Saturday, June 8, 2013

Depression in Your Teen - Treatment Tips For Parents Part 3

Your child has begun to show the signs of mild Depression in middle school. Depression does tend to run in families. In vulnerable children, it often makes its first appearance in the preteen or early teen years.

It can be hard to tell the difference between mild Depression and mild ADD. This is because many of the symptoms are similar, and the age of onset is often early adolescence for both. To complicate matters, if your child has untreated ADD that becomes a problem in middle school, this can lead to depression. Luckily, many of the treatments for Depression also work for ADD.

Signs of Mild Depression:

• Sadness and crying
• Loss of interest in usual activities; withdrawal from friends, family and hobbies
• Declining grades; usually caused by loss of focus, feelings of helplessness and being overwhelmed by schoolwork
• Hopelessness; Saying things like, "I hate my life." or "Nothing ever works out for me."
• Anger and irritability; In some children, depression appears mostly as irritable and negative mood. Tantrums and rages are not uncommon signs of depression.
• Sleep disturbances; These are a cardinal sign of depression. Insomnia is common, especially early waking. Some kids will oversleep if depressed.
• Loss of appetite; The child will lose interest in food and go all day without eating. If asked, they say they do not feel hungry.
• Dark thoughts; Your child may or may not confess these to you. Often teens are not open with their parents about their inner thoughts. You can check their poetry and their diaries for clues.
This is where a therapist can be helpful. Teens will often confess their darkest thoughts to a sympathetic but neutral adult outside the family.

If your teen's dark thoughts began to verge toward suicidal thoughts or thoughts of self-harm, (such as cutting), then your child is probably suffering from a more serious form of Depression called Clinical Depression. Clinical Depression in a teen is very serious. It can be life threatening. Any threat of suicide or suicide attempt by a teen should be treated immediately by a psychiatrist or in the hospital. I will be writing another article about Clinical Depression in teens. Just let me mention now that it is very treatable.

Mild Depression, known as Dysthymia, tends to be a chronic, low-grade depression. It is not as dangerous as Clinical Depression. But is can still cause great unhappiness in the child, and all sorts of difficulty and stress for the parents. It also can damage the teen's process of maturation and lower his self-esteem. Self-esteem is fragile in adolescence anyway. Anything that damages it can make the process of growing up that much more difficult.

Helpful Parenting Tips:

Talk to your teen about how you notice that he seems sad. Encourage him to share his thoughts and feelings. If your child's grades have deteriorated, ask him how he feels about school. "It's boring." "I hate it." "I can't concentrate." All are answers that may mean your child is dealing with depression. You can also ask your child's teachers whether they have noticed any change in his mood.
• If you notice 2 or 3 of the above listed signs of Mild Depression, take your teen to a psychotherapist or psychologist for an evaluation. Your teen may need to talk it through with a sympathetic and neutral adult. You, as a parent, may also need support to deal effectively with your teen's Depression. Mild Depression can be treated effectively with a combination of individual therapy for the teen and family therapy for the parents. If the Depression proves resistant to therapy, medication can be very helpful. It can help the child feel better quickly, and provide a stable platform of good feelings so that he can work on the Depression in therapy.
• I always recommend that teens who need medication be evaluated by a psychiatrist. This is not difficult to arrange. There are a number of excellent child psychiatrists in Contra Costa County. The usual treatment protocol is counseling once a week with a therapist and a medication check about once a month with a psychiatrist. Therapist and psychiatrist who work with teens will collaborate to provide the best possible treatment. Medication can provide a real helpful boost to the treatment of Depression, so that it can proceed more quickly. Teens with Mild Depression often do not require medication for a long time. Once the Depression is in remission for a period of time, you may be able to discontinue medication.

Fight Depression - 8 Ways To Overcome Low Moods

Whether it's the lack of mental energy and stamina, self-loathing, or sitting around the house vegetating, most depressed people find themselves falling into a hopeless rut. The good news is that with practice and discipline, depressive symptoms can often be diminished in just weeks by taking a few simple steps. By following these eight lifestyle adjustments, you can soon be on a path towards recovery:

Reclaim The 'Old You.'

When a person becomes depressed, they tend to fall into a new routine of thoughts and habits, different than during 'more joyful' times in their life. In order to exit your funk, this pattern of lifestyle and thoughts must be altered. Getting back to the 'old you' is difficult while in a state of depression, but it should be tried. Every attempt should be made to start enjoying and experiencing the life you once knew.

To better remind yourself of happier times, start making (and constantly updating) a list of things you once enjoyed doing and save them to a computer or handheld device. When practicing this exercise, many people are surprised how lengthy this list can become. Then print & post them somewhere that they'll be seen every day (for example, next to the refrigerator handle). Read this list each time you see it. By doing so, you are subconsciously invigorating your pattern of thinking. As often as you can, force yourself to take part in one of these activities, until everything on the list has been checked off. This exercise can help reclaim the 'old you.'
Take On New Challenges.

Breaking out of a rut means incorporating new thoughts, ideas, habits and ways into your life. Start listening to a new radio station, take on a new hobby, start going to a different supermarket etc... the possibilities are endless. 99% of the thoughts we have today, we will carry over into tomorrow. Why not replace the old, stale, negative and repetitious thoughts with new positive ones. Slowly, over the course of weeks and months, you'll naturally infiltrate your brain with healthy new thoughts and slowly rid yourself of the same old negative thought patterns.

Listen To A Life Coach.

Listen or watch recordings or shows from great life coaches such as Wayne Dyer, or Anthony Robbins. If you're willing to be a little more alternative, ayurvedic mind-body guru Deepak Chopra may work wonders for you. All of these professional speakers will help you find meaning in life, assist you to seek forgiveness in others, and help boost your self-worthiness. Dyer and Chopra can frequently be seen on PBS television shows teaching spirituality and life motivation. Anthony Robbins is seen less on public TV, but like Chopra and Dyer, has penned many books and videotaped many lectures. He also participates in many live lectures throughout North America.

Stay Busy.

It is natural for many depressed individuals to lay around and sulk all day. Staying busy is a great way to keep your mind occupied and away from negative self-absorbing thinking. Lying around feeling sorry for yourself will not solve anything.

Instead, go outside and do some simple yard work (weather permitting), start a garden, take walks around the block, start a diary -- whatever you can think of. At the end of the day, you will feel better about yourself and maybe start looking forward to what the next day brings, rather than loathing about yesterday's problems.

Stop Being So Self-absorbed.

Begin to focus your attention on other people. Self-loathing only helps to remind yourself of how miserable you are. By focusing more on others (or even your pet) you'll naturally feel more 'open' and not as 'closed in.' And best of all you'll naturally get more love in return (there literally is truth to the saying "if you give, you shall receive").

By keeping your depression a secret (or not wanting to talk about it), it not only hurts yourself but it's also not fair to loved ones or others in your life who may be confused by your behavior.

Talking about your feelings is extremely therapeutic and is also a good step towards recovery. In addition, you'll be surprised how understanding others are, and how willing they'll be to help you overcome depression. Another good way is to join a discussion group or other online forum where you can anonymously discuss depression with other sufferers.

Lift The Bodily Stagnation.

Get the blood flowing throughout your brain and body. Yes, I'm talking about the dreaded "e" word, exercise! Consider exercising on a regular basis (or at least 3 times per week, at least 15 minutes per session).

Exercise is well documented to decrease bodily stress as it helps the body produce natural chemicals which may promote overall well-being. In addition to creating pure adrenalin, exercising helps the body naturally create mood enhancing chemicals such as serotonin or norepinephrine.

Aerobic exercises such as jogging or brisk walks appear to work well, as do strenuous activities such as weight lifting. Studies show simple long walks may be nearly as effective. If you have joint pain, swimming has great physical (and mental) benefits. As always consult with your physician before beginning a serious exercise program.

Don't Be Afraid To Cry.

Many depressed people already cry a lot, but surprisingly some depressed patients get very stoic, impassive and unemotional. For these people, crying can be a great release emotionally and physically. Some people call the effect of crying as 'an orgasm of the emotions.'

But how does such a "stoic" person tap into his/her emotions? Confronting your thoughts "head-on" is one way -- impassive people frequently avoid delving too deep into their "issues." Instead many pretend these issues don't exist and then become cynical with thoughts such as "it just doesn't matter" or "it'll do no good, what's the point?"

Start writing your thoughts down on paper, one-by-one, as they enter your brain, or start a daily diary. Read and review these thoughts every day. By visually seeing what you wrote down, you may find clarity and solutions to your problems that you otherwise could not do.

Learn More About Depression.

Education is knowledge and knowing everything there is to know about depression is a great starting point. Do free research on the internet, visit a library or go buy a good book on depression. The more you know about depression, the more you may understand that having this condition is NOT a life sentence. Millions of people in America alone suffer from this disease right now, and many more millions have also completely cured themselves. You're not stuck with depression forever.

Other factors to consider include better, more regular and consistent diet and nutrition, and taking the proper herbal and vitamin supplements to combat depression. For long-term relief consider taking 1,000 to 3,000 mg. of the herb St. John's Wort (allow 4-8 weeks to see results). Taking 5-htp as needed can help lift your mood within minutes.

Defeating depression does not occur overnight. The causes for your depression may be deeply rooted within your soul. Using your willpower and all of the advice above (on a daily basis) can speed your healing process significantly.

Schizophrenia Naturally

Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disease. Approximately one percent of the population develops schizophrenia during their lifetime - more than two million Americans suffer from the illness in any given year. Although schizophrenia affects men and women with equal frequency, the disorder often appears earlier in men, usually in the late teens or early twenties; women are generally affected in the twenties to early thirties. People with schizophrenia often suffer terrifying symptoms such as hearing internal voices not heard by others, or believing that other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them. These symptoms may leave them fearful and withdrawn. Their speech and behaviour can be disorganised and strange to the extent that they may be incomprehensible or frightening to others.

How is Schizophrenia Diagnosed?

There is currently no physical or lab test that can conclusively diagnose schizophrenia - a psychiatrist usually makes the diagnosis based on clinical symptoms. Physical testing can rule out many other conditions (seizure disorders, metabolic disorders, thyroid dysfunction, brain tumour, the effects of street drug use, and so on) that sometimes have similar symptoms.

What causes Schizophrenia?

Although the exact cause of schizophrenia remains unknown, experts agree that schizophrenia develops as a result of interplay between biological predisposition (for example, inheriting certain genes) and environmental factors. These lines of research are beginning to converge: brain development disruption is likely the result of genetic and/or environmental stressors early in development (during pregnancy or early childhood), leading to subtle alterations in the brain. Environmental factors later in development can either damage the brain further and further increase the risk of schizophrenia, or lessen the expression of genetic or neurodevelopment defects, thus decreasing the risk of schizophrenia.

Treatment for schizophrenia

The American Psychiatric Association publication 'Guidelines for the Treatment of Patients with Schizophrenia' states: "Antipsychotic medications are indicated for nearly all acute psychotic episodes in patients with schizophrenia."

There is also a significant overlap in terms of the medications for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (Manic Depression).
There are two main classifications of medications (from a layman's perspective); the traditional antipsychotic medications (Haldol, etc.), and the newer, 'atypical' antipsychotic medications that have come out in the past decade (Clozapine, Geodon, Seroquel, Risperdal, Zyprexa, Abilify, etc.). It is recommended that sufferers or their carers speak to online support groups to get in touch with others, and to hear about their personal successes and problems with the different medications. It is also a good idea to read as much as possible regarding the medications available, and talk with a psychiatrist, to identify the medications that may be appropriate. It should be kept in mind that whilst both the older and newer medications can greatly help a person with schizophrenia, they all have significant side effects that vary according to the individual. No medication available, unfortunately, constitutes an actual cure for schizophrenia.

A natural treatment for schizophrenia?

While the conclusions drawn range from the positive to the negative, research does suggest that people with schizophrenia may benefit by a reduction in symptoms when they take fish oil capsules that are high in the EPA (a type of Omega-3 fatty acid) form of oil. It is important to be careful about the type of fish oil you are using, as not all fish oils are effective. Researchers at the University of Sheffield tell us: "What people really need to be looking at is the amount of EPA in the fish oil they are buying. Our data from previous studies suggests that DHA is of little use in the treatment of schizophrenia, but EPA is the substance that yields the best results. Dosage wise it is suggested that about 2,000 mg/day to 4,000 mg/day (2 to 4 grams/day) should help."

A research review article from 2005 in the journal Drugs states: "The evidence to date supports the adjunctive use [i.e. in addition to antipsychotic medications] of omega-3 fatty acids in the management of treatment unresponsive depression and schizophrenia. As these conditions are associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus, omega-3 fatty acids should also benefit the physical state of these patients." (Drugs, 2005; 65(8):1051-9).

Fish fats, and the oils extracted from them, contain two biologically-active omega 3 fatty acids, DHA, EPA. There are good theoretical reasons why both might be important in the brain. However, with regard to schizophrenia, evidence is accumulating that it is the EPA which is really helpful, whereas DHA may not be beneficial in this context.

The strongest evidence comes from a study at Sheffield University by Dr Malcolm Peet and his colleagues. They did a study in patients with chronic, partially treatment-resistant schizophrenia. These patients continued on their existing medications. They were then randomised on a double-blind basis to receive either a placebo, or high EPA fish oil from sardines or anchovies, or high DHA fish oil from tuna. In other words, all the treatments were coded so that neither the patients nor the doctors knew which patient was receiving which treatment until the trial had been completed and the code broken. When the code was broken, the results were very clear. The placebo patients, as is usual in such experiments, showed a small improvement. The DHA patients also showed a small improvement, but in fact a lesser one than was evident in the placebo group, raising the possibility that DHA may not be helpful. In contrast, the patients on EPA showed a significant improvement which was comparable to that seen with the newer antipsychotic drugs, yet without the side effects.

Other studies have also shown that the same EPA rich oil as was used in the Sheffield study is very helpful in improving symptoms even in those who have a shorter history of schizophrenia. It therefore seems that the best fish oils to use are those which are high in EPA.

These findings have been fully embraced by the Schizophrenia Association of Great Britain, which recommends EPA fish oil along with other nutritional supplements on a daily basis to help treat this condition.


The current evidence points towards this natural essential fatty acid being beneficial for schizophrenia especially when run alongside current antipsychotic medication.

Any good doctor or nutritionist will tell you that the best way to get any nutrient is to eat a very balanced diet. In the case of Omega 3 oil this would be in the form of fish. Sadly due to the pollution levels found in our oceans today eating large portions of fish every day is not advisable.

Therefore anyone with schizophrenia who wants to supplement their diet with omega 3 oil must purchase fish oil capsules that are high in EPA. Make sure at point of purchase that the capsules are free of toxins and contaminates and that they also have a high EPA to DHA ratio, as these types of capsules were found to be more effective by some leading doctors in the UK.

Copyright 2005 David McEvoy

How to Help a Teenager Who Says He Or She Wants to Die

What an important topic! It is true that teenagers these days experience a lot of stress and emotional pain, and often feel overwhelmed. Often, a teenager who says they want to die are experiencing profoundly overwhelming emotions and confusion, and are letting you know that they are in extreme emotional pain and need help. Sometimes when a teen says he/she wants to die it may mean they are an immediate risk for suicide.

1. No matter which option, this statement needs to be taken seriously

If a teenager says, "I want to die, I want to kill myself, or I'm going to commit suicide", always take the statement seriously and immediately seek assistance from a qualified mental health professional. I know that you may feel uncomfortable talking to your teen about wanting to die, or even contemplating suicide. If they have brought it up to you (or even if they haven't directly) they need to talk about it. Rather than putting thoughts in the teens head, asking about their feelings will provide assurance that you care and will give them the chance to talk about their problems.

Depression and suicidal feelings are treatable disorders. The child or adolescent needs to have his or her deep pain recognized and diagnosed, and appropriate treatment plan developed. When parents are in doubt whether their child has a serious problem, a psychiatric examination can be very helpful.

2. Here's some information on teen suicide

Suicides among young people continue to be a serious problem. Each year in the U.S., thousands of teenagers commit suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year-olds and the sixth leading cause of death for 5 to 14 year-olds.

Recently released statistics reveal that approximately three million youths, aged 12 to 17, either thought seriously about suicide or attempted suicide in 2000. More than one third, 37 percent, actually tried to kill themselves. Most were suffering from undiagnosed or untreated clinical depression. An estimated 75 percent of all those who commit suicide give some warning of their lethal intentions by mentioning their feelings of despair to a friend or family member.

Many of the signs and symptoms of suicidal feelings are similar to those of depression. Parents should be aware of the following signs of adolescents who may try to kill themselves:

  • change in eating and sleeping habits

  • withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities

  • violent actions, rebellious behavior, or running away

  • drug and alcohol use

  • unusual neglect of personal appearance

  • marked personality change

  • persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating, or a decline in the quality of schoolwork

  • frequent complaints about physical symptoms, often related to emotions, such as stomachaches, headaches, fatigue, etc.

  • loss of interest in pleasurable activities

  • not tolerating praise or rewards

A teenager who is planning to commit suicide may also:

  • complain of being a bad person or feeling rotten inside

  • give verbal hints with statements such as 'I won't be a problem for you much longer', 'Nothing matters', 'It's no use', and 'I won't see you again'

  • put his or her affairs in order, for example, give away favorite possessions, clean his or her room, throw away important belongings, etc.

  • become suddenly cheerful after a period of depression

  • have signs of psychosis (hallucinations or bizarre thoughts)

If one or more of these signs occurs, parents need to talk to their child about their concerns and seek professional help from a physician or a qualified mental health professional.

3. Realize that being a teen can be really tough these days

Adolescence is a stressful experience for all teens. It is a time of physical and social change with hormones producing rapid mood swings from sadness to elation. Lack of life experience may result in impulsive behavior or poor decisions. The teenager's brain is "under construction" and is not fully formed until age 25. This includes areas such as forethought, planning, and delayed gratification.

Even an emotionally healthy youngster may have constant fears of "not being good enough" to be asked out on a date, make the varsity team, or get good grades. Special situations such as parental divorce or the breakup of a dating relationship may trigger intense sadness and feelings of wanting to die.

For a teen suffering from severe or chronic depression, feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness magnify and dominate waking hours. The ratio of "sad" to "happy" moments becomes lopsided. Despair is ever- present and emotional pain feels like it will never end. Any situation of anger or disappointment may cause a fragile youngster to cross the line from wanting to die to actually attempting suicide.

Unfortunately, adolescents do not wear a sign saying whether they are temporarily sad or chronically depressed. External indicators such as clothing, music preferences, grades, or even attitude are not accurate indicators of propensity for suicide.

All statements regarding suicidal ideation and/or concrete plans need to be taken seriously by adults.

Chronic hopelessness, harsh self-criticism, and feeling unlovable and unwanted, create a pain that cannot be described. Some severely depressed teens try to rid themselves of this awful feeling by self-medicating with alcohol or other drugs. Others self-injure by cutting, burning, biting or even breaking their own bones in an effort to release the excruciating self-hatred.

Fortunately, most teens will communicate this pain through conversations or writings. Our job as adults is to provide both an ear and a path to professional help when this information is shared.

Depression is a treatable disease and, with proper intervention, most suicidal teens can be helped to lead long and productive lives.

4. What to do when a teen says he/she wants to die or is suicidal

Talk to them by letting them know:

  • I care about you. I do not want you to die. I would miss you so much, you are so important to me.

  • Ask them "what is causing you so much pain?" Listen, listen, listen and do not try to be logical or talk them out of their pain. At that moment the person can't think of the future, they can only think about now. They are preoccupied with a painful past and present. You are trying to accomplish two things -- give them someone to listen to them fully so they know they are loved and cared about, and to get valuable information about their frame of reference.

  • Ask them, if you could wave a magic wand and could change your life, what would you change? This will give you important information about where they are experiencing pain, and what in their life feels like it won't change.

  • Tell them a part of them wants to live (even if it is tiny). Tell them again you want to help them to live, and will get them help.

  • Let them know you are taking them seriously. You might say, "Look, you let me know you were feeling suicidal. If you didn't want help, you would never have said anything to me, so I'm not going to let it go. Come on. Both of us will go see someone." This kind of response lets the person know how serious you are and how much you care. It brings them back in touch with that part that wants to live. In most cases they will agree to see someone after hearing this. If they still insist on not talking and take off, it is critical that someone who can get to that youngster be told immediately.

  • Tell them that even if they have no hope for them, you have hope, and they can barrow some of your hope for them.

5. Realize that you are an important person to them, or they would not have told you anything at all.

You are already a safe person that they trust and are hoping can help them. By acknowledging their feelings of devastation or depression you will continue to build a strong relationship with them. Your listening to them and trying to understand them will help the teen feel like there is help available. You are really important to them, and you matter to them. Do not feel like you have to take the burden of what they've shared completely on yourself. There are medical and mental health professionals you can enlist who can help the teen who has confided in you.

6. Try to assess if the threat is immediate, ask

"Have you thought about how you might do this?" If they say I have a gun, pills, etc. in my car/in my room that shows they have a plan and are at high risk -- you need to get help right away by calling 911, their parents, their primary care doctor, anyone. Don't send them home by themselves, even if they insist they are fine or were just kidding. If they really want to end their life, they will be mad at you for taking action, but getting them immediate help is more important than their displeasure with you. Most likely, later they will understand. If you begin to doubt the wisdom of getting psychological help, ask yourself if you would hesitate taking your child to a doctor if his leg was broken just because she "did not want to go."

Because of the thin line that exists between "having an idea" and "acting on that idea," it is critical that any suicide threat be taken seriously. If your child says he or she wants to die and/or shares a suicide plan there is no time to speculate whether the words are "real" or if the "mood will pass."

If the threat does not seem immediate, do not take a risk -- let the teens parents know, make sure they get an appointment with their primary care doctor, go to ER, etc. While both "situationally unhappy" and "clinically depressed" teens may become suicidal, the second group is more likely to have a plan and materials necessary to carry out this project successfully.

If you are the parent, and it is daytime, call your primary physician for immediate help. If the doctor is not available, many communities have mental health hot-lines offering guidance or a 24-hour center where psychiatric emergencies can be evaluated. If all else fails, calling 911 or your local police will generate needed assistance.

If the threat is not immediate, it is still important to follow up with a psychological evaluation. Again, your primary physician should be able to provide you with an appropriate referral. If you don't know if the threat is immediate, err on the side of taking action sooner.

Realize that sometimes wanting to die is a sign of clinical depression, which means that chemical changes have taken place in the teens brain to the point that medication is needed for a time to restore balance in the brain chemicals. An evaluation by a psychiatrist and/or primary care doctor is needed to determine the course of treatment. Multiple research has found that the best treatment for depression is a combination of medication and talk therapy.

I hope this has been helpful for you in helping the teens in your life. You are very important to them, and you and your relationship with them matters.

Note: This question was submitted by one of the subscribers of my Podcast, Encouragement for Your Soul.

Clinical Depression Or Thyroid Problem

Your thyroid directs your metabolic action or the way your body breaks down food and transforms it into energy. One of it's tasks is absorbing amino acids, one of which, tyrosine, gets converted into dopamine, the supercharged, feel good neurotransmitter in the brain. Dopamine then produces norepinephrein and adrenaline, which are famous for their instant energy giving abilities when you are under stress.

The American Thyroid Association states that:

  • More than 12% of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime.

  • An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease.

  • Up to 60% of those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition.

  • Women are five to eight times more likely than men to have thyroid problems.

  • One woman in eight will develop a thyroid disorder during her lifetime.

Hypothyroidism stems from an underproduction of thyroid hormones and fewer thyroid hormones will mean a drop in your body's energy production and lower energy levels, leaving you feeling lethargic, fatigued, tired, and depressed. A 1993 study found that 56% of women with sub-clinical hypothyroidism were depressed. Another found that 15 - 20% of depressed men and women showed some degree of sub-clinical hypothyroidism.

(In case you were wondering, hyperthyroidism is due to an overproduction of thyroid hormones, which can lead to insomnia, daytime fatigue, nervousness, muscle weakness, unexplained weight loss, vision problems, and eye irritation.)

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism:

  • Depression

  • Tired, Sluggish, Lethargic, Lack of motivation

  • Trouble getting going in the morning

  • Exhausted even after 8-10 hours of sleep

  • Poor concentration and memory, Mental sluggishness

  • Can't lose weight even with exercise

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Tingling or numbness in the hands

  • Require excessive amounts of sleep to function properly

  • Increase in weight gain even with low-calorie diet

  • Gain weight easily

  • Morning headaches that wear off as the day progresses

  • Outer third of the eyebrow thins

  • Thinning of the hair on scalp, face or genitals or excessive falling hair

  • Dryness of skin and/or scalp

  • Mental sluggishness

  • Nervous and emotional

  • Insomnia

  • Night sweats

  • Coarse, dry hair

  • Dry, rough pale skin

  • Hair loss

  • Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches

  • Constipation, Difficult, infrequent bowel movements

  • Muscle and Joint Pains, Carpal Tunnel/Tendonitis Problems

  • Neck Discomfort/Enlargement

  • Reduced sex drive

  • Menstrual Irregularities (excessive bleeding, severe cramping, irregular cycle, severe PMS)

  • Fertility Problems

  • Chubby or overweight since childhood

For women the most common triggers are the start of menstruation, menopause, or pregnancy. Dieting can also induce a thyroid problem. When you reduce your calories your body will automatically slow down your thyroid, which is a good move on your body's part, but over time, with frequent "yo-yo" dieting or skipped meals, your thyroid may forget to turn back on again.

Checking Your Thyroid At Home - If you suspect there is a problem with your thyroid try this home test before going to your doctor and getting blood work done. You will need to check your underarm, or basal, temperature first thing in the morning before you start moving around and raising your body temperature for 3 days. Your body temperature should hover around 98.6 degrees when taken orally but will be lower under the arm, between 98.4 and 97.8 degrees. If it's below 97.8 degrees for 3 days then you may have thyroid problems.


You will need to use a non-digital thermometer (digital is not as accurate under the arm).

  1. As soon as you wake up turn on bright lights, stay in bed, and keep your eyes open for 30 minutes (going to the bathroom is fine as is reading.)

  2. After 30 minutes place the thermometer under your armpit. Leave it there for 10 minutes. Stay quite in bed with your eyes open.

  3. Do this for at least 3 mornings to get your average temperature. You don't have to do the 3 mornings all in a row if you don't want to.

For Women: If you are a menstruating your basal temperature is most accurate days 1 through 4 of your period. Do not take your temperature around your ovulation or mid-cycle which causes your temperature to rise.

If you are male or a woman in menopause then any morning is fine. Hot flashes should not affect basal temperature.

If the temperature under your arm is less than 97.8 degrees for the 3 days that you check it then that's a good sign that you have a thyroid issue and you should seek out a thyroid specialist. After blood, urine, and saliva testing the doctor will recommend a course of action.

Depressed a Lot? - The Reason Why You're Always Feeling Depressed

Do you get depressed a lot? If so the real reason may not be what you think. Many people simply attribute depression to stress and a state of mind, however what most people don't realize is that nutrition and physical illness can practically force a person to become depressed against their will! In this article I'll discuss the 3 factors which can cause depression and how to go about reversing them!

#1 - Candida: This very common and far too under-diagnosed chronic fungal infection can create mal-absorption in the body amongst other health problems such as toxicity through it's by products. It's these toxic by products that will often cause anxiety in depression in many individuals. Once they eliminate the overgrowth of Candida from their body however and the toxins that go with it they will notice a superior improvement in their overall physical and mental health!

#2 - Adrenal Fatigue/Hormone Imbalance: This condition is often caused by stress over an extended period of time, this can involve chronic infections which have not been addressed, allergies which are being continually exposed to and injuries which haven't healed properly. Not to mention poor diet which is deficient in good fats which will directly and indirectly eliminate depression.

#3 - Nutritional Deficiency: This can involve both vitamin and mineral deficiencies which in strong enough doses would correct and eliminate depression and many other health problems. You might say "Well according to my doctor my levels are all normal" but then you need to wonder what does "normal" really mean? Consider this a modern medical test for vitamin C levels for example only indicates a deficiency if an individual is so low that they could develop scurvy. However when vitamin C levels are optimized you heal faster and won't get infections. If you're depressed it's likely you're either not absorbing your nutrients correctly or simply need more.

If you're depressed a lot then these 3 factors are things you need to rule out. The best way to do this is to address them. Although it's always a good idea to also get a alternative health test to determine what other causes may be affecting you.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Coping With A Depressed Partner

Coping with a depressed partner can be difficult. According to the dictionary, depression, is a state of extreme dejection or morbidly excessive melancholy. Depression is a mood of hopelessness and a feeling of inadequacy, often with physical symptoms.

When you find yourself in a relationship where your partner or lover is showing signs of depression, the secret would be to try to establish the reason for this state of depression. This will assist you in coping with the situation and perhaps finding a solution. Sometimes depression can be mistaken for selfishness or mere frustration.

With A Strong Relationship, Depression Can Be overcome.

One of the most difficult cases of depression, when dealing with your lover, is if they are showing signs of " relationship depression" resulting from a broken relationship.

It is hard to watch them deal with this dark period of life. Many relationships end because of it, since there doesn't seem at first sight, to be an end to it, and the pressure begins to build on both parties.

Depression makes people think irrationally and causes them to be blind to the good things in life, like yourself. They will make you feel, that all the effort you put into the relationship, to try to make them feel better, is a waste of time. It isn't, though.

It may not appear so, but that you are there to support them means more to them than one realizes.They sometimes say terrible things, and they would not blame you for leaving, and will sometimes, due to their behaviour, attempt to make the decision easier for you. They do not want you to really leave, but want you to be with them, to help if you can.

It is important, if you want to help them cope with their depression, to educate yourself about this "Mental Disorder " so that you can understand it better.You will need to do plenty of research to find out the most common causes.There are many reasons that could have triggered the feeling of depression.The problem is that if you don't get a handle on it, it can begin to snowball, and affect your relationship, no matter how strong it is.

Depression can be contagious, so it is important to take care so that you too, do not fall into depression mode.If you do start to feel the symptoms, then you should be quick in seeking help from psychologists or counsellors. Once both of you start falling into depression it may become even more difficult to work towards a recovery.

When you feel that you cannot get on top of it, and that you are worn out, then it's time to take a step backwards, and try to take a look at the situation, from a third parties point if view.

Usually, a past relationship and depression, go hand in hand, and the trouble with this is that, when one relationship has failed, it is easy to feel that future relationships are also doomed to failure. This will no doubt put a strain on current relationships and if this is the case, professional advice should be sought.

Remember that you should not give up, and believe that the effort that you are making will reap benefits in the long run.It is important that your partner knows that they can depend on your support.

In conclusion and just to recap, be sure to diagnose the symptoms correctly, and once, you are sure that your partner is suffering from depression, go and find help, either from a marriage councillor or a psychologist.

If your relationship is strong, and you persevere, the two of you will overcome the problem.

Can Gluten Intolerance Cause Depression?

When gluten wreaks havoc on your immune system, it may also wreak havoc on your psychological and emotional state. How exactly might gluten cause such a response in people intolerant to it?

Chronic Stress

Just the stress of learning you have gluten intolerance and must subscribe to a strict gluten-free diet can feel overwhelming. Gluten is pervasive in the western diet and you must completely eliminate it from your diet to recover your health (there is no acceptable thing as "almost" gluten-free).

In addition, people who are newly diagnosed with some form of gluten sensitivity often have endured unexplained pain and suffering for some time before being properly diagnosed.

Thus just adapting to a gluten-free lifestyle can be associated with a degree of chronic stress. This stress triggers elevated stress hormones like cortisol along with suppressed neurotransmitters that provide positive feelings like serotonin and dopamine.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Several nutrient deficiencies may cause symptoms similar to depression symptoms. When gluten damages the villi along the lining of your small intestine, you are less able to absorb nutrients from the food you eat. In particular folic acid, tryptophan, iron and magnesium deficiencies are all common in people with untreated celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

Deficiencies in each of these nutrients can lead to symptoms resembling depression, so imagine if you were deficient in all of them, which is quite possible if you discover you are intolerant to gluten and you have not been on a gluten-free diet.

In many cases, these deficiencies don't directly cause depression. Instead they cause other conditions with similar effects on your mood and energy as depression. For example, an iron deficiency can lead to anemia, and anemia may manifest as fatigue, anxiety and irritability.

Chronic Inflammation

It might help you to understand that when you are intolerant to gluten, certain antibodies attack the lining of your small intestine causing a reaction somewhat like a sunburn. Over time, the walls of your intestine become damaged and inflamed.

Several studies suggest that an imbalance of cytokines, inflammatory proteins related to your body's immune response, may cause several changes related to depression symptoms. Some of these changes are direct behavioral changes and others are related to abnormal thyroid hormone fluctuations.

Additionally, gluten antibodies may cause inflammation throughout your body, not just in your intestines. Inflammation may impact your nervous system directly, potentially triggering anxiety or a depressive state.

You can see there are many ways gluten intolerance may trigger feelings similar to depressed feelings. However, I prefer we focus on the positive consequences of discovering our gluten sensitivity and implementing a healthy gluten-free diet.

If you have celiac disease, a wheat allergy or a non-celiac gluten sensitivity, your new healthy lifestyle free of gluten will soon bring you more energy and well-being than you've experienced in years.

Psychiatric Drugs for Mood Disorder Patients? A Bipolar Patient's Point-Of-View

When positive-thinking and self-help books seem not to help anymore and individual or group therapy are no longer fruitful, it is likely time to head for a psychiatrist's office to seek drug therapy for anxiety, depression, mania, psychosis, SAD, PTSD, ADHD, OCD and whatever else may challenge the English alphabet. Okay, let us begin with the obligatory generalities.

The term "Pharmaceutical" comes from the Greek "pharmakon" or "medicinal drug." Most drugs are controlled by law and prescribed by physicians among civilized populations. They are prescribed for patients when over-the-counter (OTC) remedies are no longer effective in treating or offering relief from a person's illness or medical condition. Pharmaceutical companies develop prescription drugs for various maladies and diseases for a princely sum to offset development costs and to make a healthy profit for shareholders until the drug patent expires and less-costly generic equivalents are produced by competing manufacturers.

A medicine is almost always prescribed for its intended use; however, it sometimes is prescribed for a side-effect that will most benefit the patient. Every known medicine has side-effects, some good and some worse for a given patient. A single type of side-effect may affect either many patients or very few. The likelihood of a side effect affecting a patient according to double-blind testing required by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is expressed in terms of a percentage of drug side-effects to a percentage of equivalent placebo side-effects among a test population.

Medicines often do not get along with other medicines and the interference between them requires health care professionals to be wary and responsible for which combinations of them are either ineffective or dangerous. This is especially true of psychiatric (psychotropic) medicines prescribed for patients having behavioral disorders. Many of these potions carry potent side-effects and require extra-careful scrutiny when being prescribed by a psychiatrist or primary care physician.

There are five (5) main classes of psychiatric medications:

  1. Antidepressants

  2. Antiepileptics (Anticonvulsants)

  3. Antipsychotics (you sure don't want any of us running around)

  4. Anxiolytics (if reading this makes you anxious)

  5. Mood Stabilizers

There are over 100 of these medicines in use today and many others that have fallen out of favor. This number of medications gives the doctor several ways to attack each disorder's multiple conditions and symptoms, and more importantly, to prescribe an effective medicine with the least amount of side-effects for each patient.

One antidepressant was prescribed for my clinical depression shortly after its introduction in 1985. There was much media hoopla for the miracle drug that could make people "happy." But the real breakthrough was intended only to raise the moods of folks who were suicidal, vegetative or otherwise crippled with incessant clinical depression by allowing the needed amount of the neurotransmitter serotonin to increase in the brains of patients. It worked wonderfully for me. Taking it permitted me to function almost normally (or whatever that was for me) again.

Once a psychiatric medication is prescribed, time-pressured physicians and pharmacists typically skim over the list of side-effects with the patient, placing the onus of discovery on that patient. The most prevalent cautions are usually relayed to the patient by his or her doctor or pharmacist. Regardless, the psychiatric patient needs to know them all, for many of these side-effects are debilitating or life-threatening and must be reported to a doctor quickly when discovered.

The patient or his or her domestic caregiver must have all of the drug information available for each prescription taken. I have found Wikipedia drug articles to be the most comprehensive, understandable, rich in detail and peppered with many related hotlinks. The best way to secure this information is to visit Wikipedia and type the drug name into its search window. Here is what you will find in each pharmaceutical article at [] Select "English" if you can read this.

  • General Description

  • Medical Uses

  • Adverse Effects (including contraindications with other drugs)

  • Pharmacokinetics (how the drug works)

  • Mechanism of Action (if you're studying to become a doctor or pharmacist!)

  • History (not for the faint-of-heart)

  • Other Brand Names (domestic and worldwide)

  • In Popular Culture (books, movies, parades, etc.)

  • Online References

  • External Web Links

One article for a popular antidepressant has 95 online references upon which it is based. This ubiquitous medicine is FDA-approved for treatment of clinical (major) depression, obsessive-compulsive (OCD), bulimia, panic and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Adverse (side-)effect test result percentages are referenced to those of placebo test results and include discontinuation syndrome (going cold-turkey), suicidality in persons younger than age 25, nausea, insomnia, sleepiness, anxiety, tremors and sexual dysfunction.Then it lists warnings when taking it along with certain other medicines. One's pharmacist usually includes a data sheet with the medication; it will contain the most important information and cautions, but many patients do not take the time to read them.

Initially, I received two prescriptions for my bipolar disorder. They worked great, except for the fact, like a disproportionate number of pyschiatric drugs, one of them produced dramatic weight gain. The current and complex drug "cocktail" for my bipolar I disorder consists of 5 psychotropic medicines. I presently take 1 anticonvulsant, 1 mood stabilizer, 2 antipsychotics and 2 antidepressants. One of these was prescribed for me only for its side effect of weight loss in order to counter the weight-gain side-effects of three of my other medications. Whew! And so it goes. Who ever said psychiatry was a simple thing?

One common antidepressant is now available as a generic, making it a wonderful choice for needy patients. It is a good treatment choice for a clinically depressed patient since 90% of all suicides result from clinical depression. I am sure there are better choices today, but I have a long experience with it so I use it here as an example. It carries a 2% chance of suicide as a side effect-a regular sword of Damocles, right? How ironic. So how do we square this anomaly? The way I see it, a 98% survival rate beats the living daylights out of a 10% survival rate! Additionally, watchful patients and others around them can often observe the patient and obtain medical intervention well before the act of suicide is committed.

In practice, after a patient's initial dosing of a psychiatric medication, it requires 2-3 weeks to approach therapeutic levels. The patient often must be hospitalized for at least this critical period for his or her safety's sake. This characteristic is typical for psychotropic drugs. They require a lengthy ramp-up time to achieve efficacy and then a long weaning-off period if they are to be eliminated or tapered off as another medicine is simultaneously introduced and ramped-up to replace it.

Psychiatric drugs are numerous, complex, slow to take effect, fraught with ungodly side-effects, pretty darned expensive-since those most often prescribed are usually not generics-and often not covered by drug insurance plans. The ramifications of improper patient medication relate not only to the health of the patient, but to his or her relationships with family, friends and others. One caveat remains, however. A mental patient often fails to take his or her medication(s), including specified doses at the right times when raging, manic, disoriented, or distracted. The depressed patient simply forgets to take his or her medicines. Ideally, someone living with the patient must keep refills current with the pharmacy and then fill a weekly pill carrier to provide proper doses of each medication to administer at the right times of day. Then the patient must be reminded to take them or have the pills handed to him or her with a beverage with which to drink them down. My spouse lovingly either reminds me to take them or brings my meds to me, depending on the moment. But many times I do remember to take them! This ideal and idyllic thought I shall leave with you.

Succeeding With What You Have by Charles Schwab

Synopsis of Content:

Charles Schwab wrote a very small book which became a classic soon after it was first published in 1920. In this book a man who had risen from rags to riches in reality tells his fellow man how it is done.

He begins by instructing people to think beyond their job. He gives examples from his own experience in America's early steel industry of men who intended to amount to something more than a wage earner, worked hard, and utilized the other principles outlined in this little book.

First he counsels the value of hard honest work. Next he speaks of giving more than fair service for the pay. Then he teaches men to think continually on how the business might be improved and communicate those ideas in little ways.

Next is a chapter on how men are appraised on the job, seizing opportunities, the relative value of a college education, what employers expect, how he sees his employees as partners, men with whom he has worked and a woman's part in a man's success.

Some of this material, especially the last chapter, is very dated and possibly of little use today. However much of what is written here is still as true today as it was in 1920. Hard work, dedication to your goals, going the extra mile, maintaining a good and positive attitude, making a difference, all remain vital steps toward success in a business or in life.

Readability/Writing Quality:

For a book written in 1920 it is surprisingly readable. In part this is due to its small size, a pocket edition having only 55 pages which could be easily read by most in a single evening. The chapters are short enough and well written. Quotes he wishes emphasized are in bold.

Notes on Author:

Charles Schwab was a remarkable man. He started as a stake driver, a minimally paid hourly wage earner in Andrew Carnegie's steel mills. He had little education and came from poor roots.

Carnegie took notice of him however because of his charming personality, incredibly positive attitude, great work ethic and willingness to please. He was just the kind of young man Carnegie was looking to mold and develop into executive material. Schwab did not disappoint and he eventually became Carnegie's chief man and the first President of a corporation to earn one million dollars a year in compensation.

Through his wit, intelligence, charm and hard work he engineered the buyout of Carnegie Steel and the creation of US Steel. He then became the first President of US Steel and a short time later President of Bethlehem Steel. He was known as a master motivator of men and Thomas Edison referred to him as a master hustler.

Sadly despite a meteoric rise to incredible riches and power, Schwab came to a very poor end. In the 1920s, after having written this book, he squandered much of his wealth gambling, spending and carousing. He seemed to lose sight of his own roots and senses and became a spendthrift. In time he was in trouble and then the stock market crash of 1929 left him destitute.

In 1939 he died a poor man, deeply in debt, living off of loans in a small London apartment. On his death he owned a large amount of Bethlehem Steel stock, which during the depression was near worthless. Just a couple years later however it became very valuable as the steel industry boomed during the war.

Despite his sad end, Schwab had very clearly demonstrated in his younger years how to succeed and how to go from poverty to riches.

Three Great Ideas You Can Use:

1. Successful men are not natural prodigies. They win by using normal brains to think beyond their manifest daily duty. The look beyond the day's labor and the day's meal.

2. The real test of business greatness is in giving opportunity to others. Many fail in business because they are thinking only of their own personal gain and glory.

3. Personality is a key asset. If you have it, cherish it. If you do not, cultivate it.

Publication Information:

Succeeding With What You Have by Charles M. Schwab

This book is out of copyright however it is published by Executive Books in booklet form, costing less than $2, with a copyright of 2005 by Executive Books, Mechanicsburg, PA.

General Rating: Fair, >Good<, Very Good, Excellent

Alternative Medicine For Test Anxiety

Who says you can not beat the exam nerves? Truth is you can and you can do this the natural or holistic way with a little help from proven alternative practices!

You might have heard of the Gingko Biloba and the number of times the herb has been recommended as supplement to help sharpen memory functions and encourage presence of mind, particularly when taking exams. If that is so, is there an equivalent herbal remedy that would help ease out related exam tension?

The practice of alternative medicine has brought to the fore a number of different herbs enriched with medicinal properties vital to nervous system health, along with homeopathic substances that are purported to induce calm and relaxed behaviors. Skim below for some of the more popular remedies administered to ease common tension which can likewise be used as an alternative medicine for test anxiety.

The herb Passion Flower promotes a naturally soothing and calming effect on the nerves that when combined with St. Johns Wort produces an herbal remedy for clinical depression. The medicinal extracts of the Centella Asiatica and Rosemary both provide therapeutic benefits helpful in the course of academic study and examination. While the Centella generally enhances brain and nervous system functions, the Rosemary contains compounds that inhibit the breakdown of brain chemicals involved in the upkeep of good memory.

Intake of homeopathic remedies such as the Anacardium (6C) and the Gelsemium (6C), on the other hand, naturally stimulates behaviors that are necessary in preventing the onset of nervous tension during exams. The Anacardium boosts self confidence while relieving irrational fears, including that of failure. Consequently, the Gelsemium eases related physical actuations that manifest as a consequence of extreme tension.

Modern day herbalists and clinical psychologists have now expanded the treatment options for common nervous tension and anxiety with the manufacture of herbal supplement products such as A+ Test Calmer which is specially formulated with natural medicinal compounds that work in synergy to ease the exam nerves in children and teenagers.

It is typical for healthy school aged children and teenagers to feel anxious and stressed following the weeklong pressure of studying (or perhaps cramming) for a periodic exam or when preparing for a presentation. But then again, there are those who routinely encounter overwhelming feelings of nervous tension as the big day draws near and even up to the time that the exam is ongoing. These deep-seated, nervous emotions often cause an individual to lose focus while the ability to concentrate properly is hindered as well. In this case, the worst thing that could happen - next to a mental blackout, is for one to succumb to panic attacks. If you think you or your child easily succumbs to nervous tension during the conduct of exams, consider the intake of an alternative medicine for test anxiety and see the difference!

Cheer Up! How to Deal With Depression

Whenever a severe problem enters into our lives, we tend to experience a range of moods. These moods range from downright lack of interest in everything to low spirits. The word used to describe this range of moods is Depression. Depression is something that is very difficult to recognize, so much so, it can literally go undetected. While this can go undetected, the good news is that when detected on time, depression can be treated in most people.

There are various methods of treating depression. An early detection is something that can help matters. If not detected early, the depression can only get worse and the longer will be the treatment and even longer will be the time taken for the treatment to control the depression. As said, there are various remedies, ranging from natural medications to others. Natural medications do take time to work. So, along with the medications from your GP, you can try other treatments like Essential Oils, relaxation techniques or talking to close friends.

Recognizing the signs

Guilt Pangs, blaming self for everything, feeling unworthy, unable to handle situations or feeling totally out of control.

Lethargy coupled with a tired feeling.

Low concentration levels, indecisive and poor memory.

Yo-Yo in appetite and weight. There could periods of weight gain followed by immediate weight loss.

Irregular sleeping pattern. Either you do not sleep at all or you sleep like a log.

Agitated over small matters and severe restlessness.

Feeling low with tears in eyes.

Loss of interest in sexual activities.

Different Types of Depression

There are various forms of depression, with no two depressions looking alike, though usually there is an overlap in type of depression:

Reactive depression

Reactive Depression is usually triggered off by a serious physical injury or an accident or it could be even a psychological trauma such as a bereavement or a divorce. The best way to tackle this kind of depression is counseling, support, love of family and friends and some large-hearted emotional support. However, reactive depression could come back and the problems could surface again.

Endogenous depression

This is more severe than reactive depression. It has more to do with the person itself than any other external influence. Moods could range from being good in the morning to worse as the day progresses or have bouts of guilt complex and extreme self doubt.

Manic depression/Bi polar disorder

This is characterized by excessive energy, high mood swings, strange behaviour, extreme happiness to the lows of lethargy and utter helplessness. This usually alternates with periods of stability.

Post-natal depression

This happens because of the sudden drop in the estrogen and progesterone hormones which are usually found in females. The drop happens between the 3rd and the 10th day after the birth of the child. Though this occurs for a short period of time, some women suffer from a longer lasting depression which might require hospitalization. Swift treatment is one way out, but the better one would be a counseling which can help sort out things quickly. It is now estimated that almost 50% of mothers suffer from Post Natal Depression, or Baby Blues.

Masked depression

This happens in people who appear normal but start to suffer from physical problems such as energy loss or appetite or irregular sleeping patterns. This type of depression is reactive and is found in people who have suffered some form of trauma, but are unable to express it.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD Syndrome)

This is a seasonal disorder occurring, for example, in the UK during the Winter season. This type of depression usually strikes people during the months of December to February and affects up to a million people. There are variations in this type of depression too. It is often called Winter Blues. The usual symptoms are sleep problems, a lethargic attitude, craving for food, total loss of sex drive, worry and mood wings.

It is now accepted that SAD Syndrome may be linked to excess production of serotonin which is responsible for mood swings. It could also be due to the increased levels of melatonin. This hormone is produced by the pineal gland and induces sleep.

The best and the most effective treatment for SAD is to spend as much as time outdoors as possible. Natural Daylight is the most effective treatment for SAD. So, if you are at home, sit as much as possible next to a window or try and spend as much as time in natural light.

Top Tip: according to Holistic Therapies Spain, another way of combating SAD is to buy light boxes containing fluorescent tubes. They give out the same level of light that is found in a bright Spring morning. Sit in front of these for a period of time and soon you'll be as happy as you would be in warm sunlight.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Anti-Depression Tips

In today's busy lifestyle, stress and tension at work and home can very easily lead you to a state of depression. Lack of energy and the lack of motivation to achieve anything in life are some of the obvious signs that you are depressed. Anything and everything in life tends to become difficult to carry out.

Depression is often classified as a mental health illness however, from a purely medical science point of view; depression is rather a state of mind than an illness. Severe depression can give you a feeling of being worthless, mentally exhausted and leave you feeling hopeless. These feelings, in most cases, force people give up on their ambitions and stop them from reaching out for their goals and ambitions.

However, what people fail to recognize is that the above are well too common responses to depression. In fact, these feelings are not limited to depression but often encountered by people when they have an adrenaline rush. Self-help for depression exists which can help individuals get rid of this mental illness and lead a happy fulfilling life. There are no quick fixes, but these practices overtime can help individuals in the long run.

Firstly, and probably the most effective method to overcome depression is to avoid isolating yourself and get out and about to intermingle with people, friends and family. Begin an exercise regime and if possible, have a session at the local gym once a week. This will carry a twofold benefit. Whilst maintaining your health, you will also get a chance to meet other people and share stories and jokes. After a while, socializing will help you forget your tensions and worries and help you greatly in overcoming your depression.

Secondly, eating healthy has been found out as one of the major anti-depression methods. Including lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, and avoid unhealthy foods, such as sugar, refined food and fat and oils.

Relaxed chat with family and friends can make you feel better and forget the worries and tension of your daily life. A nice long walk on the beach or even a playful session with your pet can help you.

All of the above approaches will empower your inner self-confidence and leave your feeling satisfied with a sense of purpose in life. Gradually you will find your depression going away and you get back in the daily routine with increased vigor and enthusiasm.

How to Deal With Depression: Eat More Good Mood Foods

In the search for how to deal with depression, many people overlook good nutrition. There are "good mood foods" which contain nutrients specially designed to work with your brain chemistry. These nutrients stimulate the release of special neurotransmitters which tell the brain to release chemicals which can make you feel better.

When they are depressed, many people attempt to improve their negative emotions by snacking on quick, surgary, salty, or fatty foods.

These "foods" may make you feel better in the short term, but can cause feelings of guilt and self-loathing in the long term. As such, these unhealthy snacks should be avoided as much as possible during the time you are trying to deal with your depression.

So if eating junk food isn't one of the ways for how to deal with depression, which foods should you eat? Well, here is a short list of foods which have been found to be healthy, as well as, helpful for easing symptoms of depression.

* Comfort Foods - These are the foods which are usually associated with our childhood which bring back feelings of being lovingly cared for. One example is macaroni and cheese.

However, if you're looking for healthy alternatives, its recommended you make this dish from scratch and avoid the boxed version, which contains high levels of salt and artificial coloring.

* Whole Grains - The reason whole grains like oatmeal, barley, bulgur, bran, and whole wheat breads are included in the "good mood foods" list is because they help regulate your blood sugar for a more even temperament.

Additionally, the high amounts of fiber contained in these grains are more slowly digested, which help keep you full and satisfied.

* Fresh Fruit - The antioxidant effects from the zinc, selenium, vitamin E, vitamin C and Vitamin A help to reduce oxidative stress in the body.

* Omega 3 Fish Oil - These fatty acids work with the brain to reduce any deficiencies which may contribute to depression and anxiety. Supplements may provide a purer source of omega 3s, since many fresh fish sources are found to be contaminated with mercury.

* Green Leafy Vegetables - Green leafy vegetables work to boost energy levels. People suffering from depression usually report their energy levels are severely diminished. Eating more green veggies supplies the body with energy-boosting minerals like manganese, iron, magnesium and potassium. Magnesium may also work to improve your mood and sharpen brain function.

* Low-Fat Dairy Products - low-fat milk, buttermilk, cottage cheese, yogurt and cheese are helpful for reducing irritability and mood swings.

* Meats - In this case, turkey is a meat which works to increase levels of serotonin in the brain by its tryptophan content. The amino acid contained in tryptophan is responsible for the increase in serotonin, resulting in an elevated mood. Other tryptophan-rich foods include bananas, pineapple, sunflower seed, spinach and tofu.

So if you are looking for ways for how to deal with depression, making improvements in your diet to include more of the foods listed above can go a long way toward easing your symptoms and making you feel better. As a bonus, your overall health will improve as well.

Cat Dehydration Is Serious And Deadly

What is dehydration and why is it so serious? Dehydration in any animal is serious but with cats it is even more concern because cats are not big drinkers. Cats in the wild depend on majority of their fluid intake from prey and just are not instinctively big drinkers. Domesticated cats tend to have the same instinct and behavior. Because of this, they are more prone to serious dehydration than other animals.

Why dehydration is deadly is because the cat often does not show there is a problem until it is very serious. Cats may lose ten percent or more of their internal fluids before the symptoms become obvious. There are cases were the fluid loss is more and unrecoverable because the vital organs have shut down.

There are many reasons why your cat can become dehydrated. Some due to stress such as heat exposure, moving or riding in a vehicle and another is the food we feed them. Dry food is usually twelve percent or less in moisture and canned cat food is around eighty percent so it is obvious that a cat fed only dry food requires a higher water intake. Other reasons are due to food poisoning causing excessive vomiting and diarrhea. Then there are the classical clinical reasons like kidney failure, diabetes, cancer, and hyperthyroidism to mention a few.

Dehydration is so serious that it is deadly and not paying attention to some of the general symptoms can lead to death of your cat. Here is a list of the more common symptoms a cat will show when severely dehydrated:

Exhaustion or lethargic more than normal

Eyes seem sunken into the sockets

Thick sticky saliva

Loss of appetite

Dry Mouth

Elevated heart rate


Loss of skin elasticity

Excessive vomiting and or diarrhea



Here are two simple tests you can do at home for dehydration. First, check for skin elasticity by grasping your cat by the fur on the back of its neck above the shoulders and gently pull it. If the skin snaps back instantly, then your cat is not dehydrated but if the skin takes several seconds or more to flatten down to the neck there is a problem. The second test is to press your fingernail into the cat's gums by lifting the upper lip. There is a white spot were the nail has depressed into the gum and count how many seconds before the gums return to normal color. A hydrated cat should take only a second or two to return the color.

If your cat has the signs and symptoms of dehydration, you should go to your veterinarian so they can give the cat water and electrolytes with an IV bag. Forcing water down its throat is not a good idea but we should always make sure that plenty of fresh water is available daily in a clean bowl.

Clinical diseases will cause dehydration so taking your cat to the veterinarian to find out what caused the problem is the proper thing to do. Early treatment on the diseases will extend your cat's lifespan. Also, pay attention to diet as mentioned earlier the dry cat food cat be the cause of the problem and long-term feeding of dry food causes stress to the kidneys and liver.

Older cats, kittens, and cats with clinical ailments are more prone to dehydration and you should watch their intake of water and output of urine daily.

Raw Food Helps in Depression

I've heard a lot of positive feedback about raw food, that it cures all sorts of illnesses including mental health problems like depression disorder.

So now I'm trying to look into it.

You are considered a raw foodist when you eat at least 75% of your food uncooked and unprocessed. And if you imagine that this means you graze on salad leaves all day long, you can scrape this image off your mind straight away.

Raw food cuisine can be extremely rich and intense but let's face it - it's hard work and requires pre-planning and preparation. There are pizzas and pastas and cakes and chocolate goodies as well, but it's all raw.

Raw foodists say that our body acidic, and to balance it and keep it healthy we need alkaline environment. Raw food is alkaline, cooked food is acidic. The more acid builds up in our bodies, the more bodies struggle with processing it until it get's to the point when they can not do it anymore and slowly fall apart and degenerate.

There are talks that even cancer is essentially an acid build up, and with proper detox program and raw food diet, the process can be reversed.

So far, so good.

However, supermodel Carol Alt who's been on the raw food diet for years, wrote a book about it and launched her own products says that we are individual and have to bear in mind our heritage. Where did we come from? What our ancestors were eating? For some people going completely vegan makes sense, for others - they need slightly seared fish or a plate of Carpaccio as well.

The point I'm trying to make is that before you decide to try raw food as a miracle cure, find a specialist who will test you and determine what you need exactly.

A lot of points telling us why raw food can help with depression and anxiety, panic attacks, bipolar disorder, etc. make perfect sense. You body gets healthier, receives all these necessary enzymes, vitamins and minerals, detoxifies itself and balances the chemicals in your brain responsible for your depression.

On the other hand there are still situational causes for depression (like some traumatic experience, a stressful job or dealing with people who you can't stand) that can not be helped with just changing your diet. That's where relaxation techniques and depression therapy changing your attitude to your environment come handy.

Overall, raw food diet can fix a lot of things that went wrong with your body, but don't forget to use every other aspect of treatment to deal with all the causes of your depression.

What do you think? Share your thoughts and experience here.

How & Why Managers Must Deal With a Depressed Employee

Read time 5 minutes.

Listen for: "I'm thinking about ending it!" signals.

Managers -- Do not, Ever! Try to counsel a depressed employee. Work with her or him to get outside help. Talk with a professional about how to do that.

Managers -- be as empathetic as you can be but do not expect a positive response. You are just trying to stabilize the situation until the person gets help.

Danger: Some depressed people can turn their self-loathing and despair into killing.

Be aware that: a depressed person is dis-engaged from self and others. They are very hard to make authentic contact with.

Here's what it can hear like:

"I don't feel myself." "I feel sad, empty, and hopeless." "Why can't i shake off these feelings?" I am feeling anxious, panicked or distressed by troubling thoughts." "I am doing things that i feel bad about." "I can't sleep." "I want to sleep all the time." "I'm tired." "I can't concentrate." "I'm tired all the time."

In the workplace, the person's social relationships and job functions are negatively impaired by their depressive cloud. In some occupations the depressed person is a danger to self and others.

We sometimes see depression-like symptoms when a person has suffered a major loss as in a death, divorce, or even loss of savings. These instances are not what I would judge to be depression. They are natural, normal responses to a major life crisis. Deflation is not depression. The person may need help to get through it. Most likely it is situational. Most often you can still engage with the person. They will respond to empathy and be "contactable."

So what's a manager to do with a depressed employee?

First, a not-to-do! Do not abdicate your managerial responsibilities and say nothing to him or her hoping it will pass. A manager must call attention (in private) to the employee's behaviours.

1. State what you are observing. Only describe behaviours. "I notice that..." keep it short.

2. After you have described the behaviours. Button up. Do not talk. Wait! It may take what seems to be an eternity for a depressed employee to respond. Waiting for her/him to do so is a must. If you start talking they will retreat further inside. I have sat with someone for 10 minutes in silence waiting for him to respond.

3. When they do say something and when they are finished, repeat back what you heard them say, "So what you're saying is... did I get it correctly?"

  • If "No, that's not it." Ask them to say it again. Very often a depressed person will have trouble articulating their situation.

  • If "Yes," then.

You move into S.E.T. Interaction.

S.E.T. - S.upport, E.mpathy, T.ruth - is a three-step system of move-to-action intervention.

During interactions with a depressed employee you should invoke all three of these elements.


The "S" stage of this system. S.upport, is a personal statement of concern. "I am sincerely worried about how you are feeling" is an example of a supportive statement.

The emphasis is not on the manager's own feelings.

It is a personal statement to try to be of help.


with the E.mpathy segment, you attempt to acknowledge the depressed employee's shut down feelings: "How awful you must be feeling..."

It is important not to confuse Empathy with sympathy ("I feel so sorry for you..."), which will elicit either anger or withdrawal over perceived condescension.

Express your empathy in a neutral way with minimal personal reference to your own feelings. The emphasis here is on the employee's pain, not the manager's dilemma.

If the manager says, "I know just how bad you are feeling" it is likely to invite a mocking retort that, indeed, "You could never know how I feel!" and only results in the employee's despair. That statement can also be made non-verbally with a disdainful flick of the eyes.

Next, the "T" statement, representing T.ruth or Reality...

emphasizes that the employee is ultimately responsible for his/her work commitments and that others' attempts to help cannot pre-empt this primary responsibility.

While S.upport and E.mpathy are subjective statements acknowledging feelings, Truth statements announce that a problem exists. The manager addresses the practical issue of what can be done to solve it.

"We need to do something about it." is one essential T.ruth response.

Another useful T.ruth expression refers to actions that the manager is going to take in response to the depressed employee's behaviours, which is best expressed in a matter-of-fact, neutral fashion is:

"Here's what happened... "
"These are the consequences... "
"This is what I can do to help...
"What are you going to do?"

They should be stated in a way that avoids blaming and sadistic punishing ("This is a fine mess you've gotten us into!" "We've got work to do, snap out of it!").

The T.ruth part of the S.E.T. interaction is key. It is also the most difficult for the employee to hear and accept since so much of his/her world excludes or rejects engagement.

4. Be Clear, Engage and Hold Firm.

Communication with the depressed person needs to include all three messages - S.upport, E.mpathy and T.ruth.

However, even if all three parts are enacted, the depressed employee may not integrate all of them. Defensive, dis-engaging responses result when one of these levels is either not clearly stated or is not "heard."

It is now time, then, to call in the professional.

Symptoms of Child and Teenage Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, is not just an adult disease. Research and clinical experience shows that it is just as common in children and teenagers.

It's harder to diagnose however, because its symptoms can resemble or accompany those of other common mental disorders which start in childhood.

Symptoms may also be confused with normal child or teenage behavior and emotions. However unlike normal mood changes, bipolar disorder interferes with the way a child or teenager functions at school, home or with friends.

More research is needed to better understand how to diagnose and treat bipolar disorder in youth.

Generally in adults it consists of recurring extreme mood changes, energy or behavior, from a depressed state to a manic state, or a mix of both.

The manic state often shows extreme mood changes, from being extremely irritable to overly silly and elated. It also shows over-inflated self-esteem, more energy and a severely decreased need to sleep. A person may talk too much, too fast, change topics too quickly or not let themselves be interrupted. They also may be easily distracted, shifting attention constantly from one thing to another, or show physical agitation, excessive risky behavior, increased sexual thoughts, feelings or behaviors, or use of explicit sexual language.

The depressed state may show a persisting sad or irritable mood, a loss of interest in activities, a substantial change in appetite or body weight, difficulty sleeping or oversleeping. They may also suffer from a loss of energy, physical agitation, feelings of worthlessness, inappropriate guilt, problems concentrating or recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.

In children and teenagers, these symptoms may be different however.

When manic, they are more likely to be irritable and prone to destructive outbursts than to be elated or euphoric.

When depressed, they may have physical complaints like headaches, stomach aches or tiredness. They may skip school, get bad grades, talk about running away from home, complain, be irritable, spend time alone, cry for no reason, communicate poorly or be very sensitive to rejection or failure.

They may also abuse alcohol or drugs and have relationship problems.

Bipolar disorder that begins in childhood or early adolescence may be different or more severe than others. It often shows continuous, rapid-cycling, irritable mixed symptoms, which may occur with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) or CD (conduct disorder), or may have features of these disorders as initial symptoms.

In contrast, later adolescent or adult-onset bipolar disorder usually begins suddenly, often with a classic manic episode, with more stable periods between episodes and often not with ADHD or CD.

A child or teenager who appears to be depressed and shows severe ADHD symptoms, with excessive temper outbursts and mood changes, should be seen by a psychiatrist or psychologist experienced in bipolar disorder, especially if there is a family history of bipolar disorder. ADHD medications may worsen manic symptoms.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Genetic DNA Testing During the Adoption Process

Obtaining genetic DNA tests for your adopted child can be an important and useful way to get insights into potential diseases and challenges your adopted child will face before they occur. Genetic screening tests are also a great way to find out more about a child's genealogy beyond what you will receive in their medical records.

What You'll Find Out through a Home Genetic Test of Your Adopted Child

Hidden in every human's DNA are secrets about history and future health. When you bring a genetic test home and submit your cheek swabs for analysis, you're embarking on a trip through both the past and the future as you discover things like inherited characteristics, ancestry, and potential future health concerns.

As an adoptive parent, you are responsible for preparing for your adopted child's future, including their mental and physical wellbeing. However, depending on the type of adoption process you went through when preparing to bring your adopted child home, you may have been provided very little information about the health and wellbeing of both of their birth parents. In some cases, birth parents are reluctant to answer health questions honestly out of concern that by doing so their child will be less likely to be adopted.

A genetic screening test is a reliable way to obtain a much more comprehensive medical history for your child. There are many genetic diseases you can identify with DNA testing so that you can adequately prepare for any future challenges you may face as adoptive parents. Consider, for instance, what you would do if your adopted child suddenly developed leukemia and needed a bone marrow transplant. Or what if they became very ill because of kidney failure? In either case, registering your child's DNA history with a genetic information bank today may prove to be important for saving your child's life in the future. Other family members and potential genetic matches may be found long before you ever require the life-saving donation of marrow or a kidney.

The types of diseases you can identify with a genetic screening tests include things such as:

  • Cancer

  • Diabetes

  • Mental illness including depression

Yet beyond life-threatening diseases, genetic DNA testing can help you create a healthy lifestyle tailored to your child's unique health requirements. For instance, if diabetes is a higher risk for your adopted child, you can help prevent development of the disease by ensuring your child eats a healthy, low glycemic index diet, gets regular exercise, and receives medical check-ups that include glucose monitoring and other diagnostic tests for early detection of the onset of diabetes. Knowing this information will also aid the child in making responsible choices in lifestyle and diet as an adult, which can help to prevent diabetes from occurring in the first place.

The important thing to remember is not to allow any results received from a home genetic test to define the identity of your adopted child. In other words, don't allow anxiety about potential health concerns to rule the life of your adopted child. Ensure that you use the information responsibly without creating undue stress and creating unnecessary restrictions for your child.

Home Genetic Test Results for Reuniting Family Members with Your Adopted Child in the Future

Completing a DNA ancestry test with your adopted child may be a way to increase your bond with him or her if you complete the test together. Consider this: all humans originate from the same two human parents going back millions of generations. It may be a fun and interesting experiment for you and your adopted child to both obtain DNA ancestry testing to find out if perhaps you have similar ancestral roots. You never know - you may discover that your ancestors all originated from Asia or Australia. This may be a great way to improve your connectedness to your adopted child.

Completing a genetic DNA test for your adopted child can also be a great way for you to preserve information about their biological parents, grandparents, and other relatives. More and more, adoption agencies and DNA testing facilities are working together to help adopted children locate and reunite with their biological family members. Completing a home genetic test when your child is small is a great way to collect and store the information about their family so that when the inevitable questions about family history arise, you can provide them with the information they seek.

So as you go down the road in your journey with your adopted child, consider how genetic DNA testing may enhance your lives both today and in the future. It's an informative and practical expedition into the world of human health and history you won't want to miss!

Are Internet Term Life Insurance Quotes Useful and Are They Accurate?

This type of question I get quite frequently. My solution is very simple. Internet quotes can be effective in giving you a rough estimate of price. That's all! So be very careful!

The main problem is that a lot of these websites don't ask you for essential health information, medical information, prescribed medicine information, family history, hobbies and interests etc. This can be a huge issue and could very well give you a offer that is far from the actual price. This can potentially be highly aggravating and is certainly a substantial problem for insurance purchasers.

I recommend that you talk to an experienced, licensed, insurance specialist who represents a multitude of insurance carriers. These agents are best-known as independent or wholesale agents. They can easily run rates from major insurance companies all around the world to get you great policies at the lowest price.

An experienced wholesale insurance agent will fully grasp:

-Which insurance carrier has the cheapest smokers rates
-Who has the most generous Height and weight ratings
-Who is the Cheapest for hazardous careers
-What insurer has the lowest Diabetic coverage or previous cancer diagnosis plans
-Which insurance carrier will give non-smoking premiums for Chewing tobacco users or pipe smokers.

And much much more...

A high quality, experienced insurance adviser will also ask you important health and background questions which play a major role in calculating your cost. A good quality life insurance agent has seen it all and is aware of which questions to ask and more notably where to get you the lowest price. This practical knowledge and ability may well save you a ton of time and a ton of money on your life insurance. Life insurance is a product you pay for for many years, so even a a small savings per month can add up to a large amount of money over 20-30 years.

Another reason to use a reputable wholesale insurance professional is that not all Life insurance carriers grade your health or underwrite your policy the same. This is incredibly important and this insider knowledge is essential to getting the best price. So remember a great insurance agent can be extremely helpful in finding the right insurance plan for you.

So once again, be wise with internet life insurance rates. They do not tell the entire story. Do yourself a favor, contact a knowledgeable, independent insurance agent and you'll be glad you did.

The Science Behind Natural Herbs and Supplements for Depression

Numerous studies from leading scientific organizations, including Harvard, Duke, University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins, and the University of Toronto, have shown that natural nutritional supplements can be used to treat a host of physical and psychological ailments. Among these are depression, anxiety, obesity, bipolar disorder, insomnia, schizophrenia, hypertension, Alzheimer's, ADD/ADHD, arthritis, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, fibromyalgia, fatigue, headaches and more.

Here are some key nutrients that have been proven to reverse the effects of depression.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3s strengthen the immune system and produce chemicals in our body that help to alleviate inflammation. These fatty acids have been shown to protect us from many major health threats, such as stroke, heart disease, and arthritis. In addition, they aid in fighting depression, hypertension, Alzheimer's disease, and ADD/ADHD.

A Harvard pilot study found that fish oil, found in krill oil, tuna, salmon, and mackerel, can be used to effectively treat depression and bipolar disorder. Another study of 70 depressed patients who had not responded to other treatments found that the group who took one gram of fish oil produced dramatically better results than the placebo. Omega-3s can also be found in nuts such as walnuts and many fruits and vegetables.


Chromium has been shown to be effective in treating depression, lowering blood sugar levels, reducing insulin resistance and helping to control weight gain. This essential mineral plays a primary role in the body's ability to burn sugars, carbohydrates, fats and proteins to produce energy. Chromium has been shown to reduce appetite and contribute to weight loss.

Scientists at Duke University have found that taking chromium supplements reduces symptoms of atypical depression, and reduces carbohydrate cravings. Researchers at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill School of Medicine say that chromium picolinate can relieve depression in overweight people with a background of overeating.

Chromium deficiency contributes to depression, anxiety, fatigue, and unhealthy blood pressure levels. The average American diet is chromium deficient, due to modern agricultural practices. Only one in ten Americans have adequate amounts of chromium in their diet.


SAMe is a substance created naturally in the body from amino acids. As a supplement, it is widely used in Europe to treat depression, arthritis, and other ailments.

SAMe (S-adenosylmethionin) can help people who suffer from depression, and don't respond to prescription treatments, according to a Harvard study. Another study published in BioMed Central Psychiatry found that SAMe significantly decreased symptoms of depression in HIV/AIDS patients over an 8 week period.

In addition to its effectiveness in fighting depression, research shows that SAMe is beneficial for joints and connective tissue, helps with arthritis and fibromyalgia, promotes liver health, protects against cardiovascular disease, and helps to slow the aging process.


Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in the digestive tract. They aid in the digestive process, and new research shows that they can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.

A colon cleanse incorporating probiotics will clear the body of stagnant waste built up in the colon, restore your immune system, and greatly increase your ability to absorb nutrients. To get the maximum benefit, you need a probiotic supplement that contains more than 50 billion viable organisms, consisting of ten different bacterial strains.

A University of Toronto study found that a two-month probiotics regime boosted chronic fatigue symptoms and reduced depression and anxiety symptoms. Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and M.D. Anderson Cancer Center found that probiotics slow the growth of certain cancerous tumors.

As far back as the late 1800's, researchers like Nobel Prize-winning scientist Elie Metchnikoff began to acknowledge the importance of microorganisms in the gut and their relation to everything from digestion to immune health. Since then, countless scientists have succeeded in confirming Metchnikoff's theories and developing new ways to effectively introduce beneficial microorganisms into the human body.

You can find probiotics in a variety of fermented or cultured foods, such as cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, sauerkraut, kefir, tempeh, and miso.


Tyrosine is amino acid which helps to produce adrenaline and dopamine, neurotransmitters responsible for regulating your mood. Inadequate levels of tyrosine in the body can result in depression.

Tyrosine is important to overall metabolic health. It is a mood elevator, and can be taken in supplement form to fight depression, anxiety, stress, and chronic fatigue. Tyrosine is an antioxidant and appetite suppressant as well.

One study involving two depressed patients who didn't respond to antidepressants found that l-Tyrosine significantly reduced their depression. Another study involving one woman with a two-year history of depression concluded that she showed marked improvement from l-tyrosine treatment, with no visible side effects.


GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) is an amino acid created naturally in the brain. It is involved with motor function, vision, and other basic brain activities. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, and its main function is to block stress-causing hormones like cortisol. GABA is also involved in the production of endorphins. Endorphins cause what is known as "runner's high," the feeling of calm and mental alertness you get during physical exercise.

GABA reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, relieves muscle tension, reverses Alzheimer's disease, promotes weight loss, and helps you get a good night's sleep. A deficiency of GABA may cause anxiety, stress, depression and nervousness, according to some studies. Doctors have recommended taking GABA in 200 mg doses three to four times daily, on an empty stomach.


5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is an amino acid involved in the production of serotonin in the brain. A great deal of evidence suggests that taking 5-HTP can improve the symptoms of atypical depression. 5-HTP is often very effective on patients who are unresponsive to pharmaceutical antidepressants. In fact, several small studies have found that 5-HTP is equal to or better than pharmaceutical antidepressants in treating depression and anxiety.

5-HTP has been found to help with conditions associated with low serotonin levels, including depression, obesity, carbohydrate craving, insomnia, and fibromyalgia. It has been used to treat migraine headaches and promote weight loss as well.

L-Glutamine/ Glutamic Acid

Glutamine/glutamic acid, along with glucose, is one of the essential fuels for your brain cells. It helps with anxiety and depression, increases mental alertness, normalizes physical equilibrium, detoxifies ammonia from the brain, improves and soothes erratic behavior in elderly patients, improves your ability to learn, aids in retaining and recall in memory, helps with behavioral problems and autism in children, and stops sugar and alcohol cravings. Glutamine may improve IQ in mentally deficient children, enhance peptic ulcer healing, and it may be used to treat schizophrenia and senility.

A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that just two grams of glutamine taken after a light breakfast produced a 430 percent increase in levels of Human Growth Hormone, which plays a major role in muscle growth by helping synthesize additional proteins in muscle fibers. HGH also helps you burn more fat for energy.


Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid, which increases production of the mood-elevating brain chemicals, dopamine and norepinephrine. Some clinical studies suggests that phenylalanine can be helpful as part of a comprehensive therapy for depression. Phenylalanine can reduce pain and inflammation, aid in memory and learning, and suppress the appetite. Phenylalanine may also help with arthritis, weight loss, menstrual cramps, and schizophrenia.

A study published in the Journal of Neural Transmission concluded that phenylalanine helped with depressed mood, anxiety, and sleep disturbances.



Passionflower can be taken to help with anxiety, insomnia, and stress-related disorders. It is a mild sedative, and helps to lower blood pressure.

According to a 2002 study published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, passionflower was effective in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder compared to a pharmaceutical anti-anxiety medication.

Passionflower extract is also effective in reducing negative symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, insomnia, as well as emotional and behavioral disturbances.


Skullcap is useful for the strengthening and support provided in times of stress and is a remedy for nervous tension, headaches, agitation, anxiety, insomnia, hysteria, exhaustion and depression.

Skullcap is an antispasmodic which is useful for twitching muscles, trembling, epilepsy and heart palpitations. It useful as an aid when withdrawing from orthodox tranquilizers and antidepressants.

Skullcap has been used in combination with hormonal balancing herbs (such as chaste tree and false unicorn root) for premenstrual syndrome. As an anti-inflammatory, it can be used for arthritis particularly where the condition is aggravated by stress. Skullcap is useful in reducing fevers, enhancing digestion and stimulating the liver's function.


Bilberry helps to control insulin levels, and is useful for stress, hypoglycemia, anxiety, and macular degeneration. Bilberry is used for chronic fatigue syndrome, hemorrhoids, diabetes, osteoarthritis, gout, skin infections, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, kidney disease, and urinary tract infections (UTIs). It is also an effective antioxidant and diuretic.

Green Tea

Green tea is a powerful antioxidant, helping to protect against cancer, lower cholesterol, and regulate blood sugar. Recent research suggests that green tea may be an effective weight loss aid.

The antioxidants in green tea have been shown to boost immune system function, fight the signs of aging, support a healthy brain and liver, and aid in digestion.


Catnip is a member of the mint family. It is used as a treatment for anxiety, nervousness and sleeplessness. Throughout history, this herb has been used to produce a sedative effect. Traditional herbalists have used catnip to treat conditions like cancer, toothache and corns.


Chamomile is used to stimulate the appetite, reduce inflammation, and aid in digestion and sleep.

According to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, chamomile treatment using a natural chamomile extract significantly reduces the symptoms of anxiety and depression.