Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Understanding Depression - Signs of Depression

Typical symptoms of depression are:

· Constant feelings of pessimism and hopelessness
· Sad or Anxious Moods which persist for days
· Constant feelings of being incapable and of worthlessness
· Major difficulty in concentrating and remembering
· Complete loss of interest in hobbies and activities previously enjoyed
· Low levels of energy; sense of fatigue
· Extreme scenarios of sleep - either very little sleep or oversleeping
· Decrease in appetite leading to weight loss
· Increase in eating leading to weight gain
· Entertaining thoughts of suicide

It is not easy for people with depression to shake off their feelings of sadness and misery. They have to be treated with medication and therapy to help them overcome these overwhelming feelings. I know what it feels like since I have been dealing with depression for most of my adult life. This is generally the first of the many signs of depression.

Depression is a very complex emotional problem and it has not been easy finding the exact causes of it. However, with the help of years of research, it is being argued that the following factors could have a role to play in a person succumbing to depression.

Genetic Factors

It has been found that depression is often inherited. This has led to more research into genetics and what role that has to play in the transmitting of any depression from generation to generation. This however is not uniformly true, adding to the complexity of the problem. Researchers therefore conclude that it is more likely that a person may suffer from depression if any other family member is already suffering from it. However, even if there have been no instances of depression in the family, it does not mean that you will not suffer from it.

Psychological Predisposition

Some persons may be more vulnerable to depression than others. Scientists think that if people already have a certain predisposition for negativity, for instance, like persons who have very low self-esteem, a constantly pessimistic outlook or a persistently negative attitude, those people may be more likely than others to suffer from depression. Also, some are more likely to feel overwhelmed by situations of stress and anxiety, which may also lead to depression.

Physical Factors

Many doctors have noticed a correlation between physical illness and depression. Those that suffer from a heart attack or stroke, Parkinson's disease, and other hormonal disorders seem to be more likely to exhibit signs of depression. The recovery from a physical illness is often hindered by depression, and often the depression remains even after the physical ailment is resolved.

Environmental Stresses

There is not believed to be any direct link between negative events occurring in one's life and the occurrence of depression in a person. However, there is general agreement that certain environmental factors and circumstances will play a role in how the person responds emotionally to the negative events. Death, divorce, loss of a job, financial insecurity all can potentially cause depression in a person.

It is very important to stress how deeply depression can impact a person's life.

Every positive feeling is dampened, being replaced by negative thoughts. The person can no longer feel happy or content or enthusiastic even about the most positive developments in his life. Continuing to do normal routine work becomes difficult and the person finds it extremely tough to get through even one day's work. Most of the times, the person does not even realize that he is going through these extreme phases and it is up to the family and friends to try and recognize depression in their loved one.

In my case were my friends who had noticed some of the noticeable signs of depression.

With effort and help you can overcome many of the signs of depression, it is not a "walk on the park" but doable.

You deserve a better life, so please seek help for your depression.

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