Saturday, August 17, 2013

Getting Help for Bipolar Patients - What You Should Know and Do

The first step in getting help for bipolar disorder patients is to understand the condition, its symptoms and how it affects the patient and those people around them. Bipolar is a brain disorder characterised by mood swings, unusual activity levels and manic depressions that affect the victim's ability to perform their daily activities. Though the symptoms can be intense leading to suicide tendencies and self battery, bipolar can be treated. This disorder can affect relationships and performances at school and work and affects people of all ages. The causes of this manic disorder are not completely understood but are suspected to be hereditary.

The classical symptoms of bipolar disorder vary in intensity, frequency and manifestation but with proper management help can be gotten for bipolar disorder victims. Some people are prone to mania while others to depression. These symptoms should not be ignored as they get worse with time and without treatment. Since the condition is a recurring one, treatment is long term and involves the use of medication, therapy, social support and a change in lifestyle. It is advisable to engage the services of an experienced psychiatrist who has dealt with bipolar due to the complexity of the disorder ant it's treatment.

Self treatment also helps to manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder as one's lifestyle and daily habits significantly affect one's moods. One needs to equip themselves thoroughly about manic depressions, learn to monitor their moods, seek support from groups, family and medical practitioners. Making healthy choices will help improve the condition for example sleeping well, eating the right foods, exercising and keeping a regular schedule. Drug abuse should be avoided completely as it triggers manic or depressive mood swings. Joining a group of people suffering from the same condition will help the patient to understand that they are not alone and also the challenges faced and strides made in treating bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder is a hereditary condition and the family should be the first place to get support and understanding. If it has been diagnosed before, parents should keep an open eye for classical symptoms and discuss openly with their family the possibility of falling victims and how to handle themselves and other family members who may be affected. With proper management, bipolar need not take over one's life and patients can live a near normal one as possible. With this few tips, they can achieve what normal people can and it is the only help needed for bipolar disorder patients who otherwise felt helpless.

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