Saturday, April 20, 2013

Know How to Get Rid of Unhealthy Habits?

Major health concerns are often associated with unhealthy lifestyles. Many studies have already proved that substance abuse is causing many deaths throughout the world. Being aware of the devastating effects, many people are turning towards unhealthy habits like smoking, alcohol and illicit substance abuse. Many people are struggling to come out of these bad habits and destroying their valuable lives. Here we will learn some simple techniques to get rid of unhealthy habits.

Don't assume that it's hard to quit bad habits
Many people assume that avoiding substance abuse is painful and impossible. But in reality, you can get rid of unhealthy habits using simple techniques. If you are willing to change from the course of bad habits wholeheartedly, then it is not at all impossible. With a positive attitude towards the change along with a proper plan and practice, you can easily steer yourself away from bad habits.

Plan the process of building a healthy lifestyle
Without effective planning, you cannot succeed in anything. It applies to the process of stopping unhealthy habits too. Planning the process with interest is a good sign for a change. Make a list of bad habits that you need to get rid of. Also, add to it a list of good habits that you wish to practice for a healthy lifestyle. Also remember that nothing is going to change if you just prepare a plan - implementation of the plan is very important.

Replace temptations with healthier choices
In the process of avoiding unhealthy habits, you may come across some deviations. For instance, you may get tempted to smoke tobacco or drink alcohol when you see others doing. This is where you need to show your spirit. During such times, replace your temptations with fruits, or any other healthy choice available. After a few days you will get rid of this kind of temptations. Remember, this may look simple, but overtime, you are actually increasing your probability of preventing harmful effects of unhealthy habits - just by simply changing some unhealthy practices for healthier options.

Remove temptations from your physical environment
The surrounding physical environment can impact your determination too. Avoid the presence of cigarettes, empty alcohol bottles, covers of illegal drugs in your room. Just throw them away from your room and mind. Place the pictures displaying the benefits of healthy habits. Stick some papers with useful healthy quotes in your room and on your working table. They remind your goal of ignoring the bad habits and staying healthy.

Spend more time with family
Being emotionally strong enhances your confidence of fighting against the bad habits. Many people get into unhealthy habits due to stress and depression. Talk to your family members and share your problems regarding stress as well as bad habits. You will get lot of comfort. Focus on family activities. Go for an outing with your family instead of wandering with your substance abusing friends.

Join yoga or a dance class
Involving yourself in some healthy living activities keeps you away from bad habits. Join yoga or a dance class to relax. You can also involve in sports activities, go for a walk in the surrounding park, and go for a gym to prevent reversion to bad habits. They not only replace the time you spend on bad habits, but also improve your physical and mental health.

Knowing how to get rid of bad habits, it is now the time for you to start implementing them to lead a better life. Do not get interrupted under any situation during this transition phase. Remember, you will enjoy the benefits of healthy living.

Link Between ADHD and Depression

ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a mental disorder that is distinguished by poor attention, poor concentration, hyperactive and impulsive behaviors. It generally occurs in children, and can persist till adolescence and adulthood stage of human beings. It needs to be treated timely to avoid the problems that it may lead to. ADHD may cause poor concentration at school or work due to which your performance gets affected big time, your social relationships with your friends and colleagues worsen, you constantly develop feelings of inferiority etc. approximately 4 toeepiness and negative thinking. Depression has so many types each one is distinguished according t 5 percent of preschool or school going children all over the world suffer from ADHD. The exact cause of ADHD is still unknown. However, it is believed that it has something to do with genes. Go for the proper treatment once you notice the symptoms of ADHD.

Depression is a mental illness. Everybody at least once in life time suffers from it. There is no specific age group that suffers from depression. All age groups may suffer from it. The most common signs of depression are sadness, irritation, poor appetite, slo the causes, duration and severity associated with them. The exact reason of depression is still unknown. It is believed that depression is the result of chemical imbalances in human brain. Depression may become very dangerous if not operated at the right time. Various treatment methods are available all over the word to cure depression.

As a result of experimental studies it is now proved that ADHD and Depression are linked with each other. A form of depression called MDD (major depressive disorder). According to experimental results, if a person is suffering from depressive disorder called MDD then there are all the chances for the same person to suffer from ADHD. In a same way if a person is suffering from ADHD he has all the chances of suffering from MDD as well. Another fact that establishes strong connection between ADHD and depression is dysthymia (Chronic depressive disorder), the chances of dysthymia to occur in a person suffering from ADHD is even larger than the chances of MDD and vice -versa.

According to multi generation studies there is a strong genetic connection that establishes link between ADHD and Depression. Proofs indicate that the occurrence of ADHD in offspring of adults with repeated depression is higher than the common people and also the relatives of young people suffering from ADHD show higher chances of MDD.

It is believed that one of every fourth child suffering from ADHD also suffers from Depression. Conditions become very dangerous if ADHD and depression exist simultaneously. Co- occurring of ADHD and depression increase the danger, particularly if it is not treated at the right time, the risks that are associated with ADHD and depression are: Substance abuse, Suicidal tendencies, development of conduct disorders and anti social behavior etc. Make sure you consult with your family doctor or a specialist in your area so that you can seek proper treatment for ADHD and depression.

Living With Bipolar II Disorder - How To Lead A Normal Lifestyle

The brain is the most vital part of the human body, as without it we wouldn't be able to function properly. It is the control centre for the whole of the body, controlling everything so that all the organs are functioning correctly, so you can use your motor skills and for all decision making. Any damage to the brain, depending on which part, will affect an area in the body.

For good health everyone should know the importance of keeping fit mentally as well as physically. If you are unwell mentally it can affect you physically, and vice versa.

There is much more known about the facts which affect all kinds of brain disorders, which can in turn affect your daily life and how you live. Some illnesses can affect your motor skills, whilst some brain disorders can have an effect on your skill to make decisions. Some brain disorders occur as a result of an accident, some by disease in later life and others are acquired at birth.

Bipolar II is known as one of the brain disorders which can affect your moods, and you can also get periods of depression for no particular reason. With Bipolar II, a person is also known to have one hypomanic episode at least. In Bipolar Disorder a person has depressive and manic episodes. With Bipolar II and individual will expressive at least one or more episode of depressive and also had at least one hypomanic episode.

Those who suffer from Bipolar II will suffer a hypomanic episode where the mood is constantly either feeling quite elated, tetchy or the mind is wide open. This episode can last for up to or over 4 days. The behaviour can be seen to be very different from how a person normally is when they are not feeling depressed. Symptoms for Bipolar II Disorder hypomanic episodes are found to be quite similar to those experienced by someone with Bipolar Disorder, but they are not as severe.

In Bipolar II, once a person reaches a big episode of depression, they will start to feel useless. They will have a negative outlook on life with feelings of helplessness. There are some cases which severe enough to make a person think about death or even suicide, and some go further to attempt suicide.

When a person has this illness they get hypomanic episodes, where they can still get on with everyday things like work, studying, their social activities with no psychosis. When a person has depressive and hypomanic episodes of four or more in number in one year, they are considered to be have a bipolar disorder that is rapid cycling. This period of cycling is likely to develop at some during their illness. A person who recognises that are having these kind of symptoms should seek help for treatment, as the longer they leave it, the more likely they will suffer frequent episodes of the illness.

Bipolar II is another version of Bipolar Disorder, where the episodes of depression are more apparent than the mania episodes. This illness is not classified as Manic Depression, but as one where a person has greater mood and energy swings than normal. There are forms which are so severe, that a person is prone to think of committing suicide.

Bipolar II is an illness that should be taken seriously and should never be left untreated. Anyone who experiences any signs and symptoms or if you notice it any other person, should see a doctor as soon as possible before the illness takes hold. The treatments that are available today do help to minimise the effects that a person suffers from, to stabilise their mood so that they feel normal again. Help and support from family and friend do much to help a person to feel better and recover fully.

As in Bipolar Disorder, this illness is long term which needs constant care and management long term. A person needs to learn patience to help themselves get control of their life again, so that the negative effects are minimised.

With Bipolar II you should learn all about the illness as a sufferer so that you can lead a normal lifestyle and not be a victim to it. You are helping yourself by getting treated early.

Mental Health Awareness Month and Mental Illness Awareness Week - Free Depression or Anxiety Tests

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, during which the free National Anxieties Disorders Screening Day is held. Consider what Kim Bassinger, Marc Summers and football great Earl Campbell have in common. They have all suffered from an anxiety disorder, America's most common mental illness. According to the National Institute for Mental Health, nearly a quarter of the American adult population will suffer from an anxiety disorder at some time in their lives. Unlike normal worries, these individuals can experience a variety of symptoms which can include spontaneous panic attacks, endlessly checking and rechecking their actions, persistent, uncontrollable worry and social anxiety, which interferes with their lives.

The symptoms of anxiety disorders are characterized by fear and anxiety that appear for no apparent reason. Anxiety disorders include Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Social Phobia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Left untreated, these conditions often become accompanied by depression, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts. Although most sufferers never connect with appropriate treatment, effective treatments do exist, which can offer relief within a relatively short period of time.

The first week of every October is designated as Mental Illness Awareness Week, during which the National Depression Screening Day is held. Consider what Abraham Lincoln, Ernest Hemingway, and Brooke Shields have in common. They have all suffered from clinical depression. Depression and manic-depression strike more than 17 million Americans each year, according to figures from the National Institute of Mental Health. Fewer than half, however, actually seeks treatment, despite the fact that treatment can help 80 - 90 percent of those affected.

Common symptoms of depression include feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, restlessness and irritability, changes in sleep and appetite, loss of energy and thoughts of death or suicide. Manic-depression includes feelings of euphoria or agitation. Clinical depression is more than just the 'blues. It is a real, pervasive condition that even has the potential to be life threatening. A sufferer has no better chance to "just snap out of it" than someone, for example, with a seizure disorder simply controlling their attacks.

The screenings initiatives are invaluable opportunities for people, who might otherwise be timid about discussing their concerns or symptoms, to do so without feeling pressured.

Candidiasis Hypersensitivity (Systemic Candida) - Is It Really a Fraud

A number of authors promote the diagnosis and treatment of a syndrome they call Candidiasis Hypersensitivity (sometimes also called "systemic Candida", or "systemic yeast infections."

This diagnosis earned a spot on the "Top 10 Health Fraud" list.

Yet thousands of people are absolutely convinced that a long list of generalized symptoms, for which their medical doctor has no remedy, are caused by Candida yeast.

Dr. William G. Crook, who wrote The Yeast Connection and started an organization called The Candida and Dysbiosis Information Foundation, is probably the most famous promoter of this illness, which has never been accepted by mainstream doctors.

Dr. Crook listed many possible symptoms that he claimed were associated with this illness, including lethargy, fatigue, food cravings, depression, infertility, and more. Some authors list as many as 30 vague and generalized symptoms for this syndrome.

Very serious systemic yeast infections are quite common in AIDS patients and others with a compromised immune system, and can be fatal. However there is no proof that Candida yeast will cause the list of generalized symptoms claimed for this syndrome in the general population.

Although authors have claimed to be experts in treating this syndrome for the 29 years, the only common illnesses that scientists have proven to be caused by Candida yeast in individuals without a compromised immune system are skin, vaginal and male yeast infections, and oral thrush. However, some promoters of this syndrome claim that up to 30% of all people suffer from excess Candida yeast.

Dr. Crook himself quotes The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAAI), who looked into this issue and found that:

The Concept is speculative and unproven.

a. The basic elements of the syndrome would apply to almost all sick patients at some time. The complaints are essentially universal; the broad treatment program would produce remission in most illnesses regardless of cause.

b. There is no published proof the Candida albicans is responsible for the syndrome.

c. There is no published proof that the treatment of Candida albicans infection with specific antifungal agents benefits the syndrome.

It is also interesting to note that, in spite of the numerous, (and complicated) "Candida diets" that have been promoted as a possible cure for this syndrome, Dr. Crook based the diet and cookbook he himself recommended on the nutritional research done by Nathan Pritikin, a man Dr. Crook greatly admired.

The Pritikin diet was not developed in response to yeast infections - it was designed to reduce the incidence of heart disease, and research has proven over many years that it is highly effective in reaching that goal.

As the AAAAI suggested in their findings, many, if not all, of the generalized symptoms associated with the so-called candidiasis hypersensitivity syndrome could go away simply from eating a healthy, nutritious diet, such as the one Mr. Pritikin developed. There is no way to prove that the symptoms are actually caused by yeast, or if they are simply the body's natural response to poor eating habits, obesity, and a lack of exercise.

Although the "Candida diets" may actually make you healthier, the herbal antifungal remedies that are also suggested for people suffering from the fatigue, lethargy, and other symptoms listed by these authors should cause some concern.

True yeast infections of the vagina, penis, skin and mouth are often the result of the use of antibiotics, which kill the body's beneficial bacteria. These bacteria are needed by the digestive system, and they're your first line of defense against yeast infections.

The herbal remedies that are often recommended by "Candida experts" are known to damage the beneficial bacteria, and this could actually lead to more severe vaginal yeast infections and oral thrush in the future.

It is also known that Candida yeast evolves very quickly to become drug-resistant. The use of any antifungal medications, including herbal remedies, should always take this into account.

This is the reason why your doctor will always prefer to prescribe a topical antifungal medication, instead of one taken by mouth, unless a systemic drug is really needed.

When Candida becomes drug resistant, the next infection is much more difficult to treat, and you could find yourself the victim of chronic vaginal or male yeast infections that can make your life miserable.

For these reasons, it is always a good idea to have a very frank talk with your doctor before beginning any herbal course of treatment for generalized symptoms that popular authors blame on Candida. If you take these herbal remedies without your doctor's advice, you may discover to your dismay that you have created an even bigger problem for yourself, including very unwelcome and hard-to-cure chronic yeast infections.

Can Being Happier Help Your Fight Against Breast Cancer?

A cancer diagnosis is not something that you can usually put a positive spin on, and if you or a loved one has been given such terrible news is perfectly understandable to be feeling at an all-time low. However, the fight against breast cancer is not only a physical one; it's also an emotional one. Being happier can help your body fight cancer more effectively and suffer less from the expected side-effects of most cancer treatments.

Happy Means a Better Immune System

Have you ever noticed how happy people seem to fall sick less than those who always seem dark and depressed? The chemicals our body produces when we're stressed out or depressed have a negative effect on our immune systems, which in the case of cancer patients under treatment is compounded by the fact that neither radio nor chemotherapy are kind to the body natural defences. Avoiding stress and depression as much as possible can help your body fight cancer more effectively and reduce the chances of a secondary infection causing even more damage.

Feeling Better and Stronger

Many people who have beaten cancer point to being always optimistic as one of the things that kept them fighting until they were given the all-clear and it's not surprising. When you are happy you have more energy and feel better, and can take better decisions about your own health. Your body is also stronger and has better chances of beating the sickness along with traditional treatment, and it's somehow easier to overlook the side effects if you generally feel happier and know that you'll beat breast cancer. Keeping your spirits high is key to helping your body be in top shape when you are fighting cancer. And if you need to take difficult decisions such a surgery it can also help you adapt better to any changes on your body consequence of treatment.

Psychosomatic Side Effects

It's not only that being happy helps your body fight cancer more effectively: Being depressed can harm your chances as your body will reflect your mood in a myriad of small, but annoying, side effects. For example, you may discover that stress gives you a headache, which prevents you from sleeping properly. If you don't sleep well, you are depriving your body from the time it needs to recover and do all sorts of maintenance tasks, lowering your general health and making it even more difficult to deal with your medication and the physical symptoms of cancer. And this just makes sleeping even more difficult. Staying optimistic and keeping in mind that cancer can be beaten is vital to avoid this.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Sleep Deprivation Symptoms You Need to Be Aware Of

An average adult needs about eight hours of night. Many people do not meet this average because of their schedules and they think sleeping is a waste of time. Others suffer from disorders like exploding head syndrome, which may keep them awake all night or wake them up before they meet the required eight hours.

Do you think you are getting enough each night just because you do not feel sleepy during the day? Many people believe the only sign of sleep deprivation is daytime sleepiness, but there are other deprivation symptoms you should watch out for.

Depression, Anxiety, and Irritability

These three conditions can cause deprivation, but they may also be signs of it. A lack of sleep might not make you feel sleepy, but it does cause fatigue and tiredness. The lack of energy or capability to accomplish tasks throughout the day can make you extremely moody, and could result in clinical depression or anxiety if left untreated.

Negative Effects on Memory and Cognitive Functions

One of sleep's primary functions is memory processing. Your brain's memory synapses stabilize (or even improve). A lack of sleep gives your brain less time to relax and stabilize, and makes it more difficult for you to remember things, learn new tasks, or focus on what you are doing throughout the day.

Weight Gain

Studies show that the amount you get affects your metabolism and appetite. A lack of sleep may disrupt the hormones regulating these two aspects of your body's functions, and can make you more prone to gaining weight or eating too much. Some researchers believe the obesity problem in the United States has something to do with the increase in the number of people suffering from deprivation.


Drowsiness is the least of your problems when you are. People suffering from severe sleep deprivation experience microsleeps. This means they may fall asleep for a few seconds to half a minute, no matter what they are doing. This is potentially dangerous if you are driving or doing some other risky activity that requires your full attention.

Many humorous sleep quotes make fun of the effects of sleep deprivation, or make it seem like it's better to go without sleep. One popular quote from Warren Zevon goes, "I'll sleep when I'm dead." Never take quotes like this seriously. Better quotes about sleep prove just how important it is to get enough sleep. For example, an old Irish proverb says, "A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book." Getting enough hours of sleep each day helps you stay healthy and avoid the negative repercussions of sleep deprivation. If you really cannot afford to sleep for eight hours straight, try to make up for it by napping. Consult with a sleep doctor if you have a hard time sleeping because of a sleep disorder.

Clinical Depression is in a Class by Itself When it Comes to Depression

When you hear the term Clinical Depression, what comes to mind? Clinical Depression is a serious illness. This illness can affect the way you feel, the way you act and the way you think. Like other conditions it is a disease and doesn't make you a loser. It is a condition that must be addressed. Functioning like you did in the past will not be easy. Activities that you once used to find entertaining may fail to interest you anymore. Clinical Depression results in long term hopelessness and feelings of remorse. Unlike a cold this isn't a short term condition. You won't feel sad for a few days and then just get over it. Clinical Depression is long term. Clinical Depression is a mental disorder characterized by a pervasive low mood and loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities. The general term depression is better used to describe a temporary depressed or sad mood. By contrast, major depression is a serious and often disabling condition that can significantly affect a person's work, family and school life, sleeping and eating habits, and general health. In Western countries, around 3.4% of people with major depression eventually commit suicide, and up to 60% of all people who commit suicide have depression or another mood disorder. Depressed individuals have a shorter life expectancy than those without depression, being more susceptible to medical conditions such as heart disease. However, depression may be over diagnosed, and current diagnostic trends arguably have the effect of medicalizing sadness.

Every part of your normal life can be impacted by Clinical Depression. A change in thought patterns and confusion are common. Your will is no longer your own as this condition affects your very behaviors and moods. It will affect your sleep patterns and eating habits, turning your life onto its head. It's possible that instead of being able to do your work or to focus on a task like school, you'll wonder how it was ever possible. Clinical Depression will target the way you deal with people. You'll become a stranger even to yourself.

The understanding of the nature and causes of depression has evolved over the centuries; nevertheless, many aspects of depression are still not fully understood, and are the subject of debate and research. Both psychological and biological causes have been proposed; the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine have been implicated, and most antidepressants work to increase their active levels in the brain. The question of whether there are two separate conditions, or a continuum of a single disorder has been researched since the 1920s. These two sub-groups have shown identical clinical courses, and in 1980 the term major depressive disorder was coined for the combined continuum, and has become widely used.

Common Symptoms of Clinical Depression

There are different forms of clinical depression with different combinations of the following symptoms:


* Sleep disturbances-insomnia, oversleeping, waking much earlier than usual
* Changes in appetite or eating: much more or much less
* Decreased energy, fatigue
* Headaches, stomachaches, digestive problems or other physical symptoms that are not explained by other physical conditions or do not respond to treatment


* Loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed, such as going out with friends, hobbies, sports, sex, etc.
* Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
* Neglecting responsibilities or personal appearance


* Persistent sad or "empty" mood, lasting two or more weeks
* Crying "for no reason"
* Feeling hopeless, helpless, guilty or worthless
* Feeling irritable, agitated or anxious
* Thoughts of death or suicide

Treatment for depression depends on many factors, including the severity of the condition, the persistence of the symptoms, and the person's personal history with the illness. For many forms of depression, a combination of psychotherapy and antidepressant medications can be an effective treatment. Antidepressant medications can relieve symptoms of depression, while psychotherapy may help you cope with ongoing problems that may trigger or contribute to depression. Most patients are treated in the community with antidepressant medication and supportive counseling, including various forms of psychotherapy; admission to hospital may be necessary in cases associated with self-neglect or a significant risk of harm to self or others. A minority with severe illness may be treated with electro-convulsive therapy (ECT), under a short-acting general anesthetic.

For the more serious cases of clinical depression, electro-convulsive therapy can be helpful for people who haven't responded to other treatments or who can't tolerate antidepressants for other reasons. During electro-convulsive therapy, an electric current is passed through the brain to induce controlled seizures. Experts aren't sure how electroconvulsive therapy relieves the symptoms of depression. However, it's believed the procedure may affect levels of neurotransmitters in your brain.

Depression may also be caused in part by an overactive hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) that is similar to the neuro-endocrine response to stress. These HPA axis abnormalities participate in the development of depressive symptoms, and antidepressants serve to regulate HPA axis function.

Depression may be connected to sleep abnormalities, or variations in the circadian rhythm. The REM stage of sleep, in which dreaming occurs, tends to be especially quick to arrive, and especially intense, in depressed people. Although the precise relationship between sleep and depression is mysterious, the relationship appears to be particularly strong among those whose depressive episodes are not precipitated by stress. In such cases, patients may be especially unaffected by therapeutic intervention.

As mentioned earlier Clinical Depression is not a personal defect. It is not an illness that you can wish gone out of your life. This is not an illness that will be cured through self- control or self-treatment. It will take a long-term effort - weeks, months or even years of treatment - to control this problem. People have been known to attempt suicide if this condition isn't treated. The reasons for the depression may seem known to you. However many different factors might contribute to this illness. Typically, it is a group of factors that lead to Clinical Depression. Your psyche, genetic factors, or even the environment might contribute.

Biological issues such as chemical imbalances can lead to Clinical Depression. Feeling sad and depressed is often a normal reaction to a stressful life situation. For example, it is normal to feel down after a major disappointment, or to have trouble sleeping or eating after a difficult relationship break-up. Usually, within a few days, perhaps after talking to a friend, we start to feel like ourselves again.

Clinical depression is very different. It involves a noticeable change in functioning that persists for two weeks or longer. Imagine that for the last three months you've slept more than 10 hours a day and still feel tired, you have stomach problems, you're unable to cope with life, and you wonder if dying would solve all your problems. Or, imagine not being able to sleep more than four hours a night, not wanting to spend time with family or friends, and constantly feeling irritable. And when friends try to reach out to you, you get even more upset and bothered. You lose perspective, and you don't realize that what you're experiencing is abnormal. You want to just "wait it out," and you don't get help because you think it's weak to ask for help or you don't want to burden your friends. Stress might also cause this illness. Many areas of your life can be causing stress that affects your psychological make up. Our lives are filled with all sorts of potential pressures that can wreak havoc with your system. It's well known that alcoholics and drug addicts often contract Clinical Depression. Don't hesitate to consult a medical professional if you or anyone you know shows signs of this disease.

Vision and Mental Health Linked in Eye Movement Studies

Currently, there are no scientific tests to diagnose some mental illnesses; for instance, there is no bipolar test to determine whether one is suffering from manic depression. However, studies are underway that will hopefully help researchers to create such a test.

New technology has been developed which has allowed researchers to accurately measure vision abnormalities in the mentally ill. One study, funded by a $1.2 million grant, is studying eye movements such patients. Research so far has shown that the way the eyes track in that population group can indicate an adverse medical condition in the brain. The team is working with a sample group diagnosed with conditions including depression, schizophrenia, autism, attention disorders and bipolar disorder.

Eye tracking and eye movement are the main areas of focus in the study. How the eyes react can suggest problems with how the nervous system works in the mentally ill. For example, slow-moving objects are difficult for those with schizophrenia to track with their eyes, and those who suffer from bipolar disorder may be sensitive to various lighting conditions and light wave lengths. Depression hurts, and those suffering from it may have visual abnormalities as well. For instance, the severely depressed can experience tunnel vision.

There are other studies underway that also revolve around the eyes. These studies look at how artificial darkness, optical prisms, and color contacts affect mood.

Eye movement studies may offer a way to better understand the problems in the brain that occur in the mentally ill. Through further research, perhaps a link will be found between eye movement and cognitive abnormalities and a tie to their genetic basis. Hopefully, there will be discoveries in testing, diagnosing, and treating people with mental illnesses based on these studies.

Is Your Smart Phone Stressing You Out?

Do you feel like you can't escape the stress from work, or from your social obligations? Do they sneak up on you, even as you're trying to have a few relaxing moments to yourself after a long day, or during a weekend that you've purposely left open for some well-deserved "me-time"? It might be your cell phone that's causing the problem. We use our cell phones, especially our smartphones to stay constantly connected to the people who are important to us. We can instantly share news and photos with family via Facebook, find your friends' hangouts via 4square, and check up on the office by logging into our work emails. This might seem like a great relief, but it can also be too much of a good thing.

There are a large number of mobile phone users who admit to feeling naked without their cell phones, and can't stand to leave home without it. Cell phones keep us in touch, especially smartphones that allow us to check email and social networks just about anywhere. While being connected might give some of us feelings of security, there is also an abundance of evidence that links cell phone use and mental health problems. One study from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden suggests that we can blame our smartphones and other mobile devices for disturbed sleep patterns, increased stress symptoms, and even a rise in clinical depression! Women appear to be particularly affected by cell phone overuse, resulting in higher levels of stress and sleep disturbances. Both men and women are affected by the high accessibility of cell phones which contributes to stress, problems sleeping, and depression.

The effects of smartphones and other mobile devices on your mental health should be reason enough to take a break from checking your email and tweets every few moment. Unfortunately, so many of us have become dependent on these devices. Here are a few tips to help you reduce smartphone related stress:

1. Give your phone a break! It's OK to turn your phone off on occasion. In fact, you might even find that you get more done. Despite the popular belief that we are all great multi-taskers, our brain works best when we focus on one thing at a time. Instead of bouncing your attention between your friends' Facebook updates, your constantly updated newsfeed, and your work-turn your phone off and allow yourself to take care of your obligations quickly and effectively.

2. Step away from the Android!...or Blackberry, or iPhone. If you can't turn off your phone, whether you're waiting on an important phone call, or need to be accessible in case of a family emergency, consider leaving your phone in another room or out of easy reach. Leave your ringer and alarms on-but turn off other notifications. The temptation to check up on your social network versus finishing your current task will be much easier to resist if you have to put out more effort to get to your phone.

3. Set a goal, and make your smartphone the reward. Knowing that your phone will be back on and in your hands soon might encourage you to work harder. Whether at work or at a social event, set a goal for your phone usage. Maybe you need to finish the first draft of a report before you can check your newsfeed, or you need to make it through the conference speakers' addresses before you can text your buds. As a bonus, not only will you be more motivated to work, but you'll appear more engaged to those around you.

4. Don't forget to give yourself real alone time. These rules for limiting your smartphone usage have a wider reach than just your time at work. While you are relaxing and taking time to yourself, distance yourself from your phone and focus on de-stressing. Even taking 5 minutes completely for yourself can help you get back into a beneficial state of mind.

Understanding Manic Depression

Manic depression is a type of depression where the person suffering from the ailment suffers from extreme lows as well as extreme highs. When someone who is manic feels low, they feel incredibly depressed. Many times they get so depressed that they feel suicidal.

Either before or after the depression, these people feel a euphoric high. They feel full of energy, like they can do no wrong. Sometimes they'll go days without sleeping and take on tons of new projects that they couldn't possibly finish. This type of depression is like being on a rollercoaster. One minute you're on top of the world and the next minute you're on the bottom. This mental illness is frequently referred to as bi-polar disorder.

Manic depressive illness can start at any age, though it tends to start when a person is a young adult or in their early 20s. It does not discriminate against race or gender. It effects men and women, black people and white people and everyone in between. You're more likely to suffer from it if someone in your family also suffers from the illness.

How Do I Know if I Have It?

The only real way to know if you have manic depressive illness is by going to a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists will ask you a series of questions to determine if you're manic depressive. They will ask you about your moods. As mentioned earlier, extreme changes in a person's moods are indicative of this illness. Now, if you've have a bad day so you feel blue, but the next day you get a promotion and you feel elated, you probably don't have it. That's a very normal way to react to such situations. However, if you're moods are extreme for more than a week, you might be manic.

Friends and family are good at determining when the ones they love aren't acting "normally." So, if several of them start approaching you about your extreme mood swings, you might want to see a doctor.

Getting Help

Manic depressive illness is difficult to treat. There are dozens of different medications and psychological treatment options, but doctors never know which medication will be the perfect fit for each patient. However, doctors who are trained to work with this illness are very good at helping their patients find the right medication.

Signs of Depression and What to Do - Valuable Information

Recognizing the signs of depression and what to do to manage it is important since depression is a widespread illness. Every person has mood swing. Some other times, they experience the moments when they are irritated with the world.

It is essential to know when you free from feeling a little low and slipped into a condition of depression. Every person should know the signs of depression and what to do.

The Signs

In many cases the symptoms are slow and the person just recognizes that there is something wrong unless they are purposely seeking the symptoms.

Warning signs that you are depressed include, a noticeable lack of energy, loss of interest in hobbies that you've always enjoyed, difficulty concentrating, changes in your weight and appearance, self antipathy, changes in sleep patterns, and feeling desperate. For people who are suffering from depression, physical discomfort is common. Friends and family are often able notify signs of depression and what to do about it. Another thing to remember is that anxiety can sometimes point to depression.

What You Should to Do

Once you have recognized the signs of depression you must decide how to treat your depression.

Some people like to try homeopathy healing to administer their depression. Numerous people who are having problem with depression turn to anti-depressant medication. Other people who are concerned about the signs and what to do to manage and treat it immediately go to therapy.

Recognizing the signs of depression and what to do to cure it is beneficial to help you enjoy life as it before. You can aid people around you to cope with depression by sharing information with them. Put in your mind that helping others is also a way to struggle depression.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Twelve Ways To Deal With Depression

Currently there are lots of efficient ways to deal with depression, such as physical exercise, talk therapy, prescription medication, organic supplements, as well as life-style options. Researching the treatment alternatives can help you choose what options are likely to be effective for your unique needs and situation. There are not any quick fixes or immediate solutions, however, when you're ready to focus on yourself and stay with the treatment, you will find yourself out from under depression's shadow earlier than you imagine.

Because a depressive disorder carries a mixture of causes, it seems sensible that that are several approaches to cope with depression. A couple of the most frequent ways to deal with depression are prescription medication and therapies. Anyone with depressive disorders is suffering from a diverse range of physical issues, such as sleep disturbance, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, a pervading state of unhappiness, frustration, mysterious pain, and many other things. To be successful, depression therapy needs to deal with and treat these types of individual symptoms.

Seeking specialized help or even discussing one's troubles with a trust worthy person can help significantly.

Some other different treatment options or positive ways to treat depression involve organic herbal products. St. John's Wart is known as a well-known supplement used to assist individuals suffering from depression as well as the supplement Kava has been found to help relieve anxiety: an issue that is commonly felt by people who suffer from depression. Likewise, Gingko Biloba isn't only used as a memory booster; it offers positive results on the mood as well.

Bear in mind therapy will take time as well as determination. All of these depression treatments take some time, and quite often it could feel too much to handle or frustratingly slow. That's common. Treatment normally has its highs and lows.

Besides receiving the treatment required to eliminate depression, there are many other things that you can try to help yourself. Some other suggestions you can consider are:

• Eat a well-balanced diet. Select food items from all of daily food groups: milk products, healthy proteins, breads and cereal products, vegetables and fruits. Opt for healthier treats rather than fast food.

• Stay productive, even though you don't want to. Working out every day for an hour or so it can help you sweat off your body's stress and you'll feel rejuvenated.

• Avoid being by yourself. Spend some time with other people. Make an effort to get involved with sociable pursuits. Plan to see a movie every weekend and get out of the house.

• Do not set complicated goals or undertake more obligations while your depressed.

• Stay away from making important life decisions whenever possible.

• Go easy on yourself, and don't expect a lot too quickly.

• Start treating yourself with dignity and kindness.

• Work with a support group.

• Posting in a diary will also help you overcome depression. Jot down anything in your diary - your ideas, emotions, whatever you detest, whatever you really like, whatever your ambitions are, what you really want to do.

• Hobbies and interests additionally help a lot. They are particularly valuable in the reduction of depressions and lack of inspiration. They will keep you active and energized, provided that you select an activity that you absolutely love.

• Head outdoors. Even a tiny bit of sunlight can easily help improve your disposition a little. Make an effort to go outdoors and get a little outside air, tell yourself there is a world out there and you can certainly get involved in it as much as you can manage.

• Meditating as well as yoga for relaxation and fresh air can help.

Depression is encountered by just about every person on this earth at some stage in their lives. Even so, there is what's called healthy depression as well as unhealthy depression and it's critical to establish the distinction between the two. As soon as the distinction between healthy depression and unhealthy depression is plainly explained, it's much easier to come to terms with the problem and to discover positive approaches to cope with depression.

In fact, if a person suffers from a short-term depression which is produced by a tough period in a person's daily life it's completely common to experience disappointment. On the other hand, if a person goes through durations of prolonged depression, the depression experienced could be a sign of an even more severe condition that may have to be treated with properly.

Most of these easy approaches to cope with depression cost absolutely nothing to try out therefore you have absolutely nothing to lose. They may be used to complement and improve many other treatments and make them more effective. They can truly produce a big difference in the event that you put them into practice.

Natural Remedies for Neurotransmitter Imbalance - Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia

The human nervous system is the most complex system in the human body and responsible for the normal function of virtually every organ, tissue and cell in our physiology. The brain which is the center of our nervous system contains over 100 billion specialized cells called neurons. The neurons in our brain create and use important chemical messengers called neurotransmitters to tell the heart when to beat, the lungs to breathe, the stomach to digest, the urinary and intestinal tract to eliminate. They also are influential in our thought processes, emotions, energy production, the feelings of love or fear and how well we sleep.

Clearly, the nervous system must function properly for a person to remain healthy. Some of the factors which can disrupt the normal function of our nervous system include.

- Stress
- Toxic chemicals
- Poor diet
- Infections
- Genetics (Our individual Neurobiology)
- Hormone imbalances
- Spinal subluxations (As all Doctors of Chiropractic know)

When neurotransmitters become either too high or too low, it is not uncommon for one to experience:

- Anxiety
- Depression
- Insomnia, and other things including foggy thinking, mood swings, headaches to name just a few.

Focusing on Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia and related conditions, the following neurotransmitters play a role in the etiology:

Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, is important for motivation, energy and mental focus.

High Levels
- Sleep difficulties
- Anxiousness
- Attention issues

Low Levels
- Fatigue
- Lack of focus
- Difficult weight loss

Norepinephrine, also known as noradrenaline, is important for mental focus and emotional stability.

High Levels
- Anxiousness
- Stress
- Hyperactivity
- High blood pressure

Low Levels
- Lack of energy
- Lack of focus
- Lack of motivation
- Low mood (Depression)

Serotonin, primarily responsible for regulation of moods, sleep, appetite and pain perception.

High Levels
- SSRI medications
- Stress

Low Levels
- Low mood (Depression)
- Sleep difficulties (Insomnia)
- Anxiety disorders
- OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
- Headaches
- Hot Flashes
- Bowel disturbances
- Increased pain sensitivity

GABA (Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid) is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain and is necessary to experience feelings of calmness and relaxation

High Levels
- Hyperactivity
- Anxiousness
- Sleep difficulties (Insomnia)

Low Levels
- Severe Anxiety and Panic Disorder
- Severe Hyperactivity
- Severe sleep difficulties (Insomnia)

In addition to the major neurotransmitters mentioned above there are others which effect mood and could be related to anxiety, depression and insomnia. They may include Dopamine, Glycine, Taurine, Glutamate and Histamine.

Medications for Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia:


The most accepted and commonly used medications by allopathic doctors for Anxiety Disorders are the Benzodiazepines which include Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin and Valium. These medications positively effect GABA by making the GABA receptor sites in the brain work more effectively thus enhancing the inhibitory and calming effects of GABA. While initially very effective for all of the symptoms of anxiety including excessive worry, ruminations, hyperarousal, insomnia, nervousness, inability to concentrate, muscle tension and many other physical symptoms, the downside is that they can lose effectiveness in a relatively short amount of time (tolerance) and have potential side effects including amnesia, dependence, and intradose withdrawal. Use of Benzodiazepines can paradoxically increase all of the symptoms of anxiety disorders. Withdrawal from the long term use of these medications can be extremely difficult and should only be done under the supervision of a doctor who understands how to slowly taper by switching the patient over to a "Benzo" with a long half life and over a gradual period of many months.

SSRI's: (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors)

These well known anti-depressants include Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, Paxil, Cymbalta and others which all work the same. They effectively block the reuptake of Serotonin molecules into the neuron that released them, thereby making Serotonin more available in the synapse. They are purported to alleviate both the symptoms of anxiety, depression and insomnia. Although several studies show their efficacy barely exceeds placebo and some studies show they are no more effective than placebo. Be that as it may, if a patient is clinically depressed or suffering anxiety so severely that suicide is a real possibility they can be a lifesaver. Warnings and side effects can also include suicide, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, insomnia, violent behavior, fatique, dizziness and many others.

Lifestyle, Dietary and Supplement Recommendations for Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia:

The following protocols are based on my opinion and primarily designed for those whose conditions are moderate and mild in nature. Severe cases of neurotransmitter imbalance should be evaluated by a competent integrative physician. Hormone testing should also be undertaken as it it well known that they also can play a pivotal role in anxiety, depression and insomnia. Adrenal, thyroid, and sex hormones need to be checked and balanced if necessary.

ANXIETY Lifestyle Recommendations:

1. Control stress and avoid extra obligations.

2. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.

3. Participate in a regular balanced exercise program that includes wearing a pedometer to ensure that you collect steps and move more. High intensity short bursts (20-60 seconds) of activity during the day is recommended to enhance growth hormone release. Also engage in resistance training that works all major muscle groups (work each group at least 2 times a week). It helps to include calming exercise such as yoga, tai chi, and stretching.

4. Avoid consumption of known or suspected food allergies. Check IgG on DFH Comprehensive Metabolic Profile.

5. Check adrenal function.

6. Practice good sleep habits and get between 8-9 hours of sleep a night. Dietary Recommendations:

1. Avoid all sugars including fruit and fruit juices. Replace sugar with the polyol sugar xylitol.

2. Avoid white flour and all refined carbohydrates including cereals and pasta especially those that are made with yeast such as bread, bagels and English muffins.

3. Avoid caffeine and diet sodas.

4. Get a balance of omega 3's (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines) and omega 9 fats (olive oil, olives, almonds, hazelnuts, avocados).

5. Stabilize blood sugar by eating protein at every meal including fish, chicken and lean meat.

6. Avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils and fried foods.

7. Cook with olive oil or macadamia nut oil at a low heat.

8. Snack on vegetables and small amounts of almonds, olives, avocado, celery with almond butter, walnut or peanut butter.

9. Do not skip meals.

10. Eat 5-9 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily OR add one heaping tablespoon of a concentrated vegetable green and red fruit formula as recommended by your physician to your favorite drink.

11. Carry supplemental Meal Packets and/or high protein health Bars as recommended by your integrative doctor with you throughout the day to prevent missing meals or snacks.

Supplement Recommendations:

Follow specific supplement recommendations given by a nutrition oriented physician who understands which ones effect brain neurotransmitters and functioning in a positive way.

Depression Lifestyle Recommendations:

1. Participate in a regular balanced exercise program that includes wearing a pedometer to ensure that you collect steps and move more. High intensity short bursts (20-60 seconds) of activity during the day is recommended to enhance growth hormone release. Also engage in resistance training that works all major muscle groups (work each group at least 2 times a week). It helps to include calming exercise such as yoga, tai chi, and stretching.

2. Avoid extra stress and obligations.

3. Rule out heavy metal toxicity, overgrowth of Candida Albicans, and hormone imbalance.

4. Rule out hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia and weak adrenal function.

5. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.

Dietary Recommendations:

1. Whey protein or other quality protein is essential at every meal to stabilize blood sugar levels.

2. Avoid all sugars including fruit and fruit juices. Replace sugar with the polyol sugar xylitol.

2. Avoid white flour and all refined carbohydrates including cereals and pasta especially those that are made with yeast such as bread, bagels and English muffins.

3. Avoid allergenic foods.

4. Gluten and dairy avoidance may prove extremely helpful for stabilizing moods.

5. Concentrate on fish and foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids such as salmon, sardines and mackerel.

6. Eat 5-9 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily OR add one heaping tablespoon of a concentrated vegetable green and red vegetable and fruit formula as suggested by your doctor.

7. Carry a high protein snack and some raw vegetables with you throughout the day to prevent missing meals or snacks.

Insomnia Lifestyle Recommendations:

*Follow same recommendations for anxiety

Dietary Recommendations:

*Follow same recommendations for anxiety

Follow specific Supplement Recommendations as recommended by your physician to alleviate stress and calm the nervous system:

Yours for Better Health Naturally,

ADHD and Depression: Recognizing the Symptoms

Is your ADHD child listless, moody, and socially withdrawn? Several new studies show that ADHD and depression comes hand-in-hand for many children, with those diagnosed with ADHD three times more likely to experience depression than other children. Before delving deeper into the topic, let's take a look at depression and how children experience this condition together with ADHD.

Depression is a condition that involves much more than simply feeling sad or down. For a person to be depressed, he or she must feel depressed most of the day almost every day - there is a loss of interest in most or all activities, he or she feels lethargic or extremely restless, and he or she is plagued by inappropriate guilt, feelings of worthlessness, and constant thoughts of suicide or death. Additionally, these symptoms must cause significant impairment and distress - that is, they must interfere with a person's relationships, career, or school performance. In addition, depression as a psychological condition is not due to medications and is not accounted for by grief due to loss of a loved one.

Studies show that kids and adolescents experience the same basic symptoms of depression as adults. Studies also suggest that certain symptoms appear more prominently depending on the age; for instance, adolescents and teens may feel extreme irritability rather than listlessness. Additionally, social withdrawal, motor problem, and sleep problems are more common in children - they are very shy, have poor motor skills, and may sleep too much.

So what would the "typical" depressed ADHD child look like? While no two children are the same, you can generally expect this child to be moody and highly irritable, which is a dramatic change from their usual state. The depressed ADHD child might stop doing or getting excited about the things he or she usually enjoys. The child's eating patterns changes, and he or she loses weight or gains weight dramatically. The child might also be significantly less energetic, complain about being unable to sleep, or start referring to themselves in overly-critical ways. They also have more difficulty concentrating; their grades may suffer and they may be unable to complete tasks. These behaviors usually persist for a few weeks and are radically different from how the child normally behaves.

Many parents often wonder if the depression might simply be due to being "demoralized" by dealing with ADHD symptoms. However, a new study suggests that depression in children with ADHD may have deeper roots. The researchers of this study looked at 76 boys who were diagnosed with both ADHD and major depression, and followed their progress for 4 years. They discovered that their ADHD symptoms were not related to their major depression; diminished ADHD symptoms did not necessarily lead to diminished depression. On the other hand, the struggles posed by ADHD do pose a risk factor in developing depression.

The good news is that depression in kids with ADHD can be effectively treated with counseling and other therapeutic interventions. In fact, studies show that such interventions are more effective in treating depression than medication. If you suspect that your ADHD child may be depressed, bring your concerns to the doctor and discuss what treatments may help your child.

10 Steps to Overcome Depression

Depression is a state where mind cannot distinguish between right and wrong. A depressed person feels lonely, loses interest in activities enjoyed before and changes in other ways. There are many factors contributing to depression. Wrong diet, lack of relaxation, high level of stress - they all develop negative thinking that eventually can lead to depression. People who neglect themselves become easily overwhelmed by different events happening in their personal life, financial life or career.

Some early signs of depression:

Change in appetite and sleeping patterns

Losing interest in activities enjoyed before

Feeling unworthy

Losing hope

Feeling guilty without any reason

Becoming indecisive

The best way for you to prevent or stop depression in its initial stage is by taking a good care of yourself. One of the important aspects of it is maintaining a healthy lifestyle - eating right, taking time to relax, exercising regularly, having sufficient amount of sunlight. Other aspects are developing a positive attitude to life, having a goal that motivates you to grow, surround yourself with positive, supportive people.

Here are the 10 steps to prevent or stop depression in its initial stage:

1) Practice meditation. This will help calm the mind and stop the negative self-talk. It will also help appreciate life more.

2) Practice positive affirmations. These are repetitions of positive phrases in your mind that will stop the negative self-talk. Some examples of affirmations are "I feel good", "Every day in every way I am getting better, better and better", "I love and respect myself", etc. Write your own affirmations and repeat them to yourself in a relaxed state twice a day for 10 minutes. You can also repeat them in your mind throughout the day.

3) Practice yoga and active sports. Yoga will help clear your mind and active sports will switch your mind from the negative aspects you concentrate on as well as increase endorphin ("happy" hormone) levels.

4) Get a massage. This will help blocked energy to move again and will make you feel good. Take an aromatherapy bath. Read carefully all contra indications before using the essential oils. You just need few drops of them in your bath.

5) Take time to relax and enjoy your life. Our bodies are complex biological mechanisms. In order to function properly they require 10-20 minutes of relaxation after 1.5-2 hours of activity. This will help keep stress level low so you will not get exhausted, burnt out and eventually depressed. Even sitting for 5 minutes with your eyes closed is better than nothing.

6) Change your diet. Exclude stimulants such as caffeine, sugar, etc. Stop smoking and other negative habits you have. They all exhaust your body. Eat more vegetables and fruits, drink water to clear your body off toxins, take supplements. Vitamin B complex, Essential Fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6) and 5-HTP - are particularly helpful in the case of depression. Ask your doctor before taking any supplements if you are on medication.

7) Believe in yourself, you can achieve anything you want. Set goals that will move you forward. Don't brood over things that you have done; just face them from a new perspective. An important step is to learn from your own mistakes, set and achieve new goals if the old ones didn't work out. Taking some life-coaching sessions can help in these processes.

8) Listen to motivational tapes or read books that inspire you.

9) Be grateful for everything you have in your life. There are always things to be grateful for. As you evolve through this process you'll learn to be grateful for everything.

10) Be conscious of the way you feel. If you start felling negative, take time to relax to recharge your batteries. This will help you stop negative thinking and change your attitude to life.

Follow these steps and you will never get depressed again.

NutrifitPower coaching program incorporates many important aspects - from nutrition to proper relaxation to yoga. This will not only help you keep depression away but will also contribute to your overall well-being.

Boundaries: Getting in Touch With Your Inner Bitch

Boundaries should be applied to every healthy relationship. But sometimes it takes an Inner Bitch (IB) to reinforce the healthy walls with concrete. Rather than worry if others like her, the Inner Bitch decides if she likes others. She is smart and confident, and not afraid to ask for what she wants and actually get it. In the pursuit of that, she is never destructive, stupid, mean or abusive to others or herself.

Feminism has permitted women to embrace the "bitch" idea in a more positive light. By accepting a positive connotation, you can feel comfortable standing up for yourself or getting angry when it's appropriate. A woman can be proud of being strong even if others are threatened by her strength. Many who are threatened are the ones who only feel strong by keeping those around them weak.

The Inner Bitch is the exact opposite of "Toxic Niceness," that self-defeating behavior that also goes by other more familiar names such as co-dependence and nurturing. Those women who have Toxic Niceness forgive easily and frequently at their own expense. Both the Inner Bitch and Toxic Niceness are discussed in detail in Elizabeth Hilts' Finding Your Inner Bitch. Hilts doesn't suggest that we stop being nice to each other, just that we stop doing it at our own expense. This requires strong, well-defined boundaries.

Getting in Touch with Your Inner Bitch is a serious, albeit tongue-in-cheek, how-to manual for people-pleasers. Hilts uses humor, cartoons and empowering quotes from women, both famous and unknown, to disseminate her advice. Everyone is sure to find a personal mantra or two, as well as affirmations to live by and to call on in times of need. It's aimed at women, but is appropriate for either gender. It contains simple and practical suggestions regarding how to remove the brightly illuminated "doormat" signs above our heads.

Being too nice and ignoring our Inner Bitch does have consequences. If we ignore the IB she may turn on us, and we may turn that anger against ourselves. According to Glamour Magazine in a survey conducted with 300 women, the average woman has 13 negative daily thoughts about her body, while some women have up to 100 negative thoughts about their bodies every day. One way to combat this hopeless feeling is to take control and say this key phrase: "I don't think so."

Yes, it is possible to be nice without being toxic. It's OK to say no. You don't have to be overly accommodating to people who are disagreeable or unpleasant. Not everyone has to like you. Rick Nelson was on to something when he said, "You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself," and you don't have to put up with anyone treating you like a doormat. That being said, your Inner Bitch is not demanding, narcissistic, obnoxious or a drama queen. She is a confident, assertive woman who knows what she wants, defines her boundaries and needs while refusing to be taken advantage of by anyone for any reason.

Seasonal Experience Of Life - Over The Rainbow - I Was Abandoned At The Age Of Four

I was abandoned child at the age of four and I lived to tell my story about my life. Some people say 'getting older is hard and it takes courage. I've found all ages can be hard or difficult. Life takes courage to live. Each stage has its challengages and blessings.

With each passing day, they give us a chance to look back and see a puzzle. The picture on the puzzle is me. Who am I? Where am I going? What have I become? Am I pleased with where I am? If not, how do I fix it?

Each day, I add a new piece to the puzzle of life. A chuckle emerges inside to witness the work in progress. I can see every path, I've taken makes up me today. The experiences I've had and have chosen to endure give me the courage to be truly happy. I discovered that true happiness comes from within. Nothing in this world can give it to me but myself. It starts with a choice that we all make.

The day my mother left us. I entered a world of fear and became frozen in that moment, viewing my whole world through it. Fear never left my until I faced the day my mother died. It took knowledge, understanding and expections of myself to melt away that frozen moment. Getting rid of my anger, hatred for my life, which translates into depression and anxiety, I found personal freedom that feels incredible.

After years of being a businesswoman, I decided to take that I learned from being adandoned at the age of four and living through it to become a very happy individual and write a novels. My new career started out to be a story for my children and theirs.

Life seems to test us all. I wanted them to know that they'll be okay when the storms of life come knocking on their doors. It's possible to get through your fears. We all have them. It's a rule that each person gets a certain amount of fear so they can learn their way out. We get into trouble when we fight or run from it.

I decided to apply what I learned about how to be happy to a ficional, fantasy story for young adults. It became a story about a family in another galaxy separated by tragedy of war. They are the only ones who can solve the mysteries that are in the galaxy. They're surrounded in espionage, mystery and a battle between good and evil that keeps you going wanting to know what is going to happen next. As they search for answers to their past. The characters have to deal and handle their emotions and disappointment of the moment, like us. The family and war are interwined and they are the only ones to unravel the secrets and stop it. They need to cover come their fears and persaonal problems to do it.

The way they solve their personal problems are what I wanted my children to know. The secret to happiness is inside of all of us. Just like Dorothy, from the wizard of OZ. She always had the ability to take herself home. We all have ruby slippers. We just need to learn how important the real things are in life. Sad to say, we usually don't until they're taken away from us. Touch moments won't destroy you, they bring you out.

Understanding the laws that govern out lives, we can easily build ourselves into a emotioanlly strong, healthy person. It's a choice we are all face with and it those choices that make or break us. Most people quit and medicate themselves. When the painkiller wears off, they're still faced with the problem but now they're bigger.

I pause when I hear people mention, "I hate my childhood." When you ask them why? They complain about their disappointments. Things didn't quite go the way they wanted. Inside, I chuckle and say to myself, "If you only knew what a horrible childhood or life was really like. You would hug the stuffing's out of yours and you should. It's one of the greatest secrets.

Before I learned the secret of happiness, it was always impossible for me to look back on my life. When I did, I had to face the verbal abuse that I encountered daily. The lonely moments of isolation and knowing I was dependent on myself for survival. Growing up, I wasn't allowed to be with my friends. I had to work and missed a lot of the things kids take for grant.

Today, I deeply love my youth. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. So when I visit my past and I find my little self frozen in fear and loneness. I take her in my arms and hold her. Then whisper, "I love you. You're going to be okay in the future. It's okay you don't have parents. It's okay you never see your brother and sister very often, if ever. You'll be okay, no never forget it.

So where did this all begin? My story begins on a cold, wintry night. I was told it happened on January 17th. It took place in a very tiny hospital in a very small town high in the rocky mountains. The town was called Coalville. I was the fourth child in the family of five children.

We lived on a dairy farm about five miles from Park City, Utah. A few chickens, milking cows and a horse that no one was allowed to ride. It belonged to my grandfather who had it there for those who worked for him. As you've guessed, we lived with my father's parents on his dairy farm.

My father didn't work with his father but owned and ran a feed and grain business close to the farm. Mother stayed home and took care of us, which pleased me. I loved to be around her. There was always a feeling of security and warmth from mother. I felt it from her mother too. I always like if those two women were in my life. I would be okay. They were my security blanket.

Things were pretty good, I thought. I loved living where we did. There was a lot of open fields and places to explore. My favorite pass time was to climb a hill near the barnyard and watch the valley below. My other love was to walk along a stream that ran through our property. I would follow a leaf down the stream until the stream left our property.

It started out to be a paper boat but I learned quickly they didn't last long in water. So I went to leaves. I enjoyed being by myself, exploring the hills and streams around the house. Enjoying the solitude, I didn't invite my sister and brother. Little did I know how much I would be by myself in the future. I should've taken a hold of the opportunity and invited them.

Life was good and I looked forward to going to school and learn. I've always had a passion for learning and it shows in the future. For some reason, my started to change at the age of three. My parents started to fight constantly. At times, I wanted to put my heads over my ears and scream. It was miserable to listen to them constantly going at it.

It was only a couple of years ago, I was told why they fought. My father's only employee had embezzied seventy or hundred thousand dollars from him. This was the fifties so you can see it was a lot of money for them. Until he found out and sen the man to jail, they fought over the lack of money. I assumed my father blamed my mother. Eventually, he figured it out and sent the man to jail. It left my father angry and he took it out on mother and us.

But I never saw things get better. My father ended up in the hospital and had his stomach removed. Weeks later when he returned, mother got pregnant. She became very tired and my oldest sister became engaged. After her wedding, my oldest brother made the decision to move to Canada for two years. There were huge gaps between the two oldest and the three of us. As you can see, they were ready to leave the nest. It would leave us a lone with mom and dad.

Mother didn't get better. She was six months pregnant when they brought her to the hospital in Salt Lake City for tests. It was in the middle of November, I think. She never came back. (Please let me know about your experinces, write me.)

We plan on putting articles regarding parenting ideas from other people. The author is a mother of six children and the number of grangchildren keep changing. If you're interested in subscribing to the website you can go to If you're interested in linking to our website, email us at Give us your URL, name, and a short discription of your website. It we accept it, we will link back to you.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How Krill Can Help Mood

Krill has been studied for over twenty years by various researchers in various countries. Many of the studies done on Krill involve the effects of Krill's high amount of DHA and EPA on the brain and mood in general. Lack of DHA and EPA in the body and brain has been linked to mood disorders, such as depression.

In countries and areas where seafood is a dietary staple, there is a much lower incidence of depression and other mood disorders than in areas where seafood is not a dietary staple. The reason for this is that DHA and EPA are important to brain and nervous system health. The brain is made up of roughly thirty percent EPA and DHA, but the brain does not make these substances. They must be absorbed through the diet. Seafood is an excellent source of these substances.

Patients being treated for clinical depression and bipolar depression, also known as manic depression who were given Krill oil supplements showed marked improvement in mood. Krill has even helped the most severe cases of depression, where psychosis was present.

Fish oil supplements were recommended just a few years ago for the same reason. Fish oil, however, can be contaminated with mercury and PCB's because they swim in contaminated waters and they eat other fish which are also contaminated. Krill oil is forty eight times more potent than fish oil, and carries no such health risks. Krill oil is easier for the body to absorb than regular fish oil, and does not upset the stomach as is so common with fish oil.

Krill has been studied for over twenty years, and its potency and effectiveness has been well-proven. Krill oil supplementation can lift and stabilize mood. Krill will stabilize mood faster and better than regular fish oil. The high DHA and EPA content of Krill is known to boost and stabilize mood in a faster, safer manner than regular fish oil. With continued use, many people have experienced remission of their mood disorder, and stabilization of mood.

The brain does not produce EPA and DHA by itself; it must absorb these critical substances through the diet. The fastest safest way for anyone to get these substances into the body and thus the brain, is through supplementation with Krill oil. Many nutritionists, psychiatrists, and other health care professionals consider Krill to be the best supplementation choice for anyone to ensure a healthy, happy life.

It Is Important To Recognize Clinical Depression Symptoms

Early signs of clinical depression symptoms can manifest themselves in the very nature of the affliction. Those affected are apt to find their friends and family members avoiding them and they may even be the victims of job discrimination. Of course this only aggravates the victims condition and may cause them to draw further within themselves and blame outside activities as the cause and not realize that they have a medical problem.

One of the most insidious aspects of this condition is that it is highly treatable when detected and treated early. However sometimes the symptoms are not readily recognizable and even when they are detected the sufferer will refuse to seek professional help. For this reason it is important to be familiar with the symptoms to be able to notice them and do everything possible to get the sufferer to realize that the only proper course of action is professional treatment. This is often more easily said than accomplished.

A major problem is that the conditions are not so easily detected. Techniques such as blood tests or x-rays will not normally prove effective. Rather a persons activities and actions need to be monitored over significant periods of time. One can imagine how difficult it is to get a person suffering from the condition to agree to long term evaluation. In our culture we always seek a quick cure with the help of a pill or potion to put the matter right.

Some caution is necessary because everyone will suffer mild depression at various times in life due to situations such a death or job termination or difficulty with a project and other reasons. It is when the symptoms continue over extended periods or become overly intense that an action is necessary.

Typical symptoms of clinical depression include:

*. Mood swings.
*. Extended blue moods.
*. Inability to function normally at home or work.
*. Discomfort or inability to socialize with individuals or at social gatherings.
*. Continued bad decisions especially in everyday tasks.

With proper medical attention it may be decided that a biochemical imbalance is the cause of the conditions. These are situations where medication can surely be of assistance. In other cases where medication is not prescribed counseling to help the sufferer learn to deal with the affliction is beneficial.

One other difficulty in diagnosing the disorder is that sometimes these symptoms will be caused because of a bipolar disorder. This of course is one of the many reasons that early detection and the involvement of professional medical help is so important. Left on treated clinical depression symptoms will most surely result in severe illness.

10 Reasons Why You Feel Tired and Weak

Lack of energy and fatigue are common problems around the world, despite the high living standards in developed countries and despite access to adequate food and medical treatment.

The main problem is even the contemporary lifestyle, which involves little exercise, consumption of processed foods and physical excitants.

Here are 10 possible reasons why you might feel tired and weak, with no energy.

Lack of exercise

At least 30 minutes of daily physical activity helps you sleep better, according to a study conducted at Boston University, USA. Neurologist Thomas E. Scammell, who led the study, found that an increase in body temperature during exercise activates the brain cells responsible for inducing sleep.

Even a 30 minute walk every morning helps you with more energy during the day and a better during night. If you exercise at night, remember that physical activity should be completed at least three hours before bedtime.

Do you have a sleep schedule?

If you wake up in the morning during the week and on weekends you sleep until noon, you disturb the circadian rhythm, the body's natural sleep schedule.

Try to keep consistent bedtimes and wake up hours so your body form a habit. Research has shown that different waking up hours have a greater impact on your energy level than sleeping hours.

Is your bedroom dark enough?

Experts say that sleep is more restful in a completely dark bedroom. Make sure curtains and drapes are pulled completely when going to sleep. Although a low intensity light does not affect your sleep, a bright light from outside can disturb your sleep.

You are dehydrated

Dehydration causes the body to conserve energy, decreasing blood flow velocity. This deprives the muscles of oxygen and causes fatigue. Even mild dehydration can make you feel lethargic.

Among its symptoms are: constipation, rough skin, mouth, lips and dry mucous membranes, foul-smelling and dark urine, thirst and fatigue. Drink two liters of fluid daily and choose particular water, tea, lemonade, and eliminate carbonated beverages and sugar-rich juices.

You have an incorrect posture

An incorrect posture makes you feel tired because it doesn't allow you to breathe normal. On the other hand, blood flow to the brain and its oxygen supply may be reduced by up to 30%, which gives the feeling of fatigue. Correct wrong posture by strengthening your back muscles by exercise.

You eat too much sugar

Sugar juice, candy, chocolate and cakes give you energy for a short period of time. These foods trigger the release of large quantities of insulin, which lowers blood sugar level and makes you suddenly feel very tired.

Eat fiber-rich fruits, vegetables or whole grains to keep your blood sugar levels constant.

You drink coffee and caffeinated beverages

Caffeine may increase the body's response to stress. A study showed that two or three cups of coffee a day can significantly increase stress hormone levels in the blood.

Experts recommend you drink beverages with caffeine in the morning. "Organism needs 10 to 12 hours to completely eliminate caffeine, so it is advisable to consume coffee before lunch," says Dr. Jim Lane, a professor at Duke University.

You have iron deficiency

Iron deficiency is a very common problem for women and girls at reproductive age around the world. Symptoms that indicate iron deficiency are tiredness, physical weakness, incomplete breath, dizziness, fainting, pale skin, feeling cold, sadness and depression. Iron deficiency anemia is detected with a simple blood test and can be treated with iron supplements, taken only on medical advice.

You are depressed

Lack of energy and fatigue are common symptoms of depression, a problem that can be caused by tense situations, hormonal changes, too little sleep.

Alarm signals indicating pronounced depression are sadness, anxiety, guilt, lack of ability to concentrate, insomnia or excessive sleepiness, poor appetite or overeating, suicidal thoughts. If you have these symptoms, visit you doctor as soon as possible.

You snore

Snoring or sleep apnea is a temporary interruption of breathing during sleep. People with sleep apnea stop breathing repeatedly during sleep, for intervals ranging from several seconds to a minute or more.

If you are struggling with this problem, your brain can not get into a state of total relaxation, called REM sleep phase, and the effect is fatigue in the morning, headaches and irritability. There are a number of solutions in this regard, including nasal patches that keep your nasal passages open during night.

Medications for Depression and Anxiety - Five Major Categories

Chronic depression and anxiety are debilitating mood disorders that need to be treated with the help of a licensed therapist. There are different modes or approaches in treating these orders. One of the most common is psychotherapy and administration of medications. There is a wide array of medications for depression and anxiety that your therapist may prescribe - the different types are described below.

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

The current standard medication for depression and anxiety is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor or SSRI. An SSRI belongs to the class of antidepressant that aims to maintain high levels of 5-HT in the brain's synapse. To do this, the main component of SSRI inhibits or prevents synaptic nerves (presynaptic) to reuptake serotonin. With low levels of serotonin in the brain, the brain will have difficulty or will slow down in its transmission of signals between neurons.

SSRI has been proven to be effective and much safer than other types of anti depressants. Which is why more doctors or therapists select this first before resorting to other medications for depression and anxiety.

Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)

Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) is a newer form of medications for depression and anxiety.

In SSRI, the only focus is on maintaining levels of 5-HT. With SNRIs, however, there is an increase in level of both norepinephrine and 5-HT to treat depression and stop anxiety attacks.

For side effects, SNRI resembles that of SSRI since they are similar in a number of chemical components. What makes this medicine different from SSRI is that it needs tapering when there's a plan to discontinue this medicine. With SNRIs, patient can experience withdrawal syndrome.

Noradrenergic and Specific Serotonergic Antidepressants (NASSAs)

Makers of noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressants (NASSAs) claim that these new forms of medications for depression and anxiety works as effectively as SSRI and SNRI yet are much safer.

Like SNRI, this medicine works to increase levels of norepinephrine in the body and serotonin in the brain. Just like SSRI, it does its job by blocking presynaptic receptors (an alpha-2 adrenergic). However, what makes it different from SNRI and SSRI is it doesn't have the withdrawal syndrome effect of SNRI (when discontinuing the medicine) and serotonin related side effects in SSRIs. It also blocks serotonin receptors responsible for common side effects in SSRIs that patients experience within the adaption phase.

Norepinephrine (Noradrenaline) Reuptake Inhibitors (NRIs)

Norepinephrine (noradrenaline) reuptake inhibitors (NRIs) work by increasing levels of norepinephrine in the body. This medicine is said to be effective in treating depression but not anxiety. Because this medicine focuses mainly on noradrenaline, it can cause or increase thoughts of aggression in a depressed, more so an anxious patient.

Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs)

The oldest form of medication for depression and anxiety is tricyclic antidepressants. Tricyclics works by inhibiting the reuptake of norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and serotonin neurotransmitters. This medicine, however, is now rarely prescribed because of side effects that are attached into it. However, tricyclic antidepressants are known to effectively treat depression and anxiety, especially the severe cases. This medicine is usually the last resort in the event the patient didn't respond well with safer antidepressants such as SSRIs.

Caution When Buying

All antidepressants are prescription drugs. This means that you can not buy them over the counter. If for some reason someone offers you antidepressant at a low price, don't accept it. It may be a fake or it may contain ingredients that can do you more harm than good.

Select with the Help of your Doctor

It is not easy to select the medications for depression and anxiety that will work for you. Usually, in this form of therapy, it's only through trial and error that you and your therapist would know if the medicine works for you. In this regard, whenever a new medication for depression and anxiety is prescribed to you, ask your doctor or therapist to brief you thoroughly about the drug. Ask what it does, how it works, what are the expected side effects and what are the things that you should do in the event that major side effects are manifested or when there's a suspicion of overdose.

Types and Causes of Depression

What is depression? What are the causes of depression? It is a syndrome that reflects a sad behavior exceeding normal grief. It is a very serious disorder and it is usually reported in the older people. The main cause of this disorder is still unknown. There are many types of depression but some important types are listed below

• Major depression
• Dysthymia
• Manic depression

These are very common types of depression. Major depression is a very severe type and it is characterized by avloss of appetite, weight changes, feelings of hopelessness and sleep changes. Similarly there are also many other symptoms of this disorder. This type of depressive disorder usually lasts for two to three weeks. Similarly the second important type of depression is Dysthymia and its symptoms are very different from other types. The most common symptom of this type of depressive disorder includes reckless behavior, pain in the different areas of body and loss of energy. The suicidal thoughts and loss of concentration is also possible in this condition. The symptoms of Dysthymia are very common and easy to observe. Similarly manic depression is characterized by loneliness, irritation and sleeping problems. The treatment of each type of depression is easy at early stages but after the appearance of complete symptoms it is difficult to cure.

If you want to treat depression then you should find out the main cause of this disease. This disease result due to several factors and reasons. But some very important causes of depressive disorder are listed below

• Stressful conditions
• Lack of confidence
• Accidental shocks
• Loss of any precious thing
• Severe injury
• Medical problems
• Divorce between life partners
• Loss of money
• Unemployment
• Loss of job
• Consumption of alcohol
• Smoking
• Headache
• Failure in the examination

These are very important causes of depression but this is not a complete list of causes of this disorder. There are also many other causes of this problem. The treatment of this problem includes the use of medicines and physical exercise. If you are suffering from this disease then you should act upon the following suggestions

• First of all you should ignore this disease and keep your mind in peace
• Create better communication and relationship with others
• Participate in sports activities like cricket, foot ball and baseball
• Avoid loneliness
• Have a better sleep
• Use nutritious food
• Use of exercise is very beneficial
• Avoid from alcohol and smoking
• Don't use medicine

If you want to treat depression without medicines then you should act upon these suggestions. The use of medications is not better at early stages of this disease. It is better to discuss this problem with your health provider because he can provide you better information.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Men: Sex Addiction and Depression

My work over the last fifteen years as a psychotherapist treating sexual compulsions has brought me into contact with men - and more men. They come to my consulting room wearing the mask of shame, humiliation, and confusion. Often, after a period of therapy, they come to a common link among them: they are depressed. Empty and suffering from a disorder that, for men, can be as hidden as sexual deviance itself, depression in men is hardly spoken about. It is women who are depressed - it's a women's disease -- with depression occurring four times more often in the fairer sex.

Yet I believe there's a deep cultural collusion taking place: Men don't speak the truth to themselves or others about the dark, jagged, emptiness that consumes them. Talking about the depth of these feelings is so, well, unmanly. The real story about men, sexual acting out and depression is as complex as each of the wounded souls who enter my consulting room. The impact of depression and sexual deviance/addiction on each of them is enormous.

It is here that issues of gender come into play. Girls are socialized to be connected and expressive. But from a very young age, the boy is told by his culture to act upon feelings - to seek relief through action rather than through connection or introspection. Pain is externalized in men, resulting in domestic violence, failures in intimacy, alcoholism, workaholism and, certainly, sexual compulsion.

The theme of the manliness of invulnerability has permeated our culture for generations. Look at the male heroes we choose: The Man of Steel, Robocop, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, The Terminator: all creatures literally made not of flesh and blood and certainly not, horror of horrors, feelings. The culture sends the message that the man who is suffering from unwanted and confusing feelings should not expect help. He must resolve his problems on his own. ("suck it up")

Often he seeks to resolve his emotional problems by turning to a substance, person or activity to regulate his self esteem and to ward off depression. I believe that this is at the heart of the addictive process. When a covertly depressed man's connection to the object of his addiction is undisturbed, he feels good about himself. But when the supply runs out - the affair is over, he can't get to the computer to see porn, he is spurned by women he desires, the credit card maxes out - his self-worth plummets and the hidden depression begins to unfold. Such feelings of emptiness and depletion can drive him back to his addiction, contributing to the vicious cycle of addiction.

Invariably, the issue that arises in treatment is depression and the shame that accompanies it. When one reaches so deeply into a man's inner pain, one can see the hidden fragility lying dormant there. In the terms of traditional psychotherapy, pain that is internal, lucidly experienced, and able to be spoken about is less disturbed than pain that is externalized and unconsciously "acted out." Therapy relies on the patient's insight into his problems with feelings as it the chief motivating agent. The difficulty with this methodology is that it is much more in keeping with the traditional emotional skills of women than those of men. Men do not have readily at hand the same level of insight into their emotional lives as women, because our society dislocates them from the emotional aspects of themselves.

Overt depression, prevalent in women, can be seen as internalized self-hate. Covert depression, which is prevalent in men, can be viewed as internalized disconnection - the experience of helplessness, hopelessness and despair is warded off by various "acting out" defenses, inclusive of sex addiction.

The hidden depression in such men stems from a lack of internal vitality. The pain they have but refuse to feel stems from a toxic relationship to the self, which is another way of describing depression. Depression is a disorder wherein the self attacks the self. In overt depression, that attack is evident: in covert depression, the man's defenses protect him from awareness of any feelings. Sex addiction is a perfect way to not feel feelings.

This sense of self-attack could also be called shame, an acutely uncomfortable feeling of being worthless, less than others, outside of the human community. Some experience it as the desire to be "invisible". For many men the state of shame is itself shameful, adding to their distress and pushing them to conceal their depression from others. While some men have the classic symptoms of depression -- feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and despair -- many more experience depression as a state of numbness, known in psychiatry as alexithymia. This experience is not about feeling bad so much as about not having the capacity to feel at all. This incapacity to feel is often discussed as a sense of "emptiness" or "boredom" that emerges when the sex addict isn't engaging in his chosen sexual expression.

A common defense against the painful experience of shame is inflated value, or grandiosity which sexual acting out provides. A feeble sense of self wards off negative feelings through the sense of power that men feel when they are in "the erotic haze." But such attempts are never fully successful. The underlying assault on self always threatens to break through. Underneath the high of sexual acting out are deep feelings of inferiority and shame and powerlessness.

Quite a number of theorists have written about the use of grandiosity to ward off shame. This flight from shame into grandiosity lies at the heart of sex addiction. The excitement of sex, the "erotic haze", the orgasm, the identification with "perfect" men in internet pornography -- lifts the man out of depression and the state of shame into a state of powerfulness, eradicating unwanted feelings as surely as a few martinis do for the alcoholic.

One thing that distinguishes the sex addict from the non-addict is the use of sex as a substitute for self-esteem. The difference between normal and addictive use of sex is the difference between an already adequate sense of self-esteem and desperately shoring up an inadequate one. Nondepressed men turn to sex for relaxation, intimate sharing and fun.

Depressed men turn to sex for relief from distress. Sexual acting out is a magic elixir, transforming shame into grandiosity and moving him from a sense of helplessness to a sense of omnipotent control. The feelings associated with depression vanish with the experience of having an inordinate powerful sense of self.

When the awareness of a pattern of sexual addiction and the very painful consequences becomes clear, the addict may begin to seek treatment. Most sex addiction therapists recommend a behavioral way of curtailing the sexual acting out and the acceptance of a recovery program.

In therapy, the addict is likely to experience strong feelings about the consequences of his acting out. The secret life is unveiled revealing affairs, exhibitionism, voyeurism, masochism or other behaviors comprising a particular sex addict's modus operandi of sexual deviance. The real story about men, sexual acting out and depression is as complex as each of the wounded souls who enter treatment (or remain out of it). The impact of depression and sexual deviance on each of them is enormous.

In treatment, the addictive defense must be confronted and stopped. Then, the hidden pain emerges as depression, and underneath the depression lies childhood trauma. It is only when these traumas are worked through that there can be true freedom from addictive slavery. Only after the shame cycle has stopped, after the addictive pattern has been broken and the person has moved into "recovery" can the pain of hidden depression be addressed and resolved.