Saturday, March 8, 2014

Deal With Break Up Grief - Tips to Survive the Pain

Many have compared the grief of a break up similar to that of losing a loved one to death. Dealing with the pain isn't easy. But, there are ways to deal with break up grief that will help ease the pain.

If you were in a relationship that has been lost, it will feel similar to losing having a loved one be lost to death. It will seem impossible to even survive the grief that you will be feeling as a stabbing emotional pain that is with you every moment. It is important to learn how to survive the pain and cope in ways that will help you heal.

One of the first tips that will help you heal through your intense emotional grief of a bad break up is to find people you can talk about it with. Having a listening ear can keep emotions from becoming bottled up. It is important to vent and have someone willing to let you cry on their shoulder. Many times, those who are there to help you deal with break up grief have been in your shoes at least one or twice themselves.

Dealing with break up pain by yourself probably will seem impossible to you at first, but always keep in mind the number of people who get and lose love in their lives and somehow seem to survive. You are not alone in your feelings. Just like others, you also will be able to get over your heartbreak and live to tell about it. You may even mature some. However, getting over this pain will only be easy if you are willing to go about dealing with it the correct way, a way that is going to be healthier for you.

Along with having people to listen to your feelings of grief, it will help to have them around to spend time with. Find things to do with friends that will take your mind off the pain. Getting your mind off the break up is the first step in moving on.

Life will go on, and you will need to know how to move on to speed the healing process. Along with spending time with friends in an effort to move on, it is also important to focus on the positive. Don't dwell on your grief. Instead find the good things in your life that will pull you in a positive direction. Your friends will be there to help you. Focus on the positive relationships you have with friends. Go out and have fun even if you don't feel like having fun. This will keep the healing process moving in the right direction.

A bad break up is never easy. It is important to deal with break up grief successfully, however. Without taking the steps to heal and move on, you will become stuck in a dark place of emotional pain and depression that will make it harder to pull yourself out and get back to living life. Moving on will allow you to heal. I promise, the pain you are feeling right now will heal with time. I've been there. I know what you are feeling.

4 Steps to Stop Depression Now

Let me ask you a simple question, Are you feeling very sad and down that you feel very sluggish and troubled to do important activities for you? If you are feeling like that for a long period of time already, then you probably are depressed. Depression should not be taken for granted because if it lasts longer, and becomes severe, your life will be greatly affected. You must therefore, stop depression immediately.

What are the symptoms of depression anyway? Here is a list of the common symptoms that indicate depression:

  • Feeling very negative towards one's self.

  • Only seeing the bad aspects of things and thinking that you have no hope of solving any of your problems.

  • Becoming uninterested in doing activities that are normally enjoyable for you.

  • Having changes in your appetite, weight, and sleep pattern. You may either have significant weight loss or gain, or you develop insomnia or hypersomnia.

If you have these symptoms, you must consult a doctor and ask for treatment options. It is important to stop depression before it becomes severe. Here are 5 ways you can consider:

  • One way to stop depression is by having psychotherapy. Through this, you will be able to talk out all your frustrations, worries, sorrow, and unhappiness to your therapist, and at the same time, your therapist will be teaching you ways on how to deal with such kinds of feelings in order to get rid of depression eventually. They would also be looking for the main cause of your depression through your words and when that cause has been discovered, the therapist will address that matter.

  • Another way on how to stop depression is by medications. Although antidepressants can relieve you from symptoms of depression, effects do not last for long. Moreover, there are possible side effects that you would not want to suffer from, and it can lead to drug dependence or addiction.

  • Herbal remedies can also help alleviate the symptoms of depression. Through the use of natural herbs and extracts such as St. John's wort, herbal medicines can help alleviate the symptoms of depression.

  • Homeopathic treatment is a good way to stop depression. Basically, homeopathic treatment is a holistic type of treatment. It makes use of homeopathic remedies and lifestyle changes. Homeopathic remedies are like herbal medicines with regards to use of natural herbs like St. John's wort and Passion flower. However, homeopathic remedies include a more careful dilution of these herbs, making it more effective. In addition to these remedies, homeopathy will also teach you to adjust your diet (avoiding substances such as caffeine) and include exercise (as this would regulate your body's hormones better) in your routine. Overall, a combination of these three is very effective in dealing with depression.

Now that you know four ways to stop depression, it is your job to make use of the information for your own benefit. Remember, do not let anything prevent you from stopping depression, or else, depression will stop you.

The Many Faces of Coeliac Disease

Suffering from diarrhoea, abdominal pain and / or weight loss? These are some of the key symptoms that might alert a doctor to the possibility of coeliac disease or an issue with gluten. Research, however suggests that individuals suffering from these 'classic' symptoms are merely the tip of the iceberg and that there are many, many more people who are likely to be affected..

So how does Coeliac Disease differ from gluten intolerance?

Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease where in genetically susceptible individuals the villi in the small intestine (where food is absorbed), are progressively destroyed causing nutrient malabsorption. In non - coeliac gluten intolerance this villi damage does not happen, although gluten intolerance has still been associated with many serious health issues as we shall see

So what health issues are caused by gluten?

In some individuals the presenting symptoms will be similar to those described above, however in the majority of cases, ( yes it is important to note that it is in fact the majority of cases!), symptoms will be different or in fact there may be no symptoms at all. If symptoms are present then these may include digestive issues such as constipation, indigestion, bloating and flatulence. Alternatively signs and symptoms seemingly unrelated to the gut might emerge such as headaches, depression, schizophrenia, skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema and other autoimmune conditions such as hashimotos thyroiditis, graves disease, MS, lupus, abnormal liver function tests, infertility, anaemia, B12 deficiency and tiredness.

But if I've been tested then I have no need to worry do I?

In the UK, the main way that Coeliac disease is screened for is initially by a blood test for anti transglutaminase antibodies. Sometimes anti endomysial antibodies are also included. If the blood results come back as normal, then the individual is generally considered to be coeliac free and no further testing is deemed necessary. Generally they are told that they can continue to eat gluten and the case is closed. The problem with this is that the blood tests are in fact very accurate, very accurate indeed - if and here's the big 'if' - you have total villous atrophy. Research indicates than in this scenario the tests are 90-95% accurate

However, the damage caused by coeliac disease doesn't happen overnight. You don't go to bed with perfectly healthy villi one day and wake up the next with them totally flattened. It takes time to happen and in some individuals it can take years and years. During this time you may or may not be experiencing any signs or symptoms related to gluten intolerance, but if you are susceptible then an inflammatory process is going on and sooner or later it will make itself known one way or another.

An additional problem with this test is that IgA anti tissue transglutaminase and anti endomysial antibodies are measured. This is fine provided the individual has adequate levels of IgA antibodies. However we know from research that IgA deficiency is more prevalent in coeliacs. This means that a negative result on a coeliac test may be caused by this IgA deficiency and may in fact be a false negative.

More false negatives may be found on tests from individuals who have suspected a gluten intolerance and have attempted to self medicate by avoiding wheat and other gluten containing grains.

So if the Coeliac tests aren't that accurate then how else can I find out if gluten is a problem for me?

Although there are no 100% fool proof tests for gluten sensitivity you can increase the reliability of the tests by requesting a total IgA test to see whether IgA deficiency is an issue for you. It is also worth getting tested for both anti tissue transglutaminase and anti endomysial antibodies (both IgA and IgG). Research shows that including both markers increases the accuracy of the test and helps with diagnosis. Genetic testing for coeliac disease is also available and if positive increases the likelihood of gluten being an issue for you.

If the Coeliac markers are still negative then it is worth having a blood test which measures levels of antibodies (IgG and IgA) to gliadin (the toxic element of gluten). Unlike the other antibodies, which are autoimmune antibodies, anti- gliadin antibodies are antibodies to the food itself. We produce them in much the same way as we produce antibodies to milk proteins, egg proteins or to other foods and it is possible that these may be produced before we start producing autoimmune antibodies. This test is also useful for detecting non celiac gluten intolerance.

The bottom line however is this: if you know that gluten disagrees with you or you have a history of gluten intolerance or coeliac disease in your family it would be sensible to strictly avoid gluten to prevent the likelihood of developing one of the many diseases associated with gluten sensitivity.

Clinical Depression

Depression is common and can strike any one of us at any time. According to the Mental Health Foundation 10% of the population in the UK and USA will experience some form of depression every year. There are several different types of depression ranging from mild to severe, and within each type, the symptoms, their intensity and duration, will all vary from person to person. Milder forms of depression may have little impact on someone's life and will often spontaneously disappear after a relatively short period of time, Bipolar Depression is characterised by intense fluctuations between mania and depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is a type of depression occurring during the winter months and is believed to be related to a lack of sunlight, Post Natal Depression can affect a woman after the birth of a baby, but the most common form of depression is Clinical Depression, sometimes called Unipolar depression or major depression.

Clinical depression can be defined as a depression so severe as to require the intervention of a health professional. It is much more than feeling down, or fed up, something that all of us experience at times. Someone who is clinically depressed can't just escape from it, and can't switch it off so if the symptoms of depression persist for more than a couple of weeks and they interfere with a person's normal routines on a daily basis, perhaps affecting their eating and sleeping patterns, their work, relationships or their ability to take pleasure in activities they once enjoyed, and it cannot be attributed to an obvious cause such as bereavement, or alcohol or substance abuse, then clinical depression could be diagnosed. Intervention is necessary in order to help someone with clinical depression get back to normal as without treatment, it could go on indefinitely.

Symptoms of clinical depression

There are numerous symptoms associated with clinical depression but the most common include:

o Low moods and sadness for most of the time

o Disinterest and lack of pleasure in most activities including sex

o Weight gain or loss with associated increased or diminished appetite

o Sleep disturbances - both insomnia and hypersomnia

o Feeling exhausted when waking up

o Irritability, agitation and restlessness

o Feeling guilty, worthless and/or helpless

o Inability to concentrate and focus

o Indecisiveness

o Fatigue and loss of energy

o Physical aches and pains or digestive problems

o Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

Symptoms can range from mild to severe and they will vary with each individual. In other words, there is not a single identifiable set of symptoms that indicate clinical depression and the only way to ensure a correct diagnosis is to seek the expert help of a GP or other health professional who will ask about the symptoms, their duration and severity, personal circumstances and medical history, and any cases of depression recurring in the family. The most appropriate treatment options can then be considered.

Treatment Options

Clinical depression will normally require the use of anti-depressants for a period of time, usually for six months or so and sometimes longer. It can take several weeks for any medication to take effect so it is important to persevere with them even if there is no initial improvement. There are several different types of antidepressants and the effect of any medication, both positive and negative, will vary but as a general guideline, if there is no improvement after six weeks or so, or if there are significant side effects, then the GP may prescribe another medication until one is found that suits the individual. Antidepressants should never be stopped suddenly as this can be harmful, it is necessary to reduce the dose slowly over a period of time under the guidance of a qualified physician.

Talking therapies and counselling may also be an option for mild to moderate depression. These types of therapies can be helpful in changing negative thinking patterns and behaviours that contribute to the state of depression. Talking through problems and looking at issues in more depth can offer new insights and possible coping strategies.

For extremely severe and persistent depression that hasn't responded to other treatments, ECT is a possibility, which involves giving short electrical shocks to the brain.


There is no one single cause of clinical depression and no way of knowing who will develop it. Certainly, some groups of people appear more at risk of becoming clinically depressed than others, such as the socially isolated, the long term sick and disabled, single parents, and the unemployed. Low levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin and essential fatty acids are found in people who are depressed suggesting biological factors can be involved and depressive disorders appear to run in families indicating that genetics could play a part. Sometimes, even the way we view the world or how we think about ourselves can cloud our perception and trigger depression. The important thing is to seek advice if it begins to affect your daily life because regardless of its cause, help is available, depression can be treated and life can return to normal.

Bruce Lee Quote: The Secret Goal For Abundant Success!

"A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at." - Bruce Lee

There may be many little goals in your life, but there should only be one main goal if you want to lead a happy and successful life.

Many people do not succeed at their little goals because they have no main goal. Without this main goal to guide you on your other goals you will not have abundant success. Success is the achieving of one's goal. Abundant success is repeatedly achieving one's goals throughout life and being happy while doing it. Lets face it, if you are not happy and you are meeting your goals you need new goals.

There are people who walk among us that are masters at achieving success. Those individuals possess a knowledge of themselves which has allowed them to, consciously or unconsciously, aim for the one particular goal which allows them to have abundant success in all of their other endeavors. If only we knew what this secret goal was that literally transforms failures into successes overnight and perpetuates their success for a lifetime. Well this would be a platinum nugget of information. Not only for money, but happiness, peace of mind and a life of achievement. It just so happens that you have come across this secret goal. When you set it for yourself you will never fail!

The Secret Goal For Abundant Success:

Follow your passion, that which brings you the greatest matter what!

Do not underestimate the power of this coveted secret goal. Every man or woman who has enjoyed abundant success has followed their passion. Passion gives you energy which you put back into your passion and it grows. The infinite intelligent energy which you are created from knows what your place in this world is. What your piece to the puzzle of humanity is. How you are supposed to do your greatest good. It expresses your purpose through your passion. When you follow your passion that energy will create openings where there were none, it will fill in all the gaps of what you desire to assist you in keeping your purpose fulfilled and you will have a joyful energy that pours through you which those who do not set the secret goal for themselves can never feel.

This goal is so foreign to most people. Most people set a goal of some object they want. I want a hot girl or guy. I want money so I can have a big house and fancy car. I want people to like me so I will do whatever it takes to make that happen. How many people have met these goals and found they are a wasteland of depression. People ask, "Why did he kill himself, he had everything, a nice house, a nice car, a beautiful wife and on and on?" Well was he passionate about any of that? Maybe some of it, but if he took his own life he wasn't fulfilling his own intuition! Those who follow their passion..their intuition, have a strength that comes from within them and guides them. This energy resonates inside them, fulfilling that void that is in all of us when we do not feel a purpose.

Your intuition and passion are your guides. So make it your goal to follow them. Everything else is a distraction from what is truly important. You will never regret following your passion. Doing what makes you happy makes you happy! I had a college biology professor who use to say to our class, "If you are happy with a 'C' then I am happy for you to. Because a happy person is a happy person and what is better than that?!" It was a silly simple statement, but profound in a sense because people forget to be happy in their choices when in search of a goal. People say, " I will be happy when....!" That is a lie! You can only be happy now and being happy now is the surest way that the energy of abundance will flow into your life!

How to Pull Yourself Out of Deep Depression

Depression is categorized according to its mildness and severity. Talking of deep depression, it is the form of severe depression or major depression or clinical depression. The chances of deep depression to occur in women are more than men. These are some of the common symptoms noticed in most of the patients suffering from deep depression. But, these are not the only symptoms that a deeply depressed person exhibits. Treatment of deeply depressed person depends upon the symptoms of depression entirely. Symptoms may vary person to person. A deeply depressed person generally exhibits following signs:

1. Deeply lost in the Sadness all the time.

2. Stays alone in his own imaginary world

3. Fatigue or loss of energy.

4. Inability to concentrate.

5. Poor or imbalanced diet.

6. Absolutely no room for social activities.

7. Tiredness or restlessness

8. Insomnia or hypomania (sleeping disorders)

9. Inferiority complex starts developing in you.

10. Sexual problems, such as rejection, erectile problems etc.

11. Negativity becomes part of you.

12. Sufferer may develop suicidal tendencies.

13. Significant change in the weight.

14. May face difficulties in hearing or visioning.

15. Plenty of stress.

The exact cause of deep depression is still unknown; however it is believed that it has something to do with genetics and chemical imbalances in the human brain. Other reasons might involve

1. Demise of loved ones for example, friend, parents, girlfriend, boyfriend or anyone part of your life.

2. Too much intake of alcohol is also another cause of depressions, almost 40 to 50% alcohol addicts suffer from depression.

3. Environment is also one of the biggest causes of deep depressive state of a person

4. Failure of long term goals.

5. Inferiority complex from others also puts you in depressive state of mind.

6. It has been observed many a times that divorce also is one of the biggest causes of deep depression in married couple.

How to Pull Yourself Out Of Deep Depression

The adverse affects of deep depression on overall health of people are very dangerous; something really needs to be done about it so that the adverse affects can be avoided. If you find yourself or someone you know suffering from deep depression, always consults with the specialist so that proper treatment plan can be prepared to pull you out of deep depression. Following are the commonly used treatment methods to pull yourself out of deep depression:


The most commonly used method for the treatment of deep depression is medication method, Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most commonly used old drugs to get you out of deep depression. It may have side effect as well.


This is the best method to pull you out of deep depression. Psychotherapies like Cognitive/ behavioral therapy or interpersonal therapy are the best treatments methods with absolutely no side effects. The only thing against this method is that, it may not respond to all the patients.

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is also one of the finest methods; it works in even those cases where Psychotherapy and medication do not respond.

The best way to pull your self out of deep depression is that you don't let causes of deep depression to develop.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Depression - When Depression Strikes and How to Cope With It!

Depression is a simple reaction due to lack of control or monotony. People get depressed when they experience financial constraints or losing a loved one. But there are people who have genetic predispositions when it comes to depression.

Varying degrees of chronic depressed moods are caused by chemical imbalances that happen in the brain. Hormonal changes can also prompt depression while seasonal cycles can trigger depressive moods. Most persons who are suffering from a physical illness also get depressed.

Depression is an example of mood disorders. Other examples of mood disorders are dysthymia, postpartum disorder, and bipolar disorder. A person with manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder, experiences periods of extreme highs (or happiness) that is followed by extreme lows (or sadness). Clinical depression is a mood disorder that is considered as long-term depression while seasonal affective disorder relates to the cyclical mode's seasons.

Every year, more and more people are seeking for medical help to treat their depression disorders. The stigma of being depressed becomes less but more people are already claiming that they are experiencing the symptoms of depressed person.

Various types of drugs are already available to help treat people suffering from clinical and manic depression. There are also medical doctors who give prescriptions to these types of drugs to their patients who claim that they are suffering from depression. The problem is, most of these doctors just give prescriptions without even performing psychiatric tests to determine of the person is really eligible to take such drugs.

People who think that they are suffering from depression should consult a psychologist. It is the psychologist's role to determine what kind of therapy is needed by the person suffering from depression. After being diagnosed by the psychologist, the services of a psychiatrist could also be needed. It is the psychiatrist who gives the prescription on the drugs that will help in balancing the chemical imbalances in the brain. Depressed people can easily be treated with the help of medicines and series of therapy sessions in order to help the person determine cause of their depression.

There are two ways to treat persons with mood disorders like depression. The traditional way is the recommendation made by the psychologist or psychiatrist which includes giving prescriptions for antidepressants and conducting a psychological counseling. The alternative way refers to the use of natural remedies such as taking supplements and herbal medicines, acupuncture, exercise therapy, massage therapy, hypnotherapy, talk therapy, and 5-senses therapy.

Different types of treatment can help treat persons with mood disorders. However, it should be remembered that the treatment applied to a person would also work with the other person. For example, the walk therapy which is a 30-minute walk everyday gives an immediate result to a person's lift in mood. But when the same treatment is applied in St. John's Wort, the result became visible after a few days time. This only shows that each person is really different from another. What might be applicable on a person's situation may not be the case with the other.

Clinical Depression and Brain Functions

Clinical depression is real. It is a very common illness that afflicts thousands of people. Unfortunately, many do not take it seriously.

Remember that having clinical depression is not the same as feeling sad or grieving. It is not a character flaw or a sign of weakness. It is an illness, and it can be fatal. Clinical depression in men is considered a silent killer. It is one of the top reasons why men commit suicide.

Clinical depression and brain chemicals

It was originally believed that clinical depression was actually caused by a chemically imbalanced brain. Studies showed that by altering monoamine neurotransmitter levels, depressive symptoms started to show. Antidepressant drugs like serotonin and norepinephrine have been developed to help medicate depression. These drugs increase the level of neurotransmitters. Very little material is available about how the antidepressant drugs remedy the condition, but it has been proved that this medication is able to relieve some of the symptoms of depression effectively.

It is believed that clinical depression is in the genes, which are hereditary. Some medical illnesses, including cardiovascular pathologies, hepatitis, mononucleosis, hypothyroidism, and organic brain damage may also cause this condition.

Low self-esteem or a distorted outlook on life can also lead to depression. Traumatic experiences as a child like the death of a parent, abandonment or rejection, neglect, chronic illness, or sexual abuse can all contribute to depression. There are more conditions that can trigger this mental illness.

Other treatments for clinical depression can by as simple as counseling from a psychiatrist or from friends and family, or undergoing psychotherapy in graver cases. Outside of medical treatments, the biggest help for a person suffering from clinical depression is constant love and care.

The Difference Between Major Depression and Minor Depression

Broadly depression can be classified in two categories:

Major depression:

Major depression is one of the most serious forms of depression. It is also referred to as clinical  or unipolar depression. Some Clinicians call it major depressive disorder. It is not an illness since it can be treated very easily once diagnosed. Major disorder can be cured even at the severe stage with the help of good care and medication.

Major disorder means a prolonged feeling of sadness. Sufferer doesn't show interest in any activity or pass time. Loss of appetite, loss in weight, hopelessness, lack of concentration, low self esteem and isolation are the common symptoms of this disease. The negative feelings are very common in the patient suffering from major depression. Patient is always occupied with thoughts of suicide. A person with this type of depression needs good care and attention as he can harm himself anytime. This type of disorder is not short term, it lasts for years.

Minor depression:

This type of depression is just contrary to the major depression. Minor depression means ordinary sadness which doesn't need any medication. A person himself can cure it by taking action. He has no need to be dependent on drugs and doctors. In the cases of major depression people need drugs. But mild one can be cured by being active and creative. People take prescription drugs and then lay dormant. Only drugs can not remove depression. If you have minor depression, you are suggested to take some actions like - read good books, see nature, call friends or relatives and listen to good music.

How Do You Overcome Feelings of Depression?

Overcoming feelings of depression is a must, especially if you have a familial history of any kind of mood disorder. Uncontrolled depression can affect your health, as well as your wealth (material and otherwise). Psychotherapy sessions can be very expensive, so can medical treatments designed to treat depression. As much as possible, you would not want depression to come to this point at all.

But overcoming depression can be quite a challenge. Needless to say, here are some of the things I normally do when suddenly attacked by feelings of depression:

  • Go to an empty room and scream or cry all you want. Feelings of depression can be such that they can have the capacity to make your insides burst. Going to an empty room and screaming your lungs out should be a lot better than lashing out at someone, hurting, or even killing someone. If you are not that vocal or you would rather deal with your depression very quietly, try writing. Get your thoughts down in paper.

  • Divert your attention to something else. It's easy to forget you are depressed when you are doing something else. Occupy your mind by:

    • Watching a comedy flick.

    • Reading a funny story.

    • Doing house chores.

  • Play some music. Music is therapeutic, is it not? If you can play any musical instrument, get your hands on it right away. If you don't have that gift, try singing instead, or listening to soft, relaxing music.

Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also seen as a means of preventing bouts of depression overtime. Health is wealth. Research has it that people who are physically healthy are generally sound in mind and happy as well. Here are some good habits that can count towards reducing depression symptoms or their impact:

  • Exercising every morning or early evening. You've heard of the importance of exercise far too often already, yet you still may have taken this for granted. Exercising does many wonderful things to your cells. It boosts body metabolism, improves circulation, and reduces your stress levels as well. To keep yourself from getting bored, don't stick to a single routine. Try different types of exercises to keep you motivated, and as much as possible, do the exercises with your best friend.

  • Getting a bit of sunlight every morning. Sunlight activates the Vitamin D in our skin which appears to be in low levels in individuals having a mild case of depression. Taking Vitamin D3 supplements can also help especially during cold weather when the sun is rarely up and about.

  • Making wise food choices. Apparently, there are foods that are said to come with the ability to beat depression. Foods that are high in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Vitamin B and Vitamin C all make wise food choices. Fish oil, walnuts, and flaxseed help not only with depression, but also in proper brain development and function as well as in maintaining a healthy heart. Brown rice is also recommended as it has Thiamin, Niacin, and Folic Acid, three members of the Vitamin B-family that play a critical role in preventing depression symptoms. Being low in sugar, brown rice also prevents mood swings. Cabbage and citrus fruits, being high in Vitamin C, aids in the production of serotonin, that chemical in the brain that is linked with moods.

  • Taking essential vitamins. Although nothing beats eating whole foods, taking vitamin supplements is still necessary as we cannot always be certain if we are getting the right amounts of vitamins in the foods we eat. The vitamins that are very important in preventing depression are Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D3.

Sad Quotes About Love

Love is another important relationship to all people after friendship. Showing care as well as love to your beloved one will make you to enjoy, have fun, make you cry, depressed etc. Love has equal power that makes the people to show all sorts of feelings. This page will suit best to the readers who have experience in sorrows occurred in love. Some of the sad quotes about love that are going to be mentioned here will gain take you to the previous golden days before the sorrow started. These sad quotes will also help you in learning on purpose of life to live. The following are some of the sad quotes in love and they are:

1) Sadness can be said as the word that has got speechless expressions- People who are depressed with something will not have words to explain them because depression stops them in speaking.

2) Majority of the sadness' have various meanings- As mentioned before, sadness would have a very deep meaning and majority of them could be expressed in very few words.

3) Expressing unlimited love will result in possessiveness- This is one of the wonderful sad quotes and this is the main reason for the relationship to get break. Love is different from possessiveness, but possessiveness occurs only because of love. Showing too much care as well as love will result in relationship break-up at a short period of time. Even relationship break-up is also possible if no proper care or love is shown. At the same time, excess love will make each other uncomfortable and results in unwanted fights during the initial stage. Later on, silly fights will extend to major fights and chances are there for the relationship to get break.

4) It will be very painful when you do not know that the person whom you love is in love with you.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

How Can I Not Feel Depressed?

It is safe to say that there is not a single person in the world that woke up one morning and decided that they would like to go through the rest of their life being sad, withdrawn, blue, un-excited, sluggish, irritable... depressed. No one wants to feel like that for day, much less every day. There is a reason that many people though do chose to feel like this, and that is because they do not care for the way that western medicine has told them to treat their condition. Anti-depressant medications can make the person feel worse and or take what little joy they do have out of life.

The number one complaint as to why people that are dealing with depression stop taking their meds is that they don't like the way it makes them feel. The good news is that from now on you don't need to feel depressed and you don't need to take toxic medications to feel better. There are natural treatments that you could start today and you could actually start feeling better tomorrow. Here are just a few of the natural treatment options you can follow if you are feeling depressed.

Exercise, while it may not be the most fun thing to do, it is very effective in treating and alleviating depression. Exercise gets the natural mood booster going in the body so that you feel better. You don't have to hit the gym, you can go for a walk, go for a swim, pop in your favorite CD and dance your pants off. All you need to do is take that first step and the rest will come naturally. Each step will make you feel better.

Yoga, which is all about the mind spirit and body connection. You can tell when you look at a person that they are an avid Yogi. They look younger then what they are, they almost glow because they are serene and peaceful. They are less stressed, not depressed and enjoy life. Yoga is not all that hard, not as hard as everyone seems to think it is. You can learn Yoga from a book, from a class or from a video. Give it a try, and practice it everyday, not just when the feelings start to come on. Yoga can actually free you from feeling depressed ever again.

Music, music is very effective at changing and setting mood. I recommend that you create a "happy" CD, for lack of a better word. On that CD you can record music that makes you feel good. There are songs that we all know that we can't help but smile when we hear. It just makes us feel good. Make a CD of that music so that when the feelings start you can pop in the CD and hum your way to smiles.

These suggestions are by no means exhaustive. There are a number of natural treatment options that you can try including the supplements, dietary changes and "mind makeover." You need to find the natural treatment option that is going to work for you, that is going to make you feel better.

What to Do When Your Teenager Gets in Trouble

Parenting a teenager has never been an easy job. Almost overnight, parents see the child they've raised since he was a baby turn into a mouthy, angry, sullen, almost adult. Communications during this time can be extremely difficult and explosive, if they're possible at all.

Adding to this explosive emotional stew is the fact that teenagers think that they both know everything and are indestructible. Not surprisingly, this can lead to trouble at home, school and, worst of all, with the law. ?But, as most adults can recall, most teenagers are going to get in some kind of trouble, that's just part of growing up. So how can a parent tell the difference between troubled teens and normal adolescent struggles? And when should a parent reach out for help outside of the family?

Here are a few of the warning signs that indicate your teenager may be in trouble that is beyond normal teenage shenanigans and how to address them.

Has your child stopped hanging out with old friends and started hanging out with an entirely new set of friends? On its own, this may be a normal part of growing up. Make sure you meet your child's friends and, subtly, let them know that you are involved in your child's life. If your child won't let you meet their new group of friends, this could be a sign that they are trying to keep something from you. ?

Another major indication of trouble is a drop in grades and interest in school. This doesn't mean that you should begin drug testing if your child gets a "C" in calculus. But it's not normal if your enthusiastic and cooperative student suddenly stops turning in homework. Be sure to keep in contact with your teenager's teachers both at conference time and during the year.

Mood swings are another normal part of adolescence, but extreme mood swings are not. Extreme mood swings could be a sign of major depression. Signs of depression could include changes in eating or sleeping habits. Teenagers who suddenly drop out of social circles and extracurricular activities may also be experiencing problems.

Treating depression could be as simple as a few sessions with a therapist, or prescription anti-depression medication. In some severe cases, doctors may advise parents to look at therapeutic boarding schools.

The teenage years are frustrating for everyone involved. But parents who stay on top of their child's behavior and take action when they see signs of trouble will be thankful that they did.

I Have Dysthymia - So Why Am I Depressed?

Although major clinical depression is a condition recognized and experienced by much of the population, a less severe form of depression, dysthymia, is not as easily detected. In fact, dysthymia was not even considered an actual and treatable form of depression until fairly recently. Low levels of happiness but no major or severe symptoms of depression were present such as, appetite loss, inability to function, anxiety or numb feelings, etc.

Those with dysthymia would simply assume they were just feeling a bit down and didn't realize that their lack of happiness could be helped with proper diagnosis and treatment. Some may even self-medicate with alcohol or other drugs but end up feeling even worse. Alcohol might numb the sadness but leave a greater depression afterwards, making it a very ineffective antidepressant.

So what is dysthymia? It is a form of depression, although it often presents itself with far less severe symptoms, making it easy to dismiss as a case of "the blues". Many people can go to work, interact with their children or pretend to be happy. They may even fool friends, neighbors and their family members, but If they had this form of depression (also known as Dysthymic Disorder) long enough, they may not actually realize that something is wrong.

They may feel that this is normal life and that they simply can't be happy. They don't feel terrible but they don't feel good, either. Some people describe it as a sense of being disconnected.

This depression is not something that has to be accepted and with proper diagnosis and treatment can make a huge difference. In order to be treated, however, this low level form of depression must be recognized. Signs of dysthymia include many of the symptoms of severe depression but in a milder form.

These symptoms include feeling sad, having trouble sleeping, aching joints, appetite changes like eating too much or too little, bouts of anxiety, never feeling truly joyful or engaged in life. Although thoughts of death or suicide can occur most often in severe depression, they may also be present in dysthymia and are always a warning sign to get immediate help. Suicidal thoughts are less common in dysthymia but is always a possibility.

Dysthymic depression can have a huge impact on friendships as well as family life. Holidays are not as joyous and other events are also affected by the low mood of the depressed individual, even if the symptoms aren't severe and sometimes families will adapt. However, after treatment, this person may comment on how much better life seems to have improved. Happily, drugs are not always necessary for someone with dysthymic depression. Lifestyle changes and natural remedies may be enough.

Unlike those who go through periodic bouts of severe clinical depression, the causes of dysthymic depression may vary. Sometimes individuals have something as treatable as a low thyroid where dietary and lifestyle changes can make a huge difference, bringing happiness back after all hope was lost. Natural remedies and lifestyle changes can also make a huge difference, potentially curing this type of depression. Antidepressants may be used as well but those with low level depression may be urged to try the natural approach first. It should be enough.

A regular exercise routine may be a starting point for this form of depression and can bypass the need for antidepressants entirely. One tip that can have a strong impact, when ever possible, try to exercise outside, like walking or running. There is evidence that sunlight can help regulate brain chemistry which affects depression. It could be especially important to increase light exposure during the winter months and light kits are available to help out with this. Eating a diet rich in nutrients will support the immune system and seratonin levels. If you add that to proper thyroid function that can be enough to bring a dysthymic person out of depression.

Talk therapy or group therapy can also help those with this form of depression to get support and help. Being around others who understand can help teach new ways of dealing with the world and improve the mood of a depressed person.

A good therapist can also help put things in perspective and avoid a reliance on antidepressants. If antidepressants are used, they should only be used as a last resort and a person with dysthymia should not be pressured to try medications until most alternatives have been explored. If medication is used, it can often be stopped after a short bout of counseling and significant lifestyle changes to reduce stress and increase quality of life.

Panic Attacks, Depression Harm Your Mind And Body

A study examined the medical histories of nearly 40,000 people who were diagnosed as suffering from panic disorder.

It found that those who suffer from panic disorder are at almost double the risk for coronary heart disease, and those who suffer from depression as well are at nearly three times the risk.

Panic disorder is a syndrome characterized by repeated episodes of intense fear. These episodes are accompanied by physical symptoms, which can include chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, and abdominal distress. Roughly 2.4 million Americans experience panic attacks each year.

The way in which coronary heart disease is triggered by panic attacks is unknown. However, some stress responses to depression already have been shown to increase the risk of coronary heart disease.

Science Blog September 22, 2005

Dr. Mercola's Comment:

This should comes as nosurprise considering what a major role negative emotions play in your body's healing process. The connection betweenyour mind and yourbody is strong and well-documented by a literalmountain of scientific research; healing your mind is a crucial step in keeping your body healthy.

Unfortunately, most doctors, when faced with a patient who suffers from panic disorder or depression, will reflexively resort to prescribing potentially toxic medications as a form of treatment, even though they don't provide any meaningful benefit. This is laregely related to the incredibly effective "brain washing" influence that the drug companies have over their educational intervention.

How can Imake such a bold statement?

Easy, I was one of the brain washed doctors. I went into medical school fully believing in the power of your body to heal naturally and I came out a drug prescribing doctor. I think I must have but several thousand patients on antidepressants in the first few years of my practice alone. Seemed like every other patient was walking out the door with a script for Prozac or Wellbutrin.

But fortunately I finally woke up one day and began to understand that there were far more effective options that actually addressed the underlying cause of the disease.

One of my absolute favoritestreatments that can make all the difference to your health and help you deal with panic attacks or depression is the Emotional Freedom Technique, the energy psychology tool I use daily in my practice. It is particularly effective for panic attacks.

Another wonderful tool you can use is meditation. Some people use it to promote spiritual growth or find inner peace, while others use it as a relaxation and stress-reduction tool.

Panic and anxiety disorders can be debilitating and severely affect your ability to perform everyday tasks. They can also, in addition,put you at risk for a variety of physical health problems. Resolve your emotional stresses, and both your mind and your body will experience the benefits.

Another excellent meditation tool is the Insight CD, which Inow recommend to allto many of mypatients. The Insight CD is a complete tool dedicated to helping you reduce stress, explore expanded states of consciousness, and achieve deeper levels of self-awareness.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - An Introduction and History

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT is a psychotherapeutic approach used by therapists to help to promote positive change in people by addressing their thought patterns, feelings and behavioural issues. Difficulties with irrational thinking, dysfunctional thoughts and faulty learning are identified and then treated using CBT. Therapy can be conducted with individuals, groups or families and the goals of CBT are to restructure one's thoughts, perceptions and responses which facilitate changes in behaviours.

The earliest form of CBT was developed by an American Psychologist, Albert Ellis (1913-2007) in 1955, naming his approach Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT). Ellis (right) is looked on as 'the grandfather of cognitive behavioural therapies' Ellis credits Alfred Korzybski (who developed the theory of general semantics, which in turn influenced NLP) and his book 'Science and Sanity' for starting him on the path of founding REBT.

In the 1960s an American Psychiatrist, Aaron T Beck, (below) developed another CBT approach called 'cognitive therapy' which was originally developed for depression but rapidly became a favourite model to study because of the positive results it achieved. CBT therapists believe that clinical depression is typically associated with negatively biased thinking and irrational thoughts. CBT is now used to provide treatment in all psychiatric disorders and also increases medication compliance, resulting in a better outcome in mental illness. A major aid in CBT is the ABC technique of irrational beliefs, the three steps are:

A is the Activating event, the event that leads to a negative thought.

B is the Beliefs, the client's belief around the event.

C is the Consequence, the dysfunctional behaviour that ensued from the thoughts and feelings originating from the event. An example would be: Susan is upset because she got a low mark in her math's test, the Activating event A is that she failed her test, the Belief, B is that she must have good grades or she is worthless, the Consequence C is that Susan feels depressed. In the above example, the therapist would help Susan identify her irrational beliefs and challenge the negative thoughts based on the evidence from her experience and then reframe it, meaning, to re-interpretate it in a more realistic light. Another very useful aid in CBT is to help a client identify with the ten distorted thinking patterns:

1 All or nothing thinking - seeing things in black or white, if your performance falls short of perfect, you see yourself as a total failure.

2 Overgeneralization - seeing a single negative event as a never ending pattern of defeat.

3 Mental Filter - you pick out a single negative defeat and dwell on it so as your vision of reality becomes darkened.

4 Disqualifying the positive - you dismiss positive experiences by insisting that they 'don't count' maintaining a negative belief.

5 Jumping to conclusions - you make a negative interpretation even though there are no definite facts that convincingly support your conclusion, this includes 'mind reading' and 'fortune telling' or 'assuming.

6 Magnification (Catastrophising) minimization - exaggerating things or minimizing things, this is also called the 'binocular trick'.

7 Emotional reasoning - assuming that your negative emotions reflect the way things really are, 'I feel it, therefore, it must be true'.

8 Should statements - 'shoulds', 'musts' and 'oughts' are offenders.

9 Labeling and mislabeling - instead of describing your error, you attach a negative label to it, ie 'Im a loser'.

10 Personalisation - you see yourself as the cause of some negative external event which in fact you were not responsible for.

These are just some of the techniques used in CBT, others are, relaxation tecniques, communication skills training, assertiveness training, social skills training and giving the client homework assignments.

In a nutshell, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy aims to help a client to become aware of thought distortions which are causing psychological distress and of behavioural patterns which are reinforcing it, and to correct them.

Depression - An Equal Opportunity Affliction

"What is this guy trying to say here?" I can just hear everyone thinking, "This guy must be completely off his rocker!" If you really take a step back and look at "Who" Depression hits, you will have a clearer understanding of what I mean by this statement.

Depression is:

  • No respecter of age: it hits young and old alike.

  • Does not recognize an individuals Social Position: Rich or Poor makes no difference

  • It recognizes no boundaries: Cases of one form or another are found world wide.

  • Not selective: It can affect anyone at any time.

The Mayo Clinic describes some signs and symptoms of Depression below:

* Loss of interest in normal daily activities. You lose interest in or pleasure from activities that you used to enjoy.

* Depressed mood. You feel sad, helpless or hopeless, and may have crying spells.

In addition, for a doctor or other health professional to diagnose depression, most of the following signs and symptoms also must be present for at least two weeks.

* Sleep disturbances. Sleeping too much or having problems sleeping can be a sign you're depressed. Waking in the middle of the night or early in the morning and not being able to get back to sleep are typical.

* Impaired thinking or concentration. You may have trouble concentrating or making decisions and have problems with memory.

* Changes in weight. An increased or reduced appetite and unexplained weight gain or loss may indicate depression.

* Agitation. You may seem restless, agitated, irritable and easily annoyed.

* Fatigue or slowing of body movements. You feel weariness and lack of energy nearly every day. You may feel as tired in the morning as you did when you went to bed the night before. You may feel like you're doing everything in slow motion, or you may speak in a slow, monotonous tone.

* Low self-esteem. You feel worthless and have excessive guilt." These are just a few of the examples found it the Mayo Clinic Website. While this is a fantastic informational site, you should by no means use what you find there to treat the symptoms of depression yourself. That's what the Professionals are there for.

For many, Many years this was a subject "No one wanted to talk about. Especially if it involved a family member." While there have been a great many advances in Psychiatry and Psychology in just the last century, there is still evidence of how these conditions used to be treated all over the world. While most of the older "Institutions" have been shut down and or demolished, some of the more "Infamous" ones have been turned into museums showing the sick, depraved methods being used in the name of "Medical Science".

Early treatments of Depression, often confused with Insanity, were nothing short of Barbaric, and in some cases, were Prosecuted as War Crimes in the last century. People with severe cases of Depression, often termed "Manic Depression," were often as not locked away in Asylums or "Institutions" and used for experimental surgery or as test subjects for military weapons as evidenced by the Nazi Party in World War II.

Thankfully we have come a very long way from what those "Early" treatments were. As the fields of Psychology and Psychiatry continue to grow and evolve, more humane and better forms of treatment are being discovered. One day Depression may even be totally eliminated.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Will You Have Enough Income at Retirement?

In my numerous meetings with retirees, I have met many who live very comfortably in their golden years. Foremost, they have conservatively invested nest eggs - typically in annuities and brokerage accounts. They also possess sizeable deposits at the bank including certificates of deposit, savings and checking accounts. This generation experienced the tribulations of The Great Depression and they understand the importance of saving their money.

Their most important assets, however, may not be invested in an annuity, a brokerage account or at the local bank. The monthly income they receive from their pensions and their regular Social Security payments, when combined, pay most if not all of their living expenses. This recurring income operates as their primary asset allowing annuity, brokerage and bank deposits to grow undisturbed for future use. In this way, the income this generation receives provides significant and immediate financial stability.

It makes sense that today's seniors would be able to accumulate a sizeable nest egg as well as considerable bank deposits. Their monthly income usually more than covers monthly expenses allowing their existing investments to accumulate. Thus, the main concern for retirees is usually their health and long term care related expenses. That issue is easily solved with the purchase of a long term care policy. With an adequate monthly income and long term care health insurance, this prepared group of seniors can rest easy.

From Where Will You Receive Regular Income?

But what if you did not receive a Social Security payment? And what if you had no pension set up through work? Remember, your 401(k) is not a pension plan. That 401(k) or 403(b) plan is the same plan that seniors today have turned into their nest egg, not their retirement income. If you had no regular monthly income, how long would your nest egg last you?

These are the dilemmas facing many younger workers today. Company pensions have been frozen in many cases and have altogether disappeared in others. In an effort to cut costs, some of the largest employers in America have chosen to discontinue offering pension plans to their employees. Additionally, the Social Security Trustees forecast that this federal program will begin running a deficit in 2017. To make matters worse, the Social Security Trust Fund is only projected to be solvent until the year 2041.

It is safe to assume that you know whether or not you have a pension program at work. It is very difficult, on the other hand, to predict what might happen with Social Security. Depending on government surpluses and deficits or Congressional intervention, the program may or may not live up to its promises. Based on what we know today, younger generations counting on Social Security to shore up their retirement income may be in for an unpleasant surprise.

You Must Plan for Your Own Retirement

What should a concerned worker do? The bottom line is this: you will need to make arrangements for your own retirement. The days of the federal government and a large employer sponsored pension taking care of you are quickly fading away. If you are self-employed, you probably came to this realization some time ago.

I have been encouraging younger wage earners to start their own pension savings plans. And, yes, it is a good idea even if you are contributing to some kind of traditional retirement plan like an I.R.A or a 401(k). An easy and very safe way to accomplish this is to set up a non-qualified annuity account. Contributions can be done systematically or sporadically based on your personal situation.

Why Should You Invest in an Annuity?

Fixed and indexed annuities are guaranteed financial instruments offered by insurance companies. They work very much like a savings account insofar as they earn interest, but do not lose value based on equity market conditions. If you select a non-qualified annuity, there are no restrictions on the amount you may deposit, but your deposits are not tax deductible like a traditional retirement account. On the other hand, these deposits will grow tax deferred until a later date, which allows you to enjoy the benefits of compound interest.

Once age 59 ½ is reached, you can begin to withdrawal your funds with no penalties from the IRS. Unlike most retirement accounts, with a non-qualified annuity you are not forced to withdrawal a portion of your funds at 70 ½. This way, you stay in control of how and when you withdraw your funds.

Annuity Pension Benefits - Taxes and Creditor Protection

The main benefit of an annuity is that it produces a guaranteed systematic payment. If that sounds like Social Security or a pension plan, that's because they are all quite similar. Once you have accumulated your principal, you can turn those funds into a guaranteed stream of income for your lifetime. However, unlike Social Security and many pension plans you may elect a beneficiary to receive your payments should you pass away prematurely.

An annuity that has been turned into a stream of income carries additional benefits. An annutization will spread out the taxable income over several years. Your systematic payment would be part principal and part taxable interest. In this scenario, the taxable income is not automatically withdrawn first and the principal second. The principal and interest are withdrawn simultaneously. The monthly portion which is not taxable is referred to as the exclusion ratio. To summarize this point your contributions are never taxed when withdrawn from a non-qualified annuity, but the interest would be. If the account is annuitized, then the taxable interest will be distributed evenly in each payment, not in a lump sum.

Furthermore, in many states, the payment to the owner is protected from creditors. Once the annuity principal has been annuitized, it is very difficult for creditors to attach to the monthly payments. As such, if you are involved in unfortunate legal proceedings in the future, you can know that you will have guaranteed income still available to you.

In summary, a non-qualified, fixed annuity can be an extremely valuable product in retirement. You can always wait until you are retired to establish the annuity principal with a lump sum contribution, but it can be less stressful to contribute a little each year. A guaranteed income stream will allow you, like today's seniors, to worry less about your income and enjoy your retirement years.

Depression Is Not a Sign of Weakness

There is a quote that I absolutely love: "Depression is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign that you have been strong for too long." Unfortunately, it is anonymous because I would love to give credit where credit is due especially when it is great credit like in this case.

It conveys the message that, despite the depression (and maybe even because of it), we are indeed strong; we have no reason to be ashamed because there is nothing wrong with us and our body simply needs our attention.

Our body needs attention because for too long (depression is the result of extended periods of unrelieved stress), we have pushed it beyond its limits and then we pushed it some more. After all, no one wakes up one morning and decides: "Awesome! From now on, I think I will be depressed!" We build our way up to depression. And no matter what the underlying cause (or causes) for the depression, it takes time to get there. The exceptions to that are depression due to chemical imbalances in the brain and depression experienced by individuals who are taking certain medications that are creating the symptoms of depression. In these particular cases, depression just is.

Today, we hear a lot about people being depressed due to the financial pressures everyone is feeling, the overall state of the economy and the fear of what tomorrow will bring. It could also be the result of some traumatic life event such as the death of a loved one or going through divorce or dealing with job loss or extended illness (among others).

In all these circumstances, we have a tendency to suppress our feelings, to try to put on a brave face, to continue to place others' needs before our own, to attempt to go on as if nothing was wrong, and then beating ourselves up when we failed to do everything ourselves. So is it any wonder that after pushing ourselves and our body way beyond our limits for so long your body finally says: "enough; I can't do this anymore"? At this point we no longer have a choice and we are forced to stop and reevaluate our situation.

I am a firm believer in that you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. (Ok, I am also the first one to admit that I didn't always feel this way. I had to learn it the hard way). I am also a firm believer in the fact that our bodies were created with the power to heal themselves but we have to allow them to do just that by giving them what they need to do it.

So today, take the time to ask your body what it needs from you and then take a moment to stop and listen to the answer. Is it some time away from work? Is it a walk out in nature? Is it some quiet time for reflection? Maybe a massage? A good healthy meal? A great book? A fun get-together with friends? Some sleep maybe? Or maybe today it simply needs a little acknowledgment from you for everything it does for you every day?

And when you have your answer, go out and do it. Then see and feel how much stronger and happier you will feel. Go on! What are you waiting for?

Treatment of Hypothyroidism - The 3 Reasons Hypothyroid and Hashimoto's Patients Suffer Needlessly

Life with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism can be very frustrating. The reason being is that Hashimoto's, the most common cause of low thyroid, is an immune problem that affects thyroid function, yet is treated the same way as every other form of hypothyroidism in conventional health care.

My son is now seven, and I think I can teach him the basic treatment approach to managing hypothyroidism from a conventional perspective.

Basic Conventional Management of Hypothyroidism (no matter what is the cause):

If the patient complains of fatigue, weight gain, cold hands, heart palpitations, or depression then test TSH. If the TSH is above 3.0 then prescribe hormone replacement. Continue to increase the hormone dose until the TSH measures below 2.0. If the patient continues to experience any of the symptoms after the thyroid is "balanced" on the lab tests then treat it as a separate condition and give the appropriate medication, usually anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication.

Now what is the glaring problem in that approach?

1. Never is consideration given to the actual cause of the low thyroid. We never stopped to ask why is the thyroid not working?

2. Treating every symptom as a separate problem, although it is actually related to the thyroid problem not completely addressed can be dangerous and unnecessary. Are you depressed or do you still have a thyroid problem?

3. The approach, highly unlikely to change the actual problem, continues to get worse while we throw new medications at it while the patient suffers.

If our theoretical patient above lives in the United States then the most likely and common source of the problem is from Hashimoto's. Hashimoto's is an autoimmune disorder where the body attacks and destroys it's own thyroid tissue, leading to low thyroid hormone production.

So fundamentally the problem is an immune related problem, not so much a problem with the actual thyroid gland. So what does that mean for the patient getting standard conventional treatment only?

The thyroid replacement is making up for l0st thyroid function, but in the mean time the immune system is slowing destroying the thyroid. If nothing is done to address this immune attack then the problem will just continue to get worse.

Have you ever had the check engine light come on in your car? When that comes on do you put a piece of tape over the dashboard to cover up the light or do you investigate and find out what is going on with the car so the engine doesn't blow up? Ignoring the immune system's role in most hypothyroid cases is very much that same thing as taping up the dash board.

The target of the therapy really needs to be aimed at quenching the immune attack on the thyroid. This creates the best possible outcome for the patient and short-cuts a lot of the frustration patients feel when they are diagnosed with this disease.

Bipolar Disorder Manic Depression - An Introduction Look at the Condition and How it Concerns YOU

There are some people living here in the United States with seasonal affective disorder, which is a form of bipolar disorder. Typically these folks suffer from depression only during autumn and winter, when there are fewer hours of daylight; and when spring and summer come, they are all high with near mania. Well, that's because it is actual mania. With guidance and medication from a professional, they ought to be able to keep the mood swings at bay.

Bipolar disorder involves both mania and depression. The depression part of the syndrome could be the mild type, like in dysthymia, but it mostly is of the severe form, sometimes lasting for a period of years. The manic part sometimes may not last as long, but it is no less destructive. And to think that people can be like this for years without ever realizing it should let you know just how bad the disorder is.

Various mental health professionals refer to clinical depression as regular in occurrence, although it is a mental disorder by its own right. However, harsher manifestations of the syndrome could manifest in other formats such as bipolar disorder. This one uses both depression and mania to achieve its purpose. So, you need to watch out for the symptoms of this condition before you can grade it with clinical depression.

Further facts about bipolar disorder can be accessed from the Internet where many websites, such as this, and medical directories have published articles that keep you informed of the latest information about the condition.

What to Expect With Bipolar Disorder

You have just been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. It can be devastating to you and your loved ones. It can be treated with medicine and a great knowledge of the disorder. You can say that it is a mood disorder. It is also known as manic depressive disorder. This disorder runs in the families.

Symptoms may include feelings of hopelessness, wanting to sleep all the time, irritability, inability to concentrate, suicide. You might even lose your job because of these.

There are three types of bipolar disorder. Bipolar I; you are more manic than depressed. Bipolar II; you are more depressed than manic. And bipolar III; you can be both manic and depressed. Once your psychiatrist determines which one you have, you can start your treatment plan.

Some of the treatment plans could be counseling, group therapy, medication therapy and hospitalization. Bipolar disorder is a chemical imbalance in your brain. To keep yourself stable you need to continue taking your medications for the rest of your life. Most bipolar patients stop taking their medications once they start to feel better. Don't do that. You must take your meds for the rest of your life.

You will start to feel better once the medication takes hold, but don't stop taking them. This will lead to relapses hospitalization or suicide. Teens that have bipolar disorder seem to want to commit suicide (if not treated) than grown adults.

Medications vary for bipolar disorder. It can be Lithium, the oldest and well known medication. It is known as a mood stabilizer. Another one is Topamax. It is an anticonvulsant drug. It is new and will help control the ups and downs of bipolar. There are many out there. Talk to your psychiatrist; work out the plan that best suits you.

This is going to be a life style change for you and your loved ones. First and foremost stop drinking and taking illegal drugs if you do. This will only cause negative consequences and can make this disorder worse. Surround yourself with upbeat, positive people. They will help you and will not lead you into bad things.

Exercise, exercise. The more the better. When you exercise, your brain releases chemicals (endorphins) and that makes you feel good. Watch your diet, eat good, healthy foods. Get plenty of sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor. He might recommend something to help you sleep.

You may want to try alternative medicine, though you must talk to your doctor first. The medical field is not sure if these work or not. We all have heard of St. John's Wort. This helps with depression, but can also cause more severe mania in some people. Yoga may help you in depression and mood swings. Maybe get a massage, it loosens up those muscles and can make you feel a lot better. It will release a lot of your stress. The list goes on and on. Again, check with your doctor before doing anything out of the norm.

On a final note, be truthful with your doctor. Tell him everything, leaving nothing out. The only way he can help you is to know what's wrong with you. Tell them what medications you are on, do you smoke or drink.

How to Handle Marriage Separation

You and your spouse have been having some hard times, and have decided to take a break from each other. Some time to try and figure out what would be best for your marriage. This time of separation can be hard, but it can also be the key to saving your marriage. Here are some tips to help you through it.

Marital separation can quickly lead to depression. If you are experiencing signs of depression, (constant sleeping or eating, don't want to do anything or talk to anyone, can't get yourself motivated at all, etc.), please go to see your doctor asap. These signs are all very common for what you are going through right now, but if you don't deal with them now, you're not going to be able to handle the separation.

It is also very important that you have someone that you can lean on for support. When you have someone to talk to, it can make a huge difference in how you handle the marital separation. Even if that person has no idea what you are going through, they can help you, if only by listening. You NEED someone to talk to. A friend, family member, or anyone else that you are comfortable with.

If you haven't seen your family or friends for a while, now is the perfect time to do so. Have a get-together at your house. Have everyone bring a dish, so there will be no pressure on you to prepare anything. It doesn't have to be big and fancy - just something to get you with other people, and maybe get your mind off of the separation for a while.

It does absolutely no good for you to sit around the house and mope all day and night. You have to make yourself do other things. Get a new hobby, start reading or gardening, get a pet. All of these things will help you to cope with your marital separation.

Don't try to talk to your spouse often. Actually, the less talking you do right now, the better. It may not make sense, but it will.

Trying to push your spouse to talk to you will only build up more resentment. Once every few weeks, or once a month, give them a call, just to see how they are doing. This way, you will be able to talk, but they won't feel like you are begging them to come back. It will be a more comfortable talk, and you will get closer to a reconciliation.

Remember this: you are NOT divorced. Even if it is a legal separation, you are still married. Things in your marriage may not have been as good as they once were, but it doesn't always have to be that way. Take this time to reflect on your marriage, and think of ways that it could be made better.

Analyze Your Positive Thinking!

If you want to find out how positive you are, answer (to yourself) the following questions as honestly as you can.

I know you may have heard some of this before, but remember that repetition is the mother of skill, I hope you can find something that help you to turn your life for the better, use it as an exercise for your mind power.

When something unexpected forces you to change your plans, can you see a hidden advantage in this new situation?

Do you enjoy and like most of the people you meet?

When you think about next year, do you tend to think that you will be better than you are right now?

Do you often stop to admire the things of beauty all around you?

Do you praise your spouse / best friend / lover / more often than you criticize him or her?

Do you get surprised when a friend lets you down?

Do you think you are happy most of the times?

Do you feel comfortable making yourself the target of your own jokes?

Do you believe that, overall, your state of mind has had a positive effect on your physical health?

If you made a list of your 10 favorite people, would name be there on it too?

When you think back over the past few months, do you tend to remember your success before your setbacks and failures?

This is just a small analysis or a way for you to think about ways and aspects of your life that you can improve, if you are flawless in everything, keep the faith, you are someone whose optimism is a powerful healing force. If not and you tend to be pessimistic. Think of ways to improve your pessimistic approach to life. Start thinking Positive!

But above all use it for your personal development, to strengthen your inner power and to start using the power of your mind.

And Now, Supercharge Your Positive Motivation

Motivation is the driving force behind life-enhancing change. It comes from knowing exactly what you want to do and having a burning desire to do what's necessary to get it. It keeps your dream on track as it is the power of motivation that keeps you going when the going gets tough. Motivation take you to Action!
So, here is how to supercharge your positive motivation:

Create a picture board and fill it with images of your desired goals. The car you want to own, the house you want to live in, the area where you want to live yes, they're the obvious ones. Others could be pictures of holiday destinations, trophies, first-class travel tickets, clothes you want to buy, fine restaurants you want to frequent - whatever you can think of that gets your pulse racing. Let your dreams go, even if it seems impossible to you now, don't worry just do it and forget how you will get it.

GET FURIOUS. If you want to change your life for the better then get furious about where you're at right now. Having an indifferent attitude towards change isn't what's needed and it won't create a burning desire within you. So ask yourself: "Why do I want to change?" Is it because debts? Job? Is your life bored? Are you tired of doing the same thing every week? THEN GET FURIOUS ABOUT IT. Change happens in an instant, just decide what you want to change and DO IT!

Manage your Time, yes, time is one of the most precious resources you have and it is also a non renewable resource. You can either use it fully or misuse it. If you want to create change you're going to have to invest time to make it happen. Start minimizing the time you waste on irrelevancies: Television, newspapers, weekends spent shopping, partying, dining out, all of that is valuable time that you can use much more effectively by investing it in you. Remember this: If there is something that is equal to all of us is time, but it's how you use the time you have that counts. So, make your time count!

Don't be a Sidekick. Are you a mindless little sheep who's too timid to pursue your own way? Do you have to follow where everyone else goes, doing exactly what everyone else does and therefore, who gets the same levels of happiness as all the other you follow? Does this describe you? Are you too frightened to be different than all of the others because they wouldn't like it if you decided to follow a different path? So you dutifully trot along following all the others because if they're doing it then that's how it is right? Listen to this: If you do what everyone else does you'll just get what everyone else gets. Do you want to be a mindless, timid little sheep who blindly follows all the other sheep? Or do you want to be a leader, who possesses the courage to be uniquely you and to do what you want to do and make your dreams happen? If so then this means you have to be more like a Lion than a sheep. Check what most people do and DON'T DO THAT!

Conquer your Fear. Fear is the force (in your mind) that is determined to stop you in your tracks and steal your dreams from you. But it can only do this if you let it. Are you going to let this "state of mind" crush your dreams, steal your happiness and break up spirit?. Refuse to let fear spoil your life and start taking action now! Remember: The Only thing you have to fear is fear itself. Conquer fear by Taking Action!
What are you waiting for?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Depression and Compulsive Behavior - What Not To Do

In other articles related to depression, most people primarily focus on treating or defeating depression symptoms. Here I'll take a look at things you should avoid to keep your depression from deepening or worsening. All of the following may give you temporary comfort but could also result in deeper depressive symptoms in the long term. Avoid them at any cost:

Compulsive Behavior

Keep compulsive shopping to a minimum. When feeling down, many depressed people go shopping only to financially regret it later. This is especially a problem if part of your depression has already resulted in financial distress. Instead, replace the compulsion with a healthier one. Put in a favorite movie, bake a favorite food of yours. Put on your headphones, listen to music and take a walk around the block. Take a long hot shower or bath, or sit in a hot tub or sauna (if you have one). The possibilities of substituting compulsions are endless.

As with the above advice, try to avoid compulsive eating. While some people react to depression by not eating, others will overeat at home or at restaurants in order to feel instantaneous comfort. Gaining weight and becoming fatter will only make you feel worse about yourself - the last thing you need when you're already battling depression. If food is a problem, try eating more frequent smaller meals rather than fewer big meals.

Try reducing your intake of caffeinated beverages, especially if your depression also comes with anxiety. Caffeine gives you a short 'rush' but may be quickly followed by a low mood period. Caffeine may also contribute to sleeplessness, which could result in more irritability.

A word about alcohol & depression. Limit or completely refrain your intake of alcohol. Drinking is unpredictable- it could make you more emotionally depressed or give you momentary happiness, only to eventually be followed by a low. Alcohol also wears down your body and mind and depletes your body of needed nutrition. If you do 'need' to drink, avoid drinking on consecutive days - it will only further your depression and may make you spiral into an addictive drinking cycle where you feel you can't cope without it.

It's only natural to reach for comfort during low periods, but for depression the consequences can be deadly. Chances are slim to none that your depression symptoms will improve long-term by shopping compulsively, eating out of comfort, or abusing substances. These things are like trying to put a band-aid on a broken bone. Depression is a multi-faceted problem that needs to be confronted on all angles such as diet and nutrition and a variety of lifestyle adjustments. The only real solution is to take positive steps, not backward ones.

Why People Have Clinical Depression

Why do people become clinically depressed? This is like asking - what causes people to become deeply sad? There are some obvious answers and one can cite financial problems, relationship issues, the death of a loved one, divorce, bankruptcy, loss of one's home or business, chronic illness, the stresses of everyday life, and many others as the cause of clinical depression. Indeed, external events such as these can trigger depression. This, however, just scratches the surface. Two persons may experience the same tragic life event, but it can happen that only one becomes clinically depressed, while the other does not. Why is this so?

There are factors, other than the triggering event, that contribute to depression. One of them is heredity. This is in fact the most common risk factor in many illnesses, and it is no different in the case of a major depression. Research has shown that depression tends to run in families. This is especially true concerning bipolar disorder, a type of depression in which the person alternately experiences manic, depressive, and normal moods. But while a susceptibility to depression can be inherited, it does not mean that those without a family history of the disease will not fall prey to it. Anyone can suffer from a major depression, with or without a family history of the condition.

Environmental factors also seem to play an important role in depression. The presence of chronic stress can slowly wear down a person, such that he eventually breaks down and succumbs to depression. It has also been found out that certain groups of people appear to be more susceptible to depression than others. For instance, minority groups who continually experience discrimination, as well as socio-economically disadvantaged sections of society, seem to have higher rates of depression than other people outside their groups.

Biologically, the cause of clinical depression is linked to brain chemistry. There are more than a hundred chemicals, known as neurotransmitters or neurochemicals that circulate in our brain. Four of the most important neurochemicals are norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, and acetylcholine. An imbalance in these chemicals results in certain neuro-psychiatric illnesses such as Parkinson's disease and dementia. People with this condition have decreased levels of serotonin and norepinephrine.

Food, medication and activity all have an effect on the neurotransmitters in our brain. As such, having a balanced diet and getting enough exercise and sleep are important considerations for people with depression. They must also bear in mind that certain medications may cause depression as a side effect. In particular, some medications for the treatment of cancer, seizures, high blood pressure and acute pain can all have a depressive side effect. Even certain contraceptives, sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medications can contribute to the development of depression. This underlines the importance of not self-medicating, and of strictly following physician's instructions regarding medication.

As can be seen, there are a variety of factors that come into play in clinical depression. Some of them are beyond our control, such as heredity, genetics and ethnicity or the group in society in which one is born. Death, debts, money issues, calamities, unwelcome life changes and such external triggers of depression are also often beyond anyone's control. Depression may then be an unavoidable part of life sometimes, but it can be managed and treated, just like any other medical condition.

Symptoms of a Low Thyroid - Surprisingly Simple Way to Test Low Thyroid Symptoms

Discover how a simple test at home can help you discover if what your feeling are indeed symptoms of a low thyroid. If your thyroid hormones are not in correct balance, you need to know as soon as possible. The sooner you know what is going wrong in your body, the sooner you can take action to correct the problem.

Symptoms of a low thyroid will usually include a slower heart rate than usual, so this is the test to perform.

  • To do this test, you need to check your pulse rate as follows:

  • Place your index finger to your neck right below your ear lobe.

  • Take a watch with a second hand and count each beat for 15 seconds.

  • Take the number of beats and multiply it by 4.

Now that you have your pulse rate, you need to have a good idea of what your normal heart rate is and then compare the two.

If your heart rate has changed by 10 beats or more, either faster or slower, it is a very good indication that something in your body has changed.

This at home test is so simple and when looked at along with the symptoms you are going through, it can be a very good indicator of how your thyroid is doing. If after trying this test, your results are leaning toward symptoms of low thyroid levels, you should contact your doctor and have a professional test.

Give yourself this symptoms of low thyroid levels test and see what it reveals. Thyroid problems can be very difficult for doctors to diagnose. By you being more informed, you are in a better position to help your doctor give you the right diagnosis.

Would you like to learn more great tips to help you with your exhaustion and depression caused by low thyroid function? If so visit

What You Need to Know About Life Insurance Quotes

Every insurance company, before accepting an individual to insure must first assess whether he is insurable or not. After the assessment and the person passes the requirements or standards of the insurer, that person then could be issued a life insurance quote.

A life insurance quote provides the client with the premium rate that he must pay depending on the policy that he desires. It contains the rate class, the monthly premium, rate per day, and rate guarantee. Different insurance companies provide quotations online. It could also be requested by phone or directly from their offices.

The rate class is the category where the person belongs. An example is a category for a smoker and another category for a non-smoker. The monthly premium rate defines the amount that the individual must pay every month. The rate per day is equal to the monthly premium divided by thirty days, and the rate guarantee is the term or coverage period.

How to Get a Quotation

Before requesting for a quotation, you must determine what particular policy you would like to avail. Check your needs. Try to see whether you would require a long term or a short term policy, whether you want the basic term life insurance or the one with a savings component integrated in the policy. Also, think about the scope of coverage of the policy. Ascertain whether you would like it to extend to your children, to your liabilities, or even to your business. Lastly, make sure that the insurance company that you are most likely to consider is a highly reputable one. You do not want to end up chasing after insolvent companies in the future.

After coming up with answers in relation to the matters stated above, you could now start to look for companies where you could request for a life insurance quote. You could browse for different insurance companies on the internet, or if you have already chosen a certain insurer, you could visit their website for a quotation.

There are different ways that insurance companies give out a quotation on the internet. Some let you fill out general information pertaining to the state where you reside, gender, birthday, coverage amount, and the term period. After submitting these information, it would then ask you to fill out personal information and those that pertain to your health. These include biological information such as height and weight. Those involving personal health include whether you are a non-smoker or not, whether your family has a history of ailments such as cancer, stroke, diabetes, kidney or heart diseases and if a member had died from these illnesses, whether you or those in your family have been diagnosed of anxiety, depression or other similar psychological disorders. Some companies are more lenient and would just be asking for the general information and an email address, and would send the quotation directly to your email. Others integrate both general and personal information in a single page and give out the quotation after completely filling out the required fields.

In any case, once you receive a quotation, make sure that everything is stated without any ambiguity. The coverage period should be clear and the yearly or monthly premium must be certain. Determine first-hand whether the quotation you have received from a company is not overpriced. Do this by comparing premiums, coverage period, and benefits with quotations from other companies. Most importantly, verify the status of the insurance company and how reliable it is in paying up its dues to policyholders.

A life insurance quote is not a guarantee that insurance companies would insure you because they gave you one. They have to determine initially your insurability and your capacity to pay the premiums. Nevertheless, planning to obtain a life insurance policy is a good start for securing your future and your family.

Signs Of Depression - Can You Read Them When You See Them?

Pain, a high body temperature, a running nose. All signs of physical problems and all pretty obvious. But what about feeling sad for a couple of days? Would you go and see your doctor when you feel helpless, empty, and worthless but without a scarf or a running nose to show for it? I bet you wouldn't. You kick yourself in the butt, ignore the sings and keep trying to get your act together. Why? Because we don't want to be seen as whiners or losers. But what if you'd come to the conclusion that - after yet another sleepless night - these feelings just won't go away and actually get stronger day by day? Would you kick yourself in the butt again? You should. Because you wasted valuable time just because you missed the early warning signs and symptoms of depression.

Things are different when it comes to depression. No cuts, no swellings, no blood. Depression builds up without a clear footprints. It takes a skilled eye to read the signs and symptoms of this silent killer in an early state. And that's part of why depression is the problem it is in today's society. We just don't recognize the symptoms and if we do, we are late. Sometimes too late.

What all experts agree on....
All experts and professionals agree on one thing: mental health would not be the huge problem it is today if we - being you and me - would be less ignorant and willing to learn to read the symptoms. You see, depression can be cured. In fact, most forms can be cured pretty fast and without the extensive use of drugs.

The key? Speed.

These days depression can be cured. It is often treated by a combination of therapy and drugs. If, how good and how fast the patient will recover, greatly depends on when depression is diagnosed and when proper treatment starts. Facing depression, time is not on your side. If all of today's patients would have started treatment a couple of weeks sooner, their changes of a full and speedy recovery would have increased dramatically. In fact, most of them would have shortened their illness by weeks and maybe even months.

If that doesn't convince you that learning to read the signs and symptoms of depression is essential, then this probably will: it's fair to say that some suicides could have been prevented, if the depression was recognized jus a couple of weeks earlier.

Due to the nature of the illness, it's often not the patient who's the first to come to the conclusion that he or she is suffering from depression. That's why it's important their friends, relatives, co-worker and even neighbors can read the signs of depression. They are the first to notice a change in personality on the victim. They actually see the patient withdraw from every day live. And they are the ones that can sound the alarm bells before health workers and probably even the patient is aware of any danger. Let me put it this way: once you know the signs of depression, you've become a mighty weapon in the fight against this silent killer.

What Makes a Great Life Experience?

A great life experience is very dependent on a few things. Your history and culture, your family, what you read and absorb and the choices you make. It is also very personal, what one person may consider as a great life experience another person may think is an average or even a bad experience.

Firstly a persons history or culture will determine what is a great life experience. For example, a person who is a South American Indian will have a different set of needs and values to somebody who was born in Australia and they in turn will be different to someone born in Germany. Now a person can change their needs and values and what they consider to be a great experience, this can be influenced by what a person is exposed to.

A persons needs and values may change over time and along with this their ideas on a great life will also change. One major thing that can create change in a person's life is education. Now education is not just going to school and university, it is being exposed to the world. Oprah for example, states that she wouldn't be where she is now if she hadn't read the books she did. A person might also be influenced by watching a movie and seeing a different aspect to the world or meeting a different person who lives a different style of life to them and that they think would be more enjoyable.

Sometimes circumstances also play a part in making a great life experience. You could be swimming at the beach one day and somebody gets caught in a rip (a current that sweeps you out to sea) and you rescue them. This type of event can have a huge effect on the rest of your life as you realise how precious life is.

Choices, the choices you make in life will impact whether you create a great life experience or a bad one. For example if you buy a new car and a week later part of the car falls off. You can take this one of two ways, you can immediately drive down to the dealership where you bought the car and abuse the dealer who sold you the car. In this case you will probably get the car fixed but you will certainly not win any friends and may harm your chances of a good experience with that dealer in the future. Alternatively you can arrive with the attitude that yes sometimes these things happen in life and walk in with a smiling face. Your car will in all likelihood be immediately fixed and because you have been positive you may walk out with a bonus, a hidden gem or present. You may know someone like this that receives free things, has dinner bought for them, receives presents out of nowhere. Have a look at the attitude of the person and how they choose to deal with situations. You might just find out that they have chosen the attitude of honey as the old clich矇 goes - "you catch more flies with honey then vinegar).

A great life experience might be as small as having a cup of coffee with a friend or an around the world trip. Why not make your whole life a great experience - you only get one go at it so why not make it a fantastic one and live life to the fullest and choose to be happy and you might find your experience of life gets better everyday.