Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sigmund Freud - The Man Who Popularized the Concept of Psycho Analysis

Every one would agree that human beings are the ones who rule the earth. But, when it comes to an individual, it is understood that a human being behaves to a particular situation as per the dictates of his mind. Based upon the experiences he has attained in life in similar situations or upon the advice or sayings of his friends or enemies, he encounters a situation in the way he deems best. It is also known, a man's prospect or success depends upon the attitude which he holds in his day-to-day life.

There are persons who struggle to come up in life, because of the unfavorable incidences or situation which they may have faced in their child life. This problem can be cured if they seek the advice of a counselor or psycho analyst. This method was popularized by Sigmund Freud, who is famous for finding the discipline of psychoanalysis. His theories on the unconscious mind which controls or motivates the individual, interpretation of dreams as guides of insight into unsatisfied and unconscious desires have helped a long way in promoting the importance of psychology as a major cure for diseases.

Born on 06 May 1856, in Austria, he was an outstanding student in his early years of education, but in 1885 he shifted to medicine although his prime interest was to become a lawyer. He studied psychopathology in Paris under Jean-Martin Charcot, who was a renowned neurologist and was doing research on hypnosis. Freud later diversified and found his own method, popularly called as the "talking cure" in which a patient is allowed to talk about his/her problems. He found that the talk made patients vent out their frustration, anger, depression in their words which release emotional energy that had been suppressed or imprisoned in the mind. As a result of this outpour which he termed as "repression", they felt easy, and were more open to suggestions. Repression, Sigmund pointed was an obstacle to the normal functioning of the human being and if suppressed for a long time can alter the mental health of an individual.

Importance of Sigmund Freud's theory and discovery:

He emphasized that a person's behavior was the result of his childhood experiences. The goal of psycho analysis is to bring to the fore, suppressed feelings, thoughts to the forefront and find suitable remedies for them. This theory of Freud is the basic principle around which many of the psychotherapy and techniques are built today. He was among the first person to do research on cerebral palsy. He divided the mind into three parts:

The conscious mind: is which makes the human being aware of any particular moment, memories, and feelings, and gives the ability to act to any situation.

Pre-conscious mind: This part works with the conscious and can be called as "available memory". This brings back memory of an untoward incident or happy feelings submerged in the mind.

Unconscious mind: Freud stated that this is the most important part and which is filled with emotions or experiences which cannot be easily brought back to the forefront. They become visible in disguised form and human beings often resist these feelings which lead to unhappy situations.

Some of Sigmund Freud's favorite quotes are:

"Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise."

"A civilization which leaves so large a number of its participants unsatisfied and drives them into revolt neither has nor deserves the prospect of a lasting existence."

During September 1939, he was suffering from cancer because of his smoking and was in severe pain. He died on 23 September 1939 not before showing the world the power of the sub-conscious mind.

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