Saturday, March 16, 2013

Overcoming Porn Addiction - Understanding Root Causes

Overcoming porn addiction is nearly always a lot more than just deleting your porn files and throwing away your magazines. This usually just leads you to stop for a short time until something happens and you start using it again convinced it could never be as bad as before. This leads to a relapse and a sense of shame and guilt as you feel you have failed.

Pornography itself is not the root cause of this addiction you see, it is simply a manifestation of an emotional, psychological issue that has been plaguing you perhaps unseen in your life. Solving these root causes can be the way out of addiction to a happier and healthier life!

However, sometimes it is very difficult to solve these long standing problems immediately. The good news is that at least understanding them is incredibly beneficial to you overcoming porn addiction. This takes a certain level of insight and introspection on your part. It also takes a huge amount of brutal honesty that might be difficult to articulate even to yourself.

So what are the root causes of pornography addiction? These will be very personal and unique to you in all of its nuance and detail. There are however a few common themes such as:

  • Depression - Ranging from just feeling low and sad to full blown clinical depression where you find it hard to get out of bed

  • Low Self Esteem - Feelings of low self worth to self loathing can be attributed to getting started on pornography

  • Sexual Abuse - Some sex and porn addicts have a history of being sexually abused. This can manifest in addiction and poor understanding of good sexual relationships.

  • Poor Sexual Relationship - A marriage without much passion and excitement can lead some men and women to porn to satisfy themselves - but that can become an addiction and make the real life situation a lot worse.

  • Boredom and Lack of Direction - A very common cause of addiction is not have a goal and dire in life. Boredom sets in and this fantasy of porn can become a habit, then an obsession, then an addiction.

This is by no means an exhaustive list but these themes are often recurring in porn addicts. Often solving your porn problem goes a long way to solving these psychological problems as well making this a joined problem - you cannot have one without the other!

One exercise that might be helpful is to sit alone without any distractions and think of the triggers that lead you to porn. The situations or events that make you crave pornography. These triggers are often a manifestation of this deeper problem. Being able to identify them and plan for them will help you practically and emotionally. You can find these triggers by thinking about the times when you desperately needed porn and consider what situation or event happened just prior to this. These will be unique to yourself and will be a direct link to those root causes.

Being Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder

It was 2009 and I was lying in bed unable to get up and start my day. This had become a problem for me the last few mornings. The thought of getting out of bed, getting dressed, and going to work caused me to burst into tears. I was severely depressed. This wasn't the first time I had experienced depression but this was the most extreme. All I could think about was suicide. I wanted to escape the overwhelming feeling of dread and doom.

I took a leave of absence from my job and was able to have my aunt keep my kids for a few weeks. Summer break was upon us so my little breakdown happened at the perfect time. I thought that taking a break from reality would help ease my depression but I was wrong. After a week of still feeling the same way I decided it was time to see a therapist. I couldn't stop crying and I wanted someone to pull me out of my crippling depression.

When I finally linked up with the right psychiatrist he told me that I was bipolar. But this diagnosis didn't come right away. The first psychiatrist that I had spoken with told me that I was just depressed because I had six kids. I tried desperately to explain to him that his assessment was wrong. My children had never been the cause of my problems. Don't get me wrong, my children do sometimes drive me crazy but they had never caused me to be depressed. I had always been my worst enemy. My children were the result of whatever was wrong with me. The psychiatrist, on the other hand, didn't agree. He told me that my problems were because I didn't live up to my parents' expectations and that was also causing me to be depressed.

I tried to explain to him how absurd what he was saying was. I was a very independent woman. I had been on my own since the age of seventeen. I lived in a townhouse and I had a very good job. My parents admired the qualities that I had. They had accepted long ago that they couldn't control me, and while they weren't proud that I had so many children without being married, they were proud by how I handled it. I was far from being depressed because of how my parents felt about me and if he were listening he would have known that I could care less what anyone thought. But still my explanation did not sway his opinion. He had judged me and that was that. He prescribed me some anti-depression pills and sent me on my way.

His actions caused me to go into a full-on panic attack. I felt hopeless. He was supposed to help me but instead he put me into a stereotypical box. After I left his office I sat in my car completely freaking out. I called my therapist and tried to explain to her what had happened. She calmed me down and set up another appointment with a different psychiatrist. It was the second psychiatrist who diagnosed me as being bipolar. I was relieved to have a reason why I was such a mess but I didn't really feel any better about how I was going to survive through the rest of my life.

I had always known that something was not quite right with me. As a child I was extremely withdrawn and nonchalant. My nickname was "Evil" but I wasn't evil, I just wasn't interested. As an adult I would have spurts of happiness followed by spurts of depression. Nothing in my life could remain constant for too long without me becoming bored. The boredom would spiral into depression and to escape the depression I would have to change something. I would either quit a job, change my hair, change my furniture around, or whatever else I could change.

I couldn't stand anything once I had become irritated with it. Irritation to me was a physical thing. I would literally feel like I was going to explode and I would start feeling like something was crawling around on my skin. Soon the tears would follow. Being stuck in any situation that irritated me was unbearable, I would have to be removed from the irritant.

And that wasn't the only bipolar symptom I showed. I once went into a store to buy bug spray and I came out seventeen hundred dollars poorer. But that was nothing compared to the six thousand dollars I once spent in a day. I had extreme risk-taking behaviors. Sex, alcohol, and shopping was how my riskiness was displayed. I was twenty-six with six children. I jumped from job to job and college to college, majoring in several different things.

I had moved nineteen times in the span of a couple of years. In my early twenties I was drinking a pint of gin a day. My riskiness caused me to be raped twice and subjected to an abusive relationship. I constantly put myself in dangerous situations and I loved to play with fire. I would do things I didn't even want to do but I couldn't make myself stop. I couldn't be faithful and I couldn't be consistent. I had zero control over my life and that lifestyle was starting to weigh heavily on me.

I self-medicated with alcohol using it to calm my nerves and make me less irritable. Alcohol helped to make things more bearable. The jittery anxious feeling was gone when I had a couple of drinks. I was less indifferent towards people and would be friendly. It also helped me to sleep better at night. But alcohol had its side effects. I never had just one drink, and that in itself was a problem. Another problem with using alcohol to self-medicate was that alcohol made my risky side that much more riskier. And even though while I was drinking I was less irritable, if I did become irritated I would snap. Luckily, that didn't happen often. I was pretty calm when I was drinking.

The bipolar diagnosis provided me with insight but it didn't fix or change anything. The worse part about the diagnosis was that I was told that I was a person who went through periods of extreme creativity but it was just my mind playing tricks on me. It made me feel stupid and it opened my eyes to the fact that many people didn't take me seriously. And while it was true that I did have spurts of creativity, that's all they were, they were just spurts.

Regardless how good my ideas were I would never complete them. This was part of my sickness they told me. But what I could never understand was exactly what they meant. Am I capable of all these wonderfully creative things I dream up or are they just dreams? Will I ever gain the discipline needed to be able to follow through or will I always remain another example of a person who is bipolar?

I guess we will have to wait and see.

Benefits of Treating Depression Naturally

Many people are looking for ways of treating depression naturally, due to high medication costs and increased concern about side effects.

Depression affects about 19 million Americans each year, resulting in an abundance of prescription medications and treatment options. However, with the recent growing popularity and acceptance of natural remedies, many people are considering non-pharmaceutical ways of dealing with depression.

It is important to note that natural remedies, or non-medicinal forms of treatment, are most effective on mild to moderate cases of depression and may not be an appropriate substitute to prescription medication in more severe instances.

If you are battling depression and want to consider alternative forms of treatment, natural remedies can provide many benefits not offered by traditional medications.

1. Lower Cost: Many natural remedies are effective, easy to implement, and are generally much more affordable than prescription medications. Also, several forms of intervention, such as exercise or diet change, may require little or no cost at all while still providing significant benefits.

2. Safer: The adverse side effects associated with most depression medications have been well documented, and include such things as weight issues, agitation, headaches, nausea, and increased thoughts of suicide. Often, these side effects are so severe that many people will stop taking the medication; however, discontinuing use is frequently accompanied by symptoms of withdrawal. Treating depression naturally provides an effective, safe, and non-addictive alternative with fewer unfavorable side effects.

3. Improved Physical Health: Exercise is a recommended addition to any depression treatment program. Physical activity causes the body to release mood enhancing endorphins that help counteract both fatigue and negative thinking, as well as improving cardiovascular health. Also, implementing certain diet changes has been found to be an effective way to combat depression. Eating mood elevating foods, avoiding sugar and alcohol, and increasing your intake of omega 3s and vitamins B and D, will not only fight depression, but will also restore the body's chemical balance, improve immunity, and strengthen bones. And when you feel better, you will get out and do more, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of social interaction.

4. Reduced Stress: Feelings of depression have often been attributed to excessive stress. There are many natural ways to manage this stress, including yoga, meditation, relaxation therapy, exercise programs, and counseling. Most prescription depression drugs simply mask the problem by treating the symptoms, rather than dealing with the underlying cause. In this way, you will not truly recover since the symptoms will return when you stop taking the medication. Finding a way to manage stress, focusing on the moment, and learning to handle difficult situations properly will improve your attitude as well as helping you relax and sleep better.

Treating depression naturally can be both effective and affordable, and comes with many inarguable benefits. It is important that you consult with a professional to make sure that you begin the treatment program that is best for you.

Bunny Love: Benefits of Rabbits as Pets

Are you thinking of adopting a rabbit for a pet? We don't blame you--rabbits are very cute animals, who can give you many years of affection and amusement.

However, be sure you are ready for the responsibilities of taking care of this animal. While they are certainly easier to manage than dogs, they still require some attention.

For example, rabbits molt four times a year, so be prepared for a little fur on your sofa every few months. They'll need hay, a litter box, and a cage (clean frequently with white vinegar to remove odors). If you use hay or woodstove pellets for their litter boxes, you can use these to fertilize your garden when it's time for a litter change.

When you own a rabbit, you need to accept that a little nibbling is part of the territory. Protect electric cords with casings (available at hardware stores) since the poor pets may get quite a shock if they try to test their teeth on them!

You should also be willing to pamper your rabbit with petting and play (rabbits get depressed if they don't get enough exercise). Rabbit gyms are available in pet stores. They have tube tunnels that will encourage your pet to run and race, even if you can't let him out in the garden. Those tube tunnels will also make an interesting conversation piece for your guests--talk about the "new" form of "installation art"!

Not all veterinarians are trained to take care of rabbits, who are considered "exotic pets"/ You may need to shop around and call various clinics, which are usually listed in the phone directory. The pet store may also refer you to veterinarians. .

And finally, if you have children, do talk to your pediatrician first before buying a rabbit. The doctor is in the best position to tell you whether your child has any allergies, asthma problems or other health concerns that may be aggravated by rabbit fur. It's better to be safe than sorry!

But these sacrifices are nothing compared to the benefits of having a pet rabbit. For one thing, your pet will inspire you to change your diet--since you have to keep a supply of fresh vegetables for him, you might as well make yourself a salad! Recent studies also reveal that owning a pet significantly reduces blood pressure and can even help with depression.

You don't need to take rabbits for a walk, or worry about the inconvenience of walking around with a "pooper scooper". Just let him out in the early morning or dusk, and watch him play while you enjoy a cup of coffee.

Nor do you have to worry about your rabbits disrupting the neighbors. They don't bark or meow, and the "loudest" they ever get is the patter of their feet on the floor. That makes them ideal pets for apartment dwellers.

Rabbits are also ideal pets for the elderly, who may not have the energy to take care of a very large animal. They love being petted and are the ideal "lap pets".

Teenage Depression - Looking At Various Scenarios And How You Can Help Your Teen To Cope

Did you know that the third cause of death among teenagers and young adults is suicide? This shocking statistic was released by the CDC recently and just shows why we cannot ignore teenage depression because that is often at the root of these tragic events. The other alarming statistic is that only about 20% of teenagers actually seek treatment when they are depressed. It is obviously a largely hidden problem.

Let us start with a worst case scenario. You may be alarmed if you discover that there are warning signs that your teen may be thinking of suicide. You might notice some strange behavior when your teen starts to greet friends as if it was the last time and similarly you might catch him giving away some personal possessions.

There may be talk of hypothetical events after his death or the fact that he might be remembered with affection after his death. You might discover that your teen is looking for ways to actually commit suicide and investigating what is the best possible way and being quite knowledgeable about weapons, barbiturates and so on.

Talking or even joking about death like this is not normal behavior for a teenager so it may be a sign that this is something much more serious than your normal teenage depression. If the worst case scenario is a possibility, you can seek help from suicide helplines.

Let us look at a more cheerful scenario where teenage depression is just part of growing up and there are no indications at all that he or she is thinking of suicide. They are just down and the first thing is NOT to start peppering them with questions as teenagers generally hate that sort of intrusion.

But we can tell them that we are on hand when and if they need us without prying into everything which can be intensely private for a teen.

We need to be aware of the dangers of internet addiction if they are spending hours locked away in their room with only a computer for company. We have to make efforts to persuade him to do other activities as existing in a cyber reality is no substitute for real relationships and living life to the full.

Once we see the signs, we can try to communicate but above all to listen. There is no need to lecture or criticize and the worst possible thing is to try and talk a teenager out of depression. We are not psychotherapists.

If you really feel that your teenager is depressed, then you need to get professional help. If it is a passing phase and there are other problems with teenage discipline you may like to see how a child behavior modification program can assist you in giving him strategies to cope. This particular program was written by a qualified behavior therapist who was a parent himself.

How To Improve Breast Cancer Patients Quality Of Life

Being diagnosed with breast cancer is a life changing event and many people have problems keeping their spirits up after such an announcement. Whether is you or a close friend or relative suffering from cancer, it's important to remain optimistic and avoid depression and stress. While not a replacement for conventional therapy, some of the following techniques and therapies can help you fight depression and encourage your body to fight cancer more effectively.


Many people find comfort on meditation, and learning how to keep your mind still even in challenging circumstances can go a long way towards avoiding falling victim of despair. There are many meditation techniques that can help you get a better understanding of your body and your thought processes, and so identify and avoid negative thoughts and attitudes that can lead to depression. Since a depressed person is often more at risk of infections and recovers more slowly from the side effects of breast cancer treatment, meditation can be a good non-chemical alternative to conventional anti-depressants.


Yoga is an ideal sport for cancer patients because it helps settle down the mind and increases body awareness, without requiring excessive effort or strength that wouldn't be suitable for somebody going through cancer treatment. There are many different Yoga schools, and it's worth talking with your doctor about it as a way to stay fit and help your body recover from chemo or radiotherapy. It is said that by enhancing your own immune system through this kind of exercise, your body can better fight the cancerous cells and so increase the effects of conventional therapies without having to take more medicine.


Some essential oils are said to reduce nausea and improve overall wellbeing, so it may be worth including them on your relaxation routine in the form of essential oils baths or even massages. Massages are said to improve general wellbeing and can help cancer sufferers improve their quality of life even when under heavy treatment. You don't need to spend a lot of money on professional massaging, many people find a simple home massage machine or their partner's hands a perfect way to relax and feel better about their chances of beating cancer.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Life Coaching - Dealing With the Symptoms of Depression

Depression has been explored and defined a million times over. There are many types of depression, and in some cases medication is the solution. Life Coaching is one way to deal with the symptoms.

Sometimes it's disguised in a low mood, negativity, lack of energy, unable to enjoy everyday life and generally feeling low.

There are simple things you can do to help yourself, by taking baby steps to maybe change your diet, cut out sugar, alcohol and by getting some regular exercise. Spending some time outdoors daily is a great natural aphrodisiac as well as connecting to others. (Take a walk in the park, smile and chat to people you see around your environment).

We all live very busy lives, and especially living in big cities where everyone is running around from one place to the next. At times we just need to have a chat with someone who can really hear us. Others may feel isolated for some other reasons, age, disability, health issues and struggle with low depression and have no one to turn to.

Sometimes we deny our feelings and try to cope, but we feel miserable inside and put on a brave face. We may not even be aware that we are actually struggling with depression. We may want to isolate, overeat or lose our appetite, drink too much alcohol, or escape into some destructive behaviour. This in itself can become a vicious cycle and lead to further depression. If we continue to deny our feelings for a long time we won't even know how we are feeling any more.

Life Coaching is a supportive way to explore the low mood (feeling consistently sad, depressed, down or empty) feelings you may want to avoid talking about. Coaching is about dealing with the present and moving forward, using practical tools to support you along your journey to happiness.

In our society we are not encouraged to express our feelings, and men usually have more trouble than women in this area. If we deny our feelings for so long that we don't even know how we are feeling any more. People who are out of touch with their emotions are not been true to themselves. A Life Coach can offer a safe, supportive place for the individual to explore their feelings and negative view they may hold of themselves.

If we are out of touch with our feelings we are not been true to ourselves. It takes up a lot of energy to push down those feelings than to actually face them.

So it will require some effort from you to overcome your current low mood, (depression). Only you can do it, and your worth doing this for. Sometimes we need to try something new and have faith and trust.

Successfully treating depression could even restore your confidence in yourself without you needing to work extensively on self-esteem.

When you recognise your feelings you are recognising your needs.

You deserve to be happy, joyous and free.

The Confusion Between Mania and Hypomania

I have a friend whom we'll call John. For nearly two decades John was diagnosed as a manic depressive. He had been given this diagnosis on four different occasions throughout those years.

John's medical assistance with the condition was on again, off again because of his financial situation. He was never actually on a program long enough to get the right medication. Medications for bipolar disorder are not one size fits all and it can be extremely difficult to get on the right medicine.

Finally, John was able to get into a system that was going to offer long term help regardless of his financial situation. There was finally hope for him.

However, a most curious thing happened when he went through the consultations with his new doctors to verify his condition. After having been diagnosed four times as a manic depressive, they were now telling him that while he may well have depression, he did not have mania and what he really need was anger management classes. He was told that at best he had hypomania.

How could this be? Why was he told so many times that he did have it, and what is hypomania?

Mania vs. Hypomania

John had episodes where he would fly into rages, yell and throw things around. He also had happier episodes where he would go into states of hyperactivity. In these situations he would sing, tell jokes and act silly. That doesn't sound too bad in itself, but when you do it constantly to the point that you are driving people around you nuts, you might have a problem. Especially if you're running up and down the halls doing it.

So John was asked how long those times lasted. The answer was that the rages might go on for days at a time, maybe even a week or two. The super silly part might be on and off for two or three days.

He was also asked if he ever got in his car and drove very fast and recklessly. The answer was no. Then he was asked if he had times of abnormally active sexual behavior. Again, the answer was no. That's when he was told that he did not have mania, but hypomania.

Apparently, hypomania is a much milder version of full-blown mania. In true mania, you may have racing thoughts, hear voices, have delusions of grandeur, increased irritability and anger, and very fast speech.

In hypomania, you have increased levels of creativity and ideas, energy, and feelings of euphoria. While it may not sound all that different from regular mania, it is milder. In fact, many productive workaholics have this condition. That may sound ideal, but the truth is that as time goes on it can progress into full-blown mania, which is not at all desirable.

The treatment for both conditions is essentially the same. A mood stabilizer must be used to keep the mania or hypomania from occurring, and an antidepressant must be used to keep the depression from occurring.

Now that John was all confused about what he was told as opposed to what he had previously been told, it seems the diagnosis was later reversed. The more the doctor's worked with him, they eventually learned that he was indeed a manic depressive and not a 'hypomania depressive'. The difference now was that he was a confused one.

A Short History of Depression

We've discussed Depression from a number of different angles, but we've yet to discover its history. Not so much where did it come from. One may be sure that mental illness generally has been a thorn in the side of humanity ever since man first set foot on earth, and even animals are diagnosed with the condition.

But who first became aware of it? Homer's 'Iliad' gives us a glimpse, when Ajax rescues Achilles, only to see Achilles' armour given away to Odysseus. He flies into a terrible rage and slaughters a flock of sheep in the belief that they're the enemy. After coming to his senses, he's so overcome with shame, that he kills himself.

Here, though, we see a mental disorder directly attributable to two outside acts. The armour he considers that he's won is given away to another, which infuriates him to the point where he becomes unbalanced. Then he has a go at the poor old sheep, at which time he's probably hallucinating. When sanity re-visits him, the shame he feels forces him into suicide.

A different time, different situation to that which we're used, but the outcome's the same. A psychotic outburst, the likes of which we've seen down the centuries to the present day.

Hippocrates, in 400 B.C.E. used the names 'Mania' and 'Melancholia' to describe certain conditions of the mind that he noticed himself. Aulus Cornelius Celsus, in 30 C.E., wrote his treatise "De Re Medicana," in which he described melancholia and even mentioned depression. He was of the opinion that it was caused by black bile.

The next landmark hypothesis seems to have been put forward by Maimonides in the twelfth century. Among many other accomplishments, he was a Jewish physician who was the first to see the possibility that Melancholia was a discrete disease entity, in other words rather than seeing pain as the direct result of trauma or physical injury, he considered that it fundamentally changed the entire nervous system.

As we've seen with Celsus and his black bile theory, depression and similar mental disorders were considered physical in origin, so Maimonides certainly took a step in the right direction.

It seems that the diagnostic wheels of mental illness ground slow indeed, for it wasn't until 1686 that a doctor named Bonet described an illness he named Maniaco Melancholicus, and two hundred years after that, the doctor Jules Falret called the condition of alternating moods of mania and depression, 'folie circulaire.'

However, in 1899, the German psychiatrist, Emil Kraepelin, explained the illness as 'manic - depressive psychosis.' He freely admitted that he'd stood on the shoulders of the doctors who'd gone before him. The methods and criteria he used for his diagnosis of the condition are very similar to those used today.

He was born on the 15th. February 1856 and died on the 7th. October 1926. He considered psychiatric illness to be both a biological and genetic problem. He's the first to have divided psychosis into two forms; Manic Depression, which we know now as being both major depression and bi-polar disorder, and Dementia Praecox. It should be pointed out, though, that Arnold Pick first used this Latin description in 1891.

However, in 1896, Kraeplin first brought the illness to the attention of the public when he gave a detailed description of it. The condition is now known to us as Schizophrenia. When you look back over the centuries that have gone before, and consider the suffering endured by so many people who had no idea what was wrong with them, any more than did the doctors, it makes you very glad to live in the twenty first century, warts and all

The Relationship Between Alcohol and Depression

There is a relationship between depression and alcohol abuse. When someone is suffering from depression, whether it's long or short-term, they may engage in using alcohol to relieve the symptoms. The symptoms of depression can include:

o Feeling worthless, hopeless or helpless.

o Change in sleeping patterns - sleeping more or less than usual.

o Change in eating patterns - eating more or less than usual.

o Trouble making decisions and/or concentrating.

o Little interest in what used to be usual activities.

o Avoiding people.

o Lowered sex drive.

o Feeling exaggerated guilt.

o Overwhelming feelings of grief or sadness.

o Tired, loss of energy.

People with depressive symptoms will use alcohol to self-medicate - relieve the depression symptoms, relax, get a better view on life, and escape. Many times the drinker is not even remotely aware that the depression is present, but on some level does recognize that he or she feels better, at least in the short term, with the use of alcohol. The irony is alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, so it will actually make the depression worse.

Alcohol also interferes with your sleeping pattern in a negative way, and when the alcohol wears off, the drinker can end up with deeper depression, now accompanied by anxiety, irritability, and fatigue. So using alcohol to fend off depression can turn into an ongoing cycle. Depression, drinking, deeper depression, drinking again.

It has been proven that drinking alcohol can cause depression, so the person who does not have a depression problem initially can actually develop a depression problem if what starts out as normal drinking ends up ultimately turning into full blown substance abuse or alcoholism.

Friendship Quotes For Your Sad Love

Friendship quotes are one of the best ways to overcome your sad love feelings. We all have been in a situation when the love is gone and we have been left alone. This phase can be very dramatic and even depressing. However the best solution is to read some friendship quotes to give you more optimistic point of view on the recent ended relationship.

People are happy when they are in a good friendship relationships but when the day become cloudy they become sad. This is why most of the friendship quotes talks about sad love. It is only when you are lost that you search for answers and even comfort in those little words. Words have a big power on our life; therefore reading sad love quotes can really help you. Those quotes will not pull you in to a bigger depression, on the contrary they will help you to express what you feel, understand the situation and in the final step motivate you to move on with your life until you will find happiness again.

The basic relationship law in our world is that people come and go. And as much as it is hard to hear, everyone have a replacement. So don't cry too much over friendship that is lost because you will find another one. It might take time, it might not be exactly as it was before but the optimistic true is that it will happen again.

If you think you have founded a true friendship don't let it go. Try to maintain it and nurture it like a flower because true friendship last forever in any situation you might encounter. So here is another way you can look at this: if the relationship has ended than it was never meant to be at all.

Colic and Depression in Adolescence

Colic and depression in adolescence are two individual areas of concern. Colic maybe considered a symptom for a teen depression in certain cases when linked with other symptoms like irritation, mood swings, etc. The colicky nature of a newborn might induces depression in teenage mothers.

Colic is the process of continuous crying in a healthy new born baby with symptoms of mild irritation. The continuous crying may result due to most of the time due to uncomfortable nature and with relatively less chances of pain. The crying need not necessarily arise due to any discomfort though the baby would cry his energy out. The food and sleep patterns of your child might be proper but still he would be extremely difficult to handle and keeps crying for more than 3-4 hours in a day.

A baby who is colicky tends to create distress signs and frustrating mood for the mother. The long hours of continuous crying and broken sleep at night tends to depress the parents. In cases where the parents are teenagers, the effect tends to reflect on their mood and anger. This is also a reason for teenage depression when the parents are not enough equipped to handle a colicky baby.

The methods to deal with depression related to a baby's colic nature will ensure relaxation and thereby reducing the depression symptoms. This kind of depression does not require medication or doctor guidance in the initial stages and can be cured by different methods of relaxation. Try various modes of relaxation like music, indulging in other physical activities like swimming, etc.

Colicky babies are not ill or in pain, so understand this fact first and learn how to cope up with such a baby. Always look at different positive methods to treat the baby, keep him occupied by some games or toys or other activities that interest him. Take frequent rest when you feel you are depressed, you partner or family member can help you take care of the child at these times. Do not completely exhaust yourself, this increases the depression levels. Remember that you are not in any way responsible for your baby's crying. It is a normal symptom that affects almost 2 out of 10 babies. In case you feel bad or guilty, talk to a family member about these symptoms. In case of prolonged or continuous depression consult your healthcare physician and discuss about the depression.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Understanding Bipolar Disorder - 4 Episodes, 2 Symptoms, 4 Varieties

A typical day for a person begins with them waking up usually in the morning. They go about their day, doing routine activities such as going to work, meeting deadlines, attending meetings and dealing with all kinds of people.

In the person's home, they must do chores and spend time with family. Other activities must be done too including: going to the grocery store or church. Above all else, they must deal with different scenarios that they can welcome or resent. This all adds up to making the individual sick.

This is the type of day a person suffering from Bipolar contends with. Having the disease should not be hard to talk about but it is even if the person is seeking treatment

Once just called maniac depression, it was later changed to bipolar because of the two extremities of mood polarities. When people with bipolar suffer from extreme highs (mania) or from depression, then they are having what is technically called an episode.

The Four Episodes of Bipolar Disorder

When a person is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, they will typically suffer from the four symptoms found in the disease: depression, mixed mood, hypomania and mania.

1. Depression- when this episode begins, the person is feeling sad and don't want to do the things they usually do.

2. Mania - this episode starts off as a high feeling, then becomes angry and irritable.

3. Hypomania - a milder form of mania. This can lead to either depression or mania. Can start as a good feeling.

4. Mixed Mood - means a person with feelings of depression and mania at the same time.

Symptoms of Bipolar -

1. Depression - feelings of sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness and guilt. The person either sleeps too much or too little and experiences changes in their weight or appetite. They will always feel tired, restless and cannot seem to make a sound decision. A worst case scenario includes the person thinking about suicide or death.

2. Mania - increase in the level of energy, racing thoughts, sleeps less, is easily distracted, excessive self-confidence, increase in talking, is focused by accomplishes very little and does unusual or extreme activities.

Four types of Bipolar -

There are four main types of bipolar disorder.

1. Type 1 - Bipolar I involves manic and mixed episodes including major episodes of depression. The patient could suffer more than one episode for several days, weeks or even months. It seems seasonal changes do affect what symptoms the person shows.

2. Type 2 - Bipolar II involves major episodes of hypomania and depression. A person's normal functions occur between these two episodes.

3. Type 3 - Cyclothymic Disorder is a fluctuating disturbance in moods with hypomania and depression episodes. Considered the milder form since the episodes do not occur on a regular basis and when it occurs it happens on a shorter and less severe times.

4. Type 4 - Not Specified is a treatable disorder where the symptoms shown by the individual do not fit into any particular category.

Bipolar has no known causes. Further studies are being done to find out for sure what causes bipolar disorder though some say genetics. Persons from all races and all ages can suffer from the disease.

If a person is experiencing symptoms, they need to be seen by a physician right away.

Signs of Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is an often undiagnosed, but extremely serious illness that affects many women after giving birth. Part of the reason so many women do not seek help for postpartum depression is that it is completely normal for a woman to experience mood swings after having a baby. This is often called "baby blues" and usually goes away after about ten days. There is a slight amount of depression associated with baby blues. Postpartum depression is when this depression gets worse or lasts longer than ten days.

There is much confusion about what postpartum depression is. Some people believe that it is a mental problem, but postpartum depression is a disease that is treated by medications. It has a medical cause as well. While the cause of depression is not fully understood, we do know that has to do with the chemical balance in the brain.

The symptoms of postpartum depression include a lack of interest in every day life. A change in eating habits, which usually is the inability to eat, but sometimes can be overeating, will also accompany postpartum depression. A woman suffering from postpartum depression will have much less energy than normal. She will have trouble sleeping, or will sleep more than usual. She will cry easily and for no apparent reason. She will have overwhelming feelings of guilt, worthlessness, hopelessness and anxiety. Often, she will feel restless and also irritable.

Some of the more serious symptoms of postpartum depression are a desire to either harm herself or the baby. Women who suffer from serious bouts of postpartum depression are capable of committing suicide or hurting and even killing their children. Because this is so serious, it is important for people to watch a woman carefully after giving birth for any signs of postpartum depression. If the incident of depression occurs within six months of giving birth, it is classified as postpartum depression.

There are several indicators that a woman is more inclined to having postpartum depression. Women with a previous history of postpartum depression or other types of depression are more likely to get it. Also, women who have severe problems with premenstrual syndrome might be prone to postpartum depression. If the woman has a difficult marriage situation and feels that she has no one else to talk to, she is likely to suffer from postpartum depression. Finally, if the events surrounding the pregnancy and delivery of her child were extremely stressful, such as having a premature baby, she is more likely to suffer from postpartum depression.

Postpartum depression is treated like most other forms of depression. The patient will be put on a medication to control the seratonin in her brain and she will also be referred to counseling. Talking through problems often helps. It is important that the significant people in her life are willing to stand by her and support her until she feels better. It is also important for her to realize that once she starts to feel better, she can have down time from time to time.

One of the best things a woman can do to help herself recover from postpartum depression is to make sure and take some time for herself. She needs to spend time doing something she enjoys every day and taking a break from her baby, until she starts to feel more centered. It is also helpful to write down the emotions she is feeling. This will help her as she starts to get better. She needs to realize that it is perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed by all of the changes in her life. She needs not to put undue expectations on herself. No one is super mom and just being there for a baby is often all that is needed. She needs to take life one day at a time, get the help she needs and soon she will begin to see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.

Bipolar Type 2 And Type 1 - What Is The Difference?

Have you heard of the term mood swings? What about manic depression? If you have, then it wouldn't be difficult to explain what bipolar disorder means. All these terms mean the same thing. This is a serious mental illness and is categorized as bipolar type 1 and bipolar type 2.

Bipolar disorder is characterized by an abrupt change of moods from an energetic mania (and hypomania) to the lowest depressive state. Both bipolar disorder categories share the same characteristics in mood swing levels. However, the drawing line between the bipolar type 1 and the bipolar type 2 is on the varied episode levels of each mood swing.

Bipolar Type 1

The type 1 bipolar disorder is characterized based on the occurrence of at least one manic episode, with or without the occurrence of a major depressive episode. The mania in this diagnosis is full-blown. This abnormality would usually last for a week at the very least. But there are cases that the bipolar patient is required to be confined for more than a week if hospitalized.

Symptoms of this type include the following:

* Self-esteem is high and the patient possesses a great deal of confidence.

* Ambitious attitude is apparent in this state.

* There is the feeling of sleeplessness.

* The patient tends to talk excessively.

* The patient has a tendency to think more than the usual.

The danger of this type is that the patient may hallucinate, losing his grasp of reality. In some cases of bipolar type 1, the patient is diagnosed as psychotic. In some books about bipolar disorder, bipolar type 1 is also called the "raging" bipolar.

Bipolar Type 2

The bipolar type 2 disorder is characterized by the occurrence of at least one hypomania episode and one major depressive state. Sometimes, this type may even have occurrences of more depressive episodes.

In some cases, hypomania actually enables the individual to excel in their fields of expertise. The state of hypomania can be apparent in people that are top achievers in the work environment and at parties. The symptoms in hypomania are mostly positive and may run for about four days before it subsides.

Though its manifestation is obvious and can be observed clearly by other people, the "swinging" bipolar (as it is aptly called) doesn't cause any disruption in normal functional settings. It doesn't cause any hospitalization to a hyperactive person and doesn't have psychotic tendencies.

Swinging Down To Depression

However, the same level of hypomania can swing back down into its depressive episode and its effect can be devastating to the person. Manifestations of this depressive state is apparent in broken marriage, badly-ended relationships, unfinished projects, public humiliation, and more.

But this type of bipolar disorder is difficult to treat because of the benefits the person enjoys from his achievements in the hypomanic stage. From a layman's standpoint, the hypomania in bipolar type 2 doesn't even seem to look like there's any sign of mental illness at all.

Difference Between Unipolar Depression and Bipolar Depression

Unipolar depression is also known as major depressive disorder. It is a mood disorder commonly identified by sadness or blues, irritation, decreased interest in favorite activities, significant changes in weight, sleeping problems, fatigue, problems in concentrating and focusing, feelings of worthlessness, helplessness, nervousness, poor self esteem, suicidal thoughts or suicidal tendencies.

It is a treatable disorder. If you exhibit more than five of the above symptoms for more than two weeks, then you need get a diagnosis. Unipolar is more common in women then men. People of any age group can suffer from it and it needs to be treated timely; if goes untreated it may cause severe problems. Psychotherapy, Medication and ECT (Electroconvulsive therapy) are very good treatment options.

Unipolar and bipolar are both the types of major depression. Following are symptoms that establish differences between both the disorders:

1. Sleeping disorder Insomnia generally occurs as a result of which sufferer finds it difficult to get off to sleep. On the other hand in bipolar Hypomania generally occurs in patients, as a result of which tiredness and too much sleeping becomes a problem for sufferers.

2. Unipolar is more common in women and generally affects later in life at the age of forty plus. On the other hand bipolar occurs equally in men and women and generally occurs at adolescent stage.

3. Patients suffering from the first mentioned disorder are often found eating less, as a result of which they often loose plenty of body weight. Patients suffering from bipolar may exhibit increased eating habit or decreased eating habits, binge eating is the biggest symptom and patients may loose or gain weight suddenly.

4. Bipolar depression involves symptoms like, inactivity, psychomotor retardation etc while unipolar depression involves, Agitated state of mind, restlessness, and pacing etc.

5. The depressive episodes often last for long time and can be short and long both.

6. UD is more responsive to treatment than BD.

7. Suicide rate and drugs abuse is low in UD. On the other hand BD has slightly high rate of suicide and drugs abuse.

8. UD exhibits sadness, helplessness and worthlessness as common symptoms and BD exhibits guilt as the biggest symptoms along with sadness, helplessness and worthlessness.

9. There is not much difference in the treatment methods of both the disorders, unipolar easily responds to common methods like while bipolar depression does not respond to these methods easily. Psychotherapy and ECT are good treatment methods.

Depression Symptoms and Remedies

Considered to be the most prevalent mental disorder around the world, affecting at least 16% of the population, depression is also the primary cause of disability in the United States.

Symptoms of depression are:

o Appetite change both loss and gain. The result is either to gain weight or to lose weight.

o Body pains such as headaches and back pain that have no physical cause.

o Decrease or total loss of interests on the usual doings that s/he finds interesting before.

o Excessive guilt

o Exhaustion on physical activities including exercise, work, and walking.

o Ideas of suicide

o Irregular sleeping patters that include hypersomnia or excessive sleeping, loss of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and insomnia or lack of sleep, and difficulty of getting back to sleep with periods of disturbing dream.

o Irritability and short-temperedness

o Inability to think logically, lack of concentration on duties, and evidences of indecisiveness on things regardless of importance.

o Low self-esteem

o Lack of self-confidence

o Hopelessness and pessimism

o Anxiety attacks

o Significant decrease or loss of interests on things he or she finds pleasurable before.
o The feeling of worthlessness.

Depression remedies:

Nutritional remedies for depression

Dietary modification is said to be one of the ways to treat depression, however, it is often considered as adjunctive, since it is often ineffective of themselves. Other known nutritional remedies for depression are specific amino acids supplements and vitamins and minerals treatment.

Deficiencies in vitamins (B6, B12, and C) and minerals (Folic acid, magnesium) are said to be one of the reasons why depression occurs. Correcting these deficiencies therefore would improve patients suffering from depression.

Natural remedies for depression

Siberian Ginseng, St. John's Wort, passion flower, and Ginko Bilola are some of the popular alternative medicines that can improve patients suffering from depression. There are perfect for people who want to avoid the numerous side effects caused by other antidepressant prescription drugs. Fasting and meditation are also said to relax the spirit, thus enabling the person to calm down and regain inner vibe.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in Adults

Bipolar disorder is a serious condition that causes a major shift in moods, thinking, and change in a person's behavior. Behavior change usually ranges from low depression moods to extreme severe mania. Cycles of bipolar disorder differ from one person to the other, and can last for days, weeks and months because it is divided into bipolar I and bipolar II disorders. However, one can differentiate bipolar mood swings from ordinary mood swings because manic swings are intense and can hinder a person's normal functioning. For instance, in a manic episode, a person may feel quite restless even after long hours of good sleep. A person may also quit his or her job with no valid reason or impulsively. The causes of bipolar disorder are not clear; however, it runs in families and often occurs at teenage and early adulthood. There are various symptoms of bipolar disorder but with proper diagnosis and right treatment, a person can live a happy fulfilling life.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in Adults can occur together with symptoms of depression and in such a situation, it is often referred to as mixed episode. Patients will experience poor judgment and low self esteem. As a result, one may feel sensitive over a particular issue and even cry. Euphoria and extreme optimism are also evident in patients suffering from the disorder. The patient will have racing thoughts and an aggressive behavior. When disturbed, a patient may be violent. He or she will often feel agitated over petty issues which never irritated him in the past. You will also notice increased physical activity where the patient may get involved in weird activities which requires lots of energy, or exercises such as weight lifting.

Similarly, many people with bipolar disorder will engage in risky behaviors such as excessive drinking and risky sexual behaviors. They will often make poor financial choices and engage in drinking or spending sprees such as unplanned shopping among other poor financial decisions. Increased sex drive and increased desire to achieve certain goals are evident in a person who could be suffering from the disorder. Some people also have a hard time concentrating, decreased need for sleep, absenteeism from school or at work, psychosis and poor or dropping performances at school. These symptoms are very evident with mixed maniac while depressive stage of bipolar disorder also presents itself with different symptoms.

A person will often feel sad, abandoned and with sleep problems. They may also experience a loss of interest in many activities at work or school, fatigue, low or increased appetite, and a chronic pain where the cause cannot be established. Many people under depressive phase will have suicidal thoughts, Irritability, anxiety and feel guilty over some issues.

Bipolar disorder symptoms can also be seasonal where a person experiences drastic mood swings during certain seasons of the year. Psychosis may also occur. It is a phase where a person is detached from reality and it is characterized with delusions and hallucinations. A psychotic break is often the first sign of a bipolar disorder in many people. A person with these symptoms requires a lot of support from family members and proper treatment from a psychiatrist.

The Pursuit of Happiness - What is the Meaning of the Fruits of True Happiness?

True happiness is said to be both an inner glow and an outer radiation that you can feel together with an total satisfaction.

Dictionaries will give you the meaning of happiness as an emotional feeling which parallels with
pleasure, joy, and contentment. But then these things are just temporary. In your pursuit for happiness you have to dig deeper into the real meaning of happiness, a happiness that is true and never ending.

True happiness is a great feeling of satisfaction which is incomparable to the instant pleasures you get when you see your favourite soccer team winning. It is felt when you overcome an obstacle which has been presented to you. There are many people out there who do not know much about true happiness.
This is the reason I have compiled this article on happiness, to let you learn how to find happiness and be happy.

What really makes you happy?

Is it the material things such as money, clothes, jewellery, brand name footwear and bags? Do you go for long-term states of happiness such as security, good health, and love? Which is most valuable to you? Have you gotten access to true happiness? When was the last time you felt really happy? Does happiness quotes and happiness poems make you fell good inside and out? Have you given your all to a certain challenge and you felt satisfied with all those efforts you have placed?

Recognizing true happiness is a must.

There are several occurrences when you have been misguided to the real deal in your pursuit to happiness and simple pleasure. To mark a definition between the two, it is vital that you know the exact difference that comes with both terms. Simple pleasure is a thing of feeling terrific about something. Examples of pleasurable experiences are a family cruise vacation, a spa treatment during the weekend, a great basketball game, and so on. Meanwhile, true happiness is far from feeling emotionally happy.
It goes more way beyond enjoyment. In True happiness lies contentment and engrossment.

So what is it that let people have true happiness?

Researchers have identified several factors that can fully describe true happiness in a person. They say that people from all walks of life find happiness but are just too busy to pay any attention to it simply because they fail to recognize what true happiness and pleasure are.

True happiness in a person is actually a state where in you feel like going along with the flow. You seem to be going along with the flow that sets off smoothly, hassle free, and effortlessly. It can be compared to an experience wherein the ticking of the clock stops suddenly and you become totally oblivious of the things that surrounds you.

Among the significant clues of happiness are being totally immersed with what you are doing, when you have your full participation on an engagement, when you are enjoying to the extreme but you have certainly have no idea with regards to the day, to the passing time, to the other things taking place in your surroundings, and the genuine satisfaction that you feel. These are the instances that can inform you that you have got nothing but true happiness in your mind, heart, and soul.

There is chance of true happiness for every person. Do not be taken aback by the negativity that happiness is only meant for other people. In your pursuit for happiness, just remember that you also deserve to experience and find happiness. When it comes your way, you can attest to how lucky you are as a person. Therefore, take time to reconcile occurrences and things in your life. Give importance to the value of true happiness everyday.

"Do not worry, be happy" - famous happiness quote.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Living With A Depressed Partner When They Think You're To Blame

Depression comes in many forms, some of them not being recognizable as such. Living with a depressed partner can be a huge problem, particularly when they may be blaming you for their problems.

Being around a chronically depressed partner or mate requires special understanding and a willingness to help them work through their depression. It takes a special person to do the things necessary to cope with your partner's depression.

Depression has led to relationship break-ups when the depressed person is convinced that their partner is the cause of the depression. While they may contribute to the ailment, the partner is not the cause.

It is also true that break-ups cause depression, but not usually of the clinical variety. A break-up involving an already depressed person could lead to greater depression and increased thoughts of worthlessness and even suicide.

Everyone experiences non-clinical depression at times. When we have had a loss in the family or a set-back at work or a negative change in our plans we often experience minor depression. We feel sad, but this passes.

Clinical Depression Defined

Clinical depression is a mental disorder that is usually characterized by any five of the following symptoms occurring at the same time:

* A sad mood during much of the day.
* Fatigue or energy loss every day.
* Guilty or worthless feelings.
* Inability to concentrate.
* Indecisiveness.
* Insomnia or the reverse, hypersomnia almost every day.
* Disinterest in most activities.
* Recurring thoughts of suicide or death.
* Restlessness, inability to sit still.
* A significant weight loss or gain in a short period.
* Persistent aches and pains, cramps, headaches or digestive problems.
* Irritability.

These symptoms may also be caused by medication for a variety of illnesses. If unaccompanied by medication, they are most likely the signs of clinical depression. If the symptoms are present for more than two weeks, medical assistance should be sought.

Causes and Treatment of Clinical Depression

The causes of depression are myriad and include: Biological problems, heredity, psychological and psycho-social problems and long-term drug use. If a propensity for depression exists, it may be brought on by pressures in relationships, careers or tragic life events.

The treatment of depression usually involves drugs, psychological counseling and therapy. Depression may never be cured, but it can be managed with proper treatment.

Some forms of depression are cyclical or seasonal, occurring during seasonal changes or periodically, triggered by calendar events or holidays. In women, estrogen may be responsible for bouts of depression.

Some over-the-counter herbal remedies may be effective; St. John's wort, omega3 fatty acids, S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), are a few studied. Physical exercise has also been shown to be effective in abating the symptoms.

Left alone, the condition will sometimes correct itself over time. The real worry is, however, the harm an inflicted person may render to themselves. Suicide is a very real threat with clinical depression.

Dealing with Depression in Your Partner

First of all you have to understand that clinical depression is a disease. It is not a conscious choice for a person to be depressed, in fact if they had a choice, they wouldn't be depressed.

You have to be very understanding of what your depressed partner is going through. Recognize the symptoms and encourage them to seek treatment if the symptoms persist.

You must be sympathetic, gentle and supportive. You cannot ignore the symptoms, but you may try to nullify them by involving your partner in physical activities; take them to the health club, take a long sports-walk or something similar.

You may also try to keep them interested in other activities that involve interaction with other people. Don't leave them alone to wallow in their despair. Be there for them, even though it is very trying and tough on you.

Also, you must do everything within your power to assure your partner that you are not causing their mental problems. You must be loving, attentive and calming without being over solicitous.

Try to remove or diminish whatever is causing the depression, if it is something within your control. Maybe a change of scenery, or locale will help.

Seek the assistance of your clergyman. If you don't have a parish membership, seek one out. The calming effect of finding and practicing a religious faith can heal many mental problems.

Your priest, pastor, rabbi or other religious leader is familiar with many of the problems faced by their parishioners and many of them have received formal training in how to address these issues.

If a partner's depression has led to a separation, divorce or break-up because the depressed partner was convinced that you are the root of their problems, there is little you can do.

You may be dealing with your own depression over the break-up and should probably seek counseling yourself.

Can You Be Denied Insurance Because of Depression?

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by a range of feelings including sadness, anxiety, emptiness, hopelessness, helplessness, guilt, worthlessness, irritation or anger, and even restlessness. People generally feel low and aren't interested in participating in activities that usually gave them joy. The state of depression can range from mild to severe and include symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, digestive problems, and even attempts at suicide. The cause of this disorder is attributed to chemical imbalances in the brain and environmental factors. Treat generally consists of medication, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes.

With effective treatment, a person can successfully manage their symptoms and even be cured of their depression. One unfortunate side effect of being diagnosed with depression is that you are at a higher risk of being declined for health insurance. It is a sad but true fact that even if you have been cured of your depression and it's been years since you've taken medication or had counseling, an insurance provider can still use this to deny you coverage. Insurance companies only make money when the number of claims submitted for payment is less than the amount of premiums they collect. Therefore, they try to only insure people they are certain who are healthy and won't actually need to use the insurance they are buying. Seeing a diagnosis of depression in your medical history causes a red flag to go up that you may be high risk, even if you are perfectly healthy.

There are several things you can do if you are declined for health insurance because of depression. The first thing you should do is continue shopping around for insurance. Using a health insurance quote website is a great place to start because you can get several quotes from different insurance companies all at the same time. This will save you a lot of time and effort in your search. Apply to the ones that seem to best fit your needs. There may be a company willing to underwrite a policy for you, though you may pay more or agree to a waiting period.

Depending on the state you live in, health insurance companies cannot deny you health coverage, even if you were diagnosed with depression, if you had health insurance for 18 months prior to your application date. Check with the laws in your state and then call the customer service department of the insurance companies if this rule applies to you. Another option is to get a cheap insurance plan and then switch to the one that fits your needs better after 18 months.

Do You Get Depressed? - Use Personal Power to Undo Depression Symptoms

Depression is an 'invisible disease' because people tend to hide it. It seems logical to put up a front while it silently eats away at you. But there's a double-bind at work here.

Reaching out to others can lead us out of depression because we can get things off our chest and find out we are not alone. But there's a reluctance to do so. Many of us react to depressed people like it's contagious and we'd rather avoid them until it 'blows over'. This is more unconscious than deliberate.

In a 'winner and loser' culture it feels like social suicide to admit to suffering depression.
So when it strikes we often have to rely on ourselves to find our way out.

It's always better to recognise the symptoms early. Look for:

  • feeling flat and heavy (in outlook or mood)

  • wanting to disconnect from people

  • everything seems to take more effort like "you're moving through molasses"

  • a gnawing feeling in the gut with fearful flash thoughts

  • pessimistic, self critical, and over-sensitive or thin-skinned

  • Cranky and sullen body language

  • Drinking too much caffeine.

If it lasts for more than a day then yes, you have a problem.

Depression finds a hook in you when things aren't going as well or as planned. It can come during periods of major life changes. It can arise from your fear of not being able to cope. It can be triggered by a cutting remark from someone when you least expect it. However it starts, it's always when you're off guard.

The way to get out is to start chipping away at it, piece by piece. Try these mind techniques that will loosen its hold:

Small triumphs - Say a friend or acquaintance compliments you on how you look or something you've done well. It doesn't hurt to linger and dwell on that compliment. (Any other time it might lead to vanity but applied to depression it's one nail out of the coffin.)

Count your blessings - There's truth in the saying that there's always someone worse off than you. Focus on the good things in your life. What you have, not what you lack.

Get inspired by a true life story - Getting a book or watching a movie about someone who survived incredible odds can give you a bigger perspective so that you don't enlarge the reasons for your depression.

Laughter is the best medicine - That does depend on the weight of your depression at the time. When you're really sad and have been low for many days, it's harder to see the funny side to life. So watching a good comedy may not hit the mark just yet because you're very sensitive in this state. You can try a comedy when the depression starts to lift to give you a boost in that direction.

Use the law of opposites - Listen to your inner dialogue. If you find yourself thinking in a defeated way, turn that thought around and say its opposite. For example, instead of "I'm going to be let down again" say "I can cope this time no matter what happens", or something similar.

Hot potatoes - Often the negative thoughts come too fast to counter each one. Or they are more like a parade of images and bad feelings. When this happens don't go along with any of it. Imagine you are dropping hot potatoes. Just drop them one after the other. Don't give them a second thought.

Avoid the news for a few days - If you watch the news each day, try to stop for a few days so you don't get affected by the bad news that too often comes with distressing images. Remember there are billions of us in the world and the majority are not living in squalor and war-torn violence.

See the silver lining - There's truth in the saying that for every adversity there's an opportunity. You may not see it at first but keep asking yourself what can I learn from this situation? Is there a hidden opportunity here? Sometimes a let down is a blessing in disguise. It could be saving you from a bigger disappointment.

Don't beat yourself up about it - A common reaction to depression is to feel bad about feeling bad. You must avoid this. It becomes a self feeding vicious circle and leads to low self esteem. It will keep depression hanging around for longer and even make it deeper. Sometimes it's okay to feel low. It's a natural reaction to a situation or experience so allow it to have its say. This is really important if the depression was triggered by a loss or mistake or failure.

Counter the body language - Depression manifests physically in the way you carry yourself, your facial expressions and gestures. Try to be like a child and force clown smiles. I say clown smiles because inside you don't feel like a smile at all. It's just pasted on your face. At the same time, sit up or stand straight so you don't slouch. Believe it or not this change in body language will trigger subtle shifts in your mindset.

Another variation is to get your partner into a ballroom dance spontaneously. If other family members are present, get them to do the zorba (Greek dance). Explain that you are trying to make yourself feel better. If you try this you'll find it's harder to keep depressed when you're dancing.

Muzzle that Chatterbox mind - Depression is always triggered by negative thoughts or emotions left to run rampant. Try to be self-aware by listening to your thoughts and reactions and letting go of the negative ones. They are not serving you.

I hope you try all or any of these tips. I have and they all work. Of course you should turn to a friend or family member about your low state but ultimately all they can do is offer you a sounding board, a shoulder to lean on and tea and sympathy. You are still left with the bad feelings which only you can deal with.

Xanax Diet Pill - Accidental Weight Loss

Xanax is a pill that is used as a short-acting drug to deal with moderate to severe anxiety disorders, panic attacks and clinical depression.

While it may seem odd to think of something that fights depression as a diet pill, there have been some individuals who have reported losing weight while taking it.

While there is no clinical evidence that this has caused significant weight loss in individuals, there are several who report that it does have that effect on people. Despite this, it should be advised that taking Xanax for anything but what a doctor may describe as depression, panic attacks or anxiety, is something you should only due after talking to your doctor.

There is a risk with taking this form of diet in that you can become addicted to Xanax, as well, it may have unusual side-effects on your body if you are considered to be a well-balanced person with no need to take a drug that is meant to deal with unbalanced problems.

While weight loss can be seen as a possible side-effect, there are also side-effects like drowsiness, depression, hallucinations, dizziness, fatigue, speech problems, constipation, dry mouth, memory loss, tremors and rapid heartbeats to name a few.

If you are looking for a diet that is not proven, with several side effects, then trying the Xanax Diet Pill may be for you. However, it is very important that before you even consider this diet, you talk to your doctor to find out what kind of side-effects will be caused on your body because the last thing you want is to cause long-term damage when you are attempting to lose weight and feel better about yourself.

The Xanax Diet Pill is unproven, but that is not to say it does not work. Before attempting it, do your research and find out what you can.

Three 5HTP Benefits for Depression Sufferers

Research has shown that 5HTP benefits depression symptoms in a number of ways. 5HTP now is increasingly being used by those seeking a natural and effective alternative to prescription antidepressants, and here are three reasons why.

1. 5HTP plays a vital role in serotonin production. Because it is a naturally occurring amino acid used by the body to make the neurotransmitter serotonin, 5-Hydroxytryptophan, or 5HTP, plays a big role in normal nerve and brain function. Mood, sleeping patterns and the perception of pain are all regulated in large part by serotonin, and low serotonin levels have been associated with depression, as well as fibromyalgia, insomnia, and anxiety in numerous clinical studies. Taking a 5HTP supplement has the effect of providing the brain with more of what it uses naturally to produce serotonin.

2. 5HTP is all natural. Commercial 5HTP is in most cases derived from the West African Griffonia simplicifolia plant's seeds. To feel maximum 5HTP benefits, taking a dietary supplement is recommended, but small amounts of 5htp can be found naturally occurring in foods such as eggs, fish, nuts, and seeds. Because it is a normal part of the body's metabolic process, 5HTP users tend to report very few side effects. The most common of which are very mild gastric complaints which tend to subside after the body acclimates to the supplement, usually within a few days.

This is in sharp contrast to anti-depressant medications such as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, which reduce the rate at which the brain uses available serotonin, potentially increasing serotonin levels. They are 100% laboratory synthesized, and the actions of these medications occur nowhere in the natural world. Not only do they not cause an actual increase in serotonin production, but they are also associated with a plethora of negative side effects, not limited to nausea and vomiting, inability to orgasm, weight gain, dry mouth, diarrhea, insomnia, heart palpitations, tremors, and agitation.

3. 5HTP provides relief from depression now, with no prescription necesssary. Because many users find it so effective, 5HTP is fast becoming a very popular dietary supplement. It's been reported to have an impact on depression symptoms in as little as a day, and usually takes no more than 1-2 weeks to start having a noticeable effect. It's widely available, and can be purchased from most health food stores and pharmacies as well as online at very reasonable prices.

When considering treating depression symptoms with prescription antidepressants, the first step is to consult a doctor or psychiatrist, which can be an expensive and time-consuming proposition in itself. If the medical professional believes than an antidepressant medication should be dispensed, filling the prescription can be costly, especially for those with no prescription insurance coverage. On average, these prescription medications begin to work 3-4 weeks after treatment begins, which can mean enduring 3-4 more weeks of depression symptoms before any improvement occurs.

Most people taking a 5HTP supplement for depression take between 50 and 300 mg daily. Some obtain better results while taking a lower dose, so it's advisable to start with 50 mg and add more over time as appropriate. For maximum absorption, 5HTP should be taken with or shortly before a meal, with a full glass of water. You should avoid taking more than 200 mg of 5HTP at once. 5HTP may not be medically indicated for everyone, and should not be taken by those using anti-Parkinson's or prescription antidepressant medications. As with any dietary supplement, consulting a health care professional before beginning a 5HTP regimen is advised.

Recognizing and Understanding Depression

What is Depression?

Depression refers to changes in your mood that often lead to a disruption in your everyday activities, eating and sleeping habits, energy level and your outlook on things. When you are depressed, you may feel angry, sad, hopeless, and lonely.

Everyone feels sad sometimes; kids, adults and teenagers. There are days when you may feel angry, tired, and lonely. When the days you feel this way out-number the days you feel happy, you may need a little extra support to feel better. You probably feel great after winning the big game or getting invited to the big party. When you argue with you best friend or fail an important test, you may feel angry or down. We all go through changes in mood depending on what's going on each day. The bad moods usually pass. When you are depressed the unpleasant moods stick around longer. You may not feel like going out with friends anymore, playing your favorite game, or even getting out of bed in the morning. There are things you can do to help make yourself feel better and to get back to all those things you love to do.

When you are depressed, you have a hard time seeing the positive in things. Your feelings and thoughts become more negative and this may lead to unhealthy behaviors.

The symptoms of depression can build up and become overwhelming to deal with alone. They can affect how you function in school, at home, with friends & with family.

Nearly every day, I have experienced...

o Feeling sad, empty, hopeless
o Eating more or less than usual
o Having a hard time falling asleep
o Having a hard time waking up
o Feeling tired
o Participating in favorite activities less often
o Gaining or losing weight
o Snapping at people for no reason
o Crying more than usual
o Neglecting personal appearance
o Hyperactivity
o Physical aches and pains
o Forgetting appointments, assignments, routines
o Saying I am not good enough
o Feeling bad about myself, having negative thoughts about myself
o Taking more risks (dangerous behavior)
o Thinking I have nothing to look forward to
o Withdrawing from family and friends
o Using drugs or alcohol
o No longer hanging out with friends
o Having problems in school (grades, paying attention in class)
o Injuring myself
o Having thoughts to hurt or kill myself

Depression can look different for each person. You may feel irritable instead of sad; or yell instead of cry. There's no right or wrong way to feel depressed. It's important to understand what your personal cues and signs are in order to help you deal with your moods and emotions. After understanding your signs and symptoms, reach out to a professional for support.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Yoga Helps in Controlling Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

People who've had psychological and mental illnesses have claimed that yoga has helped them a lot. As more and more is learned about mental illnesses we are discovering that there are several kinds and aspects of mental illnesses. Then there is one named bipolar disorder. Bipolar is considered a major illness especially since it has no clear cut cure. People are prescribed medications in order to keep the illness under control. Yoga experts claim that yoga can help with bipolar since the exercise can balance and calm the mind back down.

Bipolar disorder is considered to be a manic depressive illness. The illness jumbles up the brain and the sufferer can experience mood swings, lack of energy, and a marked reduction in the overall ability to function properly. Normally every one of us experiences these types of emotions but not as drastically as someone diagnosed with bipolar. After a point, when and if these emotions get out of hand then the sufferer's job, school work, and relationships become damaged. If the person sinks even deeper into depression then there is even the risk of suicide.

When a person's mood is thrown way high and then crashes all the way down into a deep depression this can leave them emotionally and mentally drained of any energy. In order to assist such a person live a normal life there is talk therapy along with prescribed medication. Working along similar lines of keeping the mind calm and at peace, yoga has been known to help relax the mind so a person can think more clearly and help keep the disorder tamed down.

Bipolar Disorder explained

Bipolar disorder can present drastic changes in temperament and sudden mood swings. The mood swings into high gear for mania and then experience a low down for depression. There are two forms of mania: hypomania and full blown. Full blown mania is when a person is diagnosed with Bipolar-1. When diagnosed with Bipolar-2 they are said to have hypomania. A bipolar person can experience the bipolar cycle experienced many times a day or it can only happen couple times a year. People have been known to lose interest in sleeping and concentration becomes much harder. There could be times that irritability, agitation, and lose of desire for reaching any goals are experienced. If experiencing symptoms of depression a person will have problems with sleeping, feeling very fatigue, deep sadness, high anxiety, and no concentration level what so ever.

Of course, antidepressants are prescribed but they don't always help with the mania. With the massive highs and lows, it becomes harder for the medication to tackle the problems. Bipolar disorder is very serious and people could have high levels of anxiety, anger issues, terrible irritation, and even suicidal impulses.

Though Yoga Energy Is Unblocked

Anxiety in people diagnosed with bipolar disorder, has been successfully reduced with yoga. A psychotherapist named Stephen Cope wrote a book titled Yoga and the Quest for the True Self. He says when yoga is used, there are certain postures that help a person's mood. Energy is moved away from the spots where there are anger and grief feelings being stored. Liz Owen is a yoga instructor that works with a number of people who are feeling depressed. Liz focuses on releasing the knots that are formed in the throat, heart and navel. When the knots are released then energy can flow easily through the body.

Medication and Yoga work together

Many centers that treat mental health patients that are diagnosed with bipolar disorder are using yoga for therapy. When taking the proper medication mania is dealt with but, there is still the problem of depression along with anxiety. The centers are using yoga for helping to reduce stress, anger, depression, and anxiety within people.

Yoga helps in dealing with bipolar induced insomnia

When a person has bipolar, then they do not get a lot of sleep because of the mania and depression that is being felt. When there is not enough sleep being had, then the levels of depression can increase exponentially. If caffeine is used for helping the person stay awake then there is the risk of experiencing mania. By using yoga a person is able to sleep deeper while becoming sustained. By improving how much one sleeps it helps reduce fatigue and a person is now able to relax.

5 Positive Attitude Activities For An Awesome Life

Positive attitude activities help us deal with the pressure of everyday responsibilities. Now more than ever, we are faced with different challenges and become vulnerable to stress, making it hard to maintain an optimistic behavior.

The following positive attitude activities can help you cope with stressful moments and make them merry and light.

Positive Attitude Activity # 1: Smile.

This is one of the easiest and most basic things you can do to boost your optimism. Besides, it takes more muscles to frown than to smile. It's also infectious. When you smile, not only do you feel good about yourself, you also make others feel good.

Positive Attitude Activity # 2: Watch videos with positive themes, or read inspirational quotes and short stories.

If you have time to spare, inspirational videos and movies can help lift your spirits and bring you good vibes.

If you're busy, reading inspirational quotes or motivational short stories can give you an instant pick-me-up. You can inspire others as well by suggesting them to your friends and family.

Positive Attitude Activity # 3: Exercise.

Increased physical activity activates or increases your endorphins, the neurotransmitter responsible for the "feel-good." It also improves you mood by hampering some symptoms of stress and depression.

Positive Attitude Activity # 4: Listen to your favorite songs.

Studies have shown that music brings a positive state of mind by keeping depression and anxiety low. In fact, hospitals have utilized the use of music to manage pain, calm patients, ease muscle tension and ward off depression.

Positive Attitude Activity # 5: Laugh.

Whether it be a joke from a video, an article or a simple "knock-knock," sometimes a good laugh is all you need. Hang out with your friends more and share funny stories that you can all laugh about.

You can also find a lot of hilarious materials and happy activities from the Internet which you can also share with everyone you know.

These are just a few positive attitude activities you can try. You might want to explore others which you think can help you more or which fit your personality better. Remember that more than anything else, you can make yourself feel good.

Don't worry too much about your flaws, we all have them. Just don't forget that you have strengths too. Don't be disheartened when you make mistakes, just laugh it off and keep trying. The important thing is that you never give up.

Do I Have Clinical Depression?

We all go through times when we feel sad or really upset about something. Life can be full of exhilarating, joyful moments but also bring us periods of time when we feel utterly distraught. These lower moments can cause us great pain, bring flowing torrents of tears and even cause us to lose our appetites. So how do you know if you are "clinically" depressed or reacting in an expected manner to an external life event? A person can receive a diagnosis for Major Depressive Disorder under very specific conditions that I'll discuss in this article. I'll also review a few coping skills to employ immediately should you suspect you might fall into this category.

I've heard people describe depression as a "black cloud" following them - or a "pit" in their stomach that doesn't go away. The intensity of this feeling is usually associated with Major Depressive Disorder - otherwise known as "clinical depression." People who struggle with this can have a range of symptoms - from mild to severe - but they must meet specific criteria to receive this diagnosis. The following is a condensed and summarized version from the DSM-IV-TR (Diagnostic Criteria from the American Psychiatric Association) of the criteria for Major Depressive Disorder.

You must have five of the nine criteria which are:

1) Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day.

2) Diminished interest in your usual activities.

3) Significant weight loss or gain; or increase or decrease in appetite.

4) Sleeping too much or too little every day.

5) Appearing to others to be restlessness or slowed down in your movement or speech.

6) Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day.

7) Feelings of worthlessness or guilt nearly every day.

8) Decrease in concentration nearly every day.

9) Thoughts or plan of your own death.

In addition, you must have these symptoms for a minimum of two weeks.

If you feel as though you fit the criteria for clinical depression, you should seek out the help of a psychotherapist to assess the level of your depression. Some people prefer to try to get control of their depression with talk therapy alone. Others want to try the medication route and talk therapy. There are also people who take medication to combat their symptoms but choose not to proceed with talk therapy. I personally believe - and many studies have shown - that the best treatment for clinical depression is a combination of medication and talk therapy. A psychiatrist can be helpful to educate you about the chemistry around depression and the brain - as well as what medications are available, possible side effects, etc. However, if you're firmly attached to the idea of avoiding medication, a good therapist can work with you around the issues underlying your depression. Cognitive behavioral therapy - changing unhelpful and irrational thinking styles - has also been shown to be very helpful.

So what can you do right this minute to help to start to decrease some of your symptoms? The following are three initial steps you can take right away to feel better - and the great news is, you absolutely can!

1) Walk Around the Block: People who are truly depressed often struggle with the motivation they need to do their normal activities. Even if you have never been someone particularly interested in exercise, get outside and walk around the block. Even if it's only a five minute jaunt to the end of the block and back, the purpose is to get good oxygen into your blood and brain - which automatically impacts your physiology and has a feel-good effect.

2) Set Your Priorities: People who find themselves depressed often feel overwhelmed or out of control. Sit down with pen and paper in hand. Make a list of things that need to happen vs. things that can wait. The more order you feel - the more in control you'll feel.

3) Reach out to Someone: Depressed people sometimes feel so low they begin to isolate themselves. Reach out to someone you trust - friend or family member. Pick up the phone and be honest with how you're feeling. Keeping an active support network, whether it is one person or five, is very important.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, major depressive disorder affects approximately 14.8 million American adults a year! Try to remember to be kind and gentle to yourself and make sure to get the help you need, whether it's a therapist, counselor, support group, psychiatrist or your general medical practitioner. You absolutely can feel better!

**If you are actively suicidal, please dial 911 to get help right away.

Treatments for Major Depressive Disorder - 3 Powerful Treatments for Major Depressive Disorder

When it comes to mental illness, there's little more devastating to your life than major depressive disorder. 1 in 5 Americans have suffered depression at some point in their life, but they've found ways to cure it. Here are some very powerful treatments for major depressive disorder:


This involves meeting with a licensed medical expert to find out the underlying reason for your depression whether it's caused by surrounding influences, heredity or a chemical imbalance. With a doctor's help you may be able to help identify ideas and situations which help contribute to feelings of depression.


Drugs such as popular brand names like Zoloft and Prozac. These drugs attempt to help depression sufferers by trying to normalize chemical imbalances in individuals. Antidepressants are fairly efficient at helping to alleviate mood disorders, however most users report dependence and eventual addiction to the powerful stimulants.

Electroconvulsive therapy

Also known as "electroshock therapy" in the 60's, this form of therapy involves being put under heavy anesthetics while an electrical current is sent through a patient's brain, using several electrodes connected through the temple. This electrical current causes a seizure in patients, which generally lasts from anywhere between 30 seconds to one minute.

The result is a number of changes in brain waves, and possibly alleviation of depression. As the patient awakens, short term side effects are: temporary confusion, nausea, headaches and muscle stiffness.

This type of therapy is still under scrutiny as the long-term side effects on the brain are still unclear but it is said to induce memory loss in certain patients.

Google Search Engine Ranking - Page Rank Matters Again

Over a year ago search engine marketing, optimization and Internet marketing folks shared the idea that Google's Page Rank (PR) had to be crossed out from the list of crucial factors in ranking algorithm of Google. This started the so-called "PR Depression" period.

Historical Background about "PR Depression."

"PR depression" is the period of time when people got free from the PR obsession and started to share the idea that PR was not critical for getting top positions in search engine results on the necessary keywords and key phrases.

The typical forum gossip at that time was like:

"I don't even care about PR bar"

"PR is almost no good for ranking, better have good anchors in the backlinks"

"I'd better have 1000 extra visitors per month than extra point on PR"

These are not exact quotes from SEO, SEM, and IM forums, but those who dwelled there know that I am giving very trendy words. I must admit that I was also very pessimistic about PR at that very moment. No, of course, I would never disagree to have PR 7 or 8 or more for any of my sites; even at those times of "PR depression", but many of webmasters and SEM & SEO specialists saw that PR was quite a manipulative thing that could be obtained without any big problems. Many people could boast that with proper knowledge and efforts their sites got PR 3-4 within a matter of several month.

So the magic PR was not giving increase in targeted traffic. And new trends popped up - anchors in backlinks, one way links as alternative to reciprocal links, etc. All this added to the "PR depression" and people losing faith into its magical power. So, for a while, Google PR came into the shadow.

Matt Cutts is Taking PR Out of Shadow!

It was Matt Cutts who made the PR buzz get back on the stage again. Recently Matt (software engineer at Google) said a seemingly unnoticeable line when discussing the problem of supplemental results. The direct quote from Matt Cutt's famous blog is: "If a page doesn't have enough PageRank to be included in our main web index, the supplemental results represent an additional chance for users to find that page..."

And this phrase instantly brings the importance of PR back to the very top!

Because we can make a logical assumption that if a page has some PR, than its chances to get into supplemental results are lower. This example cries out that PR is still very, very important for Google ranking algo. And, perhaps, not only in situations of putting or not putting the page into "supplementals". If PR is a valid factor for supplemental results, than PR can be a valid factor to many other things in Google's algo.

And this brings us to the simlple search engine marketing and optimization conclusion - PR matters, matters a lot. So, build more good backlinks from nice PR pages and get yourself a PR!

Even PR 1 can help you in some situations. Imagine that your page only thanks to some PR will not get into supplementals, it means it will be displayed closer to the top for some easy keywords, whereas other pages (that have no PR or PR 0 will be in supps) will be lower. Maybe this will not bring you tons of traffic, but I think no one would disagree to get extra 300-500 targeted visitors per month. And if you are catching people on several keywords in your niche - the possible number of targeted traffic will grow to extra thousands!

P.S. But don't be greedy about backlinks; now we all know that Google got more careful and experienced about PR manipulations.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids - WHAT is EPA and DHA?

Essential fatty acids are polyunsaturated oils. They are the good fats. They are essential because our body does not manufacture them, so they must be obtained through our diet on a daily basis for optimal health and well being. Essential fatty acids produce beneficial hormone-like compounds called the eicosanoids that affect the function of virtually every system and every cell in our body. The most important essential fatty acids are EPA and DHA which we will be discussing here. EPA and DHA are the Omega 3's and GLA (gamma linolenic acid) are Omega 6's. These are the good fats. These nutrients are responsible for cell flexibility, nerve function, mood support, and even weight control.

The importance of essential fatty acids

The body must receive a constant and balanced supply of essential fatty acids to ensure proper eicosanoid production. The eicosanoids are important because they regulate pain and swelling, so they have anti-inflammatory type mechanisms of action. They help maintain proper blood pressure, they help maintain proper cholesterol levels as we as triglyceride levels, and they provide fluidity in nerve transmission. Essential fatty acids are also recommended for many women during pregnancy and lactation and it is especially important for women to have good amounts of DHA because the baby is drawing upon her supply. DHA is critical for the healthy development of the brain, the eyes, and the nervous system.

So how do we get essential fatty acids in our diet? Where do they come from? The richest and most beneficial sources of essential fatty acids are found in cold-water fish, like salmon, sardines, mackerel, and herring. Borage and even primrose oils are also rich sources of gamma linolenic acid.

What is EPA?

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is a long chain of Omega 3 polyunsaturated essential fatty acid that is found in fish. Omega 3's are essential because humans are unable to synthesize them and therefore they must be obtained through our diet.

EPA, eicosanoids, and inflammation; so beyond the cardioprotective effects of Omega 3's, EPA is believed to be beneficial for many autoimmune and inflammatory disorders including arthritis, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and psoriasis. Omega 3 appears to be beneficial for cardiovascular health by reducing the risk of cardiac risk and ischemic stroke. In fact, the evidence is so strong that the American Heart Association has stated that people who have elevated triglycerides may need 2 to 4 grams of EPA and DHA per day provided as a supplement. There are also several psychotherapeutic mechanisms of action that occur in the presence of essential fatty acid. There are several studies that have shown and have linked low seafood intake to major depression, postpartum depression, and schizophrenia as well as to the severity of depressive symptoms. Although research in this area is somewhat limited, EPA has at this point at least shown to improve symptoms of schizophrenia and depression and increase remission time in bipolar disorder.

What is DHA?

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a long chain polyunsaturated Omega 3 essential fatty acid from fish. Again Omega 3's are essential because humans are unable to synthesis them, meaning they must obtain these through diet. The brain is particularly very rich in DHA where it increases membrane fluidity, and supports functions such as learning memory and cognitive development. DHA is very stress protective. One of the apparent benefits of DHA is to protect against the harmful effects of stress. Supplementation with DHA has been shown to reduce elevations and aggression and hostility in response to psychological stress. In addition, DHA may help to protect against the increased risk of heart attack associated with stress and depression. In clinical trials, low levels of DHA in the body and low fish consumption has been associated with increased risk factors associated with cognitive impairments, especially Alzheimer's disease. During pregnancy and lactation, proper nutrition with long chain Omega 3's appears to be especially important for the heath of both mother and the child. Inadequate maternal Omega 3 intake during pregnancy is a risk factor for premature birth, low birth weight, diabetes, and postpartum depression. DHA also appeared to be very important for infants and their visual and cognitive development. A recent study showed that children whose mothers had taken cod liver oil during pregnancy and lactation had higher IQs at age 4 than the mothers who had taken a placebo.

If you are experiencing any signs of deficiency or any symptoms, I would recommend contacting your physician and exploring the possibility that you may be experiencing deficiencies in essential fatty acids. If you would like more information concerning essential fatty acids, you could visit our website at [].