Sunday, March 30, 2014

Too Much TV Watching And A Lack Of Exercise Causes Depression

According to a U.S. study that included thousands of women, found that too much TV watching and a lack of exercise causes depression in some people. While we all go through ups and downs, depression is different in that it engulfs your every waking moment and your ability to work, study, eat, sleep and of course, have fun.

The latest research discovered that women who exercised the most had a 20% less chance of being depressed than those who didn't exercise very often.

Depression affects almost 21 million Americans each year, and about 4% of teens get depressed. We do know that women are 70% more likely to experience depression than men. Clinical depression is not something you can snap out of, and calls for treatment with therapy and medications.

The research included almost 50,000 women who completed surveys every few years as an ongoing part of the American. Nurses' Health Study. The period examined in this work was from 1992 to 2006.

The participants noted down the time spent in front of the TV each week throughout 1992, and also provided information on how regularly they exercised between the years 1992 and 2000. The women also reported any clinical depression or if they were taking medication to combat depression.

The work included women who were not suffering from depression in 1996. Over the ten years that followed, 6,500 new depression diagnoses occurred among the subjects.

Even after the team took into account health and lifestyle factors known to be associated with depression - things like being over weight, smoking, along with a host of diseases, those who exercised the most (up to 90 minutes/day) meant these women were 20% less likely to be depressed than those who only exercised ten minutes or less a day.

Those who sat for three hours or more in front of TV a day had a 13% greater chance of being depressed compared to women who hardly ever watched TV. Of course part of that is that women likely replaced active time with time spent sitting in front of the television.

But, the more hours the women spent in front of the TV, the more likely they were to be depressed.

It's also possible that some women may have been experiencing depression before being diagnosed. The diagnosis came later, after they'd been participating in the research.

Being more active was linked with a lower depression risk. Being active might help boost self-esteem as well as give a sense of control, while releasing beneficial endorphins into the bloodstream and helping manage stress and tension.

Another part of depression is the very real risk of suicide. Thinking about death or ending your life are symptoms not to be ignored. This isn't just a warning sign or a bid for attention - it's a serious cry for help. A cry you need to heed. If you believe someone you love is thinking this way do something about it and seek professional help immediately. Talking about depression and suicide can save a life. As can avoiding activities that can cause it, like too much TV watching and a lack of exercise.

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