed-isolation (even if only figuratively).

Remember, we are all creators of our own reality ~ will you shake this depression, or will you keep it for another day? The choice is yours!

Bipolar 101 - For The Love Of Mania And Summer

I love mania, and I love summer. Why, because all the sunlight tends to trigger mania. I loathe winter and that deep dark dampness that takes hold of my body and my mind. Don't get me wrong it's not like I hibernate all winter, I simply hate leaving the house, or my bed for that matter. One thing that few bipolar sufferers realize is that you can bring that same wonderful summertime feeling into your home year round. Yep, it's light therapy and I love it.

I never realized the link between the sun and my moods till I had to start keeping a mood calendar for my treatment plans and in the winter my mood sucks. I do experience the odd manic episode, but for the most part I am low and depressed. Except this winter. You see this winter my psych sought out a new treatment plan, the magic light, that lights up my life, for real.

This light is bright as the sun, and took some getting accustomed to but it brought me out of my funks. In fact, I'm in love with the light. Even now as Spring approaches I find myself bathing in my light while I read, and even as I type these words.

So why choose light therapy as an addition to my medication therapy?

Well firstly, it's cheap. I bought myself the full spectrum bulb for around $10.

It's easy. It's not a treatment where I have to do something stupid for an hour or two. I can quite literally do whatever I want as long as I keep the light near me, look up to it regularly and simply use it.

And, so far for me, it works. In all the treatments and things I have tried I am all for doing the ones that work so I don't have to try yet another therapy that may or may not work. If it works to keep my plants in my bedroom alive (with no natural sunlight at all!) then why can't it work for me.

There are disadvantages though like any other treatment. Too much of it can trigger manic episodes. I'm in a full blown manic episode so I really shouldn't be using it but I cannot help it. I feel like I'm addicted to it, just like my lithium and all those other pills I pop. So I just use it and do my best to limit how much of it I use.

What are you waiting for? Light up your light, and mood today.

Food Sensitivity and ALCAT Test

Food allergy and food intolerance are adverse reactions that affect certain individuals when eating foods or food ingredients that most consumers can tolerate with no problem. Food allergies are abnormal immunological responses to a particular food or food component, usually a naturally occurring protein. Allergic reactions may occur even with the slightest amount. Food intolerances are adverse reactions that occur when the body has a physical reaction to food which does not cause immunological reaction.

Food sensitivity has a very wide range of symptoms. These include fatigue, lethargy, sleepiness after eating, drowsiness, poor concentration and memory, mental agitation, mood swings, compulsive eating, food cravings, cravings for sugar, carbohydrate, or starch, water retention, weight problems, mood swings, depression, restlessness, irritability, headaches, migraines, swollen and painful joints, muscle pain, stiffness, gas, bloating, flatulence, indigestion, heartburn, constipation, blurry eyes, spots in front of eyes, and sleep deprivation.

The ALCAT test is a food sensitivity test used to identify foods that can trigger harmful reactions to body. It can identify reactions to 350 foods, chemicals, and other substance associated with inflammation that are linked to different chronic health problems such as migraines, aching joints, fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, eczema, hyperactivity/ADD, asthma and even obesity. This test uses electronic, state of the art, hematological instrumentation.

The blood is the common pathway of all mechanisms. ALCAT examines the blood directly for possible reactions. It observes the reaction of red blood cells and white blood cells when exposed to certain foods. Unlike other food allergy or food intolerance tests, there is no guesswork involved; only reliable and reproducible results.

ALCAT test has been scientifically proven to work effectively. One study showed that 98% of the subjects were reported to decrease in weight and/or improved muscle to fat ratio. Other beneficial effects were reported including improvement in skin, increased energy, elimination of migraines, reduced sugar cravings, better mood, and better sleep.

ALCAT test has been a successful tool in overcoming a number of food sensitivity symptoms. Hundreds and thousands of people around the world have already been helped by the ALCAT test in improving their health by successfully preventing the symptoms.

Most people who have an experience with ALCAT testing are satisfied with the results and are now enjoying living their lives in their best. If you know what food you need to avoid, then you are a step closer to a life free of symptoms and illnesses.

Teenage Substance Abuse? 15 Signs of a Troubled Youth

Troubled teens throw families into utter chaos. Every teenager goes through mood changes and volatility so it can be hard for some parents to decide on what is in the normal range for teenage behavior. As a psychiatrist that specializes in helping families with addicted teens or young adults, I try to educate families on what are the warning signs that they may have a troubled teen on their hands. Here are 15 signs of a troubled teen:

  1. Is your teen using drugs or alcohol (teen substance abuse)?

  2. Is your teen having significant mood swings?

  3. Does your teen isolate in their room right after school?

  4. Has your teen's school performance changed for the worse?

  5. Is your teen skipping classes and blowing off homework?

  6. Has your teen quit eating with the family and quit participating in family activities?

  7. Is your teen losing weight?

  8. Has your teen's sleep pattern changed?

  9. Does your teen seem depressed or anxious?

  10. Has your teen withdrawn from their former group of friends?

  11. Is your teen hanging around with friends that seem like a bad influence?

  12. Is your teen breaking rules and being defiant of authority?

  13. Has your teen gotten in any legal trouble (shop lifting)?

  14. Does your teen seem agitated?

  15. Is your teen lying a lot?

The most likely reasons you may have a troubled youth is that your teen either is abusing drugs or alcohol (teenage alcoholism or teenage drug abuse), suffering from anxiety, or depression, or your teen has developed an eating disorder (or a combination of these). Most of the other warning signs stem from these conditions. Anxiety and depression can lead to a teen using drugs and alcohol in an attempt to feel better or, conversely, teenage alcoholism or teen drug abuse can actually cause anxiety and depression. RJ, is an 18 year that I saw in my practice. His parents brought him to me because he was skipping school and told them he felt very depressed. He had already been kicked out of 4 schools due to skipping classes and not turning in homework assignments. His parents had sent him to several alternative school environments and were at their wit's end. On evaluation he was suffering from clinical depression and an Anxiety Disorder.

However, he also suffered from teen drug addiction and teenage alcoholism. With a patient like RJ, is unclear if his depression or anxiety came before the drug and alcohol use or after the abuse. He had been abusing drugs and alcohol since he was 14 years old. He also had a family history of depression. To give him the best outcome, I withdrew him from drugs and alcohol with medication that prevented symptoms of withdrawal. I then prescribed an antidepressant that also helps anxiety. Antidepressants are not addicting. I also worked with the family and helped to teach both parents to set boundaries with their son and let him suffer the consequences of any drug and alcohol use. They also agreed to go to Families Anonymous meetings. RJ participated in group therapy with other kids his age who suffer from addiction. RJ, one year later, has maintained his sobriety and is going to a school that has a self paced program. He continues to take antidepressants and is not depressed or anxious. He gets along much better with his parents now who have learned to set limits with him. RJ has done well because his treatment has involved getting him off drugs and alcohol so he did not suffer withdrawal. His therapy has involved dealing with addiction and learning new coping skills and communication skills. The antidepressants have helped with depression and anxiety so that he can function at a higher level. His parents have learned to raise their expectations of him by setting limits if he doesn't honor basic responsibilities. A successful outcome with a troubled teen demands a multi-factorial approach.

Teenagers Depression - Causes and Symptoms

When it comes to teenagers, it is very difficult to determine whether their outbreaks of dissatisfaction or sadness, or only the current issue of the rights of adolescent depression. It is normal that most teens in certain moments feel unhappy. When it adds more and increased the effect of hormones, characteristic of that period, as well as a myriad of changes through which teenage pass - is not difficult to notice that their mood changes from minute to minute.

Nevertheless, the research shows that even a teenager, every eighth subject teenage depression. Do not let this frighten you, because this depression usually brief and transitory. But if this situation persists for longer than two weeks - should certainly require the help of qualified health workers. What causes adolescent depression?

There are many reasons that a teenager feels sad and unhappy. Because of the weak grade in school and the pressure of teachers, teenagers can begin to feel worthless and therefore lose self-confidence which hitherto had.

The development of depression can affect and poor relationships with peers, sexual orientation, but the pressure in the family as an environment in which impose certain values and habits. Also, in some cases, adolescent depression can be caused by the stress that comes from the very environment that surrounds every one teenager. Regardless of the cause of depression, if any friends or family are not sufficient to overcome a teenager, and despite the support of so many still feel isolated and unhappy - it is clear that this is so called teenager depression. The most common symptoms of teenager depression In children who are prone to this form of depression can clearly see changes in behavior, thinking and mood. Manifested by a teenager just lose motivation and interest for all and clam.

Such children are also prone to excessive behavior, excessive or poor sleep, changes in diet, and even criminal activities ... Common symptoms of depression in adolescents: apathy frequent headaches and fatigue difficulties concentrating difficult decisions excessive guilt irresponsible behavior (failure to meet promises and commitments, the time delay classes, running away from school ...) short memory loss obsession with death and dying riotously behavior sadness and increased anxiety insomnia Alcohol and drugs estrangement from friends If your teen shows some of these symptoms, work in time to prevent it before further development of depression and help your child to participate in this potentially dangerous phase. Some ways are more frequent and longer interviews with children, objective problem solving, often mingling with the children, encouraging hobbies, sports or encourage extra-curricular activities ...

Friday, September 27, 2013

Canine Depression - 10 Common Signs and 10 Simple Suggestions to Help Your Dog

Yes! Absolutely! Dogs can get depressed. There are a number of sources that can ebb the life out of your canine buddy.

1. may be too busy, or they may have lost a dear human or animal friend.
2. Sudden changes in routines and schedules.
3. More than usual tension in the home. Your dog may be sensing YOUR mood changes.
4. Illness, yours or theirs.
5. Ageing. They can no longer physically do, what they were once capable of doing.
6. Dietary problems (wrong food).

10 Common Signs of Canine Depression

1. Weight loss/Lack of thirst
2. Regression in house training...soiling inside
3. Lack of sociability
4. Lack of enthusiasm and motivation
5. Anxious
6. Impulsive aggression
7. Phobic
8. Nervous
9. Grief
10. Chemical imbalance

10 Simple Suggestions to Pump That Zest for Life, Back Into Your Dog

1. Have your veterinarian determine if there is a physical or chemical problem causing your dog's mood change.

2. Talk to your veterinarian about your dog's diet. A simple change of diet may help.

3. Talk to your dog! Don't worry, no one is looking. Many owners rarely talk to their dogs...other than to scold them. Your dog loves the sound of your up beat. Praise them as many times a day as possible. They can never hear it enough.

4. As much as possible, stay on a scheduled routine. It offers your dog a sense of security.

5. If your dog has lost a human or animal friend, socialize them. Take them where they can interact with other dogs, preferably daily. Dogs need dogs.

6. Enroll in a positive reinforcement, punishment-free obedience dog training class. You will benefit by toning up your leadership skills, and your dog will benefit from the socialization with new people and dogs, not to mention the added bonus of spending quality time with his or her best friend, YOU! Make the commitment, you will both enjoy it...and it works!

7. Have an adventure with your something fun, and different. Challenge up their self-esteem. Keep it short and keep it fun. Keep them interested, so they will be open for new challenges.

8. Walk him or her in a different neighborhood. Vary the pace of your walk. Make it interesting. The change may spark focus back into your friend.

9. Take your dog with you when possible. Include him or her in your activities outside the home. Take them to work with you if possible. Take them with you when you visit friends or run errands. Make it fun!

10. If the time is right for you, consider getting him or her a canine companion. Let your dog pick out their new friend! If you are not ready to assume the responsibilities of another dog...don't do it!

The most important thing you can do to help your dog over this bump in the road...let them know how much you love them. They need to see it in your eyes, hear it in your voice, and feel it through your actions. Their lives are too short. Being a dog should be fun. It doesn't take much to make them happy!

Feeling Down? Saddle Up

Depression can be debilitating. It can come out of no where and kick you from behind. Knocking you down for the count. Some people can't even manage to get out of bed when they are depressed. Have you suffered from depression before? Most people have been plagued with depression at some point in their life. New research is showing that horses can help lift your mood and get you on the road to recovery.

People with depression often have trouble focusing on the present instead of past/future events. Interestingly, being in the presence of a horse can help with this. Horses are prey animals and their survival depends on reading body language of the herd for potential dangers. When you interact with a horse you join their herd. Quickly they will begin reading your body language. So, if you are agitated, distracted or aggressive the horse will pick up this behavior and mirror it back to you. Instant feedback from the horse will guide your mood and behavior very quickly. A simple thirty minute connection with a horse can change your mood for hours.

This instant connection and having the horse accept you into it's herd can also alleviate many other symptoms of depression such as feeling lonely, isolated and misunderstood. You won't have the exhausting task of explaining anything to anyone or acting in a way you don't feel. Horses accept you for who you are as long as you are calm, peaceful and mindful. This can be comforting to a depression sufferer when it seems impossible to even smile. In addition, being accepted for who you are encourages healing. Horses have an ability to break through emotional walls and melt away facades, leaving you with a feeling of a whole new you!

Just being on the ground and grooming a horse has all of these positive effects but riding is an even better way to battle depression. Riding is physically strenuous for the core of your body. This physical activity wakes your body and will encourage it to release feel good endorphins after the exertion. Not only will you be releasing endorphins and getting fit, you will also be able to connect with nature.

Winston Churchill said, "there is something about the inside of a horse that is good for the inside of man". This quote couldn't be any more accurate. If you suffer from depression, this may be an option for you. Check out local horseback riding stables and take advantage of the positive effects horses can offer.

Why Do I Still Have Low Thyroid Symptoms When I Take a Thyroid Medication?

Low thyroid problems abound in today's society.

The poor thyroid gland is vulnerable to many destructive forces that include environmental disruptors like mercury, nitrates, pesticides and plastic compounds.

The thyroid gland is also susceptible to cross reactions with medications. The medications that disrupt thyroid physiology unfortunately, are very common. They include anti- inflammatory agents, diabetic and hypertensive meds,anti-acids, cholesterol lowering drugs and pain medications.

Imbalances in the rest of the hormonal systems of your body can also profoundly negatively influence thyroid physiology. Hormones such as estrogens, testosterone and cortisol, for example, can alter how thyroid hormones are made, bound, transported and how thyroid receptors work.

Sometimes, I think it's a wonder we all do not have thyroid dysfunction!

The most common reason for hypothyroidism where your thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone is a disease called Hashimoto's. Some experts conclude that up to 90% of all low functioning thyroid glands in the United States is because of this disease.

What is Hashimoto's?

It is an auto-immune disease where your body mistakenly identifies the thyroid gland as a foreign substance, and attacks and destroys it, slowly. One study found that 7-8% of the US population have antibodies against their thyroid gland. Another study found thyroid antibodies to a good marker for the future thyroid disease.

Unfortunately, these people slowly lose their thyroid tissue until enough has been lost to be formally diagnosed as hypothyroid. As they lose their thyroid tissue, they also decline in their energy, mental acuity, mood, temperature, gastro- intestinal motility etc.

As a final insult, when they do get diagnosed as hypothyroid, their treatment options are limited solely to thyroid hormone replacement. Nothing is done for the autoimmune attack which continues the loss of thyroid tissue as the person continues to decline or feels no improvement with thyroid hormone replacement.

It is common in traditional medical practices to replace the levels of a hormone without asking why the hormone is low in the first place. In the case of hypothyroid, this approach can lead to a person being treated for low thyroid with synthetic thyroid hormone while having every symptom of thyroid dysfunction treated as a new entity that requires a drug.

For instance, a common hypothyroid symptom is depression. When thyroid hormone replacement does not resolve the depression, an anti -depressant medication is used. This approach leads to laundry list of medications that could be eliminated if the autoimmune nature of the problem was addressed.

How do you address the overzealous immune system?

Stay tuned for that in a future article.

An Interesting Introduction to Psychology - Delusion and Depression

A person who presents with delusions that are theoretically plausible (non-bizarre), appropriate behavior, and no marked impairment in functioning would receive a diagnosis of Delusional Disorder. Erotomanic Type Delusional Disorder is characterized by the delusion that a person, typically of higher status, is in love with the patient. Grandiose Type is characterized by the delusion that one has made a truly meaningful discovery and/or has a remarkable talent. Jealous Type is a Delusional Disorder that fits a man who is convinced his wife is cheating, based on the fact she came home from work with a wrinkled shirt.

A person with Delusional Disorder who believes they, or someone they know, is being malevolently mistreated best qualify for Persecutory Type. Somatic Type is a type of Delusional Disorder is characterized by the irrational conviction that one has a physical defect, disorder, or disease. When a client's delusional belief cannot be clearly determined or is not described by the specific types, they would receive a diagnosis of Delusional Disorder Unspecified Type. A person can present with more than one type of Delusional Disorder. This is referred to as Mixed Type. A person experiences the sudden onset of at least one psychotic symptom (delusion, hallucination, etc) that lasts from several hours up to a month, and then returns to premorbid level of functioning, the most appropriate diagnosis is Brief Psychotic Disorder.

If a Brief Psychotic Disorder is in response to a very stressful event, it is sometimes referred to a Brief Reactive Psychosis and the diagnosis would include the specifier With Marked Stressor(s). The French term Folie a Deux (aka Shared Psychotic Disorder) often refers to when a person in close relation to another person who has a psychotic disorder begins experiencing similar delusions. A Manic Episode involves impaired functionality as a result of abnormally elevated, expansive, or irritable mood for a period of at least 1 week, in addition to symptoms such as grandiosity, flight of ideas, and increased verbosity; a Hypomanic Episode is similar, however the duration must be 4 days, no psychotic features or functional impairment is present, and hospitalization is not needed. A person who reports experiencing both mania and major depression in a single day, for at least 1 week, is experiencing A Mixed Episode.

Major Depressive Episode is characterized by a change in prior functioning due to the experience of depressed mood or loss of pleasure, in addition to at least 5 other symptoms of depression, during a two-week period. Bipolar I involves the presence of at least 1 manic or mixed episode at some time, and the person may or may not have experienced 1 or more major depressive episodes; the diagnosis of Bipolar II is given when 1 or more major depressive episodes and at least one hypomanic episode are present. Considered a Bipolar Disorder, Cyclothymic Disorder involves a mood disturbance of at least 2 years where the person alternates between hypomania and mild to moderate depressive states; functioning is often unimpaired. According to the DSM, approximately 15% of people with Major Depressive Disorder die by suicide. A person experiencing their first (and perhaps only) depressive episode would be diagnose Major Depressive Disorder, single episode, while one who has experienced more than one episode in a 2 year period would receive the indicator recurrent.

Research has shown that women appear to experience depression at a higher rate than men. Come of the possible reasons for this are that men are likely underrepresented due to underreporting; coping styles differ- men employ action and mastery strategies, women tend to brood and dwell on problems; women tend to express more extreme levels of well-being than men. The appropriate diagnosis for a woman who, within 4 weeks after giving birth, experiences mood swings, tearfulness, and other depressive symptoms suggestive of a Mood Disorder is Postpartum Depression A 24 y/o client reports he has felt "pretty down" for most his life, stating he experiences difficulty falling asleep, low self-image, decreased energy, feelings of hopelessness, and difficulty concentrating and making decisions. He explains, however, that it rarely affected his functional capacities. The likely diagnosis in this situation is Dysthymic Disorder. A person who has both Major Depressive Disorder and Dysthymic Disorder is best characterized by the condition known as Double Depression.

Learn To Minimize The Symptoms Of Your Manic Depressive State

It's a proven fact that a manic depressive person could be crippled by the abnormality of his or her moods. This mental health disorder would be extremely distressing not only to the patient but to other close family members and friends as well. The great news is that there are several things that you can do to minimize the effects and symptoms of what can be a sometimes disabling disorder. By learning to take charge of your manic depressive state, you can minimize having the bipolar label placed upon you.

First, you will want to learn as much as you possibly can about your mental state. The more facts that you realize about being a manic depressive, the better are your chances in keeping the symptoms at bay and possibly eliminating the disorder from affecting your daily life. After all, the ultimate goal is to live manic depressive symptom free.

Second, you will want to eliminate stress whenever possible. It is very important that you refrain from having a stressful state as your mood swings are intimately tied to your level of stress. You should attempt to always handle your stressful situations as best as you can with the least amount of fanfare. It can be very beneficial to enroll in meditative exercises such as yoga and Pilates. Many people report that this has worked wonders for controlling their bipolar disorder.

Next, be sure to engage in a regular exercise program. Not only will this rejuvenate your body but it has been proven to work wonders for your mind. A regular walking routine is great for starters, From there you can build up to whatever you are comfortable with. In very short time, you will be amazed at how a regular workout can be beneficial for your mental state as well as your physical state.

Next, you want to capture a full night's rest as often as you can. Avoid activities that interfere with a good night's sleep. The recommendation is 7 to 8 hours of nightly sleep. Upon awakening, try not to skip breakfast. This is a very important meal to get your day off to a good start. Speaking of meals, be certain to have good eating habits and avoid the junk.

Finally, you should know when to get support from others. Keep in mind that this is not a battle that you ought to fight alone. Throughout history, there have been many famous people that have been diagnosed as bipolar. Those that have sought out the help of professionals have gone on to lead rather normal lives. Following the advice of professionals will allow you to keep control over your manic depressive episodes and live a fuller life.

Mild Depression Symptoms - Early Warning Signs That You Have to Know

Clara M. started to feel sad more often. She realized that it wasn't so easy any more to get herself out of the 'blues'. Perhaps she began to feel early mild depression symptoms.

While most of us go through times in life that make us feel low, depression is a completely different story. Depression may come in different degrees ranging from mild to severe. It's crucial to spot these mild symptoms of depression before it becomes full blown.

Have you reached a point in your life where you feel you can't move on? Are you in despair about your current situation? It seems that the more you think about these questions, the harder it is to get the right answers.

Now, imagine life where you are happy again and live your life as you did before. What if there is a cure for depression in less than six weeks, a method that can help you break the cycle of depression, would you be interested?

Reading word for word, you'll soon discover the secret method that has helped over 30,000 depressed people to overcome depression, and get on with their normal life.

Actually, Clara M. suffered from mild depression, and was still able to do normal activities and function effectively. Unlike having severe depression, Clara's mild depression symptoms were subtle such as lack of energy, less interest in things she normally liked to do, slight changes in mood and behavior and some changes in eating habits.

These early warning signs might feel as if Clara just had a 'bad day'. The changes might even go unnoticed by colleagues or family members, thinking that maybe she was just stressed from work or school. She might even think that she had just a hard time at work so she felt a bit 'off'.

The thing common in most depressed people is denial. If Clara would be confronted with the fact that she has got mild depression, she might not like to look truth in the eyes. Clara may become one of these depressed people who cover up their condition and resort to an unhealthy life style in order to cope with her mild depression symptoms. Overeating, working overtime, alcohol consumption and drug abuse are just some that come into mind.

Mild depression is also associated with being detached from thoughts and feeling. People don't want to be made aware of their current altered state. Clara might get upset about this feeling of incapability to restore things to the 'way they used to be'. Even if she wants to change it, she feels too tired to make those changes and falls even deeper into depression.

Progression of mild depression may lead to a more severe state. These symptoms may go on for days to months and slowly escalate to more drastic changes. Changes may occur that include neglect of personal hygiene, inability to focus on work or studies, giving up important relationships, distorted thought patterns, and delusions.

Depression symptoms may vary from person to person. Also Clara M. has to accept the fact that she is depressed, and that she has to look for the root cause for her depression.

Don't prolong your agony and live miserably! Get your life back in order now before it is too late.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Failure by Design: How the PE Teacher Can Foil the Plans of Big Business and Government!

As a Physical Educator, are you essentially a spectator to your school's annual standardized testing process? Do you take the view that, as a dedicated professional who only works in the gym, there is very little impact you can have on this process? During test week, are you handing out #2 pencils and serving as a hall monitor because your principal can't think of what else to do with you? Have you ever wondered what the real agenda of these tests is? The purpose of this article is twofold: 1) To provide a small peak at the real, but unspoken, reason for all of this testing, and 2) To assert enthusiastically, and with documented scientific support, that physical educators can make a significant difference in their school's test results. In fact, what you can bring to the table in this matter can be your school's secret weapon in the "testing wars".

First, a little bit of testing's unspoken agenda... It relates historically to what Lincoln referred to as the "Mudsill Theory." (Sen. James Henry Hammond, South Carolina, speech to the United States Senate, March 4, 1858) You can look it up on the internet. It's not a conspiracy, so all of you reverse- alarmists who want to label the few remaining divergent thoughts left in the current zeitgeist as the work of Conspiracy Theorists, take a deep breath. Basically, the theory, first named by Lincoln who rightly opposed it, asserts that Society cannot move forward unless it can rest on a foundation or "footer" (known as a "mudsill" in early times) made up of a happy, uncreative, unquestioning, and dumbed-down work force willing to do the menial tasks like clean the bathroom of your luxury hotel, wash your car, or cut your grass. Slavery in the South and Immigrants in the Northeast solved that problem in the 1850's with the northern form of "slavery" later being company towns. Chinese immigrants later took care of building the railroads in the West. Children worked in coal mines in the Pennsylvania Hills along with fathers for 65-70 hours per week for a few cents per hour- usually the money was company script so a family could not save it to use it in a better place-none of these people cost a lot for the big business. Benefits were non-existent, and they appear headed in that direction again. Today, the big guys are worried about an unskilled worker shortage. They reason that either the schools or immigration (legal or otherwise) must provide the human capital. Human Capital- That's how the Business Roundtable refers to your children.

The thinking of the powers-that-be goes something like this: Without this sufficiently dumbed-down workforce, everything grinds to a halt. Gridlock. We're cooked- so their thinking goes. What must be done then, they reason, is to insure that there will always be this happy, sufficiently dumbed-down, work force. John Taylor Gatto, hero of the Home-School movement and author of the amazing book The Underground History of American Education (The Oxford Village Press, NY) speaks in detail about the theory. There are two choices in achieving the goal: 1) Increase the amount of illegal and undocumented workers and pretend to whine about it as we build 650 mile long fences- never on our Northern border, of course, or create our own, homegrown, sufficiently dumbed-down masses. Recently, you have all seen the effects of unchecked illegal immigration and the gnashing of teeth and make-believe moral indignation that spring from it. What you may not have realized is that the other, more effective, homegrown approach has been yielding impressive results. How does it work? It begins with an admission of the dirty little secret that public education has fouled up the works by doing too good of a job collectively raising the aspirations of young people across the broad spectrum of ethnicity and diversity that has made this country great. Every parent wants their kid to go to college, and, the business elite presume, "too damn many kids think they can get there". Ask yourself, has there been any effort by government that you can recall in recent years to make college more affordable and accessible to young people? If anything, their efforts have been to make college less accessible and affordable. Read how the business elite tried to subvert the impressive (91%) High School graduation rate in Minnesota in the late 80's by creating a process whereby all students would attend school K-10. Only about 20% of the students would be allowed to move on through 12th grade and go on to college. Those leaving at the end of 10th grade with a certificate could be guaranteed a job at places like 3-M and Con Agra, for example. These companies would then be virtually guaranteed a not-too-well educated workforce, happy to have a job at the plant. We don't make this stuff up- facts are pesky things, and just because Wolf Blitzer does not talk about it at night, does not mean that the plan is not in operation to increase the menial- task workforce.

So, the politicians and big business, using the new codeword- COMPETITIVE- need to create this workforce that is happy to do the low-paying jobs- happy like your grandfather was to have a job during the depression. How? By testing the daylights out of the kids from the time they are in kindergarten with tests longer than the bar exam, and in the time remaining, spend it preparing for the tests which have as their best predictor, one's zip code. If the program works as planned, there will be a record number of dropouts by the time kids reach about ninth and tenth grade. Students will have lowered their aspirations without being told to do so. Kids will have intuitively arrived at the conclusion that, "I wasn't that smart anyway because I can't do well on those tests" - the ones that made Mayor Bloomberg a hero for making 15,000+ kids have to repeat 3rd grade- "and besides, we don't even have Phys. Ed. (Remember the childhood obesity concerns?), Music, or Art anymore because all we do is prepare for the test... I quit, goodbye." Watch media talking heads complain about government's lack of concern about illegal immigration, and watch the talking head du jour on CNN or MSNBC cry big wet crocodile tears about the highest dropout rate- ever- every night. Here's the real truth, and it's not a conspiracy...when you hear that the dropout rate has never been higher, know the goal of creating our own happy, contented, and uncreative workforce is succeeding. The tests are merely tools to sort and classify your kids. Get them to a private school or home school them while you have the chance- they don't have to take the standardized tests in those settings. You don't really think that the Business Roundtable Gurus would bring all the 50 cents an hour jobs back from the Far East and Latin America if kids suddenly started doing well in the tests, do you? Remember that the corporations know no national boundaries. So when you hear the word "Competitive", you must ask "With whom?", and "About what?" Is GM USA going to be competing with GM Europe and GM Far East? It is certainly not a contest between countries like the Olympics.

Of course, maybe you are like us- those who dare in these perilous times in dark places where no one is watching- like Nicodemus coming to Jesus- to actually have a divergent thought or two. Here's a novel thought...Let's try to raise those test scores a bit without spending all of our school time preparing for the tests. It has been proven scientifically that the Physical Education activity that your superintendents and principals have been deleting in order to prepare for the tests with expensive test prep materials is just what kids need for a variety of reasons- not the least of which is the improvement in cognition- a fancy word us educators use to impress people. It really means improving a child's ability to think and concentrate better through regular physical activity as opposed to spending more seat time practicing for "Who Wants to be a Millionaire"- type multiple choice tests. There is much scientific support to show that a regular program of vigorous physical activity enhances overall skill performance in arithmetic, reading, memorization, and categorization. It has had brilliant results with senior citizens and children. A recent study from Canada created two groups of elementary students. One group spent an hour per day with moderate physical activity while the other group did test preparation activities during that time. At the end of the year, the group with the extra physical activity outperformed the other group in all academic measures. Additionally, Fishburne and Boras, assert that along with improvements in discipline and self concept, academic performance is enhanced by regular physical activity. Brain expert Simon Evans adds that physical activity actually turns on hormonal support systems in your brain. The activation of these systems strengthens brain circuits that you already have and helps you develop new ones. Further, continues Evans, exercise increases the blood supply in the brain. In laboratory studies, exercise increased the number of blood vessels that supply several brain regions. The effect of exercise then, improves nutrient delivery and waste removal from critical regions that affect mental function. Making a more technical point, Evans adds that an important brain area producing new neurons is the hippocampus- no, its not something you once saw at the zoo. The hippocampus plays a critical role in learning, memory, and attention- one reason why more parents are choosing exercise for their ADHD burdened child over Ritalin. Exercise, then, induces new neuron growth in the hippocampus and improves performance on several types of cognitive tasks. Besides, physical activity is a lot more fun for kids than keeping their ever-growing posteriors in the seat doing more practice testing. Download Dr. Mahar's "ENERGIZERS" from the web or send for your attractive, yet inexpensive, laminated classroom copy. These involve a variety of organized activities which the children do twice a day for a short period of time, mostly physical in nature the activities combine a mental component and are done completely in the classroom led by the classroom teacher. There has been much research done to show that people concentrate better following a break- thus if there are more breaks, there are more periods where one's concentration is at its highest. Combining the positive effects of physical activity into the preparation for testing will improve student performance in the testing to a greater degree than the endless "drill and kill" seatwork kids are required to do. Hillman's work on the positive effects of physical activity on cognition in young people- and not just Alzheimer's patients at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign can also add further support to your argument that physical activity improves standardized test scores. Talk to your school principals and superintendents. Most of these unhappy individuals whose job evaluations sometimes unfairly hang in the balance based on these test scores only can think of more "drill and kill", more rubrics, more softwear, more charts, graphs and item analyses, more "Death by PowerPoint", and more consultants all with the goal to keep kids in their seats beating the information into their heads. Of course, that means we have no time for "unimportant" things like Physical Education, Music, and Art- all of which have been shown to augment cognition in their own particular way. Although these tests are really just a means of sorting your kids, unhappily, we are stuck with them. The test Nazis have taken over- they even stole recess when we weren't paying attention. Let's help our kids stay fit at least- physically and mentally. Let's fight to lower the incidence of school phobia, and we can even ultimately impact the high dropout rate. Mc Mahon demonstrated that aerobic exercise reduced anxiety, tension, and depression in adolescents. In addition, we can attack the problem of childhood obesity while improving those test scores. The powers-that-be won't necessarily be happy about those higher scores though! They've already sent the good jobs to the Far East. The first rule of Marketing, friends, is to Create Consumer Awareness- so get out of your gym, tell all of the faculty, show them the research, get to the school board meetings, call the newspaper- stir the pot! Archimedes once said, "Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world!" A few patriots moved the world once and created the United States. Be a revolutionary and don't be afraid to irk a few people in the process. Read Ibsen's An Enemy of the People about someone who said what people knew but did not want to hear about diseases in the community or better yet, get out your Aesop's Fables and read The Emperor's New Clothes- then be like the little kid from the story who says what is really going on-It's our kids who will benefit. Don't expect to be loved though!

Depression And Its Symptoms

Depression is a mood disorder and can affect a person's ability to function in normal society. It is commonly known to be associated with chemical substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain that are imbalanced. These chemical substances are seratonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.

The levels of these substances can be affected by and among other things than, genetics, medication, social circumstances, injuries, aging, genetics and sometimes seasonal changes. It is important to make an assessment of the cause of depression if possible. Some symptoms of depression are sadness, emptiness, hopelessness, anxiety, guilt, restlessness and irritability. There can be a loss of appetite, pleasure, concentration, decision making abilities and may experience aches and pains with no real cause, excessive sleeping and the exact opposite, insomnia. Depression can make one contemplate suicide which is the real concern in today's culture.

Today, with the stress of living the fast paced and competitive lifestyle that is present in our society, many people experience mood altering situations, sometimes described simply as emotions. Stress is a result of high emotions and is the largest culprit, throwing off the chemical balance in our brains without even recognizing it is happening and repeated stress, which we all live, complicates the process, sometimes throwing a person into a mood altering disease or personality disorder. Other causes can include metabolic disturbance, hypothyroidism, systemic infection or chronic disease and often reactions to or misuse of medications or alcohol. This is why It is important to have a good assessment as to the origin of the depression that one may be experiencing.

Depression In Adults

Depression has become very common among the adults. Depression may occur in three levels which includes; mild depression, moderate depression as well as severe depression. Research has shown that one in every four women and one in every ten men will suffer from depression at some time in their lives. There are many symptoms that are associated with depression in adult such as; loneliness, suicidal thoughts, loss of appetite, loss of sleep, low energy, persistent sadness and so on. The more severe the condition becomes, the more the symptoms that the patient will experience. In most cases, the patients will get convinced that something really bad is about to happen to them such as a fatal disease or poverty.

Recent studies have shown that about 6%-19% of the population will suffer from major depression at one time in their life. Although there is no apparent known cause for depression, many researchers tend to think that it is a biological illness. The reasoning for this is due to;The condition occurs without any apparent reason for example without any changes in lifestyle,The condition tend to run down the family tree,It can be treated with medicines alone in most cases.

Depression is a condition that must be taken very seriously. If not checked, it can have severe impacts on one's life. It can interfere with social life, career life, family relations and can also impact negatively on your sense of self purpose and self worth.

Major causes of depression in adults

There are many factors that have been found to be possible causes of depression. Some of the causes include; alcohol abuse, change in seasons, physical/hormonal changes, traumatic events, hypothyroidism, stroke, heart attack and so on.

Common symptoms of depression in adults

-Anger and anxiety

-Withdrawing from family and friends

-Feeling of guilt and worthlessness

-Changes in eating habits as well as sleeping patterns

-Irritability,Lack of enthusiasm and motivation

-Persistent sadness

-Weight loss or weight gain

-Suicidal thoughts

Diagnosis of depression

There is no clinical test that can be conducted to determine if the patient is suffering from depression. Diagnosis is based on; the type of symptoms being experienced by the patient, for how long the patient has had the symptoms and also how the symptoms have impacted on the patient's life. Blood tests may also be conducted but only to rule out other conditions with similar symptoms.

Treatment of depression in adults

There are different treatment options that are available for depression patients. Among them includes;

-Cognitive-behavioral therapy- This method tries to recognize what has caused depression and also helps to fight negative thoughts

-Use of antidepressants- These are medicines that brings re-establishes chemical balance in the brains. In some cases, antidepressants may be administered together with other medication such as antianxiety, anticonvulsant, mood-stabilizing or antipsychotic medications.

-Engaging in creative work of art, music or drama could help to relieve symptoms of depression

-Group therapy- it helps to fight feelings of isolation which may lead one to have feelings of loneliness.

-Other treatment options includes; St John's wort, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), exercising and light therapy.

Understanding Complex Forex Quotes

Understanding a Forex quote may be a bit confusing for a new trader. In time it does become quite simple. You need to remember a couple of things. The first currency quoted is what is called the base currency and the value of that currency is always 1.

The US dollar is the central currency of the Forex market and is almost always the base currency in most quotes. The majors includes USD vs JPY, USD vs CHF and USD vs CAD. These currencies are expressed as a unit of 1 dollar USD verses the second currency named in the pair. An example may be USD/JPY 120.01 means one USD dollar is equal to 120.01 Japanese yen.

When the base unit (the U.S. dollar) stays at 1 and the other currency quote goes up increasing to 123.01 (using our previous example), it means base U.S. dollar has gone up in value and the Japanese yen has weakened. There are exceptions to that as the British pound (GBP),the Euro (EUR) and the Australian dollar (AUD). In this example, you will see a number such as GBP/USD 1.4366, this means a British pound is equal to 1.4366 U.S. dollar. In a situation like this where the U.S. dollar isn't the base rate any more, this rising number means a weakening US dollar because now it takes more U.S. dollars to equal the other currency.

You could say if a currency quote is going up above one, that increases the worth of the base currency. A falling number means the base currency is weakening. Pairs that do not use the U.S. dollar are referred to as cross currencies, but they function the same. An example may be, EUR/JPY 127.95 means that a Euro is equal to 127.95 Japanese yen.

When trading Forex, there is quoted a 2-sided buying price and a 2-sided selling price. The difference between the buy and sell price is the spread. When you see a two-sided quote it consists of a 'bid' and 'ask' price. A bid price is the selling price of the base currency at the same time as you buy the counter currency. The ask price is the buying price at of the base currency at the same time you are selling the counter currency.

Play Therapy - How Can It Help My Child?

Many people look for therapy for their children and they have a narrow focus of what play therapy is. They may think that it is sitting down with the child and having long conversations with them to find out why they are acting the way they are acting. They may think the therapist needs to be firm and tell the client how to behave. This is not play therapy.

What is Play Therapy?

Virginia Axeline (author of Dibbs and In Search of Self) was one of the founders of play therapy. She believed that children expressed themselves through play and that is how they are healed. She would bring the client into the play therapy room, filled with a specific array of toys. She would take dubious notes and write down what the child said and did during the play therapy encounter and later interpret it.

Gary Landreth, founder of Child-Centered Play Therapy followed in her footsteps. When children at home can no longer use their own problem solving tools, they may misbehave or act out at home or school. He believes that, when provided with the right conditions, children can once again learn to cope with difficult emotions and find solutions to their own problems. Thus, he uses play therapy to assess and understand children's play. Part of this is done by allowing children to take ownership of their reactions and behaviors. He also believes that with play therapy, children can learn self-discipline and self-control in the play therapy room.

Instead of the elaborate note take of Virginia Axeline, Gary Landreth would jot down notes. However, he would also "track" what the child is doing. He might say, "You are pouring that into there." He would be careful not to label what the child was using before the child labeled it. The child may be using one object and pretending it was something else. Once the child labeled the item, then he would use their terminology. He would track what they were doing not all the time, but every 5 minutes or so depending on what they were doing. The child may correct him or may go on playing.For instance the child may pretend he is shutting a door and he acts as if he is slamming it, he might say, "You are really angry." The child may then correct him and say that he was just closing the door. If the child did a very positive thing, he may say something like, "Look what you did. You did that all by yourself." He may repeat it, if the child ignores him. He would be careful not to praise the child as he does not want the child trying to pleasing him with their behaviors. He wants the child to be able to take ownership of their own problem solving behaviors or their own feelings.

Usually children talk in their play. Gary Landreth would "reflect" or repeat back what the child would say. Sometimes it is a direct quote, but other times it is reworded so that it means the same thing. It is important for the child to know you are listening to them. Now he may not reflect every utterance. Again it may only be every so often. The child may say, "I don't know if I can do this." The reflection may be "You're wondering if you can really do this by yourself."

What is the Difference Between Directive and Non-Directive Play Therapy?

Virginia Axeline and Gary Landreth take a non-directive approach to play therapy. It is just one approach. Some play therapists are more directive in their approach to play therapy. They may take the stance of confronting problems in the clinical play therapy setting so the children can learn healthier solutions by challenging negative thinking, doing role play, modeling, and playing games that focus on skill development. Neither one is better than the other. What the professional therapist uses is based on the needs of the child.

Why Play Therapy?

Many parents question why play in therapy and not just talk therapy. Children communicate best through play. They do not have the advanced vocabulary as we adults do and their feelings come out naturally in their play. Gil, a pronounced play therapist in her own right, utilizes play therapy to help children express what is troubling them when verbal language to express their thoughts and feeling fails. Toys are the children's world and play is the child's language. However, that is only half of the equation. Children need to build a relationship with their therapist. This is crucial to treatment. Change occurs when all of these things are combined.

Emily was an eight year old girl placed in foster care because her guardian was diagnosed with advanced Alzheimer's disease and could no longer care for her. At the time this happened, Emily would take my toy animals and set up a stage, a play or musical so to speak. The animals were paired with their mothers and they would each sing different songs. During her play, it was inevitable; one of the singers would collapse and need resuscitation. This theme was played out several times. Then, one day during the singing, an ambulance was introduced and took the collapsed singer to the hospital and she was never to return. Emily told me that when she grew up she was going to find a cure for Alzheimer's and then her guardian wouldn't have to go away and die.

Emily had been working on grieving the loss of her guardian and coping with the illness. We can never second guess what the child's meaning of the play is. That is, we cannot interpret it. It is what the child says it is. A car is a car, if the child says it is a car. We don't read into it. We let the child tell their story through play.

Who is Play Therapy For?

Play therapy is typically used with children three through twelve. However, play therapy can also be used with adolescents. Play therapy is used to treat a variety of conditions including anger management, grief, loss, family dissolution, and trauma. It is also used to modify behavioral disorders including anxiety, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity (ADHD), autism, and pervasive developmental, academic, and social developmental, physical and learning disabilities, and conduct disorders. It is also used in treating children whose problems are related to life stressors including, but not limited to divorce, death, relocation, hospitalization, chronic illness, stressful experiences, physical and sexual abuse, domestic violence, and natural disasters.

What are the Benefits of Play Therapy?

Play therapy helps children in a variety of ways.

They become responsible for their behaviors

They develop creative solutions

They develop respect for others

They develop self-acceptance

They learn to experience and express emotions in socially appropriate ways.

They learn empathy for the thoughts and feelings of others

They develop healthier social skills with friends and family members

They develop self-efficacy and are more self-assured about their abilities.

How Long Does My Child Need to Be in Therapy?

Typically treatment on average takes 20 play therapy sessions to resolve a particular problem. However, a lot depends on the child. Serious or ongoing problems take longer to resolve. Sessions usually occur once a week for 45-50 minutes.

SSRI's Have More Benefits As Well As More Side Effects

From the 1960's to the late 1980's, the development of antidepressants remained fairly stagnant. Every few years a new antidepressant would be introduced, but always with major accompanying side effects. Some medications were sedating while others were stimulating. None could treat the depression without causing side effects of one type or another.

Scientists spent twenty years developing and testing compounds problems, including impotence and an inability to achieve orgasm. Among women, nearly 2 percent reported difficulty achieving orgasm. In the Zoloft trials 16 percent of men and 2 percent of women had sexual problems. However, these data are likely to be grossly underestimated if the same discrepancies hold true for these drugs as they did for Prozac. Based on my own patients' experience, I think all the SSRI's cause approximately the same level of sexual dysfunction as Prozac does, although Paxil may be the worst offender.

Despite the manufacturers' initial findings that Prozac and other SSRI's don't cause weight gain, researchers, clinicians, and patients have been indicating just the opposite. Research is still trickling in, but reports are indicating that people who take SSRI's for longer than three to six months frequently gain weight. This may explain the initial clinical data, which found that people lost weight during the first six weeks they were on SSRI's. In fact, Eli Lilly considered seeking approval of Prozac as a treatment for obesity based on its initial clinical trials.

Physicians were taken aback when they began to see weight gain in their patients on SSRI's. One researcher described the phenomenon as "completely unexpected" and stated, "We would be remiss if we do not inform our patients that weight gain may be associated with the use of fluoxetine [Prozac]." A study, published in the International Clinics of Psychopharmacology, found that 23 to 40 percent of psychiatric inpatients gained weight after two months of treatment with Prozac. Many of my patients have more intense carbohydrate cravings, probably the result of several mechanisms altered by the SSRI's. Others find that they simply gain weight more easily. Although more research is needed, I've found a definite link between weight gain and SSRI's in my patients.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can have varying effects on sleep, ranging from insomnia to hypersomnia (excessive need for sleep). Some SSRI's (Prozac, Zoloft) are more likely to cause insomnia, while others (Pax ii, Celexa, Luvox) are more likely to cause hypersomnia, but because we are all wired a bit differently, the effects may be completely opposite in some people. For example, SSRI's may either alleviate or cause tension or migraine headaches. Prozac and Zoloft in particular can have a stimulant effect, causing agitation, nervousness, or anxiety in 10 to 15 percent of patients. An additional one in five patients on SSRI's (most commonly Paxil or Luvox) may feel drowsy or drugged. At least 5 percent of people stop taking their medication because of this side effect.

Since the vast majority of serotonin production in the body is related to the gastrointestinal tract, it is not surprising that all of the SSRI's can cause digestive disturbances, such as nausea and diarrhea. As an example, Prozac can cause nausea (in 21.1 percent of patients), diarrhea (12.3 percent), dry mouth (9.5 percent), indigestion (6.4 percent), abdominal pain (3.4 percent), and vomiting (2.4 percent). This class of drugs can also cause excessive sweating, skin rashes, abnormal dreams, and seizures (in about 0.2 percent of patients, which is about the average rate as far as most antidepressants go, with the exception of Wellbutrin-immediate release form, but not sustained release form-and Anafranil, which carry a higher risk, and Desyrel and Serzone, which do not increase seizure risk at all). Although SSRI's are much better tolerated than older antidepressants, it is clear that they're a far cry from side-effect free miracle drugs.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Making Good Use of Depression

Depression can be a profoundly damaging and disrupting condition, preventing us from living fully and realizing our talents. We may need to get help for treating depression, but a number of people say the experience has had value for them.

Psychiatrist Kay Redfield Jamison, referring to her bipolar disorder (which she controls with medication), has said, "I honestly believe that as a result of it I have felt more things, more deeply; had more experiences, more intensely; loved more, and have been more loved... laughed more often for having cried more often; appreciated more the springs, for all the winters."

Though only a fraction of people experience bipolar or other severe forms of depression that require medical intervention, many of us experience some kind of mood disorder: almost 10 percent of adults, according to The National Institute of Mental Health.

But many people use the term depression very loosely, as in "I am so depressed that Danny is gone from American Idol." That may be distressing, but it is not depression.

Some writers think many psychiatrists have been too willing to prescribe antidepressants for people who are just coping with the aftermath of a recent emotional blow, such as a divorce or job loss.

While it is natural to want to escape emotional or spiritual distress, including depression, there are many people who may be considered melancholics or depressives who make contributions to the arts, and may reasonably flee from taking medications to suppress their feelings.

Psychiatrist Peter D. Kramer (author of Listening to Prozac) wrote, "Much of what we value - our understanding of beauty, profundity, even romance - has been crafted by melancholics. Today, in a time when people demand serenity as if it were the human condition, one cheer for melancholy hardly seems excessive." [From "Why I'm in Favor of Sadness" Self magazine, July, 2001]

But Dr. Kramer also wrote the book "Against Depression" and thinks it is "a disease of extraordinary magnitude," and "the major scourge of humankind" which should be treated as effectively as possible.

Many writers and other artists do have higher levels of depression than other groups of people. Can it be at all helpful?

Artist Caroline Bertorelli is quoted in the book The Van Gogh Blues: The Creative Person's Path Through Depression: "I get depressed quite regularly and often. It used to distress and frustrate me that I have such a tendency. But as I grow older, I see my depression as a valuable time for introspection and deep thinking about life."

In our interview, I asked the author of the book, psychologist and creativity coach Eric Maisel, if he finds that others are able to experience depression as something with positive meaning and value.

Dr. Maisel replied, "Many artists try. I believe that it serves us best to learn how to reduce or eliminate both depression and anxiety from our lives, as I do not hold them as useful in any way. I think that pain is overrated."

But he also pointed out, creative people can become depleted after working on a creative project, and the blues may strike if they aren't making sufficient meaning in their work or their lives.

That may be one of the real values to us of depression: using it as a signal that we need to be more engaged with our values and in finding and making meaning, or looking more deeply at what is not working right in our life.

Treating Atypical Depression

Are you in a place where you think that you might be suffering from depression? If your symptoms don't match up with the symptoms for the most common form of depression but if the result is still very much the same, it might be time for you to take a look at atypical depression. Atypical depression is actually a subset of major depression, and it is largely characterized through mood reactivity. Even in the midst of atypical depression, you will be able to experience improved moods when positive events occur. This can make diagnosing this condition tough, but there are still treatments and options that are available to you.

When you are looking at atypical depression, you may find that there are symptoms that it does not have in common with major depression. For instance, the first symptom is that mood lightening is possible when in the presence or in anticipation of positive events. Some other symptoms include weight gain or an increase in your appetite, over-sensitivity to interpersonal rejection, feeling a heavy leaden feeling in your arms or legs or hypersomnia, a condition where you sleep more than you should. You need to have at least two of these symptoms to qualify for atypical depression.

The important thing to remember about atypical depression is that it is treatable. The first thing that you should remember is that you do not need to turn to drugs, prescription or otherwise, for this issue. Many of the drugs that the prescribe are going to be expensive and in the long term, habit forming, so take a moment and make sure that you look at your other options. One important tool that you might want to consider if you are suffering from atypical depression is put yourself on a well-considered diet plan. This does not meant that you should eat to lose weight; instead, eat foods that are light and crisp and that will give you the energy that you need to get through your day; the effects from doing this can be quite positively profound.

Remember that you should also keep your goals small, but that you should indeed have them. There are many people who frequently feel overwhelmed in the face of atypical depression, and the issue with this is that they often find that they cannot move forward because the job is too big. Just remember that all you need to do is to break it down into smaller tasks so that you can accomplish it easily. When you have a series of small tasks to think about, suddenly things become much easier.

Take a moment to really consider the issues that are presented by atypical depression. This condition is more common than you might think, and at the end of the day, it all too often goes untreated. Remember that when you are looking for a solution, check out our e-course, which can give you fast, safe and, above all, drug free solutions to your depression!

Is Your Teenager Depressed? Find Out The Four Top Causes Of Teenage Depression

Depression and teenage depression is alarmingly common than expected these days, little wonder it is called ''the common cold of mental illness''. But what causes teenage depression and indeed depression? I have described some of the top causes or triggers of teenage depression in this article;

Genetic Causes: There appears to be an inherited genetic defect believed to predispose some persons to some form of depression like manic depression and even teenage depression according to research. This implies that major depressive disorder may be partly the result of inherited factors. This genetic form of depression is called endogenous depression. This suggests that depression indeed runs in some families. Apart from this, there is also a greater tendency for identical twins to share a history of major depression than fraternal twins according to research. These points suggest a genetic cause for teenage depression.

Hormone Imbalance: Another very likely cause of teenage depression is hormonal imbalance specifically due to the malfunction of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus in the brain regulates internal functions like appetite, sexual interest and even mood. Thus, any disruption in the normal operations of the hypothalamus or hormonal imbalance due to various factors including stress might result in depression.

Environmental Factors: The following external or environmental factors can trigger the onset of depression. In general:
• A trauma ( such as experiencing a rape and the death of a loved one)
• A divorce
• The loss of a job
• Having a poor interpersonal relations
• Physical illness and
• Stress

Any of the above external factors may represent the initial stimulus that ignites your teen's internal organs particularly the hypothalamus that regulates his mood. Thus, when any of these factors are present, your teen may experience a degree of depression.

Your Teen's Diet: Your teenager's diet can also be a major cause of depression. If your teen eats ''junk food'', skip meals and even go for weeks without eating green vegetables, your teen might be very prone to depression. If he or she eats a balanced meal regularly coupled with moderation with the consumption of foods like pies, chocolate, candy and soda pop, he will be greatly relieved of depression.

I have examined four major possible causes of teenage depression which are; nutrition, environmental factors, hormone imbalance and genetic causes. If your teen is presently experiencing depression at the moment, chances are that it may have stemmed from any of the causes discussed in this article. To find out about other causes not described in this article Click Here.

Breast Cancer Signs - Subtle Evidence to Help in Pinpointing Breast Cancer

One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during her lifetime and early detection is critical for survival - which is why it's critical that all women be aware of possible breast cancer signs and symptoms.

Read on to learn more about associated symptoms and breast cancer signs, along with information on how to watch out for them.


The majority of breast cancer cases (80%) are diagnosed after a person finds a lump in her own breast and makes an appointment with her doctor. Identifying a lump is usually the easiest and most direct way of detecting the disease.

Most women find lumps during a routine Breast Self Exam (BSE). To learn how to give yourself a breast examination, the Komen website (an organization dedicated to supporting women with breast cancer) offers instructions online,

Changing Breast Shape, Skin Texture or Size

A drastic change in a breast's skin texture, shape or overall size can be a clear indicator of breast cancer. Many breast cancer victims also see a dimpling or wrinkling of the skin.

Soreness and Skin Irritation

Women diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) typically experience redness, swelling, heat and pain throughout the breast and nipple. The symptom basically resembles a skin inflammation, like an allergic reaction to a product or fabric.

Paget's Disease of the Breast

Paget's disease is what is considered a secondary or complex symptom of breast cancer. Essentially, the skin of the breast and/or nipple feels and appears as though it's afflicted by eczema. The skin is flaking, itchy, irritated and red.

Loss of Appetite

Like many cancers, breast cancer patients often experience a decrease in their appetite alongside subsequent weight loss. This symptom doesn't affect all patients, but is common.

Anxiety, Stress and Depression

Unfortunately, mental and emotional symptoms aren't as documented or researched as physical indicators. However, many women who are diagnosed with breast cancer report symptoms of depression and anxiety even before their diagnosis.


If any of your immediate family members or several members of your extended family have been diagnosed with breast cancer, then you need to let your doctor know. You should also commit to monthly self breast exams and annual mammograms.

Diagnosing Symptoms

If you're experiencing any or all the above symptoms, then you may want to consult with your doctor. Remember, the sooner breast cancer is detected, the better your long-term prognosis. 

The American Cancer Society recommends conducting a monthly self breast exam and an annual mammogram to detect breast cancer signs like a lump or skin changes.

Ambien Depression

Ambien is the brand name of a prescription drug containing the active ingredient Zolpidem. It is a type of sedative or sleeping pill and is often prescribed as a treatment for insomnia. Due to risks associated with long term use, in particular the risk of dependency, it is only used on a short term basis for no more than a few days or so. One of the advantages of this drug is that the effects are felt almost immediately so it must be taken on an empty stomach just before going to bed.

The kind of sleep problems that Ambien can be used for include difficulty in getting to sleep, waking up very early in the morning or waking up frequently during the night. Insomnia or sleeplessness can be a symptom of depression and anyone who has difficulty in sleeping over an extended period of time, should see their doctor.

Depression can affect anyone and although no one knows what actually causes depression, there are combinations of biological, genetic, and psychological factors that are implicated, for example, chemical imbalances in the brain, a history of depression in the family, and having a pessimistic outlook on life. Some groups of people also appear to be more at risk, such as the long term sick and unemployed, the socially isolated, those in prison, anyone battling with drug or alcohol addiction and those with an existing mental health problem. So how do you know if you are suffering from depression?

Symptoms of depression

Depression is indicated if the individual has feelings of sadness or low moods along with other symptoms of depression that have lasted for more than two weeks and which are severe enough to interrupt daily routines and activities.

o Feeling tired and lethargic for most of the time

o Persistent low moods and sadness, a feeling of despondency

o Sleep disturbances, either inability to sleep or sleeping too much

o A pessimistic outlook on life

o Feeling anxious and nervous

o Feelings of worthlessness or guilt

o Frightening and irrational thoughts

o Loss of pleasure in activities and lack of interest in sex

o Avoidance of social contact and social situations

o Loss of appetite or an increased appetite and associated weight loss or weight gain

o Emotional outbursts for no apparent reason

o Irritability, agitation, restlessness

If depression is accompanied by insomnia, a doctor may prescribe a sleeping pill such as Ambien for a few days in addition to prescribing antidepressants.

Ambien (Zolpidem)

If you are prescribed Ambien, it is important to let your doctor know if you drink alcohol regularly, or are taking any other drugs, (illegal, prescribed or over the counter), as there is always the risk of drug interactions, which can result in unwanted side effects. Some drugs and substances that can interact with Ambien include:

o Caffeine

o Some antidepressants

o Fungal medications

o St John's Wort

o Bupropion

o Flumazenil

o Alcohol

o Cough medicines

o Valerian

o Other sedatives

o Some pain killers

You should also tell your doctor if you have ever suffered from liver disease, breathing difficulties, sleep apnoea, if you are pregnant, trying to conceive or are currently breastfeeding. As with any medication there can be side effects and with Zolpidem the more common ones include diarrhoea, stomach aches, headaches, strange dreams and drowsiness during the day, however, if you experience any of the following side effects you should tell you doctor immediately:

o Depressed mood

o Hallucinations

o Confusion

o Dizzy spells or fainting

o Slurred speech

o Visual disturbances

o Agitation or excitability

Other important points

Sometimes when taking Ambien, the individual can experience a type of memory loss where they basically cannot remember anything for the first few hours after taking the medication but because Ambien should always be taken at night and just before going to bed, it shouldn't pose too much of a problem.

After stopping Ambien, it is possible to have trouble sleeping but this should disappear after a couple of days.

Any sedative or sleeping pill, including Ambien, can affect mental alertness and some people will be affected more than others, so it is important not to attempt to drive or operate machinery until the individual effect on any particular person is known.


If you are suffering from insomnia, either as a result of an underlying depression or not, there are some things that you can do that might help you get a better night's sleep. For example, taking regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet and cutting out caffeine and other stimulants. Learning relaxation and breathing techniques will help you to relax before going to bed and will also release some of the stresses and strains of the day. If you are anxious or depressed, then it might be that some form of psychotherapy is available, which can help you change the way you think about things so that your behavior changes too and by alleviating the symptoms of anxiety or depression, sleeping patterns can improve too.

Low Testosterone

There seems to be an epidemic of low testosterone. I've been seeing more and more male patients with decreased testosterone levels, a condition known as male hypogonadism. When testosterone levels are low, men can have symptoms like erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, fatigue, depression and hot flashes. Many men, however, have very subtle symptoms or no symptoms at all. Many men with lower testosterone feel tired and depressed but don't have erectile dysfunction, so they are never checked for low testosterone.

Even if you have normal erectile function, you can still have hypogonadism. In fact, I have seen that many of my patients do not complain of erectile dysfunction, but have profound fatigue or depression which is caused by lower testosterone. When they take testosterone replacement, the symptoms tend to get better.

There are many causes for hypogonadism, and finding the cause is as important as getting treated. The hypothalamus (part of the brain) and the pituitary gland control testosterone production from by the testicles, so problems with the brain or pituitary gland can be the main source of problems.

In order to get an accurate diagnosis, doctors usually perform two rounds of testing. The first test will be to measure your testosterone level, which should be done in the morning. Testosterone levels naturally fall in the afternoon, so a level that is reported as "low" may actually be normal if it was taken in the afternoon. Pituitary hormones, LH and FSH are measured in the second round of testing to determine if the cause is central (meaning central nervous system, hypothalamus or pituitary gland) or primary (meaning testicular failure). A second morning testosterone level should also be taken to confirm the diagnosis. Other tests are also done including the hormone prolactin and ferritin, a test for excess iron. Iron overload, a condition known as hemochromatosis occurs in one in 500 men and is a common cause of lower testosterone.

Obesity and excess fat is a cause of low testosterone and is one of the main reasons why there is a growing epidemic. Excess fat produces hormones like leptin and inflammation chemicals, known as cytokines, which work to lower testosterone levels. Having diabetes is also a risk for having low testosterone, but careful studies have shown that the link is through fat, not through elevated blood sugar. Inflammation chemicals have a suppressive effect on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, muting the hormones they produce, subsequently lowering testosterone levels. Many men with declining testosterone who are overweight complain of swelling of the breasts, known as gynecomastia. The problem is that testosterone treatment can also cause breast swelling, so it can sometimes be a no win situation. However, not everyone with hypogonadism from excess weight needs to take testosterone. In fact, being healthier and losing weight can help naturally boost testosterone without the need for hormone replacement therapy.

There are many other causes of declining testosterone, including testicular failure or other testicular problems and exposure to toxic substances. Alcohol is a known toxin to the testicle. BPA, a chemical found in plastic can cause low testosterone because it is an endocrine disruptor that imitates the female hormone estrogen.

If you have symptoms of hypogonadism, see your doctor right away to get tested.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

ADHD Herbal Remedies - St John's Wort

St. John's Wort (hypericum perforatum) is widely used as a natural remedy for chronic depression. Researchers believe that the herb's anti-depressant properties are due to its high levels of hypericin (a natural antibiotic) and other active components like hyperforin and flavonoids. Although St. John's Wort's active ingredients have yet to be determined, what we do know is that it can increase the production of serotonin, the neurotransmitter that regulates emotions. There are a number of studies that prove the efficacy of St John's Wort as a natural antidepressant. In fact, the British Medical Journal says that St John's Wort is as effective as pharmaceutical antidepressants and produces few or no side effects.

Although St. John's Wort is not generally used as a natural treatment for ADHD, researchers from the naturopathic college Bastyr University wanted to see if it had any positive effects on children with the disorder. Predictably, the results of the study came out negative, but the press had a field day when the results were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Despite its negative results, this study is worth mentioning because it shows how science, health, money, and politics are closely interrelated. Before anything else, why would researchers want to test an herb that is rarely or never used as a natural treatment for ADHD? St John's Wort is only given to individuals with ADHD if depression is co-morbid. Another point of interest is how an obscure study by an even more obscure university ended up getting published in one of the most prestigious scientific journals, the JAMA. Not only was the study so small as to be hardly worth noticing, but it was also very poorly designed. In fact, the children who received St. John's Wort consumed an inactive form of the herb, meaning its active ingredients had been tampered with and oxidized. Finally, clinical trials that show negative results rarely get published, much less receive media attention. Why did this study become so well publicized?

The answer to this question becomes clear when you discover that the infamous Dr. Joseph Biederman was one of its authors. Dr. Biederman is a Harvard psychiatrist who published a number of studies that promoted the use of Ritalin and other medications to treat ADHD. Researchers estimate that the studies of Dr. Biederman are responsible for a 300% increase in the use of stimulant drugs by ADHD children over the last ten years. Then a Senate investigation discovered that Dr. Biederman had been receiving millions of dollars from the manufacturers of these drugs, showing that he has a financial interest in testing and endorsing ADHD medications. Why Dr. Biederman bothered to participate in this study is not known, but it is likely that he wanted to discredit the use of St. John's Wort and other herbs as natural remedies for ADHD.

So can St. John's Wort be used as a natural treatment for ADHD? Unless the individual suffers from depression along with ADHD, the answer is no. Before you give any herbal remedies to your child, ask the advice of a holistic health care practitioner.

Healing Depression With Sound

Clinical depression with its symptoms of despair, guilt, exhaustion, pain and anxiety is a debilitating condition. Severe sufferers struggle with a reason for living and some attempt suicide. Rising rates of teen suicide raises the alarm that depression is out of control and growing rapidly. It has been predicted by the World Health Organisation that by 2020 depression will be a greater threat to human health than heart disease or cancer.

Socially, this can be seen as a reaction to the current state of the world, uncertainty or pressure to perform. At a biochemical level it can be seen as an environmental and chemical crisis, causing an imbalance in brain chemistry. The effectiveness of antidepressant drugs indicates that neurochemistry is a major causal factor.

Chemistry can be changed through psychological attitude, by drug treatment, or by a gentle vibrational stimulation, to bring about balance, such as that delivered in sound therapy.

The Bridge of Sound

Can a balance in the brain be achieved naturally through sound? The brain of a depressed person is much less active than normal and this can be seen on an MRI. There is less processing than there needs to be for healthy functioning.

This would account for the feelings of lethargy, slowness and lack of excitement a depressed person feels. The part of the cortex associated with conscious emotion is over active, while the part concerned with generating action is under active. This results in the depressed person feeling a lack of motivation or inspiration to do anything, while being swamped with emotion.

It is an interesting fact that when asked to think of something sad, women generate more activity in their emotional brains than men do. This increased power of emotional imagination may make women more easily prone to depression than men.

Dopamine, an essential neurotransmitter is necessary for physical motivation and the ability to act. A lack of dopamine is seen in Parkinson's patients and accounts for their tremor and their inability to generate the desired physical activities. Sound Therapy has been found to motivate people into more activity, and has assisted people with both depression and Parkinson's , so it is possible that it helps to stimulate dopamine production. Excess dopamine on the other hand is found in hallucinogenic cases and has been implicated in Schizophrenia. Hallucinogenic drugs are thought to work by stimulating the dopamine system. There are also reports of sound Therapy helping people with schizophrenia, so it may also help regulate excess levels of dopamine and keep the right balance in the brain.

Another very important neurotransmitter is Serotonin, responsible for feelings of happiness and well being. When we look at the effects of serotonin it looks like a list of reported sound therapy benefits. Listeners report an increase of good feeling, serenity and optimism. We also know that sound therapy affects sleep. A considerable number of people have reported a decrease in chronic pain and high blood pressure. Some have reported weight loss due to reduced appetite. All this implies that sound therapy may be improving the production or absorption of serotonin. It could therefore be considered as an alternative to Prozac, which acts by enhancing serotonin levels.

In his book Cultivating a Daily Meditation, The Dalai Lama has written:

In this modern age, Western Science has much knowledge about matter, but it seems very limited concerning consciousness. Without deep knowledge of consciousness the usefulness of even full knowledge of matter is questionable.

Could it be that sound brings us to a more aware state of ourselves by holding our attention? Richard Davidson and a team of researchers found for the first time, that a short program in "mindfulness meditation" produced lasting positive changes in both the brain and the function of the immune system. The findings confirmed the researchers' assumption: the meditation group showed an increase of activation in the left side part of the frontal region. This suggests that the meditation itself produced more activity in this region of the brain. This activity is associated with lower anxiety and a more positive emotional state.

The right brain is typically more involved with negative emotions and fearful, mournful or pessimistic feelings. People who experience severe left brain strokes often react as if they have undergone a tragedy, even if they suffer mild disabilities as a result. In contrast, those that have their right brain affected by a stroke sometimes seem unaffected emotionally and remain cheerful despite serious disabling effects. Sound therapy may be achieving the same effect increasing the dominance of left brain function and taking precedence over the parts linked to negative emotions.

The Future of Sound Therapy?

Music is a miniature of the harmony of the whole universe, for the harmony of the universe is life itself, and man, being a miniature of the universe, shows harmonious and inharmonious chords in his pulsation, in the beat of his heart, in his vibration, rhythm and tone. His health or illness, his joy or discomfort, all show the music or lack of music in his life. Azrat Inayat Khan, Mysticism of Sound and Music, 1996.

People accept the calming or stimulating effects of sound and it has been absorbed in our psyche. Could we make the leap of imagining that carefully directed tones, used like lasers, forming deep contact with the patient could be used as preparation for medical treatment, surgical operations, and fine tuning or balancing of the total organism - physically, emotionally and mentally? All that the patient would need to do is simply listen.

Depression Affects Learning

Did you know that depression affects your ability to learn?

Inability to concentrate, forgetfulness, lack of drive - all this can be a result of depression disorder. The scientists only now began researching human brain and its intricacies thoroughly. We all know that depressed people lack serotonin, a brain chemical which affects their happiness.

But what we don't know is that there are two origins of depression:

- Predisposition to depression, which can be a depression gene or family history of mental illnesses.

- External triggers like grief, major trauma, stress, extreme tiredness, etc.

The first type of depression is majorly treated by antidepressants, but the second is more complex and requires a combination of depression therapy and antidepressant medication.

When we are depressed, the illness blocks supply of happy, comforting and hopeful images from our brain when we need them to go on. This is how we lose our drive. Instead depression makes us see everything in negative light and also produces anxiety, which can be at times debilitating. It also reduces our creativity.

Some of the antidepressants like Prozac for example will hinder your learning as well as it will level you; stop you from feeling and reacting more deeply. I would imagine that someone studying arts or creative design will have trouble functioning to the best of their abilities on such medications.

There is also a theory that some learning disabilities in children are caused by depression. If you think about it, it fits - lack of interest, loss of energy, mood swings, memory problems, irritability, problems with concentration... This is all textbook signs of depression.

But do not give up your learning whatever you do as the more you persist with learning the more you progress, the happier it will make you. This is like catch 22. Learning new skills especially with jobless depression will give you back your self-respect and confidence which often shrink in depression. But depression itself blocks you from doing it successfully.

What I suggest is to try coping mechanisms in depression first (you learn them in any decent depression therapy), then break your learning process into easy segments which don't make you feel overloaded and desperate.

Just remember an old Chinese proverb:

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.