Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Creativity, Kindness, Depression - Wisdom From Mister Roger's Neighborhood

When feeling depression or blocked creativity or discouragement, it can be helpful to find fresh ways to feel inspired. Fred Rogers has set a wonderful example of how kindness feels and how truthful communication can look in his neighborhood. Whether or not your find his style up lifting, you will benefit from reading his quotes. See if you're inspired too.

When feeling depression or a block to creativity, reading The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron is one solution. When I combine exploring creativity as an antidote to depression and add the gentle wisdom from public television's Mr. Rogers, I am uplifted in fresh ways and hope it works like that for you too. I particularly appreciate the way Fred Rogers encourages. He is one of my heroes and thankfully, public television stations continue to air his gentle way of communicating even after his death. His gifts and his work are for us all even though the program "seems" directed to the very young; his wisdom is ageless and universal.

"Imagine what our real neighborhoods would be like, if each of us offered as a matter of course, just one kind word to another person. One kind word has a wonderful way of turning into many." ~ Fred Rogers

Did you know that the qualities we appreciate about others are related to the qualities that exist in us? When you are drawn to another person, it's likely that what you admire about that person also exists within you. Happily, you can make a choice to cultivate the traits and behaviors that you do like and support your creativity in the process.

Mr. Rogers was loving and respectful. Those are qualities that could benefit every neighborhood. Just imagine how that could look. He was also about appreciating and caring for others. Just imagine more of that. He once said: "As human beings, our job in life is to help people realize how rare and valuable each one of us really is, that each of us has something that no one else has, or ever will have, something inside that is unique to all time." Imagine how our neighborhoods, communities, counties, states, nation and world would be if we were to step into this concept and fully embrace its accuracy. Imagine it in detail and then take one small step in this direction right from where you are now.

Doesn't that seem like a really do-able antidote to blocked creativity or feelings of depression? It's been working for me and my hope is that you'll find it helpful too!

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