Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Truth About the Wrath of God

Nobody likes the thought of God's wrath; people get really angry about it. That should give you a clue as to what God's wrath really is.

The wrath of God is that great gaping chasm between you and Him, and how you really feel about it deep within your unconscious. It is you standing on the lip of that bottomless pit, and some joker coming up behind you, pushing you and holding you back saying, "Saved you!" with a gormless grin on his face. And that joker is you. Remember this seven-word mantra: You are being lied to, by yourself.

It is the feeling of having someone's hand clamped over your nose and mouth. It is you believing you deserve to be thrown into the abyss, forever falling, always wanting it to end, but it never does. It is guilt and punishment and pain. It is wishing someone else could be thrown into the pit, that they suffer, and that they know it. It is wishing God himself be thrown in. And, when we feel like this we turn to other things to fill the yawning maw, or we collapse in on ourselves like a manic depressive black hole.

The wrath of God is not God's wrath, it is man's. Man has plenty enough anger to go around. Plenty enough anger to keep this world in a state of perpetual terror. God's wrath is me; it is you; it is him, her and six billion other people.

"Comfort, comfort my people," says your God (Isaiah 40:1)

Without presuming that God could never get angry, of this we can be certain: God has never drowned a world of mankind; he has never killed a nation's first-born; he has never had the ground open up and swallow down hundreds of men and women; he has never slaughtered whole families, or been complicit in genocide, or had fire rain down from heaven. God is love, not fear. The fear is all our own.

God wants to offer comfort. He wants every valley to be raised up, every hill to be made low. In other words, in Jesus' words, he wants mountains to be moved. He wants the abyss to be filled. The book of Revelation has the great dragon being dumped into the abyss, and a lid being slammed shut on him. Satan is our own chaos, the lies we tell ourselves, the slander, our opposition to God. Deal with that, sort that out and our pathway to God is made smooth. The word "comfort" can otherwise be translated, "Repent!" And, believe me, repentance doesn't mean what you think it means.

So, what are you angry about? What is your IQ - your irritability quotient? What sparks you off? What are you frustrated about, scared about, ashamed of? Get to the bottom of that and you can be one person closer to ridding the world of "God's Wrath". And if you say, "I'm not angry about anything," then you need to go back to the seven-word mantra. Have it printed on a mug, on a t-shirt, on a poster.

Depression Treatment with Chinese Medicines

Chinese medicine has long been used as an alternative way of treating diseases. There are herbs and Chinese treatment methods that are deemed to be very effective for certain types of diseases. And right now, Chinese medicines are used to treat depression and other types of mental and behavioral problems as well.

Chinese medicine is currently used for specific depression cases such as dysthymic disorder, bipolar depression, and seasonal affective disorders. Of all the types of Chinese medicines and procedures used, acupuncture is the most popular. Today, acupuncture is offered not only in countries with Chinese heritage but in the western world as well. And this alternative way of treating diseases was very much welcomed by the Europeans and the Americans.

Cure Depression With Qi Gong

Qi gong is actually a type of a Chinese exercise routine that can greatly help a person suffering from depression. The routine is composed of gentle, slow, and rhythmic movements that induce relaxation. The movements are also known to reduce the symptoms of depression.

Herbal Treatment for Depression with Mood Smooth

Mood Smooth is Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan. This Chinese herbal supplement has been around in the past 600 years. The Chinese call them happy pill, as it can magically make a depressed person feel happier. Prozac is the today's most popular medicine for depression. Jia Wei Xiao Yao is the Chinese counterpart of that drug.

Natural Cure for Depression with Acupuncture

Acupuncture is widely used to treat depression, not only in China but in the Western countries such as the U.S. and the U.K. as well. To treat depression through acupuncture, the points of the pericardium and the heart are focused on. For acupuncture to be more effective, a the Chinese medicine practitioner would have to evaluate the patient first so that he'll know the main root of the depression and perform the right techniques.

Natural Herbal Cure for Depression with Yang Tonic

To treat depression, the Yang Tonic for the Kidneys is usually prescribed. The Yang Tonic is a nourishing formula for the kidneys and can address the different levels of depression in a patient. The Yang Tonic is composed of different herbal medicines such as Fu Zi, Gui Zhi, Ze Xie, and Fu Ling, among many others.

In Chinese, depression is referred to as the Yu Syndrome. It is directly related to restlessness or Zang Zao. In this discipline, depression is defined as the abnormal harboring of emotions that leads to the stagnant flow of Qi. As such, depressed individuals are very unhappy, crying all the time, not talking much, and spending time by themselves. These common signs of depression are further classified in traditional Chinese medicine as depression due to the deficiency of the spleen and the heart, depression due to the disturbance of the mind, and depression due to Yin deficiency.
If depression is caused by the disruption of the mind's normal processes, then the Chinese medicine normally used to address the condition is Gan Mai Dazao Tang. This concoction is a collection of different Chinese herbs such as licorice, gancao, longchi, and fushen, among many others.

If both the heart and the spleen are the main causes of depression, then the treatment procedure is primarily directed to build up the spleen and replenish the blood. Building up the spleen would lead to the reinforcement of the Qi. Replenishing the blood, on the other hand, would nourish the heart. In these cases, the Gui Pi Tang decoction is the best Chinese medicine to use.

When Yin deficiency is the main cause of depression, other consequences normally show. Palpitation, dizziness, insomia, irritability, tinnitus, and hot temperedness are just a few examples. To nourish the Yin is to clear away heat. And that would also calm the mind and the body. To achieve that state of relaxation, the Chinese medicine commonly prescribed is Liu Wei Dihuang Wan. Taking this decoction would definitely relieve you of all the symptoms of depression in no time.

Take Flax Seed For Stress Relief

The levels of omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acid needs to be in balance to avoid a feeling of ill health and being unable to cope with stress. Commonly in modern day diets, many people have a high intake of omega 6 essential fatty acids, but lack a sufficient omega 3 intake.

A study was done on a test group who were instructed to take flaxseed daily for two months. Their responses to stressful situations was measured in the way of blood pressure levels, heart rate and tension, and those who were taking flaxseed were clearly more able to cope in all areas.

Each persons has a level of prostaglandins in the body which work to regulate the function of your immune system and is responsible for fighting stress. Most people experience a feeling of comfort and calmness when they choose to take omega 3 supplements.

Flax seed is very high in omega 3 fatty acids, which are known to assist in maintaining healthy and optimal levels of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is responsible for nerve communication and emotional response recognition. This is another way flax seed will assist in dealing with stress, because if you are in a good mood to start with it's much harder to be brought down. When taking flax seed oil as a daily supplement, you will find you won't lose your temper easily and will be calmer overall in every situation and challenge.

Another property of flax seed oil is an amino acid called tryptophan, which is also a serotonin stabilizer, helping to alleviate stress. The omega 3's combined with the tryptophan make flax seed oil fantastic for those who have problems with anxiety and depression.

There is a particular kind of fatty acid that is in flax seed oil and is believed to inhibit the bodies production of arachidonic acid, along with other stress causing chemicals.

As you can see, there are many benefits to taking flax seed oil to prevent stress. Whether you are currently going through a difficult and stressful time in your life, or would like to avoid becoming stuck in one, flax seed oil can help you. Pour a little on your breakfast, take it in water, a milk shake or in capsule form.

It is through strengthening the bodies natural ability to cope with stress that flaxseed can be a great benefit as a supplement in your diet. You will find when you take it you feel calm, hassle-free and easily able to cope with challenges that come your way.

Overcoming Mid Life Depression

"Why don't you kill yourself". Incredibly, this was the first line offered to sufferers of depression by the worlds leading specialist. It must be the ultimate question for sufferers of depression and has understandably caused controversy ever since.

Most people who are depressed, and see a doctor or therapist have a measure of control over their condition. They may receive medication in the form of anti-depressants (commonly prescribed are the new form of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs, such as Prozac, Lustral and Paroxatine, which are increasingly effective for the growing amount of people who find themselves depressed), or maybe referred to a counsellor or psychotherapist. For this group of people this question is really worth thinking about; why exactly don't I kill myself?

There is a new and important break through for understanding why people change and has important implications for people suffering from depression. It always used to be believed that we changed by either an increased level of insight into our lives and problems, or through acquiring new skills that allowed us to act more effectively. Hence almost all therapy being dominated by either skills training (such as anger management, drink refusal skills, self esteem building etc...) or insight based approaches (such as core belief identification in CBT, psychoanalysis, etc...).

Recently there has been a quiet revolution amongst these ideas, namely something called Self Perception Theory, which states that "we learn what we believe as we hear ourselves talk". This idea, which has been gathering momentum over the last 20 years, states that our beliefs are not set in stone but are constantly shifting. Furthermore our beliefs are shifting as a direct result of the language that we use and the way we "talk" to ourselves.

This means that if I say "I can't do anything about my depression", I certainly will not be able to, not necessarily because I can't, but because I am learning that I can't as I hear myself speak.

It's not just about throwing out all the negative sounding stuff and replacing it with shiny new squeaky clean positive words that feel empty and unhelpful. It's about recognizing exactly what I am saying, understanding why I am saying it and re-phrasing my words so they stop negatively informing my beliefs.

This is a useful checklist for beginning to change your beliefs and beating mid life depression.

  • Listen Carefully to the words you say, especially when talking to yourself or describing yourself to others.

  • Identify and write down all the negative things that you say (put on one side whether they are right or not and concentrate simply on recording them).

  • Challenge what you have it true?

  • Re-phrase your negative statements with statements that feel more accurate and less negative.

For example, you might replace " I can't help feeling depressed" with "although I feel depressed and can't do anything about it today, I need to remember that all feelings change in time and I can speed up that process by doing things that make me feel good". It certainly gets a lot more long winded but becomes a far less negative statement.

After having gone through this process you will find that your beliefs begin to shift. Different ways forward will open themselves up to you and life will be less negative and you will be able to move away from your mid life depression.

Fight Club, Consumer Psychology, and Redemption

The movie Fight Club was one of those unique films that help define a generation. The movie was preceded by the novel from Chuck Palahniuk, who created such a stir with the book and later the movie that people began to treat Chuck himself like Tyler Durden, often offering to "take care of" people at his request. So what was it about his movie that struck such a cord with people? Many were simply engaged by the movies entertaining elements, but upon deeper examination the movie had a much deeper meaning that this analysis will attempt to explore. Although we start with the idea of an analysis of Tyler Durden, his alter-ego, referred to in the movie as "Jack" is also highly relevant to this discussion.

The narrator "Jack" begins the movie with a raging case of insomnia that is brought on by existential crisis. Much like the character of Meursault in Albert Camus' novel The Stranger, who commented that "life had begun stalking him" Jack has reached a point in his life that is also utterly devoid of meaning as evidenced by his quote, "this is your life and its ending one minute at a time." Finally Jack seems to embrace the Buddhist idea that meaning in life can be achieved by actively meditating on one's own death. He joins a number of survivor's groups where he can see people at the very end of life, and this seems to bring him a great deal of peace. Perhaps a part of him is taking solace in the fact that fate has been cruel to others while it continues to spare him, and this gives him a sense of peace where he can finally get some sleep.

Everything changes when Jack meets Marla who is suffering through a similar existential crisis. Marla, although every bit as lost as Jack, does not have a place in mainstream consumer America and is essentially a bottom feeder in society. All the same, Marla and Jack are kindred souls, and there is an immediate attraction that Jack is unable to act on, until his subconscious creates Tyler Durden.

So Jack's spilt into Tyler can be partially explained by looking at the fundamentals of dissociation. This occurs when someone's thoughts become too uncomfortable to consciously process, and they go into another state as a psychological defense against these painful feelings. The question therefore becomes what was so uncomfortable in Jack's life that he needed to create an alter ego? The answer can be found in looking at our greater American society and how consumerism creates a sense of the empty self.

In Adam Curtis's documentary entitled The Century of the Self, the roots of American consumerism are explored by following the trail of Sigmund Freud's nephew named Edward Bernays. Bernays had studied his uncle's works extensively, and became convinced that people could be manipulated into buying products based on their instinctual drives towards aggressiveness and sexuality.

To back up a second, Freud posited that our subconscious is made up of three separate functions known as the id, ego, and superego. The superego takes the function of what we consider to be the "conscience" which urges us towards moral and just behavior. The id on the other hand is our drive towards destruction and sexuality which Freud thought was inherent in human nature. The ego acts as a kind of referee between these two forces to create a balance where people can successfully function in line with the rules of the society.

Freud believed we were all inherently aggressive and that the id is the dominant force in our lives, and is only curtailed by society's conventions. In Civilization and its Discontents, Freud stated "men are not gentle creatures, who want to be loved, who at the most can defend themselves if they are attacked; they are, on the contrary, creatures among whose instinctual endowments is to be reckoned a powerful share of aggressiveness. As a result, their neighbor is for them not only a potential helper or sexual object, but also someone who tempts them to satisfy their aggressiveness on him, to exploit his capacity for work without compensation, to use him sexually without his consent, to seize his possessions, to humiliate him, to cause him pain, to torture and to kill him."

So to return to Edward Bernays, he felt his uncle's ideas could be used to exploit the American public into buying things they didn't need if he could make them feel that these things would make them more sexually powerful or perceived as more aggressive. Consider Tyler's comment; "God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need" in this regard.

A part of Jack has begun to understand that constantly acquiring furniture and other things for his condo is a meaningless pursuit totally devoid of purpose and fulfillment, and he feels a strong impulse to act on this feeling. Much of Jack's dissociation has to do with this empty sense of self that he realizes he has for years been filling up by buying things, i.e. "What kind of dining set defines me as a person?" Tyler also makes a comment that, "We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no great war, no great depression. Our great war is a spiritual war, and our great depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars. But we won't. We're slowly learning that fact, and we're very, very pissed off." Jack has begun to reject the consumerism he has become a kind of slave to, also evidenced by his comment that "the things you own end up owning you."

Tyler's comment has a great deal of validity and can be historically supported. Prior to industrialization in this country, most people lived in rural communities where there was a shared sense of community and values of hard work and self-reliance were emphasized. With the coming of industrialization people began flocking to the cities, and with this migration, many of the core values of the rural way of life were also left behind. As people began living in close proximity in the US, a desire to "keep up with the Joneses" soon developed where people wanted to acquire as many possessions as their neighbors to keep up appearances. This mentality was soon exploited by people like Bernays, who worked with business to create adverting campaigns that capitalized on this idea.

World War 2 interrupted the county however, and the "sense of purpose" Tyler refers to came from taking on Adolph Hitler and protecting the world from the spread of fascism. Following World War 2, the consumer machine kicked back in however, and we soon returned to the idea of buying newer and better things in accordance with our deeply rooted subconscious desires. The next generation partially rejected this idea however, and in the 60's a number of social causes such as the Women's Movement, Civil Rights, and brining an end to Vietnam War energized people, and once again created a sense of unified purpose.

The children born after this generation are Tyler's "middle children of history". With more media outlets than ever constantly bombarding them, and no political or social causes to get behind, "Generation X" became one of the most restless and unfulfilled in history, and this is where we pick up the story of Jack.

One interesting piece of Jack's story comes from analyzing his ideas about women and sex. At the beginning of the movie we see him holding a catalog likes it's a porno magazine and we see instead it's an Ikea advertisement. Jack, through filling up his psychological desires by purchasing things, has suppressed his sexual urges and become celibate. When he does create Tyler, he is able to finally release his pent up sexual frustration and release the desires of his id. But when Jack lets this genie out of the bottle, sexual conquest is not the least of Tyler's desires. Freud also believed our drive towards destruction would emerge when society's conventions are stripped away, and this is exactly what happens in the case of Tyler, who wished to destroy the consumerism that has prevented Jack from acting on his natural primitive urges.

Tyler's actions suggest that destruction can also be evolutionary, as evidenced by his comment that "only when we lose everything do we have the power do to anything." By destroying Jack's possessions he feels he has set him free, but it is also important to understand what Jack is now free to do. "Tyler's advice that "self-improvement is masturbation, but self-destruction is where its at" is interesting to consider. In setting himself free has Jack found redemption? This returns us to his comment at the end of his journey, where he remarks "all of this has something to do with a woman named Marla Singer."

So, is love Jack's salvation? This is certainly one hypothesis. At the end of the film, when Jack destroys Tyler, we see two things. One, the towers of consumerism crumbling to the ground, and two, him joining hands with Marla in perhaps their first moment of real intimacy. Perhaps this suggests that Jack has destroyed the power of his addiction to consumerism while also understanding there was a drive in the human instinct more powerful than simply sex.

So is that the message of Fight Club? That love can be the redemptive force that sets us free from our shackles? I think this is a likely explanation. Although as a viewer I particularly enjoyed watching Tyler/Jack free themselves from the bondage of consumer addiction, we still have Jack's comment that "all of this has something to do with a woman named Marla Singer." The nature of the psyche is such, that the ego's defenses aren't stripped away without being replaced by another force to protect the ego. In Jack's case by killing Tyler he has freed himself from his disassociation and unified the forces inside of him into a single front. Bringing down the towers exorcises the demon forces of consumerism that have been filling up Jack's empty self, and he is now free to live through the redemptive powers of love.

Users Say Dianetics is a Natural - Drug-free Remedy for Depression and Anxiety - Since 1950

Amidst the highly public debate on depression, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a Public Health Advisory (PHA) warning against worsening depression and increased risk of suicidal behavior in people taking antidepressants.

After a short-term study of nine antidepressant drugs revealed an increased risk of suicidal behavior in children and adolescents, the FDA directed drug manufacturers to add a "black box" warning to all antidepressants. The "black box" warning is the most serious warning placed on a prescription drug. In the FDA Review of Clinical trials, it warns that the rate of suicidal thinking or behavior with these drugs was 4%, twice the placebo risk of 2%.

Federal health officials are also looking into a suggestion by a University of Texas study that Ritalin and other stimulant drugs given to children might increase the risk of cancer later in life.
Depression is now ranked as a major global health crisis, affecting over 120 million people, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The symptoms of depression include feeling sad or down, losing interest in usual activities, feeling guilty, worthless or hopeless, or having sleeplessness and lack of energy. This means that practically every person on this planet suffers at one point or another from depression.

Harvard University psychiatrist Joseph Glenmullen says the questionnaire of symptoms used to "diagnose"
depression "may look scientific," but "when one examines the questions asked and the scales used, they are utterly subjective measures..."

The "depression screening" in the general community has undoubtedly influenced the 60 million prescriptions for antidepressants written in the U.S. - about 10% of the American population, including 1.5 million children.

Allen J. Frances, Professor of Psychiatry at Duke University Medical Center writes: "Psychiatry's claim that mental illnesses are brain not true. There are no objective diagnostic tests to confirm or disconfirm the diagnosis of depression...There is no blood or other biological test to ascertain the presence or absence of a mental illness, as there is for most bodily diseases. If such a test were developed...then the condition would cease to be a mental illness and would be classified, instead, as a symptom of a bodily disease."

While there has been no shortage of biochemical explanations for psychiatric conditions, Glenmullen is emphatic, "...not one has been proven. Quite the contrary. In every instance where such an imbalance was thought to have been found, it was later proven false."

According to Elliot S. Valenstein, PhD and author of Blaming the Brain, "The theories are held on to not only because there is nothing else to take their place, but also because they are useful in promoting drug treatment."

As with any condition, treating only the symptoms, not the cause, has no real long-term benefits. With the current mainstream treatments, it seems therefore that no safe, effective therapy exists.

However, it is not true that no understanding of the causes of depression exists. In his book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard lays out very clearly the exact anatomy of how the mind works, and what causes such things as stress, anxiety and unhappiness.

Dianetics fully explains the source of upsets and uncontrolled emotion, and explains how to get rid of them.
Current medical thinking treats physical illnesses as a function only of the body, while modern psychiatry treats mental illnesses as a dysfunction of the brain. In Dianetics, Mr. L. Ron Hubbard demonstrates how the mind affects the body. He shows how 70% of all man's illnesses are in fact psychosomatic, and he wrote,
"The problem of psychosomatic illness is entirely embraced by Dianetics, and by Dianetic technique such illness has been eradicated entirely in every case."

Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, was first published in 1950 and has been a consistent best-seller ever since. The information contained in this book can help people achieve a happier and healthier life using a program that is both natural and drug-free. Dianetics Techniques go straight to the source of the problem and handles the cause, thus alleviating the symptoms.

Depression is a very real and tragic thing. Dianetics can help to handle it and should be a welcome solution to a condition that is now regarded as a global problem.

To find out more about Dianetics, visit

Manic Depression Symptoms and Natural Treatment

Manic depression is a disorder where the patient experiences mood swings ranging from overly high to overly low mood. It is also known by another name - bipolar disorder. When someone suffers from this type of depression, there are unusual and drastic changes in the person's moods and energy levels.

This type of depression can hit both men and women. It can be found in people of all ages and from all walks of life. Genetics can play a role in manic depression as it is sometimes found to run in a family. This form of depression has a recurring pattern to it. It needs continuous and probably long term treatment. One of the most important things in treatment is to have proper sleep at regular timings.

Most people resort to medicines for treating manic depression symptoms. Mood stabilizing drugs and antidepressants are prescribed to patients. The thyroid levels of the patient will also be monitored as a majority of bipolar patients also suffer from abnormal thyroid functioning.

It is important not to lose hope or courage while trying to treat manic depression. Whenever you are faced with any doubts, you have to show strong resolve and fierce determination. If you are determined to overcome this disorder, then you may find within yourself enough courage to face hurdles and disappointments.

I suggest that you avoid medication for manic depression treatment. Medicines can cause unwanted side effects. There are other ways of treating this disorder like herbal remedies and even behavior therapy. Herbal remedies may not have as many side effects as prescription medicine. So they are a good option if you want a natural treatment.

Keep in mind that there is a cure for every disease and disorder on this planet. For treating this disorder, you should seriously consider behavior therapy. It teaches you how to manage your emotions and avoid mood swings.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Stop Your Depression Now - Depression Busting Tools Reviewed

"Stop Your Depression Now" reviewed.

Sharon Schurman a Retired Clinical Counselor reveals the 'Secrets Successful Psychiatrists and Psychologists Don't Want You to Know' in her book: "Stop Your Depression Now".

Testimonials from readers say the ebook is "easy to read" and "we finally got the answers we needed" which sum up the practical approach of this book.

Sharon has spent her life treating depressed families, individuals, and corporate clients. Now she's sharing these years of experience with you through the pages of this book.

"Stop Your Depression Now!" is described as the complete solution for anyone who wants to overcome his or her depression. She states that she has helped hundreds of patients using the techniques in the book.

What is different about this book that recommends it to the average person wanting some help with depression? Well you no longer have to deal with the all of the "technical" books out there that leave you asking yourself "What the heck does that mean?" Nor will you need to rely on a therapist who can charge up to thousands of dollars with questionable results. This book helps you to quickly understand your depression. And understanding your depression is said to be half of the battle.

Here are some of the benefits you'll get out of this book:

  • The Depression Indicator Test will show if you are depressed and then find out what you can do about it. When you quickly identify which type of depression affects you, you'll save hundreds of hours sorting through all the mis-information out there by simply reading "Stop Your Depression Now!"

  • Find the best treatment for your personality. All treatments are not created equal. Treatments that do wonders for others may do absolutely nothing for you.

  • Get the lowdown on what to expect from antidepressant medications. You'll be informed and able to insist on the right prescription for you.

  • The truth about depression is made clear: that it can strike anybody at any time and it is definitely NOT a form of weakness. It helps when you can understand the symptoms and recognize what is happening to you.

    Sharon uses some well-chosen real-life stories to illustrate how real people came to understand their illness and thus she demonstrates that your symptoms also happen to other people and you are not alone or unusual.

    The conclusion is supportive - depression can be treated and there are ways you can strengthen that treatment and all the other areas of your life.

    All in all a very valuable contribution to this condition that affects too many people.

    Don't Shoot the Messenger! Postpartum Depression and Antidepressants

    A while back everyone was angry at Tom Cruise because they didn't like what he had to say about the issue of Brooke Shields, postpartum depression and antidepressants. But just because you didn't like what he said didn't mean he was wrong.

    First of all, postpartum depression is a hormone imbalance not an antidepressant deficiency. This means it should be treated with hormones, not antidepressants. Many women are being misled into thinking they have a psychiatric problem when it is actually a hormone imbalance that can be treated with natural, bio-identical hormones.

    One young, new mother complained of feeling depressed soon after the birth of her first child. A simple hormone test indicated she was low in the hormone, progesterone. After only two days of treatment with bio-identical progesterone, she reported feeling 100% better. Women should not be subjected to prescription antidepressants that come with the risk of serious side effects such as suicidal tendencies and heart problems when their problem is hormonal. Brooke Shields even reported that she wanted to drive her car, with her baby inside, into a wall when she tried to come off the antidepressant she was taking.

    Second, Tom Cruise implied that she should exercise and take nutrients. He wasn't wrong there either. A study conducted by the Public Health Institute in Berkeley, California found a direct correlation between increased exercise and a decrease risk in being depressed or becoming depressed. Another study by the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University reported that after depressed patients who exercised had a significant lower relapse than those who were treated with medication.

    According to Organic Psychiatry, depletion of potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C or zinc can be the actual cause of depressed symptoms and that "The most marked manifestations of magnesium deficiency were depression..."

    I am a physician who has seen too many women diagnosed with postpartum depression and just plain old depression without receiving an adequate medical work-up.

    Another woman came to see me because she was very ill with many different symptoms, from arthritis to double vision. She had been to many specialists. None could figure out why she had all of these symptoms. She had been taking an antidepressant for seven years, through a pregnancy and through nursing her baby. Every one of her symptoms was a side effect of the antidepressant she was taking but not a single specialist figured that out even though she told each one she was taking the antidepressant.

    Once she slowly stopped the antidepressant (no one should stop these drugs abruptly), all of her symptoms went away. And the depression she supposedly had, wasn't depression at all. It turned out to by hypothyroidism, yet not a single doctor had even performed a simple blood test to find the cause of her depressed symptoms.

    The antidepressants currently used most frequently in the United States are the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) such as Prozac, Zoloft, Luvox and many others. I have found in my patients that taking these SSRI antidepressants actually deplete the serotonin in the body, not increase it. The patients I have seen on these drugs felt better initially but felt worse in the long term and had difficulty stopping the drugs without significant side effects.

    In addition to hormone deficiencies, there are many true causes of feeling depressed. Some of theses are hypothyroidism, nutritional deficiencies, allergies and prescription drug side effects. The Psychiatry Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) states, "By definition, a Major Depressive Episode is not due to...the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition (e.g., hypothyroidism)." Even though these statements are in the psychiatrist's manual, unless the doctor does a thorough evaluation of the patient, the doctor will never know that the patient has a medical condition, not a psychiatric one. One psychiatrist announced on national television that "Psychiatrists don't do physicals." If a psychiatrist does not perform a physical exam on a patient or does not perform laboratory tests, there is no way they can find the true cause of the symptoms. Giving someone a psychiatric diagnosis and a prescription for a psychiatric drug without a thorough medical evaluation should be considered malpractice.

    Aromatase and Estrogen Dominance - What Can You Do?

    Recently, there seems to be an influx of clients seeking advice to reduce estrogen dominance which may appear in males as increased breast tissue (gynecomastia), and females complaining that their legs are fat or thick. Upon observation of these men and women, I noticed they tend to spend a ton of their time on cardio equipment or jogging, and never or hardly any time, strength training.

    Aside from the activity of choice these men and women choose, they tend to be estrogen dominant. Estrogen dominance may be attributed from genetics, environmental and lifestyle. Estrogen is catabolic hormone causing an increase in body fat and increased aromatase, whereas testosterone is an anabolic hormone that promotes muscle growth.

    Aromatization happens when androgens (testosterone) convert to estrogens (estrodial). High estrogen and low testosterone may indicate aromatase. Aromatase is an enzyme found in estrogen producing cells in the adrenal glands, ovaries, placenta, testicles, adipose or fat tissue and the brain.

    Symptoms of decreased testosterone include fatigue, lack of motivation, depression, decreased libido, poor concentration, decreased muscle tissue and increased body fat. In men, their breasts may enlarge as extra estrogen begins to promote female body characteristics.

    Estrogen dominance may be revealed through caliper skin fold measurements and hormonal blood lab work or saliva testing. Results revealing high estrogen and low testosterone apply to females and male, alike.

    Suggested lab testing:

    *Female Hormone Profile: Pregnenolone, Total Estrogens, DHEA-S, Progesterone, Testosterone (total)

    *Male Hormone Profile: Pregnenolone, Total Estrogens, DHEA, Progesterone, Bioavailable Testosterone, Testosterone (total), Testosterone (free)

    *Both male and female should test - Thyroid panel: T3, T4, TSH and thyroid antibodies

    *Male: PSA (Test at age 50 for Caucasian; age 40 for African American)

    For skin fold measurements in males: if the pectoral site is higher than the triceps site this indicates aromatase. Additionally, if the quadriceps skin fold is relatively high in a male a PSA (Prostate-specific Antigen) test is in order. The skin fold estrogen sites for a female are the quadriceps and hamstrings. Liver enzyme activity and poor detoxification of estrogens are other factors to consider. Alcohol can be the culprit here as well as marijuana.

    Excess estrogens in your body not only lead to aromatization, but estrogen dominant health issues such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, fibroids as well as breast and prostate cancers. Read more about hormones in my book, THE POWER OF 4 ~ Your Ultimate Guide Guaranteed to Change Your Body and Transform Your Life.

    Factors that raise levels of estrogen include:

    *Age increases aromatase activity

    *Carbohydrate intolerance and insulin resistance - This affects the adrenals and all other major hormone levels. (The hormone you have the most control over is insulin - this is controlled through your diet. Hormones do not act independently.)

    *Consuming a diet of processed soy and non-organic foods loaded with xenoestrogens, pesticides, etc.

    *Liver function changes - Elevated AST and ALT values

    *Obesity - High estrogen is present in most obese people of all ages. Obesity in males = 25% body fat or greater. Obesity in females = 30% body fat of greater

    *Overuse of marijuana and alcohol - This equals higher blood sugar, triglycerides and estrogens.

    *Plastics, pesticides, soaps, skin care products, cosmetics and household cleaning products containing xenoestrogens, pesticides and other chemicals.

    *Prescription drug side effects - especially diuretics and liver activity drugs

    *Zinc deficiency. Low levels of zinc have been linked to enlarged prostates and less than desirable levels of testosterone.

    Aside from implementing lifestyle changes, eliminating all estrogen precursors as plastics, non-organic food and ensuring healthy gut flora, there are various aromatase inhibitors one can obtain through botanicals and supplementation.

    Resveratrol, Calcium d-Glucarate, nettle root, chrysin, passionflower and green tea are natural estrogen blockers, preventing aromatase. DIM and Calcium D-Glucarate are helpful for estrogen dominant legs in women and gynecomastia in men. Gynecomastia is a growth of breast tissue in men.

    In addition to the above, consider:

    *Omega-3 fish oils (EPA/DHA), zinc and probioitics

    *Consume organic foods versus conventional due to their abundance of synthetic pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, etc.

    *Eliminate processed soy products.

    *Avoid refined carbohydrates, HFCS and trans fats. Educate yourself on these ingredients and products, and stay away from them!

    *Avoid estrogen precursors such as plastic bottles, chemical-laden cosmetics, lotions and cleaning products.

    The exercise training program solution for estrogen dominance and decreased testosterone is a high-intensity strength training program that builds muscle. Proper nutrition must always be factored in and cannot be underestimated. Workouts involving the major muscles and multi-joint exercises will force the body to lose the fat reserves and increase muscle mass. Some of my favorite total body strength training exercises for include Olympic lifts, squats, multi-directional lunges, dead lifts, pull ups, push ups and step ups using sand bags, body weight, dumbbells, suspension training (TRX), kettlebells, sleds, pulleys and barbells.

    Manic Depression and Its Symptoms

    Also called "bipolar mood disorder", manic depression is a very serious disease of brain associated with extreme shifts in moods, body functioning and behavior. Just a few years back, manic depression was glorified as a trait so common with many well known artists, composers and brilliant writers; but in reality, thousands of lives have been lost or their career ruined due to this strange disease. An extreme case of manic depression has even lead to many people committing suicide. This debilitating disease affects almost 3 million Americans and 1.5 millions Europeans, and both men and women are equally troubled by this disease.

    Manic depression usually starts occurring during early teenage or even during childhood; the symptoms are manifested by irregular cycles or episodes of maniac tendencies, depression and mood swing, often disrupting normal daily life. Three different types of episodes are associated with manic depression and each one of them is quite different from the other. Episodes of depression signify a persistent sad or withdrawn mood, while an episode of mania may show frequent or abnormal mood swings from one extreme to another. However, a mixed or combined state that consists of both mania and depression is probably the most difficult stage to manage and treat.

    Signs and symptoms which occur during an episode of mania are:

    1. Enhanced energy, high state of excitability and increased activity

    2. Feelings of euphoria, greatness and generally excited mood

    3. Gets irritable even at the smallest of incidences.

    4. Lightening speed talk, thoughts and changing ideas.

    5. Lack of concentration accompanied by less sleep.

    6. Feelings of grandeur and false belief in their own capacity.

    7. Lack of a good judgment

    8. Unusual behavior that is easily recognizable.

    9. Easily provoked, excessive intrusion in other's affairs, state of aggression and angry.

    10. Provocative, intrusive, or aggressive behavior

    Signs and symptoms which occur during an episode of depression are:

    1. Frequent sad, melancholic or empty mood

    2. Feelings of dejection, guilt, or helplessness

    3. Progressive loss of interest in day to day activities.

    4. Depleted energy levels and feeling of tiredness.

    5. Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decision

    6. Suicidal talk and tendencies

    During early part of the illness these episodes are usually separated by a period of no symptoms and the patient usually feels very good and behaves normal. However, when five or more episodes of illness occur within a year, rapid manic depression sets in and becomes too frequent, leading to extreme consequences. This is also sometimes called a state of rapid recycling, when the degeneration of body and mind sets in at a rapid rate.

    A chronic and severe manic depression may lead the patient to a stage of psychosis, when typical symptoms like hallucinations and delusions occur, and such a stage is probably an offshoot of highly dangerous, Schizophrenia. Many people with manic depression will get immense help from a sustained level of treatment and good results are usually achieved by stabilizing their mood swings and other associated symptoms. Highly improvised drugs and medicines like Lithium, atypical antipsychotic medications and high-potency benzodiazepine medications are usually prescribed to patients, depending on the history and intensity of the symptoms. Apart from drugs and medicines, patients are also recommended session of psychotherapy and behavioral therapy.

    Standard Bipolar Prognosis Statistics

    When it comes to the prognosis of bipolar disorder, this varies greatly and is unique for each individual depending upon certain factors such as how frequent and severe the symptoms are. On average a person with bipolar disorder experiences eight to ten episodes in their lifetime which can be manic, depressive, or mixed.

    Studies have shown that individuals with this mental illness die more frequently from suicide, heart conditions, and many other causes than individuals who do not suffer from a mental disorder.

    Effect of Rapid-Cycling

    Individuals who experience the "rapid cycling" symptoms of bipolar disorder have a higher risk factor when it comes complications from bipolar such as psychosis and suicide. Rapid cycling is the frequent change of moods which switch back and forth from depression to mania.

    It is estimated that fifteen percent of all individuals who have this disorder suffer from this symptom of bipolar which causes them to "cycle" from episodes of both mania and depression at least four times per year which can sometimes escalate to several times per day. Rapid cycling typically begins with the depression state of bipolar and can be made worse with certain medications used to treat the depression as theses medications may put some individuals into a manic episode which may start the cyclical pattern all over again.

    Age Group Differences

    Studies which have been conducted show that there can be a difference between the symptoms of bipolar disorder in children and adults. Children tend to exhibit more sudden changes in mood swings and experience more frequent episodes of anger and restlessness during the depression episodes of bipolar.

    Many also tend to have additional problems when in comes to their behavior such as adhd, substance abuse, anxiety, and serious behavioral problems. It is not yet known how many of these bipolar disorder symptoms which are particular to children continue into adulthood or whether treatments given in these early years can help with the prevention or escalation of episodes in the future.

    Thursday, April 10, 2014

    Insight Into Postpartum Depression

    Postpartum depression is defined by the National Library of Medicine as moderate to severe depression in a woman after she has given birth. It may occur soon after delivery or up to a year later. Most of the time, it occurs within the first three months following delivery. A new baby can bring an influx of emotions and a whirlwind of unfamiliar feelings into the household, especially for the mother. Many new moms will experience mood swings and crying spells after giving birth, but those are quite common and usually go away on their own and shouldn't cause concern. Postnatal depression is different than these common, fleeting episodes though, even though it can look similar at first. While the baby blues don't need much care to fade away, postpartum depression can be a bit more complicated, and in severe cases when left untreated, downright dangerous.

    Signs of Postpartum Depression

    The first thing to know about it is of course, what are the symptoms? How can you tell if you or a loved one is suffering from it? Some of the common signs are as follows -

    • Loss of appetite

    • Insomnia

    • Intense irritability and anger

    • Overwhelming fatigue

    • Loss of interest in sex

    • Lack of joy in life

    • Feelings of shame, guilt or inadequacy

    • Severe mood swings

    • Difficulty bonding with the baby

    • Withdrawal from family and friends

    • Thoughts of harming yourself or the baby

    Like most illnesses, the earlier you seek treatment for your post-baby depression, the simpler it is to get a handle on. Untreated it can last up to a year or longer not to mention can cause a host of complications for the baby and mother alike, so it's definitely not one of those things you want to ignore or be too proud to admit you're struggling with. It's just not worth it. Especially in light of the fact that with proper treatment, postpartum depression usually goes away in just a few months.

    Are Some Women More At Risk for Postpartum Depression?

    Yes, some women are more at risk than others. Risk factors that increase the chance of developing postpartum depression include a history of depression either in the pregnant woman or in her family, a history of substance abuse, stressful environmental factors, and being depressed during pregnancy. These factors don't necessarily mean that you will develop postpartum depression, but if you or a woman you care about have increased risks, it's a good idea to educate yourself and pay close attention for signs and symptoms after childbirth.

    Treatment of Postpartum Depression

    After it has been diagnosed by a medical professional, traditional treatment of counseling and in certain cases medication can begin. Counseling is often found very helpful by women suffering from postpartum depression as it can teach them new, healthier ways to process and channel their feelings and emotions as well as coping strategies when they're feeling stressed or upset. Antidepressants are also proven to work for the treatment of postpartum depression, but it is important to note that these drugs will pass to your baby through your breast milk if you intend on breast-feeding. That said, there are a few antidepressants available today with minimal risk of side effects to the baby so be sure to discuss these options with your doctor if this is a route you're interesting in taking.

    Dealing With Bereavement As a Family - How Families Can Help Each Other Cope

    When a friend or family member dies, the loss can be very difficult to handle. Some people might go into a deep depression, others might become really angry, and some might even turn to destructive behavior like drugs and alcohol addiction to numb the pain that they must be feeling. How people react to such a devastating loss depends on the individual. Also, depending on the relationship of the person who passed away to the family, there might be some changes in the family dynamic as well, especially if this person was an immediate family people. Whatever effects the loss may have, dealing with bereavement as a family is vital.

    If the person who passed away had a big role in the family structure, then there are going to be a lot of changes in the family dynamic. Specifically, family people will see a shift in their roles and responsibilities, relationships may change, and the communication between family members and the support that family members offered each other might unfortunately suffer as a result. All of these changes can disrupt the grieving process, and dealing with bereavement as a family becomes even more important in these kinds of situations.

    Because the way the family operates may be breaking down as a direct result of the loss, dealing with bereavement as a family may be able to restore the stability of the household and resolve any tension that might linger. Therefore, families can and should help each other cope with grief. However, it may be a challenge because individual members may each respond to the loss differently, which may cause tension among family members if each is unable to tolerate the way that the others express their grief. Therefore, it is very important to understand that each family member is going to express their grief their own way and to be accepting of these differences.

    Once that is done, then the family members should be able to support each other fully without passing any judgment. They should be able to talk with each other about their feelings openly and to provide each other with the support and understanding that is needed in these kinds of situations. Professional counseling may also be able to facilitate the process of dealing with bereavement as a family. Family members should encourage each other daily to express whatever they are feeling in order to deal with the loss and death successfully.

    How to Help a Depressed Man

    Let me ask you some things have you seen any woman who suffered from depression, in movies or in real life? How about men? Have you actually witnessed how a depressed man goes through such a state?

    Depression is a sickness that affects both men and women. However, there are more women who are diagnosed with depression. Why? It's because a depressed man will most likely keep whatever his having to himself. He wouldn't verbalize sadness, or cry out his emotions like how women do it. Basically, depression in men is a little different from women's case. Although there are several common symptoms between men and women, here are symptoms that are more likely to happen in men with depression:

    • A depressed guy will continuously blame others for everything that have gone wrong, opposite with how depressed women reacts who blame themselves.

    • Men who are depressed also become more irritable and egoistic. You will notice that this guy will almost always be angry at other people and that they care much more on their status and ego.

    • Unlike women, a depressed guy will usually create conflict. They would try to provoke other people or they themselves would start a fight.

    • These men also always feel ashamed, in their performance in sex as a typical example.

    • Because these men are having inflated ego, they are very scared to have any failures. They are much focused on how to achieve more even to the expense of forgetting about themselves or their relationships.

    • A depressed guy will most likely abuse alcohol. Women usually try to eat their depression away, while men will resort to alcohol.

    • They also probably become control freaks, and they become very compulsive.

    So, how could you help a depressed man get over this ordeal? Just like how there are differences between symptoms of depression in men and women, there are also slight differences between ways on how to help them. Before anything else, you must be aware that men are harder to persuade in getting help. It is even more difficult for them to admit that they have a problem. Nevertheless, here are some things you could do to help him:

    • First of all, help him admit his problem. Do not push him however. Just explain to him what you are observing slowly and what your concerns are. Ranting him about all his behaviors won't help.

    • Encourage him to go to the doctor. Explain to him in a good manner why he needs to go and what he would get after.

    • Do not give up on that person. A depressed person will ignore your efforts and make you feel unappreciated but little acts of kindness are really good for the person's being. Being there for him also shows that he has social support which are very vital in state of depression.

    • Provide him with healthy diet. Avoid stocking unhealthy foods in your fridge or cabinet because a depressed guy will try to eat them as much as possible and not the healthy ones.

    • Encourage him to take supplements such as vitamin supplements and homeopathic remedies. Taking vitamins will help his body systems heal and become more able in fighting depression. Homeopathy, which uses natural herbs like St. John's wort and Passion flower, will support emotional health and well being and promote a healthier attitude.

    So there you have it. Symptoms and how you could help a depressed guy have been given. Remember, taking action will help save that important man in your life.

    Treatments for Dog Depression

    Yes, even dogs can become depressed. It is not uncommon to see a dog start acting differently when certain things happen. For example if someone who cares for them goes away, you may find your dog sitting at the door at the time the person always comes home staring at the door. When the person returns the dog is likely to return to normal behavior.

    Symptoms of Dog Depression

    Your dog may seem mopey. S/he may be lethargic or slow moving. They may stop eating and may not drink enough water. The symptoms for dog Depression are strikingly similar to those seen in humans. Depression in dogs could be very dangerous especially if they stop eating or drinking enough water.

    Causes of Dog Depression

    Grief may be a trigger for pet Depression. If they have had a playmate for sometime and the other dog dies, your dog may try to act as if the other pet is there. They may be sad and mope around.

    A change of environment where a dog is moved to a new home or put in a kennel may also cause your dog to feel depressed and stop eating or drinking. Returning home or getting used to the new home will likely see your dog's Depression start to lift.

    Chemical imbalances typically in the brain may be to blame as well. Like humans there are chemicals in the brain that help to control mood. Treatment can be very effective for your dog.

    Weather changes have long been known to influence Depression in animals. Have you heard that animals can always tell the weather? They know its going to storm before humans do.

    Treatments for Dog Depression

    Medication is often used including Prozac for dogs. Your vet might recommend that your dog be given canine anti-depressant. This is often an effective treatment for dogs.

    Try to increase the level of your dog's activity. Take them to a new place for their walk.
    Exercise helps torelease certain brain chemicals to make your pet feel better.

    If your pet has lost a playmate you could try to expose him to other dogs. You could also try Doggy Day Care. If you are read y consider purchasing another dog. This could help give some relief to your pet's depression


    Dogs can experience Depression as can humans. There are medications for pets as well as other non-medical options. Your vet can help you decide which avenue of treatments for Dog depression might be appropriate for your pet.

    Dual Evils - Anxiety and Depression

    Anxiety and depression are two different things, but they can act together. An anxious person may also be depressed. The two conditions share some similar traits, but they are different. For treatment purposes, it's important to make a distinction between the two.

    An Anxiety Overview

    People who have anxiety feel nervous and worried. Sometimes they get so nervous and overwhelmed that they feel like they can't breathe. Some people explain anxiety as "feeling on edge." Restlessness would be another way to describe this feeling. Anxiety can make you feel wired, like you've had too much caffeine. Anxious people have a hard time concentrating and sleeping. The condition can also cause a person to sweat, get a dry mouth, feel dizzy or get sweaty palms. In the most severe cases, anxiety can cause stomach problems or a heart attack.

    It's caused by mental or physical triggers. Mental triggers are different for everyone. One person may feel nerves before a big test while another may feel it before giving a work presentation. Another person may feel uncomfortable around dogs. These are all mental triggers. Physical triggers are caused by the body. For example, asthma attacks tend to make people anxious because the attack itself blocks a person's breathing path. Not being able to breathe is very unsettling.

    An Overview of Depression

    Depression is a mental condition that, like anxiety, is caused by physical and mental triggers. It makes a person feel completely hopeless, like life isn't worth living. Those experiencing mild cases feel sad and don't know why they can't shake the feeling of sadness. Those who experience these feelings frequently may have a physical predisposition. In other words, they have a chemical imbalance in their brain that makes them depressed. These people tend to have severe conditions such as bi-polar disorder. Mental triggers tend to focus around events. For example, if there's a death in the family a person may become depressed.

    The disease has a lot of side effects, one of which is a feeling of anxiousness. This is how anxiety and depression go hand in hand.

    Depression Among the Youth

    Teenagers who are experiencing depression are increasing in number than the previous years. This condition does not choose as to a person is rich, good looking, black, white, history and many others but it can be experience by all types f teenagers across the globe. Depression may be felt by anyone without any exemptions. Teenage depression may be more common to girls than to boys of their age. Teenage girls are said to be more prone of acquiring this condition than their male counterparts.

    However, depression among teenagers is hard to recognize for teens may most of the time focus on dealing with their personal lives other than sharing this negative feeling among their family members. Since it is hard to detect among teens, it is very important for parents to notice changes in the behavior of their children. At times, depressed teenagers often exhibit signs that they have it like they are now staying away from their social circle and choose to go around alone. Sometimes, it is perceived that depression among teenagers is a sign of puberty age. This condition may get worse if left untreated so it's vital that parents know their children well do they must talk to their kids as to they have a problem that has been bothering them in school or at home. In this way an open communication is needed for sometimes teenagers just lack attention from their busy parents. There are several treatments being done to get rid of depression among teenagers wherein the first step should be done by the parents through counseling their kids.

    There are several methods available to cure this condition. It may be through natural means or through medications. However, the latter may have harmful effects on the individual for it may be addictive in the future. Parents must watch out on different signs that their children are exhibiting. They can sometimes feel unreasonably ill like they have poor appetite, good grooming and lack of social skills. They may also feel that they are not worthy individuals. They may also show lack of interest in the activities that they are usually enjoying before like playing soccer and other sports. In this case, they may not want to mingle with their friends and often choose to be alone.

    Having thoughts about meditation? Check this link for helpful tips:

    Wednesday, April 9, 2014

    Anxiety and Depression - Symptoms and Effective Natural Remedies

    We all have feelings and emotions. Feeling of fear and nervousness are very common when we face challenges and risks of life. These feelings serve us well most of the time.

    But when these feelings exist all the time or when their presence prevents us from enjoying the challenges and risks of life then they become a problem. This leads to diseases like Anxiety and Depression.

    If you have anxiety or depression, you may feel hopeless, helpless, and sad and stop feeling pleasure from almost everything you do. You may feel down in the dumps or discouraged. You may also be irritable or anxious or have low energy levels. Other symptoms includes...

    • Racing heart

    • Shortness of breath or sensation of choking

    • Sweating

    • Dizziness

    • Thinking a lot about death or suicide

    • Headache and stomachache (These symptoms are not because of any physical cause)

    • Change in eating and sleeping habits

    • Think and speak more slowly than normal

    • Faded face

    • Fear of losing control, going crazy or dying

    Anxiety and Depression limits your performance, limits your willingness to participate at all social events. They affect your thinking, feeling, behaviour and even the physical health.

    Anxiety and Depression are closely related. Most who suffer from anxiety suffer from depression at some point. One condition tends to aggravate the other.

    Good news is both depression and anxiety have natural remedy.

    Effective Natural Remedies

    • Learn and Practice to replace the question 'What if?' with 'So what!'
      When you have depression and anxiety, you always expect disaster which is not realistic and you always ask yourself a single question i.e. 'What if I fail?'
      This negativity is the main reason for depression and anxiety. So replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts and learn 'So what!' approach.

    • Do what you are afraid to do! And Do them again and again!
      Get your calendar and build a task list. List all things (events) that make you feel nervous or fearful and do them! Yes, do them! Prove to yourself that the world will not come to an end. Do them regularly and repeatedly. This approach will build your self esteem and eliminates the nervousness and fear.

    Depression: Checklist of Symptoms for Adults and Children

    Are you feeling low? Have you lost interest in activities that you used to enjoy? You
    may be suffering from depression. And you're not alone. Between 9 and 14 million
    Americans suffer from some form of depressive illness. One in four women and one
    in 10 men can expect to develop depression in their lifetimes. Children, too, are
    affected by depression. Approximately one in 33 children and one in eight
    adolescents exhibit signs of depression, yet, less than one third of these children
    ever receive treatment.

    So what are the signs of depression? Symptoms differ for adults and children.
    Following are some simple checklists that can help you determine if you or your
    child might be at risk for depression. When reviewing the checklists, consider the
    following: How long have the symptoms been present? How severe are the
    symptoms? Are the symptoms getting worse over time? Do you feel unable to cope
    with yourself or with you child's symptoms? In general, if symptoms last more than
    two weeks without letting up, you or your child may be experiencing clinical
    depression rather than just the blues. In children, excessive or chronic moodiness,
    withdrawal from normal activities or aggressive behaviors should be considered
    warning signs. Of course, teens are often moody and irritable, but if these
    symptoms are chronic and unrelenting, there may be more to it than the normal
    teenage angst. A good guideline is: symptoms should be checked out by a
    professional if they cause disruption in normal daily activities. When in doubt,
    always consult a mental health professional, such as a clinical social worker (LISW,
    clinical counselor (LPCC), psychologist or psychiatrist.

    Recent studies have shown that there is no one medication that is consistently
    superior to another in treating depression, and medication alone has about the
    same success rate (approximately 50%) as psychotherapy alone. However, both
    together have about an 80% success rate. For people with chronic depression, who
    choose not to continue medication over a long period (more than one year),
    cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown to reduce relapse rates from about
    80% (with no treatment) to 25%.

    Depression Symptom Checklist: Adults

    o. Persistent sad, anxious or "empty" mood

    o Loss of interest or pleasure in ordinary activities, including sex

    o Decreased energy, fatigue, feeling "slowed down"

    o Sleep problems (insomnia, oversleeping, early-morning waking)

    o Eating problems (loss of appetite or weight, weight gain)

    o Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions

    o Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism

    o Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness

    o Thoughts of death or suicide; a suicide attempt *

    o Irritability

    o Excessive crying

    o Recurring aches and pains that don't respond to treatment

    Depression Symptom Checklist: Child/Adolescent

    o Persistent sadness

    o Withdrawal from family, friends and activities that were once enjoyed

    o Increased irritability or agitation

    o Changes in eating and sleeping habits (e.g., significant weight loss, insomnia,
    excessive sleep)

    o Frequent physical complaints, such as headaches and stomachaches

    o Lack of enthusiasm or motivation

    o Decreased energy level and chronic fatigue

    o Play that involves excessive aggression toward self or others, or that involves
    persistently sad themes

    o Indecision, lack of concentration or forgetfulness

    o Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt

    o Recurring thoughts of death or suicide *

    (Source: National Mental Health Association)

    * Immediately seek help with a mental health professional, crisis center, or doctor if
    suicidal symptoms are present.

    Depression and Anxiety Disorder - Signs and Symptoms to Look For and How to Overcome Them

    When people are talking about anxiety disorders, they tend to focus on its symptoms, which includes irrational fears, sweating and shakiness. However, it may surprise people to know that anxiety disorders have a common link to substance abuse and depression. Nearly 50 percent of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder also suffer with depression.

    Depression and anxiety disorder generally coincide with each other. The reason is that a sufferer with anxiety who is looking for relief (whether it's instant or long time relief) may feel helpless and alone. When these feelings are not treated, the person may suffer with anxiety depression.

    Bear in mind that anxiety is described as a condition, which heightens a person's senses and may include butterflies in the stomach or sheer panic/anxiety attacks. However, depression anxiety has a number of causes. For instance, a person may be unhappy in their jobs, they may be ridiculed often or feel alone; thus, it leads them to have anxiety depression symptoms. Any person who is unable to easily socialize with others may be afflicted with anxiety depression too. Depression is widely known as the "universal cold of mental health". The problem with it is that so many people suffer in silence because they are afraid what other people might think about them.

    Treatments for anxiety depression: What Signs To Look For In Sufferers

    How can people know if they or someone they love is battling anxiety depression? There are several things people need to consider before making this assumption.

    - First, the person is in a relationship that makes them unhappy.
    - Second, a person has experienced a death (whether human or animal).
    - Third, the person has recently become unemployed
    - Fourth, a person is feeling uncertain about things or is stressed out about even the little matters.
    - Fifth, people who see others achieve what they themselves desire to have.

    One of the biggest things people need to take into account with depression and anxiety is how severe these things are. Are they on an everyday level or on rare occasions? Everybody experiences some anxiety depression but they generally can crawl themselves out of the funk. They should also consider how long the anxiety depression episodes last.

    Anxiety and Depression Disorders: Where's The Link?

    It's often difficult to see the link between both anxiety and depression but it is there. Yes, depression often makes a person feel a lack of energy but they also have high anxiety levels; thus, they can have panic attacks. Both anxiety and depression make it simple for a person to dwell on how bad they feel, which can actually increase how long it takes them to overcome both disorders. This tends to lead to the isolation feeling many people end up having.

    How People Handle Anxiety and Depression Disorders

    Many people turn to medications to get a handle on their disorders but the "actual" problem is not addressed by medication, only the symptoms are dealt with. The brain's chemicals are altered when a person is taking antidepressants. The majority of meds will begin working right away but it can take at least six weeks before the medication's full effect is recognized.

    In lots of cases, it can be hard to discern what disorder came first. Did the person have depression that spawned their anxiety? Did they have anxiety that led to depression? Treatment for these disorders can start the moment the person understands they have a problem. However, it's not uncommon for some sufferers to never realize they have an issue. They may unknowingly stop talking to friends and family, alter how they eat and feel kind of "blah" about things they used to enjoy.

    It doesn't have to be that way though. There are many natural and self-help treatments available that people can try. If you notice any symptoms of anxiety depression, be sure you seek help immediately. Force yourself to make lifestyle changes that including having a well-balanced diet with lots of exercise and plenty of rest. Always recognize the anxiety you have, why it is occurring and do something to "get over it". Learn skills that can assist you in managing your stress and anxiety. However, the most important thing you need to remember is not to keep your family and friends out of your life. They are, and always will be, your first line of defense for anxiety depression.

    Fish Oil and Depression - How it Can Help

    Not many people seem to know it but it has been found through many research and clinical studies that there is a strong connection between fish oil and depression. This finding was first observed by scientists who observed how countries with high daily fish consumption experienced the lowest depression rates.

    In the same way, it was noticed that mothers resident of England who ate little fish during pregnancy had twice as much risk in developing post-partum depression compared to those who had regular intakes of fish. Since then, a handful of clinical studies were conducted which all agree that omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils can help in smoothing out mood swings and relieving depression. It was further found that omega 3 in fatty acids can increase the level of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter, in the brain. This is where the connection exists between omega 3 fish oil and depression.

    The connection between fish oil and depression

    Omega 3 fatty acids are actually polyunsaturated fats which cannot be produced by the body; they have to be taken in from food where they are derived mainly from seafood, especially fish. The two most important omega 3 fatty acids are DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

    These fatty acids can be found in the cell-membranes and in the brain, and they play an important role in nervous system functioning, especially that of the nerve cells (the neurons). They play a critical role in the growth and the maintenance of brain cells. It has been also found in many research studies that increasing omega 3 levels makes it easy for serotonin to pass through the cell membranes. In fact, it has been found that it has the same effect on the brain as antidepressant medications such as Prozac in raising the levels of this critical neurotransmitter.

    DHA and EPA

    DHA and EPA in fish oils help promote a general feeling of wellness, thereby elevating moods and smoothing out mood swings. Studies also prove that omega-3 can help improve symptoms of depression including sleeping problems, anxiety, decreased sexual desire, sadness, and even suicidal tendencies. Aside from its effect in your psyche, it provide you with more health benefits - from regulating blood pressure and relieving inflammation to promoting healthy weight loss.

    Where to get fish oil for depression

    As mentioned earlier, omega 3 fish oils can be derived from seafood. However, important essential fatty acids EPA and DHA are only found in fish. Make sure you eat sufficient amounts of fish such as mackerel and tuna in your diet. If you want to be even sure that you are taking enough amounts to reap health benefits, take some good quality fish oil supplements every day.

    On the other hand, if you are suffering from serious depression that it impedes your normal mode of thinking, you should seek help from a doctor or an experienced medical practitioner. Although fish oils and supplements may be advised, you will need more intensive measures to cure your depression. Remember that supplements should not be regarded as a substitute for proper medical care.

    The 5 Advantages of Becoming an Entrepreneur That Made Me Quit My Job

    The Advantages of Becoming an Entrepreneur - Why I Decided to Quit my Secure Job.

    Among the many advantages of becoming an entrepreneur, 5 were directly responsible of my jump from a secure job to my entrepreneurial adventure. Four of these advantages can be summed up in one word: Freedom. The fifth one is, according to me, the most important advantage of becoming an entrepreneur.

    The first advantage of becoming an entrepreneur: Financial freedom

    The first and maybe most obvious reason why I started to dream about becoming an entrepreneur was money. You see, I grew up being told that I had to study long and hard to get a good, secure and well-paid job. So I ended up having a bachelor degree and a master degree, ready to receive the all the hard earned money I thought my academic degrees would get me. After all, I studied long and hard and accumulated huge student debts in the process, I would obviously be gratified with a really good salary, right? Wrong! As I got into the market, I soon realized that some friends with basic high school were paid nearly as much as I was! Even worse, they got out of school 6 or 7 years before me so they didn't have debts and were able to accumulate a fair amount of money. I realized that basic demand vs. offer was much more important to get well paid than a master degree. This is when I began to read about all the advantages of becoming an entrepreneur. I didn't take me too much time to realize that almost if not all the really rich people were entrepreneurs. Many had college degrees, many didn't. The only important thing were their ability to identify market demands and to answer these demands with great value. If I could rapidly give the market enough value, in enough quantity, to answer its needs or wants, I would get rich. I would get out of debts much more quickly than by holding on to a secure job that would only get me a tiny raise every year. Getting rich quickly was the main advantage of becoming an entrepreneur that motivated me to quit my secure job. In fact, the only way to get more money by staying an employee would have been to get old! I could have changed the world, I wouldn't have matter to my boss... the only way to earn more was to get older. The advantage of becoming an entrepreneur is that it doesn't matter that you are 25, 40, or 60 years old or that you have a college degree or not. If you have a really brilliant idea, you will benefit from it.

    The second advantage of becoming an entrepreneur: Time freedom

    This advantage really struck me after becoming an entrepreneur. If I needed to sleep a little more because I had a bad night (a little bit of insomnia is part of the disadvantages of becoming an entrepreneur), I could. If I needed to meet someone for my business, I would set the meeting outside of rush hours so I could get there in few minutes instead of an hour. I recently calculated that the mere fact of becoming an entrepreneur had the advantage of freeing almost 7 to 8 hours each week, only because of traffic! That's a whole day of work every week that I can use to create more business profit, go to the gym, sleep more, or anything that will bring me more happiness or money. The last way that this advantage manifests itself is by allowing me to adapt my schedule to my wife's schedule in order to be there for important moments. The same is true for family, friends, or simply for events I would never attend if I were still an employee having to get up at 6 every morning.This is a huge advantage for me, although I didn't really thought about it before becoming an entrepreneur.

    The third advantage of becoming an entrepreneur: Freedom of location

    If you develop a good business model and have good people in place to delegate important business tasks, freedom of location could also be one of the advantages of becoming an entrepreneur. It may take a little while to set it up, especially if you are into a "brick and mortar" business, but it is truly possible, and not that hard. Of course, you will have to be there in person from time to time, but with good people in place you will soon get paid even when you take a day off. You will even get paid when skiing for a week or two or when visiting a country with your family. To me, this advantage of becoming an entrepreneur also means that if my wife's job gets transferred to another city, I can follow her and only come back to town from time to time.

    The fourth advantage of becoming an entrepreneur: Freedom of choosing my projects

    This advantage of becoming an entrepreneur was a real motivation to quit my job and do things on my own! Have you ever worked on a really, really boring, annoying, meaningless project that was nonetheless treated by your boss as if it were critically important? Me too! I mean, I have worked in so many places where all the minutiae and really absurd processes took at least half of my day. I think these were the moments where I felt the most urgent need to get out and become an entrepreneur. So many hours lost in debilitating processes. I honestly think that, on the long term, this kind of work could lead to issues like depression or other work related mental health issues. Think about it, being "forced" to do things that you know are unnecessary and for which you feel no gratification at all, and doing these things again and again and again. When you are becoming an entrepreneur, you have the advantage of being able to choose your projects and only work on those which are truly important or that you enjoy the most. Of course, becoming an entrepreneur necessitates that you accomplish some boring tasks. But even then, these tasks have a truly important meaning for you: they are the necessary steps for becoming an entrepreneur and living the life of your dreams! So they are relatively easy to accomplish because they mean something. The best thing is, as you are becoming a more efficient entrepreneur, you will be able to delegate these tasks to someone who like this kind of job, because everyone has their own talents and preferences.

    The most important of all advantages of becoming an entrepreneur: Becoming a Master in life.

    Above all the advantages of becoming an entrepreneur, I think this one is really the most important. After quitting a "secure" job that wasn't really that gratifying or well-paid, you succeed by your own, doing something that you are passionate about. Soon, you realize that while everyone around you was safely staying on one side of a really dark forest... you had the vision and the courage to get into the dark forest, knowing that it would bring up many fears, insecurities, and maybe pain. You did it because you knew that sooner or later, you would get through and arrive on the best side of the dark forest, where you have more money, more time, and feel more joy and satisfaction. This is the true advantage of becoming an entrepreneur. Knowing that despite all the fears you had and all the fears people tried to push on you, you went and you succeeded. The next time you'll face a challenge, you'll know you'll be able to succeed again. To me, this is the most amazing advantage of becoming an entrepreneur.

    SAD: How to Fight Seasonal Depression

    Have you ever wondered why our hearts go to our sweet hearts, we tend to miss them very intensely when it rains, we feel low, even feel like weeping alone on a cloudy day...we sometimes go through sudden mood change with no exact reason behind, we tend to eat more and sleep more and experience depression, lethargy, fatigue, cravings for sweets and starches, headaches, sleep problems and irritability as the temperature drops. The influence of season on human mood and his energy level is undeniable, and time and again the psychologists have studied and documented the facts.

    Seasonal Affective Disorder is not only a couple of symptoms related to winter blah; it is mostly associated with day light, that is why SAD is prevalent in high latitude and mid latitude areas. People who live in the Arctic region are more susceptible due to the fact that they are affected by polar nights, prolonged periods of overcast weather also induce SAD, however, It is more serious disorder, sometimes requiring hospitalization when the depression is aggravated and turns into dysthymia or clinical depression. Our biological internal clocks or circadian rhythm goes through a shift as seasons change, and our biological clocks fall out of our daily schedules. January and February are the months when a SAD sufferer suffers the most, young people and women are comparatively more victimized.

    The most frequent symptoms are recurring symptoms of depression and excessive eating and sleeping, weight gain during the fall or winter months. The patient would fully cutback from depression in the spring and summer months. SAD symptoms occur in them with no non-seasonal depression episodes and seasonal episodes significantly outnumber non-seasonal depression episodes. The patient craves for sugary and starchy foods during the winter. Possible cause of the disorder, as the researchers and psychologists say, is Melatonin, a sleep-related hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain. This hormone is said to cause symptoms of depression, because it is produced at increased levels in the dark. Therefore, when the days are shorter and darker the production of this hormone increases and people are affected.

    Apart from antidepressants like Xanax, photo therapy or bright light therapy is proved to suppress the brain's secretion of melatonin. The use of bright light box at a dose of 10,000 lux for 30-60 minutes per day has given good results. During these minutes the eyes should remain open but should not stare directly to the light. The light box is a bank of white fluorescent lights on a metal reflector and shield with a plastic screen. The light therapy may take several weeks to treat the depression but some patients have shown results within one week. For patients with mild symptoms, spending time in the sun or arranging picnics or outdoors to receive more sunlight may be helpful. A daily walk of an hour in the sunlight during the winter is more effective than two and a half hours of light therapy. When photo therapy does not work, an antidepressant drug proves to be effective in reducing or eliminating SAD symptoms. But before taking an antidepressant, a doctor's advice is required so that a proper antidepressant medication is taken.

    There is no cure for SAD discovered yet; nevertheless, the above mentioned treatments are helpful in managing the winter blues so that one can go though all the seasons in the year comfortably.

    Tuesday, April 8, 2014

    Discover the Benefits of Famous Inspirational Quotes

    The benefits of famous inspirational quotes may be unknown to most of us. Indeed, many of us may just browse through them on the Internet as a source of cheap, available entertainment to while away those few annoying minutes until heading out to lunch. However, the real benefit of famous inspirational quotes is for those times when we are feeling low, after an accident, some bad news, or our favorite team being dumped out of the play-offs!

    Whether to console, motivate, or to trigger memories, these quotes can help in all situations. Many feeling sorry for themselves have been urged on to fight the tribulations by such sentiments from George Patton as, "Success is how high you bounce when you hit rock bottom". Whether disappointed at work, or at home, turning to such words of wisdom can provide inner strength.

    Whilst some famous inspirational quotes are indeed from equally famous people, this does not have to be the case. Perhaps you yourself have thought of a phrase that urges you on? Write it down somewhere you can see it every day. Another benefit that famous inspirational quotes can have is to give something to others. Think of quotes that have helped you. Are there any that you can relay to colleagues, friends or family, to help them gain strength at a sense of purpose?

    Or maybe you could use them to just get a laugh, raise a smile, or let them see the lighter side of life. Many a person has had their mood lightened. "Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm", after all, as Winston Churchill wittily remarked having lost the general election after his triumphant success in the Great War.

    Whatever the occasion, a famous inspirational quote will be waiting for you. Just take some time to have a look and open your mind.

    The 7 Most Common Physical Symptoms of Depression

    Depression reveals itself in so many ways and experiencing physical symptoms of depression is not uncommon. It is possible to feel both physical symptoms as well as the classic emotional symptoms which include low sense of self, low self esteem, feeling hopeless or helpless, having feelings of despair, and, of course, serious feelings of sadness. In addition to having these emotional symptoms, physical symptoms can present themselves as well and can be just as troubling or even more bothersome than the emotional symptoms.

    Physical symptoms of depression present themselves in seven common ways. It is possible for an individual to feel a few of them or all of them. Frankly, it just depends on the individual and how bad the depression really is. These symptoms that reveal themselves physically include:

    Headaches: Usually a depressed individual also experiences stress and both can result in chronic or severe headaches. Often times this can lead to taking too many pain relievers so it is important to monitor this. If the headaches persist then you should consider natural alternatives such as meditation, visualization or even various breathing techniques. All of which are known to relieve headaches and, more importantly, relieve stress. It also is beneficial with getting "grounded" which, in turn, can help to alleviate the feelings of depression.

    Back Pain / muscle aches / chest pain: While none of these should be ignored, it is important to take chest pains seriously. Particularly if they exhibit the same kind of pains and experiences that would manifest if you were having a heart attack. In this case, seek professional help as soon as possible. In the case of back pain and muscle aches, these symptoms - if already present - can get worse and become chronic. However, the pain can also be new as a result of the depression.

    Digestive Issues: Stress, of course, can cause digestive issues but depression can as well. The symptoms can be things such as IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, cramping, diarrhea and chronic constipation.

    Gaining /losing weight due to appetite changes: Depression and stress often times results in a significant decrease or increase in appetite which, ultimately, results in weight loss or gain.

    Having difficulty sleeping: High stress levels or depression can result in changes in sleeping habits. If the individual has lost hope or sees no reason to get up he may sleep more. On the other hand, when the individual feels stress and anxiety, coupled with the depression, they may have difficulty falling asleep much less sleeping during the night at all.

    Feelings of exhaustion and/or fatigue: Often times, depression brings about such sadness that the individual doesn't even want to get out of bed. Feeling exhausted or fatigued just amplifies the problem.

    Being light headed or dizzy: If someone is experiencing high levels of anxiety or is in a manic phase of Bipolar disorder then often times this results in an "emotional rush" of sorts which leads to being light headed or dizzy.

    All of these physical symptoms of depression should be duly noted and considered when evaluating whether an individual is clinically depressed or not. When they are accompanied by the emotional symptoms as well then the individual should consider contacting a mental health professional to for a complete evaluation and to obtain a proper diagnosis. This way a comprehensive treatment plan can be put into place so that the individual can begin recovering and ultimately live a happy, productive life again.

    Overcoming Anxiety Naturally - Natural Cures For Depression and Anxiety

    You may have been led to believe that cures for anxiety, panic attacks, or depression come only from pill bottles. That is simply untrue. The pills work to cure these conditions only if they are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. Most of the drugs available by prescription only treat the symptoms, and only do that as long as you take them regularly. It has also been found that many of these drugs can have serious side effects while you are taking them or at withdrawal. There are natural remedies available to everyone; remedies without dangerous side effects.

    Medical research has proven that exercise is important to reduce anxiety at any level. When you exercise, you release the endorphins (the "feel good hormones") your body produces naturally. Studies also indicate that several different dietary changes improve a person's ability to cope with stress. Removing alcohol, caffeine and nicotine form your system lowers stress because these substances are stimulants that fuel tension and anxiety. Increasing the amount of Vitamin B you ingest by getting lots of fresh leafy vegetables encourages the body's own natural relaxants. Increasing the amount of fresh fish ensures you get enough omega 3, which also encourages the body's own production of natural relaxants. Omega 3 and Vitamin supplements are also effective.

    Tension can also be relieved with relaxation techniques such as yoga, popular because works many. Aromatherapy can also help. Try sprinkling essence of lavender on your bed pillows to help you get a sound night's sleep, essential to promote a relaxed body.

    Dealing With Depression And Pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a wondrous moment. It is the time when women are excited to be called moms. It is a great opportunity to learn about child's growth and development. But sometimes it can be the other way around. Pregnancy is not always such a happy experience for some. Pregnancy can also be a time for worry. It can also be a moment of confusion.

    A woman's decision to begin a pregnancy carries with it the acceptance of the lifelong responsibility to be a parent. Ideally, effective parenting begins even before the moment of conception, when the woman confirms her desire to have a child and is physically and mentally prepared for the challenges of pregnancy, birth, and parenting.

    However, most women go through a lot of changes during pregnancy that sometimes, it is causing them stress as well as numerous emotional and physical changes. As a result, many pregnant women develop depression during their pregnancies.

    Depression is the most common psychiatric disorder, so it's a commonly encountered pre-existing condition during pregnancy. Depression has both physiological as well a sociological causes. It is actually caused by a number of different factors. But, it is most likely to be linked to a change in the levels of chemicals in the brain. These chemicals govern our moods, and when they become disrupted, it can lead to depression.

    During pregnancy, the rapid change in a woman's body's hormones can trigger a change in the levels of these chemicals, resulting in depression. Interestingly though, women have it twice as often as men, and among women, there is an increased tendency toward it during the reproductive years.

    It has been proven that the rapid rise in hormone levels during pregnancy is actually a very common trigger for depression. At least 20% of pregnant women experience some depressive symptoms during their pregnancies, while 10% of pregnant women develop full-blown clinical depression. Depression during pregnancy is actually much more common then many people realize. At one time, health care professionals thought that pregnant women couldn't suffer from depression because of their pregnancy hormones. It was believed that these hormones protected against mood disorders like depression.

    Any pregnant woman can be dealing with depression at any point throughout her pregnancy. There are several causes of it during pregnancy, some of which are the following:

    ∑ having a personal or family history of depression
    ∑ relationship or marital conflict
    ∑ age at time of pregnancy
    ∑ unplanned pregnancy
    ∑ living alone
    ∑ limited social support
    ∑ previous miscarriage
    ∑ pregnancy confusions and complications
    ∑ history of emotional, physical or sexual abuse

    Dealing with depression can often drain a woman's desire and energy, pregnant women with the disorder may not seek appropriate prenatal care. Depression during pregnancy may also increase the likelihood that a pregnant woman will abuse alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs during pregnancy. When it is most severe, clinically diagnosed depression can be a psychiatric emergency. Because a woman is in a very difficult period of adjustment and less likely to climb out of her despair, hopelessness, and suffering, she poses a danger to herself and her new baby.

    Pregnancy is a particularly active field for depression to either start anew or worsen if already a problem. The extra physical, financial, marital, and sexual stresses come whether one is ready or not. On top of that, any new feelings of poor self-image can reinforce depression's already negative self-image problems.

    Preparing for a new baby is a lot of hard work, but a woman's health should come first. A pregnant woman should resist the urge to get everything done, she should limit her activities and do things that will help her relax. Talking about things that concern a pregnant woman is also very important during these difficult times. A pregnant woman should ask for support, which most often than not, she will get. Remember that taking care oneself is an essential part of taking care of the unborn child.