Saturday, December 21, 2013

Diet Plan For Depression - How Eating Certain Foods Can Help You Beat Depression

Fruits are great to have in the morning with milk and a handful of nuts and seed with your whole grain toast or oatmeal. For your lunch try steamed vegetables, whole wheat bread and a glass of butter-milk. For dinner, try a green vegetable salad and cottage cheese or a glass of butter-milk. Why butter-milk?. Butter-milk is something that helps boost your serotonin levels and gets good fat in your brain which you are lacking when you feel depressed.

In order to be happy and healthy, eating foods rich in B vitamins, such as whole grains, green vegetables, eggs and fish gets your body on the road to happiness.

What food should you eat?

Turkey, eggs, almonds, chicken, soybeans and milk products will boost your "happy" chemicals in your brain. eat complex carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and starchy foods. Eat protein rich sources: dairy foods (cheese, milk, yogurt) fish, meats, legumes (beans and lentils), peanut butter, poultry and tofu.

What foods should you stay away from?

Now, your body needs to stay away from few foods in order to get on the road to mental health. If you suffer from depression, for the time being, you should completely exclude tea, coffee, alcohol, chocolate and cola, all white flour products, sugar, food coloring, chemical additives, white rice and strong condiments. why?. These foods have a tendency to build up chemicals and toxins in your body that affect your mental state.

Simple sugars found in candy, syrups, table sugar, alcohol and sweetened fruits cause a brief spike in blood sugar which may make you feel better in the short term but can be followed by a quick drop in energy and leave you craving more.

Dangers of Synthetic Marijuana Abuse

JWH-018 is an analgesic chemical, often described as a pain-killer from the naphthoylindole family, which acts on the cannabinoid receptors in the brain. In animals, it produces effects very similar to those of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive chemical in marijuana. The substance is commonly known as 'Spice', 'K2 drug' and 'Synthetic Marijuana'.

Now-a-days it is emerging as a popular drug of choice for teens even as it poisons them. Medical director of Rocky Mountain Poison Center and director of Surveillance for the American Association of Poison Control Centers said that these products weren't designed for human consumption. He also termed it as a designer drug similar to Marijuana. It is not Marijuana, although it acts similarly in the user.

Dangerous effects:
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) currently lists JWH-018 as "Drugs and Chemicals of Concern". A study 'Journal Of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology' has shown that JWH-018 can cause various health problems. Some of the dangerous effects of JWH-018 are:

Short term memory loss
JWH-018 contains synthetic chemicals that mimic THC by acting on the cannabinoid receptors in the brain. It affects the functions of the brain resulting in Central Nervous System (CNS) depression and memory loss. Since JWH-018 binds itself to CB1 receptors dominantly found in the brain, you can notice symptoms of alterations in the control of emotions, motivation, judgment, learning and memory.

Extreme sedation that may lead to coma
Smoking higher doses of JWH-018 might be quite dangerous. It acts similar to Cannabis and provides relaxing and sedative effects. Reported scarier and harmful effects of the substance includes extreme sedation that may lead to coma.

JWH-018 abuse effects are said to be similar to Marijuana effects. It is a chemical compound that acts on cannabinoid receptors in the brain, the areas that THC in Marijuana bond with to produce feelings of euphoria.

JWH-018 is also said to produce similar effects to that of THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. This substance is often associated with clear cerebral effects, people also report Cannabis-like side effects such as paranoia.

Though JWH-018 acts like Marijuana, many people, mostly teenagers are showing up with symptoms which don't match up with marijuana effects. Some of the symptoms include increased agitation and elevated blood pressure and increased heart rates. It is said to increase the anxiety levels.

Confusion and vomiting
Some of the side effects of this drug, also called as 'fake weed' include slight confusion and vomiting.

Shocking brain effects
JWH-018 mimics the mechanism of THC found in Marijuana, thus affecting the functions of the brain. JWH-018 creates shocking brain effects which impair the control of emotions, motivation, judgment, memory and learning.

Life-threatening hallucinations
JWH-018 and many of its substitutes are full agonists and users may experience far more intense effects compared to smoking Marijuana. A professor of toxicology at Saint Louis University observed that smoking the fake weed (JWH-018) causes severe, potentially life-threatening hallucinations.

When overdosed, Cannabinoid receptor full agonists may pose serious threat to the user. JWH-018 may cause intense anxiety, agitation, and even seizures or convulsions. Users can be effected by seizures and other reactions to the substance.

Effects in the cardiovascular system
JWH-018 seriously effects the cardiovascular system of the user. It increases heart rate and blood pressure. The effects of JWH-018 on the throat and lungs may be serious. It can make your throat burn and your lungs ache even hours after you smoke it.

Cognitive and psychological effects
Regular use of JWH-018 has many potent psychological and cognitive effects including short-term memory loss, extreme sedation, euphoria, paranoia, anxiety, confusion and difficulty in learning.

Physical effects
JWH-018 may pose a serious threat to the body of the user. It is said to produce the same Cannabis effects and some of its main physical symptoms are: bloodshot eyes and droopy eyelids (noted only in some users), drowsiness, tachycardia (increased heart rate), respiratory suppression etc.

There are no standard consequences of prolonged JWH-018 use in humans as of now. More research is certainly coming up but until then caution is advised and its use is discouraged. Its use is considered illegal in many countries across the world. Remember, anytime you consume an unregulated drug or a drug with unknown effects, you are taking a risk.

The Why's and Where-For's of Religion

Wise people say we should never discuss politics or religion at a festive event, and usually for good reason. There are many, many conundrums to life and the aspect of religion is one of them. So, when all's boiled down, what's the point of religion? (Let's consider that religion and spirituality are one and the same concept--for simplicity purposes.) We often have to look in special places for these answers.

Let's look to the words of Helen Keller:

"The reason why God permitted me to lose both sight and hearing seems clear now--that through me He might cleave a rock unbroken before and let quickening streams flow through other lives desolate as my own once was. I am content."

It seems religion is more about others than anything else. But, we can't do that very well if we don't self-relate very well; God in an instant helps us accept ourselves. We get religion all wrong when it becomes about ourselves (our wishes, our preferences, our views, our desires). And if we don't accept ourselves, life can only ever be about "us." Religion is an opportunity to connect with God and the world, relationally, and in a way to offer the self (free of burden) to both those entities.

Keller continues:

"The mortally wounded must strive to live out their days cheerfully for the sake of others."

So, perhaps religion is about embracing God, our world and everything in it; all life circumstances and situations equally. It appears to be a middle-of-the-road approach to life--a 'narrow way' of negotiating the plethora of treacherous twists, turns, crests, valleys and pikes.

This throws up for us a few further opposing thoughts.

Is religion the answer for the world's (and the individuals') ills? Can it ameliorate these ills, for instance, mental illness--take depression, for example.

It seems that religion (through us/me) is about sowing hope for others. If that were true then someone (or more than one person) might 'minister' to me, helping me with my issues and problems; notwithstanding God or complementing him in his work.

In the context of the world's ills (and further, that of individuals'), I'd venture to say that religion both contributes as a cause for suffering depression and is something that prevents it. Both opposing standpoints agree, depending on the context.

Perhaps these two opposing views combine over the process of time, one preceding, the other proceeding. Let me explain. For religion to cause ills means something in that process is wrong. Once this can be resolved, religion can actually help. Again, we've established that religion is necessarily about others.

But, let's consider two spiritual people: one well, the other not. Both of these people need religion--a spiritual connection with God and the world. One is in a place of entrance and discipleship; the other's in a place of going on (to higher places) in the faith. Both of these people can benefit acutely from a focus on others, and on God.

Taking Keller's quotes and amalgamating them in the context of 'religion,' we find that it's about others and it's a correct way of viewing the lifespan--a determined race where we are designers (with God) toward our own destiny.

© S. J. Wickham, 2009.

Depression: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment Options

Major depressive disorder, which is usually simply referred to as depression, is a condition that is characterized by chronic feelings of sadness and hopelessness. It is important to note that everyone experiences feelings of sadness from time to time, and that is usually not a cause for concern. However, it is not normal to feel that way all of the time. People who are chronically depressed are at an increased risk for developing physical health problems and committing suicide.

What are some of the symptoms of major depressive disorder?

Feeling sad and hopeless all of the time is the main symptom of this disorder. Fatigue, lack of energy, insomnia, impaired ability to concentrate, weight loss, agitation and worry are some of the other symptoms that may accompany major depressive disorder. Depressed people also have a tendency to isolate themselves from others.

What causes major depressive disorder?

Health experts have not been able to identify the exact cause of depression. However, they have found that genetics, chemical changes in the brain and stressful events may play a role in the development of this condition. Drug and alcohol abuse can also make a person more susceptible to developing major depressive disorder.

What are some treatment options for major depressive disorder?

It is very important for all depressed people to go to their doctor, so that they can get the appropriate treatment. A doctor will usually recommend a combination of therapy and medication. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychotherapy and group therapy are the three forms of therapy that are recommended for depressed patients.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps a patient fight off the negative thoughts that can contribute to major depressive disorder. The goal of psychotherapy is to help patients understand the issues that are causing their condition. Group therapy helps people communicate with others who are experiencing similar issues.

Antidepressants are the standard group of medications prescribed to treat major depressive disorder.

These medications work by increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain. Health experts believe that serotonin is one of the neurotransmitters that control happiness. Paxil, Prozac, Lexapro and Celexa are some of the most commonly prescribed antidepressants.

Even though antidepressants are extremely effective, they do not come without side effects. Weight gain, appetite loss, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety and decreased sex drive are some of the most commonly reported side effects. Taking antidepressants during pregnancy can be very dangerous. Studies have shown that women who take these medications while they are pregnant are more likely to give birth to a baby with birth defects. Additionally, antidepressants may also increase suicidal behavior in some patients.

What are some things that can be done at home to treat major depressive disorder?

Exercise is one of the most effective home remedies for major depressive disorder. In fact, some studies suggest that exercise may be just as effective as antidepressants. When people exercise, their body releases endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals in the body that promote feelings of relaxation and well-being. People should try to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.

There has also been evidence to suggest that omega 3 fatty acids can help treat major depressive disorder. Omega 3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat found in cold water fish, walnuts and flaxseed oil. Researchers believe that omega 3 fatty acids help improve overall brain health.

Yoga and meditation can also help a person feel better. Even though some patients can treat their condition at home, everyone should consult with their physician before they try any type of natural remedy. Furthermore, no one should stop taking a prescribed medication without first consulting with their doctor.

Copyright (c) 2012 Embracing Depression

The Risks Involved When Bipolar Disorder is Left Untreated

It is estimated that eight percent of individuals who experience the symptoms of bipolar disorder do not seek professional medical help for as long as up to ten years after first experiencing these symptoms.

It is also estimated that as many as sixty percent of individuals who suffer from this mental illness are either not treated at all, not properly treated, or misdiagnosed with another form of mental illness. A bipolar disorder left untreated can be devastating for the individual as well as their loved ones and can even be fatal.

Substance Abuse in Individuals with an Untreated Bipolar Disorder

It is estimated that at some point in their lifetime, sixty percent of individuals with manic depression have abused alcohol or drugs as an escape from the emotional mood swings that occur with this disorder. The most common substances which are abused among bipolar disorder patients are alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana.

When the mental illness is left untreated, most of these individuals end up with a serious problem of addiction to these substances which are also known to trigger or make the symptoms of a manic depression much worse.

The Effects of Untreated Symptoms in Bipolar Disorder

People with bipolar disorder who are left untreated or do not take their medications are susceptible to excessive mood swings of "highs" and "lows" which can create chaos in their life. When these individuals become in a state of "mania" they may go on tremendous shopping sprees, act out aggressively to the point of violence, and partake in promiscuous sexual behaviors.

During their stages of depression they have great sadness, become antisocial, do poorly in school, often miss work, or can not hold down a job. These depressions can also lead to suicidal thoughts and it is estimated that fifteen to twenty percent of individuals with a bipolar disorder who are not treated will commit suicide.

3 Phases of a Broken Heart

Although common to everyone, having to deal with a break up of any sort will always be painful. Love can make you feel like you've got wings and you start to look at life through rose colored glasses but when it all comes to an end its like a terrible train wreck and it feels like you want to go jump off a bridge.

Being in love means putting yourself at risk for heart break and when that time comes the key to surviving is determined by how you will approach it. You can crawl in to bed and slip into a state of depression for a while or you can realize that you will go through 3 main stages of recovery before you're back on your feet and when you do this you'll be able to keep track of your progress and hopefully see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Phase One - Hurting
The Hurting phase is obviously the most painful one and this is the one that immediately follows the break up. There will be tears and depression and loads of self doubt and wondering how you'll be able to go on with life with out them. You'll probably do things that resemble a movie that you thought you'd never be the one to do like becoming a slightly obsessive psycho. Calling and texting way to much, driving by their house or job to see if they happen to be interacting with someone else. Ultimately you're a mess and there seems to be no hope.

Don't worry to much this is a natural process you just have to make sure to give yourself some time and try not to go completely off the deep end.

Phase Two - Get Even
As your heart begins to mend part of the process is that all of that pain that you felt will now being to turn to anger. Now you're going to feel like you want to inflict the same pain you've felt on the person that made you feel that way. You will start dating but your primary reason for doing so is not to move on yet but rather try to make your EX jealous and hope that it will hurt them. This is what is traditionally known as a rebound relationship and ultimately doesn't really benefit anyone except for helping you get through this phase.

Phase Three - Not Caring
You'll eventually come to a point where you'll begin to question what it was that you saw in your EX to begin with. And you'll convince yourself that you're glad that its over because they were holding you back and you're not even going to worry about them or what they've been up to because you're ready to move on.

The key to surviving all of this is to remember that it's a process and its not an easy one. There will always be another tomorrow and there are a lot of fish in the sea so keep your head up, track your progress as you go through these phases and chalk it up to experience.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Are You a Victim of Manic Depression

For many years now, most people have been left wondering what manic depression refers to. Well, to answer this question, manic depression is one type of depression that makes people have alternating mood swings. At one time the patient may appear to have extremely "high" (what is referred to manic) moods and before you know it, the patient is experiencing extremely "low" (also referred to depressed) moods. This unusual change of moods greatly interferes with your ability to function properly when undertaking various tasks. Manic depression can affect both men and women and most of the time begins during the late stages of teenage hood and if left untreated it may continue into adulthood. Unlike the other types of depressions, manic depression is usually genetically inherited from the patient's family.

Symptoms of this condition are usually placed into three groups namely, the Manic episode, depressive episode and lastly the Mixed episode. The manic episode is often characterized by elevated mood occurrences accompanied by other symptoms that occur for the better part of the day something that sometimes continues to take place for a whole week. These other symptoms include a decreased need for sleep, an increased need for physical activities, poor judgment, having an inflated self-esteem constant agitation and an increased spending spree.

The depressive episode of manic depression is on the other hand characterized by low levels of mood swings and is usually accompanied by five or more other symptoms. These symptoms tend to last the whole day for a period of about two weeks or sometimes even longer. Some of them include high level of sadness experienced by the patient, a sense of hopelessness, sleeping problems, regular fatigue experiences, anxiety and suicidal thoughts or behavior. On rare occasions, an occurrence of mixed episodes take place and the patient is left experiencing symptoms of both manic episodes and depressive episodes. For example, the patient may be feeling very sad and have a hopeless mood while at the same time feel energized.

Manic depression can further be classified into two main subtypes. The first sub-type known as bipolar I disorder, ensures that the patient suffers from at least one episode of manic condition after an occurrence or non-occurrence of an episode of depression. On the other hand, the second sub-type of this depression is known as bipolar II disorder. This sub-type, makes you be subjected to at least one episode of depression and at least one episode of hypomanic (a briefer manic condition) condition. However, there exists another rare manic depression condition referred to as Cyclothymia. This condition appears to be a mild form of manic depression and also includes mood swings although the manic and depression episodes do not get to be felt as severely as would have been expected.

Appropriate treatment including the use of mood stabilizers, Anti-seizure medication and Anti-depressants is usually highly recommended for persons suffering from manic depression. The reason for this is that, this treatment is often vital for reducing the severity and frequency of manic and depressive episodes. By doing this you are left to enjoy your life without worrying about having any of the episodes.

Severe Depression Symptoms - Why Antidepressants Can Be Responsible For Sudden Suicide

Severe depression is the worst form of depression. Your body, mind, and spirit is made hostage of a silent predator, and this can go on for a very long time. Did you know that 20 million Americans have got depression and the numbers keep going up. However, only a small percentage of these people develop severe depression symptoms. Determining these signs can save your life.

You already know that depression has drastically changed your life? You've already lost precious time because depression is controlling your life. How can I recover from this hell, you'll ask? Just go back in time, and allow yourself to remember how it felt to be your old self among people that you love - how wonderful is this!

If I were to tell you that there is a fast and permanent method that can help you to break the cycle of depression and lead a normal life again, would you be interested? Read word for word, and you'll find out soon enough about a method that tackles the root cause of depression. This method has helped over 30,000 people with mild to severe depression to break the cycle of depression, and lead a normal life.

One of the most persistent signs of severe depression is feeling 'miserable' all the time. You aren't able to shrug it off, or put it on the weather. If you're like this for more then 2 weeks you need to seek help.

Severe depression symptoms are those that come on top of the signs and symptoms for mild to moderate depression. Everything is felt more intensely. Severely depressed people have a very low drive, especially the motivation to get out of bed in the morning is lost. Do you belong to these people that have a bleak outlook on the present and the future? Worthlessness and hopelessness have enrobed you, and not much room is left to escape them.

Most of the time people with severe depression take antidepressants (AD). They have a 10 % risk of killing themselves. Often people act out what they have been thinking about for a very long time, namely end their lives, when starting with antidepressants.

This is very important! Before they didn't have the drive to do it, but under medication their drive is restored before their mood is lifted. They then go ahead with their plan to commit suicide. AD's have to be taken for a period of 3 to 4 weeks before they become effective, so it is advisable to take another medication at the same time that curbs the drive until the AD's work.

Do Menopause Symptoms Last Forever? Perimenopause Depression

Pre menopause symptoms, like puberty and pregnancy are the rites of passage that almost every woman has to go through. The sad thing is how unprepared we are for them and how many, otherwise sensible women seem to put their head in the sand hoping perimenopause depression it will not happen to them.

The menopause is the final menstrual period that a woman has and so you only know you have had it when you go for twelve months not having had another period.

The average age of a woman to have her menopause is fifty one but it can occur anywhere between forty and fifty five and still be considered 'normal' outside of these ages is rarer and if it happens before forty five it is often referred to as an early menopause. If it happens before her fortieth birthday it is called premature.

The symptoms that the majority of women experience are actually signs of the peri-menopause, this is the stage that is leading up to the actual menopause and is caused by the slowly reducing levels of hormones, especially estrogen in her body.

Some women go through the peri-menopause with barely a twitch but for the majority it is a time of hot flashes, night sweats and other symptoms, some of which can be quite distressing.

A common and unfortunately all too often ignored symptom is depression. Many doctors will tell you that the menopause does not cause depression but sadly many women suffer from it at this time and so I think it may be related.

Meaning & Purpose in America

There is a problem in America today; a disease with appalling results. This generation is going through a time of war and a following recession, and many are lacking the will to overcome. Depression, Suicides, homicide, broken homes, all of these are becoming more prevalent today, so what is the answer, or the cure for our present dilemma? There is no debating that we have a problem in America today, but how did we get ourselves into a predicament that is worse than that which resulted in the Great Depression? (This may be debatable). Suicide is on the rise (American Journal of Preventive Medicine), and so is homicide (American Human Development Report; premature death by homicide is more than five times higher in the U.S. than the international average), depression is increasing (SAMHSA-Department of Health and Human Services), along with the still ever growing amount of broken homes where a father or a mother is lacking. (21 million plus children are being raised by one parent today in America, the majority according to the U.S. Census Bureau). During the Great Depression the majority of people didn't just give up and start killing each other and themselves in the prevalent manner they do today. People use to fight harder to keep their heads above the water, because they had the will, they had a purpose. And during that depression era it was unlikely that a child would be growing up in a home with a single parent, again because their parents had the will this generation lacks. Families use to stay whole even through the most struggling times. These listed statistics on, depression, suicide, homicide, and single parent homes in America are not the problem but the resulting outcomes from the problem, the effects of the disease. The problem is that the majorities understanding of the "American Dream", is not a purpose worth living for.

A vision or a will in life should never be about wealth, pleasure, or power, but this is how most Americans' view life. It is no revelation to the world that most Americans' always want the nicer car, bigger TV, more attractive partner, and a more exuberant home. They are never satisfied, always wanting more, and never really appreciating what they do have. The rich do get richer in this country and the poor do get poorer but they both have the same misunderstanding of what the American Dream was originally meant to be. The misunderstanding of true purpose to life or a vision to live by is why our nation is in the predicament that we are in today. During the Great Depression many families understood that they needed to be grateful for what they had, for as long as they had each other and could keep each other alive and hopeful, then life was worth living. Parents during the Great Depression saw their children as the future, and many of these parents struggled through life with the hope that their children would have a better tomorrow. Even through the toughest times many parents found a way to save for their children's future, and struggled to keep their family together; they understood the "will to meaning." In the least they had a dream worth living they lived.

Let's look at the three main wills to life and how they are defined by three great minds, and keep in view how these ideas would apply to a family struggling during the Great Depression compared to a family struggling in America today. Let's start with Sigmund Freud who believed in the "will to pleasure." Sigmund Freud believed that the "will to pleasure" is the fundamental or motivational guide to a person's life, the will that provided purpose to an individual. "Will to pleasure," is just that, every person naturally living their lives being motivated by their own selfish desires and aspirations in life. "Will to pleasure" has nothing to do with sacrifice, like a parent sacrificing a higher position in his or her job so that they have more time with their children, or a spouse choosing to sacrifice their selfish desires by choosing to stay faithful to their partner. "Will to pleasure" would however apply to the man who chooses to abandon his family, so that he can have more freedom in life, more money, and without the burdens or responsibilities a child or wife would bring. "Will to pleasure" would also apply to the spouse who chooses to be unfaithful simply because they lust for someone else. The consequences of the unfaithful spouse may lead to a divorce and another broken home, but that's just the natural effects of a life lived in the "will of pleasure." Is there logical purpose in this philosophy? The sad truth is even today many people (who consider themselves educated and wise) believe Freuds' claim that every persons' primary motivational energy in life, (in relation to "will to pleasure"), is sexual desire. How could someone logically argue that sexual desire is the motivating factor in why a parent chooses to be in their son or daughters' life? If someone could argue this then one should conclude that this person needs to be reported to child protective services. One shouldn't argue that sex is what keeps a marriage together either or that sex the primary reason someone chooses to stay faithful to their partner. Anyone who has been married more than once can tell you that great sex isn't what keeps a marriage together. The defenders of Freud today use what some may call circular reasoning, or what L.L Brunk refers to as "trick of logic". Freuds' theories have a built-in defense mechanism, so in light of Freuds' constant readiness in relating everything to sex his defenders say "To disagree with Freud is regarded as an indication of the very resistance he predicts, confirming the evidence of Freuds' case;" that's a trick of logic, and it's lame.

Sigmund Freud deserves credit most notably for being the first famous psychologist to think outside the box, but he is surely not the most accurate. (The scary part is that many people believe he is the most accurate and ground breaking, and this is still being taught in many universities throughout the United States.) Freuds' methods never paved a way for people to deal with their actions effectively, but instead gave people a defense for how they behaved, giving them a lack of responsibility for their actions. This method would make sense to someone who believes "the will to pleasure", but should not make sense to a logical mind today. Trial and error has proven in history that the "will to pleasure" philosophy will ultimately destroy humanity, so it's time to evolve past this misinformation. It's worth noting that perhaps Sigmund Freuds' motivational guide in life led to his death on September 1939, when his doctor Max Schur assisted in Freuds' suicide by administering three doses of morphine resulting in his death. Freud was struggling with cancer at the time he chose to take his life and before he died he told his doctor, "My dear Schur you certainly remember our first talk. You promised me then not to forsake me when my time comes. Now it is nothing but torture and makes no sense anymore." When pleasure is no longer attainable all one can do is die, if they live in the "will to pleasure."

(Psychology departments in American universities today are scientifically orientated, and Freudian theory has been marginalized, being regarded instead as a "desiccated and dead" historical artifact, according to a recent APA study.)

Now Friedrich Nietzsche believed in the "will to power", (he was certified insane by his early fifties and died soon after.) He is most famous for two quotes, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger," and "God is dead." Nietzsche speaks of the origins of moral values in his works "Beyond Good and Evil (1886) and "The Genealogy of Morals" (1887). In these works he says that "the theory of the perpetual elimination of the weak by the strong and the incompetent by the competent was correct." Let's think about that for a moment. Do human rights come to mind, or the poor minorities clouding up our streets during the Great Depression? They were seen as weak and burdensome by many of the wealthy, should they have just been gotten rid of? This philosopher believed that only the super-human-being or "superman"; "a superior individual who controls his/her passions and uses them in a creative way" deserved to live. "The superman's will to power would set him/her apart from the herd of inferior masses." He believed that humans' have the "will to power" in politics, culture and everywhere, since there is no God and there is no true purpose but ones "will to power".

This idea of humanities "will to power" influenced great dictators like Hitler and Mussolini; both of them were motivated by Nietzsches' writings. Living by the "will to power" has proven in history to be destructive to humanity, this should not be debatable, but of course Nietzsche would say, "There are no facts; there are only interpretations."

(For Nietzsche, there is no objective order or structure in the world except what we give it.)

Now let's analyze the "will to meaning" which renowned psychiatrist Victor Frankl speaks of. The "will to meaning" or the need for purpose in life is what we are proposing to be the motivating factor in every person's life which potentially could solve our problem. If human beings do not have a sound vision, or purpose in life, then life will lose all meaning. Living for pleasure does the average human being no good, which many realize once they reach a certain age. Interestingly enough according to the statistics at the American Journal of Preventive Medicine suicide today is highest among those of middle age or older, and those who are wealthy. Makes one wonder what these people were missing in life, for clearly they felt that they no longer had purpose in life when they chose to end their lives. And living for power is probably even more destructive than living for pleasure alone, for when one lives for power they are not only destructive to themselves but everybody else as well. This kind of selfish philosophy has proven throughout history to lead to a drop in the economy, (because profits are not being spread evenly), and could even lead to genocide, as in such cases as Saddam, Mussolini, Hitler etc. (Not going to beat the dead horse anymore.) When one chooses to live with the "will to meaning" then they can be balanced, unlike the selfish wills to pleasure and power. When you live for meaning in life you see that you cannot live alone, you need both the negative and the positive in your life, because if there was no negative then how could you ever have a sense of appreciation when coming across the positive? There could be no accomplishment in life if there were no struggles in life, and there could be no understanding of love if there was no sacrifice. The "will to meaning" is most important because this gives you a reason to why you suffer at times. Many families had to understand the "will to meaning" during the Great Depression to survive, to keep their heads above water. They understood that relationships were meaningful to life, relationships with their families was meaningful.

The families at this time were not going to give up on life simply because they were not the most successful, or the wealthiest, they lived for their families, their wives, husbands, sons and daughters. They appreciated what they had and even through their struggles they would always hope for just enough to keep those they love happy. If you understand this "will to meaning" then you will see purpose in your life through the good times and the bad, and although life seems unfair at times at least you know that there is still purpose, there is still hope. Even if a person feels that they have no one in their lives, if they stop to really examine their situation, most times they will see that there is always someone who can use a word of encouragement from them, or have them to confide in. Many times those who feel the most alone are in actuality the most selfish, because they don't realize that the people around them have their own struggles as well. And maybe if more people bothered to help one another, instead of just wallowing in self pity, then we would at least have a hope that we could rise out of this predicament our nation is in today.

The ones with power can afford to help this nation get out of debt and even war, but they are not fools. The elite can see the mentality that the average person in our nation has today, the mentality like the middle class one who wins millions in the lottery and in less than two years they are in debt; this is how many of the powerful see the average American today. Why should they waste any of their money on fools? They are wrong though, for everyone has potential to make the better decision. If the powerful don't learn the "will to meaning" then they too may eventually do what many of their kind have done before, they will take their own lives.

Victor Frankl was a neurologist and a psychiatrist who survived the holocaust. His bestselling book was titled Man's Search for meaning. This book chronicles his life as an inmate in a concentration camp and describes his psychotherapeutic method of finding meaning in all forms of existence, even the grimiest forms. Frankl was a key figure in existential therapy. Existential therapy proposes that in making our own choices we assume full responsibility for the results of our actions, and we have no one to blame but ourselves if the results are less than what we desired. His premise is that "man's search for meaning" is the primary motivation of his life. He speaks of the "will to meaning" as opposed to Freud's "will to pleasure" and Nietzsche's "will to power."

("Viktor Frankl often said that even within the narrow boundaries of the concentration camps he found only two races of men to exist: decent and non-decent ones. These were to be found in all classes, ethnicities, and groups. He once recommended that the Statue of Liberty on the East coast be complemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the West coast, and there are plans to construct such a statue by 2010. Frankl is thought to have coined the term "Sunday Neurosis" referring to a form of depression resulting from an awareness in some people of the emptiness of their lives once the work week is over.")

The answer and the cure for our nation today is frankly very simple, but just so that you don't feel like you are being bossed around or ordered to do something this article is presenting you with a thorough and logical explanation. This is the equivalent of a parent telling their child to look both ways before they cross the street and then the child replying with, "Why exactly do I have to do what you are telling me to do?" Since a simple answer is not enough for many in our nation today please stick with this article and the promise is that you will receive a perfectly good explanation for why you should live by the "will to meaning" philosophy.

The Army defines purpose as "what gives subordinates the reason to act in order to achieve a desired outcome." We have already gone over how when one has only pleasure or power as their desired outcome then this will ultimately lead to destruction. If humanity is to have purpose then they must have a purpose that is not destructive, if we are to survive. Helen Keller believed that purpose should be central to a good human life, she wrote that happiness comes from "fidelity to a worthy purpose," meaning being faithful to a worthy cause, or not giving up on a worthy cause. Before someone could make a giant leap into living for a worthy cause like the one Dr. King lived for they must first start with their closest family; they must serve their children and their spouse, willing to make the necessary sacrifices for their families' well being before they attempt to change the world like Gandhi, or Martin Luther King Jr. did. Truth is if more parents in our nation today would simply live for their children and spouse first, loving them and making sacrifices for them, then they would be playing a great part in redeeming our nation.

In ancient times people survived through an ice age because they stayed in tribes, where every individual did their part to serve one another, they could not afford to live for only themselves. The biggest misunderstanding today is that times are so different now, that one doesn't need to consider the welfare of others if they are to live. Granted even in ancient times there were wars among tribes, but the strongest tribes survived because they were a united people and their purpose was simply to keep their members alive. Today tribes are broken all around, even the smallest ones; the families are broken, many times because the men don't understand true purpose to life, to survival.

Religion is not the answer or the cure for our nation today, and religion did not keep the families whole during the Great Depression. An individuals' faith does hold the answer though and the cure. Faith is what the tribes, the families, and all those who have the "will to meaning" need to live and help others to live with true purpose. Religion has been the cause of many wars, and power and pleasure has been a driving force and excused throughout religious history. Granted that pleasure and power have also been the driving forces in every other corrupted organization, religious groups are most prominent in this regard. The point here is that when someone is faithful that faith can lead one into a life of meaning, and if one understands the basic concept, that unity and love is most important in ones faith, then regardless of their religious preference they can change the world for the better, and certainly contribute to the healing process that our nation needs. The main problem with religion in general is the contradicting fact that people of different religious groups (that claim to have faith in a loving God) will be hostile towards those of another religious preference for reasons that are usually more political than religious. However there are always extremists of different religions who somehow find a means of justifying their violence. There is no organization that is the answer or cure for America today, (although Buddhists seem to have the right idea before any other religion. Historically speaking Buddhism has proven to be the most peaceful of dominant religions.) The answer and the cure for our falling nation cannot be found in religion, but can be found within every individual, once they understand meaning to life, (regardless of who they call God.)

How can we live in the "will to meaning" if we don't believe there is a purpose to life? Logically we can't. Philosophically and rationally speaking only something can come from something and something cannot come from nothing. The argument against the faithful and unfaithful is the same regarding the question, "where did the first something come from?" The question applies whether you believe God created everything, or everything came from a Big Bang which came from the expansion of heat energy; where did the energy come from, or where did God come from? Suppose for a moment that just like light turns, (which Einstein theorized and was later proven,) what if time also turns, like a record. Just like planets, molecules, atoms, protons, neutrons, and even universes, what if time also rotates, or is in some way circular. What if in the end we are back at the beginning? This would only be possible if time were a circle, and since logically we know that something can only come from something else, we must conclude that time is a circle, because in this format there doesn't need to be a beginning. (Interestingly enough Nietzsche had a thought like this.) The greatest minds of our time have created a machine that cost billions of dollars to make called the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which is the largest particle collider in the world. This machine takes up miles of space underground and the machine is expected to demonstrate the existence of the elusive Higgs boson, the last unobserved particle among those predicted by the standard model. This machine has already recreated a big bang on a smaller scale. What this invention concludes is a rather scary concept to some, but predictable to others; humanity truly can play God. Let's not assume that the Large Hadron Collider will create a big bang large enough to destroy the universe, but what if some day humanity does do this? Based on recent discoveries the thought is not all that farfetched. One of the most accepted theories on the universe is that after the big bang the universe starts expanding and eventually will stop expanding, and revert back to its source, and when the pressure is built up again the universe will explode again and start expanding like it did before, continuing this process forever over and over again. In this scenario we can see that the end is the beginning, the source of everything is also the end of everything. None of this mattered to the families suffering through the Great Depression though, right? And perhaps this idea sounds outlandish to most of you, but the point is there is reason to believe in purpose if we realize our existence makes sense.

If time is circular and we could theoretically be the cause of this spinning record then let's realize that our purpose, our "will in meaning" is all that there is. All the power and all the selfish pleasure in the world amount to nothing, only the good we do for others has a positive impact in this world. Albert Einstein said that he believed if a human being were able to use their minds full potential they would become pure energy. Pure energy is the source of all that is, and nothing can exist, function, or think without pure energy. Something comes from something, and nothing comes from nothing. Something good comes from those that live in the "will for meaning", and nothing but destruction comes from those that live in the will of pleasure or power. A child will die, or grow up mentally impaired if they don't have love and compassion throughout their infancy and toddler years, no human being can survive without relationships. Science has observed that there are opposites in everything, for even all matter has its anti-matter, and energy has both positive and negative. What will dominate your life, the positive or the negative? What kind of energy are you?

Almost anything seems possible in this world today, so no one's faith is in vain and we should all live a life of meaning. We are all worth something, and our lives do not have to amount to nothing, so we should have every reason to live with a purpose and the will to overcome. Balance is the key to survival, but negative energy does not need any of our contributions to exist, so let's focus on the positive and do what is logical by living with a purpose, with a sense of meaning to life, not simply for our fallen nation, but for humanity as a whole. A tribe/a family will stay strong and survive through the tough times and the good, because they look out for each other and they don't live with the "will to power", or "will to pleasure" mentality.

We have gotten ourselves into a predicament that is worse than that which resulted in the Great Depression because we've forgotten the importance of unity, the importance of relationships; the meaning of life. No family stays together because of one person, no great person ever accomplished anything without the help of others. Not even the Large Hadron Collider was created because of one person, but the gathering of many minds throughout many generations created a Big Bang. Meaning to life is most evident in relationships, so stay alive and encourage others to live, we need each other. Without meaning there is no purpose, no love, no hope and only a disease that brings about depression, broken families, destruction, and suicide.

Aromatherapy and Depression

When artiste Leslie Cheung committed suicide, he left behind a trail of speculations amidst sighs of regret. News of his "depression" arose. The realisation that even a superstar could be plagued by such problems abruptly heightened the "suffering index" of ordinary folks. Incessant natural disasters, bleak economic outlook, fear of unemployment, adolescent worries about schoolwork...these pressures from life make "depression" one of the most serious civilised diseases of this century.

"Insomnia" is also a common problem faced by people living in modern society. According to a survey conducted by the American National Sleep Foundation, three in every four women aged between 30 to 60 years are suffering from "insomnia". "Insomnia" has already become an epidemic disease for females. The Shanghai Chinese Medical Hospital has been conducting surveys on epidemic diseases since 1996 and results indicate that 15% of Shanghai residents have serious insomnia symptoms.

These figures are concrete proof that there is a huge market demand for products that relieve stress and insomnia. The beneficial effects of aromatherapy in soothing emotions and enhancing sleep quality have long been deep-rooted in the minds of ordinary folks and have been proven in numerous clinical literatures. These constitute an important reason for the active development of "psycho aromatherapy" products, as undertaken by Yangsen Biotechnology Institute in close collaboration with Bel'Air.

Depression: Disease of the Century, Alongside Cancer and Aids
Unless patients commit suicide, depression is usually not life threatening. However, one's quality of life will suffer a drastic decline and loved ones will also be deeply affected. According to a survey report by the World Health Organisation (WHO), 3% of the world population are suffering from depression at present. The report also predicted that Depression, Aids and Cancer will become the three main diseases of the 21st century. By 2020, depression will only be secondary to cancer in causing the inability to function normally and even death.

To most people, perhaps the degree of nervousness and anxiety has not reached the stage where they must receive medical treatment and advice. However, it is an undeniable fact that long-term nervousness and anxiety will affect the balance between one's body and mind. Taipei Lian-An Clinic conducted a survey of 1164 white-collar workers who went there for health examinations. Results showed that two thirds of the patients felt worn out by life and close to 40% of the patients needed to receive professional psychiatric treatments due to depression and anxiety. Symptoms of nervousness and anxiety derived from work-related stress have reached the scale of an epidemic in America. 43% of adults feel threatened by it. Absenteeism, falling productivity and increase of medical bills, which can come about as a result of occupational nervousness, are predicted to cost the American economy several hundred billion US dollars.

Understanding the Importance of Sleep

"When I am sleeping, my mind is resting!" Many people have this misconception. However, the likely truth is that when you sleeping, only the rest of your body is resting. Your brain continues to be active as it labours on making preparations for the next day. Sleep is as essential to a healthy body and mind as food. If you have insufficient hours of sleep or lack quality sleep, your body will continuously accumulate "sleep debts" and you will have to pay for it one day. Do also note that rest is not a substitute for sleep!

Another misconception is that most sleep disorders can heal without medication. Many people who are plagued by sleep disorders do not realise that this is actually a disease, much less understand that it can be healed. Methods of healing include medication, operation, psychiatric treatment and combined therapy. Sleep disorders will not disappear naturally. If allowed to develop at its own pace, it would only worsen one's quality of life, damage interpersonal relationships, affect one's conduct and result in huge negative impacts, to the extent of causing accidents or deaths.

Psycho Aromatherapy

To examine the mental effects of "aromatic essential oils", results can be basically categorised into the psychological effects deriving from aromatic scents and the physiological effects deriving from the impact of essential oil molecules on the central nervous system. Both psychological and physiological effects can cause changes in the central nervous system, internal secretion system and immunity system, hence giving rise to complex biological consequences.

Modern "psycho aromatherapy" utilises analytical tools like Micro Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Electroencephalogram (EEG), Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) to research on the direct impact of aroma on the central nervous system. It can be used to examine the effects of aromatherapy on health problems such as insomnia, depression, nervousness, mental fragility, headaches, fatigue, dizziness and memory deterioration.

According to popular understanding, aromatherapy can indeed achieve the effect of soothing emotions. People's interest in aromatherapy is aroused when certain essential oils can genuinely alleviate the conditions of some illnesses which are hard to cure even in hospitals, such as mental fragility, depression and insomnia. According to clinical studies, besides using medication and supportive psychiatric therapy to cure depression, many doctors also encourage patients to adopt the method of aromatherapy. Both consumers and professional medical practitioners recognise the positive effects of essential oils for stress relief.

Research and Development of Nepenthe Bio-tech Pure Essential Oil
It was 5pm in the afternoon. In a resting house in Taipei suburb, about 40 old folks were leisurely enjoying the uplifting scents of Bel'Air's Nepenthe essential oil. They seemed at ease with themselves, immersed in a state of peace and tranquility away from the hassles of the world. This is the result of a test on Nepenthe essential oil, conducted over a week by a research team from Yangsen Biotechnology Institute to examine the therapeutic effects of aromatherapy in soothing the depressive emotions of old folks.

The research team members applied a depression scale to evaluate the subject's level of depression. During the research process, the subject inhaled the aroma for 4 hours daily. Seven days later, the depression scale was again used to evaluate the subject's level of depression. At the same time, the heart rate variability (HRV) was also measured to evaluate the subject's sympathetic nerve activity and parasympathetic nerve activity.
Earlier research has already shown that the higher the marks on the depression scale, the higher the level of sympathetic activity and the lower the level of parasympathetic activity. From the table below, we can see that after seven days of aromatherapy with "Nepenthe Bio-tech Pure Essential Oil", the depression score has evidently decreased and sympathetic activity, which stands for anxiety, has declined dramatically. On the other hand, parasympathetic activity, which stands for calmness, has increased greatly.

Uplifting the Mood With Music Quotes

If you are looking for a simple way to improve your state of mind, check out one or more music quotes to find out precisely how a musical work can alter your mood.

Musicians and composers from the past and present have all had profound, philosophical, prudent, and even light-hearted things to say about the ability of a few well-crafted notes to affect one's mind.

You can begin to comprehend the emotive, awe-inspiring, intense power of music just by reading quotations about it on a regular basis.

John A. Logan suggests that "Music's the medicine of the mind." With this idea in mind, the latter quotation suggests that music is a holistic method of altering your mood and for changing how you feel at the present moment.

Music quotes often express how a melody or song can change your thoughts, your state of awareness, your thinking processes, and your mood.

Quotes offered by famous people like Percy Bysshe Shelley and Oliver Wendell Holmes as well as other famous people can help you understand the persuasive nature of music and how it can influence the way you feel.

To Lighten the Darkness in the Heart

Robert Schumann once stated that music is used to lighten the darkness in a person's heart. Listening to different types can change a person's mood from a state of depression to one that is light and carefree.

Music quotes express how this most powerfully moving of the performing arts can deliver a temporary reprieve from depression and the emotional suffering associated with the condition.

Quotations can help you identify how music affects one's emotions and how it can be used to help heal your mind and psyche.

If you already have a rich love for music, than reading quotes about it can bring a smile to your face with immediacy.

Reading over the sayings offered by other music enthusiasts will help you reflect on your own love of this most essential art form, and it may even bring back powerful, light-hearted memories that can, in turn, elevate your mood and lift your spirits.

You can use music quotes to bring back memories of your first dance, the first song you ever heard, the first musical piece that brought tears of joy to your eyes, or the first time you saw your child give a musical performance.

Quotations on music not only express the power of this most universal of all languages, but they can incite rich, wonderful memories about every encounter you have ever had with musical compositions and the tremendous emotional response that such encounters elicit.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Bipolar Disorder Checklist - Do You Match Up?

If you think you may suffer from Bipolar Disorder, then this checklist may help you decide and give you some advice on how to deal with and get help to cure the disorder. Read on to find out more about the bipolar disorder checklist...

  • Step 1. Do you have Bipolar Disorder? The main symptoms of the disorder are high and low mood swings. Suffers will fluctuate between extreme high and low states, with little or no control. When a suffer is experiencing a high they will appear to be ecstatically happy and hyperactive. The exact opposite can be seen during the low period, with sufferers seeming depressed and lethargic. People with the disorder swing wildly between the two states and find it hard to see the change in their own mood.

  • Step 2. Diagnosis: is it depression or Bipolar Disorder? It's often difficult for doctors to diagnose Bipolar and in most cases it's misdiagnosed as depression. Try to see a psychiatrist for diagnosis, as they will often have a better understanding and experience of the disorder. There are various types of medication that can be prescribed, which help bipolar suffers lead a more settled life. If you or someone you know has been suffering from any of the symptoms from the bipolar disorder checklist for more than three weeks you should seek medical advice.

  • Step 3. Counselling and support groups: If you're diagnosed with bipolar, make sure that you tell your close friends and family members. You will need an understanding group to help and support you through the bad times. Be sure to join a support group. This will give you a chance to meet other suffers and hear about their experiences. One 2 one counselling is also a great option and can be a great way for you to work through your problems.

  • Step 4. Alternatives cures: After reading this bipolar disorder checklist you can start to help yourself reduce your own symptoms. Check out some on-line information and books for even more ways to help you deal with the disorder. Try to avoid triggers such as chocolate, fast food, drugs and alcohol. When you're going through the high (mania) try to avoid working long hours and reduce your stress levels. You may not feel like sleeping, but try and get 8 hours each night. If you are stressed out and running on empty, you are more likely to crash into a low depressed state.

Hopefully the Bipolar Disorder checklist has helped you gain a better understanding of the illness and what steps you should take if you recognise any of the symptoms in yourself. If you would like more information and advice on bipolar disorder checklists check out the links below.

Depression in Children - Symptoms and Cure

There is a common concept among people that only adults go through depression. There are major cases of child depression which go unnoticed as it's taken as moods swing or child tantrums. Most of the parents fail to recognize depression among their children. The causes of depression in children are the excessive pressure of study and competition from an early age, fear of failure, physical abuse, sexual abuse and sense of inferiority, fear of bullies at school or decease of a parent.

Most reasons of depression in children are similar to those in case of adults. One among every 20 children suffers a threat of an acutely disabling depression before 19 years of age. Among this percentage of young adults suffering from stress and depression, less than half receive proper treatment. There has been an increase in the percentage of children and adolescents having suicidal tendencies.

The symptoms of depression in children also start from over stressing them. The pressure of getting high grades, competition, performance and multi-tasking, bring about early signs of depression in a tender age.

Mood swings, losing appetite, throwing tantrums, becoming silent, being sad and start crying on negligible issues, loss of physical activity and loss of interest in something that pleased them the most, are the signs of depression among children. Along with least communication with family members, less energy, feeling of guilt and extreme rebellious nature are also signs of depression. Depressions among adolescents have similar symptoms but their stress may also lead them to drug abuse, addiction or suicide.

For helping the children come out of depression, first responsibility is of their parents to identify the signs of depression. Parents should be like friends to their children in order to find out, what is actually bothering them. If the children feel comfortable sharing their worries with their parents, then it becomes easier to find out and cure the cause of depression in them.

Depression in children should first be treated by counselling or psychotherapy. Unless the depression has reached its heights, children and adolescents are advised for counselling. The talk therapy helps the psychiatrist to find out the main reason of their depression.

Treatment of depression also has prescribed anti-depressant drugs for patients. This medicinal treatment has proven to be very effective and in most cases it recovers the patient completely from depression. Though some anti-depressants' high doses cause insomnia. Other forms of treatments for depression are vagus nerve stimulation or VNS and electro-convulsive therapy or ECT.

However, there is a new method now, to beat depression, called Linden's Method with success rate of 96% and more than 120,000 people have benefited from it already. The Linden Method is an instructional and guidance program that finds its roots in research of the Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.

When one purchases the Linden Method Program one receives material guidance goods, full quality support and a wealth of information. The package includes an E-book or a instructional publication of 200 pages. It also includes 10 CDs with audio programs and a DVD with a video program. The package also brings with it phone assistance and counseling for a year, with no limit on the amount of times or duration that one can call for.

All this comes with a money back guarantee that promises to return the cost price of the product to the buyer if he/ she does not experience any change after the prescribed one year of the program application.

Am I Depressed? Recognizing and Treating Depression Naturally Without Side Effects

Each and every modern human has had occasion, at least once in their life, to ask themselves: Am I depressed? Although feeling down, or feeling blue is a part of every life, most people are not really clinically depressed. However, when the feelings of sadness and emptiness turn to a permanent state of despair, depression is likely to be the reason.

Every life has its ups and downs, and everyone has mood swings to a greater or lesser extent. Feeling sad, or mourning loss, is also a normal part of living. Although we do say I feel depressed for feelings of general disappointment and sadness, they are nowhere close to clinical depression. People suffering from clinical depression describe it as living with depression as "living in a black hole". And the feelings are more of lifelessness, emptiness, and apathy rather than outright sadness.

The next time you think "am I depressed", examine if the feelings you are talking about are making it difficult to perform your normal functions in society. Are you losing interest in friends, hobbies and all the activities you enjoy normally? One of the best ways to identify and deal with depression is to learn to recognize the signs, and symptoms, and then learning of ways to deal with the problem.

There are some common symptoms that can be indistinguishable from the normal lows of your life. The factor, of course, is how many of the symptoms you have, how strong they are, and how long they have been a part of your daily life.

So every time you begin to think I feel depressed, consider whether these symptoms are causing a breakdown of your functionality, whether they are disabling your social and emotional life. If they are, you need to seek help. However, the symptoms of depression can vary a great deal and may not be obvious. It might manifest simply as a general feeling of malaise and listlessness, without any apparent reason. If the symptoms begin to interfere with your work, social life or family life, for long periods of time, it is a good idea to get help.

To know the answer to am I depressed conclusively, identify the signs and symptoms, check whether they are chronic, and see how many are present. If it seems as though you are suffering from clinical depression, try natural remedies, homeopathy, or medication. The common symptoms of depression are

* Changes in sleep patterns. This could be either insomnia or lack of sleep, sudden waking in the early morning, or hypersomnia or oversleeping
* Problems concentrating. You could have trouble focusing on daily tasks, making relatively simple decisions, or remembering things. Tasks you found easy previously might now seem difficult
* Losing interest in daily activities such as hobbies, pastimes, and social activities
* Feelings of helplessness, a bleak outlook toward life, a hopelessness that makes you think that nothing will ever improve your situation
* A total inability to control or get rid of your negative thoughts
* Psychomotor agitation feelings of being "keyed up" or retardation, feeling sluggish and slowed down
* Sudden unexpected appetite or weight changes like a significant gain or loss of weight in a month amounting to more than 5% of body weight
* Intense feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or self loathing, as a result of over criticism of faults you see in yourself, and mistakes you think you make
* Unusual irritability and short-temper
* Feelings of constantly being fatigued and drained, with small, daily tasks seem to be exhausting
* Chronic but vague aches, pains, headaches, or digestive problems
* Constipation,
* Reduced or absent sex drive
* Slowed movement or speech
* Changes in the menstrual cycle in women
* Sudden drop in performance levels at work
* Not wanting to take part in social activities
* Wishing to avoid contact with friends
* Difficulties cropping up at home and in family life
* Crying for no apparent reason
* Suicidal thoughts that life is not worth living

If you get have a "yes" answer to three or more of the symptoms listed above, try a natural supplement before turning to drugs. All drugs have side effects and some can even make your symptoms much worse, while a natural supplement will give your brain the nutrition it needs to restore the production of feed-good neurotransmitters and put an end to chronic negative thinking and constant am I depressed concerns.

Left untreated, depression can last for years, and impair your functioning and sense of meaning in life, and even lead to suicide. So whether you choose homeopathy, drugs, antidepressants or natural remedies, do get help.

Sad, Stressed and Sleepy - The Disturbing Cycle of Depression

Depression, stress and sleeplessness can disturb one's life without you knowing it. It's a tough world out there, and with a million different sources of pressure and stress, it's easy for people to suddenly feel the happiness sucked right out of them. What's surprising, though, is that the deadly dance of stress and depression can become a never-ending cycle perpetrated by sleeplessness: not only can fatigue cause depression, but for people with depression stress can also be caused by insomnia. Looking at the great depression stress link (in the light of physical disturbances such as insomnia) can give us insights on the different causes and symptoms of this deadly mix that threatens the wellbeing of people the world over.

Depression: Causes and Consequences

According to the World Health Organization, depression is a common psychological disorder, affecting 121 million people all over the world, and is one of the leading causes of disability globally. It is a mental disorder that presents itself as a loss of will, interest and pleasure, low self-appraisal and intense guilt, as well as disturbed energy levels, appetite, sleep and concentration.

Depression is caused by no single factor in a person's life, however, it has been reported that stress - be it chronic or acute - can lead to your body's own stress-response system. This can increase levels of stress hormones in your body called cortisol, while causing reduced serotonin and dopamine levels in the body, which regulate your natural processes like appetite, sex drive, and the all-important evening slumber. For people with insomnia stress causes a host of physical and emotional problems. These imbalanced hormones cause sleeplessness and insomnia, and the insomnia stress causes leads to depression.

Sleep and Depression: A Cycle

It's not just one way though, as it's not a simple stress-causes-insomnia and insomnia-causes-depression process. Insomnia from stress does not just cause depression; as people in the deep of depression also experience insomnia. It can either come as difficulty sleeping at night, or even difficulty staying asleep and waking up too early, causing a lot of stress not just emotionally but physically as well. Sleeplessness causes a lot of anxiety, and for people with insomnia stress causes a myriad of problems in the body and the mind. If you have insomnia, stress causes you to lose focus and feel lethargic, discombobulated and tired.

Sleeplessness is a prime stressor, as for people with insomnia stress symptoms can include physical problems, rendering the body weak, prone to accidents and even heart disease. When a person suffers from insomnia stress symptoms can also include, to a more disturbing extent, hallucination - which can cause further anxiety and distress.

This stress, as we've discussed, can lead a depressed person further into the disorder if no intervention is made. In fact, in one study, it was shown that depressed elders with insomnia were more like to stay depressed after a year a whopping 17 times more than depressed seniors who had undisturbed sleep.

Putting it to Rest: Getting Help

Establishing the link between depression stress and insomnia, the path to treatment seems quite obvious. The insomnia stress causes can lead to depression after all, so it only seems right to treat these symptoms. True enough, in a study of clinically-depressed patients with sleep problems, participants who were treated with the drug Prozac (an antidepressant) and Lunesta (a drug for insomnia) improved far quicker. Patients who were merely treated for depression lagged behind in terms of recovery, strengthening the link between depression and insomnia.

However, while it is helpful, targeting insomnia stress symptoms is just that - targeting a symptom. For people with depression stress is still the cause, and in order to solve the depression and insomnia stress causes, meds that target symptoms are not the only answer. A lifestyle change can do wonders to support the alleviation of insomnia stress symptoms.

For people with insomnia stress symptoms such as the weakening of the body can be alleviated with a proper diet and the correction of bad habits. Staying away from coffee and caffeine, sticking to a regular bedtime, relaxation techniques like meditation can do wonders.

For depression, stress must be avoided as much as possible. Joining self-help groups, undergoing therapy and counselling, and even simply exercising can do wonders. In the same manner, exercising can lead to better sleep, thereby proving to be helpful for people with insomnia stress symptoms.

In the end, this triple threat of stress, depression and sleeplessness, though widespread and deadly, can be helped with the proper medication as well as, more importantly, proper knowledge of yourself and the lifestyle you choose to live.

Five Easy Ways to Keep You and Your Family Stress Free

Stress is part of our everyday life. Although some amount of stress can be helpful for you because it makes you stronger, alert and keeps you ready to tackle problems and fears effectively. But too much stress leads to anxiety and depression. Being in constant stress negatively affects your health and mind.

There are plenty of ways to reduce the stress and make your family a happy family. Here are few methods you might find useful.

1- Laugh at Funny Family Quotes - Funny Quotes about family can easily spur you into action. These Funny Family Quotes are packed with fun and humor. They makes the serious moments of life much lighter. They make you and your family laughs out loud and laughter is one of the best natural remedy for stress.

2- Exercise - Experts agree that exercising 30 minutes on daily basis is one of the most effective ways to manage stress. Regular exercise not only strengthens your physical health but also helps you handle stress effectively. While doing exercise, our body releases some chemical that give you a sense of being a good and healthy person. It relaxes tense muscles and helps you getting a better sleep in night.

3- Meditation - This simple technique can significantly improve your life.  It brings inner piece and wipe away the stress from your life. This technique has been practiced for hundreds of years. Anyone can practice meditation at their home as it doesn't require any special equipment. You can do it anytime throughout the day. It is classic, simple and inexpensive way to reduce stress and to increase your ability to concentrate.

4- Reading - Reading is a great way to improve your knowledge and reduce your stress. Reading a good book takes you to a whole new world and gives your mind a new way of thinking. It gives you a vision of things you never thought would have been possible. It helps you solve problems effectively and creatively.  A good motivational book encourages you to take action on life changing decisions.

5- Massage - This is one of the most effective ways to remove stress and tension from your mind. It enhances your immune system and reduces the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, in your body which helps you in decreasing stress and increasing relaxation. It drives away all the pain in your body. Thus you will feel much more healthy and relaxed after a good massage.

These simple techniques are extremely effective. Try at least one of the above techniques on daily basis to see meaningful results.

Can Green Tea Fight Depression?

Researcher at the Tohoku University located in Japan recently published a study in Clinical Nutrition showing that when older subjects drank green tea they had a lower incidence of depression symptoms than their non tea drinking counterparts.

1,058 women and men who were 70 years or older residing in Sendai, Japan participated in the study. The scientists evaluated depression based on the Geriatric Depression Scale. After the subjects took a dietary questionnaire the results were analyzed for the frequency and type of tea they consumed. Blood samples were then analyzed for a major marker for inflammation, C-reactive protein.

27% of men and 29% of women who participated in the study fell into the range of experiencing mild or sever depressive symptoms. After adjusting the data for other risk factors those who drank more than 4 cups of green tea each day had a 44% lower rate of experiencing depressive symptoms. In regards to sever depressive symptoms those drinking 4 cups of tea had a 52% lower adjusted risk.

The researchers hypothesized that the tea's anti-inflammatory properties were responsible for the increase depression risk. But, the study was unable to show an association between the subjects green tea consumption and C-reactive protein.

They then proposed the anti-stress component of tea, the theanine content, may explain the reduced depression findings. Theanine is an amino acid in green tea. It has the ability to penetrate the brain-blood barrier, which could cause increases in serotonin and dopamine; two compounds associated with improved mood and reduced stress.

Although they aren't positive why, the researcher have found a link between lower risks of depression and the consumption of 4 cups or more of green tea a day. They are looking to do another study to further examine whether or not the theanine is the spark that may be effective in the treatment and prevention of depression symptoms in again patients.

Until then keep drinking green tea, because it has a lot of other health benefits that we often talk about.

Because, Looking and feeling Old is Optional.

Discover Mood Boosting Foods For Depression

Before we delve into foods for depression, we would be remiss if we did not state that the causes of depression are not fully understood, but most experts agree that they are probably many and varied. Put simply, depression is a complex condition. It may be triggered by a variety of reasons, including:

* Tension

* Stress

* Traumatic life event

* Chemical imbalances in the brain

* Thyroid disorders

* Nutritional deficiencies

* Poor nutrition

* Consumption of sugar

* Lack of exercise

* Mononucleosis

* Endometriosis

* Any serious physical disorder or allergies

* Heredity

In addition, food allergies and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) are said to be a common cause of depression.

According to Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, a leading nutritional consultant for more than two decades and author of the well renowned tome "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" who states:

"Whatever the factors that trigger it, depression begins with a disturbance in the part of the brain that governs moods." (Third Edition: Page 315)

Bottom line ....

There are many types of depression, with variations in the number of symptoms, their severity, and persistence and, as such, professional medical help is needed. Immediately contact your physician or call a suicide hot line or emergency local number if you're having suicidal thoughts.

In regards to foods for depression, it's important to keep in mind that foods greatly influence the brain's behavior. Therefore, a poor diet, particularly one that includes a lot of junk foods, is a common cause of depression. More specifically, the levels of neurotransmitters, brain chemicals which regulate our behavior, are controlled by what foods we eat, and neurotransmitters are closely linked to mood. The neurotransmitters, norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine are the three most commonly associated with mood.

Now, without further adieu, let's address specific foods for depression and how it may benefit you or a loved one.

Foods for Depression: Food Recommendations

The B complex vitamins play a major role in the normal functioning of the brain and the nervous system. In fact, the B vitamins are often referred to as the stress and energy vitamins. Nevertheless, irritability, fatigue, poor concentration, anxiety and depression can all be signs of a B vitamin deficiency. Most importantly, studies show that clinical depression sufferers often have low levels of one or more of the B vitamins (especially B6, B12 and folic acid) .

Best food sources of the B vitamins: whole grains, all seeds, nuts, liver, kidney, eggs, bran, wheatgerm, brewer's yeast, lentils, beans, soybeans, peas, dairy products, and leafy green vegetables.

Zinc is an essential trace mineral that every cell in the body needs and hundreds of body processes rely on it. Put simply, zinc has an arsenal of important functions, including it is essential for energy production and brain health. Zinc has been found to be deficient in depression sufferers and, as such, you may want to consider boosting food sources containing zinc.

Best food sources of zinc: meat, liver, seafood (especially oysters), wheat germ, brewer's yeast, pumpkin seeds, eggs, ground mustard, and nonfat dry milk.

Complex Carbohydrates - Eat a diet that includes lots of complex carbohydrates. Why? This is because a diet that is too low in complex carbohydrates can cause serotonin depletion and depression.

Best food sources of complex carbohydrates: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, brown rice, millet, legumes, soybeans, and soy products.

Omega-3 fatty acids -The brain requires essential fatty acids, especially DHA, to function properly. In fact, the brain is 60 percent fat. Researchers have found that the lack of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA is linked to depression.

Best food sources of omega-3 fatty acids: Cold water fish like salmon, trout or tuna.

Tryptophan - Tryptophan is an essential amino acid used by the brain produce serotonin, a chemical that is instrumental in regulating mood. However, the body needs sufficient amounts of vitamins B6 and C, folic acid, and magnesium for the formation of tryptophan, which, in turn, is required for the formation of the brain chemical serotonin. In addition, tryptophan is necessary for the production of niacin (vitamin B3).

Best food sources of tryptophan: turkey, fish, meat, cottage cheese, milk, bananas, dried dates, peanuts, all protein-rich foods.

Foods for Depression: Special Recommendations

If you wish to become relax because you are nervous, eat more complex carbohydrates. Eat protein meals containing essential fatty acids for increased alertness. Salmon and white fish are good choices for increased alertness. If you need to boost your spirits, eat foods like salmon and turkey, which are rich in protein and tryptophan.

Foods for Depression: Foods to Avoid

Wheat gluten has been linked to depressive disorders and, as such, you should consider omitting wheat products from your diet.

Avoid artificial sweetener aspartame, which can block the formation of serotonin and cause headaches, insomnia, and depression in individuals who are already serotonin-deprived. Aspartame is found in diet sodas and other products.

Avoid foods high in saturated fats; the consumption of these fats found in meat or fried foods leads to sluggishness, fatigue, and slow thinking.

Avoid all forms of sugar, including normally "good" sweeteners such as honey. The increase energy supplied by these sugars, also known as simple carbohydrates is quickly followed by fatigue and depression.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods.

Investigate the possibility that food allergies may be causing or contributing to your depression.

Foods for Depression: Final Note

While there is simply no denying that food and mood are connected, diet may be just one piece of the puzzle. Therefore, it's important that you seek professional medical help.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Treatment For Anxiety Disorder And Depression

Anxiety disorders have an effect on large numbers of persons throughout the nation and include issues such as social phobia, individual phobias, obsessive-compulsive problem, and generalized anxiety condition. However, these disorders don't need to control your life. If you feel that you are going through an anxiety disorder, it is crucial to meet your health care provider right away. Action can beyond doubt transform your life.

The number one measure to treatment is to be diagnosed with the crisis. There are numerous signs or symptoms linked with anxiety issues that can as well be caused by other medical conditions, and if you plan to find the best treatment possible it is primarily vital to identify your exact problem. Your physician is the person who can perform this. Make sure that you inform him or her specifically what signs and symptoms you are going through, and then you will undergo a complete physical examination and testing to check if there are any other medical problems that might be causing your difficulties. An accurate verdict will help you obtain the most excellent care.

There are a lot of treatment possibilities you can bring into play to make easier for you to deal with your anxiety disorders. primarily, you can attempt talk therapy, also called psychotherapy. This lets you to tell your problems to a psychiatrist who essentially cares about you and desires to be of assistance to you. There are a lot of talk therapies you can employ. For example, a lot of folks enjoy cognitive behavior therapy, that replaces old behavior with new behavior slowly with steps. This is always good for phobias. You can also undertake psychodynamic therapy, in which case your professional will help you to examine the underlying basis of your condition so that you can know how to better be in command of your life. There are other types of talk therapy remedies too. Take the one that works best for you with a view to get the exact assistance for your condition. Bear in mind, every body vary; what works fine for someone else may not work fine for you.

Drugs are also a great step in the right direction for treating anxiety disorders. Pills can help to bar particular overactive inhibitors in the brain that may be producing your anxiety problem. They can as well treat the symptoms that you find intolerable. On the whole, you should make certain that a drug works for you and your body before taking it regularly. There are side effects to a number of drugs that may harm your body more than the pills is really helping you.

You can also try non-traditional forms of treatment for your anxiety disorders. Lots of folks can handle their bodies simply by learning meditation and doing yoga, for instance if you are going through panic attacks. You can as well take a crack at acupuncture and acupressure to take care of your physical difficulties. One more great kind of treatment, particularly for phobias, is hypnosis. Your health practitioner can suggest to you these remedies and give you other info on what will work very well for you.

Signs of Pregnancy - Detect Pregnancy Without Pregnancy Test

Many women, who want to conceive, wonder that what will be the earliest sign of pregnancy that they would notice soon after conceiving. Few women think it confusing as experiences and opinions related to earliest pregnancy symptoms are different. There is another group of women who thinks that missed period is declaration of their pregnancy. Doctors, however, contradict their assumption. Menstrual periods can be missed because of exhaustion, stress or change in medication. Doctors believe that expecting moms must rely on other signs of pregnancy instead of waiting for only missed periods. Further the periods are expected after couple of days of conceiving. The body however starts to give signals just after few days of fertilization. The following reading will enable you to detect pregnancy even before missing the periods

Signs of Pregnancy

Pregnancy causes a long chain of reactions as the result of steep hormonal changes in the body. These reactions include both physical and mental changes. Read through the following passages to see what possible symptoms of pregnancy you can experience in the first few days of pregnancy.

Depression and Mood Swings: If you find yourself crying for no reason or getting into war with your partner; then it is better to blame the hormonal changes instead of spouse. Expecting moms normally feel depressed because of increased level of estrogen.

Morning Sickness or Nausea: One of the sure sign of pregnancy is nausea and rushing to the rest room for vomiting. This vomiting is different from the general queasy feeling so it is a sure sign of pregnancy.

Vaginal Spotting or Light Bleeding: When the fertilized egg travels towards the uterus the next step is its implantation to the wall of the uterus. This implantation results in slight spotting or vaginal bleeding. This is the first sign of pregnancy. The color of this bleeding is different from regular bleeding and is light pink in color. It is harmless. However if there is heavy bleeding it must be discussed with the doctor. As it can be a warning sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy

Flatulence or Gas: Pregnancy results in slowing down the digestive system. This results in different symptoms of indigestion like constipation, nausea and gas.

Fatigue or Tiredness: The level of tiredness or exhaustion reaches extremes in first months of pregnancy. In first few months of pregnancy, the hormones play havoc in the body. Tiredness is the result of these hormonal changes. Further women start to eat comparatively less, which leave them extremely weak and tired.

What's the Recession Doing to the Insurance Industry?

When you're sitting at home worrying about the mounting pile of bills to pay, it's easy to lose sight of the big picture. Fact is, just as you're in a new world of hurt, there are other people hurting as well. In this case, the people are the inventors in the insurance industry. They all bought shares in these big corporations when the prices were high, never thinking that the world could suddenly turn sour. This is one of the biggest insurance companies in the US and it's just turned in an operating loss of $542 million for 2008. Its net worth just dropped a whole 16%. Now, you have to understand this company did not get caught up in mortgages of any prime. There were no securitised thises or derivative thats. This company has just been caught in the general collapse of stock exchange values.

To understand, we need to look at how insurance companies work. They charge most policy holders with a vehicle or a home a monthly premium. This brings in a small mountain of cash every month. That money is invested until it's needed to pay out on claims. Some goes into fixed-income products. The rest goes into shares. As you may have noticed, the Dow and other stock exchange indexes have been in free-fall. The result is that Farm has lost the capital value of the investments and, in many cases, no longer receives any income as interest or dividends. This might have been manageable except for this little thing called global warming that no-one believes causes hurricanes and other weather catastrophes. The last two years have seen an big increase in weather-damage claims. Put the loss of investment income and the unexpected rise in claims together and you turn a $5.46 billion profit in 2007 into a loss in 2008.

Should this make you worry? Well, look at it this way. The insurance industry is suddenly making a loss. Shareholders in general and the policy holders in Farm are not happy. Senior officers of the companies want their bonuses. The for-profit companies are tempted to raise the premiums across the board to get their earnings back into profit. Except with a recession threatening to turn into a depression, that's not going to work. Make the policies unaffordable and people stop buying. That's why Farms just dropped its auto insurance rates in Georgia by an average of 1.5%. For the record, this means the current premiums are 12% lower than five years ago. Since Farms insures around one quarter of all vehicles on Georgia's roads, this is a good deal. So the next time you're shopping round for a cheap car insurance policy, you may be pleasantly surprised that the premium rates from an increasing number of insurers have fallen in other states. The next bill may not be quite as painful as you fear.

The Male Menopause Test

The Male Menopause Test Is A Test You Don't Want To Pass

The problem of Andropause, and the symptoms of Male Menopause, are comparable to the ones women experience, and can every now and then, be as negative. However, male menopause does not at all affect all men, at least not with the same inclusivity. Only some of the men amid the age of forty and fifty will face the condition, and it's symptoms of Andropause. Over fifty, there is a sharp spike in the amount of men that will fall victim to this bothersome syndrome.

All the changes brought on by Andropause, that happen in each man throughout the male menopausal period, could affect every aspect of their lives. Male menopause is recognized as a physical condition, but manifests in personal, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions.

Men, like women, also encounter hormonal fluctuations that affect their sexuality, mood, and personality. Both men and women experience sexual difficulties as a result of the hormonal imbalance, but only men suffer from Erectile Dysfunction, which could be mentally devastating.

All men going through Andropause, can go through hormonal changes, that will significantly affect their lives. The levels of sexual hormones will diminish at their mid-life, and may have symptoms which are usually complementary with male menopause. It is necessary to note that each man has a distinctive chemistry, and their individual levels of hormonal loss may vary widely.

As the level of hormones decrease, it can bring on the decrease in sex drive, and the general well being of their health. The occurrence of these problems will also lead to the increase of depression, and weight gain, and definitely will change the day to day living, as compared to their lives before the onset of Andropause, or Male Menopause.

Throughout the Andropausal period, some men can face Erectile Dysfunction problems, with regards to impotence. It is the constant inability to achieve and maintain an erection, that is enough to have a satisfactory sexual performance. And for the reason of impotency, men will have abated sexual desires.

How could a man recognize that he is going through that specific stage in life, the Andropausal period? There are some symptoms to be aware of. Some are physical, some are psychological, and some are sexual. The following are the symptoms that a male is going through a male menopausal period.

Physical symptoms of male menopause include:

1. Recovery from injuries and disease takes longer

2. Less capacity for physical activity

3. Increase of weight

4. Difficulty reading small print

5. Depletion or thinning of hair

6. Sleep restlessness

7. Low libido

8. Deficiency of energy

Cerebral symptoms of male menopause include:

1. Exasperation

2. Hesitancy or difficulty in making decisions

3. Worry and fear for life

4. Bleakness

5. Low self-esteem, self-confidence and joy

6. Loss of purpose, and direction in life

7. Feeling alone, unattractive, and unloved

8. Lack of memory and dilemma in concentrating

9. Mood swings

Sexual symptoms of male menopause include:

1. Decreased sex drive

2. Anxiety of sexual impotency

3. More bonding problems, and fights happen with regards to sex, love, and intimacy

4. Erectile Dysfunction, incapacity to get erect all through intimacy

5. Increase of allure to a much younger, opposite sex

All the symptoms that a male can go through during the male menopausal period could be treated. Although men have been suffering from either physical, emotional or sexual symptoms of male menopause, you need to control it, not through attempting self-diagnosis, but by speaking to a doctor. This will lead to being better informed, and getting the proper treatment to diminish the symptoms of the syndrome. There are several treatments for lowered male hormones, that constitute either natural, or pharmaceutical drugs. Going Natural is always better, to avoid unwanted, and sometimes severe, side effects.

There is a specific mixture of vitamins, herbs and amino acids, that will alleviate the symptoms of Andropause and Erectile Dysfunction. You can read more about this at my web site.

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Good Luck,

Steve Stanley